#on this plant where you could see the edge of the sky sort of like a dome?
mackmp3 · 7 months
have i mentioned i've been having very detailed and vivid doctor who dreams
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sarahisslytherin · 6 months
•❣•୨୧ 𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠 ୨୧•❣•
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felix catton x reader
summary: after seeing felix continuously surrounded by girls at his birthday party, you try your hardest not to get drunk on jealousy.
contains: jealousy, angst, fluff? oh, and like a million references to drinking.
a/n: this one's for all my fellow retroactive jealousy girlies out there! yey mental illness! wrote most of this at 2am so don't mind the elusive ending.
word count: 0.8k
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the cicadas have been droning on for what feels like an eternity as you wait for felix beneath the minotaur statue at the maze’s heart. the inky sky above you stretches on beyond the garden walls, fractured by an array of white-hot stars. you cross your arms, tap your heel briskly against the earth, indicating your frustration to no one but yourself. all night you’d watched girl after girl fawn over felix, linking their arms into his own, batting their lashes with an evident goal. you couldn’t watch any longer, stomping away towards the maze, wishing for nothing more than to get so lost you would never be found. nevertheless, you have been. 
“so this is where you’d disappeared to.” felix sighs, golden angel wings glimmering in the moonlight. “i’ve been looking for you all over.”
“surprised you even noticed i’d gone.” you scoff.
felix purses his lips. “i’m sensing some tension. what have i done now, hm?” 
he cocks his head at that, a confused look about his features. he holds up an offering, a bottle of fine wine he’s clearly been helping himself to. you refuse it, try teasing him to forget your emotional turmoil, but it comes out all wrong. “wouldn’t you rather get drunk with your fan club?” 
felix wastes no time towering above you, a gentle hand clasping your chin, a soft pair of lips pressing your own. “are you jealous, love?” he asks, and you can practically hear his smirk. “this has to be cutest thing. sure, maybe they were a little enthusiastic, but you know i only have eyes for you.”
“oh, hush!” you whine, swatting his hand away. “why don’t you go bother one of your girlfriends.” you know you’re being petty, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“i only have one.” he says, voice gravelly and stern. “and don’t you forget it.”
felix has grown to be well-versed in the art of comforting you. he knows you often feel insecure or not worth his time, a concept he will never truly grasp, in spite his best efforts. what he doesn’t know is the gut-wrenching feeling of imagining your lover leaving you for someone else. the knowledge that he loved someone else before you, who knows how many. you try to fight it, remind yourself this is a natural thing and in no way his fault.
“i’m sorry.” you click your tongue. “i don’t mean to be annoying or toxic.” your voice takes on an edge, a subtle quiver only a trained ear such as felix’s could detect.
“hey, none of that.” he playfully scolds, enveloping you in strong arms. “you’re the only girl for me, you know that. i’ll remind you as many times as you need.”
“why do i feel like this?” you asked. “you’re nothing but understanding and loyal.”
he gives you a warm smile, plants a kiss atop your head. “it’ll pass, love. trust me.” there’s a silence so heavy neither you knows how to break it.
“want a drink?” he asks, holding up the wine. felix smirks as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. perhaps a bit of humor will do the trick. “in a way you’re kind of an alcoholic, you know, only drunk on jealousy.” 
you give him a roll of the eyes and a faux laugh. “at least i’m not an actual drunk.” you tease as you take the bottle from him. 
“we all have our faults.” he jests. “you feel better?”
“sort of.” you sigh, but you realize it’s a lie as you start to spiral once again. you wonder if you’ll ever be able to harness those feelings of yours that lead you to this state. the jealousy that feeds you manufactured visions of felix`s past, one where he was happier with someone who wasn’t you. one where another person slept on your side of the bed, touched him the way you do. you know it isn’t real (not anymore), but the mind can be quite a convincing thing —
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“love?” you hear felix say, and suddenly you’re on a staircase; your makeup is fresh, the night still young. “you look amazing!” he says proudly as he takes a drag of his cigarette. it’s the first he’s seen of you this evening, and he can’t stop himself from drinking in the sight before him. it was all in your head. now the party has just begun and your mind will not stray. the vicious cycle will not repeat itself. there will be no comforting, no drying of unnecessary tears tonight. you will focus on the man, the angel before you and steer clear of the maze of jealousy. yes, you will get drunk tonight, drunk on open-mouthed kisses, drunk on someone who wants you and only you.
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thenighthekate · 1 year
Am I the one you want ( t.k. )
This little thing, once proud in love and lust, now hides its face and soon it will be dust.
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Her hair was wild, flying around in the wind. Her eyes closed, her back arched, the window rolled down as they sped on the highway. It was late at night, the moon already shining for hours, casting a silver glow above the streets. Stars twinkled in the dark sky, the small light specks reflecting in his eyes.
She turned to look at him, a small smile pulled her lips, a childish look on her face. Her hand reached out to touch his thigh, his gaze suddenly turning from the road to look at her. Tom matched her expression, his own fingers travelling to her head, gently taking a strand of hair and putting it behind her ear.
" Watch where you're going." Her soft voice sounded over the roaring of the car and the radio wich was playing a random tune.
" Don't worry about it." He said with a light laugh, his eyes shifting ahead of him for just a second. She let out a hum, turning back to look out the open window.
Hills and mountains flashed by them, his car speeding further up. It felt like they were getting closer to the sky, the cold night air hitting them in their faces, for a moment it felt like they would reach the clouds.
They came to a stop not far from the drop of the hill, plants littering the area. She opened the door and got out, rocks and sand turning underneath her feet as she walked closer to the edge, her arms folding and holding herself around her waist. She felt calm, the sort of calmness you would feel at the world's end, no backing out.
Tom walked closer to her frame, his chest hitting her back, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder. She could feel his breath meet her neck, his nose inching closer only to be nuzzled in her hair. Light kisses were left on her skin, their bodies swaying left to right.
" When are you going to be all mine?" It came out as a whisper, so quiet and pure he almost didn't catch it. He thought they were done with this conversation, he thought he had answered all the life questions that were clouding her mind.
With a slightly annoyed sigh he stepped back from her warmth, his feet carrying him back to the car, his body leaning against the shiny exterior as he shuffled around his pockets. She turned to look at him, frown upon her face, her eyebrows scrunched and sad eyes staring up at him. " It's not as simple as you think." A cigarette sat comfortably between his lips, a hand cupping the end while he sparked a flame to light it. " Even if I bring up divorce now it's not gonna be another year till I'm single." His tone shifted, now becoming a full dad voice.
The voice was the one he used often, whenever she didn't get something his whole demeanor would switch. Honestly it made her feel small, stupid in the worst scenarios.
" You could give peace a chance for once." She watched as smoke swirled around his head, through the gray clouds his piercing eyes still throwing daggers in hers.
" You're young, have the world in your hands. You should live."
" You're calling me delusional for wanting you?" With every word that left her mouth she stepped closer, poison flowing freely from her lips.
Yet another sigh sounded out from the man in front of her, his forehead creasing, trying to see the girl's mind. " It's not easy for me either, but if I do it now it's gonna create a lot of drama." The cigarette was long forgotten, only the ashy bud was laying on the ground beneath them. " You know I love you, right?" She was at an arm reach, his words thick like honey pulling her closer and sticking her common sense into a bundle. With his arms around her waist, they're noses were almost touching, sharing the same air in between them.
Her lashes fluttered for a second before she nodded, big eyes staring up into the face of her lover.
She knew this cycle would continue, she knew his heart was split between her and the woman who could actually show him off. The woman who got to sleep next to him every night, the woman whose arms he'll always run back to. It was toxic, she knew it. She knew that the older man infront of her would only bring pain, love for a night and an aching heart for the rest of the week. She was stupid, naive, far too young to be expecting to be his first choice.
Part two Part three
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alien-magnolia · 9 months
Mine and His <3
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Fic Description: As a background type scientist, you aren’t very special in the world of Pandora. That changes, when you are noticed by Jake Sully, and fortunately, his rival, Colonel Quaritch. 18+ MDNI!!!
Tw: Implied non-con, power dynamics, dom-coded! Jake sully + Miles Quaritch, sub-coded hyperfem!reader, fingering, Jake/Quaritch talking down to reader/ bimbofication, ownership, major size kink bc human reader.
A/n: this turned out way longer than I thought, and I originally meant to post it on Christmas.its a bit hard for me to consistently post now. Anyways, merry belated Christmas/ holidays, and hope yall enjoy my first time bringing the very (hot) Miles Quaritch to life!! Don’t we love the balance between a young Jake Sully and an older Miles Quaritch <3 I am planning to make a part two with more intense smut! Stay tuned! (this was lacking a bit 😭) alsooo pls help a gorl out and reblog if you like this!!
The moon rose above you as you made your way to the forest, your mask in tow, and your boots. You were meeting Jake at the edge of the forest. He would not want you to venture in alone. Your tiny human form could not take it, as he would say. The Na’vi man was extremely possessive over you. The leaves rustled amongst the wind, bioluminescent crickets danced in the air.
You stand still as the ferns brush against your leg, wondering where your Jake was. You came to Pandora as a sort of background character — always behind the scenes, never noticed, usually brushed to the side. You were apart of the anthropological and religion team, researching and observing Na’vi culture, religion, and social relations and norms.
Every morning, you rose from your cold, metallic, cot, put on your oxygen mask, and worked at the lab from 8-5. Sometimes you would be invited into the community to learn, yet you never lingered around too long. The other scientists were more fluent in Na’vi than you were, and so, they would make a better impression.
It was only until one night, where the half-moon rose and shone over the sky, swirled as if it was cotton candy, was the night where you became noticed. You, made an impression.
~ Three months ago ~
You stayed to observe a Na’vi ritual, one called the “Sun Dance,” where one ingests a hallucinogenic worm in order to have a vision of their fate for the future, their destiny. This ritual served to breach the gap between the sacred and the normal, the ordinary, to alter reality in which a religion exists everywhere — not only in a book or a house. This was Na’vi religion — Animism.
You enjoyed the ritual and truly felt that you were starting to grow connected with the community. However, you were still a bit unfamiliar with the forest, and accidentally happened to wander onto a slippery log — that also acted as a bridge for a deep canyon below. Your tiny human feet stumbled across the bridge, and then slipped. You landed on your stomach, then realizing the vast canyon below — and that you would face sudden death if you were to drop into it. You screamed out in pain as a branch pierced your leg. You hear heavy steps behind you, you pass out.
You wake up beneath a bioluminescent large plant, with its long tendrils gently swaying over your face. You feel something on your leg, and look to see quite a handsome Na’vi man tending to your thigh, which had a large scrape on it.
“Hey. You’re awake. Almost fell there, girl.” You study his features a bit more. His hair is long, black, his eyes a deep yellow. Chiseled jaw, veiny arms, and wide shoulders <3 adorned with an interesting necklace. You muster the courage to speak to this beautiful man in front of you.
“Yes, I — um, sorry. I should have been more careful. I’m still a bit unfamiliar with the forest, although I’ve done many studies here,” you explain to him. “S’alright. I can take you back to your home base, if ya like,” the man offers, his tail swishing a bit. He must have been excited to talk to you. You blush at the note of attention from him, and agree.
The two of you begin walking back, the Na’vi man stopping momentarily to make sure there were no creatures of harm nearby. You learned his name was Jake. Jake Sully. You watch his long braid sway from side to side, like a pendulum, as you walk behind him. The two of you have been talking, sharing your stories, your journeys, what brought the two of you to Pandora, respectively.
“Was a marine, when I first came here. I was trying to pay for my surgery, to well — get my legs back. M’sure you know, the RDA loves screwing everyone over. ‘Specially me,” Jake explained to you, as he led you through the dark, softly glowing canopy of trees.
“So you weren’t very good at school, then, I assume,” you snicker, trying to poke a bit of fun at him. “And you are?,” he retorts back, emitting a deep hearty laugh, a sound you liked. “I do have a PhD, yes,” you giggle a bit as you look to see his reaction. He only huffs, yet you swore you could see a little smile behind that stoic face of his.
The two of you continued to walk back and engage in this somewhat flirtatious banter. He led you back to your lab, wishing you a goodnight.
“Jake, wait,” you touch his arm as he was about to leave, and he flinched, his ears folding back. He turns to you. “I would want to see you again. It would be nice, I think,” you offer, hoping he would take the initiative. “Hmm. Doubt it. You stay safe, miss PhD,” he retorts, and runs off into the forest.
Yet you wouldn’t take his “doubt it” for an answer.
The following night, you ventured again into the forest, hoping to find him. You might as well take a few pictures, hoping to find your way into the Omaticaya village. You did not find your way there, and instead ended up running into a few creatures. Jake saw, luckily, and saved your “prissy lil’ self” (as he called it) again.
Nights with Jake became a regular occasion. Although you and him had more of a fair share of differences, you found it to be true, that opposites attract.
~ Present Day ~
You smiled as you remembered how you first met him. The two of you only went on ‘dates’ together, where he would show you an interesting place he liked in the forest, or take you on a ride on his ikran. Nothing more, just conversation.
Yet, the more you got to know him, the more you wanted him. In a way that surpasses conversations or dates. You really had hoped that tonight, you could go further.
Everything about him was just perfect. His shining eyes, his strong arms, his beautiful voice that made you feel so safe <3.
You hear his footsteps behind you. “Babygirl. How’s my favorite scientist doing?,” he chuckles, his big hands gently gripping your face, giving you a kiss on top of your head. “Good,” you giggle, reaching up to give him a hug. You always have felt so safe in his arms.
“Where are we off to tonight?,” you curiously poke at him as he leads you over a bridge — the both of you hearing the gentle splash of the pond below. “You’ll see, hun. Somewhere real special,” he reassures. Where could this place be? How exactly could you get here, to be spending time with this beautiful Na’vi man, who possibly could be yours??
The anticipation was simply too much to handle. “Wanted t’a bring ya here, to ask somethin’. Was thinkin’ you see, that you could become a true member of the Omaticaya. Pass all our tests and all,” he says, while you lean your head on his shoulder.
You think on it for a bit. “But why, Jake? It would mean that I need a Na’vi body…,” you trail off. “Exactly. Ever since the day I met you, sweetie, I wanted you to be mine. You’re just too goddamn adorable for your own good,” he chuckles. “Can’t make you mine though, officially, without you becoming a tuté (woman) of our people. You will prove yourself to the Tsahik. We will mate, then. For life. You’ll be mine, girl,” he smiles warmly at you.
You agreed, overwhelmed with happiness!! “My Jake, why can’t we mate now?,” you ask, although as a Pandoran anthropologist, you knew the answer. Your human body was no match for his Na’vi strength. If you were to mate now, not only would it be against Omaticaya customs, his sheer power would most likely kill you!!
“Thought you knew the answer there, Miss PhD,” he teases. “How’s about this. I give you a little taste of what’s to come if you join the people of the forest,” his voice shifts to a deeper tone, his eyes a bit hooded now.
A large blue hand the size of your head gently grips your face, turning you towards him. His soft lips plant a few kisses on the top of your head, moving down to your neck. All of a sudden, your oxygen mask gets a little too hot for your face <3 your heartbeat quickens as well.
“Jake…I’d love nothing more than to join the Omaticaya,” you pant, in between breaths as he continues his ministrations. “That’s my good girl. See if those scientists of yours can make you an avatar. Want you to be mine,” he purrs, with a bit of a darker undertone as his large hands squeeze and grope the plush curves of your body — to the point where it’s painful.
