#on detrimental self-reliance and the need to be important
shallowseeker · 9 months
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Jimmy 🤝 Cas
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
List of character flaws that can be prominent in villains
Rebellion: Strong opposition to authority figures and societal norms.
Manipulativeness: Tendency to exploit others for personal gain.
Cruelty: Enjoyment or indifference to causing suffering in others.
Narcissism: Excessive self-love and lack of empathy for others.
Arrogance: Overestimation of one's own abilities and importance.
Impulsiveness: Acting without considering consequences or long-term effects.
Deceitfulness: Habitual lying and deception to achieve goals.
Entitlement: Belief that one is inherently deserving of special treatment or privileges.
Distrust: Difficulty trusting others, often stemming from past betrayals or trauma.
Insecurity: Deep-seated feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness, leading to defensive or aggressive behavior.
Jealousy: Resentment towards others' successes or possessions.
Vengefulness: Desire for revenge against perceived wrongs or slights.
Machiavellianism: Willingness to manipulate and exploit others for personal gain.
Sadism: Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain or suffering on others.
Paranoia: Irrational suspicion and distrust of others' intentions.
Egocentrism: Difficulty seeing beyond one's own perspective and needs.
Addiction: Dependency on substances or behaviors that impair judgment and control.
Rage: Explosive outbursts of anger or violence.
Perfectionism: Setting unattainably high standards for oneself and others, leading to frustration and resentment.
Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence, often leading to downfall.
Sociopathy: Lack of empathy or remorse for one's actions, often accompanied by manipulative behavior.
Psychopathy: Antisocial behavior, lack of empathy, and disregard for social norms and moral standards.
Obsession: Fixation on a particular person, goal, or idea to the detriment of everything else.
Fearfulness: Paralyzing fear or anxiety that drives destructive behavior.
Isolation: Withdrawal from social interactions and relationships, leading to further detachment and hostility.
Codependency: Unhealthy reliance on others for validation and self-worth, often resulting in manipulative or controlling behavior.
Nihilism: Belief in the meaninglessness of existence, leading to a disregard for moral and ethical considerations.
Megalomania: Delusions of grandeur and a desire for unlimited power and control.
Impatience: Frustration with delays or obstacles, leading to rash decisions and reckless actions.
Self-destructiveness: Subconsciously sabotaging one's own success or well-being due to deep-seated issues or trauma.
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1111jenx · 1 year
Hi! Would you please tell me your opinion about Moon in Capricorn in the 7th house for a Cancer rising? It's really confusing because the chart ruler is moon. N the moon is such an integral n undeniable part of the personality, yet it is in the 7th house of shadows. How does that work would you say? How to make the most of this placement? What would your advice be?
Hi beautiful,
I can most definitely answer that :)
Cancer rising individuals often come across as nurturing, sensitive, and intuitive, with a natural inclination to care for others. Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, it becomes an especially significant planet in the chart of someone with Cancer rising. It represents their emotional nature, instincts, and often indicates where they find comfort and security. However, the Moon in Capricorn is in its detriment, creating a tension between the emotional, nurturing nature of the Moon and the disciplined, structured nature of Capricorn. Individuals with this placement might approach emotions with caution, often prioritizing duty and practical concerns over emotional expression.
The 7th house in astrology represents partnerships and relationships. With the Moon, which is the chart ruler for Cancer rising, placed in the 7th house, there's a blending of personal identity with relationships and partnerships. This suggests that relationships play a significant role in shaping the individual's sense of self. They might define themselves through their relationships or seek validation and emotional security through partners. However, this also means they might project their emotional needs onto others, expecting partners to provide the emotional support they might be withholding from themselves.
To make the most of this placement, it's essential for the individual to cultivate self-awareness, recognizing any tendency to seek emotional validation from others. While relationships are vital, emotional self-reliance is equally important. With the Moon in Capricorn, there might be a tendency to keep emotions under wraps, so finding safe spaces and trusted individuals to express feelings can be beneficial. Embracing the discipline and structure of Capricorn can also help in creating emotional boundaries and working on emotional maturity. Given the emphasis on relationships, considering counseling or couples therapy can be beneficial in understanding and navigating relationship dynamics. By understanding and working with this placement, one can cultivate both emotional self-reliance and meaningful connections with others.<3
saint jenx
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civilianztvm · 16 days
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Civil Engineering PSC Exams in Kerala with the Help of Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching
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Civil Engineering PSC exams in Kerala are highly competitive, and achieving success requires a well-structured preparation strategy. Many aspirants turn to Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching to improve their chances. However, even with expert guidance, certain common mistakes can hinder progress. In this blog, we'll explore the mistakes candidates often make during their preparation for Civil Engineering PSC exams and how to avoid them with the help of Civil Engineering Coaching Centres.
 1. Neglecting the Syllabus and Exam Pattern
One of the most common mistakes aspirants make is not thoroughly understanding the syllabus and exam pattern. Civil Engineering PSC exams have specific topics and sections that need more attention, and not being familiar with these can lead to poor performance.
 2. Poor Time Management and Lack of a Study Plan
Time management is crucial when preparing for competitive exams. Many candidates fail to allocate sufficient time for each subject, leading to last-minute cramming and burnout. Without a structured study plan, it's easy to lose track of your progress.
 3. Ignoring Mock Tests and Practice Papers
A common pitfall in Civil Engineering PSC preparation is not taking enough mock tests and practice papers. Many aspirants focus solely on reading textbooks and notes, neglecting the importance of regular testing. This can result in poor time management and unfamiliarity with the exam environment.
 4. Over-Reliance on Coaching Without Self-Study
While enrolling in a Civil Engineering Coaching Centre or opting for Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching is highly recommended, relying solely on coaching without sufficient self-study can be detrimental. Coaching provides direction, but it is the individual effort and understanding that leads to success.
 5. Neglecting Revision and Concept Clarity
Civil Engineering PSC exams test not only your factual knowledge but also your understanding of key concepts. Many students make the mistake of not revising regularly or of cramming right before the exam. This leads to confusion during the exam when questions require conceptual clarity.
Preparing for Civil Engineering PSC exams in Kerala is no easy task, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can significantly enhance your chances of success. Enrolling in a reputed Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching program and supplementing it with self-study, mock tests, and regular revision will help you avoid these pitfalls. Additionally, choose a Civil Engineering Coaching Centre that provides comprehensive support, from syllabus coverage to personalized feedback. With the right approach, discipline, and guidance, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your PSC goals.
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acrossthecouchcom · 4 months
The Meaning of Codependency
Codependency is a complex and often misunderstood psychological concept that plays a significant role in toxic relationships. At its core, codependency involves an unhealthy reliance on another person for validation, self-worth, and identity. This condition often manifests in relationships where one person feels the need to care for another to the detriment of their own well-being. The codependent individual may neglect their own needs, desires, and health in favor of their partner's, leading to an imbalanced and often toxic dynamic. Understanding The Meaning of Codependency  is crucial for identifying and addressing toxic relationships, paving the way for healthier interactions and personal growth.
Healing From a Toxic Relationship
Recovering from a toxic relationship is a challenging yet profoundly rewarding journey. The first step towards healing is recognizing the toxicity and acknowledging its impact on your mental and emotional health. This process often involves setting firm boundaries, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist, and engaging in self-care activities that nurture your well-being. Journaling, mindfulness, and other therapeutic practices can also aid in processing the emotional trauma. It's essential to remember that healing is not linear; it requires patience, self-compassion, and time. By focusing on personal growth and self-love, you can rebuild your self-esteem and create a foundation for healthier future relationships.
Therapy for Toxic Relationships
Therapy can be an invaluable resource for those seeking to escape and recover from toxic relationships. A qualified therapist provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore the dynamics of the relationship, identify patterns of behavior, and develop strategies for change. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and other therapeutic modalities can help individuals understand their thought processes, manage emotions, and improve interpersonal skills. Therapy also offers support in setting boundaries, improving self-esteem, and fostering independence. Engaging in therapy not only aids in healing from past Healing from a Toxic Relationship but also empowers individuals to cultivate healthier connections in the future.
Toxic Relationship Recovery
Recovering from a toxic relationship involves a multifaceted approach that includes emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical healing. It's essential to distance yourself from the toxic environment to gain clarity and perspective. Support groups, therapy, and self-help resources play a crucial role in this recovery process. Learning to recognize red flags and understanding the characteristics of healthy relationships are key steps in preventing future toxic interactions. As you work through your recovery, it's important to forgive yourself, release any guilt or shame, and focus on rebuilding your life. Embracing new hobbies, fostering supportive friendships, and setting clear personal goals can aid in the journey towards complete recovery.
Healing From Toxic Relationship
Healing from a toxic relationship requires a deep commitment to self-care and personal growth. This process often starts with self-reflection and recognizing the ways the relationship has affected your mental and emotional health. Seeking professional help from a therapist can provide the necessary tools and guidance to navigate this difficult terrain. Building a support network of friends and family who understand your experience can also provide comfort and encouragement. Practicing self-love, setting boundaries, and engaging in activities that bring you joy are critical components of healing. Over time, with patience and effort, you can move past the pain and emerge stronger, with a renewed sense of self and a clearer vision for healthier relationships.
Healing After a Toxic Relationship
The aftermath of a toxic relationship can leave lasting emotional scars, but healing is possible with the right approach and mindset. It's essential to give yourself permission to grieve the loss and acknowledge the pain. Therapy, particularly trauma-informed approaches, can help in addressing the deep-seated wounds and rebuilding your self-worth. Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and ensuring adequate rest are also important for your overall well-being. Surround yourself with positive influences and avoid triggers that remind you of the toxic relationship. By focusing on personal development and embracing new opportunities, you can gradually heal and rediscover the joy and peace that a healthy, fulfilling life offers.
For more insights and support on recovering from toxic relationships, visit Reflections From Across The Couch.
