#omg. marry me harrison i dare you
duskholland · 4 years
Can i request maybe haz seeing you out playing with his niece and nephew in the backyard and he's talking to his mom about you being the one and getting a ring and she asks if he has one and he does and is showing it to his mom and its all fluff
this is possibly the softest request I’ve ever received. thank you for making me swoon over this entire concept lol. I'm really proud of how this turned out tbh. it's fluff central over here.
-- clearing out my askbox -- 
Harrison’s had plenty of nice moments in his life, but he swears nothing will ever beat this day.
It’s early July, and the sun is beating out across his back garden. The flowers seem brighter than normal, the grass greener too, and all of his friends and family are standing out in front of him. It’s his birthday, and you’ve organised a large get-together of everyone he loves the most in the world. He’d almost cried when you’d led him out onto the patio, blind-folded and completely in the dark to your plans, just to reveal the banners, and the people, and a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. He’d known the moment that you’d squeezed his hand and asked what he thought, that you are, quite simply, the best thing to ever happen to him. 
Harrison loves you, with everything that he has. He loves you so deeply that it’s almost intrinsic, and he wishes he could cling to this moment forever.
“Are you having a nice birthday, love?” 
Harrison looks up, blinking a few times as he sees his mum beside him, a knowing smile on her face.
“It’s lovely,” he responds, chuckling as he digs his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “I think this is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Phil smiles, reaching up to pat his shoulder. “This was all Y/N,” she says. “She organised this whole thing for you.”
Harrison lets his gaze wander across to you, as he’s done frequently all afternoon. You’d started out by his side, but eventually, Charlotte had convinced you to come and entertain their cousins with her, and you’d been strong-armed into making the rounds with her instead. He’d watched as you’d chatted away with his sister, the both of you laughing like best friends until Charlotte had pushed you down onto a picnic blanket with his niece and nephew, winked, and left you to deal with them yourself.
You’re still out there, half an hour later, playing around with a wooden toy plane, entertaining two toddlers who are looking at you like you’re the world. You make small noises, imitating the plane as you zoom it around, entertaining the kids. Harrison can hear their bubbling laughter from across the garden, and he swears he’s never felt so content in his life.
“She’s perfect,” he finds himself saying. He forces his eyes away from you, a stupid smile on his face.
“She’s good for you,” his mum replies. “I’ve never seen you happier, Harrison.” There’s a brief pause. “I think she’s the one.”
Harrison bites at his lower lip, trying not to smile too widely as he nods. “Come inside,” he mutters discreetly. “Let me show you something.” He leads his mum back into the house, and they stow away in the linen cupboard. Harrison digs through the towels for a moment before procuring a large beaten shoe box. He rummages through it and then procures a black velvet box. “I got it last week,” he admits, passing it to his mum. “Do you think she’ll like it?”
Harrison’s mum gasps, her fingers carefully opening the box and exposing the glistening engagement ring. “It’s beautiful, Harrison,” she coos. Harrison’s surprised to see tears in her eyes. “She’ll make such a lovely bride.”
He blushes, taking the box back. Before he hides it away again, he takes a moment to admire the ring again. He’d been so nervous all day, dragging Tom into jeweller after jeweller. Neither of them knew the first thing about engagement rings, but the moment Harrison had seen this one, he'd known it would be perfect wrapped around your finger. He grins to himself as he pushes it to the back of the cupboard.
“I just hope she says yes,” he admits, scratching at the back of his neck as he walks out from the cupboard, his mum trailing behind. “I don’t know what I’d do if-”
“Oh, there you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Suddenly you’re in front of him, eyes wide with curiosity. Your gaze flickers out between Harrison and his mother. “What are you both doing in there?” You ask.
Harrison’s mum gives you a kind smile. “Just having a discussion,” she says. She presses her hand to your shoulder as she moves past you, adding, “Wonderful party, love. You did a great job.”
You mutter out a few words of thanks before returning your attention to Harrison, the two of you left alone in the hallway. “You’ve been acting quite suspiciously this week, Haz,” you point out, crossing your arms across your chest. “What’s going on?”
