lv3buzzz 3 months
hiii i was the music anon lmao ty for the recs, i will deff try listening to live through this and blur :)) (also, you have great music taste)
i was straifht up obsessed w them last year and at the beginning of this year
i could rant abohr mcr for hours omld djdjdjddjdjdhdhdj
i lowkey ranted for the music ask so sorry 馃様馃様
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justanotherspeaker 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
An extended clip w/CC
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lo-cinno 2 years
I passed
I fkinpased
All nine subjects
Even the ones i. Never paseed before
I paseed alla of the en oml
Even the oral tests
And my engliaxh overlal was ranked C1
Omld dhsjdjcbchkskx excuse fme im gonans fkin cry /pos
I can actually get my sigiil andb i dont have tto retake theb exams
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greenb0i 2 years
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sparklingichigo 3 years
OVA III - Beel's courting
A/N: This chapter is inspired by a headcanon made by @diavolosthots you can find the actual writing here!
This happens during the times where Beel and Ichigo are not together yet. It was the time where Beel finally realized that he genuinely likes Ichigo and wants to pursue her. Of course, it wouldn't be easy since this girl is friendly and kind to everyone, even him. It's to the point that's he's confused if she's flirting or just being nice to him.
Belphie: So you like-like her?
Beel: I do, but I do need some advice from you since she's actually friendly to everyone :(
Belphie: I think it is safe to pursue her since she's a single pringle.
Beel: True...
Belphie: You can do it Beel! I believe in you!
Beel: Thanks a lot, Belphie!
After talking to Belphie, Beel tells the other brothers that he's about to enter that phase, just if anything he said would be harmful and so that they won't disturb him during such phase.
With that, the courting phase begins. From the looks of it, Ichigo notices that Beel always appears in the same places as her. When she gets out from magic class with Solomon, Beel is waiting for her outside her classroom. It was unfortunate that Beel has a different schedule from her despite having the same exact major.
Solomon: Oh, Hey, Beel!
Beel: Hey, Solomon^^
Ichigo: Beel!! [runs to give him a hug]
Beel: O-oh hey ^^
Ichigo: Did you come to get me? Am I invited to your taste trip again?
Beel: Yeah, I actually want to take you out for lunch today. I know you like exploring Devildom's food, right?
Ichigo: I do! It's interesting actually^^
Solomon: Well, I'll get going. Have fun, you two.
Ichigo: Bye, Monsolo!!
As soon as Solomon leaves, the two go to the restaurant that Beel wants to take her to. It's called Devil's chicken. Devil's chicken just opened days ago, and it seems to be a really famous chicken restaurant in devildom.
Ichigo: These are actually good! I like it!
Beel: You do?
Ichigo: Yeah, I'll give it a 5/5!
Beel responds with a smile listening to her remarks. He's already whipped since day one, especially after Ichigo saved him and Luke from Lucifer's wrath. That's where he starts to admire her. Sure, at first he thinks she's just a delicious meal, now she's not only a delicious meal, but she's also something more. Plus, he admits that Ichigo is good-looking, Asmo has stated, but he hasn't paid any attention until they stayed together in his room. That's when he starts getting attracted to her!
Ichigo: Beel?
Beel: Yeah?
Ichigo: You're blanking out... are you okay?
Beel: Yeah. Oh, there's something on your face
Ichigo: Hm? What is it?
Beel: Here, let me help.
Beel helps Ichigo get rid of the chicken crumbs on her face as the pink-haired girl smiles shyly at this action. Ichigo herself does find Beel attractive because who wouldn't be attracted to that handsome face, tall body, and- *cough* friendly nature.
Anyways, the more they got closer, the clingier Beel got. Luckily it doesn't bother Ichigo since she has some space to herself as well. But it gets a bit troublesome when Beel reaches the next phase, the protective phase. How do we explain this? This man has always been protective, but this time it's troublesome because he actually replaces Mammon as Ichigo's study partner and actually the one taking her to school.
