garden-of-omegas · 1 year
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characters: kyonosuke aizen | teach | enju | hiroyuki ino | zantetsu | doman ashiya summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death, alienation, obsessiveness (mutual yandere?) rating: sfw a/n: this took so long, i'm sorry! :'< I got caught up playing coral island and then baldur's gate, the worm in my brain decided it wasn't writing time. but we're here now!
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≿━━━━༺❀ kyonosuke aizen ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an umibozu. you were often at the pier, looking at the ships coming and going, the waves raging against the stones. it seemed to be the only thing bringing you peace.
✿ you were five, two years younger than aizen. your mother was the one still taking you to the piers, but she'd promised that soon you'd be allowed to go on your own. aizen had just recently been adopted.
✿ your mother was busy on that day, and your father had an important business partner over, so no one could take you to see the boats. you weren't having it, so the guest asked his son to take you. kyonosuke gladly took to the orders, and took your hand to guide you to your favorite place. he protected you the whole way fiercely, even though realistically there was no danger. he was like a knight to you.
✿ while aizen didn't come over nearly as much as tatsuomi, you liked him a hell of a lot more. mostly because when he did come over, he'd gladly entertain you and your obsession with boats. whether it be by taking you to the pier or helping you build your boats. and when your mother died, he was always the one to track you down from whenever you'd run off to that time.
✿ aizen couldn't really describe the feeling he had, the first time he met you. but he was certain it wasn't actually the first time the two of you had seen each other. but he was quick to dismiss the whole thing and move on to making sure you were safe in his presence. aizen very very quickly became like a hero to you, pretty much from the moment he took your hand and didn't say a single complaint about taking you to your favorite place. he was just so amazing in your eyes, just like he'd always been.
≿━━━━༺❀ teach ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an iju. no-one in town really knew much about you, mostly because you spent most of your time wandering around the mountains doing who-knows-what. but everyone did agree that you were very kind.
✿ you were 17, a whole year older than teach. after your mother's death several years prior, you'd pretty much moved yourself into the mountains permanently, only occasionally visiting your father.
✿ you'd been slowly fashioning yourself a house out of an abandoned temple when teach approached you alongside a small bakeneko who was looking worse for wear. you immediately invited them inside, your kind nature winning over any suspicion you might've had about a teenager and kid suddenly showing up. and that's how you ended up with basically an adopted son and a partner living with you.
✿ you and teach started living together after that, as sort of an unspoken agreement. and it didn't take long for it to unofficially become a small orphanage for various ayakashi children. and all this happened before you even realized it had. and by then it was a little too late to look back, not that you really wanted to.
✿ teach found you charming, in a quiet sort of way. you got things done, not a single complaint or a curse. that, and the sight of a strong alpha building a home is a beautiful sight for anyone, especially an omega guarding a kid. familiarity and all that. teach was a breath of fresh air in your life, that was for sure. most other people didn't take to your kindness that freely (too rough and tumble looking for most people's tastes). but you had a feeling that that had never and would never matter to him.
≿━━━━༺❀ enju ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a chochin obake. you were mostly known for your impressive collection of old artifacts, your obsession with it the most people saw you. unless you were scaring someone half to death for fun.
✿ you were 20, and soon to be the proud owner of an antique store. at least, you were hoping so. and enju... well, his age will remain a mystery to all.
✿ you were on a tour of a small building you were hoping to buy. one of the previous employees was showing it, as the owner was apparently too busy. though, not too busy to show up right at the end of the tour, just as you were saying your goodbyes to the tour guide. enju greeted you, which made the small flame inside your chest brighten. he managed to notice it before you quickly covered it up.
✿ you didn't end up buying that particular building, it wasn't at a good place for your business, though enju promised to show you some other buildings he owned that might work better. that ended in a few dinners and a trip to the theater, and... well, those just never ended.
✿ enju found you fascinating, especially the small flame in you. for a while he thought you were something like him, but after a while he realized he was wrong. didn't make you any less beautiful in his eyes though, even when you failed to pick up on his courting signals. you thought enju to be... strange. but also one of the most beautiful things you'd ever seen. it made your flame burning brighter somehow even more embarrassing, especially since you couldn't get it to stop doing that around him.
≿━━━━༺❀ hiroyuki ino ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and bakekujira. you were always followed around by various birds, and fish if you were close to water. this made you seem way scarier than you actually were.
✿ you were 16, just like hiroyuki. your mother had died ten years prior, so you were mostly over the whole thing. hiroyuki had just recently started in the army as a cadet.
✿ you were in the park, gazing into the lake while your little fish friends showed off to you. they were so pretty that you weren't paying attention to the amount of birds starting to gather around you. hiroyuki, a young cadet with a bit too much eagerness, saw that and became concerned. he ran to you quickly to ask if you needed help, to which you looked at him with the most amount of confusion ever.
