#olio is a masterpiece
jamela-21 · 6 months
"Through the Lens of Flavor: Culinary Capture"
Vermosa, Daang Hari- On April 10, 2024, savoring every bite of this culinary masterpiece choices captured in Peri- Peri Charcoal Chicken & Sauce Bar. It was a blast.
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As someone who enjoys eating and we mainly order our favorite dish originally from Italy, Shrimp Aglio Olio Pasta, is one of the dishes that best captures the spirit of flavor and simplicity. This ageless masterpiece enthralls diners with its harmonized savory blend of succulent fish, aromatic garlic, spicy red pepper flakes, and golden olive oil. Explore the lovely world of Shrimp Aglio Olio Pasta and discover why food lovers' palettes and hearts continue to hold a particular place for it.
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Unlock a new variety of item to your palettes, grilled goodness of Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla Delight with Fresh Salad Medley. This delightful fusion of savory cheeses, tender chicken, and crisp greens that promises to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to a world of culinary bliss. As you take your first bite of the cheese quesadilla with chicken and salad, you'll be greeted by a symphony of flavors and textures on your palate. The crispy tortilla gives way to a molten river of cheese, mingling with tender bites of seasoned chicken and the crisp crunch of fresh greens. So go ahead, take a bite, and let your taste buds embark on a journey through the flavors of the Peri-Peri restaurant best sellers Bon appétit!
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Picture the mouthwatering aroma of smokey barbecue filling the air, along with the promise of a filling meal that pleases both the stomach and the soul. Now those smoked ribs paired with sweet corn, flavorful Spanish rice, and tart coleslaw—a culinary symphony that honors the finest aspects of comfort food cuisine. Get ready to experience barbecue ecstasy like never before when you light up the grill, assemble your loved ones, and go on a culinary adventure through layers of flavor and texture with every bite. Welcome to the realm of indulgence. Life is too short to eat anything less than exceptional, after all.
Theme: Food and Drink
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belles-place · 3 months
A Carb-tastic Journey: Exploring the Best Pasta Dishes Around the World
Pasta. It’s the universal comfort food, a blank canvas for endless culinary creativity, and the undisputed champion of deliciousness. From simple spaghetti and meatballs to elaborate creations featuring truffles and caviar, the world of pasta is a delicious adventure.
But with so many options, where do you even begin? Fear not, pasta lovers, because this blog post is your guide to the best pasta dishes around the globe. Get ready to drool, because this journey is filled with flavor and unforgettable experiences.
1. Carbonara: The Classic Italian Delight
Let's start with the undisputed king of pasta dishes: the Carbonara. This Roman classic is all about simplicity and perfection. Creamy, cheesy, and bursting with the savory goodness of pancetta and black pepper, it's a true culinary masterpiece. Don't be fooled by its simplicity; the magic lies in the perfect balance of flavors and textures.
2. Aglio e Olio: Simplicity at Its Finest
For those who prefer a lighter, yet equally satisfying pasta dish, look no further than Aglio e Olio. This simple yet exquisite dish features garlic, olive oil, and chili flakes, highlighting the true flavors of fresh pasta. It's a perfect example of how a few simple ingredients can create a symphony of taste.
3. Lasagna: A Layered Feast
Lasagna is a true pasta masterpiece. Layers of pasta, meat sauce, and creamy béchamel sauce create a symphony of flavors and textures. It’s a dish that demands attention and rewards you with every bite. While traditional lasagna is often associated with Italy, the world has embraced this dish with countless variations.
4. Ramen: The Soul Food of Japan
Don't forget our Asian pasta friends! Ramen is a quintessential Japanese comfort food, known for its rich, flavorful broth and perfectly cooked noodles. From the classic shoyu ramen to spicy miso ramen, there's a flavor profile for everyone.
