#once I get a rhythm going i think i'll find my muse again
recklessfiction · 1 year
poking my head out of hiatus to say i'm on bluesky now so feel free to follow me~ *goes back into my hole*
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ibetonlosinghuskies · 3 months
patience and pleasure pt 4
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summary: after the end of their final game together, paige and azzi attend a party. as the night unfolds, their unspoken feelings surface, leading to a pivotal moment that could change things forever.
warnings: fluff, angst, sexual content (not smut), suggestive language.
disclaimer: everything i write is fictional, any and all similarities to real life is not intensional.
word count: 4.4k +
author's note: this is probably my favorite chapter so far.
~flashback to present day~
paige’s pov:
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the final buzzer echoed through the stadium, a somber sigh.
the end of our last game.
waves of cheers erupt from the crowd, a tidal wave of blue and white. confetti rained down, scattering across the court.
i should be estatic, this is all we have worked towards for months. but as i stood there, my eyes searched for her.
i know it wasn't like i wouldn't see azzi anymore but it felt like something changed. i was still worried about what she was thinking about earlier. i didn't want things to be awkward between us, not when everything else was already changing.
it comforted me to know that at least things hadn't changed between us on the court. despite being surrounded by people, it felt like it was just the two of us. getting her looks came naturally to me like she was an extension of myself. in these moments, i felt like i had her, our connection evident to the crowd.
however, the game was close. after being down eight points at halftime, azzi stepped up, dropping fifteen points effortlessly. as for me, though, i was a bit distracted. my gameplay was consistent, but my mind was elsewhere.
usually, i can zone in once i step on the court but my god. the hold this girl has on me.
the pounding of the basketball mimicking her heartbeat. the silk of my jersey, the softness of her hands. the heat of exertion, the warmth of her hand on mine.
the more i look, she's all i see. the trophy, the cheers, the victory—all insignificant in comparision to her smile.
i can take off this jersey, and wash away months of practice, but her touch will always linger on my skin.
that probably explains why she was the first one i ran to after we won. finally spotting her across the court, blue and white confetti decorating her hair. she beamed, glowing like an angel.
azzi was the real prize.
pulling her in by the waist, my head resting on her shoulder. her arms wrap around my neck. i wish we could stay like this forever.
"we did it," she whispers into my shoulder, causing a chill to run through me.
i want to tell her that she did it. that she played amazing, brilliant, unstoppable. but i can't find the words.
instead, i just pull her closer.
i hold her for a beat too long, savoring the feeling of her closeness. i can feel her heartbeat against my chest, a familiar rhythm, my favorite song.
i don't want to let her go, to share her with anyone.
i feel her pull back and i surrender.
getting a good look at her, my hands linger on her hips. her sweat giving her a radiant halo, she looks beautiful.
i should say something to her, but before i can speak my teammates pull me into a group hug.
the next couple of hours are a blur, filled with media interviews and photoshoots. after what feels like an eternity, we eventually get a moment alone, azzi and i change silently in the locker room.
"you're going to the after-party, right?" i ask, sounding much too hopeful. i probably won't even go if she's not there.
"why? you looking for a dd, party p?" she questions, flashing me a look.
"if you're offering, i'll take you up on that," i smile, i'm just happy she's going.
"alright, but only if you promise to save me a dance," she shoots back.
my heart flutters at the thought of dancing with her. slow or fast, getting to be close to her again would make my night.
i'd save every dance for her.
"anything for the princess," i quip, wishing i could add my in front of the nickname.
we finish changing and walk to the parking lot, chatting with ease. the air is cool, a stark contrast to the warmth of the locker room. azzi unlocks her car with a click and i jog to the driver's side.
"there is no way i'm letting you drive my car," she cocks her head to the side.
"chill chill, control freak. i'm just getting your door," i pull at the handle, motioning for her to get in.
"what a gentleman," she rolls her eyes before entering.
"i'm getting aux though," i yell as i run to my side of her car.
i connect my phone to her speaker as she reverses out of the parking lot. scrolling through my apple music for a moment before finally deciding on a song: muse by partynextdoor.
i watch her drive, one hand gripping the wheel, the other in her lap. azzi was the better driver out of the two of us, her focused gaze on the road. her expression turns when she finally registers the lyrics of the song, shooting me a suggestive glance.
"jesus bueckers, am i driving you to a party or are we fucking in my car," she laughs.
i wish it was the latter.
"maybe both, if you're lucky baby girl," i tease, giving her my best fuckboy laugh.
"oh, in your dreams," she banters.
that was a truer statement than she knew.
the rest of the drive is a comfortable quiet, city lights flickering through her windows as she drives. a warm breeze carries through her sunroof.
azzi's pov:
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she makes it so hard not to overthink her every move. i didn't realize how much of a claim i felt to her until tonight. i can't say i'm not glad we get to share a moment alone before this party.
i sneak a glance at her while i drive, her long blonde hair flowing with the breeze. the night lights from outside softening her features. her slender fingers tapping against my dashboard to the beat of her music.
god, she looked too good to be going to this party alone.
if i couldn't be her date, i should at least look good too. cars flood the street in front of the house so i find a spot a few houses down to park. as soon as i shut the car off, paige reached for the door handle.
"hold up, i need to fix my makeup," i say, reaching for my bag in the backseat.
"here," she says, pulling something out of her bag. her fingers fumble slightly, betraying her usual confidence.
it's my favorite lipgloss. did she buy one for herself?
"forgot your makeup bag, huh?" i mock her, glad i can finally call her out.
a warm blush spread across her face, and she looks away sheepishly.
"shut up," she says so softly i can barely hear her.
"mhm," i hum, uncapping the gloss. i apply it slowly, hyper-aware of her eyes following the movement of my lips.
"maybe i just wanted you to do my makeup," she admits, still not making eye contact.
if she wants my lipgloss so bad, she should just kiss me.
"classic, always finding excuses for me to do things for you," i tease. examining the tube. "this isn't even your shade, weirdo."
"don't think too much about it, fudd," she rolls her eyes, stepping out of the car.
i wanted to pry some more but i didn't want to seem desperate. she stood aside the car waiting for me, before matching my pace.
as soon as we step through the door, the party swallows us whole. an immense mass of bodies, smoke clouding the air, music thumping.
an anxious knot builds in my chest, overwhelmed by the sea of people. i start to pick at my fingers nervously, trying to ground myself.
this has to be some kind of fire hazard right? there are way too many people, i can't even move without bumping into somebody. i feel like i can't even breathe. maybe we should leave. maybe—
my spiraling thoughts come to a screeching halt when i feel her fingers meet mine. paige interlaces our hands boldly, staring at me with those big blue eyes, soft with concern. something in her gaze, tells me i'll be okay. my heart rate slows, matching the steady shift of her thumb stroking my hand.
"stay close, alright," her voice cutting through the noise. she weaves us through the crowd, still holding my hand. i exhale, trying to calm my nerves, focusing on the warmth of her touch.
she walks with such an assertive confidence, i'd follow her anywhere. i hate to admit i'm disappointed when she drops my hand.
she manages to get us to a table, covered by an array of alcohol. i scan the room and finally catch sight of a group of my teammates gathered to the side.
"paige," i point to our teammates. "let's go say hi."
"i'm gonna pour myself a drink, i'll be right there," she responds, grabbing a cup.
i pause for a moment, feeling like a lost puppy. i almost want to wait for her, to cling to her. it isn't until i turn to walk away that i notice how close we were standing together.
"finally, we get a moment with you without paige attached at your hip," ice says, pulling me in for a hug. i just laugh in response.
as i chat with my teammates, i can't help keep my eyes off paige. my mind wanders from our conversation, my gaze tracking her movements.
who was that talking to her?
a tall man leans up against the counter, chatting with her. as she raises the cup to take a drink, he takes a moment to check her out. his eyes lingering in spots that make my blood boil. she takes a sip, lipgloss lining the cup.
my lipgloss. on her lips. for him to stare at.
he says something that makes her laugh, a strand of her blonde hair falling into her face. i feel my body tense watching their interaction. he leans down to meet her eyes, a hand reaching up to brush her hair out of her face.
oh he's not gonna—
"excuse me for a second, guys," i say to the group, without waiting for a response, i walk towards them, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.
the guy's expression turns sour, clearly unhappy with my interruption. paige turns, her face lighting up when she sees me.
"oh hey azzi, this is—, " she starts innocently, but before she can finish i cut her off.
"i think ice was looking for you, we should go over there," my voice coming out much colder than i intended.
paige glances back at the group, who aren't even looking in our direction. i feel the confusion on her face, but i don't meet her eyes.
"nice to meet you, let's go," i speak quickly, my words jumbled nervously. i fight the urge to grab her hand as we walk away.
she's not mine, but she's not his either.
i have no right to my jealousy, i knew it wasn't my place. my heartbeat slows from the rush, i avoid her eyes shamefully.
i pray she doesn't read the envy on my face.
how could i explain myself to her? tell her that i don't want anyone else touching her? that i want it to be my hands in her hair? my words making her laugh?
i feel her eyes wander my face, questioning. when i finally look up at her, she just stares, looking more concerned than mad.
"you good, az?" she questions, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
before i can respond kk is pulling us back to the group, "okay lovebirds, you can stare at each other later. truth or dare time."
paige rolls her eyes at the comment, shoving her playfully and greeting the rest of the group. taking a seat around the table, the group banters.
"oh good somebody found y'all. i swear i turn my back and you disappear," ice laughs, taking a sip from her drink.
