#once I run out of nitro I'm cooked
txrtxglix-lvver · 2 months
NEW NAME ALERT 🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 the autism won
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doccywhomst · 3 years
Martha Jones is my favourite companion. She deserved better from Ten. Which other Doctor(s) do you think would have been great for Martha to travel with?
oh my GOD, okay, it's happening- everybody stay calm, everybody stay CALM, stay FUCKING CALM
first doctor: initially, he's all hee hee hoo hoo wacky space granddad, but then he's always telling her to stay in the tardis and stand here and go there and wait and- she doesn't listen to a word of it. they don't mesh
second doctor: he radiates lethal amounts of crackhead energy and she isn't quite sure how to navigate that. might have to pair her with a slightly more down-to-earth doctor
third doctor: yeaaaah baby, now we're cooking with nitro-9. he's always saying stuff like "i'm a doctor of everything, miss jones" and "i have thousands of years of experience, miss jones" and then he immediately gets his shit wrecked and martha launches in to rescue him like
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fourth doctor: she's had to tell him off once or twice for sheltering her, but he got the message pretty quick and now they're constantly running head-first into danger. in fact, out of the pair of them, martha is the sane one. four is at the controls and she's like
fifth doctor: martha has family problems. that's established. i think she'd love to travel with five's posse of queer youth, if for no other reason than to get a lot of hugs and cool outfits. i want this now
sixth doctor: if he acts the fuck up, he gets smacked the fuck up, and he learned that almost immediately. now they have an unsurpassed mutual respect for one another. no strained relationship, no thin ice. just vibes. martha does have a love-hate relationship with the coat, though
seventh doctor: when they click, they click, but when they clash, they clash hard. they're both too stubborn for each other and it can create a Difficult Working Environment. i love seven but i'm not sure they'd play nice
eighth doctor: oh. oh ho ho. oh my god. can you even begin to imagine? his stories are so insane and terrifying, and his character is such a liminally-dwelling cryptid - i think she'd sense him in her vicinity like how birds sense tsunamis. at first, she's like "haha, this pretty guy is so silly, he's making me pancakes!" and then he does Something and she's like
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ninth doctor: sad bitches UNITE. this is lonely hearts solidarity. they sass each other to death out of spite for the world and then share a snuggie, pull out their VHS copy of The Notebook, and drink a pina colada with two straws
tenth doctor: we know how that went down….
eleventh doctor: like with the second doctor, i think he's slightly too rabid and alien for martha to deal with. he's always bouncing off the walls and spinning in circles and diverging neurologically and she just needs someone consistent to throw her tether around. we need a shoulder to cry on, STAT
twelfth doctor: unrivaled. unmatched. undefeated. they meet and she's like "you're the most fucked up old man i've ever met (affectionate)" and he's like "you're the most practical and level-headed person in my life (derogatory)" and they hit it off splendidly
thirteenth doctor: similar to eight. martha can feel the extremely disturbing and eldritch miasma that thirteen emanates and is immediately put off by it. nothing against thirteen, but martha gets within twenty feet of her and this warning message pops up in her brain
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in conclusion, i love martha very much and she's a bamf
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Ready to comply [Android!Bucky x Fem!reader] chapter 2
*gif not mine*
Chapter summary: You're dizzy drunk last night, though you could vaguely remembered some of what happened. One of them is sticking one of your invention of that poor android's arm, deactivated it in the process.
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It was early in the morning when you woke up with a massive headache, quickly taking the ibuprofen that's resting on your nightstand, although not remebring putting it there before sleeping.
Too tired to think about it, you took the medicine before making your way out of your bedroom.
"Good morning, (Y/n)."
"Son of a bitch! Who the hell are you?!" You screeched, placing a hand on your chest. Eyes still a bit blurry from sleep, you squinted them and saw an android standing still in the middle of your kitchen. Its hand behind its back, standing straight while staring blankly at you.
"Hello (Y/n), my name is... Bucky. Android B107 of CyberStark. Serial number; 103-678-3--" He began reciting his serial number all while scanning you from head to toe, although it looks like his checking you out.