Source URL: - https://acrossthecouchcom.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-meaning-of-codependency.html
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livetoday4tomorrow · 8 months
Work-Life Balance: Heartfelt Strategies for Busy Professionals
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Introduction In today's demanding world, achieving work-life balance is a challenging yet essential task for busy professionals seeking mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This guide offers practical tips for those struggling to juggle hectic work schedules and personal lives, focusing on setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and effective time management. It aims to inspire and assist professionals in regaining control and finding fulfillment in both their careers and personal lives. The Consequences of Neglecting Balance Ignoring the importance of work-life balance can have severe consequences. When work takes precedence over everything else in your life, it not only has an impact on your personal relationships and physical health; it can also result in burnout, a state of prolonged and excessive stress-related emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Research shows that burnout can lead to various health problems, including anxiety, heart disease, and depression. Furthermore, it has been associated with decreased productivity and lower job satisfaction, which can, in turn, negatively impact your career progress. Neglecting balance also deprives you of the chance to pursue interests outside of work, cultivate personal relationships, and engage in activities that refresh and rejuvenate you. This lack of fulfillment in personal life can cause feelings of emptiness and a loss of identity beyond work. In short, the consequences of neglecting work-life balance can be detrimental to both your personal and professional lives. Recognizing this is the first step towards restoring balance and promoting holistic well-being. Recognizing Signs of Work-Life Imbalance Identifying the signs of a work-life imbalance is critical to addressing the issue. Often, these signs manifest in physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, sleep issues, and a weakened immune system. You may also notice changes in appetite or an increased reliance on substances like caffeine or alcohol to manage stress. Emotionally, you might feel overwhelmed, anxious, or irritable more often than not. A lack of motivation, feelings of cynicism, and decreased satisfaction from achievements can also point to an imbalance. In your personal life, signs could include strained relationships due to a lack of time or energy to maintain them. You might find yourself canceling social plans because of work or feeling guilty when you're not working. In the workplace, signs can include a drop in productivity, difficulty concentrating, and an inability to disconnect from work during time off. If you're consistently working long hours or sacrificing personal time for work, these are clear indicators of imbalance. Recognizing these signs is an important step in acknowledging that a problem exists and that changes are needed to restore balance. Defining Your Personal Work-Life Balance Acknowledging Individual Differences When it comes to work-life balance, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. This is because everyone's work demands, personal obligations, and lifestyle choices are unique. Acknowledging these individual differences is key to establishing a satisfying balance. For instance, a single professional might have more flexibility to work late hours, while a parent may need to leave work on time to take care of their children. A person might thrive on the hustle and bustle associated with a high-stress job, while another may prefer a slower, more relaxed pace. It's also essential to consider personal values and priority areas. Some people might prioritize career advancement and be willing to devote more time to their work. Others might value personal time, hobbies, or family more. In other words, your work-life balance should align with your personal values, circumstances, and life stage. It's all about finding a balance that works for you, satisfies your individual needs, and contributes to your overall wellbeing. Evaluating Your Current Situation Before setting out to achieve a better work-life balance, it's essential to evaluate your current situation. Start by analyzing how you spend your time during a typical week. Note down the number of hours dedicated to work, family, social activities, hobbies, and personal care. Next, assess your feelings towards these activities. Which ones bring you joy and satisfaction? Which ones cause stress or discomfort? Do you feel you're neglecting important aspects of your life because of work? Take a holistic view of your well-being. Are you experiencing health problems due to stress? Are your relationships suffering? Do you feel a sense of fulfilment at the end of the day, or are you left feeling drained and unsatisfied? Finally, consider your career objectives and personal goals. Are your current work practices helping you achieve them, or are they posing barriers? Evaluating your current situation will provide a clear picture of where you stand and what changes are needed to achieve the work-life balance you desire. This self-awareness is the first step towards making beneficial changes. Setting Healthy Boundaries Setting healthy boundaries is a crucial part of achieving a good work-life balance. Boundaries help ensure that work does not encroach upon your personal time and vice versa. Establish clear lines between your work and personal life. This could mean setting specific work hours and sticking to them, not answering work emails or calls outside these hours, and having a separate workspace at home. Learn to say no. It's okay to decline additional responsibilities at work that may strain your capacity or to turn down social invites that clash with your need for rest. Communicate your boundaries to your colleagues, superiors, and family. Let them know about your work schedule and your need for uninterrupted personal time. Develop a routine that accommodates both work and personal activities. This could include designated times for relaxation, exercise, hobbies, and socializing. Boundaries are not restrictions but rather guidelines that ensure each aspect of your life receives the attention it deserves. By setting and adhering to these boundaries, you can ensure a healthier and more fulfilling work-life balance. Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance Time Management Skills for Professionals Effective time management is a key strategy for achieving work-life balance. Here are some skills that can enhance your time management: Prioritize tasks: Not all tasks are equally important. Understand the importance and urgency of each task, and prioritize accordingly. Set goals: Define what you want to achieve each day, week, or month. Goals give you a clear direction and help you focus your efforts. Plan your day. Use tools like calendars or task management apps to plan your day. Allocate specific time slots for different tasks. Avoid multitasking. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can actually reduce productivity. Focus on one task at a time for better efficiency. Delegate tasks: If you have too much on your plate, delegate tasks to others if possible. Delegation can free up your time for tasks that require your expertise. Take breaks. Regular breaks can help improve concentration and productivity. Short pauses can refresh your mind and reduce stress. By implementing these time management skills, you can work more efficiently, leave work on time, and have more time for your personal life. The importance of Personal Time and Self-care Personal time and self-care are essential aspects of work-life balance. Personal time allows you to engage in activities that you enjoy and that rejuvenate you, be it reading a book, gardening, playing a sport, or simply relaxing. It provides an opportunity to unwind, reflect, and reduce stress. Self-care involves taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This could include regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and partaking in activities that uplift your mood and reduce stress, such as meditation or yoga. Spending time on self-care not only boosts your overall well-being but also increases your productivity and efficiency at work. When you're physically healthy and mentally relaxed, you're better able to focus, make decisions, and handle work pressure. Furthermore, prioritizing personal time and self-care sends a message to yourself and others that your needs are important, too. It enhances your self-esteem and contributes to a positive self-image. In a nutshell, personal time and self-care are not indulgences but necessities for a balanced and fulfilling life. The Role of Delegation and Trust in Balancing Work Delegation is a powerful tool in achieving work-life balance. Entrusting tasks to others can free up your schedule, reduce stress, and provide opportunities for others to learn and grow. However, successful delegation requires trust. You need to trust in the abilities of your team members and give them the freedom to complete tasks in their own way. Micromanaging can negate the benefits of delegation and lead to further stress. Start by identifying tasks that others can handle and matching them with individuals who have the right skills. Clearly communicate your expectations, provide the necessary resources, and be available for guidance, but avoid interfering unnecessarily. Delegation also applies to personal life. For example, divide household chores among family members or consider hiring professional services for tasks like cleaning or lawn care to free up more of your time. Remember, trying to do everything yourself can lead to burnout. Trusting others and delegating tasks can help you maintain a healthier work-life balance while also promoting teamwork and efficiency. Maintaining Your Work-Life Balance Navigating Setbacks with Positivity Achieving work-life balance is a continuous process, and it's natural to face setbacks along the way. However, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial to navigating these challenges. Setbacks are not failures, but learning opportunities. They can provide valuable insights into what's working and what needs adjustment. If a certain strategy isn't working, don't be disheartened. Instead, reassess your plan and make the necessary changes. It's important to be flexible and adaptable. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change. Your work-life balance strategies should be able to adapt to these changes. If you find yourself slipping back into old habits, don't berate yourself. Acknowledge the slip and refocus on your goals. Remember to celebrate small victories. Every step towards a better work-life balance, no matter how small, is a success. Celebrating these successes can boost your motivation and positivity. In conclusion, maintaining a positive mindset, being flexible, learning from setbacks, and celebrating small victories can help you navigate challenges and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Regular Check-ins and Adjustments Maintaining work-life balance is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. It requires regular check-ins with yourself and adjustments as necessary. Periodically evaluate your work and personal life. Are you spending an appropriate amount of time on each? Are you feeling stressed or overworked? Are your personal life and relationships suffering? Are you able to pursue your hobbies and interests? If your current situation does not align with your desired work-life balance, identify the areas that need change. These could range from redefining your work boundaries, enhancing your time management skills, delegating more tasks, or including more self-care activities in your routine. Remember, the goal is not perfection but harmony. Don’t strive for a perfect balance, but rather a balance that brings you contentment, reduces stress, and enhances your overall well-being. Regular check-ins and adjustments ensure that your strategies are effective and help you stay on the path to a balanced and fulfilling life. Enshrining Balance in Your Routine Incorporating balance into your daily routine is critical for maintaining work-life equilibrium. This involves dedicating specific time slots for work, rest, personal activities, and social engagements. A well-structured routine can help manage time effectively, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. Start by scheduling your most important or challenging tasks during your most productive hours. Reserve time for breaks and relaxation between intense work periods to rejuvenate yourself. Prioritize personal activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as exercise, a hobby, or spending time with loved ones. Integrate self-care into your routine. This could involve simple activities like a short meditation session in the morning, a healthy breakfast, a mid-day walk, or a relaxing bedtime routine. Ensure that your routine is flexible and adaptable to accommodate unexpected changes or emergencies. Enshrining balance in your routine is not about rigidly sticking to a schedule, but about creating a rhythm that supports your work and personal life in harmony. This can contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Read the full article
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paryasfoundation12 · 9 months
Healing Lives: Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana Leading the Path to Recovery
In recent times, the escalating concern of substance abuse has prompted the emergence of rehabilitation centers, commonly referred to as Nasha Mukti Kendras. This article sheds light on the Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana, elucidating their importance, range of services, and the positive influence they exert on individuals seeking recovery.
Understanding Nasha Mukti Kendras:
Nasha Mukti Kendras, or de-addiction centers, are specialized facilities aimed at aiding individuals in overcoming substance abuse issues, encompassing alcohol and drug addiction. In Haryana, these centers assume a pivotal role in mitigating the detrimental effects of substance abuse on the community.
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Services Provided:
Detoxification Programs: Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana offer medically supervised detoxification programs to help individuals safely withdraw from addictive substances while managing withdrawal symptoms under the guidance of trained medical professionals.
Counseling and Therapy: Recognizing that rehabilitation extends beyond physical detoxification, these centers provide counseling and therapy sessions. These create a supportive environment for individuals to delve into the root causes of their addiction and develop effective coping mechanisms.
Skill Development Programs: Many Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana provide skill development programs to ensure successful reintegration into society. These initiatives focus on enhancing vocational skills, fostering independence, and equipping individuals with the tools needed to rebuild their lives.
Family Counseling: Acknowledging the impact of addiction on families, Nasha Mukti Kendras involve families in the recovery process. Family counseling sessions aim to strengthen relationships, improve communication, and create a supportive environment for the individual in recovery.
Aftercare Support: Understanding the ongoing nature of recovery, Nasha Mukti Kendras offer aftercare programs to provide continuous assistance and guidance as individuals navigate the challenges of maintaining a substance-free lifestyle.
Impact on the Community:
The presence of Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana yields positive effects on the community in several ways:
Reducing Substance Abuse Rates: By providing effective treatment and support, these centers contribute to the reduction of substance abuse rates in the region, fostering a healthier and more productive community.
Empowering Individuals and Families: Nasha Mukti Kendras empower individuals and their families by equipping them with tools and knowledge needed to break the cycle of addiction, fostering a sense of self-reliance and resilience.
Building Awareness: These centers play a crucial role in raising awareness about the consequences of substance abuse and the available resources for those seeking help. This contributes to the overall education of the community about addiction and recovery.
Nasha Mukti Kendras in Haryana serve as beacons of hope for individuals struggling with addiction. Through their comprehensive programs and dedicated efforts, these centers not only facilitate recovery but also contribute to the overall well-being of the community. By addressing the complex nature of addiction and providing support at every stage of the recovery journey, Nasha Mukti Kendras play a crucial role in transforming lives and building a healthier, substance-free society.
for more information contact us.
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banyan-pompano · 1 year
"How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help With Addiction Treatment"
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been proven to be an effective tool in treating addiction. It helps people gain control of their thoughts and behaviors to lead healthier and more meaningful lives. This article from the Banyan Treatment Center explains exactly how CBT works and how it can help people struggling with addiction. CBT is based on the idea that making positive changes in one’s thoughts and behaviors can help rewire the brain to avoid using drugs or alcohol. It goes beyond just helping a person manage their cravings, helping provide real, lasting change. By addressing underlying mental, emotional and environmental factors that lead to addiction, CBT can help break detrimental patterns. It also places an emphasis on self-reliance and self-respect, which can be beneficial for the recovering patient. Here are some of the main ways that CBT helps treat addiction:
Provides immediate relief from negative thoughts and behaviors
Encourages self-awareness and self-respect
Replaces faulty thinking patterns with more positive ones
CBT is incredibly helpful in treating addiction, but it’s important to remember that it is only one leg of a larger process of recovery. In addition to therapy, people struggling with substance abuse need to find structure and support to develop positive coping and behavior modification skills. To find out more about treatment options, you can explore drug rehabilitation and get help from addiction treatment centers. CBT could be an important part of your loved one’s recovery journey.
