#once again i state i borrowed the name from my blood troll
frutavel · 4 years
blizz should have an expasion where its just Blackreach 2.0 nd its all dark trolls. idk maybe we find out what happened to them nd we get to run around in near pitch blackness w/ nuthing but mushroom light to guide us. i dont trust them to make it Epic tho i think you should do it instead. go Ham bro. Hog wild. i am Eagerly Awaiting lore 👁👁
God I'd love it if they did, caves are at the same time my worst fear and my biggest love, just because of the sheer size of some cave systems and like. What's hidden down there? I have the same thing with the deep ocean, past the pressure point nobody knows what amazing type of animals or plant life or who knows what else are out there to be found, and my biggest dream is to still be alive when we find a way to dive all the way down there so I can know what wonders can be found in the deep.
(Don't even. Don't get me started on underwater cave systems, dear lord I love them so much and I hate them with a passion)
So you bet I'm gonna take this idea and run it down as best as I can (always accepting help of course! If you have any ideas or headcanons you'd like to share send it my way!!). I hope to deliver!
So here's a bit of lore for you! And a bonus at the end :D
The city is named Zul'Rukol. Rukol means tusk in Zandali, nobody knows why exactly it was named that, theories include it being in reference to the cave's rock formations looking vaguely like tusks. The original founders are long gone and they didn't leave a lot of context behind.
It doesn't have a leader, because the dark trolls have no leader. The happenstances and inner workings of the city are taken care of by a handful of trolls, each with their own strenghts, chosen by the city's inhabitants based on their competence - somewhat of a council, if you will.
Most dark trolls cast aside their surface cousins' thirst for battle and conquer and instead turned to a more peaceful and natural connection to the earth and its spirits (taken from wowpedia - and I will die on this hill), so Zul'Rukol is viewed as a sanctuary. Inner conflicts are rare, because even the rowdiest of trolls know to respect the rules, and those who don't aren't welcome.
It's far from being the only major dark troll city in the world, but it's probably the biggest. Other cities built into caves exist, and there's still smaller villages both underground and even some hidden on the surface, but many of the great dark troll cities are abandoned, and seeing as their numbers dwindled over the centuries, there's many lonely souls and scared families who seek the safety of a major settlement.
Those born outside Zul'Rukol don't typically know it's location, but they know it is there, they know it's real, and they have their ways of finding it - once there, they can come and go as they please, stay as little or as much as they'd like, but every single dark troll in Zul'Rukol is expected to keep the city's whereabouts a secret. It's one of the last safe heavens for dark trolls in Azeroth, and for most of them, it's better to keep it away from prying eyes and curious ears, so it continues to be safe.
Non dark trolls may have heard of a magnificent city hidden away beneath the earth, but to them the stories of Zul'Rukol are nothing but legend. They know the city by many other names, and there's many rumors floating about what's hidden in its streets, but very few encouraging rewards to be found other than the thrill of discovery. And seeing as it's hidden deep enough to make even the bravest adventures turn back, unless the inhabitants choose for some reason to lead travelers into it, it's unlikely Zul'Rukol will be found by non dark trolls anytime soon.
Some of the populace are permanent residents, some of them stay only long enough to fulfill their own personal quests, some of them come and go and come back again. The trolls in there keep a sense of independence, while also knowing they'll be cared for if they need. They help eachother, because if they don't, no one else will - and they make their system work, and it works wonderfully.
Zul'Rukol got it's problems of course, like every city it's size does, but they're usually quick to solve - there's a lot of interest in keeping things smooth down there from all parties involved.
And speaking of size, the city is huge. It's main force is in a clearing, at the very bottom of the cave, above a partially flooded chamber. The buildings are built into the stone, carved around the needs of the trolls, and it fits most of the populace. There's shortcuts to the surface for quick exit, pathways dug deep into the rock thought for evacuation purposes, but thankfully so far they're only used as a quick way in and out of the surface, to make hunting, resource gathering and overall travel easier. The openings into the surface and very well hidden, so that no unsuspecting traveler accidentally falls into the city.
Beyond the main structures there are miles and miles of tunnels, smaller clearings, hidden lakes and chambers, and it's all occupied. The buildings and villages get scarcer the farthest away from the main hub, but there's life bustling all around the cave system.