Mammon: Wait! Beel! Hold up!! [chasing after them]
Beel: It's okay, Mammon. I'll be the one taking her. Besides, you have a different major, right?
Mammon: Well...yeah, but still! Lucifer might kill me!
Beel: He won't. I'll explain to him. Don't worry!
Mammon: Alright then... be careful, human!
Ichigo: Don't worry! Beel is a good protector~
Mammon: Shut it! I'm literally your first!
Ichigo: Yeah, yeah~
Another time, Beel actually hangs out inside Ichigo's room, more often confusing everyone. Not only that, they all get glares and growls from this man just because they're entering Ichigo's room except for Haruka since it's her room too. The first victim is Asmo since he wants Ichigo to model for him for another clothing line he's doing, but as soon as he opens the door....that man literally glares at him.
Asmo: [opens the door unannounced] Bestie~! Let's go! I need you for-
Beel: [glaring at Asmo]
Asmo: What's wrong?
Beel: Get out.
Asmo: Why should I?! Plus, Ichigo has promised that she'll model for me!
Beel: Get. Out!
Asmo:... oh my goodness! Are you in that phase?!
Beel: Asmo, please don't make me repeat it!
Asmo: Alright, okay! Understandable! Good luck, Beel!
The door slams close as the girl beside him glances at Beel confusedly.
Ichigo: What's wrong?
Beel: It's nothing. I'm just in a terrible mood...that's all
Ichigo: Oh, do you want to do something to cheer you up?
Beel: Having you near me is enough actually^^
Ichigo blushes a little by that statement, but she doesn't say a thing and just snuggles into Beel's hold once again. Yes, they're actually just laying down on her bed with a movie playing in front of them.
Another time, Satan wants to return a book to Ichigo because they've been exchanging them a lot. Once he opens the door, he finds Beel glaring at him. Satan, being the avatar of wrath, is clearly offended.
Satan: What?! Can I not return my book?!
Beel: Then make it quick.
Satan: What?!
Beel: Just put it there, and go!
Satan: excuse me?! Okay, first of all, you piece of sht, you've monopolizing her! I can't even exchange books freely with her because as soon as I did that, you dragged her away into what?! Some unimportant bullsht like this!
Beel: Satan, please don't-
Satan: And you know what?! Just because you're pursuing her doesn't give you the right to be an asshole!
Ichigo: Sa-Satan...calm down...it's okay....just put the book there...
Satan: Shut it, human! This is none of your business!
And that does it, f in the chatroom for Satan's cheek because Beel literally just punched him there.
Satan: Did you just punched me?! Oh! So that's how it is, huh?! Let's do this then! [demon form mode on]
Ichigo: Guys...there's no need to fight.....
Beel: Let's go then- [completely ignoring Ichigo's words]
Ichigo: Beel, get back here! The movie is still going!
Beel: But-
Ichigo: Please? [puppy eyes]
Beel instantly went soft and did what Ichigo told him. Satan rolls his eyes and places the book on Ichigo's table, and gets out of there. The next victim is Mammon, who walks in unannounced. Oh, boy, that's just worse.
Mammon: Hey, human! Guess what!
Beel: [glaring at him]
Mammon: What?!
Beel: [still doing that]
Ichigo: [points at the door awkwardly]
Mammon: Right...that horrible phase of courting....dang it! [exits the door]
Once Mammon exits the door, he sees Asmo and Satan giving him the "I told you so" look. It's not like he didn't believe them, but it's Beel! He's the kindest demon of them all. How could he scold his own siblings?
Satan: First of all, he did. Didn't you hear us shouting there?!
Mammon: You probably did something fatal to him!
Satan: I was just returning a book! How is that fatal?!
Asmo: And Ichigo has promised to model for me today! Now I have to postpone every single set in existence!
Satan: I'll just do this reasonably. Who here, when they have a crush on someone, would go overprotective?
Mammon: [is silent]
Asmo: Mammon, don't play this game with me. You are too protective for your own good!
