#olivia hye pride
sanccharine · 4 months
13 | winners and losers
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hogwarts au
pairing: hufflepuff!tzuyu x slytherin!reader genre: fluff, slice of life word count: 3.3k
warnings: brief descriptions of injuries, swearing, and stupid angst :D
summary: whether on the field or during class, you never shied away from trouble. and in your sixth year, trouble seemed to follow you like a shadow, though you couldn’t complain. especially when that series of misfortunes led you to the transfiguration prodigy, chou tzuyu. includes: red velvet’s yeri, ateez's san, txt’s yeonjun, viviz’s sinb, loona’s olivia hye
status: ongoing a/n: happy pride month yall, tho there is nothing happy about this part i fear, very homophobic of me ik, time i out myself
masterlist | chapter 12 | chapter 14
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More than anything, it was instinct that saved you. 
Well, instinct and the cushioning spell. 
You couldn’t have cast it even if you wanted to. Not that you didn’t know the spell, you simply forgot it existed. You were more than all right taking the fall, can’t be more dangerous than usual. But, you really did appreciate the softer landing. One moment, you were free-falling with the ground rising at insane speed and the next, you’d hit the land, rolling around as you kicked sand up. 
With a defeated groan, you stopped on your back. Coughs sputtered out of you, no doubt a result of all the sand you ate, while your hand gently let go of your broom. The whine was clear even between the sounds of an ongoing match. 
In your hands, lay your broom—your gift—cracked in two.  
That’s it. 
You were done. 
And so was your broom. 
Maybe you hadn’t broken any bones, but your back was gone. There was no way you were going to class the next week. Lying on the sand, still running on adrenaline, the pain hadn’t settled. You were sure, all through next week bruises of all colours and various levels of pain will bloom much like flowers during spring. But at least, you were done. 
You were done!
A relieved sigh escaped between the panting as you squinted up at the players. Most of them had stopped to see if your fall had been fatal. The game was momentarily paused for you.
Eunbi was the first to arrive. Where from is a question you will never have answered. 
“Told you we’d win,” she said with that wicked grin of hers. 
She was standing at your side, leaning down enough that her face made up most of your vision. From her neck to her ears, she was flushed. It was a scarlet so dark it was almost concerning. She was bearing all her teeth, something between a smile and a method to catch her breath. Exhaustion or elation, it wasn’t clear. Eunbi looked at you all expectantly, as if you had to share the excitement. You weren’t privy to what was running on her mind, you seldom were. 
“No,” you groaned, grappling at the strap digging into your chin. The helmet had done its job. “No, you didn’t.”
Eunbi pouted. 
You sent her a look at the expression, though she just let her smile grow again. The referee landed a few meters away from you. Before they could ask the relevant questions and make it a whole thing, you were quick to give them a thumbs-up. The crowd erupted at your sign, the game didn’t need to be stopped. Still grinning, Eunbi stuck out her hand. The quicker you get out, the quicker the game ends. You took her hand. 
“And,” you paused. 
Something stopped you from fully clasping her hand. 
Something round. 
“We… didn’t win.” 
Staggering, you came to stand, your helmet slipping behind you. Toe to toe, you stood with Eunbi, hand still gripping hers. This close to her, you could really see the specks of light catching in her eyes, her iris alight with mischief. A sight you only witnessed on the field. 
Gulping, you looked down just as your conjoined hands pulled apart. 
Golden wings unwrapped and fluttered, the singing ball floated right up to your eyes as if it were greeting you. And then, it was turning towards Eunbi, circling around her as if begging for her attention. 
“There is no way—!”
The referee blew the whistle. 
“You can’t be serious.”
The points dinged as they rose. 
“You’re insane.”
The crowd was raucous. 
“Told you we’d win,” Eunbi smiled before looking up at the rest of the players. Widening that bright grin, she caught the snitch again and then held it up high. 
To say the Slytherin team were dumbstruck would be a very easy statement, but a lie. Every member of your team was agape, frozen. To be fair, even you couldn’t move—and no, it was not because of your injuries. 
When Slytherin did begin to lose their stupor, Gryffindor was still fuming. 
You could understand them… just a little bit. 
“Did you really need to do all of that?” you asked, cringing at her dramatics. Of course, she pulled stunts like this. That’s how she won her first game. Though they mostly happened to be tricks of the mind rather than extravagant displays. 