[Scanning 'acquaintance'...] [Scanning complete]
[(Y/n);;; vital signs: 14% elevated ; "head"pain level>> 36%]
"Okay-okay! I remember now, fuck." You rubbed your temple while letting out an exasperated sigh. "Your making my headache worse."
["Head"pain level>> 40%]
"You asked me who I was, (Y/n)," Bucky points out matter-of-factly causing you to raise an eyebrow.
You scoffed, giving him a once over. "For an android, you sure are cocky. How long have you been standing there in my kitchen looking like a creep?"
"I've been standing here for approximately five hours, forty-three minutes and sixteen seconds."
You scrunched up your face before rolling your eyes, muttering a small "fucking creep" before making your way towards the stove to cook yourself some breakfast - surprise, surprise.
The android is completely unaffected by your words, turning his heels and started looking around your living area, scanning anything and everything like all androids would when positioned in a new environment.
Bucky is silent as a ghost as he walks around the living room and it slightly makes you uncomfortable knowing there is someone-- an android-- with you right this at moment inside your apartment yet not hearing anything.
It's like you're aware that there's a ghost beside you - it's just silent but it's there.
"So," you started, trying to fill in the silence. "What kind of android are you?" You're his owner right? Might as well get to know the android you've bought.
Bucky looks up from your plastic plant in the corner of the living room, eyes darting to the side to look at you. When he saw your back is faced towards him, he looks back down on the other plant -- this time, it's real-- beside the plastic one while answering your question.
"I'm a protector. My mission is to keep the humans safe."
The pancake you are cooking began to bubble on top and kept your eyes locked onto it as you questioned Bucky. "What? Like a bodyguard of some sort?"
Bucky turn his attention to the coffee table, analyzing the contents scattered on top of it. There's an empty pizza box and a half full uncapped bottle of coke, a bag of empty chips and a few used tissues with grease all over them; obviously from the pizzas and chips.
"You could say that."
His answer slightly surprised you, turning your cheek at him but not looking as your eyes focused on the tiled floor. "What?"
"I am programmed with skills most androids don't have. I am not like the DX line model for my biocomponents are much more advanced and my body can withstand most bullets and harsh climates," he explained whilst gently grabbing a picture frame.
It's a picture of a teenage girl holding the hand of another girl that looks exactly like you; much more younger and small, both smiling brightly at the camera.
[Scanning picture]
[Niki (L/n); age: 38 ;; year of birth: 3014 occupation: model at 'south of CSCV', and also known as Serpent]
[History: Adoptive daughter of (M/n) and (F/n) (L/n).]
"What kind of bullet is the most critical yet you can still handle?" Bucky heard you asked from the kitchen as the words and numbers cleared out in his vision.
".700 Nitro bullets." He answered, placing the frame back exactly where it belongs, like it never been moved in the first place. Bright blue eyes scanning the new information that appears in front that only he could see. His LED flickering from blue to orange then back.
[Searching >> (M/n) (L/n) and (F/n) (L/n)]
[Searching complete]
[(M/n); deceased, (F/n); missing ;; two daughters>> Nicki (L/n) and (Y/n) (L/n)]
"You're kidding me, right?" You flipped the second pancake before turning your whole body around to face your android, crossing your arms over your chest.
[New information found regarding (Y/n);acquaintance >> surname: (L/n)]
Bucky simply stares back at you with his usual blank, calculating eyes. "I am not," he replied.
"And CyberStark is planning on selling androids like you to the public?" That's downright stupid and dangerous. If an android like him gets into the wrong hands, who knows what could happened.
"It seems so." Bucky must've finished scanning your whole entire living room as he just stands there in the middle of the room. His arms behind his back and his posture straight as ever, awaiting to assist you if needed.
He doesn't really have to do that. You don't own him, he just followed you out of the store for reasons unknown to him. You're just the person who bought it... by force, too caught up on being drunk to actually know-- remeber-- what you've done.
You whistled, turning your attention back at your pancake. Not to your surprise, it's slightly burnt.
