#omfgggg we have got to start counting our blessings y’all
samswinchesters · 6 months
GUESS WHO HAS AN UPDATE: so that guy that decided to flirt with me and then when I had told him I liked him he flirted more (and honestly it was all sexual like there’s no way) and then I decided to confront him and say “hey you’re flirting with me I’m flirting with you and I told you I liked you am I being delusional“ and he hit me with the “I thought we were flirting as friends I’m not in a position to be in a relationship“ is actually in a relationship now and got in one maybe a week (it all happened in december) after I confronted him. So that was a lie. moral of the story to everyone reading don’t give an ugly guy a chance. Especially a guy who looks like he escaped the Amish community. I saw his girlfriend she’s way out of his league too and honestly girl run while you still can.
I was gripping my seat as I read the first few sentences and was like YEAHHHH WE ARE IN FOR A BOYFRIEND REVEAL!!! then,,,,,oh my fucking gosh??HELLO?? he’s laying the flirting on thick and he has the audacity to say I thought we were doing so “as friends”….babe, if we aren’t sloppily making out by the end of this 🤨 not him being in a relationship AFTER this like COME ON what happened to SHAME.
this is CRITICAL advice bc my sister has been fucking ugly dudes left and right and she cries over them when they leave her on read like GET YOURSELF UP!! YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!! like why would you let someone who is a measly 2 treat you like this 😐 we need that girl to get into witsec for her own protection like this dude does not sound like he’s worth it.
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