#omfg i love them so much you don't understand
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Oh, this chapter was just deliciously angsty!!! Just my cup of tea loll 😇
Loved every minute of it 😍😍
Oh, Micheal is just such a lovely, lovely person, isn't he? 😒 In the words of Taylor Swift: Michael doesn't measure up in any measure of a man...
“Do what you gotta do in the times, ‘s what I say,” Sam agreed.
Why did his wording here remind me so much of that? 😂😂
“Try to stay alive,” Sam rejoined.
Noooo dead 💀💀
Hahaha omfg I loved Sam so much during this chapter! He was awesome!!! Go Lawyer!Sam 😎🤎 (And I have no idea if you intended for my mind to jump to Changing Channels and French Mistake Sam with these lines, but it did, so THANK you 🤣🫶)
“But sometimes…sometimes an anchor just feels suffocating,” he said.
I do understand his struggle after the war, but it's literally NO excuse to treat his wife like shit, cheat on her, lie to her, spend her money for his trashy sidepiece, and God knows what else. You don't want an anchor? Fine. Get divorced. The fact he keeps her around and won't let her find her own happiness after she literally saved his life is so mind-boggingly selfish smh The least he could to show his gratitude is not be a gigantic cuntface 🤬
You never thought you would dishonor your husband as well as yourself.
Ugh, God, poor thing! 😭💔 With all the romanticism of that period sadly also comes the shame of taboo topics (not to mention feminism in general taking a backseat lol) Really feel for her here! Wish she wouldn't blame herself as much. Her husband is a dirtbag 😔
“Oh, sorry,” Dean said, making way for the guy. He wasn’t quite as tall as Dean, lithe, blonde, and blue-eyed. He grabbed an arrangement of blue and yellow iris flowers from the case and took it up to the front. The florist seemed to recognize him. “Oh, Michael! Been a while since I’ve seen you,” he said.
The whole flower shop scene was like watching a train wreck. Poor Dean! So many stingers in those few sentences!! 😩 (And man, I wanna choke Michael!!! Buying flowers? Dinner? Are you fucking kidding me??? WHAT THE F–???)
But did you stop the angst there? Nope! The reader part of me hated you, while the writer part highly commended you 😂💜
“As long as Michael plays along, should be quick. A few months at most, after he’s served the divorce papers and signs them,” Sam assured. A few months? That wasn’t quick enough in your book, but you agreed with a nod. You got up from the chair opposite his desk. You hesitated there.
I already knew it wouldn't be fast, but I knew this was going to be a problem. Where would she stay during this? Michael certainly won't have it, and I really fear for her safety here 🥺 (Reading the teaser for the last part, I think I have good reason to, even though I know you said once earlier I didn't need to. Still, you got me shaking here, girl 😅)
Surprised Sam wouldn't think about that, considering everything he found out about the guy so far 👀
You not only found Dean in Central Park, but close to the very same bench you two had sat on yesterday and talked the night away. He was surprised, but he smiled when he saw you. Your pace quickened, until you were hastening over to him. He welcomed you into his arms. He bent his head towards yours, stopping just shy of kissing you. Instead, he pressed his forehead to yours for a moment.
This was such a dreamy, swoon-worthy movie scene *sighs* 😍🫠
And then they had to start talking, didn't they? Specifically Dean. The infamous DW self-loathing enters the AU 😆
I really just wanted to cover his piehole and tell him to stop talking, kiss her for real, and take her with you. Hide out in Kansas till everything blows over 😭
“You’re just saying that so you have an excuse for toying with me. So you can keep chasing skirts,” you said, pushing at his chest. “Yes, your brother told me about all your little exploits.” Dean took the blow, both proverbial and physical, with a raise of his brows. He guessed he couldn’t blame you for that one. Still, the disdain behind your words stung. He allowed you to break free of him.
It hurts. It hurts so much...
And I'm so glad the brothers had a long overdue chat as well! I still feel so incredibly heartbroken for Dean 😭
I can't wait for the last part of this & how it all will tie together in the end! Eeeek! This is so, so, so incredibly good, friend!!! 😍😍😍 (And I get to read it on Patreon tonight too hehe 🩵)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: In the fall of 1945, Dean is having a difficult time assimilating back into civilian life after the War. He’s visiting his brother Sam in New York City, where he’s beginning to build up his law firm. At two minutes to closing time, you interrupt their evening to solicit a solicitor. Your request? You need help in order to divorce your husband.
AN: Now we get into the aftermath of the night before, with all the insecurity and heartbreak to go along with it. 💙
Jacklesverse Bingo24 Prompt: Historical Epic
Song Inspo: “Danke Shoen” by Wayne Newton
Word Count: 4K
Tags/Warnings: Mentions of cheating, angsty angst, trauma/PTSD, and a cliffhanger…
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Part 4: Complicit
Sam would give Michael one thing. The guy damn well knew how to drink.
He didn’t stop all night, throwing back whiskey like it was cheap beer. His words began to slur, his movements sloppy, but he was still coherent. When he got up to visit the men’s restroom, Sam got up as well. Maybe he could get Michael talking.
Sam stopped the other man from tripping into the urinal. The two laughed it off, with Michael thanking him before he unzipped to finish his business. Sam did the same.
After washing their hands, Sam looked over and noticed Michael’s gaze lingering on his own reflection in the mirror. It was becoming a rough sight—his blonde hair no longer neatly coiffed, purplish rings under his eyes, the stench of alcohol clinging to his skin and clothing.
“You all right there, Milligan?” Sam asked.
Michael ran a hand over his face, sighing when it didn’t get any better.
“Fine,” he replied. “So, Winchester. What did you say you do for work again? Something about your own business?”
Sam nodded. “I started up a law firm.”
That much, he had to be honest about. It was all too easy for someone to look up his name in the directory.
“Sounds like a good outfit,” Michael said, with an incline of his head. “Every lawyer I know wears a Rolex.”
Sam chuckled, glancing down at his father’s watch. “Well, I’m not quite there yet.”
“Someday soon, I’m sure,” said Michael. He bumped Sam conspiringly on the shoulder.
“And you?” Sam asked. “What’s keeping the lights on at your place?”
Michael raised a hand to sort through his unruly hair, a dirtier blonde in this unflattering light.
“Well, you could say I’ve inherited a business of my own,” he said. “I run a meat packing plant down in the district.”
Sam’s attention piqued. There had been a meat rationing during the war, even some rumors and propaganda about “meatleggers,” black market operators.
“How’s it been with the rations?” Sam asked. “Been hard to even find a good carton of eggs lately.”
Michael gave him a slight smile. “Been on the turnaround, actually. I’ve been able to make some connections with vendors outside the city. A little grease on the palms makes a little go a long way, if you catch my drift.”
Sam slowly smiled and nodded. A little grease on the palms, huh?
“Do what you gotta do in the times, ‘s what I say,” Sam agreed.
Michael snorted. “Now you’re talkin’. That’s all we can do, you know. Try to make a thing work, with whatever scraps we get. Try to stay afloat.”
“Try to stay alive,” Sam rejoined.
Michael made a low sound of approval. He became more contemplative, crossing his arms as he once again glanced at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Sam’s gaze on the other man was perceptive, gaining ever closer to what seemed to be eating at the very core of him. Whether Sam actually believed what he was saying or not, each of his words was a test, a subtle nudge.
“You know,” Michael said. “I was shot down in France.”
Sam sobered further. Leaning against the counter, he retrieved two cigarettes and a lighter. He didn’t often smoke, but he thought it might keep the other man talking. He handed one over to Michael, and he took it gratefully. They lit up together and coiled musky tobacco smoke into the air.
“Where?” Sam asked.
Michael snorted, huffing a bit of smoke. “Lord knows. But when I woke up, I had stitches from here to here.”
He gestured to the back of his head, all the way to above his brow. It explained a small, but noticeable scar near his temple.
“And I had an angel standing over me,” he added, his eyes growing heavy. Guilty. “A bona fide angel. She’d stitched me up, she told me. She also told me I was lucky to be alive. The doc wanted to toe tag me and be done with it, but she thought I still had some fight left in me.”
Michael shook his head. “The next chance I got, I married her.”
Sam’s brows rose. He knew you had been a nurse, but he hadn’t known this part of your story.
“A wartime romance, huh?” he said. Michael quirked a smile.
“She was my anchor,” he said. “After it was all said and done, she followed me here, held my feet down to the ground. Sometimes she had to hammer me down, ya know.”
He hesitated, his eyes somewhat glazing over. He stared over Sam’s shoulder at something only he could see.
“But sometimes…sometimes an anchor just feels suffocating,” he said. “Sometimes, you need to forget your own damn name. Forget that your entire life and mortgage is in a warehouse that might as well be a freezer full a’ dead cow meat. And still, it smells a hell of a lot better than lying on a dirty cot—where the last guy who had your spot probably got his leg sawed off.”
Michael considers the cigarette in his hand for a long while before he takes another puff.
Sam exhales smoke as well. He spent the last three years behind a desk, but he sees the same shaken core in Michael Milligan that he too often sees in his older brother.
“You know, Winchester, there’s two kinds of men,” Michael said, just a hint of a slur in his voice. “The ones who pray to live…and the ones who beg for it to be over.”
“And what kind of man are you now?” Sam asked. His tone was loose, but his gaze was sharp.
Michael snorted. He dabbed the butt of his cigarette on the inside of the sink before he threw it away.
“I’m the guy who can’t die,” he muttered.
He rolled his shoulders, as if to let the weight of his words and everything that came along with them to roll off his back. Then he pushed his way out of the bathroom, leaving Sam considering more than just half a cigarette.
That night after Dean left, you slept in the guest room instead of your bed. You couldn’t even bring yourself to sleep next to Michael when he stumbled in at four in the morning, especially now that you had seen his game with your own eyes.
However, you also felt complicit yourself the next morning. You felt…ashamed. You took your vows seriously. You had never in your life thought you would be someone so brazen. You never thought you would dishonor your husband as well as yourself.
And yet. All while you got ready for work, hearing Michael’s snores from the other room, your mind was filled with warmth and memory—of Dean. His smile, his voice, his eyes, his lips, and of course, his hands. You couldn’t decide which of them was your favorite, but his hands were high on the list.
You shouldn’t have let him in, you reminded yourself. You nibbled on your lower lip while you prepped the coffee maker. You should have told him goodnight at the door and saw him off. You should very well not have invited him up to the apartment, let alone drank with him, or let him touch you…
You paused while the sound of percolation and the smell of fresh coffee filled the kitchen. You looked up at yourself in the small mirror that hung on the wall. The woman looking back at you was conflicted at best.
Yes, you felt guilty. But at the same time, you didn’t. Was it really betraying your marriage if your husband had been doing far worse, and for God knew how long?
No. This wasn’t a marriage. This was a sham. A mockery of the very thing.
You frowned angrily and almost slammed the carafe on the counter when the coffee was done. Forcing yourself to take a few steadying breaths, you allowed that hate and anger to slowly drain out of you, and you smiled.
You marveled that you could smile at all, but it was only thanks to Dean Winchester.
What the hell am I doing?
Dean stared at the two bouquets of flowers. One was a bound bunch of red roses, the other was wildflowers and other colorful ones he didn’t know the names of. He was having a hard time deciding, namely because he didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked.
Because after all, he barely knew you.
He sighed down at the roses. They were pretty, but expensive. He could imagine your surprise, followed by your smile—the one that actually lit up your eyes and changed your whole face, made you sweeter, almost shy.
I’m buying flowers for a married woman.
The thought managed to make him pause, with a rough exhale of breath. The truth was, he’d crossed the line with you. More than once.
The hard part about it was, he didn’t really care. He did wonder if you cared.
He wondered if you’d be embarrassed to see him again. He wondered if you wanted to keep last night a memory, and nothing more. He wondered if he was better off booking his train home now, and leaving some kind of note for you with Sam. Dean didn’t think he wanted to see that look of mortification on your face, the whiskey finally cleared from your mind to see what he really was: a man with no job, no commitments, and very little prospects on the horizon.
“Ah, ‘scuse me,” a young man said from Dean’s left side.
“Oh, sorry,” Dean said, making way for the guy. He wasn’t quite as tall as Dean, lithe, blonde, and blue-eyed. He grabbed an arrangement of blue and yellow iris flowers from the case and took it up to the front. The florist seemed to recognize him.
“Oh, Michael! Been a while since I’ve seen you,” he said.
When the florist asked about you as well, the mention of your name rang between Dean’s ears. A feeling like inky claws raked through his chest; he raised his head from the roses and finally recognized Michael Milligan. He was the same man Dean had spotted in your wedding pictures hanging on the wall last night, right in the foyer.
“She’s all right,” Michael chuckled. “Truth be told, I’ve been working late this week. Hoping to surprise her tonight, take her out to dinner. Somewhere nice, you know.”
“Oh, really? Why don’t you take her to that nice steakhouse off of Broadway…” the florist twittered on as he continued to ring up Michael’s order.
Anger and disgust prickled under Dean’s skin, his fists clenched at his sides. More than anything, he wanted to turn around and lay your husband out flat. If he thought one little bouquet and a Salisbury steak was going to wash him clean, then he was an idiot as well as a selfish bastard.
But Dean knew, deep down, that Michael would be just as justified to throw a swing right back at him.
So Dean left the flowers, the flower shop, and the entire busy street and all its blaring sounds behind.
During your lunch break, you quickly made the trek over to Sam’s office. He’d called you this morning with a story that only confirmed everything you’d inherently felt, and yet, some of it still managed to shock you.
You didn’t even have the patience to wait until after work, but when you got there, he reassured you. It had taken him a few rounds of poker and discreetly following Michael and Dolores after they exited through the back of the club…but Sam had gotten the evidence not long after. They weren’t exactly discreet in the alley. Or in the nearby motel.
You had the envelope in hand filled with the pictures he’d developed from his camera.
“You don’t have to look,” he advised. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“No, I want to see it,” you said. You took the pictures out, and your expression didn’t change as you look through them all. Each position captured was more compromising than the next between Michael and Dolores Daye. Apparently, he was paying most of her bills as well with your combined household funds. So part of your own money was financing his exploits.
“I’m sorry,” Sam said. He was sincere, with those hazel eyes of his.
You nodded and gave him back the envelope. “What’s next?”
“I went ahead and filed the petition. I’ll take this right to the clerk’s office myself.”
“How long will it take to be over?”
“As long as Michael plays along, should be quick. A few months at most, after he’s served the divorce papers and signs them,” Sam assured.
A few months? That wasn’t quick enough in your book, but you agreed with a nod. You got up from the chair opposite his desk. You hesitated there.
“Oh, I meant to ask…how’s your brother?” you said.
Sam began to smile, but he tempered it. “He just called before you came in. He let me know he was stepping out for a walk.”
“Oh, really? Did he happen to say where?”
You not only found Dean in Central Park, but close to the very same bench you two had sat on yesterday and talked the night away. He was surprised, but he smiled when he saw you. Your pace quickened, until you were hastening over to him. He welcomed you into his arms. He bent his head towards yours, stopping just shy of kissing you. Instead, he pressed his forehead to yours for a moment.