✿ hiroyuki started noticing you around a lot after that, and realized that any time he'd seen a concerning amount of birds had probably been you. but now anytime he saw lots of birds he'd walk over and chat with you, which you were still confused about. but at least he was nice to your friends so you didn't mention the weirdness.
✿ hiroyuki mostly found you concerning. you were eerie, kind of scary, people avoided your path more than they did actual criminals... but you were still so nice. mostly you just wanted to sit around with your friends, though he was certain that wasn't all there was to you. you thought hiroyuki was weird, both for wanting to be around you and for being concerned for you. no one's ever concerned for you, aside from your father. but soon after meeting him, some part of you started looking forward to seeing him.
≿━━━━༺❀ zantetsu ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a daki. you were pretty much a hermit despite your apparent talkativeness, living on your boat when you weren't in the city with your father, which was starting to become rarer and rarer.
✿ you were 22, two years older than zantetsu. your mother had died 12 years prior, and you'd slowly been spending more time away from the city since. zantetsu was already part of the senkitai.
✿ you'd just come to the shore from a fishing trip and had gotten to roasting your catches. zantetsu had seen your fire from their current camp and came to investigate, at which point you spotted him and invited him to sit and eat with you. he was rather shocked at being noticed, and in his confusion took your invitation. which is how he ended up listening to you talk and talk for a few hours while eating roasted fish.
✿ zantetsu would find your fires every once in a while, at which point you'd invite him to sit with you again. he'd, for some reason, take your offer everytime. then he'd sit and listen to you for a few hours before leaving. after a while he even started talking back to you which got you talking even more!
✿ zantetsu really didn't know what to think of you, you were a weird ayakashi to him. at least, he assumed you were an ayakashi. normal humans don't live on their boats, he was fairly certain. but regardless, he wasn't really sure why he kept indulging you. your life was rather lonely a lot of the time, for someone who liked talking as much as you did, so zantetsu was a breath of fresh air whenever he appeared. he really grew on you, really quickly, and for some reason you didn't mind it.
≿━━━━༺❀ doman ashiya ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a hinnagami. you were known mostly for your creepy, doll-like stare and your very insistent helpfulness. no one around you was safe from your need to be of use.
✿ you were about 23, though you've always felt much older, like there was chunks of your life you simply couldn't remember. doman was over a thousand, this time around anyways.
✿ you were out and about helping one of your neighbors with their shed. it was a bit deeper into the woods, and they were too old to make the trip anymore to get wood, so you'd gone instead. just as you were ready to leave with a back full of logs, you locked eyes with a pair in the woods. a flood of memories invaded you and the eyes turned fearful.
✿ remembering your past life with doman, your old hinnagami instincts took over and you essentially abandoned everything to follow the man around. you weren't really sure why he was so insistent on you leaving, you still had some holes in your memories, but you were determined to stay with him.
✿ doman was conflicted about meeting you again. your past was turbulent and complicated, your mutual obsession hadn't ended well that time. who was to say that this time would turn out better, especially with how you looked at him, so familiarly obsessive. you loved him. it was pretty much the only thing you were certain of upon meeting him, it was like everything about your life made sense. you knew it was possibly just your instincts as a half-hinnagami, but it didn't really matter. you just knew that you belonged together.
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fotos-art · 4 months
All images courtesy of TASCHEN
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Mount Fuji World Heritage Center (2017), Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan. Photo by Hiroyuki Hirai.
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Haesley Hamlet (2020), Gyeonggi, South Korea. Photo by texture on texture
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Japan Pavilion (2000), Expo 2000, Hanover, Germany. Photo by Hiroyuki Hirai
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Nomadic Museum, Pier 54, New York, United States (2005); Santa Monica, California, United States (2006); Tokyo, Japan (2007). Photo by Michael Moran
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Simose (2023), Otake, Hiroshima, Japan. Photo © TASCHEN
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Centre Pompidou-Metz (2010), Metz, France. Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
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Cardboard Cathedral (2013), Christchurch, New Zealand. Photo by Steven Goodenough
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Kur Park Nagayu (2019), Oita, Japan. Photo by Hiroyuki Hirai
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Swatch/Omega Campus (2019), Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. Photo courtesy of Swatch
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La Seine Musicale (2017), Île Seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt, France. Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
# COLOSSAL # TASCHEN # Hiroyuki Hirai # Haesley Hamlet # Michael Moran # Didier Boy # Steven Goodenough # Swatch # artist photographie # fotos art # xpuigc
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questintheskies · 1 year
As a Kenny and Yakuza/Like A Dragon/Judgment fan, I really enjoyed this read alot!
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sushijoy1 · 5 months
Diese 10 proteinreichen Sushi-Optionen werden jedem Feinschmecker gefallen
Eine Liste proteinreicher Sushi-Optionen!
