#on vacation for 2 weeks
airinn · 2 months
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a little star collector 🌊✨🐈
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taitavva · 1 year
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using your father's blood money for fun & profit
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ink-ami · 4 months
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I'm late by french standarts but anyway...
They're idiots when it comes to love, even if Furina always had a lot of pretenders and leaving as a human doesn't make it easier...
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Inside the Justice League Ethics Committee Office
Boss: I've got good news, bad news and as yet to be determined news, folks. The good news is that Batman has started therapy.
*very loud celebratory ruckus happens*
Boss: The bad news is that Red Robin is allegedly currently unmedicated
Steve: There goes my vacation
Boss: Lastly, it seems that Red Hood, Arsenal and Robin are going on a "spiritual retreat"
*confused noises abound*
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strawbebbiesart · 10 months
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june/ july / august 💌🥪🦢
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leechs · 6 months
ONLINE STORE: junkiescholar.com
INSTAGRAM: junkiescholar
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
it would be funny in a horrible, helpless way, if I've spent all month in a funk---trying various things to break out of it, or at least do something productive---when I just needed to go back to my parents' house for a second visit and insist I leave early, refusing to take no for an answer.
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smashwolfen · 14 days
Finished results! :D
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Y'all I'm cookin to keep the boredom away, but god do I ever hate hands. Mockups to see what I wanted and then I'll cut out that second one and then trace the lines onto the clean sheet. Once Ingos lined up and Im happy with him, then he'll get coloured with 2 other cards im making for fun of mine and besties OC trainers.
If we can't get a Trainer card of just Warden Ingo then I'll just have to make it myself XD
And for scale!
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Yes they'll be the size of an actual card muehehehehehe eue
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veggiukabu · 3 months
Happy birthday Isagi
Don't do vape, kids. Do wafers instead
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I got cooked yall.
(cooked- physically and mentally)
1. Cause by Thailand's summer temperature
2. Cause by school.
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leascno · 1 year
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a guy walks into a bar
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awyanno · 1 year
When I saw this happen on stream, I knew what had to be done…
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earthfluuke · 1 year
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Episode 16: A Tale of Thousand Stars OUR SKYY 2 (2023)
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utahlive · 11 months
Utahlive are you okay??? I'm a little worried /gen are you alright? Did something happen?
thank you for the concern my friend!! you see what happend was I got a job and died
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wellhalesbells · 9 months
Ummm was that a dinosaur I spotted in those Meg II gifs??? At first I thought it might have been a crocodile but after absolutely no scrutiny I was like: dinosaur.
I might need to actually watch this. Do I need to watch Meg I for it to make sense? Even if I don’t should I watch them both anyway? I’m not going to lie those gifs make it look incredible…
That is, in fact, a dinosaur because Meg 2 was like: well what's better than a seventy-foot shark? And the answer was watching a seventy-foot shark eat a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And they were right.
Yes, you 100% need to watch this and join me in my delusional fantasies - I have now watched this three times in three days, dialogue skeletoned a 5+1 fic and need to find time to watch it yet again so I can make sure my gestures and content are pitch perfect.
You do not need to watch Meg the first for this to make sense, it will just deepen your affection for the legacy characters, which is never a bad. Plus, there are a few callbacks (that make it more of a gay underwater romance) that I missed the first time I watched it (which obviously did not hinder my enjoyment) and on day two, I watched both back to back and caught them. (3.5. This is a movie about sharks eating dinosaurs, underwater research bases, giant carnivorous octopi, Fun Island, and two dads coparenting a teenager who can run circles around them - so just to note: it also does not need to make sense.)
That said, I absolutely recommend watching Meg the first. It was a hoot and it makes Meg the second more fun because once you start off that strong, you have to go wackier, right? Once you get to two, you're like: okay, I know why we are at this level of wacky and you have my stamp of approval.
It is, in fact, incredible. JOMING 5EVA (I gave them a ship name, I think I can do that when - at least last I looked, which admittedly was last week - I've got the only fic going [granted, it is unposted but nOT FOR LONG] and there are less than ten of us, haha.)
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hacksplatter · 11 months
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girl help i cant stop drawing this lead poisoned thing and her hot wife
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Astro Boy poster based on the Urasawa's Monster one
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