#on the other hand. hm. idk. it’s complicated
problemeule · 2 years
hm. emotions are strange critters
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stopthatfool · 10 months
Wednesday WIP!
(ignore that Wednesday is almost over. (at least it is where i am idk) please and thank you) (ignore any typos! she's only been through phase one of my editing process!)
This is a mini scene from ch.7 (which is in the works i promise) but! it's from Ice's point of view! I did it to try and figure out his "voice" and to see if some of his choices and actions were in character or not blah blah blah who cares! (i do. i care) On to the WIP!
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anyway! none of ch.7 will be written in Ice's perspective. The Jeep Universe (or where it's at currently) will remain in Maverick's perspective! I gotta tear Mav apart and then put him back together first! (and then (maybe) it'll be Ice's turn...)
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multifariousqueer · 2 months
The talk-Logan Howlett x Reader
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A/n: oml the brainrot I have for this man is insane. Feel free to request imagines for this man. 😍😍
Warnings: talks of pregnancy, fluff, fiancé!Logan, idk I think that’s it.
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Rain pattered against the windowsill of your shared cozy cabin up East. It was another night of waiting for Logan to return home from X men business and you couldn’t wait to see him; you had news that one of your friends was pregnant and that you were going to be an aunt. Your heart thumped in your chest as you heard your security system go off(ever since Logan joined the X men, he wants to make sure the only good thing[you] in his life is safe) and the sound of heavy boots entering through the door:
“Hey baby I’m home” he said. Logan always felt reassured when he walked through the front door because he knew that everything he needed and wanted was there. The house was always warm with candlelight and something amazing being made.
You had cooked dinner and set the table. All he needed to do was wash his hands and sit down.
“Hey honey! Oh my gosh I missed you”. You chirped as you rushed into his embrace. A hug seemingly lasting for centuries despite it being no longer than thirty seconds quickly melting all stress and worry from Logan’s frame.
Logan smiled down at you and kissed your forehead, resting his on top of yours.
“I missed you too, bub. How was your day?” Logan said. Even after almost dying, he was so thoughtful.
This wasn’t new for Logan and you however, he was always quick to ask about you before you asked about him(although don’t get me wrong, you still asked). This could’ve been due to PTSD or maybe just a natural occurrence in your relationship but either way, you both weren’t complaining.
“hm?” Logan asked, still holding his position on your forehead as you stood there for a minute taking each other in.
The news genuinely shocked Logan as he never pegged your friend for being the “parent” type. She was always sweet to him and seemed responsible enough but something made him feel offput. Maybe it was the fact that you guys were talking about children the other day or about how you two always talked about having kids but he felt a twinge of jealousy at this news.
“That’s great, baby” he said through gritted teeth
“What’s wrong?” You picked up on the shift immediately. He was your fiancee after all.
“Nothing” he said, trying his best to hide his displeasure
“Something. Tell me, baby” you cooed.
“It’s just…everyone’s getting pregnant except for us. I’m happy to be an uncle but I want to be a dad, you know?” He said honestly. This was one of the few times that Logan actually expressed himself and his emotions without shutting down. Needless to say, this might not happen again.
“I know, bubs. It’ll be our time soon but between you, the X-Men, our jobs… we just need to focus on each other right now. It’ll happen when it happens but have each other for the time being” you expressed.
A long pause permeated the room. Fear rang through your heart as the worst scenarios played through your mind. What if he shut down again? What if this turned him off? What if’s shot through your head as it was immediately turned down by a gruff voice:
“you’re right. I need to focus on you and me. I shouldn’t have brought it up” he said, remorsefully.
“No no no! Please bring it up but we just need to look at both sides of the coin right now. Okay?” You said reassurangly
“okay” he said with a small smirk on his face.
You both went to the table and made his plate before eating and going to bed. Nights and talks like this are what made you fall for him, the simplicity of complicated conversations and the calm demeanor’s of you both made you want to give him the child you both wanted.
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*1 year later*
Tears flooded the corners of your eyes as the test in your hand showed two pink lines.
“Logan!!!” you said, your voice breaking with happiness.
“Yeah baby?” He asked standing by the door.
“Are we ready?” You laughed.
Logan smiled and shook his head before speaking:
“I think so bubs, I think so”
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franksoceanwrld · 3 months
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zombie apocalypse au!aegon targaryen x fem!reader.
notes: this is a au of a zombie apocalypse aegon, reader and aegon have a complicated relationship but love each other, i recommend the song ghost towns by radical face. this is kinda set in the walking dead show but no one in the show is mentioned.
summary: you’d do anything for aegon, even give your life to save him.
warning (s): zombies, guns, knifes, gore, death, fluff, angst, idk what else?
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you looked outside, the heavy rain hit the windows of the truck. aegon was driving, a faint hum of the the song love will tear us apart by joy division played in the cd player of the truck.
its been five months since a outbreak took place, people got bit and ended up crazy. now the world was left in shambles, towns and city’s tore down in a matter of minutes.
you and aegon dated before the outbreak, despite the differences you both had you both loved each other. when the outbreak took place you were at his house, and his mother called, it felt like it was almost yesterday when it took place.
his mother called saying that his father and grandfather were in the hospital, she was going to say something else but the phone disconnected, that was last time aegon spoke to his mother. a few days later, his siblings aemond, helaena and daeron left without saying a word.
aegon and you eventually left his house, trying to find aegon’s half sister rhaenyra but the house was covered in stains of blood you both left the house quickly.
you weren’t that close to your family, but you tried to look for them. you went to your old house but ended up finding the house ransacked and empty. now it was the two of you alone in a cursed world.
aegon and you eventually learned that it was the bite that did it, or even a scratch. don’t get bit!
“what are you thinking about love?” aegon suddenly spoke out, his hands gripping onto the steering wheel.
the two of you had a complicated relationship, you both would disagree on something which led into an argument, aegon was short tempered that was for sure, but he loved you and you loved him.
“hm? oh nothing. how much do we have on gas?” you said looking away from the window to him.
“about half a tank, we’re good. i filled up another gas can in the back while you slept earlier.” aegon looked away from the road to you, his eyes were bloodshot and he had eyebags under his eyes.
