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jupiterpilgrim · 4 months ago
Damage Control
Hyeju x Male Reader
word count: 12.8K
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It's a very important day for her, and you couldn't care less.
The gallery is a monument to pretension. Pristine white walls, the kind that seem to say: if you don’t get it, that’s on you, with polished concrete floors, where every heel echoes like a hammer of self-doubt. The lights dangle from the ceiling at precise angles, spotlighting the photos with calculated exactness, but also highlighting the insecurities of the photographers pacing back and forth, trying to look more confident than they actually feel.
Hyeju, for example, is dressed in something that is clearly not part of her natural wardrobe. Normally, she’d be seen in practical clothes, loose coats, comfortable pants—something she could lose herself in while exploring the world through her camera. But tonight, oh, tonight she’s a woman wrestling with a dress that’s undeniably expensive and likely borrowed from a friend too rich to care. The dress is black, too tight in the wrong places, and shiny enough to make her feel like a piece of art—not the interesting kind. The heels are high, torturous, and with each step, Hyeju wonders if it wouldn’t be easier to take the photos lying on the floor, where, at least, she wouldn’t have to balance like a drunken acrobat.
Her hair, normally loose and wild, has been tamed into an elegant updo, something that seems more like a modern art attempt than a style choice. She feels as if she’s disguised as someone who knows what they’re doing, an impostor among the real artists—or at least those confident enough to pretend.
And yet, as she catches her reflection in the gallery’s display cases, she tries to convince herself she’s worthy. After all, her series is hanging on the walls, among the others, and maybe, just maybe, that means she belongs here, dress or no dress.
But deep down, all Hyeju can think is: this is too much champagne and too many heels for someone who just wants to be a photographer.
She’s standing in the corner, beside her exhibit, her fourth glass of champagne disappearing in nervous sips. She watches the movement around her, but her mind is too occupied to register any useful details. The selection hasn’t started yet, and the photographer, the main critic of the night, is running late. Of course he is.
Important people always are.
Hyeju aspires to be among the top five winners of the contest. The prize? Well, merely having her work published in one of the world's most renowned photography magazines, plus a special tour with her essay showcased in various galleries worldwide; the doors this contest could open for her are endless. And what makes things even more thrilling is that she genuinely believes she has a chance this time. Five people out of twenty will be chosen. She'll be one of them.
Before basking in the glamour, however, she must face evaluation by a judge with an unknown temperament. Still, she's confident that anyone with an ounce of sense will recognize the exceptional quality of her work, transcending subjective interpretations.
She turns to her photos on the wall. The series, the work that might define her career, is there, fixed and unchanging, awaiting the unforgiving judgment of a room full of pretentious people. The black-and-white images of dockworkers—strong arms, faces weathered by salt and years of invisible labor, staring down containers that don’t ask questions. The world’s transience captured there, with cranes bearing the weight of global needs as if countries exchanged desires with the clasp of metallic hands. Each container holds a secret, a demand from the other side of the ocean, and the workers, small figures in the photos, turn the wheels of the world unnoticed.
Hyeju tries to find flaws. Maybe the lighting in this shot is too strong, or perhaps the framing is slightly off. Or maybe...
No, maybe it’s just the champagne.
“Excuse me,” a female voice interrupts, pulling her out of her self-deprecating thoughts. It’s a young woman, likely an assistant, dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit, with the programmed friendliness of someone who’s delivered the same news dozens of times today: “The selection is about to begin.”
Hyeju mutters something that could be a “thank you” and tries to steady her breathing, handing her champagne glass to a passing waiter with such force she nearly topples the tray. Each contestant will get their five minutes of attention. She surveys the other exhibits—some incredibly well-composed, others almost amateurish. She might have a chance, maybe, if the stars align and the critic isn’t a complete jerk—or worse, utterly pretentious.
Time passes.
Then, suddenly, the group appears. Journalists and other professionals in similar fields, all carrying that aura of critical wisdom. The same assistant from before is in front, efficiently guiding the flock. Hyeju sees them approaching her wall, and her mouth instantly goes dry. The assistant begins explaining the series’ theme. “The port as a hand reaching across the ocean…”
Hyeju smiles at everyone, trying to appear friendly, interesting, accessible. She barely hears the words, lost in growing nerves. But then… she sees him. The last person in the group, hanging slightly behind the others. An unreadable expression, with a gaze that seems to measure the worth of everything in the room—including her.
It’s you.
She trembles slightly as she shakes your hand, and the moment your fingers touch: Hyeju knows. It’s you the critic.
Great. Of course, it’s you.
But would you… nah, impossible. Completely impossible.
It was years ago.
Hyeju wasn’t anyone in the photography world then.
“It's a pleasure to meet you,” you say, in a gentle yet distant tone, almost too professional.
“Nice to meet you too, I am Hyeju,” she replies, trying to sound steady, but her voice falters slightly at the end.
"Yeah, I know."
You’re there, standing before Hyeju’s photos, pacing like an inspector evaluating construction work—only here, what’s being judged isn’t a building but someone’s soul. Each photo on the wall seems to scream in silence, as if trying to convince you of its importance, of its worth.
But you’re in no hurry.
You never are.
The first photo shows a gigantic crane, its mechanical arm hovering over containers like a titan ready to devour the world. The overcast sky in the background gives a sense of melancholy, of an industrial late afternoon, and there’s something intriguing in the way the black-and-white contrasts highlight the weight of the scene. Not bad.
You take two more steps, looking at the next image: a worker, face covered in sweat, calloused hands gripping a rope. The detail in his face is impressive, each worry line drawn with precision. The guy looks like he’s contemplating every economic crisis of the last century all at once.
Points for drama.
And then, of course, Hyeju tries to make small talk. Like they all do. As if conversation could save a photo that can’t defend itself.
“I chose black and white because I think it brings a kind of… timelessness, you know? Something that transcends the digital era we live in. Color can sometimes distract from the real meaning. I wanted the shadows to be… the main narrative.”
“Hmm.” You don’t look up, your eyes fixed on a third photo, an aerial shot of the port. The docks, packed with stacked containers, resemble a game of Tetris gone incredibly wrong. Thousands of boxes, ready to carry the anxieties of an entire world. “Transcendence, huh?... Got it.”
She watches you, uneasy, as you use your iPad, seemingly indifferent to her tense existence. Hyeju has that glimmer in her eyes all young artists have—a mixture of desperation to be seen and the faint arrogance of someone who thinks they’ve discovered something others missed. You’ve seen it so many times you could give lectures on the subject.
She continues nervously. “I know your work, by the way. I really admire your series, especially the one you did on the desert. The way you capture emptiness…”
“Oh, really?” Another note on the iPad.
“Yes! Actually, it was one of the biggest inspirations for this project. The way you captured emptiness, solitude… it was, honestly, brilliant.”
You finally look up, but not at her. At another photo. “Interesting.”
Hyeju clings to the chance to extend the conversation, like someone fallen overboard reaching for a piece of driftwood. “I really admire how you can convey so much with so little. I mean, the desert is literally… nothing. And yet, you make emptiness feel full of meaning. I tried to do something similar with the port, you know? A place of transition, of constant flux, but full of invisible stories.”
“Hmm.” Another silence. You step back, observing the photos with a clinical eye, as if trying to determine if the thread holding the world together is hidden somewhere within them.
“That’s why I wanted to focus on the workers,” she continues, clearly desperate to keep the contact. “They’re like… the gears no one sees. Without them, nothing would work. They move the world, but they’re always in the shadows.”
“Yes, yes, shadows. Fascinating.” You type something more into the iPad, your fingers moving across the screen as if her words carried tons and you were determined to move them quickly. “It’s interesting how black and white can create this illusion of depth. Or it can simply look… dated."
She blinks. “Dated?”
“Hmm, yes. Depending on the intent, of course.” Your eyes are back on the iPad. “But many photographers turn to black and white when they want things to seem deeper than they are. You know, to give that air of seriousness. It doesn’t always work.”
Hyeju laughs nervously. “Yeah, of course. I wanted it to have that seriousness, but also… you know, without being pretentious.”
“And isn’t that everyone’s aim?”
And that’s it. A rhetorical question that falls like a stone into a quiet pond. Hyeju looks at you, hoping for a more elaborate reaction, some sign that you really grasped the depth she wanted to convey, but all you offer is silence as you study the final images of her series.
Finally, you turn to the assistant. “Shall we?” you ask with the calm of someone who’s already made up their mind long before the end of the exhibit.
She gives a brief nod, confirming. "Yes. Let's move on to the next exhibits."
You pause, and then, as if it were just a minor detail, add, "Afterward, I'll speak with you privately, Miss Hyeju."
The group begins to move, but Hyeju lingers, feeling as though she's been left hanging, your words hovering in the air without resolution. She watches you walk away, the iPad still in your hand, typing something that could very well determine the fate of her work. But what unsettles her most is the way you treated her, and something about your distant posture makes her wonder if you know anything.
The gallery is noisier now. Artists, finally free from the duty of guarding their works, gather in small groups, praising each other with enthusiasm that ranges from genuine to visibly forced. Glasses of champagne are raised in toasts barely disguised as self-affirmations, and the hum of voices fills the space, echoing off the high ceiling.
Hyeju, however, doesn’t join in. She remains near the wall, watching from a distance as you, surrounded by journalists, finish evaluating the last of the exhibits. Her hands are clasped tightly, nervousness etched into each small movement. Her eyes track your every motion, trying to read the verdict that awaits.
From afar, she witnesses the first decisive moment. An older photographer, whose work felt like an ode to glorified boredom, receives a hug from you, smiling with a relief that only someone who’s faced countless failures can mask. Further ahead, a young woman with an eccentric look shakes your hand, her eyes sparkling with joy.
But not everyone is so fortunate. Some walk away from you with mixed expressions, caught between polite disappointment and the certainty that their work simply wasn’t understood. The more courteous ones offer faint smiles—the kind that are more social reflex than genuine feeling. Hyeju recognizes the tension even from afar. But when you finally start walking toward her, the anticipation becomes suffocating. Each of your steps seems to echo across the gallery like a solemn march, and Hyeju feels time slowing down.
You stop in front of her, a slight, formal smile on your face. It’s a smile she’s seen so many times that night it might as well be part of your uniform.
"Hyeju." Your voice is soft, almost cordial. "I liked your theme."
The words strike like an electric shock. For a moment, her world comes into focus. She smiles, surprised and, for a second, relieved. Maybe all that anxiety was for nothing.
"Thank you," she says, her voice trembling with barely-contained emotion.
You tilt your head slightly, as if acknowledging a job well done. But then, you continue, in that calm tone that only serves to prepare the ground for the fall. "However, I have to be honest... As I said, the theme you chose is already dated."
The word dated hangs in the air for a few seconds, like a blade poised to drop. Hyeju's smile falters.
"What do you mean... dated?" she asks, hope clearly trying to cling to something.
"Well, the port, the workers, industrialization... this idea was novel and revolutionary, let’s say, in the days of... the industrial revolution." You pause, looking at the photos on the wall as if re-evaluating the work for a moment. "Today, it doesn’t impact the audience the same way. It’s almost like you’re trying to remind us of something we all already know. In other words, the obvious."
Hyeju swallows hard, her mind beginning to race faster than she can handle. "But the point was precisely to show how these things are invisible today. People ignore what goes on behind the goods they consume, as if everything just magically appears on store shelves and—"
You raise a hand, cutting her off politely. "Of course, of course. But the problem is, in trying to revive this concept, you end up reaffirming what's already established. There’s no novelty, you see? The port as a symbol of global flow… it’s been debated to exhaustion. The challenge is finding a new perspective on the obvious, and, unfortunately, your exhibit got stuck in trying to remind the audience of something they’re already tired of hearing."
Hyeju blinks, stunned. "But… the black and white, the aesthetic I used… I wanted to convey a sense of timelessness, as if these figures were almost ghosts, invisibly moving the world…”
"Yes, timelessness." You nod, and the formal smile reappears, almost paternalistic. "The problem is, timelessness can also look like unintentional nostalgia. And, in the end, the modern audience wants something that speaks to the present, something that challenges them. We can’t just revisit the past expecting the same impact."
She tries, desperately, to find a loophole. "But… and the contrast? The shadows, the workers… I wanted it to be a reflection of the gears that drive the world, even today. Isn’t that relevant?"
You sigh, a bit more impatient now. "Look, the concept is good. I’m not saying it isn’t. It’s just that your execution felt… too predictable. Of course, you have a very competent technical eye, and your photos are good, but it lacks that element of… surprise, of innovation." You look at her directly, your patience waning. "It’s the kind of work we’ve seen many times before, understand?"
"But I can improve!" Hyeju insists, her voice a little louder than she intended. She seems on the brink of collapse, trying to cling to what little hope remains. "I know I can. If you’d just give me a chance to revise—"
"Look, Hyeju," you interrupt her, this time with a slightly firmer tone, tired of the discussion. "I really appreciate your passion. That’s great. But the decision has been made. Try again next year. Maybe with a different perspective."
There’s a long pause. Hyeju looks at you as if waiting for you to reveal that this was all an elaborate joke, that she’d actually won. But you say nothing of the sort. You simply extend your hand, ending the conversation with a smile that seems to say you did your best, but it wasn’t enough.
She shakes your hand, her grip firm, masking what she feels inside. As you walk away toward the next artist, Hyeju stands there alone, trying to grasp how, even with all her effort, it all ended like this: dated, predictable, insufficient.
But soon, that feeling of disbelief gives way to a growing rage, building in her chest like a volcano ready to erupt. Heat rises up her throat, making her face flush with anger, her hands clenched so tight her nails are nearly digging into her skin. Months of her life dedicated to that project. Endless visits to the port, earning the workers' trust, listening to their real stories, their calloused hands more genuine than any pretty, empty magazine spread. And now? Thrown in the trash. All because her theme was dated?
She’s not going to accept this. She can’t.
You’re heading toward Miyeon’s exhibit, and Hyeju, still fuming, decides to follow you. She already knows Miyeon is a fraud; the rich girl who travels the world and thinks snapping photos with her luxury camera is some kind of artistic statement. Pathetic. Hyeju’s sure you’ll see through it too. So, she waits, hides behind a column, and listens, her body still trembling with anger but with a hint of expectation. You’re going to tear her down too; it can’t be any other way.
"Miyeon, I really liked your theme."
Hyeju barely holds back a bitter laugh. Of course, liked the theme. You say that to everyone; it’s the prelude before you destroy them. She crosses her arms, waiting for the blow.
You continue, your voice sounding... more animated? Lighter?
"The flowers in the urban landscape, this attempt to create small pockets of nature in a space dominated by concrete, by modern life… it’s a powerful metaphor."
Hyeju raises an eyebrow. Powerful metaphor? Flowers?
Miyeon, always with that doll-like expression, smiles as if she’s about to receive a cherished jewel. "Oh, thank you! I wanted to show how, even in places where everything seems artificial, nature still finds a way to exist, to bloom."
"Yes, yes!" you respond, your voice clearly animated. "The idea that these flowers represent a little hope, a breath of life amidst the chaos of cities… it’s really touching. The audience is going to connect deeply with this vision; you managed to bring a softness that contrasts with the brutality of the environment."
Hyeju feels her stomach twist. She can’t believe what she’s hearing.
You go on, pointing to one of Miyeon’s photos: a lone flower growing from a crack in the pavement in Paris. "Look, here. This flower shouldn’t even exist, and yet, there it is, asserting its presence against all odds. It’s an image of resilience."
Miyeon sighs, almost enchanted by her own work. "Yeah, exactly! I wanted each photo to feel like... renewal, you know? That nature, no matter how small, always finds a way."
Hyeju, squirming behind the column, almost laughs. "Renewal?" Miyeon must have just passed by and thought, "Oh, this flower is cute, I’ll take a picture," without understanding anything about what it means to fight for something
But what disgusts her most is your next comment. “You did a wonderful job, Miyeon. Your photos truly captured that sensitivity. It’s one of the most unique approaches I’ve seen in this contest.”
Miyeon lights up like a Christmas tree. “Wow, I don’t even know what to say!”
And then, the bombshell.
“Well, I’m telling you—you’re one of the winners.”
Hyeju nearly chokes on air.
She… won? Idiotic flowers won?
Miyeon, of course, explodes with joy, throwing her arms around you like you just handed her the universe’s biggest gift. “Oh my God! Really? That’s incredible! Thank you so much!”
“You deserve it, Miyeon. I was really moved by how you found beauty in those small moments. And, you know,” you lower your voice, almost… casually, “I’d like to learn more about your creative process. What do you say to dinner tomorrow to celebrate your victory?”
Miyeon blinks, clearly charmed. “Oh, I’d love to! Wow, that would be amazing. You know, I’ve always wanted to learn more about what inspires you. Your work is so… deep.”
You smile, looking perfectly at ease. “Well, I try. And I must say, you look fantastic today. That outfit… elegant, yet simple. Really suits your style.”
Miyeon blushes slightly but takes the compliment easily. “Thank you! And, ah… you’re even more charming in person.”
Behind the pillar, Hyeju feels her pulse pounding. Each word feels like a slow, cruel stab. She was sure her defeat was already a massive injustice, but this… this is outrageous.
You keep chatting with Miyeon, now totally at ease, a brutal contrast to the coldness you offered Hyeju. She realizes, in that moment, what really happened here. He's a perverted son of a bitch. And Miyeon, with all her art girl pretense, is just another pretty fish he wants to hook and take to bed.
She can barely breathe, her anger suffocating.
Miyeon leaves, already brimming with plans for the dinner, and you follow, smiling just as brightly. Hyeju, however, takes a deep breath, trying to rein in the overwhelming fury overtaking her.