Mammon: Fine... [raises his hand]
Satan: So am I, and I'm well aware of that [putting his hand up]
Asmo: I'm guessing Levi, Lucifer and Belphie is also part of that. I'm more on the flirty side, you know~
Satan: We know-
As the three of them discuss this, Haruka sees them, and she asks them what's going on out of curiosity.
Satan: [sigh] That friend of yours is stuck in that room with Beel! He won't even let us in, look! He even punched me!
Haruka: Perhaps you did something incredibly wrong?
Satan: How is returning my book wrong?!
Haruka: Why are you shouting at me?!
Satan: Because I'm still pissed?!
Asmo: Why are you guys getting loud?!
Satan and Haruka: SHUT IT!
Suddenly they hear Levi's door slam open with an angry avatar of envy right there.
Levi: What's with yall?! Why are you so loud in the middle of the night?!
Satan: None of your business, you, snake of a demon!
Levi: Okay...?
Asmo: [sigh] Beel has been scolding us for no reason and has been overly protective of Ichigo. When I say over, I mean OVERLY and UNREASONABLE!
Levi: I'm sure something you guys did may harm that girl. It ain't that big of a deal.
Asmo: It does! It does to my career!
Satan: ...it's not a big deal, but it still pisses me off because he dares to act like an asshole just because he likes someone.
Levi: Wait...
Satan: What?
Mammon: You haven't noticed?!
Mammon: Do his acts not reminded you of every single romance show you watched?!
Levi: Sort- OMLD!
Another door was opened by an annoyed Lucifer, shouting at them to shut up because their loudness gave him a migraine.
Lucifer: Can you all keep it down?!
Satan: Well, blame your younger brother then!
Lucifer: ???
Belphie: zzz.....Beel is in the courting phase....zzz...
Lucifer facepalms at this, but it's best not to disturb him since Beel is on his courting phase. It might create more problems, so Lucifer doesn't bother confronting that gluttony of a demon and just goes back to his office.
Haruka: Are you sure he literally did not let anyone in?
Asmo: Solomon once got smacked by a pillow when he was trying to return something.
Haruka: Really?
Asmo: Yeah, I'd probably justify it if it's out of shock. But nope, Beel actually goes to that portal and Smacks Solomon's head as soon as it pops up.
Haruka: Wow, he's not only protective but violent as well?
Satan: Yes, yes he is [sigh]
Without hesitation, Haruka goes to her room. Of course, the brothers try to stop her out of concern, but Haruka doesn't listen to them because it's her room too.
Haruka: [knocking on the door] Ichigo, you there?
Ichigo: Yep! Right here! Beel is with me too!
Haruka: Can I come in?
Haruka waits for the answer until she hears the door unlock and Beel's voice answering her.
Beel: Yes, you can.
Haruka: Oh, Thank God- [entering the room] oh! You guys are watching a movie?
Beel: Yeah!
Ichigo: Do you want to join us?
Haruka : If Beel allows me^^
Beel was a bit hesitant about this idea, but he lets her watch the movie with them. Meanwhile, in Lucifer's office, the rest of the brothers (namely Mammon, Satan, and Asmo) complain about Beel's attitude causing the eldest to slam his desk to shut them up.
Lucifer: Then don't disturb him!
Satan: What?! Okay, first off, just because you're pursuing someone doesn't mean you should be an asshole to others!
Lucifer: Don't play this game with me, Satan. You know well that this phase isn't something he can't control!
Satan: Oh? So we're talking self-control, huh?! How about you control that pride of yours, huh?!
Asmo and Mammon gasp at Satan's comment because, oh wow, this is getting personal. Lucifer glares at his brother/son while Satan looks as smug as ever.
Lucifer: Mammon, Asmo, take him out of my office.
Mammon: Will do-
Asmo: Okay-
The two brothers dragged Satan away from the office, leaving Lucifer sighing and thinks he might need something to relieve his stress.
About the phase, there's something odd about it. Because Beel surprisingly allows the angels to meet Ichigo! The target of his pursue! One time, Simeon and Luke both visit because Simeon needs to meet Haruka and Luke wants to meet Ichigo to share food together.