Harrison moves forward, his hands finding an easy hold on your waist as he kisses you softly, letting his lips linger against yours for a moment. You sink into him, the confusion on your face melting away as you wrap your arms around him.
“I love you,” he says, a whisper against your lips. “Thank you for everything you do for me.”
You let your hands move up to his curls. A light chuckle falls past your perfect lips, and Harrison swears it’s the most angelic noise he’s ever heard.
“Of course,” you say simply. You kiss him again softly. “I love you.”
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Here are the questions I was most curious about: 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41, 46, & 47. Hope you have fun answering them! :)
oooh these look fUN!
The Basics:
5. How much writing do you get done on an averageday?
lol none!! jk, though this is kind of the answer…? I don’t often write during the week because I spend the majority of my afternoons/nights on schoolwork (the grinddd), so on most nights, it’s about 0-15 words? Though this is very unpredictable, because there are some nights I do have time to write, and I on average write about 200 words during those sessions! I usually don’t break 1k during these writing sessions (unless I’m on vacation and things are really flowing)!
10.  Doyou set yourself deadlines?
No actually! I’ve never really been a deadlines person (is this why I get nothing done lol), but with my writing, I don’t (of course writing for school is an exception)!
The Specifics:
13.  Describeyour writing process from idea to polished
Ooooh I don’t even think I have a writing process, but if I were to list it: 
Get an idea. 
I admittedly don’t do this very often (new ideas specifically) because I’ve been writing the same series for five years help
The idea phase might include basic conflict, plot points, etc, though it’s usually vague. 
Work out the characters
This is very intuitive for me because I’m a pantser. Usually I can just feel out a narrator/the pov (my process involves a lot of guess work)
Start writing! 
Pray this all works out
When the draft is done, edit! A lot! Though I’m admittedly not very good at this lol
Here’s an example of what writing my latest short story (untitled so far) has looked like:
Get an idea
This was a one sentence note I jotted down in my phone: girl moves in with her sister and boyfriend
Work out the characters
 I first put a name to the main character because I can’t really work with a character if I don’t know their name/a distinct characteristic, and I was starting from nothing! I also knew she had a sister, an ex girlfriend (intuitively) and her sister’s boyfriend, so I put names to them too.
I then fleshed these characters out. For example:
Linda: MC, quiet, kind of weird, lives with her sister… WHY? because she’s dropped out of college/has gone through a breakup HOW? her sister agrees she can live in her house so long as she helps renovate it, WHAT is this house? Her mother’s property, an old commune her sister is now trying to uphaul etc etc etc
 Start writing!
I refer to writing I like in times of feeling stuck/try to identify if there’s a problem a few lines before. 
And so on! 
14.  Howdo you deal with self-doubts?
Oh boy… I usually just like to remind myself that no one is a perfect writer: even the words I looove in my favourite books/from my favourite writers probably didn’t always come easy
15.  Howdo you deal with writer’s block?
omg I cry. I’ve cried so many times because of writer’s block lol hahahahaaa. I’ll be honest: I usually don’t feel motivated enough to find solutions to writer’s block, so when I run into a block, I like to give myself the chance to just… take a break? I often find I have writer’s block because I’ve been working all day, and I realllyyyy want to write 500 000 words in the 10 minutes I have to write before I need to hit the hay, which doesn’t create a very good environment to write in? So taking a break is helpful. Writing something else (like a short story, an alternate storyline or even notes for the book) helps too!
16.  Howmany drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
For the majority of my work (fostered), I’ve actually only ever written one draft of every book, but I’d still say I’m satisfied with a lot of the work. I could go back and continuing editing/redrafting, but I love the idea of preserving improvement through every book (especially for that series). For the excerpts I share on here, they don’t really go through many passes of editing? Maybe two passes for line edits! Though I’d say this is case by case, that’s just my experience with fostered! I also edit as I go, so that’s a factor to consider as well. 