Hyeju looks at herself in the mirror, her reflection blurred by tears dragging away any dignity her makeup still held. The flawless eyeliner she spent so long perfecting now looks like a bad abstract painting. She dabs a tissue over her face, trying to erase the tear stains, but only makes it worse, smudging everything. Frustrated, she mutters to herself, too lost in her own ruin to notice the bathroom door opening.
She freezes, turning her back, trying to gather what little composure she has left.
“Oh, Hyeju! Hey, isn’t today amazing?”
Miyeon, of course.
Her sweet voice floats through the restroom like a sickeningly sweet perfume. Hyeju mumbles something unintelligible, anything to mask the sensation of being shattered.
Miyeon, radiant as always, places her bag and phone on the counter before going into one of the stalls. The metallic sound of the lock echoes louder than it should, which could mean something symbolic if this were a movie. Hyeju takes a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, and walks over to the trash to throw away the stained tissue.
And then, she sees it.
Miyeon’s phone screen is unlocked, and Hyeju, despite herself, feels her gaze drawn to it like a magnet. Curiosity is a treacherous thing. She takes a step, then another. Just a little peek. She’s not really invading privacy, just… checking something that was already open.
And there you are. Your name at the top of her Instagram chat, with a thread of messages that makes Hyeju want to vomit in pure disgust. A time, an expensive restaurant, the promise of a dinner to celebrate Miyeon’s “big win.”
The stall flushes like an alarm. Hyeju jumps back, quickly distancing herself from the phone. She pulls herself together, struggling to control the torrent of emotions as Miyeon emerges.
The human doll opens the door with a casual smile, washing her hands while tossing compliments into the air. “Your photos, Hyeju, were so beautiful. Really, you captured the essence of the port workers in a way that was very… how should I say… real.”
Hyeju simply nods. “By the way, congratulations on your win, Miyeon. You deserved it.”
Miyeon dries her hands and finally looks at her, noticing Hyeju’s devastated state. The swollen eyes, the makeup entirely ruined. She tilts her head slightly, in an almost childlike gesture, and asks, “What happened? Are you��� okay?”
Hyeju takes a deep breath, trying not to sound like she’s on the verge of a total breakdown. “It’s… nothing. Just… frustration, I think.”
Miyeon’s expression softens, as if dealing with a wounded child. “Oh, you’re sad you didn’t win, huh? I get it, it’s hard. But don’t be like that. There are so many opportunities left to show your talent.”
Hyeju wants to roll her eyes but holds back. Opportunities? This coming from Miyeon sounds like a bad joke. But before she can respond, Miyeon, ever helpful, opens her purse and pulls out a makeup kit. “Here, let me fix that for you.”
Before Hyeju can protest, Miyeon is already holding a brush, touching up the mascara smudges with efficiency that only irritates her more. “You’re so talented, you know? Your work has a depth that few have. Just need a little more luck, maybe? It’ll work out, you’ll see.”
Miyeon’s sweet, condescending tone feels like a silent scream to Hyeju. She can hear the fake sympathy behind the words, the barely hidden superiority of someone who’s never had to struggle for anything. Every brushstroke is a painful reminder of how absurdly far she is from Miyeon’s privileged world.
“All done,” Miyeon says, stepping back to admire her work. Hyeju looks at herself in the mirror. There she is, a sad, generic version of Miyeon. Even with the makeup fixed, she’s still just a shadow. “Looks better, right?”
Hyeju mumbles a “thank you,” but something in Miyeon’s sweet tone makes her want to scream.
Miyeon smiles, satisfied, and puts the kit back in her bag. “Well, see you around, okay? Don’t get discouraged, all right? You’ll get there.”
With a wave goodbye, Miyeon floats out of the restroom like she’s on a cloud.
Hyeju stands there, staring at the mirror. The makeup is flawless, but she doesn’t recognize herself. Only one thought passes through her mind in that moment as the heat of her rage boils beneath the surface:
This isn’t over.
Hyeju sits at an outdoor table, the evening breeze ruffling the menu in her hands. The restaurant, one of those gourmet traps with plates priced higher than any decent meal should be, offers a spectacular view of the city, the urban lights twinkling below like stars trapped in concrete. Exactly the type of place you’d choose to impress a girl like Miyeon. She’s not there to eat, of course, but she orders a glass of wine, something to keep up appearances.
Time passes slowly, and Hyeju watches as Miyeon arrives. She sits nearby, but with her back to Hyeju, making the plan even easier. Hyeju can barely contain a smile as she hides behind the menu, her eyes keenly watching the pampered, spoiled girl’s every move. Miyeon makes a quick call—obviously to you.
“Oh, of course, always late,” Miyeon sighs, her melodic voice tinged with slight annoyance. “It’s fine, I’ll wait for you. I’m at one of the outdoor tables, remember?”
Hyeju wonders if the lateness is part of the charm, like a cheap trick to make a grand entrance. Always the diva. She sighs. Nothing worth having ever shows up on time.
Miyeon continues to scroll on her phone, seemingly indifferent to the world around her, but Hyeju is on high alert. She lowers the menu just enough to peek, keeping herself discreetly hidden, especially now that a couple sits nearby, offering a bit more cover. She flinches as she hears your voice in the distance.
Finally, you arrive.
“Sorry I’m late,” you say with a smile that should be banned for public safety. And then, of course, a kiss on the cheek. A casual gesture, but enough to make Hyeju’s blood rise. “You know I’m naturally unpunctual,” you add, sitting down with the confidence of someone who’s sure the world revolves around them.
“Yeah, but I’m getting used to it,” Miyeon replies with a light laugh.
The conversation flows with a lightness that almost makes Hyeju shrink with discomfort. The two of you laugh at silly jokes, and the flirting... the flirting is ridiculously cringeworthy from a third-person perspective.
She also concluded that what you and Miyeon had for dinner was bad and ridiculously expensive (even without any real evidence).
"So," you say after a few glasses of wine, "I was really impressed with your work, Miyeon. It has a rare sensitivity, you know? The way you captured the delicacy of flowers in the urban environment... so poetic."
The only thing poetic about Miyeon is her endless privilege, which she doesn’t even know she has. Hyeju discreetly takes out her phone, pretending to be uninterested but already positioning the camera.
“Oh, thank you!” Miyeon replies, blushing in a way that seems rehearsed. “I really wanted someone to understand that, you know? You really summed up the essence of what I wanted to convey.”
Captured the essence… Hyeju practically screams internally. If that photo series had any more essence, it would become a perfume. She tilts her phone to a better angle and starts snapping discreet photos. Tiny clicks that get lost in the hum of the restaurant.
The two of you order dinner and keep talking, each word a dagger to Hyeju’s pride.
"By the way, you look stunning tonight," you say casually, and Miyeon smiles, lowering her gaze like a princess in a cheap fairy tale.
"Oh, thank you! And I have to say, you're so handsome. Well, I already knew because of the photos and interviews of yours that I watched, but when I saw you in person yesterday, wow..." Miyeon responds, throwing back the compliment like a golden frisbee.
Meanwhile, Hyeju continues to document it all, like a private investigator who decided ethics are optional. Every shared smile, every tilt of the body, every not-so-innocent wink. She watches the story unfold before her, barely containing her disgust.
This will be beautiful.
The night goes on with you and Miyeon in a dialogue that, to Hyeju, might as well be nails scraping a chalkboard. Sitting at a distance, she keeps her eyes on you, wondering for the thousandth time how the universe could be so cruel. It’s not like she wants to be in Miyeon’s place—of course not—but if you had to hit on someone, it could’ve at least been her.
At least her work was good.
"So, what's the secret?" you ask with a charming smile, leaning forward slightly, your voice low and intimate. "How does someone like you, so young and talented, manage to capture these... hmm... deep layers of meaning in your photos?"
Miyeon giggles, a sound that reminds Hyeju of coins clinking in a deep well. "Oh, you're flattering me! I don’t know if it’s all that. I just... observe the world, you know? Try to see what no one else sees." She gives a small sigh of exaggerated modesty, which makes Hyeju roll her eyes. What no one else sees? Is she kidding? Flowers on the streets? Everyone sees that.
Literally everyone.
You don’t back down, your attention fixed on every word from Miyeon as if she were the center of the world. “Humility... I love that in an artist. So many people out there are just pretentious. I already knew you were special just from looking at your photos, but now… well, I can see you’re as impressive as your work.”
Impressive? Hyeju nearly chokes on her wine, forcing herself to keep a neutral expression.
You’re practically drooling over Miyeon.
"Oh, you're very kind," Miyeon replies, blushing again. "I... I just try to do my part, you know? Show the world the beauty that's hidden. That people forget to notice. And I have to say, having your recognition is... well, it’s rewarding."
You smile and, without missing a beat, reach over to touch her arm lightly. "You know, Miyeon, I have to be honest... when I saw your work, I felt something I rarely feel. Like the photos were speaking to me, saying something I didn’t know I needed to hear."
Hyeju squirms in her seat. Speaking to you? About what exactly? 'Buy a flower vase'? 'Do urban gardening'?
Her work had explored the depth of human transience and the flow of life, while you let yourself be captivated by flowers and a rehearsed smile.
She bites her lip, growing anger as she thinks: If you had to pick a contestant to hook up with, you could at least have chosen someone with a decent series. Like mine. At least it would look like a fair and professional decision. Am I not attractive enough? Or maybe I just don’t have that... doll-like quality you seem to like?
You lean over the table again. “You know, Miyeon, I have to admit... I don’t usually feel this way at professional events. Honestly, I think I’ve lost patience with a lot of pretentious photographers. But you... you’re different.”
Miyeon pretends to be modest, covering her mouth with her hand as if she’s shy. “Oh, I just do what I love. Maybe that’s what makes me... different.”
Hyeju narrows her eyes. Different? Only if we’re talking about her bank account.
"Well," you continue, your tone softer, as if you were just chatting with a close friend. "I don’t know... there’s something about you. Your lightness. The way you see the world, through the lens and, of course, in person." You smile, clearly implying something deeper. "I’d love to see more of that."
Miyeon smiles sweetly, as if she doesn’t understand the double meaning that anyone within ten feet could catch. "I’d love to show you more of my work. I think there’s a lot we could share, not just as artists but as people."
Oh, wonderful, Hyeju thinks, holding her phone strategically, ready to capture the perfect moment. She almost feels her camera in her hands again, anger sharpening her focus in a twisted way. She wonders again why you chose Miyeon. What does she have that I don’t? Does this fool just like girls who look like dolls? Or is he afraid of a woman who won’t fall for this fake charm?
"This is perfect, Miyeon," you say, your voice sweet enough to sugar-coat a lemon. "By the way, I was thinking... we could continue this evening somewhere a bit more... peaceful." You lean a bit more over the table, your fingers sliding casually along the rim of her wine glass. "My hotel has an amazing view of the city at night. It would be a crime not to enjoy it."
Miyeon giggles, and Hyeju feels it’s the kind of giggle only someone completely clueless could give. “Oh, that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it? But... I have to go to that birthday party afterward,” she says, making that practiced pout again, like she’s breaking the heart of a poor little puppy. “From that friend of mine, remember? It’d be rude not to show up. I need to be there in less than an hour.”
“Oh, such a shame... I thought there’d be time...” Your tone is so forcedly disappointed that it almost sounds ironic. “You know, I’m leaving tomorrow. Who knows when we’ll get another chance to... enjoy the moment. It would be a pity to waste this night.”
Miyeon holds your hand with almost unbearable sweetness, leaning a little closer. “Oh, don’t worry,” she says, her eyes shining like she’s just made a solemn promise. “We’ll see each other again, for sure. And next time, no parties to interrupt.”
"I’ll hold you to that promise."
“You can count on it.”
Hyeju, until then lost in her thoughts of revolt and frustration, almost misses the moment. No way… Are they leaning in for a kiss? Her phone camera is already ready, and Hyeju quickly adjusts the focus. She almost fumbles but, at the last second, manages to capture the exact moment your lips meet. Bingo.
The kiss is brief, almost innocent, but enough for Hyeju to get what she needed. The final nail in the coffin of your reputation, or at least that’s what she hopes. She feels a wave of cold triumph wash over her. Now she had proof. Proof that you chose Miyeon not for her art, not for photographic genius (which was absurd enough), but simply because you were interested in her for... less artistic reasons, to say the least.
Miyeon pulls back with a rehearsed smile. “So we stay in touch?” she asks, already turning her attention back to her phone as if nothing important had happened.
“Yeah, sure. See you, Miyeon,” you say, your tone warm, but with a barely concealed note of frustration. “And I hope it’s soon.”
"Bye honey, thanks for this wonderful night."
Miyeon gets up, grabs her purse, tosses her hair back, and leaves the restaurant as if she’s walking off a runway. Hyeju watches her every step, feeling a strange mix of disdain and envy.
And there you are, still seated, momentarily lost in the direction Miyeon went, until you eventually come back to reality, calling a waiter to ask for the bill. And Hyeju, in that moment, knows she has the perfect weapon in her hands. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Revenge won’t just be sweet... it’ll be public.
You swipe your credit card, and as you wait for the receipt, your gaze lands on something interesting. Comical, really. There, sitting near you, hidden between two tables, is a woman trying to cover her face with the menu—a move worthy of someone trying to blend in like a plant in the middle of a desert. A mysterious woman, let’s call her that. You remember seeing her when you arrived; she’s been sitting there for quite a while without ordering anything, judging by the pristine table. You chuckle softly, intrigued by this peculiar figure.
Who acts like they're in a comedy film?
Maybe it’s the wine or perhaps the high that success brings, but you decide you have to find out what’s going on here. After taking the receipt, you stand up and approach her table. She hasn’t seen you, or maybe she’s pretending not to. Doesn’t matter. You throw yourself into the seat across from her with the confidence of someone who thinks the world revolves around them—because, let’s face it, for you, it does.
“Good evening,” you say in a casual tone, as if invading someone’s space were a natural extension of your personality. “Are you alone?”
She lowers the menu just enough to reveal her eyes, which are, incidentally, quite striking and sharp. But her expression shows the reluctance of someone who knows they’re about to enter a situation they don’t want but have no way out of. “No,” she replies, firm but a bit hesitant. “I’m waiting for someone.”
You smirk, a mix of mockery and sympathy, as if you’ve just heard the world’s lamest excuse, yet you’re willing to play along. “Ah, of course. Waiting for someone. Because, you know, I’ve seen you here alone for... what? An hour? I think, whoever this person is, they’re not showing up. Happens.” You sigh dramatically. “I know the type. Busy people, missed connections... But you know what’s worse? Being alone on such a lovely night.”
She looks at you as if you’ve just claimed the sky is purple. “I’m not alone,” she repeats, her voice sharpening. “My boyfriend is on his way.”
You raise an eyebrow, visibly interested. “Boyfriend, huh? Well, if he’s kept you waiting this long... maybe he’s not as interested as he should be.” You lean slightly forward, a faintly mocking smile on your face. “But if he doesn’t show, I could keep you company. I’m told I’m an excellent conversationalist.”
She gives you a look that suggests she’d rather have coffee with the Devil. “No, thank you. I saw you with a girl just now. Isn’t one enough, Mr. Meddler?”
You chuckle, as if she’d just accused you of a minor, harmless offense. “Ah, that lovely woman? Just a friend. Work-related, you know how it is. We just went out to celebrate her win in a contest she entered. Entirely professional.”
The way you say “professional” suggests the exact opposite, but she doesn’t comment, still skeptical.
“Can I know why you’re hiding your face like that? I’d love to see more than just those pretty eyes.”
“I’m shy,” she replies abruptly, trying to cut the conversation short. “Besides, when my boyfriend arrives, he won’t like to see you here.”
You raise your hands in an exaggerated surrender gesture, though the smile remains. “Alright, got it. I don’t want to cause any problems, especially with possessive boyfriends. It just seemed like you might have been... lonely, perhaps? But alright. Lucky you that he’s on his way, then. Hope you both have a magical evening.” You get up slowly, still keeping your eyes on her, clearly trying to decipher the enigma that is this woman with her face hidden.
As you walk away, Hyeju lets out a deep sigh, as if she’d just escaped a scene from a bad spy movie. That was too close, she thinks, her heart still racing.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have hidden,” she whispers to herself as a waiter approaches, still wearing that polite—and slightly irritated—smile he’d shown before.
“Ma’am, would you like to order something now?”
She forces a smile, though it’s obvious her appetite vanished long ago. “I... lost my appetite. Just the bill, please.”
The waiter walks away, and Hyeju remains there, looking at her reflection in the restaurant window, trying to understand how her day, which was supposed to be glorious, led her to this point.
“Well, since I won't be able to sleep tonight, then neither will he.”
You’re in the bathroom, brushing your teeth with more force than necessary, as if trying to scrub away the bitter taste of the evening. Miyeon is gorgeous, but empty, you conclude. It wouldn’t be the first time you regretted being led by your eyes instead of your head. After all, sleeping with her would’ve just been a tedious side note in your record of bad decisions. You finish, splash water on your face, and are about to settle into bed when a distinctive knock on the door interrupts your thoughts.
“Who the hell...?” You grumble, frowning. It’s late, and you weren’t expecting anyone.
You head to the door, ready to send away whoever’s disturbing you.
But what you see makes you hesitate. Standing at your door is Hyeju, eyes blazing with a fury you hadn’t seen before. Before you can process it, she storms into the room with the grace of a storm about to break.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You shut the door, stunned, as she strides in without so much as a glance, her presence filling the room faster than you can comprehend it.
“You’re fucked,” Hyeju declares.
You turn, confusion turning to indignation.
“How did you even get in here?” you demand, voice rising.