Beel: Oh well, Haruka is in her room with Ichigo.
Luke: Ooh! Is she busy?
Beel: Not really^^ [sniffs the air] Oh, those smell good-
Luke: No! [puts the basket away] These are for Ichigo! >:(
Beel: Alright, alright^^ [pats Luke]
The other brothers witnessing this are confused. Why is Beel allowing the angels in?!
Satan: Are you for real?!
Asmo: I'm so confused-
Mammon: He let them in, and he's friendly with them?!
Satan: That doesn't make sense! We're all men, and we can't enter her room yet when it's Simeon and Luke they can?!
Asmo: That's so unfair!
As Beel takes them into the room, the chaotic trio (yes, Satan is now as chaotic due to his rage) chases after him. The three of them basically trying to enter.
Satan: Beel! Open up! This doesn't make any sense! You're allowing them in, but we can't?!
Asmo: Bestie, Ichigo? Can I come in? I won't do much. Cross my heart!
Mammon: Heh! Courting phase, my ass! You're just monopolizing her for your own benefit!
Haruka, who is also inside, is concerned because THEIR DOOR IS ABOUT TO BREAK FOR THE NTH TIME!
Haruka: That door is going to break! We need someone to stop it
Simeon: ... I didn't know your phase would go this bad, Beel...
Beel: I told them I'd be in my courting phase, and I even apologized beforehand for my actions, but here we are...
Ichigo: You're in a what-
Luke: What even is going on? What phase? Why am I here?
Beel: No-nothing! I'm just-
Haruka: [sigh] Whatever, we need someone to prevent the door from breaking apart. The last time that broke was because SOMEONE is too SENSITIVE of his FOOD!
Beel: Can we stop talking about that... it's been months!
Haruka: Just stop that! I don't want my door breaking out again!
Beel: Fine-
Ichigo: Wait, no-
Haruka: ??? Our door is going to break, and you still hesitate?!
Ichigo: I know what to do- [calls Lucifer]
With that, Ichigo calls Lucifer to help them with the door. Lucifer sighs for the nth time. How many times does he need to deal with this?!
Lucifer: For the last time! STOP BOTHERING HIM!
Satan: It isn't fair! He even lets Simeon and Luke in!
Lucifer: They're angels-
Satan: Yeah? Tell that to Solomon, who got smack by him because he's trying to return something.
Lucifer: Solomon is suspicious, and I'm sort of proud he did that. Now get off the door before I use physical force on you.
Asmo: But-
Lucifer: NOW!
Asmo and Mammon back away while Satan scoffs and just leans on the door. We have no idea why he's so persistent. Either he's into one of the girls, or he just wants to piss Lucifer off.
Lucifer: [sigh] Fine, physical force it is. [drags Satan by force]
Satan: What the?! Let go! Hey! LET GO!!
Satan: This is none of your business!
Lucifer: Clearly is, Beel's my brother, and obviously, our honored guest needs my help.
Satan: Just let go of me, you prideful prick!
Back inside, the rest are listening to the chaos out there. They did hear Lucifer scolding them but finally, it's silent.
Haruka: Oh God, finally!
Beel: Finally, indeed...
Ichigo: Can someone just tell me what's going on?!
Beel: I can't.... not now, at least...
Ichigo: Why not?! Beel, I don't know how the demon system works, sure, but you have to be honest with me!
Beel: If I tell you.... it would just fail. Can you please trust me on this? This is not a bad thing, okay...
Ichigo: Not a bad thing?! You're literally keeping me away from your brothers! Are you sure this isn't a bad thing?!
Luke: ?? Why are they fighting??
Simeon: I'm not sure.... let's just leave them...
Haruka: I think that's a good idea... sure, let's do that...
Days have passed, and Ichigo is still a bit salty about this. Because clearly, Beel has gone a bit overprotective for his own good. Even when she's hanging out with Belphie, that man would literally growl at his own twin. I repeat, his OWN TWIN BROTHER! Even the youngest groans in frustration hearing him.
Belphie: Beel! This is my room! Come on!