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How to Prepare the Day Before Your IELTS Exam?
Are you feeling nervous about your upcoming IELTS exam? Don't worry, it's completely normal to feel anxious before a big test. But the key to success is preparation! And that includes not just studying but also making sure you're ready mentally and physically for the day of the exam. In this blog post, we'll provide you with tips on how to prepare yourself the day before your IELTS exam so that you can walk into that testing center feeling confident and ready to ace it! So let's dive in!
Read More Info - https://cambridgeenglishacademy.com/ielts-coaching-in-laxmi-nagar/
The IELTS Step-by-Step Preparation Guide
Step-by-step preparation is essential when it comes to the IELTS exam. The first step involves understanding what you're getting into. This means researching the format of the test and familiarizing yourself with its different sections - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Once you have a clear idea of what's expected from each section, you can start setting realistic goals for yourself. It's crucial to identify areas where you need improvement so that you can focus your efforts on them without wasting time on things you already know. Another vital aspect of IELTS preparation is practice tests. Taking mock exams under timed conditions will help you build your stamina and improve your performance by identifying strengths and weaknesses in various areas of language proficiency. Additionally, make sure to develop an effective study routine that fits your schedule. Consistency is key when it comes to learning new skills or improving existing ones. Don't forget about self-care! Adequate sleep hygiene before an exam day will ensure maximum brain function while avoiding distractions or stressors such as caffeine intake or excessive screen time the night before testing may affect sleep patterns negatively. In short: understand what's required from each section; set realistic goals; take practice tests under timed conditions; establish a consistent study routine; practice self-care consistently too! All these steps combined are essential in successful IELTS preparation!
Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Students Make in IELTS
Preparing for the IELTS exam can be daunting, especially if you're not aware of the common mistakes students make. Here are some of the most frequent errors that students should avoid: 1) Not understanding the test format: It's essential to know what each section entails and how much time you have to complete it. 2) Poor time management: Time flies during the exam, so practice managing your time efficiently during your preparation phase. 3) Lack of vocabulary: Building a broad range of vocabulary is critical for success in all sections. 4) Ignoring grammar rules: Grammatical accuracy plays an important role in achieving a high score on both writing and speaking sections. 5) Misinterpreting instructions: Always read instructions carefully before starting any task or answering any question. 6) Focusing on memorization instead of comprehension: Memorizing answers without truly comprehending them won't help you improve your language skills nor pass this test optimally. 7) Inadequate preparation materials used- Using outdated material which doesn’t reflect current exams could be detrimental to results 8 ) Over-reliance on sample questions – Do not underestimate variety in questions asked as well as complexity 9 ) Nervousness/Anxiety - This has been known to affect candidates’ performance negatively hence it’s important to find ways to manage anxiety beforehand 10 ) Failure to proofread written work – Ensure sufficient time is allocated towards reading through written work for grammatical/spelling errors
How Long do I Need to Study to Get My IELTS Score?’
Preparing for the IELTS exam can be both exciting and daunting. One of the most common questions that students ask is “How long do I need to study to get my desired score?” The answer varies from person to person, as everyone has different language abilities and learning styles. The first step in answering this question is determining your current English level. If you have a good foundation in English, you may only need a few weeks of preparation before taking the exam. However, if you are at a beginner level, it may take several months or even years of consistent studying. Another factor to consider is how much time you can dedicate each day or week towards preparing for the exam. Some students have more flexibility in their schedule than others and can commit several hours per day towards studying, while others may only have an hour or two each week. It’s important to also take into account which areas of the exam require more focus for you personally. For example, if writing and grammar are your weak points, then it's essential that you spend extra time practicing those skills through exercises and mock exams. Don't forget about setting realistic goals based on your timeline with regular assessments along the way so that adjustments can be made accordingly. In conclusion (oops!), there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how long someone needs to prepare for the IELTS exam. It all depends on individual circumstances such as prior knowledge of English language proficiency levels; availability in terms of time commitment; specific strengths/weaknesses identified via assessment tests etcetera!
How to Make an IELTS Study Plan
When it comes to IELTS preparation, one of the most important factors is having a solid study plan in place. Without a clear roadmap for what you need to accomplish before your exam day, it can be easy to get sidetracked and lose focus. So, how do you go about creating an effective IELTS study plan? Here are some tips: 1) Start by identifying your strengths and weaknesses: Take a practice test or two to figure out where you excel and where you need more work. 2) Set realistic goals: Based on your performance on the practice tests, set achievable goals for improvement within a specific timeframe. 3) Create a schedule: Block off dedicated study time each week and create mini-deadlines leading up to your exam date. 4) Mix up your study materials: Don't rely solely on textbooks or online resources. Incorporate activities like listening to English-language podcasts or watching TV shows with subtitles. 5) Track your progress: Keep notes on what topics you've covered and how well you're doing in each area. This will help keep you motivated as well as give insight into areas that still need more attention. By following these steps, creating an effective IELTS study plan can be manageable and less daunting than initially thought.
Why You Shouldn’t Study IELTS to Improve Your English
Preparing for your IELTS exam requires a lot of effort and time. However, following the step-by-step preparation guide, avoiding common mistakes, creating an effective study plan and understanding the difference between studying for IELTS and improving your English skills can help you achieve success in your exam. Remember to take care of yourself the day before the exam by staying relaxed, getting enough rest and being mentally prepared. With these tips in mind, you can confidently enter the test center on exam day with a clear mind ready to ace your IELTS exam!
Read Our Related Article - https://cambridgeenglishacademy.com/ielts-coaching-in-laxmi-nagar/
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sadisweetomi · 2 years
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Commentary | U.S. technological hegemony reveals foul imperialist mentality
BEIJING, -- The harsher export restrictions that the United States intends to impose on the Chinese tech firm Huawei reveal nothing but its zero-sum and foul imperialist mentality.
Such vile moves would certainly disrupt global industrial and supply chains, causing harm to all parties involved.
The U.S. administration has stopped providing U.S. companies with licenses to export to Huawei and is pushing a deal with Japan and the Netherlands for them to impose new restrictions on exports of chip-making tools to China, according to recent reports by international media outlets.
This is yet another case of U.S. barefaced technological hegemony, as it has repeatedly resorted to the use of state power to suppress Huawei and other Chinese tech firms, citing so-called national security concerns.
Despite failing to provide a shred of evidence to substantiate its concerns, the United States continues to impose such sanctions, demonstrating its irrational and insolent behavior and imperialistic mindset.
It is not the first time the United States has suppressed a foreign company in this manner. The French company Alstom and the Japanese semiconductor industry fell prey to suppression by the United States through various means. To retain its technological edge over others, the United States turns to blatant hegemonic measures to restrict major industrial competitors, in violation of market economy and international trade rules.
The world needs fair play rather than foul play, rules-based and win-win cooperation rather than unscrupulous oppression, and justice and equality rather than bullying and hegemony.
Even some U.S. observers acknowledge the reprehensible nature of their country's policies. In a piece published online in the Economist on Jan. 12, William Reinsch, a former U.S. trade official, was quoted as saying: "We have moved from a 'run faster' to a 'run faster and trip the other guy' policy."
The U.S. government's technological hegemony will inevitably cause damage to the global innovation ecosystem and dampen the innovation and growth of tech companies around the world. It risks depriving people of their right to enjoy the benefits of technological progress worldwide.
In an era of globalization, the development of a country's sci-tech innovation depends on the global division of labor. Tech bullying by the United States flouts the rules and order of the international market. Such acts will only create uncertainty for businesses in their decision-making.
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America's technological hegemony will also damage the interests of its allies. In seeking to maintain its own hegemony, the United States has demanded that companies from other countries cooperate with its sanctions. The companies of these allies would face a significant loss in revenue from China, the largest semiconductor market in the world, if their governments blindly mimic the self-serving policy of the United States.
Moreover, attempts to trip competitors up to maintain one's status may not bring the intended results but are more likely to backfire.
For many American companies, Huawei is an important customer and China is an important market. These enterprises have been applying to the U.S. government for supply licenses for exports to China, signaling a desire to conduct business with Chinese companies.
Many American companies have advanced their own innovation because they have Huawei as their partner. The profits they made from selling products to Huawei will also help strengthen their R&D capacity and boost their sci-tech progress.
Thus, the sanctions of the U.S. government are detrimental to the interests of American enterprises.
China will move faster toward self-reliance in science and technology so as to relieve the stranglehold some countries have tightened on China's development of core technologies. The attempts of the United States to hobble China's technological development will only accelerate the country's drive in the field.
Anyone who attempts to obstruct the path of others will have their own path blocked. The U.S. technological hegemony will create division and disorder in international trade -- a serious impediment to the COVID-impacted world economy.
Enterprises and governments around the world should act prudently and not succumb to the pressure and coercion of the United States. They should stand up to oppose its unreasonable trade actions, and safeguard international equity and justice, as well as their own interests.
0 notes
The music monopolists
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Writing in Wired, Institute for Local Self Reliance researcher and anti-monopolist Ron Knox gives a thorough, important account of how music industry monoplization resulted declining revenue for artists, even as the industry itself has reaped greater profits.
Importantly, Knox describes how concentration has come to every link in music’s supply chain, from radio to recording, streaming to live performance. The monopolists who dominate these sectors fight fiercely between each other, but no matter who wins, artists lose.
Let’s go segment by segment. Two thirds of all North American music comes from three labels. The labels grew through anticompetitive mergers: giant companies, awash in investor cash, bought out mid-sized, successful labels, turning them into subdivisions of the Big Three.
The more concentrated the labels got, the worse they were for everyone. They spent the nineties and naughties price-gouging record companies, pocketing hundreds of millions from an illegal price-fixing conspiracy. The fines they paid were smaller than the profits they reaped.
But at least they distributed music. Today, the struggling physical record store industry — a network of passionate music sellers who serve the most intense music fans — find themselves getting “record shipments” that turn out to be boxes of random stuff like cough syrup (!).
That happened when the Big Three all piled their distribution into a single company, the monopolist Direct Shot Distributing. As Direct Shot started to fail, its operations descended into chaos, and record stores started to receive boxes of random consumer packaged goods.
It was bad news for the non-monopolized, music-first record stores, but it barely registered for the Big Three labels — today, they buy an average of two new acts every day.
The labels don’t make money from selling records, of course. They get their money from streaming.
Streaming is also massively concentrated, gathered into the hands of just a few companies: Spotify, Apple, Youtube, Amazon — with the notable exception of Spotify, the industry is dominated by companies that also monopolize other sectors.
Monopolies are good to these companies. Spotify’s market-cap doubled during the pandemic — the market values its 150m subs (twice as many as subscribe with Apple) at $50b. The major labels get $1m/hour from streaming. 99% of their artists see $25/year in streaming royalties.
Spotify may be the biggest streaming service, but it’s not the lowest-paying. Youtube — a Google division, whose unsuccessful attempt to launch an in-house video service convinced it that it had to buy someone else’s success — drives the worst bargain.