"Anything else I need to know about your model?"
Bucky answered without any hesitation. "As a prototype, CyberStark built me with two thirium pumps and if the public and the government ever approve with my model, CyberStark will change the design to the usual one thirium pump paper android like the normal android design." A pause. "I am also programmed to be able to engage on sexual intercourse."
"Fucking hell, a personal bodyguard and also a sex android? That's what I call 'safe and satisfied'," you smirked, picking up your plate of pancakes and began making your way to the living room.
You really have to try that later
You plopped down on your couch and started stuffing your face with your maple syrup drenched pancakes. It's not the best but you could care less.
Bucky's eyes follows you, not noticing the small click that sounded like a camera the moment he blinked his eyes.
"How much did I paid for you? A million?" You laughed. "My sister would be pissed!"
Bucky watched as you stuff your face with the greasy looking pancakes, contemplating if he should tell the truth about you not actually paying for anything-- basically stealing him from the shop-- or not.
"Wait, you said you're a prototype." You slowly chewed on your food, lifting up your head to look at him with a horrified look plastered on your face as the realization sets in.
"Oh shit. You're the prototype.... Oh, fuck, please tell me I'm wrong."
You're dizzy drunk last night, though you could vaguely remembered some of what happened. One of them is sticking one of your invention of that poor android's arm, deactivated it in the process.
Poor android, only doing it's job.
"You are correct." Bucky nodded his head before asking politely, "Is there something wrong?"
You were about to retort when a sound of loud knocking cuts you off before you can even open your mouth, making the two of you snaps your heads towards the door.
You cursed under your breath and moved your plate on top of the pizza box considering there's no more room to place it in the coffee table, and cautiously made your way to the door.
Glancing at the small screen attached to your door, you saw two men wearing suits and ties with matching sunglasses. One of them knocked a few more times before stepping back, both looking up where the small camera is placed, waiting patiently.
Bucky immediately goes and stood behind you, hands to his side and chest puffs out as he waits for your next move or his built in instinct, really.
Opening the door where only half of your face could be seen from the outside, you greeted the two men in suits. More like snapped a harsh, "What?"
Fuck being polite, they look sketchy as hell.
"We just wanted to ask you if you have a B107 android inside?" The bald one asked, his tone monotonous and gruff.
It took you all the willpower to keep your eyes at the two, silently hoping they wouldn't see the tall android behind you.
"Never heard about that model before. New?" You casually asked, resuming your act of innocence.
"Can we look inside?" The other man asked, ignoring your question. If it weren't for the lack of LED on their temples, you would've thought they were androids.
Unless they removed it, but you doubt they would do such thing. Only deviants have the 'guts' to physical remove their LEDs, which considered as a symbol of enslavement.
The revolution between humans and androids happened decades ago, androids are set free and finally have their own rights. Some became deviants, but some stayed the same; stone-faced, unsentimental machines.
But the two men in front of you, they look like they work for someone and you are certain it's not for CyberStark. You instantly knew because they don't have those shiny CyberStark logo pins.
"Why? I just told you, I never heard about a B107 before."
"Let us inside or we let ourselves in by force."
This is the moment you knew that they knew what you've done, that you have the android they are looking for.
"Fuck you," you growled before slamming the door shut, emergency locking it.
You quickly took Bucky's hand and sprint inside your bedroom, also locking it behind you. You grab your backpack from the hook behind your door and run towards your desk where your laptop, small gadgets, and inventions are messily set, shoving all of them as fast as you can.
The android analyzed your frantic movement, on guard as he quickly noted that the two men from outside are a threat.
"Bucky, let's go!"
"Where are we going, (Y/n)?" He calmly asked, tilting his head to the side.
You opened the window and slipped a leg out, glaring harshly at the android. "I don't know, but hopefully not in jail."
You both heard the front door slammed open and two sets of heavy footsteps sprinting towards your room.
Your heart jumps in fright and screamed at the android who is still calmly standing inside your room. Is he serious? Did you just bought a defective prototype of an android?!