She pauses, as if savoring your disbelief. “Reception,” she begins, as if it were obvious. “I told them I was your assistant and had something urgent to give you before your trip tomorrow. People trust good lies.” She gives a small, humorless smile.
Trip? How the hell does she know you’re leaving tomorrow?
Forget it, doesn’t matter now. You just need to make sure you never stay at this poorly secured hotel again.
Your mouth opens and closes, trying to piece together the absurdity. “Let me guess, you’re here because of the damn magazine, right?”
“Exactly. I demand you put me among the winners.” She crosses her arms, her tone as sharp as a knife.
You laugh, but it’s a harsh, humorless sound. “You’re a sore loser, Hyeju. You lost. Failed. Were defeated. Accept it and stop bothering me.” You step forward, indignation rising within you, but she doesn’t back down.
She laughs, too, but it’s a bitter sound. “Lost? Of course, I lost. Because the brilliant critic was more interested in sleeping with one of the contestants than doing his job.”
The comment hits like a punch, and you freeze for a second. “What?” you stammer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, I bet you know exactly what I'm talking about. I saw you two at the restaurant.” She says it with such certainty that a chill runs down your spine. The woman hidden behind the menu... Of course. It makes sense now. “I have proof. Took photos. I was going to expose it publicly, but first, I wanted to see your face... before I ruined your life.”
Your heart pounds, pressure building in your chest. “Proof?” The word barely makes it out of your mouth. Of course, she took photos. And of course, she didn’t just come here to provoke—you’re here to be blackmailed.
“Exactly. And my demand is simple: you remove Miyeon or any other winner and place me there. Though I’d prefer you remove Miyeon, if you don’t mind.”
You try to regain your composure, take a deep breath, and shoot her a scathing look. “You think you can blackmail me like this? I can’t change the results, Hyeju. Even if I wanted to. Besides, why the hell do you think you deserve to win? Besides being a crybaby, you also have a lot of arrogance.”
Hyeju’s grip on your shirt is as sudden as it is forceful. Her fingers curl around the fabric, pulling you closer, and for a moment, you’re so surprised you just freeze. She didn’t just confront you; she dominated you. The proximity is suffocating, and the fury in her eyes brings a sensation you’d never admit: a flash of fear.
“Why didn’t you choose me?” Her voice, low and laced with restrained anger, fills the room. The question isn’t just a demand for an answer; it’s an order. You, the esteemed critic, a giant in your field, feel small for a second.
You try to speak, but your mouth is dry. How did things spiral so far out of control? She pulls you closer, her breath hot against your face, and your heart races, not from fear of what she might physically do, but from her intensity. That intensity burns in a way you find disturbingly thrilling.
"I'm talking to you!" she says, each word leaving her mouth with a fierce heat. "Why did you pick her? The porcelain doll you wanted to take to bed? And why did you leave me out? Because I'm not as 'pretty' as she is? Because I don’t have the shiny veneer of someone who can spend money on stupid trips around the world?"
You feel your shirt tighten against your chest, and though your mind wants to resist, your body… obeys. There’s a pulse of adrenaline you didn’t expect, and for the first time, you genuinely don’t know how to handle this.
“No... that’s not it,” you attempt to protest, but your voice sounds weaker than expected.
"Oh, isn't it?!" Hyeju laughs, but it’s far from amused. "Then explain it to me, acclaimed critic. Why her and not me? Because if your excuse is that my series was outdated, then what was that farce with flowers on concrete? An insult to anyone with half a brain!"
The sarcasm drips from her voice, but you’re more focused on the growing pressure. She pulls you even closer, your faces almost touching, and you feel sweat trickling down your temple, your body tensed between panic and a strange exhilaration. She’s in control, and for the first time in a long time, you’re left without solid ground.
She stares at you with a fierce smile. "So, tell me. Why? What did I do wrong? Oh, let me guess: I’m not some rich doll with a perfectly symmetrical face? Is that it? That I'm not the kind of woman you'd want to take out to dinner and then have sex with?"
You try to regain control, because this is throwing you off balance. You let out a forced laugh, trying to project the confidence that slipped away minutes ago. "It has nothing to do with beauty, Hyeju."
"Oh, no?" She yanks your shirt again, and you stumble forward. "Then why did you pick her? Am I less of an artist because I didn’t give you a seductive glance? Speak up, because that’s exactly how it feels!"
Your body leans forward, practically collapsing under her strength, and for a second you feel the power shift. Her anger is almost tangible, like a force you can feel pressing against you. And you… are at her mercy. Your mind races, but every thought is drawn back to the grip of her hands, to the look in her eyes, a fury that threatens to consume her whole.
You make one last attempt. "You want to know the real reason?" Your voice comes out stronger this time, though still tinged with exhaustion. "Fine, I’ll tell you, you wild thing! I saw that damn tweet of yours."
Hyeju pauses, her grip loosening slightly, eyes narrowing. "Tweet...? What tweet?"
You finally exhale, your chest expanding with momentary relief, but the tension remains. "The one you posted years ago. Calling me a narcissist, arrogant, wedding photographer, saying I had no talent. Conveniently on the same day I won a big award. Remember that? Yeah, I saw it. And yes, I knew it was aimed at me."
She falters, surprised. The intensity is still there, but for a second, you see a flicker of doubt in those previously blazing eyes. "That… that was years ago." Her voice is lower now, almost unsure. "I was just a dumb teenager. I didn’t even know your work properly."
You take a step forward this time, the balance of power shifting again. "I don’t care, Hyeju. You think you can say whatever online and, years later, cozy up to me when you need something? Not to mention this sailor-level crudeness of yours, barging into my room trying to intimidate me. You’re a fake artist. And you know what? This is what you deserve. You’ve already lost. And if you don’t leave now, I swear I’ll ruin your career before it even begins."
She hesitates, biting her lip, her eyes darting toward the door. But the anger is still there, bubbling beneath the surface. "Oh, that’s it? You think you scare me?" she mutters, but her tone wavers a bit. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play it, then goodbye. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She turns on her heels and heads toward the door.
You take a deep breath, thinking the worst is over, but then the memory of the photos hits you. You move quickly, locking the door, and Hyeju, surprised, takes a step back.
"Not so fast," you say, your tone laced with a new kind of certainty.
She hasn’t finished with you, but you aren’t done with her, either.
Hyeju raises an eyebrow, suspicious. She crosses her arms and looks at you as if she’s seen it all. The air between you isn’t exactly cold; it’s more like that stifling heat before a storm.
“Look,” you start, adjusting your collar as if that might ease your discomfort. “Maybe we started off on the wrong foot, really wrong. How about we try doing this right? Something positive, something that’s mutually beneficial.”
Hyeju narrows her eyes, unimpressed. “I’m not interested in anything other than you pulling Miyeon from the winners and putting me in her place.”
“I can’t do that. You know that. If I backtrack now, what would be left of my reputation? As a critic, I can’t afford to look... indecisive or, worse, corrupt.”
She laughs, but it’s not a pleasant one. It’s the kind that says you got yourself into this mess. “Maybe you should’ve thought of that before deciding to screw me over.”
You swallow, feeling the blow, but you persist. “I... I was immature, Hyeju. Honestly. When I saw that tweet... I don’t know, it hit me in a way I didn’t expect. It was stupid of me to hold onto it and let my bruised ego guide my decision. It wasn’t professional, and I know that.”
Hyeju seems surprised but tries to hide it. Her anger, which was so visibly intense before, seems to give way to an internal conflict.
"So it was all because of a tweet?" She lets out a disbelieving sigh. "A tweet? That was years ago! It was just a quick jab. I was frustrated at the time; nothing was going right in my life. Seeing someone around my age achieving so much… I didn’t really mean those things.”
“I get that. And I should’ve realized it. But I couldn’t. I was childish, let my pride get in the way, and ended up… I made a big mistake. And you didn’t deserve that.”
Hyeju hesitates, the words lingering in the air as she decides whether to forgive you. “And I... I don’t see things that way anymore. I criticized you before really understanding your work. What I said—or rather, tweeted—was shallow. I changed my opinion after, started admiring your work and being inspired by it. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t even be here. So... I’m sorry.”
She seems to swallow her words with difficulty, but there’s something genuine in the apology. You see it, and something in you softens.
“I’m sorry too,” you say, your voice lower, less defensive. “For the way I treated you. I could’ve been fair, but I let something petty from the past cloud my judgment. Now, I can’t just undo it all. But I can admit your work is excellent. You deserved more.”
Hyeju turns her face, looking out the window, contemplating her next words.
“Alright... so... what do you suggest?”
You take a step forward, seizing the small opening. “I suggest we do something together. A project, a collaboration. Something that shows your talent, without needing any favoritism, where nobody loses. A chance to prove you’re far more than just a frustrated competitor.”
Hyeju looks at you, her head tilted. She’s processing, considering the offer. “And how do I know you won’t screw me over again?”
You smile, tired but sincere. “Because, honestly, I don’t want to screw you over. I did it once and… frankly, it didn’t do me any good. I want to make things right.”
She shakes her head slowly, as if the idea is taking shape in her mind. “Okay. Okay, fine. But don’t think that makes you a saint. I still think you acted like an ass because of a tweet.”
You laugh, a light laugh, almost relieved. “I was. No doubt about it. A total ass. But one who now wants to make things right.”
Hyeju finally sighs, as if accepting that there’s nothing left to do but move forward. “Alright then. Let’s see where this goes.”
The atmosphere in the room starts to relax. You feel the tension drain away slowly.
“And, just for the record,” she says with a wry grin, “Miyeon’s series? Horrible. A disaster. You need to admit it."
You laugh. “You have no idea the sacrifice. I nearly drowned in metaphors trying to explain to journalists that it was at least acceptable.”
“Acceptable? For that series to be called bad, it still has a long way to go!”
“You’re tough with your critiques—I respect that,” you say. “Now, since there’s no more conflict, how about you be a good girl and delete those photos?” you add with a wink.
You watch as Hyeju reaches into her bag for her phone, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. She scrolls through her gallery until she lands on the shots she took of you and Miyeon, that innocent kiss in the restaurant now preserved in pixels. And when she turns the screen toward you, the sight of those images suddenly makes you painfully aware of your own foolishness.
“So, what do you think?” Hyeju teases, her tone laced with the knowledge that she has the upper hand. “Should I take up your collaboration offer, or… let these photos go public? It’d make for a juicy career-ending scandal, wouldn’t you say? The photography prodigy, brought down by a cheap affair.”
You laugh nervously, mostly because that’s what’s expected. Inside, your brain is already calculating the damage. “Alright, alright… Hyeju, let's not act on impulse...”
She shrugs, clearly enjoying your discomfort, then taps the screen and deletes the photos with a theatrical gesture. “Relax. I just wanted to see you sweat a little. Poetic justice, you know?”
You blink, caught off guard, unsure if you should feel relieved or resentful. “You really enjoy playing with fire, don’t you?”
“If you knew me, you’d know I do it all the time.” She slips her phone back into her bag, glancing around the room like she’s already bored. “Guess that’s that. I’ll be going, then.”
Something about her words gnaws at you more than it should. Almost on impulse, you reach out and grab her wrist. “Wait. Stay.”
She looks at you, half wary, half confused. “What are you doing?”
You chuckle softly, as if catching yourself in a slip. “I’d like to talk more with you. About… photography, art, whatever. You seem interesting. Now that there’s no drama, there’s no harm in getting to know each other better, right?”
“I still think you’re a jerk, you know.”
“I can live with that.” You smile—that smile that usually softens people up, the one that says, Yes, I’m a jerk, but a lovable one, right?
She hesitates, her gaze wandering to the mirror across the room. The reflection shows someone who clearly put effort into looking their best: the elegant dress, the perfect hair, all planned for an occasion that now feels like a waste of effort.
“Fine,” she finally replies, with a kind of resigned reluctance. “But only because I’m already here.”
You stand up, victory masked on your face, and head to the mini-fridge. Grabbing two beers, you gesture vaguely toward the bed. “Have a seat. I don’t bite… unless you ask, of course.”
She sits on the edge of the bed, still upright, as if ready to leave at any moment. You open one of the bottles and hand it to her as you sit beside her with your own.
“So,” you begin, taking a sip, “how does a promising photographer and an award-winning jerk end up here after a disastrous evening?”
Hyeju takes a sip, mulling over her answer. “Promising, huh? Look at that, the jerk knows how to recognize talent.”
“I always have,” you shrug, “but sometimes, circumstances… complicate things.”
“Circumstances like… sabotaging me over a grudge and favoring another girl just for a hookup?”
“In my defense she is as beautiful as she is empty, she has a beautiful smile and a lovely laugh… Fuck, you end up liking her…”
“That explains a lot. I knew your choice was questionable, but I didn’t know you had a fetish for wax dolls.”
“Ouch! And impressively accurate.”
Hyeju smirks, a small smile that carries a certain pride. “I’m good with words, as well as photos. Maybe I should consider a career as an art critic?”
“Oh, no, please. We have enough critics as it is. Most of them are bitterer than bad beer.”
She takes another sip, relaxing a bit more. “I don’t have the patience for it. I’d rather be on the other side, creating.”
“I can see it in your photos. They have soul.”
“Trying to impress me?”
“Maybe,” you admit, winking. “Maybe I’m just trying to make up for being a jerk earlier.”
“Keep trying, but it's not like I trust you anyway.”
You feign an offended look, hand dramatically on your chest. “Me? Incredible! Talented! Award-winning! Humble! And you still don’t trust me?”
Hyeju rolls her eyes so hard you almost expect her to get dizzy. “Award-winning? Congratulations on flattering people enough to get awards.”
“First of all, I never flattered anyone to get where I am. And, hey, look who’s talking about flattery,” you retort, taking a sip of beer. “Someone who’s already tried to ruin me with 280 characters and then spent the entire day trying to play nice. What happened to all that digital hostility, sweetheart?”
She leans in a bit, her lips curved into a smile that feels more like a threat. “You want me to be hostile again? Because I can.”
“No hostility,” you respond, smiling with a calm air. “But I’ll admit, I’m enjoying this side of you. Way more interesting than Miyeon.”
“Oh, so you like stressing people out?”
“Maybe,” you shrug. “You know… life would be boring without a good argument.”
She takes another sip of beer, like she’s deciding whether or not to keep going with this. “If it weren’t for the tweet,” she starts, in a casual tone, “would you have hit on me instead of Rich Girl Barbie?”
You chuckle, a little surprised by the directness, but not exactly bothered. “Hard to say. You don’t strike me as the type to fall for my usual charm. It would’ve been a challenge.”
“So right now I'm just a challenge to you?” she fires back.
“Hey, hey,” you raise your hands, grinning. “Not at all. But I admit I like someone who keeps me on my toes. Easy people… honestly, they put me to sleep.”
“So you sleep with Miyeon and literally fall asleep right after?” Hyeju shoots back dryly.
You burst out laughing, unable to help yourself. “Well, that’s pretty much what almost happened.”
Hyeju snickers, one of those laughs she tries to pass off as disbelief, but you catch the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. “You’re pathetic.”
“I know,” you agree cheerfully. “But a charming kind of pathetic, or so they say.”
She shakes her head, smirking. “I don’t know how you can be so cocky and somehow a little likable at the same time.”
“It’s a rare skill,” you reply, leaning back a bit, studying her expressions as if trying to capture every detail. “And you, Hyeju, are very good at being… difficult.”
She meets your gaze, her expression firm. “Difficult? No. I’m just honest.”
“Yes, you say exactly what you think, all the time. And you know what? That’s kind of… refreshing. No one does that.”
“That’s because the world’s full of brown-nosers and idiots,” Hyeju replies, and you realize she genuinely believes that. “I don’t have time for that kind of people. If I think something’s crap, I say it.”
“Like my work,” you say, laughing. “You thought it was crap and tweeted about it.”
She takes a long sip, her eyes never leaving yours. “Exactly. And it wrecked you.”
“Wrecked? Me?” You raise a hand as if making a vow. “I thrive on criticism—it’s my fuel.”
“Didn’t look like it when you ignored me in the exhibition,” she shoots back.
“Maybe,” you admit, smiling. “But, honestly? That tweet was the best backhanded compliment I’ve ever gotten.”
Hyeju tilts her head, intrigued. “And how did you reach that brilliant conclusion?”
“Because you only went after me because you were envious of my accomplishments,” you say, looking straight into her eyes. “And I can assure you, I worked hard to get where I am.”
She pauses, biting her lip as if weighing her thoughts. “Okay, just as I'm honest about offending your work, I'm also honest about stepping back and reconsidering my opinion, so yeah, I admire your art. And maybe a hundred years from now I'll admire you too.”
“Oh, so there’s a chance you’ll change your mind?” you tease, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” she replies, feigning disinterest. “If you stop being a jerk, I might consider it.”
“Now I have a new goal,” you laugh. “Stop being a jerk for Hyeju. That’s a harder project than any photoshoot.”
“Good luck,” she says, raising her bottle in a toast. “You’ll need it.”
The toast feels like a silent pact. A truce between two forces who clearly enjoy challenging each other. And you realize, against all odds, that you’re genuinely enjoying the night.
"You know," you start, leaning in slightly toward her, "that impossible way you have about you... I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like that."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" she asks, crossing her arms like she's expecting another sarcastic remark.
"Good," you reply, serious for a brief second, before breaking the mood with a playful smile. "Good, but unbearable. I think you're getting me addicted to fights."
"It's an addictive drug, this whole 'brutal honesty' thing," she says, tossing her hair back. "But I can’t promise you’ll handle the addiction."
"Now I want to find out," you answer, not missing a beat.
You lean back on the bed a little, looking at Hyeju with a smile that's half-charm, half-tease. She stares right back, clearly unwilling to drop her guard, though the playful gleam in her eyes is undeniable.