“The game was boring,” she shrugged, glancing at the crowds and then at your broken broom. “Probably, the most interesting thing was you struggling for half the game and then plummeting.”
Addressing the jab with a roll of your eyes, you asked. “When did you even get it?” 
“Maybe around ten minutes ago,” Eunbi shrugged again, smiling and waving at our teammates who were landing. The snitch responded with her. “Everyone was too busy focusing on you. Soobin never announced his spotting of the snitch, if he even spotted it, and you were unpredictable. Gryffindor was struggling to get around you and Yeri—a smart choice to change plays in the middle, by the way. Good distraction. So, yeah—”
You put it together quickly. 
“You used me,” you stated, kind of hurt. A lot, hurt actually. Eunbi just shook her head. “Yeah, you did! Ten minutes ago—You could’ve stopped the game, you know I was struggling and you even removed our substitutes—”
Eunbi turned to you with a dead stare. All of her mirth from the previous seconds was gone. A look saved just for you, moments before the team engulfs the two of you with praise. 
“You were finally getting out of your head, finally playing the game,” she said. “I wasn’t going to stop that.” 
And then she pointed at your left hand. And you followed her finger.
It wasn’t shaking at all. You hadn’t even noticed. 
You didn’t know what to say. 
When you looked at Eunbi, she must’ve recognized some emotion in you. Perhaps, gratitude, maybe fondness, either way, she couldn’t handle it, so she turned away. 
“Besides,” she cleared her throat to salvage herself. “We were twenty points behind and I—oof!”
Eunbi went down. Olivia had basically pounced on her. 
You let out a snort. “As if that mattered with the—!”
Yeonjun slammed into you and down you went, for the second time that day. 
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Turns out your injuries weren’t too bad. Nothing a little magic couldn’t fix, right? Though you guessed it was more that Madam Yun was sick of you wasting space in her wing. 
The weekend after the game, Slytherin dorms had their wildest party yet. Your team finally was allowed to let loose, going all out and doing the most. Yeonjun had challenged Olivia in some muggle game, clearly baiting her into some easy bet. Olivia, being the competitive spirit, fell for it headfirst. Your beloved first-years just watched their seniors with glassy wide eyes. You doubt there was anything admirable about their seniors, but you weren’t going to burst the first-year's bubble. Minwoo had gained another chocolate frog from you (stolen from the hospital wing, of course) but he let the frog sit atop his shoulder. He’ll have to learn the hard way why that was a terrible idea. 
From time to time, your housemates dropped by to drag you into the revelries but you just shook your head. You were quite comfortable on your couch. After the week you’ve had, you appreciate the stillness. Speaking of…
Your hand was fully under your control. 
Holding both your left and right up, you turned them over and over again to study them. No trembling at all. There were faint shots of pain, more memory than actual pain. 
You were clenching and unclenching your fist when someone whacked your hand away. 
Yeri propped herself on your lap and nestled in, making herself comfortable at your expense. Her legs hung over the couch as she sighed at the ceiling. 
“Happy?” she asked, looking at you upside down. 
Rolling your eyes, you gently moved around her straying strands of hair and she closed her eyes. 
“We won, didn’t we?” 
Yeri hummed. “Not what I was talking about.” 
You paused your ministrations. You weren’t sure what she was talking about.  
With a sigh, Yeri reached out to take your left hand in hers. Intertwining her fingers from the back, she showed your palm to her face so she could trace the lines with her index finger. 
“I feel like you worry over nothing,” she said, suddenly deep in thought. “You know, no one on the team doubted you for a second.”
Now she was drawing random shapes on your palm, from stars to smiley faces. 
“I don’t understand how every year you keep second-guessing yourself,” Yeri said with another sigh. “Eunbi was adamant on it—kicking Hyukwoo out, that is.” 
Your whole body tensed. On a mind of its own, your eyes found Eunbi all the way across the common room. And as if she felt your stare, she looked back at you, coolly.
“No one was against it, but everyone knew it was a dicey move,” Yeri confessed. “Whether the fight happened or not, I think she would have done the same. It just so happened she got lucky—an easy reason—no one could refute her argument. That is, even if it meant it would burden us.” 
Now this was going beyond a simple school game, beyond your personal squabbles. 