You pant and squeal as his fingers trace patterns on your soft tummy, his large face planting a few kisses there as well. “Love this human body, babygirl. Bet your Na’vi one would be even better…,” he praises you. <3
His fingers were getting lower and lower, tracing circles on the hem of your waistband. “Jake…,” you pant out. “Want you…,” a cry, a plea for help. You had no idea how intense your fervor was for him, until now.
“Can’t give you all of me, hun. You can’t take me yet, m’ too big for you. Don’t want ta hurt your pretty little body,” he chastised you, his yellow eyes full of concern.
Just about when you were to agree, to let him give you a taste, that taste that you’ve been waiting for, that taste that your heart (and other parts of you) ached for, the two of you heard a rustling behind, in the bushes.
Out step two steel toed boots, a blue RDA uniform. At first you thought it was someone human — you were surprised to see that it was a Na’vi man wearing the suit. You quickly try to hide, using Jake’s wide chest as a safe haven.
Jake’s eyes burn with rage, disgust. His ears fold back, a low growl escapes his throat, his Adam’s apple moving slightly.
“Miss me, corporal?”
This man had a smug way of expressing himself, hands on his hips. He looked to be a bit older than Jake.
“Forgot about our agreement, all those years ago, Sully?” Jake hissed in response, telling this man, whom he called ‘Quaritch,’ to kindly fuck off.
Quaritch, a man of his word, did not take this as an answer, and continued to move closer.
Until he saw you. He stopped. “Whose this you’ve got here, corporal?” Jake hisses again, standing up this time to shield you from Quaritch. “Leave her out of this,” his tone low, possessive, angry.
“Why don’t you come on out, cupcake?,” his eyes turn towards you. Just like your Jake’s, you saw that they were full of lust, hunger. No affection, though. They were cold, empty. This man was attractive — yes, yet something about him felt off.
Jake reassures you that you don’t have to do it — until Quaritch himself pulls you out from behind Jake’s back. Quaritch circles you, tutting, eyebrows raised.
He turns to Jake. “Got yerself a sweet little toy, huh, Sully? My, my, she’s quite a looker,” Quaritch comments, his voice sickeningly sweet, as his large blue hand plays with your hair. Jake was fuming — ready to start a fight with the man. It was clear that the two had a past rivalry, and never made amends.
It was also clear that the two wanted you.
“How’s about this, corporal? Your little girl here, could very well seal our agreement, don’t ya think?,” he taunts Jake.
“She’s mine, Quaritch. Don’t even think about it.” Quaritch then retorted that it was either this, or his rifle. Jake then agreed.
“Glad we’re on the same page, Sully. She’ll be ours, to share, won’t ya, cupcake? How’s about I show you how we do things where I’m from, hmm?,” his southern accent cooing at you goes straight to your core, between your legs.
You glance at Jake, hesitantly watching. Quaritch then sits down, his giant arms pulling you into his lap, one hand behind your head, the other on your hip.
“Such a pretty girl. Gonna give you something to feel good about,” he chuckles, peppering your face and neck with kisses, his fangs slightly biting into your shoulder as you gasp!!
Jake is infuriated, still watching from the side, although he looks like he is enjoying watching you get ravished by the older Na’vi. Quaritch’s soft lips trail down your soft tummy and waistline, your small hand intertwined with his rough, calloused one.
His fingers trail your waistband — realizing that Jake already pulled off your clothes — your wetness soaked his thigh. <3
“Aww. How cute, pussy’s all soaked f’me. I think I know what she wants,” he taunts you, showing you his big fingers, almost the length of your arm. <3
You nod vigorously, completely forgetting about Jake. “Yes. Please, please, anything,” you beg him. “How’s about you call me sir, hmm, sweet cheeks? More fittin’, don’t’cha think?,” his southern voice drips as if it were melted caramel, seeping through to your inner submission to these beautiful, tall, men.
You were their toy, theirs to own, theirs to play with, theirs to use as they please and see fit. That’s all you could think about, as your tongue hung out, your eyes closed, small hand gripping the watch on Quaritch’s hand, as his two fingers worked and massaged your gummy walls over and over.
You thought of belonging to the two Na’vi men, passed around from the loving arms of your soon to be mate, to the vicious and unrelenting force that was Miles Quaritch, your ‘sir.’ For these two men, you were fine with leaving your life as a scientist behind, just to trail them around.
You were giddy with the thought of it, as you came undone around Quaritch’s fingers, his reassuring words, “let go f’me, cupcake…,” and Jake’s hands behind you, rubbing the small of your back, this was a taste of a life you never knew you wanted.
Now that you had this taste, you were ready to risk it all to keep this.
You fall asleep in Jake’s arms, as Quaritch bids him a ‘till next time,” and your soon to be mate is left wondering what that phrase entails.
Avatar taglist: @aerangi @jake-sullys-whore @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @brioffthegrid
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
“I want you.”
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requested pt 2 of “I’m done talkin”
Talking wasn’t always easy. Sometimes it straight up drains the life out of a person. And you could understand that. You could understand him. Could understand that when life gets to be too much, he’d need the time away to sort things out.
It was only a matter of time before he felt comfortable enough to even be in the same room after what had happened. So he makes his way to the one place he can think.
The rooftop is wide and about ten stories up. The perfect view to overlook the city. The perfect view to think. The area is littered with thriving plant life and budding flowers alike. The rooftop garden is home to the Botany Club at the university but also open to the community.
He’s not crazy about flowers but he doesn’t necessarily hate them either. After all, this is the only place on campus where he could get some much needed peace and quiet. The library was suffocating, the dining hall was a mess and the dorms were a definite no.
You were there. It was Monday. You always got back to the dorms early on Mondays. So he made sure to be gone before you came back. It confuses him really, why he’s so avoidant with you. It’s not like he holds any resentment towards you, there’s just so much going on.
He passes a few of the hydrangea tables with slow steps. His fingers glide on each tabletop he passes, making sure not to bump a flower pot with his fingers. Tiger lilies, chrysanthemums, zinnias and asters rest at each of their designated tables. Some fresh greens hang from thin rope in reach of the four corners of the roof’s open walls.
The billowy wafts of the flora ease his nerves like a superpower. He stops in front of a pot smaller than the rest. The tag resting just before the plant reads “Canna Lily.” The petals a highly saturated red. They almost look fake they’re so bright.
He gets lost in his thoughts, staring idly at the flora. His hands ball up into fists at his sides. Why is thinking about you so hard? Things between you both were always so easy. At least that’s what he’d like to think. He knows he shouldn’t have blown up at you the way he did. There was no rhyme or reason for it. And it feels like such a shit excuse to say he did it because he was “under pressure.”
His fists tighten the more he thinks about everything. Why he’s stressed in the first place has nothing to do with you. He shouldn’t have let his own emotions drag you into it. The last bit of sun peaks through faded clouds that resemble stretched cotton. Soft pinks and oranges tone the sky as the large star begins its slow descent to night.
He lets go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. The issue lies within himself and he knows that. He knows he should be man enough to own his mistakes and rectify all that he’s broken. He turns his head, no longer looking at the small flower, but over his shoulder at the person who had just stepped onto the rooftop.
Pausing at the door, you look at the figure in front of you. The man you hadn’t seen in nearly three weeks. The feeling is sudden and visceral as your heart feels as if it’s dropped into your stomach.
His eyes are hardened and yet so, so sorrowful. Like he’s trying to mask as much as he can. Without a single word, he tears his gaze from you and walks to the edge of the rooftop, propping and crossing his arms on the railing. His left foot crosses his right at the ankle as he puts his weight on the cement railing, gazing out at the view of the city.
The perfect view to think.
The perfect view to talk.
He doesn’t have to look to know you’ve followed close behind, position the same as his but you’ve put yourself at a wider distance. He can see the intentional space between you both in his peripheral. A displeased grunt rumbles from deep within his chest.
“Why’re you so damn far.” It’s more of a statement than a question. He clasps his hands together, still resting on the railing, hanging loosely from the wrist onto the other side.
“Wanna give you space.”
Your voice burns in his ears. A sound he’s missed although he’ll never admit it. Soft and yet so unsure. As if you’re not even convinced the words you say are the words you mean. He’d waited so long to hear from you. But not like this. Not with this dejected tone.
He swallows the budding lump in his throat and takes a deep breath before exhaling. If there’s anything he’s taken from his time with you, it’s the newfound habit of self-soothing. Calming his nerves so he can express himself properly. He hadn’t done it before and that’s what got him in this mess. So he’s sure as hell gonna do it now.
“I don’t want space.” He clenches his jaw tightly, a vein just under his jaw twitching with strain.
“Then what do you want?” What does he want?
“I want you.” A beat passes. “Us,” he corrects. He props his elbows up and cups his face in his hands and slowly slides them down over his eyes, nose, and lips before they’re gripping onto the railing for dear life. “The shit I said before—shit—I shouldn’t’ve took it out on ya. Had nothin’ to do with you and shoulda stayed that way.”
He clears his throat as he’s met with your silence. It only fuels him to express more. “I wasn’t lying to you though. About not being good at expressin’ my emotions and shit. M’ not good at it… but I’m tryin’. And I think as long as I’ve got you in my corner I’ll keep tryin’. So,” he takes another deep breath, “I guess what I’m sayin’ is… m’sorry.”
A long, lingering silence envelopes the two of you with an unmistakable chill. He finds the will to turn his head to look at you only to find that you’re already looking at him with a gaze so intense it leaves him confused. Are you mad? Upset? Both?
Well, that is until he sees a stray tear slip from the corner of your eye. His eyes zero in on it and he feels something in his resolve break. It’s the first time he’s ever seen you cry (if you can call one tear crying). He’s seen you pissed, agitated and annoyed but never this.
You wipe the rogue tear away and look back at the fading sky as night begins to fall.
“I miss us too Katsuki.”
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Hello me again! Okay so I want to ask for a possible PT 2 of the enderman gn reader?
I'll give ideas for you!
Okay let's say wally has this bully in the neighborhood and one day the bully was getting physical, pushing wally into a tree in the forest
He silently calls for reader in his mind...
And all of a sudden they hear the loudest streak they ever heard and staticky sound sort of like what the enderman sound makes when looked at in the game and they just see reader mad with her mouth like almost wide open eyes glowing purple with anger ready to pounce,
But of course the bully runs away before reader could do anything, like they would anyway it's just a thread...
From: a new friend 🌛 aka moon
To you💖
I’ve been wAiTIng for this one like i just- okay just enjoy 😚
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It’s been some time after the colorful neighborhood was met with a very tall and grey scaled ender-person! And everyone is so happy to have you around.
You would help out with pretty much everything. Bring dirt blocks for projects, help with repairs, reaching fruit on trees, you were a big help!
Out of all the neighbors, Wally is the one that spends most time with you. You two are Inseparable, one will not be seen without the other.
Today, you were helping Sally decorate her stage, holding her up so she could hang some last minute decorations. “There! Oh, this is so exciting, isn’t it, Y/n?”
You purr excitedly and smile, setting Sally down as Julie, Frank and Eddie come over with the last added touches and snacks.
“Now it’s time for everyone to come over!” Julie cheers, setting the plate of cutely cut up fruits. “Where’s Wally?”
“He wanted to get some apples from his apple tree him and Y/n planted.” You nod along with Barnaby.
Suddenly you hear something and look towards it’s directly; the forest. Your ears ring out as you focus on it, getting bad energy you attract twitching.
“Y/n! Stop it!” You didn’t realize that the space around you was glitching and shifting along with an ear-booming static sound. You ignore them, that’s Wally’s voice you’re hearing, he’s in trouble!
———with Wally———
“You’re pathetic, nothing without your pet.” Wally flinches at every word like a stab to his body, backing up while holding the two apples he was gonna share with you. But his unlikely friend thinks otherwise.
“I don’t understand, why are you doing this?” Wally tried to be nice, he is nice, so why are they being so mean to him? Was it something he did? “You still haven’t told me what i did to hurt you?”
“Ugh! You’re so annoying!” They push Wally back into the big tree, making him trip and fall back. “How about that? That’s what you did to hurt me; being annoying.”
Wally can’t show weakness. He needs to stay strong, he can’t show that they get to him. He did nothing wrong so he won’t apologize. He did nothing. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt him, the words and the shove.
Wally sees the bully retreat their hand back for a strike but Wally shuts his eyes tightly.
‘Help me, Y/n, please..’
A loud bloodcurdling streak echos around them, making both stop and look around. Static follows and a portal like shape in mid air and two long, sharp claws wrap around the edges of the portal and you slowly come out with a snarl, static much more defined and loud now that you’re here. Wally covers his ears and watches you crawls out of the portals and stand on all fours in front of him.
The bully looks up at you with fear in his eyes as you growl a low and deep growl your eyes glowing brightly and opening your mouth inhumanly wide revealing the purple glowing abyss. The bully tries to run but you quickly took ahold of him and threw them up in the sky, flipping them over and caught they leg. Screaming at you to stop you dangle them over your mouth slowly lowering them and ignoring their pleads and trashing.
“Y/n! Stop!”
You were about to chomp down your mouth when a voice stops you, snapping your head over you see Wally holding his hand out to you to stop. Now that he has your attention, the static sound and glitching stop, he gives a small scared smile. “..drop them, okay? I’m alright, just, drop them.”
He’s scared? Of you? No..he’s not..oh no. You quickly but reluctantly drop the bully sending them one last glare as they run away.
Now your normal cute self, you crouch down and reach out for Wally but retreated your hand back when he flinches away. Is he really scared of you? Punishing you for scaring them? Isn’t that what he wanted? You cooed at him in question your big eyes looking straight at his. The fear is noticeable in his eyes. You looks down and move to sit on your knees and set your chin down at the ground as an apology you’re glowing purple eyes looking up at Wally for forgiveness.
But honestly how could anyone not run up to you and hug you? Wally slowly walks over and sets his small hand on your cheek hearing you purr and leans against his hand. That’s what did it, he sighs and hugs your cheek. “Gee, I can never stay mad at you, can I?”
He didn’t expect a response as your body is now wrapped around him protectively. He sighs again and smiles, nuzzling closer to you.
You’re his protector. And he’s not complaining.
How was that? Good? I like it. Also where have I been?! I was taking a small break hope that was okay?
Anyways I’m back I’ll finish up the actor AU and start on more request until then bye! Drink some water, turn the pillow around, stretch but not too much and eat a snack! Love you bye!!🫶🏼
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darlingsfandom · 10 days
Reader being a villain whos like poison ivy and mix of johnathan but she uses other peoples lust and desires against them . No one not even crane suspects his co worker in arkham using posion ivys mating pollen against him while to others shes sweet as sugar behind closed doors sadistic yet likes her boss . She even knows cranes secret as scare crow and uses it as a leverage in a way (fun idea)
I like this!
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TW: mean fem dom! mentions of violence , cock riding, drugging, cream pie! Swearing, not proofread .
This was requested before the inbox was closed .
There’s the old saying that looks can be deceiving and in your case it’s true! No one would bat an eye at you and think the worst. How could little ole you ever hurt a fly? Your neighbors thought highly of you, you were the one who made cookies when someone new moved in, the who planted beautiful flowers in her garden, the who who volunteers at the soup kitchen all while being a full time physician at the asylum which no one ever wanted to end up in but sometimes we don’t always get what we want.
