#on disability pride post!! ABOUT COGNITIVE DISABILITIES (etc)
happy disability pride month to ME who woke up to yet another rude comment about way write
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atomicraft · 3 months
a week dedicated to posting JRWI fanworks related to disability for july, which is disabled pride month !!!
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This event will start on July 29th and end August 4th! The official hashtag will be #jrw(d)isabilityweek2024
You can make any kind of fanwork (fanfiction, art, webweave, etc) and this event is open to all, whether you’re disabled or not :]
Rules, guidelines, and definitions can be found below the cut!
What does disabled encompass ?
The definition of disabled is “(of a person) having a physical or mental condition that limits movements, senses, or activities.”
Examples of physical disabilities are arthritis, being blind or hard of hearing, joint weaknesses, autoimmune disorders, etc.
Examples of mental/cognitive disabilities are dyslexia, cerebral palsy, autism, OSDD/DID, schizospectrum, OCD, etc.
1. Ships are welcome in this event; platonic, romantic, familial, whatever floats your boat
2. The prompts are just suggestions, you do not need to follow them!
3. Feel free to tag me in works made so I can repost them :D
4. Having more then one entry per day is welcome
5. You do not need to be disabled or have a particular disability to participate in this event
1. Be respectful! This includes respecting everyones individual disabled experiences, and being respectful of how you portray disabilities
2. All work must be your own! No plagiarism, no AI
3. No works with explicit sexual content in them
4. Have fun and be creative <3
I’ll be posting reminders for this event 2 weeks and 1 week out from before it starts with the hashtag, as well as feel free to send asks about this event to my inbox or discord (atomicraft)! I’ll answer any questions under the #jrw(d)iasks tag.
Happy disabled pride month!
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intervex · 2 months
What Pride Flags Mean, Part 1: Gender and Attraction
Welcome to the latest installment of my autistic hyperfixation on flags! I wanted to figure out a common language of Colour X means Thing Y. Like how pink is consistently used for feminine.
Having a common language for flag meanings matters because it improves cognitive accessibility of flags. ♿️💙
But I didn't want to be prescriptive about what colours should mean what. Just because I think Thing X should go with Colour Y doesn't mean everybody else would.
So this turned into a descriptive, empirical project. I gathered a data set of 2060 pride flag colour choices to figure out what are the most common colour-meaning combinations. Some of the results:
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And here are the abstract modifiers: these are modifiers that were generally shared between the genders and the attractions. For example, black is used to indicate having no gender as well as having no attraction.
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Click here for tables with okLCH values, hex values, definitions, and notes - I've put a more detailed write-up on my Wikimedia Commons userpage. (Mediawiki supports sortable tables and Tumblr does not.)
To make the figures above, I assembled a data set of pride flag colours. It contains 2060 colour choices from 624 pride flags, representing 1587 unique colours. Click here for a detailed description of how I gathered and tagged the pride flag colours and tagged them.
For each tag, I converted every colour to okLCH colour space and computed a median colour. OkLCH colour space is an alternative to RGB/hex and HSL/HSV. Unlike RGB/hex and HSL/HSV, okLCH is a perceptual colour space, meaning that it is actually based on human colour perception. 🌈
In okLCH space, a colour has three values:
- Lightness (0-100%): how light the colour is. 100% is pure white.
- Chroma (0-0.37+): how vibrant the colour is. 0 is monochromatic. 0.37 is currently the most vibrant things can get with current computer monitor technologies. But as computer monitor technologies improve to allow for even more vibrant colours, higher chroma values will be unlocked.
- Hue (0-360°): where on the colour wheel the colour goes - 0° is pink and 180° is teal, and colours are actually 180° opposite from their perceptual complements.
The important thing to know is that okLCH Hue is not the same Hue from HSV/HSL - the values are different! (HSL and HSV are a hot mess and do not align with human colour perception!)