And for that surprise! I stole my blood troll's name, because idk if I want to keep him, but that's not important now! What's important is
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An inhabitant of Zul'Rukol, one of the less permanent ones but who made most of his life in the caverns below. He's been away for too long now and desperately missing home, but he can't go back until he finds what he's looking for in the surface. And nobody knows what is it that he's after - not even himself :)
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blankdblank · 4 years
Just Leave
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“Just leave then!”
One long three week stretch of rain, rain and nothing but more rain left you curled up whenever stopped hoping some semblance of warmth in huddling up out of the wind and rain under your cloak might help the glass grinding feeling in your joints. Most things you could handle but cold and wet never helped anybody and for you it seemed to make every muscle in your body burn sending you for heating pads over ice packs any time you did get hurt, which growing up was a lot. Yet being the youngest member of the Company and to the eyes of the equally as miserable, though far more vocal about it, Dwarf King again you were trying to push leaving later once again putting them just a hair behind schedule.
“What?” He replied in a whisper to your shrill shout revealing a hoarseness in your voice instantly sparking worry that an illness had been missed in the lone female of the group causing all the males to turn reevaluating their view on days past wondering if they had missed signs of curing you earlier.
“I said GO! I can hear you you know! Every night! Just lying in my leaking tent unable to sleep because I’m in so much pain, doing all I can to not be another female emotional mess on top of being useless and ‘deliberately usurping the swift endeavor to recover your birthright’ and to not cry to keep from being hormonal on top of it all to add more logs to the fire. I’m so sorry I’m not forged of stone and that I can’t slam through things like the rest of you. I can barely get up onto that horse with my muscles burning and glass grinding in my joints. I’m wet and I’m cold. Sorry I’ve been hindering you just burn that corkscrew of a contract and head off to keep your schedule, I’ll wander off my own way and leave my burial rituals to some scavenging animals no doubt less grateful to see my end than you would be.”
Open mouthed Thorin stared at you halfway wondering how he had missed all of this, mainly how their words had hurt you by the tears filling the eyes now aimed at the rock you had slept propped up against under the tent you shared with the Ri brothers and Bilbo. Arms crossed against your chest a shiver pitifully foiled only proved that even with five spare layers on already you were soaked and freezing in what seemed to be growing rain. The quiver of your lip did him in and down he sat on the rock behind him placing his hands on his knees absolutely lost on what to say. There was no fixing this clearly, no way to undo the damage their doubts had caused, deeply he sighed and to the best his Dwarf brain could manage he asked, “What might we adjust in your contract to fix this?”
Sharply his eyes flinched wider stunned at the sheer glare instantly making his stone heart thump hard for the alluring reaction to negotiating a contract young Dams could dare to give one day to a future suitor. “That’s what you took from that! Gold digging!” Fueled by rage painfully your hands planted on the rock to shove yourself up sending water flying from your shifting cloak mid turning step, “Just throw some gold at her, that’ll get her to shut up!” You muttered to yourself leaving him wide eyed and confused on his rock while Bilbo rubbed a hand over his face atop his pony assuming he would hear this later tonight in the tent while Balin shook his head to Dwalin’s head plopping into his empty saddle for missing your point.
To a convenient line of stones growing larger hard steps up to your horse nibbling on a plant growing out from between the larger two were taken to grip the knot in stepping into the stirrup. Away from the rocks your horse walked freezing you in place wide eyed a moment only luring Bifur to nudge his pony closer to grip your belt and lift fully realizing the pain in the formerly assumed mocking haphazard drag you did to get up onto the saddle not helping each clearly locked joint hindering the act. Stewing mentally you sat atop your horse already moving onwards with a few of the ponies following after wishing to simply get closer to whatever shelter came. Thorin when you were near to twenty feet away hurried up to mount his own pony walking off without him on top of which he lined up with his cousins wondering what changes to the contract might appease at least one of the issues you had named.
“Find the ponies!” Thorin’s shouts echoed over the sheets of hard rain while what they took to be distant threat of orcs having arrived just after finding the Troll hoard. Over his shoulder however he felt the heat of a flame passing by revealed to be a wine bottle with a flaming rag tucked into it. Straight into the face of a warg the bottle shattered lighting up the trio of beasts catching fire from the scattered droplets from the cocktail sending them racing off through the small troop of orc.