“you look tired..let me drive?” you looked at him, your eyes almost pleading.
aegon looked back at the road, a yawn escaping him. “i could use some sleep.” he nodded, before pulling over to the side of the road.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
now it was night, the rain had stopped creating a nice scent of smell in the air. the both of you laid in the bed of the truck, piles of blankets and pillows under you and him, and a blanket over your bare bodies. despite the outbreak, the both of you always found a way to be intimate, and enjoyed it.
you laid your head on aegon’s bare chest, he had his arm around your waist, playing with the strands of your hair as he looked at the stars above.
the silence between you both was comforting, it was like the zombie apocalypse never actually happened.
“i wonder how aemond, helaena and daeron are.” he suddenly spoke out. the two of you hadn’t spoke about family in four months, it was a silent rule the two of you made.
“i’m sure they are fine, maybe they are with your mother?” you spoke, but the mention of his mother made his own body tense up, despite all the things she had said to him, he still craved her attention even if she wasn’t even here.
“i’m sorry-i shoul-” you immediately apologized, and sat up, the coldness picking at your skin.
aegon sighed, running a hand though his face. he sat up the blankets pooling to his waist. “its fine.” he said, but you knew it was a lie, and you absolutely hated when he lied.
“you know i do not like it when you lie.” you looked at him, growing irritated with him.
“i said i’m fine. now leave it.” aegon sighed, laying back down.
“i know you aegon, your not fine.” you said, looking away from him. “but i don’t want to argue with you, not tonight. so i’ll just leave it like that.”you laid your head back on his chest.
“i love you.” he muttered, pulling you closer to him. “i love you so fucking much.”
you kissed his chest, “i love you too.”
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
it had been a few weeks since then, and you and him found an old hunting cabin.
now you were looking through all the canned foods you had, the two have been living off of canned soups and fruits for the past few weeks.
“damn it.” you mumbled to yourself, there was a few canned soups but it wouldn’t last the next few days. you let out a sigh before closing the cabinet.
“how are we on food?” a voice spoke out behind you, you looked over your shoulder and saw aegon leaning against the wall.
“we’re running low. we probably won’t have enough for the end of the week.” you said, standing up and dusting your hands on your dirty jeans.
aegon let out a sigh, walking over to you. “i saw a supermarket not to far from here. it looked pretty empty.”
“okay.” you nodded, “we could go in the morning, when it’s more brighter.” you put your hands on his shoulders.
“yeah.” aegon nodded. “more safer in the morning anyways.” he put his hands on your waist. “we should get some rest.”
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
the next morning, the two of you sat in the truck, infront of the supermarket not yet going inside yet.
aegons eyes scanned over the building. like he said it looked pretty empty. “okay, we need to be quick.”
“yep.” you nodded before you opened the passenger door, your knife was in your back pocket, and you had your gun in hand.
the two of them walked began to walk through the supermarket parking lot, both of you were on high alert looking around for anything.
before the two of you entered the supermarket, aegon stopped to look at you. “yell for me if anything goes wrong, okay?” he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, before the two of you walked into the supermarket.
the sunlight shined through the windows, all the front shelves were empty and knocked over, there was some blood spattered on the walls and floors but no bodies.
“i’ll go search in the back.” you spoke to aegon.
“okay..be careful.” he spoke, as he watched you leave him.
you walked down the isle, it was eerily silent, the only noise being your footsteps stepping on glass. the feeling of uneasiness settled in your stomach as you looked around, knowing that anything or anyone could be hiding behind the next corner.
but you breathed a sigh of relief as you saw some canned foods. you picked up a few cans of food and shoved them into your backpack. as you finished you heard a loud crash coming from infront of the store. your mind immediately drifted off to aegon.
your legs started to run as you slung your backpack over your shoulders. once you reached the front of the store you saw aegon fighting off three zombies, their mouths snapping at him.
“aegon!” you yelled, putting your gun away, and pulling out your knife.
aegon snapped his head towards you, “leave!” he yelled, but you couldn’t just leave him, you loved him too much.
“no!” you yelled, stabbing a zombie in the head, his body falling limp on the floor.
you saw a zombie about to bite aegon in the arm but you stepped infront of him, the zombie biting on your arm instead, as aegon too busy to notice stabbing the other zombie in the head, as you stabbed the zombie on your arm in the head, aegon grabbed your arm and you both left the supermarket.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
the drive back to the cabin was silent, aegon didn’t even notice your arm bleeding from the bite and you were to busy thinking of what you were going to do, what you’d eventually turn in the next 24 hours.
the two of you walked into the cabin, aegon put yours and his backpack on the table, both filled with food.
“are you okay? you’ve been quiet since the supermarket..” aegon spoke, looking away from the food and towards you.
“i-“ you stuttered but ended up just showing him the bite mark. “i was trying to help you..but got bite in the middle of it.”
aegon’s eyes widened as he saw the bite mark. “no, no..” his eyes started to fill with tears as he stumbled to you. he looked down at the bite mark again, hoping this was just a bad dream and he’d eventually wake up, but his sadness turned to anger. “i told you to leave me!”
“how could be so careless?!” he yelled. “you were supposed to get out of there! not to get yourself bitten!”
“i couldn’t leave you!” you yelled back, you didn’t even realize tears were streaming down your face.
“well you should’ve!” aegon yelled, tears falling down his face as well. “no, i should’ve gotten bitten, not you!”
“no.” you shook your head, “i wouldn’t let that happen.”
aegon stepped away, his voice breaking “what do we do now?!”
“i cannot turn into one of them aegon.” you shake your head. “i cannot.” you pulled out your handgun, holding it out for him.
“no.” he shook his head, “i won’t-i can’t do it. no.”
you stepped closer to him, “i cannot become one of those things.”
he slowly grabbed the gun from your hands, “i can’t-i love you.” his voice was raspy and cracking, tears still streaming down both of your faces.
“i love you too.” you pressed your forehead to his, closing your eyes. “i can’t become one of those things..”
aegon closed his eyes, and with his free hand brought his hand to your cheek. “i love you so fucking much.” he leaned in and kissed you, mixing both of their salty tears.
aegon pulled back and slowly pulled the handgun to your head, breathing heavily. “i can’t do it..” he muttered, but he had too.