5. Pad Thai: A Thai Street Food Staple
Pad Thai is a Thai street food icon. This dish is a delicious mix of stir-fried rice noodles, shrimp, tofu, and a tangy tamarind sauce. It's a perfect example of how pasta can be adapted to various cuisines and still shine.
Beyond the Classics:
These are just a few examples of the endless possibilities of pasta. From the hearty Italian gnocchi to the flavorful Japanese udon, each region and culture has its own unique pasta dishes waiting to be discovered. So, grab your fork, get ready to explore, and get ready to fall in love with pasta all over again.
What are your favorite pasta dishes? Share them in the comments.
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Olio d'oliva, premio il Magnifico a azienda della Sardegna
Arriva dalla Sardegna il miglior olio d’Europa secondo la giuria del premio ‘Il Magnifico’. La cerimonia della 12/a edizione si è svolta oggi a Firenze e ha visto trionfare l’Alphabetum dell’azienda Masoni Becciu di Villacidro.     Tra gli altri premiati, si aggiudica il ‘Masterpiece -Piccolo Capolavoro’, per il miglior campione presentato che non raggiunge i 1000 litri di produzione, l’olio…
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culinarygenes · 9 months
🍝✨ Embrace the Simplicity of Italian Flavors with 'Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino' - Gluten-Free Style! 🇮🇹
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In the heart of Neapolitan cuisine, 'Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino' reigns supreme, and it's one of our all-time favorites! 🍝❤️ Pasta, the ultimate love language in our family, is adored by everyone. While we don't indulge every day, when we do, it's a celebration of fresh, homemade pasta infused with the flavors of sun-ripened tomatoes or garden-fresh vegetables and herbs straight from our own patch of paradise.
'Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino' is a quintessential summer delight in Italy, but let's be honest – it's perfection any day, any time! This simple, delectable dish requires just a handful of readily available ingredients: garlic, extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of fresh chili pepper, and parsley. It's the epitome of a quick and satisfying meal for those moments when time is of the essence.
The key to perfection? Cook your pasta al dente and use the finest quality extra virgin olive oil you can find. Some choose to sprinkle breadcrumbs or Parmigiano cheese, but in our book, it's a masterpiece as is! Oh, and did we mention that pasta should always be al dente? It's a mantra worth repeating. To make this dish gluten-free, just swap in your favorite gluten-free spaghetti.
Peace, love, and pasta for everyone! 🌿🍷
📚 Recipe Link HERE - Share this post with friends, and let us know your thoughts!
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
#Pesto Masterpiece of Liguria, dopo il Tamigi tocca al Sestriere
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#Pesto Masterpiece of Liguria, dopo il Tamigi tocca al Sestriere. Dopo il grande successo di Londra e dopo aver fatto il suo esordio a Marassi nel derby ligure tra Sampdoria e Spezia, il pesto, simbolo per eccellenza della gastronomia ligure, è pronto a mettersi gli sci. Il mega mortaio di 8 metri per 6, che ha già navigato sul Tamigi nella prima tappa della campagna di promozione del territorio #Pesto Masterpiece of Liguria farà tappa a Sestriere, il 26, 27 e 28 gennaio, quando sarà il grande protagonista della località montana piemontese, in un periodo di grande affluenza turistica grazie anche all'importante offerta turistica della Vialattea. «Dopo aver puntato sul turismo internazionale – spiega il presidente della Regione Liguria Giovanni Toti – con la navigazione del mortaio gigante sul Tamigi, la prossima campagna di promozione del territorio mira a consolidare un rapporto storico, quello tra Liguria e Piemonte, regioni da sempre legate da un interscambio importate in questo settore. Con 2 milioni e 500 mila presenze registrate da gennaio a settembre, i turisti provenienti dal Piemonte sono infatti i secondi visitatori abituali per la nostra regione, poco dietro la Lombardia con 2 milioni e 900 mila presenze. È per questo che #Pesto Masterpiece of Liguria mira e incentivare ancora di più un turismo di prossimità storico e radicato. Le nostre campagne di promozione quindi non si fermano e vogliono continuare a puntare sulle eccellenze del territorio anche con la valorizzazione del