#on my own again but i need to gently shoo it away and just...let this support in ;;
ronkeyroo · 2 years
friends, Id love to plug in my Ko Fi while I try to sort things out and take care of myself through this sensitive period. I’m determined to keep pushing some work to cover for the medical expenses but any passive income on the sidelines while Im letting my body rest will be a huge help ;; If you enjoy my artwork shenanigans and wanna share some support, feel free to toss a coin or two?
For any fandom folk that would want to see more art of your favorite blorbo’s, any donations over 30$ will be rewarded with some more art of whichever blorbo we’re hyping over together, I cant promise something too big but i want to leave some fun options for those who would like to receive some goodies in return ;;
Thank you for everyone who pitches in, as well as for those who cannot afford to and just opt to share this post around - I’m just glad I can have this space with you where art can carry and support us through as both artist and audience ♥
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desperate people find faith
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summary: your first mission ends with you in Jean's lab and a very worried Logan who's had trouble leaving your side wc: 2.0k a/n: thank you thank you so much for all of your very positive feedback on the previous fics with these two!!! I am really looking forward to writing more for them, so please feel free to send any requests for them my way, or Logan requests in general! And yes, the title is from a Taylor Swift song again. Lots of hurt/comfort in this one, talks of mushy gushy feelings, very worried Logan find the previous part here! all empath!reader fics here!
You took the cold table underneath you as a sign that something had gone wrong. You peaked one eye open before quickly squeezing it closed, the bright florescent lights too much to handle. You took a beat, trying to make sense of your surroundings. 
You remembered the jet landing in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, you and Jean searching an abandoned building looking for the young mutant that Charles had promised would be there and coming up empty. The two of you had made your way back to the jet and.. shit. The kid had freaked, and you distinctly remember taking enough damage to warrant a swift retreat back to the school. You must be downstairs, in Jean’s lab. It’s probably a bad sign that the first thing you worry about how much shit Logan is going to give you for this. 
You reached out with your power, too cautious of the lights (and the judgment of the rest of the team) to look with your eyes. A few people were mildly worried just across the room, but it was hard not to be distracted by the huge amounts of anger and exhaustion on your left. You debated facing him head on, being a grown up about it and fessing up to the fact that you were wrong. Thankfully, you could be immature when the situation called for it. You attempted to even out your breathing and smooth out the crease between your eyebrows, anything that could give you away. 
“Sweetheart?” Logan’s voice is so much softer than you were expecting, based on the waves of pure fury currently radiating off of him. 
You shush him, blinking one eye open. “I’m sleeping.” You whisper, letting your eye fall shut again. 
You felt his hand gently brush over the top of your head. His voice is closer, air tickling your ear as he leans down beside you. “Been sleeping for three days, bub. Need you to wake up now.” 
You turn your head to the side and are treated to Logan dropping a small kiss on your forehead. You can’t help but smile at the affection, eyes half open against the bright lights. After a few moments, they dim. Jean takes her place on the other side of the table, lab coat on and stethoscope in hand. You expected her to shoo Logan away in the name of a more thorough analysis but she doesn’t even attempt it. 
Logan’s hand finds your own, gripping tight enough to be just short of uncomfortable. Jean makes quick work of taking your diagnostics, and gently informs you that besides feeling fatigued, you are just fine. 
That can’t be right. 
You know that you caught the brunt of the impact, it was beginning to come back to you. The young mutant had lashed out, and before you’d had the chance to get close, he’d sent a car flying towards you and Jean. She’d managed to counteract it with her own mutation, firmly shoving you out of the way. But she hadn’t been fast enough to catch the small metal spikes he’d also thrown. There was no way you should be ‘just fine’ by now. 
Either Jean was in your head or the confusion was showing clearly on your face. She gave you a tight smile, eyes darting between you and the door. She took a few steps back, clearly intent of making her exit. “Jean, wait, there’s no way-”
She gave you her please stop talking smile. “I think it’s best if this comes from him,” she nodded at Logan, placing her stethoscope and clipboard on the side table. “I’ll be back in a bit to do one final check before we clear you.” She gives you another smile that didn’t meet her eyes, and then she was gone. 
You began to sit up slowly, still in shock that there was little to no pain, only stiffness from being immobile for too long. “What is she talking about?” Logan huffed, supporting you with a hand on your back. “What’s going on?” 
One hand made long, slow strokes up and down your spine, while the other had not loosened it’s grip on your own since you’d woken up. His eyebrows were scrunched together, the tell tale sign of his thinking face. You tried your best not to rush him, but everything about the situation was so confusing and your mind was racing. You were far too healed, and he was being far too calm for the anger that was rolling off go him, still. 
“Didn’t expect me to just sit around when you came back one foot in the grave, did ya?” 
“I’m sorry if me coming back banged up gave you extra work, I just don’t understand why you’re so upset with me.” 
His eyes went wide, the hand on your back stilling. “I’m not mad at you, sweetheart.” The tremble in his voice almost had you convinced. 
“Don’t lie to me about it,” you help up your hand, still firmly entwined with his. “I can tell.” 
“I’m notmad at you, bub.” He brought the back of your hand to his lips, peppering it with kisses. “I’m mad at the little fuck who did this to you, I’m mad that they let this happen, and I’m furious with myself that I wasn’t there.” 
“He’s just a kid, Logan.” 
His shoulders shook with silent laughter, a stark white dancing at the edge of his emotions now. Shock. “You almost died, and your first instinct is to defend the little asshole responsible.” 
You leaned forward, bumping your shoulder against his chest in warning. “I feel fine.” He nodded, taking a deep breath in through his nose while his hand not currently locked with yours resumed it’s path up and down your back. You let it go on for a few moments, appreciating the silence and the grounding effect of his touch. “Do you… wanna fill me in on why exactly that is?” 
He sucked in a breath, shoulders visibly tense. “We were lucky that Hank was stopping by for a visit.” He played with your fingers, distracting himself. You tilted your head to the side, wondering why that information was important at a time like this. “When they brought you in, god there was so much blood. Jean managed to take care of a lot of it, but she didn’t know when, or uh, if you were going to wake up.” He blew out a breath, steadying himself. “You know that Hank has been asking for a long time-”
Both of your hands gripped his tightly. “Tell me you didn’t.” 
Hank had been asking for ages to use some of Logan’s blood to synthesize a more advanced healing serum for the X-Men. It was rare they came back with more than bumps and bruises, but he was a worrier and felt that Logan was the key to making something truly effective. The only problem? Logan hated needles. You’d only gotten bits and pieces from him about why, but you had a hunch that when you were alive for as long as he had been, people were willing to poke and prod for some answers. He’d never admit it, but you had felt how terrified he was the last time he’d been down hard after a mission, and Jean had tried to give him an IV of fluids to speed up the regeneration. It hadn’t ended well, to say the least. 
“I should’ve done it sooner. Seeing you like this, knowing I could have done something about it.” He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. 
Cautiously, you fit yourself against him, arms tight around his neck and your chest flush with his own. You half expected him to reprimand you, to remind you that you should be careful, not to move too much. Instead, he held you tightly, the side of his face pressed against the top of your head. The two of you stayed like that for a good long while, reveling in the comfort of the other. 
“I know you think that you only did it because,” you paused, steeling yourself. “Because it was me.” You can feel him trying to pull away, but you mold yourself to him even more tightly, knowing that if he really wanted to he could break away from you like it was nothing. “You’re wrong. You would have done this for anyone.” 
“Except for-”
“Even for Scott.” You were quick to cut him off, unwilling to hear him being so harsh on himself.
You pulled back, just enough so that you were able to meet his eyes. You needed him to know that you are being earnest. “You are a good man, Logan. And before you even try to deny it or say I’m lying I know you can hear my heart beat. And I know you can tell when people are lying. And besides, I’ve never ever lied to you, have I?” He shakes his head slowly, one tear falling, and a few more after that. You reached up, brushing them away. He grabbed your hand, gently placing a kiss on your wrist, and then your palm. 
“Y’scared me, sweetheart.” He murmured, voice muffled by your palm still against his lips. “Don’t ever do that again.” 
You slide your hand to cup the side of his face, prompting him to meet your gaze. “You know I can’t guarantee that.” His eyes closed for a moment, and you knew he was doing his best not to shout. “I will always be careful, but I can’t stay back and leave the work to everyone else. If I can help, I’m gonna help.” 
His eyes narrowed, the tiniest hint of a smirk playing at his lips. “Fine. But we’re getting you trained up and you aren’t going out there without me again for a good long while.” 
You rolled your eyes, the both of you well aware there was no ill will behind it. “If you insist.” 
“I absolutely do.” He pulled you back into his chest, keeping you there until Jean peaked her head in through the door. 
“If you two are done being mushy, there are a few people who have been dying to see you.” 
Ororo rushed into the room, playfully shoving Logan away to scoop you into her arms. She gently checked you over, ignoring the fact that you’d already had several medical professionals on the case. Scott clasped you on the shoulder, reassuring you that for a first mission, this was a success. You laughed before shooting Logan a look that begged him to let it pass. He huffed, but nodded all the same. 
“Shocked we didn't have to keep him from trying to tear the kid apart, but he refused to leave the lab.” Scott nodded his head at Logan, who was continuing to shuffle closer to the table where you sat. 
Well, you would be dutifully ignoring the latter half of Scott's quip, instead choosing to focus on the young mutant. “You mean he's?” 
Scott smiled, nodding. “He’s settling in upstairs.” 
You grinned, glad to know that it hadn’t all been for nothing. You fixed your gaze on Logan, narrowing your eyes at him. “Don’t even think about failing him out of history as some kind of weird revenge, I’ll know and I will find a way to get back at you for it.” 
Your friends laughed around you, let you know that Charles has ordered in your favorite take out for dinner and started to filter out of the room. Eventually, you and Logan are left alone again, sitting side by side on the metal table. 
“You still owe me an important conversation, ya know.” You bump your shoulder against his. You stay there, pressed against his side with your head leaning on his shoulders. His hand rests on your shoulder, holding you close. 
“Maybe wait until you aren’t in a hospital gown, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes, clearly aware that he was deflecting, but still content to take in his warmth and quiet support. You were safe, and you were home. Not just at school, but with him.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate
Welcome to the little story I was working on during my move! Just a fun little thing to keep my writing streak going without have to dive into my heavy hitters.
The original idea is here.
I originally planned to go farther than the original idea like season 2-4 but as I was just needing something lighthearted it became a short little story three chapters long that might get turned into a series of What if's.
Summary: After the events surrounding Will Byers and his return to life, Steve has decided he can't control anything in his life but school, so he seeks to put a stop to the bullying. Cue Eddie getting heart-eyes over popular King Steve protecting his little sheepies. So he decides Steve needs a knew title. Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate will work just fine.
Steve was still reeling from actual fucking monsters and shit. And he actually had to go to school the following Monday like none of it had happened.
Fuck, they didn’t even offer therapy, just NDAs and money to keep their mouths shut. He had no doubt that the Byers family and Nancy had the worst of it, so he wasn’t even mad that she broke up with him.
He got it more than most people that she needed to time to grieve the lost of her best friend, be with family and hold them close for awhile.
It sucked.
Steve wasn’t going to pretend that it didn’t, because it absolutely did. But he understood. He told Nancy that if she ever needed a friend to give him a call.
His temper was short and his capacity for bullshit was low, that was the only reason he could come up with what happened that Monday morning.
He walked into the hall that held his locker to his books for the day when he saw Tommy H. having a go at some freshman. Like this kid still looked like he was in elementary, he looked that little.
“Knock it off, Hagan,” Steve huffed. “There is no reason to be harassing this kid.”
Tommy turned around and got in his face. “What’s it to you, Harrington? I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“Dude,” Steve said, stepping forward instead of back like Tommy thought he would, “why are you so angry all the time? Chill out.”
Tommy’s head reared back as though he’d been struck in the face. He pushed Steve away. “Again, what’s it to you? You want to be friends again now that Miss Priss is finished with your scaly ass? Because where was my loyalty? We’ve been friends for years and you threw it all away for some piece of ass!”
Steve didn’t even stumble, he just crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You know what you did was over the line and you did it anyway. Because that’s the problem, Hagan, isn’t it? You don’t know where the fucking line is, do you?”
Tommy frowned and tried to push him again, but Steve just let his body slide with the motion and it didn’t even hurt. Tommy stared at him for a moment before stalking off down the hallway to his own locker. Steve just shook his head and went over to the kid who Tommy had been bullying.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked gently, helping him pick up his books. “If he does that again, you come running for me. I’m Steve, Steve Harrington, just ask around, someone will know how to find me, yeah?”
The kid nodded and took the books back from Steve before he took off in a tear. Steve sighed and he put his hands on his hips like a disappointed mom.
He looked around the hall to see everyone staring at him in shock. And that was when he realized what he had done.
Last week, he might have called Tommy off, but not really done anything about it. But he had not only called Tommy off, he put him in his place, and then helped the kid.
Yeah that was quite the turn around. So he just did like he would have done at basketball game.
He clapped his hands together once, nice and loud to make sure everyone was paying attention to him even more now.
“Right,” he said loudly. “Nothing more to see here. Move along now.”
They stared at him in even further shock now.