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Möchten Sie leckeres Sushi essen, um Ihre Proteinzufuhr zu steigern? Für diejenigen, die weiter abnehmen oder vielleicht noch mehr abnehmen möchten, ist diese Liste ideal. Wir haben 20 Sushi-Gerichte zusammengestellt, die reich an Proteinen sind. Wenn Sie dieses bekannte japanische Gericht genießen möchten, müssen Sie sich keine Gedanken darüber machen, was Sie kochen sollen.
Für Veganer haben wir auch verschiedene proteinreiche Sushi-Optionen im Angebot. Um den schönsten Teil nicht zu verpassen, bleiben Sie unbedingt bis zum Schluss dran!
1. Einfach hausgemacht – Lachs-Nigiri-Sushi
Gebratenes Nigiri-Sushi – hausgemachte Rezepte
Für Sushi-Fans ist der Lachs-Nigiri zum Standardgericht geworden. Sein leuchtend orangefarbener Farbton wird Sie sofort zufrieden machen. Trotz seines ansprechenden Aussehens ist Lachs ein vollständiges Protein. Dazu gehören neun lebenswichtige Aminosäuren, die der menschliche Körper normalerweise nicht selbst produziert.
Wenn Sie Lachs-Nigiri mögen, ist dieses Rezept von Simply Home Cooked einen Versuch wert. Es wird zweifellos ein Favorit werden.
2. Das einheimische Sushi, Ebi Nigiri
In Sushi-Rezepten werden oft Ebi oder Garnelen verwendet. Für Menschen, die rohen Fisch nicht mögen, sind Garnelen aufgrund ihres milden Geschmacks eine hervorragende Option. Darüber hinaus hat es einen hohen Proteingehalt und wenige Kalorien. Sechs Ebi-Stücke (186 Gramm) ergeben eine Portion, 18 Gramm Protein sind enthalten.
Glaubst du, das hört sich gut an? Mit diesem einfachen Gericht können Sie Ihren täglichen Proteinbedarf decken.
3. Nur ein Kochbuch: Yellowtail Sushi Roll
Sushi-Rolle mit Gelbschwanz – Ein einzelnes Kochbuch
Möchten Sie ein rollen mit mindestens 25 % Protein pro Fleischportion? Wir haben das ideale Sushi-Rezept! Gelbschwanz oder Hamachi ist ideal für aktive Menschen. Es kann die Muskelregeneration unterstützen und Ihr Sättigungsgefühl steigern. Es enthält mehr Omega-3 und ist reich an Proteinen.
4. Eingelegte Pflaumen-Thunfischröllchen
Sushi-Thunfisch ist eine weitere beliebte Wahl. In jeder Mahlzeit ist zusätzliches Protein enthalten. Auch mit Bohnen aus der Dose können Sie Gewicht verlieren und Ihren Heißhunger lindern. Für Menschen, die beschäftigt sind, sich aber trotzdem gesund ernähren möchten, ist diese Mahlzeit ideal.
5. Unagi Sushi: Sushi Joy
Es mag schwierig erscheinen, den Aal oder Unagi zuzubereiten. Es ist einfach zuzubereiten und für Anfänger geeignet. Oh, und es ist auch gesund! Neben anderen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen enthält Aalfleisch 18,7 Gramm Protein pro 100 g Fleisch.
Um Zeit und Mühe zu sparen, können diese bereits gekocht und mariniert gekauft werden. Sobald Sie eine haben, können Sie andere frische Zutaten verwenden, um die Unagi-Sauce zuzubereiten.
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6. Jakobsmuschel-Nigiri-Sushi – bei Sushi Joy
Garnelen-Nigiri und Jakobsmuschel-Sushi sind vergleichbar. Der Geschmack dieses Jakobsmuschel-Sushi ist weicher und süßer. Es ist ideal für einzigartige Veranstaltungen. Es gibt noch weitere bemerkenswerte Details zu dieser Molluske!
Dieses Gericht ist reich an Proteinen und enthält sowohl Taurin als auch Glycin. Fettleibigkeit und Gewichtszunahme werden durch diese Aminosäuren verhindert. Probieren Sie dieses Rezept vom Sushi Joy aus, wenn Ihnen die Idee gefällt.
7. King Crab Rolls – Mit würziger Mayonnaise gefüllte King Crab Rolls
Die Königskrabbe ist ein sehr starkes Tier. Drei Unzen liefern 20 g mageres Protein. Darüber hinaus ist der Gehalt an gesättigten Fettsäuren geringer als bei anderen proteinreichen Fleischsorten. Um Ihre Gesundheit und Fitness zu erhalten,
8. Tako Nigiri, der Oktopus und Hiroyuki Terada
Einfaches Rezept
Der köstliche Geschmack von Takoyaki hat dazu geführt, dass es auf der ganzen Welt beliebt ist. Kennen Sie Tako Nigiri?
