#omg look at me! i uploaded this to ao3 AND tumblr and it is not even 11pm yet!!! i am so PROUD of myself!
topsyturvy-turtely · 3 months
turtely's OTP challenge
read day 23 "The Beekeeper and The Book Author" on ao3!
(prompt: being old together)
summary: Beautiful. Quiet. Nice.
Gen, 360 Words, Retirement. John Watson's blog, Fluff.
✨imagine this little baby but 40 years older✨
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or read it on tumblr:
Dear readers,
This will be my very last blog entry. I don’t even know if you young people still read ‘blog entries’ – this is for the people who have followed my blog from years ago, really. Maybe this will be a nice surprise for you.
Here is a little update on our life: Sherlock and I married in the year of 2024. It was a beautiful ceremony, small but meaningful. Not many people – neither of us ever really was a ‘people person’.
We continued our detective work until Sherlock turned 67 years old. I don’t really know how we managed with little Rosie, but we did. She turned out to be one of the most intelligent scientists in Britain and both of us are extremely proud of her.
After Sherlock finally retired we moved to a cottage in the countryside. It is beautiful here. Quiet. Nice. Words, the young Sherlock Holmes would have despised. Let me tell you now, that this man has the softest and biggest heart, you could imagine. He always has had it, he just didn’t show – to protect himself, I believe.
I am getting side tracked… Sherlock is a beekeeper now. He loves bees as if they were his own children. Puts all his research into bees as well. Even sells honey, my old boy. I am proud of him. Really, I am.
Skdico ,kjdkojoaoooooooooppposipoi
I apologise, I got distracted by a white haired and bearded (oh, yes he wears a beard now – I quite like it…) cat purring into my ear. He told me to mention my books. So, I will because otherwise this gorgeous lfjklalaaaa
Where were we? Oh, yes my books. What is there to say? I turned my blog into a book. Book series, really. You can buy the books on Amazon – just search for “Sherlock Holmes Books” and they will be suggested. It’s funny, they sell as if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had written them himself. Which of course, he didn’t, they are all written by ordinary old me, Dr. John Watson.
So this is us. Retired consulting detective and doctor, now beekeeper and book author.
It is beautiful. Quiet. Nice.
comment on ao3!
tags under the cut :)
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @inevitably-johnlocked @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind @booksoversleep @startrekker2011
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ikkosu · 6 months
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(pharma x gn.reader)
oh my god, Tumblr won't let me save the thing and I deleted the entire post my accident 😭😭😭 thank God I already uploaded the fic to my AO3. anywhoo!! I adore the song omg it's got a new spot on my playlist <333
THIS is fine.
Oh, this is totally fine. What more could a few hours do? You've toiled through haggard days of insomnia, wrought yourself off from your dry, unmade bed that’s likely rotting in that basement (Pharma doesn’t seem to understand the prospect of human comfort “I’ve slept on metal. You’ll fare well, darling.” ) and inhaled cold breakfast that’s rooked from a can.
Surely, this proposition isn’t all bad?
The devil — he who sits before you now — has his servos in a delicately intertwined lattice. A chesire grin, glimmering white rooks clear on his face, with blue optics that creased into a half-moon.
Disconcertingly enough, he’s got the mien of a charming salesman and the only difference between those two is that at least one of them doesn’t have unethical usage of medical malpractice written all over.
"You see, darling I'm not exactly holding you hostage, here." A digit taps the datapad.
The screen flares brightly and a myriad of texts warbled into view. They’re Cybertronian and much to your un-surprise, through the quick minutes of skimming, it's a contract.
He forged your signature?
"What I'm doing, to be succinctly accurate, is providing you an opportunity a human like you is not often so offered with." He drawls. Then, catching your gaze, placating servos shoots up with feiged sympathy. "In a rather un-delicate manner, of course. Apologies."
You blink slowly. "Unethical labor." Was all you said.
"Ethical. Doesn't have to be labor, either. We're both surgeons."
"I'm a nurse."
His lips keeled over his teeth and the latticed fist clocks the desk with a vexed thump. A   polite miffed look eased over his face, that very well meant displeasure.
“Nonetheless, you're fully able to grasp Cybertronian medical procedures, no?” He hooked up a brow.
“I guess. I— what does this have to do with me strapped to the chair, though?” He leans over, almost boredly, to peer at your gesture around the ropes curled over your flesh, taut and tight, docking you to the chair.
“Ah, I figured you’d be more convinced if I had handled you this way.”
You look to the ground. Up. Down. Then, up. “I’m not getting out of this aren’t I?”
“No. You’re not.” He smiled. Politely.
“And, if I run you’re still going to catch me?”
“Without a doubt, darling.”
“And if you catch me you’re going to kill me?”
He hummed. “That much, I can agree on.”
Wonderful. First, you’re stalked by your boss, now captured by your boss, now threatened by your boss. Can this day get any more absurd? Who are you kidding. Absurdity lies at an abstract form when comes to Pharma.
But you can say this, though : he’s not all bad of a fighter, and a protector is what you needed after meddling with a few of his rather unruly patients. And, so you relent— not without an amused grin which is something you should’ve clocked yourself in the skull for.
“Something funny, darling? Do indulge me in your amusement.” He leans over, the smile is now taut. almost forced. “I’d love to know the source of your pleasure.”
Don’t say it like that that, you grimace but towed on, anyways. “Nothing, you just reminded me of something.”
His wings flare up. The smile, brighter, child-like. Ah, his ego. You forgot. He lavishes himself in praises like they were gold. “Oh?”
You’re not sure if you should continue, given he’d probably keel over and die the moment you’ll concede, but he seemed so eager it was infectious.
And, strangely (you’re going to kill your self for this) you found it adorable. You could use that to an advantage. Like, getting yourself out of this poorly undisguised bondage kink, for example.
“….A song, preferably.” You said.“Can you loosen the straps? It’s kind of hurting.”
“Not a poem— but a song? Oh, I’m incredibly flattered.” He prods you on, almost giddily, with a servo. “Not often do I have the pleasure of pleasing you. Do continue. This is getting rather interesting.”
You cringed. “….Its a pop….song?”
The grin falters, but the benign, persistent streak teetered on. “I see. What’s the, ah,” He gestures vaguely, like he’s convincing himself that whatever you said meant something important. “…Name of this song, you’re willing to divulge?”
You wince. Oh, god. Should you lie? Are you kidding, he’ll dig you a grave deeper than the Himalayas can go. He’s a master manipulator, a concierge to deception, deception at his hands handled with care , and white as they were — it’s never pure. You licked your lips. Your throat is dry.
Here goes nothing.
“Crazy Chicks.”
A slow blink. The optics fizzles out. Dim for a moment, then bright. The smile thinned. “Crazy Chicks.”
“You heard me, right.” You said nervously. “It’s a banger.”
“I am not a banger, or whatever you call it in your human, fleshie terms.” He seethes, cutting off your surprised stammer at his sudden aggressiveness. “How utterly insulting. Are you seriously diagnosing me, with this— this— unearthly, poorly fledged ailment, whoever the pitiful doctor is, inclusive of the features of a poultry?”
“It’s slang for women.” Should you say often offensive? No, he’ll gut you for that— oh god his chainsaw is sheathing. (It’s not, you’re just seeing things.)
“Why would they—“ And, he halts, staring at you for a moment before closing his optics. He kneads his face then sighs, figuring that maybe it wasn’t worth an explanation for. He leans back, a lethargic look on his face. “I appreciate the sentiment darling but I don’t see how this would remind you of me. I’m far from an organic, and I’m far from an unbridled, unculturally deranged Cybertronian.”