“Come on,” Steve said impatiently. “Move along. Shoo!” He waved his hands in front of him, trying to get them leave, but it was like herding cats.
Someone slammed their locker and that broke them out of their trance allowing them to move about their day like that didn’t just happen.
Steve looked around and saw Eddie Munson leaning against his locker, with his arms crossed. A locker, Steve was pretty sure was open when he walked in that morning.
That was certainly interesting.
Eddie had been having a rough morning. He spilled milk on his only clean pair of jeans. He was going to do laundry after school. He was! He just didn’t do it over the weekend because he had gotten a new book. A book that was currently being painstakingly dried out by Uncle Wayne with an old hair dryer, because Eddie dropped it in the sink. Then he almost forgot his homework and had to run back for it. He had managed to get to school on time, but Tommy H. had decided to chose violence that morning against a nerdy little freshman literally next to his locker.
He promised Uncle Wayne that if Tommy started something that he wouldn’t fucking finish it. He needed to graduate from high school and as it much as it sucked ass, he had to look the other way.
So imagine his surprise when Steve got in Tommy’s face and almost threw hands with the guy, telling him to back off. What was even more surprising was how quickly Tommy stood down.
But that wasn’t the last of Steve Harrington’s surprises, oh no...
He helped the kid gather up his stuff and offered himself as a white knight if Tommy did it again. But by then Harrington had drawn quite the crowd, but instead of soaking the attention like the full tilt diva the asshole jock most certainly was, he had tried to disperse the crowd. Like the attention had made him uncomfortable.
So he thought he’d throw the king a bone and slammed his locker shut. The loud noise startled the populous out of their stupor and sent them packing. He was more than a little shocked to see that maybe Steve had figured out who had rescued him.
And wasn’t that a kick in the head.
By the time he got to lunch news had spread that that morning’s incident was only the start of the king’s campaign to clean up the hallowed halls of Hawkins High. According to ye ole rumor mill, Steve had broken up a fight, called out two accounts of bullying, and stopped a class from rioting when the teacher had a medical emergency.
What was even more surp– he needed to find another word. Shocking. Astounding. Astonishing. Mind-boggling.
Anyway Steve sat down next to Carol and Tommy. Like even the great ex Nancy Wheeler dropped her fork, flabbergasted.
Tommy and Carol exchanged a glance.
“What are you doing here, Harrington?” Tommy growled. “Why don’t you sit next to your girlfriend? Oh that’s right she dumped your ass.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “You made a valid point, we have been friends for years and I’ve decided I’m tired of running away from my problems.”
“And what,” Carol sneered, “we’re one of your problems now? Fuck off, Steve.”
Steve threaded his fingers together and rested his chin on his knuckles. “You didn’t use to be this way, you know. You used to be the sweetest girl and I’m trying to figure out if it was Tommy that made you this way or if you turning into a bitch is what made Tommy become such an ass?”
Tommy and Carol’s heads rocked back in unison. Tommy moved to stand up to hit him, but Carol pulled him back down.
“If we bother you so much why don’t you leave and stay gone?” she asked, low and menacingly. “We don’t need you, you need us. We made you king.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “No, you really didn’t. You need someone to keep you from your worst selves. And that’s what I’m going to do. You could be good.” He slid a piece of paper over to Tommy. “This is Miss Chen, the school counselor’s office hours. You will make an appointment with her by the end of the day.”
Tommy threw it on the table. “Fuck off, Harrington. You can’t make me.”
Steve leaned forward on his elbows. “Actually you’ll find that I can. After all they’re still trying to find the culprit who put the smoke bomb in the garbage in the principal’s office last year.” He slapped the table for emphasis. “It would be a real shame if they learned it was you.”
Tommy blanched and gulped heavily. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Steve confirmed. “I know too much about you to have you go against me.”
Carol folded her arms and huffed. “Like we don’t have information on you, too.”
“Do you though?” he asked, sitting back in the chair and lazily stuff his hands in pockets. “I was never directly involved in any of it. Including the buying of weed for all those parties.”
This time Carol’s color drained. “Shit.”
“So this how it’s going to go,” Steve murmured. “You two have become my pet projects. I’m going to see if you can be reformed. Become better people. And to do that, we’re going to have to be friends again.”
Carol frowned as she twirled her hair around a finger. “Why are you doing this, Steve? I mean really. When you think people aren’t watching you, you get this haunted expression. It’s a little freaky, honestly.”
Steve sighed. “I have learned the hard way that running every time things get tough will only lead to worse consequences and I hate to see you come to harm because you realized the same thing too late.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I do care about you guys, of course I do. But this behavior is frightening. What if you hurt someone so bad that they took their life or they died because of your direct actions? Do you really think you could live with yourselves?”
“Tha–that can’t really happen, can it?” Carol asked, holding up her hand to stall Tommy from scoffing.
Steve shrugged nonchalantly. “That something you really want to test?” He leaned forward again on his elbows. “Having someone’s blood on your hands?”
They were both thinking it but Tommy beat Carol to it. “Is this what this about? Barb Holland? You know that wasn’t your fault, right?”
Steve turned his head away.
Carol slapped her hands on the table on either side of her tray. “If that’s what Miss Priss said, blackmail be damned, Steve, I’m going throw hands, do you understand me?”
Steve’s head snapped her direction. “What?”
“Look,” Tommy said, “what happened to her was a shame, but you did everything you could to make sure she was okay before we went in to dry off.”
“Like, she wasn’t even supposed to be there that night,” Carol said, nodding. “That’s all on Nancy. Don’t carry her shit too, just because you loved her. You tried to include Barb and she was rude.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and nodded, choking down tears. “Thanks, guys.”
“I suppose,” Tommy said with a put on sigh, “we could be nicer. I guess.”
Steve threw back his head and laughed as Carol shook her head. He stuck out his hand. “Friends?”
Tommy shook it first and then Carol.
“Friends,” they agreed.
Eddie wasn’t able to hear what Steve and Tommy and Carol were talking about, but whatever it was it had ripples that quivered through the halls of the school.
Word had it that Tommy was seeing the school counselor and Carol had stopped making snide comments in passing.
Like, you could tell Carol was fighting back every nasty word that came to her head, as Steve would nudge her side and she would whisper to him what she was thinking instead. You could tell she was still being nasty but at least it wasn’t aimed at the target anymore.
But there were starting to be other changes too.
The basketball team was the worst of the jocks when it came to harassing the masses, but when Steve caught one of the members bullying someone, the next day, the guy was too tired to start shit.
So Eddie decided it was time for a little research and that meant actually going to PE. Fuck, he hated high school.
He dragged his ass to PE and the coach merely raised an eyebrow, but wisely said nothing. He knew why Eddie was there. Same reason as all the other kids that never came started showing up.
Steve Harrington.
The coach blew his whistle to call a foul and the kid who had been fouled immediately got up and in the other guy’s face.
Faster than lightning, Steve was between before the coach could even take a step toward the mounting trouble.
“Come on, Kenny,” Steve was saying soothingly. “It was fair play, you were just in the right place at the wrong time. Walk it off, then take your shot. You’ve got this.”
Kenny glared at the other player, but did as Steve suggested. Steve turned to the other player and patted him on the chest, murmuring something Eddie couldn’t hear, but the other guy just nodded and took his place on the line.
Eddie laughed out loud when Kenny biffed both shots and the other team got the ball. He didn’t know enough about basketball, but he could still appreciate a good strategy when he saw it.
As the game wore on, Eddie was starting to see the pattern emerge. If it was malicious, Steve would be up in the guy’s face telling him to knock it off and to play clean. If it was a good play and the fouled player was pissed, Steve would calm him down and praise the other team.
It was almost freaky how well Steve seemed to know the difference. And Eddie loved freaky.
Part 2 Part 3
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butterymangowrites · 3 months
distribution system
paring: cat hybrid kageyama tobio x fem reader
warnings: dub-con, smut, hybrid au, stray hybrid kageyama, social discrimination, power imbalance, domestic life, kageyama with his platinum face card, kageyama has a tail
word count: 4.2k
english is not my first language. please excuse any mistakes. thank you for reading!
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Being a stray hybrid was exhausting. Tobio thought as he wandered around a new neighborhood trying to find food after every house in the last one shooed him away.
Being a stray hybrid was exhausting. Being a bone-thin, dirty black cat hybrid was worse. 
He looked ghastly—hair long to his chest, cheeks all sunken, and without a smile on his face, Tobio looked unapproachable. Some people said he might have rabies, warning their own hybrids to stay away; he was scared of that, too, but only because he didn’t know what it actually was, just that it was fatal and humans hated it. 
Did he have rabies? He felt fine though. Tobio thought as he put his hand through the narrow opening of a trash can that was likely to have some food waste in there. After some time rummaging through, he grabbed onto a bottle; it was milk. When he shook it softly and felt some milk left inside, Tobio got his dinner. 
“You shouldn’t drink that. You will get sick.” 
A voice interrupted when he was almost done with the meal. It was a human woman in very nice clothing, the kind he saw humans in the office area wear. His previous owner also wore something like this, the male one, the one who hit him when he was drunk and angry at his wife. The wife was his favorite of the two, always patted him gently on the head and gave him nice things—snacks, toys, letting him watch TV and play with a round leather ball in their small backyard. But when he knocked over some of the flower pots, the husband forbade him from touching the ball again. 
The wife disappeared one day, so Tobio ran away. 
“Here.” The human took something out of her shoulder bag and handed it to him. “Take this.”
It was an unopened, brand new milk bottle, looking exactly the same as the one he was holding. Too late, Tobio drank all of it, spoiled as it was, it filled his belly for the night. Together with the milk, Tobio saw a banana. He wanted that.
“Sorry, this is all I have.” 
It was funny thinking back to the first time he saw you, that it was the guilt in your voice that made Tobio carefully look past his long hair at you again. Being closer in order to take the food from your hand and seeing things clearer than before, he had never seen anyone so concerned about how they didn’t have more food to give away, concerned about him. And because being a stray hybrid was exhausting, Tobio really wanted a home. 
He finally succeeded that night. He found one, after roaming around for many years…
High up on a building, that was your place. It wasn’t big, but Tobio didn’t mind. He was just happy to be warm and have a roof over his head. 
Your bathroom had a tub, small but deep, he could only fit in there if he sat with his knees up. He did that while he let you wash him, at a loss on how to adjust the water temperature and not knowing which was the shampoo and which was for the body cleaning. So he just sat there in silence, not even turning the water on so he didn’t cause any problems, till you knocked and asked if he needed help. 
Your hands were smooth, slathering the body wash over his back and chest while he watched you, his now-clean hair tied up with a big claw clip. Having his field of vision expanded made Tobio feel exposed, but it was not totally a bad feeling, just a bit foreign after many years of having it down to hide his face.
“You wash,” you pointed down to his crotch, “down there by yourself, okay?”
Tobio nodded, didn’t mind. He understood you didn’t want to touch him there, you probably didn’t want to touch him anywhere, only doing it out of necessity because he was such an incompetent cat who didn’t know how to use a human's shower. He used to know, he just forgot. Tobio hoped you were not mad. 
It was the next day when you took him to the hybrid clinic for a check-up. He was healthy, needed to put on some weight, yes, but fine nonetheless. The doctor said the hybrid was in his early 20s and prescribed some vitamins, and just like that, the visit ended. Before you left, one of the staff suggested you buy a collar. 
“Is it necessary?” you asked before looking around the waiting area and saw that every hybrid wore one. “Okay.” 
You bought one in a random color after trying to let the feline hybrid choose and he just stared at you. He was tall, hovering over most people in the clinic. You had to tell him to crouch down so you could put the newly purchased collar on his neck. It was blue, cartoon printed. This was why making rational decisions was important. 
Next stop was the haircut. This time you handed him a magazine and tried again by letting him pick a style for himself; however, he just pointed at the first model he saw. Nothing was wrong with a mohawk, and you would have believed it was a thought-through decision if he had turned the pages of the magazine a little and at least pretended to contemplate. He did neither. 
Same with the breakfast that morning, you asked if he wanted blueberry or strawberry jam on his toast, he answered with a nod. When asked again, he pointed at the jar closest to his hand and didn’t finish the toast.
The stray you brought home—Tobio—definitely understood human language and was not mute since he was the one whispering his name to you when you asked what he was called. For some reason, he just did not make decisions. And… he hated strawberry jam.
So you rectified that, selecting two most popular styles and let him choose again. But before he could point, you said, “This is your hair, Tobio. Yours. You can choose how you want your own hair to look.” 
He listened and blinked. And for the first time in twenty hours, Tobio took his time deciding between things. He picked the style that would get his bangs cut very short, and if his swishing tail was anything to go by, he seemed to like the end result very much. Despite his head looking like a coconut with a wig on, he still looked good, all because of his face. 
The man was strikingly handsome. Without all the matted hair masking his face, his features were bare to the beholder’s eye. Dark blue eyes, sharp jawline, small perky nose, and lips—though chapped and dry—were baby pink. He was a sight for sore eyes. 
Clothes, toiletries, and extra groceries that included cat food and snacks he admitted to liking were all carried by him. It was a long walk from place to place and from the train station to yours, but Tobio didn’t allow you to take any bag out of his hands. 