17.  Whatwriting habits or rituals do you have?
18.  Ifyou could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you writeabout?
Oh man… Just going to shout out my literary moms (and moms in general): @sssoto​, @shaelinwrites​, @sarahkelsiwrites​
19.  Howdo you keep yourself motivated?
I’m so bad at keeping myself motivated, lols, I give up on myself a lot! I would love to be motivated all the time, but this can become really difficult! I find that consistently working/thinking about/doing anything related to my projects is helpful! Even if I can’t write every day (which I definitely don’t), even just thinking about my characters for a few minutes can help keep up momentum. 
20.  Howmany WIPs and story ideas do you have?
Not very many! For novels, I only have the FOSTERED series which is (unfortunately loool) ongoing. I have a few short story ideas I’m tinkering with. Though I don’t have many projects! (my brain can only come up with ideas for fostered I-)
The Favourites
21.  Whois/are your favourite character(s) to write?
Yessss let me pick between my children!! mwahahaha. In order for fostered’s main squad:
Lonan (ew)
Foster gets no credit he’s truly so interesting I just like horrible people (which I would say this list is in order of too hahahaah). We need justice for Foster this is blasphemy. 
As for side characters that are interesting to write with:
22.  Whois/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
Oh I looove writing about (in order): 
Give. Me. The. Drama. This just in, they’ve been beefing for five books straight, and it’s still not over!
Also my entire sketchbook is just them help
Always trying to come for each other’s wigs, but if someone dare get in the way of their siblingship, they’ll magically team back up and cut YOU
A new favourite! When you try to be nice to a new person you meet and then she won’t stop trying to marry you
Reeve and her mother have such an interesting relationship because they are basically the same person. Except neither of them realize this? You wanna drink cheap margaritas and smoke cigarettes in your motel room with your daughter? Sign me uppp
This friendship be stronger than my wig y’all, you want some bromance in your life? Bromance you shall RECIEVE. 
The amount of… shit? these girls get into? I love it?? Give me moreee they’re so magically mischievous together
This relationship gets no credit (my fault) but I’m really loving planning the evolution of their relationship especially in the next books, as they’ve gone from lovers to friends to ghost busting partners? We stan? (how did this happen) 
25.  Favouritepart of writing
In terms of process, I love drafting the most! Picking words is also fun lol
26.  Favouritewriting program
Microsoft Word is my bitch.
30.  Favouriteidea you haven’t started on yet
Does the intro to book 7 count? We got overdue rent, we got running from your problems and a ghostbusting alliance, who could ask for more? (truly just want to finish book 6 and write this book!)
The Dark
31.  Leastfavourite part of writing
I’ll say revisions, not because I don’t like revisions, but because I’m very bad at revising my own work. I can target the problems, but can’t find solutions.
The Fun
36.  Lastsentence you wrote
I’ll keep in touch and send his daughters souvenirs—Iheart NY, Lady Liberty printed on t-shirts. 
37.  Firstsentence or your current WIP
I’m going to share the first sentence of the chapter I’m working on since I’ve shared the first sentence of the book before and I *despise* it:
Whenmy mother was nineteen, she packed up her stuff from small town Minnesota andmoved to New York.
The Rest of It
41.  Anyadvice for new/beginning/young writers?
Take it easy! Write what you’re interested in--not what you think you should write, and allow yourself room to make mistakes. There are no failures in writing: you’re always going to learn something, so don’t get caught up in the fear of something not being good (
46.  Doyou reread your own stories?
Yes! I find it’s harder to when I’ve sent it to someone (teacher, friends etc etc) and I’m worried it’ll be bad, but I really do enjoy reading my own work. It’s just nice to transport to a different place in my head. Also narrating my work is so entertaining, lol. I read my old books to fall asleep often (I’m currently re-reading book 5 of fostered). 