So you say. Was your inner deadpan. “The context does.” And, a little squeak of : “Maybe you should try listening to it?”
He seemed offended at the prospect and leans forward, staring you down with his unusually baffled optics. You’re about to call it off , even offering to grovel, when — whether it was the strange flattery that he’s, to you, reminiscent of an object to your liking, or another reason entirely — relents with a grimace.
“Fine. If you’re so insistent.” He mutters. “The least I can do as a compensation for your cooperation.”
A quick tap of his digit to his helm, you can hear the thrum of the familiar tune against his audio processors.
Oh, dear.
Where should you start. At first, the digit tapped along. ‘How typical’, he mutters before, you think he’s finally got the gist of the lyrics, rooked on the most abstruse look you’ve ever seen him don.
Worst three minutes of your life.
You’re here, strapped to this rickety wooden chair Pharma probably pulled out of someone’s ass, sweating, andrenaline pulsing at your throat. All the while your boss is left listening to your inner turmoil poorly disguised through a song, blatantly disparaging his very much unique disposition.
Pharma leans against his chair. The song is done. You’re too eager on the prospect of sudden death to look up. A vent eases out.
“Thats certainly something new. I never thought I'd be addressed this way, more so by a human, of all kinds. Ah, though it’s hard to admit…” His voice was strangely seductive, bordering on a purr, and a wide grin curled the corner of his mouth.
“That's something I can get around with.”
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Firstly, I want to say thank you for uploading your fics to AO3 😭 love tumblr but the formatting is so ass and difficult to read at times lol
Anyways to Chapter 5 review/thoughts we go!
Paige talking to Azzi and Stephie thru the phone during her wedding had me cryingggg. Her calming down Azzi, Azzi saying P is gonna be a wonderful wife, and P saying that Azzi is going to be an amazing mom was one of my final straws 😭
I love the way you wrote the dynamic between Paige and Drew, along with Paige and Katie! Drew acting like a big baby but knowing what’s the TRUTH for Paige hit hard. And then Katie still caring about Paige, even when Paige and Azzi aren’t talking shows that Paige will always be considered family to the Fudds no matter what.
STEPH CURRY CAMEO??? I did not see this coming haha but I LOVEEEEE it. Can’t imagine how weird it was to see how Paige and Azzi were acting… I know the tension was crazyyy lol
This part in the chapter really left me in shambles:
“Scares you?” Paige scoffs, “I’m not the one who broke your heart Azzi.”
“You don’t think I know that? You don’t think I’ve lived with that guilt for the last 8 years? Jesus fucking christ Paige. I’m not scared of you. I’m scared of me,”
And then lastly, PAIGE KISSING AZZI?!?! I fucking gaspedddd Nivi 😭😭 I know next chapter is going to start with Azzi pushing Paige away and getting mad at Paige for kissing her and I will not be able to handle that.
Paige giving golden retriever energy in this chapter so much and I love it lmaoooo. You know the TikTok audio that goes “fuck it, guess we both ain’t shit”? Idk why but a lot of things that Paige does with Azzi reminds of that audio LMAO
Anyways, great chapter as usual Nivi! Excited to read about next chapter and hearing more about the Paige/Azzi/Olivia dynamic and backstory. Plssss continue to update on Mondays like you are a blessing on a dark Monday morning 🙏
You're so welcome babes. AO3 is definitely a lot easier to read on, so I'm happy to make things easier!
That phonecall scene had been brewing in my head for a while and I'm very happy it evoked the emotions in y'all that I was trying to.
The Paige x Fudds dynamic is one of my favorites because I just think it's so sweet how they basically just looked at her and went "oh Azzi likes you? Perfect you're one of us now!"
I'm a Celtics fan4life but I have such a soft spot for Steph and his cameo was planned right from the beginning.
AHHH I know everybody expected Azzi to push her away so I'm really curious to hear your thoughts about chapter 6 and what you thought of Azzi's reaction!
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semperama · 16 days
hiya! so i'm moodlighting on ao3/the writer of the things all come and gone and i was just reading all the ficlets you've written over the last few days, which are all AMAZING btw, would definitely subscribe should you ever want to upload them to ao3 👀 and then i checked my email and saw the very kind comment you left on my fic and wanted to return the love. so just popping by to say i adore your work and how beautifully, effortlessly readable your writing is. i also LOVED come and taste and i so wanted to reblog the post to share it with everyone but didn't due to the fact that my little sister follows me here and i didn't want to #Expose myself akdjdkfjdjf. ANYWAY, just wanted to let you know how much i admire you as a writer and that i look forward to anything else you might share with us in the future ❤️
Please omg, I have already reread The Things All Come and Gone (which I am linking here in case anyone who follows me hasn't read it yet--GO READ IT) like three times at least and I've had the tab open all week trying to come up with an adequate comment, and it still didn't feel like enough! I can't even put into words how much I love that fic! To have you here now saying such kind things to me is making me feel all wibbly. Thank you so much!!
I'll definitely be putting some of my ficlets on AO3 soon! I have a few more prompts in my inbox, and once I get through those, I'll repost the longer ones over there. I still feel weird about putting short things on AO3 sometimes, but I know that's dumb and it'll help people find them later since no one can find ANYTHING on tumblr, so yeah. Feel free to kick me if I don't do it. (The titles though......I have to come up with titles.....)
Also lmao when I first got on tumblr, my little sister followed me too! Luckily she was never really active, and I ended up deleting that blog and making a new one that she didn't know about so I could feel comfortable posting my smutty, smutty fics. The perils of crossing the streams of real life and tumblr!!
Anyway, you're so nice, thank you so much. I'm clutching your kind words to my chest and keeping them for a rainy day.
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julysn · 6 months
julia really needs to sleep: late night rants with yours truly
topic: this one gorgeous fanfic that got deleted on thanksgiving and now i haven’t been happy ever since.
time: 2:10 cst
i love ranting about this silly deleted fic
129 days.
a hundred and twenty nine days since that fanfic has been deleted and i couldn’t download a copy before the author did so.
i haven’t smiled since the day before. i haven’t laughed since the day before. i haven’t felt an ounce of joy since the day before.
i woke up on thanksgiving day expecting some good ass turkey but what i got was as if that turkey had expired and mold all over it.
NO SERIOUSLY THAT FANFIC WAS SO GOOD YALL DONT GET ME. it was a sp one and i don’t think i have ANY sp mutuals here?? so.. lemme explain..
it was a kyle broflovski academic rivals to lovers. fake relationship trope. i remember sm of the fic despite not having read it for months??/ i even downloaded a pdf so i could read it on a fight 2 detroit but I DELETED IT AFTERWARD. JULIA WTF.
plot/thingy/intro: so basically stan had to pull y/n into the janitors closet bc y/n was on the cheer team + bsfs with wendy (sp lore: stan and wendy are dating) and he tells her sm about college? FUCK I FOROT IT BUT ANYWAYS
also everyone’s aged up to hs. feel like that’s self explanatory but i am not reading an elementary fic hell no busters
and then craig and tweek (sp lore: they’re dating) walk in and they’re like “… 😦😦” bc one male one female in janitors closet why wouldn’t u think that and craig went “….this is our makeout closet” I LAUGHED SO JARD LMFAO
and so stan uses the excuse that he was confronting y/n about being on a date w kyle broflibskii!!11! omg. and it’s shocking bc everyone knows they’re enemies so craig + tweek believe it.