Ein gesunder Ersatz für einen Snackball ist Sushi. Drei Unzen gekochter Oktopus enthalten 25 Gramm Protein. Er hat einen etwas höheren Gehalt an ungesättigten Fettsäuren als Gelbschwanz- oder Lachsfisch.
Wolfsbarsch, manchmal auch Suzuki genannt, ist im Sommer ein beliebter Fisch. Der Fisch schmeckt gut und hat eine feste, süße Konsistenz. Zitronensaft ergänzt es gut. Der Preis ist es auf jeden Fall wert, da es kalorienarm und proteinreich ist. Beispielsweise decken 3 Unzen oder 210 Gramm Wolfsbarsch 40 % der täglich benötigten Proteinzufuhr.
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10. Green Dragon Roll von Sushi Joy
Sind Sie Veganer und brauchen Sushi? Eine tolle Idee für heute ist es, ein eigenes grünes Sushi Joy Drachenröllchen zuzubereiten. Eine hervorragende Quelle für pflanzliches Protein sind Kichererbsen. Zur Ergänzung Ihrer Ernährung mit gesunden Fetten sind auch Avocadoscheiben enthalten. Sagen Sie uns, wie es ausgeht. Terada
Einfaches Rezept
Der köstliche Geschmack von Takoyaki hat dazu geführt, dass es auf der ganzen Welt beliebt ist. Kennen Sie Tako Nigiri?
Ein gesunder Ersatz für einen Snackball ist Sushi. Drei Unzen gekochter Oktopus enthalten 25 Gramm Protein. Er hat einen etwas höheren Gehalt an ungesättigten Fettsäuren als Gelbschwanz- oder Lachsfisch.
Das heutige Takeaway!
Wenn wir das Wort „proteinreich“ hören, denken wir sofort an Lachs oder Thunfisch. Die Vielfalt der Sushi-Stile wird Sie in Erstaunen versetzen. Es stehen Ihnen jederzeit zahlreiche Optionen zur Verfügung. Bei SushiJoy gibt es mehrere Auswahlmöglichkeiten, von vegan bis zu rotem Fleisch.
Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre Gedanken mit! Welches Sushi-Gericht dieser proteinreichen Optionen? Haben Sie Ihre Top-Auswahl ausgewählt?
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badmovieihave · 5 years
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Bad movie I have Love Exposure 2008 original title Ai no mukidashi  Just so you know it a 4 hour movie
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kuribo4indahouse · 6 years
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Drawings by Hiroyuki Imaishi, Shigeto Koyama and Sushio.
And a Sushio cosplayer lol
https://twitter.com/waka_geek/status/1014949384730152961?s=09 https://twitter.com/waka_geek/status/1014949384730152961?s=09
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cowgirltifa · 7 years
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kenny in every being the elite episode | ep. 5
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Crunchyroll: annunciate altre quattro serie per l’autunno simulcast della piattaforma
Confermate le nuove stagioni di World Trigger, Let's Make a Mug Too e il nuovo OVA di The Ancient Magus’ Bride, assieme a Digimon Ghost Game!
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Mancano pochi giorni all’inizio della stagione autunnale e il palinsesto simulcast di Crunchyroll si arricchisce ancora di altre quattro anime, che potremo seguire in streaming da ottobre, in contemporanea con la trasmissione in Giappone.
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Nuova serie animata dello storico franchise legato ai celebri mostri digitali, attualmente in lavorazione presso gli studi TOEI ANIMATION (Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, World Trigger).
L’anime è diretto da Kimitoshi Chioka (Dragon Ball Super) in coppia con Masato Mitsuka (Digimon Adventure:). La sceneggiatura è in mano a Masashi Sogo (Fairy Tail), mentre le musiche sono composte da Kow Otani (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing).
La storia inizia con delle strane voci online di avvistamenti di “fantasmi olografici”. Hiro inizia a vedere i Digimon dopo aver attivato un Digivice che gli ha lasciato suo padre e insieme a Gammamon comincia a indagare sugli insoliti fenomeni che accadono intorno a loro. È così che durante la sua vita quotidiana, lentamente mette piede nel mondo dei Digimon.
Il design dei personaggi è stato concepito dal mangaka Tenya Yabuno (Inazuma Eleven, Pokémon Horizon: Sun & Moon) ed è stato adattato da Mariko Ito (Anonymous Noise). Per quanto riguarda i Digimon, invece, il design ad opera di Cho Shinozuka si basa su quello originale creato da Kenji Watanabe.
LET’S MAKE A MUG TOO (Stagione 2)
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Seconda stagione della serie slice of life basata sull’omonimo manga promozionale dedicato alla città di Tajimi e all’arte della ceramica. L’anime viene accompagnato anche da una sezione live-action, durante la quale le doppiatrici delle protagoniste si cimentano in varie attività, visitando un po’ la città e provando i manicaretti locali.
