#omgcp 12 days prompts
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cricketnationrise · 1 year ago
Weekend WIP Around
so. i'm bad at responding to tag games at the best of times. and then i worked 11 days straight and lost all sense of time and space. but! ive had several days off now, my head is screwed on relatively straight again, so here we go. thanks to: @cha-melodius @three-drink-amy @inexplicablymine @affectionatelyrs @dumbpeachjuice @welcometololaland @celaestis1 @indomitable-love @14carrotghoul @rmd-writes @doggernaut @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin and @read-and-write- for the MANY tags over the last two weeks! have some words! 💜🦗
I'm using @welcometololaland's 20 question game for writers and artists (thanks Lola, this is so fun!)
1. WIP List: (from my "Active WIPs" folder otherwise we'd be here 5eva) Game Changer (Noise Boys) Tortall AU [FTH] rwrb assassination attempt AU [FTH] jon/alanna Tortall canon-divergence [FTH] an incomplete list series going platinum sequel jack's off-season wishlist series rwrb kiss-cam omgcp say yes to the dress au
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest? Game Changer AU ~2.4k
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest? eventually an incomplete list series since it has the most parts planned, but the going platinum sequel has more than a little potential to explode on me
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why? I am SUPER enjoying writing the Game Changer AU right now, it's really fun coming up with all the prompts!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why? jon/alanna canon-divergence. hands down. it's not a pairing i usually seek out, and i want to write them believably, especially since it's for charity
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why? see above.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why? probably everything on this list will get a beta pass, actually. kiss cam will depend on how long i end up making it/if it actually gets a whole plot XD
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block? jon/alanna has less of a writer's block and more of a starting block, but i'm hopeful that once i figure out the plot the writing will come fairly easily. kiss-cam au I paused on purpose because i was writing The Mummy AU and Going Platinum at the same time and a third wip was driving me crazy.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them? none of them have OC's at this time
10. Which WIP is the sexiest? Going Platinum sequel 🤝 Jack's Off-Season Wishlist
11. Which WIP is the angstiest? rwrb assassination attempt AU, for obvious reasons
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)? well, i hope all of them!
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)? ditto from above
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on? as of today, Game Changer Tortall AU
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why? Going Platinum sequel. I cut a lot of ideas from the original fic because they didn't make sense with the hiding identities I had going on, so now that they're together, I'm really excited to figure out how alex's job (and henry's support of it) lets their relationship evolve and grow
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs? not about any of these, but while I was writing the Mummy AU I watched the movie so frequently that I would regularly dream about that one.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't? Going Platinum sequel - choreography complications since they still aren't showing their faces on the streams Game Changer Tortall AU - working within the framework of the show itself, possibly coding the whole thing to look like a script
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour? Game Changer AU for sure.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process? not right now!
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs. say yes to the dress au - Bitty as Randy, but it's a Nurseydex endgame fic AND a bonus snippet from the Game Changer Tortall fic to make up for all the 6/7 sentences/wip weds i've missed :D
“Tonight’s guests: coming in fresh from a shower: it’s Merric Hollyrose! Looking around for somewhere to tie his horse: Owen Jesslaw! Tallest, oldest, last – and certainly not happy about it – it’s Neal Queenscove! And your host, me! I’ve been here the whole time.” “Welcome to Gamechanger, the only game show where the game changes every show. I am your host, Kel Mindelan, and I’m joined today by these three lovely contestants. Now, you all understand how the game works?” Merric shakes his head. “Nope.”  “Haven’t the foggiest,” says Owen cheerful as always in the face of the unknown. “You haven’t explained a dratted thing.” Neal pouts and Kel feels the last wisps of nerves melt away in response. Kel knows how to do this – getting Neal to hit peak dramatically grumpy levels is as natural as breathing. She throws Neal a cheeky grin before turning back to the camera. “That’s right! Our players have no idea what game it is that they’re about to play. The only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning, and the only way to begin is by beginning, so without further ado – let’s begin.”
Consider this an open tag to play along!
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12daysofficmas · 4 years ago
12 Days of Ficmas Prompts
Welcome to the Check, Please 12 Days of Ficmas! If you’re interested in creating a fanwork for this event and are feeling a little low on inspiration, we have prompts for you! 