and since this took place during lunch, and kyle eats lunch in the gymnasium so the two go there and stan explains the mess he dragged them into and he’s like “pwease ☹️ pwease i don’t want wendy to think i cheated on her WITH HER FRIEND!” so yk kyle agrees and they hug and shit
scenes that happened that i remember: OMG. THIRD CHAPYER. y/n was eating in the gym in the bleachers and kyle used her lap as a pillow and they shared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich i loved this scene oh my god it was so cute
also: lore drop: y/n is cartmans cousin. i don’t need to say much to explain anything, if you’ve been on the internet for at least a month you’d know about his character
so after a game since y/n is on the cheer team she goes home and OH NAUR. CARTMAN LOCKED HER OUT FOR DATING KYLE OH NAURRRR. and it’s raining too! so y/n gets all soaked in the rain and kyle finds her so he takes her to his place and she has to shower and wear his clothes and it’s cute
they didn’t sleep in the same bed. NOOOOOO but he slept on the floor and let her take his bed what a gentleman k lived this fic so i loved it with all of my soul and heart pls come back.
dead on arrival by strawbebbyparks u changed my life forever.
ever since i first read that fic, i have been prettier. my hair looks better now, i look better now and i finally have a solid clothing style that suits me. i am feeling much more well.
i have not gotten sick within the time period that the fic was up on tumblr + ao3. but i swear i had a massive cold days after it got deleted. NOOOOOOOOOOO,,LKKK
please it was so good.
i’m manifesting that the author is just rewriting everything and she’ll re upload it w better writing + scenes soon bc I MISS DOA SM IT WAS SO GOOD
i remember having an online friend and in the middle of the night i’d be there and we’d be having a convo on how it was the best kyle x reader and no one could top it. doa was amazing
that fic motivated me into writing again too omg i remember reading it and immediately beginning to wri my own kyle fics
i remember waking up on summer days METICULOUSLY checking my notifications to see if k got an update email. and if i did i would be screaming and giggling and kicking my feet just reading it over and over again
also i’m js exaggerating like i’ve obviously been mourning the fic but i wasn’t THAT sad 😭😭
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heymrspatel · 2 years
✨ artist interview ✨
i was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @mikhailoisbaby and @deathclassic to do this artist interview that chrissy whipped up off of the popular fic writer one! thanks for the tag even if i feel like a grand ol' imposter 😅
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post? i do! i didn't before, but i was bullied by tumblr into doing so after they took down the art for "cinematic" lmao! then the pals encouraged me to upload the rest! i have 4 works: cinematic, kinktober, gallacrafts, and original art.
2. What is your total art count? 83! (including the zine stickers/tattoos)
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos? i used the helpful stats website @suzy-queued suggested!
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4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes! i still think it's insane when people choose to leave nice comments, so i try my best to respond!
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for? shameless, hi. if we're talking about art that i've shared, then it's also shameless. but the first one just for fun was harry potter (yeaaa yeaaa 🙄)
6. Have you ever received hate on any art? yep lol
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to? i guess the true answer is none. however, i get the urge to draw every time i watch something that i end up loving. recently i've wanted to draw for young royals and stranger things, but i never ended up doing anything. i would also be too shy to post 😅
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship? i've had many, but based on impact and inspiration i'd have to go with ian and mickey 💙
9. Do you draw outside of fandom? i do!! it's my favorite hobby! the only difference is that outside of this space i usually just sketch. so it's very different than what i share here.
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected? oh probably this one! it changed quite a bit and was originally drawn flipped around. i think it tells a different story depending on which way you look at it!
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11. Do you draw smut? yes! the teasing kind. the "what's that hand doing?!" kind lmao
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied? not that i know of!
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece? yea! i've collabed on art for fics with @whatwouldmickeydo and @metalheadmickey and on the zine and timeline with @you-are-so-much-better-than-that 🥰
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw? omg i have an entire list of ideas that just exist and may never come to life lol! they range from extreme fluff to absolute filth... my notes app: -kiss on the cheek/scrunchy face -mickey's head hanging off bed/mouth open/ian's hand wrapped around the nape of his neck -holding hands at the alibi alsdkfjlk
15. What are your drawing strengths? i would say adding details and tying the story i'm trying to convey together. and i like to think that i'm ok at giving them that tender and in love feel no matter the situation.
16. What are your drawing weaknesses? all of it? haha proportions and certain angles are really hard for me. hands and noses yikes! i am also terrible at drawing from memory. i usually draw with about 20 references pulled up on my laptop. like, i am the bozo googling "table". 17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn? it's gotta be the roadtrip one! but i also really really love this one:
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know? i love adding/repeating little details that no one would really notice unless you're zooming all the way in or seeing a few pieces as a set. i built a color palette very early on that has stayed consistent throughout. i play a lot with blues and greens as a motif. and uh i'm still learning! everyday! with every single one!
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom? i genuinely love doing it! i also love a prompt, that's why i started all of this with gallacrafts. and i just really love putting them in situations i want to see them in and drawing them stupidly in love!
but, i also hoard unhinged tags in my cheeks like a chipmunk lmao every series i've done was born from people screaming a version of "YOU'RE INSANE" at me 😂
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight. i usually draw on the couch, hunched over like a shrimp. i’m normally up really late (i see 3am too often) and that’s when i get most of my work done. i typically watch something i've seen before so that i don't have to fully pay attention or i'll listen to music. i sketch a rough draft of what i want the final piece to end up looking like, then i do a shit ton of research and pull up a stupid amount of references. i have a really creepy pinterest board full of body parts lol! then i fight for my life and rage until the line work is fully done. after that, it’s smooth sailing with coloring and shading 😌
i'm feeling a little tag shy, but i'll tag @gallawitchxx @doodlevich @y0itsbri and @grumpymickmilk if you want to play! if not i'm just giving you some flowers 💐
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wttcsms · 3 months
hi!! i don't know what trail of blogs led me to yours but omg how did i never think to look you up on tumblr i've been subscribed to you on ao3 for ages!! (time is fake) i think fondly of your balancing act finance bro satoru fic! anyway i'm so happy to find you here, wishing you luck with your busy busy summer!!
hello!!!! is it so sad of me to instantly recognize ur username bc i have a horrible habit of remembering (most!!! i try!) of the ppl who comment on my fics 🥹🥹 so happy u found me!!! u will not be finding ao3-caliber fics on here, this is like a dumpster where instead of just deleting the annoying, corny things i think abt, i click post and upload it on here
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cursedvibes · 11 months
hello!! maybe this is kind of a cheesy/chaotic ask but i'm too shy to mssg directly...BUT OMG i really loved your fic "Picking Up the Pieces" w the TenJaku/KenGen pairing!! I had a moment of hunger to find fics abt them but sadly there were only 5 fics abt them in AO3..THANK GOD YOU DELIVERED THO it was such an explorative fic of the possibilities of their relationship <33
im also saying this bcoz i just entered tumblr and u followed me at that Tengen art I uploaded a (few?) day/s ago and I SCREAMED HHASHSHHSHD but yes i love you and your writing and your brain (pun?) very much!!! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Omg, thank you so much! I'm really excited you liked this fic of mine because I've been loving your TenKen (& Sukuna) art ever since I found it on Twitter! Your Tengen especially looks sooo good. You really capture her shaggy hair and tired eyes ☺️ Your art of Tengen and Kenjaku reading under the tree looks so good, such a lovely and serene atmosphere. I always look forward to you drawing them, even if it's just silly sketches. I was really excited when you came over here to tumblr as well. Welcome on the sinking ship :D
Can't believe you actually like my stuff TenKen stuff...I'm gonna try to post fics about them, AO3 really needs more appreciation for them
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woozarts · 1 year
Hiii (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ I'm a big fan of your work and I was wondering if you had ao3? If you do can you share it with us? I would love to see it!
hii! omg thankss 🥰🥰
thank you for being a fan of work!! can't believe i have a fan :))
it's kind of sureal to think about the fact that there is a fan even though i haven't really posted much and am not very frequently active around here
i do have ao3 but unfortunately i use it for reading only 🥲🥲 sorry 🤧
BUT if i do get motivation to start a sort of series or smth then i might double upload it through tumblr and ao3 and if/when i do, i'll make sure to inform people about my ao3 account through tumblr!
the thing is, i have such a short attention span that i might never actually finish a series properly 💀
im in the process of writing another short angst scenario and a fluffy one as well so everyone else who may be reading this, please be patient with me :)) i'll try to get at least one of them out by the next two weeks
a small sneak peak!!