prodotto enogastronomico». «Piemonte e Liguria hanno da sempre rapporti consolidati - spiega l'assessore al Turismo Augusto Sartori - dalla Via del Sale alle tante contaminazioni gastronomiche, basti pensare al piatto iconico della cucina piemontese, la bagna cauda che è poi olio e acciughe liguri utilizzate per dare gusti unici alle splendide verdure piemontesi. In Piemonte vi sono le montagne più amate dai liguri e le nostre sono le spiagge che i piemontesi frequentano più abitualmente. Per questo nel 2019 le due Regioni hanno firmato un protocollo d'intesa per possibili promozioni turistiche congiunte». «Siamo felici che Regione Liguria abbia scelto Sestriere – conclude Gianni Poncet, sindaco del comune più alto d'Italia a 2.035 metri d'altitudine sul livello del mare - per la promozione, sulla neve, di un territorio di mare, unico e incantevole. Questo alla luce di una consolidata collaborazione che, da tempo, vede attivo il Comune di Sestriere e altre realtà turistiche liguri in sintonia con il protocollo d'intesa siglato recentemente tra Regione Piemonte e Regione Liguria. Siamo altrettanto entusiasti di poter promuovere in Liguria, la prossima estate, quella che sarà l'offerta turistica di Sestriere e delle nostre montagne olimpiche nella stagione invernale 2024/2025 attraverso una serie di iniziative che saranno concordate insieme».... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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oliopiro · 1 year
Olio Piro: Igniting the Essence of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
In the world of culinary delights, few ingredients hold the allure and depth of flavor that extra virgin olive oil brings to the table. Among the many brands that have embraced this liquid gold,
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Olio Piro stands out as a beacon of excellence, igniting a passionate journey through the essence of extra virgin olive oil. In this article, we will explore how Olio Piro has mastered the art of crafting olive oil that not only tantalizes taste buds but also adds a touch of elegance to every dish.
Unveiling the Elixir
At the heart of Olio Piro's success lies its commitment to quality. The journey begins in the lush olive groves where the finest olives are meticulously handpicked at the peak of their ripeness.
This careful selection process ensures that only the best fruit makes its way into Olio Piro's production. By choosing this path, Olio Piro guarantees that each bottle contains a true representation of the olives' natural essence.
Craftsmanship in Every Drop
Olio Piro prides itself on its artisanal approach to olive oil production. The olives are cold-pressed using traditional methods, preserving not only the flavors but also the beneficial compounds that make extra virgin olive oil a staple of healthy diets. The result is a robust, full-bodied oil that carries the distinct aroma of fresh olives and a hint of the Mediterranean sun.
A Symphony of Flavor
What sets Olio Piro apart is its ability to create a symphony of flavors in every drop. With a well-balanced profile that combines fruity undertones, a delicate bitterness, and a peppery finish,
Olio Piro extra virgin olive oil transforms ordinary dishes into culinary masterpieces. Whether drizzled over salads, used as a dipping sauce for crusty bread, or incorporated into intricate recipes, the versatility of Olio Piro olive oil is undeniable.
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Elevating Culinary Experiences
Olio Piro believes that the true essence of extra virgin olive oil lies not only in its taste but also in the experiences it creates. With a vision to elevate the culinary journey of enthusiasts and professionals alike, Olio Piro offers a range of olive oil varieties, each telling a unique story through its nuanced flavors. From the mild and smooth to the robust and intense, there's an Olio Piro olive oil for every palate and every dish.
Olio Piro has successfully captured the essence of extra virgin olive oil, transforming it from a mere ingredient to an experience that engages all the senses. Through a commitment to quality, traditional craftsmanship, and a passion for flavor,
Olio Piro has ignited a spark in the world of culinary excellence. So, the next time you reach for that bottle of extra virgin olive oil, consider the journey it has embarked upon - a journey that Olio Piro continues to embark upon with every harvest, every press, and every drop of liquid gold.
