#once after a concert one fan found smth another fan had dropped
anambermusicbox · 3 years
September 29 Day Countdown (14/29): 2017/12/19 Livestream Interview with 全民直播
(37:10) What’s something your fans do that makes you feel frustrated? 
Zhou Shen: “Something that makes me frustrated is *makes thoughtful noise* everytime they say they’re sad about not being able to make it to an event—that’s something that’s relatively frustrating to me. Because I feel that listening to my singing is their biggest support towards me. I’ve always thought that there’s not much I can do for them. [...] Even if you can’t make it to an in person event, living your lives properly and to the fullest is also a form of support to me.”
(38:30) ZS, reading the livestream chat: “My hands move a lot because (*makes a thoughtful noise*) it’s always like that, I can’t really control it. Also, speaking of, I’ve learned a bit of sign language, that is- (*signs*) “Stay safe, I’m doing fine here; jiayou, stay safe.” Because every time I’m inside the car talking to shengmi outside, they can’t hear me; I’m inside like (*1000 decibel shout*) “STAY SAFE!!!!!!!” and they’re outside like (*waving*) “bye bye~” So I learned how to sign (*signs*) “Stay safe, take care of yourself.” Because everyone who comes to support me at an event is already going through a lot of trouble, so I hope everyone- and make sure not to lose things! Every time I see- a shengmi who lost their ID, another who got their phone stolen—the stuff that you lose, I can’t reimburse them. (*laughs*) So- make sure you’re safe, in all its forms—no matter what you’re doing, safety comes first.”
(9:39) This classic joke:
Interviewer: Have you ever been distressed because of your unique voice?
ZS: Yes.
Interviewer: Then, how did you deal with this distress?
ZS: I was sad.
Interviewer: Wow, this is impossible. (ZS, after losing it laughing: “They all say I talk too much so I’m talking less!”) 
(40:20) ZS: “Oh that’s right, you all need to stop looking for where to buy my clothes! Everytime you discover they’re really cheap I get very hurt. (*ZS goes blurry in laughter*) Stop looking for them!! Every time you (*imitates furious texting*) “I found the design you were wearing! (*points*) Price: 99 yuan.” I’m- (*dramatic flailing and facepalming*) Honestly!” (T/N: 99 yuan is the equivalent of 15 USD or 13 Euros)
(27:10) Interviewer: “Have you been to the southern [part of the country] recently for work?”; ZS: “Recent work in south? Lemme think… hmmm… recently… I had no work. :’((“ (*everyone loses it laughing*)
(22:00) Talks about being okay with only 5 hours of sleep; there was one period of time when he only slept 2 hours a day for a week and someone literally had to go behind him to prop up his head when getting his makeup done because his head kept drooping. (T/N: shenshen i stg u better start getting more sleep ur hEALTH)
(26:15) Talks about how he admires people who are good at what they do and are dedicated to their craft
(28:20) “I study for 23 hours, sleep for 1 hour 😤  “ (T/N: do not do this this is a joke lol)
(39:35) Sings a few lines of “Love is Eternal” (T/N: cantonese!!) and an Ukrainian song (T/N: gorgeous!!)
(19:45) Sings a few lines of “Crossing the Ocean to Meet You” and Lala Hsu’s “The Lost Sandbar”
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 4 years
heyaa! about the fluff thing, maybe smth like with kuroo, listening to some music and his s/o singing along to it and only then kuroo notices what a good singer she is and he asks her for a private concert and is so in awe and totally blown away by how talented she is and showers her with affection... (sorry if this is oddly specific xD) hope you are doing well! stay safe and keep up the good work :)
Ugh I love this wtf. Dropping a read more link because I’m including lyrics. 
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Kuroo’s midterm routine typically consisted of buckets of takeout, a couple mugs of coffee, and extremely loud music. This normally wasn’t an issue for (Y/n), especially since he typically used noise-cancelling headphones his parents had gotten him for graduation. 
(Y/n) silently thanked them every time he used them rather than blasting music through their shared apartment. Unfortunately he had left those headphones at home during his last visit, and he was too busy to make the trip back home for them. 
Which of course meant he would be locked in his and (Y/n)’s bedroom, listening to music on his speakers while (Y/n) did her work in the dining room. With the door closed the music was at a tolerable volume, the words of each song muffled but still comprehensible.
Soon enough, (Y/n) found herself tapping her pencil on her note sheet to the rhythm of each song, songs she had learned by heart after knowing Kuroo since they entered high school.
Without even realizing it, she had begun singing along to the familiar tunes, the words flowing past her lips without any thought or effort. 