It was already dark when you entered your apartment. You unpacked the groceries and officially taught him how to use the shower, learning that he was illiterate when he asked if he remembered correctly which bottle was the shampoo and which was the conditioner. He got them mixed up but was right on the body wash because it was a different brand with a different label. 
What you did was point out the difference in the words written on the bottles, but the easiest way you could think of was to place them in fixed positions, so you did just that, temporarily resolving the problem.
“Shampoo on your left, conditioner on your right,” you told him, pointing at each respectively. “But don’t wash your hair today, that would be a waste of the products the salon put on it. Unless it—stinks?”
Tobio, who was sitting on the rim of the tub, touched his hair, trying to pull it to his nose for a sniff, but it was too short. Suddenly, he turned to look at you, expectation clear in his eyes.
“You smell for me.” he bowed his head and waited. 
“Oh, no need.” You waved your hands no. “Should be okay.” 
You were not going to do it, but his head stayed down and showed no sign of coming back up. Not wanting to disappoint him, you stooped down for a quick sniff. The tip of your nose brushed against his freshly cut hair, it was soft and silky now, no trace of yesterday's dirt and grime. And it smelled so good you could have died. 
Tobio breathed out a low purr before he looked up at you again, his pupils dilated. “How was it?”
“Nice,” you replied. “No need to wash it.” 
“Okay.” His voice was small, faint. 
Out of the bathroom, you prepared dinner for two and arranged a sleeping spot at the couch in the living room as you did the night before. Your apartment was a one-bedroom, so even if you wanted him to sleep somewhere nicer, you didn’t have a better option. 
You didn’t expect to see him lying on the cold, hard floor the next morning, sleeping in the fetal position and hugging himself, pillow and blanket left on the couch. 
“Why were you on the floor?” you asked that same morning while teaching him how to make basic breakfast—a bowl of cereal for you and two slices of toast for himself, this time topped with blueberry jam. He ended up asking for more with a growling belly and round blue eyes, piercing through your heart like a sharp stalactite falling down on tender meat. The damage was so severe that you had to tell him not to seek permission for food again; it was all his to have. 
“My legs are too long.” answered Tobio. “They went over the couch arm—hurt.” 
And the cushions were probably too small for him to sleep with legs folded. Decision instantly made, you let him sleep with you on the bed from then on.
It was nice not having to go about people’s houses searching for food and sleep at the train station when it rained. Tobio looked out the bedroom window, sitting on the floor with his head under the curtains, his tail flicking slowly as he watched the wet street below and couldn’t help but feel grateful for the human sleeping on the bed. 
It had been one hundred and twenty two days since he had been here. 
The bed was springy; it rocked a little when he climbed back on no matter how careful he tried to be, making you stir but overall still pretty much in your deep slumber. He settled on his side, laying his head on the same pillow as you. If he were to pull you to his chest, no one would see you again. Tobio was so big now with a tremendous amount of food consumed daily. 
So much money was spent on him just to put skin, fat, and muscles on his bones, and you never once complained about the increasing expenses. He knew numbers now, and he saw them on the bills each time and noticed that you spent less on yourself. You had never gotten the blouse you said you wanted, and you ate half sometimes just to keep the leftover for the next day. He wished he could do more than just helping around with the household chores. 
“Thank you,” whispered Tobio.
He wanted so much to cuddle up to you, sink his little fangs into your skin, and touch you in the way that would get him cute noises as a reward. He liked being close to you, finding himself awake nose to nose with you more often than not and using the time before you woke to count your eyelashes. You didn’t like any of that, always pushing yourself away and hurrying up to get off the bed. 
Pouting, pouting, all he did when that happened was pout. But in his sleep, instinct took over nevertheless, he would find himself clinging to you anyway come morning, and he would pout, pout and pout…
This was why you never considered adopting a hybrid before you found Tobio that night. You didn’t want to feel like a scum excuse of a human being, getting so wet that you heard the squelching sound when Tobio pumped his fingers in and out of you, deep, nudging your front wall now and again, making you squirm. 
You know what many hybrids were adopted and bought for, and you didn’t want to be one of those using them for sexual pleasure, letting him help around the house was bad enough. He didn’t ask to be here, you offered. What he was doing now might just mean he got the wrong idea about what he was here for. 
“Tobio, no.” 
“I’m so hard. It hurts.” 
He propped himself up on one of his elbows, pouting while he watched his hand’s movement under your pajama shorts. “Please help.” 
“Tobio, we need to talk.”
There was no talk, Tobio flipped you to lie flat on his body, his hands tugging your shorts and underwear down before doing the same with his. When your bare core touched his, the cat hybrid moaned loudly and rubbed you frantically against his cock. 
It had never come this far, small touches here and there but never this. 
“I—don’t want—,” you gasped, “to use you.”
“Please use me. Please use me. Use me.” He pouted more, tears welling in his eyes. 
Damn those eyes to hell though you were certain Tobio himself belonged in heaven. It was these same orbs that had you ask if he wanted to come home with you, earning yourself the sweetest companion one could ever ask for. 
Coming home to see the apartment cleaned, plants watered, laundry done, nothing was left to be done but dinner because he was scared he would burn the kitchen down because there was fire involved. He was getting better at it now, you feared cooking for you might be next in his plan. Power imbalance hung in the air, but Tobio had no clue. 
“You’re not here for this.” You tried to say, turning away from his lips that grazed all over your face, trying to get to your mouth. “You are my friend.” 
“I’m yours.” 
“Umm, yours.” he purred, so cat-like. “You own me.” 
Why did he only listen to what he wanted to hear? Not just yours, but your friend, that was what you were trying to convey. 
“You are not a thing to be owned.” 
For some reason, his eyes darkened. “Don’t be too good to me.” 
Next thing you knew, you were on all fours, ass up, face down, hands in his grip behind your back. His hot shaft spread your wetness to your clit before fooling around with your entrance. 
“Must be warm in there. Wetter, too.” the hybrid whined, claws sharpened, penetrating the skin of your hands. “Please let me get in, please please.” 
“Tobio, don’t be bad.” That was the first time you reprimanded him, and you felt him freeze. “You’re not a thing to be used, you hear me?” 
“But I’m a pet, your pet.”
“You’re not just an animal to me.” 
“But that’s what I am.” 
“You’re half human.” 
“You don’t understand.” His mouth was next to your ear when he said it. “I am more animal than human, all hybrids are.”
Following his statement was the tip of his cock threatening to push in, you had to cry out his name again to stop the deed. 
“Please. Just one dip,” he begged. “One dip and out.” 
He was so stubborn, you had never seen this side of him before, literally nonplussed as to how to handle the persistence, the negotiation, and his pitiful cries. He had never been like this, even when you told him his favorite milk was out of stock, all he did was nod and say he was happy with whatever you had. 
“Just once.” You choked out the words. “Only one dip and you’re out. You let me go, okay?” 
You made a deal. 
The head was not the problem, the thick body and base were, stretching you to the point of pain. You heard a low growl rumble in his chest as he went deep to the hilt and lingered there. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” he said, tremblingly. “Please don’t be mad.”
You couldn’t imagine being mad at Tobio, not even when he didn’t keep his word, pulling himself out and slamming back into you. Again and again he went, pulling at your wrists with each thrust for leverage. Your upper body was lifted from the bed from how hard he pulled, head lolling from side to side. 
“Please don’t put me back on the streets.” He bottomed out with a cry. “Keep me, keep me.” 
The wanton scream you let out was embarrassing, your pussy throbbed and clenched around his cock as he pounded on the right spot. And Tobio was a quick learner, he hammered down on it repeatedly, fucking you into the mattress until you came with a shudder, eyes rolled to the back of your head; you were glad he didn’t have to see that from where he was.
He shot out a lot of cum when he came, filling you up to the brim. One dip and out? Sure. The thing was, you weren't even mad at him. His clear blueberry eyes trained on you after he rolled you onto your back, tilting his head to one side before he bent down to give a kitten lick at your mouth. 
No, you weren’t mad at Tobio, you were mad at yourself for giving in. 
The leather ball he used to play with was for a sport called volleyball. Tobio saw it on TV one day and immediately pointed at it with excitement. So being a good owner as you were—allowing him to fuck and hold you close after each night, albeit not without some begging and whining first—you took him out to an open gym to play with other hybrids. 
Him having to wear a collar when going out bothered you, and when it strained his neck while he was out on the court looking up at the ball, you told him to take it off. 
“Why?” Tobio asked. Every hybrid in the gym had it on, he didn’t want to be different. 
“It’s too tight on your neck.” 
“It’s fine.” 
A round of laughter erupted from the nearby court when a rabbit hybrid fell on her face trying to get the ball. It was from the humans who sat and watched the play, one in particular seemed concerned—perhaps her owner—seeing as he stood up and told her to get back on her feet. 
“You just don’t get it.” you shook your head feebly and walked out the court back to your seat which was just a chair situated not far off the sideline. But as an afterthought, you turned around and said, “Just loosen it a bit, yeah?” 
You seemed to dislike the idea of him being an animal, but at the end of the day, he was. He loved watching birds from the window and making noises at them. He loved sleeping, and when he woke, after exerting himself with the chores until the energy ran out, it was nice to curl up on the couch for a nap. 
It was not him who didn’t get it, it was you. Tobio liked being an animal. 
So when your boss, who was one of the owners of the hybrid who played volleyball with him, approached and broached the idea of getting him on a cat food commercial you and he were working on, Tobio wanted in, even more interested when the older man said this would earn you extra money to take home after the shoot ended. 
“See? Tobio wants to.” The boss gestured his hands at him. 
“Yes,” Tobio said, earnestly. 
“Let’s talk about the shooting date together with the team on Monday.” 
The deal was sealed. 
The shoot was stressful for you, seeing people coo at how cute Tobio looked in faux cat ears, some even dared coming close to scratch under his chin. Tobio liked the attention, but he didn’t like strangers touching him. He would look for you, asking for help with his impossible-to-deny eyes whenever that happened, and you would come to the rescue. 
“Aren’t cat hybrids supposed to keep to themselves?” you asked, walking ahead of him, just about five minutes more until you reached home. “How come you like people so much?” 
“Not all the time.” Tobio replied. “I just happened to like them today.”
“Doesn’t it bother you,” You stopped walking and turned to face him. “being treated like that?”
“Like what?” 
“They played with you with a laser pointer, Tobio. Trying to grab your tail, calling you names.” You held on to your shoulder bag as you spoke. “They didn’t respect you at all.” 
“I’m an animal.”
“This again?” 
“You have to accept that I am one and there is nothing wrong with it.” 
There was no anger in this voice, never with Tobio, only dull sadness that dimmed his usual bright eyes down a notch. 
“But you don’t agree, do you? That’s why you’re trying to change me.” 
“You missed the point.”
“And what was it?” 
When you didn’t respond instantly, he continued, “I like wearing a collar because it shows people I’m taken, taken by you, not a stray no one wants. I like that you own me.” 
“Oh Tobio—”
“Is it wrong that I love doing the housework, that I don’t care that people want to give me treats and play laser pointer with me? I know what I am and how they see me. I’m an ani—”
“I don’t care that you’re an animal, a hybrid or whatever!” you interrupted with a soft shout. “I’m saying that no matter what you are, you deserve respect,” you said. “I don’t know what you experienced that made you think you can’t pick between strawberry and blueberry jam. And they can play laser pointer with you for all I care, but they should be aware that you have a life and mind of your own and not just assume they can do it without even asking. Just because you’re fine with it doesn’t make it okay.” 
You paused to breathe. 
“And trust me those people—those people in the studio, they don’t—they don’t understand this, yet.” You closed your eyes. “After the shoot, one of them asked me if they could buy you.” 
Opening your eyes again, he was so close you had to tilt your head back to look at him. 
“I don’t want to hear anyone say that about you ever again.” 
His kiss didn’t take you by surprise. His tongue was welcome, and his moan was your guest. Tobio held your hand all the way home and didn’t let go even when the apartment door closed behind you and him, instead, he kissed you against it. Then from your mouth, he headed downwards.
“I thought I disgusted you.” he said, nipping at the soft flesh of the thigh he put on his shoulder. 
“That is crazy. Ouch! Tobio, your claws.”
It had been almost a year already since Tobio moved in, and with his typical cat behavior, your body was full of scratches, some faded, some didn’t. He had a second haircut just two months ago, the same style with his bangs cut short, resembling a coconut for a while until it grew out past the stage, and now it was just in the right length—perfect for a grab. 
He liked when you played with his hair, loved it when you pulled hard during sex. For someone who was soft spoken and had a hobby of watching birds and playing volleyball, Tobio was surprisingly perverted when it came to fucking. 
The man purred loudly when he got the taste of your soaking folds, lapping greedily at the core and dragging his wet tongue up your inner thighs, collecting every drop like it was essential for his being. 
When your hands remained by your sides, taking action too slow for his liking, Tobio searched blindly without pulling his face away from your nectar and grabbed one of them to put on his head. Automatically, you gripped a handful, hearing him groan with relief and satisfaction. 
“So good to me.” he mumbled, his thumb leisurely circling your clit. “I like you more than anything.” 
