#once again did this without glasses on and without editing ✌️
bnesszai · 8 months
skk Valentine's seek day 4: almost too late / "your beauty never scared me" @bsdfanweek
I was gonna add unrequited too but, as usual, this did not turn out as i had planned. Enjoy<3
Dazai trips over himself, cursing the pain in his ankle.
Blood spills from Chuuya's lips alongside a manic laugh. His body trembles, but the smile doesn't fade. Orbs of pure gravitational force manifest in his palms. He's about to toss them, about to ruin innocent landscape, but Dazai finally reaches him. Dazai's fingers circle around Chuuya's wrist and they both tumble to the ground.
Hissing, Dazai curls onto his side, drawing Chuuya in close. His body aches all over. The fight was supposed to be rather easy, rather routine. But unexpected players entered the field and when Dazai, caught off guard, screamed in pain, Chuuya hadn't hesitated in activating corruption.
“Shit,” a voice between clenched teeth, tucked into Dazai's chest.
“I was slow,” Dazai murmurs into Chuuya's hair. I'm sorry goes unspoken. Always. There are never apologies between them. Dazai thinks that's what makes their partnership work, but wonders if it is also what makes them fall apart.
Chuuya coughs. “Are you okay?”
Despite the rattling of his bones, Dazai huffs out a laugh. “Really, Chibi? You're asking me that?”
“Shut up, then,” Chuuya groans and tries to move. Dazai clutches him tighter. “Let me go, asshole “
“You know,” Dazai says before he can stop himself. “Your beauty never scared me.”
Chuuya goes still in his arms.
“The beauty of destruction has never scared me, but….”
After a moment, Chuuya curls a hand into Dazai's shirt. “But what?”
“The idea that I might be too late….that it might consume you…. that's—” His voice breaks.
“Shut the hell up, moron,” Chuuya says, burrowing his face further into Dazai's chest. “My head is killing me. I'm gonna take a nap.”
That's another thing about the two of them. They never speak in honest terms. They tiptoe around topics, using teasing remarks and aggression as shields against truths.
You won't let that happen, Chuuya doesn't say with words, but instead with his calm, even breathing.
Dazai wonders if Chuuya can hear the bleeding confessions in his heartbeats.
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