Blows had been traded and after being shoved into the hoard the hidden booze by you and Bilbo lit the battle for the Dwarves who didn’t require help seeing in the dark but loved the ease the cocktails sent the foes to split easing their downfall. “THORIN!” Wide eyed the Dwarf King’s hands rose to catch the massive cauldron you had used a makeshift slingshot to hurl his way open end facing him. Ready to shout at you his voice faltered seeing a jagged metal arm come through and lodge into the cauldron soon flung out of his grip by the white orc you had seen sneaking up on him.
Makeshift nets bound Fili and Kili up in the roots of a tree ending a try to ambush the lone white warg freeing them from the path of a crooked spear that crashed into the warg’s shoulder from two now fleeing from the beast now turned to chase after them. Pained grunts followed a sharp squeak luring eyes to your duck avoiding the cauldron Azog kicked off his metal arm causing a stream of blackened blood to spurt out of the stump. Turning to face his Nephews now cornered by the final gathering of orcs Thorin froze to the sound of a metal clash behind him in a body colliding with his smoke scented back. The flames having coated his Dwarf cloak fireproof by design matching each layer coating his men. A sharp sting in his back however had him groaning heavily and turning to find Bilbo covering his mouth to what was behind him.
Stepping forward the blade managing to pierce between two folds in his armored shirt and its detachable sleeve revealed it was barely an inch deep easing his turn to find you in Azog’s hold, off the ground feet pressed to the long sword’s hilt keeping it from pressing deeper into your lower ribs. Deliberately holding your breath trying to keep from injuring your lungs if you hadn’t already. Harsh and swift he flung his blade to the side sending you flying off into the dark cold mud. A quick patter of feet through the puddle filled path behind you found Bilbo racing to help, post throw of the final cocktail at the white warg’s face cloaking Azog in flames easing Thorin, Dwalin, Gloin and Bombur’s ambush turning him into a large dead pincushion sure to hack him to pieces ensuring he was dead.
“Miss Pear!” Squinting through the rain Ori was seen darting off towards your bent self lying back down on your back with legs sweeping out those of the pair of orcs trying to stab between your wiggles to avoid their long swords. War hammer borrowed from Dwalin in hand Ori took the head off of one while Bilbo stabbed into the back of a third he had been tussling with to knock his weapon away having hoped to reach you to cover your wound staining the puddle under you with your free flowing blood. Even on your back stabbing with a broken dagger you pulled from the hoard, abandoned for reason now evident from breaking at its first blow to the legs of the howling orc that abruptly feel to an arrow in its head.
“Elves!” Thorin muttered in the sudden sweep of Elves into the rain soaked battle ground taking out the remaining white warg and orcs. Focus however of the blonde among the group turned to Bilbo nearest to his horse now plopping to his knees beside the collapsed body in the mud. Open mouthed he watched a final struggle once you had turned over to climb at least onto your knees only to collapse into the muddy water pooling under you. Fisting your shirts Bilbo rolled you onto your side easing a coughing breath for you silencing any fight from the Dwarves seeing the blood staining the front and back of your shirts and thighs from a wound Ori had taken a book strap from his satchel he used to cut blood flow to the mystery source of the blood pool growing on your right leg. Handkerchief in hand Bilbo tried to stem the bleed on your chest luring the blonde to jump down lifting you into his arms to again mount his steed and race off towards the hidden Elven keep.
Hoof beats were lost to the rain the farther him and the two chasing him got and without argument the ponies were rounded and loaded up to ride with their regrettably Elven escort. Biting his inner lip Thorin scrubbed and changed grateful for cover and the chance for fires to ease the pain his protector had gained. While dinner was welcome the empty seat meant for their missing member cast a mournful mood over the men eyeing their empty plates. Grinning weakly Lord Elrond entered the dining hall luring all eyes to him when he said, “Your female companion should make a full recovery.”
Thorin asked, “Truly?”
Elrond nodded taking his seat, “Yes, it is not often a blade through the ribs could be, however the angle was lucky avoiding the lungs. Medicine was given to counter the poisoned oil coating the blade that caused the gash on her thigh, also quite inconvenient though far from troubling once it is healed.” Laying his napkin across his lap he stated, “How one so young managed against Spreading Frost Sickness is beyond our comprehension, from what young Mr Baggins has stated you have faced near to a month of rains and frigid temperatures.”
“Spreading Frost Sickness?” Balin asked.
Elrond nodded, “Yes, our Numenor kin face it, thankfully it is not beyond recovery stages, already medicines have been issued to cure it.”