“Well, look who’s here?” he teased. “How’d you find me?”
“I stopped by Sam’s office,” you said, holding onto the lapels of his coat. A cold November wind pushed at you both, ruffling your clothes. “The paperwork is on its way. Soon enough, I won’t be a married woman anymore.”
He tucked a wild strand of hair behind your ear and smiled, but it didn’t altogether reach his eyes.
“How soon is soon?” he asked.
“A few months, according to your brother.”
Dean nodded, taking a deep breath. “That’s good…but, I need to head home for a little while.”
That made you pause, tilting your head in confusion. Though you supposed it made sense. He was only here visiting his brother. He was planning on going home eventually.
But surely, that was before we… You lowered your gaze.
“Back to Lawrence?” you asked. Again, he nodded.
“I need to take care of some things, figure out my next move,” he said.
You pulled away from him to brace yourself, and not just against the cold. “Well, when will you be back?”
He stayed quiet, worrying you even more. There was a deep pit forming in your stomach, churning with unease.
“Dean?” you prodded.
He stepped back in to grasp your arms gently.
“Sweetheart…the truth is, I don’t have much to offer you,” he said. “I don’t have a business to inherit from my folks. I don’t even have a job. I’m a man who was about as useful as a jackhammer, until the war ended.”
You frowned, resting a hand against his chest. “Dean Winchester, that’s not all there is to you.”
“Really. When did you figure that one out, in the whole week you’ve known me?” he asked. It was harsher than he meant to be, but he couldn’t help the words that were spilling out of his mouth. “Didn’t that get you in trouble the first time? I’d a thought you would’ve learned your lesson by now.”
You snatched your hand back, hurt filling your eyes. You turned to walk away before he saw your tears. You should have known. You should have known a man like him would never be serious. Not about you.
As soon as he let the words go, Dean realized what he was doing. Yeah, he was frustrated, but it wasn’t aimed at you. It couldn’t be aimed at you.
God knew he didn’t want to hurt you, or for you to hate him. He really couldn’t stomach either thought, so he relented and reached out to grab at your hand, before you could get too far.
“Wait,” he said, managing to pull you back to him. “I’m sorry.”
You tugged your hand to try and free yourself from his grasp.
“You know what, maybe you’re right,” you said, your voice wobbling with anger, dismay, and tears. “Maybe I ought to stop letting a man get even an inch into my heart. At this point, it’s my own fault.”
“Stop,” Dean demanded. “No, it’s not.”
He pulled you back into him, but you looked away from his imploring gaze. Your breaths grew shallow while you tried in vain to stop yourself from crying. It damn well broke his heart.
“It’s not your fault. I’m just an idiot,” He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears as they fell. “But you…you deserve to be happy. With a man that can take care of you, protect you. A man who has a little more of his life figured out.”
“You’re just saying that so you have an excuse for toying with me. So you can keep chasing skirts,” you said, pushing at his chest. “Yes, your brother told me about all your little exploits.”
Dean took the blow, both proverbial and physical, with a raise of his brows. He guessed he couldn’t blame you for that one. Still, the disdain behind your words stung. He allowed you to break free of him.
You stepped back and straightened your clothes. You took in a deep breath that did nothing to calm you, and you uttered a humorless laugh.
“I suppose it makes sense. Why would you want anything to do with me?” You gestured down at yourself with a dismissive hand. “A-a walking mess. Even when I am divorced, that’s how people will see me. Damaged goods. I don’t even know how I’m gonna tell my parents.”
You covered your face against Dean and the rest of the world, and after weeks and months, you finally allowed yourself the one thing you hadn’t since your first inkling that your husband was being unfaithful. You finally allowed yourself to break.
The first sob shuddered through your body, followed by hot tears. You squeezed your eyes against them and wiped at your face in vain.
Dean broke too, in his own way. He gathered you into his arms, where he shushed you gently and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I wasn’t giving you an excuse,” he said.
Despite how much you wanted to push him away, the deep, steady timbre of his voice pierced you and soothed you at the same time.
“I meant every word I said. I may not be the right guy for you, but don’t you dare take a scrap of what anyone else might say, you hear me?” he said firmly. “You’re beautiful. You don’t suffer fools like me, and you’re better than that sad sack excuse of a man deserves.”
You looked up at him with watery eyes.
“You’re a lot of things, Dean Winchester, but you’re not a fool.”
He shook his head, not wanting to argue with you anymore. He just kissed you, deeply, thoroughly, the way you always imagined a kiss should be.
Except that you realized…this was goodbye. So you took advantage of every second of it.
You met him with as much as he gave and reached up to touch his cheek. It felt a little rough under your fingers, just like you remembered. You would probably always remember that feeling, long after you left the park.
That evening, you packed as many bags as you could. You put together the savings you’d been collecting for a few months. It had been at your coworker Jess’s advice, ever since you started feeling the inkling that something wasn’t right in your marriage.
After you were all packed, you took one last, long look at the space you had tried to make your home. With one last tear trailing your cheek, you stepped out of the apartment. You took the bus uptown, where you later checked into a hotel.
When your husband finally got home from work, he would find a one-page letter written in your own hand.
For once, Sam was actually home in his apartment. He was helping Dean take his suitcase to the front door after calling a taxi to come shortly. Sam wasn’t happy about it though.
“You don’t have to go so soon, Dean,” said Sam.
Dean gave a humorless laugh. He grabbed his coat from the rack and threw it on.
“I’ve gotta get back to the house. It’s already been empty too long,” he said. Three years too long. “Fact is, I’m just getting in your way here.”
He couldn’t quite meet Sam’s eyes as he went to the door, but Sam stopped him with a pressing hand on his arm, tugging him back.
“Hey,” Sam said, his brows furrowed. “That’s not true. Where’d you get that idea?”
Dean raised his brows. “You mean the way you’ve haven’t been home more than a few hours a night? The way the only time I see you is if I go find you at that office. You should open up a Bed n’ Breakfast there. You’d make a double killing in this town.”
Sam wilted. “Dean, we opened the firm barely a month ago. I’m just trying to—”
Dean laid a hand on his shoulder, relenting.
“Hey, look. I’m not judging you, Sammy. I’m not,” he said. “You’re building something. I know that. I just need to go figure out how to do the same, whatever that means for me.”
Sam stared back at him, still with that frown. His guilt and reluctance to see Dean go was reflected in his eyes; those sad puppy dog eyes that used to get him out of almost any punishment with their parents when the boys were young. Before.
The corner of Dean’s mouth kicked up into a smirk.
“Don’t worry. I’ll see you again soon,” he said.
“How soon is soon?” Sam asked. It was something their mother used to say to John whenever he called late, promising he’d come home after long days in town buying supplies for the farm.
“The divorce papers will be served to Michael Milligan,” Sam added, pointedly raising his brows. “She…could use your support.”
Dean’s smile faded at the mention of you. His hand slipped from Sam’s shoulder.
“She’s got a strong head on her shoulders. She’ll be all right,” he said. He heard the honk of the taxi outside. He grabbed up his hat, set it on his head, and took up his bags. He turned back to Sam at the last moment. “I’m sure you’ll look out for her.”
It was somehow both a question, and an imploring charge. Sam sighed, but he nodded in agreement. His brother could be so very stubborn. Once he got an idea of what he thought he needed to do, there was almost no talking him out of it.
Sam opened the door for him and walked him out to the car, helping him with his bags. Before Dean could get into the cab, Sam stopped him. Their gazes met, but in that moment, no words were needed.
They pulled one another into a firm hug.
I’m sorry. I should’ve been there more for you.
Don’t worry about it. It’s already forgotten.
Dean released him first with a smile, and a heavy pat of Sam’s shoulder. He turned and climbed into the cab’s backseat. Afterwards, Sam watched the yellow cab take his brother away to the train station, feeling a weight in his heart that wouldn’t subside.
He would never know that Dean felt exactly the same way. Except that impossible weight felt a lot like your hand, gently laid over his heart.
Dean took up his suitcase as the train pulled into the station. He stepped up onto the platform and retrieved the ticket from his pocket, but he paused, hearing a familiar voice shouting his name.
He turned his head and saw Sam rushing to meet him at the platform.
“What’s the matter? What’re you doing here?” Dean asked in surprise. He didn’t like the wary apprehension written across Sam’s face.
“I just took a closer look at Milligan’s finances,” he said. “Before you go, there’s something you might want to know.”
AN: Come on, we needed at least one cliffhanger in this series! 😘 What do you think Sam rushed over to tell Dean? What did you think about their "goodbye," as well as her and Dean's goodbye? ...And are you ready for all the drama that's about to go down? lol
Next Time:
Except the loud, insistent knock on the door broke you out of your thoughts. Straightening up with a frown, you set down your glass and went over to the door. Maybe it was Housekeeping coming up to bring you the fresh towels you asked for. The ones that had been laid out in the bathroom smelled musty.
You opened the door to a tall frame taking up room in the doorway. It was Michael, standing there both disheveled and steaming mad. He held your letter crumpled in his left hand.
“Michael, what—what’re you doing here?” you gasped and stepped back. He followed you inside the room and slammed it shut. He looked around at your open suitcases in disbelief, then finally at you.
“What’s this supposed to mean, huh?” he demanded to know. He shook the flimsy piece of paper at you.
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I feel like if Ford was around during the time 'The Hand That Rocks Mabel' episode he would NOT stand for the blatant UNCOMFORTABLE TREATMENT THAT MABEL WAS RECIEVING FROM GIDEON
I fear he would threaten to end gideons bloodline.
(I'm kidding he wouldn't do that! Maybe, perhaps, lets not worry about that!)
#alex hirsch himself would vouch for me on this take (lies)#imagine if he knew mabel longer in the summer I fear he would possibly kill a man because they made her cry for not giving her something#AND HE DID ATLEAST HE THREATENED TO! awesome grunkle we love him for that#omfg i love them so much you don't understand#their relationship is everything to me#do @ me on this post#mabel pines#gravity falls stanford#gravity falls#mabel gravity falls#stanford pines#ford and mabel bonding#I live for mabel and ford bonding she made him FINGER PUPPETS#gravity falls headcanons
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#tmr#the maze runner#sonya tmr#tmr sonya#aris tmr#tmr aris#the death cure#sonyaris#sonya x aris#aris x sonya#i love them so fucking much omg#you don't understand#how important they are to me#they're so special to me#omfg#ahhhhhh
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pairing: charles leclerc x australian! reader
summary: y/n made a rash decision, or in which charles fights for his girl
warning: age gap relationship, hate, teeniest angst to fluff
a/n: pt 3 guyss
find pt 1 here and pt 2 here!!!
yourusername has posted
liked by charlesleclerc, francisca.cgomes and 8, 987, 374 others
yourusername WONDERLAND TOUR is officially a wrap guysss
francisca.cgomes my bestie is so talented and gorgeous
→ yourusername francisca.cgomes STOP I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
→ user1 your honor i love them
charlesleclerc so proud of you
→ yourusername thank you charles
→ user2 PARENTS
oliviarodrigo NEW MUSIC WHEN
→ yourusername oliviarodrigo SSHH
user2 and people said she was a gold digger when she already has MILLIONS
user3 i miss her and charles so much
user4 charles in the likes i see 👀
user5 he still wants her so bad omg
user5 and people said she was the obsessed one
user7 no cause she started single, they started dating, got engaged and broke up all during this tour
→ user8 STOPPP
yourusername has posted
liked by charlesleclerc, francisca.cgomes and 6, 798 365 others
yourusername girls trip w my fav w @ francisca.cgomes
tagged: francisca.cgomes
francisca.cgomes tea was spily not only metaphorically but literally
→ yourusername francisca.cgomes STOPPP YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT TELL
→ francisca.cgomes i lied
→ yourusername traitor
→ francisca.cgomes hehe
→ user1 you should pay for her therapy francisca.cgomes
liked by creator
→ user2 girl what tea 👀☕
→ francisca.cgomes steaming hot tea
→ yourusername francisca.cgomes SHUT UP
charlesleclerc gorgeous
→ user3 get me a man that pines for me the way charles does for y/n
→ user4 word its been months
yourusername has posted
liked by charlesleclerc, pierregasly and 9, 287, 637 others
yourusername life recently
tagged: francisca.gomes, lilymhe, oliviarodrigo
francisca.cgomes shoulde put the photo in where you stacked it
→ yourusername francisca.cgomes wow i see how it is
lilymhe i missed you on the grid
→ yourusername ME TOOO
oliviarodrigo hehehe im excited
→ yourusername same omg
charlesleclerc the most beautiful girl ever
pierregasly i heard that charlesleclerc saved 55 orphans from a burning building
landonorris charlesleclerc bought everyone on the grid a free round
carlossainz55 charlesleclerc let me drive his new car.
maxverstappen1 charlesleclerc saved my cat from a tree the other day
lewishamilton charlesleclerc babysits roscoe all the time for me
oscarpiastri charlesleclerc payed for my tuition. thanks dad.
loganseargant charlesleclerc saved me from a cricket
alexalbon charlesleclerc saved my dog the other day. hes a good man savannah.
georgerussell ohhhhh
→ carmenmmundt 🤦♀️
georgerussell charlesleclerc bought me a new ferrari
user2 what is going on in the house of commons
yourusername has posted two stories
caption 1 a bit heavy
caption 2 feeling pretty spoilt
liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris and 654, 786 others
landonorris maybe he does have game
pierregasly that works aswell ig
charlesleclerc mon amor
yourusername i love you so much you don't even understand
charlesleclerc no one will ever even begin to understand how much i love you
charlesleclerc i need you more than oxygen
yourusername has posted one story
caption 1: if you know you know
liked by charlesleclerc, francisca.cgomes and 567, 897 others
charlesleclerc i can't wait to see you today
yourusername me to my love
francisca.cgomes your stunning omfg
yourusername STOPP ITT
yourusername has posted
liked by charlesleclerc, francisca.cgomes and 15, 678, 892 others
yourusername i heard he saved 55 orphans from a burning building
tagged: charlesleclerc
pierregasly charlesleclerc i told you it would work
→ charlesleclerc it didnt
→ pierregasly sure it didn't
charlesleclerc my eternal sunshine
→ yourusername i love you so much stop it
yourusername has posted
liked by charlesleclerc, oliviarodrigo and 20, 485, 383 others
yourusername i'm excited to annouce that my third album afterglow comes out next thursday guysss. this album was along time coming and it has been pieced together in a story for you guys to fully understed my perspective over the past two years. from heartbreak, to peace, to understanding what true love feels like. the title track 'afterglow' will feature oliviarodrigo much love you guys.
yourusername pinned
the tracklist:
you're losing me, this is me trying, i hate it here, illicit affairs, the prophecy, loml, the black dog, bye, guilty as sin?, begin again, so highschool, dancing with our hands tied, so american, king of my heart, you are in love, call it what you want, daylight, but daddy i love him, afterglow ft olivia rodrigo, paper rings, lover, timeless, the manuscript
charlesleclerc pov you've already heard the songs
→ youusername pov you should shut up
francisca.cgomes so excited
liked by creator
oliviarodrigo it was an amazing experience getting to collab with you
liked by creator
a/n: happy ending!!! also i will probably end up doing a pt4 at some point with wedding fluff.
#formula 1#charles leclerc#charles leclerc fanfic#charles leclerc imagine#charles leclerc fic#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc fluff
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𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐂'𝐬



𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
• definitely made them match cute hello kitty pj's, though Eijiro n you loved it way more than Katsuki did for sure 😭 (deep down he does it bc he loves you both I fear) (he wears those hk pj's almost every night but no one knows this).
• don't ever try and talk down to yourself bc they will be all up on you!! And they will scold you for thinking and saying such things about yourself.
• Especially if you have an 'unacceptable' body type, they are soo all over you. Don't let them hear someone saying anything remotely bad about you or they will lose their shit.
• Kirishima def brings both you and Kats a snack or drink from the venting machine whenever he gets himself something.
• bro, if you're wearing something more revealing or showing more skin, they're dead and feral😩 (especially if you don't show skin a lot or rarely wear revealing clothing.)
• anyone you hate or don't like? Omfg same! They don't either! (If u do they do too).
• will not hesitate to beat your ass when training together. They're both hard on you because they want you to fight and use your quirk to your full potential, though, Eijiro is slightly more careful since he doesn't wanna badly cut you with his hardening. Katsuki is extremely caring tho if he does end up going too far with you or Eijiro.
• they're so loveable. Eijiro is always trying to hold hands with Katsuki and you, even if it's just pinkies. wants to wear y'all's clothes, gives y'all matching bracelets, those things.
• Katsuki though just complains but does do wtvr you ask him too! Def big on acts of service and making sure y'all are not overdoing or overworking yourself, eating enough, resting enough, etc. Although, he lovess loves when Eijiro or you give him head scratches, only in private tho! (He won't fight it if he's tired).
• you're cold? Don't worryyyy they've gotchu! You will be wearing both of their jackets/coats at the same time, AND wearing an extra pair of gloves Katsuki brought (if you're outside, Winter time..) Now you're overheated!
• even if they aren't interested, they'll still watch whatever you put on to watch on yt. They don't know who tf Jaykubscoutz is but hey he's kinda funny..
• if you're too full to finish the rest of your food or wtvr you're eating, or don't like it, give it to one of them and they'll eat it for you.
• if you wear makeup, they love watching you put it on and get ready. Eijiro is the only enthusiastic one if you suggest putting makeup on them. Katsuki won't let you go anywhere near his eyes.
• you're sick? Oh no! That's okay😊 you've got Eijiro comforting you, cuddling and giving you head pats while Katsuki makes you soup and gives you medicine; water, crackers, the good stuff. You get better within 2 days thanks to them!
• if you're on you're period they don't want you doing too much tbh. They know you have to go to your classes, train and stuff but if they can help it they'll get you your food instead or bring it to you. Just ask and you'll get it! They just want to make your period easier for you. They're very understanding.
• youve painted their nails a few times, and Eijiro loves black or red (sometimes both) in him while Katsuki...let's just say he'll only wear black, orange too if you beg him or bribe him enough.
#sssugarplum stories#bnha headcanons#bnha fluff#bnha x reader#bnha x reader headcanons#eijiro kirishima x reader#mha fluff#mha x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#denki kaminari x reader#hanta sero x reader#kiribaku x reader#poly!kiribaku x reader#eijiro kirishima fluff#katsuki bakugo x female reader#katsuki bakugo x y/n#bnha eijiro kirishima#bnha drabble#bnha imagines#kirishima eijiro x reader#kirishima eijiro x y/n#bakugou x reader#bakugo katuski x reader#mha drabbles#mha headcanons#mha x y/n#my hero academia#bnha#bnha x chubby reader#bnha x you
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leaked , george russell
summary : you are george russell's assistant to the public eye but to george you are much more than that. warnings : language. faceclaim : maria isabel a/n : literally had this idea at like 2am last night but im acc obsessed eeek
y/nusername i'm just a girl

