#omgg higgs no xD
zune-ishi · 7 months
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The child was huffing and growling to get away from the demen and his quote on quote pathetic band.
Zen wriggled out of one of the lackeys arms as she was then caught by higgs.
" let‐!? Me go-!? You stupid guitarists~!? " she kicks trying to get free. Higgs scoffs scooping her up while walking over to the sarcophagi to kick it open as he placed the girl inside.
" All right! You need a timeout-! Nighty night~! "
Zen gasps as she was placed into It to then have the mechanical closure move up to shut. Zenna's muffled screams an cried could be heard throughout the room.. hopefully her father would come to her aid.. no doubt about that..
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zune-ishi · 4 years
zen laughs as she runs off with the demens glove as she smiled. it was so much fun to play keep-away..~ 
The child hums while trying to find a hiding place. 
‘ head back to town..? no..!? ‘ 
she shook her head no while pondering. there was really only boulders and grasslands out in central knot city. 
“ uh.. um. I gotta hiide..!? “ she made up her mind as she runs over to a few boulders hunkering down as she tried to keep quiet.. 
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