#omw to gege's house
iwantflyingpigs · 1 year
tojification of gojo was not just a fashion choice to make him sexier...
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...but a foreshadowing- yeah right- sure- i gotchu- let me just- let me just grab my knife rq- brb
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wisteriaslibrary · 1 year
MXTX textfic
CHAPTER 1: Lan Wangji’s Credit Card
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Wei Wuxian Added Xie Lian, and Shen Qingqiu 
Shen Qingqiu: Hi Wei Ying 
Wei Wuxian: Heyyyyy
Xie Lian: Hi!
Wei Wuxian: Bro Shen Qingqiu what phone do you have 
Shen Qingqiu: You know Binghe..I have the IPhone 14
Wei Wuxian: You have to get his credit card I need some new shoes!
Xie Lian: I thought Lan Wangji would just buy you some new stuff just ask him?
Wei Wuxian: I would but uh 🌚
Shen Qingqiu: What the hell did you do?
Wei Wuxian: I kinda lost his card at the McDonalds….
Xie Lian: Am I surprised?
Wei Wuxian: Okay shush! What about you Xie Lian?
Xie Lian: Well San Lang was going to buy me the same one as you Shen Qingqiu but I didn’t let him so, I have a Nokia flip
Shen Qingqiu: Why? Why would you?! 🤦🏻
Wei Wuxian: Not even Lan Qiren is that bad…
Xie Lian: Well uhm I lost my other phones so, yeah. But Uhm Wei Wuxian we really need to find Lan Wangji’s Card
Wei Wuxian: Why are we talking about his card now?
Shen Qingqiu: The real question is why were you using Lan Wangji’s Card at McDonalds Are you that broke?
Xie Lian: Okay ^ but you could’ve said it in a nicer way..
Wei Wuxian: So I kinda like spent all my money on importing spicy food and using it to make Mukbangs on BliBli. So I needed some money!
Shen Qingqiu: Dude it’s like 47 yuan….
Wei Wuxian: Okay well if you guys want me to get his card so bad then help me!
Xie Lian: I don’t have a car
Shen Qingqiu: I do but I don’t feel like driving
Wei Wuxian: Wait outside your houses I’m gonna pull up in 5 mins omw 🤪
(An Hour Later)
Wei Wuxian added Hua Cheng, Lan Wangji, and Luo Binghe
Wei Wuxian: Herlp
Luo Binghe: No
Hua Cheng: ^
Lan Wangji: What is it Wei Ying?
Wei Wuxian: This is Shen Qingqiu, wei Wuxian crashed the car into the McDonalds drive thru and now the building is on fire and we are in the police station and we might get arrested help!
Luo Binghe: Shizun!!! Why do you hang out with them! Do you not want to hang out with me?!!!!
Hua Cheng: Tell Gege to text me
Wei Wuxian: His Phone exploded!
Original fic on AO3 by me: MXTX textfic (3402 words) by Lan_Zhanstan
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ex-yixing247-blog · 7 years
“✆” for a MORNING text.( 07:09 —> meimei ) you were out partying until 3am, I know cause that’s when you woke me up with your drunk goodnight text, so: GOOD MORNING MEIMEI!( 07:09 —> meimei ) RISE AND SHINE!( 07:09 —> meimei ) THE SUN IS OUT TO GREET YOU!( 07:10 —> meimei ) HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE WOKEN UP BY TEXTS?( 07:11 —> meimei ) (我爱你~♥)
“✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.( 04:25  —> meimei ) I can’t sleep. I just downed an ungodly amount of sleeping pills. Feels like I’m even more awake than before. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m so lost right now.{delete, delete, delete}
“☎” for a RUSHED text. ( 11:31  —> meimei ) me & u @ u work omw!
“⁇” for a DRUNK text.( 01:20 —> meimei ) i loovvvv uuu-uuuuu( 01:20 —> meimei ) yue arim y sunshiiiii---net( 01:20 —> meimei ) ligjt ofmy life( 01:21 —> meimei ) don ever leavm
“✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.( 10:15  —> meimei ) so I bought this box with all the ingredients for brownies and it’s about to spoil by the end of the week .... ;) ;) ;) 
“ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.( 23:54  —> meimei ) Do you ever wonder about the stars?( 23:54  —> meimei ) I’m talking about the ones in the sky, not those on Byeol’s face, by the way( 23:54  —> meimei ) Cause I know you were about to get confused.
“✘” for a HATEFUL text.>> who are you kidding this type of text from yixing to bora will never exist
“#” for a RANDOM text.( 15:13  —> meimei ) Did you know that if you drink enough black tea you can actually bounce up the stairs on the energy you gain from it?
“@” for a SCARED text.( 05:20  —> meimei ) I can’t feel my legs anymore( 05:20 —> meimei ) my toes won’t move!( 05:22 —> meimei ) nvm I was looking at the other guy’s legs
“&” for a LOVING text.( 21:49  —> meimei ) you are the most wonderful person( 21:49  —> meimei ) the entire universe had to fit together in exactly the right way at exactly the right moment for you to come into existence( 21:49  —> meimei ) you are unbelievably kind, sweet, warm, caring, beautiful and everything right in this world( 21:49  —> meimei ) don’t ever let anyone bring you down( 21:49  —> meimei ) and especially not a stupid guy - with or without stars in his face
“%” for a CURIOUS text.( 18:34  —> meimei ) no, honestly( 18:34  —> meimei )you really think he’s good-looking?( 18:34  —> meimei )because I mean ... he’s definitely not my type.( 18:35  —> meimei )perhaps that’s for the best though
“ツ” for an EXCITED text.( 12:21  —> meimei ) YOUR NEW COLLECTION IS ALMOST COMING OUT( 12:21  —> meimei ) I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FASHION BUT I’M STILL EXCITED( 12:21  —> meimei ) GO MEIMEI GO \o/
“$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.( 02:35  —> meimei ) your place or mine?( 02:35  —> meimei ) I mean dinner tomorrow( 02:35  —> meimei ) let’s have it( 02:36  —> meimei ) your place or mine?
“♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. ( 00:00 —> meimei ) I just finished work and( 00:00 —> meimei ) I went home to the house, not my apartment( 00:00 —> meimei ) out of a habit( 00:00 —> meimei ) new people live there now( 00:01 —> meimei ) ... I miss him
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