"Come on you fucking scrap meta--" Your breath hitched when you saw one of his eyes quickly turned bright orange.
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🎧 Bang! bang! Into the room, I know you want it 🎶
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uncovereliminate · 5 years
Since I needed to do some research for a project I will be starting soon,  I decided to put everything I found interesting about Splicers in one compact post for me to always find it back.
General Splicers
Thuggish Splicer
Leadhead Splicer
Spider Splicer
Nitro Splicer
Houdini Splicer 
Because of the way this game works,  a lot of the ‘standard’ splicers listed above use either the Splicer-models I am getting into further into this post or the standard model showing on their wiki.
Baby Jane
Came to Rapture to make it big in show business, but ended up having to resort to other means to get by.  Can be heard constantly questioning the reality of the situation happening around her and regretting her loss of beauty.
"Get away from my face!" [Screams] "Not on my face!"
"Look at yourself! And you would do it too!"
"Why did you cut me?! Why?!"
"It's my part! Mine!"
"Stop ogling me!"
"You're making me lose my place! STOP IT!"
"Just say something, goddammit!"
"Honey? Is that you…?"
"I'm sorry… We can do it together!"
"I don't- I don't wanna- I don't wanna hear this… I- [Whimpering] I don't want to hear this…"
"Pretend you're not interested. They like that."
"He's gone! They always leave…"
"He left, he left, he left, left, left! He left! He left!"
"Came here to be a star! Came here to be a star- Not too late, not too late!"
"Mr. Ryan's gonna notice me, and I'm gonna be a star! It's not too late, not too late!"
"I used to be beautiful. What happened to me?!"
[Laughs] "And even that was a bad performance."
[Crying] "They'll be okay, right?! I mean, it was just- it was just an accident!"
"Tell me you love me! Go on, say it!"
"Someone shou- should do this for me, someone should be doing this for me!"
"Ow—! And I— used to love bees!"
"I had real talent!"
"I had innocence- I was innocent!"
"I had innocence! You took my innocence!"
"Parasite! Paparazzi!"
"Stop — STARING!"
"You're a plain little girl! Plain- too plain."
"This wasn't part of the deal!"
"Only geniuses get saved, lunkhead!"
"Your memories? Yeah, we don't need 'em."
"Why would you bring a kid?!"
"Send your daughter home, freak!"
"Just me and the roaches."
"Rejection." [Cries]
"I don't understand." [Cries]
"To have seen what I have seen… see what I see…"
"I worked hard to look this good, and they still appreciate it… some of them…"
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, la da di da da da [Hums] nothing like a good old picture show…"
"Siren Alley [Sigh] well, the rent is cheap and there's work."
"Can we try that scene over? I forgot my line."
The Breadwinner
A wanna-be big-shot who thinks money and fame are everything.  He's convinced himself that Rapture’s downfall was just a small problem in his ultimate goal.
"Finally. [coughs] Happy."
"I was right, I tell ya. I was right, god damn it."
"Come on! Just- just let me explain, will ya?"
[Disgusted noise] "I'm too busy for this shit."
"She should not have come here."
"Ah, a man can start a business down here, yeah. Now now, it's- it's not too late. I'll get to it."
"Yeah. Yeah, Ryan's gonna stake me, huh? Yeah! No, he- he'll stake us all. Just give it some time. Yeah, just a little time."
"It's just a bad quarter. Naw, that's all. Yeah, market'll come back, huh? Yeah! Everything'll be fine. Yeah, it'll all be fine… Augh."
"You think that I'm dumb? Sure, sure, why not? You keep on thinkin' that."
"You can’t take this from me!"
"Think you can take what’s mine?!"
"I ain’t gettin’ reborn with you, no way."
He also has very gross misogynistic lines that are uh...  interesting for his character,  but I don’t want to be near them with a ten-foot pole,  so you can check out the wiki-page for those.
"I ain’t lost my touch, just look at me! I’m a king down here, a king! Yeah!"
"You think I’m that dumb?! Sure, sure, why not. You keep thinking that!"