La città di Tajimi, situata nella parte meridionale della prefettura di Gifu, in Giappone, è famosa per la terracotta Mino. La città è costellata di produttori di ceramiche storiche e di musei d'arte ceramica. Dispone di strutture dove è possibile cimentarsi nella lavorazione della ceramica e di molti ristoranti che servono cibo su piatti Minoware. La storia inizia quando una liceale si trasferisce in una via dello shopping a Tajimi. La aspettano molti incontri, amici, gente di città, arte della ceramica e tanto altro!
A dirigere l’adattamento presso gli studi NIPPON ANIMATION (Anna dai capelli rossi, Haikara-san ga Tooru Movie) è ancora Jun Kamiya (Kingdom). La sceneggiatura è curata di nuovo da Naruhisa Arakawa (Maoyuu Maou Yuusha), mentre è sempre Ayano Yoshioka a supervisionare il comparto animazioni e il character design.
WORLD TRIGGER (Stagione 3)
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Terza stagione della serie sci-fi tratta dall’omonimo shonen manga di Daisuke Ashihara, edito in Italia da Star Comics.
Un giorno, nella città di Mikado si aprì un Portale verso un altro mondo. I Neighbor, invasori provenienti da un'altra dimensione, invasero l'area attorno al Portale, gettando la città nel panico. A sorpresa, un'organizzazione misteriosa fece la sua comparsa e scacciò i Neighbor. L'organizzazione, chiamata Border Defence Agency, svolge ricerche indipendenti sulla tecnologia Neighbor e combatte per difendere il nostro mondo. In poco tempo costruirono un'enorme base e misero a punto un sistema di difesa contro i Neighbor. Da quel giorno sono passati quattro anni.
Prodotta sempre da TOEI ANIMATION (Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, World Trigger), la regia della serie è affidata a Morio Hatano (Dragon Ball Super, Saint Seiya Omega). Alla sceneggiatura e al character design tornano rispettivamente Hiroyuki Yoshino (Izetta: The Last Witch, Black Butler: Book of Circus) e Toshihisa Kaiya (Ascendance of a Bookworm). La colonna sonora è firmata sempre da Kenji Kawai (Mob Psycho 100, No Guns Life). .
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Nuova trilogia di OVA basata sul manga fantasy di Kore Yamazaki, edito in Italia da Star Comics. Il primo episodio è stato allegato al volume numero 16 del fumetto, uscito in Giappone il 10 settembre, mentre gli altri usciranno il 10 marzo 2022 e il 10 settembre 2022.
Poco prima che Chise diventasse una studentessa a tempo pieno, durante il sonnellino di Cartaphilus... Chise ha ricevuto un invito all'accademia e lei, con l'aiuto di Elias e degli altri, ha iniziato a prepararsi. In un giorno tanto pieno, è arrivato uno spriggan a casa sua su uno strano cavallo a recare un messaggio secondo cui "qualcosa di male sarebbe accaduto durante la caccia selvaggia". Gabriel, un normale ragazzo appena trasferito da Londra, era annoiato. Da questa situazione in cui era lontano dai suoi amici e in una terra a lui estranea. Da tutto. Guardava fuori dalla finestra, come se volesse fuggire attraverso essa, quando ha scorto del fumo di tabacco. Quando è corso fuori per rincorrerlo è successo l'impossibile: il suo mondo ha iniziato a sovrapporsi a quello nascosto dei maghi.
Questo nuovo adattamento è considerato la prima parte di un nuovo progetto d’animazione, preso in carico dal neonato STUDIO KAFKA, appena fondato da Kouichi Naruse, ex membro di WIT STUDIO (After the Rain, L’Attacco dei Giganti, Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song), assieme agli animatori Takahiko Abiru (designer e direttore d’animazione in Vinland Saga) e Kazuaki Terasawa (direttore d’episodio in Overlord II e Anonymous Noise).
La regia dell’anime è affidata proprio a quest’ultimo, mentre alla sceneggiatura ritorna Aya Takaha (The Ancient Magus’ Bride, The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Those Awaiting a Star), con al fianco Yoko Yonaiyama (Uma Musume Pretty Derby). Il design dei personaggi è sempre curato da Hirotaka Katou (Hoozuki no Reitetsu, The Ancient Magus’ Bride) e anche le musiche sono firmate ancora una volta da Junichi Matsumoto (Plunderer, The Ancient Magus’ Bride).
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Serie tv in simulcast annunciate in precedenza durante altre occasioni.
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Serie tuttora in corso, già presenti sulla nostra precedente guida simulcast stagionale.
Come al solito, gli episodi di tutte le serie arriveranno ogni settimana in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano; gli abbonati premium potranno vedere da subito le puntate, che però dopo sette giorni saranno accessibili a tutti gratuitamente.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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nightfallgame · 4 years
Please let me feed my oracle boys some nice hot soup during their cycle!!!! And maybe some sex. If they're not incapacitated.