by landonorris, georgerussell, oscarpiastri and 560,819 others.
landonorris are those my shorts 👀
y/nusername maybe.....
user i want to be y/n when i grow up !!
username_67 we need a clothing line asap girll
kikagomes ugh my gorge bsf 💋
oscarpiastri i'm just a girlll 🎶
y/nusername you get it
user829 stopp y/n's relationship with all the drivers is adorable :)
georgerussell summer break, with the best company 🫶

liked by lewishamilton,landonorris, charlesleclerc and 1,679,910 others.
f1fan ugh to be that dog
landonorris basic asf fit
georgerussell this acc hurt me
user829 awwww
f1lover_88 this is so cute omggg
charlesleclerc you up for a playdate with leo??
georgerussell ofcccc
y/nprivate summer with you <3

liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, georgerussell and 200 others.
georgerussell i love you sm
landonorris WHY WASN'T I THERE
oscarpiastri fr
y/nusername selfies.

liked by landonorris, georgerussell, lewishamilton and 382,920 others.
kikagomes im obsessed with u acc
y/nusername 💋
user829 oh wow
f1fan ugh to be her though
f1lover damnnnn
landonorris 👀
georgerussell 👀
georgerussell WE ARE BACK!!!

》 y/nusername mine
》 georgerussell all yours
》 user22 oh yum
》 f1fan yesss we are backkkk
》 user11 acc cant wait for this weekend omggg

》 user01 george memes give me life
》 georgerussell me running to my phone whenever u post
y/nusername this weekend :)

liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell, landonorris and 632,891 others.
user10 mercedes one two :)
justaninchident ugh my queen
user9229 i wish my weekly dump was like this 😩
f1fan y/n how do u feel this weekend went??
y/nusername great, as usual george and lewis tried their best but so happy with a double podium hehe
landonorris should've been me and oscar on the podium
georgerussell boy please 😀
y/nprivate date night

liked by kikagomez, landonorris, georgerussell and 471 others.
kikagomes love u both smm <33
y/nusername love u smmm
landonorris cuteee
georgerussell my gorgeous girl


liked by f1fan, justaninchident, f1lover and 56,910 others.
justaninchident guys calm down they are just close friends they have literally seen this before
f1lover i love them idc what ya'll say
user11 not y/n plsss i hate her she's so annoyinggg
anon why george
user337 omfg leave them alone its acc none of our business
username_92 👀👀
y/nusername last night 🏀

liked by georgerussell, oscarpiastri, kikagomez and 711,620 others.
knicks hope u had the best time
y/nusername yesss ilyyy 🙈
user818 outfit details plssss
f1fan why tf was she with george
user910 shes literally his assistant wdym???
kikagomes ate
y/nusername thanks to my stylist ;)
landonorris girl since when do u like basketball
anon gold digger

》 georgerussell i still don't understand this trend 🙃
》 y/nusername it's okay i love u anyway
》 user929 and this is why y/n is iconic
》 landonorris george is demure, oscar is mindful and im cutesy.
》 y/nusername no because literally 😭😭
》 oscarpiastri i hate this trend acc
y/nusername my bsf (and her annoying bf)

liked by kikagomes, pierregasly, georgerussell and 916,810 others.
pierregasly umm excuse me but why am i annoying???
y/nusername because u stole kika from me 😪
user82 my fav wagsss
f1fan78 no cause why are pierre and kika so cuteeee
user11 oh to be a wag
justaninchident hehe i love them
georgerussell hi everyone i just wanted to come on here to address a few things. a few days ago a social media account posted private messages between me and my girlfriend y/n. i am utterly disgusted that our privacy and private life was invaded this way and i do not condone any hateful backlash and comments to y/n or our relationship. for this such reason we decided to keep our relationship out of the public eye. i hope you can all understand that me and y/n will be taking a break from social media to focus on ourselves. thank you for all your support always ❤️

liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton and 2,829,923 others.
y/nusername ❤️
georgerussell ❤️
lewishamilton i'm so sorry that this happened to you guys, i'm here for you both.
georgerussell appreciate it mate 👍
landonorrris y/n and george stan forever
oscarpiastri mom and dad
taglist ⭑.ᐟ
#george russell#george russell x reader#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 fanfiction#f1 fic#f1 fluff#f1 2024#george russel#f1 blurb#f1 grid x reader#f1 instagram au#f1 scenario#f1 smau#f1 x female reader#f1 social media au#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1#mercedes f1#lewis hamilton#oscar piastri#formula 1#lando norris
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YOU 🫵, i just read your two posts on attentive! jason and i am giggling, blushing, kicking my legs, twirling my hair! i wished to see if you’d be able to write anything with jason and an anemic! reader, totes cool if not ofc!
a/n: LMAO I FEEL HUNTED WITH THAT INTRO PLS and omfg i love that you love it!!! and ur lucky i'm a people pleaser so here you go <3 (*** ALSO im writing from a persepctive of iron deficiency anemia, not sickle cell)
Jason knows hunger. He understands it intimately; the twist of your stomach when you know the little food you have in the cupboard has to last the rest of the week. The jealousy of kids whose parents can just get lunch for them when they forget it at home. The all-consuming feeling of a void in your body, but still having to carry on.
Jason Todd knows how fragile you become when you don't have the proper nutrients, which is why he takes nutrition extremely seriously.
Whether you're forgetting to eat or always finding yourself eating empty calories, Jason will not stand for your poor eating habits if you have them.
As soon as he notices a pattern of excessive fatigue and dizziness he's asking questions and hauling you to a doctor. Iron supplements are an absolute must, and he won't stop looking for alternatives since he knows you hate the taste. He cooks meals with iron-dense foods, and will find all kinds of ways to hide spinach in your diet.
Smoothie? Spinach.
Spaghetti sauce? Spinach.
Creamy pasta sauce? Spinach.
All blended, of course, but he still makes sure you eat enough and stay on top of it. He never makes you feel stupid for slipping up either; he'll pick you up form wherever you are and hand you something to much on while you get home.
Jason always pays attention to you, but it's heightened when he knows you're busy or in a rush, since you're more likely to overexert yourself and forget to take care of yourself.
The first sign of your dizziness, he's behind you and walking you over to somewhere you can sit. He goes to get you water and make sure nobody around you is asking too many questions.
At home, ye's always massaging your limbs when they fall asleep, so much so that you can count on him to massage the leg that slots underneath his when you wake up together.
Jason feeds you and takes care of your health because he never got to as a kid, and the people in his life that should have, didn't. (ouchie)
#red hood#jason todd x reader#jason todd#jason todd x you#red hood x reader#jason todd smut#jason peter todd#dcu
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fic recommendations ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ

here are some of my favourite fics currently!! yes most of them are smutty because i am a whore!! ♡
featuring: megumi, satoru, suguru, katsuki (+ a little yuuta + mikasa) credits to all these beautiful writers - pls check them out!! masterlist fic recs pt. ii pt. iii
: ̗̀➛ megumi fushiguro x reader
possessive megumi is tired of other men thirsting over you, including toji and satoru (fic: incredible... i come back to this all the time.)
first kiss with gumi leads to another first (fic: smutty but also so intimate i love it)
you ask megumi to rail you after ur ex cheats (he fucks you so good omg. part two of the fic this is the smutty part)
y/n is pregnant and craving donuts (manga spoilers, a little angsty but mostly cute fluff!!)
you worry megumi doesn't love you. he does (don't worry not angsty so cute and fluffy makes my heart swell!!)
late night call w/ gumi who is so crazy in love with you (im crying i love him)
clueless inspired stepcest with gumi (adding this with no shame it's so so good. soft dom gumi my favourite)
"pretend i'm a random girl at a bar coming onto you" (established relationship. so fucking funny and witty. thank u so much author)
finger fucking you until you squirt omfg (i'm going insane)
weed dealer megumi headcanons (smutty towards the end i love this so much)
megumi protects you from an ass then fucks you in his car (i love protective men)
ditching school to blow your nerdy skater boy gumi (school a.u omg!!)
: ̗̀➛ satoru gojo x reader
satoru finds footage of his teen years with suguru, y/n and shoko (angsty fic: this is so beautiful and could make me sob)
mating press with satoru (holy shit... he loses control of his technique cumming inside... i'm in awe)
y/n is suguru's sister and hates toru but eventually they fuck (i was hollering reading this it's so good)
satoru needs help cutting his hair. almost goes bald (this is so funny and heartwarming. a blessing from tumblr)
drunk satoru cries about your pussy being so good then comes home to fuck you good (deleted ya’ll someone PLEASE send me this fic if it is elsewhere!!)
your clingy situationship w/ satoru (he's so soft and in love...)
: ̗̀➛ suguru geto x reader
suguru lets virgin! satoru fuck his gf (fic: so good holy shit. one of my favourite fics ever. suguru is so soft for his girl)
you're fucking your best friends' father (college a.u!! suguru gets jealous and fucks the brattiness out of you. so so good)
social media au w/ your bf geto!! (so cute and funny!! there is a gojo version too!!)
suguru finds you during your 'sad girl bathtub hours' (comfort!!)
squirting shamelessly in his face (dream)
weed dealer! suguru corrupts you (dumbification kink go crazy)
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo x reader
katsuki doesn't understand how attractive he is (drabble: katsuki is so fine but he only has eyes for you)
you blow katsuki while getting his car washed (taylor swift playing omg? so hot)
your kid shows you a beautiful (ugly) drawing, katuski dies laughing (so fucking funny have you seen the similar tiktok!!)
: ̗̀➛ yuuta okkotsu x reader
vampire! yuuta soothes your period cramps... (u know what this means. incredibly written)
: ̗̀➛ BONUS: mikasa ackerman x reader
drug dealer! mikasa (headcanons: a little smutty, gunplay and robbing men)
: ̗̀➛ multiple characters (drabbles)
jjk men as chubby chasers !! (toji, yuuta, gumi + satoru) (fellow chubby girlies you will go crazy for this)
jjk men + halloween costumes (toji, satoru, nanami + suguru) (so funny and accurate!!)
#mha x reader#jjk x reader#bakugou x reader#gojou satoru x reader#geto suguru x reader#megumi x reader
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number one girl