"The business world’s ruthless, kid. Get used to it."
Dr. Grossman
A roaming medical professional who’s use of ADAM twisted his germophobia into something horrific.  He can be seen trying to destroy/murder anything he deems unclean/unhealthy.
"You're infecting this whole place!"
"You keep away from my patients!"
"You're crawling with disease!"
"Well, he won't get any better that way."
"I'm- I'm covered in his filth! DISGUSTING!"
"I've got patients to see, no time for distractions!"
"The subject… appears to have been ripped apart from the inside… probably a failed teleport."
"I- I try to help, but- sometimes I- I make mistakes… I try to help! But sometimes I- I make mistakes."
"I hate the babies, the most. They come out covered in death."
"I like the prestige, but I don't like the germs. The germs, they-they get under your nails, they crawl around at night."
"It's unsanitary in here, filthy! Come, let me take care of you."
"Haven't slept in weeks."
"Typical behavior for someone with your condition!"
"My services, for free? [laughs] Get out!"
"I no longer require your services… nurse."
"Don't dare get your disease on me!"
"I killed [coughs] lost you! Once already."
"I guess it was just the wind… or was it a dream?"
"I gave up on helping people long ago, but I still ease their suffering.
"Might as well call me an undertaker these days… But, it suits me just fine."
"I come away from that damn clinic smelling like death. Everywhere! It smells like death!"
"Wait, my scrubs! All a-tatter?! Wha-what's happened here?"
"The thing about genes, they're just germs, and we're all crawling with them, all of us."
"Eternity will be so clean. So clean! So very, very clean!"
"The days are getting shorter! No no, that's not right!"
A bitter lonely old man with a lot of prejudice who works security around Rapture.  Becomes a  devout part of ‘The Family’ during Bioshock II.
"He-hey? Hello? I'm here." [Crying]
"Poor sucker… my soul… my soul."
"They'll never find out about this. It's all gone away."
"Stop this… this isn't what ya think it is."
"Those stupid kids… they don't even know."
"Somebody gotta keep order around this place. If not, it'll go to the parasites."
"All these parasites want a piece of this place. And we gotta guard the borders, we gotta keep 'em out."
"They want what we got. And we gotta defend what's ours!"
"The parasites, the papists, the race mixers- I got my eye on all of them!"
"I'm just lonely! I— I'm lonely!"
"Down on the ground! DOWN ON THE GROUND!"
"You can run, but we'll find you! We run this place from tips to toes!"
"Oh… gimme my hat, Emma. Sweet mother of mercy!"
"Fuck it! God dammit! I hate bees!"
"Not the blood of the Son... my blood!"
"You wear the mark of the beast!"
"¡Qué estúpido!"
"¡Por favor! Help me!"
"¡Aye, Madonna mia! I'm bleeding!"
The rest is all religious rambling,  and tbh  ??  I have no time for it.   Ducky really annoys me.
Lady Smith
One of the upper-class matrons of Rapture and pretty much a WASP stereotype.  (I really don’t like her.)
"Darling, is that you?"
"Hello? Oh, get the door, Sydney!"
"Nothing there, but we should bring in the hounds from the stables, just the same."
"Audrey, Michelle, Peter, Thomas, William, Joseph… no wait, n-not Peter."
"My dear elite, no, distinguished friends. I've finally found the answer we've all been looking for!"
"Too introverted for anyone to notice."
"Charles! I think the negro cook's been stealing. It's always like that with the coloreds. Take, take, take."
"They always arrive with out-stretched hands. They're a tuneful people, I'll grant you, but so lazy."
"It's not like those people in Apollo Square. Animals, every one of them!"
"They talk talk talk, but in the end they've got nothing to offer society. Just more mouths to feed."
"Look at him, just lying there! Another parasite!"
"Run away! You people will never amount to anything!"
"You know what they do to vagrants in Rapture? They hang them!"
"You think you can just take what you want? This isn't the jungle!"
"There's proper folk, here. You don't fit in."
"It's always the same with you parasites, looking for a hand out."