47.  Bestway to procrastinate
What’s the best way not to? (My personal fave is re-reading all my old notes instead of writing)
Thank you for the questions! :))
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minimickzy · 6 years
TomHolland2013 posted  || Tom Holland
Request: Just something I wrote long ago 
Summary: Social Media style Imagine! Reader is in a movie with Tom and hangs out with him and the cast of Spider-Man HC. Please let me know what you think!
Characters: Tom Holland x Reader, Zendaya, Harrison, Jacob
Word count: 2200+
Warning: Fluff, soft make out 
a/n: I took this off my wattpad and changed a bit because I think I’ve grown as a writer at least a little! Infinity War has launched me back into the Marvel fandom so feel free to send in requests <3 also idk why I’m posted this so late but hey, why not?
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Instagram 4:21pm July 5th
@(y/u) posted:
[picture of Tom sleeping on table]
Wake up, I want a wrap on set so I can go home! #[movie title]
TomHolland2013 and 170,693 other people liked this
4:31pm TomHolland2013: wow stalker much??
4:32pm (y/u): wow professorial Much?? @tomholland2013
User1: oh my god I ship it
User2: CUTE!! ❤❤❤😩
User3: agh Tom is toooooo Hot, my eyes BURN!!
Instagram 2am July 7th
@TomHolland2013 posted:
[photo collection of you, Tom, and Harrison with cake smeared on faces]
Fun night out with the mates!!
@hazosterfield @(y/u)
10:34am (y/u): delete this, I look like shit!
12:37pm @tomholland2013: um? Bish where? @(y/u)
User2: Um, did @tomholland2013 just call @(y/u) hot??? IM DECEASED
12:38pm @(y/u): you did not just quote a vine
5:32pm @hazosterfield: stop bickering like a old married couple!! @(y/u) @Tomholland2013
Instagram [Dm] July 13th
12:34am Tom: oh my god!
1:53am You: what?!
1:53am Tom: Tessa just shook my hand
1:54am You: I thought this was serious
3:24am Tom: I don't know what's more serious than my dog putting her paw on my hand and moving it up and down??
3:27am You: Tom it's 3:27 am go tf to sleep
8:35am Tom: I think it was a dream
8:37am Tom: I tried again this morning, She doesn't know how to do it anymore
8:43am You: 😢😢😢
[(y/u) is live on Instagram]
9,367 viewers July 15th 3:45 pm
"Hey guys, it's me (y/n)" you say, "and me, Tom Holland!" Tom pushed you aside to get in the shot. You laughed and shoved him over a little so you both fit in the frame. "We're on set here in uh, Toronto. It's kinda boring actually." Tom laughed. You started to read though some of the comments:
User2: Tom please say quackson for me!!
User3: ILYSM
User4: Hi from London!
You nudged Tom, "say quackson." He shot you a gentle glare, "No, absolutely not." You gave him puppy dog eyes in a lame attempt to change his mind, "Please." "Why." "Because the viewers are asking for it.... I'll give you a peak on the cheek." He rolled his eyes, "if you want me to say it that bad.... Quackson." You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, then went back to the comments:
User1: OTPPP
User2: are they dating??
You laughed and started to answer questions left by the viewers, trying to ignore the pinkish tint on both your and Toms cheeks.
[live ended]
iMessage July 15th
5:33pm Tom: hey
5:33pm You: what's up?
5:35pm Tom: no hi?
5:36pm You: hi, what's up?
5:36pm Tom: better 😂, and Haz and I are meeting up with Z so I was wondering if you wanted to come along?
5:36pm Tom: we could pick you up around 7ish?
5:42pm You: um, sure. What are we doing?
5:42pm Tom: idk, Z invited us over to just hang out and maybe watch a movie
5:43pm You: okay, I'll be ready
Zendaya's Snapchat Story July 16th
[video from the side, of you asleep in toms arms under a blanket while Harrison is pointing and smirking with the caption 'this is what you guys get for falling asleep after one movie' and Zendaya laughing in the background]
[picture from front of you and Tom with Zendayas Bitmoji blowing a kiss]
[picture of you hiding your face with one hand and flipping the camera off with the other. Your hairs a mess and you’re wearing Toms shirt from yesterday. Tom’s in the background laughing and Haz is pulling a funny face. With the caption of '(y/n) is not a morning person']
Interview with (y/n) (y/l/n) and Tom Holland, July 20th [cut to 6:34 minutes in]
Interviewer: "So, on Zendaya's Snapchat, 4 days ago we saw some cute sleepy cuddling snaps of the two of you. And fans want to know if your dating or what's the story behind that?"