“i love you..” aegon spoke before pulling the trigger, the sound of the bullet filled his ears, and left a ringing sound.
the both of you fell to the floor, aegon put the gun on the floor, bringing your lifeless body and cradling it, burying his face into your neck, sobs taking over his body “i’m so sorry.” he kept muttering, rocking back and forth.
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eumivrse · 2 years
JUST CO-WORKERS : aki hayakawa
warning(s) public sex ? idk, but it’s balcony sex at reader and aki’s apartment lol. fwb, unprotected sex, creampie, slight spanking
word count 1,537
author’s note honestly didn’t wanna post another drabble but this has been on my drafts for months now n im having a little aki phase anywayz so hii
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aki smoking that pack while giving you backshots, the morning news playing in the background, sun slowly rising across the horizons.
the air felt cool and groggy, the city still awake with lights from the long night, yet no one was outside to see your tits bouncing against the metal bar of the terrace that’s preventing you from falling over 9 stories down.
aki groaned in frustration, a cloud of smoke slipping out his nose and lips as he finally pressed the butt of his cig on the ashtray next to you , “baby, stop moving around so much, would ya?” he was literally asking the impossible judging by the way your body jolts with each thrust.
you mewl, face down to watch as some of the residents from your apartment complex exit the building and vouch for a taxi. “fuck, fuck— aki…” the molten stench of the cig was making you dizzy, enough that you were forgetting that people can hear you.
it’s definitely not the best type of noise to hear first thing in the morning for your neighbor’s sake, but you and aki have been up all night for work and are unable to fall asleep due to the adrenaline rush from killing devils so what better way to cure that than to just fuck like animals for a good night’s— or morning’s rest?
aki hunches over your shoulder, one hand squeezing your tummy while the other tilts your jaw back to meet his eyes. “ ‘m gonna need you to quiet down, alright? i want to be the only one who can hear you.” he leans in for a kiss, one that was full of lust, all wet and messy.
it’s complicated with aki, really. he doesn’t want to be in a relationship but would constantly get your hopes up whenever he’d probe you into these types of situations. the first time was when you came home after a dinner with other co-workers and a drunken kiss led to a hook up. something like this should’ve been expected as soon as you both were assigned to live in the same apartment, you just didn’t expect to like him as much as you do right now.
his cock was stretching you open, clit starting to feel cold from being deprived of touch. your cunt was so fucking wet, the sound of your slick slapping against his balls tickling aki’s ears. his hands were firm on your waist, adam’s apple prominent from his perspired neck.
the base of your ass slammed against his abdomen as you throw it back on him, his abs gleaming from the sheen of sweat and the sunlight peeking past the cracks of the buildings in front of you.
your knees were starting to give out, arms hooked around the railings of the terrace. “aki- i want you, please. please make me cum.” desperation lingered in your voice, it was comical honestly.
“hm? don’t you say the same thing when you’re with other men?”
you mewl when his tip plunged onto your g-spot. “wh-what other men?”
he scoffs, palm striking the skin of your ass and forcing a yelp out of you. “you don’t think i know? all those nights you’d invite some random loser from the bar and i have to listen to you fake your orgasm? i gotta say,” he slaps you again and grabs a chunk of your ass to grip on. “you’re a pretty good actress. but i know you, sweetheart. and i know how fucking beautiful you really sound when you cum.” he chuckles in between pants.
“why do you care so much anyways?” you yelp and aki rocks his hips vigorously, your hole starting to seep with arousal, dripping down your thighs and the curve of your ass marred with the print of his palm.
aki isn’t a chatty person at all, but you’ve been around him long enough to know that if he’s rambling like this, he’s pissed. under those nasty words of praise, his cock is bullying your insides and is risking you of getting a noise complaint.
he isn’t wrong though, you go around sleeping with other men on purpose to make him seethe in jealousy— to make him realize how much you mean to him. you intentionally exaggerate your moans for him to hear on the other side of the wall and he’s taking out the envy on you right now.
his clammy palms bruised the plump of your waist, his breathing heavy and teeth digging on his bottom lip. “because…” he punctures the same spot over and over again at an intermittent pace in between his words. “you deserve more than that.”
you grit your teeth, fists clenched while you whimpered. aki pulls out and wraps his palm around his fat cock, resting it in between your ass while jerking himself off.
he grunts, slapping his tip against the base of your back and taunting you. “so you want me to beg? is that it?” you groan.
“sure. not with that attitude though.” you couldn’t see him, but you bet he probably has that shit-eating grin plastered on his face right now.
it’s a change of pace from his usual stoic attitude.
he sneaks his hand in between your legs and teases your clit, the flat of his finger flicking you. “aki- don’t do this, shittttt…” you were starting to feel your stomach contract, sweat trickling from your forehead down your nose. the heat of the sun was starting to cower the dewy air, you turned your head, mouth quivering from the immense stimulation.
“please aki? i’ll be good to you. i’ll be a good girl for you…” it was so unnatural for you to pout as you are right now, bottom lip sticking out as you plead to him.
aki laughs, moaning while he fucks into his fist before poking his tip back in between your folds. “ ‘wasn’t that hard now, was it? ‘knew you had it in you.” he takes one of your arms and pins it on your back, a ball of his spit plopping down his cock before he snaps his hips against your ass.
his cock stretched your tight hole deliciously, thighs jiggling with each thrust. the tv’s noise and your moans was now swallowed by the honking and the engines of cars downstairs, you can practically see the whole road with your tits smashed against the railings. your arm is sore from being held behind you, slick running down your inner thigh.
“aki, fuck, cum with me, ah fuckkkkk” you curse out loud, your breathing jagged and sharp.
he stutters, grunting as he lets go of your arms and bruises your waist with his calloused hands. “w-where?”
“inside, baby. hah- ‘want you to make me yours.” he frantically slipped himself inside of you once more before fucking you full of cum mixed with your own, pulling his cock out with a pop! sound as translucent white cum dripped down your clenching pussy.