More than the milk you gave him that first night, or the banana, even the blueberry jam could not compare to you. And despite him not being brave enough to make a choice of his own haircut, he did make a choice in that moment he followed you home—he chose you. 
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Born for Greatness bonus 2
Find the series masterlist
One of the more common requests was for some of the courting between Price and momma bear! So, here we have some of their courting. Just bits and pieces. I hope you enjoy! 💖
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, shifter behavior, world building. 
Word count: 1.4k
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It no longer surprised you when the pack sought you out to eat with you (or dragged you away from whatever you were doing to make you eat). It didn’t even surprise you that John sometimes shooed the others off and got the two of you a spot to yourselves, or that he sometimes brought food for the two of you to his office. 
And then he pulled out all the stops and did something like this.
“What’s all this?” You blinked at the pack room, the table actually set with a tablecloth and plates. 
“Dinner.” John’s voice was dry but he couldn’t keep the humor out of his eyes, even as he pulled out a chair for you. 
“I can see that.” You sat and watched as he served you, a little flustered. But only a little. “You do know you don’t need to show off for me, right?”
“What if I just want to?” He glanced at you as he set your plate in front of you before making his own. 
“Well, I’m certainly not going to stop you.” You breathed in deep, enjoying the aroma of non-mess hall food. “Did you send the boys out?” 
“Just Gaz.” John shrugged, totally unapologetic. 
You chuckled. “I appreciate the extra effort.”
John flashed you a smile, small but warm. Dinner was the easy kind of quiet that you hardly ever got - unhurried, with no pressure to talk, both of you at ease. And the food was good. 
And then he pulled you into cuddling on the LoveSac, insisting he’d clean up later. Which turned into making out on the LoveSac. 
When you finally pulled back from him, panting, mussed and warm, he just followed you to kiss your throat. 
“Could get used to this,” you mumbled, scratching the back of his head gently. 
“Which part?” he asked, lips brushing against your skin. 
“All of it,” you admitted, squirming a little, trying not to be embarrassed.
He hummed, low and thoughtful, even as he gently nipped your throat. “Good to know.” And then he set back to work, apparently determined to ruin you. 
At least until Gaz walked in, yelped, and backed out again. 
A couple days later John showed up at your room, knocking on your door. 
“Care to go for a walk?” 
“Sure.” You stood, stretching briefly (and pretending not to notice how his gaze dipped to the sliver of exposed tummy). “Where are we going?”
“Just around.” John shrugged. “No destination in mind, love.” 
You nodded and locked your room, following him outside and then tucking your hand into the crook of his arm. 
“Never expected to want to court someone,” he murmured once the two of you were away from the buildings. “Always figured I’d just have my work.”
You hummed softly, letting the words settle between you for a moment. “I never thought I’d want to be part of a proper pack,” you admitted. “Or that I’d accept a courtship.” 
“Guess we’ve both changed.” He smiled a little. 
“Not a bad thing.” You shuffled a little closer to him. “I’m glad.”
“As am I.” He pulled you off the path and behind a tree, leaning back against the trunk and guiding you to lean into his chest. 
“If I’d known I’d get this many cuddles I’d have said yes sooner,” you joked, settling your arms around his waist and happily cuddling into his warmth. 
He snorted softly, resting his head down against yours. “Don’t tell Soap that,” he muttered. “Or I’ll never be able to pry him off you.”
You stifled your laughter against his chest, delighted. 
The first time the team had to go on a mission and leave you was not easy. You weren’t actually very happy about it, and John had been grumping for days. 
You did not see them off that morning; you and John agreed it would have been distracting. Instead you said good night to them the night before. 
Half of you expected that would be it. You had some things to do to keep you busy, and you were arranging to go visit Logan. 
But you were still pleasantly surprised to find a little package waiting for you in the morning when you did finally leave your room. 
For you while I’m away, was all the note on top said. The package had a soft shirt of John’s and a scarf. 
You wore the scarf until you arrived at Logan’s, and slept in the shirt every night. 
Yeah, this courting business was not bad at all. 
One thing you hadn’t truly considered was that you’d have to meet other people. 
But Soap insisted you meet his family, and Gaz wanted to introduce you to his family (apparently both families had met the rest of the pack already and wanted to meet the newest addition). 
And then there was Kate Laswell. The only person John insisted you meet. 
Kate Laswell was not a shifter, but she worked with them enough that she knew the manners. She only met your gaze for a moment before focusing on your chin. You smiled. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, holding out a hand for a firm handshake. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I get that a lot,” you joked. “Nice to finally have a face to put to the stories.” 
“Hopefully they haven’t told you too much.” She definitely eyed the boys. 
“They probably only broke a few NDAs,” you said casually, grinning at the immediate outburst that got you. 
John huffed as he settled one hand on your hip, pulling you into his side. “Behave,” he grumbled at you.
“Only when necessary.” But you relaxed into him, finally used to the touching. 
Kate’s lips quirked in amusement and she started walking. “I knew recommending you for the job was a good idea.”
You blinked at her. “You did?” 
She nodded, as if that shouldn’t be a surprise. “Logan talked about you occasionally, I knew you’d be a good fit.”
You actually stopped dead. “You know Logan?” 
“Known him for years.” She smirked, clearly amused as she looked back over her shoulder at you, even as John prodded you into walking again. 
“CIA shit,” Ghost muttered from behind you. 
“Well, that feels a little contrived.” You narrowed your eyes. 
Kate shook her head. “Only that I suggested you be the one to get the job,” she said. “Nothing else.” 
You still weren’t thrilled, but you went quiet, letting John keep you close. 
It wasn’t until the next day that you had a chance to talk privately with Kate. 
“How upset are you, and how much of that is because you think you were pushed into this?” 
You huffed a little, not truly surprised that she could read you so well. “I’m not sure upset is the right word,” you mused. “And I know I wasn’t pushed into this relationship. You may have suspected that John and I would get along, but there was no way to know for certain that he’d end up courting me. Logan couldn’t even have predicted that.” You tapped your fingers against your thigh, frowning a little. 
“Agreed.” She didn’t try to touch you, just giving you a bit of space. “So, what is bothering you?” 
You slowly tipped one hand back and forth. “I… am not sure I can explain.”
“Try?” She leaned back in her seat, ankles crossed. 
You blew out a slow breath, tipping your head back a little to look at the weak sunshine. “I know I made my own choices. I’ve turned down jobs before, so I don’t feel like I was pushed into this one.” You made a face. “I think it bothers me that you implied you knew this would happen.” 
“Fair,” she allowed. 
You shrugged. “It’s not a deal breaker, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I wasn’t.” Her smile was a little flicker. “John’s stubborn, he’d do whatever he needed to keep you. And my wife would probably kill me if I messed that up for him.”
You finally relaxed, smiling. “Yeah? Sounds like my kind of person.”
She chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll meet her at some point. We’ve had John for a few holidays.” 
The rest of the afternoon was much easier, both of you falling into telling stories about your families. (Yours were mostly about Logan but you had a couple good stories about your new pack, too.) 
When the two of you came back inside together still laughing, John looked a little terrified and immensely pleased.
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thenanbakacorner · 1 month
Hi! I hope you’re doing well. Can you do some headcannons of the boys of building 13 or 5 for abuse/trauma comfort? Thank you!
Hiii, I'm doing good, ty!! Absolutely! These boys'll do everything in their power to shoo the sad away!!
I went with the Building 13 boys for this, but feel free to send another ask asking for the boys of Building 5 if you wanna see theirs!
* * *
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Jyugo is quite perceptive of other's emotions, so he picks up on your negative mood before you even say anything
He's by your side in an instant, silently asking what's wrong and if there's anything he can do to help
If you're hesitant to tell him, he'll assure you that you can talk to him and he'll gently coax you, but if you aren't ready, he won't push it
He's silent as he allows you to vent your frustrations, and takes your hand to provide a bit of wordless comfort until you let everything out
Runs a hand up and down your back to soothe any tears that fall, quietly shushing you, murmuring that you're okay, that you're safe
"It's okay, Y/N. You're safe here with us. Nothing/Nobody will ever hurt you again as long as I'm around. I promise you that."
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🎲 Uno 🎲
Uno is quick to realize something is amiss with you with how silent and distant you seem, and approaches you as soon as he possibly can
A hand on your cheek, he gently asks what the matter is, his cerulean blue eyes gazing warmly into your own
A soft look of concern and sadness flits across his face as you explain to him what's been ailing you, and he runs his thumb across your eye to dry any tears there
"Aww.. there there, Y/N. I've got you. (Trauma/Abuser) can't hurt you anymore. Not while I'm here."
He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, petting the back of your head gently as he quietly shushes you and dries your tears
Won't let go of you until your tears have run dry, and when you pull away from the hug, he'll squish your cheeks lightly and ask with a warm smile, "Now, where's my happy Y/N? Huh? There they are!~"
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🍩 Rock 🍩
As soon as he picks up on your upset state, he's pulling you aside and putting his hands on your shoulders, a concerned look on his face
He asks what's wrong, voice stern yet gentle, worried for your emotional well being
Frowns when you start telling him what's wrong, and keeps his hold on you, a thumb rolling back and forth against your shoulder to soothe you as you speak
When you start to tear up, he lifts a hand to wipe away the tears before they have the chance to fall, and he pulls you into a warm hug, hooking his chin against your shoulder
"It's alright, Y/N, everything's okay now. I won't let anything or anyone harm you ever again, I'll make sure of it."
He stands there and allows you to sob into his shoulder, rubbing soothing circles into your upper back as he whispers gentle words of comfort and reassurance
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💊 Nico 💊
You don't even need to try to hide your emotions from this boy-- he can just tell you're down in the dumps by looking at you
Is quick to come up to you and ask what's wrong, taking your hands into his own and holding them against his chest as his eyes meet yours
His heart breaks for you with every word you say, and he completely relates to the pain you've gone through with his own fair share of trauma and abuse
He envelops you in a big, tight hug and nuzzles against your cheek, trying not to cry himself
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N..! It'll be okay, though; we've got each other now.. you're safe!"
Absolutely refuses to let go as he clings to you and you cling to him. You'll be cuddled till the two of you fall asleep for all he cares!
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zoeykallus · 1 year
After Reading your stories again, damn, I missed them, they were so good and fun :D
So I've got this head canon that Echo wears his headset to improve his hearing (which got bad after getting blown up).
So what about it got damaged and tech needs some time to repair it. In the meanwhile the reader tries to help him get along with his impaired hearing. (And maybe they found out something about their feelings in the process ;)
I just love your one shots and Echo is just my favorite ^^°
And as always, just have fun and don't feel pushed to do anything which you don't like to.
Aloha my dear!
So nice to still have you around! I'm glad you are still enjoying my stuff 😊
And again, sorry for the long wait! Let me see what I can do for you...
Echo x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Without Words
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Warnings: Mostly Fluff (Possible Trigger: Mentioned Hearing Loss)
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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"Do you really have to do this now?" asks Echo critically, frowning unwillingly as Tech sets about taking the headset off him. He feels uncomfortable, his eyes wandering to the clock again and again. He's excited enough as it is, it won't be long until your second date, and he wants to be on time, especially he doesn't want you to notice any more of his problems. It's enough that you know about his legs and his arm, he doesn't really want to reveal his hearing loss to you right away. Not yet. He wants to wait for the right moment, but when is the right moment for that anyway? Tech says matter-of-factly as always, "You want the problems fixed as soon as possible, don't you? It won't take long." Echo sighs somberly. "Yeah, I do, but I'm about to meet her". "Oh? A second date?" asks Tech, surprised. Echo says grumpily, "Don't act surprised, she simply likes me". Tech shrugs and says nonchalantly, "Our squad rarely has prospects of a romantic nature, by that I mean all of us, not just you" Echo laughs softly and says, "She's only dating me though, and I'm certainly not going to share that girl with you" "If you did, that would be weird too" Tech notes dryly.
He loosens the last screws and takes off the headset. Echo blinks a few times, hearing a low hiss he always hears when he's not wearing the headset. "This feels like shit," he grumbles, only partially able to hear his own voice as he does so. He feels Tech tap him on the shoulder and follows his finger pointing, in your direction. You've arrived earlier than scheduled. He sees your smile and can't help it, he has to smile too. "Hi," Echo says softly, almost timidly, and raises his hand in greeting, a gesture you return. But then you say something to him and all he can hear are muffled, distorted sounds that barely penetrate through the constant static noise. Echo raises both hands toward his ears, shakes his head and shrugs helplessly. "I can barely hear anything," he says louder than usual, and it feels very strange to barely hear his own voice as well. You look from one to the other for a moment, but then you smile in understanding and nod. You exchange a few words with Tech, but he can't understand what you're saying. A moment later, you gently grab Echo's hand and pull him with you. Over his shoulder, he calls out to Tech, "Hurry up with that thing, please."