"okay y'all, i'll start, " kk interrupts, a bit too excited.
they go a few rounds, exposing secrets and taking enough shots to make me feel sick just looking at them.
paige's pov:
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i laugh at the group's ridiculous dares, finally loosening up a bit. i'd taken a few shots, a sweet hum running through my veins, calming my nerves.
that is, until it's my turn again.
"paige," ice says dramatically, "truth or dare?"
"truth," i respond, not wanting to get caught up in a stupid dare.
"who was your first love?" she asks innocently, unaware of the implications of her question.
my eyes instinctually flicker to azzi, my breath becoming shallow. my mind races at the thought of her. the answer was obvious.
"i...uh—" i struggle to find the words, "just give me the damn shot," i surrender.
"coward," ice mutters under her breath, passing over the bottle.
"i got it," azzi nods at ice, taking the bottle from her hands. she's been so quiet all night, her voice startles me. i'm grateful for the excuse to look at her.
she stands confidently, walking over the my seat. my attention fixed on her movements. she towers over me, i tilt my head back slightly to meet her eyes.
my heartbeat pounds so loudly, i'm almost surprised she can't hear it. her long careful fingers unscrew the lid of the bottle. the subtle flex of her forearms, sending chills through my body.
god, the things i'd let her do to me from this angle.
seeing her like this, outside of my daydreams, felt unreal. azzi had always looked like an angel to me but tonight her beauty surpassed anything i've ever seen before.
"open," she demands. her voice still sweet but this time also low and smokey.
does she know what she's doing to me?
she presses the cold bottle to my lips, a shocking contrast to the blood-rushed heat of my admiration. she looks down at me, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. her voice echoes through my head.
i part my lips, hungry for her. instinctually, i lick my lips, watching her eyes follow my tongue.
her cold gaze pierces through me. i feel vulnerable under her stare, knowing she sees the desperation in my eyes.
my mind races. a million thoughts of her flooding my mind. her fingers, her lips, her voice. i imagine myself parting her legs the same way she parted my lips. the chill of the bottle against my lips, imagining her fingers down my throat.
azzi tilts the bottle carefully, her eyes flashing to my lips. i wish we were alone, that i could pull her down to me, taste her instead of this cheap vodka.
i'm sure she's sweeter.
"swallow," she instructs, her free hand coming up to hold my chin.
i melt into her touch, my eyes flutter closed for a moment, overwhelmed by her contact.
i just want to be good for her.
all of this feels so surreal. i force my eyes open, meeting her gaze as i swallow quickly and hard, desperate to please her. the alcohol burns down my throat, but i barely notice. all i can focus on is azzi—the warmth of her hand, the chill of her stare, the sharp breath she takes as she watches.
i stare, vodka spilling down the side of my chin, smiling like an idiot, intoxicated from her touch.
her brown eyes soften, clearly satisfied by my obedience. she reaches a thumb to wipe the alcohol.
she's still so sweet, even in moments like this.
azzi steps back, her hand falling from my face. the loss of her touch stings and i want to beg her for more.
the moment ends, interrupted by a chorus of teasing laughter and shouts from the group.
"she just made you her bitch dude," kk laughs, poking my side.
"shut up," i stumble over my words, failing to regain my composure.
the game starts to wind down after that, the energy shifting to the makeshift dance floor.
"alright, i think that's enough secrets for one night," ice stands from the table, reaching for her phone. "time to dance this alcohol off."
i remain seated for a moment, still dazed from azzi's touch. i can't take my eyes off her as she moves, her body swaying in a way that renders me breathless.
i feel paralyzed by the motion of her body, consumed by my thoughts of her. i lean against the table, sipping my drink slowly, trying to build the confidence to dance with her.
even in the dim lights of the party, she looks captivating.
i watch her dance for a few songs, my fingers swirling the rim of my cup. she's magnetic, with just a simple dance. i take another sip, the taste doing little to soothe the ache of my desire for her. her eyes meet mine for a moment, and i choke on my drink.
kk comes over and nudges my shoulder. "come on, p. please tell me you plan on dancing with her eventually, right?"
"i...um, yes. eventually...yeah," i stammer out a response.
"whatever you say, p boogers," kk shakes her head. "better late than never."
i hate to admit it but she's right. i take a deep breath before finishing my drink. already too intoxicated to taste it, i pour another. swallowing it whole, my eyes never leaving her.
her movements pull me in and i take my first unsteady step, almost tripping over myself. my thoughts grow sluggish, realizing that i've had one too many.
she notices me approaching, her face brightening. she scans me briefly, clocking my drunken sway.
azzi laughs, warmth softening her expression. "took you long enough," she blinks slowly.
her voice is like in lullaby to my nerves, coating my thoughts in a fuzzy haze. "you said—," i stammer, "you owe me a dance," my words coming out much more jumbled and slurred than i expected.
without waiting for her response, i impatiently take her hand and pull her towards me. our bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces, electricity coursing through my veins under her touch.
we start to move, finding a slow rhythm. my drunken confidence causing me to rest my hands on her hips, a bit lower than usual. azzi's arms drape my neck, her fingers coursing through my hair gently.
how am i supposed to survive this?
as the beat picks up, so does the tension between us. azzi turns suddenly, pressing her back against my front. my breath hitches at the contact, my hands instinctually gripping her waist tighter.
her movements are fluid, and sensual, drawing me in with every sway. it takes every ounce of self-control i have not slap her ass. instead, i lean in, gripping her hips tighter, trying to stifle my lust.
"you're killing me, fudd," i whisper, my lips brushing against her ear.
i feel her laugh, the vibration traveling through her body to mine. she turns her head, her lips dangerously close to mine.
just a little closer...
"what's running through that mind of yours, bueckers?" she flirts, biting her lip, leaning in even closer.
how could i even begin?
the softness of her lips, the scent of her hair, the friction of her hips. i wanted her closeness, her smile, her laugh. i take a long blink, imagining the taste of her skin, the sounds she might make if i touched her just right. i say all of this with my eyes, blowing shaky breath onto her cheek.
i wanted her.
but then, as we lock eyes, my thoughts shift. i imagine waking up next to her, sunlight peaking through her curls. i picture holding her during scary movies, her hand gripping my bicep. kissing her in the rain, taking her out to dinner, bringing her flowers. i see myself reading her favorite book, doing anything to make her smile.
i wanted her, not just as something to have, but something to keep.
"trust me, you don't wanna know," i say back, trying to hide my affection.
"maybe i do," she tilts her head to the side, batting her eyelashes.
suddenly, someone bumps into us, halting my thoughts. azzi takes a step back, her eyes wide and filled with emotion i can't quite place.
"i...i need some air," she says, her voice uneasy.
before i can stop her, she's weaving through the crowd to the door. i'm left alone in a sea of people, drowning under the weight of our almost-kiss.
what just happened?
azzi's pov:
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what was i thinking?
the cool night air hits me sharply, my eyes glued to the floor. i lean against my car, my heart still racing from what almost happened.
so much for "keeping it casual."
i've spent years building walls, guarding my heart from getting too attached. it wasn't like i didn't trust paige, i was just paralyzed by the fear of losing her forever. i can't risk our friendship, everything we've built together.
what if it doesn't work out? what if it all falls apart?
my throat tightens with emotion, overwhelmed by the thought of not having her in my life.
the sound of the door opening jolts me back to reality. without looking up, i know it's her.
she staggers toward me drunkenly, her voice uncertain and sympathetic. "azzi," she calls out to me.
i turn to face her, fidgeting with my fingers anxiously.
once she sees the tears in my eyes, she takes a step closer. "are you okay? i'm sorry if i... if that was too much in there."
i shake my head, trying to swallow the lump in my throat, "no, it's not your fault...i'm just—”
scared, terrified, of how much i want this. of how easily i could fall for you.
but i don't say that. instead, i blink away the tears. "i just get overwhelmed in crowds, you know?"
paige stares at me, examining my expression. she knows there's something more there but she doesn't pry.
"we never finished our dance," she says, looking genuinely disappointed.
"oh there's always next time—" i start but before i finish paige taps her phone and turns up the volume.
she was playing our song. the same song she played dancing in my kitchen many autumns ago.
the recognizable melody fills the air, and my heart aches. memories of that night flood my mind- paige's laughter, her soft hands holding my face, the way she'd do anything to make me smile.
i guess some things never change. she's still that same girl, trying to make everything better with a dance and a smile.
"paige, you don't have to—" i start, but i quiet when she grabs my hand.
"one dance," she pleads, looking just as sweet and vulnerable as she did that night. "please azzi."
i know i shouldn't, this will only make things more complicated. but i can't resist her—i never could.
there was something special every time we touched. something beautiful, something terrifying.
i step into her arms, and we start to sway. the parking lot becoming a dance floor, the streetlight our spotlight. paige pulls me even closer, her breath tickling my neck.
"i've missed this," she mumbles, "missed you." i can smell the alcohol on her breath, but the sincerity in her voice makes my heart flutter.
i close my eyes, overcome with emotion. "i've always been here, you know that."
paige pulls back, her expression growing serious. "no, you don't understand. i miss you. even when you're right next to me." her eyes scan my face, gauging my reaction.
"paige i—" i start but she cuts me off.
"no, i need to say this. i want everything with you. i don't know who i am without you." her words blend like the lyrics of a song.
i try to stop her again but she continues. "i see you in every beautiful thing. you're so damn pretty azzi." her movements reflect her drunken state, but her eyes convey a deep clarity. she means it.
"you make me feel human," she pulls me in closer, her voice shaky in my ear.
i should say something to her. tell her she's the best part of me. the only part that matters.
