#on the other hand there’s the Lïnk is Dead theory
beardedhandstoadshark · 10 months
What is your thoughts on "the protagonist is actually insane/in a coma" fan theory?
Omg lowkey rant in the tags incoming, but outing myself here I used to be really into them back when they were popular. You name it, I‘ve probably heard of it and been genuinely into them, too.
But as fun as they are for babies first edgy fan theory, once the novelty wore off, they just suck out any fun and nuance of things for clickbait and edge. How dare a story be fantastical, surely the writers secretly conspired these minute details to overshadow the dark and sad reality lying underneath! And not just that they. Wanted to write something cool and fun.
Plus for me the fun thing about theories is that chance that it could be true, or the way things can build in fun way from there - the what if? But with these, it’s kinda…missing? "Ash is in a coma and pokemon are fake“. "The very happy girl in a happy kids show is addicted to antidepressants“. Ok. What now? There’s nothing to pull from here, no where to go, no lines to draw. It’s empty.
The one exception I‘ve got is when there’s some genuinely weird things going on with the worldbuilding and plot that it actually fits in as a proper theory. Then it’s cool! But in that case the " - is in a coma“ part is also just happenstance lol.
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