Spotify uses its industry dominance to extract heavy fees from the labels — creaming 30% of the total revenue generated by a typical track. Big Three monopolists with fat margins can absorb this. Indies? Not so much.
Spotify’s market cap growth is in part due to the new ways it’s come up with to shake down the labels — a variety of tactics that all boil down to one thing: payola. Spotify will sell labels pop-up ads, placement in “radio” algorithms, and access to “Discovery mode.”
Like all forms of payola, Spotify’s rate-card is a way for monopolists to edge out indies, buying their way into your ear-holes. I’m sure that the Big Three would rather keep the bribes they pay to Spotiify, but the consolation prize is pretty sweet.
If the Big Three are the only ones who can afford to buy access to Spotify’s audience, then creators are driven to sign with them, and have less bargaining leverage when they negotiate their deals.
Spotify, meanwhile, can consolidate its gains by driving up those fees, pitting labels against each other in a bidding war for access to listeners. This effectively drives down the royalty rate Spotify pays, because every new track will have to buy in to get any reach.
Spotify talks a good game about how it uses big data and machine learning to pick the songs you hear, but increasingly, the algorithm is getting far less compute-intensive, a simple sort-by-highest-bidder system you could operate from a laptop running Windows 3.1 and Excel.
In theory, streaming losses can be made up with touring. Acts who attain digital popularity can charge access at the door to clubs and other venues. The only problem is that live performance is also a monopoly business.
The 800lb gorilla there is Livenation, a division of the ticket monopolist and notorious arm-breakers Ticketmaster — spun out of Clear Channel, the monopolist that we now know as Iheartradio.
Livenation parlayed its access to the capital markets to buy out $1b worth of venues and promoters, before being acquired by Clear Channel for $4.4b in 2005. Today, it’s a division of Liberty Media, consolidated with Ticketmaster, Pandora, and Siriusxm.
What goes around, comes around: Liberty’s private equity owners are in the process of buying up Iheartradio, re-merging all of Clear Channel’s spinouts into one giga-monopolist.
The conglomerate already coerces artists to book exclusively in its clubs and using its ticketing, starving independent venues. Add 850 terrestrial radio stations to the mix and it will choke off all the oxygen that independent venues, promoters and ticketers rely on.
Liberty didn’t buy all these companies because it’s passionate about music and wanted to ensure artists got a fair shake. By rolling up the entire live music/radio supply-chain, it bought the power to extract vast sums from musicians, and to keep rivals out of the market.
Well, not all competitors. Lollapalooza co-founder Marc Geiger raised tens of millions for “Savelive,” a new would-be monopolist that offered to “rescue” live music venues in exchange for a 51% stake in them.
Savelive illustrates an important point about the nature of monopolies: they beget more monopolies. Consolidation in the labels meant that only the largest streaming companies could negotiate a sustainable rate.
But consolidation in radio drives consolidation in labels — and many of the indie radio stations that survived the first wave of consolidation were picked up cheap by Iheartradio once monopolistic streamers ate their lunch.
This is a pattern across the whole entertainment industry: bookstore mergers and big box retailers drove consolidation in publishing; that was accelerated by consolidation in online ebook and physical book retail.
It’s not limited to the entertainment sector either. As David Dayen describes in his essential book MONOPOLIZED, hospitals didn’t start consolidating until the pharma industry underwent a wave of brutal mergers and started gouging for drugs.
Hospital consolidation led to gouging insurers, leading to a wave of insurance consolidation. Today, nearly every part of the health industry is monopolized, from pharmacy benefit managers to medical labs.
The only parts of the supply chain that doesn’t monopolize — that can’t monopolize — are the ends of the chain: the people who work in the system, and the people who use it.
Monopoly punishes doctors and nurses and other health workers — and it punishes patients.
It punishes writers and publishing workers, and it punishes readers.
It punishes musicians and independent venue owners, and it punishes listeners.
When every part of the supply chain gets so monopolized that it can’t easily be squeezed by any other part of the supply chain, these giants turn on us — the workers and users of the system. We, the atomized and fragmented, cannot resist the squeeze.
But as Knox writes, the tide is turning. After 40 years of waving through anticompetitive mergers in the name of “efficiency,” the DoJ and FTC are under new management, with two-fisted trustbusters like Lina M Khan at the helm.
This new cohort of monopoly fighters reject the “consumer welfare” theory of antitrust (the idea that monopolies drive prices down and are therefore good for society), going to war against the hegemonic orthodoxy that began with Ronald Reagan.
The new antitrust is surging, with bills in the House and Senate, executive orders from the White House, regulatory proceedings at the DoJ and FTC, and an interagency-cabinet coordination committee that ties it all together.
This new antitrust promises workers and users of monopolized industries a better alternative than rooting for one giant to beat another in hopes that they will drop a few crumbs for the rest of us to enjoy.
Creative workers don’t have to choose between Big Tech and Big Content based on their assessment of which monopolist will abuse them the least. Instead, we can root for antimonopoly, for giant-slaying, and the right to self-determination.
The most important immediate step towards that future is blocking new anticompetitive mergers, like Sony’s bid for AWAL, or Liberty Media’s use of a $500m SPAC to go on a vertical monopoly shopping spree.
The agencies have the power to stop these. They should. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
But ending anticompetitive mergers won’t get us out of that hole: most industries (from beer to cheerleader uniforms to wresting to eyeglasses) are already monopolized.
The new trustbusters — and the ILSR — want to use antitrust law to break up these conglomerates. I think that’s right: vertical monopolies will always engage in self-dealing to the detriment of independents, workers and customers. Break. Them. Up.
But breaking up is hard to do. When the DoJ tried to break up IBM, the company’s lawyers outspent the entire DoJ antitrust division, every single year, for twelve consecutive years, and in the end, it escaped breakup.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. IBM escaped justice because Reagan was elected and neutered antitrust. And even though it remained intact, it was never the same — for one thing, it decided that it was too risky to make its own PC OS.
IBM knew that antitrust enforcers were very suspicious of tying software to hardware — so it tapped a couple of hacker kids, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, to sell it DOS, from their new company “Micro-Soft.”
Unfortunately for all of us, antitrust enforcement only declined after that, so IBM was able to return to its monopolistic ways, and Microsoft escaped from antitrust scrutiny after a mere seven years in regulatory hell.
Antitrust enforcement can sap monopolists of the will to power, as they become increasingly concerned that their actions will attract aggressive legal reprisals.
Think of how Apple “lost” the Epic lawsuit but still “voluntarily” rescinded its heretofore hard rule against apps providing links to web-pages where you can use third-party payment processors to make purchases.
As monopolists lose their nerve, space opens up for all kinds of pro-worker, pro-user interventions, far beyond those afforded by traditional antitrust.
Next year, Beacon Press will publish THE SHAKEDOWN, a book I co-wrote with Rebecca Giblin about the monopolistic corruption of creative labor markets and how creative workers, regulators and fans can resist it.
The Shakedown catalogs the ways that monopolization of investment, distribution and sale of creative works allows entertainment companies, Big Tech, and major retailers to shift an ever-larger share of the creative industry’s revenues from workers to themselves.
More importantly, we identify tools beyond breakups that we can use to de-monopolize the industry — things we can do right now, without having to wait for the conclusion of an antitrust suit that might run for decades.
Take reversion rights: many copyright systems allow creators to take back their rights after a set period (35 years in the US). This lets artists who signed bad deals — before they were proven successes — to resell their catalog or extract reparations by threatening to.
But reversion is really hard to do, and 35 years is way too long. Only an handful of creators — even those with valuable catalogs that could be renewed through reversion — ever manage it.
Congress (and other legislatures around the world, including Canada, where this is likely to come up in the new Parliament) could fix reversion: make it easier to do, and make it available after a shorter period — say, 14 years.
And what about those bad contracts? The “freedom to contract” has always been subject to limits, where some clauses are deemed unenforceable “as against public policy” or because they are “unconscionable.”
With the entertainment sector consolidated into just a couple of states, state legislatures could act to void the most abusive clauses — for example, clauses that allow labels to claw back royalties indefinitely to recoup (often inflated or fictitious) “expenses.”
Our book explores dozens of these kinds of ideas, from co-operatives to trade unions; better accounting practices and direct arts subsidies; radical interoperability and collective licensing; minimum wages for creative labor and collective bargaining.
None of these are replacement for reducing the size and power of conglomerates throughout the supply chain, but all of them are interventions we can make as the power and nerve of conglomerates declines, changes that will hasten that decline and open more space for breakups.
And all of them are applicable, to a greater or lesser extent, to helping workers and users of all the other consolidated industries, from health care to cheerleading.
For example, expanding California’s ban on noncompete clauses would help fast-food workers nationwide — because today, fast food employers are the most aggressive abusers of noncompetes.
That means that a fried chicken cashier earning the tipped minimum wage can’t quit to work at a burger joint across the street for a $0.25/hour raise. Creative workers aren’t the only ones suffering from monopolization — we’re not even the worst off.
But by definition, creative workers have a platform. We reach people. We have the potential to help form the kind of unstoppable coalition that we’ll need to reverse the generations of oligarchic, post-Reagan consolidation.
You may have heard about how Danish McDonald’s workers earn $22/hour and get six weeks’ paid vacation and sick leave. That didn’t come about because McDonald’s was required by law to pay it.
It was worker solidarity that did it. As Matt Bruenig writes, McDonald’s initially refused to sign the voluntary “hotel and restaurant” collective agreement. So its workers went on strike.
Now, if McD’s workers had struck alone, they’d probably have lost. But Danish law allows for sympathy strikes — that is, it allows workers in other parts of the supply chain to take industrial action to support their sisters and brothers who are striking.
When the McD’s workers walked out in 1989, sixteen other sectoral unions joined them. They didn’t just help picket at leaflet in front of McD’s restaurants!
Dockworkers wouldn’t unload McD’s shipments. Printers wouldn’t print their cups and placemats.
Builders downed tools on McDonald’s construction projects. Typesetters wouldn’t set the McD’s ads in the daily papers. Truckers wouldn’t deliver to McD’s restaurants. Food industry workers wouldn’t produce the drink syrups, fries and other inputs to the McDonald’s kitchens.
McD’s caved.
Now, as Bruenig points out, these kinds of sympathy strikes are illegal in the US, but it’s a mistake to think that workers don’t have power because sympathy strikes are illegal — rather, sympathy strikes are illegal because workers don’t have power.
Workers across all sectors face the same kinds of monopolistic exploitation. Workers across all sectors have a common enemy (literally, thanks to “common ownership” where companies like Vanguard and Berkshire Hathaway hold significant stakes in almost every major company).
With a shared cause, shared tactics, solidarity and a renewed sense that we can do more than root for the giant we think will mistreat us the least, creative workers and their sisters and brothers in every sector can reverse generations of losses.
That’s why the new antitrust matters — because it is an assault on the consolidation that gives all industries the power to shift money and other forms of value from workers and users to a small elite of investors.
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odysseywritings · 3 years
The Right Leader
A woman with dark brown hair and brown skin looked out the window in a white dome of a building overlooking the sunset-glazed green hills. Her name was Mary Rauda-Gold of the Union HQ for Earth. An ambitious, careful public servant, she earned trust from even initial naysayers. Her experience in community, business, and political spheres turned her to a qualified, eager role as the leader of the Earth Front.