"paige, you're drunk," i say reluctantly. the hurt on her face is evident. she shakes her head, her blue eyes welling up in tears.
she grabs my face, insistent on locking our eyes. "please," she pleads, tears rolling softly down her cheeks.
"you're everything to me, azzi," paige stammers, her voice breaking mid-sentence.
god, why does she have to do this now? when she's like this?
"i can smell the vodka on your breath," i say, closing my eyes, her breathe tickling my face.
"i love the way your dimples show when you laugh. the face you make when you're deep in thought," her voice sounds desperate, needy. she's begging for me to hear her, and part of me wants nothing more but to listen.
i love your laugh too. the way i always catch you staring.
"you can barely stand straight," i point out, trying to ignore the way my heart melts at her words.
please paige, don't make me hope. don't make me believe in something that might disappear in the morning.
her tears stream freely now, she closes her eyes. "i love how passionate you are in everything you do." she sniffles, her voice uneven. "i love how much you care for everyone," she continues.
i learned that from you. my sweet girl.
"you won't even remember this tomorrow," i say weakly, fighting back my tears. my restraint weakening with every word she says.
please remember, please tell me you want this too. when you're sober. when i know it's real.
"i'll remember everything. the way you looked at me, holding your face, the scent of your perfume," her words slurred but urgent.
i'll remember too paige, it'll haunt me.
"i think i'm in—"
don't say it. if you say it i won't be able to pretend anymore.
"don't, paige," i finally cut her off sternly.
the rejection in her eyes is more than i can take. but i stand my ground, afraid that if i let myself believe her words, there would be no going back. no matter how much i want to.
i want to believe you. i want to believe you so badly it hurts.
she drops her hands defeated, warm tears running down her cheeks. i take her face in my hands now, leaning in to kiss her forehead softly. i linger for a moment too long, aching to soothe her, to tell her i feel the same.
i'm sorry paige. i'm so sorry.
i let out a trembling breath, "let me take you home."
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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henryobsessed · 4 years
I Took You Home - I’d Like to Return the favor.
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Summary: They have had a day of watching The Witcher but Henry finally gets up the courage to ask if he can return the favor.
Word Count: 2780
Warning: First time Oral: female receiving, smut
Previous Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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"People linked by destiny will always find each other" 
The sun has disappeared, and the night sky was illuminated by the city lights. Henry was fully dressed but still sitting on the couch with Reba. Sometime around the third episode, the washing machine had sung its finishing song then by lunchtime the dryer had betrayed him. No longer able to use his lack of pants to stay shirtless around Reba he had gone to get changed. On his return,  she had made them a simple lunch of sliced meat and salad. Seeing she was captivated by the series and not wanting to go home yet he had invited her back into his arms to continue watching. Henry really didn't mind watching, although he was getting anxious to know what she thought. He might be able to act confident when he needed to but deep down he needed to know that his work was good.
As they approached the final episode the tension he felt grew, she had been silent, absorbing each episode and only pausing for drinks and toilet breaks. He smiled loving the way she had been absentmindedly playing with his hand that was laying in his lap. The silence was unnerving as her TV went blank so much so that he had to ask "Well........." her light chuckle filled the silence. "you sound like me when I'm waiting for my publisher's final thoughts. It’s hard having someone else critique something you have put your heart into" smiling at her words he also chuckled but then said with a serious edge to his voice "your right, I think it's an artist worst and the best trait, we want it to be perfect to do justice to the character but we are our own worst critic and waiting to hear what another says is torcher"
Reba sat up at this comment, she turned to face Henry. He could see the slight concern in her eyes as she reached up a hand to cup his face. Her thumb brushed his cheek sending a shiver running through him, as she said: "you gave Geralt a voice Henry, he is the stoic hard Witcher that he is compelled to be but you also made him loveable." Her praise, and the warmth of her touch wrapped around him. 
Placing his hand over hers he moved it away from his cheek, lowering his lips to kiss her palm whilst keeping eye contact. Smiling as he felt her shiver he said in a deeper, softer voice "Thank you, that means a lot to me coming from you" the startled look on her face let him know she was not used to this kind of praise, or physical contact. Not wanting to frighten her but also feeling emboldened by her words he finally had the courage to ask what had been teasingly in the back of his mind all day "Was this morning a dream or did you give me a, helping hand?" 
He saw the blush creep up her face, as she moved to pull her hand away but he was having none of it, He kissed once more along the soft lines of her palm.
Henry felt a strong connection with this stranger sitting in front of him. Not just in a creative way but there was a physical pull that he had been fighting all day. Hoping to make her comfortable he had bided his time, but the memory of his morning's enjoyment was always on the edge of his memory.  He watched her blush and stutter and then her eyes deepen as his kiss was felt again. She was trying to form words "Y....You thought I was someone else, I didn't want to ss...startle you so I played along" her voice was soft and distracted as he continued to kiss now her wrist eliciting a soft moan from Reba. 
Henry was so turned on by the way her body was responding to his kisses. Hoping she would not turn away his advance he said in a soft seductive voice "I'd like to return the favour if your let me" never one to act without agreement he watched her waiting for an answer.
Reba was struggling to focus, he could see what his kisses were doing, but he could also see her debating with herself. He chuckled watching the decision process as her eyes, nose and mouth played out the fight. Finally, she looked at him with a soft but open look as she said "Ok" that was all he needed to hear as he leaned forward taking her soft lips captive with his own. 
He started out slow, enjoying the softness of her lips, then he ran his tongue softly across her bottom lip. She was so lost the his arms that she did not respond so he tried again to seek entrance. This time she opened allowing his tongue to explore. The sweetness of her mouth was heady as he enjoyed the feeling of a first non-inebriated kiss with Reba. He heard and felt her moan into his mouth as he tenderly explored her delicate small cavern causing his own body to stiffen in response. 
Wanting to explore more than just her mouth he pulled back catching his breath. Her now bright red lips slightly swollen from his ministrations pouted at the loss of contact. He  stood up and extended his hand to her. She looked at him a sudden look of confusion then uncertainty crossing her features, this caused Henry to pause. He wanted to thank her, to give her pleasure but he didn't want to pressure her into something she was not ready for. So taking a breath to slow his actions he smiled at her and said "I won't do anything you don't want to do Reba, you just tell me if you want to stop" taking his hand she smiled an innocent smile and stood as he pulled her to her room.
Once in the bedroom, he kissed her again but this time it was light and gentle. Pulling back he looked at her hoping she could see the connection he was feeling, the desire. Her face was of one lost innocent and uncertain but there was also a wanting he could see dancing in her deep eyes and slight smile. He needed to take it slow, he decided that tonight he would be the one to undress her. She was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and jeans that accentuated her hourglass shape. Leaning in he kissed her again running his hands along the hem of the t-shirts and then spreading his hands under it exploring the feeling of her skin on her back. He was rewarded with another moan as his hands grazed the side of her bra covered breasts. 
He lifted the fabric and breaking their kiss for a breather removed the t-shirt discarding it on the floor.  Henry looked appreciatively as her, the lacey soft pink bra lifted her plump breasts up enticing him to seek them out. This time he gently kissed her neck, the familiar smell from this morning filling his nostrils.
Henry continued to distract Reba by devouring her neck with his mouth and tongue, leaving small mark in their wake. His hands moving to her jeans button and zipper slipping into her waistband, and loosening its snug hold on her body as they slipped to the floor. He then claimed her mouth again lifting her body against his and laying her on the bed. His body covering hers as he felt her small hands wrap around his large muscular frame. Still fully clothed Henry pressed his now tight member against her causing him to groan into her kiss. Pulling back to give himself restraint he reminded himself that this was not about him right now, he wanted to give her pleasure.
Standing back and looked down at her, her hair strewn about, cheeks pink, lips swollen. Her bodies rapid movement’s as she tried to compose herself, breathtaking. Groaning to himself he breathed deeply running a hand through his hair, willing his body to relax, this was a marathon, not a sprint, and he wanted to cherish her tonight.
Mature Content Ahead 18+ read at your own risk
Panting Reba was lost in sensations, so far this weekend, living the attitude "what could it hurt" was starting to get her in hot water. No longer in control of her thoughts, all she could feel was Henry, his sweet and savory kisses which stole her breath away and her rational thought. His warm hands searing her skin as he touched her while trying to rid her of the layers hindering his efforts. The final layer was removed and all that was left was her lacey pink bra and her lace boyleg pants. Her stomach knotted as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. His body enveloping hers as he kissed her passionately, a thrill and dread pooled in her stomach as she felt his hardness rubbing against her inner thigh. Overwhelmed but wanting, all of a sudden he was gone. He had pulled back and was now looking down at her his chest heaving as he seemed to be trying to gain control.
This was nothing like her last time, her only time. That had been 10 yrs ago when she was 17 and it had only lasted a few minutes. He had been only interested in getting inside her and she had been naïve, obedient following his demands. This time already she knew it would be different, she felt different. Henry smiled at her his rakish grin turning her stomach inside out "Sorry, your kisses were just too nice Reba. I'll slowdown" Did she want him to slow down? And what did that mean. Reba gave him a shy smile in return as she watched him undress in front of her. Giggling she compared the two henry's one drunk unable to even get a button undone and the sober Henry confidently removing his precious shirt and hanging it up while she was laid on the bed watching.