“fuck,” aki gasps and you turn around, seeing his face drenched with strands of his raven hair sticking to his forehead. he massaged your breasts, your palms cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a longing kiss as you walk back into your shared apartment.
you hadn’t realized he was leading you to his room and onto his bed, you were too lost in his familiar lips that tasted of spearmint and cigarettes. you pulled from each other, your thumb pressing on his bottom lip.
you never slept in the same bed even after sex. it’s as if it was an unspoken rule— a boundary you should never cross.
however, this time felt different. aki got you to lay on his mattress and covered you with his fluffy comforter, the buzzing of the ac easing your sore body.
he settled next to you after putting his boxers back on, back against the headboard. “you’re free tomorrow, yes?” he asks, opening up a bottle of water from his nightstand and chugging on it before passing it to you.
“yeah duh, we’re in the same division.” you take a sip from the plastic bottle. probably not the best idea to share a drink with a chronic smoker, but you stopped caring.
aki always hated having to express his feelings especially after the tragedies that had occurred in his life. you were the only one that didn’t pity him when you found out about his past and that gave him a sense of hope.
maybe he’s not cut out for this and more so that you’re supposed to have a wall of professionalism in between you two, but to hell with all that. “let’s go on a date tomorrow.” he sighs.
“as…?” you slumped your head on his shoulder.
“as a couple, duh.” he places his nose on the top of your head, getting a whiff of your coconut shampoo.
“awh, is this your first time asking someone out?” you scoff.
“don’t make me take it back.”
“okay, okay! fine, i’ll go out with you tomorrow.” you’re being nonchalant, but nothing can express the amount of happiness bubbling up inside of you.
he hooks his arm around your shoulder and pushes you closer to him. “this means we’re dating now, right?” you whisper, pecking his jaw lightly.
“yes, babe.”
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indieyuugure · 11 months
Hey Indie, i have a question about your au (indie tmnt) karai is gonna be mutated into a mutant white worned viper like the 2012 séries or in an another animal?
Enjoy your time with your friend <3
Thank you! Yeah I had lot’s of fun! Always good to see an old friend ^v^ hopefully it won’t be so long till we see each other again.
Hm…well I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a little while now, though I’m not totally 100% on it.
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Idk yet how I want it to happen, the sketch on here has a situation like how Jennika was mutated, though I’ve thought maybe a 2012 Karai situation could be interesting too (like Leo brushes her fingertips but doesn’t quite grab her hand and she falls into a vat of mutagen anyway).
If I did do something like this though, it would definitely be temporary! As much as I love the idea of them both being turtles, the DNA situation is so…complicated and weird and I just really don’t wanna have to deal with it, plus it gives me an excuse for a plot where Donnie’s gotta figure out how to make retro-mutagen, which I could then use later, but who knows, I haven’t really thought about it too much.
Good question! :]
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theemporium · 1 year
can you write a friends with benefits smut with conrad fisher?
thank you for requesting! idk how i feel about writing for conrad ngl but we shall see!!
“We shouldn’t do this.” 
“No, we shouldn’t.” 
“This could complicate things.” 
“We should stop.” 
The boy paused, lifting his head to look up at you with a smirk on his face that made your stomach twist with anticipation. Conrad Fisher knew he was an attractive boy, with the surf-swept hair and freckled, tanned skin. 
But he was even prettier when he was between your legs. 
“You want me to stop?” he asked, though his amusement was clear in his voice as he leaned down to press a kiss just below your belly button. 
You weren’t sure how things got so complicated with Conrad. One summer you both were friends, laughing and surfing and spending the days together until you both had to leave Cousins once again. The next summer you were pulling him into your room in the dark hours of the night, or sneaking into the shower with him before the rest of the families woke up. 
It was meant to make things easier, to squash the attraction between you both that was purely physical. 
You should’ve known better than to assume anything with Conrad Fisher would be simple.
“I said we should stop,” you breathed out, watching as his fingers crept up your thighs and teasingly twisted in the waistband of your bikini bottoms. “Not that I wanted you to stop.” 
It had been a lazy summer day, none of you wanting to do the trek down to the beach. So, you had slept in and ate a late breakfast before changing into your swimming costumes and deciding to have a pool day. 
However, what you failed to realise was that you would have to spend the whole day watching Conrad in just his swimming trunks, water droplets running down his toned stomach and tanned skin. Or that he would be giving you ‘fuck me’ eyes all day after seeing you walk out in a black two-piece that had him itching to have you all to himself. 
To the defence of you both, you lasted a solid few hours before one of you broke. 
The others had said they were hungry and Conrad offered the two of you to go in and whip something up. The rest were far too lazy and sun-tired to even offer their help. 
That was how you ended up on the kitchen counter, your lips red and swollen from his greedy kisses, before he made his way down your body, ignoring your little reminders to not leave any marks.
“I knew you wanted this,” Conrad murmured, strands of hair falling before his eyes and you resisted the urge to push them away. “That’s why you wore this little number, hm?” 
“Maybe I just liked it,” you murmured, fighting the urge to keep your eyes on him as he continued to press soft, open-mouthed kisses along the plane of your stomach and far too close to where you needed him. 
“Not for me?” Conrad teased. 
“Don’t start thinking I’m dressing up for you, Fisher,” you retorted, letting out a small gasp when he pressed his thumb against your clothed clit, moving in small circles.
“I don’t know,” Conrad murmured as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, squeezing your knee before he moved down your thigh. “I think it would be pretty friendly of you.” 
You bit back your smile. “You better hurry up if you don’t want to scar any of the others.” 
“You say that like I can’t have you screaming in minutes,” he shot back, a little too cocky for your liking. 
“You overestimate your abilities,” you teased. 
The glint in his eyes was dangerous and you should’ve known better than to challenge Conrad Fisher. 
It took less than five minutes before you were squirming on the kitchen counter, his head nuzzled between your legs and his tongue lapping your soaking cunt, eating you like a starved man dying. His hands were splayed against your thighs, keeping you spread open and your bikini pushed the side as his tongue licked up and down. 
“Conrad, fuck, please—” Your hands wound themselves in his hair, tugging roughly which only made the boy groan against you. 
“C’mon, baby,” his words were muffled and his hands held onto you tighter as he pulled you closer. “Be a good girl f’me.” 