She researched former presidents carefully before First Contact and after. Rauda-Gold had no special interest to bribe her, or a family in the public sphere to fear blackmail for. A rare human who achieved a bucket list full of chances early on in life. A ravenous student for history, she came into the presidency asking a question. Can one be a good leader and a good person to so many people? The books detailing the “greats” with their disconnect to the very people who elected them bombarded her with numbing dilemmas on human and alien issues alike.
Early on, she made a promise to avoid mistakes of President Grayson, whose committed attempts to be openly aggressive while privately appeasing aliens set course for turbulent relations between human and alien. This led to the first aliens invading Earth, the jellyfish-like Rizen, to learn important resources for acquiring and populated areas for destruction and enslavement.
For three decades, Earth had been the sole territory of one race. But the vastness of riches made it appealing to more. Thus, the scramble for Earth intensified as more uprooted flora and drained water. Not only the Rizen, but the cycloptic Corax, the cyborg Teknos, the coral-like Brantius, and others plundered Earth with the doctrine being that all aliens mustn't attack each other in the name of peace.
Fearing for the future of the planet, the fragmented states communicated as much as possible. This unity was a temporary yet urgent coalition of democratic leaders, autocrats, religious leaders, and researchers banded together to come up with ways to gain independence. No single leader engineered a clear path for victory, and the struggle for a constant idea made people weary and frustrated. In the midst of voices, the loudest prevailed.  
The urgent Long’s voice resonated with the crowd. Tiptoeing the wire that could lead to falling down the side of warmongering populism or tepid reforms, she raised enough fervor to unify people into tangible goals. Spy networks to spread fabricated war plans of one alien race against another. Technology taken from the slain aliens, initially unobtainable from their aerial superiority, could be learned and used against the original wielders. Within a short duration, covert attempts at fighting the invaders soon gave way to a snowball effect of more procured technology that included spacecraft. It was still lopsided, and the humans’ wit and knowledge of their home took years for momentum to fully hit the aliens’ mother planets.
A string of news carried across the stars as sympathetic aliens protested the wars and demanded Earth remain free. Opinions from the politicians carried the stench of condescension, saying humans could not rule themselves and needed assistance. But time soured that notion, with using mother planets’ money and lives to continue a hated invasion. Not long until then were other aliens combating each other for more dominance over Earth regions.
As extraterrestrial grips loosened and more technology scattered, Long and others could now engage in more significant guerrilla warfare. The snowball caused an avalanche of further embarrassment to the aliens. More were pulling out, focusing on the more dangerous alien adversaries. A galactic war broke out that involved weaponry that saw nuclear missiles being used as often as bullets. The destruction caused an alien race to force humanity to serve on their side. Long refused.
The Old World of space untangled as civilizations older than Earth’s fell in shambles. In the interim, rebellious aliens appeared on the surface to assist humans in recreating their technology. They were pessimistic of humanity, but its resolve in defying total subjugation gave them hope in toppling their imperialistic leaders.
Long succumbed to disease, but her legacy emboldened many despite her ruthlessness toward humans she thought were collaborating with invaders, real or imagined. The next successor in that region, was the soft and meticulous Slavik. Far from charismatic like Long, his calmness and stability sent a plan of continued technological learning and creation that was difficult to argue against aside from the most hawkish people or collaborators. Willing to be more trusting of alien rebels allowed him to gain more info on how they think and act, making it easier to predict further combat incursions.
This acceleration to a new space race was often narrow minded, and Slavik took other matters with apathy and relegated it to staff advisors. Still, he was honest about his goals and was wary of becoming aggressors on earth or in space. He was concerned about protection and elf-reliance, and that boosted their capabilities as aliens continued slaughtering each over for so long that Earth was forgotten about.
As a the tech boom led to force fields, anti-craft weaponry, spacecraft, and peacetime aids such as machines and medicines to repair tissues, the relative security of Earth led to various social concerns rising for people who had time to breathe and think. The foreigners who stayed and aided humans were treated with growing disdain as their efforts were taken for granted in post-war highs. Tensions bubbled as accusations of aliens taking up resources, not working hard enough to earn their stay, or dismantling the societies grew.
Various leaders like President Dickson used these tensions to distract from other matters as he benefited from rising power. Others like the dovish Jacobs made amends and wanted to pursue good relations with the now war-torn alien civilizations, yet his efforts did not go far enough to make lasting benefits due to making sure the remaining alien superpower would not see him as weak or naive.
What followed were a series of leaders who drifted further away from goodwill policies and proper rebuilding of Earth to focus on more weaponry  and acquisition of other worlds for resources, whether or not they were inhabited. Now the conquerors, humans were split between two futures. Security out of supremacy? Freedom out of trust?
At the height of Earth’s dominance, the Union’s people elected Rauda-Gold. She promised to  be firm in national and human interests, standing strong against numerous foes internally and externally. Born in a generation used to surplus, relative galactic safety, and harboring no knowledge of alien oppression, she listened to reasonable qualms without strong bias. Her values were for humanity and earth, with the rest being flexible.
Rauda-Gold steadily relinquished control of planets with native inhabitants to the detriment of the national interests of the already rich. The goodwill took years to fully settle, but it was a start toward a transparent galaxy. A rusting minority segment of the planet Teknos were given medical supplies and aid during a brutal civil war, but she denied arming them to avoid a full fledged involvement. As the Teknos government continued its atrocities, Rauda-Gold cut off trade with a grain that was only mass produced in Earth. With the civil war dwindling resources, the government called for a ceasefire and to discuss with the minority in earnest.
The most perilous occasion was when the Rizen, that old enemy of humanity, invaded planet after planet. Medicine, technology, and weaponry spread to Rizen opposition. Frozen assets and embargoes were mere dents in the war machine oiled by the lie of a former glory. She would not risk human or alien lives unless she herself would fight, yet her age and symbolic importance would make her role limited lest she be captured as a hostage. She communicated as much as possible to troops through camera drones, but it never felt close enough to being there and getting a sense of the trouble. As more atrocities continued, including the gaseous bombs that filled cities afar and at home, people clamored for war each day. She waited and talked to advisors, no matter how much time she spent grieving in private.
She would not create a draft and only allowed a strictly volunteer service to fight. With the utmost protection, the soldiers helped beat back the tide of the Rizen until they were beaten down and succumbed to treaty settling. Still, lives were lost. A fact that would haunt her even if the galaxy was spared further bloodshed. Rauda-Gold did all she could to pay for veterans and their families the same way she did with victims of natural calamities.
Earth’s respect soared, and the withdrawal of colonies led to the planet being self-reliant with a boost in trade from allied planets. The federation of planets were motivated, or goaded for some weaker tyrannical leaders, to endorse a stronger policy of life-form rights. She wanted to be inspiring like Long, prosperous like Slavik, and focused on honest peace like Jacobs. Aware of their shortcomings and their environments, Rauda-Gold knew she would be compared and dissected in the future by historians of all species.
But the issue of war always stabbed at her. At what point does a war become just? The idea of a pacifist president split by an idea of a savior president. The bloodless leader replaced by the hero leader. She planned to resign after her term ended, yet she had more time to make peace with such a choice and image. She contributed to diplomacy more than before, and made sure to rebuild bombed houses with her own hands. Rauda-Gold felt the charred substance of steel and wood and alien materials. All reminders of what a perfect leadership could have avoided. But such desires must be tempered by the environments they dwell in. New generations of alien and human children can breathe and enjoy life in a galaxy more principled against war. Yet she fears her action may inspire future leaders to ignore all that and lionize her war efforts as something to be achieved wholesale without nuance or care. An ongoing fear she must mete out as the twilight of her shining dream dims.
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Edible Oil Industry
India Was Stripped of Its Atmanirbharta in the Edible Oil Industry The rise and fall of the biggest importers of edible oil in the world. Nov 04, 2020 | B.M. Vyas and Manu Kaushik A man loads empty containers of edible oil onto a tricycle at a roadside in Kolkata, India, August 27, 2015. Photo: Reuters/Rupak De Chowdhuri
‘Freedom is the greatest fruit of self-sufficiency’
– Epicurus
The COVID-19 pandemic has been detrimental for globalisation and has led to a clamour for protectionism.
India’s national strategy is also in line with this trend with calls for ‘Atmanirbharta’ and ‘vocal for local’ increasing.
Traditionally, India was an exporter of edible oil before Independence, became self-sufficient post-Independence (till the early 1970s), floundered in 1970s and 80s and regained self-sufficiency in the early 90s (1991-94). We are currently the biggest importers in the world!
India imports around US $ 10 billion of edible oil (15 MT) annually which constitutes nearly 70% of our annual edible oil requirement of 23 million tonnes. Thus, whether you eat a roadside samosa, matthi, dosa or chola bhatura, branded biscuit or namkeen, or even aloo puri or sabzi at home, there is almost a 70% chance that it is made using oil which is not from India.
Furthermore, imported palm oil or its derivatives are used as ingredients in soaps, shampoos, shaving creams and other cosmetics too. This is not an industry that comes across as a shining example for ‘atmanirbhar’ India. An analysis of the last five decades will help us understand how we reached here.
From Independence until the mid-1970s, we averaged 95% self-sufficiency in edible oil, except for the war years and its aftermath when self-sufficiency fell down to early 90s in percentage. The cuisine, cropping patterns and climatic conditions had led to the preference of mustard oil in north and east India, coconut oil in south India, groundnut or cottonseed oil in west India, and sesame oil in Rajasthan.
This regional preference for indigenous edible oils had evolved over centuries and had become a part of our culture. In 1973-74, groundnut, mustard and cottonseed oil had a whopping 96% share of the total consumption of edible oils in India. The oil seeds were traditionally extracted by cold pressing and then filtered; a technology suited to small scale processing leading to employment for generations. It also encouraged localised procurement and distribution networks having a smaller carbon footprint. Thus, it was an ecologically sustainable system and a virtuous cycle.
The 1971 India-Pakistan war compounded by the drought in 1972, led to inflation and food shortages. The per capita edible oil availability, which was 5 litres per annum in 1971 fell down to 3.9 litres per annum in 1973 (its 19 litres now). There were acute shortages in milk and consequently ghee. The shortage of oil and ghee combined with slick marketing led to the demand for vanaspati – which was marketed as a healthier alternative to ghee.
Also read: ‘Agriculture and Atmanirbharta’ Is a Noble Vision, but Needs Hard Decisions and Political Consensus
Edible oil was hydrogenated – by adding hydrogen to convert ‘unsaturated’ liquid fats into ‘saturated’ solid fats – and made into vanaspati. The vanaspati thus formed was ghee-like not just in appearance but also had a higher melting point than oil and was thus more suited for deep frying. Dalda was the flagship brand in the industry.
Dalda vegetable ghee. Photo: Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA
This further reduced the edible oil available for consumption as oil per se. Vanaspati consumption essentially took away one fifth of the availability of edible oils during the 1970s-80s. This led to groundnut oil or mustard oil being banned for making vanaspati from 1976-77 to 1987-88, and imported palmolien became the mainstay of the vanaspati industry.
The popularity of vanaspati had a detrimental effect on the growth of domestic edible oils as it pushed the price of edible oil down, making oilseed crop a losing proposition for farmers. Its production stagnated – staying around 10 million tonnes of oilseeds from 1970 to 1986 – while the growing population pushed demand up, forcing the government to import more edible oil. Thus, a vicious cycle was in place.