He really did look good; it boggled her mind why at 37 he was still single and didn't have a family of his own. All day during their conversations she hadn't seen or heard anything to make her think negatively towards him. Her mind was suddenly brought out of her musings as two warm hands grip behind her knees and pull her towards the edge of the bed. She looked to the muscular man who was now kneeling at the edge of the bed his head leaning down towards her thigh causing her heart to increase in its rhythm. His lips felt a warm wet on her inner thigh, he looked up at her then, a smile on his face as he asked, "Is this ok?"
It took a moment for her to realise he was talking to her as her mind was so focused on the sensations his gentle touch had invoked in he middle. "Reba?" Henry chuckled at her as she realised she hadn't answered "Yes, but Henry, I've never, no one has ever touched me there I......" The look on his face softened as her words sunk in. He leaned gently on her thigh his head resting there for a moment his eyes not leaving hers as he said "Reba, have you had sex before? Experienced an orgasm?" for Reba it really was a surreal feeling having this Man taking the time to find out about her. Asking rather than just taking.
She sat up on her elbows and really looked at him then, his kind words emboldening her to speak frankly "I have had sex but only once when I was 17, it lasted long enough to take my virginity and that was it. I've not had the inclination or opportunity to be with a man like that until now." His eyes held acknowledgement of the trust she was giving him with that knowledge. He softly smiled again, this time kissing softly her thigh before saying between kisses "Well this will be .... a new experience for you,....... but remember ....... if you want to stop....... or don't feel right just tell me. ........I want you to enjoy this ...... not just add it to your bad experiences" by this stage Reba was having trouble staying on her elbows her breathing accelerated as his lips headed closer and closer. He didn't break eye contact with her until he finally reached her warm mound. She trembled as he looked down that smile of his never leaving his face as he leaned in to kiss it.
The sensation sent a heat wave radiating somewhere deep in her belly causing her to leak, she gasped as she felt the liquid seep into her boyleg. Moving to close her thighs in embarrassment Henry chuckled softly looking back up at her. His hands stroking her legs while keeping them apart "It's ok, that's meant to happen Reba. It means I'm doing my job properly." She could feel the redness in her cheeks but his gaze was reassuring so she breathed in deep and relaxed again. Henry tucked his fingers into the waist of her boyleg's, and looked to her for approval which she gave with a slow nod of her head, removed the lacey fabric. The sensation of his fingers burning her hips as he removed her last line of protection.
Now she was laid bare for him. His intense gaze as he looked at her most intimate place made her flood more. His finger touched her inner lips scooping up a little bit of her moisture. Reba watched in horror as he put his finger to his lips and tasted it. She wanted to tell him off, ask him what the hell was he doing but his look of delight silenced her as he hummed with pleasure "you taste good Reba" with that his head bent and she felt his tongues warmth as it licked from her entrance all they way up to where her lips met. If she thought the feeling of his breath on her thighs or his kissed caused wetness, then the feeling of his tongue running through her labia and over the hooded sensitive spot was explosive. The sensations tearing though her middle as he landed on her clit almost made her lift of the bed as her hips arched into his mouth and a loud moan exploded from her lips.
Encouraged by her response Henry seemed to increase his attention as he licked and sucked at her clit causing Reba to moan louder her body arching and writhing unable to control her motions. She felt a build up in her middle an intense pressure that demanded more as she involuntarily reached out and grabbed henrys head her hand kneading his hair urging him to increase the pressure. She felt his response to her action as he moaned into her clit which seemed to be the final thing to tip her over the edge. Colors exploded in her brain, as an involuntary spasm the started in her toes radiated up to her middle causing her to convulse arching up into a sitting position before collapsing flat on the bed. Her breathing erratic, as she felt Henry's warm tongue begin again to it seems almost clean up the torrent of wetness that resulted from her orgasm.
Every now and then as he tended her he would graze her clit causing her to arch again as mini Vulcanic eruptions spread out through her middle. She could hear his chuckle as he gently rubbed her legs and whispered "Wow" She couldn't move, couldn't respond all she could do was breath. She felt Henry get up and lay next to her, he kissed her temple and laid his head next to hers. She knew he was waiting for her to recover to find her voice. Eventually she was able to speak softly in awe of what she had just experience "Is that what it feels like for you?" She could hear his smile as he chuckled "well I don't know, its different for everyone. But it looked like you had mini orgasms straight after I only get one." She laughed at the sound of a pout in his voice at that statement.
Reba finally opened her eyes feeling her heartbeat return to normal, there staring at her studying her face were two beautiful blue eyes with a hint of brown in one. Their depth held a question that she was not sure she was ready to answer. Was she prepared to do more, risk more? He had already shown her an experience that was unlike anything she had ever felt. Was she willing to experience it all. Reba sat up and moved back out into the kitchen grabbing two water bottles from the fridge. Walking back into the bedroom she saw that Henry had made himself comfortable leaning up against the headboard waiting for her. In the look he gave her she saw no sub defuse, no false bravado. Just a genuine kind expression, relaxed and open to accept whatever tonight held. It filled Reba with a calm as she handed Henry the water slipped into the covers and like she had done all day cuddled into his arms and relaxed.  
Next Chapter 6   
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Persephone’s Symphony Playlist
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A list of songs that I have gathered that make me think of Persephone and Hades, not in order but will have the chapters they fit with beside them for an added listening experience if one so wishes <3
Find it on Spotify here
Persephone's Symphony Master List
none too deep | Atlas in Motion, Sofia Caterina — Night One | Hades
Nothing you can say will make me leave
I'm none too deep for you
Don't push me away, i wanna be here for you
And i won't push you too far to feel
Like you have to talk about the dark
Hey, Soul Sister | Jonah Baker — Day Two | Hades
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind
I Of The Storm | Of Monsters and Men — Night One | Persephone, Night Two | Hades
I am a stranger
I am an alien inside a structure
Are you really gonna love me when I'm gone?
With all my thoughts
And all my faults
Accidentally in Love | KiD RAiN — Day Three | Persephone
Come on, come on
We were once upon a time in love
We're accidentally in love
Falling | Harry Styles — Day Two | Persephone
What am I now? What am I now?
What if you're someone I just want around
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
The Scientist | Gabriella — Day One | Hades
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
If I Die Young | The Band Perry — Day Three | Hades
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best, boys, and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
Lose My Mind (Acoustic) | Dean Lewis — Day Two | Hades
Oh now you're looking at me,
And I'm looking at you like a fool
But you don't know what it feels like to fall in love with you
No you don't know what it's like when you can't go back
Drops of Jupiter | stories, Olivia Kuper Harris — Night Three | Hades, Epilogue | Persephone
But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way
To see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
Skinny Love | Birdy — Night One | Persephone, Day Three | Hades
Come on, skinny love, just last the year
Pour a little salt, we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer
Afterglow | Ed Sheeran — Day Two | Persephone
Stop the clocks, it's amazing
You should see the way the light dances off your head
A million colours of hazel, golden and red
Saturday morning is fading
The sun's reflected by the coffee in your hand
My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again
save me from the monster in my head | Welshly Arms — Night One | Hades, Night Two | Persephone, Night Two | Hades
Would you find me when the lights go down?
And hold me steady when I'm freakin' out?
'Cause I need you here
You keep me safe
You keep me safe and sound
Home | Cavetown — Prologue | Hades, Day One | Hades, Night One | Hades, Day Two | Hades
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
Get a load of this train-wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms
I Should Probably Go To Bed | Dan + Shay — Night One | Persephone, Night Two | Persephone, Night Two | Hades, Day Three | Persephone
I should probably go to bed
I should probably turn off my phone
I should quit while I'm ahead
I should probably leave you alone
Now I'm all up in my head again
'Cause I know I don't
Have the self-control
To walk away if you walk in
Iris | Natalie Taylor — Night Three | Persephone, Night Three | Hades
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Admit Defeat | Bastille — Day Two | Hades, Night Two | Hades, Day One | Persephone, Night Three | Persephone, Night Three | Hades
You stirred somethin' in me
I admit defeat
Won't be thinking 'bout anything at all tonight, so
Wrap yourself 'round me
I admit defeat
Won't be thinking 'bout anything at all tonight, but
You, oh, oh
All of Me | John Legend — Night One | Hades
How many times do I have to tell you?
Even when you're crying, you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around
Through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
Angel With A Shotgun | The Cab — Day Three | Hades
hey say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well, baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be
I’m an angel with a shotgun
Fighting 'til the war's won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
Work Song | Hozier — Day Three | Persephone, Night Three | Persephone, Night Three | Hades
Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She'd give me toothaches just from kissin' me
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
High Tops | Del Water Gap — Night Three | Persephone, Night Three | Hades
Don't you know that you're the only queen
Of this one-horse town
You're the only one that meant a thing to me
You're still hanging around
Touch me like you know me
Baby when you're lonely
Kiss me on my open mouth
I'll throw you a rope
I'll keep pulling you out
I Love You, I Love You. It’s Disgusting. — Epilogue | Persephone
You rescued me when my mind was in a prison
You set me free when no one else would listen
Now I finally feel complete
And I will follow you into the sea of eternity
Collapse into my arms
I'll take care of your heart
4 AM | Olivver The Kid — Night One | Hades, Night Two | Persephone
At 4 o'clock in the morning
You said
How often do these nightmares come?
Who are the wolves in your head?
How often do these nightmares come now?
Machine | Scott Helman — Day Two | Hades, Night Two | Hades, Day Three | Persephone
But you're more than bolts.
Like the city's more than steel and stone.
Soon your heart is gonna overflow.
They push you back down, you get up again.
Circuits freeze and androids never dream.
You're more than a machine.