"Look," she starts, still holding the empty beer bottle between her fingers, "You said I’m more interesting than Miyeon, but, let's face it, she's perfect. So perfect it's annoying. If she's your type, then I’m definitely not."
You raise an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Who said she’s my type? And who said you're not?"
She shrugs, as if it’s obvious. "If you like porcelain dolls, I’m definitely in a different category, dude."
"I'm a man of varied tastes," you counter, leaning in a bit. "And honestly? You’re very much my type."
"Oh, sure. I'll pretend to believe that."
You chuckle, but there's something more serious in your voice as you look at her a bit more closely. "I’m serious. You’ve got those eyes... those eyes that are hypnotizing. It’s like you’re a wolf, ready to pounce."
She lets out a low laugh, her skeptical expression barely shifting. "I'll really pretend to believe that."
"No, seriously!" you insist, laughing too, though your voice drops slightly, almost conspiratorial. "When you grabbed me by the shirt earlier, looked me dead in the eyes like that, I swear my heart skipped a beat. Really."
Hyeju looks at you for a moment, then one corner of her mouth curls into a mischievous smile. "You're saying you like dominant girls, is that it?"
"I’d say so, yeah. And I think a woman with enough power could put me in my place. Some people unfortunately only learn the hard way."
She is silent as she places the empty bottle on the nightstand, then she looks at you with an unreadable, yet quite sexy expression. "You make me laugh," she says, her voice a bit softer now, but with that sharp, mocking edge. "And it’s hard for a guy to make me laugh." You feel oddly complimented, but before you can respond, she continues, "But I think it's because you're kinda pathetic.”
"Pathetic, huh?"
She smiles back, eyes locked on yours as she approaches you on the bed. "Yes, pathetic. In a... charming way, as you said.”
You let out a short laugh, lowering your head for a moment before looking back at her. "Well, there’s something pretty sexy about the way you humiliate me. It makes me feel strange things."
"Oh, yeah?" Her tone is teasing, but her eyes study you with an intensity that wasn’t there before. "I make you feel that way, huh?"
You swallow, but keep the smile on your face. "You do. And I need to be honest, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I expected."
"Okay, you really are pathetic."
"Maybe," you answer, looking directly into her eyes. "And I think that's a good thing for a tough girl; you know, she can do whatever she wants with a guy like that." Hyeju stares at you for a moment as if she's deciding what to do next, but instead of saying something, she just smiles subtly. You feel the atmosphere in the room shift again, this time into something more electric, something that makes your heart beat a little faster. "Oh, and maybe," you add, your voice almost a whisper now, "getting under your skin was the smartest thing I did today."
"Smart or suicidal?”
“Well, I’m hoping to find out soon if it was smart or suicidal," you reply as you hand her your bottle so she can put it on the nightstand.
Hyeju, more relaxed now, slips off her heels and, without ceremony, puts her legs across your lap. You can't help but take a good look at her toned thighs before starting to massage her feet, noticing how tense they are. "You know," you start, your voice casual, "you would have been way better company than Miyeon at that restaurant."
“If you’d slept with Miyeon, you wouldn’t be saying that.”
You pause the foot massage for a moment, reflecting, before shrugging. “Maybe. But, honestly? I think I would’ve regretted it. She’s... well, pretty, but she’s like a hardcover book with blank pages."
“So, what? I’m the more interesting option, but clearly the second choice.”
“Second choice? Look, maybe you’re seeing this the wrong way.”
“Oh, yeah? And what’s the right way to see it?” She crosses her arms but keeps her legs on your lap.
You take a dramatic pause, your hand still resting on her thigh. "Well, who knows... maybe the universe got involved in this whole thing just to make sure we’d end up here, now. Maybe Miyeon was just the excuse."
"That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. If that’s the best you can come up with, I think I understand why your art judgment is so... questionable."
You smile, charmed by how easily she can tear you down with a single line. "It might not work for you, but I’m good at adapting to circumstances. And speaking of adapting..." Your hand slides a little further up her leg, an almost innocent move, if not for the way your fingers rest on her soft skin. "I have to admit, you looked absolutely stunning at the exhibition yesterday."
“Oh, yeah? What exactly did you find so stunning?"
"Everything. Your dress, your hair, your perfume, you also look quite cute when you're nervous. It was hard for me to be rude to you… Seriously, I’m sorry for being such a jerk.”
Hyeju laughs, a low, almost gentle sound this time, like she's testing you. “You don’t apologize often, do you?”
“It doesn’t happen a lot,” you admit, feeling a wave of genuine honesty that doesn’t usually come up. "But now I want to apologize as much as necessary for you to forgive me."
She uncrosses her arms, and suddenly, the tension in the air shifts again. "It’s in the past," she murmurs, as if she's more focused on the present than on what happened before.
Then, before you know it, she takes her legs off your lap and leans in closer, your faces so close you can smell her soft perfume. "You know," she says, her tone half-mocking but with a hint of gentleness, "for a jerk, you’re actually pretty cute."
And without warning, her lips touch yours.
The kiss starts almost playfully, a silent dare that Hyeju seems intent on winning. She's dangerously close, her hand on your chest, and you can feel your heart pounding. She smiles between the press of her lips, as if she's reveling in your reaction. You feel the texture of her lips, soft yet firm, a kiss with that unstable tension that only makes things more thrilling. Then Hyeju decides to escalate, her fingers tracing the nape of your neck, and your hand squeezing the soft flesh of her thigh, absorbing that delicious heat. The sexual tension isn't just a spark; it's a full-blown inferno. You feel the heat rising from your lips to your face, to every inch of your skin. You try to hold back, to maintain your composure, because right now she's simply enjoying the game, and you don't want to spoil her pleasure. She pulls away for a moment, long enough for you to think the kiss is over, but it's just a cruel tease, because she's back, and this time the touch is gentler, as if she's toying with you, controlling the intensity with maddening precision. And you're convinced this is the kind of kiss that should be studied, because it's layered with meaning—a subtle provocation, a hint of irritating attraction, and an unexpected honesty that doesn't belong to two people who, just hours ago, could barely stand each other. Hatred transformed into pure desire, and it's in everything—the fine sheen of sweat, the exchanged saliva, the air, in the curious hands... The night is just beginning.
"Did you like it?" Hyeju asks.
You smile, that half-sly, half-entranced grin. “The universe definitely knows what it’s doing,” you reply.
“You’re a scoundrel, you know that?” Hyeju mutters, her voice low, as if she’s talking more to herself.
“Scoundrel? Yeah, a scoundrel with no salvation... unless some girl touches my heart.” You chuckle, that self-deprecating tone that just makes the moment even more fun.
She gives you a light slap on your chest. "Stop trying to be romantic. It doesn’t suit you.”
You laugh, genuinely, and run a hand through her hair, moving down to her shoulder. "Who said I’m trying?"
She looks at you with a mixture of disbelief and... something else. Something warmer. "Maybe you’re more interesting than I thought," she admits, almost reluctantly.
"And you," you say, your voice lowering slightly, “are much more than just interesting.”
Hyeju smiles in a way that can only be described as dangerously charming. Without warning, she moves quickly, and before you understand what’s happening, she’s sitting on top of you. Her weight on your lap is both comfortable and destabilizing, like at that moment, the control of the situation has shifted hands. And clearly, it has.
"Oh, so this is how you want to play?" you ask, trying to keep some control over your own voice.
She tilts her head, her hair falling to the side, that smile still firmly on her lips. "Me? Play? Honey, I already won."
And then she kisses you again, this time with an intensity that catches you off guard, Making you lie on your back in bed. There’s no hesitation, just desire carved into every move, every touch. Her tongue meets yours as if she's marking territory, and the sensation is electrifying. Your hands, as if they have a mind of their own, slide up her thighs, feeling the firmness and softness of her skin, moving up her waist until they reach her back.
She leans in more, her lips now moving to your neck, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. Every kiss feels like a small conquest, as if she’s claiming pieces of you inch by inch.
"You get goosebumps so easily, don't you?" Hyeju murmurs against your skin.
"Not my fault," you reply, your voice rougher than usual. "You know exactly where to touch."
She lets out a low chuckle, her teeth grazing lightly along your skin. "You haven't seen anything yet."
When she kisses you again, it's a mix of desire and absolute control. Her hands cradle your face, her lips moving with precision, and you can't help but think, in the heat of that moment, it's utterly addictive. Your tongues tangle frantically, as if every second holds a newfound urgency.
"I’m going to teach you a lesson," she murmurs between kisses, biting your lip gently. The brief pain only intensifies your longing.
You chuckle low, trying to keep a trace of your mocking personality amid the chaos. "And what kind of lesson would that be?"
She pauses, looking into your eyes with an intensity that almost undoes you on the spot. "The lesson that you can’t underestimate someone like me," she says, her hands sliding down your chest. "Because, in the end, I always win."
You give her a lopsided grin, still trying to maintain some semblance of control, but it's clear you've already lost. "Confident, huh?"
"More than you," she responds with a smirk, resuming her kisses as her hands explore every inch of your body. Your own hands are back on her thighs, moving up, feeling every curve, every line. She moves with a fluidity that can only be described as fierce.
For a moment, you try to catch your breath, but she doesn’t give you room. "You really love having control, don't you?"
Hyeju stops and looks at you, that mischievous smile still on her lips. "And you love losing it. Admit it."
"Maybe I’m learning to like it," you reply, your hand sliding along the curve of her waist.
Hyeju pauses, and slowly pulls away, as if she knows exactly what she’s doing to you, before climbing off your body. With a sly smile, she stands, eyes blazing with mischief.
"Hold on, bad boy, we’re doing this my way." She says, raising her hands to finally remove the dress. The zipper slides smoothly down, and with one firm motion, the fabric falls to the floor, revealing her flawless lingerie. Her body is a living masterpiece, the kind that makes your heart both skip and race.
You watch, mouth slightly open, unable to hide your awe. "Damn… I can't take my eyes off you, you're so fucking perfect, Hyeju," you murmur.
"And you think I don’t know that?" She steps toward you, her eyes locked on yours, stopping just in front of you. "Now take off those clothes. Quickly."
Her voice is firm, almost commanding, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. "Looks like someone’s in charge today, huh?"
"Are you still talking?" she counters with a half-smile, leaning over you. "I thought you’d already figured out who calls the shots here."
You laugh, but comply without argument. You start to take off your shirt and pants quickly, trying to keep your usual charm, though you know she already has the upper hand. When you're down to just your boxers, Hyeju gives you an appraising look from head to toe, releasing a playful sigh.
"Much better," she says, placing a hand on her hip as she assesses you critically, like she’s judging what's in front of her. "But it’s still not quite good enough."
"Care to give me a hand here?" you tease.
Hyeju shakes her head, stepping forward until your bodies are almost touching. “Are you really incapable of doing anything on your own?" she says, her tone cool, but her face still wearing that wicked smile. "Fine, I’ll help you with this."
She gives your chest a light shove, making you lie back on the bed.
Hyeju approaches, her steps slow, almost like a huntress, until she easily straddles you, pressing her body against yours.
She starts kissing you, her lips hot and hungry, and you respond in kind, running your hands along her back, feeling the delicate fabric of her bra. Her kisses travel down your neck, swift and sure, until she begins to explore your chest with her mouth.
"And to think all that anger at Miyeon was really jealousy," you say, laughing between breaths as she moves lower. "Gonna deny that seeing her with me drove you crazy?"
Hyeju pauses, her lips hovering over your abdomen. She meets your gaze with a sharp look, her smile dangerously mischievous. "Crazy? Yes. But don’t get cocky. It drove me crazy for all the wrong reasons."
She continues her trail of kisses along your body, unhurried, as if she knows exactly the impact she's having on you. Her warm lips slide across your skin until she stops just above the line of your boxers.
"Are you really going to make me wait?"
"I love watching you lose control," she murmurs, before trailing her tongue slowly along your stomach. "And it looks like it's already happening."
She places a teasing kiss just above the bulge in your boxers, pressing down lightly with her fingers, and you can’t hold back a low moan. "If you keep this up, I'll have to pay you back," you threaten, but it's clear you have no intention of changing the dynamic.
Hyeju laughs, squeezing a bit more firmly, her eyes never leaving yours. "I love when you try to act tough. It’s actually cute." She plants another kiss over your boxers before lifting her head. "But we both know who’s in charge here."
She leans forward, kissing your chest again, her skilled hands toying with your nipples as your body responds to her every touch.
"You’ll thank me later," she whispers, her mouth descending again to your boxers, eyes locked onto yours. "You can bet on that."
"Or maybe I’ll be the one making you thank me," you retort, trying to keep up appearances, but knowing she’s already winning.
"Nice try," Hyeju says with a wicked grin, her fingers hooking onto the waistband of your boxers. "Now, let’s see if you can last."
She slowly and deliberately pulls down your boxers, revealing your hard cock, completely at her mercy. She releases an exaggerated sigh, her eyes fixed on you, savoring every second of your anticipation.
"Well, look at this," she taunts, tilting her head slightly as she lightly trails her hand along the length. "All this, just for me? What an honor."
You chuckle, trying to keep your cool. "Feel flattered all you want, but I want to see what you're going to do with it."
She smiles, that familiar look of pure mischief flashing across her face, before lowering her head slowly. She stops just as her lips are about to touch the head, hovering mere millimeters away, and looks up at you. "You're going to learn to stay quiet."
And before you can respond with another joke, she wraps her warm, wet lips around the head of your cock, and you let out an involuntary moan. The sensation is instant, and you can barely hold back. Hyeju works with precision, starting slow, just the tip, swirling her tongue in circles that leave you breathless.
"Still feeling cocky?" she teases, pulling away for a moment, a thin line of saliva connecting her lips to your cock. She smirks, wiping the saliva with her finger and licking it off, maintaining eye contact. "Or have you given up on playing tough?" You try to reply, but with the pleasure surging through you, you only manage an incoherent mumble. This only makes her smile grow. "Thought so."
She goes back to sucking, now taking more of you, swallowing most of your length with ease, her eyes never leaving yours. She makes sure to stay in control, adjusting the intensity and speed according to what she wants from you. Every time you moan louder, she slows down, as if testing your limits.
"How are you feeling, baby?" she asks, pulling away briefly to stroke your wet cock. "I know you love it when I make you wait."
"Not gonna lie," you admit, breathless, your mind spinning from the building pleasure. "But... you’ll have to try harder if you want to break me."
"Oh, I’ll break you, don’t worry."
She leans back down, licking along the entire length, slowly, savoring every part of you. "I'll teach you the lesson you deserve."
Her pace begins to increase, the movements faster and more intense, her mouth sliding up and down in an intoxicating rhythm. She takes you all the way, the wet sound and her soft moans filling the room. You feel the heat and pressure building, as though she's drawing the life out of you.
"Getting close, aren’t you?" she asks between licks.
"You... you know it," you admit, barely able to speak.
"Then get ready," she murmurs, focusing on the head, sucking with intensity while her hand moves to cup your balls. "Because I want to watch you lose control."
And you do. The pleasure is overwhelming, your whole body trembling as she keeps sucking, relentless. The way she alternates between licking, sucking, and squeezing your balls pushes you to the edge. You feel the pressure mounting, your body preparing to explode, but she slows down once again, pulling away and chuckling softly.
"You want to come, don't you? But not so fast," she teases, her lips still grazing the tip of your cock. She kisses the head softly, almost like she's rewarding you for holding out this long. "I'm going to end up killing you with all this teasing, you know that?" She laughs, resuming with a slower, yet equally devastating rhythm.
Each time she takes back control, the intensity climbs gradually, until you're at a point where your mind can barely keep up. Her mouth doesn’t stop, her eyes fixed on you, as if savoring the power she has in her hands—or rather, in her mouth.
Hyeju intensifies her movements, her mouth sliding over your cock with a practiced ease, not letting up. The way she switches between firm suction and long licks is unbearably good, and you feel the pleasure building up to explosive levels.
She watches you from below, a sharp gaze that knows exactly what it’s doing. "I can feel you shaking. You’re almost there, aren’t you?"
"Fuck... yeah, almost," you moan, your body arching involuntarily as pleasure reaches a peak that feels impossible to contain.
She smiles, clearly reveling in the control she has over you. "I know you can’t hold out much longer. But you’re only going to come when I let you. Got it?"
"Got it..." you manage to reply, your voice breaking as your breathing grows heavier. Each second feels like an eternity, your body begging for release, but she keeps dictating the pace, keeping you on the edge.
She leans down again, sucking harder, as one hand wraps around the base of your cock, gripping and controlling every movement. Her other hand caresses your balls, squeezing lightly, pushing you even closer to the edge.
"You’re going to come so hard for me," Hyeju murmurs, pulling your cock from her mouth for a moment. "But only when I want you to. I want to feel that power I have over you."
"You already have all the power," you groan, practically pleading. "Please..."
"That's how I like it," she says with a satisfied smile, going back to sucking, as if she wants to consume you entirely. "Now, get ready. When I give the order, you’re going to give me everything you've got."
She picks up the pace, sucking with devotion, her wet, firm lips around you, each second bringing you closer to the edge. Her eyes never leave yours, as if she's feeding off your expression of pure desperation and ecstasy.
"Are you ready?" she asks, her voice low and commanding. You can only moan in response, already incapable of forming words.
"I want you to come for me... now!"
Her words are the final trigger. The control you’ve been struggling to maintain shatters completely. Pleasure overwhelms you, and you let out a loud moan, your whole body convulsing as the first wave of orgasm crashes over you. Hyeju doesn’t let up, continuing to suck with the same intensity, taking each spurt of cum with a blend of satisfaction and triumph.