“She shouldn’t be playing games like that, her actions will get back to—”
“Eunbi has already been scouted, her position is already confirmed—”
“Alright, then what about the team? What about us?” About me? was the unspoken question. “This year won’t be easy, they won’t make it easy—”
“Then, we’ll just have to wait and see,” Yeri concluded at the same time she dropped your hand. Your best friend stretched like a cat, before turning over to lie on her stomach. Propping her chin on her hand, she kicked her feet as a shiny gloss lit her eyes. “So how do we feel about Tzuyu?”
“That’s quite the topic change,” you pulled a face but she continued, undeterred. 
“And your detention with her?” 
“I don’t,” you paused to think about it. What did you feel about it? “I don’t really feel anything. It's just detention.”
“Yeah, somehow I doubt that,” San’s voice chirped from your right as he seated himself on the armrest, his shoulder bumping into yours. 
“You know there are perfectly empty chairs right across,” you said, faking your derision. 
“Yeah, but I just want to snuggle close to you like—” You shoved San’s face away before he could plant a kiss on you. Though it was proving to be difficult when both his hands were already wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Oi, don’t change the topic—we’re talking about Tzuyu,” Yeri swatted at his arms, but with no real fight. “Seriously, how do you feel about her?”
“I thought we were talking about how I feel about detention with her?”
“Same difference,” both your friends said at the same time. 
You frowned at that. 
“What exactly am I supposed to be feeling?” you asked, in a way to stall so you could honestly bring out your thoughts of her. It was all too muddled, unfortunately. 
San rounded himself and took a seat on the coffee table, your knees almost touching. 
“Well, you like her, don’t you?” San asked as if it were so simple. You were already shaking your head but he just continued. “You’re always worrying about her.”
“Well, more like worrying about how Tzuyu sees them.” At that, you shot Yeri a questioning glare. “Don’t act like it’s not true.”
“I’m not, is it so bad that I don’t want to look like a fool in front of her?”
“Well, you’ve never cared about it before—”
“Well, I guess she’d never been on my radar before—”
“Alright, then, what changed? Why is she on your radar now?” 
You purse your lips. 
They’d caught you. 
You didn’t have an answer. 
What was different now?
“I don’t know,” you admitted. 
The confession made you feel more bare than you’d like.
San and Yeri shared a look. 
“It is clear how much you care for her,” San says so sweetly, you shudder a bit. Care for her? Of course, you do! You just don’t understand the distinction that deserves a whole conversation. 
“Teasing aside, it's good for you—I mean you’re studying and working harder than ever,” Yeri said, “but most of all you’re finally stepping out.”
Before you could ask what that means, she continues. 
“You never really cared for anyone but us, Slytherins, or quidditch players—I could even argue anyone but our team doesn’t really register as important in your mind,” you had to bite back the nerve to ask, why would they? “But standing up for those first-years—”
“Anyone would’ve done that,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Alright then, on top of that, studying with Tzuyu? Practicing with Yeosang!” Yeri stressed the last point while San nodded. “They’re small changes to you, yes, but to an outsider, it looks like it is really helping you.” 
Helping you? Helping you for what? 
You narrow your eyes at Yeri, but she doesn’t shy away from you. She just kept staring at you as if she heard the question in your mind. As if she was urging you to think about what she meant. As if you had the answers. 
So you did. 
All the way back to how you befriended Yeri. 
Or more so, how she had befriended you. She had clambered onto the train, wide-eyed and loud, instantly recognising the name embossed on your suitcase. She hadn’t even asked to enter the cabin or if you were waiting on anyone else. Yeri asked a million questions, all of which you ignored until she called you out. On your passive expression, on your unfriendliness, and on how you stared out your window when your parents didn’t even wait to see you depart. When you finally deigned her with a response, she grinned, having struck gold. 
Later in the year, she revealed that you’d met her before. None of it rang a bell to you, but by that time, she’d grown to be someone quite important. You found yourself clinging on to her more than she did to you. Besides, it did help that whatever trouble you caused or didn’t, she was always the first to back you up. Very quickly, you found yourself doing the same—a loyalty so unwavering, that you didn’t really care for anyone else. 
That’s how it went with Yeri. That’s how it went with everyone else. Every single one of your close friends. 
How San introduced himself with a snack because he’d bought too many, (he had lied, he believed sharing snacks would help him make friends if his words failed). Or how Yeonjun had passed you notes because he was bored at the back of the first History lesson, (you both had been kicked out and never earned the professor’s trust ever again—not that either of you cared for it). How Eunbi made a singular comment on correcting your form when she’d caught your practising spells late at night, a throw-away note, she hadn’t even stopped to say it (and you never got to thank her after the Charms professor praised you).  