"Yes, Dr. Steinman. Uh, no Dr. Steinman… sorry, Dr. Steinman."
"Audrey, Michelle, Peter, Thomas, William, Joseph… Oh, no! No no no! Wait, not Peter!"
"I'm writing down your name, you filth!"
"The times may be unkind, but did you have to take our home? I raised my children there! Bastards!"
"I'm surrounded by them, and yet they can tell… I'm their better! They know it… I know it!"
"Three children. Yes, three little angels, all gone now. I wonder if they miss their mommy?"
"I'll not associate with your kind."
"This is an outrage! AN OUTRAGE!"
"Lester, where is my doll…?"
I hope you guys will forgive me and also understand that I will honor the memory of Henry R. Lumley as he actually was and not as the horrible person the Bioshock devs painted him as.
I am still really disgusted by the fact that they would use his face as the model for Toasty  (a literal murderer/rapist!)  and never even asked his surviving family members if they could do such.  
So I will skip this one,  hope you don’t mind.
A young American football player pressured to Splice to become a better athlete.  Unlike most Splicers,  they seem to have partial awareness of what is happening to them.
(Honestly  ??  they’re my personal favorites.)
"Uh, baby…? I'm- I'm… I'm all calmed down, now… Okay? So-… Just open?! Would ja- shit!"
"Hey, come on- come on… Joey's gone, alright? You- you could come out, now."
"Not today, Dad, alright? I mean god damn!"
"Eh, Mom…? Mom…? I- it's er-"
"It's alright, Dad. It's alright, Dad."
"It's cold… Stay- stay focused, stay whatever, stay in the game. Stay."
[Chuckle] "Oh, shit. Hey, Dad, check this out!"
"I… I know you… No, I- I know you. I- I- I know I know you. You're- you're- you're that guy with the writing."
"It- it's different, this time, ya know? Really, it is. It- it certainly is."
"I'm good enough…! Why don't you believe it?"
"I'm tryin', Mr. Ryan. Please don't judge me! Please!"
"Look at me, Mr. Ryan. I- I've got nothin' left to give."
"Mom…? Dad…? Can you come get me?"
"It hurts… It- it- it hurts just to breathe."
"He's an intruder… and- and they make us kill intruders."
"I just wanna go to sleep… Just wanna go to sleep, I just wanna go to sleep."
"They make me hate everything I see! They make me hate everything I see! They make me hate everything I see! They make me hate everything I see!"
"I do what I'm told! I just do what I'm told! I always just do what I'm told!"
"Where are you?! They'll kill me if I don't find you!"
"Better come out! It- it'll go easier for both of us!"
"Please, come on out! It'll be so much worse if you hide!"
"Do you have any idea what they'll do if I don't find you?!"
"Yeah, am I entertaining you? Great! Is this fun to watch?!"
"Mom. Mom? Look what I've done. Mom?"
"I did it, okay? He's dead! Now just leave me alone!"
"Why did you make me do it? Why?"
"There! He's dead! Now just shut up!"
"It's over, okay? It's over! Now just get out of my head!"
"It hurts! It hurts! Jesus, it hurts!"
Plastered Splicer
Splicers that fell victim to being turned into Cohen’s art-work.  There are no specifics on how this exactly happened or how they function and are even still alive,  but they are and they’re scary as feck.
A female worker frantically looking for her lost child  (who has most likely been turned into a Little Sister).  She is known as ‘ruthless and deceptive’,  being one of the few Splicer-types that can actually set traps.
"Behind every door, an opportunity is so dangerous. "
"A floor, one two three four six seven… twelve thirteen thirty-four twenty-seven."
"She's still breathing… Oh, of course she is, she's just a child…"
"Shh… Oh, no… Of course you're not dying, my little one. You're just a baby… Babies don't die."
"No… they won't take you… you're just a- a little child."
"But she's my little girl… She has my eyes, can't you see?"
"Ah, don't hurt her! No, please! Take me, instead!"