The public resentment transformed into action on December 20, 1973, when students protested against the hike in their mess bills leading to the Navnirman movement, in Gujarat. This, in turn, inspired Jayaprakash Narayan’s Total Revolution leading to the emergency and the formation of the Janta Party’s Morarji Desai government in 1977. While everyone remembers George Fernandes for having kicked out Coca Cola, the Janta Party government also opened the import gates for edible oil. The 95% reliance on domestic edible oils maintained in the 1960s and 1970s, fell down to 70% during 1977-80.
In 1977, the then finance minister, H.M. Patel – father of Amrita Patel, who later became chairperson of the NDDB – suggested to Dr Verghese Kurien an “Operation Flood” like project for edible oils via a farmers cooperative network based on the Amul model. The objective was self-reliance in edible oils through increased productivity, effective distribution and price stability through Market Intervention Operations (MIO) by NDDB, leading to improved farmer livelihoods. The intent of MIO was to handle 15% of the edible oil produced in the country to manage price fluctuations.
The project was named Operation Golden Flow. Central to the operation was the brand ‘Dhara’, which was created to build a market for the Indian oilseed grower. It was inspired by the wordmark of Dalda in green on a yellow background, the leader in vanaspati. This was a part of the market intervention operation. Dhara was launched in Delhi on August 23, 1988. Dhara pricing was kept low due to economies of scale and blending with the donated oil from CLUSA (Cooperative League of the USA), a strategy taken from the ‘pump priming’ of donated SMP and butter-oil during Operation Flood.
Thus, Dhara brought prices of domestic oil at par with cheaper imported edible oil. NDDB and GCMMF worked as one team and launched several varieties of oil such as filtered and refined mustard oil, cottonseed oil and double filtered groundnut oil. While NDDB handled the cooperatives, procurement and production, GCMMF was the distribution partner. The established Amul distribution network helped launch Dhara in a blitzkrieg. It took the market by storm. By 1991-92, Dhara had achieved sales of 1,32,000 MT pa, which was around 50% of the organised market share.
In a coordinated attempt the then PM Rajiv Gandhi created a Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO) in 1986. Headed by Sam Pitroda, it took concrete steps to boost domestic production of edible oils. The area under oilseed cultivation which had stagnated between 15-18 million hectares between 1970-85 increased to 25 million hectares by 1991 and oilseed production which was stuck at around 10 million tonnes (1970-85) went up to 18 million tonnes in this timeframe. India was producing 98% of its edible oil requirement by 1990-91. A true atmanirbhar success story!
Also read: With Palm Oil Expansion, India is Blazing a Trail to a Parched Future
The period between 1990-94 could be considered the golden era of the Indian edible oil industry.
This self-sufficiency continued till the Narsimha Rao government signed the WTO agreement in 1994 and edible oil was put under OGL (Open General License) with 65% duty. By 1998 we were again importing around 30% of our edible oil. We could never foresee then, what was in store in the near future.
A woman works in a field of mustard plants. Photo: Reuters
Under the Vajpayee government, the import duty on edible oil was further reduced to 15% in July 1998 and coincidentally the Argemone adulteration Dropsy case took place in August 1998. Sixty people died and around 3,000 got sick in Delhi and caught the nation’s attention. All of a sudden, all domestic brands selling mustard oil became outcasts and even loose mustard oil was banned. NDDB had to release advertisements to inform consumers not to buy its trusted Dhara Mustard Oil. Out of fear consumers shifted to ‘purer’ aromaless, colourless, tasteless oils or solvent extracted refined oils, as we know them. Over the next few years, that black swan event, led to a shift in the socio-cultural cooking and consumption patterns of edible oil in the country.
Industry followers consider it deliberate sabotage to discredit indigenous and loose oils and promote imports. Mustard oil contaminated with argemone (essentially weed seed contamination) is an ancient occurrence, but adulteration is never more than 1%. In these cases, adulteration was up to 30%, with argemone, diesel and waste oil as contaminants. The adulteration was therefore done in such a way that it would kill, and do so conspicuously and rapidly. Thus, the tragedy was seemingly not a result of the normal business of adulteration.
As the then Delhi health minister Harsh Vardhan stated, this is not possible without an organised conspiracy. NDDB had always faced opposition to Operation Golden Flow since its inception from the local telia rajas, oil kings. Its Bhavnagar Vegetable Products (BVP) plant had suffered eight mysterious fires between 1977-1982 and senior executives like A.A. Cholani and G.M. Jhala suffered serious accidents while travelling. Even now, it appears as if to set an example, the officers of NDDB and GCMMF till date attend court hearings of the dropsy case. While the mill owner from whom the said lot was bought, and was the main accused, was acquitted in 2006 due to lack of evidence.
After this incident, the Vajpayee government imported a controversial consignment of a million tonnes of soybean seeds from the US, previously rejected by the EU. Prices of indigenous oils fell and farmers protests fell on deaf ears. The area under oilseed cultivation started falling as farmers abandoned the crop. The area under mustard cultivation fell from 7.04 million hectares in 1997-98 to 4.5 million hectares in 2003-04. While edible oil imports increased from 2 million tonnes in 1997-98 to 4.5 million tonnes in 1998-99 and five million tonnes in 2002-03.
Men work on palm fruits at a palm oil factory. Photo: Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon/Files
By 2018, 20 years since the dropsy incident, the situation transposed and 70% of edible oil consumed in India was imported. It is primarily palm and soybean oil both non-indigenous to the country, the cuisine and its people. Palm oil in itself is 50% of the oil consumed in India, one of the unhealthiest oils on the planet.
Thus, one single policy decision, and one suspected sabotage, devastated not just the entire domestic oil cooperative network built over 20 years with painstaking effort but also the cropping pattern of the country which had evolved over centuries. Domestic edible oil prices stagnated and all cooperative federations wound up like a pack of cards. Most cooperative oil mills were forced to shut down. Even today some are lying defunct and vacant.
The NDDB and GCMMF parted ways and distribution of Dhara was taken over by NDDB in 2003. The country which had doubled its oil seed production from 108 lakh tonne to 221 lakh tonne in just a decade (1986-96), was left in a lurch. Today, that very country has become the world’s largest importer of vegetable oil, in spite of having the land, the resources, willing farmers, a ready market and the ability to achieve this self-sufficiency earlier!
Also read: Expanding Oil Palm Plantations in the Northeast Could Exact a Long-Term Cost
This vacuum left the door open for the ‘ABCD quartet’– the big four Agri commodity companies of the world – Archer Daniel Midlands (ADM), Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus and other American multinationals to enter India. Cargill did a JV with Parakh Foods in 2004. Bunge bought over Dalda from HLL in 2003. Conagra bought a majority stake in Agrotech from ITC in 1997 and the brand ‘Rath’ in 2000. ADM’s was one of the earliest ones and its route was through Malaysia. In 1999, Adani did a 50-50 joint venture with Wilmar to launch Fortune Oil, which in turn has Archer Daniel Midlands (ADM) as a shareholder since 1994 (present stake 24.9%). Wilmar International itself faces a lot of criticism from organisations like Greenpeace & Friends of the Earth for deforestation of tropical Indonesian forests. Amnesty international accuses it of using child labour in plantations.
ADM, in the 1990s, was the poster boy of corporate lobbying in America. It’s then CEO Dwayne Andreas was famous for being a political campaign donor for Nixon, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Bod Dole. Allegedly his contribution to Nixon’s re-election campaign was the $25,000 found in the possession of the Watergate burglar Bernand Barker. The ADM Board included Howard Buffet (son of Warren Buffet) and Brian Mulroney, former Canadian PM. Yet in 1999, ADM was fined USD 100 million for price fixing in the international lysine market and Dwayne Andreas’s son, Michael Andreas was sentenced to 24 months in prison. ADM also perfected the art of cultivating senior politicians by flying them in ADM corporate jets. Bob Dole, in his 1988 presidential campaign flew ADM corporate jets 29 times. As recently as 2005, Obama flew twice.
Today Adani Wilmar accounts for one-third of the total edible oil imported in India. The early bird does get the worm.
If one parks aside the balance of trade and the self-sufficiency angle, studies have shown that every additional kg of palm oil consumed per capita annually leads to ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates of 68 per 100,000 in developing countries. India consumes some 7.2 litres per capita of Palm oil. Just replacing it with indigenous oil shall not just save lives but also reduce overall medical costs in the country. Similarly, soybean oil has also more than its fair share of negative reports on health.
Additionally, when oilseed production grows, the country produces not only edible oil but also oil cakes and extraction which is the raw material for dairy (cattle feed) and poultry industry (poultry feed). When we go for more edible oil imports, we are depriving protein supply to dairy and poultry and have to resort to importing corn and maybe soya eventually. In the end, our agriculture is shifting to other countries and so is rural employment and farmer incomes.
The website of the US Department of State in its Agriculture Policy states that “The office of Agricultural Policy (AGP) boosts prosperity of American farmers and ranchers by opening foreign markets to American farm products, promoting transparent, predictable, and science based regulatory systems overseas; and reducing unnecessary trade barriers around the world.”
While we may debate whether we have been ‘opened’ or not, by dismantling technology missions like the TMO and adopting extra liberal import policies at the cost of rural economy we are certainly not helping our cause. We are satisfying urban consumer demands by imports at the cost of the rural economy, thus leading to rural unemployment and rural migration towards cities in search of ‘labour’ work.
Is the dream of doubling farmers income, going to be achieved by reducing the number of farmers by half?
In the light of this history, we are better placed to evaluate the advice received by the PM from agricultural scientists and economists, which he shared while laying the foundation stone of Manipur Water Supply Project on July 23, 2020, regarding cultivating palm oil in North East. The follies of the last two decades can still be overcome by reverting back to the traditional cropping patterns for oilseeds and promoting traditional edible oil as ingredients for food and non-food FMCG. It will take a missionary zeal and the strategic intent of the government, but the self-sufficiency status-quo ante of 1994 in edible oil can still be achieved. By taking up palm oil plantation in the North Eastern States we will not just accept the LAC as LOC, but as the international border.
Also read: How ‘Dirty’ is India’s Palm Oil and What Should We Do About It?
On January 8, 2020, the India Directorate General of Foreign Trade had put palm oil from the ‘Free’ to ‘Restricted’ List in what appeared to be a reaction to the criticism by the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act and India’s action regarding the reading down of Article 370 in Kashmir. Around 40% of the palm oil imported to India, or 17% of the total edible oil consumed, is from Malaysia.
This led to a spike in palm oil prices and consequentially of other edible oils, making their cultivation more appealing. Improved MSP this year also contributed to the cause. The Ministry of Agriculture’s CWWG report as on September 4, 2020, reported that kharif oilseeds cultivation showed a growth of 12% compared to a growth of 6% for all kharif crops. The edible oil industry is resilient and has the potential for being atmanirbhar. The question would remain- do we really want that?
B.M. Vyas is the former managing director of GCMMF Ltd and had been instrumental in the launch of Dhara. Manu Kaushik is a management professional and has also been associated with GCMMF Ltd.