Tech makes a shooing hand gesture to signify for him to go with you. Outside the Marauder, you walk just a few steps, to a bench beyond the landing area under a tree with a sweeping, low-hanging canopy in full bloom. It's a nice spot, and for the moment you're alone. You feel Echo looking around frantically as you walk, hearing phantom noises and expecting to run into someone or get hit by a speeder. You squeeze his hand encouragingly, gently tugging on it so that he closes in on you. You place your other hand on his forearm and smile at Echo. You can't use words, but Echo sees in your expression that you want to tell him you have everything under control, he doesn't have to worry. He's a little wobbly on his feet, every time he walks without his hearing aid his sense of balance suffers a little, but you gently and safely guide him to the bench beneath the flowering tree. His hearing has deteriorated over time after the Citadel, the damaged eardrums simply not recovering, Tech's guess is that this is also due to some nerve damage. Occasionally, however, the headset needs to be serviced and Echo is actually glad that Tech is taking care of this.
You sit down together on the bench, in the shade of the low-hanging branches. You hear him sigh in relief. Echo trusts you, yet he is glad to be able to sit down and not have to rely on his hearing or sense of balance for a moment. He looks at you, and you sense that something is on his mind. When he speaks, he is again much louder than you are used to, but you don't mind. "Didn't think you'd agree to a second date." You laugh softly, and he smiles when he sees it. Then you raise your hand, showing him first one finger, then a second, a third and so on. Showing him the whole again and again with a big smile. "You want more dates?" he asks, surprised. At your nod, he asks with a wry smile, "What do you want with damaged goods like me, anyway?" You pull a pout and shake your head, wagging your finger reproachfully, before smiling and kissing his cheek. When you look at him again, his cheeks have a little more color than usual. He laughs softly and says, "I like you a lot, too."
Your radiant smile makes his heart beat faster, and he has to take a deep breath to collect himself. This feeling that you trigger in him is quite new for him, but yet he already doesn't want to miss it. The fast pulse, the fluttering in his stomach, the tingling under his skin and this constant urge to smile. He's so excited with you and at the same time more relaxed than ever. "You're very special," he says a little breathlessly. You emphatically place your hand on his chest. "Me too?" he asks with a grin. At your energetic nod, he laughs softly again. You hear Tech say, "Finished with the headset. Am I interrupting?" and turn to face him. "No, you're not interrupting." Echo sees his brother with the headset and sighs in relief. You give them both some space and Tech puts the headset back on Echo. When he's done with it, Tech asks, "So, how does it feel? Can you hear me?" Echo gives him a thumbs up and says, "Fine, Tech, thank you very much" "You're welcome anytime." As Tech leaves you alone again, Echo looks at you, he grins and says, "Now let me hear your wonderful voice" You laugh softly and say, "It's not that wonderful"
Echo beams at you in love and says, "Oh yes, for me, it is". The way he looks at you is so wonderfully dreamy, makes your heart beat faster. "So you said last time you wanted to show me something?" you ask curiously. Echo smirks and says, "Hunter let me have the secondary shuttle for the day." You laugh softly and ask, "Are you trying to kidnap me?" "Something like that, of course, only if that's what you want." "As long as we don't go to Tatooine," you say with a little giggle. Echo laughs heartily. "No, don't worry about it. But have you ever seen a sunset in the lake scenery on Naboo?"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Kinktober 7
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7. Anonymous Sex, Nonconsensual, Somnophilia
Aziraphale rarely sleeps. 
You’re not sure if this is a good thing or not. It can be lovely to wake in the morning to find him up and waiting for you while he reads, a warm smile stretching across his face as he whispers “good morning, nightingale.” But that very same fact can be a little off putting - it’s hard to get to sleep when one of your partners just lies there awake all night.
Crowley loves to sleep. Sometimes you wonder if he’s more cat than snake, the way he finds a puddle of sunlight to lie in and dozes off. He twists his body into all sorts of contortions which you can’t imagine are comfortable but never hear him complaining about, either. 
The two of you can tell Aziraphale is tired. He’s having difficulty holding conversation, isn’t as efficient at shooing customers away as he usually is. The angel needs rest, but he is as stubborn as an ox, so just telling him that will amount to nothing.
No. Aziraphale needs a carrot, not a stick.
So you and Crowley do what you do best: sweet talk him.
“I’m just saying,” you tell him, carding your fingers through his soft hair, “sleep doesn’t have to be boring, my darling. In fact it can be quite lovely. Have you ever had an orgasm someone’s given you while you’re asleep?”
This piques his interest. The angel puts down his book and looks up at you, a light dusting of pink beginning to fill his cheeks.
“I can’t say that I have, dearest.”
“Well, I’m sure that we can change that,” Crowley chimes in, a devilish smile creeping across his face, “you’ll have the best rest of your life, angel.”
He’s so easy to tempt, and he is ever so tired. So that night when you all lay down to sleep, Aziraphale is naked as a cherub and pressed between the two of you. He shuts his eyes and lays back but there’s no mistaking the rise and fall of his chest for someone who’s actually settled for the evening.
“Aziraphale, for this to work, you have to be asleep,” you tell him gently, dropping a kiss to his shoulder. He shivers in anticipation.
“But it’s so… you’re so… we could always…?”
You and Crowley exchange a look. Your angel and his earthly delights. So you tire him out, fuck him until he’s boneless, and then watch slip into sleep properly when he’s exhausted.
Crowley wipes his mouth on the back of his arm and the two of you listen out for his breathing: there it is: rhythmic, soft, dead to the world. 
Time for part two to begin, then. 
Ever so slowly, so as not to jostle him too much, the two of you start to take position. You help spread Aziraphale’s legs and hoist his arse into Crowley’s lap, his hole open and already used from earlier. Crowley watches you begin to stroke the angel’s cock. It only takes a couple of pumps before it reacts, beginning to grow hot and heavy in your hand, ripe for fucking. You press a kiss to his head as he gets fully there, grinning at the taste of yourself on him from where you rode him earlier.
You look up to see Crowley watching you intently. You give him a cheeky wink and press a kiss to his dick too, already so hard that he’s bobbing against his own stomach. He lets out a long, choked sigh through his nose and you press your finger up to his lips - shh. Be quiet. Don’t wake him. The demon lets his tongue, his long serpentine tongue, dip out and twist around you wickedly.
Crowley lines himself up and slides easily into Aziraphale’s hole inch by inch. The angel’s breath hitches for a second and Crowley freezes, but when his chest begins to slowly rise and fall again he carefully sheathes himself all the way to the hilt. He takes a moment to adapt to the pliancy of Aziraphale like this, how easy he is to manoeuvre, how willing even when in dreams. 
Gently he pulls out and presses back in. It’s such a small rock of his hips that Aziraphale barely moves, but you do hear the little sigh of bliss he lets out.
The floodgates open.
Crowley keeps fucking him like that, shallow and careful, the head of his cock hitting that sweet spot inside. As he goes you plant your mouth over Aziraphale’s stiff member. His girth is always a lovely stretch for your lips and you think, for a moment, that it’s a shame he’s not awake - one of his favourite sights is one of you taking him down to the base. 
His head hits the back of your throat and you hum around him before starting to bob up and down. You do your best to match Crowley’s pace, an unhurried lovemaking entirely meant for the receiver. And you can see it’s working, too. Even from your vantage point you can see the way Aziraphale visibly relaxes, all the tension from his muscles escaping with each thrust, each suck.
Aziraphale comes in your mouth a few minutes later, gasping quietly in his sleep. As you lick him clean and swallow you see your demon sigh, happy, and his erratic hips movements stop. He pulls out of Aziraphale gently and you admire the drip of his cum from the angel’s thoroughly used hole.
The two of you kiss, slowly and passionately, before you lay back down into bed, either side of your angel. You tangle your fingers together across his plush stomach and fall asleep tucked up against him.
The next morning Aziraphale is a little sore, but in a very good mood indeed.
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@bootlmoth @elleofdragons  @angelic-anarchy27 @yeethaw13 @candlewitch-cryptic @kwyn-q @rat-that-writes @buryustogether @letthenightingalessingagain @ltlthetrifecta @angiestopit @purplefrog1sblog @wereallbrokenangels @angelspathway @clarina04 @belilwen @chaospossum @eightsdoctor @oo-delallymrcrow @silcosmoke @climbingivy97 @live-logs-and-proper @project-sad @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @imagination-phantom @anonymously35 @corgis04 @peytonpenguin37 @catlynharper @unabashedgentlemenpirate @wolfe-houler @darktealrat @mxxny-lupin @willbedecided @detectiveapparatiagreen @shadowluna25 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @xquinn-bartonx @blue-bell22 @foolishprincipalitee @fandomawesomeness @eweweweewewe @latersgaters-steven @llamaproblem @night-affiliate @randompost18 @hunterispunk @jessica-laufeysdottir @uxcaran @bunnymallowo @jae-michael @jelly-terror @larkiesparkie
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 7 Pt. 1
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
A/N: Daisy and Jake have a conversation. Natasha plays wingman.
AO3 Link
Previous Chapter
The house smelled delicious, I had spent the last few hours making the perfect bolognese sauce, homemade focaccia, and I had tiramisu ready in the fridge for after dinner. The Daggers were coming over for dinner and I had received a dozen texts from the group about how excited they were to have a home cooked meal, it made me feel good. The day was perfect, Cassandra had given me twice as many pages as I had anticipated, all of which I sent over to my agent to read. For once in my life, everything seemed to be falling into place. 
“Honey, we’re home,” Rooster was the first through the door, the rest of the group trailing in after him with shouted greetings and proclamations of how good everything smelled.
“Wash up, everyone!” I shooed them all away from the kitchen, even Natasha who pouted at me, but Jake just grabbed my hands, pulling me to him. He kissed my temple,
“I missed you.” 
“It’s only been a week,” I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arms around him, relishing in the warmth rolling off of him. Sure, it was largely my fault we hadn’t seen each other, dodging his texts and coming up with excuses not to go to the Hard Deck but that didn’t mean I hadn’t missed him. 
With everyone laying into me about how much Jake and I should get together, I needed a few days to breathe and sort through my own feelings about him. Plus, Cassandra really had been chatty this week, giving me a valid excuse to stay away. I raised up on my toes and pressed a kiss to his jaw, “Wash up, Jake. I’ve got to finish setting the table.” 
I pulled away but he pulled me back, pressing a long kiss to my forehead, sending my stomach into a nervous frenzy.
“We’re going to talk about this later.” I nodded, looking anywhere but him. I could feel his eyes on me as he washed up in the kitchen sink while I finished setting the table, even as the others filed back into the room. 
“Thanks for dinner, Daisy,” Bob gently squeezed my forearm with a smile.
“I already made you a take home box for later, it’s in the fridge.” Bob’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. 
“Do I get one too?” Rooster threw an arm around my shoulders, “I shot down three of these guys in training today.” 
“I’ll give you an extra helping of dessert, Roo.” I patted him on the gut, “Now-”
“Now, we take our hands off the little lady,” Jake pulled me away from Rooster, “And sit down at the table.” 
“Who says the little lady doesn’t want my hands on her?” Rooster asked with a grin and Jake dug his fingers into my hip, staring down his friend and roommate. This was…a first. I’d never been stuck between two guys like this before and it had officially rendered me speechless. Luckily, Bob had my back.
“Alright, let’s not do this,” Bob pushed Rooster towards the table filled with trained naval aviators who all needed to take an acting class.
“Come on,” I patted Jake’s hand, removing it from my hip. “Let’s eat.” 
After dinner everyone spread around the apartment, Javy, Rooster, and Bob were playing video games in the living room, Phoenix was arguing with her mom over the phone in the kitchen, the rapid mix of Spanish and Italian giving me flashbacks to when Natasha failed a midterm sophomore year. Cassandra had started to speak again and Jake had accompanied me to my room, laying on my bed while I wrote. Once I reached a good stopping point, I turned to find Jake under the covers, reading one of my New York detective books. 
“You took your boots off, right?” He grinned, putting the book down on his chest.
“Want to come check?” 
“You’re an idiot,” I laughed, stretching as I stood. “And a cover hog.” 
“I can share, Wildflower.” He held up the other end of the blanket and against all good judgment, I climbed in with him, snuggling into Jake’s side. “How are you feeling?” 
“Sleepy,” I stretched an arm across his center, my fingertips coming in contact with his bare skin where his shirt must have ridden up. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m good, sweetheart,” Jake kissed my hair. 
“You like to use nicknames a lot,” I muttered, tracing circles into his side. “Is it because you guys use callsigns at work?” He didn’t say anything and I found myself filling the silence. “Like, do you use them for everyone? Do they mean something?” 
“Are you asking if I call everyone sweetheart, sweetheart?” I tensed, was that what I was asking? Shit, it was. Jake didn’t seem bothered, running his fingers up and down my arm soothingly. “Well, there’s a ranking for things like this. Honey, darlin, and sweetheart are low hanging fruit, I’m from the south after all. Next up would be personal nicknames, based on things that are specific to them.” 
“Like Wildflower?” 
“Yeah, like Wildflower. I thought about calling you kitten too,” I cringed,
“Please don’t.” Jake shook with laughter,
“Next, every guy has the one name they use that’s reserved only for girls he’s serious about. Also, I don’t have nicknames for you, I have pet names, there’s a difference.” 
“What’s your one name?” I needed to know, my curiosity more than piqued at this point.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” I pinched his side. 
“No need to get rough, Daisy.” He kissed my temple, “It’s baby. I don’t ever call girls baby.” Oh. My heart dropped to my stomach, a heavy but oddly comforting feeling settling in my chest. Jake’s heart was beating loud and fast beneath my head, he was waiting for me to say something. If I did, it could change everything. If I didn’t, we could lose it. That’s what time did, it stole things away from us. I took a deep breath. Fuck it. 