"Oh, please… please… you don't want my girl. She's no use to you… can't you take… the neighbor's girl, instead?"
"Take me! Take my body! Take anything! Just don't hurt- take my little one!"
"Wake up, sleepy. [Chuckle] They're gone… Please? Please…? Please?!"
"I have time monster. I have all the time in the ocean."
"Kislány! Are you there, little child?"
"Sweetness? Mama's here to hold you."
"Sweetheart…? Where are you…? Come out, please… Mama just wants to hold you."
"Why would you take my little one?!"
The model for the secretly religious zealot from Bioshock  (pretty much the same function as Ducky from Bioshock II)  he believes he is avenging angel serving an angry God by punishing the sinful denizens of Rapture.
"You'll open up if you know what's good for you!"
"Open up! ¡Ay! Qué mierda."
"I traded You, oh Lord, for Mammon, and what did it get me, huh?!"
"I'm sorry, Father! I'll do what You say, I-I'll do what You say!"
"Even miles under water, He still sees everything, sees everything, sees everything, sees everything, sees everything!"
[Singing] "Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong!"
And other religious stuff.
A result of Splicing with a concoction of  Sports Boost and Armored Shell Gene Tonics.  Brutes are very aggressively masculine and homophobic,  which is revealed to be internalized homophobia once you Hypnotize him and he flirts with Delta.  (I could not make this shit up.)
"A million little pricks- fuck, fuck! Leave me be!"
"Fucking sodomites everywhere."
"I know what you're thinkin'."
"Not my bloody type, luv."
"Oh, you're pissin' yourself now, eh?"
"You're mine now, lil' girl."
"I'm top man down here!"
"We're just mates, you titface!"
"Clip your wings, ya fairy!"
[Chuckles] "Oh, he wants a tussle."
"She's gonna watch me do ya, son!"
"Who's the daddy NOW, son!?"
"Suit don't make you a man."
"I feel… nothin'…"
"Peace, quiet, solitude. Proper solitude."
"These fuck's gotta bring more in, or I'll hafta…" [Chuckles] "I'll hafta start teaching 'em. Ooh…"
"We can start over down here, once we drown out all the buggers and the queens. It'll be real men only."
"Some thoughts are just wrong. Nasty thoughts. Gotta stomp them thoughts right out!"
"Doctor Lamb says to embrace the man in the mirror. How bloody queer is that?"
"Sander Cohen. There was a man! Sharp suit, good mustache, took no guff!"
"Lass wanted me to try wrestlin' before the city started pissin' itself, but I don't go in for all that touchin' and sweatin'. I'm a boxin' man."
(Just to point out,  this is him after being hypnotized)
"I love you, ya lil' shite. I do."
"Jus' tell me who to kill, guv."
"Feel so—what you call it��comfortable witcha."
"Nice to have a proper mate at last."
"Partners, yeah? I like the sound of that."
"I like a man what keeps his mystery."
"Mates, right? Mates. Yeah."
"Do anything for ya. I mean that."
"Right, guv, let's get into some nasty."
"I'd look a poof in that suit, but you carry it."
"Shite! Gah! You fucked me 'ead!"
"Lyin' lil' mince! I trusted ya!"
The Mother
A very overprotective mom who sees herself as very nurturing and self-sacrificing,  but is fairly possessive and restrictive in actuality. 
"Nothing could happened to my boy, I made him wear his best scarf today… he's bundled up tight!"
"I would never leave him with the sitter, they're all perverts."
"Wake up son. You worry me when you sleep so deeply."
"Gonorrhea, that's what you'll get. And there's no cure but the madhouse."
"Franklin, get Mother's cream out of the armoire. I need you to do your magic."
"Franklin, why don't you come over and rub mother's feet? They're barking."
"Friends? Of course he's got friends, but I always come first."
"There's no relationship like mother and son, it's deeply intimate."
"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"
"I'd like to see you run away, you wouldn't last the night!"
"No one'll ever love you as much as me!"
"I only worry so much because I love you!"
"I raised you better than this!"
"What's mothering but a thankless job?"