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it's kind of like a best friends to ex-best friends to friends to something im not too sure about cause im still writing that part
because of the confusing (and long) trope, it will be pretty long because of multiple timskips and flashbacks
++ it's based on a skz member ;) (guess who)
i hope you look forward to it!!
lots of love~ - rai
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r-f-m-writes · 6 months
OMG I'm so excited you have a tumblr with asks!
I found you on Ao3 via pretty dead animals and I have been completely obsessed, I literaly scream every time you update XD
Its the best original work i've read in a year, the OW space on archive has been so dead lately its so good to see writing that isn't complete shit lol
You're super talented and i'm so looking forward to all your new works
back to what I came here to ask, do you have any fan casts for Linette and Logan? Like any actors who you would want to play them or models you think look like them ect
I love Linette so much i want to put a face to her!
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Thank you so much for your kind words. I am thrilled you have enjoyed Pretty, Dead Animals so much!
I can't speak to the state of the Original Work pool on Ao3 as I have only been using it for about a year and, prior to uploading my own works, had never been in any fandoms or had any reason to go on the site.
I have to confess I used to be a real "published books are the only real books" author snob.
The positive reception to PDA has been overwhelming, I am so grateful to everyone who has left Kudos and Comments and Bookmarked my work! It really means the world, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
To answer your Ask about the appearances of Lin and Logan, I've attached some images to help you visualize the pair. Obviously these aren't exactly how I imagine them in my head, but they're close enough that I feel comfortable prescribing them to my readers, lets say as 'lookalikes'.
For Logan, I've chosen American actor David Corenswet. He's objectively very handsome, but there's something extremely off-putting about his face that makes me immediately uneasy, it's almost uncanny in it's effect.
Nothing against the guy, it really isn't his fault he has a face that looks like you asked an artist to draw Henry Cavill from (foggy) memory, lmafo.
In the case of Linette, I'm referencing an Australian model named Samantha Harris. She's beyond striking and has features that make me think of Mother Earth, like something that has lived for thousands of years and will go on living long after the end of existence. She's so perfect it almost makes her painful to look at, there isn't a single aspect of her face that doesn't catch your attention which is exactly the sort of appearance I visualized Linette to have.
There has to be a reason Logan sees her and instantly becomes obsessed. I personally can't subscribe to the "she was plain to the point of being lowkey-ugly but this super hot ripped dude was just SO into her" thing that some dark romance authors like to lean towards, it's just too unrealistic and always takes me out of the story.
Additionally, I felt like it was important that Linette be significantly more attractive than Logan (again, no offense David Corenswet) because there had to be a part of her that was objectively out of his reach otherwise his resorting to kidnapping her wouldn't make much sense; why not just go up and ask her out for coffee like a normal person? Logan had to feel some huge insecurity in order to take the course of action that he does, him being much less attractive than Linette seemed like a believable catalyst for me.
Please drop any more asks you have straight into my inbox, this is such a fun topic for me - I could talk about these two forever!
Thanks for your ask,
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Hey, long time no chat. I got blocked from Tumblr, I don’t know why, so I stole (borrowed) my friend’s phone. Um. . . Could you post the au on Ao3? I can still access that (for now) and would love to see my au again. Looking for it on Google is hard. Write it however you want. Possibly post the art too? I miss chatting with you. Until I can access Tumblr again, Werewolf Alma and Mirabel anon
OMG HI??? I was wondering what happened but I didn't wanna pry 😭😭 Also?? Tumblr blocking you from posting is so weird, but I'm not surprised because I've had people DM me and say they couldn't even find my profile when they searched it.
ANYWAY. I'll see if I can upload it onto AO3! Also, if you're having trouble finding it:
On my 'About this Blog' post, which is pinned, there is a public link to my google doc that has pretty much all the snippets that are on this blog, including that Werewolf AU :DDD Its under a separate tab as well, so it should be easy to find :)) If that doesn't work, try going to my archive and searching for the hashtag there!
As soon as I get on fall break , which is this Friday (and finish the next chapter of Cocooned, which lucky for you is almost done), I'll see about posting on AO3, with the art I've done :))) In the meantime, good luck with accessing tumblr again :''''DDD
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missyjanne85 · 4 years
WARNING: LONG POST! NO TRIGGERS - FEEL GOOD VIBES GUARANTEED! (Unless your heart is, like, literally made of stone!...)
So I'm going to tell you a bit about my Dad! 😍
The whole reason why I express myself creatively is because of my dad. My love of reading and writing comes from him. He is (along with my mum of course – if you want a lesson in equality and the example of “sensitive, new age man” my dad’s pic is under the definition) and always has been my biggest supporter – the person who is guaranteed to be in the front row cheering me on. I didn’t have a soccer mum growing up, I had a soccer DAD. Dad was the one who took me and my brother everywhere on the weekends! I was very lucky and privileged growing up – dad would take me to singing lessons, piano lessons, tennis lessons (I tried other activities too but I won’t mention them…basically cause I sucked lol). Dad was the one who listened and encouraged me when I wrote my first song – music was my absolute passion (and still is)and he would spend hours with me workshopping every performance I would prepare for, every recital...He was my Alpha before I knew what that term meant.
I'm glad you asked - I'll tell you 😉
As most of you know - I have recently created my author page on Facebook. This year I have made a conscious effort to connect to those with like-minded interests. HP FANFIC! I’ve found my people!!! Specifically on the platforms Facebook and Tumblr (I still suck at it…but I’m trying!)…I’m also a lurker on Instagram.
Here it is: My dad is an Indi Author! I know! How BAMF is that?! He’s retired now, but back in the day he was an English and History teacher. He also taught English as a Second Language for a while and eventually moved into Higher Education in which he taught young adults with learning disabilities – his program was designed to teach them essential life skills (like budgeting, shopping, skills that would lead to getting a job) He would come home and tell me stories about his students and one of their favourite activities: Reading the newspaper together as a class and discuss the current events – dad was an amazing teacher and he is an amazing man.
When dad was an English teacher at High School, one of the activities he would run when teaching creative writing was an activity he had dubbed: “speed writing”. Now that I’ve become a part of fandom author community - I have literally only just put two and two together and realised my dad was running “sprints” in his classroom 😱😱😱
Again! What an absolute BAMF!
Okay, Sorry! I'll try again...