Beel: Fine....just don't come near her. [actually keeps Ichigo close]
Belphie: I won't! Chill out, twin bro!
Beel: Okay...
Ichigo: What's happening? Why are you still like this?!
Belphie: He's in-
Beel: [glares at Belphie]
Belphie: Well, alright then- :))
The last case is when Lucifer calls Ichigo into his office. Beel is hesitant to let her leave, but this is Lucifer, so he has to. Once she's there, it turns out that Lucifer found out about Beel's actions and asked about them.
Lucifer: So, I heard Beel is on another phase, is he?
Ichigo: A phase? What phase?
Lucifer: A phase where he turns into an overprotective demon.
Ichigo: That's true... I'm not sure why, though.
Lucifer: Of course not. You're not a demon, Ichigo. You have 0 idea how the system works.
Ichigo: True...
Lucifer: He's actually on his courting phase.
Ichigo: Courting phase?
Lucifer: Yes, just like in the human world. He's courting you.
Ichigo: ...what?!
Lucifer: I'm not surprised. Honestly, he's already whipped. But here's the issue with that behavior. He'll most likely abandon his tasks for you or the other way around, pulling you away from your tasks. Now we don't want that don't we?
Ichigo: Certainly not, sir-
Lucifer: Indeed. I'm not sure when it'll end, but you need to catch up on your tasks and your report soon once that phase ends.
Ichigo: Of course
Jokes on you all, there's more. Because that one time, Ichigo, Haruka, and Levi are watching TSL. Levi even invited Simeon and Solomon to watch with them. Ichigo is so engorged in that movie that she didn't realize Beel has joined them.
Simeon: Oh hey, Beel! You're here to join us?
Beel: Yep^^
Levi: Probably here for the snack. Here, have them. [gives Beel popcorns]
Beel: Thanks a lot, Levi!
The movie went on as the TSL fans (Levi and Solomon) focused on the film. Haruka and Ichigo are not big fans, but they must admit it's a good movie. Suddenly, Ichigo feels a head on her shoulder. She turns her head to the right and finds Beel leaning on her shoulder. He's even nuzzling on her neck.
Ichigo: Beel, that tickles- [tries not to laugh]
Beel: Oh...can I still lean on you?
Ichigo: Sure, that's okay^^
Beel: Thanks, you're really cozy [gives her a slight ruffle on her hair]
Ichigo: Hey! You're going to ruin it!
Beel: No, I didn't!
The others stare at them, yes, even Levi because these two are kinda loud. Levi rolls his eyes and scolds them for talking during a movie.
Levi: Can you two normies take the flirting somewhere else?!
Beel:... :(
Ichigo: Sorry Levi- ;-;
Haruka: Don't mind them, Levi. We can still watch the movie.
Levi: Fine...
Solomon holds down his laughter because he can clearly see these two are pinning. The way Beel clings to her and how Ichigo reacts to it, that's quite obvious to this sorcerer. Haruka also notices, which is why she justifies their action. They're in love; let them be!
Now back to the movie, they all watch it silently this time, but because of how late they're watching, Ichigo turns sleepy and accidentally sleeps on the couch. Everyone looks back and sees the pink-haired girl asleep with a blanket on top of her, hugging her water bottle. Levi and Beel both went soft on her, plus knowing how many tasks Lucifer has given her, yeah, no wonder she's tired.
Haruka: Beel, can you get her into our room?
Beel: Of course^^
Haruka: I feel bad that she's sleeping on the sofa like this...
Beel: Yeah...
With that, Beel carries Ichigo back to Haruka's and Ichigo's room. Once they're gone, Solomon, Levi, and Haruka sigh while Simeon is just there staring at them confusedly.
Solomon: Those two are clearly in love!
Haruka: I know, right?! I can see it!
Levi: Beel be acting as the male lead of some shoujo manga or something-
Simeon: He reminds me of a book character, such a sweetheart^^
Haruka: I agree entirely. Hope they'll get together soon. They're just adorable together~
Levi: This normie talk makes me wanna puke!