"Yes... give me everything," she murmurs between movements, her voice muffled as she keeps sucking, swallowing every drop without hesitation, as if she's feeding off you. "Good boy... I knew you’d give me everything I wanted."
Your whole body trembles as she continues, pushing you beyond your limits, until pleasure melds with exhaustion. Hyeju finally pulls her mouth away, slowly licking her lips to clean off the last traces of your cum.
"Wow..." you gasp, unable to keep from smiling, your mind still reeling. "If that wasn't a perfect blowjob, I don’t know what is."
Hyeju laughs, satisfied, leaning over you, her body warm against yours. "I warned you I’d knock you out, didn’t I?"
You nod, still catching your breath. "I underestimated you. But now... I’m completely convinced."
Her lips find yours with renewed heat, the slight salty taste of your cum mingling in the kiss. She explores your mouth with an almost animalistic hunger, her body pressed against yours as your hands trace her back, sliding down to her hips.
You feel yourself respond again, your erection returning quickly under her touch, as if your body has been trained to react to the slightest stimulus from Hyeju. She notices instantly and smiles against your mouth, breaking the kiss to gently bite your lower lip, then sliding her tongue to your earlobe, nibbling it lightly.
"Is your dick getting hard again already?" she whispers, her breath hot against your ear. "But I barely let you rest."
You let out a sigh, somewhere between a smile and a moan, feeling the pressure in your cock build as she moves slowly over you. "You leave me no choice. With you, resting is impossible."
She chuckles softly, giving your earlobe another bite before pulling back just enough to look into your eyes, her smile full of mischief. "That’s how I like it, baby."
As you try to catch your breath, your mind still spinning, a thought crosses your mind, and you let out a low, teasing giggle. "You know, Miyeon would never swallow like you did... Not even if I paid her."
Hyeju raises an eyebrow, her smile turning into something more disdainful. "Miyeon?" She laughs, throwing her head back for a moment. "That little porcelain princess? Please... Not only would she never swallow, she’d never let you come on her perfect little face."
"Yeah, she’d probably have a meltdown just thinking about the mess," you respond, laughing along.
"Exactly," Hyeju says, bringing her face close to yours again, her lips almost brushing yours. "And do you think she could survive a second with me? I’d destroy the princess."
She kisses you, more intensely this time, as if to drive her point home. Her tongue plays with yours, and you taste a mixture of challenge and possessiveness that only she can convey. As the kiss deepens, Hyeju's hand slides slowly down to your erection, which is fully hard again. She strokes your cock with a skilled touch, but without rushing things.
You let out a sigh, breathless, feeling your body respond more and more to her touch. "And I won’t even lie... Cumming on your face would be way more fun."
Her body presses a little harder against yours, and you feel the rising heat between her thighs as the friction makes you throb even harder.
"You talk about cumming on my face like it's the ultimate goal," Hyeju murmurs against your mouth, while her hand continues working your cock, her fingers gripping lightly. "But you haven’t even started to discover what I can do to you."
You moan softly, your body reacting automatically to her touch. "Oh, I’ve seen enough. And what I’ve seen... has already driven me crazy."
She smiles, biting your lip lightly once again. "Then it's time to show you more, don't you think?"
Before you have the chance to respond, Hyeju lets go of your erection and pulls back just enough to slide her hands down to her panties. With a swift motion, she pulls the fabric to the side, revealing her wet pussy, and just the sight makes you harder than you thought possible.
She positions herself over you, her panties still pushed to the side, and without hesitation, she lowers herself until the head of your cock touches her lips. Her heat and wetness are almost overwhelming, and you bite your lip to keep from moaning. Hyeju looks into your eyes, that expression of pure control on her face, as she starts to sink down slowly, taking you in inch by inch.
"Ah... fuck," you gasp, unable to hold back. Her tightness is intense, her warmth making your head spin, and the way she moves down slowly, with total control, only heightens the torment.
Hyeju bites her own lip, letting out a quiet moan as she feels you fill her. "Feels good, doesn’t it? Damn, you got my pussy so wet..."
She begins moving slowly, riding with a steady, confident rhythm, her hips undulating as she dictates the pace. The wet sound of her body meeting yours is intoxicating, and you feel your hands instinctively gripping her waist, trying to keep up, but Hyeju doesn’t allow it.
"Oh no," she says in an authoritative tone, stopping her movement and placing her hands over yours, pushing them away from her waist. "I told you I’m the one in control here. Don’t even think about rushing me."
You obey, smiling with a mix of submission and provocation. "Yes, ma'am. Who am I to argue?"
She smiles back, satisfied with your surrender. "Good boy."
She resumes her movement, gradually increasing her speed, her body sliding over you with devastating precision. Each time she sinks down, you feel her tightness intensify, her whole body vibrating with pleasure as she controls every rise and fall. The sight of her bare breasts only heightens the eroticism and anticipation.
"This... has nothing to do with Miyeon," Hyeju says, her voice slightly breathless, but still with that commanding tone. "She’d never be able to leave you like this... completely at her mercy. You know that, right?"
"You’re right," you admit. "Only you can do this to me, Hyeju.”
She smiles again, her ego swelling with your confession, and begins to ride you harder, the rhythm now faster, the movements more intense. The sound of bodies colliding fills the room, Hyeju’s moans growing louder, but she never loses control.
“That’s it, go on… feel how much you’re mine,” she murmurs, eyes closed as she sinks into the sensation, yet never relinquishing command. “Mmm, your cock goes so deep in my pussy, fuck!”
Hyeju speeds up her rhythm, her body rising and falling over you with a near-cruel precision, each movement keeping you on the edge of pleasure, but still far from release.
Suddenly, she pauses for a moment, her hips pressed firmly against yours, and with calculated calm, she reaches up to her bra strap. Her gaze locks onto yours, a challenging smile forming at the corner of her mouth. She slides the straps off her shoulders and, with a slow motion, unclasps the back. The bra falls away, revealing the breasts you’d been dying to see uncovered.
She holds them briefly, squeezing them lightly, fingers teasing her own nipples before letting out a low, provocative laugh. “Do you like them, baby?” she asks. “I know you can’t take your eyes off my tits.”
You feel your breath catch, the sight of her bare breasts swaying slightly as she keeps you trapped beneath her, mesmerizing. “Well… as a photographer I'm always observing things, and I appreciate natural beauty, if you know what I mean..”
She resumes riding you, now with a more deliberate rhythm, her free breasts moving with the sway of her hips, and you can’t look away. The pleasure builds slowly, but she knows exactly how to keep you on the brink, never letting you fall into the abyss.
It’s delicious torture.
“Go on, say it,” she whispers, eyes locked on yours. “Admit you love watching them bounce while I use you. Tell me how much you love being my toy.”
You moan in response, your whole body arching with the rising pleasure, still holding back as best you can. “Damn… I love it. You know I do.”
She smiles, satisfied, riding with more intensity now, her movements faster, her hips slamming into you with force. Her breasts bounce with every thrust, the sight driving you to the edge of desperation. She leans back slightly, planting her hands on your knees, her body displayed in all its glory, moving with complete dominance.
“That’s what I like to hear,” she murmurs, her voice breathless yet filled with authority.
You bite your lip, trying to stifle the moans threatening to escape, the pleasure building slowly but still just out of reach.
Then, she slows down, her movements becoming a tease, provoking you. With an expression of pure authority, she leans forward, her breasts swaying lightly, almost brushing your face. She grabs your chin with one hand and looks directly into your eyes.
“Suck them,” she commands, her voice low and commanding. “I want to feel your mouth on my breasts.”
No further invitation is needed. Without hesitation, you raise your head and bring your lips to her breast, capturing her nipple and sucking devotedly. The soft taste of her skin and the sensation of her so close make you even harder, if that were possible. Hyeju lets out a low moan of satisfaction as you comply, her fingers tangling in your hair, guiding your head firmly.
“Yes… just like that,” she murmurs, her tone filled with pleasure. “I knew you’d be good at this. Go on, suck harder!”
You suck on her breast with more intensity, your tongue teasing her hardened nipple, while your other hand slides up to her other breast, gently squeezing it. Hyeju’s body responds immediately, and she moans louder, pressing her breasts against your mouth as if she wants to be devoured.
“You love this, don’t you?” she whispers, her breath ragged. “You love when I tell you what to do… when I put you in your place. You love being your mistress's toy!”
You only moan in response, unwilling to release her breast, sucking with even more fervor as your hands explore her body. Hyeju laughs, pleased with your dedication, her fingers tugging at your hair as her body starts moving over your cock again, now slower but still tight enough to make you see stars.
“Yes! Keep going… don’t stop,” she orders, moaning as she moves with a calculated rhythm, her breasts still firmly caught in your mouth. “I want to feel your mouth on me while I use you.”
You feel her body tremble slightly as she rides you, and you can’t help but let out a muffled moan, your mouth full of her breast. The pleasure is overwhelming, but you know Hyeju is still in charge, and you have no choice but to follow her lead.
Hyeju keeps riding you with absurd precision, each movement designed to bring you closer to the edge, yet still far enough that she maintains absolute control. Her breathing is heavier now, but the superior smile never leaves her face.
“You know you’re mine, right?” she says, biting her lip as she speeds up her thrusts. “My toy. My slave. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me.”
You smile back, breathless, but with that cocky look she seems to adore. “Oh, you know, Hyeju. I’d do anything you want. I don’t have a choice, not with you like this.”
She lets out a low, wicked laugh, her hips moving almost mechanically, each thrust driving you deeper, more tightly into the grip she has on you. “Of course you don’t have a choice. Because you love being used. You love when I command. When I make a fool out of you with just a look.”
You groan in response, your hands slipping along her waist, trying to keep up, but she immediately slaps them away, stopping for a second.
“No! I’m the one who moves,” she says, with that authoritative tone that makes you shiver.
You try to hold back, savoring each second of this delicious torture, but Hyeju doesn’t let you settle in for long. Suddenly, she stops moving and lets out a satisfied moan as she leans back, supporting her hands on your knees. Her body, still enveloping you, glistens with a thin layer of sweat, and the sight alone could drive anyone insane.
"Now, I want something different," she murmurs, her eyes narrowing with an idea that already seems to put you in danger. "I’m going to show you what it’s like when I really take control."
She lifts herself slowly, letting out a sigh as your cock slides out of her, and then, without warning, she turns her back to you. Her hair falls over her shoulders as she positions herself again, this time facing away, and in one smooth motion, she lowers herself down, taking you in completely.
"Oh... fuck! I love the tightness of your pussy," you groan aloud, the sight of her back, her hips swaying as she wraps around you again, the kind of torture you’d love to endure far longer than you can manage.
She begins to ride you backwards, the pace fast and relentless, and you find yourself at the mercy of her precise movements. Each time she descends, the grip of her pussy around you feels tighter, more suffocating. The sound of bodies colliding fills the room, and Hyeju lets out moans of pleasure, but you know she’s still in control, even as she’s barely holding it together.
"Now... you’re going to watch," she says, her voice breathy but full of authority. "I’m going to do whatever I want... and you'll just keep lying like this, holding on, like the good boy you are."
You try to grip her buttocks, but Hyeju won’t allow it, pushing your hands away again with a smack, harder this time. "No! I already told you... I'm the only one who can move here."
She speeds up, riding you with force and precision, and you feel on the brink of collapse, pleasure reaching an almost unbearable level. "Damn, Hyeju... you’re going to kill me like this."
She laughs aloud, glancing over her shoulder with that smug smile. "Kill you? I haven’t even started. You’re going to beg for more before I’m done."
Her hips start moving more violently, the wet sound of her body slamming against yours filling the space. The sight of her, those perfect hips, the way she rides with mastery—all of it is a reminder of how completely she dominates you. Hyeju leans slightly forward, bracing her hands on your thighs to gain more balance, and starts dictating the rhythm with unyielding strength, and you get lost in the sight of her pussy going in and out of your cock.
"Tell me, you scoundrel," she says between moans, "do you like being like this? Completely submissive? Seeing that I do whatever I want with you?"
"You know I love it," you respond with difficulty, the moans mixing with your words. "There’s nothing better than being your toy."
She smiles, satisfied, and speeds up even more, the pace now frantic. "That’s how I like it... you adoring me, serving me…" Suddenly, she pauses for a moment, and you can barely breathe from the accumulated desire. Hyeju looks over her shoulder, a mischievous smile on her face. "Now, smack my ass," she commands, her voice full of command. "I want to see if you have the guts to give me what I deserve."
Hyeju moans loudly when the sound of the first smack reverberates through the room, the shock spreading warmth through her body that seems to fuel her. She doesn’t slow down; on the contrary, with each thrust, she presses her hips harder against you, riding even harder as if the smacks were the spark missing to ignite something primal in her.
"Yes!" she shouts, eyes closed in pure pleasure. "More! Don’t stop!"
You obey, your hand finding the soft skin of her ass with a crack. The second smack is even stronger, making her whole body shake, but Hyeju only laughs through her moans, grinding on you, her hips rolling with a mastery that drives you to the brink of insanity.
"Fuck, that’s what I want!" Hyeju demands, looking over her shoulder with a smile that mixes pleasure and challenge. "Hit me harder, don’t hold back. You like seeing my ass marked, don’t you? Go on, hit harder!"
You smirk. "Begging, Hyeju? I thought you were the one in control."
"I’m the one who calls the shots here. And I’m telling you to hit harder!" Her voice is a mix of command and desire, her body moving with an intensity that makes you tremble with pleasure.
Your hand comes down with force again, the smack echoing even louder this time. Hyeju arches her back, moaning so deeply it seems she’s losing herself in her own domination. Her ass jiggles with the impact, but she keeps riding, the sound of bodies colliding louder than ever.
"Go, don’t stop!" she shouts, moving her hips like a machine, not missing a beat for a second. "I want to feel your cock and your hands at the same time! Make me feel like I’m your owner... because I am!"
You don’t hesitate, your hand striking her ass again and again, the sound of smacks mixing with Hyeju’s desperate moans. She doesn’t stop riding; every hit on her skin makes her moan louder, her breathing ragged and movements almost frenzied now. She’s in complete control, even while begging for more.
"More! It’s not enough!" she shouts, her body shaking wildly, hair flying as she rides you like it’s the last thing she’ll ever do. "Hit me until I can’t take anymore!"
You feel her body trembling around yours; each smack you deliver seems to bring her closer to an insane climax, but she doesn’t slow down. On the contrary, she grips you with an intensity that makes your head spin, the wet sounds of her pussy, the smacks and bodies colliding all you can hear.
"You’re going crazy, aren’t you?" Hyeju taunts between moans, her breath labored but her voice still firm. "I can see it on your face… Mmm, it turns me on so much that you obey me without hesitation, you're so fucking pathetic.”
"Yeah! I’d do anything for you, Hyeju."
She laughs, her satisfaction evident on her face. "I know you would. And you will. Right now."
Suddenly, Hyeju stops riding and quickly gets up, pulling your cock out of her. The emptiness is immediate and almost unbearable, but before you can protest, she turns, facing you, and deftly removes her panties and tosses them aside; without wasting any time, she climbs onto your chest, her knees braced at your sides, with that look of pure authority. Her gaze drops to your face, and you know exactly what comes next.
Hyeju doesn’t even need to speak.
"Open that fucking mouth and do as I say,” she commands, looking directly into your eyes.
She slowly lowers herself, her pulsing pussy hovering over your face, and you obey without hesitation. Your mouth finds her center of pleasure, your tongue sliding between the warm lips as you suck and lick with devotion, her taste filling your senses. Hyeju’s body trembles at the first touch, but she remains in control, pressing her hips down to force you to lick deeper.
"Ah, that... that’s how I like it," Hyeju moans, her voice filled with pleasure. "Don’t stop..."
You move your tongue with precision, exploring every part of her juicy pussy, sucking harder as your hands reach up to grab her ass, squeezing it as if it were your anchor. Hyeju moans louder, her body moving to the rhythm she dictates, grinding against your face, her moans now uninhibited.
"That’s it... keep going... Faster!" she cries, her fingers tangling in your hair, pulling your head against her as she writhes in pleasure. "You love doing this, don’t you? Say it... say you love the taste of your owner."
You try to respond, but the words get lost as you lick more intensely, your mouth fully occupied in fulfilling her every command. Hyeju laughs, pleased with your dedication, but doesn’t let up the pressure. She moves up and down on your face, grinding herself harder each time, as her body nears its climax.
"Ah, fuck... you’re perfect," she moans, breathless, her whole body trembling. "I’m going to cum... and you’re going to swallow every drop of my juice, got it? You’re going to savor your owner like never before."
You can only groan in response, your mouth trapped in the frenzy of her body. Hyeju begins to move faster, her moans becoming almost screams, her hands still gripping your hair tightly as her body trembles above you.
“Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum in your mouth! That's it! Suck my pussy, don't stop!”
She’s completely out of control, her moans filling the room as she cums in your mouth with an intensity you’ve never seen before.
"That’s it... swallow it all… fuck!" Hyeju screams, her body shaking with spasms. "Taste your owner... every drop!"
You do exactly what she wants, drinking her juice, sucking every part of her as Hyeju comes down from her climax, her movements finally slowing The taste of her pussy fills your mouth, along with the smell in your nose, and you can’t help but feel satisfaction from having brought her to this point.
Hyeju collapses beside you on the bed, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tries to catch her breath. But the smile on her face is one of pure satisfaction. Without a word, she leans over, her gaze fixed on yours, and in a slow, deliberate motion, kisses you deeply, her tongue finding yours, tasting herself in your mouth.
"Mmm... so good," Hyeju murmurs against your lips, chuckling. "That's my taste you're savoring... and I want you to never forget it. Every time you serve me, it’ll be like this... I'll reward you."