Tom: "I mean no, we're just friends, and the story is that we were both just really tried and fell asleep."
You: "yeah, I just needed a pillow."
Interviewer: "so then that morning shot of (y/n) in your shirt... that was just..."
Tom: *chuckles* "she was just cold and spilled something on her shirt so I gave her mine and got one that I had forgot at Z's"
Interviewer: "oh so you and Zendaya then" *smirks*
Tom: "no, we're friends, nothing more."
Interviewer: "So, you two have no feelings for each other?"
Tom and You share a awkward glance
Tom: "uh..."
You: "do you mean Me- an-and Tom or Tom-"
Tom: "well I mean yeah we have a great time together. Thank you."
Tom put a hand on your back and moved you along still rambling.
Instagram [Dm] July 20th
4:02pm You: That lady really grilled us, huh?
5:23pm Tom: I know right
5:32pm Tom: do you think I was too rude?
5:32pm You: no, you saved my rambling ass tho, Thanks
5:33pm Tom: don't mention it
6:18pm Tom: Z's house? 8:30ish
6:19pm You: meeting there or driving together?
6:20pm Tom: pick you up at 8
6:20pm You: 👌🏻
Instagram July 20th 8:37 pm
@TomHolland2013 posted:
[photo of you driving and him pulling a goofy face]
stuck in traffic with my favorite lady @(y/u)
163,827 people liked this, 12437 comment
User1: where you going?
@Zendaya: so I guess your running late than, huh?
User2: date night?
@TomHolland2013: oh yeah, whoOps. Sorry 😢 @zendaya
Instagram July 20th 10:47 pm
@Zendaya posted:
[picture of Tom, Zendaya, Jacob, Harrison and you]
We're going live in ten minutes!! Playing truth or dare so give us some good ones!
462,729 people liked this, 19299 comments
[Zendaya is live on Instagram]
15,682 viewers July 20th 10:58 pm
"Hey guys!" Zendaya waved to the phone and then spun it around your small circle so you all could wave. "Okay so how this is going to work, is we'll go around and ask truth or dare and then you guys pick what we do... so... yeah and I'm gonna start!"
The game was fun, viewers ate it up. You went around a few times before Zendaya clapped her hands together and said goodbye to the watchers and turned her phone off for the night. "Okay, now for the real ones." Harrison smirked. You knew it was coming but you hoped they'd just leave you alone. "Tom, truth or dare?" Jacob asked with a grin you knew too well playing at his lips, "Uh," Tom shot Harrison a nervous smile, "dare?" "Okay! well you both had to have known this was coming, but... the sexual tension is actually killing us." Zendaya said motioning to Jacob, Harrison and herself. You felt your cheeks turning beet red.
"I'd normally say just kiss, But... this time I'm thinking the classic seven minutes in heaven." Harrison pipes up. "Okay. (Y/N)," Tom stood up and put his hand out for you. You took it and pulled yourself up, shooting a glance back at the group and then let Tom pull you to a closet that was out of earshot.
Harrison came behind you and shut the door so you were now surrounded by darkness and you were trapped. "So..." Tom chuckled, "we don't have to actually do anything, but we should talk, I mean there's something here, you can't tell me you don't feel it." He trailed off almost to a whisper. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel it." You smiled as His hand brushed against your arm. You reached for it holding it tight in your grasp.
You reached with your other hand up to find his cheek. "Maybe... we could, you know, just to defuse the tension." You let a shaky breath. "Well I mean- I don't- we should really give them something right?" Tom said stepping closer to you. "Most definitely." You pulled yourself up to meet his lips.