“Dr. y/l/n ?” You perked your head up from your paper work on your desk to see Dr. Crane standing there with a file in his hand.
“Yes? How can I help you?” You pushed your glasses up with your pen before tossing it down and getting out of the chair to meet him.
“I have a new patient for you. Chronic masturbater with mommy issues.” He handed you the file. You arched your eyebrow while reading the file only to close it with a snap and sigh.
“Let me guess, I’m getting him because I’m the only female here.”
“Well yes, a smart attractive female with authority!” Crane cleared his throat before walking away quickly. You rolled your eyes in annoyance before throwing the file onto your desk. It always the gross men that landed in your lap. Although crane did make a good point even though you hated it.
That was the thing about Crane, better known as Dr.Johnathan Crane the top psychiatrist in all of Gotham he had a certain aura about him. It was as if no one else could pick up on it because everyone was charmed by him and even you were charmed but you knew deep down it was a facade. The way he carried himself with confidence and cockiness it was interesting to the naked eye.
You sat back at your desk flipping through the file before you got back up to walk up to the roof. You stood at the edge watching all the people below shuffle around quickly, slowly, all sorts of action going on but that’s not why you were standing there. You followed a crane from above. A man is only as smart as he believes he is. He hid his own secret but he underestimated how smart you actually were. Men are just messy little play toys to you that you’ve used for your own pleasure and Crane was about to be the next one.
You watched him scurry to his car and look for something frantically but when he couldn’t find his silly little mask you chuckled to yourself while spinning it on your finger. The sky started to turn black making you smirk before walking to the edge of the roof and leaned over it. A whistle left your lips making Crane look up at you but he couldn’t make out that it was you. It couldn’t be you. His eyes were playing tricks. He ran as fast he could towards the building but by the time he made it inside you were already back in your office studying the file again.
“Can I help you?” You asked looking up at a breathless Crane who was standing against your door frame.
“You’ve been here the whole time?” He couldn’t believe it.
“Where else would I go? You gave a new patient to study.” You rubbed the bridge of your nose in disbelief . Crane approached you and placed his hands on your desk. The two of you didn’t speak a word before he gripped your cheeks and squished them together.
“Whistle for me!” He demanded
“I can’t , never learned how.” You spoke through the squished cheeks. He tilted his head, squinted and pulled away before fixing his posture and pushing his glasses up with his finger. “Doctor crane please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think it would be best if you had a seventy two hour psych hold.” You stood up and circled your desk until you were face to face with him. “I believe you’ve gone mad.” You tried to touch his face but he back handed your hand away.
“I haven’t gone mad!” “
“Oh sweetheart,” you gave him a pathetic pout. “You’re saying one thing but your body language is saying otherwise.”
“I am perfectly capable of determining my own mental status!” He barked at you before slamming the door shut. You smiled as he left because you got him so worked up that the sweat from the palm of his hands was on your desk. You scraped it off with a gloved finger and put it in a little tube.
The storm outside was pouring against the windows making you feel good. The clock on your wall read seven which meant everyone would’ve gone home besides Crane which is what you wanted. After making your way downstairs to your other office you slipped into something a little more comfortable that left almost nothing to the imagination. Just like crane you had your own mask but it didn’t cover your whole face, it was almost like Miss Poison Ivy’s if it were mixed with Cat Woman’s. You pulled your hair back and laced it with herbs you’ve crushed into a love/lust powder. You took the tube with Cranes DNA and mixed it into the potion you had created specially for him. The cool air brushed against your warm skin as you walked down the hallway to cranes office upstairs.
At first you waited outside the door before slowly opening it and tossing in a small ball the let out a mist to knock him out.
“What the hell?” He spoke before his body gave out and collapsed to the floor. You had a little bit of an issue pulling him down the hall until you got to an examination room. While he was passed out, you got him into a straight jacket and perched up on the bed.
When he slowly started to wake up, you took out the little potion tube and waved it in his face. His eyes came into focus to see you standing there with a wicked smile. You squeezed his cheeks together forcing his mouth open so you could pour the sweet liquid down his throat. Once it was gone you made him swallow before he snarled at you.
“Now is that anyway to behave?” You licked his cheek before tossing the tube out the window causing it to shatter against the ground.
“What have you done to me?” Crane started to struggled against the jacket.
“Just relax and soon you’ll be on cloud nine.” Your hands cupped his face before you kissed him. After a quick kiss you licked his bottom lip before stepping back and smirking before a chuckle bursted out of you.
“What’s so funny?”
“All of you men are the same. It doesn’t matter what your status in life is , the second lust takes over your body it’s over. You see Dr.Crane you hold the title of the smartest man in all of Gotham but whoever said man was the smartest creature?” You circled around him and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You walked over to examination tray and pulled off his mask before tossing it in his lap.
Panic was written all over face with the fabric sitting there.
“I know your little secret and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” You played nice with him. Your hands ran over the straight jacket before you straddled his lap. He watched you with glazed eyes. “Play with me scarecrow .” Your voice was like honey as he nodded in agreement. Crane was raging with lust as he felt your hands run down his back.
“I’ll play with you anyway you want.” His breath hitched when you pressed your soft lips against his pulse point in his neck. You bit down hard enough to draw some blood making him twitch all over. “Please! Again!” He whimpered. The great Dr. Crane was whimpering below you and you couldn’t help but grin against the bruised skin.
“Oh would you look at that sweetheart…” you pulled away and stood up. Crane let out another whimper at the loss of you on him. You undid his belt , pulled down his pants along with boxers and listened to him hiss when the cool air hit his harden cock. “Pathetic.” You clicked your tongue. “Claims to be so smart that he’s better than an average man but your cock says otherwise!” You spit on your hand before wrapping it around the shaft and slowly jerked him off.
“Fuck! It feels good!” Crane looked at you with pleading eyes.
“I’m sure it does.” You pulled away your hand. “Now here’s the deal, I won’t tell anyone that you’re scarecrow if you partner up with me. Think about it. We’d be the hottest couple in all of Gotham. Your fear toxin mixed with my lust potion we’d do so good together.” Your fingers grazed his cock making him groan. “The choice is yours darling, be with me and we can eliminate all the issues that fill our city or I tell everyone your secret.” You licked his bottom lip again before you put your leg over his waist and delicately rubbed your wet pussy against his hard cock.
Crane moaned at the feeling. He wanted to give in to the temptation he really did but he was also fighting it until he felt you sink yourself down on his cock and wrap your arm around his neck.
“Say it baby, say you want me!” You pulled him closer as he started whining at how you rode his cock.
“Fuck I want you! I need you!” He was on cloud nine as you had promised. The way you were riding his cock made his brain fuzzy. You were holding the back of his neck as you swirled your hips in a figure eight style until something snapped in him. It was as if he could think clearly again but the smell of sex filled his nose again making him think like a man. “Fine! I’ll be your partner.” He sounded normal again.
You stopped riding him for a second only to start bouncing on his dick. He watched you fucked yourself using him for your pleasure and he couldn’t lie he enjoyed how pretty you looked with your mouth gapped open and eyes piercing through the darkness around them. Both of you could sense what was happening between the two of you and for once Crane would admit he met his match. The way you dug your nails into the straight jacket made him bite his lip because how sharp were your nails? Your orgasm was on the edge and so was his.
With a fast snap of your hips clenching around his cock he was whining with the toss of his head. He looked back down at you to look into your eyes as he filled you with cum. You rode him until your own orgasm crashed over you soaking his cock, balls and thighs. Both of you stayed silent until you pulled off to see his messy cock and to his surprise your mouth was on his cock cleaning up the mess of the mixture. Crane couldn’t believe this was happening.
You licked him clean before tucking him back into his pants. Crane sighed as you stood up straight licking your lips and blew him a kiss. He tilted his head as he tried to take off the jacket.
“Oh no honey, you need to relax.” You breathed into his ear before licking the shell of it. “I think it would be best if you had a seventy two hour hold.” You smirked against his ear before you started to walk out of the room. It dawned on him who it was that had just fucked him into a partnership.
“Wait a minute !” He yelled out making you turn on your heel. You stood in the door way still in that sexy outfit that he couldn’t take his eyes off.
“This means I know your secret too!” He thought he had you on the ropes.
“And I know yours, the difference is… you’ve killed for your pleasure as to where I give those what they need… a sweet release.” You blew him a final kiss as he sat there too stunned to speak. How could his sweet little doctor with the face of an angel be so mischievous ? He couldn’t figure it out now but soon enough he would when the two of you would become gothams hottest couple.
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decarabiandivorce · 3 months
Day 5: Flowers / Summer Breeze
Summer was horrible no matter how many years passed by. Despite wearing a rather breezy outfit, Venti felt like he was going to die.
So there he was, laying on the ground underneath Vennessa’s symbol’s branches. The newly planted tree provided a bunch of shade, the delicious smell of home laid within its leaves. Sweeter than honey and warmer than nectar, but the dastardly heat destroyed any hint of serenity. Curse whatever god thought this was a good idea.
The anemo god summoned a breeze, but even the winds around Mondstadt did not want to move. Understandable, but the archon was suffering here! The squire- now Lord Ragnvindr was busy today, his kin were busy harvesting and he had banned the wind wisp from bothering them today!
Venti wanted to sob. He was alone! Alone and Suffering! It’s toooooo hot!!!
He can’t even summon the strength to strum his strings! Nor words could form in his mind! Nothing but emotions rising like the heat.
Yet salvation smiled upon the bard, as he felt the breeze of wings flapping down near him.
“Dvalin!” Venti smiled at his friend.
“Barbatos.” Dvalin said back.
Venti complained, “It's so hot! Why are summers so hot! Why can’t it be spring or fall! Heck! I think even winter would do me well!”
Dvalin snorted, his tail wrapping around the giant tree. Venti moved from the grass to the stones near his friend’s snout. “I don’t see why you can’t fly to somewhere colder.”
Venti put his arms around him, “Tired… I’m going to die here… I’m going to melt into a little Venti puddle. Woe! W-Ahahaaa!” Dvalin flapped his wings, sending a nice cool breeze towards the archon’s face. Falling down from the strength of his winds, Venti looked up at the aqua dragon with nothing but familiar love.
“Get on my back.”
Dvalin rolled his eyes, and lowered his body ever so slightly. Eyes full of sparkles, Venti hopped on top of the dragon, barely having enough time to grip the azural feathers before the dragon leaped. Venti laughed and screamed at the sudden acenseion, the winds of Mondstadt saying goodbye as the duo zoomed.
Before long Dvalin’s pace slowed, allowing Venti some grace to lay on his back.
The clouds looked peaceful. The sky looked lovely. The heat may be killing him at the moment, but with every second he flew side by side with his east wind, it was pure bliss.
With the falcon of the west having ascended, he should make plans for the three of them to fly like this.
Looking down and holding Dvalin’s body by his legs, the endless ocean beyond Mondstadt looked refreshing.
“Inazuma is over there.” Venti muttered.
“I know!”
“…?” Where was he taking him.
More water greeted him.
Creatures of all sorts lived in these depths- far away from any boat. What was in this area that Dvalin was so eager to show him?
Then he saw it.
The peaks of land- no. An Archipelago.
“Woah!” Venti called out. There was no map in the nations he visited of such a place! A brand-new section of land only known to Dvalin? That’s so cool!
Then he felt it.
Something… was…
“Those trees are only grown in Mondstadt.” Venti muttered as Dvalin approached the islands.
“It smells like home here.” Said Dvalin. “Also, the sea mist grants such a nice coolness to the area.” Venti hopped down from his friend’s back, the beaches of this place was much cooler than Mondstadt’s- while being warm enough to make him want to lie down like a cat. Practically on cue, Dvalin rested on a large section of rock as Venti explored the area.
Flapping his wings and closing his eyes, he called out to any winds living in this area. Nothing. No… only faint traces of wind- like messages carved on wood.
The summer breeze was friendly, greeting him like an old friend. “Don’t you remember, newborn god?”
He kneels down to the edge of one of the islands, the rock too smooth for natural erosion. Windcut. Windcarved. Windswept.
A being with anemo made these islands...
A being with anemo used Mondstadt’s geography to make-
Venti’s face turns redder and redder, wishing to sink into the dirt as a memory of his youth pops into his brain. The sea breeze laughs in his head as the anemo archon collapses. These were no ordinary islands! These were mountains! His mountains!
“Ugh….” He is never going tell Morax this.
Wait no.. he probably should. Get them called neutral land or something. It’s not like anyone in Mondstadt is going to use them with them being so far far far away. Perhaps he could name them something like “Haar Islands” and be done with it.
As the anemo archon recovered from the heat in his face and from the sun, he looked towards his close friend enjoying this sanctuary. Perhaps this heat wasn’t so bad after all.
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trigunwritings · 2 years
Hey! Saw your new blog! Lovely layout! Anyway, if your accepting requests can I please have a request of vash traveling with a time traveler that claims they are from 21st century earth but are now stuck on Norman land? Maybe she tells him stories of all the wonders of the world?(huge trees that touch the sky, thousands of flowers of different colors, all the different types of donuts that exist, water that comes from the sky in such huge amounts it could flood a valley, volcanos that spew hot lava and giant glaciers of ice that float in giant pools of water) they just tell each other stories of their adventures on their respective planets while vash also teaches his time traveler buddy all the stuff about Noman land. Much thanks!
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Vash's eyes fill with glittering awe as the words of home continue to fall from your lips. Of Earth. What had once been idle conversation to fill the awkward and empty air quickly became stories of things that had, at least at one point, been completely normal to you. As normal as things could be to a person who had been whisked away from everything familiar and safe in the blink of an eye. Even weeks after the fact, you still clutch onto the dire hope that you're simply dreaming a fantastical, horrifying dream.
"So you're telling me it could rain so much that it could fill up this entire gorge?"
The man's tone had not faltered from childish disbelief for a moment since deciding to tell him of the various wonders of Earth—it is so different from this... place, this No Man's Land of endless desert and scorching heat.
The fact that anyone could even survive upon such an inhospitable planet is beyond understanding.
Your eyes glance from one side of the rocky landscape to the other, then up towards where the edges of the rocks jut into the amazingly bright sky. Several meters high and several more wide at least. Idly, you wonder what could have happened in the history of this planet to create such a formation if rain was not the maker.
Nonetheless, you nod and look towards him again. "Easily," you say with a smile nearly forced. "There are plenty of places on Earth where the rain would fall so quickly that the ground can't absorb it quick enough—even in the desert. I think they were still called flash floods."
"Would it rain like that everywhere?"
"Oh no, not everywhere," you say, tapping a finger to your chin. "Lots of places didn't get so much rain that it washed everything away. There were forests and jungles, meadows and mountains—have you ever even seen a tree?"
"A tree?"
The blonde looks utterly befuddled by the word, though there's a thin veil of... recognition? He doesn't offer anything besides a look of genuine interest as that expression fades away, and you're not sure if you had simply misread him, and merely nod.
"A tree. It's tall and full of bright green leaves usually—Earth had all sorts, some were so huge you couldn't see the top, others grew fruit like apples and oranges."
You take a moment or so before glancing down towards your feet. There isn't even a tuft of grass, a sprig of green; dead or alive, there isn't an inch of plant growth to be found.