Hiroyuki (Beta)
Depending on which cycle it is... no, Hiroyuki’s a mess either way. He’s usually drinking to try to dull the emotional pain of not having anyone there, and if he does have time off of work to do it, most of it is spent lying on the floor in a pile of misery. You bringing him soup feels like someone sent him an angel. The whole time you’re there, Hiroyuki’s a tear-streaked, needy mess who’s all but clinging to your side now that his inhibitions are low enough to let him do it. If you offer sex, considering that he’s basically soaking through his pants by now... he’s very likely to accept. 
Kyou (Alpha)
Yeah, he’s basically dead when his cycle rolls around. Please, give him soup, time to nap, and probably some medicine because yikes that’s a fever. Kyou feels awful more often than not, but his cycles do extra to wreck him. He’s too sick to be having much in the means of sexual desire... or at least to pay attention to it. It’s pretty much the flu, but with an erection the whole time. Kyou is not having fun. If he does agree to let you get him off, it has to be very gentle and slow so as not to make him feel worse. He’ll be very squirmy and very loud, but honestly, the soup comes first... please?
Xane (Omega)
As much as he probably needs you around during his cycle, Xane is horribly embarrassed by how weak and needy he gets. He knows that it’s natural, but that really doesn’t make it any better to be stuttery, unable to sit still, and literally wet while the person he likes is there. He appreciates the soup, he really does, but he’s likely to take it and try to hide... right up until you ask very nicely to take care of him. Then, his Omega instincts take over, and all that remains is a very flustered Xane trying to insist that he doesn’t want to be a bother to you by forcing you to look after him like this. 
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mitchtheficus · 8 years
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but daaaaaadddd i WANNA put him through the table!
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haro-hawayu · 4 years
I’m so excited for the remainder of the B-Rank Battles to be animated <3333
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drkreviews · 5 years
Album Selection of 2019 | March
Anthem - Nucleus (29.03.2019) [★★★★★]
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Immortal Bind
Black Empire
Eternal Warrior
Ghost in the Flame
Venom Strike
Omega Man
Echoes in the Dark
Unbroken Sign
The Novembers - Angels (13.03.2019) [★★★★★]
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Bad Dream
Down to Heaven
Ghost Rider
Close to me
Sawano Hiroyuki [nZk] - R∃/MEMBER (06.03.2019) [★★★★]
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Glory -into the RM-
Never gonna change
Binary Star
ME & CREDD <nZkv>
Rie Fu - Places (15.03.2019) [★★★★]
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On Track
The City
The Birthday - Vivian Killers (20.03.2019) [★★★★] *REVIEW*
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Love in the Sky with Dorothy
Kiss me Maggie
Aozora -Vivian Killers ver.- (Blue sky)
Dusty Boy Dusty Girl
The Answer
Thirsty Blue Heaven
Flower -Vivian Killers ver.-
Hoshi furu yoru ni (In a starry night)
Diablo -Hashika- (Measles)
Oh Baby!
Wakana - Wakana (20.03.2019)
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Yakusoku no yoake (Promised dawn)
Tsubasa (Wings)
Ruiiro no sora (Shining sky)
Nagareboshi (Falling star)
Kioku no hito (Person in memory)
Toki wo koeru yoru ni (By night when time goes by)
Hard Rain
Kinmokusei (Osmanthus)
Boku no kokoro no tokei (Clock in my heart)
Toki no oto (Sound of time)
Ai no hana (Love flower)
Takanori Nishikawa - Singularity (06.03.2019)
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Roll the Dice
Bright Burning Shout
Hear me
Rebrain in your Head
Be Affected (ft. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
Elegy of Prisoner
Unbroken (ft. Tomoyasu Hotei)
BIRI x BIRI to Singularity and Beyond -Maozon remix-
Ever free
Mop of Head - Maverick (13.03.2019)
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Gabber Juice
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fly-sky-high-09 · 5 years
R U L E S: put your playlist on shuffle, and put down the first 10 songs that play
Tagged by @shadowdarkheart2 THANKIES
My music taste is wack but here you go, from my cellphone shuffle
Body Motion- Attack on Titan OST
Battle Zinnia theme- Pokemon Omega R/S
The Voice- Celtic Woman
I couldn’t find the AMV I took this song from but I don’t know what it is originally called so *shuffles again* Saijaku VS Saikyou- To aru kagaku no Railgun S OST
Heroes- Mans Zermelow
Sora Mau Yuusha! X5- Wada Kouji, Digimon Xros Wars
When can I see you again- Owl City
New World- Twill, Digimon Xros Wars
Perfect Time, Version 2- Hiroyuki Sawano
Pray in the Darkness- Yousei Teikoku
Tagging: @lumineli @homebounddude @asvia-tan and honestly who ever wants or feels like sharing :U
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Why Zack Snyder Wanted a Clean Slate with Army of the Dead
Zack Snyder has come home. After spending a large portion of the past decade immersed in the DC film universe—even more if you count the development and production of Watchmen, his third film, a few years before that—Snyder has returned to the genre that launched his career as a feature film director.