There is no formal claims process for this event. If you’re feeling inspired by one of these prompts, you’re welcome to use it. You don’t have to let us know which one you’ve claimed, what type of fan work you plan to create, or when you’re going to post. Just plan to post your creation between December 24 and January 6 with the tag #omgcp12days so we can reblog here. Don’t worry, we’ll remind you here as the date approaches, so be sure to follow us.  And remember, this is a low stress low key event.  There is no word minimum for fics.  We just want you to have fun and celebrate the Check, Please fandom!
These prompts were submitted to our in-box during our call for prompts. We’ll share a more general winter-themed prompt list in another post if you need more inspiration.
Playlist Prompts:
Holiday with a Baby! (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.) Rating: General (All Ages) First
Jack’s Holiday Playlist Rating: General (All Ages) 
Fic Prompts:
Bitty’s sophomore year. SMH decorates the Haus for the holidays. Bitty bakes. Maybe throw some caroling in there. Rating: General (All Ages)
Jack, Bitty, holidays through the years. Rating: Any  (MUST BE OVER 18 TO FULFILL THE PROMPT AS EXPLICIT.)
Kent attends a holiday party for NHL All Stars, only his ex, Jack Zimmermann, will be in attendance with his new fiancé. Kent has the bright idea of asking someone to be his fake date for the evening. Rating: General (All Ages)
Holster learns to cook Ransom's favorite dish(es), with or without Bitty helping.  Holsom welcome but not required.  Heartfelt use of their first names and "bro" very much appreciated.  I'm looking for Year 1 Best Friend Sundaes levels of fluff. Rating: General (All Ages)
Whiskey spends the holiday break with the Tangredi family. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Shinny on the pond. Rating: General (All Ages)
Bitty and Jack take a walk in Madison during Year 4 Christmas to look at the lights. Rating: Explicit  (MUST BE OVER 18 TO FULFILL THIS PROMPT.)
NurseyDex’s first delightfully awkward Christmas as a couple. Must include fluff! Rating: Mature
Bitty wants to add some spice to the 12 days of Christmas by gifting Jack some very sexy presents. Rating: Explicit (MUST BE OVER 18 TO FULFILL THIS PROMPT.)
Married Bitty and Jack doing their favorite holiday tradition together. Rating: Mature
Some fun holiday toys ;) Rating: Explicit (MUST BE OVER 18 TO FULFILL THIS PROMPT.)
“It’s too cold to get out of bed.” Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature, Explicit (MUST BE OVER 18 TO FULFILL THE PROMPT AS EXPLICIT.)
What happened during Jack’s holiday break Y2? Did he talk to his parents about what happened with Parse? Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
SMH designs a winter holiday by having everyone put a suggestion into a hat. It goes about as well as you’d expect. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Story of a relationship told in vignettes that feature a gift that one character bought the other. Like, A buys B a guitar as a gift and we scenes of B learning the basics, learning to play a song A likes, figuring out where to put the guitar in their new apartment, B playing a song at their wedding. Doesn’t have to be a guitar though! Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
5 times Shitty “ruined” Knight family Christmas and one time he didn’t go. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Characters of your choice get a little drunk and share stories about their families greatest holiday disasters. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
First Holiday with a Baby! (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc) Rating: General (All Ages)
When Ford realizes she can’t make a holiday sweater for everyone, Bitty suggests she hold a competition. The team gets way, way too into it. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Jack is an arctic explorer who gets separated from his group. On the verge of death, he is discovered by Bitty the Christmas elf. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Shinny on the pond Rating: General (All Ages)
Vignettes from Haus 2.0s first holiday season. Do they decorate? How? What traditions from their family do they decide to keep? What new ones do they make? Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Comedy of errors at Ransom and Holsters first corporate holiday party. I’ve heard that these can be huge affairs, with like celebrity entertainment and stuff. Holsom if you like! Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Decorating the Haus. Rating: General (All Ages)
Sledding. Rating: General (All Ages)
Decorating cookies Rating: General (All Ages)
Haus 2.0 goes skating on the Boston commons frog pond. It’s v nostalgic. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Pick a character and tell us about the first time they went skating! Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Science fiction AU - The characters try to explain their holiday traditions to an alien species. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Pairing of your choice meets at a ski resort. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Artwork Prompts:
A picture of Jack in a fishermen's sweater (a la Chris Evans.) Rating: General (All Ages)
Hanukkah party, latkes, menorahs, gelt, etc. Rating: General (All Ages)
Jack, Bitty, holidays through the years Rating: Mature
First Holiday with a Baby! (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.) Rating: General (All Ages)
When Ford realizes she can’t make a holiday sweater for everyone, Bitty suggests she hold a competition. The team gets way, way too into it. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Jack is an arctic explorer who gets separated from his group. On the verge of death, he is discovered by Bitty the Christmas elf. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Vignettes from Haus 2.0s first holiday season. Do they decorate? How? What traditions from their family do they decide to keep? What new ones do they make? Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Hanukkah party, latkes, menorahs, gelt, etc. Rating: General (All Ages)
Comedy of errors at Ransom and Holsters first corporate holiday party. I’ve heard that these can be huge affairs, with like celebrity entertainment and stuff. Holsom if you like! Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Decorating the Haus. Rating: General (All Ages)
Sledding! Rating: General (All Ages)
Decorating cookies Rating: General (All Ages)
Haus 2.0 goes skating on the Boston commons frog pond. It’s very nostalgic. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen
Pick a character and tell us about the first time they went skating! Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Science fiction AU - The characters try to explain their holiday traditions to an alien species. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
Pairing of your choice meets at a ski resort. Rating: General (All Ages), Teen, Mature
If your prompt is missing, please let us know. :)  If you have any questions, just reach out. Have fun!
@doggernaut​ and @wrathofthestag​
12 Days of Ficmas FAQ
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birlcholtz · 3 years ago
OMGCP Friendship Week 2021
Dates: October 10-16, 2021
Check Please features tons of amazing friendships, and this week is intended to give them their time to shine. Each day has its own prompts, but you can deviate from the schedule if/however you like! They’re just meant to give you an idea if you don’t have one yet.
This year’s a little different from last year in that I’ll be providing TWO prompts per day. One of them will be like what they were last year, and the other will be a specific friendship or group of friends. Feel free to pick one, both, or neither of them as your inspiration for the day.
When you post, tag it with #omgcpfriendshipweek! I’ll be following the tag so I can see and rb what you create, and feel free to tag me/DM me your posts as well (I don’t want to miss anything, so you’d be doing me a favor).
Oct. 10/Sunday: Attending a class together / Bitty and Lardo
Oct. 11/Monday: Jerry’s brunch / The waffles
Oct. 12/Tuesday: Borrowing clothes / Haus 2.0
Oct. 13/Wednesday: Study break / Bitty and Ollie and Wicks
Oct. 14/Thursday: A sport other than hockey / The tadpoles
Oct. 15/Friday: Visiting hometowns / The frogs
Oct. 16/Saturday: Saving the day / Jack and Shitty
What format of content is allowed? Honestly, whatever your heart desires.
What if whatever I’m creating turns romantic? That’s awesome, just please don’t tag it with #omgcpfriendshipweek so we can ensure that the hashtag is only for works that focus on friendships and platonic relationships!
Do I need to send my content somewhere for it to be posted? Nope, just post it yourself and tag it with #omgcpfriendshipweek!
What if there are characters in my content who are together, but it’s not about them being together? That should be fine! Use your judgment– if you’re intentionally focusing on friendship and platonic relationships, then it counts! Just make sure that your content isn’t about those characters being in a romantic relationship and you should be good to go :)
Can I write about characters who are a super common romantic ship? HELL YEAH! I think it would be great to explore those characters’ friendships outside the context of a romantic relationship!!
Can I start working on my pieces in advance? Totally! Start as soon as you want!
Is there any kind of minimum requirement for content? Nope, do as much or as little as you’d like!
Thank you to @ivecarvedawoodenheart and @birkholtzlovebot for some of the prompts! (I have a doc I assembled last year so if you don’t remember supplying an idea that’s where it came from lol)
I’ll be reblogging this post periodically since it’s about a month and a half away and I know I would 100% forget about it if this was the only announcement. Send me asks if you have any questions, and I’ll update the FAQ in this post as needed!