"Trees and grass... and bushes and flowers—never thought I'd be this desperate to even just see weeds or some cactuses."
Vash blinks, looking both as if he understands and doesn't at the same time, but before he can say anything the ground suddenly starts to shake beneath your feet. Not hard; it feels like a gentle rumbling as opposed to anything else, but fear rolls down your spine all the same.
"What-" you say, trying desperately to figure out if the shaking is coming from something large moving outside of what you can see within the valley of the gorge. "What is that? An earthquake?"
"Earthquake?" Vash sounds too amused, but lays a hand on your shoulder to steady you—perhaps more emotionally than physical. "That's just a sand-worm. Big one, I bet. They don't tend to surface in rocky places so I don't think we need to worry about anything."
A dozen questions immediately surface about nearly every word that came out of the man's mouth, but you shove them down so as to nod in silent acceptance of his answer. The rumbling continues for at least a minute before eventually calming down, leaving the ground beneath your feet still once more.
Vash removes his hand from your shoulder and adjusts himself, flashing a grin that looks almost stupidly energetic on his face.
"See? Nothing to worry about."
You simply remain silent, brows furrowing just enough over your downturned eyes that the stress must have looked obvious enough; your traveling partner quickly makes a noise to get your attention and gestures widely with his hands as he talks.
"Look, we're way too small to be considered any kind of good eating to a sand-worm like that—those things mostly eat tiny bug that live deep in the dunes out in the open sea anyway."
"Sea?" The confusion grabbed you so quickly that there wasn't a moment to be concerned over the horrible way Vash had described such a monstrous thing—humans were too small? You narrow your eyes at him and tilt your head to the side. "What do you mean sea?"
He meets your confusion with some of his own, echoing the expression across your face.
"I mean... the open sand," he explains with a useless wave of his hand out towards the end of the gorge the two of you had entered from, where the sand dunes rolled on for miles upon miles. "No town for days, just dunes and stuff."
"That's...a desert."
Vash only looks more confused as you try to clarify his choice of words. It leaves you wondering if, perhaps, there's been a defined shift in what he means from your use of the language.
"A sea is a large body of water," you finally explain, uselessly trying to conjure up flashes of memories in your mind as if that would help you describe it perfectly into words he could connect with. "Like, huge. They're hundreds of miles wide at the smallest and deeper than anyone could ever swim. They have dolphins and whales and squids—"
"Are you sure you're not making some of those words up?" Vash asks with a chuckle, but you ignore him in favor of trying to finish your thoughts.
"—and we'd have huge ships that could sail across them, sometimes people would spend vacations on fancy cruises or— or scientists would find all sorts of new animals we never knew existed! They were huge and deep and filled with water and not sand—"
As your words turn less explanatory and more frantic, you swear that the world starts to shake just a little bit. Or maybe that's just you shaking, brain unable to wrap around the fact that this never-ending desert is not home, it's not Earth, and you are far, far away from anything even remotely familiar to you.
To this, Vash finally seems to take a step towards you, face empty of humor and instead filled with a look of soft concern.
"Hey hey hey—" his hands fall on your shoulders just hard enough that the pressure snaps your mind out of its whirlwind of worry. "Don't start thinking too much about it. I promise I don't think you're lying, not at all."
Your eyes meet his own for several long seconds. Even through the tint of his glasses, you can't help but feel comforted by the soft blue-green of the man's eyes, mirroring a perfectly clear sky and filled with an assurance so strong you couldn't help but feel calmed at least a little.
"...I miss it," the words gently mumble past your lips. "All of it. Earth."
"There's nothing wrong for someone to miss home," he whispers in return, soft tone nearly lost in the wind blowing through the gorge and whistling its lonely reminders. "And I'll do everything I can to make sure you go back to it, okay?"
Your face bounces with a nod after a few seconds, temporarily comforted from the anxiety biting at the edges of fragile thoughts.
"Please," you say, gentle and firm, "Don't make promises you can't keep."
Vash is silent for a moment. At first you think he's going to say nothing and merely change the subject or hurry the two of you to keep moving before the day turns too hot—but instead, the grip of his hands on your shoulders grow tight and hard, just short of uncomfortable.
"Don't worry." The words are simple, and there's a smile on his face. "I won't."
It's a painful, honest smile.
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azulsluver · 2 years
Twisted Tales In The Dark
A Grave For Two        Halloween event! 
tw: yandere, being buried alive, gore in general, graphic violence, major character deaths, decapitation, use of UM, body horror.
❥ featuring the five grave keepers; Riddle, Trey, Cater, Ace, Deuce.
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On the edge of consciousness, you are barely able to move a muscle. You don’t think you were breathing at the moment but everything felt cramped, mind scrambled and fuzzy. Not even a moment to consider your surroundings as soon as panic took over. Hands thrust forward to have your palms slammed against a solid barrier, kicking frantically as you struggle to call for help.
Your body is incredibly sore and In pain, the beating of your heart doesn’t stop as you try to feel what's around you. You try to calm down the burning sensation frazzling your mind; you let your fingers push upwards. Testing the weight and pressure you’re surprised to see how old and light the thing blocking you was. With all of your weak kicking and pushing did some damage at least, you tried once more with a sense of hope. As small as whatever place you were trapped in, you had enough room to bend your knees before kicking upwards.
A light dims from the cracked wood you busted, illuminating moonlight as your source of sight. To your accusations, there was no dirt or any heavy object on top of your…casket? Shivering in adrenaline, sweat rolls off your forehead as you kick once more to break the whole lid off. It didn’t take long before it went flying out from a final blow, pushing yourself back down as a reward for a job well done.
Fog oozes down to where you lay, the sky is gloomy and protected by a sort of glassware. The air is now cooler and lively, but the smell of earthy plants and such forces you to stand up. With wobbly legs and tired limbs, you look around to make sure no one has seen you emerge from the grave. There are many tombstones and lighted Jack-o-lanterns in odd areas. Speaking of odd, your casket is isolated from everything else, hidden by many grown trees and unique plants you haven’t seen before. The area is spacious and you’re lulled into the scenery of a very beautiful botanical garden. You know the place isn’t familiar, however, trying to remember what took place before. Making out the party lights, drinks, and something about a book.
Taking the time to sit under a tree away from open areas, you think until your brain blows out from your ear. Your mind makes up imagery of the book one of your friends held, old yet well kept, the deep royal purple of the cover and the cursive writing. You knew something was fishy with it, with all the cool and scary stories in it you brushed off the fact it had a whole summoning spell. Groaning, you kick your feet in anger at the situation. How unlucky were you? You didn’t mean to walk in the middle of it, nor did you mean to grab the book from flying across the room. The book.
“OH MY GOD, THE BOOK.” You slapped a hand over your mouth. Looking left and right to see if anyone heard you.
“Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like it came from over there.”
You hurriedly stand up from your spot and find a bushy area, careful to not let any branch snag on your clothes. Laying low, you move some of the leaves to create a little peaking hole, sucking your breath and leaning forward. Two men dressed in black attire come into view.
“This wasn’t here before...Where have those thieves gone?” The one crouching down to inspect the ruined casket spoke, it was hard to see his face behind the veil but his hair was some shade of blue.
Taking in their figure, you try not to gawk at the sudden realization of the two. The first story to be read is of terrifying grave keepers, a group of foolish youngsters who had decided to enter a forbidden and cursed graveyard. And now they’re in front of you, wearing an outfit so fashionable you felt a little jealous.
“Maybe Cater buried someone here, although it is supposed to be under the earth where it belongs… That ghostie could now be roaming these graves, best we hurry and find those pests before they ruin anything else.” The man beside him rants, tapping his chin before grabbing his companion by the arm.
You stay there for a bit before making sure they were far from where you were. Hearing the two bicker in the distance. Pounding your fist underneath you in annoyance, you quickly got up to your feet and dusted off your clothes. If you wanted to find a way out you needed to understand what you were dealing with. Five grave keepers aren’t exactly friendly to the living, you can recall the book mentioning something about two trespassers entering the solemnly haunted graveyard. As alluring as it is you couldn’t help but scoff at their wrongdoing by ignoring the warning signs. They were gonna die sooner or later.
Now you thought of it, they were gonna die. Brutally attacked and buried against their will, chills ran down your spine. Was it possible to save these two from their demise?
“AUGH gotta put me first.” Clenching a fistful of your hair in frustration, you look at the floor thoughtfully. Your hands grip the soft patches of grass and pull, dirt and bits flying and dirtying your hands furthermore. You take a fistful of dirt and smear it on your face, making sure your clothes have the same treatment. 
If you wanted to stay alive you needed a plan. Find the two trespassers and pretend to be a ghost wanting to help them escape. That way maybe they would have a clue about a book! God, you’re so smart. Patting yourself on the back, you wonder if you should still hide away from the grave keepers. Would they be fooled by your silly plan? Maybe if you acted more stupid and have no clue what you were doing there would work, the risk has you rethinking your plan once more. Moving along the shadows of the trees and plants, you take the time to scout and admire the scenery. Trying your best to ignore the large piles of dirt stacked on top of each other, it’s best to not think of it if you prioritize your sanity. You followed a path that led to a small bridge before seeing a gate decorated with many jack-o-lanterns up ahead.
You thought about dashing for it but the fact you would have nowhere else to go, you didn’t want to die from starvation or getting recklessly killed by any other monster. To make matters worse you just remembered they locked the doors ever since they were alerted of trespassers.
“Stupid people…” Grumbling under your breath, you snap your head at the sound of voices coming from behind an isolated shack. 
You were so ready for this, crouching and sneaking over to a hidden area to see what the bickering was about now. You only recognize the two you saw earlier, ginger and blue hair. But now there were two more, one taller than the rest while holding a shovel. The other one beside him was seen bending down and arguing with the two. It was getting a little annoying since you don’t know their names, the book never mentioned any names.
“No I didn’t bury anything over there, why don’t you stop worrying about that and find those thieves eh?” Such sass, the blonde-haired one flicked the blue-haired on the forehead. For killers, they act so regularly as humans that it makes you reconsider the actual danger.
“Come on, Riddle would kill us before we can find them. And I don’t know about you guys but I like my head very much, see, pretty nice looking.” The ginger flexes his head weirdly before getting a pinch from his friend beside him. “This is a serious matter, I don’t like the fact a random casket appeared out of nowhere and we looked over the place. Riddle wouldn’t be happy if he found out some ghost decided it was a good idea to break their casket.” The blue-haired looks down in defeat, squatting down to dramatically sigh.
“Deuce has a point. Now we don’t have just two humans alive but three, how troublesome~” Sweat starts to pick up on you again, they know you’re alive and out there. Biting the inside of your cheek, you lean more to hear the conversation better.
“Maybe.” The one with green hair finally talked. His voice is soothing, scaringly.
“Maybe they're here right now. With us.”
Their heads are in sync as they look toward your direction, even with their veils on you can feel their eyes staring straight at you. Feeling your heart quickening, you bite down a gasp and slowly back away. Impressive, but you were so sure you stayed hidden. As you were backing up something solid stopped you from moving any further, looking up to see a pair of green eyes staring down at you; and a smile you wouldn’t consider friendly. You open your mouth to scream but only small puffs of air escape. Seemingly shocked in fear of what might happen to you next.
“Hey! I didn’t see you coming from the front, are you that person who made a mess breaking open that casket?” You weren’t sure if you should speak up, not like you could at the moment, and gave him a quick nod. “My goodness, aren’t you a mess. I can’t tell if you were tagging along those thieves or are you..” His nose touches yours and breathes quicken at the smell of dirt and covered perfume. “Not from here?” His question made your teeth clench tightly, deathly afraid to be honest or lie your way out of there. Your ghost plan is clearly out of the window so you can only think of one scenario before the rest come into view to see you more closely.
“I don’t know where I am. The last thing I remembered was…being forced into a casket and waking up here, I didn’t mean to trespass on your graveyard! I-I don’t even remember my name or–” “So you died?” Your eyes widened and looked up at the one speaking, his yellow eyes stare into yours for any sign of a lie. “If you can’t remember your name nor why you were here, you must have died. We’re not alive ourselves yet this botanical garden helps us maintain a soil body.” He crouches down to your level, ignoring everyone else around him as he picks up your hand. “We can easily crush the bones of our victims. For someone dead, your body heat is warm.” His hand tightens around your fingers, and you let out a cry in pain and flinch away from his grasp.
“Aw, that’s not very nice. Don’t be so mean to them Trey, I’ve never seen a more docile human, and to top it off one who’s not from here.” Cater wraps his arms around you, grinning from ear to ear as “Trey” sighs and pushes his glasses up. The other two who were observing finally spoke up.
“What should we do with them? Release them?” Deuce questions, his face softening at the sight of your squirming. “Or we can bury them. Trey did say they had body heat so they couldn’t be dead! And I don’t wanna know what Riddle would do to them, he’s merciless when it comes to the living.” 
Cater hums before casually laying his cheek on your head, considering the ginger's idea. “Mmm, but they’re so cute! I’m sure Riddle wouldn’t mind a new fresh of air once in a while, they can help us lure those thieves into our hands and maybe that’ll prove their worth!” Cater seems more interested in the idea of keeping you, nerving your feelings as they didn’t view you as a person. Sort of.
You sit in silence while rubbing your hands together, soothing the pain by ignoring everything around you. You felt like a lost cause, your life on the line of being alive but sooner or later, killed. You’re a little flattered that they're merciful to you, yet you can’t bring yourself to be called lucky knowing you're in the hands of cold-blooded killers. You didn’t want to die.
“Are you listening?” Eyes expanding slightly, you turn your attention back to the men who wait in silence for your response. “Easily spaced out kind of type huh? No worries, if you wanna stay alive ghostie you needa follow our rules!” Cater who was still holding onto you stands up abruptly, taking you along with him. You make a noise of understanding.  “Good. So all you have to do is find those two thieves, kay? Lead them at the front of the gates so we can take care of the rest, if you do a good job we might let you live a little longer.” Was it just you or did your soul evaporate into the air?
Nodding your head furiously, you’re finally free from his hold, stumbling while you’re at it. “Well, that’s our plan. Don’t disappoint us cutie.” You take off, not taking a chance to look back.
It took some time but you finally found the two, dirtied and fear written on their face. Must have been running from the so-called boss around the place, “Riddle.” You weren’t sure what was around their neck, being the first thing you saw in their appearance; it looks pretty if it weren’t for the fact they were struggling to breathe from it. They panicked at first from seeing you, screaming bloody murder as if you were a ghost. You quickly hushed them, staying a good six feet apart to help them calm down at least. Not knowing if you should proceed with the plan or help them get out, you’re not a monster after all but you didn’t want to die so soon.
“Hear me out alright? You know the gate up at the front right, well it’s locked and I don’t have a key.” You’ll try to stall some time, it’s the least you can do. “A key? Didn’t that redhead have a key dangling on his waist?” The man spoke, looking over at his friend who nods in agreement. Great, you have some good information but you needed more.
“Say, um. I don’t think the key is used for the front gate. Before we sneaked in here I overheard a conversation about a ritual contained inside the shack at the front, and the key was used to go through another dimension.” The lady pipes up, wanting to fill in the details of what the key is originally used for. The shack is near the front of the entrance, where you saw the grave keepers and their plan to eliminate the two. Swallowing thickly, you grab the two by the hand to whisper an idea. You may have failed the first but this time it has to work.