Dad isn’t on social media (though mum is), he doesn’t use a mobile phone (but mum does – you see where I’m going with this?). As an independently published Indi-Author on Amazon (I’m gonna share the link – don’t worry), I’ve told him about the benefits of social networking. He’s been reluctant…I decided at the time not to push. Recently though, I shared with him the fact that I’ve been writing during Covid 19 – not songs and music, but stories. I told him I’ve found a safe haven in fanfiction – I’ve found people I wish I knew years ago! I’ve found friends who I’m now collaborating with (back in the day I was never in a band or anything like that). I’ve told Dad about my experience publishing my little ficlettes and stories on AO3 - how I was receiving reviews and feedback. I told him about ‘Kudos”.
His ears suddenly perked up and bless him – he said “Do you think your friends would look at my story too and do you think they would leave a comment?”
Well friends, now you *know* - I’m a daughter on a mission!
My dad’s alias is Raymond Jeffrey. His birthday is the 12th of December and I’ve been thinking...What can I possibly give the man who has literally fuelled my love of writing? Who has constantly encouraged my creativity. What does he truly want?
The answer is Kudos people!!!!!
My dad isn’t interested in the amount of sales or rankings his book gets – It’d be nice, but it won't stop him from writing his trilogy. He's already a thrid of the way through book 2!!! (BAMF!)
So friends, if I may be so bold - can I ask you to reach out and leave him a review on Amazon? Even if it is as simple as a phrase of encouragement to keep writing, to continue? The way we do in Fandom?
That would be simply magic!!!
I’m not asking you to buy his book, but if you have Kindle I’d love for you to give his original work a go and leave him a review.
You can download a free sample here:
Dad literally painted the artwork himself (and then had mum scan it as a PDF in order to upload it and then use it as a cover). My mum has been simply amazing – she’s his Alpha and has encouraged him on this life long goal to write a book.
Dad currently had 10 sales in total (some are purchases made by family from overseas) and recently he cheekily introduced himself to his new neighbour (my folks recently moved during Covid 19) as an ‘internationally selling author’(Omg Dad! 😆🤣😂 ). He's also hired a woman to professionally format and edit his book for SPAG – so his book has actually been professionally Beta’d (when I told him I had met people who loved Betaing for funsies he was shocked and also secretly I think he was a little jelly 🤭🤭🤭).
So yes, can you help me friends????? Be a part of this movement I’m trying to start?!
I would literally love for him to suddenly get a flood of reviews and have no idea why!
I plan to share this post with him for his birthday.
Thanks and gratitude friends!
Love from Missy xxxxx
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bjy-on-ao3 · 4 years
Reader is a noob sexually (and her body is sensitive), is a shy introvert, and is a bit petite. She and Adachi have become lovers recently. One evening after Adachi comes back from work he finds reader in his apartment horny and turned on. She begs him to relieve her. I'd love if it had dirty talk, degradation, some biting, and rough sex. Omg please please please
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(As usual, you can find the AO3 version of all my uploads [and some things I don’t post here to tumblr] via my Masterlist blog page.)
This checks off most of the boxes for the request if I understood it correctly. Also, I don’t really think Adachi would be the type to give someone a key to his place, but the alternative is ‘Reader is a bit yandere and picked the lock’ and I didn’t think that matched up with this well. Thank you for your patience, I know it’s been a while since this request was made! Summary Reader invites themselves into Adachi’s apartment while he’s away at work. Adachi punishes them for their shameless, though it might just be encouraging the bad behavior. Tags/Warnings Biting, Creampie, Degradation, Dirty Talk, Doggy Style, Established Relationship, Misogyny, Name-Calling, Rough Sex, Shameless Smut, Spanking, Vaginal Sex
Mercy (F! Reader/Tohru Adachi)
“Ugh, what a crap day.”
Adachi approached the door to his apartment, feeling tired and bitter as ever. On one hand, he was happy to be off shift and not have to worry about behaving like the overly nice guy society demanded. On the other, he knew it wouldn’t last long.
His train of thought and speech screeched to a stop as he noticed a light shining from his apartment window. “Did I leave that on?” His brow furrowed as he tried to remember. It wasn’t like him to forget something like that. He didn’t need to be paying extra for power he wasn’t using.
Torn from his thoughts, Adachi was on guard now, focused on the apartment. He decided he hadn’t left the light on, so who had? Had someone broken into his apartment? Out of all those they could have chosen, the home of a police detective seemed the poorest choice. Neighborhood hooligans causing trouble, maybe? He couldn’t be sure.
He crept to the door, finding it still locked. The befuddled look on his face deepened even further. Had it been him after all? Unless… He shook his head, finding his key and unlocking the door before pushing it open tentatively. He cast a wary glance around the kitchen the door opened into. No one. Not a soul to be seen, and nothing in the room looked awry. At least, not until his eyes swept over the sliding door adjoining the kitchen and his bedroom, which he noticed was barely ajar.
He moved toward the sliding door with a long, purposeful stride, though quietly. He slid open the door with a loud noise and a flourish. His eyes widened when he spied a figure sitting on his bed that popped up as the doors slammed open. He wiped the surprise from his face when he realized who it was that had made themselves so comfortable on his bed.
“Tohru, you’re home. Finally,” you greeted. You stood there, looking genuinely glad and relieved to see him, dressed only in a loose shirt and panties. Adachi was as perplexed as ever, abruptly remembering the key he had given you to his apartment. “I’ve been waiting for you,” you confessed happily, though something desperate lingered beneath the cheer.
“Waiting for me?” He asked. He reached into his pocket and drew out his phone, expecting to see a missed message or something stating your intent to come over and wait for him to arrive back from work. No missed calls, no unread messages. Nothing.
“I...I couldn’t stop thinking about last time.” Your voice was low, meek almost, as if it were embarrassing to admit, and you cast your eyes to the floor. Adachi said nothing, feeling as if you weren’t finished speaking, despite your hesitant tone. Not that Adachi wasn’t used to you being shy, especially admitting certain things. “It’s been driving me crazy,” you finished, looking him back in the eyes.
When  Adachi observed the noticeably wet spot in your panties, it hit him what you were alluding to. The confusion took a backseat to pride, and he couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh? Is that right?” He asked pressingly, willing you to go on.
You swallowed nervously, hesitating as if trying to pluck the right words from the air before you spoke. “Y-yes. Whenever I try to go about doing something else, the memory... just comes right back to me,” you explained. There was a neediness creeping into your tone. “I tried, um, taking care of stuff by myself, but…” you stopped, unsure how to continue. Stating it so plainly was a mortifying idea.
But Adachi wasn’t going to let you off easily. Especially when you had come over to his apartment just to wait for him because you needed him so badly. You were going to fess up one way or another what you wanted from him, even if he already knew from context.
“But what, baby?” His speech had some of the warmth you heard when he was in town, in public, but the cool and alluring tone beneath it belied a very different mood.
The fake warmth soothed you enough to confess more. “It’s...it’s not the same. It has to be you. It has to be your hands… has to be your cock.” The words coming out burned as hotly as you knew your face did. “I need you, please… Tohru,” you trailed off again, the words getting stuck in your throat.
Your heart pounded even faster in your chest. It had already been screaming, protesting your brazenness and warring with your desire. But you needed relief and only Adachi could give it to you. You recalled the saying about it being easier to ask forgiveness rather than permission, but now standing there feeling like your face was on fire, when there was no taking it back, you weren’t so sure. Adachi never had been the most forgiving person in the time you’d been together, after all. But he didn’t seem mad now. Perhaps that should have been more frightening.