It just felt right, you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He lightly pushed you against the wall and you put your hands in his hair, "this feel so good." "Agreed." You let out a small laugh, "Tom? Remind me why we didn't do this sooner." "I have not the slightest fucking clue." You moved your lips back his and melted in his arms. "should we tell people? The press I mean." You asked "I don't even know," Tom laughed and joined him going back into a makeout session. 
But sadly the two of you were met with the door swinging open. "So, how was it." Harrison smirked, you patted down your hair and smiled a little. Tom came out behind you and Harrison started laughing. You turned to see what was so funny and saw Tom had your lipstick smeared all over his lips and a little on his neck. You chuckled and used your thumb to wipe some of it off. When you went back to the living room Tom clapped his hands and yelled "we're official." You smiled and sat down as the others lightly cheered, this time not afraid to let his arm find its way around you.
"We're not going to release it to the press yet. We don't want or need the extra drama." You smiled. Zendaya nodded, "as long as the air is loose I'm good." And it was. Tom and You were a lot more relaxed and could exactly act on your thoughts that you used to push aside.
Instagram July 26th 2:16 pm
@TomHolland2013 posted
[picture of you and Zendaya laughing at a beach]
Feels great to have such a beautiful view @(y/u) @zendaya
278,352 people liked this, 43,680 comments
User1: oh my god is Tom and Zendaya dating??
User2: @user1 Or Tom and (y/n)
User4: ploy anyone?
User5: I wish I was Tom
(y/u)'s Snapchat Story July 27th
[picture of you driving looking away in the background of Toms selfie. Caption: hacked]
[video from lap of you singing to the radio and then Turning to Tom. "Are you videoing me?!"]
[picture of you at stop light smiling at the camera. Caption: paparazzi following us for like 10 miles, we just want to eat 😢😢]
[video of you ordering food at (y/f/ff)]
[video's of the women working at the window freaking out because you and Tom are talking to them, you laugh and take a selfie with them and Tom though the window and sign a napkin for each of them]
"Those women were so nice." You smiled, walking into your apartment with Tom trailing behind with the food. "Yeah" Tom plopped on the couch and turned on E! News as you put your bag and keys away. "Seriously, you want to watch that?" You laughed sitting down next to him. The host was taking about the latest 'Hollywood break-up'. "I wanna know what's the drama in the entertainment world." He smiled as you rolled your eyes at him. "But the love in LA wasn't lost today," The host said, "Tom Holland and (y/n) are rumored to have a relationship behind closed doors, today Tom and (y/n) posted riding together to pick up some fast food and surprise the employees working in the drive threw window." She spoke as the video's and photos played on screen. "We're the drama" Tom smirks, and you let out a little laugh. "Can we watch a movie now?" He nods and changes to Netflix.
@TomHolland2013 Instagram Story 11:56pm July 27th
[picture of you asleep on his chest. Caption: goodnight Instagram]
Instagram Dm July 29th
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:47pm Tom: (y/n)
1:48pm Tom: (y/n)
1:48pm You: yes?
1:49pm Tom: I think we should tell people
1:49pm You: Its been 9 days
1:50pm Tom: so can I post a happy 10 days love, tomorrow?
1:56pm You: Really?
1:56pm Tom: yes
1:57pm You: okay... but I get to post one too.
1:57pm Tom: THANK YOU!
Instagram July 30th 10:22am
@Tomholland2013 posted:
[picture of him holding you bridle style]
Happy 10 Days love @(y/u) 😘   📸// @hazosterfield
162,729 people liked this, 102,478 comments
(y/u): ❤❤ can't believe you used this picture!
User4: I want death SKSNSNAKNS
Zendaya: congrats you crazy kids
Tomholland2013: I love this photo @(y/u) and thank you Z @zendaya
[let me know if you’d like to be tagged for marvel/peter parker or Tom holland imagines in the future]
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hazandholland · 6 years
omg slytherin haz protecting reader/gf
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This also takes place in 1998, with the Battle of Hogwarts. This also got kinda angsty. 