“You call me baby.” 
“I do.” 
“I like when you do.” 
“Good,” He kissed my hair again, “I wasn’t planning on stopping.” After a moment he added, “You ready to talk about this, baby?” No, I was not. I moved away from him just enough to see his face, which was soft and unguarded. I took a deep breath, consciously dropping my own walls. The phrase now or never seemed a lot scarier when the now was now. 
“The idea of whatever this is scares me,” He cupped my cheek but stayed quiet. “And honestly, I don’t know when I stopped thinking you were teasing me and started believing you were actually flirting, but-” I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment to gather some courage. “But I’m right here if you’re here with me. Does that make sense?” 
“Perfect sense,” Jake leaned close, his cologne surrounding me as his lips brushed against mine. Then again more firmly. His lips were warm and soft, moving gently against mine, his hand sliding into my hair. Heat bloomed in my chest, spreading through my body as the kiss became more feverish. I parted my lips, letting him deepen the kiss as he laid me back onto the bed. 
“Jake?” He moved his kisses to my cheek, then my chin, and my neck, making my head spin. “I have a house full of people downstairs.” 
“Yes, baby?” His lips found a spot on my neck that made me gasp and Jake focused his efforts there, lavishing the spot with his tongue and teeth until I knew there would be a hickey the size of a bowling ball there for the next week. “Fuck, you’re making such pretty noises for me.” 
“Jake,” I whined, digging my fingers into his side, “We have to stop.” 
“You’re right, we do.” Jake gave me three quick kisses before rolling back to the side, “Because when I get to do what I want to do to you, you’re going to wake the dead with how loud you’ll be.”
A/N: This chapter was longer than I realized and I had to break it into two parts
Part Two
Taglist: @dizzybee03 @littlezee80 @cinderellasmissingshoes @carolina-on-my-mind03 @mizzzpink
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colleybri · 12 days
Together, on this beach
(Rebelcaptain appreciation week day 1 prompt: Significant Moments)
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I would have loved to cook for you, on a beach like this.
Freshly caught fish, perhaps, cooked simply on a fire in a pit in the sand. No salt required as the sea lingers on their skins. Maybe a little pepper if we had some. The scent of the cooking brings you near and you watch as I turn the fish on their skewers, the skin blackening and popping a little with the moisture. I see the need in your eyes as you ask: “Is it ready yet?”. That same hunger in your eyes that first held me in their tight grip made literal here - and I catch a child-like gleam in them now as you bend nearer to look and to allow the sound and smells of my cooking to entice you. “You’re a man of hidden talents, Captain Andor,” you flirt, unashamedly, and I have to shoo you away as the need to just keep looking at you is too strong and I don’t want this meal to be anything other than perfectly cooked. But you keep coming back to where I kneel before the fire, distracting me by embracing me from behind and watching on, your chin resting on my shoulder, until the meal is finally ready. Then I watch you try to guzzle like a child, and you yelp when a bone pricks your mouth. And you also burn your tongue and your fingers too because you are so impatient and impetuous and run headlong into eating as you do into many things. And afterwards you start to lick the juices from your fingers and at the sight of that my own hunger becomes too much. We clean each other’s fingers, then each other’s lips.
We have strong appetites.
I would have loved to dance with you, on a beach like this.
To music of our own imagining, or drifting in from the distance because we are alone, together, as we dance on the shoreline. The water laps around our bare feet. The sun sets and the first stars emerge. The air stays warm, and we dance on. You like to lead, sometimes. I let you guide me, feeling your gentle but insistent support. I am strong and whole again, and your fingers feel good against the muscles of my arms as we dip and sway, and you trust me absolutely now. It ‘goes both ways’ - and so do we. Our movements are graceful, balanced, organic and united. We are like one being, perhaps some strange yet beautiful creature from the sea, come to shore this quiet night to flirt a little with the land. Who needs a ballroom on Coruscant or Chandrila and who needs fine clothes; your combat gear is as beautiful to me as any flowing gown, and far more real. And when we finally tire of dancing I will enjoy unwrapping you like a present I thought I could not possibly ever deserve again.
I would have loved to lie with you, on a beach like this.
Our only blanket, the warm night sky. Our bed, the sand: soft courseness, tactile, getting everywhere. You grumble “This will be shedding every time I shower for weeks,” and we laugh, easily, as if we have known each other for years. Enough phosphorence in the gently lapping waters to allow us to see each other, clearly. The softness of your skin, soothing on my scars. The softness of your eyes, soothing on my soul. Like the tide, we rise and fall - the rhythm of the waves in each movement. Sometimes a gentle sea. Sometimes a storm. Always in motion as one.
And we cry as we make love. Happy or heartbroken or both. I kiss the salt warmth of your tears as your body stiffens with another sweet climax, and your cries on each crashing wave of pleasure pull at my heart all over again and I weep too because all sex like this is built on the knowledge that this time, this most clear and beautiful ‘now’, might be the last. I had always had trouble, before, saying ‘goodbye’. As if never saying goodbye would keep goodbyes at bay, somehow. But now I know our final goodbye gives life meaning, and true beauty has sadness too amidst the pleasure. So we relish the before, and the after too, and each moment in between of the long warm night. The next moment and the next until the moments run out. And soon enough I don’t think, for each of those nows, of everything I’ve lost - but concentrate on what I’ve gained instead: the knowledge that I tried my best. Hope.
I would have loved to sit with you, on a beach like this, and watch a sunrise.
And that, I have. We have.
Your arms are strong and supportive, and you have supported my soul as well as my broken body. In the elevator, you realised you were losing me and I wanted to comfort you, but I could hardly breathe for the agony and it was only the sight of you that kept me from fainting. But I wanted to see you without your own pain on your beautiful face and I could hardly stand it and almost wanted to look away, but I couldn’t and I didn’t. Feeling the life draining away I wanted the light of your face shining on me through the coming darkness. But I didn’t want to give you the pain of seeing my pain and I’m sorry that you did.
So in a way, seeing the blast and our clean, painless and mutual death coming… gives me strength again. I can comfort you, and myself, knowing this. I can rally myself one last time and give you what I know I would have wanted. The same message I needed, and didn’t get, on the beach at Niamos.
I give you the love of your father. My final gift of words.
You take it so gratefully, and gift me in turn with your hand, taking mine, and then the warmth of your embrace. And you hold me and support me again as you have held and supported me throughout this last vital mission, when I realised I could recommit to everything I believe and learn to love again through you and with you - side by side and heart in heart.
The Rebellion came first. We took what was left.
In this life, we couldn’t have more than this. But we have had this. We will always have had it.
So in my mind and in my heart, and in this universe and in much kinder ones… we will eat, dance, make love… and die in each other’s arms. It is what’s left. It’s ours, forever.
Together, on this beach, we have what might have been.
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rachelsfav-queer · 2 months
I wanna see a scene like this in Wednesday S2
Wednesday’s face is deadpan, not giving away any of the inner turmoil in her mind as the principal continues to scream at her.
“Seriously, Miss Addams! Have you ever, for even a moment, considered how your actions affect anyone else in the world other than yourself? You are nothing but a selfish and heartless human being! You seriously have no idea how long it’s going to take to clean up this mess that you have made!” The man continued to scream and shout at the seer, throwing insults and vague threats at her left and right, until finally a blonde werewolf stood up and screamed at the top of her mighty lungs, the shout deafening and silencing the whole room.
“THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Enid screamed with a nearly evil growl rising from deep inside her chest, her claws extending and her fangs growing on their own. “DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK TO HER LIKE THAT! YEAH, WEDNESDAY FUCKED UP, REAL BAD. BUT THAT DOESN’T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING PRICK! SO CUT YOUR LITTLE RANT SHORT AND SUSPEND WEDNESDAY AND LET US GO! DO. NOT. FUCK WITH ME.”
The principal actually cowers at the fearless ferocity that the young werewolf is radiating while the rest of the room looks on in mixed reactions, some shocked and others impressed. The man finally finds his voice again and meekly nods, doing exactly as told and shooing the students out of his office.
Once they’re out, Enid takes a deep breath and returns to her more human-like appearance and Wednesday finally blinks away from her for the first time since the blonde had stood up for her in the office. She soon looks back at her roommate, though, and speaks quietly, “You didn’t have to do that.”
Enid takes another deep breath, recognizing the difference in the raven’s voice from the last time she said those words, understanding that it’s nothing like last time, and she speaks just as softly, but with a deep sense of confidence that usually the goth holds, “Actually, I did. I’m your friend, Wednesday, and this is what friends do for each other. Stand up for each other! So, unfortunately for you, you’re gonna have to get used to it. Because you have friends now and we’re all gonna be there for you, even if you don’t “need” help.”
Also for the first time since the werewolf tore the principal a new one, Bianca speaks up, “Wolf’s right, Addams. If Enid didn’t rip into that asshole, any of the rest of us were about to. Hell, I’m still thinking about going in there and getting a few digs in on him myself. But, that’s beside the point. The real point is… you’re not alone anymore, Wednesday. Like it or not, you’re stuck with us. So like Enid said, you better get used to it.”
Wednesday is quiet for a moment, her brain taking longer than usual to register everything that just happened and all of what her friends just told her. She releases a breath she didn’t realize she was holding when Enid gently grasps her hand and she looks up at the group that’s all looking at her patiently, yet expectantly. “I’m not… used to this. But I appreciate it deeply. Thank you… all of you, for being my… friends.”
End <3
(Note: I just want to make this clear, in case it’s not obvious, but the “principal” is not Weems, but whoever they’re getting to replace her. I didn’t give him a name because I’m lazy lol)
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
Would it be possible to have a oneshot of rise Leo reacting to the reader telling him that she is pregnant? pretty pleaseeee?
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Hello hello lovely, I'm so sorry this is so late! I've been drowning in projects and schoolwork, but I hope this is alright! It's my first time writing about a pregnant reader, so very new for me! (mainly because I myself am not pregnant) Regardless though, I hope you enjoy!
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Your hands grip the toilet seat so tightly that your knuckles turn white. You stare down into the murky water, traces of puke coating the toilet bowl inside. You feel yourself gag, and your stomach lurches before you continue to empty out its contents.
The pungent smell burns your eyes, and you spit out the remaining bits of whatever was left in your mouth. You exhale shakily, reaching up and pulling down the lever that flushes the toilet. As your puke gets washed away with the swirling whirlpool of water, you collapse on the floor, exhausted from having emptied your guts for the past ten minutes.
Whatever stomach bug you were having, it was terrible.
"You okay, babe?" You look up with a weary gaze, eyes softening when you see the concerned look on your boyfriend's face. He bends down, patting your back gently and rubbing small circles. You close your eyes, slumping against him with a soft sigh.
"I am now." You hum, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. "We should get Donnie to take a look at it," Leo suggests, looking around in hopes of pulling his nerdy brother to take a look at your condition.
"I'm fine, babe. I just need some rest. It's really early too." You shake your head, reassuring your beloved. "If you say so…" Leo picks your weak body off the ground, holding you close in a bridal carry. He brings you back to your shared room, gently placing you on the messy bed. 
"I'll go get some water for you, okay?" He kisses your forehead, chuckling when you shoo him away from pecking your lips. "Don't kiss me yet," You laugh, pushing him away with the little strength you can muster. 
Your eyes slowly flutter shut, the last sight being the adorable grinning face of your boyfriend looking back at you from the doorway before heading to the kitchen. You drift off to sleep again, having gotten used to your new routine of late. 
You stir a while later, awoken by Leo sitting beside your exhausted figure. "What time is it?" You groan out, blinking to rid the blurriness of your vision. You sit up groggily, leaning on your boyfriend for support. 
“It’s…uhm…” Leo glances at the phone on his nightstand, tapping it twice. The screen lights up, and his eyes skim over the time quickly. "It's noon." He answers your question, handing you a cup of water.
You take it from him, sipping slowly in case your body decides on its own will to throw it back up again. "That stomach bug looks like it's been troubling you, though. I really think you should ask Donnie for a checkup." He pouts when you shake your head again, his lower lip jutting out as he crosses his arms.
You giggle, pressing a sweet kiss to his jawline. He practically melts at your touch, fighting back a silly grin.
"I gotta go meet Pauline in a while, love. Let's have a movie date when we're back?" You suggest, getting off the bed. Leo instinctively makes space for you, watching you walk to the shared closet opposite him. 
"Alright, I hope you have fun, babe. Let me know if you need any help from your boyfriend." Leo watches you grab a change of clothes, following you to the bathroom like a lost puppy. 
"I will. Don't worry, babe." You smile, starting to undress. You catch Leo's eyes raking over your body, checking you out appreciatively. You send a playful glare his way, gesturing for him to join you. He throws his katanas aside happily, skipping into the hot shower with you. 
You dry yourself with the fluffy towel on the hook next to the bathroom sink, patting dry Leo's shell before changing into a pastel blue dress. The balloon-like sleeves provide comfort and are airy enough to combat the weather. You do a quick turn for Leo, who nods in approval. 