“Some people think they're always right Others are quiet and uptight Others they seem so very nice nice nice nice (oh-ho) Inside they might feel sad and wrong (oh no)
Twenty-nine different attributes Only seven that you like Twenty ways to see the world (oh-ho) Twenty ways to start a fight (oh-ho)
Her head bobbed with the tempo, her voice picking up as the singer’s voice raised in pitch.
Oh don't don't don't get up I can't see the sunshine I'll be waiting for you, baby 'Cause I'm through
She was now shamelessly singing at full volume, unaware of her boyfriend who has snuck out of the bedroom once he heard her voice echoing through the apartment. 
Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And I'll get along with you”
The music in the other room abruptly paused as Kuroo tapped at his phone’s screen, a wide smile gracing his features as (Y/n)’s head whipped around in his direction.
“Damn, babe! Been together 5 years and I’ve never heard you sing! What gives?” he teased, sitting in the chair beside her.
(Y/n) groaned and held her head in her hands, her elbows propped against the table. “That! That’s why, because you make a big show of it and embarrass me!”
Kuroo snickered as he scooted closer and took hold of her hands, attempting to pry them away from her face so he could see her. “Baby I would never, that was amazing! You sound so pretty!”
(Y/n) groaned once more, allowing Kuroo to take her hands and reveal her face. She was sending a slight glare his way, lips pursed as she pouted at his words.
“Do it again.” he smiled, bringing her hands to his lips and planting sweet kisses on her knuckles.
“Oh, absolutely not!” She announced, pulling her hands away and returning her attention to her notes.
“Pleaaase?” Kuroo begged, leaning in close, “I’ll never ask for another private concert like this again. Just this once and you can go on with your studying, okay?”
(Y/n) thought it over for a second, knowing Kuroo would definitely spend the rest of the night bugging her about it until she caved in. And she couldn’t have that, she had a paper to right.
“Okay... one song, then we go back to studying.” She said sternly, trying her best to hide her smile as Kuroo nodded eagerly and sat back in his seat, his eyes never leaving her.
(Y/n) thought over a song to sing, settling on the first thing that came to mind. She took her pencil and began tapping to the rhythm of the song in her head as she sang. A small smile crept onto Kuroo’s features as he recognized the song instantly.
“Ten decisions shape your life You'll be aware of 5 about 7 ways to go through school Either you're noticed or left out 7 ways to get ahead 7 reasons to drop out
She glanced up at Kuroo nervously during the slight pause, opting to stare at the logo on his t-shirt rather than directly into his eyes.
When i said I can see me in your eyes You said I can see you in my bed That's not just friendship that's romance too You like music we can dance to
Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And i'll get along with you”
(Y/n) glanced back up at Kuroo, who only nodded for her to continue, his eyes boring into her. She continued singing the song, her voice never faltering as the way Kuroo watched her with awe filled her with a surge of confidence.
Kuroo felt a twinge of disappointment as (Y/n) neared the end of the song. He knew he’d have to keep his promise and go back to studying in the bedroom, but after hearing a voice like that, all he wanted to do was stay and hear more.
The last verse of the song brought him out of his thoughts, each note flowing like golden honey from his love’s plush lips. 
“Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And i'll get along with you”
(Y/n) not tapped her pencil nervously, searching Kuroo’s features for any kind of reaction. His gaze was as intense as usual, an emotion only familiar to her swirling in the depths of his irises. His lips were parted, as if some words or turns of phrase were caught on the tip of his tongue in a struggle to escape.
All he could manage to do was smile breathlessly at her as he let out a puff of air he didn’t realize he had been holding in. “5 years together and you still manage to surprise me...”
(Y/n) slowly smiled at his words before she bit her lip and looked down at her notebook. Kuroo stood up and leaned over her. His hands cupped at her cheeks and tilted her head so she could look deep into his eyes.
He brought her into a searing kiss, pouring all his unspoken emotions into the intimate action before parting for air. 
The two smiled breathlessly at one another, breath fanning against each other’s faces until he strokes her cheeks with his thumbs and released her. “You don’t have to do that again... but I’d love to hear that beautiful voice of your’s more often...” Kuroo confessed. He then turned to the bedroom and left (Y/n) to her work.
This time, he didn’t close the bedroom door. He let his music flow freely through the apartment in an invitation that was (Y/n)’s to decline or accept. (Y/n) could feel a smile tugging at her lips as another familiar song began to play on his speaker.
“Tap on my window, knock on my door I wanna make you feel beautiful...”
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