All of them had approached you first, regardless if their intention was to befriend you or not. They come to you, befriend you, and you just let them… Or more that they’d broken through. Seen you through your passiveness and unfriendliness as a young Yeri had put it. 
How many more were there? How many more interactions filtered through your mind as irrelevant much like how you’d met Yeri before and had no recollection of it? How many more friends had you lost because you were busy picking and choosing who to speak to and how to speak to them? Whether they deserved your response, being selective on whether they deserved to take up space in your mind? 
When put in words, it sounded awful. Even if it wasn’t your intention, it seemed so so awful. Almost like… your parents. 
“I hope they help you. Help you understand that the world doesn’t end when you make one wrong move. Help you understand that you’ll be fine if you fail from time to time,” Yeri paused to let out a deep sigh. You knew she was thinking about your parents too, but she didn’t feel like saying. Why, when you knew already? “I hope that they help you understand that you’re more than just some Quidditch player, or a decent Transfiguration student, or another L/N.” 
“That’s not her job,” the words escaped you before you could even recognise what you were saying. 
You’ve truly lost where this conversation was going. 
“That’s not their job,” you corrected. San and Yeri shared a look while you folded your arms. 
Weren’t there bigger problems to concern yourselves with than whatever you had going on with Tzuyu? Which wasn’t much. 
“That doesn’t matter! Focus on how I broke my broom—”
“We all saw that, don’t change—”
“Yeri, I’m just saying Tzuyu is not a concern—”
“Our next game is not a concern! It isn’t for weeks! Plus we have school brooms,” Yeri said.
“And spare brooms,” San added, knowing he could ask his parents to send some for you. 
“That still doesn’t guarantee a smooth game, I mean this game we barely—”
“I don’t understand why you won’t let anyone near you,” Yeri shuffled back, now kneeling on the couch. 
“And I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” you flashed San a look, hoping he’d help you in some way. Nothing. “Seriously, what are we even talking about now?”
“I forget how you can be so clueless,” Yeri shook her head and moved away from the couch. She gave you one last look before leaving. “That’s my bad.”
You watched her disappear into the crowd with a sour taste in your mouth. This fight was not a new one. Every year something along the same lines always came up, but truly this time there was no root to it. At least, not one you could pinpoint.
“You’re distracted,” San offered kindly. When you pursed your lips, he sighed. “Tzuyu has been distracting you.” 
“Is she helping me, or distracting me? Which is it?” you asked, and a passing look on San told you he didn’t appreciate the tone. You mumbled your apology before running your hand down your face. “I’ve been practising the best I can, studying the best I can, what are you saying—”
“It’s not a bad thing,” San stopped your words. “Anyone with eyes can see the two of you have been circling each other since the start of the year, though it's become so tense—”
“Yeah, well, I was injured because of her,” you emphasised the point as much as you could. Then you brought your hand up to unfurl a finger every time you made a point. “And then, she went and took the blame. And I don’t even know why she bothered to try to make a friend out of me—”
“Don’t you think these are things you should be talking to her about?” 
Then you froze. 
Whatever you’d said you didn’t feel at the start of the conversation had just poured out of you, out of nowhere—no, from somewhere deep in you. 
“That’s what Yeri means, though she put it less kindly,” San said, placing a hand on your knee. He furrowed his brows, debating if he should say the thing he was thinking, far too gentle to not mince his words, far too different from Yeri. “You can confront people without your fists connecting with their face.” 
You stared at the hand on your knee. “Does it matter?” 
“If you’re so wound up over it, I’d say it does,” and then San reached for your left hand. 
And with horror, you felt it flinch away.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: i said two months but it was three guys im sorry im such a liar ;-; lol anygays have a good day/night everyone !
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taglist: @someone-who-likes-broccoli @tatliegilim @nanabongos
send an ask to be added !
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coeurcanelle · 4 months
my life is rosy
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authors note :wrote this prose poem for pride month inspired by none other than the lesbian anthem itself ,I'll be back with another chapter of baby the stars shine bright soon !
you and ellie have something going on,you never made it official refusing to date
In a beautiful garden filled with many beautiful flowers, one had particularly caught your attention.
Her smile, her eyes, her touch, her smell—you were head over heels for Ellie.
From the day you met her until now, you could never get enough of her.
"don't leave."