Thorin wet his lips asking, “How debilitating is the sickness?”
Elrond replied, “Three years is the life expectancy once contracted, within a year most are reduced to full bed rest losing more control of movement while they wither.”
Thorin swallowed and lowered his gaze to the salad being set before him, “Has she eaten?”
Elrond, “No, not yet. Resting, sleep tonics were given to encourage much needed time to heal.”
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Rest, nothing but rest and pitying gazes sent your way filled your days with each member of the Company between quieter times with the Elves come to coat your wounds with more creams and change your bandages. Stirring curious glimpses to the piercing on your naval and tattoo on your right ribcage. A white owl seated in ruby, purple and green curled vines forming a lopsided heart around it in a sea of twinkling stars bright in a blue and black night sky fading to fluffy white and grey clouds below on your side swirling around an elegant compass surrounded by purple doodles of bunnies formed from the clouds bounding or walking around to complete your side piece ending at your hip. An odd jumble but no less beautiful stirring wonder as to how painful it was or the process for the artwork itself several had come to confirm was actually moving. The naval piercing however had a semi known meaning for Dwarves at least, a marker of a wait for your One to have a family that male and female got equally along with other piercings that all held their own meanings.
Sad to see however through where the gash on your thigh had landed disturbed a pink trail of bunny footprints flowing down from the side piece above, half the ink already fading for the choice of color for the work so no damage done on your part knowing you could have always picked something else later. Possibly another bunny themed piece to go with the jackalope outline in grey on your left forearm you’d yet to complete sitting still until you did so. Now however things were different and even though you had an endless supply of ink and your enchanted kit here to continue your dream of owning a tattoo shop there was no assurance of getting customers as the only Dwarves you knew wouldn’t trust you with pitching a tent let alone tattooing one of them. From your bag that had been among your other things formerly in your moving van now a bottomless carpet bag a sketch book had been brought out for you to keep busy now littered with portraits of those new faces you had come into contact with.
All the while trying to work out what was coming in your mind. You had read the books and had hoped for something different. Smaug was waiting with a sickness behind him to spoil the victory of the Dwarf King. You had to fix it, save the idiotic jerk no doubt planning to break your contract and leave you behind. All the same asleep again your book was left open with a sketch of the Company around a fire laughing and talking before the rains came that once Thorin’s solemn stare over you was complete Balin had turned their focus to your book he took hold of along with the pencil between your fingers. Both eased gently out from under your hand they glanced at you in a slumbering shift moving your arms to lay over your belly with the other now draped above your head revealing the tattoo none had seen up close before.
Each sketch and scene was admired along with a few pages of ideas for coloring on your now visible tattoo. All varying from moving to not bubbling up their curiosity if you were a Wizard too and just hadn’t said so. Balin murmured, “A skin painter,” in awe of your skills knowing most of theirs were lost to Smaug in his attack, a highly prized role in their culture aiding in marking special events to wear with pride.
Thorin murmured as he lifted the jumbled blanket over you to your shoulders, “Perhaps we might be able to persuade Miss Pear to remain in Erebor and aid our kin with their markers. A lovely addition to our contract no doubt. No wonder she took to staring at Dwalin’s hands while he sharpened his blades near her.”
Balin, “For now at least, perhaps we might slip back to helping with the surprise.” Gently closing your book he set on the bedside table with your pencil before turning to leave pretending not to notice Thorin’s stolen glance back to you as you rolled grumbling onto your side to nestle under the covers into the pillows even more.
Back to the group they went joining in on the surprise party they were throwing you. An off the cuff remark from Bilbo on his birthday he forgot he’d promised to make his mother’s famous apple turnovers when you’d chanced upon a grove of apple trees past Bree had your own birthday mentioned stirring up a conversation of traditions for the occasion. Apples were gathered and Bilbo beamed being able to have control of the kitchens to make his famous treats for the occasion while Bombur and Nori delved into making a lovely cake.
Shifting onto your back one grumble from you came in the cracking of your eyes. Groggily to the edge of the bed you inched and taking hold of the cane left there you stood and crossed the room to the private bath. The gash was mainly closed but to begin putting weight on the leg with badly bruised muscles through the thigh that would take a few days at least more to walk without any irritation. Once through out you walked glancing around not wishing to head back to bed just yet, steadily with your cane you crept into the hall and glanced around the corner of the city that was in view by the open courtyards and walkways. Two steps later and you decided to turn right, following the path to what turned out to be a balcony overlooking a set of fountains over several levels of the city feeding into the one below fed clearly in a turn of your head by a small waterfall from the cliffs above the chasm this city was carved from.
