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nightsofvangogh · 8 months ago
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salute-green · 9 months ago
Oleoliti: un toccasana naturale per la bellezza e la salute - cosa sono, benefici e proprietà
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crepacuore · 10 months ago
Ultimamente la mia maestra di vita è la statuetta della "rana che chilla" nel campo del vicino.
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Siccome l'impennata delle cose da fare, gli stralunamenti e le preoccupazioni causati da questo clima assurdo e scorie di insofferenze e ansie da svariati motivi tendono a farmi perdere la centratura con facilità estrema, la routine mattutina inizia andando a render grazia alla rana che chilla, per ricordarmi che la calma fa vivere meglio.
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Se poi sento ancora pressione, nei giorni in cui mi tocca lavorare al PC, rispetto alle troppe cose pendenti, o a ritardi di esecuzione per 'sti libri, articoli o social altrui, allora, con intenzione, allungo il giro fino all'orto per una ronda a levar lumache.
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Effetti collaterali: infiammazione a ginocchia e lombi per scorretta posizione accovacciata troppo protratta.
Rimedi: oleolita di Bellis perennis in olio di riso (sera), oleolita di alloro in olio di riso+o.e. rosmarino (mattino); tisana antiinfiammatoria al tanaceto, betonica, timo e alloro (bere a bicchierini lontano dai pasti nell'arco della giornata); stretching.
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senruthmartinsbob · 11 months ago
Ya ya welcoming you to the album… on track 20 OLE
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losjavis · 1 year ago
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feliz cumple a la java moderna, alocada y talentosísima❤️‍🩹❤️❤️‍🩹❤️
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radiotusciaevents · 2 years ago
Gli oleoliti, una preziosa risorsa naturale
Per realizzare gli oleoliti con piante fresche o essiccate, è necessario seguire alcuni passaggi e considerare i tempi e i metodi di preparazione. Gli oleoliti sono estratti oleosi ottenuti dalla macerazione di piante aromatiche o officinali in un olio vegetale. L’olio vegetale di buona qualità, agisce come solvente per estrarre i principi attivi delle piante, creando un prodotto ricco di…
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two-white-butterflies · 2 years ago
invisible string | m33 | part two
Description: You face a career-ending injury, that forces you to give up your childhood dream. 7 years later, you return to the paddocks as a guest - and as the Team Principal of Prema Racing. What happens when feelings are too difficult to hide?
Pairing: max verstappen/racer!reader
part one | part three
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"L/N is such an overrated driver, she had one of the most successful engines - anyone could've piloted that thing." Christian chuckled while pouring his guests another round of wine. Max absentmindedly laughed at the joke - he didn't really hear the joke but he figured that it must've been hilarious for all the people around the table to laugh.
Kimi Raikkonen's eyes narrowed - searching the boat for drivers who didn't agree with Horner's statement. "It takes a hundred female pilots to be one man." Horner shrugged and the table erupted into another chorus of laughed. This time, Max wasn't laughing.
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itsmee_yn: If suddenly you forget me, do not look for me - for I shall have already forgotten about you. (Pablo Neruda)
912 comments 321,238 likes
oleole: this is totally about max's new interview 😭 - whispersme9: WHERE? - oleole: the one w/ daniel in the redbull yt
ynworld: Some people deserve to be in the past, mother. - itsmee_yn: totally !
selenagomez: ❤️
nicorosberg: Let's talk about it over coffee? - itsmee_yn: you only talk to me when there's tea :(( - - nicorosberg: You know me so well haha
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maxverstappen1: What's going on?
192 comments 126,283 likes
ynandmaxuniverse: the hoes are fighting 😭
danielricciardo: I DID NOT START THIS. 🤲🏼 itsmee_yn liked this comment.
formulaonegirlie: ya'll imma need a full article on what the fuck is happening 😢 ALSO QUOTING TAYLOR SWIFT? WHEN SHE'S Y/N'S FAVORITE ARTIST AND FRIEND.
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itsmee_yn: Had so much fun with this family ❤️ I'm legally changing my last name to Raikkonen.