The noise you let out was needy and high-pitched and borderline pornographic as you came on his face, holding onto the edge of the kitchen counter as you rode out the rest of your orgasm with soft kisses and gentle licks. 
Conrad was grinning from ear to ear, smug and victorious with his lips and chin glistening in your release. “Told you, baby, all I needed was minutes,” he told you before lightly slapping your thigh. “Now turn around, gonna fuck you silly over this counter before the pizza is done.”
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anxious-witch · 4 months
One thing that "bothers" me with paynland(is that how you spell the ship name? I have seen three different varstions sorry) is that I fear it won't be slow progression they seem to need rn.
Like, yeah, I am a multishipper, but I am also aware paynland is likely endgame and I totally understand why! They are so devoted to each other and no matter what other people they love, what paths they take, at the end of everything, they will have each other, when everyone else moves on, in one way or another.
But I really feel like they have a lot to unpack before they are ready for that relationship? They both have traumas, which yeah, everyone does, but theirs clash in a way I fear would make things complicated? Even when we see flashbacks, we see very little of Edwin's life, where he clings only to the events that led to his death and then, of course 70 years of hell. Charles, on the other hand, clings to life. Of how unfair his whole life was, so full of pain and then he died, but he still clings to what he lost. That's why he likes Crystal! She makes him feel the way he could have felt if he got to live.
And Edwin...doesn't quite understand. Not yet, anyway. And I feel like beither Edwin nor Crystal fully understand why Charles is so angry. Edwin reassures him "you are the best person I know" but both he and Crystal calls Charles' anger extreme. Was it tho? We only see Charles get violent when they are threatned as a way to protect them. And I do wonder how the writers will bridge that gap between them. Charles cannot fully give up his violence, because he needs ti be able to protect people he loves and Edwin cannot fully let go of his fear of it, which is understandable due to his time in hell.
Which isn't that much of an issue with friends, but in a relationship? Hm. There is a lot to unpack. Which is why I am kinda hoping we'd get several seasons so they can properly develop. Because Charles and Edwin understand each other so perfectly in some things, can predict what the other will do or need in a dangerous situation. And yet, it took Crystal shaking things up to make both of their buried feelings resurface. Feelings one had to bottle up for over 30 years!
Idk. Maybe I am overthinking it, but I feel like for them to work, they both need to work on accepting themselves-and the things the other hid from them.
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yabagofmilfs · 3 months
Do you think maverick travels with sid in the summer?
What's the best compliment you've received?
Do you think the malkins got divorced?
1 - I think he must at least bring him home to canada with him over the summer (or maybe wherever Kathy spends the majority of her time, which I assume is also his home in Cole Harbour?). it would make me very sad to think about him leaving maverick in pittsburgh to be looked after by a housekeeper or something, but on the other hand cats are not usually very good at traveling and need a consistent home base so idk, the logistics seem complicated. plus he doesn’t seem to stick around in one place for very long in the summer. but on the third hand, if you’re the type of pet owner who has photos of your cat at the ready on your phone and will show them off with little prompting, it seems unlikely that you’d want to abandon them for months at a time? taylor, please ask about this. the people yearn for answers.
2 - hm. i’m very bad at this! i am always pleased when i get a compliment about someone rereading one of my fics often. i think that’s the highest compliment i can receive on my writing.
3 - i think anna has maybe decided he’s suffered enough / was afraid he was about to do something drastic like get a very large and very ugly tattoo and decided to put him out of his misery
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wedding ring? tiffany bag? romantic song? we might be back in business, baby.
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ezdotjpg · 1 year
forgive me if it's been asked before but alt. hobbies for your bonus links?? would guess mage has a thing for gardening and fishing because of his uncle's apple orchard with a nearby pond but i'm curious!
ooo I like that for mage! he also spends a LOT of time reading. Like anything he can get his hands on. He’s reading the driest tome abt the history of hyrulean property taxes ever put to paper
ok I have more some of these might be repeats sorry
Loft really loves woodcarving but he hasn’t been able to do it as much since he has tremors in his right hand now. he’s getting better with his left though! I feel like he might have also liked other crafts like knitting or crocheting but encounters the same problems with those. do death-defying stunts with his loftwing (safe for the loftwing, batshit for him) count as a hobby. he jumps off cliffs for fun. if u asked him what his favorite hobby is he would say it’s sleeping
Mask loves fishing too! for some reason I feel like he’d also be good at like. idk. weaving shit out of grass. he’s basket weaving. he’s making bracelets. he makes flower crowns for the cows. I like to imagine he and malon come up with a lot of games to play together with their own elaborate sets of rules. does that count as a hobby
Wolf likes to bake! he also reads a lot tho I love the headcanon that it’s like. 95% garbage romance novels. love that for him. Also fishing! I think he would also like gardening
War dances! Mostly only when he’s by himself if it’s not in formal setting like a ball. He has no other hobbies <- desperately needs them
Mini builds machines out of garbage. most of them are harmless. sometimes he’s an evil mastermind. I think he’d like sculpting things out of clay too
Mirror makes jewelry but that’s more of his profession. He’s taken up drawing and painting! noting the irony lol. he always has a sketchbook on him. i think he likes watercolors. He really likes fashion! He can sew and embroider.
Spirit also invents contraptions but that’s also his job. Knowing everything about trains is also his job. I think maybe he does not have many hobbies that aren’t also his job. Hm. Actually he really likes playing his flute I think he makes up his own songs on it. If u asked him I think he would also say his favorite hobby is sleeping
I think. Wake likes to collect weird stuff he finds in the ocean or on beaches lol. Like salvaging? It’s weird seashells. It’s cool pieces of driftwood. It’s rusty swords that wash ashore. it’s objects from another time. He taught himself to play the trumpet. He loves to sing and he’s so bad at it. If he spots a piece of rope he’s tying an elaborate series of complicated, artful knots
I think Slate really likes climbing. Like yeah he does it to get around but sometimes he just climbs giant cliffs for fun. Lots of active stuff like shield-surfing and sandseal racing! He treats riding horses as more of a hobby than a means of travel. He loves hearing stories from ppl a stables, if that counts. Game nights w the locals in Hateno. He grows different plants he finds in hyrule in his room in Hateno and Zelda does experiments with them when he’s not home lol.