Resting a hand on the marble banister in a lift onto your toes a peering glance to your left gave you a view of distant gardens. Right in front of you a flock of birds passed and turning around with a grin you watched them fly, in their loop around a pillar you followed assuming that they were waiting on you from their second and third loops. Past these halls down a set of steps you eased finding an open garden around another large fountain and a stream filled with ducklings. Pulsing pains in your leg took you to a bench that you lowered onto, softly you exhaled resting your cane against your shoulder between your legs that to a tune in your head your fingers tapped.
“I had not guessed for explorations to occur for at least another day.” Turning your head you couldn’t help but smirk looking over the serious Elf looking down at you.
“Well the birds led me here. You wouldn’t be Lord Elrond, would you?”
Making him smirk as well and step closer gathering his outer robe to sit beside you. “I am.” Looking you over he asked, “You are feeling well? Up for adventure it seems.”
“Yes, thank you, for having me, and helping me. I know it must have been quite off putting.”
“I must say, your wounds were quite astounding. Not many are stabbed through the ribs and live to tell about it. As for your markings in your skin, they are unlike any I have seen. My kin are quite curious how they move on your skin.”
“Oh, magic, back in my old world sketches and even tattoos can move, quite a simple enchantment really. I was a tattoo artist, how I kept food on the table.”
To the sinking of your grin he stated in a tilt of his head, “What is ailing you? Do you miss your home?”
“No,” shaking your head you said, “I had custody of my baby brother, he died last year. I miss him, not the places.”
“How did he die?”
“He got sick, there wasn’t anything the Doctors could do.” Again you shook your head as a tear fell down your cheek luring his hand to fold over your lower arm for a comforting moment.
“I lost my brother as well. I know the pain. You lost your parents as well?”
“They died about ten years ago, just left one day, found out they went to the grand canyon and just, jumped. The state wanted to take my brother but I got a job at the town tattoo parlor helping with sketches and cleaning up until I was seventeen and I could get my license to tattoo and bring in more money for the both of us. Made sure kept to his studies and one day he just couldn’t get out of bed, he died a week later.”
“Should you wish it you will always be welcome here.”
Grinning at him you replied, “Thank you. Wouldn’t expect less from the last homely house in the East.” That had his brow arching up to the curious term used mainly by Elves and Wizards who had known the Undying Lands. “I’ve read about you, and this place, truly is beautiful, much better than the books say.” After a moment you added, “I’m sorry too, that your mom is a bird and your dad is flying a ship and never comes to visit you,” making him smirk again. “Must be hard to explain to your kids without sounding crazy. Then I can imagine them trying to make wings from blankets saying Gran could fly why can’t we.” Luring a chuckle from the Lord recounting instances just like that from his trio’s youths.
“That and my sons, both asking if they shone bright enough, there is a star named after my Ada.”
“Yes,” you said with a nod, “In the vial thing Galadriel has, she’s bottled some of it.” Making his lips part, “In the book she gives it to Bilbo’s Nephew slash Cousin when he goes to destroy the One Ring.” Stiffening the Lord even more.
“Books speak of this? The location of the One Ring?”
“There’s a Goblin Town not far from here, Gollum lives there, he’s River Folk? Something close to a Hobbit, had it for five hundred years now I think. He lives in the caves below them. Stone Giants are in the pass leading up to a hidden trap entrance to Goblin Town.”
Elrond lowly asked, “Were I to escort you to their lands might you be able to aid us in locating it? Once you are recovered, I mean.”
“Sure, the book is a bit vague on the location, but I can give it a go.”
“Thank you, truly. Locating the One Ring-,”
“Could change everything, I know. Save so many lives too.”
“For now, perhaps allow us to show you through Imladris, all the best parts,” his hand motioned towards an Elleth with a wicker wheelchair that he helped you up to walk over and lower into. Crouched down he eased both legs onto the foot rest, taking hold of your cane settled in the holder on the back in his first step at your side to show you the way.
“There you are!” All of the Company were there in your room smiling at your return from a simple tour and not having required more healing from a further unnoticed injury or illness.