“C’mon, keep going. I wanna hear more about what a needy little whore you are,” Adachi insisted. The mocking tone and degrading term was something you were familiar with from him. It excited you as much as it unsettled you.
You took in a steadying breath that rattled in your chest. Speaking lewdly so boldly was new to you. Hell, so much of what you’d learned from being with Adachi was new to you. “I… touch me, Tohru, please. F-fuck me, I need you so bad,” you finally said. It amazed you that you hadn’t spontaneously combusted by now.
Adachi, crooked smile inching wider, stepped further into his bedroom, closing the sliding doors with a shuffling sound and moving toward you. You made to meet him in the middle of the bedroom, but he brushed past you to stand by the bed, leaving you looking on in confusion. “Hmm, as hot as that is, I don’t think you’ve earned it,” Adachi concluded, turning to face you.
Protests sprang from your lips immediately, unthinking. “B-but, Tohru, please, I—”
“Shut your mouth, dumb cunt,” Adachi snapped venomously. You licked your lips anxiously and did as you were told. “I didn’t ask for your opinion. You come over late at night, uninvited, without a single word, and expect me to fuck you?” There was an indignant incredulousness in his tone, but something else just beneath. “I think you need to be taught a lesson,” he said. The previously surprised and then neutral gaze he had given you had turned narrow and cold.
“W-what do you mean?” You asked genuinely.
“Come here.” The command was short, providing no room for negotiation, but that didn’t stop you.
“Tohru, I just—”
“ Now , you stupid bitch,” Adachi snarled, his patience wearing thinner. You hastily made your way back to the bed until you stood beside him, watching keenly, a light tremor coursing through you. Of fear or excitement or both, you weren’t sure. “That’s better,” Adachi said, tone much less sharp.
He raised one hand to the curve of your hip, letting it lay there almost gently, and you sighed. His other hand lifted to your mouth where he absently pressed his thumb to your lips. You gave in to the pressure quickly, letting the digit slide past your lips and swiping your tongue over it, before sucking at it.
“Now, just how should I punish a selfish little whore?” He stroked over your enthusiastic tongue, pressing down hard and thrusting his thumb further back, making you nearly gag. “Ah, I think I’ve got it,” Adachi declared, a glee trickling into his voice. He pulled his thumb from your mouth and his touch abandoned you altogether, making you whine. “Get rid of those,” he demanded, prodding at your clothes.
“Yes, Tohru, anything,” you agreed, eagerly stripping and discarding them onto the floor in a heap. Your trembling was even more evident when you waited before him fully bare, though the chilly air of the room didn’t help.
“Now bend over,” Adachi commanded, with a nod of his head to his bed. “I want to see that tight little ass.”
You nodded dumbly, stepping around him and bending over the mattress, burying your hands in the sheets. You didn’t look back at first, trying to regain some control of your pulse and the shudders that wracked your body. Adachi pressed close behind you, and you squirmed ticklishly away from the hem of his blazer and tie as they trailed over your skin.
He lay one palm languidly on the swell of your ass, caressing reverently for a moment and enjoying the heat and softness of your skin. His other hand imitated it, before rolling over and clamping onto your hip opposite the first.
“How much did you touch yourself while you waited for me, huh?” Adachi asked casually, as if it were a simple, not absolutely embarrassing question to answer.
“I-well, I—” Your voice cracked and rang out in a surprised yelp when Adachi lifted the hand groping your ass away and brought it down harshly onto the sensitive skin. “S-so much! But it wasn’t—” Adachi’s heavy hand broke your speech again as he swatted your ass a second time, making both cheeks tingle and sting. “But it wasn’t enough! I need you . I had to come see you!” You cried out, voice shaking, the spankings only making more wetness pool between your legs.
“Yeah? And you couldn’t be bothered to tell me?” Adachi seemed most upset by your audacity. He raised his hand in another smack, sharper this time, the sound of skin-on-skin resounding in the bedroom and you shouted. “Guess I shouldn’t expect a whore like you to have the brains to think straight,” he degraded in a hiss, giving one cheek a harsh squeeze.
“I wanted to s-surprise you—aah, fuck!” You cursed when Adachi struck you again, the spankings coming quicker, giving you less time to recover.
“Is that so?” He sounded unconvinced.
“Yes, Tohru. Please, I just want you, I need you,” you begged. “I ca—” The next slap on your ass was the hardest yet, ripping a strangled sound from your throat. “I can’t cum without you!” You shouted, desire and pain straining your voice.
Yet giving Adachi what he wanted was as much of a bane as disobeying. It just made him more cocky, invigorating him to torment you and draw out even more lewd confessions. “Oh yeah? And what if I didn’t want to let you cum?”
The spankings paused as he spoke, as if he wanted to allow you the clarity to take them in. A particularly violent shiver rocked you at the obscenity of his words and the thought of being left with the burning need between your legs untended and ignored. “What if I just wanted to fuck your cute little mouth when I’m done here and send you home?: He threatened. He punctuated the sentence with another hard smack to your ass and you whimpered.
Tears burned in the corner of your eyes, frustration and pain and something vaguely pleasurably smoldering beneath both. Already your ass stung and throbbed, and you knew it would bruise luridly the next day. Beneath you, despite the brace of your arms supporting you, your thighs quaked, your knees threatening to buckle and dump you face first into the sheets.
“No, Tohru please, you have to—” you started, but Adachi cut you off again with another vicious spanking.
He grabbed a fistful of hair in the hand that had held your hip, jerking your head back and making you wince at the strain of the angle. His lips met your ear, and his words made the hair on the back of neck stand on end as yet another shiver seized you.
“I don’t have to do anything, slut.” he said nastily. “You’re my little toy and you’ll take what I give you and thank me when I’m done.” He stopped, and his grip loosened. “Maybe if I feel good enough, you can even cum.”
Adachi let his fingers slip from your hair, the hand on your stinging ass moving away, too, and he shifted closer. The cool fabric of his pants and even colder metal of his belt buckle against your burning skin was a relief, though you still squirmed from the sensation. Past the press of the fabric, you clearly felt how hard Adachi was despite his angry demeanor.
You didn’t realize he had been expecting you to respond until he seized your chest in his hands, tweaking both nipples cruelly and leaving a hard bite on the curve of your neck and shoulder, growling in your ear again. “Well? Answer me.”
“Y-yes, Tohru. I-I’ll take it all. Anything. Everything,” you agreed demurely, your voice shaking along with your body. All the cruel stimulation set you on edge, rattling your words even more than your nerves normally might. “F-fuck, fuck, fuck,” you murmured under your breath as Adachi continued to roughly toy with your breasts.
Adachi stood straight, his palms leaving your chest and retreating to your ass again, His fingers snaked down to your soaked lips, spreading them open and admiring the slickly glistening pink within. His eyes flickered for a second to the wet spot left on his slacks from where they had been pressed against your slick.
“Look at you. Dripping wet already and I’ve hardly touched your pussy,” he shamed. He was careful not to let his fingers slip further in, as much as he wanted to. “What a pathetic little whore,” he spat out, and you made a soft, desperate sound that only confirmed his words.
“You should be happy I don’t just leave you high and dry right now,” Adachi supplied, as if you ought to thank him for his mercy. But I’ve had a long day and I could use the relief. So consider yourself lucky.”
His touch abandoned you again altogether, and you heard the distinctive sound of his belt buckle clinking, coming undone, and the rustle of his slacks as he disposed of them. Adachi let himself indulge finally in the wetness pooled between your thighs, seeping down them. He slid two fingers easily between your lips, gathering the fluid there and making an appreciative noise as it glistened on his fingers. He raised his fingers to his lips, quickly cleaning them before pressing himself up against your ass.