"I'd give it all up if you told me that I'll be, the number one girl in your eyes"
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
PAIRING. sunghoon x fem reader (best friends-to-lovers! au)
WARNINGS. profanity, (will be updated once complete)
WORD COUNT. (will be updated once complete)
SUMMARY. you always admired your best friend sunghoon. but when did that admiration turn into something...more?
DISC. this story is entirely fiction & does not reflect any real events of the idols mentioned.
AUTHOR'S NOTE. omfg this was so cheesy
pls give me feedback, i'd love to improve my writing so any and all critique is welcomed <3
you can still remember the first day you met sunghoon.
it was the first week of the semester at university and in physics class you were partnered up with jake, the handsome austrailian student (much to the other girls' dismay). although you of course could admit jake was very charming and handsome, you saw him as a lot more than that. he was smart and always patient to give you some extra tutoring when you didn't quite understand what was taught in lecture, genuinely kind, and it was so entertaining to see him never pass up a chance to show you a new picture of his dog layla.
jake invited you to his birthday party at an arcade that also had things like escape rooms and an ice skating rink. you've never met any of jake's friends before so you really didn't know what to expect but after some drinks and games in the arcade, it wasn't too hard to ease your initial nerves around the group of strangers.
"you HAVE to see sunghoon ice skate, i swear he's more coordinated on ice than walking on the ground..." wonyoung says to you as the group walks to the ice skating rink. she was one of the girls there that you got along with really well and she was super friendly right off the bat.
"really? huh... sorry i'm really bad with names, who's sunghoon again?" you nervously laugh to her.
she points to the dark haired boy laughing with heeseung as you all get in line to get you ice skates.
"he used to compete in international ice skating competitions...almost working towards olympic level. but he decided to drop competing to focus on his studies. don't let him try to convince you he just 'skates for fun'... you'll see what i mean," she had a lingering fondness in her eyes.
you couldn't help but to wonder what wonyoung meant but you got your skates and laced them on the benches lining the rink of ice.
"before we all get in the rink, i think it's only fair sunghoon gives a little show before we all totally eat shit on this ice" jake announces to the group, everyone laughing along with him.
your gaze falls on sunghoon, noticing the faint blush on his cheeks with all the attention now on him. you see his faint smile and waving his hands, declining jake.
"oh cmon sunghoon! please! some people here haven't seen you on the ice and you've been telling me you've been dying to skate again..." sunghoon finally gave in.
"fine fine, only because it's your birthday," sunghoon jokingly rolled his eyes. everyone cheered as you all gathered along the wall of the rink. the minute sunghoon started gliding along the ice, it was like a switch flipped. you felt like the person you were watching wasn't that shy boy you briefly met a few hours ago. his aura radiated a confidence but also a sense of comfort. you could feel his emotion with every turn and twirl. you could see his visible passion and love of skating. he was smiling so wide, his fangs poked out and you couldn't help but to smile as well. it was the kind of smile you wanted to stare at forever.
he was freestyling to whatever music that was playing over the speakers of the skating rink but you could tell he didn't need choreography to shine brighter than any of the white fluorescent lights in the building. you understood what wonyoung meant, he truly looked more comfortable on ice than on the ground—and you grew more and more curious about sunghoon.
when he concluded his impromptu performance, you all applauded and jake along with the other boys entered the rink cheering sunghoon on, hugging him and ruffling his hair. you entered the rink, you heart hammering out of your chest in nervousness and anxiousness. you've never ice skated before and you already knew you would make a total fool of yourself in front of everyone.
"wonyoung, i've never ice skated before...can i hang on to you?" she chuckled at your nervousness, finding you adorable.
"of course, here hang on to my arm until you get the hang of it. we can stay near the wall" the few circles you did around the rink was less you hanging on to wonyoung and more you having a death grip on the ledge of the wall—stopping every 2 feet feeling beyond imbalanced. you let go of wonyoung making a full stop.
"i'm gonna rest for a little bit, you can go hang out with the others" you stated trying to cover your labored breath.
"are you sure?" she questioned. "yeah! go for it! i'm just gonna take a breather, i'll join you in a sec" you reassured her. she gave you her signature sweet smile and skated towards the rest of the group.
after a few moments of watching the rest of the group from afar, you attempted to skate towards the center of the ice to join the rest of the group. without knowing still how to maintain your balance and the wall no longer within arms reach, you knees completely buckle under your weight. you were pretty much bracing for impact to have your hands and knees to collide with the harsh coldness of ice at your feet. before you could even fully comprehend it, you felt a pair of arms catching you, slightly easing your fall.
"woah that was a close one. are you okay?" it was sunghoon. his face was close to yours, close enough for gaze to fall on the concerned look in his dark orbs and the mole on his cheek and nose.
"y-yeah i'm fine! t-thanks for saving me, i totally ate shit." you joked, a cold sweat running down your spine in utter embarrassment.
"no worries, thankfully i got to you in time. and don't even worry about it, being on ice takes a ton of practice." his arm still holding onto yours helping you get up. he guides you both back to the wall.
"you're really good at ice skating by the way, like crazy good" he let out a soft chuckle at your compliment blushing. you knew he probably heard that a million times before.
"thank you, it's y/n right?" you nod.
"can i ask why you quit? wonyoung told me about how you used to compete but left to focus on school," the echos of the group's chatter and laugher being background noise to your conversation.
"yeah that's the main reason. i guess that's the simple explanation i give people..." his voice trailing, as if there's more to the story. you raise your eyebrows at him, hinting at him to keep explaining.
“it got pretty lonely in all honesty. competing i mean. i made friends through skating and stuff but when i trained and performed in a competition…i was alone through it all. it made me start to dislike the sport all together…” he sighed. “…and that was really hard for me. and i decided to step down from competing and just skate as a hobby now.”
he saw your solemn expression and reassured you the best way he could. “but it’s good now. truly. i think skating in a setting like this, with friends and just having fun healed my relationship with it.” you both looked out to the group, laughing in unison seeing ni-ki chase jake excitedly.
“basically the best way i can describe it being on the ice now feels like reuniting with an old friend…” sunghoon expresses, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.
“wow, i had no idea. thank you for telling me. for what it’s worth, i think you’re really brave.” you caught him tilting his head with a questioning look.
“well, i mean it takes a lot of courage to give up sometimes. especially something you put so much time and energy into…i feel like so many people think it's automatically a waste or a shame to give something up. but sometimes its just a redirection and sometimes its for the better.”
“y-yeah, exactly…” sunghoon looked at you stunned. you’re the first person to openly and fully understand his story and he didn’t even need to explain it to you his reasoning.
“i think you’re the first person who actually understands.”
you hummed in delight, smiling at him. “looks like we’ll get along pretty well”
“yeah i guess so” he smiles back.
you could feel the sincerity and warmth in his smile. it was different than the ones he gave you earlier. it was a smile you wanted to see again and again.
since that day at jake’s birthday, you and sunghoon have been inseparable. he was your best friend and you trusted him more than anyone else in the world.
he was reliable, he understood you in every way, and he accepted you even at your lowest—not judging you about your past.
you and sunghoon slept over at each other’s apartments all the time, even having each other’s a spare key.
sunghoon crashed at your place that previous night, you two pulling an all-nighter studying and your apartment being closer to campus than his. you two would sleep in each other’s bed but always staying on each other’s side—simply sleeping side by side, most of the time with your backs facing one another.
he had class earlier than you—his dreaded phone alarm going off, both of you stirring awake.
you pulled the covers over your head, groaning at the awful triggering sound of the alarm as sunghoon shut it off. he laughed quietly at your misery.
“hoon, why the fuck did you sign up for an 8am calculus class. who even voluntarily does that…”
"guess i'm a masochist," he sarcastically states, stretching and letting out a yawn. he reaches over your half-awake body, still covered by the blanket still to grab his glasses off your nightstand.
he basically puts all his body weight on top of you, borderline crushing you in the process dramatically reaching towards the table, a mischievous smirk on his face fully aware of his actions.
"hoon! ughhhh you're so annoying, you're crushing me" your voice muffled under the sheet. he laughs, amused by teasing you especially early in the morning when you're the grumpiest.
"sorry my bad" laughter still littering his voice. when you finally feel his weight off your body, you pull down the sheet from over your head.
you didn't realize sunghoon was still hovering over you, his arms on either side of your upper body. his gaze held something different in it, something you've never seen in his eyes before.
was there something in the air? were you starting to fall ill?
you and sunghoon joked around all the time and were in close proximity of each other all the time. maybe seeing each other at embarrassing moments one too many times, but this felt different.
the blue tint of the morning light peeking through your curtains illuminated his figure above you. the white tank top he always wore to sleep emphasized the contours of his defined arms, the thin silver chain adorning his collarbones reflected specs of light. and his messy hair and glasses wasn't helping your suddenly and unconsciously racing heart.
he was close. like really close. maybe too close for two people that were just friends. the air around you two felt thick and it was like you were holding your breath, maybe you were.
sunghoon slowly raised his hand, using his finger to brush a stray hair away from your face. and you swear his gaze wandered from your wide eyes to your lips. his touch lingered down to trace your jaw slightly.
he suddenly pulls away from your body, rising from the bed. he grabs his hoodie draped over your desk chair pulling it over his head and walking towards the bathroom—as if nothing had happened.
— should i continue writing?
taglist (open!):
@laylasbunbunny @blackberryrains @luv-jungwon106 @woniebae
@gudkc @enha-stars @dimplewonie
thank you so much for reading, please let me know what you think <3
reblogs, likes, comments & shares are always appreciated!!
#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon fanfic#enhypen fic#enha imagines#enha x reader#enhypen sunghoon#enhypen#enhypen ff#park sunghoon#enha#park sunghoon x reader
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tom holland’s school of manifestation | a charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x supermodel!reader
charles has a big crush on world renowned supermodel, y/n l/n. who would’ve thought she’d return the feelings.
notes: very much travis kelce x taylor swift inspired. faceclaim is yasmin wijnaldum! btw i try to improve with each post (like how i write/pace the story) so if you have any suggestions, pls (veryvery kindly) tell me!! :))
disclaimer: SORRY FOR TYPOS. GOOGLE TRANSLATE (and from american high school lol) FRENCH. KYM ILLMAN MENTIONED LOL. none of the information in this social media au is factual. i do use old photos of charlotte and charles, and usually i don't like to include pictures of their ex or current gfs in these fics (only bc i want to keep it as imaginative as possible and i feel like adding them kinda gives you a reality check while reading LOL) so lmk your opinions on that!


liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 854,487 others
voguemagazine Since beginning modeling at the age of 14, Y/N L/N has cemented herself as the most influential supermodel of all time. As of 2023, she is now the world’s highest paid model surpassing Kendall Jenner who previously led the list. Throughout her career, she has made 39 appearances on international Vogue covers.
Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Photographed by @/leannafitz, Written by Phil Stevenson, Styled by @/sheri_simmons, Vogue, February 2023.
View all 942 comments
user omg as someone who has been a fan since she began in 2011, i’m so proud of her 😭
user she's the definition of perfection
user LOL ariana (charles), what are you doing here
↳ user his little crush on her is soo cute 😩
↳ user he’s just like us fr lmaoo
user her walk is legendary like it reminds me so much of naomi
user i was gonna say she’s the model of our generation but that’s wrong. she’s actually the top model of all time 😩😩😩
user i’m glad to see a non-nepo baby be on top of the list
↳ user no literally like no shade to bella, kendall, and them but y/n had to fight tooth and nail to be here
↳ user frrr bc most of the nepo baby models are great, don’t get me wrong. however, they were allowed to make mistakes during their career in order to improve. y/n was not privileged enough to have that. like ppl don’t understand the insane expectations that were placed on her ever since she entered the industry, but she exceeded those expectations every. single. time. and that’s why she deserves this title
user she’s so beautiful
user i would die for y/n
user nothing could describe the amount of affection i have for this woman omfg




charleslc_updates Charles and Arthur talking about Y/N L/N (again lol) in a recent interview 👀
View all 396 comments
user lmaoooooo relatable
user omg i'm new to f1 but i've always been a y/n stan i'm freaakkkinng out but wdym again??
↳ user lmaooo charles is always trying to bring up y/n
user the leclerc brothers 🥰🥰
user it was so cute to see the both of them in one video
user this man fr blushed AHAH cute
user i get it charles i too have the biggest crush on y/n
↳ user lol literally like get in line dude
↳ user back of the line bucko
user i've never seen a man so down bad for someone he's never met
user y/n what are you doing girl if you don't want him ILL DO IT
user @/yourusername
↳ user LMAO YESSS @/yourusername




ynupdates Y/N opening the 2023 Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld show during Paris Fashion Week.
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user omg she absolutely killed it
user god does she need a dog? i can bark
user i love seeing her thrive
user quick charles this is your chance!!! she’s in paris 😭😭😭 @/charles_leclerc
↳ user lmaooooo not you tagging him but literally though
↳ user no srsly please mr. "i hope our paths cross soon" you don't understand i need this to happen
user yall saw that walk??? ugh y/n the woman that you are
user i don’t get the hype. all she does is walk.
user i’m so happyyyy 🥺 y/n is so booked and busy she’s really out here doing multiple back to back shows for paris fashion week
↳ user same! it’s crazy that she gets to open and close multiple shows, especially ones like chanel!
user i love that so many people are going to these shows just to see y/n
user i could make this exact dress with my curtains
user if i ever meet her in real life i would die happily

liked by charles_leclerc, bellahadid and 5,490,124 others
yourusername rien de mieux que d'etre a la maison [no place like home]
View all 12,658 comments
gigihadid sexy lady
↳ yourusername already missing you
user i keep forgetting she's part french
user you absolutely KILLED those shows
voguemagazine iconic ⭐️
alexademie 🔥🔥
user beautiful girl!!
user omggg charles liking this LOL
↳ user it's actually frustrating me that this man has no game like i'm rooting for you cmon
↳ user lmaooo literally though i'm just hoping he's pulling some strings behind the scenes
anokyai 😍😍😍
user la plus belle fille [the most beautiful girl] *liked by charles_leclerc
↳ user if this is him shooting his shot 😭😭
↳ user lol charles is down so bad he's even going through the comments
user am i just crazy but why are there two drinks in the second post? like is this supposed to be a very soft launch
↳ user it's probably gigi 😭😭 she did comment saying that they were hanging out with each other
↳ user but why not just take a pic of her tho