That genre is horror, more specifically the subgenre of zombie movies, and the film is called Army of the Dead. Premiering on Netflix after a brief theatrical run, Army of the Dead is only the second movie of Snyder’s career not produced and distributed through Warner Bros. Pictures. The other one was his first feature, the 2004 remake of George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, which came out through Universal and was the movie that put Snyder on the map.
Coming back to horror—or in this case, a hybrid of the zombie movie and the heist thriller—was just what Snyder needed to clear his head after his complicated tenure with DC. To do that, he turned to the story for Army of the Dead, which had initially been developed as a direct sequel to the Dawn remake years earlier.
“Just exploring Dawn, in doing that movie and taking it apart [was exciting],” Snyder tells us during a Zoom interview. “When you do a zombie movie, even though it was the first time, I was exploring the genre, the different tropes of the genre and really was starting to get fascinated with the things in it that we all take for granted, whether it be that a zombie bite is infectious, or you shoot it in the head or whatever. These are things that people innately know.”
He continues, “I think the conversation I was starting to have with myself is: What will people allow in this genre of film? So it really got me thinking about it, and I’ve always been a huge lover of those really insane, big, seminal genre movies, whether it be Planet of the Apes or Soylent Green, or The Omega Man, or Escape from New York, as well as mission movies like The Dirty Dozen, which I love.”
Snyder says that combining the two was the key for him to make another movie based around the well-worn idea of the zombie apocalypse. “That was really was the jumping off point for this exploration, because I’d done the zombie movie, and then I had this basic love for the genre and how it worked. I think that it was the sort of deconstruction of those two ideas in my mind that led me to what is Army.”
Army of the Dead is set in and around Las Vegas, where the accidental release of a zombie with seemingly superhuman strength from a military convoy leads to a massive outbreak of the living dead in the city. The epidemic ends with Sin City emptied of humans and the town quarantined with huge walls around it. Meanwhile the surviving human citizens live in a suspiciously authoritarian “quarantine camp” outside the walls.
A former mercenary named Scott Ward (Dave Bautista) is approached by wealthy casino owner Bly Tanaka (Hiroyuki Sanada) about assembling a team to infiltrate the city, break into the vault in Tanaka’s casino, and remove more than $200 million. But they have to move quickly since the U.S. government has given up all hope of reclaiming Vegas and plans to eradicate the city and the zombies with a tactical nuclear strike.
Ward agrees and puts together his team, which includes, against his wishes, his estranged daughter Kate (Ella Purnell). But once they get inside, the team discovers that the mission isn’t quite what it was presented as, and the zombies themselves aren’t quite what they expected either.
Read more
Army of the Dead Review: Zack Snyder’s Most Fun Film to Date
By Nick Harley
Army of the Dead: How Zack Snyder Is Revolutionizing Zombie Movies
By Bernard Boo
“Frankly, the simple concept has existed since the beginning,” says Snyder, who conceived the story and co-wrote the screenplay with Shay Hatten and Joby Harold. “The zombie plague, the zombies get to Vegas, they build a wall around it, but they left the money inside. So we’re going to get this veteran team of zombie hunters to go in and get the money out. That’s been the pitch for forever. I happened to say it to the guys at Netflix, and they were like, ‘Yes, let’s do that.’”
Army of the Dead was mostly shot before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world and film production for the better part of a year, although Snyder did do reshoots during the shutdown to incorporate actress Tig Notaro into the story as Peters, a helicopter pilot originally played by Chris D’Elia.
Snyder digitally removed the latter from the film after allegations surfaced of D’Elia’s sexual misconduct. “It wasn’t [a difficult decision],” says Snyder when asked about the change. “I pretty much immediately was like, ‘We got to fix this, because it’s just the right thing to do.’”
One difference between making Dawn of the Dead and Army of the Dead is that Dawn—while still quite effective and one of Snyder’s best films—came with the baggage of being a remake of a landmark horror film, with fans outraged that Universal Pictures handed the project to an unknown first-time director.
With Army, Snyder not only brings his own personal brand to the project—one well-known now among genre fans—but has established his own mythology without having to stay at least within biting distance of the original Romero film.
“I think that was the cinematic challenge across the board,” Snyder says. “I just finished, whatever it is, almost 10 years of DC films and all of the massive amount of canon and dogma that surrounds those characters, though I love them. I was really excited about venturing into a world where I was setting the rules… That was really appealing and it’s really been fun.”
Snyder’s run in the DC universe kicked off back in 2013 with Man of Steel, the Superman reboot that was meant to launch the DC Extended Universe as a shared, interlocking web of films in the mold of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He also directed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017) while serving as a producer or executive producer on Suicide Squad (2016), Wonder Woman (2017), and Aquaman (2018).