You can learn more about okLCH through my little write up, which was heavily influenced by these helpful articles by Geoff Graham, Lea Verou, and Keith J Grant.
You can play with an okLCH colour picker and converter at oklch.com
Back when I started tagging my data, I divided my data into five main chunks: Gender qualities (e.g. masculine, androgynous), Attraction (e.g. platonic, sexual), Values (e.g. community, joy), Disability (e.g. Deaf, blind), and Other.
I'll talk about Disability and Values in future posts! But for an alternate view of the data, here are the full distributions of the colours that were placed in each tag.
They come in three parts: tags I created for Gender, tags for Attraction, and tags from Other. The abstract modifiers are spread between the first two, though their contents transcend Gender and Attraction.
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Some distributions have a lot more variance within them than others. Generally speaking, major attraction types tended to have the least variance: sensual attraction is really consistently orange, platonic is really consistently yellow, etc.
Variance and size do not correlate. Many of the smaller tags are quite internally consistent. I don't have a ton of tags in "current gender" but they're all the same dark purple. Xenine/xenogender has a whole bunch of entries, and there's a really big spread from blue to yellow.
Some tags, like intersex as well as kink/fetish show there are a small number of different colours that are very consistently used. Whereas other tags like masculine show a very smooth range - in this case from cyan to purple.
Overall I'm pretty satisfied with how things wound up! 🥳 It makes sense to me that an umbrella term like xenogender would have a lot of variance. What honestly makes me happiest is just how many tags wound up 180 or 90 degrees from their opposites/complements. 🤩
Not everything lined up nicely (the opposite of drag is .... neuroqueer? awkward.) 🤨 Some things lined up in hilarious ways, like how initially I had the opposite of kink/fetish being Christian (amazing.)
But as a whole, there's a lot of structure and logic to where things landed! I hope this makes sense for other people and can help inform both flag making as well as flag interpreting (e.g. writing alt-text for existing flags). 🌈
I'm hoping to post the Disability and Values analyses in the coming days! If you want to learn more, my detailed notes along with tables etc are over on my Wikimedia Commons userspace. 💜
Everything here is Creative Commons Sharealike 4.0, which means you're free to reuse and build on my visualizations, tables, etc. Enjoy!
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
hey i love your posts on anti-psych organizing, the work you're doing is really inspiring <333 i was jw if you have any advice for people who want to contribute to the movement but have certain accessibility challenges? for example in my case i have very high social anxiety which makes public speaking hard and i also have difficulty processing denser criticism/theory in written form due to cognitive symptoms, etc. and it makes me feel like i don't have much to offer to help but i would love to get more involved if possible!! tysm in advance if you answer this happy pride btw <3
Happy pride anon! Thanks so much for this question, I think it's really important!
There are so many ways to contribute to antipsych/mad liberation movement, and it's so important that our spaces are accessible! When we're fighting for our rights as mad and disabled people, we deserve to have our access needs respected, and to be able to show up in whatever ways work for us. I talk a lot about writing and theory on here just because Tumblr is a place I go to write, but theory is not something that feels always relevant or important in many spaces. Community and accessibility always comes first!
Whatever you have to offer to the movement is enough and valued. I'll list off some ideas I have, but honestly, whatever you feel passionate about and your own ideas are likely to be better than what I can list off.
Creating art! whether writing, drawing, mixed media, anything, creating art and sharing it with others really can be an important way to honor our experiences and share them with others.
Finding out where a psych ward near you is, and writing cards, sending in care packages with things like books, puzzles, fidget toys, things like that. Happy to write out some more tips for that if people are interested.
Graffiti! even if you're just using a sharpie to write alternative crisis line numbers that don't call the cops on posters for the 988 hotline, putting up psych abolition stickers near hospitals, things like that.
Going to protests. There aren't a lot of specific mad pride/antipsych protests, but depending on your area, there might be some stuff happening in July for mad pride! I know there's an event happening in Vermont on July 15th.