You winced, the skin still stinging, but you couldn’t help but feel excited all the same at the touch of his hot, bare skin on yours. You cried out again when Adachi grabbed your sore cheeks in both hands, kneading savagely. He thrust himself between your pussy lips, but not inside, coating his cock with your essence. You gave a soft moan, a mixture of hurt and relief, and whimpered pitifully. His cock was so close to where you wanted him, yet with the mood he was in, you wondered if Adachi intended just to antagonize you.
One indecisive hand moved away and back to your chest, pinching a nipple so hard more tears sprang to your eyes and you let out a gasp. “Aaah, Tohru, that hurts,” you complained in a wavering voice strangled by tightness in your throat.
“Good. Maybe it’ll teach you something,” he said, a mean, husky undertone of excitement edging into his voice. “Next time you touch yourself, thinking about me, you tell me,” he warned, bucking his hips and sliding slickly through your lips again.
The tears broke, rolling over your cheeks, feeling cool in contrast to your burning face. “Yes, yes, I swear I will next time, Tohru. I swear,” you promised. Anything to end your punishment and persuade Adachi to bury himself in the needy place he was already so close to. But he wanted to be crystal clear you understood.
“You wait until you’ve got my permission before you come barging in here,” he started. “I’ll fuck your brains out when I want. You’re my shameless whore to use when I want to get off. Have I made myself clear, baby?” There was that gentle term of endearment, mixed in again with the mean names. And yet it felt the most biting of them all.
You nodded your head frantically in compliance, biting your lip and fighting back the sting and the desperate need assaulting your nerves. It wasn’t enough to satisfy Adachi though, and he prompted you to speak by once more by squeezing your ass and your chest sharply. You nearly yelled your answer, obeying the ache, “Yes! I-I’ll only come over when you want me.”
That seemed to be enough. “Good. Now that we’ve got that cleared up and you’ve got me all worked up…” Adachi stopped, pressing his cock more firmly against your dripping heat to emphasis the effect you had on him, “I think it’s time I fucked that needy cunt of yours.”
“Please…” you whined in a pitiful, breathy tone. Despite all the torment, the crude names and rough treatment, you craved him.
Adachi moved against you roughly, cock slipping through your folds again until the thick head pressed against your entrance. He didn’t bother taking his time or savoring the stretch, entering you, fast and rough, all at once. You groaned and shuddered again, the need burning higher the satisfying relief of feeling him hot and hard inside you. You whimpered his name, fisting the sheets tighter and arching back into him.
When he drew back, taking the wonderful fullness with him, you could have cried all over again, but you weren’t left wanting for long, and he slammed back home and filled you to the brim. The motion repeated, his hips rocking against yours carelessly, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room, melding with obscene, wet noise from your cunt and the raspy, shaky moans pouring from your mouth. Adachi’s low groans and numerous swears under his breath  joined your voice as he pushed himself as far as he could go, relishing in the soft heat clenching around his cock.
“Shit, you’re so goddamn tight. Did you need my cock this bad?” He groaned, giving one ass cheek another light slap. It was enough to make you gasp and squirm again, but not nearly so hard as your punishment before.
Eventually his other hand joined its twin on your breasts, filling both palms greedily and toying with the nipples. He leaned down, pressing his clothed chest into your back so he could drive himself even harder into your cunt and bite harshly at your shoulders and neck. His growling, excited words were closer now, adding to the fire bubbling in your belly under your skin.
“Pathetic… needy… little… bitch.” His words were broken, interrupted by pants and the force of his hips each time he bucked into you. You moaned louder, your cunt clamping down even more around him at the humiliating words. “Is this what you’ve been waiting for? To be used like a worthless little cock sleeve?” He degraded, his pace slowing, but not the force behind it, his words coming out lower, clearer.
He didn’t need to spur you to answer this time, not with his hands kneading your chest and his cock filling you up over and over so deliciously, making the knot in your gut tense and heat.
“Aaah, y-yes! It’s amazing,” you breathed, voice wavering but thick with the arousal that made you feel near mindless. “You feel so, so good,” you continued, the praise catching in your throat as Adachi touched something inside you that felt especially good.
“Such a good little slut.” The depraved praise was just another catalyst for the fire in your abdomen that strung your body tight. But in it you could hear the way your body affected Adachi as well. A strain dawned in his voice, and his breathing became more ragged. “Tell me, baby, does a fuck toy like you deserve to cum?”
“O-only if you, fuck , want me to, Tohru,” you nearly purred, and Adachi stiffened even more within you at how unexpectedly easily you responded that time.
“That’s right,” he confirmed, picking up his pace, until each deep, hard thrust rocked ythe bed and the frame groaned in protest.
Your mouth fell open, each moan and whimper and gasp coming out full and unimpeded, raising in pitch each time Adachi’s hips pressed flush against yours and his balls slapped against the backs of your thighs.
“Shit. You sound so fucking hot.” The strain in Adachi’s voice was clear as a bell now, and you knew he was close, even distracted by your own pleasure. “I’m gonna fill up that shameless cunt of yours,” he promised bawdily.
“F-fuck, please, Tohru, I-I want your cum.” You surprised yourself with how filthy the words sounded as they fell past your lips, but your face and body could warm no further with embarrassment.
When his rhythm stuttered, Adachi reached one hand down from your breasts, fumbling but quickly finding your swollen clit and rubbing feverishly as his heavy, panting breaths fanned over the back of your neck. Already so overstimulated, it didn’t take long before the tantalizing stroke of Adachi’s fingers burst the coil of heat in your gut and sent you over the edge.
Your cries peaked so loud, you were sure the neighbors nearby could hear, but with the waves of molten pleasure webbing out from your core, you had no mind to care. No mind to be even more humiliated. Adachi’s fingers didn’t stop as you met your climax, and tears ran down your cheeks again; though you weren’t sure if they had ever really stopped. This time, it was from the touch of his fingers and stroke of his cock, quickly becoming overwhelming and almost unpleasant, despite the way your cunt contracted around him and the volume of your moans.
The eager, constant clench of your cunt around his length seemed to be the last push Adachi needed. A positively feral sound met your ears as Adachi stiffened against you, his cum filling you in thick, hot spurts that made you feel even more full. “Fuck, take it all, you dumb slut,” he growled, voice wild and husky as he pumped into you
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted, your voice quiet when compared to the sound of your moans.
At last, Adachi’s hips went still, and his fingers on your clit halted, pulling away and wiping the sticky slick coating them onto your thigh. You panted heavily, eyelids fluttering as you strove to keep them open, and you heard Adachi panting as well. There was a pause where neither of you said anything, bent only on the afterglow and regaining your breath.
“Well, what do you say?” Adachi asked expectantly. “C’mon, speak up. I’m sure even a dumb bitch like you can remember.” Though his words were cruel, his tone had mellowed, sounding more exhausted than harsh or demanding.
“T-thank you, Tohru. Thank you for fucking me… a-and for letting me cum,” you mumbled. Your face had cooled while you recovered, but with those words it was on fire all over again.
Satisfied, Adachi pulled out, and his cum leaked down your thighs in the absence of his cock. He stepped away, and you remained bent over his bed, until finally you thought yourself steady enough to stand straight. You turned to look for your clothes - including those you had discarded before Adachi had arrived back - but a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Oh, don’t bother getting dressed, baby. You’re not going anywhere,” he informed you, giving you a light push so that you tumbled back onto his bed.