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rosadela190 · 1 year
Top 10 Uses For Truffle Salt
Truffle salt, the sublime combination of earthy truffles and savory salt, is a culinary delight that has taken the gourmet world by storm. Renowned chef De la Rosa has been exploring the culinary potential of truffle salt, and in this article, we'll unveil her top 10 creative uses for this luxurious ingredient. From enhancing classic dishes to adding a touch of elegance to your everyday meals, truffle salt is sure to elevate your culinary experience.
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Truffle Salt on Popcorn
What better way to elevate a movie night at home than by sprinkling a pinch of truffle salt over freshly popped popcorn? The earthy aroma of truffles complements the buttery popcorn, turning a simple snack into a sophisticated treat that will leave your taste buds craving more.
Truffle Salt on Eggs
Give your breakfast a gourmet makeover by incorporating truffle salt into your eggs. Whether you prefer scrambled, fried, or poached, a sprinkle of truffle salt will infuse your eggs with a unique and delightful flavor profile.
Truffle Salt on Fries
French fries become a luxurious indulgence when paired with truffle salt. Prepare your fries as usual, and just before serving, sprinkle a generous amount of truffle salt over them. The result is an exquisite fusion of the familiar comfort food with the tantalizing taste of truffles.
Truffle Salt on Pasta
Take your pasta dishes to the next level by seasoning them with truffle salt. Whether it's a creamy fettuccine Alfredo, a simple aglio e olio, or a delicate truffle linguine, the addition of truffle salt will enhance the dish with its enchanting aroma and flavor.
Truffle Salt on Grilled Vegetables
Turn your regular grilled vegetables into a gourmet masterpiece by lightly drizzling them with olive oil and then sprinkling truffle salt. The intense umami taste of truffles will elevate the natural flavors of the vegetables, making it an unforgettable side dish.
Truffle Salt on Steak
For all the meat lovers out there, truffle salt is the perfect accompaniment to a succulent steak. Just before serving, liberally sprinkle truffle salt over the seared meat, allowing the luxurious flavors to infuse into every bite.
Truffle Salt on Seafood
From grilled shrimp to seared scallops, truffle salt complements various seafood dishes. The marriage of the sea's finest with the earthiness of truffles creates a harmonious symphony of flavors on your plate.
Truffle Salt on Roasted Nuts
Prepare a delightful appetizer or a sophisticated snack by roasting nuts with a touch of truffle salt. The irresistible aroma will fill the room, and the combination of crunchy nuts and truffle salt will leave your guests impressed.
Truffle Salt on Avocado Toast
Elevate your avocado toast game by sprinkling a pinch of truffle salt over the creamy avocado. This elegant twist on a popular breakfast favorite will instantly make your mornings feel luxurious.
Truffle Salt on Risotto
A creamy and comforting risotto becomes a gourmet delight when seasoned with truffle salt. The creamy texture of the rice combined with the earthy truffle flavor creates a dish that is both rich and sophisticated.
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De la Rosa's top 10 uses for truffle salt have demonstrated the versatility of this exquisite ingredient. From popcorn to risotto, truffle salt has the power to transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. Whether you're hosting a dinner party, preparing a romantic meal, or simply looking to elevate your everyday cooking, incorporating truffle salt into your recipes is sure to impress and satisfy even the most discerning palates. So, go ahead and indulge in the tantalizing world of truffles with De la Rosa's innovative and mouthwatering uses for truffle salt.
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italianartgallery · 1 year
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Famous Paintings Reproductions in Italy
Arte Line di Sciortino Domenico presents exquisite reproductions of famous paintings in Italy, bringing the timeless beauty of renowned masterpieces to art enthusiasts and collectors. With meticulous attention to detail and a passion for artistic excellence, they have earned a reputation for delivering exceptional craftsmanship.