Straight across your birthday cake between the lit candles your eyes landed on Thorin chuckling to a joke his Nephews were sharing to him filling his glass with more wine. Birthday wishes were sacred, everyone knew that, and just maybe, you could change things for the better. One deep breath and a blow doused the flames with cheers from the Company all wondering what you might have wished for.
Another week was all it took and behind Glorfindel you rode to the edge of the Stone Giant lands. In the middle of him and Elrond the pair curious about your reasoning to go with only two of you a tug of your sleeves came before you reached into the pouch in your pocket flinging out a large intricately embroidered cloak that in draping over your arm had their mouths dropping open as it vanished. “Invisibility cloak.” Around the three of you it expanded blanketing you all upon finding a hidden doorway, “Just remember, it won’t muffle our voices.” Quietly through the maze of the Goblin city behind your jean, sweater and boot clad self after the refusal to wear armor over your still slightly sore muscles hoping to not be slowed down.
Miles it seemed you searched between Goblins milling about only to pause with eyes nearly crossing at a puff of perfume in a dispenser one of the Goblins had been inspecting had your hands shifting to pinch your nose. Silently you cast a muffling charm and wide eyed the Lords peered down at you when you sneezed not once but three times. Subtly they gripped the hilts of their blades only to notice the Goblins rubbing their ears and shaking their heads complaining about a buzzing sound. “Sorry,” you whispered, “Remembered the muffling charm though, so, good news,” again you sneezed making the pair shake their heads through momentary grins and join you back to exploring.
One odd dark dip in the path and the duo turned to look with you curious about the path they turned you all to explore. Darkness to a haphazard empty path led to ragged echoes of breathing making you clench a hand onto Elrond’s belt shifting rocks under foot halted the breathing. Down your gaze went luring the pair with you in crouching making their mouths drop open at the golden ring lying in the mud. Carefully into a mint tin you used a dagger from Elrond’s boot to shift then pocket it, sheathing his dagger again you stood seeing a pair of glowing blue eyes peering over a rock. Wetting your lips the pair eyed your hands laid on their elbows, “We need to go,” before they could speak up to the ledge you aparated making them look around in confusion at being under the warm bright sun again. “Sorry, he really creeps me out in the books.”
Glorfindel asked lowering the cloak from his head, “How did you do that?”
“Magic, but I can only go where I’ve been to know where I’m going to land.” To the cloak folding up again in your arms the horses moved closer from their nibbling on some odd foliage on the side of one of the cliffs eager to head home again.
Elrond spoke up after clearing his throat, “Let us return then, and make our plans from there.”
“Well, if you don’t mind I have a few ideas myself.” With a grin you reached up to his shoulders before his hands lifted you up onto the horse behind Glorfindel. Hastily back you rode to the waiting group of guards just outside the cliffs smiling to themselves noticing the successful glimmer in the Lords’ eyes along with their unharmed selves making them all the more thankful their guide had survived that brutal attack to gain this upper hand the allied forces now held.
Shoulder deep in your bag while around the desk in Elrond’s study the Lords conversed on possible plans a family heirloom was found and blindly lifted, upright in your room you smirked eyeing the basilisk venom infused long sword encrusted with emeralds. Straight to the open courtyard you walked taking the mint tin out of your pocket that one handedly you opened dumping it and the last three mints out with it onto the stone pedestal in the center. The hiss of the ring had the duo conferencing pause and turn for Elrond to say, “Miss Pear, no weapon can wound that ring!”
The glint of light reflecting off the sword lured the awed Dwarves in to get a look at the stunning weapon to your saying, “I don’t intend to wound it,” Mouths dropped open when you lifted the sword with both hands bringing it down heavily into the hissing ring. Hastily the Lords hurried to the courtyard in the retraction of the sword from the stunningly halved ring that a shrill shriek escaped from making you mutter, “Oh shit,” dropping your sword you knew what was coming and you weren’t fast enough to think of a spell to avoid it. One large pulse and off you alone flew from the dissipating plume of black ooze levitating from the ring crumbling to dust. Wide eyed Fili and Kili were closest, rushing off the open ledge the courtyard was on leaping into the air to fold around you clinging tightly to cushion your fall. Rushing water was what you three ran into, a waterfall that post collision to the rock wall behind it down you three plummeted into the raging river it fed into.
Unable to fight the currents far above Elves had already raced to what they would be ordered to, closing the gate doors inside the currents that you three hit and clung to coughing while the plank ledge was lowered by pulley systems above the arch the gate sat in. Whistles and shouts turned the three of you around to kick off the gate bars to fold your arms around the ledge huffing out, “Now I’m wet.”