She lightly bites your lower lip, her gaze gleaming with pure mischief but also a hidden tenderness behind her control. "You did so fucking well, but there's still more. I can't get enough of using you. Now, tell me... how did it feel? I want to hear."
You take a deep breath, still recovering. "It was... damn, it was like I was in heaven and hell at the same time. And I’d do it all over again, just to see you like that."
Hyeju smiles, her gaze satisfied and possessive. "I know you would. Because you know I’m everything you need." She pauses for a moment, eyes locked on yours, before adding with a devilish smile, "If I let you, you'd spend the rest of the night licking my pussy. Confess."
Your breathing gets heavy, your fingers sliding down her back, and you can't help but respond. "Fuck, Hyeju, I'd do it all day if you wanted."
"I know you would. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen now."
She starts to move, positioning herself over you, and suddenly, you understand exactly what she wants. Hyeju lifts one leg, turning her body to face away from you, getting on her knees over your head again, but this time she leans forward, her hands already reaching for your still-hard cock. You feel her warm breath close, desire building in the air around you.
"Time for 69, baby," she murmurs, her voice both sweet and commanding. "I’m going to use you again... and you’re going to worship me like I deserve."
Without waiting for a response, Hyeju lowers her hips, pressing her pussy directly against your mouth once more, her scent consuming you. At the same time, she grips your cock with one hand, not hesitating to slide her mouth over it, sucking with that same devotion you felt before. But now, the rhythm is different—more controlled, slower, as if she’s savoring every second.
"Ah, yes... so good," she moans between sucks, her words muffled by your cock in her mouth. "You love it when I suck, don’t you? Say it!"
You try to speak, but your mouth is occupied, licking and sucking her pussy like your life depends on it. Each movement of your tongue seems to make her body tremble, and Hyeju responds by riding your face with more intensity, while her mouth moves slowly down your cock, deeper each time, reaching her throat.
She pauses for a moment, pulling your cock out of her mouth just to speak, her voice breathless. "Fuck, you're so delicious. I’ll never get tired of doing this to you... never."
Hyeju returns to sucking with more intensity, her tongue swirling around the tip, her moans blending with the wet sounds of the blowjob as you keep licking her pussy. Her legs tremble around your head, her body tensing with pleasure, but she doesn’t stop for a second. Even in the midst of an imminent climax, she keeps control, her moans getting louder but never losing that authoritative tone.
"Yes... make me come again, damn it!" Hyeju demands, her voice full of lust. "I want to feel your tongue inside me, until I come in your mouth again."
You obey, moving your tongue with more precision, sucking harder as Hyeju shivers above you. She resumes devouring your cock, sucking with an insane devotion, every movement of her mouth bringing you closer to your own climax. But you know the focus right now is her—Hyeju is in control, and she’ll make sure you know that until the last second.
Hyeju begins to lose control as the rhythm between you intensifies. The heat of her wet pussy pulses against your face, her skin growing hotter as her movements become more desperate, almost frenzied. The pleasure you give her with your tongue pushes her to a point where all her dominance blends with raw vulnerability, visible in the increasingly hoarse moans she lets out.
"Ah... fuck... yes..." Hyeju moans, her voice almost breaking as she keeps grinding against you, her legs trembling around your head. She tries to maintain control, to hold onto her dominance, but you sense that she’s on the verge of completely losing herself in the pleasure you’re giving her. "Don’t... don’t stop... make me come aga—oh fuck!"
Your tongue works with precision, every lick and suck sending Hyeju deeper into this spiral of ecstasy. She tries to keep sucking you, but her movements become uncoordinated, as if the pleasure is stripping away her ability to focus on anything but what she's feeling. Even so, she still tries, her warm mouth wrapping around your cock as her hands attempt to maintain rhythm, though it's clear she’s being overtaken by sensation.
"Ah... fuck... you... you drive me crazy..." Hyeju murmurs, her breath ragged, her moans growing louder as the pressure of her hips against your face increases. "I... I can’t... ahhh...!"
Hyeju starts grinding uncontrollably against your tongue, her movements erratic as pleasure consumes her. She tries to speak, but the words get lost in louder and louder moans, her body trembling uncontrollably. Her mouth barely manages to stay on your cock, the rhythm completely broken, with muffled moans escaping with each attempt at a suck.
"I... fuck, I’m going to come again..." she cries out, her voice loud and hoarse, almost desperate. "Don’t... don’t stop! I’m going... I’m going to come in your mouth again!"
Hyeju leans forward more, her legs trembling around your head, her body on the brink of collapsing under the weight of pleasure. You feel the exact moment when she loses all control. Hyeju’s body arches violently, her muscles contracting with incredible force, and she lets out a scream that echoes through the room as the orgasm tears through her with almost brutal intensity.
"Ahhh... fuck, fuck, fuck!" Hyeju screams, her head thrown back as her hands grip the sheets tightly. Her pussy pulses against your mouth, and you taste the hot rush of her climax on your tongue once again. Hyeju grinds uncontrollably against your face, moaning loudly as pleasure fully overtakes her.
"That’s it... swallow it all... feel me..." Hyeju commands, even as her body trembles uncontrollably. "I... I want to feel you devouring me... I need more... ahh, more!"
Her moans become almost incoherent, and you feel each shudder running through her body as she continues to come intensely, fully giving herself to the sensation. The pressure of her thighs around your head is almost suffocating, but the sound of Hyeju’s screams of pleasure, combined with her desperate movements, makes it all worth it.
She tries to stay steady, but her body gives in to the pleasure and collapses onto you, her hips still lightly moving as the aftershocks of her climax ripple through her skin. Hyeju’s mouth lets go of your cock, now forgotten as she struggles to regain control over herself.
"Fuck... that was..." Hyeju can barely form words between gasps, moans still escaping involuntarily. She leans back, slowly lifting her pussy off your mouth, her muscles still quivering, but a satisfied smile on her face.
You're breathing heavily, lungs burning as you catch your breath. Her taste still lingers on your tongue, and the memory of those last moments is seared into your mind. You take a deep breath, relieved yet wishing it hadn’t ended. The intensity of her pressure, combined with the thrill of nearly suffocating while making her climax, has left you in a nearly unbearable state of excitement.
"Wow, Hyeju... I almost came just from feeling you like that," you say with a raspy laugh, your voice still broken by the lack of air.
Hyeju, still recovering, turns to you. "Oh yeah? You almost came, did you?" She chuckles softly, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Maybe you like seeing me like this, huh? Losing control because of you."
She leans closer, hand brushing your jaw as her lips near yours, giving you a soft kiss. "But... you haven't come yet, and I'm not done playing with you."
Hyeju slowly stands, giving you a perfect view of her body, her skin glistening with sweat. You notice her gaze fixed on your hard cock, and the way she bites her lip makes it clear she already has something in mind.
"Stand up," she commands, and you obey without hesitation, feeling the anticipation build in your chest.
Hyeju turns her back to you, her perfect ass arched and inviting. Her body presses against yours in a way that’s almost suffocatingly delicious. Your hands naturally find her breasts, and you grab them firmly, feeling their weight and softness as your fingers brush her hard nipples.
"Now... pay attention, because I'm going to make you beg," Hyeju whispers, tilting her head back, the lobe of her ear brushing lightly against your lips. She slides a hand down, guiding your cock between her thighs, squeezing it between the soft, sweaty flesh. The heat of her body and the pressure of her tanned thighs make you let out an involuntary moan.
"Damn... this feels so good," you murmur, your voice coming out lower than expected, as the wet heat of her thighs envelops your cock. Every little movement she makes, slowly grinding, is a slow but delicious torture.
Hyeju starts to tease with small hip movements as she tightens you between her legs. "I know," she replies, her tone almost arrogant. "I know exactly what you like. You're trembling. Is it from wanting me so much? From being desperate to come." She squeezes more, and you moan again, feeling the pressure build as she continues to tease. "You're going to come on my thighs... and you're going to love it," Hyeju continues, moving her body with a precision that makes you see stars. Every muscle contraction around your cock brings you closer to losing control, but she doesn’t let you relax. Every time you get too close, she slows down, chuckling softly as she keeps torturing you with her body.
Your fingers tighten around her breasts, and you lean forward to kiss Hyeju’s neck, gently biting the sweaty skin, then licking; licks that melt Hyeju, tilting her neck to the side so you have full access to her delicate skin, to worship her as she deserves… All this while the feeling of being trapped between her thighs pushes you closer to madness. "Hyeju, I’ll come if you keep this up... it’s too much."
She lets out a low, teasing laugh, the sound echoing in your mind. "That's exactly what I want! I want all your load on my thighs!" She picks up the pace, her hips circling in small, precise movements.
You moan louder, starting to grind your hips frantically, pushing your cock between her thighs, brushing against Hyeju's wet pussy with a desperate fervor. The friction is maddening, each motion pulling a moan from you that echoes through the room.
"Fuck, Hyeju... I... I'm gonna come..." you murmur, words broken by pleasure as your hands slide from her breats to her hips, gripping her tightly as you rub faster, your swollen cock pressing against the lips of her pussy, each pulsating heat of contact pushing you over the edge.
"Go ahead, baby... show me how much you want me," she responds, her voice sweet yet with that underlying malice, almost daring you to lose control entirely. "Come for me... I want to feel how much you adore me."
Your body completely loses control. With each erratic thrust between her sweaty, tight thighs, you feel the pressure build to an unbearable level. Every frantic movement of your hips pulls another moan from you, a clear sign that you're teetering on the brink of no return. The soft, slippery friction of her thighs gripping your cock tightly.
"Yes, baby... I want to feel it all," Hyeju whispers with that malice, grinding relentlessly. The heat radiating from her makes your head spin. And she's loving every second of it. "I want to feel you explode. Come for me."
You moan, voice thick with desire and desperation. The rhythm of your thrusts becomes uncoordinated, desperate, as if your body has completely lost the ability to keep any cadence.
Your cock presses deeper between her thighs, sliding against the wetness already mingling with precum. Each time you feel her pussy getting closer, the pulsing heat makes you moan louder. Hyeju's pace remains relentless, her movements precise as she revels in your desperation.
“I want to feel every drop of your hot load dripping down my thighs." She tilts her head back, laughing as she senses the power she has over you, and it only heightens your urgency.
You lose the last bit of self-control. With a final thrust, your cock presses harder between Hyeju’s thighs, nearly slipping into her pussy.
"Oh, fuck Hyeju! I'm... I'm cumming!" you shout, voice overtaken by pure pleasure. The climax hits you like a violent wave, and you let out a deep moan, your whole body tensing. The orgasm slams through you with brutal force, and your hands clutch Hyeju's body tightly, holding her desperately as your cock pulses between her thighs.
Hyeju lets out a satisfied moan, squeezing her thighs around you as she feels the hot cum spill, running down her legs. "Yes... just like that, baby. Come for me. Give me everything." Her voice is low, almost a whisper, but full of control as she keeps grinding slowly, prolonging your orgasm.
You're in bliss, every fiber of your body vibrating with pleasure that feels unending. The stream of cum drips down Hyeju’s thighs, and you feel the hot wetness sliding down her sweaty skin. Your hands grip her even tighter, as if trying to anchor yourself as your world spins with overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh, baby... I can’t take anymore... My cock is so fucking sensitive," you groan, barely able to form coherent sentences as her body continues to drain you completely.
Hyeju laughs softly, pleased with the state she's left you in. "I told you I wanted every drop, didn’t I?" She squeezes her thighs one last time, pulling the last shivers from your body. "You came so hard for me baby, good job! You are such a good boy…" You let out an exhausted moan, body still trembling as the final wave of pleasure courses through you. Hyeju, satisfied, smiles and turns around. "You're done... but you liked it, didn’t you? Tell me, baby."
"Yes... yes. I loved it... you destroyed me," you reply, voice still shaking.
Hyeju leans in to give you a deep, warm kiss. Her lips press against yours with a mix of sweetness and possessiveness, as if sealing what just happened.
"I loved putting you in your place," she whispers, her thumb stroking the corner of your mouth, wiping away a bit of saliva. "Seeing you lose control like that… there’s nothing better."
You smile, still panting, your head spinning with exhaustion and pleasure. "Damn, I loved that lesson... I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good being put in my place."
She raises an eyebrow, amused, and lightly drags her nails down your back, sending a shiver that makes you flinch slightly. "Good to know you’ve learned. And the next time I'm pissed... well, I know where I'll take it out."
"Anytime you want. If you need someone to take it out on... I’m available."
Hyeju laughs, pleased with your response, and gives you another kiss. "Oh, baby, you're easy to break... and I love that.”
You're leaning against the window, taking a drag from your cigarette, watching the city below as the buildings flicker their lights like they’re laughing at your somewhat… peculiar life. The room is wrapped in a cozy dimness, and the sound of the shower turning off fills the quiet. Then, Hyeju steps out of the bathroom, wearing one of your shirts that looks more like a dress on her. You admire her as she approaches, hair still damp, her skin glowing from the hot water. She stops halfway and raises an eyebrow.
“What are you staring at?” she asks, her voice thick with exhaustion as she dries her hair with a towel.
“I’m just… happy I managed to convince you to stay,” you reply.
“Oh, really? You think you convinced me? I only stayed because I’m dead tired. Going home right now would be asking to pass out on the subway.”
She steps closer, takes the cigarette from your hand without asking, takes a long drag, and then hands it back, heading back to toss the towel in the bathroom. “And don’t think this is going to become a habit. This sleeping-together thing… it’s a one-time deal.”
“Of course, of course,” you respond, stubbing out the cigarette and moving towards the bed. “Just this once, I promise.”
She turns off the bathroom light and shuts the door, leaving the room partially dark, and as she fluffs up the pillows, you let out: “Since it’s just this once, would it be okay if I… lay on your chest?”
She looks over at you with a mix of disbelief and sarcasm. “You’re asking to use my chest as a pillow? Are you serious?”
“Completely,” you answer, lying down beside her. “They’re way softer than any pillow. A once-in-a-lifetime chance, as you said.”
“Fine, go ahead. But only because it’s the first and last time,” she accepts as she throws herself on the bed, feeling the weight of tiredness.
You cheer and kiss her cheek before turning off the lamp. With a contented sigh, you lie down next to Hyeju and rest your head on her chest, feeling a warmth and softness that puts any five-star hotel pillow to shame.
“Mmm, you’re very comfortable,” you murmur, pulling the blanket over both of you.
“Oh, shut up,” she mumbles, her hand already moving to your hair, giving you a clumsy head scratch, as though she might stop at any moment, but unable to help herself.
“That’s nice; don’t stop,” you whisper, eyes closed.
“Say it one more time, and I’ll stop,” she replies, but the scratching continues.
A pleasant silence settles over you both until, after a few minutes, Hyeju breaks the moment, suddenly asking:
“You know something?” she begins, her voice softer than before. “My chest is definitely better than Miyeon’s for sleeping, right? Just compare the sizes.”
You chuckle softly, head still buried against her. “Absolutely. No contest.”
She smiles, satisfied, letting out a small sigh of triumph. “I knew it.”
“And let me say,” you start, your voice drowsy but playful, “it’s true you lost the competition to her, but in bed… no doubt, you won.”
“Yeah, right? That’s really an honor. Too bad it doesn’t pay the bills.”
You smile, pressing a little closer to her, absorbing her warmth. “Look, after tonight, I’ll make it up to you. Next week, I’m giving an interview about the great photographers of this generation… and I’ll be sure to talk about a certain Hyeju. Praise her work and invite people to check it out, too.”
“Wow, thank you so much, Mr. Art Critic. What would I do without this boost?”
“That’s what I want to know,” you reply in a tone that’s exaggeratedly serious but teasing. “But seriously, I’m excited to work with you. I bet after spending time alone… you’ll want to work with me again.”
“Oh yeah? And if I want to punch you after two hours alone? Does that count as ‘wanting to work together again’?”
You snicker. “Hey, maybe that’s part of the creative process?”
Hyeju sighs, visibly tired but also amused by the whole thing. “Okay, now shut up. Seriously. I want to sleep.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you reply, obedient but with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
The room falls silent again, but you can’t shake the need to bother her just a little more.
“Hey, Hyeju,” you say softly.
She lets out a long, exasperated sigh.
“What now?”
“Hug me tighter. Please…”
Hyeju shakes her head, incredulous, and you can almost feel her eye-rolling even without seeing it. “If you open your mouth one more time, I’ll gag you.”
You can’t resist.
“Note to self: buy a gag for Hyeju to use on me.”
She gives you a light slap on the shoulder, but in the end, her arms pull you closer, wrapping you tighter, her body relaxing against yours.
And in the quiet that follows, with only the sound of her heartbeat and gentle breathing, sleep finally begins to claim you both. There’s something about this—this way you have of bickering and laughing at the same time—that, just before drifting off, makes you realize that, in the end, maybe this will be the best partnership of your career.
And her?
Well, by the way she’s holding you, even with her tough-girl act, maybe she’s not all that bothered either.