Creating reading groups. I think theory is not more important than lived experience and isn't necessary to read super dense academic stuff, but I know for some people it can be a really powerful experience to read stuff that validates your experiences and offers new ways of understanding. Creating a book club where you can read stuff with other people, talk about it together, discuss questions and confusions you have together, can be a way to make it more accessible then trying to navigate it on your own. And it absolutely doesn't have to be theory that you read, it could be memoirs, fiction, nonfiction, anything that interests you!
Finding out what is already going on in your location. Even if there isn't specific antipsych groups, a lot of cities will have mental health support groups, mental health clubhouses, peer support, etc. Sometimes there will already be projects going that you can figure out ways to get involved.
Writing reviews of hospitals/psychiatrists/treatment providers to better give people in your community an idea of what to expect.
Community building. I think that a lot of times, we can feel really isolated and that the psych system can make it hard for us to be connected to each other and learn the skills to support each other. Joining groups like the Hearing Voices Network, other peer support groups, local support groups, clubhouses, etc, can be a really important step just to build relationships and get involved without necessarily having to create specific projects.
Learning what resources are near you and building up a resource library so that you can share things like coping skills, peer respite, local orgs with other people in your community!
Understanding the laws around psych hospitalization, mental health, medications, etc. If new laws are proposed, giving feedback, emailing hospitals about policies, things like that.
Self care and rest. So often we are in crisis, constantly going, feeling the pressure to be involved. Resting can be part of resistance! Taking the time to care for ourselves, our community, embracing joy, play, recreation, is so important. Our survival can be resistance in a system that doesn't want us free.
These are just some ideas, and are not a complete list. I really believe that everyone's contributions are worthy and valuable, and that whatever people have to offer is worth celebrating. Our movements should be accessible and considerate of all of our different needs, and figure out ways to empower each of us to participate, and to get rid of barriers together. My way of engaging with antipsych stuff is absolutely not the only or best way, and I always love to hear from other people about their approaches!
TL;DR: Theory and public speaking are not the only ways to particpate, and accessibility is important! Whatever things you are passionate about are good places to start brainstorming. There are multiple options of things like art, sending care packages, and getting involved in local community.
Followers, please feel free to add on your own ideas or ways you participate! Would love to hear all the amazing ways we're all engaging with this movement.
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estelagellison9 · 7 years
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
New Post has been published on http://ift.tt/2jZSxlv
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias bipolar not found. Maybe you mean: ‘topslider1’ or 'beer’ or 'wine’ or 'inpatientvsoutpatient’ or 'liquor’ or 'treatmentmyths’
jQuery(document).ready(function() jQuery(".rev_slider").show(); );
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder for which effective treatment exists, but sadly a high proportion of bipolar individuals remain untreated, undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and endure considerable suffering from increasing disability over time. A recent study demonstrated larger loss of gray matter (brain tissue) in bipolar persons than other people. As well a high level of correlation was discovered between the amount of loss and the quantity of manic episodes, tending towards the chance that manic depression is a disease of the brain.
Those who suffer from bipolar are frequently extremely intelligent, imaginative and high achievers as demonstrated by the number of famous people in history with bipolar disorder. However as bipolar inhibits cognitive functioning, which is the ability to think, recollect and rationalize normally), unrestrained bipolar can contribute to mediocre work functioning and trouble in remaining gainfully employed. For this reason, there is a significantly greater percentage of unemployment amongst bipolar persons.
The illness is difficult to diagnose and treat as often it doesn’t come about in isolation and is therefore compounded by additional components such as drug, alcohol abuse, gambling, or promiscuity. Whether one leads to the other or vice versa has not yet been established but the most plausible view is that bipolar is accountable for this relationship.
Bipolar disorder is defined by excessive mood swings between the upward highs on the manic side and the deep lows of depression and sometimes periods of normalcy in-between. Depending upon the type, length and relative frequency of episodes, bipolar may be classified as bipolar i disorder, Bipolar ii disorder or rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Episodes on the high side can be manic, hypomanic or mixed, while episodes on the low side may be depressive or mixed.