Her words echo in your mind since the last time she pressed her lips on yours.
A new feeling washes over you; it becomes familiar with her.
It's not that you don’t like this thrill.
You keep falling deeper for her, and there is no turning back.
Living in your mind rent-free, in your restless dreams, you can't escape from her.
A drop of blood runs down your finger after touching the rose.
Despite her beautiful appearance, her spikes painfully scratched your skin.
Giving into temptation, she's your weakness and ellie knows it.
However, what happens between you behind closed doors only remains a secret.
For how long do unlocked chests stay like this? She clearly has the map to your heart, and you can't help it being stolen.
Planetarium dates,valentines gifts and being able to show her off are just dreams.
But maybe this night can magically turn them into reality.
As she grabs your arm and drags you with her, she whispers those words: "don't hurt yourself."
Like a magic spell, the blood stops leaking.
Her love, making you ill, was also a remedy.
You’re starting to like this thrill, especially because she makes flowers bloom in your heart.
You can’t help but fall even deeper; this feeling growing stronger makes you weaker.
Running in the flower garden seemed quick with her, but it’s long when you’re alone.
The void she was filling is unbearable during her absence.
A despicable feeling that makes you crave her.
You can't live without this thrill, too desperate for her love.
And you know you're letting yourself fall for her, but you can't fight what's natural.
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themoongirls12 · 1 year
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230528 | Olivia Hye attending a wedding 💐
"The idol-niece who has become the pride of our family 💓
Thank yoou for cominggg"
© relative instagram post
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Quentin Nye
Pride's Prince Charming Quentin Nye (2020)
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Viola's husband and the owner of a small bakery, Quentin is sweet and warm to everyone he meets, much to the chagrin of his father-in-law, Damian.
"Have a cupcake and think this through."
Full Legal Name: Quentin Anbu Nye
First Name: Quentin
Meaning: French form of the Roman 'Quintinus', which is a cognomen derived from 'Quintus', which means 'fifth' in Latin.
Pronunciation: KWEHN-tin
Origin: French, English
Middle Name: Anbu
Meaning: Means 'love' in Tamil
Pronunciation: AND-boo
Origin: Tamil
Surname: Nye
Meaning: Originally indicated a person who lived near a river, from Middle English 'Atten eye' meaning 'At the river'
Pronunciation: NIE
Origin: English
Alias: N/A
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: N/A
Titles: Mr
Age: 42
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Asian (Indian)
Birth Date: November 26th 1978
Symbols: Cupcakes
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: Indian, Hindi, English, Tamil
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Saggittarius
Theme Song (Ringtone on Damian & Vi's phones): Damian: 'Only Time' - Enya| Vi: 'Love Don't Cost A Thing' - Jennifer Lopez
Voice Actor: Kunal Nayyar
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Current Location: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Hometown: Brigg, Lancashire, England
Height: 5'8" / 172 cm
Weight: 144 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse, doesn't shave
Facial Hair: Beard & goatee
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Non-smoker, doesn't use drugs
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Ulysses May, Tristan Lum, Vasco Romero, Patrick Rhydderch, Fionn Rhydderch, Sean Rhydderch
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Closest Confidant: Viola Nye
Mentor: Hari Nye
Significant Other: Viola Nye (41, Wife, Née Lum)
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Hari Nye (63, Father), Zarina Nye (64, Mother, Née Das)
Parents-In-Law: Damian Lum (61, Father-In-Law), Marion Kay (64, Mother-In-Law)
Siblings: Raabi'a Keo (39, Sister, Née Nye), Sixte Nye (36, Brother), Tri Gim (33, Sister, Née Nye), Uno Nye (30, Brother), Winona Nye (27, Sister), Xystos Nye (24, Brother), Amita Nye (21, Sister), Bragi Nye (18, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Dara Keo (40, Raabi'a's Husband), Eun-Yeong Nye (37, Sixte's Wife, Née Yun), Gyeong Gim (34, Tri's Husband), Hyeon-Ju Nye (31, Uno's Wife, Née Mun), Ulysses May (38, Viola's Half-Brother), Kestrel May (39, Ulysses' Wife, Née Coy), Wanda Ott (35, Viola's Half-Sister, Née Lum), Heath Ott (36, Wanda's Husband), Tristan Lum (32, Viola's Half-Brother), Gardenia Lum (33, Tristan's Wife, Day), Xavia Lum (29, Viola's Half-sister), Sullivan Lum (26, Viola's Half-Brother), Yasmine Lum (23, Viola's Half-Sister), Roger Lum (20, Viola's Half-Brother), Zella Lum (17, Viola's Half-Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Kolab Keo (19, Niece), Makara Keo (16, Nephew), Pich Keo (13, Niece), Sok Keo (10, Nephew), Yeong-Hui Nye (16, Niece), U-Jin Nye (13, Nephew), Chae-Won Nye (10, Niece), Byeong-Ho Gim (13, Nephew), Ji-Hye Gim (10, Niece), Earl May (18, Nephew), Jane May (1, Niece), Flint May (12, Nephew), Imogen May (9, Niece), Magnolia Ott (15, Niece), Laurence Ott (12, Nephew), Naomi Ott (9, Niece), Daisy Lum (12, Niece), Vance Lum (9, Nephew)
Children: Adam Nye (21, Son), Paulette Nye (18, Daughter), Benjamin Nye (15, Son), Olivia Nye (12, Daughter), Charles Nye (9, Son)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Backstory: Quentin is a very supportive husband to Viola, meeting and marrying her while attending college in Lancashire. While Viola travels around and wrestles, Quentin stays in Brigg, operating his small bakery and raising their kids. At times Quentin takes the kids to visit Viola on the road.