deuxmoi Y/N L/N & Charles Leclerc spotted hanging out with each other in Paris
View all 992 comments
user i'm actually in disbelief how tf did charles get here
user i knew you could do it charles!!
user so are they dating???
↳ user he manifested this 😭
user they look sooo good together
user why does he look so srs
↳ user give my man a break 😩
↳ user well it looks like he’s not your man anymore 😭😭
user omgg this is like a fairytale
user wait i'm kinda obsessed with this
user i’m so invested
kymillman Y/N AND CHARLES
Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc is joined at the track today by top supermodel, Y/N L/N. This is the first time Y/N is with him and she clearly shines in front of the camera.
Her debut at the grid has quickly become a popular topic as fans and drivers alike are intrigued by the presence of one of the most famous women in the world.
For A3 prints, hand-signed & numbered by a range of drivers/team principals head to kymillman.com #f1 #formula1 #signedprints #japanesegp #CharlesLeclerc #Y/NL/N
View all 971 comments
user mom and dad 😩
user so it’s official???
↳ user i mean this is the hardest launch they could have done other than posting 😭
user i’m a charles fan and even i’m surprised he got her to date him
user i’m rooting for them so much 🥺🥺
user she’s serving though
user i’m watching the race rn and they literally keep talking about y/n being there AHH
↳ user i always forget she’s kind of a big deal
user kym gets on my nerves but this picture is actual gold
user it's so obvious that this is a publicity stunt
↳ user nah but for who? bc i know damn well that neither charles nor y/n need it
↳ user obviously not for them but maybe it's to gather more attention for f1
↳ user girl i need u to listen to urself rn 😭 bc that makes no sense
user idk who charles is and idk what the hell f1 is but best believe i’m tuning in next race just to see y/n
↳ user literally me girl i can’t believe i’m watching cars drive in a circle rn




yn_updates Some moments of Y/N being mentioned by drivers during the Formula 1 race
View all 1,061 comments
user i swear it was like every minute i'd hear y/n's name
user the way that all the drivers are aware of charles's long time obsession with y/n LOL
↳ user i just know charles is the type to never shut up about her ahaha
user she's literally THE y/n l/n. i mean if viewers are sky rocketing just by her being there, imagine her impact if she had actively promoted it
↳ user she's so iconic
↳ user no bc i love y/n so much that i just forced myself to watch rich grown men vroom vroom in circles for almost 2 hrs just to catch a glimpse of her
user i'm in love with her life
user lando's so funny 😭😭
user y/n and f1 stans are being FED today wow
user is it just me or am i kinda annoyed about how often they're bringing her up like my girl can't even support her bf in peace
↳ user yea i'm eating it up but also feeling bad for y/n at the same time. the attention is definitely a double edge sword.
user apparently she was with joris most of the time 🥺
user this is literally straight from a fairy tale i can't
user didn't they just meet like a week ago
↳ user as far as we know they were first spotted together about a month ago by that deuxmoi post. but assuming from y/n and charles's past relationships, i don't think they'd be this comfortable going public without being together for a while
↳ user yea this has definitely been going on longer than we think/have been seeing








liked by yourusername, gigihadid, landonorris and 7,712,083 others
charles_leclerc J'ai toujours su que c'était toi. Joyeux anniversaire, mon amour ❤️ [I've always known it was you. Happy birthday, my love]
View all 34,511 comments
yourusername merci, mon cœur ❤️ [thank you, my heart]
yourusername je suis raide dingue de toi [i'm madly in love with you]
↳ charles_leclerc l'amour de ma vie [the love of my life]
user are we interrupting something...
user i can’t believe it’s already been 6 months since they first went public
user throwing myself down the stairs as we speak
user they don't know it yet but we're actually a throuple
user happy birthday y/n!!!
user in love with their love 🥺
user lmfaoooo i just know charles is on cloud 9 this man literally sees y/n and is blind to everything else
↳ user he's sooo cute, he's like a love sick puppy
user i still think this is a pr relationship
user god i'd die for someone to look at me the way charles looks at y/n in that second pic
user this is my roman empire
user i'm so obsessed with them it's insane
user our generation's brad and angelina
↳ user don't say that wtf my parents are never separating
user pls don't ever breakup 😭😭
#f1 instagram au#f1 x reader#f1 social media au#f1 imagine#charles leclerc imagine#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc social media au#supermodel!reader#f1 smau#f1 fic#charles leclerc fic
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Hai babes, answer my ask whenever you have motivation!!! Just wanted to know ur thoughts on txt x reader w nipple piercings. Had mine pierced some few months ago and was just wondering on ur take of the boys' reactions! If u don't feel comfortable or have anything to say on the matter pls disregard :)
HOWLING AT THE MOON RN THE WAY I’VE BEEN WAITINGGGG FOR AN ASK LIKE THIS 👹😖😩 i have my nipples pierced too so i’ve thought abt this so many times unf ok ok ok i also have my tongue pierced and i’ve wanted to write something for that so bad hhhhh also i’m sorry that this is so late !!!
edit: this got so long omfg also sorry that it’s all over the place and kinda inconsistent, i had to write it over the course of like a week 🤧 i’m not the happiest w it but i hope you enjoy ALRIGHT ANYWAY:
ok honestly, for starters - idk if this makes me a party pooper but as someone who lives in korea i gotta face the daily fact that tattoos and piercings are just still pretty taboo here and you won’t see many people with them unless you’re in one of the “youth” neighborhoods of seoul like hongdae or something, and so there’s a lottt of stigma against them. (so rip to me, all inked up and pierced lol) the younger generations are becoming much more open to it, but i think the more “extreme” types of piercings like nipples, tongue etc are still def considered too freaky by most people even if they don’t personally have a problem with piercings in general — so within the cultural context, i honestly don’t know if txt would be freaked out or not 💀
BUT HAVING SAID THAT, for hypotheticals’ sake, let’s say it wasn’t too out-there for them. i’ll write this from the perspective of a new relationship and already having them pierced for a while so they’re healed and can be touched 😛
i think yeonjun would be the most on board; any of them including him might get a little freaked at first in a squeamish sort of way, but yeonjun our fashion king understands the art of accessorizing and expression, so in the end it’d be more cool/sexy to him than anything. since he also briefly lived in the states he’s a little more open-minded i think
yeonjun already feels like he’s hit the jackpot with the fact that he’s even dating you, so to him it just keeps getting better and better every time he does something new with you; this moment included as you’re in his lap with your shirt off, your earlier makeout session having shifted into something further for the first time since you two started dating.
you can feel the way his hands are itching to reach for your bra, and you giggle against his lips, whispering “you can take it off,” — yeonjun wastes no time as the garment is eagerly unclasped and tossed to the side, but his eyes grow wide in shock as he sees the unexpected jewelry that decorates your nipples.
“wha— w-wow, i- wow.”
you laugh nervously at his reaction — is that a good wow or a bad wow..? — but you’re quickly reassured when his eyes finally meet yours and your breath catches at the sight; they’re darkening with desire, his grip on your waist tightening, and you can feel his cock twitch in his pants as he breathes,
“fuck.… you’re so fucking sexy, baby.”
and he definitely makes you feel like the sexiest person in the world that night as he worships your body, spending extra time on your tits, his hot tongue swirling rhythmically around your piercings as he thrusts into you, peering into your eyes and whispering dirty praises against your skin.
it’s like a naughty little secret that only he gets to know, and he loves it; the fact that he’s the only man who knows abt them def gives his ego a boost.
he especially loves to watch your reaction when your back is pressed to his chest and he tugs lightly on your nipples, your head tipping back onto his shoulder as you keen from the sensation.
he likes to tease you w them too. kissing your cheek as he passes by you in the kitchen, lightly squeezing your tit and making you shiver; arm around your shoulders as y’all watch a movie and he starts ghosting his thumb back and forth over your nipple with his eyes still on the screen as if nothing’s happening.
and if he can sneak a touch or two in when y’all are around the boys or in public, the big smirk on his face says it all as you quickly try to hide your reddening cheeks.
yeonjun is just your #1 titty piercing enforcer from then on, even buying you pretty new jewelry for them sometimes omfg.. he orders them online tho cuz he’s way too embarrassed to buy them in public lmao
soobin.. oh, soobin… our titty loving king..
i’m actually giggling thinking about how he’d react lmao 😭 ceo of Traumatized But Horny
honestly i think he’d be freaked out just by the fact that you had a needle stab through such a sensitive part and it makes him squeamish to think about, and he might not wanna touch them at first, but give him some time to get used to it and he’ll be alright.
obviously soobin loves boobs. and soobin really likes you, which means that if soobin were faced with the situation of death before getting to see your boobs, then there’s obviously no other choice for him than to sell his soul to live a little longer. he’d be arguing w me irl rn for saying this lmfao
you guys haven’t gone much farther than kissing in your relationship yet, but things are starting to get more handsy these days, so soobin is caught in the dilemma of wanting to wait until the time is right vs really wanting to touch your boobs.
you’re doing a lil post-movie kissing when the temptation finally becomes too much for him and his hand wanders up higher than usual, ghosting lightly along the curve of your breast, testing the waters — he’s embarrassed at the moan he lets out when you cover his hand with your own and press it down fully for him to cup your boob; and he swears he’s entered heaven when you laugh and ask him if he wants you to take your shirt off.
you’ve definitely seen through him before with the way he pretends not to stare at your chest all the time, but you’re still nervous for his reaction to the jewelry as you lift your shirt over your head, his eyes glued to your every move as you reach for your bra, and the second it comes off — well, it’s comical how wide his eyes get, jaw dropping as he sputters,
“wh- wha- o—“ soobin.exe has stopped working
you’re starting to panic cuz he’s just frozen, wide eyes honed in on your piercings, LIKE SAY SOMETHING MF 😭😭 and he swallows hard before rasping out, “c-can.. can i..?” the need to touch the titty overpowers all fear 😤✊🏼
you nod quickly in relief when you realize what he’s asking, and his breath catches in his throat when his big hands come up gently to cup your breasts, thumbs ghosting very hesitantly over your nipples, avoiding the jewelry, making you shiver at his careful touch. his face is BEET red btw 💀
he’d be asking things like do they hurt? do they feel good? can i touch them? can i…. soobin.exe is too embarrassed to finish his sentence
but from then on, once he gets over the shock and newness of it, and once you reassure him several times that they don’t hurt, they won’t bleed, etc — then that boy would be ALLLL over your tits any time you’re together. scary piercings be damned, he’s obsessed w you no matter what and they WILL be in his mouth if you’re in reachable distance.
he’s Your_Home_숩 well you’re Your_Home_Boob
^ WHY AM I CACKLING OVER THAT LMFAO matching contact names? 😍🥰✨
anyway just don’t try to talk abt the piercing process or change your jewelry in front of him tho or he’ll literally pass out and die
if he’s squeamish he gets over it REAL quick cuz tell me why he’s tryna rip your shirt off the moment he realizes what’s underneath 😶
unlike soobin, beomgyu is shamelessly open about how hyped he is for things to progress in your relationship, always making playful promises like “when i finally get you in my bed~” and other things of the like, so it seems to just happen naturally when you find yourselves on your couch one day with grinding hips and heavy kisses as his hands are groping your boobs for the first time.
him pulling back suddenly with a surprised “ah?” as he stares down at your still-clothed chest, and you’re confused as hell as you blink up at him, before it dawns on you — you’d opted for a comfy bra with no padding for today’s stay-in hangout, which means there’s not much fabric there to separate beomgyu’s brand new discovery from his wandering hands. you think, he must’ve felt them through my shirt, and his big brown eyes snap up to meet yours before flitting back down to your chest.
“no way.” you grunt as he sits up straight, still half on top of you. “babe, no way.”
“um, yes way, i guess.”
a smile quirks onto his lips mixed with disbelief as he instantly starts pawing at your shirt, but you’re apparently moving too slow for his liking when he resorts to attempting to wrestle it off of you instead, the room filling with your laughter and gyu’s eager “let me see, let me see!!!!”
your hair is in your face and you’re breathing like you just did a workout from the way your poor t-shirt was unceremoniously whipped aside, and when you finally take your bra off for him, you’re not surprised at your boyfriend’s instant dramatics as he yells “OUCH!!!” the second that he lays eyes on your piercings.
his jaw is dropped and you’re rolling your eyes at him as he clutches his own chest protectively, exclaiming a “holy shit-!” before he lets out an incredulous giggle and reaches his hands out.
“ah- wait, can i?” he asks literal centimeters away from your boobs lmao and ofc after feeling you up a bit, he has to dramatically hype himself up a few times before giving the tiniest tap to one of the piercings whipping his hand away like it bit him or something and once the silliness eventually calms down, he asks you all sorts of actual questions.
you’re changing your jewelry one time and he’d be sitting there fake throwing up before straight-faced asking “can i do it”
manages to get his hand right up close and then freaks out before he can even touch it lmao “nonono you do it i can’t watch 😖”
he’s def the type to name your boobs too 😭 referring to your piercings only by their designated names and cackling when you try to strangle him every time he does it. comes over after a long day and CALLS OUT TO THEM IN A SING-SONGY VOICE as he walks through the door cuz he KNOWS it’ll piss you off 💀
but his favorite thing is to just lay his head on your chest as you watch movies and play with your piercings like little fidget toys — it’s a win/win for you both.
taehyun 😵💫 man is such a T that his reactions are so unpredictable sometimes, like he could have the most dead-pan expression on his face yet talkin bout sum “this is the best day of my life” or whatever
so needless to say, you really aren’t sure how your boyfriend will react as he’s sitting there telling you that he wants to take things further and you know that the time has finally come to reveal your secret 🫣
“tyunnie, there’s something i wanna tell you first.”
his hand that’s been resting on your thigh makes you shiver as his thumb moves back and forth in a comforting motion.
“we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. i don’t mind waiting. or if this is a breakup, well…. we can talk through that too.”
“taehyun! oh my god no, i am not breaking up with you-”
his lips twitch upwards slightly,
“a-and.. and i definitely want to take things further too. what i wanna tell you isn’t serious..!” this is ridiculous now, why am i suddenly so awkward?? “um, just... i have my.. nipples pierced.”
his calm, level expression doesn’t change as you sit there like °-° waiting for him to respond, and suddenly you wish your boyfriend’s poker face wasn’t so freakishly second nature to him as he goes,
“i see.”
“I SEE” ?!?!?! FUCK YOU MEAN “I SEE” ?!?!?! 😫😖😭🤮
you’re freaking out, thinking omg he thinks i’m gross, he thinks it’s too much, he’s not into it—
until suddenly you’re being pushed onto your back, eyes widening as taehyun hovers centimeters over you with a look in his eyes that you’ve never seen on him before.
“so are we gonna sit here or are you gonna show me?”
😮💨 hooooo boy the rest is history… reader welcome to this year’s introductory class of dom taehyun 101
you come to learn that he loves edging and overstimulating you, especially through your nipples, tweaking and pulling at them, flicking his tongue over them,
tracing his tongue back and forth over the piercings while avoiding touching your actual nipples ..!!! loves how that in particular gets you whining and writhing underneath him just aching to be touched <3 holding eye contact with you the whole time too 🤤
taehyun’s the type to just rock with it because it’s you he’s rocking with, yk? reassures you that he’ll support anything as long as it’s you.
you love your piercings? he’ll love them too, giving them all the attention tenfold to make you feel so so good, and he’d buy you any jewelry and accessories that you want for them if you ask him for it.
huening kai.. my sweet summer child.. he doesn’t know what’s about to hit him 🤧
would do that wide-eyed surprise face that he makes all the time you know the one
you just look so soft and cute surrounded by all the plushies on his bed that he’d never guess the naughty surprise waiting for him under your bra as he presses kisses to your lips, broad frame hovering over yours and hands beginning to wander up underneath your shirt as things get more heated.
“wait-” you stop him though, and the poor boy is immediately apologizing and sitting up to give you space, thinking he went too far and made you uncomfortable, but you’re quick to reach for him and say “no, no, that’s not what i meant- um.. first i have something to tell you?” maybe not your best delivery
that doesn’t make it any better for him LOL 😭 he says okay and sits there calmly with an even expression, waiting patiently, but in his head he’s going through all the possibilities like ok let me prepare myself to be dumped or maybe they’re a secret agent 🤔
you sit up too so you’re both sitting there facing each other on his bed and you’re like. “it’s about my boobs.”
his face LMAO he’d instantly start blushing but also wtf does that mean ??? “h..huh?”
you feel silly atp so you’re just thinking alright let me just rip the bandaid off and show him instead, and you’re not wearing a bra so you just lift your shirt and FLASH HIM INSTEAD LMAO poor kai shrieking and slapping his hands over his eyes on instinct before he remembers that he’s allowed to look 😭
that face that i was talking abt.. eyes wide, brows to his hairline, lips in a lil ‘o’ shape..
“oh. wow!”
his ears are bright red as he stares at them, and when his eyes quickly flicker up to yours only to find you already staring back, he starts that awkward embarrassed laughing that he does and you have to stop yourself from making fun of him for it as you smile,
“y-yeah, surprise.. wow…”
boy is honed in, distractedly asking questions that you’re not even sure he’s focusing on the answers to, fighting for his life to maintain respectful eye contact as his gaze wanders back down like a magnet over and over again.
“you can touch them, you know.”
his eyes snap back up to yours as if being caught red-handed.
“we’re dating, kai, remember?” you giggle at his bashful smile, scooting closer to him and taking his big hands in yours, starting them at your waist and letting him take the lead as you drop your hands, his curiosity bringing them higher.
he’d be so gentle, softly massaging your tits, thumbs tracing back and forth slowly over the piercings, and from then on kai is just so in love with your boobs — we already know how much he loves to rub soobin’s belly, now imagine that tenfold with your soft pillowy tits 🤧
he just always has them in his hands whenever he can. cuddling into them, massaging them, running his fingers over your piercings absent-mindedly;
and i think kai would be the only one able to stomach changing your jewelry for you, his face drawn into a concentrated expression as he handles everything carefully and neatly, making you shiver as his breath fans over your nipples and a knowing smirk crosses his face.
#ask mj ♡#mj’s hard thoughts#txt#txt x reader#txt hard thoughts#txt smut#txt thoughts#yeonjun#yeonjun x reader#yeonjun hard thoughts#yeonjun smut#soobin#soobin x reader#soobin hard thoughts#soobin smut#beomgyu#beomgyu x reader#beomgyu hard thoughts#beomgyu smut#taehyun#taehyun x reader#taehyun hard thoughts#taehyun smut#huening kai#huening kai x reader#huening kai hard thoughts#huening kai smut#taegimood
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 2024 fics in review ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
♡ thank you @rose-tinted-kalopsia for tagging me - you can view her post here ♡ i'm tagging @acciotaitlynn @nanamiscocksleeve @hesperisms @poisonf0rest + any writer who wants to join. and no pressure ofc 💕
Total number of fics: 16 Total word count: just under 82k
Chronological Breakdown:
April - ❄Cool Off * ✩Under The Stars May - ଳLove Don't Be Shy * ✩Xavier, Xavier, Xavier * ଳIridescent Scales June - ✩Passion Star Martini July - ✩My Everything August - ♪Ambrosia October - ❄Tight Spot * ଳBeneath The Abyss * ✩Velvet Night * ♪Possession * ❄Beneath The Collar * ❄ଳAmore Immortale♪✩ December - ♪Surrender❄ * ♪Return To You
Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I didn't expect to write at all! I wrote some fics back in 2020 and 2021. After deleting them, I thought my writing days were over. But, Love and Deepspace resuscitated my love for writing.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Obviously, didn't expect to get attached to Love and Deepspace so much!
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Beneath The Collar
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Writing Amore Immortale has my braincells working overtime, since it's supposed to be a slow burn that leads to polyamory.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
To finish, or at least to be close to finishing Amore Immortale.
From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
Beneath The Collar
My most popular story of this year:
Cool Off (2.8k notes) - i still don't understand why 😅 it's my very first fic for this fandom, and also the first fic after not writing smut for like three years. Ofc I'm grateful that people like it, but I cringe every time I remember the setting lol.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Beneath The Collar. Honestly, I expected it to be the most popular or at least second most popular during Kinktober. But the people who did like it were very invested in the story, so that makes me happy. And @gattapotatta made this beautiful artwork inspired by it.
Most fun story to write:
Amore Immortale. That one is the balm for my soul.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
I have no idea omfg
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
I think that everything I wrote was pretty tame. But I guess personal sacrilege in Beneath The Collar can be considered wrong lol. And some people were apparently taken aback by the dvp moment in Surrender.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Hardest story to write:
Possession. I'm currently working on the sequel, and it continues to be the bane of my existence.
Biggest disappointment:
Xavier, Xavier, Xavier. For me, it's so bland, I almost didn't post it. Also, Tight Spot - Zayne is a little ooc there.
Biggest surprise:
Not to copy Roxie, but I'm so surprised by the love everyone has shown my fics! Without your support I'd probably just stop writing again.
Most unintentionally telling story:
There's the reoccurring theme in my fics where the Reader has run away to start a new life. 🤨
Highlights + Wrap-up:
I don't have that many fics to have 5 favorite opening, and closing lines. Or 5 favorite lines from anywhere. So I'll just write some randomly -
"Poor little bunny." - opening line in Amore Immortale, ch. 1.
He’s just a man now—just Zayne. - line from Beneath The Collar
Fic-writing goals for 2025:
Write more fluffy smut and more unhinged smut.
#love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#xavier love and deepspace#sylus love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace
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Wdym it's been 5 months ? Anyway, here is the end of my little comic serie about this niche Skyrim mod