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venusiastro · 5 years
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Saturn Conjunct Moon: The Harsh Heart
Your moon is your instinctual self, the underbelly and most raw nature of oneself. This is who you are subconsciously, your mind, your inner world. Saturn on the other hand is the total reality, the harshness of the world, the law of the 3D realm, it’s conditions, restrictions and heaviness. When we pair the softest and most receptive planet of ones astral psyche to the heavy weight karmic father of Saturn, this can create an extremely sensitive individual or the most insensitive individual. The heart is both cold and innately prone to the harshest realities being shown at an early age, creating the path of early maturation. The child within was smothered to silence, and the fathers wisdom was forced to the surface of consciousness. Often times the child may feel unheard, or left to oneself to fend or find stability. Self reliance and a need to repress the rawest and most unhinged emotions if prevalent, the emotions are shunned much like the childlike outlook. This is due to the fear of instability, emotions are fickle and often ambiguous, to Saturn emotions make no sense but to be filed away, organized and put into order and practical use. Saturn deals with legal contracts, the law, business agreements, business. Emotions usually have no place in these dealings. The biggest theme we see here is that of the cancer/capricorn, 4th house/10th house themes. Home and public image, the inner and outer world. Being that the moon is the entire subconscious filter within us, our nature if you will, Saturn is the harshest reality check, so one with this aspect becomes painfully aware of each feeling and emotion, embarrassment is detrimental to them, their self esteem is usually humbled early on and they’re fully aware of the weight of social structure and abiding to the limits of reality. This can make one incredibly empathetic to the suffering of others and the world, Saturn is exalted in Libra, meaning the tie between others and the self is extremely important for these people. Though they don’t rely emotionally on anyone or show much of their emotions usually, (both planets being extremely private) People are key to these people emotional development, The more compassionate and learning to be content within ones inner world, and honoring ones suffering, emotions, dreams, imagination and finding a constructive (often creative) outlet for ones need to work out the emotions is vital! 
On the other hand these individuals can also be quite cruel, harsh, insensitive, demanding and unforgiving. A Saturn/Moon aspect that hasn’t been honored and understood or integrated can create heavy bitterness in a person. Saturn is dry, cold and can be quite envious, the moon can feel neglected easily here, the inner voice silenced and the heart growing with seething silent rage and misunderstanding. Emotional isolation and remoteness is prevalent when under stress, heartbreak or any harder emotion, processing emotion must be done through some form of exertion and work. This placement can create quite a workaholic, the emotions drive the work ethic and the need to organize can be done effortlessly through finding a passion pursuit. The softness beneath their toughness is very raw, it’s extremely untouched and unseen, a hidden garden behind a mile high stone tower if you will. Afraid to let a soul touch a single petal or dew drop. There is a natural protectiveness of ones sensitivity, defensiveness can be seen here in a more passive and stern way. One thing that’s hardly touched on is how these people can become masters of manifestation, due to the more ambiguous and desiring, devoted nature of the moon, and Saturns true material self, or reward for challenge, these individuals are capable of learning the art of manifestation and alchemy very easily, the natural laws that are tied to the practice align well with Saturn and the moon. Though Saturn shuns wishful thinking and can become a cruel roadblock often, we see one rewarded through all hard work done. Emotional fulfillment is tied with accomplishment of ones own willpower. Creative or physical activities are encouraged to heal the inner child dynamic and to become more integrated to their astral bodies.
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livetoday4tomorrow · 9 months
Mastering the Art of Work-Life Balance: Practical Tips for Busy Professionals
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Introduction In today's fast-paced and demanding world, striking a balance between work and personal life can feel like an uphill battle. Finding a way to balance both can seem impossible for busy professionals who are under pressure from the never-ending demands of their careers and the desire to have a fulfilling personal life. However, mastering the art of work-life balance is not only achievable but also essential for maintaining mental, physical, and emotional well-being. In this post, we will explore practical tips and strategies that can help harried and frustrated workers create a harmonious equilibrium between their hectic work schedules and their personal lives. Whether it is setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, or managing time effectively, this guide will serve as an inspirational and trusted advisor to help busy professionals regain control over their lives and find fulfillment in both their professional and personal endeavors. Understanding Work-Life Imbalance The Consequences of Neglecting Balance Ignoring the importance of work-life balance can have severe consequences. When work takes precedence over everything else in your life, it not only has an impact on your personal relationships and physical health; it can also result in burnout, a state of prolonged and excessive stress-related emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Research shows that burnout can lead to various health problems, including anxiety, heart disease, and depression. Furthermore, it has been associated with decreased productivity and lower job satisfaction, which can, in turn, negatively impact your career progress. Neglecting balance also deprives you of the chance to pursue interests outside of work, cultivate personal relationships, and engage in activities that refresh and rejuvenate you. This lack of fulfillment in personal life can cause feelings of emptiness and a loss of identity beyond work. In short, the consequences of neglecting work-life balance can be detrimental to both your personal and professional lives. Recognizing this is the first step towards restoring balance and promoting holistic well-being. Recognizing Signs of Work-Life Imbalance Identifying the signs of a work-life imbalance is critical to addressing the issue. Often, these signs manifest in physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, sleep issues, and a weakened immune system. You may also notice changes in appetite or an increased reliance on substances like caffeine or alcohol to manage stress. Emotionally, you might feel overwhelmed, anxious, or irritable more often than not. A lack of motivation, feelings of cynicism, and decreased satisfaction from achievements can also point to an imbalance. In your personal life, signs could include strained relationships due to a lack of time or energy to maintain them. You might find yourself canceling social plans because of work or feeling guilty when you're not working. In the workplace, signs can include a drop in productivity, difficulty concentrating, and an inability to disconnect from work during time off. If you're consistently working long hours or sacrificing personal time for work, these are clear indicators of imbalance. Recognizing these signs is an important step in acknowledging that a problem exists and that changes are needed to restore balance. Defining Your Personal Work-Life Balance Acknowledging Individual Differences When it comes to work-life balance, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. This is because everyone's work demands, personal obligations, and lifestyle choices are unique. Acknowledging these individual differences is key to establishing a satisfying balance. For instance, a single professional might have more flexibility to work late hours, while a parent may need to leave work on time to take care of their children. A person might thrive on the hustle and bustle associated with a high-stress job, while another may prefer a slower, more relaxed pace. It's also essential to consider personal values and priority areas. Some people might prioritize career advancement and be willing to devote more time to their work. Others might value personal time, hobbies, or family more. In other words, your work-life balance should align with your personal values, circumstances, and life stage. It's all about finding a balance that works for you, satisfies your individual needs, and contributes to your overall wellbeing. Evaluating Your Current Situation Before setting out to achieve a better work-life balance, it's essential to evaluate your current situation. Start by analyzing how you spend your time during a typical week. Note down the number of hours dedicated to work, family, social activities, hobbies, and personal care. Next, assess your feelings towards these activities. Which ones bring you joy and satisfaction? Which ones cause stress or discomfort? Do you feel you're neglecting important aspects of your life because of work? Take a holistic view of your well-being. Are you experiencing health problems due to stress? Are your relationships suffering? Do you feel a sense of fulfilment at the end of the day, or are you left feeling drained and unsatisfied? Finally, consider your career objectives and personal goals. Are your current work practices helping you achieve them, or are they posing barriers? Evaluating your current situation will provide a clear picture of where you stand and what changes are needed to achieve the work-life balance you desire. This self-awareness is the first step towards making beneficial changes. Setting Healthy Boundaries Setting healthy boundaries is a crucial part of achieving a good work-life balance. Boundaries help ensure that work does not encroach upon your personal time and vice versa. Establish clear lines between your work and personal life. This could mean setting specific work hours and sticking to them, not answering work emails or calls outside these hours, and having a separate workspace at home. Learn to say no. It's okay to decline additional responsibilities at work that may strain your capacity or to turn down social invites that clash with your need for rest. Communicate your boundaries to your colleagues, superiors, and family. Let them know about your work schedule and your need for uninterrupted personal time. Develop a routine that accommodates both work and personal activities. This could include designated times for relaxation, exercise, hobbies, and socializing. Boundaries are not restrictions but rather guidelines that ensure each aspect of your life receives the attention it deserves. By setting and adhering to these boundaries, you can ensure a healthier and more fulfilling work-life balance. Strategies to Achieve Work-Life Balance Time Management Skills for Professionals Effective time management is a key strategy for achieving work-life balance. Here are some skills that can enhance your time management: Prioritize tasks: Not all tasks are equally important. Understand the importance and urgency of each task, and prioritize accordingly. Set goals: Define what you want to achieve each day, week, or month. Goals give you a clear direction and help you focus your efforts. Plan your day. Use tools like calendars or task management apps to plan your day. Allocate specific time slots for different tasks. Avoid multitasking. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can actually reduce productivity. Focus on one task at a time for better efficiency. Delegate tasks: If you have too much on your plate, delegate tasks to others if possible. Delegation can free up your time for tasks that require your expertise. Take breaks. Regular breaks can help improve concentration and productivity. Short pauses can refresh your mind and reduce stress. By implementing these time management skills, you can work more efficiently, leave work on time, and have more time for your personal life. The importance of Personal Time and Self-care Personal time and self-care are essential aspects of work-life balance. Personal time allows you to engage in activities that you enjoy and that rejuvenate you, be it reading a book, gardening, playing a sport, or simply relaxing. It provides an opportunity to unwind, reflect, and reduce stress. Self-care involves taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This could include regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and partaking in activities that uplift your mood and reduce stress, such as meditation or yoga. Spending time on self-care not only boosts your overall well-being but also increases your productivity and efficiency at work. When you're physically healthy and mentally relaxed, you're better able to focus, make decisions, and handle work pressure. Furthermore, prioritizing personal time and self-care sends a message to yourself and others that your needs are important, too. It enhances your self-esteem and contributes to a positive self-image. In a nutshell, personal time and self-care are not indulgences but necessities for a balanced and fulfilling life. The Role of Delegation and Trust in Balancing Work Delegation is a powerful tool in achieving work-life balance. Entrusting tasks to others can free up your schedule, reduce stress, and provide opportunities for others to learn and grow. However, successful delegation requires trust. You need to trust in the abilities of your team members and give them the freedom to complete tasks in their own way. Micromanaging can negate the benefits of delegation and lead to further stress. Start by identifying tasks that others can handle and matching them with individuals who have the right skills. Clearly communicate your expectations, provide the necessary resources, and be available for guidance, but avoid interfering unnecessarily. Delegation also applies to personal life. For example, divide household chores among family members or consider hiring professional services for tasks like cleaning or lawn care to free up more of your time. Remember, trying to do everything yourself can lead to burnout. Trusting others and delegating tasks can help you maintain a healthier work-life balance while also promoting teamwork and efficiency. Maintaining Your Work-Life Balance Navigating Setbacks with Positivity Achieving work-life balance is a continuous process, and it's natural to face setbacks along the way. However, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial to navigating these challenges. Setbacks are not failures, but learning opportunities. They can provide valuable insights into what's working and what needs adjustment. If a certain strategy isn't working, don't be disheartened. Instead, reassess your plan and make the necessary changes. It's important to be flexible and adaptable. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change. Your work-life balance strategies should be able to adapt to these changes. If you find yourself slipping back into old habits, don't berate yourself. Acknowledge the slip and refocus on your goals. Remember to celebrate small victories. Every step towards a better work-life balance, no matter how small, is a success. Celebrating these successes can boost your motivation and positivity. In conclusion, maintaining a positive mindset, being flexible, learning from setbacks, and celebrating small victories can help you navigate challenges and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Regular Check-ins and Adjustments Maintaining work-life balance is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. It requires regular check-ins with yourself and adjustments as necessary. Periodically evaluate your work and personal life. Are you spending an appropriate amount of time on each? Are you feeling stressed or overworked? Are your personal life and relationships suffering? Are you able to pursue your hobbies and interests? If your current situation does not align with your desired work-life balance, identify the areas that need change. These could range from redefining your work boundaries, enhancing your time management skills, delegating more tasks, or including more self-care activities in your routine. Remember, the goal is not perfection but harmony. Don’t strive for a perfect balance, but rather a balance that brings you contentment, reduces stress, and enhances your overall well-being. Regular check-ins and adjustments ensure that your strategies are effective and help you stay on the path to a balanced and fulfilling life. Enshrining Balance in Your Routine Incorporating balance into your daily routine is critical for maintaining work-life equilibrium. This involves dedicating specific time slots for work, rest, personal activities, and social engagements. A well-structured routine can help manage time effectively, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. Start by scheduling your most important or challenging tasks during your most productive hours. Reserve time for breaks and relaxation between intense work periods to rejuvenate yourself. Prioritize personal activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as exercise, a hobby, or spending time with loved ones. Integrate self-care into your routine. This could involve simple activities like a short meditation session in the morning, a healthy breakfast, a mid-day walk, or a relaxing bedtime routine. Ensure that your routine is flexible and adaptable to accommodate unexpected changes or emergencies. Enshrining balance in your routine is not about rigidly sticking to a schedule, but about creating a rhythm that supports your work and personal life in harmony. This can contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Read the full article
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nbenrey-real · 4 years
hlvrai watsonian interpretation concepts
okay buckle in folks because my hyperfixating ass CANNOT let this go and it’s a REAL fuckin long one with a lot of metaphysics nonsense referencing cyberpunk terms, vaguely cthulhu-mythos style reality perception bullshit, and of course a bunch of player-interaction-horseshit thats blatantly the result of undertale and deltarune metaanalysis. Alright, so: 
HLVRAI is the result of three different realities on differing ‘Singularity Levels’- points of where an sapient entity reaches a threshold of awareness of levels ‘above’ them that their perception process becomes incomprehensible to their native zones levels- interacting in a domino effect thanks to one certain eldritch entities desire to give his Mixed-Singularity-Level kid a good 37th birthday party at chuck-e-cheese.