Even if they didn’t know there was a high chance they can die
You soon knew them by the name of Jamie and Mason, both idiots trapped in a garden. You recall in the book that Jamie would’ve died first, being found by one of the grave keepers and having her head dismembered from her body, mason soon followed instead and was buried alive. You’re not sure if you can save Jamie from her fate, the collar around her neck looks impossible to take off.
Time was ticking and you knew you didn’t have much before they suspected your betrayal. you were left with Jamie while Mason left to find Riddle, he was surprisingly quick when coming up with a booby trap; an area full of colorful plants had some sort of poison that’ll leave the body paralyzed. You leave Jamie hidden, a bloody hand has been pierced by a small pocket knife she had. Probably not worth the experience but it’s better than nothing.
“Fuck, it hurts.” Mumbling, you clutch your hand to your chest and search around the shack to see if the grave keepers were still present.
“That looks nasty, didn’t know they were the type to fight back.” You bite down on your tongue from screaming, an angry expression towards the ginger who smiles at you.
“Yikes! What happened to you?” Carter pops up from behind you, leaning against you to take a better look at your wound. “They thought I was a ghost and stabbed my hand as soon as they saw me. I saw them run towards the south not too far from here. They were trying to get a key.” That seems to get them serious, their posture changing as each grabs their shovel.
A hand pats the top of your head before leaving. “Deucey will help you clean up the wound, we won’t take long so make sure not to push yourself too hard. We’ll make sure to take care of those baddies from causing any further harm.” Cater gives you a quick smooch on the cheek, causing your face to heat up from the sudden affection. He is awful!
Deuce gently gets a hold of your hands and inspects the wound, he parts away from the rest of the group to get something for you. Your leg starts to jump up and down in anxiousness, hoping Mason did what he needed to make this plan go smoothly. Deuce didn’t take long before returning, in his hands was a first aid kit.
“I found this in a stash, whenever we captured trespassers we made sure to separate any values from them.” You try not to make a face of disgust and fear, but you failed miserably, by the way, your body tenses. “I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Deuce continues you wrap your hand in clean bandages, his fingers fiddling with yours. “I know you’re not exactly comfortable at the look of us, you don’t have to hide it. I’m not even sure why we're keeping you alive exactly, Riddle wouldn’t allow it no matter how much we insist. I’m not sure why I’m being so gentle with a trespasser, don’t think I’m picking favorites here.” His voice is bellowing a whisper, he cups his gloved hands and brings yours to his face; you flinch from the sudden coldness.
“It’s been so long since I’ve had this close of contact with a living, to feel of course.” He sighs dreamily, sinking into the warmth of your hands. “Your hands…They’re so warm. Makes me a little jealous knowing I’m not alive. But,” He leans close to you, his nose bumping into yours as Cater did, a look of adoration in his bright cyan eyes. “The living won’t live for any longer, you’ll soon rot under the earth's core. Worry not, I’m sure the gang wouldn’t mind building you a special casket, that way you can join us.” You grunt as he pulls you closer to him, the unhinged expression of his eyes squinting and his smile unnerving. Your eyes are looking over his shoulder in panic, seeing Jamie creeping closer to the two of you with a shovel in hand.
“You’ll lose your warmth but not you’re sweetness, It gets kinda boring seeing the same people every day, besides the dead of course. And you’ll look so lovely in your casket, we’ll make sure to put the loveliest flowers on top!” You tear your grip away from Deuce as Jamie swings, a loud thud and crack following along his fall. Heaving, Jamie hugs you tightly before checking your hand. You can’t seem to tear your eyes away from Deuce, blood seeping down his forehead and into the earth's soil.
Jamie grabs your arm to drag you in the direction the grave keepers went, wanting to waste no time. Your legs finally found the courage to run, moving through branches and leaves as you made it to your destination. A smile crept its way up to your lips to see four grave keepers struggling on the floor. Luckily they weren’t facing your way when Mason had the key in his hand; a scarf was wrapped around his face, assuming it was used to not breathe into the fumes. 
“Quick, I don’t think the fumes would do much before they gain control of their bodies, catch!” Mason throws the key at you, the ruby gem sparkling under the moonlight. Catching it with your uninjured hand, you ignore the way Cater and Trey stare at your fleeing form. Your lungs burn and screamed, the air has suddenly gone cold and fog has covered most of the area. Your body slams against the shack's door, hands fumbling to unlock it.
You turn your head to look behind you, Jamie. Jamie’s head slides off her neck, a clean cut as blood spurts uncontrollably. You couldn’t find the energy to scream, but your eyes bulge from their sockets at the sight of your new friend. Mason tackles Riddle down onto the floor, you can see the rest of the grave keepers creeping closer.
“GO, HURRY UP, AND GO,” Mason yells out to you, snapping you out of your trance of horror as the door clicks. You cover a hand over your mouth to surpass your cries, bursting the door open and slamming it shut. Before you closed it you made eye contact with Mason, half of his face is torn from his skin as he’s consumed by the rest. Ripped to shreds, and will forever be engraved in your mind.
Wobbly legs walking towards a large mirror, the swirls looked unreal as your fingers touch the transparent glass. Your body slowly feels sluggish as your sense of hearing blocks the world. You can’t hear the pounding of the door. Or how Cater yells for you. You made it out alive, but at what cost? Was it worth it, knowing you had left two to die?
You can only hope they were buried, next to each other. A casket for two.
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Disgrace Chapter 3 : Crosshair x F!OC
After crash-landing on a desert world, the main objective is getting off of it again. A backwater pirate operation is nothing for the Elite Imperial Sniper, even alone... What's not accounted for is Tah'nyem's draw for bad luck and mischief. They'll have to try to navigate the hostile environment without getting too distracted.
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Chapter Specific Warnings: Minor Injuries, Drug use, Flirty Banter, Gun Fight, Threats made against MC, Crosshair still being (mostly) professional. Bad decisions, Explosions.
Word Count: 6k+
Dynamic: Princess x Guard, Speed running Co-dependancy, A Mangy Cat and his Aggressive little Chihuahua.
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Music Inspo- Not A Crime - Gogol Bordello
[oh how I knew I'd write an action sequence to this the moment I heard it]
Listen on Spotify - Listen on Youtube
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Chapter 3
Not a Crime 
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The surface we landed on was powdered with a fine, rust colored sand. Our pod had dug a wide gouge through a forested landscape of thick, tube-like trees that twisted and wove into each other like vines. 
“Careful now, don't touch the trunks.”
Crosshair steadied me by grabbing my arm, keeping me from falling into one of the odd plants. 
On closer inspection I could see that the vegetation was ridged. Sharp needles stood in clumps along the deep channels. 
Still in my thin sleep gown, I didn't fancy getting too close. The warm sand however was pleasant on my bare feet as I was half dragged through the dangerous, gigantic brambles. 
“I need to change,”
I complained again. I had managed to hold onto my pack during the evacuation but we hadn't stopped walking since leaving the escape pod. 
“You need to keep moving, That wasn't a subtle landing and we have no idea who might… investigate,”
I swear there's enough distance for me to put some Kriffing pants on…
But the clone was in full soldier mode and I had yet to really reach him under all that protocol.
Maybe he likes how thin the gown is…
I self consciously looked down at the light colored shift now stained with hazey, rusty streaks. It clung to my thighs and the soft peaks of my breasts, occasionally catching in the tuck point of my buttock. Not exactly covert travel garb. 
Thank Be’llahl it's warm…
“What exactly is the plan here,”
“Find a new ship, get you to a safehouse till we're summoned, keep you off the radar,”
“That's it? That's the whole plan b?”
He didn't answer. 
“What if this planet’s deserted?”
“It's not.”
He pointed ahead at the sky where pillars of smoke stood in sharp contrast against the bright, blue-green atmosphere. 
“Could be a natural phenomenon…”
I grumbled, but it was an impotent theory. Listening closely there was a thumping, mechanical clanking on the breeze. It was most likely some sort of refinery or mining plant… the galaxy was full of them. 
I had tried to check my datapad for any brochures to the place but it was apparently unlisted to the civilian holonet. 
“C’mon, princess. The faster we find a way off this planet the faster you can change.”
He started to pull me along quicker than before and I'm sure I caught a hint of amusement in his voice. At my expense no less… I glowered up at him but if he noticed he didn't react. 
The spiked tubes began thinning out signaling we were near the edge of the natural outcropping, which when reached, dropped off steeply to overlook a massive valley. 
I could barely make out the opposite cliff face, the depression in between vast and filled with a thicket of twisted metal, steam and smoke. 
“What do you think it is?”
“Doesn't matter.”
He swung the rifle from his shoulder and focused the scope to the ground outside the … factory? Scanning a little left, a little right and then out, over the expansive structure. He lowered the gun. 
“There’s ships, A lot of them, But they look rough, we'll have to find one that works and possibly fuel it up ourselves.”
“You think they'll give us one?” 
He paused, turning to me with what I could guess would be a look of controlled confusion… hard to tell through the helmet. 
“I wasn't really planning on asking…”
“Why can't we just buy a ride? I have plenty of cre-”
Ah, the warning growl.
I shut up. 
“Someone blew up an entire military transport with the intention of you blowing up with it, We stay off record,”
“You don't know they were aiming for me,”
“Don't be dense,”
I was yanked forward again and sighed. 
“You know you should really save the rough stuff for later,”
I had decided to drop the kitschy act around him but damn it, he was pissing me off a little, being so right all the time.
He was skilled at ignoring me by now though and pressed on, checking his scopes from another angle. 
I was about to snag a pair of trousers from my pack but was pulled into motion again. 
“Found our ship, Stay close, Do everything I tell you exactly,”
My pulse quickened at that, though I wasn't sure if it was nerves for what was to come or the image the command conjured. 
Time and place. 
He positioned himself behind me, swinging his scope back up to be level with my eyes. 
“See it? Small, green stripes on the hull. Its engine is intact and the fuel lines aren't dripping,”
“How… how can you see all that?”
I squinted into the scope, the engine panel on the specified vehicle was open but I couldn't make anything out even with the magnification. 
Giving up I looked around the ship we planned on stealing. The alcove was bright with sunlight, causing me to squint as the occasional stray mirror from scattered speeder parts flashed it into the scope. It was far from unattended, the ground a buzz with droids and insectoids bustling to and fro, about eight maybe?
“Uh… how good a gunman are you? Exactly.”
I could feel his chest puff in pride against my back, his voice coming as almost a purr. 
“The best,”
Okay, tough guy. 
“Show me.”
The demand caught him off guard, skipping a beat in hesitation. 
He moved purposefully, repositioning his rifle to rest against the well worn plate on his chest and pulled me to him, tucking me under the steadied muzzle.  
It only took a second, but I knew when he found his mark; a wave of rigidity flooding over his muscles as if locking it into place before relaxing into a calm confidence. 
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“Cover your ear,”
His voice was close, and if it weren't for the helmet his breath would've been dancing across the back of my neck. I obeyed, cupping my hand over my right ear. 
With a squeeze of the trigger a single blaster bolt shot forth and darted into the alcove the ship was parked in. 
It ricocheted, flashing a wild pattern as distant cries of alarm went up and just as quickly died. 
He gave me back the scope to check his work. 
The alcove was completely cleared. Everything taken down in a single shot. 
“Holy shyte!” 
“That was nothing,”
“No kidding,”
Pleased with himself, he slung the rifle back across his shoulders and pushed me forward again. 
More cries were heard on the breeze as an alarm was raised from the metallic jungle below us. 
“That wasn't really the best move was it?”
It was so matter of fact I giggled a little. 
“How hard is this gonna be now?”
“Not any harder than before,”
“How hard were you before?”
He walked into that one. 
His armor jerked slightly, a sharp exhale through his speaker giving away a silent laugh as he helped me carefully pick our way down a steep incline and I relaxed a little. 
At least there's some kind of reaction, I must've caught him off guard again. 
The stoic business-like demeanor he'd been projecting since the pod had been vaguely off putting and I wasn't sure if it was the disruption to the dynamic that had been built till then or the fact that I just hurtled from the sky in a can that had me on edge.  
And it's hard to feel scared when we're charging forward giggling like idiots, right? 
“Don't you ever stop?”
Feigned annoyance. 
“Not when I'm nervous,”
The levity was short lived as we descended the cliff side. He finally reached even ground and turned to lift me at the hip, picking me up off the last ledge and setting me next to him.
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“Don’t be nervous,”
Easy for you to say, tough guy.
Luckily, the denizens of the metal monster hadn't really guessed where the lone shot had come from and they appeared to be scrambling trying to figure out what was going on. 
“New plan,”
We skirted around and away from the commotion, making our way towards the further side of the factory. 
“There's another junk yard this way,”
The place seemed to be a processing plant for salvaging scrap from ships, the outer walls consisting of mismatched metal streaked in bloody rust and corrosion. A shrieking, thumping, ringing din rose from within. My hopes of us finding a nice, usable getaway craft were dwindling. 
We made our way around, stopping at a gap in the protective collage of scrap where the rust had completely eaten through and ducked inside. 
There were towering walls of partially crushed and destroyed ships stacked to form tight aisles in what had to be a labyrinth of twists and turns. It reached to either direction from where we came through and Crosshair motioned for me to be silent. 
I could tell he was listening and I focused as well. There were definitely people here, drifting about, none too many. From the snippets of common I could make out these stragglers didn't think there was much cause for the alarm. Good.
My arm was taken and I was pulled to the right and away from the congregation of gossiping workers. The path between the metal columns grew tighter, and I slowed, once again made aware of the delicate shift and bare feet I was dressed in. 
I whispered hurriedly and started to quietly reach into my bag. 
“No. Not now,”
“C’mon, just some slippers, It's a death trap in here!”
He was annoyed but his visor dipped to look down at my ankles and he acquiesced.
Did you seriously miss that I was barefoot? Tunnel vision I swear… 
Finally, I reached in and found the silk flats I was looking for, triumphantly slipping them on my feet. 
A gurgling whine went up behind us and we turned and looked up. 
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A winged insectoid perched on top of the column screeching a warning to his crew. 
Ah varp.  
Without even an, “I told you so,” Crosshair swung me forward and out in front of him as he aimed a blaster back the way we came at the pursuers already pouring into the narrow corridor. 
I ran.
There was only one way to go and I bolted down the path as fast as I could, uttering a prayer to the void that we'd end up somewhere useful. I could hear an exchange of blaster bolts and was pushed up against the wall with an arm hastily thrown over me, the ground scorched where I had been. 
I darted on again, more determined to find a way out and trusting Crosshair to keep us safe from behind. He was tapping the walls periodically as we went, he had to be coming up with something. 
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The straight path ended and split into three. There were already pursuants down the leftmost path, and little time to deliberate, so I pivoted us down the right towards sunlight. 
I scuffed the wall of hastily assembled debris, and almost fell as I took the turn wrong. I could feel fire alight on my side where abrasions no doubt were blooming from the ungraceful scrape. No time, I kept moving forward trying to fix my stumbling gate when suddenly the ground ended and I was sliding in sand between the stacked pillars. 
Crosshair fell against my back and wrapped an arm around me to steady us, turning behind us and squeezing off a final shot as we reached the end of the ramshackle shoot and rolled onto a belt. It darted, bouncing off of little mirrored pucks that now strategicly dotted the makeshift corridor in a dizzying light show. Our pursuers fell every few meters, the rest tripping over the fallen. 