*Insert me 100%ing the 4th arc of the hit mod 'vigilant' for the elder scrolls V Skyrim with little difficulty having a grand ol' time*

I messed up my files so Teldryn divorced me while I was away ckgkckkc And you know what good for him, he got a cottage and a kid out of it
[PART 1] - [PART 2] - [PART 3]
If you're interested in my thoughts about this mod, you can read that below (it's fucking long so I'm sparing you all just here for the art to have to scroll through all that) vvv
A fantastic mod for sure ! I had so much fun, the voice acting was (for the most part) quite impressive, the music !!!!!!!!! Excuse me who gave this mod permission to have this fucking banger of an ost ???? Loved the new environnements, and there was so much of them !! Especially in act 4, I felt that all the locations had a unique and gorgeous aesthetic (frankly it was the most fun I had doing dungeons in skyrim... the bar is on the floor tho- if I ever see another nordic tomb or draugr I'll not be responsible for my actions), and fucking impressive mise en scene.
And the fights were so fun ??? In skyrim ?? Incredible.
But I still have some problems with it- first let's get the elephant out of the room : act 1 and 2... Boy oh boy were they not so great- I get that the begining is a slow burn to 1) get to know the vigilants of stendar, and 2) drive home the fact that the vigilants are quite incompetent and stendar hates them. Ok this is cool ! And they definetly were some highlights, like with the story of the three kajiits (I'm not good with remembering names (forshadowing for later-)), the ending of act 1, and uuuuuuuhhhh underground windhelm looked sick in act 2 !
But the quests in general were not very fun, at least not fun enough to distract me from the parts of the scenario I understood- which were kind of sexist and not that interesting (the sexism doesn't get better with act 3 and 4 but at least I'm having fun)- like I don't expect great women characters, this is still a tes mod, and it definitly doesn't get to "the man writting this is a fucking creep and I'm not playing this any longer" territory... But all the women we interact with are either : prostitutes, mothers/wives, or abuse(it's nearly always rape) victims- like I don't really mind that the first quest is to track down a vampire prostitute who propose to show me her sweetrolls, but it gets pretty tiresome after a while (and kinda ridiculous, like do all the big musley men I'm fighting in act 4 have to angst about their wives ? Can't a big musley woman angst about her partner too...). The worst one is Lamae Bal. From the charadesign, to the dialogues with her, to her story- hated that.
And also we don't have much dialogue choices and ways to influence the story in these 2 (3) first acts. Which I understand like this is a lot of work for fan content, but it's such a stark contrast to act 4 it's a bit jaring.
But speaking of the story... I get this is a very thoughtful and well researched story. A lot of work reading the tes wiki as been done by the author... But I, on the other hand, did not read the entire extended lore wiki- and I admit I was not understanding any of it during Act 4. Like I got a general idea, and the epic, dramatic and emotional moments were still impactful ! But I really don't think the author did a great job getting the story accross, and the more the mod progress, the more this problem becomes relevant. The recuring problem of tes games is that they have really deep interesting lore that we rarely get to see in the games ; the problem of this mod is that we get presented with this lore as if we already knew it.
And after watching an explaination of the story, it's such a shame because it's really good !! And well written ! But I don't think I should need a youtube video to understand it...
Also omfg I am not good with names mod please- everything has like 2-3 different weird fantasy names (but it's never explained it's the same thing, and what the thing is is never explained-), there is a billion men characters with weird ass long names, and the mod expects me to remember them all 5-6 hours after they got killed ??? I don't remember them 5 seconds after I'm done talking to them-
But I had fun playing it, and that's what matters <3 and I'll never get other twink molag bal <3
Also, my mage dragonborn is even more op now omg I can summon an army of 8ft musle men + molag bal + Jyggalag ??? The only fight I had a bit of trouble with was Pelinal's, the rest got obliterated easily (by Pelinal) kgkgkfjfifb
I'll probably need to nerf Elaris at some point in the future-
#I had a lot more comics planned to cover act 4 but none of them where really good or interesting or funny kfjgjfjf#so you just get the divorce ending that made me laught so hard when I was playing#elaris#altmer dragonborn#dragonborn oc#teldryn sero#tes#the elder scrolls#skyrim#skyrim fanart#skyrim mods#skyrim vigilant#my dragonborn#oc#altmer oc#vigilant of stendarr#art#my art#digital art#comic page#web comic#fanart#tes fanart#teldryn x dragonborn#cw divorce
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What are some things that enha's s/o would side eye then for? 😋
Ngl I cackled while making these up
I'm sorry but HEESEUNG will wear his socks until the holes in them start taking up more space than the actual fabric itself. So let's say that the first time he invites you over, you have a nearly full on view on this man's dogs 😭
As much as I love to perceive JAY as a very attentive and understanding boyfriend, the first thing he asks whenever you say that your head hurts is "well did you drink enough water today, darling?"... Your glare always makes him wish he just kept his mouth shut
I feel like JAKE is such a sports fan but like in the least cool way as possible. My boy gets so riled up while watching football games, he literally stands up and yells at the TV every twenty seconds and always complains that HE could do so much better on the field than the actual professional football players. It's safe to say that whenever you're hanging out at his place and there's a game about to start, you don't stick around for too long 💀🫶
You know how the girls on tiktok make fun of how men apply their chapsticks? Well yeah, SUNGHOON is one of these men. I'm talking like all lips pursed awkwardly, aggressively rubbing the chapstick and literally missing half of his lips in the result
Omfg SUNOO is 100% the type of a person to notoriously sing the wrong lyrics to like the easiest songs, so when the two of you are singing your lungs out while driving in a car... yeah this shuts you up pretty quickly
JUNGWON help this bro will literally eat the most random food combinations ever – I mean ones that literally make your stomach hurt solely by looking at it. You're absolutely convinced that this man's digestive system is indestructible by now because how...?? The one that was your last straw was drowning his hot cheetos in milk ✋
The one time that you visited his hometown, NIKI decided to show you his favorite spot in there. The two of you sat in a train and he got so invested in a random interactive add on his phone that he missed your destined train stop and basically ignored you for solid seven minutes as he tried to download the game with his lousy wifi
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I loved Stephen's last one, I kept thinking, what would happen if Y/N was tougher and more powerful. She would be an experienced witch like Agatha, but she would be more bitter and sarcastic. She would be like the badass witch who helps Kamar-Taj and everyone is afraid of her, she and Stephen never really got along, but they are "friends". I agree with the previous request, we all love Wong. America was afraid of Y/N because she was a witch, she looks at Stephen and says "your wife scares me" , cuz they are married in every universe , so no Cristine, the love of his life would be the one he "hated" the most. Their song would be Endgame by Taylor, because Y/N is a woman of reputation lol.
I'm brazilian, so if that If it's not understandable, it's Google translate fault.
A/n- OMFG LOVE THIS. No I completely understood! I hope you like what I have my love! 💜