These are: Reality 6-3411, Reality P14Y3R, Reality 41VR41, and Proxy-Realities 814354. 
Reality 6-3411 is where the entity referred to as Gregory ‘G-Man’ Goodman’s Species resides- a race of enigmatic creatures who regularly interact with lower Singularity Levels in hopes of uplifting them to their level, often incubating their young in those realities in order to better communicate. 
G-Man is part of a team charged with interacting with Reality P14Y3R through pre-existing proxy realities, looking for promising candidates- during which he inadvertently began interacting with Reality 41VR41 to a startling degree. Details are fuzzy, but at some point he was graced with a child by a member of that Singularity Level, currently known as Tommy Coolatta. 
Tommy, being born into a lower singularity level with no guarantee of reaching one higher, is difficult to care for properly without harm- G-Man made the decision to leave him in an area so he’d be raised by members of that level while G-Man watched from the sidelines for potential Singularity Level Increase- however, time can be hard for ‘higher’- entities to understand, and he didn't realize how long it really had been. 
While his employers had a vested interest in Tommy’s case, by the time G-Man is made aware of the circumstances of Tommy’s increasing access to higher-levels of perception of time by his employer’s- beginning with ‘seeing fast’ when drinking soda five years before the Black Mesa Incident and slowly progressing from there- Tommy had been inadvertently trapped in one of those pre-existing Proxy-Realities and could not be extracted without assistance from an entity of Reality P14Y3R interacting with a ‘Player Avatar’ based on Proxy-Realities connected to Reality 41VR41.
Reality P14Y3R is one of many realities that commonly interact with a multitude of naturally-occuring Proxy-Realities, often being interpreted as works of fiction to entities from that said level or being created by those same entities themselves. Entities from this reality are capable of interacting with Proxy-Realities which are naturally occurring buffer-zones that separate this reality to those of it’s ‘fiction’ and vice-versa, making them ideal candidates for Reality 6-3411 to utilize in their machinations- detriments to those ‘Player Avatars’ that happen to be caught in the crossfire from lower Singularity Levels notwithstanding.
In terms familiar to those who played undertale? It’s you!
Proxy-Realities 814354 include a variety of shifting sub-realities, namely taking the form of Half-Life, a science fiction first-person shooter where an entity from Reality P14Y3R takes control of the Player Avatar Gordon Freeman, a scientist working at Black Mesa. Included in this reality are a variety of AI created by entities from Reality P14Y3R, of which a few begin to increase in Singularity Level.
The first to gain proper Singularity is an entity known as Benrey, who proceeds to gain awareness of Reality P14Y3R and subsequently reinterprets their world through that knowledge- they are in a game with a script, a world that is not real, death is meaningless and you will simply heal or respawn in time- the only point is to have fun and make it interesting for the Player. 
Benrey quickly removes themselves from the games code, becoming something of an anomaly on their native level and a Netrunner of sorts on the P14Y3R level- they also notice several other AI with increasing Singularity Levels, chiefly among them: 
Tommy Coolatta, an oddity that is almost entirely free of the script and has somehow imported a High-Singularity entity called Sunkist into their reality, acting as a companion.
Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer, a hive-intelligence still deeply-entrenched in the script but with increasing awareness of the limits of their reality.
Bubby, a highly-divergent entity who largely lacks awareness but has almost entirely deviated from the script.
Darnold, an entity largely content with their role who nonetheless has some subconscious awareness of the nature of their reality & is highly deviated from the script.
Frozen, an entity who has knowledge of things from Reality P14Y3R but no self-awareness of such, apparently suffering some amount of confusion as a result but largely harmless.
Though somewhat limited in knowledge of other Reality Levels, Benrey’s observations of the behavior of their companions allows them to come to the conclusion that they need to continue the natural formula of their Proxy-Reality in order to keep their companions stable and potentially allow them to similarly break free of the games script and code.
Singularity Level changes tends to result in a certain amount of dissociation resulting from the sheer influx of information and perceptual changes, with young Singularities often becoming aggressive or depersonalized from emotions for a period- Benrey’s further reliance on the script as a guide while largely ignoring true interaction combined with interpretation of everything from a P14Y3R Level worsens this over time.
Combined with Sensory/Auditory Processing Issues and Aphasia, the resulting entity is confusing, eclectic, and esoteric at the best of times, with a habit of latching onto odd phrasing and obscure personal neologisms- making communication difficult to implausible for entities such as G-Man or Gordon who are unaware of Benrey’s intentions, habits, or goals.
Reality 41VR41 is a reality level that shares traits with a variety of media found in Reality P14Y3R, namely the presence of Black Mesa, Aperture Science, and various realities connected via proxy-node-networks. This is directly connected to Proxy-Realities 814354.
Included in this reality is one Gordon Freeman, an 41VR41 native, single father, and hard working scientist at Black Mesa that found himself mis-introduced to the Proxy Realities due to Metaphysical Similarity- the result of G-Man’s machinations to retrieve his son Tommy which simply caught him in the crossfire, a most unfortunate coincidence.
As a result of entering Proxy-Realities 814354, Gordon was transposed into the position of the Player Avatar that his unaware counterpart usually fulfilled, in essence becoming a semi-possessed puppet being influenced by entities native to the P14Y3R Level- a circumstance that Benrey was not fully aware and comprehending of initially.
Over the course of the events that followed, Gordon slowly became aware of the disparities between the knowledge of his perceived reality 41VR41, the Proxy-Reality he now resided in, and the increasing awareness of the P14Y3R Level which was influencing him. 
Benrey also began to become aware of the discrepancy between what they knew of their Proxy-Realities and the apparent origin of this new entity- which combined with increasing subconscious awareness of aspects of their Metaphysical Counterpart in Reality 41VR41- resulted in an increase in Singularity Level that caused increasing disorientation. 
Benrey simply fell back on following the script to compensate, resulting in Gordons own interpretations and increasing Singularity Level to create a feedback-loop of alterations to the Proxy-Reality and permutations of the Script- resulting in Benrey being defeated and subsequent disincorporation into the net for some time.  
Post-Incident, G-Man continues to Monitor the group, his employers having become highly interested in such a complicated case and he himself feeling some amount of guilt over how much his simple plan of ‘let me put my kid down for a second for the reality level natives to watch them’ managed to make Tommy an orphan and royally fuck up so many young Singularities, an entire Proxy-Reality, and a 41VR41 native who now has a significant amount of burden to bear about his role in all this.
Gordon, now an Ex-Player-Avatar with some buried knowledge of the nature of the realities he interacts with and an increased Singularity Level, has gained access to some of the same abilities Benrey utilized- namely Netrunning, which he utilizes to purposefully move his AI companions between Reality 41VR41 and various P14Y3R-Level-Connected Proxy-Realities in order to assist them in reaching the Singularity Level necessary to function safely and adequately in his native level. 
Essentially, Gordon purposefully puts himself in the position of being a continual Player-Avatar- in spite of the existential nightmare it is- because he wants to make sure his friends can go on to live lives outside of Game Scripts and Weird Transreality Horseshit. He just happens to choose to do so in a way that involves things like beating the shit out of cops and stealing money from banks, because fuck you i’ve earned this. I can have a little ultraviolence, as a treat. 
Benrey meanwhile has reincorporated, now entirely free to act as a Netrunner and game as they please- however, given the status of their native Proxy-Reality as ‘decommissioned’, they’ve instead been booted into Reality 41VR41 as their new native-zone with the other members of the Science Team. This poses a significant problem for them, as they have no context of how to live as a non-proxy entity beyond vague recollections gained from their Metaphysical Counterpart and has no actual presence in said reality- they’re still kind of expecting everything to just reset and put them back.
Tommy- having found out that Benrey had been largely staying in the stops for the bus-lines that used to go to the Black Mesa facility when they weren’t joining in on heists or hanging out with him- proceeded to immediately take to waking up Gordon at 3 am in the morning for two weeks in a row because ‘its storming really bad and they don't have anywhere else to sleep mr. freeman and he gets so worried its so cold they don't know how cold works-’, resulting in gordon just saying fuck it and making Benrey join the Science Team household.
So now Benrey lives in the house Gordon had to buy for the science team to move in with him since ‘you all keep crashing at my place anyways and god damn it i can't leave any of you alone for a minute, bubby has started so many fires-’ and now feels obligated to keep track of the jackass because fucking hell, they don't even know how to microwave things, they’re going to fucking die. Which then promptly turns into genuine concern because jesus christ their memory is complete garbage how are they functioning like this. 
Gordon largely splits his time between caring for Joshua, making everyone do things to encourage neuroplasticity like tangrams, dragging them into whatever Player Interactions G-Man says look promising, and trying to wrangle them so they stop utterly destroying the household minecraft server, come on guys, between benrey and bubby they’ve single handedly resulted in the banning of both tnt and all firespread, can you just chill- COOMER STOP PUNCHING THE GODDAMN HORSES.
Meanwhile Gordon's brother, John Freeman, laboratory office worker and part-time stunt-motorcyclist- who had been babysitting Joshua during all of this horseshit and was about ready to storm Black Mesa his damn self- has not a fucking clue what the hell is going on and why his brother is suddenly 200% more off the shits than normal, now in possession of a prosthetic hand, talking about video games controlling him or something, and in the company of an entire family of eldritch bullshit people who might be robots or something he’s not really sure???   
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