Holding out for a Hero | Elise Lieberth — Night One | Hades, Day Three | Hades
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And he's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
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siriuslystargazing · 4 years
Chapter 2 ~ Domestic bliss
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<< Chapter 1 - Masterlist - Chapter 3 >>
“It's okay, I'm here, you're safe with me,” Remus held onto Sirius as he continued to shake and sob into his shoulder. It was a good ten minutes before Sirius composed himself, he pulled away from remus looking into his worryful eyes
“There was a woman she-”
“You don't need to tell me, come, let's get you cleaned up. I'll make a start on some breakfast” Remus offered a smile, Sirius let out a shaky sigh before getting up and heading to one of the bathrooms. Sirius led the way as Remus followed making sure he got there okay, the bathroom wasn't as bad as the men expected, sure there were a few spider webs floating around and dead bluebottles on the windowsill but it was useable.
“You wouldn't have brought any towles and clean clothes would you moons?”
“Don't worry my case is downstairs I'll go grab them, and i apologise in advance I burned a lot of your stuff after… well yeah”
Sirius cracked a smile as he sat on the toilet seat he didn't dare lift the lid in fear of what he would find, remus brushed past him towards the shower/bath combo he looked into the tub grimacing at the orange rust stains along the porcelain.
“I dont know whats dirtier, you or the bathtub” Remus turned the hot tap a few times wondering where the water was, the house let out a handful of groans and brown water erupted from the shower head drenching remus in the foul liquid, Remus yelped gagging at the smell while sirius howled with uncontainable laughter.
“It's not funny Sirius” Remus whined flicking the water at him, “Ugh it smells worse than that time you swam in the lake as padfoot, i think something has died in the water tank or something”
“Remus the house doesn't have a water tank, besides it runs clear after 2 minuets it always has, it's probably the pipes they were always like this, just be glad it wasn't the black sludge again…” Sirius sighed nonchalantly as he began peeling off his Azkaban uniform stepping into the tub. Remus was going to ask but thought it best to head downstairs for his case,
“ right.. Well I'll go grab my bags. I have some shampoo and conditioner you can use..” Remus said quietly his voice but a whisper, Remus left the bathroom closing the door behind him. He left sirius to clean himself up and headed downstairs for his bags, he passed the doorway where he saw the figure stopping to look at the brass nameplate on the door ‘R.A.B’, Remus pushed the open door wider peering into the room
“Master Regulus is sleeping” kreacher sneered behind Remus who jumped back in fear
“Kreacher, Regulus is dead” Remus looked at the house elf who ignored him in reply closing the door with a click of his fingers and returning to his chores.
Remus shuddered again he sensed he was being watched by someone but could tell who, he didn't particularly want to walk pass walburger again so he drew his wand waving it “Accio bags” with the spell muttered his suitcases shot up the staircase landing in front of him, he picked them up and walked back to sirius room. Remus pushed the door open with his back to the room. At that moment it felt as though someone was watching him, he looked up and around the room no one was in there but it felt as though a mother was weeping in the room.
There was no reply, Remus was relieved but he couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching him as he plopped his bags on the bed grabbing his wash bag and towels from inside and heading back to the bathroom.
“Ugh i can’t believe we did that in there Remus it's disgusting” sirius whined flopping into a seat at the grand oak table in the kitchen
“Shut up, you were practically begging me and it was no picnic for me anyway, head up” remus moved behind Sirius beginning to brush his hair, sirius let out a low moan, oh how he missed it when Remus brushed his hair, he wasn't quite happy at the length after Remus battled with the matted curls he decided the best thing to do was cut it off and start a new.
“Calm down dog boy, your mother is only in the stairwell” Remus jokes
“Don't remind me… the moment we figure out how to remove that blasted thing the better” Sirius sighed once more.
With the morning nearly over and breakfast going down well the two men began work on cleaning the house, Sirius suggested his room and the bathroom first and Remus agreed they needed somewhere to sleep and the place that keeps you clean should be clean. It took a while but they finally got into the rhythm of things with a mix of muggle cleaning products that Remus swore by and magic by 4:30 sirius bedroom was clean and dust free and the bathroom looked brand new. Remus left the bathroom dragging out the mop and bucket his gaze fixated on the floor. He noticed a trail of muddy footprints leading to 3rd floor, without hesitation Remus decided to follow the footprints, they looked practically fresh then he noticed puddles of water along the stairs.
“Moony?” Sirius called from his bedroom but there was no reply.
Remus continued up the stairs it felt as though someone was leading him up there, he found himself on the 3rd floor landing it was a lot brighter thanks to the larger windows on either side of the landing Remus walked over to his right continuing to follow the footprints he looked outside the large window that overlooked a lake.
“Rem?” sirius called walking up the stairs, he didn't like going up to the third floor he remembered when he was little he ran up there away from his mother and heard crying coming from the grand bedroom he never truly believed what he saw in that room but he never went into it again.
“Sirius look… i never knew this lake was here it's beautiful ” Remus waved over to sirius his attention fixated on the lake outside
“Yeah its starfell lake, it smells horrific though” sirius replied
“But how is it here in london?”
“Oh well the house is kind of like frankenstein's monster”
“How so?”
“You see how its so narrow and yet the rooms are huge, well a few hundred years ago the Black family didn't want to leave the grimmauld estate to rot so they merged it with the town house in london that's why you can see parts of the estate and london through the windows. Its old magic. I remember my uncle Alphrad said the house was possessed like it was living or something...” He explained, Remus looked at him his face going slack as if he saw someone standing behind Sirius
“What?” sirius smiled, looking behind him he wasn't a big fan of the upper floors to the house weird things happen up there
“Oh nothing..” remus lied.
“If you say so, I'm going to make a start in the kitchen you coming?” remus Nodded the thought of following the muddy footprints tucked away in the back of mind that was an adventure for a different day they needed to clean the house.
Once more the kitchen looked liveable remus managed to fix the ice box and Kreacher made an effort to help, a constant narration of curses flowed from the stairwell much to the wizards dismay.
“Shes getting rather creative with those insults” Remus mused leaning against the kitchen counter stirring his hot chocolate, Sirius didn't reply but a ghostly smile played on his face
“What time is it?” was all he asked
“Oh its 7:56 why?”
“We have to go to sleep now…” sirius said, no emotion in his voice it sounded as if he was possessed
“Sirius? What are you on about … your not in azkaban anymore you can stay up later-” remus didn't get chance to finish as Sirius grabbed his arm, the house began to moan as a cold wind rushed through the house a grandfather clock began its chimes
“We have to go upstairs where it's safe… he's going to come again and again…. He won't leave until it's broken…” Sirius mumbled
“Sirius you're not making any sense- Ah- stop your hurting me” Remus panicked as he was being pulled up the stairs, he managed to break free at the foot of the staircase when he saw a man in the cDrawing room dressed in elegant clothing 18th century if Remus recalled correctly but the scariest thing was his face, it looked as if he was made of porcelain. The Gentlemans right eye was missing from what Remus could see but he didn't wish to linger as the clock chimes its 5 chime Remus grabbed Sirius and ran up the stairs and into his room. The two men listened to the eighth and final chime of the clock…
“Sirius What's happening?”
“I don't know.. When did we go to my room?”
“You don't remember what you said you were talking in riddles about a man and a curse or some shit”
“Sorry i don't know, it's just.. We never stay up past eight that's all, i told you the house is possessed”
Remus looked at the man in front of him watching as he wrecked his brain for answers, he contemplated telling Sirius about the man in the drawing room but resisted.
“We can talk about his tomorrow lets just go to sleep” sirius didn't object he looked over to the window expecting to see the faceless woman again but nothing, he sighed with relief.
Enjoyed the story ?? Check out the rest below!! you can also check it out on my wattpad or AO3 first !! please leave a comment or like your feedback is greatly aprecated !! please dont hesitate to send me questions about the story :) love JJx
<< Chapter 1 - Masterlist - Chapter 3 >>
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The Best Things ~ J.V. (part 8)
A/n: This part is super upsetting. Character death, graphic violence, I dare even say gore. Homophia, which I should have been warning a while back I am so sorry for that. Things are gonna get HEAVY- I am so sorry lol.
Word Count: 3800+
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"Nah, you're not crazy," Harleen giggled.
"Says you," Y/n teased, rolling his eyes. "You may have a doctorate, but you're also bias."
Her smile widened. "Okay that's fair." Y/n sighed, sitting back in his chair. He looked down at his hands, smile small as he got lost in thought. "What's on your mind?"
"Harleen is kind of a mouthful," Y/n told her. "Do you like the name?"
She tilted her head, as if considering. "I never did. When I was younger I had a friend who called me Lee, but with things happening-" Y/n's face scrunched up and Harleen snorted. "Exactly. Name's already taken- and it would be even weirder if I went by Dr. Lee, so I scratched it."
Y/n nodded. Then he sat forward, his elbows resting on the table. "So you've never had any other nicknames?" She shook her head and then shrugged when Y/n donned a surprise expression. "Well I have to give you one then. That's what friends do, right?" She grinned at Y/n's words and he watched the room get a little brighter. She was magic like that- as if she was made of sunshine. Her happiness was contagious, and she made the world a little better. She was accepting and also calm, making him feel safe as well as loved. She was his best friend and he was hers and they gave each other something they couldn't get with anyone else: unhindered fun with absolutely no expectations. It was an odd place to find real friendship in, but here they were anyway. "What about... Leena?" She immediately shook her head and he chuckled. "Uh... I mean, there's always Harley."
She considered that. "You know what, I like it." She crossed her arms. "Harley Quinzel." She nodded. "I'll allow it."