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omgcpwinterextravaganza · 7 years ago
Day 12
Novelty menorah
"Don’t forget I love you"
Please tag us (@omgcpwinterextravaganza) or you can post to the AO3 collection.
Hanukkah begins tonight.  חג חנוכה שמח to all of you who celebrate it.
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omgcpanniversaryweek · 4 years ago
OMGCP Anniversary Week
As the anniversary of the OMGCP finale is coming up later this month, it seems like a good time to celebrate with OMGCP Anniversary Week! This week is all about celebrating Check Please, but it's also about celebrating the fandom and our creations from this past year!
Each day will have an optional prompt (listed below) but you can create whatever you like!
Here's the schedule for the week:
Monday April 12: Characters Tuesday April 13: Friendship(s) Wednesday April 14: Relationship(s) Thursday April 15: Free day! Friday April 16: Updates, Extras and Arcs Saturday April 17: Headcanons Sunday April 18: Fandom Creations
The last day is the most important, as its for showing off your favorite fan creations! Recommend fics, writers, art, edits, blogs, anything or anyone you think deserves love!
Tag your posts with #OMGCPAnniversaryWeek and tag this blog so we can reblog it! Any questions can be sent to this blog through ask box or direct message! (You can also contact @birkholtzlovebot)
Have fun everyone!!
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bladesandstars · 6 years ago
100 Ways to Say "I Love You" - Multifandom Style
I've been wanting to take prompts again, and this prompt list seemed like a great way to do that! The list is below - just send me an Ask with a number and pairing of your choice and I'll write you a drabble!
The list of fandoms and pairings I'm willing to write for is... let's just say it's growing by the day! Also below, and I've listed a few pairings/characters I'd love to get, but feel free to branch out - I'm open to most anything! SFW/N/SFW, AUs, crossovers - just looking to have fun! 
Info under the cut.
If you specifically want romance or platonic for a pairing, let me know, otherwise I'll just pick based on what strikes me.  I will DM you if I don't think I can do your pairing justice, and let you pick another!
If you want N/SFW (or want to give me the option), you must be 18+, and let me know that too. 
Please feel free to suggest any of my AUs that you’ve seen or a new one.
As these get claimed, I’ll strike out the ones that are taken and list the fandom/pairing next to it, and reblog this every so often in updated status. I’ll also link to the prompt fills once they’re done.
Please feel free to suggest characters and pairings other than what I've listed below, as long as they’re in these fandoms. Crossovers within the specified fandoms are fine. Go wild. I cannot stress this enough. Looking to stretch myself with these!
FFXV - for sure. I ship MANY things here, including quite a few OT3s and our classic OT4. This page lists a bunch of faves if you want inspiration. (NOTE: I WILL TAKE SOME prompts for the uber-popular pairings in XV (you know who you are), but this is an exercise to stretch myself and try new things, so I’ll limit those. Please have another pairing in mind in case somebody has beaten you to it!)
The Arcana - I love everyone and have played everything that’s out except for Nadia’s and Asra’s reversed endings. I'll write your apprentice if you want, just give me a little about their personality.
The Dragon Prince - Viren is my BOY and I'm also real excited about Harrow and Sarai and Amaya. And also Runaan. Ok you get the picture. I love the whole cast. No NSFW with kid characters, shippy/crushy stuff with them is fine. I've seen all available episodes.
Doctor Who/Torchwood - Doctors 9-12 (I haven't watched 13th yet); Jack Harkness is bae.
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF: Brienne, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, and Petyr are big favorites. Also Jaime and Tormund.
Letterkenny - That’s a Texas-sized 10-4 on me being actually serious here.
OMGCP/Check, Please! - Been wanting to write for this wonderful hockey webcomic since forever, no time like the present. Shardo (Shitty/Lardo) and Zimbits (Jack/Bitty) are my OTPs but I’m open to lots!
Marvel -  I have an entire Deadpool sideblog, so yeah. Burrito Peter (Peter B), Jessica Jones, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Miles Morales, Negasonic and Yukio, Carol Danvers (Carolmaria is SO Good), Gambit - this 'verse is huge but those are a few loves. I’m new here so no worries about popular pairings.
OCs -  I have several original characters who - I guess I just decided - I’m posting their profiles here later so I can write them!  If one or more strike your fancy (or if you are one of the poor unfortunate souls I scream at about my babies on the regular, in which case I am so sorry), feel free to prompt them!