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ondiitas · 1 year ago
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R$𝟸𝟬𝟬⠀⠀─🫵🏻⠀⠀. ⠀⠀🍡𓈒ིུ⠀⠀✿⠀⠀𝟹¹9⠀⠀🌺◌
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blunemone · 9 months ago
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sosofiaplay · 10 months ago
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ᥪᥛ᤺ 𝆬 🏈 ⠀๋᤻⠀⠀ ๋ ׅ ♡ 𝗅ꪱ꯭𝗄ᥱ 𝗈𝗋 𝗋ᥱ𝖻꯭𝗅𝗈𝗀 ֵ𓆩⠀ ͜💋 ⃝⋕֓֓⠀ ๋
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mieczyslawn · 7 months ago
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ˖ ࣪ ‹ oliviahye 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡
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dolpetite · 3 months ago
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🐚 ﹑ ⁺  ﹒ ྀི 𝗈𝗅𝗁𝖺 𝗊𝗎𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗂𝗌𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺, 𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗂𝖺 𝖽𝖾 𝗀𝗋𝖺ç𝖺
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dissectedgrrl · 1 year ago
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' you want me ? '
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Son Hyeju
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Son Hyeju
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all | eunji | yves | heejin | choerry
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faebled-stories · 4 months ago
Yours Forever
Kinkvember Day 13: Werewolf
LOONA/Loossemble Son Hyeju x Werewolf Male Reader
7.4k words
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The week leading up to the full moon had been unbearable. You’d begun to pull away, slipping from Hyeju’s touch, retreating further with each passing day. Though your transformations were a rhythm she had come to understand, something was unmistakably different this time—something raw and electrifying that charged the air between you.
She sensed it immediately, an undercurrent of tension replacing the warmth she was used to. Your once-welcoming presence had become guarded, your eyes avoiding hers, and a strange energy bristled beneath your skin. You’d warned her of this side of yourself, the primal force that awakened with the waxing moon. She’d always honored the boundary, letting you slip into the woods each month for the transformation, a small price to pay for the security it brought to you both.
But this was different. This wasn’t just about the full moon or keeping her safe. You weren’t merely preparing for the change; you were holding something back, and the strain of it was unmistakable. Each touch was brief, your hand pulling away as if her warmth stung, your breaths turning sharp when she was near. She tried to reach for you, but each time felt like touching a live wire. A chill settled into her bones, and a deeper realization struck: this wasn’t just you preparing to leave. You were resisting something powerful, something only she seemed to provoke.
On the first night, she watched you by the window, staring into the dense shadows of the forest. You stood there, rigid, your shoulders pulled taut as though braced for release. Even from across the room, she could feel the tension rolling off you, saw the way your hands clenched, fingers twitching as if resisting the instinct to reach for her. When you finally slipped into bed, you lay at the edge, as though afraid even a brush of her skin might unravel whatever control you had left. Sleep was distant for her that night as she lay beside you, feeling each measured breath, each silent struggle that kept you tethered.
By the second day, the strain had seeped into every gesture, every look. At breakfast, you barely touched your food, gaze distant, lost somewhere she couldn’t reach. Hyeju attempted to bridge the growing gap with gentle conversation, offering smiles she knew would normally soften you. But all she received were nods, one-word responses, your fists clenched each time she leaned in, as if proximity to her had become an unbearable temptation. The quiet intimacy that usually marked your mornings was gone, replaced by a silence that felt like an ever-widening chasm.
On the third day, pretense vanished altogether. You weren’t just keeping your distance; you were withdrawing from her entirely, avoiding her gaze, jaw set so tight that the veins in your neck stood out. The scent she associated with you was sharper now, tinged with something wild and unrestrained. Whenever she entered the room, she felt your intense gaze upon her—a look that lingered, dark and unblinking, before you quickly turned away. Your eyes held a ferocity that unsettled her even as it stirred something deep within, a mixture of unease and instinctive thrill. The restraint you fought against became tangible, pressing in like a thunderstorm about to break.
The fourth night brought restlessness. Once again, you stood by the window, but this time you began to pace, muscles shifting under your skin with each jerky movement, as though barely contained by the human form you wore. The moon was still waxing, yet its influence radiated through every line of your body, in the rise and fall of your labored breaths. Hyeju watched from the bed, heart pounding, feeling a mix of concern and something nameless, like an ache that mirrored the primal energy in you. Each step you took held a rawness that threatened to unleash, your form barely holding back a force that loomed just beneath the surface.
Finally, in a voice rough and edged with strain, you muttered, “I need to leave soon.”
The words were clipped, barely a whisper, but they landed heavily.
“You usually wait until the day of,” she replied, her voice laced with concern.
“It’s… different this time,” you answered, eyes fixed on the floor, unable or unwilling to meet her gaze. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
The fifth day arrived like a storm, thick with tension that clung to the air. Every movement she made felt monitored, her presence tracked by your wary gaze. When you did speak, your voice was hoarse, each word scraping through clenched teeth. Your movements lost all their usual grace; you paced with a sharp, restless energy, each step more animalistic than human. When she came close, she felt you flinch. For the first time, there was no warmth in your gaze—only a restrained, urgent focus, as though holding yourself back from a force that could consume you both. The lines of your body, the clench of your fists, every taut muscle told of a fierce restraint that went against every primal instinct you harbored.
By the sixth day, it was undeniable: you weren’t just avoiding her, you were fighting the pull between you with every fiber of your being. The desire in you was palpable, like an electric charge, a force barely controlled, simmering under the surface. Your gaze had taken on a new intensity, a dark hunger that sent a shiver down her spine. When she neared, your breaths quickened, nostrils flaring as though scenting her, tracking her presence with instincts heightened by the looming transformation. Yet even as the tension between you grew unbearable, you held yourself back, jaw clenched, fingers digging into your palms as though this restraint was the only thing tethering you to reason.
Then came the seventh day, the full moon hovering on the horizon. Your skin was feverish, your eyes blazing with a golden light that felt more beast than human. Every muscle in your body seemed wound tight, thrumming with restless energy, and staying near her had become an ordeal. You took to the woods, vanishing into the night for long runs, returning each time drenched in sweat, breath labored, muscles quaking as though you had wrestled an invisible enemy. Yet each return left your gaze fiercer, that golden light burning brighter with each passing hour.
Hyeju watched, heart aching, understanding the battle raging within you yet feeling helpless. She could only hope that as the full moon rose and the transformation overtook you, the distance you’d forced between you would be enough to keep her safe from the powerful, forbidden pull that simmered just beneath your skin.
That evening, you stood before the fireplace, fists clenched so tightly that your knuckles blanched, nails biting into your palms. The firelight flickered, casting shadows that danced across your face, illuminating the sharp lines of your jaw and the fierce tension in your eyes—a storm of unspoken fears and desires boiling just beneath the surface. The warmth of the flames did little to ease the chill coursing through you; if anything, it seemed to amplify the turmoil that had been building inside, the mounting pressure of days spent in silence. Every crackle of the fire felt like a countdown, pushing you closer to the inevitable moment when you would have to speak. The truth lay on your tongue, heavy and bitter, an admission that you could scarcely bear to voice.
At last, the silence fractured, your words tearing through the stillness. “I’m leaving tomorrow.” The sentence was low but thunderous, slicing through the quiet with a brutal finality. It hung in the air, irreversible, a single statement that felt like it would drive Hyeju further away than ever.
Her shock was instant. Hyeju’s eyes widened, her soft expression hardening into one of quiet horror as she took a step toward you, her gaze unwavering yet clouded with worry and confusion. “You don’t have to,” she whispered, her voice barely audible yet carrying an unmistakable plea. She edged closer, her look gentle but resolute. “You always come back to me—”
“No.” The word escaped you in a snarl, cutting through her words with a fierce finality. The harshness of your tone froze her mid-step, a flash of restrained power in your gaze halting her as her lips parted in unspoken confusion. “You don’t understand,” you continued, your voice tight, each word strained under the weight of what you’d been hiding. “This time, I won’t be able to control myself.”
A long, tense silence settled between you. Hyeju’s resolve faltered only slightly before her voice returned, low and unwavering, layered with quiet confidence. “But I trust you.” She moved closer, her gaze searching your face, reading every fracture in the guarded mask you’d constructed. Her scent, the soft, familiar fragrance that usually grounded you, now fueled the fire within, making each breath an exquisite torment. Every inhalation felt like stoking a flame that was already blazing out of control, testing the limits of restraint you’d desperately tried to uphold.
For a moment, your hardened resolve wavered, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through before you forced yourself back into control. “You don’t know what you’re asking,” you said, voice rough and barely steady under the strain. Admitting even that much felt like surrender, a risk too great to take. But here you were, standing at the edge, teetering between revelation and restraint.
Hyeju reached out then, her fingers grazing your forearm with a touch so light it was almost unbearable, a grounding presence that sent a wave of conflicting sensations through you—longing and fear, lust and caution. Her hand was gentle, a soft anchor amid the chaos roaring inside you, yet exactly what you knew you couldn’t bear. “I’m not afraid of you,” she murmured, her voice steady, cutting through the wild, tangled thoughts spiraling in your mind.
Her words were a balm and a curse, a calm certainty that felt like fire in your veins, heating the tension already simmering inside. Every nerve in your body screamed for release, and her unwavering belief in you only made it harder to resist. Piece by piece, you could feel yourself unraveling in her presence. “Hyeju…” you rasped, voice raw and pleading, barely holding yourself together. The confession clawed its way out of you, forced from the depths of your restraint. “I’m in heat,” you admitted, the words nearly breaking under their own weight. “Your scent… it’s driving me mad.”
At this, Hyeju’s gaze softened, her expression turning calm and understanding, as though every fleeting look, every tense gesture had clicked into place. She held your gaze, a mix of compassion and strength, her voice dropping to a soft, steady murmur. “Then let me come with you.” Her words were gentle yet unyielding, carrying a determination that left no room for argument. “You don’t have to face this alone. Don’t push me away.”
A surge of panic flashed through you, and you shook your head, sharp and decisive, knowing the risk was too great. “No,” you replied, voice rough and laden with unspoken fear. “I could hurt you. It’s not safe.”
But Hyeju’s response was quiet and certain, her trust in you unshakeable. “You won’t,” she insisted, her conviction a solid, unbreakable force. “I know you. I trust you.”
Her words shattered something within you, dissolving the last of the restraint you’d clung to, leaving you exposed, every breath dragging against the strain in your chest. She was close—too close—and every instinct in you waged a war to keep control. You opened your mouth, prepared to argue, to plead with her to understand the danger she tempted. But before you could, she placed her hand firmly against your chest, her touch a grounding warmth that silenced you. “I’m coming with you,” she declared, her gaze resolute. “I’m not letting you face this alone.”
For a long, breathless moment, you stared down at her, caught between the fierce need to protect her and the unbearable, searing desire that had been clawing at you all week. Her hand on your chest was steady, her eyes filled with an unbreakable belief in you that seemed to defy every fear and instinct within. The silence between you was thick, weighted with her conviction and your desperate restraint.
“No… Hyeju,” you managed, voice thick with desperation, as you struggled to maintain control. “You don’t get it… I can’t…” Each word was dragged from you, heavy with fear and frustration. Meeting her gaze one last time, you saw the strength in her eyes, a silent insistence that you stay. It was almost too much. “Don’t. Follow. Me.” Each word was deliberate, a plea and a command wrapped in a last-ditch attempt to shield her from the force that loomed just beneath the surface. With a final, tortured look, you turned and walked out, each step a battle against your own instincts, leaving her standing alone, the silence in your absence cutting deep, stretching like an open wound.
But as the moon rose higher that night, its light spilling through her window, Hyeju found herself lying awake, your words reverberating through her mind, gnawing at her heart. She could feel the pull to follow you, a force she couldn’t quite resist, and as the night deepened, the thought solidified within her. Ignoring the warning that still echoed in her mind, she packed a small bag, slipping quietly into the forest, following the familiar path to your secluded cabin deep within the trees.
The forest was shrouded in darkness, yet the silver light of the moon cast an eerie glow over her path, illuminating the twisting roots and gnarled branches, their shadows stretching long and foreboding. Her heart raced as she neared the cabin, each step echoing with the unspoken fear and resolve that pushed her forward. When she arrived, the air around the cabin was thick, heavy with a tension she could feel humming in her very bones, a force that pulsed and throbbed like a heartbeat. She could feel you on the other side of the door, a presence more powerful than she had ever sensed.
The door was barricaded, as she had expected, but she raised her hand and knocked gently, the sound seeming almost insignificant against the thick silence of the night. She waited, heart pounding, straining to hear any response, but was met only with the quiet rustle of leaves and the occasional distant howl. Summoning her courage, she knocked again, louder this time, and after a long, charged silence, she heard it—the soft, hesitant sound of the lock being turned, of the door slowly opening.
You stood in the doorway, your golden eyes already glowing with an intensity that nearly took her breath away. Every inch of you was taut with tension, muscles flexed beneath the skin, your chest heaving with deep, ragged breaths as though you were barely containing the power thrumming inside. The air was thick, almost stifling with the electric charge of restrained ferocity. She could see the struggle etched into every line of your face, the battle raging beneath the surface as you fought to hold back the wildness that the full moon had awakened.
Hyeju took a slow step forward, eyes fixed on you, feeling the pull of something deeper than words—a call to stand by your side, come what may. She knew the danger, yet her resolve was unbreakable. In that charged silence, you both stood on the edge, caught between fear and desire, each heartbeat echoing like thunder, as if the forest itself was holding its breath.
“Hyeju,” you rasped, your voice raw and tangled with confusion. “What are you doing here? It’s not safe. You shouldn’t be—”
“I came to be with you,” she interrupted, stepping into the cabin, her gaze meeting yours with unwavering determination. “I know what’s happening. I’m not scared.”
You took a step back, running a hand through your hair in frustration, muscles twitching as though each movement was a battle to stay in control. “You really don’t understand,” you growled, voice thick with barely restrained fury. “I won’t be able to stop myself. The full moon, the heat... your scent is driving me insane. I can’t—”
But she cut you off with a steady look, her fingers reaching up to caress your bare chest. The gentle circles she traced sent shivers through you, her soft touch both comforting and excruciating. Her hands were confident, each touch pushing you further toward the edge. “Hyeju,” you growled, voice now heavy with desperation, “I can’t... You don’t know what you’re doing.”
But she did. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was choosing to trust you, to be with you in this wild, vulnerable moment, and she wouldn’t let fear keep her away.
You stared at her, chest rising and falling with each labored breath, muscles trembling with the strain of resisting the instincts clawing at you. “I don't want to hurt you” you whispered, voice hoarse, filled with the weight of the battle raging inside.
“It’s okay, baby” she whispered, stepping closer until her bare skin brushed against yours. “I want this. I want you to be yourself—no more holding back. Let your desires come through.”
The words hit you like a spark to dry wood, and your body trembled, the force of her gaze enough to break your last shreds of restraint. The transformation you had been fighting surged to the surface, muscles tensing and shifting, claws extending, your skin stretched tight as you struggled to hold back even a fraction of the wildness she was calling forth. Your eyes, now fully golden, locked onto hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.
“Hyeju… please,” you pleaded one last time, voice low, desperate. “You don’t want to see what happens.”
“I do,” she insisted, her voice steady despite the fierce energy radiating off you. “I trust you.”
Without breaking eye contact, Hyeju moved toward the bed, her movements slow, deliberate, each step filled with certainty. She began to undress, her eyes never leaving yours, her gaze filled with a quiet strength, inviting you to follow her, to trust her as she trusted you. You could see her body fully bared in front of you, vulnerable yet fearless, and the sight ignited something within you, a force you could no longer hold back.
Her clothes pooled on the floor, and in that moment, you surrendered completely to the instincts you had fought to keep buried.
On all fours, she slowly made her way onto the bed, crawling toward the headboard with a teasing, playful sway, each movement inviting and deliberate. Her bare cheeks moved with each shift, her skin glistening softly under the dim light. You watched, transfixed, your glowing yellow eyes taking in every detail, every inch of her body revealed to you, a sight that was almost too much to bear. Her arousal, prominent, was an irresistible draw, an open invitation that held you captive, stirring the wildness inside you as your last vestiges of control wavered.
Finally, reaching her destination at the headboard, she flipped onto her back, baring herself entirely to your gaze. Her eyes met yours, a steady, powerful look that contradicted her petite frame, and for a moment, despite the beast inside you, it was she who held the power. Her gaze, dark and full of lust, seemed to pierce through you, striking at the very core of your deepest, most carnal desires. Slowly, she spread her legs, releasing a sweet, intoxicating scent that fogged your mind, each breath pulling you deeper into a haze where human restraint faded and only the primal urges remained.
With slow, deliberate movements, she brought a hand down between her legs, her fingers brushing over her skin, and then, as if to taunt you further, she spread her folds open, her wetness shining under your gaze. Her eyes met yours again, confident and unwavering, drawing you in until it was as if nothing else existed in the world. You felt your humanity slipping, her scent clouding your mind, drowning every rational thought as your focus narrowed down to her alone. She was yours, yet every second of her teasing was pushing you closer to the edge, closer to the part of you you had tried so hard to keep at bay.
And then, something inside you snapped.
The transformation surged through you with a force that could no longer be resisted. You felt your body begin to change, your muscles tensing and expanding, bones shifting with an audible crack. A primal energy flooded your veins, erasing the last shreds of restraint. Hyeju’s confident gaze flickered as she watched, her breath catching as the reality of your transformation became undeniable. Your form grew, stretching until you towered over her, limbs thickening with muscle, hands morphing into powerful claws that extended toward the bed, grazing the sheets.
Her confidence wavered, her eyes widening as you loomed over her, now fully transformed. The human features she had come to love and trust were now overlaid with the raw, undeniable presence of the beast. Your face was wild, feral, golden eyes glowing with an intensity that pierced the dim room. Hyeju’s back pressed against the headboard as she took in the full expanse of your towering frame, a flicker of nervousness crossed her expression. Her heart pounded as she realized just how massive every part of you had become, how easily your form could overpower her.
As the last tendrils of the transformation wisped away from your body, the atmosphere in the small, dimly lit cabin thickened with an intense energy. Hyeju, who had stood witness to this spectacle, found her initial awe morphing into a gripping fear as she took in the full extent of your metamorphosis. Her eyes, previously alight with curiosity and anticipation, now widened with shock, tracing the daunting new size and form you had assumed.