I’m Your Endgame~
Stephen Strange X Reader
Warnings: cussing if you don't like that- honestly thats a warning for all of them lol. and also some witch stuff but- I mean if you watch marvel you fine lol
Y/n sat at the Sanctum library a book in her hand as she glared up at the other students/sorcerers keeping their distance from the witch. The girl who never uttered a word, the girl who was much more powerful than anyone else around- and that scared all of them. The fact they could easily be in her eye-line and could easily use her powers on them without an hesitation. One of the students walks up to her slightly shaking from her presence.
“U-Um miss-“
“Y/n.” She states looking up at the male student watching his hands shake, the sweat forming on his forehead.
“D-Doctor strange wants to see you in the office.” He stutters before scurrying away from the girl. She rolled her eyes using her red magic powers to put the book back into its place. The students watching it all at the way she didn’t even need to pay attention. She stands up pulling the black hood over her head before using her own magic to open up a portal to the sanctum; walking through the red portal spotting a certain sorcerer at his desk looking over some spells.
“What took you so long.” He grunted while looking up at the woman in front of him. She slowly pulled down her hood staring at him.
“Stupid students- maybe blame them Strange.” She mumbled making her way closer to the desk before sitting herself down on the edge of the desk looking at him with a monotone expression.
“You really do just make yourself at home, don’t you?” He grumbled organizing the papers and books in front of him so she didn’t dare crumble them.
“Have to- with this mess you call home.” She muttered a sharp glare towards his way. “Why did you need me anyhow.” Stephen sighed rubbing his face with his hands.
“After Wanda’s death. I did some research about Westview.” He walked his way around the front of the desk to face her his arms crossed. “Came across a woman named Agatha Harkness, found out she was in a witches coven. Was wondering if you knew of her.” Y/n scrunched her eyebrows looking at the man.
“So you assume I know any witches because I am one?” She scoffed jumping off the desk. Stephen groaned rubbing his face with his hands. “But yes I do know Agatha.” Stephen huffs at her attitude rolling his eyes as well.
“You could’ve just started with that.” He groaned at the witch in front of him. She just smirked leaning against the desk as she looked at him. “Apparently though- Wanda put a curse over here. She can’t use her powers and she is appearing as someone other than Agatha. We’re keeping an eye on her.”
“Oh what shit show did she get into with Wanda to have her powers strip from her.” Y/n laughed softy using her hands to play with her magic. “She probably deserved it knowing her; she was always jealous of my powers.” Stephen quirks an eyebrow at the woman.
“How did you know her anyhow?” He mutters watching the way she played with magic so flawlessly.
“She taught me how to control my powers; found out she mostly just wanted me to strengthen it so she could take it for herself.” She groaned lightly her eyes focusing on the magic. “Guess you could say at one point we were friends.” Stephen watches the woman in front of him, taking in her dark expression, she was always so closed off. It irritated him more than anything; he couldn’t read the witch in front of him. She knew that everyone was scared of her in Kamar-Taj knowing if they ever made her bad side she would absolutely destroy them with one click of her fingers. Maybe that’s why he didn’t exactly like her.
“Didn’t know you had friends.” He replies moving his way back towards the desk his cloak trying to move him back for some irritating reason- he mutters a quick stop it to the cloak.
“I don’t do friends that’s why.” She pulls her hood up covering her face once again. “Just like I don’t have anyone close to me. I have one mission only to protect kamar-taj for Wong, I owe him.” She muttered before disappearing into her portal back to the library. Stephen watched as she disappeared suddenly missing her presence but quickly pushing that thought back down. She was mysterious and powerful, she never bothered to do small talk- she would simply just walk away, she was right she was only here to protect Kamar-Taj not to make friends- so why did it hurt when she said she didn’t have friends.
Y/n walked through Kamar-Taj keeping her hood slightly up as she watched the young students learning to be a sorcerer. She noticed a girl barely being able to make a spark and Stephen next to her instructing her. Ah- that was the girl who could travel through multiverses. Y/n walks up to the pair pulling her hood down.
“You have to be calm and stop overthinking.” She stated to the teenager, the girl snapping her head quickly. Stephen rolls his eyes.
“America this is-“
“Y/n.” America mutters moving her hands down slowly as she stared at the powerful woman. Y/n chuckles lightly smacking her lips together.
“So America isn’t it? How do you know me?” Y/n said in low tone crossing her arms as she stared at her-Americas face filled with surprise, before looking at Stephen.
“Your wife scares me…” America hummed lowly, Stephen’s eyes widen at her comment.
“Wife what are you talking about!” Stephen grunted crossing his arms as well as he glared daggers towards America but also showing a hint of disgust but also sort of flutter hit his chest at the idea. Y/n face scrunched up at her words shaking her head before laughing.
“Oh god, wife?” Y/n snorted. “Have fun with her Stephen. I’ll keep an eye on you America.” She muttered turning away from the pair. Stephen continues to look at America his arms crossed like he was a pissed off dad. America bites her lip looking up at Stephen.
“You’re telling me- you aren’t married yet?” America giggled lightly looking at the blush that raised to Stephen’s cheeks.
“What do you mean “married yet?”” Stephen uttered trying to contain the fluttering in his stupid chest but it didn’t help that his cloak was basically rubbing his cheeks to make fun of it-Stephen smacks his cloak away muttering another stop it.
“You and her are together in every universe I’ve met a Stephen strange. I mean it makes sense- she has always scared me though.” America laughs trying not to snort at his expression that turned to be full on flushed. “Christine was never the one for you- every universe you guys don’t end up working but that witch was always the one to fascinate you.” Stephen brushed his go-tee with his hand as he thought about what she said- but also he thought about when he went into the multiverse with America and how the conversation with his other self made much more sense.
“Are you happy Stephen?" Sinister Strange snarled. "That's what Christine told us." Stephen hitched a breath looking at Sinister Strange looking out the window catching a glimpse of other Christine. Sinister Strange laughed wickedly. " I said of course I'm happy- I lost the love of my life what I thought anyhow." Stephen tilts his head towards him.
"I just need the Darkhold please." Stephen hesitated bringing his hand out indicating him to give him the book.
"You don't realize what you have do you?" Sinister Strange taunted walking towards Stephen slowly as he crossed his arms. "Still obsessed with Christine not realizing what you have right in front of you? The one thing we thought irritated us the most- might say a witch?" He smirks, Stephen scrunched his eyebrows in a confused manner. "Oh god you still don't realize huh? Well how about this- you and I swap universe so I can have the one person I lost."
"Yeah how about no." Stephen grunted-
Y/n sat on the bench late at night looking up at the stars as she idly played with the magic in her hands- she often wondered if what she had was a curse on her; or it if was the help the common good. She didn't like that people were afraid of her but it easier then keeping people close- after killing her parents at such a young age, she promised herself to not let people see the real her. To keep herself guarded from that fact, so she rather then be feared then let herself open up so easily. The only person she even considered to open up was with Stephen- even though he irritated her and got under her skin she often wondered why; she never let anyone get under her skin- mostly she was still deep in thought about what America had said; it rattled her core for some unknown reason.
"What are you doing out here this late?" She heard a deep voice say in calm tone. She put her hood down letting her hair flow down and her deep e/c eyes look towards the voice- none other then the devil himself, Stephen Strange. Y/n sighs softly moving her eyes back to the stars that littered the sky wondering if anyone would ever find out how many stars are actually up in the sky. "Deep in thought I presume?" He sits himself down on the bench next to her his blue robe swishing around as he does. She looks at him a small smirk on her face.
"I guess you could say that." She muttered softly her eyes landing back on his- her stomach fluttering just a bit; realizing this she looks away from those stupid cheekbones.
"This is a perfect spot for that." He smirk his eyes wandering towards her.
"It's just so beautiful- the only thing that will ever make sense to me." She whispered under her breath. Stephen continue to look at her through his lashes- his breath hitching at the sight of her; it was like ever since America said what she did his eyes opened up and he cursed himself for not noticing it until now. She was so strong, so independent, the wind blew her hair like it was meant for her, the way her eyes gleamed at the sight of stars and the small smile that placed on her face- like shes never felt so much peace until now.
"I agree." He muttered as he continue to stare at her his heart racing thinking of her being the only thing to make sense to him- her beauty couldn't even be compared to the stars because right now all he could look at was her. She glanced at him seeing him stare at her made her body shiver at his intense stare.
"What?" She asked in a soft tone, her facial features contorted in confusion as he continue to stare at her, but a small smile still placed on her face.
"You know I don't think I've even seen you smile." He whispered softly his hand slightly grazing against hers subconsciously, her breath hitching at the contact but trying not show it.
"That's because people are scared of me and never talk to me." She mumbled keeping her eyes locked onto his. "Why do you anyhow?" She added tilting her head to the side as she continued to stare at those piercing blue eyes.
"That's because you have something beautiful inside of you. It's hard for some people to tell, but it is there- because I see it." He muttered his face moving closer to hers, her heart thumped against her chest her eyes flicking towards his lips back to his eyes, before finally his soft lips were against hers and she swore she felt something she never had before. He moved his lips against hers in sync, her hand instantly moving to his cheek, this was her fist kiss, this was the first time this has ever happened to her. He pulls back from the kiss a small smirk on his face, she blushed a deep red her eyes piercing into his.
"What was that?" She mumbled, he chuckled deeply watching the way her face was flustered but blank making sure not to show how affected she was.
"A kiss." He joked around, she groaned punching his arm lightly.
"I know! Do it again." She grumbled, he chuckled before cupping her cheeks smashing his lips against hers- making sure he was never going to let this beautiful powerful witch slip through his fingers.
A/n- Here is my Masterlist! Come check it out and please please if there anything you want me to do, private message me or press that request button!
#x reader#fanfiction#oneshot#benedict cumberbatch#benedict cumberbatch x reader#doctor strange#sherlock holmes.#doctor stephen strange x reader#doctor strange x reader#stephen strange x reader#stephen strange#marvel x reader#marvel
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fic rec list (in other words, i need a list for my neurotic brain and its obsessions, f me)
Yeah, everything said above. also, the deadpool and wolverine brainrot is real. i only watched it a week ago. nfeiwofpewafe.
[Deadpool and Wolverine] (i'm still desperately searching for more. i just need a list for the ones that won't leave me alone fyufivuohbjl)
How To Pay For Rent 💸 by fictionfeast
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson (i still can't believe this is the ship name, they actually put worst wolverine as a specification. it's such a unique dynamic and relationship that we NEED that differentiation. amazing.)
To pay for rent, Logan and Wade take odd jobs on Craigslist.
(listen, LISTEN. just from the fact craiglist is involved, you KNOW it's gonna be off the walls crack and hilarity. i swear, this fic went in directions i never in a million years would've predicted, it's amazing. the voices for these characters are impeccable and i, too, would like to shake deadpool like a snowglobe so some goddamn honestly will barf out. logan, you have my sympathies. please read, i'm literally going insane.)
shattered glass by anarkissed
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
At first, Wade is pretty sure it all starts with the bullet- the one Logan had held in his teeth and spit out like it was a prize. Or maybe it starts in the Honda Odyssey. Or maybe it had started way back with Logan's smile. That first sardonic one when they'd met. Or maybe it's the way Logan is always staring at him. Or maybe- "I think you're enjoying this too much." "Maybe you're not enjoying it enough." It’s more bite than kiss, more claim than caress, but it’s their mouths connecting all the same, and Wade gasps, hoarsely, as blood wells up from his lips and Logan tongues it away like it’s his god-given right. Oh, oh oh, oh- he’s crazy. He’s so crazy. Wade has never wanted anyone so badly in his entire life. Wade tries to figure out where whatever he has with Logan started. (And he's kind of hoping he never has to see how it ends.)
Part 1 of dying engine (poolverine/deadclaws)
(i'm not fucking kidding when i say this is my favorite d&w fic. i want to gnaw this in my mouth and develop vampire canines as i sharpen them every fucking reread. there are passages here that i reread like a fucking lunatic and i use the find in page option for the word 'crazy' just so i can go to my favorite part. and the fact there's a freaking part 2? that has logan's pov in it??? and it makes me feel just as unhinged??? it makes me want to go apeshit. please read. for the love of god.)
how easy you are to need by Patricia_Sage
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
Wade smiles when the doctor opens the door. "Hi, we have a vet appointment at 2:00. Please tell me he doesn't have rabies because I have been scratched and bitten plenty." *** Logan gets treatment for adamantium poisoning. Wade helps.
Part 2 of he has risen, babygirl
(i fucking CACKLED reading this, omfg. also, wade's version of helping is both sweet and freaking hilarious, i love this idiot so much. and this fic! addresses the fact logan probably has ptsd medical trauma and i love that. it's hardly ever addressed and i appreciate how it's shown here. also, it's a series! part 1 is great too, you don't need to read it to understand part 2 though, dw.)
Void by RovingOtter
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
After a week without contact, Logan leaves Wade a weird voicemail.
(i'm religiously checking in on this for updates. i know the summary doesn't say anything, so i'll say it here. logan becomes aware of the fourth wall and it's so fascinating??? a genuine look on what happens if the wolverine becomes aware that he's a fictional character and the exploration of that premise here is *chefs kiss* delicious. and how wade reacts to it and how they both deal with the aftermath of this development is so interesting and god, i NEED to know how this fic will go. genuinely one of those fics that have a premise i've never thought about before and it's GLORIOUS!)
where soul meets body by Edgebug
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
"I'll probably see you around?" "Probably not," Logan says, something in his spine still shaking even now, and Wade looks at him with those huge dark eyes that look--hurt, maybe, heartbroken, and Logan knows he has to get up and leave before he can't. Each step is agony increasing, the thing in his spine trembling ever-harder and then Wade calls his name and he stops, turns, sees those eyes again; pleading, desperate. A rush of emotion slams into his hindbrain, it feels half foreign and half his own; don't do this can't do this without you please stay please stay stay stay stay let me stay stay stay "Come home with me," Wade blurts out, and Logan finds that he's taken steps toward Wade without realizing it, closing the yawning gap between them, and the thing in his spine relaxes just a little. "Okay," he says. (In which something very interesting happens underneath the Time Ripper, and Wade and Logan deal with the aftermath.)
(they vulcan mind melded and now can't live without the other. i just love this author's writing and i read every one of their d&w fics. i'm in love with their characterization of not just d&w but the rest of the cast as well! and the banter and genuinely fun interactions between d&w has me kicking my feet and giggling like a school girl. please read, i totally recommend this fic and the rest of the author's other fics XD)
your fool in this game for two by abillionstars
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
“Have you ever lived with anyone before?” At Wade’s question, Logan pauses to think. Scratches his balls for a second, and says, “I lived at Xavier’s school for a while, before I left. Lived in a clapboard boarding house about seventy years back. A couple of times, I slept in a park with other people nearby. Do those count?” “That was a rhetorical question,” says Wade. “Some might even call it an accusatory one. Mostly because—dude. I’m a fucking mess. But you’re even worse.” (two loser loners, falling in love.)
(this is crack. the peak of romance, the very height of big squishy feelings. it's perfect. god, i am utterly trash for this fic, it's so fucking good fnewiofpew)
Love You All Over by FinelyDressedSpacemen
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
The bad guys have love spells now, apparently. Logan gets nailed. Wade tries not to. With great power over your sexiest friend comes great emotional responsibility.
(where wade tries his best to respect logan and logan makes this, so freaking hard for him lmao. lovesick logan is truly the most flirty version of wolverine and it's incredible. it's like if hugh jackman himself is trying to romance the shit out of you. wade really is the stronger person, incredible. anyway, this was a joy to read and if you like musicals, this is definitely for you <3)
I'm the worst at what I do by Thestarvedghost
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
Logan finds out from Wade after everything is said and done, universes saved and friends met, that most hims across the multiverse have some sort of memory issue, one way or another. Logan wishes he was that fucking lucky. He remembers it all.
Part 1 of No end and no beginning
(i recommend this entire series, the progression on d&w's relationship has me singing! it's so sweet and fluffy! well, as fluffy as 2 murderous, self-hating bastards can be anyway lol.)
[Dimension 20] (Fantasy High, A Court of Fey and Flowers, A Crown of Candy)
interchange by fangirl_squee
Fandom: Fantasy High
Oh, the Bad Kids? Yeah, in that group they have [checks notes] a pirate cleric, a goblin bard, a Helioic fighter, an elven barbarian, a tiefling rogue, and a half-orc wizard.
(it's so interesting how different yet the same the bad kids are even with their class changes. man, the idea of fabian being a freaking cleric still makes me want to cackle. he'd be so much more Exasperated by the bad kids, especially freshman fabian X'D. also barbarian adaine has my whole fucking heart.)
yeah you held me the whole way through, when i couldn’t say the words like you by zedif_y
Fandom: Fantasy High
Ship: Riz Gukgak/Fabian Aramais Seacaster
When Fabian is ten, his Papa tells him the story of how he married his mother. It’s a gory tale, one that involves a cut eye and bodies hitting the deck. He tells Fabian of a love that sent him to his knees, that leads a man like him– fearsome and powerful, the greatest pirate to ever live– to start a family. A love that gave him Fabian. --- A study on Fabian, grief, and, ultimately— love.
(an exploration on fabian's idea of what love is. god, it's so well written. i love this fic and absolutely recommend it! <3)
white knuckles by thathastu
Fandom: Fantasy High
Ships: Fabian/everyone (but all unrequited)
His ex-fling’s little sister. Two people in committed relationships who also happen to be in the same mega famous rock band. A heartbroken lesbian who doesn’t want to be involved with men in any way. And Riz fucking Gukgak. Fabian Aramais Seacaster, son of Bill Seacaster, finds himself falling for all of his friends.
(seeing the bad kids through fabian's eyes made me realize why the bad kids would be considered attractive to people who know them! it's so sweet how much fabian cares and pays attention to them and the constant feeling of 'oh no oh no' both made me want to laugh and coo at him lmao)
life in a wallflower garden with my friends by sickoflosiingsoulmates for lesbiansweetflips
Fandom: Fantasy High
Ship: Ayda Aguefort/Figueroth Faeth
This is what Ayda has spent her entire life searching after. This is what she built the friendship section in the library in hopes of, what she spent long, lonely nights dreaming of. A night with a friend, a true friend, laughing and talking about nothing in particular. [or, ayda finds friends in the bad kids]
(ayda has friends! ayda has frieeenndss!! i'm so so in love with her and this fic is so fluffy and sweet! gah, instant shot of endorphins, guarantee!)
allies and fealty, or, on finding the first knight of the new Court of Craft by fangirl_squee
Fandom: A Court of Fey and Flowers
Ship: Binx Choppley/Captain K. P. Hob
The enemy of my enemy is kind of my friend. Or something.
(i'm always a sucker for rare pairs and man, this is something i didn't even know i wanted. i love how slowly and carefully they build trust in each other, especially binx who is so secretive and initiated this relationship in the first place. by the end, i completely bought this ship and the potential for it.)
I've walked a fragile line and I've fallen down by jadeandquartz
Fandom: A Crown of Candy
Anger is burning in Lapin’s chest. It is bitter, and it is bloody, and it shines brighter than any Bulb the church might care to invent. Normally, he leaves his emotions be. He cannot afford to let feelings drive him forwards. Remaining logical is the only safe way to play the game of politics - and if you do not play it safe, you die. And if you die, then what was the point? But nothing about their predicament is normal. So, fuck playing the game safely. Fuck that. The world will not play safe with the lives of those he loves. *** In which Belizabeth Brassica is looking for a heretic, and Lapin confesses to his apostasy to protect the House of Rocks.
(one of the first crown of candy fics i read and i never looked back. lapin survive stories makes me so feral and god i love this cantankerous bunny so so much fnewiofewp)
to leave this all behind (halo round his head) by grumpyhedgehogs
Fandom: A Crown of Candy
Lapin blinks slowly at Brassica as she steps up to the bars of his cell, the guards splitting around her like so much water over a stone. He inclines his head, trying for regal and probably failing. “Heretic.” Her voice grates against his eardrums. “You have awakened.” “Zealot. You haven’t killed me.” Lapin replies, dry.
(another, much longer fic where lapin survives and i'm so in love with how much detail and fantastic characterization this fic has, not just for lapin but for the whole cast! the day i stop loving the lapin survives trope is the day i die.)
[The Terror] (yeah, i know, extremely random, and yet here we are. it's due to this animatic here that i was introduced to this show in the first place. def recommend both the show and this artist *thumbs up*)
I'll be Homeward Bound in Time by clandestinegardenias
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
Back in the Arctic, stuffed two to a sleeping sack and trying to keep each other alert, he and James used to name every good type of thing they would eat when they got back, knowing–as they thought–the time would never come. 'Cream puffs', James had sighed one frigid night in a partial feverish delirium. Francis could hardly see him but for the lightest starlight, yet he had heard the smile evident in his voice all the same. That close, he had nearly felt it. --- Hailed as heroes on their miraculous return to England, Francis and James fail to cope, but nonetheless manage to fall together.
(i love how warm they are here, how clearly these two depend on one another and find joy despite the fact london is trying it's best to stamp out this closeness. post-rescue is always such an interesting time where they get to reflect and be traumatized by what happened in the arctic and the lack of understanding that is found when they go home. it's done so well here and man, i just love these two together. the ship that sails their ships lmao)
death is a sailing ship by Maleann
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
"James had died knowing that his heart, the core of his very being that no biographer would ever know, would carry on in Francis Crozier. Would be protected, cherished even, because Francis deemed him worthy of such care. Oh, how he had loved Francis then. He had been at peace with this being his last living thought. It’s his only thought now. In this undead life, his love has nowhere to go." ___ James Fitzjames wakes up in the Afterlife. It looks strangely similar to his cabin on Erebus. (Updated with amazing artwork by Marella!)
(the fic is so!! kind!!! to all its characters! and fitzjames is in full form here, i love how it's him that's trying so hard to take care of his men, despite sir john and his lack of empathy. to have fitzjames damn what is proper and trying to do his best as always even in the freaking afterlife, god. you can just see how much fitzjames changed from the beginning of the show to his end in this fic. how all the characters changed, really. every character here is given room to heal and face the consequences of their actions and there were moments that it seriously made me cry. this is my fave fic in this entire list, it just does an amazing job of showing compassion to all its characters and i love it.)
there but for the grace of- by TheGoodDoctor
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
“I wish you would stop being such a martyr,” a languid voice says quietly, drawling as well as a man can with two missing molars and a glassy, bloodshot eye, leaking all the while from open chest wounds. Francis is rather impressed with his dedication to the role, somewhere under the roil of fury and exhaustion. “You know as well as I do that you could have this bed sometimes, if it didn’t suit you to stomp about with blacked eyes and a put-upon expression.” “And what should we do with you all the while, Commander,” he says, all on a great sigh, “wrap you in sailcloth already? Come, man, you’re either well enough to cease bleeding on my sheets or too ill to get out of them, you can’t have it both ways.” “Francis,” Ross began, “I did not undertake to accept the position of second on Franklin’s expedition for you, as you asked.”
(this fic scratched a brain itch i didn't even know i had. it's so interesting to think about, the idea of crozier not being on the expedition and instead being the person who rescues them instead. fitzjames and crozier actually developing a relationship based on this premise, without the shared trauma, is so so intriguing to me and i wish i had more of this. also, the fact crozier is so much more mentally healthier than canon due to ross makes me want to laugh and cry. god, if only.)
out of the sea came he, still hid in mist by dazydaisy for shortcrust
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
You make bargains you cannot keep. You make promises you plan to break. You give things that are not yours to give.
(a haunting, magical realism fic that feels like a gothic fairy tale. exactly my kind of fic! and if it's yours? definitely a good read *thumbs up*)
At Civil Twilight by lieutenant_iceberg
“Well,” said Francis. “Jopson, will you see what you can do with this three-year-old peace offering? A cup for each of us, and one for you.” “Sir,” said Jopson, collecting one of the bags. “You’ll be up all night if you take coffee now.” “I’ll be up all night anyway. Go, Jopson, go.” When he was gone, Francis got up from the table, and they stared into the depths of the bag together. Finally, Francis cleared his throat and said, “All right, then, James. How have you fared since I hit you?” A few days after Carnivale, Crozier and Fitzjames make a faltering attempt to talk things over.
Part 1 of Civil Twilight
(oooh, the very start of their friendship! how to make peace when their entire relationship is based on animosity and contempt! the dialogue and characterization of these two in this series is so good and i absolutely recommend!)
rebuilding by wildcard_47 for 20thcenturyvole
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
Once they stepped ashore, a fey dark-haired man burst through the crowd a few heads down from Jane Franklin. When Fitzjames saw his brother, he startled, and when Will surged forward in the first press of the crowds around the returned—elfin face wet with tears as he swept James into a fierce embrace—only then did Fitzjames release his grip on Francis’s arm. Only then did Francis feel as if he could step away at last. Written for the 2023 Fall Fitzier Exchange, for the prompt: "Post-canon AU where, once they get home, Crozier and Fitzjames are riddled with guilt and trauma, and deal with their feelings by throwing themselves into caring for the surviving men..."
(i'm always so fascinated by post-rescue stories that actually deal with the aftermath, the logistics of it all. how the characters struggle to handle their own traumas, how they help one another through their experiences, all of it. and how both crozier and fitzjames step up for their men even now, even when they're no longer captains in the arctic and have to deal with london and all it's trappings. this fic handles all that so very well, i love it <3)
As Bullet Speaks to Gun by pointyshades
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames, Thomas Jopson/Edward Little
Against all odds, they are rescued. Cornelius Hickey is court-martialed for his mutiny, and the whole mess of the expedition is unfurled in front of the public. With their names being dragged through the mud, Francis Crozier and James Fitzjames reach out to each other. Meanwhile, Thomas Jopson seeks revenge for what he believes is his captain's betrayal, and Edward Little tries to come to terms with the truth.
(yes!! edward little my beloved gets to shine here! and jopson is so bitter and angry and messy, it's great! again, i love fics that tackle what would happen post-rescue and how london would react to it. the trials, both actual and mental, they have to face in order to move on and be happy (oh please oh please) is handled expertly and i love it! crozier/fitzjames ship is a little more background in this fic compared to jopson/little, but honestly? i'm so sucked into the latter ship that it doesn't matter. both ships are written very well here and again, my beloved edward little is glorious in this fic and i love it! you go edward! woohoo!!!)
Principles of Magnetism (a Comedy of Manners) by acaramelmacchiato
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
The one where they're married but it's still Victorian times and also it's an accident.
(you don't understand, this fic is so fucking funny. it's so goddamn victorian and sir john is so jane-austen-silly-characters coded. i want to both shake his hand for making this premise happen in the first place, and punch him in his punchable face. and crozier is perfectly characterized here, i can visually picture his disgruntled expressions so clearly in my mind, it's incredible.)
Thaw by orphan_account
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames, Past Captain Francis Crozier/Sophia Cracroft
Courteous, charming Fitzjames, whittled down to maturity by the North, and being there, very obviously, not as Francis's right-hand man or as his comrade, but as his mate; a soulmate. Sophia had no need to look at Francis’s face, at the discoloration that would have turned one of his blue eyes into the good-coffee brown of Fitzjames's, to know it, so blatant and luminous a thing it was.
Part 1 of A Victorian Soulmate AU
(very interesting fic where one can choose their soulmates, choose who they want to bond with for life. and the fact it's sophia's pov and how she deals with this fact is handled so carefully and full of goodwill. it makes me want to applaud. i love how clear it is that they're grown ass adults willing to discuss and make peace with one another because they're all genuinely good people who want happiness both for others and themselves. this fic feels like a flower that you hold in your hands to admire it's beauty and delicacy.)
And It Is Now, And It Is Here by 20thcenturyvole, pointyshades
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
Before the ships are trapped in the ice, James Fitzjames sees a terrible vision of the future, a harbinger of his own death. Before the ships are trapped in the ice, Francis Crozier is visited by a tender apparition, an angel wearing James Fitzjames' face. They are both seeing the same vision. Whether they can heed its warning is another matter entirely.
(when the ghost of your future haunts you, you better believe it changes to the plot. i love the dichotomy of how crozier and fitzjames reacts to ghost fitzjames! it's so interesting and i was on the edge of my seat the entire time i read this. if you want to know how it all ends, please read! i promise this fic is a ride you want to get on.)
Waistcoats! or, Life Before the Passage by sadsparties
Ship: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames, Lady Ann Ross/Sir James Clark Ross, Lt Henry T. D. Le Vesconte/Original Character
Commander James Fitzjames of the Royal Navy is the Best Man that a best friend could ever ask for. A chance meeting forces him to share his arctic expedition duties with one Captain Francis R. M. Crozier, and perhaps other duties as well.
(listen, the terror is a horror show and i both want and need lighthearted fics in order to deal with all the horrors lol. but seriously, this fic was genuinely just fun to read and i love the banter and slowly developing friendship and relationship between crozier and fitzjames! truly the romantic comedy fic in this fandom. XD)
#Fic Rec#Fic Rec List#Marvel#Deadpool and Wolverine#Dimension 20#D20#Fantasy High#A Court of Fey and Flowers#A Crown of Candy#The Terror#poolverine#fitzier
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