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awesomecaptainfan · 2 years
Captain Shrimp BBQ Grill Holiday Season & Lunar New Year Menu 2023
A special occasion like holiday for extraordinary food. Whether your gathering is big or small, casual or formal, here’s the spread you need to create a crowd-pleasing holiday feast. The chefs at Captain Shrimp Petaling Jaya responding to present day demands with new approaches and new products and consumer's increasing reliance on the caterer for the nutritional balance of menu intake, hence new menu added such as below :
Classic with a twist is certainly a theme here where the humble slider is given an extra makeover. Sink your teeth into the new Ultimate Slider Series (mini burger) with varieties of Beef Bacon, Dual Cheese, Crispy Fish & Chicken Ham. Red Cheddar, Dill Pickles, Mustard, greens, secret sauce and onion rings sneak into the mini burger to provide meaty mouthfuls and the whole dish is served in 10 nos.
Cheesy Mashed Potatoes
Many cultures around the world eat mashed potatoes for Christmas. It involves the same process of boiling and mixing them together with milk, butter, and herbs.  Shredded Beef bacon.diced chicken  added for extra kick
Classic Roast beef
Rubbed with a savoury mixture of garlic, lemon zest, and herbs & slow-roasted to perfection.
Spicy Shrimp Corn Salsa
awesomely simple, light, and refreshing salsa topped with fresh shrimp and corn
Braised Lamb Shank
Tender lamb slowly simmered with fresh rosemary, garlic , tomatoes, this masterpiece is perfection to light up the holiday dining for 5 – 6 people. includes: 2 leg of lamb
(Approx. 1kg), mashed potatoes, Black Pepper Sauce,Mint Sauce
Charcoal Grilled Chicken Breast
The rub that's on there along with the smoke infused from the charcoal make this a great tasting dish. Salt and pepper add the basic savuory and slightly spicy element. Paprika provides a red hue and smokiness if using the smoked variety. Cumin is nutty, earthy, and bitter, while coriander adds a lemony, sweet, floral note. Garlic powder and onion powder add a roasted allium taste instead of raw and intense.
Fried Mozzarella  
You just can’t beat the gooey, stringy, fatter version and utterly yummy taste sensation that you get with this addictive dish
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Essential BBQ side dish with that buttery, smoky, is a magnificent combination of flavors. Perfecto!
Oven Baked Potato Skins
Absolute favourite appetizer! These easy baked potato skins are deliciously crispy with a garlic buttered exterior and then fully loaded with beef bacon, cheese and green onions
Smoky BBQ beef ball
combines ground beef and Italian sausage to create delicious meatballs with a sweet and smoky barbecue twist.
Beef Bacon Aglio Olio
Unique pasta sauce made from garlic and oil and with fat left from cooking bacon slices
a baked burrito with fillings such as black beans, corn kernel, red sauce, greens and red cheddar
Apple Coleslaw
This tasty and refreshing apple coleslaw  has the perfect balance of crunch, sweetness, and tang. Red and white cabbage, carrot, granny smith apple, mayo, vinegar made this a great dish to serve at a summer meal alongside your favourite entrees!
Typically consists of a combination of meats, vegetables, cheese, corn tortilla and enchiladas sauce
Nachos with Salsa & Queso dip
Nachos with salsa is a quick snack made using nachos chips. Served with uncooked salsa and creamy cheese sauce.
Beef Bacon, Corn & Peas Salad
These ingredients added with lettuce and tomatoes, the flavors are terrific and the ingredients and ratios are very flexible
Strawberry-Chocolate Bread Pudding
This pudding benefits from an extra-special touch from melted chocolate & strawberry sauce poured over the top after the baking process. The end result is creamy, gooey, and oh-so irresistible.