The conveyor beneath us shuddered rhythmically, moving at a slow, ungainly pace, shaking the sand. Bits of jagged metal and plastics emerged from the sediment quickly falling away from our ankles. The line shifted under my feet carrying us upwards before evening out again, showing me what was shaking the belt. 
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A giant column of metal was bearing down on the automated line. The pedal end, the size of a ship itself, swung and rolled across the conveyor, crushing the sifted debris flat before dumping them into a grinder with a sickening crash. 
Oh good. 
Crosshair quickly hoisted me up and over the side with him and we plunged down to the next layer of moving belts. He landed hard, losing some wind as he “caught” me with a thud.
Then we were up. He had taken my hand now, pulling me to stand, then running as best as we could. There was flattened scrap piled at our feet as we made our way down the narrow incline, slowing our progress with sliding unpredictability. The air was starting to grow hotter, and I could only assume the column ahead of us was some type of furnace. 
A buzzing clatter filled the air as Insectoids dropped onto the conveyor to either side of our position, training their weapons towards us. 
“What are karken Genoans doing out here…”
Is that what they're called?
I was dipped as Crosshair dropped to a knee, pulling me down for cover as he shot the two to the left. Next, I'm up and spun against his back. He opens on the ones to the rear. The group scatters as the middle man falls, his body slumping onto the belt, but not before he spit some kind of fluid at us, slapping across the snipper’s visor. The fallen bug-man disappeared as the channel ended, dropping him into the incinerator with a delayed flash of sparks. 
Up and over again, I was lifted as my guard calculated another jump over the edge. Atop a rusted casing for some whining machine, smoke, and then darkness as we dropped into a hollow shaft. For the moment we were safe. Sort of. Pistons periodically pressed into the space to either side of us, the loud mechanical groans as they shifted in quickly and then pushed back against a hydraulic regulator were raising the hairs on the back of my neck. 
Eerie and too, too close.
We stayed there, still and listening. There were a few low, buzzing voices talking under the belt we had jumped from. I could barely hear it over the thrusting piston, but it sounded like they might be giving up and scattering. 
Please believe we fell in… please just go away. 
Other thoughts were spinning through me in the sudden stillness. 
Why such a fuss for scrap?
Irritation flared up as it occurred to me how shady and complicated my life had suddenly become, the questions I suddenly had to account for… 
I was supposed to be shopping with Kahtzi on Coruscant right now. 
I looked up at the helmet above me. The front of it was covered in a thick sticky gunk. I was surprised he could still see through it at all.   There was no telling what he was thinking through that thing, but the tension in him seemed to signal that he was listening too, barely breathing. 
“What do you think they're really doing here?”
I whispered but a hand was clasped over my mouth anyways. 
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We stayed silent and still, the voices drifted away and we waited another second, two? before squeezing out of the piston housing. 
Looking around the tight aisle between twisted pipes and gauges I spotted an armored door to the left of us and pointed it out. 
“Can we get in there?”
He turned to see what I was looking at and grabbed my hand again, ushering me inbetween the varied obstacles of metal and rust. 
Pull forward, spin to avoid a jet of steam, held to him as we step through a small gap, spun back out front. 
I giggled. 
“What's so funny?”
“Oh, nothing … was just thinking you dance better than some Dukes.”
The motions were so fluid, it was hard not to make the comparison. 
“We're not dancing.”
He pulled me to face him again as he moved me through the next gap, and dipped me under an obtrusive pipe.
“Says you, I’ll definitely need you to escort me to the gala after all this,”
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I laughed lightly and we reached the door, it had a good old fashioned magnetic lock. 
Crosshair, ignoring me again, located the power supply line and severed it with a calculated blaster bolt, quickly pushing me back against the forest of metal limbs. 
The lock went dark, and we waited. It didn't seem like any additional alarms were sounded. 
Safe so far. 
To the door and inside, I closed it behind us. 
Quiet … so far. 
I turned to get my bearings, it seemed like we had found our way into a storage warehouse of sorts. Crates stacked high to the ceiling along every wall, and grouped onto the floor through the middle. I couldn't make out anything left or right, being too dark, but the roof was open here in the middle and it filled the room with warm light. 
The clone had removed the ruined helmet and began rubbing dirt into the goo, wiping it clean. Sensing I had a moment, I reached a hand in my bag again. 
This should help!
The cloak draped over me and I slipped my arms into the sleeves. The gray, floor length fabric was light weight but should help protect my skin.
I looked over at Crosshair, hoping to regroup now that we were in the belly of the beast and still no closer to finding a ship of our own. He was still preoccupied trying to get a clear line of sight through the eyepiece. 
Checking both ways down the stacks of crates… there didn't seem to be anyone in here. 
I strode over to a grouping of containers near the middle of the room and pressed the mechanism to pop the lid. 
I grinned, sifting my fingers through the powder within. I pinched some bringing it close and took a small whiff of the dust. 
After a moment, the sting of the scrapes I sustained in our spirited jaunt through the factory started to subside. Feel good even. 
Spice. Carsunum to be exact. 
I was familiar with the common varieties of Spice, was part of the job. Father made sure I had a decent tolerance at a young age. For protection, of course. Can't be overwhelmed by a small spike slipped by an unscrupulous client. 
Carsunum specifically was rather important to our business, being engineered for a reverse tolerance to battle the addictive nature of the drug. Better for the employees who needed to imbibe frequently with clients. The only reason I could feel it now was due to my familiarity, the feeling was unmistakable. 
I turned to Crosshair, checking the perimeter, and wondered if he ever really partied before. 
Can't be all work, no play, right? Guy’s so tense. 
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He finished his sweep and finally turned back to me, standing over an open crate of contraband. 
“What the kriff are you doing?”
I close the lid with a snap. 
“Looking around.”
The tiny dose I inhaled wouldn't do much, but I wasn't feeling aches, pains or that healthy apprehension anymore. 
Ignoring my sudden lack of caution, I turned to investigate the crates shadowed by the overhang. They were behind fencing, with some additional locks.
What do we have here?
I skirted the laced wire, finding a gap that aligned with a lid. It was simple enough to just… reach in and press the latch, allowing the lid to pop open. 
My heart sank a little, as I observed the rows of palm sized, carefully packaged black bricks inside. A hundred? Two? A rough calculation in my head and I felt a little ill. 
I reached in, shimmying one out with my fingertips and carefully extracted it through the fence. 
Crosshair had been trailing me apprehensively, and I turned to show him the small brick. 
“We have to go. Now.”
I turned and eyed the warehouse.
There's got to be a loading dock. Close. 
“What's that?”
I held it up.
“This means that whoever owns this smuggling operation isn't someone to kark around with.”
“Then why did you take one?”
I smiled at that. I had only served this variant of spice to a guest once, it was the type of thing only royals can get their hands on. 
“Cause you keep calling me princess,”
It was mostly a museing, I wasn't really sure myself, but a shyte ton of rare drugs and I wasn't supposed to sneak one?
He stopped me, grabbing the hand with the package and holding it aloft. 
“Put. It. Back.”
I tried to free myself. 
“No, We're wasting time enough let's just go,”
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The package in my hand burst in a cloud of sparkles and I was being dragged down and behind the stack of crates. 
I watched as the shining dust glimmered for a moment, and then fell into a dark black ash as the sunlight rendered it inert. 
Oh well. 
What was that she had…
I froze. 
We had dove away, the sunlight… I didn't think we had gotten any, but that was fast. 
I turned to Crosshair, who blinked a few times in a dazed kind of way before moving to slip his helmet back on.
Oh I am about to be sooo detrimental…
He was looking at me, stiffening when he realized I wasn't speaking aloud. 
There's wasn't much time to address this little predicament, as we both turned at the cluster of thoughts tingling to our left flank. 
We stood and lifted our gun, we saw… everything. There was a strong, leeward wind. 
There you are old friend. 
We pulled the trigger. We hit our mark. 
I tried to hold onto myself, struggling to quiet my thoughts. It was kind of working, and I sunk into him, becoming small mentally, letting him work as I observed the mechanisms in this ultimate act of voyeurism. 
Another target, another mark made. The wind was our guide. Angles and beautiful shadows, a canvas trapping our enemies in focus.  
His calculations, my metaphors. 
New thoughts, congregating on our right flank. 
We draw our pistol and fire. We stare them down as they round a corner of crates. Squeeze the trigger, one, two, three down. 
I was staring down my arm and a small moment of shock rippled through us. 
I had drawn his side arm and he had used me, my line of sight, to fire behind us. 
This could work
This could work
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I let go again. Giving him control and feeling his consciousness burn my cortex as he slipped into my mind purposefully this time. I retreated to the quieter parts of him, nestling into his subconscious, feeling everything that was him around me. The feeling was… exquisite?
No, erotic…
The dark, shadowy silk of his inner workings wrapped in an ever moving spiral around the thought of what I was, holding it together, caressing against the raw concept of me.
It dawned on me why our client may have wanted this stuff and a tremble went through the man against my back as the thought raced from me to him, causing a shot to go wide. 
I purred and sank back into the role of observer, I could feel new calculations forming as he took information from my eyes.
Point, shoot, point, shoot. 
He was hitting the mark but I could feel a mounting frustration at how much slower my body was, the difficulty of controlling two minds, and well, the overall psychedelic effect that was linking us wasn't easy to focus through. 
Despite all that, It didn't cost us much. A bit of effort and we managed to clear the wave of workers that had been closing in. Escape was still the main goal here, we just needed to make it. Perfection comes later. 
We looked around, the extended range of view making us slightly dizzy. There were distant footsteps that grew louder by the moment, signaling more security to fight through. Gotta move before then. 
We picked our way carefully to the far end of the warehouse sliding through another door into a dark, loud chamber. Chains swung threateningly from the ceiling and the floor hung high above a pit I couldn't see the bottom of. The air was hot, heavy with the smell of burning mineral. 
I glanced at my escort, walking in tandem stride. He was superimposed over the image of the walkway, I could see as he did, but the spectacle was the hallucinations. His inner world projecting around us, all storm and thunder and crashing waves. One moment the walkways, the next a tempest. I could almost see raindrops gathering on his armor.
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The metal walkway tinked with the sound of non-existent rainfall as we made our way around the drop and through a new set of doors. 
A raucous noise met us as we passed into the next chamber, drowning out the disembodied thunder. Moving machinery again, hot steam, and a hazy dust making it hard to see. I put my hand on the armored back in front of me, trying to stay in step and not think too much. 
The path narrowed between spinning belts and pistons, but it looked like the room beyond opened up. I stuck close as we started the squeeze between the machines. 
We took it slow, shuffling along the tight channel with hot metal just inches to either side of us. 
I jolted backwards, a sudden force dragging me away. I tightened my hold on the plate I was touching, but the force was too fast and I barely gripped his side before being snapped too far to reach. 
The robe was tightening around my armpits, and I turned to see the hem sucked into one of the belted obstacles, it was disappearing quickly and I could feel Crosshair's mind fighting the panic that now poured from me, trying to find a course of action through the frenzy. 
A swift kick with his boot heel and the belt came loose, giving him time to pull me from the twisted fabric before it slowly wound itself into the gear with a loud whine. 
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I was gasping against him, the skin around my shoulders an angry red where the tight fabric had cut into me. There was no doubt some friction burns but I was grateful I couldn't feel it for the moment. 
I get it, universe. No more putting clothes on. 
Regret seemed to shift between us as we emerged from the tiny passage into a wider area.
We had spotted the long, port doors that should lead to a dock. Taking steps in unison, we swept the area and made our way across.  
My mind was being flooded with mental schematics. Scenarios. My skills being assessed against them and then rejected. Frustration again. A wish that someone was here. Many someone's. Heartache…
He was drifting into thoughts I wasn't supposed to see. I tried to untangle myself from his synapsis, suddenly conscious of how naked we were to each other, but the glitterstim was still coursing through us. What was he seeing of me? 
I wasn't too sure if these were the normal effects, but I could easily chalk it up to a synchronized will to live and the dosage. I quit trying to close the connection for now, there wasn't any use. 
Stroking the shadows of his subconscious where I was still mostly tethered, I looked at my reflection in the pain that was sinking back into the stormclouds. Feeling the way our lungs and hearts had started to move in unison.
Just a will to not die at the hands and/or pincers of  insectoid drug runners, that's all this is about…
There was a disappointment to that conclusion that wasn't mine. Or was it? It was becoming hard to tell.
I opened the door, we slipped through and into the bright sunlight. It made it easier to parse out which thoughts were all me. We were alone still, a little time before we would be located. 
We had been right about the loading bay. A few commercial ships milled about, with more modest, personal craft lined up behind another fence. 
We clung to the wall, keeping an eye on the few silhouettes moving around the larger vehicles, and made our way to the smaller ships. 
Crosshair took a knee by the fence, and I stepped up, letting him take my foot and lift me over. 
I caught a glimmer of a thought about how small my slipper was, the shape of my legs then I was on the other side of the fence. 
In a moment he was with me, and we moved with purpose scoping out the surrounding cruisers. 
He selected a small craft in black, and tapped the keypad, making sure it was unlocked. 
Of course he goes for the black one.
I heard that. 
I poked him in the rib, and he chuckled, surprising me a little. 
Didn't think you were ticklish. 
I'm not. 
The feeling that talking like this was strange washed through us, and I tried to keep my head clear while we boarded the ship. 
He darted into the cockpit and started checking the fuel and core levels. Can't have another ship explode on us. 
Not great, we'd have to refuel to get to the coordinates. 
Should we pick another? 
He quickly walked out the port and ducked into the ship next to us. It didn’t take long until he was back again. 
They're all stored without fuel. Have to do it ourselves. 
I hopped out with him this time. And we looked back at the loading docks. The bright lights and line up of cargo vehicles made the fueling station obvious. The dock behind it should have separate pumps. 
How do you figure, princess?
I manage a business. One where retrieving shipments, this means hanging out on shipping docks, is one of the many facets of my work.  
I wasn’t able to completely hold back my annoyance, the “princess” thing  was actually rather patronizing. I tolerated it cause… well…
He had winced from the initial irritation rolling off me but settled into a somewhat swaggerish stride by the time my train of thought had petered out and I cursed him a little. Rolling my eyes.
Give a guy a meter.
The thought was cut off abruptly, and I smirked at him, amused.
“You’ll”… What, tough guy?
We need to get to those pumps… and hope a usable ship is close by.
Fine, don't play.
We linked step to the side of the fence and kept low as we picked our way over to where the fueling station was glowing even in the bright sun.
The growing cacophony of thoughts coming from the many cargo ships lined up at the station was reaching the brink of painful as we approached, but the fact that my brain wasn’t frying meant that the glitterstim was starting to wear off a little.
Thank Be’llahl… that could've killed us. 
That would have been your fault. 
Who was waving it around?
Who stole it?
Uhg, What are you twelve? 
He put a hand up for me to be quiet, which was stupid, on account of us not actually talking. He got a raised eyebrow in return, but motioned that we had come as even with the pump as we could from here and knelt to help me back over the fence. 
Backtracking… love it. 
Over as swift as the first time except a twisted rod snagged my hem, ripping the already considerable slit a little higher up my hip and I sighed. 
At this rate I might as well just seduce the guards…
I eyed the damage as Crosshair hoisted himself over with lothcat-like grace, contrasting my clumsy performance. 