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wasyago · 1 year
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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captainaikus · 2 years
So when I said a ditzy girl for Sae I meant someone clumsy and dense! I feel like a lot if what I’ve read is a more sound person but I want someone that bugs him and he’s annoyed with But still falls for & it irks him that she’s so oblivious? Basically someone he falls for first! I love the other ideas you’ve picked for him too. I would LOOVE a false south sequel honestly, idk what would come after and if he’ll miss her but I’ll literally eat up anything :p I HAVE MORE IDEAS FOR SAE TOO LOL
Omg sorry for the third note lol but I had an idea for a prompt with Sae: 1. Accidental pregnancy - I know he’s too careful for this but still I wana see how he’s react. 2. A divorce with Sae - you tried but he hasn’t changed and it’s time to end the marriage .. maybe they have a kid to complicate things? 3. Childhood friends Sae had a thing for but bc of the falling out with Rin, she’s disgusted by him - basically unrequited on Sae’s end. Ok that is all for now LOL
Sae is arrogant as he is rational, and sometimes he would find your behavior illogical, wondering why you were smiling around him or why your expression broke from being serious to a lovesick little puppy when he came into your sight. It doesn't make sense for someone to be so happy around someone else, not to mention your rushed actions that seemed rash and done without a thought. There were times when you frustrated him, test tube slipping out of hand and falling to the floor or days where you'd forget your pencil case or notes, wanting to borrow things from him instead. Going on car rides annoyed him when you sang the lyrics all wrong and wondered if anyone had ever told you about your voice cracking or the fact that your words sounded similar to gibberish than the lyrics that were written and released. His actions soon turned loving, a passive expression on his face yet hand moving to place the seatbelt across your torso when you forgot about it; placing your order at a coffee shop, remembering the things you were allergic to and watching the barista make your beverage, his sight not moving an inch. his actions are subtle but caring, while you were oblivious a cheerful "thank you" coming from your lips as you took the coffee from him, the milk foam making a mustache. "Is there something on my face?" you asked, watching him stare at your lips intently. leaning forward from his laid back position he grabbed a tissue, one hand holding your face while the other wiped away the remains on your upper lip. "Can't take a ditz like you in public or anywhere." he muttered, making you pout. Yet, he still remembered your coffee order and held your hand to cross crowded roads. 1. Accidental pregnancy - Sae would take responsibility for it, understanding that it took two to tango and he was responsible just as much as you were; first tries to calm you down when you begin to panic and cry, shushing you while caressing your head while rocking you back and forth. He'd be distant at first since pregnancy and child birth are new concepts to him, but knows that it is totally worth it when he feels the squeeze of his baby around his finger; realizing that he was ready to sacrifice things he hadn't ever thought of for the sake of the little one in his arms. he'd be a good dad tbh 2. Divorce with Sae - He treats it like a joke when you bring it up, brushing it off his shoulder with a 'Mhm Hm... you'll be here in the morning anyway-" Until it wasn't when your things were missing in the house including the keys to your car that were on the table. He tries calling you to fix things but you don't knowing that things would be the same and he would never change. Signing the divorce papers is something he is reluctant to do, not wanting to put you out his life until you showed up, standing with a clenched jaw. 'It is not working out, Sae.' 'I have tried to provide with you with everything you want and need, yet it is always you, you and you. My life in line for your career. I can support you, but I won't give any more of my life for something that you're obsessed with.' After signing the divorce papers, he still visits the building where you have your new life, staring into the dimly windows of your house; sometimes even coming to your workplace during the day but always turning to leave when the lady at the reception called out to him, asking if he wanted to visit you. 'No thanks.' is all he would say, opening the glass doors to leave
3. Childhood friends falling out - You were there the night Sae had shattered Rin's dreams, watching them in the playground. There were times when you thought if your decision for cutting off ties with him were done on an impulse. 'How could you say that to him? Do you know how hard he has been working to make you look at him?' you yelled, each word becoming louder than the last. 'With that kind of hard work, he belongs in a fucking third grade football team. With what he has shown during the time I have been gone, he doesn't deserve to set foot on the world field. If there were other players here, he would be crushed; consider it a blessing that I did it for him.' he said simply, turning his back to you. 'You are not the same.' you said, voice turning into a whisper. There were times when you had accompanied the duo, watching them play and sometimes keeping up with them a smile on their faces still burnt into your memory. 'People change. Yet the two of you have remained the same.' he said. 'Pathetic.'
Venomous words were exchanged that day, neither did the two of you do anything to repair it; your bond deteriorating day after day until you had become strangers. It wasn't until one day when you had been assigned to interview him that the two of you had seen each other again. Trying to take as much of a relaxed position as possible, you finished the questionnaire, grabbing your things to leave. "Thank you for your time, Mister Itoshi." you said, turning to leave when he caught hold of the sleeve of your coat. "Coffee." he said, eyes trained on your quizzical expression. "Let me take you out for one." he said. Despite time, it was easy to tell that this wasn't going to be ordinary outing but one where you would skip time and know everything about him, learning to understand, accept, forgive and forget. One evening... where you would no longer be strangers.
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mouthfullofmunson · 2 years
I kinda wanna write a modern older pornstar/ camboy Eddie 😢
No bc picture this
Like he’s early twenties, just got out of school and he saved up enough to get his own little apartment (I’m thinking neighbors to lovers🤭) and he has to figure out how to keep up with his bills and stuff but he works a stupid job stocking shelves at a market and it’s just not paying the bills
So one night he stumbles onto a random cam website and he’s like… “hm, doesn’t seem so bad 🤨”
So he starts playing with his cock on live, giving a little show to the people that watch
And then after he sits back and watches the money flow in
And maybe y/n is his shy neighbor who has a crush on him and is always too nervous to knock on his door to tell him that his music is too loud and she’s trying to study but then touches herself when she can hear him jerking off through the thin walls
And he didn’t think much of it, she’s cute, and she always gets nervous and smiley when they bump into each other or when he talks to her at all
Especially nervous when they had to evacuate their building because someone started a fire trying to make a grilled cheese
And the only thing y/n had to cover her body was a towel since she was in the middle of a bubble bath
He just thinks she’s really cute, he would definitely like to see what’s under that towel
But he doesn’t notice her giant crush on him
And one night she goes on a a cam sight and notices that the man that gets her all wet and sticky just from watching him heel off and hear his moans has the same tattoos that her neighbor does
It couldn’t be a coincidence… right?