Y/n rolled his eyes. She was only like four years older than him, but had far too quickly fallen into a rhythm of acting like an adult talking to a child every once in a while, as a joke. Whether she was flaunting the years she had over him, or the schooling, Y/n wasn’t sure, but he refused to acknowledge it and it had become an unspoken inside joke between them. "What about you? I have to give you one now."
Y/n shrugged. "I don't like nicknames."
Harley tilted her head, the bottom of her blonde ponytail brushing her shoulder. "Why not? You like giving them."
"Well, yeah..." He bit his lip. "It's just, every bad guy has a code name, you know? Oswald Cobblepot goes by Penguin. Edward Nygma is going around as Riddler. Then there's Mr. Freeze. I just feel like if I take an alias, it'll be official you know? I'll be as crazy as the people I associate with and as evil as everyone says I am."
Harley hummed. "Okay, that's fair." She sighed, raising her hands to rest her chin in her palm. "Speaking of people you associate with. You and Jerome..."
Y/n's mood darkened. It had been a while now and Oswald was gone and Jerome still hadn't made an appearance. "I think he's mad at me." Harley tilted her head in confusion and Y/n shrugged. "I left with Alfred because Bruce needed me. Didn't give him a heads up, and then went missing for, like, months..." He shook his head. "Maybe he thinks I've gone back to my old life, or that I've left him behind. I just feel like he's avoiding me and one doesn't usually do that for no reason, so I figure-"
"What if he's just busy?" Harley proposed.
Y/n snorted. "With what? Reading a really good book series?"
Harley pursed her lips. "I guess you have a point."
"Why do you even care?" Y/n asked, raising his hands to knit his fingers behind his head.
Harley stared at him silently for a long time. She had the look on her face she always does when she'd trying to read Y/n's mind. When she's analyzing everything she learned in school and looking at the actions and words that he was currently giving as context, as well as past ones, and then somehow putting it all together to figure out the secrets sometimes even he didn't know. The same magic that made Arkham home also gave her the ability to read minds- Y/n had determined she was a proper superhero.
After she reached some kind of conclusion - she always nodded after she'd done the reading and then switched which leg was crossed over the other - a little smile teased her lips. She was trying to hide it. And failing. Y/n tried not to be curious. Usually when Harley didn't tell him something it was because he wasn't ready to hear it... but that smile. It was too late. He had to know. "What?"
Once he asked, the gate broke and she grinned. "You're in love with him."
Y/n snorted. "No. I'm not." The coy curl of Harley's lips added to her raised eyebrows to make Y/n doubt himself, even though he could feel his feelings and knew that it wasn't... he didn't... no way. "He's important to me," Y/n gave. "I care for him. But... love..." Y/n shook his head. "I don't know about that. There's been too much going on- I haven't had enough time with him."
She nodded, expression serious, as if this was a very important discovery. "I call Maid of Honor at the wedding though." They locked eyes as Y/n went to tell her off, but then a slow smile rose to her face as he realized she was joking. They both busted up into laughter.
"Whoever I marry, the position is yours." He winked at her and she flipped her hair, both of them giggling.
A timer went off. Harley stood, gathering her stuff and sighing. "That's my cue. Same time tomorrow?"Y/n nodded then stood.
He draped his arm around her shoulders. "You know, you make this place bearable. You're a real friend to me." He kissed her forehead. "What would I do without you, hm?"
She rested her head on his shoulder for a second before they began walking and it got too awkward to coordinate. "Probably the same thing I'd do without you. Be alone and miserable." She popped up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. He pretended to gag and she fell into a short fit of soft giggles. "You're an idiot."
"Ah and yet what I lack for a brain, I make up with a big-" He cut off and she groaned. "Heart," he enunciated. He smirked and she rolled her eyes. "I have quite a large heart, full of love for my favorite gal." He shook her slightly, making a point that said gal was her.
"Every lesbian deserves a best friend with as little brains and as big a heart as you," Harley joked.
"And every gay deserves a best friend with as much brain and just as much heart as you." He finally let her go as she moved to the door that would lead outside. This is where they parted- her, to home, as he was her last patient as per usual. Him, further into the Asylum where he would have dinner then return to his room to be alone and sleep. Goodbyes were the pair's least favorite part of the day. "Until we next meet, Madame," Y/n initiated, pulling away to bow deeply.
Harley grabbed her doctor's coat lightly, pulling it out as if it was a dress as she bowed back. "I shall count the seconds." They laughed one last time, waving before she turned and left. He watched her go until she disappeared. She turned back several times to wave yet again, until she couldn't see him either just by turning around.
The second she was out of sight, the world lost a little color. It was a little darker. His smile got smaller and Y/n's shoulders sagged. He shoved his hands in his pockets before turning back to the hallway that lead to his room, beginning the trek.
A hand on his shoulder stopped him. People rarely touched him. The only person that touched him like this was one that Y/n hated so much that his hands curled into fists in his pocket, his face suddenly cold and empty as he stared straight ahead, halfway through a step- his foot on the ground and extended, but not carrying him forward as it had been intended to. He took a deep breath through his nose. Unfortunately, in all the chaos and people getting booted from Arkham after beating on Y/n, the one person that meant the most hadn't been caught because everyone refused to rat him out.
The man who'd started it all.
"You and her..." The older guard mused, a nasty smirk on his ugly face. "I thought you were gay." He said it mockingly, like he'd caught a child who hadn't said they weren’t hungry sneaking food when everyone seemed to be asleep.
Y/n rolled his eyes, forcing his body to relax as he faced the man. The monster. "Not every girl in the world was born solely for men to shove a dick into them, Jameson." The older man glared and Y/n smiled, getting satisfaction. "As a matter of a fact, Harley and I are just friends."
"You're pretty affectionate for just friends," Jameson argued. Y/n still didn't know the man's first name. He didn't care enough too. He didn't want another name that tasted bitter in his mouth. He already had his fingers crossed he'd never meet a cute boy with the last name Jameson, because the name alone would ruin Y/n's chances before he'd even taken a shot. No reason to make it even harder for himself.
"We're comfortable around each other." He rolled his shoulder back once, slightly stiff from sitting so long. Jameson wouldn't attack, knowing that Y/n would report him instantly- especially in such an open space, with cameras and the chance of someone rounding the corner any second - but one could never be too safe, just in case. "She gets me like no one else does. But, as you so wonderfully pointed out, I'm GAY." Y/n enunciated the word, going the extra mile by taking a step closer to stress it even more. "Girls aren't my thing."
Jameson looked like he wanted to deck Y/n. The younger boy's lips curved into a mocking smile in response. Now the guard was the one who had to control himself. "You guys have a lot in common?"
Y/n shrugged, too caught up in his casual gloating that Jameson couldn't act out like he wanted to- like he used to be able to. "Enough. We talk a lot. She's cool." He relaxed thinking about Harley. "She doesn't think I'm crazy. It's nice." He cleared his throat, focusing back on the enemy in front of him... only to immediately be confused by the very odd expression on Jameson's face. "What?"
"Nothing," the man dismissed, moving to leave. "I've heard enough. You're both a waste." He shook his head as he left and Y/n glared at his back until he was gone. Then the boy turned back toward the cell and finally made his way.
Man, why did he have to be surrounded by such assholes? Why couldn't Harley be around all the time? Why couldn't he be free? They could get an apartment and talk all the time. Help each other get through life and protect each other from unwanted attention. Be themselves all the time. Make jokes and exchange irritated expressions when idiots like Jameson said stupid shit like he always tended to.
Tomorrow. He'd see her tomorrow. That wasn't too far away.
He could wait until then.
Y/n's knees gave out from under him and he fell, cracking them on the cement. He didn't even feel it. His attention was being completely held by the TV, which was turned onto the news. It was a small screen that had been installed in one of the Day Rooms recently. They were rarely ever allowed to watch the news, though. In places like Gotham, far too often the news held very upsetting content that set inmates off- either into panics, or into violent rages. Y/n had stood to turn it off when he'd realized what news was being shared. Someone had been murdered. Old news. This was Gotham. Then he'd heard the name.
"23-year-old Harleen Quinzel was found dead earlier today. Her body was badly beaten, with words carved into her stomach. It was the cuts on her wrist that were the cause of death, though it's been determined that none of this was self inflicted. We received a photo of the body recently. Beware: what you're about to see is not for the faint of heart."
Suddenly the screen was showing the broken body of Y/n's best friend. The sunshine girl with the bright smile and the contagious laugh. The girl who was going to be Y/n's Maid of Honor. Y/n's better half. She was limp and unmoving, her eyes wide and empty. Her skin was pale, nearly white, except for where dark, huge bruises and blood discolored it. Her hair had been cut off, the blonde locks left next to her head but clearly detached. Her shirt had been rolled up to letters on her stomach- carved as promised.
There was an L next to a G, in a circle and crossed through once. Underneath the symbol read: Sinner.
Someone was talking, but Y/n couldn't make out what they were saying. A hand in his shoulder and he looked over to see a concerned guard. A woman. She knelt next to Y/n, but she wasn't the one touching him. No, that hand belonged to Jameson, who had a sick expression on his face- a cross between smugness and victory, muted as if he was trying to hide it, badly masked by some version of concern that was so unconvincing that Y/n ripped his shoulder out of the older man's hand.
He was on his feet again and running. Out of the room and to his cell- despite all the people who kept asking him what was going on, and someone in the very back changing the channel as the news reporter announced, "If you have any information, please contact-" Y/n ignored the rules. He ignored the people yelling at him. He ignored the people trying to stop him. He just started running and he didn't stop until he was in his room, where he opened the door and closed it behind him. His heart was ramming against his chest and all he could hear was the rushing of his blood in his ears. He saw black spots and felt an emotion bubble up that he couldn't even begin to put name to. All he knew was that it was dark and twisting and it was very quickly consuming everything good.