FFXIII - I’m about halfway through Lightning's first game, and given my levels of Aranea stanning, I love Lightning about as much as you’d expect. I would die for Fang. Sazh’s deep sighs speak to my tired heart, and Vanille is precious.
1.    “Pull over.  Let me drive for awhile.” Promnis (Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia) - FFXV
2.    “It reminded me of you.”  Shardo (Shitty Knight/Larissa Duan) - OMGCP
3.    “No, no, it’s my treat.”
4.    “Come here.  Let me fix it.”
5.    “I’ll walk you home.”
6.    “Have a good day at work.”
7.    “I dreamt about you last night.” Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau - Marvel
8.    “Take my seat.”
9.    “I saved a piece for you.”
10.  “I’m sorry for your loss.”
11.  “You can have half.”
12.  “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
13.  “Sorry I’m late.” Tony Stark/Jack Harkness (Starkness?) - MCU/TW crossover
14.  “Can I have this dance?” Prompto Argentum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum or Noctis/Prompto/Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia (OT4) or OT4+Luna - FFXV
15.  “I made your favourite.”
16.  “It’s okay.  I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
17.  “Watch your step.”
18.  “Here, drink this.  You’ll feel better.” Ignyx (Ignis Scientia/Nyx Ulric) - FFXV
19.  “Can I hold your hand?”
20.  “You can borrow mine.”
21.  “You might like this.”
22.  “It’s not heavy.  I’m stronger than I look.” Ravdyn (Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ardyn Izunia) - FFXV
23.  “I’ll wait.”
24.  “Just because.” Gladnyx (Gladiolus Amicitia/Nyx Ulric) - FFXV
25.  “Look both ways.”
26.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.” Cindy Aurum/Aranea Highwind - FFXV
27.  “Try some.” Promptis (Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum) - FFXV
28.  “Drive safely.”
29.  “Well, what do you want to do?”
30.  “One more chapter.”
31.  “Don’t worry about me.”
32.  “It looks good on you.”
33.  “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” Fleurentia (Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia) - FFXV
34.  “That’s okay, I bought two.” Viren/Harrow/Sarai - TDP
35.  “After you.”
36.  “We’ll figure it out.” GladIgNyx (Gladio/Ignis/Nyx) - FFXV
37.  “Can I kiss you?”
38.  “I like your laugh.” Nahara/MC or Nahara/Portia -The Arcana
39.  “Don’t cry.”
40.  “I made this for you.”
41.  “Go back to sleep.”
42.  “Is this okay?” Aranea Highwind/Crowe Altius- FFXV (Lucis Military Academy AU)
43.  “I picked these for you.”
44.  “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
45.  “What do you want to watch?”
46.  “You can go first.”
47.  “Did you get my letter?”
48.  “I’ll do it for you.” Lukas Oliver/ Étienne Amisu - Original Work
49.  “Call me when you get home.”
50.  “I think you’re beautiful.”  WinterShieldShock, AKA Steve/Bucky/Darcy Lewis - Marvel (MCU)
51.  “Are you sure?”
52.  “Have fun.”
53.  “Sit down, I’ll get it.” Ignyx or Promnis - FFXV
54.  “I made reservations.”
55.  “I don’t mind.”
56.  “It brings out your eyes.” Nadia Satrinava/Portia Devorak - The Arcana
57.  “There is enough room for both of us.” Jack Harkness/Toshiko Sato/Ianto Jones - Torchwood
58.  “You don’t have to say anything.” Nyxnoct (Nyx Ulric/Noctis Lucis Caelum) - FFXV
59.  “Wow.”
60.  “Happy birthday.”
61.  “I’ll pick it up after work.”
62.  “It can wait until tomorrow.”
63.  “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
64.  “It’s two sugars, right?”
65.  “I’ll help you study.”  Natasha Romanoff & Peter Parker (Platonic) (MCU/Homecoming)
66.  “Stay over.” Ignis Scientia/Cor Leonis - FFXV
67.  “I did the dishes.”
68.  “You didn’t have to ask.”
69.  “I bought you a ticket.”
70.  “You’re warm.” Jaime Lannister /Brienne of Tarth - GoT
71.  “No reason.”
