#omar craig of the creek
pocketmothz · 2 years
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lodinsxnl · 2 years
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I know J.P. likes Maney but like I love them 😭
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asageaday · 11 months
Could you draw that fucking weezer cover but with Melvinborg, Black Hat (Villainous), Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones) and Omar (Craig from the Creek)?
Sorry, I'm slowly losing my sanity
*riff from buddy holly plays*
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dw i'm losing my sanity too we're twinning fr
thanks for the ask!!
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kitzoou · 2 years
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i finished binge watching cotc and i NEED someone to tell me when it’s gonna continue😞
like is s4 over or are they gonna put more episodes in it👨‍💻
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th3-punk-c4t · 5 months
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wolf therian petre!Omar who goes to the creek when feeling puppy with a little warn tail and some ears, 'awooing' always when climbing a rock and doing quads bc his a little puppy person. Craig, JP and Kelsey go with it because it feels like playing with a real wolf puppy :3
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handlebarbs-helmet · 14 days
Incorrect COTC Quotes #2
This is how they would actually be as adults
Omar : Okay, for the last part – You see an old man and a young child. What do you hit?
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dumbass-404 · 8 months
#COTCreekWeek Day 3 - Past / Future
Basebatarrowtargetball has been the sport of the future ever since Maya and Omar made it up this afternoon.
Read under the cut or here.
“This is going to be awesome.”
“Awesome?” Omar yells back to Maya. He’s standing a distance away, but he’s mainly yelling out of excitement. “This is going to change the way people in America experience sports!”
“You know it!” Maya yells back and readies her stance. She taps the edge of her bat on the flat rock in front of her.  
The bat thunks against the rock, and tells her she’s in position. She brings it up around her shoulder. “Ready when you are.”
“I was born ready,” quips Omar. He notches the suction cup arrow to his bow. He straightens the arm holding the bow, and pulls the arrow back with his other hand. “Get ready for the first pitch ever of basebatarrowtargetball!”
Basebatarrowtargetball has been the sport of the future ever since Maya and Omar made it up this afternoon. It combines their two sports of choice and their four materials available. 
The bases are, as said before, rocks. They went down to the creek and picked the four most base-like rocks they could find, and hauled them all the way out to the clearing that the premiere game would be held in. 
The bat was easy. Maya never left home without it. She claims that she never wants to miss a chance to practice, so she always has it just in case. Omar thinks that she just wants to look cool carrying around a sort-of weapon everywhere. In any case, he thinks she looks cool with it. 
The arrows were slightly more tricky. Omar had a SNERF set of bow, arrows and target at his house, which required sneaking in and out of his house without his older sister catching him. Maya offered to knock her out if needed. Omar declined her offer, and got in and out of the house with everything just fine. He wishes he had better supplies than a crummy archery kit he was gifted for his ninth birthday, but he'll make do with what he has. If the sport gains popularity (and it will ), then he’ll switch over to a real wood bow and flint arrows, but plastic and foam work fine for now. 
The target is set up as the shortstop. Maya says that’s where all of her hits go (“Straight to the shortstop,” she would complain after practice. “I swear I’m not aiming for her.”) so it should be the most optimal place to get a bullseye. 
“There are no balls in this,” Maya realized as they were planning the game. “Why are we calling it basebatarrowtargetball ?”
“It sounds weird otherwise,” Omar replied. “Who would want to play basebatarrowtarget?”
To play basebatarrowtargetball, the archer pitches the arrow to the batter, who hits it into the shortstop-slash-target. Whichever team gets a bullseye first wins. 
“But it’s just us,” Omar said. “And we need an archer and a batter for a team, so who’s on the other team?”
“You think the other kids won’t want to play this when they see us?” Maya scoffed, assured. 
So now, they are one hit into the bullseye away from winning the first ever game of basebatarrowtargetball, and gaining the admiration of every kid in their neighborhood. 
Omar takes a deep breath and lets the arrow go.
A moment later, Maya swings her bat—
—And instead of hearing the sweet sound of plastic-on-more-plastic flying in the direction of the target, Omar hears Maya yelp.  
“OhmygoshMayaareyouokay?!” He cries as he runs over to her. 
“Yeah, yeah,” she says. She’s still standing, still in one piece. “Just got caught off-guard.”
“I’m so sorry. I—“ He covers his mouth. “I swear I’m not laughing at you, I’m just—“
“You should be sorry,” she says, and pulls the suction cup off of her forehead with a loud pop! “Your aim is terrible.”
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ihf-arts · 2 years
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Craig of the Creek fanart! I love these two
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stelseyyuri · 2 years
I haven't posted In a while here's some craig of the creek art :D
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cherryvampiro · 2 months
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More CotU!! Introducing newly king Celestine & his guard Purple Onyx 🩵💙💜🖤 And you can't have a SU au without some fusions!! 🌈🌈🌈🌈
Side Note: This doesn’t follow SU story (specifically no diamonds) different parts of the creek are run by different Gems (Eliza, Sewer Queen, Xavier, etc.) Xavier just has the biggest territory due to it being passed down to him by the Celestine's before him.
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dearimasu · 9 months
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braindos · 1 year
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Wauughh the comfort show ever
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lodinsxnl · 2 years
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I know J.P. likes Maney but like I love them 😭
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nicodrawings · 2 years
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Hi I made a fake comic variant cover. Probably gonna do more. Looking forward to the new episodes next week!
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kitzoou · 2 years
omar drawing soon
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lifes-remedy · 3 months
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"Craig Of The Creek Anniversary"
On this day in 2018, "Craig Of The Creek" premiered on Cartoon Network!
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