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softandwildx · 1 year ago
Why am I just learning about the Japanese Omibozu and why is there not more media about it?????
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skirino · 11 months ago
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' ¿y un kraken? ' pestañea seguido, con la vista fijada en él. de hecho, le gustaba cualquier concepto estrambótico dispuesta a sembrar caos entre los humanos. por eso vivía consumiendo historias sobre leyendas del folclore a diestra y siniestra. ' pero las medusas te quedan mejor... si fueras una, te imagino con muchos tonos iridiscentes. azul, violenta... blanco moteado también, ' apoya las palmas a cada costado mientras se hunde entre hombros, ladea la cabeza y se toma su tiempo para examinarle a detalle. vástago, humano, o criatura mitológica, lo veía como algo que llamaría su atención a simple vista tanto por su peculiaridad, como por su inherente belleza (interna y externa). ' creo que nada en específico les hace enfadar, ya aparecen muy enfadados cuando se topan contigo, prácticamente dispuestos a ahogarte. dicen que los omibozu son los espíritus de sacerdotes que han sido tirados al mar por los aldeanos... por eso sólo quieren venganza, ' ríe moviendo la cabeza de izquierda a derecha. ' ¿no te llama la atención nadar? o quizá sólo no se ha dado la oportunidad... ' le gustaría imaginar una respuesta por su cuenta, pero no puede. ' ¿qué me dices del mar? ¿o eres más de montaña? '
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' tengo que discrepar. tildas todas las casillas necesarias, incluida esa... aunque hasta donde sé no tienes todos los dientes afilados como en las historias más sombrías ' chasquea su lengua con aflicción que es simple parte de fantasioso relato. diestra, en tanto, se desliza por encima de agua casi helada apenas tocándola. ' ¿quizás una medusa? me gustan sus colores, pero también... podría ser una de esas grandes criaturas tenebrosas del fondo profundo del océano y ayudarte con esos marineros indiscretos ' quizás destino secreto de seres marítimos de los que poco se conocía eran más acorde a él que una vista que, por más fascinante que resultara, se quedaba en primer impresión superficial. debe esforzarse en hacer memoria por el demonio mencionado, y aún así, le cuesta. ' ¿qué era lo que lo hacía enfadar? ¿recuerdas? ' como si la posibilidad fuese genuina, el tono es serio. ' quizás nos queda rogar porque el cisne no se hunda, hace demasiado tiempo no intento ni siquiera nadar. siento que es una actividad demasiado...ajena, a nuestras vidas. '. @skirino
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gintamayorozuya · 5 years ago
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♥ G I N T A M A ♥
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mo-az-blog · 7 years ago
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10.30 #yokaitober #inktober2017 #inktober #yokai #art #drawings #illustration #omibozu #sea #japanesemonster #japan #sketch
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harquii · 4 years ago
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I have always been alone.
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As long as your here, Our family will be fine.
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 years ago
Genshin Impact Necro AU: The Eight Element - Uses, Visions, Elemental Beings
Necro is devided into two kinds of energy - integrated and freeform.
Integrated Necro is responsible for separating the bond between a soul and its body. The emission of this energy is responsible for the mortality of most beings. It can't be separated, but it can be sapped in small amounts with certain crystals.
Freeform Necro is the released version, susceptible to manipulation. It has a lethal effect on life, being the direct counterbalance to it. It can be controlled as pure power in the form of a deathwind, but also put inside crystals to use as grenades or batteries. Some materials are more sensitive to it, finding their use in healing.
The most important use of freeform Necro, however, is the production of Necro cores. These devices create an artificial link between the souls of the dead and new vessels, thus creating the undead. The energy stored in the core connects bones, holds together rotting flesh and grants enough motoric power to give skeletons the ability to move, but sometimes even supernatural strenght.
This leads us to the various beings related to the eight element.
The prime and most common ones are generally classified as undead. This group includes everything from zombies, ghosts and skeletons, which divide further into many roles in Arfill's army, as well as levels of power. For example liches, Death Knights and Wights are considered undead, as every one of them has some form of Necro core powering them. It is their major weak point, able to quickly sever their connection and turn their vessel into a pile of dusty remains.
The second type is called abberations. These are not strictly dependant on the element itself, but are related to it. They are being either born under the influence of Necro, corrupted by it or simply in alliance with the Standard Bearers or Arfill. Examples include Ningen, Omibozu, Amalgamations, Mirages or Embers. The only living Necro vision bearer, Sakurai Denki, is also included here.
Obviously, there exist more divine Necro beings, but they don't fall into the mentioned cathegories.
And finally, a word on Necro visions. As the element is artificial, at first every attempt to gift someone from the mortal plain one resulted in their souls collapsing and creating Embers - violent spirits consisting of pure black fire, living for hours, maybe days at most before dispersing into nothingness. Only after Arfill broke Celestia's barrier separating life and death a certain amount of freefrom Necro started to nestle in on the mortal plain, granting mortals and gods a small tolerance for its existance. Yet, despite this, the average human or demigod was too weak to hold up a Necro vision, so they were gifted to undead instead. Every walking corpse can control Necro to some extent, but Vision holders do so with much more ease and profficency
Sidenote: When a soul is returned and placed in a vessel, it binds to one of the Standard Bearers. As long as these timeless beings exist, the souls can be infinetely brought back in new vessels.
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Thanks for reading!
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quarbonus · 3 years ago
What is the new variant of corona called? Omibozu?
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endorfina19 · 12 years ago
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gintamayorozuya · 7 years ago
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Yato Family 
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