Something in him broke. It snapped off. Something vital. Y/n was aching, but he didn't know what it was or where it had fallen to as he lost it. He just knew there was suddenly a gaping hole where something very important used to be, and he felt absolutely terrible with it gone.
On the upside, he could finally breathe. His chest loosened and his body relaxed and as the door opened behind him, he turned to see the person with complete calm.
"Jameson." The word was not a greeting, but more of an observation. No. It was an accusation. The older man smiled and Y/n's insides began to twist and boil- less like a tightening of anxiety and more like a snake, seconds from attacking. "Why?" He stepped forward. "She was innocent."
Jameson scoffed. "You think you two are subtle? You two act like you're together and then talk about how you're not- you just 'get' each other." Jameson shook his head, cracking his knuckles. "You're spreading your sickness, Y/n." The snake coiled tighter, hissing and spitting. Y/n felt his calmness very quickly drop, perfectly placed with rage. His body didn't move, he just suddenly had a bunch of energy and he was waiting for the perfect moment to use it. "You two aren't quiet either. Strutting around here acting so out of line, in front of me. Acting like you're not being evil." Jameson scoffed. "You're evil, Y/n. And if they wouldn't let me punish you here, I'd have to get more creative. Even if you don't see it, you're in love with her. What you think you are is unnatural, and I knew if you could see how you really feel-"
Y/n's hand was around the man's throat. Jameson tried to push the younger boy away or claw his hand off, but Y/n just rammed him into the wall behind him. Jameson's head cracked against the grey wall, his efforts suddenly becoming useless. "You think I'm dangerous as a disease? You're so desperate to cure me. You're about to find just how very dangerous I am, Jameson. All on my own, with just my two hands." And then he began to squeeze. Jameson writhed and fought and clawed but when he started to get strong, Y/n would smash his head again or ram his knee into the man's junk and the efforts died down once again.
It took longer than Y/n thought. Jameson started to change color, his eyes bulging and his lips moving desperately but nothing coming in or out. Just when the man seemed about ready to pass out, Y/n let him drop to the floor. He gasped, clawing to try and get away. Y/n smiled, toeing the door gently closed. Jameson squirmed away, features taken over completely with terror. Y/n felt amazing.
"You will never hurt another person, ever again." Y/n squatted down, taking the man's thin hair in his hands. "Me however?" Y/n giggled. "You've helped create a monster. Know that every person I kill in the future is on your hands. Every injury is your fault. I'm not a violent person, Jameson." He snorted. "Well, I wasn't. But it seems you fuckwads only answer to violence, so..." Y/n shrugged casually. Jameson shook his head, choking out pleads for his life. Y/n snapped the man's neck and he stopped begging. It was so easy... The silence was wonderful. Y/n felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. "I'm done sitting idly while assholes run Gotham." Y/n stood, not even bothering to do anything but leave the door wide open as he walked calmly away, grinning like an idiot.
Something had been broken and lost indeed. It was Y/n's self control. His moral compass that kept him grounded and toeing the line between good and bad. It was the thing that kept reminding him he was a Wayne. That he was a good person. That he had a family that depended on him, in some way or another. That he had Alfred and Bruce, who he did want to visit even if he also wanted a life outside of them. That he had Oswald, who most often found solace in Y/n's sanity and depended on his restraint to reel him in when people were trying to set him off; Oswald needed Y/n's sense to balance his emotions. And, overall, Y/n was driven by pure spite not to let those damn reporters be right. He would be good and successful and he would show all of them that he could be more than the black sheep of the Wayne family. The disappointment of Gotham. The failure, always in the shadow of the Golden Boy younger brother Bruce Wayne.
But those people who Y/n cared about so much had let people like Jameson walk around, unhindered and unchecked. They had let him get beat up for a very long time before he was nearly killed and their hand was forced. They had let evil people run around and control things while they locked up Y/n for being gay. For being attracted to a man even though he wasn't a woman. There were murderers running wild, with super powers and incredible genius, but the problem people were deciding to focus on was that Y/n was gay.
Well, he was done with the lot of them. He was going to get out and prove to all of them that he was more than a Wayne. More than a mistake. More than a shadow. More than evil or good. More than Bruce's older brother. More than the one dude who had feelings for Jerome Valeska. More than one more gay plague on the face of the planet.
They wanted a monster? They would get one. And Y/n wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied, even if it meant all of Gotham had to die.
"Knock knock."
The door opened and Y/n looked over, his face finally showing emotion as his surprise rose. "Jerome?"
The redhead smiled, striding toward Y/n as if he has a tasty treat to share. "My little lover boy." Jerome hooked his finger under Y/n's chin. Y/n yanked his face away. Jerome frowned. "Are you mad at me, pretty boy?" Y/n glared at him. "I'll take that as a yes." He leaned backward. "What have I done, My Darling?"
"You've been avoiding me. We haven't talked in, like, months Jerome. What the fuck?"
"A tad dramatic," Jerome hushed. "And not totally fault." Y/n opened his mouth to argue but Jerome gently grabbed Y/n's throat, pressing his fingers gently into the skin. Their faces were suddenly very close and despite himself, Y/n suddenly felt a thrill to finally feel their skin touch as cheek brushed cheek. "I've been busy planning our escape, if you hadn't noticed." Y/n's eyes drifted to see a nervous Jonathan Crane and Jervis Tetch. "Come with me, won't you? I think we've been apart long enough."
Y/n suddenly began to relax. He didn't manage to smile, but he did get excited. "Well... lead the way."
Jerome left an excited kiss on Y/n's cheek, letting his hand fall away from Y/n's throat in favor of shooting into the air in victory as he giggled, turning to his two partners. "And so we all escape! Come now, we don't have much time." Y/n stood as Jerome lead the way, all four of the men finding their way out of Arkham Asylum finally.
The fun was about to begin.
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sagemoderocklee · 6 years
For the sweet moments I want all of them for our favorite pairing, but I guess I'll just have to go with 13 and 27 for Gaara/Lee please ❤️
so i actually ended up getting a bit carried away with prompt 13, so that’s under the cut. also like... sorry this sat in my inbox for like 2 years or something... maybe it was only a year and a half??? but still
[my kofi]
27. Accidentally Sleeping In [ao3]
There was a fog in his mind and his limbs felt heavy, strange, slow to move. He shifted against something warm and solid, something familiar and comforting, as his mind rose from the deep black of unconsciousness. Sound filtered into his awareness followed by a gentle touch against his forehead, fingers brushing back his hair to press lips against his scar. A gentle breeze, warm and tender, blew threw his hair as someone above him sighed.
He shifted, his mind moving slow, but his heart racing as recognition finally sparked: sleep had somehow overtaken him in the night.
Gaara’s eyes snapped open and his breathing came in ragged gasps. He jerked up, his head colliding with Lee’s nose as he tried to escape the confines of his drowsiness.
"Shh, it is all right,” Lee soothed, the hand over his nose muffling his words but not the affection in them.  
“What happened?” Gaara asked, panic squeezing his chest.
“You fell asleep,” Lee said, wonder hanging on each word. “I have never seen you sleep before.” Gaara’s head spun, the rising panic subsiding as he looked around his perfectly ordered room. There was no sand scattered about, no pieces of wreckage nor drops of blood, no sign that anything horrible had transpired while he slept. He looked out his window to see blue skies and the sun shining, its rays barely peaking over the walls that surrounded Sunagakure.
All was peaceful and quiet.
Lee watched him, caught between concern and adoration, his expression soft as it only ever was when he looked at Gaara. “Are you all right?” Words caught in his throat, but he finally pushed them out, his jaw working. “I... slept.” Lee smiled, leaning close to press his face into the crook of Gaara’s neck, kissing a small bruise there that he’d left the night before. He hummed contentedly in response, kissing that spot again as though he couldn’t quite get enough. Gaara closed his eyes, lifting his hand to tangle in Lee’s hair, a small pleased noise escaping him. Lee’s mouth against his neck was soothing, comforting, grounding, and Gaara relaxed fractionally.
“You were quite tired,” Lee mused into his neck, an arm snaking around Gaara’s waist, a note of mischief in his voice. His next words came soft and sweet, the awe returning as he said, “I liked watching you sleep.” Gaara turned into Lee, looking into his face. “I slept,” he repeated, disbelief in the flat notes of his own voice. “You did,” Lee confirmed, pressing their foreheads together.
“Nothing happened.”
Lee laughed, the sound vibrating through Gaara’s chest. “I would not have let it,” he assured, a calloused hand against Gaara’s cheek. “I watched over you.”
Gaara frowned. “Did you sleep?”
“I was quite tired as well,” he said with a laugh. “I woke to find you asleep beside me, instead of watching over me. I thought I should return the favor, since you always take such good care of me while I sleep.”
There was a pleased note in Lee’s voice, as though Gaara falling asleep had been a particularly wonderful treat he’d never expected.
Gaara pressed a kiss to Lee’s mouth, quiet thoughts racing through his mind. He’d slept and nothing had happened, no one had died, nothing had been destroyed; he’d slept and everyone was still safe. The only major consequence that he could ascertain from falling asleep was feeling more fatigued than usual and a little queasy. The world still felt slightly fuzzy at the edges, but Lee’s mouth against his was quickly chasing that away.
“What time is it?” Gaara asked against Lee’s mouth, barely pulling away from the kiss.
