#om band
1chipmarch · 18 days
The Sunlandic-Kagamine Twins
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I’ve posted this on Twitter for an album art miku trend. I love this album and this has been an idea of mine for a long while! So here they are!
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 3 months
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bought this tshirt from someone from Romania ^_^ this is the first tshirt in a colour other than black that i ever bought lol
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rainingmusic · 11 days
Om - Haqq al-Yaqin
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haveyouheardmetal · 6 months
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Pictured: Advaltic Songs, released in 2012
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childrenofrlyeh · 3 months
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
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incredibly stupid comic idea that falls in the category of "came to me late at night and had to draw it as soon as possible"
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dulltoned · 8 months
They went out for smoothies.
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I don't know how comics work.
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fluffyfangirl · 1 year
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✨ Byler on a date ✨
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nocturnalhe · 5 months
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foxybouquet · 1 month
More pics reposted on Drag Talk’s X account of Hayden Scott from the last Drag Talk concert and I think I’m just gonna surrender, here. He is as beautiful as he is reportedly kind. 🤍🤍🤍
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slippy-socks · 1 year
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my job is omega x mountain
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
are there any other bands like Al Cisneros’ OM? i love OM so much, but it seems to be a one of a kind thing. i specifically seek out that OM-like transcendental doom metal with very intense oriental influences and a mantra-like mystical eastern sound, a very trance inducing vibe.
so far i have found a few slightly similar things:
-Zaum - the most similar band, unpopular for some reason. they play something like Mesopotamian themed psychedelic doom with lyrics about Sargon the Great, Assyria, prophets and stuff like that. I had the pleasure of seeing them live in 2016 (ummm what, time passes so fast), and I hope they will come here again in the future because they have released 2 more albums since then
and that’s all. less similar things:
- Dead Skeletons - more psychedelic rock but very cool too, I'd love to see them live one day and i appreciate his obsession with Tibet
-Grails, but it’s post rock/psychedelic without vocals
i was excited for a moment when i saw that there is a genre called "oriental metal" but it’s not what i wanted at all :/
so if you have any recommendations, please let me know. i want to have a mystical experience while listening to music, i want to be completely submerged in the sonic transmission of the ancient knowledge of long lost civilisations, i want to think about temples of forgotten gods and the cycle of life and death
i feel like the closest thing to OM i can think of is probably Dead Can Dance (especially Dionysus album) and (some) Heilung (only these songs without screaming) - but they have nothing to do with doom metal, they’re folk aligned. they’re similar because they both give you an experience, a transformation
i don’t like harsh screaming growling vocals, if that’s not too much to ask (it is too much, i know that)
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dsireland86 · 8 months
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It's A Pintrest Kind Of Sunday 😁🫶
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shiroselia · 1 year
SVT när de ska prata om sjukt komplexa ämnen som kräver både nyans och finess, speciellt eftersom att det involverar starkt marginaliserade grupper som oftare presenteras i en negativ och stigmatiserad synvinkel, som kräver stark kunnighet hos skribenten och jävlig försiktighet för att inte göra det värre för de marginaliserade grupperna som presenteras speciellt då de jävligt sällan får representera sig själva
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neverknoah · 5 months
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i’m biting him
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 3 months
Emo characters >>>>>>>>>
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(Due to a misinterpretation of a previous similar post I feel the need to disclose that this is not sexualizing them in any way. Two of them are minors. DON'T MAKE IT WEIRD)
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