You begin to brush your teeth, and Leo does the same beside you. You stare at him in the mirror above the sink, a mischievous idea forming. Your elbow nudges his side, and based on the twinkle in his eyes when his gaze meets yours, he had the same idea.
"One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!" Your words come out muffled from the toothbrush in your mouth, grabbing Leo's outstretched hand as the two of you begin a competitive battle.
Alas, you lose when the menthol stings your tongue, and you turn to spit out the frothed-up toothpaste in your mouth. You quickly cup your hands together, water overflowing in your hands as you bring it up to your lips, gargling the cool liquid and spitting it back out.
"Ha! I win again! Make that ten wins for me and four losses for you." Leo cheers smugly, but the burn of the menthol gets to him, and he copies your actions. You giggle when he's unable to hold back, spitting out the toothpaste.
The two of you share a cheesy smile, content in the quiet morning. You head back to his room together, your hands loosely entwined. He only lets go when you have to brush your hair, but even then, he insists on doing it for you. You sit on his bed again and feel the mattress dip when he sits down behind you. 
His fingers gently coax the stubborn knots in your hair, returning them to their usual smooth strands. He expertly brushes your hair, and your eyes close, almost lulled to sleep by how tenderly he holds you. 
His fingers continue to thread through your hair, and you feel his lips press against the back of your head once he's done. You turn around, briefly pressing your lips against his in a soft kiss before standing up and grabbing your purse. 
"The pink or the blue?" You hold up two hair bands. Leo has his fingers under his chin, frowning as he looks between the two choices you hold up to him. "The blue." He finally decides. "It shows that you're mine, after all." 
"I guess so." You shrug, sliding it into your hair and doing one last outfit check. You rifle through your purse, applying some lip balm. You feel an arm around your waist, smiling at your clingy boyfriend. 
"Do you have to go?" He whines, placing his head on your shoulder and giving you his best puppy eyes. "I already cancelled on her once to spend time with you, Leo. I can't do that again." You reply with a simple shake of your head.
He groans dramatically, flopping down onto his bed with a frown. You chuckle, walking over and getting on top of him. You sit on his exposed chest, leaning down and kissing his lips deeply. 
Leo kisses back immediately, tasting the faint strawberry on your lips. His hands slowly move to your waist, leisurely sitting up. Your lips part in a gasp when his hand tangles itself in your hair, tugging it gently. He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, eyes closed and hands starting to sneak up your thighs. 
Your eyes fly open at this, and you push him away gently. "Oh no, you're not doing that again, mister." You scold playfully, removing his hands from your waist and thigh. "Do what?" Leo bluffs as if he hadn't just attempted a tried-and-true tactic guaranteed to keep you in the lair with him.
You tap his nose, wrinkling your own cheekily as you get off his lap. You arranged your hair again, adjusting your dress, so it wasn't evident that you were just making out. "I'll see you later tonight, okay? I'll even let you decide the movie." You negotiate. His eyes light up at this offer, a cheeky grin on his lips. 
"You promised!" He whoops, excited at the chance to finally choose a silly movie for your movie date tonight. 
You hide a smile and leave the lair, walking to the coffee shop where you had arranged to meet Pauline. The door jingles when you open it, and you walk over to a table in the back. You take a seat, pulling out your phone to text your friend that you had just reached. 
“Y/n?” You look up at the mention of your name, startled. You relax once you see a familiar face, greeting Pauline with a bright smile. You stand up, hugging her briefly before pulling away and sitting back down. She places her bag on the side of the table, looking at you with excitement. 
"It's been forever since we've met up! How are you?" 
"God, I'm so sorry I cancelled last time. I got caught up with something at home." Your cheeks colour crimson, remembering your limbs tangled with Leo's under the sheets, his lips on every part of your body. 
Pauline is quick to catch the dazed look in your eyes, smirking. "Don't worry, I get it." She waves it off, and you flush when you realize how suspicious you're acting. "It better have been good, considering you were an hour late." She jokes, but it only makes your cheeks turn a deeper red.
You stare at the menu in your grasp, your gaze so intense it could've bore a hole. "So, how was it?" Pauline perches her chin on her hand, regarding you with an eager twinkle in her gaze. 
"It was good…." You manage to squeak out, and your answer must have satisfied Pauline because she claps excitedly. "Does this mean…? She asks enthusiastically, discreetly pointing at your lower abdomen.
"What? No! I don't… I don't think so…." Your strong denial trails off, uncertainty in your voice. Truthfully, a small voice has been nagging you in the back of your head lately. The consistent puking…The change in appetite… 
But it couldn't be.
Could it?
"Wait." You're snapped out of your thoughts when Pauline sits upright, now serious. "Are you for real?" She asks. You're unsure how to respond, your hand pressed gently against your lower abdomen protectively. "I don't know…." You mumble. 
A moment of silence passes. "When was the last time you had your period?" She asks, her hands crossed. You hesitate, trying to recall. Your eyes widen, looking back up at her. "It's late."
"Have you started puking loads?" She continues to question. You nod in response, panic beginning to gnaw in the corner of your mind. You had been more tired lately but passed it off as everyday stress from work and the like.
Pauline exhales shakily, slumping back in her chair. She looks at you with a thoughtful stare, sensing that you're about to freak out. She leans over and grasps your hands, her new manicure the only thing you can focus on as she massages small circles into your skin. The purple nail polish glints from the sunlight reflecting off of it.
"Listen. We'll order some tea and head to a pharmacy just in case, okay? Nothing's confirmed yet, so don't freak out." She says confidently before grabbing her purse and heading to the counter to order, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You begin to fiddle with your fingers absentmindedly. The soft chatter of other diners around you fades into white noise. You inhale shakily, eyes fixed on the white tabletop.
All the symptoms made sense. The vomiting, the delayed period… constant nausea.
But it wasn't possible. You had used protection, didn't you?
… Didn't you?
You feel beads of sweat form on your forehead, recalling how caught up you were with Leo's touch that neither of you had even thought to check. Hands on bare skin and lips on yours were all you could recall. 
Not that it was bad, of course. You loved every second. And so did Leo, definitely. 
But why now, of all times? 
You had a job promotion coming up, and a possible pregnancy wouldn't be the best thing for your employer to consider. You needed that promotion if you were to advance in your career. 
This was bad.
This was very, very bad.
But nothing was confirmed yet, so maybe you had a chance.
Pauline soon returns with two takeaway cups, and you take the one she hands you. You gingerly sip the hot tea, the heat distracting you from your thoughts. Pauline grabs your other hand, tugging you up and starts to walk out of the cafe. You stumble after her, blindly following suit.
She guides you to the pharmacy next door, and you stare blankly at the aisle of pregnancy tests from different brands. 
"I usually get PregX or Guardian," Pauline tells you. Her glossy lips are pursed as she rummages through the many rows of small boxes, pulling out two separate ones with a satisfied smile.
You stay quiet but follow her to the counter, still dazed. You pull out your wallet, paying for the tests with your card. Pauline grabs the receipt with a brief thank you and grasps your arm gently. 
"Look," She speaks softly, perhaps sensing the true extent of how freaked out you are currently, "I know this is scary, but you need to check and get it over and done with, okay?" 
"Yeah, yeah. I mean…I don't know if I'm ready to find out…." You manage to say, your words coming out in almost a whisper. Your hands are shaky, and Pauline picks up on this immediately. 
"We'll do this at my place." She states firmly, linking your arm with hers. The both of you walk in silence to where she had parked her car a short distance away, and she opens the door for you. 
"I don't know if I'm ready to find out." You breathe out as the both of you pull up at her condo. Pauline flashes her condo ID card to the security guard, who raises the barrier for her to pass, sliding it back into her purse that you held on your lap. 
"Hey, you never know if it's gonna be true, but we should find out first." She turns the wheel, expertly parking. She opens the door and ushers you in. You place your bag on the comfy beige couch you had crashed on multiple times in the past, heading down the vast hallway into the guest bathroom. 
You shut the door behind you, hearing the clutter of Pauline in the kitchen. You take out the two boxes from the plastic bag in your grasp, placing them both on the counter. You quickly use one, hesitating with the other. It never hurts to be sure. 
"Done?" Pauline has some canned tomato soup in a pot over high heat and turns it off right when it boils. You nod, sitting down at the table. 
"Just gotta wait for twenty minutes." You laugh nervously, both hands cupping the takeaway cup from the cafe and taking a sip. The sweet scent of jasmine tea calms your nerves, the warmth of the tea seeping down your throat. 
Pauline places a bowl filled with tomato soup in front of you, silverware dangling precariously and threatening to drop into the boiling hot liquid. You grab it quickly, placing it in a safer position. 
She grabs a tray, loading up a plate of toasted bread and both your bowls of soup, moving to the couch. You sit cross-legged on the soft carpet, helping yourself to the food while she turns on the gigantic television in front of you. 
The both of you ate in silence for the next twenty minutes, but you could feel her worried glances every so often. You set aside the empty bowl and walked towards the bathroom. 
You hesitate to open the door, warm fingers barely grasping the smooth metal of the doorknob. You steel yourself, entering the bathroom with your eyes squeezed shut and fumbling around for the pregnancy test.
Your fingers grasp onto the end, and you bring it close. 
You can feel your heartbeat quickening, blood roaring as it rushes to your head. You were even beginning to feel a little light-headed.
Just look. You have to.
You take a deep breath, slowly opening your eyes.
It was like all time had stopped.
"Are you okay? What're the results?" Pauline enters the bathroom, concerned about why you are taking so long.
She pauses, taking in your blank stare and still figure, before her eyes travel downwards to see the pregnancy test's result in your hands.
Two red lines.
"I'm pregnant…." Your voice is shaky, and you turn to face her. Your eyes are tearing up, and the confirmation of it all is starting to overwhelm you.
"What about the other one?" 
You hold out the other in your hand, the results identical to the first. 
Now, you sit on the plush couch, practically sinking into the cushions. (Sometimes you stayed overnight just for this piece of furniture)
"I'm not ready to have a baby." You say softly, though a pained pang huts your heart right after.
"Are you gonna tell the father?" Pauline sips on some water from a wine glass, twirling it in her hands. 
"Yeah, of course!" You can almost picture how Leo would react with such excitement, promising the world to his kid. 
"Is it worth it?" Pauline's question brings you back to the present. To your job, to your career, to your life.
"I could always wait until after my promotion to take some time off…." You hum, staring down at your body. Now that you knew you were pregnant, it was as if you had become hyper-aware of everything and anything within 5 feet of you.
"If they try to fire you over the kid, you can sue them. Besides, you told me about your company's generosity, and they'd never throw you away. You're the only one keeping them afloat!" 
That was a good point she made.
"But the real question is, do you want this baby?"
Pauline was right. Did you want this? 
The result of you and Leo's love was being created inside you, a bundle of joy you knew would bring everyone happiness.
What if they were a boy?
Leo would teach him how to use his swords, you think with a chuckle. You'd find them wandering back into the lair after a day of goofing outside, drenched from the downpour. 
If they were a girl…
Leo would definitely be having tea parties with her. He'd oblige every whim of hers as much as he could, and you'd be the one to keep them both from going too overboard. 
You'd bake with them, teach them how to read and write… maybe even do some martial arts once they were old enough. You'd go to amusement parks together, and Pauline would most likely go overboard for Christmas and celebrations, sprucing up the condo penthouse to look like a winter wonderland.
They'd be the splitting image of the man you love and the fact that you and Leo created life? 
It brought you joy beyond compare.
You open your eyes, and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling is the first thing you see. You watch it move slightly from the breeze coming through the open windows, finally making your decision.
"I want this."
You hesitate when you reach the lair entrance, nervously nibbling on your bottom lip.
God, how would he react?
Pauline dropped you off moments ago, wishing you good luck before driving to another business appointment. 
"Hey babe, welcome back! I'm deciding on the movie right now, as per our agreement." Leo greets you with enthusiasm, copies of various movies scattered around him as he contemplates the best one.
You make your way through the mess, sitting down on the couch.
"Babe?" You call hesitantly.
"Hm?" Leo's head is barely turned, eyes trained on the blu rays. 
"Do you think baby strollers are expensive?" 
"Yeah, probably. Look at the prices these days. They're skyrocketing!" 
Well, that was a failure.
You swallow down the lump in your throat.
"How about we watch Storks?"
"Aren't you scared of birds?"
"What about Boss Baby?"
"That's an option."
"Knocked Up…?"
"Ohhh, that's a good movie." Leo pulls it out, setting it aside before rifling through the stack for more movie options.
You stifle a groan at his obliviousness, sighing before the perfect way to reveal it finally hits you. You clear your throat. 
"Also, I don't think the vomiting's gonna stop anytime soon…."
"I told you to let Donnie take a look-" Leo's playful scowl drops when he turns to face you. You smile softly when his eyes meet yours, the sight of your hands rubbing your lower abdomen lovingly enough to finally clue him in.
"Wh- You're not- Are you-? But- Didn't we- But are you??" His words come out all jumbled, and you reach down, placing your hands over his. 
He stops, looking up at you with wide, questioning eyes that seem to silently ask if this was all a big prank, though a small glimmer of hope peeks through.
You nod.
"You're gonna be a dad." 