Especially when she notices that the ringed hand that is sliding up and down the mans cock are the stand exact hands that slip up and down her arms to try and warm her up while the sat and waited for the clear to go back inside
So she finally gets the courage to knock on his door once she goes on the cam site and notices that he’s live
So she walks over ignoring the throbbing in her panties and waits for him to open up
Which obviously takes a while and it’s super scrambled so he’s breathless and shirtless while he opens up
“Hi, sorry to bother but I’ve got a bookshelf I’ve been meaning to set it up for the past two months and finally my giant pile of books collapsed and I decided enough is enough and I need some help setting it up and I don’t know anyone else to ask”
And she can’t stop with her rambling since Eddie is leaning against the door frame with his chest glistening and a bulge in his pants
“Yeah, I’ll help you”
So they go over to her place and after an hour of trying to set up the complicated bookshelf that came with no instructions he gives up and reaches for her laptop to see if he can find any instructions on there
“Wait no, I’ve got my phone!” But it’s too late and he already sees what is open on the screen
And of course the rambling starts “I’m so sorry! I’m promise I’m not down like weird pervert stalker or anything! I just noticed a couple days ago I get if you don’t want to talk anymore! You can leave, it’s fine”
But Eddie thinks it’s so cute that she’s been getting off to him without knowing for so long, so cute and so clueless :)
So I’m obviously leaning toward camboy idk…
Let me know what you think 🤭
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tariah23 · 6 months
Sksjsks I went onto my insta and saw that someone liked this… old Jolynes from like, 2015-17 or so that I never got to finish (they’re all on my old laptop… I will rescue my files one day… this was my old cartoony style. I’ve revamped it a LOT. It used to be so much more loose… I kind of wish that it still was because it made the style look more simplistic and free? I’ve always been a huge fan of simple art styles!) I remember making an attempt at drawing every canon Jolyne outfit that I could find (at least the official colored drawings, not the ones from the manga since that would’ve been too much for me. I have the Jojoveller (I bought the Jojoveller back when it first came out from Japan and paid like, almost $200 for it orz….. should’ve waited for the price drop lol. I have every JJBA artbook tbh. But that helped me track down most of the official Jolyne stuff. Not all but a lot of it!) I’d drawn up at least 20 outfits at this point. At least I think so? These were just some of them. Hopefully, I’ll be able to retrieve my drawings again… the faces that I used to draw on my old style used to be so ugly, sorry.
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Here’s an example of this same style but revamped to now lol…
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(Yuki wip…. The bodies have more standard anatomy but the hands are still blocky like??? The faces are prettier tho…. Has it lost a bit of personality? Maybe… I do like my new style tho… But could I still even call it a cartoony style, especially since it looks more anime than before :/…. Uh, I’m thinking too hard on this :(….)
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Another example is this Rengoku… it’s a little diff from the Yuki one despite being the same cartoon like style? (Barely cartoon anymore…) I don’t usually draw the nostril slit for this style but I did so for Yuki since it just looked better… idk if I’m gonna start doing that or not, I’ve literally been driving myself insane over deciding if I want to start drawing nostrils or not… for this Rengoku, it’s definitely more accurate to the style that I was pushing for but hm….. Similar to these Makima’s…. I didn’t draw the nostril…
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I like to keep the ears very simple in this style as well and again, look at Makima’s hands. They’re supposed to be blocky like this hehe. The Yuki wip is more of an improvement of this same style but I’ve been so all over the place with it… I feel so bad, omg. The most polished example that I could find immediately of the original cartoon style was of these Shinobu’s… see how round and free everything is!?
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Don’t even get my started on the chibi styles…. I have a handful… because I’m indecisive. The Sukuna wips are from a new chibi style that I’ve been thinking about and I rly like it… The Kak/Oc chibi was for a commission that I had sm fun drawing for. I still like the style! I’ve always loved when artists left the pupils white for some reason? I wanted to do that, too! I forgot to color the lineart in the girls skirt lol….
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This style with Sanemi and Uzui is rly cute to me as well… I will not be retiring it. I kind of hate the old chibi style with Josuyasu tho. Hideous to me. And overly complicated. I don’t really like chibi styles that have TOO much going on, especially if they’re not as cute since chibi’s are supposed to be cute. I said ugly but beauty in art is subjective sjsjs… if they’re pretty and cute than idc. So I technically have three chibi styles that I like.
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Ohh actually, I have two other chibi styles….. fuck, I just don’t have any pics of them that I’ve uploaded, only saved as files. One isn’t really a serious style at all tho, they were for fun (experimental) and the chibi that you can see hanging in the corner of Yuki in the wip above is of another simpler style as well…
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cconfusedkat · 2 months
Tbh ,, ive only given Allure (my lambs name) a fleece just because i didnt really have time to put them in an outfit i wanted them to wear
Ive sorta used allure as the one i project onto the most compared to my other lambs, so that included like how they look compared to my family for example or rlly just hcs
And ik this is literally JUST a cult game that i shouldnt take too srs-- but i relate to allure in some stances from how i plan out their story and why they act the way they do (really just an anxiety ridden person but is better at masking, so they usually come off as more energetic and ambiverted for example)
But now continuing onto what i wanted for them to wear from a few months ago!! Normally i always draw them wearing like. The red fleece ? But thats entirely it
I always want to draw a better outfit for them, such as . Hm,,, idk how to describe in english
(OMFG. Sorry i wrote so much ill put the infodump below the cut HELP)
Allure's gender has always been complicated for them, hx's identified with many labels-- being intersex can be tough because not only did/do they struggle with how they perceive themself, but how others perceive hxm. It never mattered living in hxs old village as a little lamb. When hx got captured with hxs mother by the followers of the old faith, that's where hx did face more intersexism,,, lambs were considered more and more "rare" as a species as the next 50 years went on, including going into hiding with their mother for fifteen years. They were forced to comply to the old faith's followers standards, even being disrespected at the moment of death when they got executed. So, why does being intersex sorta just tie everything together for them? Well growing up, i never had too many intersex resources myself, but still dehumanized by my peers—i projected that onto Allure to feel,, less lonely ?