“Just before seven,” Lee said, his mouth following Gaara’s to capture his lips again.
“We should get up,” Gaara said reluctantly. He didn’t particularly feel like moving, the heaviness in his limbs and the fog in his mind and his unsettled stomach were certainly good enough reasons to stay in bed, but more than that Lee seemed perfectly content to spend a lazy morning in bed, kissing along Gaara’s neck and darkening the already purple bruise there.
Lee groaned, shifting closer. “Do we have to?”
“Don’t you have training to do?” Gaara asked, amusement barely hidden beneath his fatigue.
“I can think of a much better way to spend my morning,” he said, voice deep and warm as he kissed his way down Gaara’s chest.
Gaara smiled, winding his hands in Lee’s hair. “I suppose starting our day late would have its merits,” he acquiesced, allowing Lee to push him back against the pillows.
Lee smiled down at him, his eyes shining in the early morning light.
Gaara didn’t want to make it a habit, but he decided that seeing the morning from this perspective might not be so bad.  
13. A Sorry Kiss [ao3]
Lee believed in many things: love, determination, hard work, forgiveness. 
He believed that belief alone could overcome just about any obstacle; he believed that love held infinite power--the power to heal, the power to change hearts, the power to transcend lifetimes; he believed that he was unstoppable; he believed that he was splendid; he believed that someday someone would see in him endless possibilities--universes expanding and unfurling on an infinite loop of impossibility. 
He believed it with all his heart. 
But some hearts are more easily broken than others. Though he tried always to weather every storm that came his way, there were some things he simply couldn’t take. 
Falling in love with Gaara of the Desert, was not one of those unweatherable things, however, being rejected by him was. 
It was not that Lee was a stranger to rejection. He’d been rejected countless times in his life, and each time he’d thought, “I will be stronger the next time. Maybe next time, it will be different.” 
And it never was. 
But with Gaara it was different. With Gaara, it was a deep, abiding love. It was an eternal blossom, petals unfurling like a kaleidoscope as it flowered over and over in new and exciting ways. It breathed in him, took root in his heart, made him feel like he’d never felt before; like he’d never thought it was possible to feel. 
It had become too much to keep secret, though he’d tried for years, aware of the complications and the challenges, aware of the stigma and the scorn. He’d kept it to himself like his scars, but so much more precious and enduring. 
And then it had spilled from him, a mistake of the reckless and rash. 
Gaara had told him a flat and unequivocal no. 
Lee’s heart had been devastated. Shattered. Wrecked. Ruined. The petals of his love wilting over and over. There was an ache in his chest where his heart should have been. There was a dead, undying flower rotting in his soul. 
He cried. Not in front of Gaara. 
He waited. He apologized for his impropriety, for his bluntness, for his presumption. And he’d left. He didn’t ask if they could retain their friendship after this. He didn’t think he’d like the answer, though in hindsight that was probably the musings of a wounded man. 
Gaara had not been to Konoha since. Lee would never go to Suna again. 
And then one day, in the ever expanding universe of his life, there came a letter. It was a peace offering, an apology, a plea for forgiveness. Lee didn’t know how to read between the lines of Gaara’s precise letter writing, not the way he’d learned to read his minutiae of expression over their years of friendship and the years of falling steadily in love with him. 
Rock Lee,
I regret having left things the way we did. This past year, I have thought long and hard on what you said, and I have come to the realization that I was callous in my rejection of you. You spoke your heart, but your words fell on deaf ears. 
I hope that in time, I can mend whatever hurt I know I have caused, but I will accept the consequences of my thoughtlessness should you wish to remain distant. 
Your friend, Gaara 
The edges of the letter were fraying now, its face dirtied by fingerprints and a desperate desire to understand. Lee wondered if he should reply, he wondered if he could bring himself to look at Gaara again. 
The hurt had wedged itself like glass in his still beating heart, cutting deeper and deeper each day.
He tried writing letters in reply. Nothing ever sounded right. 
He stared at his scarred hands, thought about the scars on his heart that Gaara had also inflicted, and wondered why he was doing this to himself. He could let this go. He could move on. He’d done it before. 
Finally, biting back tears and fighting to keep his hand steady, he wrote a simple letter back.
Thank you for your concern, Kazekage-sama. I am doing well, and I hope you are too. I understand that I behaved incorrectly. I should not have said those things. It was misguided and foolish. 
I do not begrudge you your rejection of my flights of fancy. 
Rock Lee
He’d kept it short, afraid that if he’d spent any longer on it he would break and the lie would come spilling from him like his guts. He sent it before he could second guess himself, and he’d forced himself to forget the whole ordeal. He’d hidden Gaara’s letter in his room, beneath a potted plant. 
And life went on, as it always did no matter the cuts and bruises he obtained.
His life fell into a steady rhythm of forgetting that he’d ever loved Gaara of the Desert. He told himself there were no flowers blooming eternal in his heart; he told himself that there was no glass to cut him and that the ache he felt was simply a pulled muscle; he told himself that when he woke up crying, it was not because he’d dreamed, once again, of familiar jade eyes and blood-red hair and the smallest, most wonderful smile he’d ever seen. 
Eventually it would stop--the pain, the longing, the love. It would go away. 
It had to.
Lee told himself that if he just believed it to be true, it would be. And so he told himself lies; told himself that he did not love Gaara anymore than he loved his other friends. Less in fact, he determined. Less. 
And then one day Gaara arrived on his doorstep, and it all came rushing back. The flood gates threatened to break; his heart tried to escape from the old roots of the wild flower growing unattended in his heart; the glass cut deeper. 
“Do you hate me?” Gaara rasped, as though he’d asked this question a hundred-thousand times. 
Lee’s eyes burned. “Not even a little,” he said through tears and the gnawing ache of his heart. “Not even if I wanted to.” 
Gaara’s expression shattered, something within him crumbling. “I--I don’t know how to love like that,” he said, his voice caught on the raw edges of his emotion. “I don’t understand how--how can you love me?” 
Somehow, it all made sense in that moment. Gaara hadn’t rejected Lee. He’d rejected himself, he’d rejected the notion that anyone could love him, because somewhere deep in his heart he still held onto the agony of a little boy all alone in the world.
“How?” Gaara asked, begged, pleaded. He didn’t understand. He hadn’t understood all this time, and Lee, so caught up in his own heartache, hadn’t ever thought to explain. 
“I am so sorry,” he choked out, reaching a tentative hand towards Gaara. He didn’t know if his touch would be welcome, didn’t know what he would do if it was. 
But Gaara seemed to want his touch. His sand sloughed away, revealing darker skin beneath, as he moved in desperate, jerky motions towards Lee’s outstretched hand. Lee froze as Gaara moved into him, as Gaara touched his face with curious fingertips. He wanted to understand, he needed to understand. 
“I wish it were as easy as words,” Lee said quietly, swallowing back emotion that tasted like blood. “I have only truly been in love the one time, you see.” 
Gaara’s fingers did not stop skating across Lee’s face, touching and seeking answers within Lee’s skin. “Show me,” he breathed.
Lee took a step back. “I do not think that is a good idea,” he said, placing his hands against Gaara’s chest to keep him at bay. “I would not want to take advantage of your confusion.” 
The tears that sprang to Gaara’s eyes were born of frustration as much as confusion. “I think about you,” he said, his voice a bare whisper. “I can’t stop. I don’t understand it. The things you said--how--what have you done to me?” 
Tears rolled down Lee’s face in answer, his lip trembling and his voice shaking as he said, “I have fallen in love with you.” 
Gaara shook his head, reaching for Lee, trying to pull him close. “I want to love you,” he said, the words like a gasp. “I just need you to show me.” 
Lee closed his eyes, letting his arms drop from Gaara’s chest so he could close the distance between them. Gaara’s mouth was desperate against Lee’s, a million questions passing from his lips into Lee. It was not a particularly good kiss, it was sloppy and painful and lacked finesse. 
He pushed at Gaara, as gently as he could, stuttering out words through the pain twisting in his chest that made it hard to breathe. “I am... so deeply sorry, Gaara.” 
Gaara shook his head, mutely, trying to pull Lee back to him. But Lee stood firm. He could not allow this to go any further. “Please,” Gaara begged. 
Lee felt that his heart was breaking all over again. “I am sorry, but... I cannot. I love you, I will always love you. But I cannot give you answers like this.” He stepped away, and the pain he felt was reflected back at him in Gaara’s eyes. 
He turned away, unable to stand the sight of the pain he’d caused without giving in, without trying to heal what he’d done. “I hope you can understand. I do not want to hurt you. I think we both need time.”
“That’s all we’ve had,” Gaara snarled, but he didn’t move for Lee. “What’s the point of saying you love me if you won’t show me.”  
Lee swallowed, his throat tight. “This is showing you,” he said quietly. “I know it does not make sense, but... please trust me. If you truly love me, then we can wait. I can wait.” 
“And what if I can’t?” 
Lee looked back over at Gaara, his eyes sad, his last ounce of strength fading. “Then I do not think you really love me.” 
Gaara fled. 
And Lee cried.
Lee believed in so many impossible and wondrous things. Gaara was as impossible and wonderous to Lee as anything ever could be. As impossible and wonderous as love; as beautiful as the unfurling petals of his undying flower; as splendid as the sky at sunset. Gaara was everything Lee could ever want and more.
And Lee believed, and Lee hoped, and Lee prayed that in time Gaara would be able to show him what this impossible feeling meant to him; that one day, Gaara would truly see the endless possibility of Lee and the expanding universes within him.
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