Unable to help it Fili chortled pressing his forehead into the wood a moment as Kili said, “Not bad of a ride.” Hoisting himself up signaling Fili to do the same.
They both looked at you in your lip biting try to tug yourself up only feeling your pants slipping down in their move to help you up, “I apologize for the butt, my pants are slipping.” Chuckling to themselves they took hold of your arms helping you up noticing the colorful tattoos on your side along with the white scar of where the sword had exited your back.
Gripping your jeans the waistline was inched up and you sighed seeing how thin the plank ledge was only to grip the edges when Fili caused it to sway in trying to stand up, muttering himself in a belly flop to grip it, “Crawl it is.” Up onto all fours again he led the crawl to the end where a group of Elves helped you all up. Together straightening your clothes to walk you all back to the courtyard filled with the Dwarves relaxed at word you were safely being escorted back no more than wet with your sturdy Dwarf cushions assuring you they had fallen harder and farther growing up with even flashes of their backs proving they weren’t even bruised.
Kili asked looking you over, “Were you expecting the blast?”
“Honestly, kinda forgot about the blast.” Wringing out your tightening braid with curls wishing to spring free now they had soaked up so much water sure to take all day to dry on its own.
Fili, “How could you?”
“Well you don’t see very many horcrux to know the process well to plan ahead for a blast blocking spell.”
Kili, “They have those?”
“Yes, and I am actually quite skilled in charms, however, on the spot, I tend to be spotty with my memory.”
“Where did you purchase this sword?” Thorin rumbled once you came into view again wringing out your braid.
“Family heirloom.” His brows inched up shifting the blade resting across his raised hands with an impressed grin.
Gloin, “Must have cost a fortune.”
“Well it’s Goblin made,” that had all eyes on you, “Our Goblins were different than yours, about two feet tall and able to tell real treasure from fakes by looking at it. Mainly run our banks and antique shops now focusing on their skills.”
Oin, “No doubt your Dwarves must be jealous to have lost your service.”
“No Dwarves,” that had another look your way, “Well not like you, dwarves there are people under three feet, more a disfigurement not a race like here, but it wasn’t bought, the one gifted with the sword saved a Goblin’s life and was gifted that, they hate life debts. Absolutely hate them. And Goblin made items are priceless.”
Dwalin, “These gems alone could boast that, even in a silver sword.”
Thorin flicked his hands upwards turning the blade over smirking at the weight, “For this size it is quite lightweight.”
“Well it’s absorbed Essence of Cloud,” lifting his gaze, “along with Basilisk venom, useful on Horcrux.”
Elrond, “Horcrux and Essence of Cloud?”
“Horcrux, when you take a piece of your soul to hide in an object to be immortal, your body can die but the soul lives on. Essence of Cloud makes things lighter, so if I were to drop it also it will float back to the wielder it remains loyal to however it does tend to spark up when storms roll in.” That had his brow arch up, “Like lightning, but only for big storms, like trees torn out of the ground big.”
Glorfindel, “We have yet to face a storm of that caliber.”
“Yes but your trees seem to be a mile wide, I think the largest tree I’d seen there was maybe thirty feet tall, and that might be exaggerated because I was five at the time. There were only four trees in our city all about your height.”
Glorfindel, “How can you survive without trees to protect your village?”
“Um, I don’t know how to answer that.”
Ori, “You must dwell in mountains then!”
“No, no mountains on our island, we have hills, but no one lives in them, the ground shifts and they tend to collapse.” The Dwarves blinked again and you said, “Again, no magical Dwarves live there, just people. Even Wizards have their limits, you don’t mess with mountains.”
Nori, “I am afraid to ask why.”
“Well, the last time a Wizard tried to turn a mountain into a school it sank the entire island,”
Dori, “Ah,”
“But not how you would think, he messed up the spell and brought the mountain to life which began a rampage to eat everyone and everything eventually breaking the faults in the land that just gave in starting to erode with how heavy a mountain is.”
Bofur, “What happened to the mountain?”
“Oh, it took about forty Wizards to blast it apart covering the island that started to sink or it could have gone to other islands too.”
Elrond said, “For now, perhaps it is best we allow you to dry off and the questioning may continue over a meal.”
Pt 2
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