There also seems to be a correlation between neurological and physical problems that appear to be more prevailing in bipolar disorder as opposed to the general population such as anxiety disorders and ADHD. While individuals with manic depression can remain normal for long stretches of time, symptoms of the mania or depressive extremes will emerge and can increase in frequency with age.
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder affects many people worldwide, and it is now much more widespread than was previously thought. There are many symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, which range from two stages of Bipolar Disorder, but both types of the disorder will manifests itself in a depressive episode or a hypomanic episode. There are quite a few symptoms of bipolar disorder, which are often misinterpreted as ADHD and other psychological disorders.
The symptoms of bipolar disorder (depression) are mainly, but not restricted to:
Loss of appetite: People usually suffer from an extreme disinterest in food, even foods which they had with relish before.
Weight loss or gain: sometimes a patient afflicted with Bipolar Disorder gains or loses a lot of weight which usually depends on the body’s reaction to the hormones in the body which are released in abnormal amounts. This is certainly not exclusive to Bipolar patients, but is one of the symptoms.
Uncontrollable crying: People suffering from Bipolar disorder are prone to extreme mood swings. They can be happy one moment and crying uncontrollably the next, for seemingly no reason at all. This can be extremely baffling to a bystander or loved on who doesn’t understand the severity of the condition.
Decreased energy: Bipolar Disorder also often leads to a loss of energy. Energetic people are reduced to lethargic persons with barely any energy to even do simple tasks like lifting and carrying when in Depressive states.
Irritability: Sufferers become extremely irritable and are liable to snap at the smallest provocation.
Loss of interest in activities: People usually lose interest in all activities, even hobbies and sports they were into before. This is also because of loss of energy and general lethargy.
Pessimistic and negative thinking: People with Bipolar Disorder generally think negatively. They are pessimistic and believe things will never be good again. This can lead to suicidal tendencies which have to be watched for and action taken if the patient expresses suicidal thoughts. The patient must be rushed to a doctor in such a case.
Symptoms and characteristics of hypomania include, but are not restricted to:
Grandiosity: People in this stage are known to feel very good about them and have false sense of grandeur and pride about themselves.
Decreased need for sleep: In a hypomanic stage, manic depressives are usually highly restive and hyperactive and do not require much sleep to maintain their current levels of activity.
Distractability: People suffering from Bipolar Disorder are usually highly distracted and cannot concentrate on one task for any particular length of time, with any degree of regularity.
Racing thoughts: people with Bipolar Disorder in a hypomanic stage usually have racing thoughts, which can lead to rash decisions. This can be particularly dangerous when engaging in sexual activity, or activities like driving etc which can lead to loss of life and injury if not done carefully.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder generally occur in individuals at a very early age, (e.g. in young adulthood). Bipolar Disorder has to be diagnosed from an early age so that proper medication can be given to the patient. With proper medication and therapy, a patient can lead a relatively successful and normal life, with fulfilling careers and relationships.
from The Recover http://ift.tt/2kBGhXA
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therecoversite · 7 years
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
New Post has been published on https://www.therecover.com/co-diagnosis-bipolar-disorder/
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias bipolar not found. Maybe you mean: 'topslider1' or 'beer' or 'wine' or 'inpatientvsoutpatient' or 'liquor' or 'treatmentmyths'
jQuery(document).ready(function() jQuery(".rev_slider").show(); );
Co-Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder for which effective treatment exists, but sadly a high proportion of bipolar individuals remain untreated, undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and endure considerable suffering from increasing disability over time. A recent study demonstrated larger loss of gray matter (brain tissue) in bipolar persons than other people. As well a high level of correlation was discovered between the amount of loss and the quantity of manic episodes, tending towards the chance that manic depression is a disease of the brain.