Solomon: There's a toilet. Use it. [deadpan]
Levi: Shut it!
Weeks later, the courting phase has died down, and Beel finally musters his courage to tell her his feelings. He looks for her everywhere and finally finds her in the kitchen making instant noodles in the middle of the afternoon since it's Sunday and there's no food around.
Ichigo: Oh! Hey, Beel!
Beel: Hi [awkwardly]
Ichigo: What's up? Hungry by chance?
The orange-haired man nod as he goes to the fridge to get some snacks. Perhaps an ice cream Mammon bought for him when he went grocery shopping. Once he gets his snack, Ichigo is also finished with her instant noodle. The two finally sit together in silence, yet it's sort of awkward because Beel keeps on fidgeting.
Ichigo: Beel, what's wrong?
Beel: I'm fine... the noodles smell good, by the way
Ichigo: I present to you, Indomie! It's a human-world instant noodle. Do you want some?
Beel: If you don't mind...
Ichigo: Of course not, let me get a plate for you- [goes to the pantry to get one]
Beel: Wait!
Ichigo: Hm?
Beel: I have to tell you something...
Ichigo: Oh? What is it [going back to her chair]
Beel: I like you.
Ichigo: I know, we're friends. We're literally close!
Beel: Friends don't kiss...don't they?
Ichigo: They can if you live in France...I don't know how devildom works, though...
Beel: Ichigo, I like you, as a lover-
Ichigo: A-A lover?!
Beel: Please tell me you reciprocate my feelings.... you do, right?
Ichigo: I do... but I'm not ready for a relationship... is it okay if we take this slow?
Beel: I'm totally okay with that. I just need to let it out since my courting phase has died down.
Ichigo: Well, that's true. That was a wild ride- [laughs slightly]
Beel: It is...
Ichigo: Have you apologized to them?
Beel: I do...Satan smacked me with his thick novel for it, though.
Ichigo: Really?! Where did he hit you?! Is it painful?!
Beel: Quite painful, but I'm fine now. He hit me around this area, I think... [points to that area]
Suddenly Beel feels Ichigo's fingers go through that area, rubbing it to soothe the pain.
Ichigo: I can still feel the bump in there. I think it's not fully healed.
Beel: Really?
Ichigo: Yeah... you poor thing :(
Beel: I'm okay, really
Ichigo: Still, I was the cause of all your conflicts with all your brothers-
Beel: Hey, hey, don't blame yourself for it! It's not your fault!
Ichigo still feels guilty, causing Beel to sigh and pulls her into his lap, earning him a surprised yelp from the pink-hair girl. Beel looks up to her as Ichigo instinctively wraps her arms around his neck to keep her position.
Beel: It's not your fault, okay. Every demon experiences this. It just differs between demons. We do get protective of the beings that we love. Some are overly protective like me...some do it more subtlety, but everyone is different.
Ichigo: So it's just your way of courting me?
Beel: It is. If anything, I'm sorry. You're probably overwhelmed by it...
Ichigo: It's okay, and I'm sorry for snapping at you that one time. Plus, if that didn't happen, we won't be here, don't we?
Beel: True, very true, and I'm totally okay with that. You have no idea what's going on.
Ichigo smiles sweetly at the man beneath her, and he returns it. Until they hear footsteps coming to the kitchen. The two of them stare at the intruder, and it turns out to be Satan, about to cook some lunch for everyone.
Satan: What the fck-
Ichigo: I can explain!
Satan: Please do! Because I'm sure such affections can be done in the bedroom!
Ichigo rolls her eyes and gets off Beel to finish her indomie while Beel just throws the ice cream package on the trash can. Well, that's an awkward ending, but that's pretty much how Beel courts Ichigo, and with her, they create a beautiful relationship together~
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sixphon6s 3 years
Saba album tit fa tat amazing n cohesive start to finish oMLd
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webpuzzlemaster 4 years
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justanotherspeaker 5 years
Yasha鈥檚 bigger muscles = Second puberty
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justanotherspeaker 5 years
Flirting with...grass???
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