Captain Shrimp Chinese New Year Feast Of Abundance menu this year comes in a set with Tex-mex twists and East meets West combo (8pax and 12pax servings), one will definitely be spoilt for choice. The festive takeaways/delivery, also on the other hand, come with indulgent seafood and meats that are bound to keep you stuffed even after a night of revelry at home. Expect Captain Shrimp iconic dishes like the Butter Cereal Prawn, Grilled Otak-Otak, Orange Boneless Chicken, Tuna Quesadilla, Famous BBQ Wings, Mushroom fungus pasta, Strawberry Chocolate Bread Pudding. Sets available from 16th January 2023 to 27th January 2023.
We're sure you're as excited as us to get together with your loved ones ! So whether it is the office/home party or getting the family together before an event for MIni Catering (drop-off buffets concept) that include all food as well as brown paper plates, black cutleries and aluminium foil disposable with delivery charges promotion available all time. There really is something for everyone at Captain Shrimp Petaling Jaya daily. Do WhatsApp us and we'll help you with your reservation here http://watsap.my/60162505891
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Idioglossia ❤️
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By Tyehimba Jess in Olio. They’re syncopated sonnets.
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caffeinamente · 3 years
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Narciso, Caravaggio, 1599, colore ad olio
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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preghiamo per noi, Carlo Capone
pittura ad olio su carta d'epoca , misura 23,5x23,5 anno 2017 #art #artist #artoftheday #artsy #beautiful #creative #draw #drawing #gallery #graphic #graphics #illustration #instaart #instaartist #instagood #masterpiece #painting #paper #pen #pencil #photography #photooftheday #picture #sketch #sketchbook
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🌹Il Cristo, olio su rame, 10x13,2015🌹 #art #illustration #drawing #draw #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart #beautiful #instagood #gallery #masterpiece #creative #photooftheday #instaartist #graphic #graphics #artofthedayi (presso Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2tP2InIl59/?igshid=16vujl4htb14l
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culinarygenes · 11 months
🍝✨ Culinary Genes Recipe Challenge Alert! 🌟
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Calling all food enthusiasts! 📣 Dive into the heart of gluten-free Italian cooking with our Recipe Challenge. 🇮🇹💖
Here's the scoop: 1️⃣ Visit our website's recipe section. 2️⃣ Choose a tempting gluten-free Italian recipe (options include Rice and Cabbage, Cannellini Bean Meatballs, and Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino). 3️⃣ Whip up the magic in your kitchen. 4️⃣ Share your culinary masterpiece with us — pictures and feedback!
Ready to spread the love for gluten-free Italian delights? 🎉 Click the link here to get started! Don't forget to share this post with your friends and let us know your thoughts. 🗣️🍝
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pierpaolomiccolis · 5 years
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Prayer, 2019. Olio su carta, 39,5x49cm. #conceptualart #contemporaryart #art #contemporarypainting #oilpainter #dead #darkartists #illustration #drawing #draw #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #potrait #prayer #artsy #instaart #beautiful #instagood #gallery #masterpiece #creative #photooftheday #instaartist #spiritis #saint #artoftheday #pierpaolomiccolisartista (presso Alberobello) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZswm9ocNQ/?igshid=t0pjzluy3et9
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francescodelcuore · 3 years
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Dimensione:30x20 Tecnica: pastello ad olio su carta Anno:2022 #pencildrawing #sketchart #sketchboock #coloredpencil #doodle_art #i̇nstaart #sketchingartist #drawingsart #oilpainting #pen #paintinginprogress #artofthedays #instaartist_#instaartsy #paper #arte #creativearts #illustratorsofinstagram #instadrawn #graphicartist #gallert #arts_gallery #dibujos#masterpieces #watercolorart#inkartist#artistica#fanartist #pencilsketches#pencildrawingsketch (presso Palermo, Scicily) https://www.instagram.com/delcuore_artist/p/CY9D3bLo51r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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