But his darker vision of DC icons like Batman and Superman did not yield the box office or critical results Warner Bros. had hoped for, leading to tensions with the studio. And when his daughter passed away halfway through production of Justice League, Snyder stepped away.
What happened then has been extensively documented, but one gets the sense that Army was a way for Snyder to wipe the slate clean and start on a new path as a filmmaker.
“The experience was exactly that,” he affirms. “100 percent. It’s been an amazing journey. I have a great crew and a great support team, visual effects artists and stuntmen, that it’s just a joy every day to get up and go to work with them.”
By the way, don’t think for a minute that Snyder is done with shared universes; he’s just making his own now. A prequel to Army of the Dead, called Army of Thieves, has already completed filming, an animated series is in the works, and we imagine Netflix will be calling for a sequel should Army put the bite on viewers in a big way.
Snyder is ready: “We know exactly where everything goes. Shay and I have done a deep dive on a much longer storyline, as well as the animated series, which tells basically the exact origin stories of the zombie plague, down to the most minute details. It’s insanity and fun.”
Army of the Dead is streaming now on Netflix.
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The post Why Zack Snyder Wanted a Clean Slate with Army of the Dead appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hJld0F
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Download Alan Fitzpatrick - We Are The Brave Radio 158 for free now!
Artist: Alan Fitzpatrick Show: Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Techno Source: RSS
Discover more Alan Fitzpatrick live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more We Are The Brave Radio episodes HERE
Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 Tracklist
THERE can be no doubting Alan Fitzpatrick’s position as one of the most influential electronic artists of the moment. Pumped up by yet another series of head-turning productions over the previous twelve months, the Englishman’s profile continues to transition rapidly from the techno underground towards the electronic music main stage, attracting significant attention from BBC Radio 1, Mixmag and Resident Advisor and elevating Fitzpatrick to the position of global headliner. A status supported by the release of Fitzpatrick’s critically acclaimed Fabric 87 mix compilation in the first half of 2016 and continued with the monumental impact of new label We Are The Brave and first single ‘We Do What We Want’, that received such widespread support that it inspired snapchats from school kids and was even heard played at KFC. Tune in to Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 now!
Guest mix from Cinthie 1. FDF – Omega (Brawther Underwater Mix) 2. The People In Fog – New Period feat. Hiroyuki Kato – Sound Of Vast 3. Franck Roger – Mystery Track 4. Tilman – What_s Mine Is Mine w/ Will Buck 5. Subjoi – Fairfax 6. Fear-E – O.K.S.E 7. Keita Sano – Deja Vu 8. Cinthie – Just Us 9. B FROM E – M1 House 10. Aaron Smith, D’bora – Going Round (MK’s Dub Mix) 11. Alden Tyrell – GETO5 12. Pusher – Morning Star 13. Detroit Swindle, Jungle By Night – Call of the Wild feat. Jungle by Night (Cinthie Remix) 14. Adelphi Music Factory – Cuba 15. Skatebard – Agfachrome RSX II
The podcast Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Alan Fitzpatrick - We Are The Brave Radio 158 for free now!
Artist: Alan Fitzpatrick Show: Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Techno Source: RSS
Discover more Alan Fitzpatrick live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more We Are The Brave Radio episodes HERE
Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 Tracklist
THERE can be no doubting Alan Fitzpatrick’s position as one of the most influential electronic artists of the moment. Pumped up by yet another series of head-turning productions over the previous twelve months, the Englishman’s profile continues to transition rapidly from the techno underground towards the electronic music main stage, attracting significant attention from BBC Radio 1, Mixmag and Resident Advisor and elevating Fitzpatrick to the position of global headliner. A status supported by the release of Fitzpatrick’s critically acclaimed Fabric 87 mix compilation in the first half of 2016 and continued with the monumental impact of new label We Are The Brave and first single ‘We Do What We Want’, that received such widespread support that it inspired snapchats from school kids and was even heard played at KFC. Tune in to Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio 158 now!
Guest mix from Cinthie 1. FDF – Omega (Brawther Underwater Mix) 2. The People In Fog – New Period feat. Hiroyuki Kato – Sound Of Vast 3. Franck Roger – Mystery Track 4. Tilman – What_s Mine Is Mine w/ Will Buck 5. Subjoi – Fairfax 6. Fear-E – O.K.S.E 7. Keita Sano – Deja Vu 8. Cinthie – Just Us 9. B FROM E – M1 House 10. Aaron Smith, D’bora – Going Round (MK’s Dub Mix) 11. Alden Tyrell – GETO5 12. Pusher – Morning Star 13. Detroit Swindle, Jungle By Night – Call of the Wild feat. Jungle by Night (Cinthie Remix) 14. Adelphi Music Factory – Cuba 15. Skatebard – Agfachrome RSX II
The podcast Alan Fitzpatrick – We Are The Brave Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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