Harrison is easily one of the most protective boyfriends on the planet
If ANYONE does you wrong…
Well, good luck finding the body vause Harrison has at least ten different methods of murder and just as many airtight alibis
So,  when the Battle of Hogwarts started, Harrison never let you leave his side
You could barely cast your own spells to fight off the Death Eaters because Harrison also took them out first
“I want to fight! I can defend myself!”
“You are not fighting! You are staying with me!”
“If I’m staying with you, I will fight!” 
Harrison finally caved, letting you take out some of the enemies on your own
Because you were good fighting (better than he was, but he would never admit it)
There were a few points when an avada kedavra spell came flying towards you and Harrison had to pull you down to the side to dodge it
When he almost got hit, you were there to yank him away
The end of the battle was hard, as every fight is
So the two of you were on your last legs, basically just throwing spells left and right, more concerned about the other than yourself
You were dueling with a Death Eater when another came up behind you
He cast a spell
Harrison lunged, putting himself between the blast and you
You heard him yell and turned in time to see him fall to the ground
You screamed and cast avada kedavra on both Death Eaters
You just fell to the floor, trying to see how bad the damage was
It was just expelliarmus, not a super strong spell
But it had been strong enough to give Harrison a large mark on his chest
“You’re such an idiot”
“It’s not my fault you weren’t paying attention”
“I was fighting someone else and I don’t have eyes on the back of my head!”
“I’m sure there’s a spell that can fix that”
“Don’t you dare”
After the battle was over, Harrison only spent a day in the infirmary
He only had a bruise, but since it was the size of a textbook, it wasn’t something he could get by without it getting looked at by a professional
Even injured, Harrison still never let you leave him
Not that you wanted to anyway
And Harrison was a big baby when he was sick or injured
He suddenly lost any and all capability to do anything himself
“Love, can you get me a cup of tea?”
“There’s one right there, on the nightstand”
“I can’t reach it”
“It’s literally six inches away from your hand!”
When Harrison returned back to the Slytherin common room, you went with him, ready to cuddle
Cause you had been unable to do nothing more than hold your boyfriend’s hand
And gosh darn it you wanted to feel his arms around you 
But with his bruise, cuddling on the couch was difficult
You couldn’t rest your head on his chest like you normally did
“Oh my gosh I’m sorry!”
So the two of you just settled for sitting next to each other, with you resting your head on his shoulder
He would hold your hand, his large hand completely covering your smaller one
And turn his head towards you so he could rest his lips on the top of your head
After he healed, he memorized the day of the injury
So every year, on that date, he could ask you to do something for him 
“Y’know, love, there was that accident a while ago. Actually, it was a year ago today. And since I saved your life, could you do something for me?”
“Are you seriously asking me to do something as a ‘thank you’ for a reckless decision you made?”
“I only made it because I was a fool in love.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard… what do you want.”
*Two years later* “Y’know love, there was that accident a while ago. Actually, it was two years ago today. And since I saved your life, could you do something for me?”
“Why can’t you just ask me normally to do something like every other human being?!”
“Because this way is much more entertaining”
*Three years later*
You and Harrison were on a date
Just a normal date through London
He grew up in the wizarding world, so the muggle world was completely foreign to him
But since it’s where you grew up, you were more than happy to show him around
And he completely fell in love with London
His favorite thing to do was window shopping. He would laugh every time you pointed out something cute 
After a day of browsing, you two settled in at your favorite cafe. 
Harrison bought you your favorite drink in the biggest size they had and ordered an iced cold brew
“Harrison, it’s cold. You’re drinking an iced drink?”
“It’s just like my heart, love. Dark, cold and bitter.”
“… why am I dating you again?”
The two of you sat down at a table by the windows, watching people as they walked by
You guys chatted and before you knew it, your drinks were finished. 
Harrison grabbed your empty ups and went to throw them away
He came back, walking slowly
He looked terrified
You looked at him in confusion
He stopped at the table, staring at you
A long moment of silence before you spoke
“Harrison? Are you all right?”