I changed their labels to be transneufemmasc, because that's where their transition sorta ties down into, if that makes sense? Im transandrofem/transneufem, i always had a connection to feminity, yet androgny still has some close ties to me. For Allure, they never really had many problems growing up, everyone sorta just called them a bit of both. A boy, a girl, a person-- just a lamb-- they werent seen as much else. They were ,, normal ,,, their village had few lambs just like them, and it was highly respected and viewed as a sign of god on how rare a condition of theirs can be seen something so beautiful (again im unsure how to translate that into english, think of it as a gender affirming thingy)
I use they/hxm for Allure because hx/hxm ties in with their transition more as well. The 'x' in the pronouns are usually for intersex prns ,, Allure was misgendered more while in captured, referred to as a 'thing' or an 'it' (along with the h word :'-3 just cuz ive been called it and that was apart of their 'dehumanization' as a lamb in the 1500s)
After 400 years (so itd be 1900s), i like to believe they settled on a label, even when gender is constantly flowing and changing, they figured out a lot,, despite being at war with the bishops but 😭 lamdoakdjw allure was like "im prolly nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn" (they always were nonbinary BUT YKWIM,,)
Relating to their clothes now. YIPPEE. They had always worn a mixture of clothing pieces, when belonging to different genders, so for example they would typically wear silver jewelry wayyy back then (which was typically for female lambs) and they wore jubba and sirwal (just long sleeve undergarment and baggy trousers) with having tatriz embroidered sometimes... as in the dresses with tatriz embroidery on them, they never really minded the types of clothing they chose and that their mother chose for them
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They often wore trousers though and a long sleeve white shirt out of silk :--) with lavandi. Allures mother would do henna for their hands, along with many other family members—they had a huge family before everything happened,,, another comparable thing to my history where my family used to be big enough until it became a smaller number ,,, i like to believe Allure wrote down old traditions to never forget, hopefully having more lambs to carry on their legacy (as they eventually "retire" because it became difficult to run a cult when your emotions were all over the place for mourning your beloved family members, especially the new found family you create, having all of them die in 100 years) (so rlly that just left Narinder all on his own)
The ideas ive had though for putting together their outfit? As a current cult leader ? It would be something like a black top (with those shoulder things at the side of their arms if that makes sense), a corset OR a lavandi (indescive still), and having specifically dark brown trousers that would go up to their knees ,,, they would have bandages wrapped around their shins, along with their wrists
+ when they reside in their cult for a few days to take care of cult matters, papers, sermons, etc, i like to imagine thats when they wear their "fleece" (much rather like a shall instead) and an embroidery dress of tatriz they took time to make themself :--) they took possibly a few months to make it given their lack of resources, but after beginning their journey to silk cradle they had better access to silk-- making outfits for their followers and themself as well,, which would include the shall and tatriz dress ,,
For their choker/collar thing , thats where they remove the bell when going on crusades, to focus better on their objective. When residing (verbatim) to rest in the cult, thats when they put back on the bell. Sometimes it would also be a red pentacle theyd attach to the black collar :> they definitely continued their tradition of wearing silver jewelry, until they discovered Midas' Cave (....dont tell anyone i said this but they robbed Midas back GREATLY. lamb was charitable, yes, but this fucker kept robbing allure-- how else were they meant to respond to that 🙂🙂🙂)
But yes lol,,, if Allure were human they would be Arab if that wasnt obvious enough 🫶🫶🫶 i love them very much and i love the past few months ive been building their character. Im happy to continue this self indulgency and build them more, self projection has always been such a comfort for me ,, so i have fun doing that for Allure
OO PLUS PLUS !!!!! Allures name was never Allure to begin with. that's the thing fsjjwjfn,,, hxs mother gave hxm a new name to live on a happy life and to never forget her. Hx absolutely hated that and never wanted to change hxs name, but by now for the past 300 years he forgot about his original birth name. Allure did this just for their mother. They still mourn her everyday, even when hx's too mentally or physically tired to. Even as the god of death themself, they pray to their mother the most, always wishing safety for her
Their mothers name was Zainab,,, the A name vs the Z name is rlly important despite it being such a small detail ,,, allure is the last lamb to live in this world--while zainab had been the very few lambs left ,,, holding her child close and kissing allures forehead before she complied to getting beheaded right in front of the bishops ,,, Just like how Allure was
Ok thats all i can think of i just wanted to infodump for my lamb HESNFHSFN theyre based off of my first save (that i did 100% and am on day 403 there :>)
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fuckitwebhaal · 1 year
I know the asks are for Tav's, but I'm curious about Halcyon. General 3 and 4. Story specific 12 because I think it's funny. And then a bonus question! Does Halcyon ever string bean Gortash 🤔
- thistle-spores
General 3. Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
Halcyon is a talker! He has opinions on everyone, and he isn’t afraid to share them; I’m gonna focus on some of the comments I think he’d make on the companions he ends up closest to in my playthrough. 
About Astarion: “I cannot say I’ll be eager to share camp with him. He seems a bit sharp.” (specifically referencing the knife used against Tav).
About Shadowheart: “Another cleric. I should hope that our gods are more aligned than not.” (uncertain, but overall thoughtful; doesn’t seem to have a clue on which gods either worship).
About Wyll: “Oh! The Blade of Frontiers. Any man with a title like that is worth keeping close on our side, hm?” (interested, but will brush on to the next comment quickly).
General 4. What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Halcyon is a complicated character to keep around. He gives off the facade that he’d rather the PC make good-aligned choices, but much like Astarion, he prefers that the PC make choices that will put power in their hands. Intimidation and Deception (and occasionally starting combat) can raise his approval, whereas blind acquiescence or offering help without any apparent gain can lower it.
Story-Specific 12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
GHGHGJHKGHG. I have to say no it’s not possible just by virtue of being who he is. It would be hilarious however. I think Orin would hate him sooooo much and it would be sooo obvious because she is making a fool out of him wearing his face. Lmao
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