Those who suffer from bipolar are frequently extremely intelligent, imaginative and high achievers as demonstrated by the number of famous people in history with bipolar disorder. However as bipolar inhibits cognitive functioning, which is the ability to think, recollect and rationalize normally), unrestrained bipolar can contribute to mediocre work functioning and trouble in remaining gainfully employed. For this reason, there is a significantly greater percentage of unemployment amongst bipolar persons.
The illness is difficult to diagnose and treat as often it doesn’t come about in isolation and is therefore compounded by additional components such as drug, alcohol abuse, gambling, or promiscuity. Whether one leads to the other or vice versa has not yet been established but the most plausible view is that bipolar is accountable for this relationship.
Bipolar disorder is defined by excessive mood swings between the upward highs on the manic side and the deep lows of depression and sometimes periods of normalcy in-between. Depending upon the type, length and relative frequency of episodes, bipolar may be classified as bipolar i disorder, Bipolar ii disorder or rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Episodes on the high side can be manic, hypomanic or mixed, while episodes on the low side may be depressive or mixed.
There also seems to be a correlation between neurological and physical problems that appear to be more prevailing in bipolar disorder as opposed to the general population such as anxiety disorders and ADHD. While individuals with manic depression can remain normal for long stretches of time, symptoms of the mania or depressive extremes will emerge and can increase in frequency with age.
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder affects many people worldwide, and it is now much more widespread than was previously thought. There are many symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, which range from two stages of Bipolar Disorder, but both types of the disorder will manifests itself in a depressive episode or a hypomanic episode. There are quite a few symptoms of bipolar disorder, which are often misinterpreted as ADHD and other psychological disorders.
The symptoms of bipolar disorder (depression) are mainly, but not restricted to:
Loss of appetite: People usually suffer from an extreme disinterest in food, even foods which they had with relish before.
Weight loss or gain: sometimes a patient afflicted with Bipolar Disorder gains or loses a lot of weight which usually depends on the body’s reaction to the hormones in the body which are released in abnormal amounts. This is certainly not exclusive to Bipolar patients, but is one of the symptoms.
Uncontrollable crying: People suffering from Bipolar disorder are prone to extreme mood swings. They can be happy one moment and crying uncontrollably the next, for seemingly no reason at all. This can be extremely baffling to a bystander or loved on who doesn’t understand the severity of the condition.
Decreased energy: Bipolar Disorder also often leads to a loss of energy. Energetic people are reduced to lethargic persons with barely any energy to even do simple tasks like lifting and carrying when in Depressive states.
Irritability: Sufferers become extremely irritable and are liable to snap at the smallest provocation.
Loss of interest in activities: People usually lose interest in all activities, even hobbies and sports they were into before. This is also because of loss of energy and general lethargy.
Pessimistic and negative thinking: People with Bipolar Disorder generally think negatively. They are pessimistic and believe things will never be good again. This can lead to suicidal tendencies which have to be watched for and action taken if the patient expresses suicidal thoughts. The patient must be rushed to a doctor in such a case.
Symptoms and characteristics of hypomania include, but are not restricted to:
Grandiosity: People in this stage are known to feel very good about them and have false sense of grandeur and pride about themselves.
Decreased need for sleep: In a hypomanic stage, manic depressives are usually highly restive and hyperactive and do not require much sleep to maintain their current levels of activity.
Distractability: People suffering from Bipolar Disorder are usually highly distracted and cannot concentrate on one task for any particular length of time, with any degree of regularity.
Racing thoughts: people with Bipolar Disorder in a hypomanic stage usually have racing thoughts, which can lead to rash decisions. This can be particularly dangerous when engaging in sexual activity, or activities like driving etc which can lead to loss of life and injury if not done carefully.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder generally occur in individuals at a very early age, (e.g. in young adulthood). Bipolar Disorder has to be diagnosed from an early age so that proper medication can be given to the patient. With proper medication and therapy, a patient can lead a relatively successful and normal life, with fulfilling careers and relationships.
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