Her reaction was palpable; her once firm stance of confidence, bolstered by the warmth of her affection and a dash of adventurous spirit, crumbled under the weight of your overwhelming presence. "W-wait... wait..." she stammered, her voice barely a whisper, trembling like a leaf in a storm. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, a frantic drumbeat that seemed to echo through the room, as she felt an icy chill spread through her, urging her to retreat.
Pressed against the ornate headboard of the bed, Hyeju made herself as small as possible, the plushness of the bed offering little comfort against the backdrop of her spiraling fear. Her breaths came in short, shallow gulps, each one a struggle as her mind grappled with the surreal reality before her. The sheets beneath her fingers turned into a lifeline, gripped so tightly that her knuckles drained of color, reflecting the starkness of her terror.
“I-I’m not sure… maybe… maybe I was wrong…” she murmured, her voice a tapestry of hesitation and self-doubt. The courage that had felt like a shield now seemed like a child's armor against a giant. Her body trembled, muscles tensing with the primal urge to flee, to escape this unforeseen turn of events.
The air was thick with tension until a low, guttural growl erupted from you, slicing through the silence like a blade. It was a sound that belonged to the beastly, the wild, and it jolted Hyeju from her paralyzing fear into a sharp, sudden alertness. Before she could process her next move, you moved with a fluid, predatory grace, your large hands seizing her thighs with a grip that was nearly crushing. The suddenness of your action elicited a gasp from her, her eyes stretching even wider, now not just with fear but with an intense mix of vulnerability and surprise.
Looming over her, your presence was an undeniable force, a raw power that left no room for resistance or escape. The heat from your body seemed to envelop her, the intensity of your gaze pinning her in place as effectively as your hands did her legs. Without another moment's delay, you thrust forward, the movement powerful and unyielding. A cry tore from Hyeju’s lips, sharp and echoing, a sound that was both a release and a plea, reverberating off the wooden walls of the cabin.
Hyeju's fingers clung to the fur of your shoulders, her nails digging in as she tried to steady herself against the overwhelming onslaught of sensations.
"No... no, wait!" she cried out, her voice wavering and thick with the strain of accommodating the sheer intensity of their lovemaking. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps, each one a desperate attempt to manage the overwhelming sensations that coursed through her.
Her body trembled, stretched beyond her limits as she struggled to accept the fullness that threatened to push her past her breaking point. Her muscles tensed, quivering with a mixture of anticipation and fear of the ecstasy that might consume her entirely. She felt every inch of him inside her, an overwhelming presence that seemed to redefine the boundaries of her own body.
Every thrust was a powerful, rhythmic surge that filled her so completely, so deeply, that she could barely process the onslaught of pleasure that threatened to shatter her mind. Each movement sent waves of sensation radiating from her core, making her toes curl and her back arch involuntarily. The room echoed with the sounds of their union — skin against fur, the muffled cries escaping her lips, and the low, guttural sounds from her partner, lost in their shared intensity.
Her fingers gripped your fur tightly, as if to anchor herself against the storm of feelings that threatened to sweep her away. Her mind, awash with endorphins, could only focus on the here and now, the relentless, intoxicating sensation of being filled and overwhelmed, pushing her closer to an edge where ecstasy and madness blurred into one.
Tears of intense pleasure and pain mingled at the corners of her eyes, her emotions as stretched as her physical form. In this moment, she was not just participating in an act of love, but was being redefined by it, her very essence quivering under the weight of such profound connection.
With each movement, Hyeju felt herself being pushed past her boundaries, past what she had thought herself capable of enduring. Yet, even as she felt herself nearing the edge, she could not deny the raw, visceral pleasure that coursed through her veins. It was as if every nerve ending in her body had been set alight.
Her breath came in ragged gasps, her chest heaving as you continued to drive deeper into her, pushing her beyond what she had thought possible. Her muscles clenched around you, her body's natural response to the overwhelming fullness, yet her resistance only seemed to fuel your intensity.
"I... I don't think I can..." she cried out, her voice a mixture of desperation and ecstasy, her words broken by another sharp gasp as you increased your pace. Each thrust was forceful, driving into her with an intensity that stole her breath away. Her fingers clutched at the sheets, knuckles whitening with the effort to maintain some semblance of control.
Your rhythm was relentless, pushing her towards an edge she wasn't sure she was ready to leap from. Her body quaked, not just from the physical exertion but from the overwhelming sensory overload. The room felt too small, the air too thick with the mixture of her perfume, your musk, and the heat of your bodies. Each movement sent a shockwave through her, her legs quivering, barely able to support the weight of your mutual desire.
Her mind teetered on the brink of sanity, the world narrowing down to the points where you were connected, where pleasure met pain in a dance as old as time. She felt every ridge, every pulse of you inside her, each sensation magnified by her heightened state. Her breath came in ragged sobs, tears of both release and overwhelming emotion flooding from her eyes.
But there was no stopping now. The primal force within you had taken complete control, each powerful motion fed by a desire so deep it felt inescapable. The beast within was in command, every muscle tense with the sheer force driving each thrust, each movement a testament to the ancient instinct that surged through your veins. Growls rumbled low and unrestrained from your throat, mingling with Hyeju’s gasps and whimpers, creating a discordant symphony of need and desperation. Your claws pressed against her skin, grazing lightly but enough to leave a faint mark, holding her steady as she writhed beneath you.
Her breath came in shallow, rapid bursts, each exhalation laced with soft pleas, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Please… I-I was wrong… it’s too much…” Her voice broke again, the words trailing off as the line between pleasure and pain blurred, each new wave of sensation pushing her further to the edge. 
Her scent, mingling with the fear and vulnerability, drove you further, igniting every primal instinct within as you gave in completely, the beast’s hunger fully unleashed. Hyeju’s whimpers filled the air, her body yielding even as her mind fought against the intensity, the boundary between her own resistance and surrender melting away as the night stretched on, her cries a helpless melody that fed the fire raging within you both.
Desperately, she tried to steady herself, palms pressing against your waist—not to stop you, but to brace herself, to somehow absorb the force of each powerful thrust that surged through her body. She knew, even as her body trembled beneath yours, that resisting you fully was impossible; you were in a state beyond reason, each motion primal, instinctual, and unstoppable.
Her hands found no purchase against your hips, her touch only seeming to stoke the fire in you, compelling you to drive even harder. Her voice, pleading and broken, filled the room, her cries reaching your ears but slipping past, your mind consumed by her presence, by the intoxicating scent of her that fueled the storm of instincts raging within you.
And then, just as the rhythm peaked, your head tipped back, and a howl tore from your throat, resonating through the cabin with a raw, wild force that sent a shiver down her spine. The sound was pure and primal, yet familiar, carrying within it an echo of something deeper—moments from before, the memories of who you were, of the tenderness that lived beneath your wild exterior.
In a flash, Hyeju saw you as you had been, in the quiet of so many nights spent wrapped in each other’s warmth. She remembered your laughter, the softness of your touch, the whispered secrets shared in the night. Even as she felt her body stretched and trembling beneath you, she realized that the man she loved was still there, deep within the beast, bound by love even in this fierce, unrestrained form.
As her body adjusted to the rhythm, her eyes rose to meet yours, locking onto the wild hunger there, golden and unbridled, yet somehow… familiar. In that gaze, she saw more than the beast—she saw the intensity of your need for her, a need so fierce it overwhelmed everything else. She could feel it, the love that transcended the primal instinct driving you; it was a force just as powerful, just as consuming. Her breath steadied as she held your gaze, feeling her own heartbeat slow and sync with yours as an undeniable truth dawned within her. She’d promised to love all of you, and now, in this moment, you were offering her every part of yourself, even the parts you had fought so hard to shield from her. This was you—all of you—and as she looked into the depths of your gaze, she felt her resolve deepen.
“This is him… this is all of him,” she whispered to herself, the words anchoring her in this reality, a reality where she wanted, needed, all of you. Her fear softened, melting away as her body began to accept you, her breath growing steady as she adapted to the fullness pressing into her.
The sharp discomfort ebbed into a new sensation, an electric pulse that coursed through her veins, intertwining pain with pleasure in a way that ignited something deep within her. Her hips lifted to meet yours, a tentative acceptance transforming into a fierce desire, her body yielding as she began to move with you, each thrust building a rhythm that brought her closer to you, closer to the unbridled passion she saw in your eyes.
“I’m yours, my love,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion and resolve, the words carrying a weight she knew you could feel. “I’m your mate.”
The words, quiet and simple, struck something within you. Her voice seemed to echo through the wild storm of your mind, her words bypassing the primal urge and reaching a place deeper, more vulnerable. Your body trembled, the hunger in your eyes intensifying, your movements becoming frantic, almost desperate. Growls tore from your throat, rough and uncontrolled, as the beast within you struggled against the sheer force of need pulling you toward her. Yet in that need was a softness, a desire to give her everything, to leave no part of yourself hidden.
And Hyeju, finally, was ready. She wanted all of it, wanted to be taken without reservation, her own need flaring up to meet yours. The initial pain dulled, replaced by a throbbing pleasure that grew with each powerful thrust, filling her completely in a way that left her gasping. She clung to you, her nails raking through your fur, holding you close as if to anchor herself in this wild storm. You were rough, your hands wrapping around her waist like a belt, lifting her small frame with each deep drive. Every thrust was strong, unrestrained, but she understood that this was your way of showing her how much you needed her, how much you had held back until now.
“I can take it… I can take you,” she moaned, her voice breathless and full of need, her body surrendering entirely as your rhythm took her to the edge, each thrust carrying her deeper into the whirlwind of ecstasy. And as her voice filled the space between you, you could feel her acceptance, her desire, her trust—trust in all of you, the man and the beast entwined. Her words fueled your movements, drawing out a depth of passion that you hadn’t known you were capable of, and together, in the rhythm that bound you, you found a unity, a shared surrender that transcended the boundaries of what you had been before.
Your growls deepened, your grip on her tightening as you pulled her closer, deeper. Your pace quickened, your breathing ragged as you neared the edge. Hyeju could feel it too—the tension in your body, the desperation in your movements. You were close.
As your thrusts became more frantic, Hyeju’s own pleasure surged. She arched her back, gasping your name as her body tightened around you, the overwhelming sensation pushing her closer and closer to the brink. She wasn’t just taking you anymore—she was lost in you.
“FUCK YES BABY, claim me, mark me, do everything to make me yours forever”
The air between you crackles with the intensity of the moment, charged with an almost visible energy that binds you both in its electrifying grip. Every breath, every inch of space, is alive with a current that flows from you to her and back again, an endless loop of energy and desire that leaves no room for doubt or hesitation. As your movements grow more intense, more purposeful, a primal need overtakes you—a raw, consuming force that drives you forward, until that last, powerful thrust carries both of you across an invisible threshold. It’s more than a joining; it’s an act that resonates on a level deeper than flesh, a physical and spiritual fusion that feels as though your very souls are entwined.
Hyeju’s body responds instinctively, her breath catching in her throat as she feels herself filled completely, claimed in a way that goes beyond the physical. She can feel you within her not only in her body but in her very core, touching a place so deep it feels like you’re etching yourself into her spirit. The sensation is overwhelming, washing over her like wave after wave, resonating in the hidden spaces of her heart and mind, reaching into the depths of who she is. The intensity of it leaves her breathless, suspended in a realm of sensation and connection where nothing else exists.
And then, in a moment of fierce, possessive tenderness, you lower your mouth to her neck, a primal growl rumbling from deep within your chest. As your teeth pierce the delicate skin, a sharp gasp escaped her lips, the sudden bite a bold, possessive claim that sends a fresh surge of feeling through her. The bite is both a brand and a promise, an ancient ritual of dominion and devotion. The sting of it is sharp, grounding her even as it electrifies her senses, drawing a fine line between pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy. She arches into you, her body a willing canvas as you mark her, the bite an indelible declaration that says without words: she is yours.
The pain of your teeth sinking into her skin serves as a fierce counterpoint to the pleasure that swells within her, a raw edge that makes every sensation more vivid. It anchors her even as it pushes her toward the brink, a grounding force in the swirling maelstrom of ecstasy that consumes her. The juxtaposition of agony and rapture only heightens her response, a perfect balance that holds her suspended on the razor’s edge of surrender.
As the bite reaches its peak, her cry breaks free, piercing through the night—a sound raw and unrestrained, the pure, unfiltered release of everything she has held back. “AAGH, FUCK YES!” The words spill from her, half a scream, half a prayer, as her body shakes with the force of her climax, her form bending under the weight of pleasure that borders on transcendence. She feels as though every nerve, every fiber of her being, is caught in a storm, shuddering with the aftershocks of an earthquake that has left nothing in its wake but pure, blissful devastation.
Your own release follows, a deep, animalistic rumble vibrating from your chest as the tension within you finally snaps. You let go completely, your body shaking as you fill her with warmth, the final, powerful surge of your passion consuming you both. And then, as the climax reaches its height, instinct takes over—a last, intense push as your knot swells, anchoring her to you with a bond as primal as it is undeniable. The sensation is overwhelming, binding her to you in a way that feels like destiny, like an unbreakable tether. Her body instinctively tightens around you, holding you close as her own pulse echoes yours, each beat surrendering to the feeling of being utterly claimed.
The growls fade to a low, satisfied hum as the last waves of release leave you both trembling, bodies still locked together, bound by the knot that signifies not just satisfaction but a profound connection. You pull her closer, breath ragged in her ear as you hold her, feeling the beast’s hunger finally satiated, fulfilled in a way that only she could offer.
Hyeju lies beneath you, her body still quivering from the aftermath, limbs slack with the kind of deep contentment that transcends words. She feels completely and utterly yours, marked not only by the bite on her neck but by the knot still connecting you both—a reminder of the bond you share, a connection that feels eternal and unbreakable. There’s a sense of peace that settles over both of you, a quiet understanding that whatever trials may come, this moment is yours, shared and sacred.
As the tremors begin to fade, you relax against her, the heat of your body melting into hers, your claws retracting as the last remnants of your hunger dissolve into a gentle calm. The weight of you grounds her, and she feels rooted, steady, even as her heart slows and her breathing deepens. For a few long moments, there’s no sound but the soft rhythm of your shared breaths, the quiet thrum of your heartbeats in sync. The warmth that wraps around both of you is more than physical; it’s a cocoon of shared passion, of trust and fulfillment, a sanctuary that nothing else can touch.
In that moment, Hyeju knows she belongs here, held by you, her world safe and still in your arms. The bite on her neck still stings, intensifying the sense of connection between you. She has been marked—claimed in the most primal, intimate way possible. And even though the night has been rough, more intense than she ever imagined, she can’t deny the rush of emotions flooding her: love, fulfillment, an almost surreal sense of completeness.
As you calm, the wild edge within you begins to fade, the beast giving way to something softer, gentler. Leaning close, you nuzzle her neck, pressing your warm nose against the tender bite mark and letting out a low, contented rumble. With each careful lick over the small wound, you soothe the sting, the earlier aggression melting away into affectionate tenderness. Your breaths slow as you relax against her, your knot still holding you both together, anchoring her in a way that feels as intimate as it does comforting. Hyeju can feel the lingering fullness, a reminder of the bond that ties you to her as you both come down from the intense high of the night.
Hyeju, still catching her breath and feeling the sweet ache left in her body, smiles softly, her gaze filled with warmth. Every part of her feels claimed, loved, and deeply cherished. The fullness you’ve left within her is more than just a physical sensation; it’s an unspoken promise, a silent reminder of your commitment and desire for her. Her arms wrap around your broad shoulders, fingers tracing lightly down your back, lingering over the places where her nails had scratched you in the heat of the moment. She can see faint marks in your fur where her touch had dug in, and the sight makes her heart skip. Each scratch, each mark is a reminder of the intense, passionate exchange you’ve shared, of how neither of you held anything back.
Now that control has returned to you, you let out a long, contented sigh and press your forehead gently to hers, a quiet moment of reconnection. A soft whimper escapes you, thick with regret, a noise so unlike the powerful growls from before. But Hyeju simply shakes her head, pressing a gentle hand to the back of your neck, her thumb tracing soothing circles. “It’s okay, baby,” she murmurs, her voice a gentle reassurance. Her fingers thread through your hair, grounding you. “It was intense, yes, but… I wanted all of you. This—us—it’s everything to me.”
Your golden eyes soften at her words, your heart filled with gratitude and love. For a moment, it’s just you—the person she’d always loved, her protector, her partner. You lean in, your tongue flicking softly over her cheek in a loving lick, a tender gesture that makes her laugh softly as she pulls you closer. You inhale her scent, now mingled with a hint of your own, a quiet acknowledgment of the bond you have solidified together. “I’m yours,” she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper as her fingers curl around your fur. “Always.”
Wrapped together beneath the soft glow of the full moon, the storm of primal intensity fades into a peaceful silence. For a long while, you remain tangled in each other’s warmth, still joined, breathing in sync, hearts beating close. Her fingers gently run through the thick fur of your back, scratching you lightly as she strokes the soft patches on your neck and chest, making your eyelids droop as you melt into her touch. You nuzzle her affectionately, licking her cheek again, her chin, her hand—anywhere you can reach as she coos softly, her voice lulling you further into contentment.
With a final, contented sigh, Hyeju snuggles into your chest, her arms wrapped around you as her fingers stroke your fur, calming you both with each gentle pass. And there, in the quiet embrace of morning, you both drift into a peaceful sleep, still bound by the knot that holds you together, entwined in each other’s warmth and presence, bound by love stronger than any force or instinct.
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shinez · 5 months ago
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blunemone · 9 months ago
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YVES' LOOP !!!! soty 🍏🍏
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bu99erfly · 5 months ago
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HYEJU TTYL, 240920
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cypresstheworld · 24 days ago
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five years with so what mv
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