72.  “I’ll meet you halfway.” Gladnis (Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia) - FFXV
73.  “Take mine.”
74.  “We can share.”
75.  “I was just thinking about you.”
76.  “I want you to have this.”
77.  “Call me if you need anything.”
78.  “Do you want to come too?” Cor/Ignis/Aranea - FFXV
79.  “I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
80.  “Is your seatbelt on?”
81.  “Sweet dreams.”
82.  “I was in the neighbourhood.” Jessica Jones/Wade Wilson - Marvel
83.  “Stay there.  I’m coming to get you.” Gladnoct (Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum) - FFXV
84.  “The key is under the mat.”
85.  “It doesn’t bother me.”
86.  “You’re important too.” Taryn Phillips/Vasilla Levant - Original Work
87.  “I saved you a seat.”
88.  “I’ll see you later.”
89.  “I noticed.” Julian Devorak/Verstael Besithia - The Arcana/FFXV crossover
90.  “You can tell me anything.” Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau - Marvel
91.  “I hope you like it.”
92.  “I want you to be happy.” Tormund Giantsbane/Brienne of Tarth - GoT
93.  “I believe in you.” Cor Leonis/Loqi Tummelt - FFXV
94.  “You can do it.”
95.  “Good luck.”
96.  “I brought you an umbrella.”
97.  “I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
98.  “Take a deep breath.”
99.  “Be careful.”
100. “I love you.”
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omgcpwinterextravaganza · 7 years ago
OMGCP Winter Extravaganza
It’s the holiday season, and since you don’t have enough to do, let’s have a fic and art fest! 
Every day from December 1 through December 24, two prompts will be posted (with a bonus “write whatever you want” day on December 25). Write or draw as much or as little as you like, for as many or as few prompts as you like.
Please tag us (omgcpwinterextravaganza) so we can reblog your work. There is also an AO3 Collection if you want to post there.
Prompt List
Dec. 1 - Gift exchange / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of grace coming out of the void" 
Dec. 2 - SMH Snowman building competition / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "Where a man is saved by a voice in the distance" 
Dec. 3 - Getting stranded in the snow / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of possible miracle cures" 
Dec. 4 - Midnight snowball fight / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "Where hope is currency and death is not the last unknown / Where time begins to fade" 
Dec. 5 - Saving someone from falling on ice / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "And age is welcome home" 
Dec. 6 - Injured putting up holiday decorations / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of eyes meeting over the noise / and holding fast with sharp realization" 
Dec. 7 - Staying warm / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of cold making warmth a divine intervention" 
Dec. 8 - Mistletoe / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "You are safe here now" 
Dec. 9 - Winter kegster truth or dare / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of scars and of wounds in the heart / Of feeling the full weight of our burdens" 
Dec. 10 - Ugly sweater party / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "It's the season of bowing our heads in the wind / And knowing we are not alone in fear / Not alone in the dark" 
Dec. 11 - Picking out a tree / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "Don't forget" 
Dec. 12 - Novelty menorah / From Vienna Teng's The Atheist Christmas Carol: "Don't forget I love you" 
Dec. 13 - Baking cookies / Making sufganiyot solo for the first time 
Dec. 14 - Wrapping gifts or inability to wrap gifts / “Seriously who stole the gelt?” 
Dec. 15 - Favorite holiday movie / Evolution of holiday traditions 
Dec. 16 - "In the window" / Gingerbread house competition 
Dec. 17 - Flight cancelled / Making latkes 
Dec. 18 - Visiting the family during holidays / Gift shopping 
Dec. 19 - Shitty’s birthday / Character doesn’t celebrate Christmas 
Dec. 20 - Fake dating AU / Hot chocolate 
Dec. 21 - Blanket fort / Ice skating 
Dec. 22 - Winter clothing / Knitted presents 
Dec. 23 - Person A loves the Christmas season, but Person B absolutely hates it / Kitchen mishaps 
Dec. 24 - “Up on the Haus top” / 12 days of Christmas 
Dec. 25 - Bonus free space
Many thanks to @stultiloquentia for suggesting the song “The Atheist Christmas Carol” by Vienna Teng and breaking down the lyrics into prompts, and well as for helping with the Hanukkah prompts.
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