“B-but I thought— don’t you want me to leave?” you asked in confusion. More often than not, when Adachi was in that sort of mood, he wanted you gone afterwards.
“Not after your little stunt,” he said, shucking off his jacket and hanging it up, before taking off his tie and dress shirt, folding them surprisingly neatly in a stack. “You’re going to stay over and make it up to me again in the morning before work,” Adachi decided, coming back to the bed.
“You didn’t think just that was enough, did you?”
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Part 1: Hi! It's me again! :) (reviewing a little late) First things first, I absolutely love this chapter. I love everything that comes from you, and this is no different. I had a few minutes to read before heading off to my usual daily routine, and I've had like no time to actually digest it, you know? But today, I had some time to re-read the chapter and OMG!! I'm pumped up! The energy I got from the new chapter was unreal; this chapter was so beautiful!
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Part 12: “He blew the candle out before Butch could flick the flashlight back on, but in that millisecond before the darkness overtook them, he could have sworn he had made eye contact with his smiling reflection. But Brick hadn’t been smiling.” I have been singing your praises with these last two chapters. Just magnificent. I just cannot wait for your next works and chapter! (This is the end lol.)
((Omg 🙃 I hit the stupid photo limit so I had to transcribe part 12. Sorry about that @cannevasingabarbiesong))
So, right off the bat, 🥺🥺🥺 thank you!! 🥰🙏🥳💚 literally my poor little heart. I’ve really got to post this on ao3 I think—my reservations about that website aside—because at the very least it would make these reviews/responses easier!! I think after the next chapter I’ll start uploading the story elsewhere, but keep updating here on tumblr first b/c I love my followers like the most lmao.
I really love this review so much because you really picked up on all the certain elements that I was trying to stress. Seriously, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts because, as the writer, I’m glad I’m making certain themes obvious enough that you’re picking up important details that will absolutely come back into the story later on!! The distortion, the initial innocent mundaneness, and the slow “hey, but wait a second…” were all intentional choices important to the story!!! Your thought process is exactly where it needs to be rn! :))
Also, one, you’re observations about HIM and what his pictures represent are absolutely correct!! I stole that theme from the show actually. As the audience we’re always aware that HIM is evil, but the characters never seem to realize that until it’s too late, do they? That’s what makes every HIM episode so good!! Even if HIM isn’t physically in this story (yet), he’s always watching, which is true in the original run of the show. I don’t want Him as a gag in this story, I really want him as that creepy evil entity that gave kids nightmares when the show first ran!
In regards to Boom :))) yay! Yea! He’s the insightful one! I try to make sure that the boys’ pigs are written in a way that reflects their personality. Hopefully that starts to come across in my writing more and more!! Because Boomer’s the more “sensitive” and reflective brother, I use him to my advantage and give him the most exposition and dialogue. He’s got a lot to say, “stupid” questions to ask, and really allows me to give readers those specific details other characters wouldn’t bother to look at! Boomer also speaks for Butch, which Brick does too, but not as often and not as extensively. ((But Boom still has things he’s tunneled-visioned about—he’s a bit lovesick rn 😉))
I chose Brick to be my stubborn unreliable narrator. The tunnel vision he struggles with is a way for me to make those bad choices you want to be pissed off at. Once Brick has an idea, it’s hard to persuade him otherwise, and that’s good for me, because his character naturally takes control and creates a bunch of story conflict. So, yeah, lmao I think he’s just going to be one of those “seriously dude?” characters, but tbh can you blame him? Who really believes in these dumb playground stories irl?? We all just know who HIM is, Brick doesn’t yet 😂😂
Also yessss!! Love that the last scene was creepy!!! I feel like I should clarify though that the fourth reflection in the mirror was HIM’s graffiti portrait. I chose to include it as a call back to Boomer’s earlier grip. Brick wasn’t ignoring a fourth body in the room/or a seemingly new reflection, he was simply ignoring the reflections already present in the mirror (him, his brothers, and HIM). I should have made that clearer in the story 😭😭 thanks for pointing it out. I’ll fix that when I post it to ao3 or whatever idk. I hope that doesn’t make it less creepy 😞 HOWEVER 👀👀👀 I should also clarify that you aren’t totally wrong. The things staring back at the boys weren’t reflections and Brick probably shouldn’t have chosen to ignore them.
((also obsessed that you awed cause Butch said three words about bloody fingerprints 😂😂😂 like ugh ur going to love BC fr kindred-spirits you and her))
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
I've been writing a little soft cute series recently, which I've been uploading onto AO3 and I want to post it on Tumblr too. But I've kind of been struggling with feeling worried about posting it on here. It's not like the series is anything out of the ordinary (the series being about an 8th member of BTS slowly falling for one of her band members & having platonic/familial interactions with the boys), but I think because Tumblr is so much more personal than places like AO3 that I get a little anxious about posting 😅 idk, does that make any sense? Would you happen to have any advice on getting around that writer's anxiety? I know it's super specific and you might not and that's okay! It helps even just to get it off my chest.
I was also going to ask about how you keep so on top of your writing, but I saw you answer an ask that was kind of similar earlier about using pomodoro techniques, so I think I'm going to give that a go when I next start writing! Anyway, sorry for the ramble omg 😖 and thank you for listening to me go on 😅💕💕
I used to get REALLLY bad writers anxiety and I still do sometimes. I used to post and then completely come offline for hours or until the next day not wanting to see what people thought about it. The series you have sounds really good!!! I totally understand how worrying it can be to post it.
Its easier for me to say but honestly I say just go for it, No harm no foul. You can always post it and then not look for a while, leave your account alone and come back to it the next day. Its all what you feel comfortable with 🥰🥰 I know sometimes even now I'll do something other than come onto tumblr if I post something I'm anxious about
asdfghjkl don't be sorry for the ramble!!! It's totally okay!!! I try to write at least one imagine a day...Some people don't and that's fine. Everyone works and writes in their own time 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗
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etraytin · 4 years
omg okay i haven't been on tumblr in a while so my memory is a little hazy--please correct me if i'm wrong! but did you make a master-post of like old websites that west wing fanfiction was published on? i liked that post a while back and now i can't find it. there's one website in particular i'm looking for that was kinda like a big archive, but it's not ao3. sorry this ask is all over the place, i'm just desperately searching for fanfiction i read years ago
I think the site you’re probably looking for is The National Library, which unfortunately went dark a couple years ago now but was luckily saved and mostly folded into AO3. Some things were lost because the archive they were working from did not always save more than the first chapter of multichapter fics, but a lot of stuff is still there. You can find the archived version of the site here on the Wayback Machine and although the site search function is borked to hell and back, the pages that are organized by main characters and main pairings are still working and useful. 
I can’t find the actual Tumblr post I made and I’m too lazy to look hard for it now, but I’m pretty sure the list you’re thinking about is the Find-a-Fic directory I put together for the JDFF project. It’s basically a list of every old author page I’ve been able to find so far during my journey to reconstruct the Josh/Donna Fanfiction archive from Yahoo Groups. You can find it here on Google Docs. If you’re actually looking for the JDFF archive where I’ve been linking and uploading many many many old Josh/Donna fics, you can find that here. 
Hope that helps, and that you find what you’re looking for! Feel free to hit me up if you want to share what you remember about the fic and see if anybody remembers it and can give you the title or link. I don’t know every fic out there but I do know quite a few, and some of my followers are incredibly good at recalling old fic, so it might be worth a shot. Good luck! 
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