Quentin's way of calming people (specifically those within the Lucifarians) is to give them a free product from his bakery.
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25080023 · 1 year
Chapter : II
I put tons of interest into Classic Musical and Classic Literature. But, I like Fantasy and I enjoyed my leisure time watching a bunch of it. If you’re curious about my all-time favorites, then it would be any of the LORD OF THE RINGS, STARDUST : Although this film isn’t truly high fantasy, there are enough fantastical elements in the story to garner its inclusion on this list. The world is fleshed out well enough, but in this case it’s the characters that really make it stand out. As opposite to that one, I admire Ghibli’s masterpiece so much.
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Since, I really love Classic Literature so don't be surprised if i put my eyes on Pride and Prejudice or The Picture of Dorian Gray. Music is one of my hobbies. I have played the guitar since 11th grade. My dream is to make a band and perform on the same stage with Axl Rose. My favorite food is Mie Ayam, and my favorite drink is Caramel Macchiato. I enjoy writing and enjoy spending my time for drawing. I'm casual listener of Arctic Monkeys, Gun and Roses, Green Day, The Beatles or another band from 80's.
Assuming that we should talk about our interests in persona, I’d gladly to start this sentence with Choi Chanhee and Kim Chaewon, I’m so loud if it’s about them. In addition, the groups, I only put my eyes on The Boyz & Le-Sserafim but other than that, i love bonedo taesan, zb1 zhanghao, itzy, olivia hye, new jeans and another kpop ggs.
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 CAUGHT IN BETWEEN ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚
Since, I love playing a games too, masterpiece of my favorite ; valorant, twisted in wonderland, dota 2, and apex legends. But, i rarely talk about it (sometimes will share my play-game if i want it.)
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idalsocore · 4 years
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✿*: like or reblog this post if you download.
( loona yyxy : pride icons )
loona 1/3 : click here
loona oec : click here
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wichois · 3 years
OMG!! i kiss a girl ♡♡♡♡
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ♡ ↷  loona lgbt protectors pt.1 ” 🏳️‍🌈 ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @nekdnblock
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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theloonamoon · 2 years
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Feliz dia do orgulho LGBTQIA+! 🏳️‍🌈
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Hoje e todos os dias devemos celebrar o nosso orgulho, por isso, vamos continuar lutando pelos nossos direitos e para nos sentirmos livres para amar quem queremos amar. Tenha orgulho de você e de sua jornada, nós somos e sempre seremos únicos!
Neste ano, e também como nos outros anos, o que o Loonamoon tem a oferecer neste dia tão especial é a forma que você pode mostrar o orgulho de ser quem você é! Use os nossos icons e espalhe por aí que você é quem você é e ninguém pode mudar isso.
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noelletism · 2 years
For pride month 💖🤍🌷🤍💖
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melancholic · 3 years
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“&” concept photo edits (1/2)
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themoongirls12 · 2 years
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elfseul · 3 years
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10carat-spam · 3 years
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misc. bi kpop icons
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moonlara · 3 years
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happy pride to lesbians !!
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messypacks · 4 years
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✰ hyejoo bi messy icons
like / reblog if u save ♡
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