Then he got down on one knee and opened a small velvet box
“Y’know love, there was an accident a while ago. Actually, it was two years ago today. And since I saved your life, I was wondering if you could do something for me… would you marry me?”
Obviously, you said yes
Hogwarts AU Rules Post
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Looks like it's my turn to bother you lol imagine a Cinderella au with prince Tom where he meets the reader at a ball and falls head over heels for her.
also this is cute lets pray I dont butcher it lol I went with a modern day Cinderella hope you dont miiiiiind 
The music was classical, the dancing was proper and pristine, the beloved Prince Tom playing on his phone in the corner was….
not planned.
But there he sat in the corner of the giant, delicately decorated corner of the room hiding behind his best friend and private secretary, Harrison. He was scrolling through various apps, stopping to play a round of Candy Crush or like a tweet about how he looked when arriving at the ball. It couldn’t have looked very royal of him to be ignoring the party but, ugh, he couldn’t stand these things. Every time he went to one all he got from relatives, friends, and any party-goer daring enough to deal with the future king was - “where’s your date tonight, Your Royal Highness?” and the ever-so-cheeky reply of “Right here!” followed by him grabbing Harrison and pulling him in close was only funny for so long.
The truth was that Tom had never brought a date because frankly - no girl he met was ever interesting enough. They only cared about his position and never about him. And any of the surrounding royal family daughters his mother tried to set him up with only cared to go with him because their families would benefit from it. To be honest, he’d rather die alone than marry a girl for status.
So there he was, ignoring the Winter Ball for a few hours of screen time when he was so rudely elbowed by Harrison. Tom nearly dropped his phone, managing a loud swear at his secretary’s gesture when he looked up at was faced with well- the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. 
“Your Royal Highness, this is y/n. She’s a writer for the Daily Journal. She would like to ask a few questions if you didn’t mind.” Tom’s shoulders sagged a little at that. He was hoping you’d just be some beautiful girl he could dance with and maybe take on a date or two. Instead he was just going to be asked the same old questions surrounding annual ball and how he was still searching for his future queen. Reluctantly, he said yes and lead you both on a walk around castle, getting away from the loud music and allowing Harrison to actually enjoy the party. 
“So let’s get this over with quick. I don’t mean to be rude but I’ve been answering the same Daily Journal questions since I was twelve and I have the script down near perfectly.” He stated, prompting a somewhat annoyed look from you followed by a scoff; something Tom did NOT see coming.
“I’m sure that’s how it’s been and I can’t guarantee there isn’t another reporter here to ask you that but I’m a lot more concerned about your charity work. Namely the new Brothers Trust campaign you launched in October. I was hoping you could inform me on that. There’s almost no coverage and anyone I try to speak to about it only has answers about your relationship status.”
Tom felt his heart skip about thirty beats. No one has asked him about his campaign since he launched it and he was becoming more and more upset with the neglect the press was showing it. He had a heart of gold but the media only ever saw him as the playboy, hard-to-get bachelor who would never marry or settle down even. Having you in front of him, wanting to know more about the thing he was most passionate about, Tom felt himself wanting to be nearer and nearer to you. 
Your quick interview turned into two hours of walking the kingdom halls and talking. Not just about Tom either, but about you and your life and how the country was doing and everything and anything either of you could think of. By the end of your wandering, you and Tom were holding hands, only realizing when Tom lifted your hand to his lips, giving your knuckles a sweet kiss. 
“I want to see you again, darling. Would you care to go out sometime?” He asked, you giving him a slight smirk.
“Yes but I have small request,” you said, grabbing his hand and leading him back toward the ball. “I’ve never gotten to dance at a ball before and if I got to dance with the prince, then my eight year old self can rest easy knowing she got to feel like a princess for a night.” Tom didn’t hesitate in taking you out to the middle of the dance floor, surprising everyone around the two of you.
“I have get the impression that you’re going to feel like a princess for a lot longer than you think.”
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