Leo practically lights up. He leaps to his feet, picking you up and spinning you around, overjoyed at the revelation.
"I'm gonna be a dad?? I'm gonna be a dad!!" He shouts, a cheesy smile on his lips.
"Wait, this spinning has GOT to be bad for the baby. Ooo, what will we name him? Leo Junior?" He starts to ramble, grabbing cushions and making sure you're as comfortable as humanely possible. 
You giggle, reaching out and placing your hand on his arm. He slows to a stop, head tilted.
"Oh no. Are you uncomfortable? Is the baby kicking? What's wrong??" 
"Babe," You cut off his incessant worrying, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "For now, let's watch the movie and figure out how we're gonna break it to the rest." 
Leo nods, sitting beside you. His arms are hesitant, unsure of where to place them on you. It's honestly adorable.
You held his arms, moving so that you were now cuddling against his chest with your head tucked under his. 
You can feel his body start to relax when you leave a gentle kiss against his collarbone. You guide his hand to your lower abdomen, flattening his palm against it. He begins to rub small circles, and you let a blissful sigh fall past your lips.
"I can't wait." As the movie plays, he whispers against your ear, the tickle of his warm breath making you giggle.
"I can't either." You murmur back, all cozy and wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms. 
"You're gonna be a good dad." 
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navibluebees · 1 year
I need more mansk! Literally anything you want fluff, smut I don’t care as long as I can see my cute boy again (I’ve read pretty much everything under his tag 😭)
Plz and thank you ❤️
Ahaha a person after my own heart. He's so precious, our guy. Thank you for requesting!
This is fluffy!
Please read before interacting.
Early Mornings (Mansk x GN Human Reader)
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"Good morning, sleepyhead."
He grinned against your skin and squeezed your hips. He pushed your shirt up higher and pressed soft kisses to your stomach, nuzzling his nose against your skin as you started to squirm awake. You whined and opened your eyes just enough to see him smiling lovingly down at you. Whining, you reached up, grabbing him and pulling him down to rest his head on your chest.
He landed with a soft 'oof' and laughed quietly. His early morning voice was low and raspy as he worshipped the soft curves of your body. A deep purr vibrated through his chest, tickling you. You let out a soft giggle and he pulled back, grinning goofily at you. His lips brushed under your jaw and his finger tips pressed roughly into your thighs.
He pulled you against him and sat back, bringing you with him into his lap. You groaned and whined pitifully, making him laugh and stroke a hand down your spine.
"I'm not ready to get uuppppp. Don't make me."
You pouted and blinked at him, trying to appear pitiful.
"Something in your eye?" he asked with a smirk.
Your eyes narrowed at him, and you began to scramble off his lap.
"Ah, ah, ah. We're not done with our morning cuddles."
You squealed when he pulled you back to him and squeezed you against his chest.
You shuffled along behind your partner, gripping his pinkie in your fist. A yawn escaped and you leaned into him. He shooed you over to the table and promised to get you an extra scoop of the fruit you like. You rested your head on the table in the chow hall and sighed as your body started to relax. A hulking body slid in beside yours and you leaned over onto his arm, yawning again as you snuggled against him.
"Uh, Y/N?"
Your partner's voice came from your other side and you straightened up, confused, glancing to the arm you were resting on and the body attached to it. A blush appeared everywhere across your face as you stared at Lyle, wide-eyed. He grinned back and offered a playful 'morning, sweetheart' to you.
Mansk's lips were pressed together in mild annoyance as he sat down and slid your tray in front of you. He was quiet and the silence stretched between you two until you placed your hand on his thigh. You squeezed gently then grabbed the collar of his uniform and pulled him down to you.
"I'm yours," you murmured in his ear.
A pleased smile fought its way on to his face and his ears ducked down bashfully. His tail snaked around your chair, tugging you closer to him and away from Lyle.
"Mine," he purred.
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ikranwings
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lirotation · 1 year
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Bath in natural running water after returning to camp. I was trying to do anime style, oh well.
I've been wanting to do this for so long because there is a silly story playing in my head ever since patch 9:
Tav finished tending the campfire and hummed a cheerful tune as she ambled over to Astarion.
"You know, I was thinking, when's the last time you had a nice relaxing bath?" she asked brightly.
Astarion straightened up. "Oh, I assure you I'm quite clean..."
"There's the loveliest waterfall just over that ridge there," Tav continued enthusiastically. "The water comes down from the mountain springs, so refreshing!"
"That's very kind of you, but waterfalls aren't really my...style," Astarion replied carefully.
"Oh, but you simply must try it! I take a dip there every day, it's divine." Tav grasped his hands pleadingly. "Come on, I even have some lovely lavender bath salts we can sprinkle in the water."
"Tav, truly, I'd rather not get into...running water," Astarion insisted, trying to pull his hands back.
"Trust me, once you feel that cool mountain water washing your stress away, you'll never want to bathe any other way again," Tav said with a bubbly laugh.
Astarion opened his mouth to protest further, but Tav was already tugging him eagerly towards the falls.
"No need to be shy! We're all friends here," she chattered happily. "I promise you won't regret letting loose and enjoying nature's Jacuzzi."
Astarion grimaced helplessly as the cheerful druid led him to the churning waterfall. He tried to gently resist, but Tav was clearly oblivious to his aversion. With a resigned sigh, he let the bubbly woman guide him along. At least she meant well in her own exuberant way.
"Yes yes, thank you for the glowing recommendation, now do run along," Astarion said, shooing Tav away with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Once she had bounced off, he cautiously dipped a finger into the flowing waterfall. To his shock, it didn't burn.
Intrigued, Astarion quickly disrobed and stepped under the tumbling cascade. The water felt heavenly, not scalding as running water should to a vampire.
For the first time in centuries, he could enjoy a waterfall's natural massage. Astarion let out an ecstatic laugh, the sound drowned out by the roaring falls.
He lingered blissfully until his fingers pruned. This changed everything - no longer would he need to avoid flowing water sources.
Astarion returned to camp with a spring in his step.
"Oh I'm so glad you loved it!" Tav exclaimed, beaming at his damp hair. "I told you that waterfall would be wonderful."
"Yes, yes, it was...lovely," Astarion conceded with a sly smile. "You were right, for once."
Tav just grinned knowingly. Astarion feigned nonchalance, but inside he reveled in his secret. The tadpole had unlocked thrilling new freedoms without revealing his true vampiric nature.
He would enjoy waterfalls to his heart's content, and let Tav believe she'd merely persuaded a fastidious man to bathe. Some secrets were best kept deeply hidden.
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lewmagoo · 10 months
I don't celebrate Christmas, but how about a cozy + wintery thought? My brain can't stop thinking about cuddling in front of the fire with Rhett, mugs of hot cocoa and fresh cookies in hand. Your free hand combs through Rhett's hair, nails scratching against his scalp, and he can't remember the last time he's ever felt so warm or so loved by another person. 🥹 ❄️
a blizzard had rolled in from the mountains. with harsh winds that rattled your windowpanes and sent the barn doors shuddering open. this sent rhett right out into the cold to fasten the doors so that the animals would stay safe. he’d had a scare the year prior with his mare getting out during a blizzard. he wasn’t about to have that happen again. because he had to venture out into the arctic tundra, you decided to prepare a small pot of hot chocolate. over the years, you’d perfected your recipe, and it was rhett’s favorite. you had also baked some cookies together earlier that day. or rather, rhett had sneaked bites of raw dough until you’d finally shooed him away and tasked him with setting out all the cooking racks on the kitchen table.
the cookies had since cooled, and while the hot chocolate was coming to a low simmer, you set about filling a plate with cookies. gingerbread men and sugar cookies. the sugar cookies were a recipe his mama had given you, and they were a hit with your cowboy. he’d devour all of them at once if you let him. you knew he’d be overjoyed when he returned inside to find a plate of cookies and a mug of cocoa waiting for him. and sure enough, when he came stumbling back inside, covered in snow and grumbling about the damn wind, you were waiting in the living room, by the roaring fire. “c’mon, get in here and get warm,” you called, as he undid his coat and kicked off his boots. the scowl darkening his brow immediately softened. “what’s all this?” he asked, as his sock covered feet carried him toward you. you smiled as you leaned in to kiss his nose, reddened from the cold. “thought you might want some cocoa and cookies, handsome.”
at that, he beamed. “y’ sure know the way to a man’s heart, pun’kin.” you couldn’t help but hum at the sweet term of endearment. his pronunciation of pumpkin. it was his turn to kiss you, and he pressed one to the top of your head before he settled down onto the couch, with you following. you spread a big, soft blanket over the both of you before you handed him his mug of cocoa and a gingerbread man and a sugar cookie. he thanked you with another kiss. he couldn’t get enough of kissing you. as he happily ate his cookies, you enjoyed your own, while simultaneously bringing your hand up to come through his curls. he’d let his hair grow out a little longer than usual, much to your delight. it was freshly washed, too, and soft, thanks to the conditioner you’d convinced him to start using. (“hey! there ain’t any knots in my hair this time around!” he’d exclaimed to you after he first used the product. he’d continued using it ever since).
as your fingers gently scratched at his scalp, he found himself relaxing against you. he loved when you massaged his scalp. oftentimes, you’d do it when he couldn’t sleep, and it would send him straight to dreamland. it was comforting, and it also fed his need for physical contact. being surrounded by you, by your scent and your touch, was everything to him. it made his heart sing. and right now, he felt like it would burst right out of his chest. you knew how to make him feel special. making his favorite hot chocolate and cookies? he was so touched by such a simple gesture. it reminded him of how much you truly loved him. you didn’t just say you loved him and then didn’t show it. no, your love for him was evident in the way you took care of him, the way you prioritized him. he didn’t have to work hard to earn your love. you gave it to him freely.
“gosh, i love you,” he murmured, his head drooping to rest on your shoulder, his eyes fixated on the warm glow of the fire before you. you smiled, moving to nuzzle against his head. “i love you too, cowboy. more than anything.”
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Web of Lust - Short Fic
AO3 Link Here Anyone want Haarlep/Raphael/Kar'niss? Well you're in luck because someone else requested it as a drabble so here's a short for you~ CW - Bondage, Spider/Drider, implied but not malicious manipulation
I tried to post the whole thing here but I got errors...not as short as I thought, then. Oh and if anyone wants more? I'll add it to my main fic request list. ---- Web of Lust ----
The incubus grinned, they hadn’t imagined this outcome when Raphael had brought in a mortally wounded Drider a week ago. “Heal him.” He had commanded, his servants carrying the almost motionless body of the former drow into his bedchamber. “If he can be restored, a contract can be made. A most useful agreement for a servant as loyal as this one. But only if he lives.” He left almost immediately, Haarlep still sat on the edge of the bed watching the servants manhandle the huge man into the healing waters. They let out a long suffering sigh and stood up, flexing their wings and tail with obvious irritation as they stalked across the room. “Leave him.” They shooed away the servants, who scurried to get out of their reach as quickly as they could. The drider’s lower body was in the water, but their torso was collapsed on the floor over the edge of the bath, back barely moving with the effort to breathe. Haarlep stooped down and turned them over gently, gazing upon the strange face. White hair in messy strands clung to the sweat and blood on his grey-tinted skin. “Strange…” They mused, as they got to work swiftly, cleaning down the well-defined muscles, soothing deep wounds with powerful balms, tending to them with a level of care most would not expect from the incubus. But an order was an order, and they could sense their own plans beginning to form. Eventually, the myriad of eyelids began to twitch, lips barely moving. Remembering a little of drow culture, Haarlep changed their body to mimic the Archduchess’s feminine form. “Drink.” The incubus commanded, holding the open potion bottle to his lips, carefully tilting it until he had consumed it all. “Good, now your name.” “Ka-” He licked dry lips, finding his voice again. “Kar’niss.” He rasped, with effort. “Where am I?” “It is your lucky day, Sweet Spider, you have found yourself in the very heart of Hope.” They grinned at their own humour, helping the drider’s upper body to straighten as they sat beside him. “And I,” they stretched their wings to look more grandiose, “am Haarlep. Or as far as you are concerned, your new mistress.” “A mistress? Then I have a home? A purpose?” Dark eyes widened, partially in fear that this was all some dread illusion about to be cruelly torn away, just like the voice in his mind that had disappeared when the tadpole succumbed to the death that should have claimed him just before he was brought back from the brink. “Oh I have many a purpose for you, if you swear your full devotion to me, right here, and right now.” They leaned closer, holding his cheek tenderly yet firmly. “Can you do that, my Sweet Spider? Will you swear yourself to me, the one who has saved your miserable life and restored your beautiful body?” Kar’niss’s mouth moved in an attempt to talk, but truthfully he was left almost speechless by the effortless seduction, the quiet power in the voice of the “woman” in front of him. “Come now, you can do better than that. You’re so close.” They leaned in close next to his ear. “Swear it to me, Kar’niss, that you are mine.” “I…am yours, mistress. Body and soul, I am yours to command. You have taken my worthless life into your loving hands, you may do with it as you wish.” The drider used every last ounce of his strength to speak, to declare fealty, before he slumped forwards into Haarlep’s arms. The incubus stroked his back softly, soothing the unconscious man. “You did well, now rest. You will need your energy.” --- Continued on AO3 ---
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