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All of them?
Don't think I could? 
I think they'd kriff you to pieces. 
… Charming visual. 
Staying low now, we made our way through sharp piles of junk and trash, slowly approaching the chugging line of old, beat up, cargo barges. 
Once even with the nearest ship another calculation rippled over him and I was scooped up and held tight as we went up over the embankment and slid down the other side to the packed dirt that made the makeshift ship lane. 
He bolted between two barges as they shifted forward and dived, tucking my head as we rolled and were through, pressed against the opposite ditch of trash. 
I looked up from where I was still held to his shoulder, and scoped a path up and around to a dark hanger behind the main pump site. 
Three separate smaller pumps sat in the shadows, waiting. 
I tried sending him the visual as I saw it but it took a moment. The connection was starting to fade and it was hard to share more than a surface thought. It… ached a little. 
He seemed to get enough of the picture though, and made towards the path I had picked out, putting me down once we had reached decently even ground again. 
A few droids stumbled into our path and were dispatched, but otherwise no hiccups. 
I was starting to grow uneasy. It was taking them too long to find us actually, we shouldn't have had this much time. 
A glance at Crosshair's hurried movements as we entered the hangar was all I needed to confirm he was thinking something similar. We were getting very lucky. Luck doesn't usually last. 
The hangar was empty besides a scattered team of droids loitering around the pumps. Some rapid fire and they were down, and we paused, listening, waiting, finally moving again. Usual looking racks lined the walls holding various tools. Pallets hung from the ceiling stacked with canisters and dark husks of droids.
The pumps we were looking for were at the far back standing by a large, sliding door that had been stuck ajar.  I glanced through it, hoping luck would hold just a bit longer. 
The sun was held back by the long shadow of the roof, and in that shadow…
I had to stifle the sudden mirth, but it was just so droll. 
Crosshair appeared at my shoulder and I could sense question on him but that was all. 
I whispered instead, pointing through the gap to the ship parked just outside, ready to be filled and launched. 
Small. Green stripes on the hull. 
“Kriff me,”
He chuckled too and leaned against the framed opening. 
“Let's get the kark out of here, Start up one of those pumps, I'm going to clear any stragglers,”
He slipped out silently and I ran to the nearest pump, hoping the long tube would be able to reach the ship’s fuel port and started hitting the energy connections requesting fuel to the line. 
Next, pushing the tube off its hook, I tried hoisting the heavy bundle over my shoulder but stumbled under the weight, clanking loudly against itself. 
No good. 
I stopped, making sure no one was summoned by the clanging and lowered the coiled bundle, taking the pump end and dragging it instead. The soft zip of it uncoiling in the sand put me on edge, it was too soft to carry, but sounded loud to me and I was getting jumpy. 
I left the nozzle by the open door, not thinking it was wise to leave the relative safety of the hanger before Crosshair said it was clear. Instead I checked the status of the pump.
All set. 
A door slammed open towards the middle of the hanger, spilling light suddenly into the shadowed building. I dropped behind the pump but there wasn't anything more solid to duck under. I tried not to breath.
“If I catch that little nerf who cost me a block, a whole Kriffing block, of glitterstim I'm gonna skin her alive. Right in front of that partner of hers. Where'd they go? Were we able to track them on the holocams?”
Shyte, shyte, shyte.
I recognized that voice, rich, velvety and dangerous. 
The steps grew closer, seeming to make straight for the gapped door. 
“Ah hah” 
I felt a hand yank me up by the hair. 
I swung in the woman's grip as she scanned my face, recognition blossoming as she dragged me back to the middle of the building. 
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“Tah’nyem Ra? What the absolute varp are you doing in my chop shop, aye?”
“Ha-heh… Ah’Jso. Long time!”
The dark skinned woman didn't let go of my hair as she eyed my torn and dirty nightgown and tattered slippers. 
“Seriously, are you the chewy center to that popped pod we found out there?”
She was looking good, no way of seeing grays in her white dreaded hair, pulled back into a ponytail that reached her calves. 
The last I saw her I had just come of age and was sitting in with my fathers meetings for the first time. During his hostile takeover of Ah’Jso’s district on Coruscant.
Not the best person to bump into. Not the worst though…
“Girl, you owe me quite a lot of credits suddenly, You're a smart one, what do you think that brick cost?”
“Oh, a small million or so?”
“A sma-... Ha, how about 10? You got 10 million credits on you girly?” 
She shook me, sending hot little jolts through my scalp. 
“Not… exactly”
Her grip was tightening in my hair and she was lifting, making me stand on tiptoe. I didn't realize how strong she was but it wasn't surprising. Woman was like, two meters tall. 
I swayed a little, trying to keep balanced. 
“I should send your daddy a slice of that fine ass. The trouble your family causes me.”
She used her free hand to give my rump squeeze and sharp slap. The threat though, was very real and I struggled more ernestly. 
“No need for that, Ah’Jso, hah… we can just call him… and he'll get you the credits.”
Fat chance of that actually…
“This isn't about the credits… do you know how long I've wanted to get back at your father? This is too good to pass up.”
She tossed me at the droids that had accompanied her in and turned away, plotting to make a holocall. I glanced at a shadow that darted into the hanger and back out again, catching a glint off of Crosshair's visor as he found an angle on Ah’Jso.
I tried to catch his eye and shook my head subtly. 
Can't shoot her, Bad for business. I'm probably already causing a lot of disruption as is…
By the amount of spice in the warehouse, and it's proximity to Ga’haiian space, we probably got our spice from her too, and I had just racked up a debt. Not exorbitant, but better not insult her further.
Seriously karked this one up…
“Something else”
I mouthed once I was sure I wasn't being watched. 
Ah’Jso was giddy with preoccupation, wondering what to do with me to make the most impact on my father; it seemed she had forgotten I had backup for now. 
Crosshair's shoulders dropped in what was probably exasperation but he lifted his muzzle, looking for a different way to get me out. 
She turned back to me, grinning,
“Maybe I get my biggest, ugliest bugman in here and have him rip your arms out their sockets on call!”
“Sounds… delightful?”
A bolt briefly lit the hanger, and Ah’Jso glanced around in confusion.
Seconds later, a pallet of canisters fell from the ceiling, one or two igniting on impact with the sandy ground. 
The small explosion threw me and the security droids to the side in a cloud of dust. More blaster bolts and I was being grabbed and dragged, through and out. 
He had already plugged the fuel line into the shuttle ship and hit the button to release it as we passed, spilling fuel onto the ground. 
“And I couldn't shoot her because?”
“Business partner.”
I left it at that as we boarded and slammed the door shut. Lowering myself shakily into a seat in the cockpit I flicked a few prep switches as I went wanting to be moving quickly. 
Another loud boom rang out behind us, the fire had reached a fuel line and the door next to the ship bowed out at the new inferno inside. 
Cross slung into the seat next to me, strapped in and finished the launching procedures. We were moving, directly up in a stuttering motion as we fought a narrow launch path and another explosion threatening to throw the craft into one of the giant scrap piles. 
Just as we cleared the height of the factory walls the fire reached the tanks just below us and the resulting flash threw us the rest of the way clear. He punched the throttle, sending us bolting up through the atmosphere. 
I winced as I observed the fires blooming below us. 
“Shyte… I think she might be dead anyway.”
“They were pirates weren't they?”
“Yeah, guess that's what you'd call ‘em.”
Ah well. Tried to be nice. 
He shrugged, almost too casually,
“Not a crime.”
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elileram · 10 months
Pirate!Schlatt x Siren!Reader, Part.2
Pirate!Schlatt x Siren!Reader Part.1 Hey hey hey! ^^ I am back at it again, I had sm fun writing the first, and sm love on it, that I have decided to make a pt.2! ^^
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✰*☾ It was noon, the boat shifting through the waves fiercely, leaving larges white trails of water behind them. The Captain, Schlatt, commanding the rest of the crew to hurry up, sweep the decks, open the sails, chase away the seagulls, and such like that.
Once he could, Schlatt slipped away back into his office area on the boat, that was made specifically for him, due to him being the Captain of this boat after all.
All sorts of novelties and decorations sat in the room, a few boats in bottles, that he happened to make himself, and not only that being very detailed, all down to the rot in the wood of the boats.
up on his desk, was the angels wing shell, the large, beachy white shell rested on his desk, he looked at it for a moment, before he sighed, "So I wasn't dreaming" He spoke to himself, him finally being convinced that the Siren he saw, was truly real, if she wasn't then how would've he had gotten that Shell?
He didn't have any sort of sea sickness, he was perfectly healthy, his worry began to fade, before it could even start. He opened up a drawer on his desk, and put the Shell in it, being the only thing in that drawer, besides from old papers, that were a rustic yellow.
He sighed heavily, as he closed the drawer, he sat in his leather chair, that sat heavily on the floor. He looked around for a moment, before swiping his hair back, he got up, and went back outside to the front deck of the ship. As Hours past, the boat sailed closer, and closer towards the lands, that rested near them, they were still a long hours away, but they were getting closer.
A thick fog traveled in, making it impossible to see where they were going, Schlatt growled, annoyed, "Drop the anchors!" He yelled frustrated that they couldn't keep moving due to the fog, it was still day and they had to stay still, due to not being able to see if there were sharp jagged rocks, or small islands in-front of them or not.
As the Sun began to set to its lowest peaks, and the Moon began to shine its white aura in the sky, Schlatt sighed, walking around the Ship, making sure the decks were swept good, and clean.
"Hey!" A female voice screeched, catching Schlatt off guard, he quickly turned around, to see no one there. "hm.." He began to investigate where the voice came from, he heard it again "Down here!" the voice screeched again.
He noticed that voice.. it sounded like Y/N? He quickly ran to look around the edges of the boat, soon enough he saw the Siren, her head barely peaking out of the Crystal waters.
"Hello" She peeped out of her mouth, looking up at him with her large (E/c) eyes, they looked like two gems in her eyes. He looked at her still mesmerized in awe. "Are all Sirens as beautiful as you?" He mumbled softly, as he looked down at her.
She stayed silent, before reaching out for them, her webbed hands reaching up, as she climbed up, she hanged onto the edge of the boat, where Schlatt stood, "Wow- your pretty strong" He spoke amazed, at her upper arm strength.
"Thank you" She spoke softly, her voice was soft, and calming to listen too. Schlatt smiled softly, he grabbed her arms, and helped her up, having it to where instead of her hanging onto the edge, she had sat on the edge.
"There.." He said softly, she reached her head forward, before planting a soft feathery kiss, on Schlatt's lips.
Schlatt stood frozen, to what just happened, his face flushed, as he looked at Y/n, before sitting in-front of the Siren, and giving her a long, passionate kiss.
As he pulled away, the Sirens face was flustered, she smile giggling, as she then jumped overboard, making a loud splash in the water, she then swam to a near jagged rock, resting on it, before she began to sing a beautiful tune, letting out a sweetened symphony.
Schlatt rested his arms on the nearest ledge, as he listened to her sweet, soft voice, sang a beautiful song. Though he could only listen in awe and amazement, it was obvious he loved her singing. It lifting his mood.
As the moon began to set, the fog began to disappear, she quickly looked around before, she finished her song. Before Schlatt could speak a single word, she quickly jump back into the waters, swimming away, before the moon began to set fully, Schlatt smiled, knowing that he would see her once again.
He slowly made his way to his bed, that was on the ship, laying there a tad bit restless, unable to sleep for a hour or two, only thinking about Y/n.. "Y/n... what a amazing woman.." He spoke to himself, before blowing out the candle that played lit next to his bed, and then sleep slowly crept into his body, as his body played there, letting out soft snores.
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A/N : Hello guys! here is part 2 :3 Maybe if I end up making a Part 3 it might be in Y/N's prospective who knows ^^ until next time cya! ^^
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bcdrawsandwrites · 1 year
Day 2: Overworked / Insomnia / Exhaustion
Characters: Boyd Cooper, Morceau Oleander
Warnings: Paranoia?
Summary: Boyd tries to keep himself awake while on the job, but everything is conspiring against him.
The moon shone high over the lake, its light reflecting off the water and making the night far brighter than it should have been. Of course, the moon was an illusion anyway. But that didn't make it any better! Why was it so bright tonight, huh? What were they planning?
Grumbling, Boyd felt around the ground again for the piece of chalk he'd dropped. Annoyingly it had snapped in half on impact, so he snatched up the bigger half and turned back to his writings on the wall. His eyes drifted over the cramped scrawls as he tried to remember where he'd left off. He saw a note he'd written on the corner of one brick mentioning the crows, as he'd tried to figure out just whom they were allied with. Was that it? He squinted, blinking down wearily at the writing, only to see that he'd already connected it with the note about the exploding rats.
He blinked again, then rubbed his eyes with his free hand. What time was it? Time was an illusion, yet he felt like he'd been out here for ages. But he couldn't leave his post--he was the guard, and he couldn't lose this job too!
Forcibly Boyd turned himself back to his wall to keep himself occupied. There were still important things he had to figure out! He was on the verge of a breakthrough--he knew it! He just had to figure out where he'd left off. His eyes scanned his notes once more, and he finally spotted it--a note about the lake. Yes! Lake Oblongata! It was surely a ploy by the government, but for what? Perhaps to cover for something. He put the broken edge of the chalk against the wall, thinking. It had to be covering for something... something... but... what...
He jolted awake when he felt his hands touch the ground, and jumped up with a yelp. To his dismay, he'd drawn a long line directly down the middle of his notes, and trying to erase it could risk erasing some of his hard work! With a cry of frustration, he tossed the chalk to the ground and stormed over to the gate, where he took a seat. It was surely time for his break, anyway. 
Leaning his back against the wall, Boyd let out a tremendous yawn. He'd sort through his notes after some sleep. Just a few hours, and he'd be able to--
A faint, high-pitched buzz in his ear was all the warning he got before something sharply bit him on the neck.
With a yelp, he slapped a hand against his neck, but the offending mosquito had already buzzed away. Immediately another whined in his opposite ear before nipping him on the side of his head, and he swatted at that one, too, accidentally smacking himself in the face. "Hnnngghh... biting me all night," he grumbled, trying in vain to wave the irritating insects away. Maybe he could persuade the General to give him some bug spray later, but he wasn't sure he trusted the chemicals in that stuff.  He was still leaning toward the idea that the spray made you more attractive to the bugs! All part of the plan.
...Yes! That was it! The government had planted the lake here in order to attract the mosquitoes! Trying to stop him from doing his job, hah!
He wanted to get up and write that down, but that would require getting up and finding the chalk, and just the thought of it made his feet ache in protest. No, he'd let himself sleep just a bit longer, if he could. But it was hard to sleep with the brightness of the moon, and the buzzing and biting of the mosquitoes, and the constant string of thoughts in his head, and...
He stared blankly out over the lake and the starry sky above.
...No, there was no way he was going to get to sleep tonight. Sighing, he crawled over to the wall, feeling around for his chalk again. His hand grasped the smaller half of the chalk this time, and he shakily pushed himself back up to stare at the wall. It took him several weary moments to spot the note about the lake again, and slowly he began to fill in what little space remained with his theory. Mosquitoes... biting... insomnia... sleep...
Gasping, Boyd lifted his head to find he'd slumped to the ground once again, and turned around to find the General glaring at him.
"What do you think you're doing?" Oleander snarled, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Should've known. Sleeping on the job!"