The Performer
A singer who hasn’t had work in a while,  but never let it dampen his spirit.
"Yeah, folks always stare when I make the scene… You get used to it!"
"I told Sander Cohen, I'm always ready to cut a record or put on a show! Said he'd call."
"Yeah… Those old numbers sure got some high notes. But I got something new in the works!"
"I been on sabbatical for… goin' on 15 years now… I got some work, but I want to get back to real acting!"
"I warned you to stop following me!"
"Hello? You from the "Stars and Screen" magazine?"
"Don't leave me! Not again!"
The Social Darwinist
A doctor of psychiatry who advocates for the survival of the fittest and evolutionary superiority no matter the cost.  (Hate this sob.)
"That's right… Cry like a baby. Your mother didn't love you… Why should she? What did you ever do to earn it? Nothing."
"You were the worst kind of parasite! Only taking, giving nothing in return! That you were a child means nothing!"
"Do you know what they call men who shy from adversity in war-time? Deserters… They shoot them… And rightly so!"
"Very painful, I assure you… But you will be hardier for it! More highly evolved! Superhuman!"
"No it's not the strongest that survive, but the fittest! Those most capable of change! A good start is thinking for yourself…"
"Did you come to Rapture because it seemed fashionable?! Or did you intend to make something of yourself? If you don't keep ahead of the rest you'll be resigned to follow."
"If you're going to disappear before my diagnosis, why did you come in the first place?!"
The Small Business Owner
Okay,  I take back everything I was about to say about  The Salesman,  this is Sinclair 2.0!  The description literally says  ‘This businessman is willing to do whatever it takes to thrive, even if it's technically illegal.’  JFC,  they could have at least tried.
"So I greased a few palms here an' there, time-to-time… What of it? I've been told this town is friendly to free enterprise!"
"'Fat Cat'? If that's what they call a fella who's prosperous?! Determined?! Uncompromising?! Then, FINE! The shoe fits! You got me."
"Criminal Dealings?! [short laugh] Fallacy! Misdirection! From those afraid to let the market take its natural course."
"You ain't no big shot round here!"
"Push me? I push right back!"
"You'll never amount to nothing!"
[short laugh] "I'm gonna bring you to heel!"
The Beauty Queen / King
A woman who recites her prepared speech for the Rapture Pageant.
"I'm just honored to be in the competition and… gee, I hope you like me… Because I'd like nothing more than to be Miss Rapture 1958…"
"Mother always says it's important to be yourself, so here I am, 100% the genuine article."
"Well, he's gotta be handsome AND smart and self-assured like A​ndrew Ryan… [short laugh] And good with his hands like Dr. Steinman!"
"No need to hide. I'm 'a regular person.' Just like you!"
"Butterflies in your stomach? C'mere. I have just the thing!"
(male variant)
"We're all adults… Nothing we can't work around with a little elbow grease."
"Women don't care for character anymore. It's all money and looks."
"Hello? You from "Star and Screen" magazine?"
Ryan Security Agent
Men and women handpicked by Sullivan to maintain order and keep the city safe from potential threats.  There’s not much else known about this specific character model.
"Atlas' followers have been living on borrowed time if you ask me. Who knows, maybe Ryan got tired of footing the bill for this place."
"Told Ryan he should've given each of these clowns a bullet, not a prison."
"Guy made a city at the bottom of the ocean, and they thought it was a wise idea crossing him."
"We get in, disappear the girl and Atlas' crew, back before happy hour."
"I'm smart enough to know Ryan's smarter than all of us."
"You judge a man by his enemies? Then Ryan doesn't amount to much."
"Fontaine's followers put up a good fight at the fisheries. I'd expected more from this lot."
"What did you think was gonna happen? You cross Ryan and get off scot-free?"
Didn’t really feel like getting into the Crawlers,  Buttons,  Heady,  The Hypochondriac,  The Ex-Boyfriend,  The Schoolteacher,  Frosty Splicers,  Houdini,  Survivors and Jockey Splicers because they either feel uninteresting to me or are super area restricted.
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