With a few mumbled apologies, Boyd pushed himself off the ground and shakily rose to his feet. He reached into his coat for the gate keys, and moved to let the General into the asylum.
"Stupid, ungrateful..." Oleander mumbled as he stormed into the courtyard. "You need to take this job more seriously, Cooper!"
The door slammed shut, leaving Boyd staring at it blankly.
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Wait, could you do one where the lost boys (dads au) where their daughter ( teen years at this point) A. Takes a sip of the wine bottle thinking it was actually wine and just wanted fk try it, or B. Finds a love interest (ideally a lot aggressive bad boy like they are cuz the hypocritical dad logic there would be hilarious)
✨ Thank you ✨
Teen reader gets a aggressive bad boy boyfriend
“David we need to talk” star announced as she pushed her way into the boys personal room
“What now star?” He says annoyed, trying to continue his only romantic time of the week when he and the boys can have a a date night of sorts
“You can’t keep letting our child go out at night, I know your trying to prepare them for being a vampi-“ she was quickly cut off
“I what? I’ve not given them permission to leave the cave at night ever?” He says confused
“Well (y/n) told me you told them to go out more at night to get them prepared for when they turn in a few years, they wouldn’t lie to me David” star says with an edge to her voice, as if she’s trying to convince herself more than anything
David raises an eyebrow before turning around to his boys and giving them a pointed look
“We’ll sort it star” Marko says quickly, trying to not panic
“But-“ star tries again
“We said we’ll sort it” Dwayne snaps as he stands up to show dominance with his large size
Star stormed off defeated, she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she got you in trouble. You shouldn’t have lied to her
The boys waited until the next night that you attempted to sneak out, they observed you from the shadows of the top of the cave as you went about your trickery
They noticed your outfit choice was a strange one for a hot summer night, you wore an oversized jumper and baggy jeans with what looked like ankle boots
They watched as you told star that you were going out, per David’s false orders. You even complained a bit to really pull off the act, they had to admit you were good.
They followed you from the sky as you wandered the boardwalk before reaching your destination, a tattoo shop
You ran in and the boys knew they would have to wait and watch from the shop window.
You ran into the tattoo shop excitedly before you saw the reason for your quick pace.
“Jamie” you yell excitedly as you see your boyfriend in the tattooing chair, you flop down into his free arm and giggle as you see his eyes light up
“Hello gorgeous” he kisses your cheek lovingly and pets your hair
“Have you missed me?” You said playfully
“Uh huh more than anything baby” he teases back before planting a cheeky kiss on your lips.
“I have to finish up here if you want to use the staff bathroom to get changed and then we’ll get a bite to eat” James said whilst stroking soothing patterns into your hand.
“Okay” you rush off into the bathroom and see a bag for you to put your stuff in ready on the side.
You and James met 8 months again and it definitely wasn’t love at first sight. James was a classics bad boy and because of your fathers, you tend to avoid boys like that, knowing how toxic they can be.
It wasn’t until James rescued you from some creeps when you were partying with some friends that you even talked to him without insulting each other. He knocked the guy out when he tried touching you inappropriately and took you back to ‘your house’ (grandpa max’s house, you couldn’t have him knowing you lived in a cave)
This sparked a friendship which quickly turned a relationship after a night of dancing turned into a night of kissing. You had fallen completely in love with James, you knew that everyone else saw an aggressive rule breaker and you saw the same, but you also saw him deeper than that, you knew his aggressive behaviour sparked from protectiveness rather than anger.
You opened up to James about your home life, how you were scared of being alone with some family members, how one of your dads was distant and how everyone in the family Ignored the obvious problems you were facing. (You left out having multiple vampire dads)
He accepted your baggage and even offered to run away with you, you initially rejected as you couldn’t face leaving your mother and Dwayne, but you are slowly beginning to be convinced though you would never admit it to anyone, not even yourself.
You and James had a typical routine of staying together on the boardwalk before he takes you home and you cuddle until 2AM because you would have to get home before your fathers got back and didn’t hear your heartbeat.
James adored you in every way, you were the one thing that gave him genuine joy, you were his sunshine, his gorgeous little princess. He’d die for you, he’d kill for you, he would do anything to make you smile.
The boys watched you emerge from the tattoo and breathed a sigh of relief that you didn’t come out with any bandages from a tattoo on you.
The relief was short lived when they took notice of what you were wearing. You had on a black crop top with black denim shorts, fishnets, black boots and a oversized leather jacket that was clearly not yours.
They were shocked, who bought you those clothes because it wasn’t them also, why would you wear them. You were much to young to wear clothing like that.
Then they saw a boy by your side who quickly put his arm around your shoulder as you walked. The boys were disgusted, was this creep trying to take advantage of their baby? It wasn’t until they saw you smile and laugh with the boy they realised you weren’t being taken advantage of, you were enjoying your time with the boy
The boys were curious so they followed you more before they would reveal themselves, they followed you to the board walk where you stood with this boy in front of a food truck and ordered.
They noticed how people would part themselves for this boy to walk with you. The boys had only ever seen people do this with them and it would have to be two or more, what made this boy so intimidating that people would actively avoid him.
You tried to pull your cash out to pay for your food but the boy shooed your hand away and pulled out his cash to pay, you giggled at the boy and leant into him in a loving way.
You looked at this boy with pure adoration, it reminded David of how you would look at him when you were younger. You used to look at him as if he was a god, with nothing but love in your eyes. Nowadays you mostly looked at him with anger or sadness.
As the boys were distracted, a group of young men came up behind you and one of them smacked your ass on the way. The boys were outraged, they went to jump up and rescue you but they were beat by James shielding you before he grabbed the man by the collar and smashed his face into the food truck.
James took on the group of boys and left each of them a bloody mess, some with broken noses and some with lost teeth. The boys looked at you and expected you to be disgusted by this act of violence, but when they looked at you, you had a blank expression which moulded into concern when you looked at the state of the boys hand. You rooted through your bag before pulling out pain killers and some bandages.
The boys were shocked, you planned for this? How often does this happen? Do you enjoy the violence? Who the fuck were you right now?
“You didn’t have to do that for me you know” you said gentle as you gripped the ice from your drink and wrapped it into a napkin before resting it on Jamie’s now bruised and bandaged hand.
“They shouldn’t have touched you” he said angrily, still heated at what the man did to you.
“You can’t just fight everyone who touches me you know?” You said jokingly
James takes your hand seriously and looks into your eyes with an unidentified emotion swirling around in them.
“I would kill for you y’know” he says seriously “I hate everyone but you, can’t go losing the best thing to ever happen to me”
“I know jamie” you reassured “I just don’t want you to get in trouble again, I don’t want to be alone again” you smile at him sadly
James pulls you to rest your head on his chest as he leans his chin on top of your head.
“That would never happen” he reassured you gently “can’t go getting rid of me now I love you” he teased lovingly
The boys retreated to the cave and sat in contemplation of what they just witnessed.
“This is fucked” Paul says after a twenty minute silence
“Paul” marko tries tiredly but is cut off
“No, this is seriously fucked” he begins a rant “this is some daddy issues shit. That little brat is exactly like us”
“Don’t be weird paul, that’s disgusting” Dwayne states
“No I’m serious right now” paul tries again “she’s practically dating a younger us and it’s Fucking weird”
“Don’t say they’re dating, we don’t know that yet” marko says sharply
“What more proof do you need, for her to stick her tongue down his throat?” Paul yells and winces at his own words.
“Don’t talk about her like that, she’s still a kid” Dwayne says trying to deny your growing up
“Dwayne, kids don’t wear crop tops and fishnets” paul yells “kids don’t make out with boys and sit on boys laps”
“SHUT UP” David yells, disgusted at the memory of you having an intimate moment with someone who was clearly your lover
“We have to come up with a plan on how to deal with this” David states with a sadistic smile as he thought of all the ways to get rid of the problem.
You should be on your way home by now….
Part two coming Soon!
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
Seabirds- Ralbert
This was originally written on Quotev as a request from someone, using one of their OCs x Race. I’ve changed it to be ralbert, as their OC isn’t mine and we kinda fell out of touch for reasons, so enjoy this cute little Ralbert fic!
    “Al, would you look at this?”
    Albert heard the awe in Race’s voice as he stared over the edge of the bridge, and he glanced over to see what his boyfriend was looking at. Their walk was supposed to be a short trip across the bridge, to Brooklyn and back to make sure Spot Conlon was still tolerant of the union, but the cool evening had set in and the sunset had caught Race’s attention. Albert loved that about him- how he always stopped to appreciate beautiful things. 
    Glancing over the railing, he could just barely see the sun, rays of light coating the world in an almost surreal shade of orange as it disappeared over the horizon. Race’s eyes sparkled with amazement, and he wrapped an arm around Albert as the redhead came to stand beside him. Despite the chilly air of the night as evening set in, Albert’s heart warmed his arms and legs as Race squeezed his shoulders.
    “It’s wonderful,” Albert agreed after a moment, whispering so as to not break the magic of the moment. Race hugged him close, and for a while it was just the two of them, basking in the fading light of the sun. Somewhere in the distance, Albert heard a squawk and smiled as his eyes caught two seagulls flying side-by-side. They weren’t with any other birds, the expanse of the river their only companion other than each other. It seemed some sort of a beautiful symbolism- maybe those birds didn’t need anyone other than themselves. Now, he didn’t know where they were going, most probably south for the winter, but he found himself wishing he was going with them. Far, far away, where the stress of life couldn’t find where he was.
    Briefly, he wondered if Race ever would be willing to leave with him.
    “I wonder where those two birds are going,” Race commented absentmindedly, and it was as if he’d read Albert’s mind. Albert chuckled softly, shrugging.
    “Me too.” Turning to face him, he planted a kiss on Race’s freckled cheek. “Who knows? They could be lovers, heading off to a new life together.” Smiling, he continued to speak, slowly getting lost in his own thoughts as he voiced them aloud. “Far away from the hustle and bustle of New York, where they can rest in peace and spend their bird-lives together.”
    Race raised an eyebrow. “You’ve sure thought about this a lot, huh?” He nudged Albert with his elbow, grinning at him teasingly. “Is that why you’ve been so quiet?”
    Albert blushed slightly, elbowing Race back and laughing. “I guess so.” He looked back out at the river. “I think it’s kind of a metaphor, you know?”
    Race nodded beside him, humming in response. “I think I get it,” he said after a moment, his voice slightly wistful.
    “Do you ever think we could do something like that? Run away together, I mean.” Albert glanced up at him, his heart rate suddenly picking up as the weight of the question hung between them. Race paused for a second, and Albert genuinely thought he’d messed up.
    He’d already begun to open his mouth and formulate an apology when Race smiled. “I’d want nothing more, mio amato.”
    Albert leaned his head against Race’s chest, smiling to himself, and Race hugged him close as the final bit of light disappeared, leaving the world shrouded in quiet darkness. Normally, the darkness enveloping them would be something for a man to be afraid of, a symbol of lost hope and danger, but those worries meant nothing to the two boys standing on that bridge together.
    Albert liked to think that he and Race were like those seabirds, flying far away from the night, having only each other and their shadow-like outlines in the sky to let the busy world beneath them know that they were there.
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spunknbite · 1 year
South Downs, revisited
The garden faces south.
Wisteria and lavender. Borders of delphinium. Brilliant violet asters, peonies and shock-white hydrangeas. Hostas that could use splitting come spring. Hollyhocks thriving, standing ten feet easy. Lady’s Mantle, climbing roses, snap dragons. Yarrow, a lot of yarrow.
Grow you a garden. Start from seed, from the beginning, the inception. Dirt under fingernails, cracked terracotta pots, noon sun high. Watch stalks rise and flowers bloom, creation, something new and whole and yours.
There’s lattice-work arches too. A little neglected, water-warped wood imprinted with decades of climbing tendrils tattooing the grain. The clematis has fallen back, overstretched and thinning at the apex, but still the stains of its vines remain on the wood, revealing past summers. The patio stones that dot the perimeter are smoothed almost slippery from years of use and rain. Initials are carved in the trunk of the overgrown birch that shadows the back gate. SM + RB dug deep in testament, a fine layer of moss creeping at the edges.
Loved, this garden was loved by its former caretakers. Could be loved again, certainly.
There’s room enough to spread out. Add some colour — daylilies, cosmos, bellflowers. Coax some ivy up the brick. Mint as ground cover, along with flowering thyme, lily of the valley, phlox. 
He could build an awning off the back wall, offer some more cover. Move the hostas – they’d be happier under the protection. Plant some astilbes, coral bells, some begonias in the summer. Add a few lounges, a place for an angel to read while it storms. 
Maybe an apple tree, if he’s feeling bold.
“I quite miss the country,” Aziraphale says one afternoon. A sip of tea, the familiar clink of cup on saucer. “It’s been centuries.”
“Centuries since I’ve holidayed properly. The occasional day trip hardly counts.”
“You can’t leave this shop.”
“Not permanently, maybe just to get some air. See the sky again.” Saucer meets desk. A smile his way, blue eyes alight,
“And I will make thee beds of Roses  And a thousand fragrant posies,  A cap of flowers, and a kirtle  Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle”
“For Satan’s sake, you’re invoking Marlowe of all people?”
“And why shouldn’t I? Just because he’s been a smidge overshadowed by —”
“You know he was an atheist, angel?”
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
“And that broken clock can write poetry too?”
The bell above the shop door rings, and Aziraphale is off. 
The third bedroom is just a nook really; it peaks out of a dormer window overlooking the back garden. It has built-in shelves along one wall, inset and bordered with the sort of colonial crown moulding that Crowley imagines only Aziraphale would truly appreciate. Grandmotherly; shelves seemingly meant to house sun-faded doilies and ceramic cats.
But it could be a library. Granted, a small one, but there was space enough for a collection of the essentials with room to spare under the window for a desk. An angel must keep up with his correspondence, after all. 
Dear angel, he’d written once, centuries ago. Then scribbled it out.
Dear angel, he’d written again, not long after. Then burned it.
Dear angel, he’d written again and again and again. Wasted paper made pulp made paper again, never sent.
He buys the damned cottage. 
Dumb idea. Impulsive, really. Like a lot of what he did, what he still does — gets a notion in his demonic skull and just charges on, unencumbered by reflection. As if he trusts some higher power is looking out for him, has his back – the absurdity of it. Once upon a time before the beginning of the world, he’d sauntered vaguely downward without really considering all the consequences, the ramifications of it all; hadn’t weighed and measured, worked out the celestial maths. No, he made a choice and paid for it without knowing the price.
(he would have kept sauntering on anyway, knowing where it would ultimately lead — earth and humans and their wonderful cars and Aziraphale and and and — but he hadn’t known then, couldn’t have known, just what shape his damnation would take, and that was rather the point; he was a careless idiot)
Here too, on earth. We can run away together — Alpha Centauri. Get an idea, a cocked up, stupid thought and go all in on it. 
The Bentley, raging down London streets. A sharp, nearly blind corner. Is there oncoming traffic? Could he stop if he wanted to? Who’s even in control, has he ever been? Has he gone from one master to another to another?
You go too fast for me, Crowley.
So he buys the damned cottage, because what else can he do?
Aziraphale gets in the elevator and Crowley gets in the Bentley. He doesn’t know where he’s going, but it’s not South Downs.
Also on ao3 for anyone interested.
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