912 comments 238,212 likes
kimimatiasraikkonen: 👍🏻 - itsmee_yn: that means so much to me king 👑
nicorosberg: and you didn't invite me? - itsmee_yn: WHO R U? - - nicorosberg: You're new best-friend since the last one got evicted. 🤯 - - - itsmee_yn: NAH
sebastianvettel: Let's catch up soon! - itsmee_yn: u r automatically invited to my house sir
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nicorosberg's story
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caption: sometimes i wonder if she really hates the man, or if she really hates how she loves him. 🤦🏼‍♂️
itsmee_yn: UR A 37 YEAR OLD BULLY 💀 itsmee_yn: U SHOULD LITERALLY GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA nicorosberg: Why is your message blank? itsmee_yn: I'M TELLING KIMI THAT YOU'RE PUBLICALLY BULLYING HIS 1ST BORN DAUGHTER nicorosberg: publicly* itsmee_yn: GRAMMAR POLICE
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itsmee_yn: 3 days before the Hungarian GP ✨
394 comments 458,238 likes
danielricciardo: You coming? - itsmee_yn: I have free tickets 😍
landonorris: OMG QUEEN WE HAVE TO MEET UP - itsmee_yn: ❤️
maxandynlover: Is the war over? CUZ... 😁
maxverstappen1: looking forward to it 😱
sabrinacarpenter: I was rooting for you sis 🙁 - ynprivateaccount: He has me weak on my knees 😭 - - sabrinaprivateaccount: old habits die hard 😢
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"So, are you going to explain?" you placed both of your hands on your hips, staring at him with a glare that told him he wasn't going home scot free. "I talked to Kimi," he mumbled sheepishly. "I know that this isn't an explaination, but I want you to understand that I never meant to disrespect you in that way." he explained.
"Kimi told me what Christian said about you, and it wasn't funny. I shouldn't have laughed, I'm sorry." he apologized, taking another step closer to wrap you in an embrace - but you step away. All your life, you've been told that a woman didn't have room in Formula One - and to hear your best friend laugh at those jokes? It was worse than losing your career.
"Am I supposed to believe you?" you frowned, unable to comprehend that he was telling the truth. "You don't have to - but I'm sorry." he breathed with sincerity in his tone. You wanted to believe him, but you needed more convincing.
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danielricciardo's story
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caption: who u talking to? @itsmee_yn
replies itsmee_yn: secret no clue danielricciardo: 🤣
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 @eternalharry @milaeth @msliz @lifesuckslife @ellamae021 @1-800-simpingcowbaby @trashcanrat @ccallistata @shouq @fdl305 @iloveyou3000morgan @georgeparisole @allenajade-ite @eternalharry @messwithtess21 @benbarneslut @withyoutilltheendofthismess @omgsuperstarg @stillbreathin @mishaandthebrits @lemonsinpanic @styles-sunflower @cassiesworldsworld @1655-1485 @hachrinnen @luanasrta @fdl305 @reidsworld @sarahedwards16 @peargasleeeee @imsorare @sinofwriting
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devils-queen · 2 years ago
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Olex Oleole’s Bizarre, Victorian-Inspired Illustrations
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oleoleart · 7 months ago
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Check out our Violet Parr NSFW Hardcore pack! #violetparr #pixar #nsfw #fanart #rule34
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infoerba · 1 month ago
Crisos 98% OFFICINALIS è un esclusivo gel superattivo naturale con il 98% di estratti freschi naturali, particolarmente indicato in caso di pelle alterata, arrossata. Una emulsione che dona sollievo immediato con una immediata sensazione di freschezza, allevia il prurito.
Un prodotto eccellente in caso di arrossamenti, irritazioni della pelle, eritemi, scottature, dermatiti e psoriasi. Una composizione senza acqua aggiunta: il 40% è costituito da estratto super attivo a saturazione di fiori freschi di Elicriso biologico, il 20% da gel di Fico d’India fresco, un altro 20% da gel d’Aloe vera fresco. Il restante 20% da oleoliti di Elicriso, Calendula e Iperico biologici, oli essenziali di Menta e Lavanda biologici.
L’Aloe arborescens e il Fico d’India utilizzati per la formulazione del prodotto sono ricavate da piante che crescono spontanee nella incontaminata Cala Pira, spiaggia tra le più affascinanti del Sud Sardegna.
Crisos 98% OFFICINALIS è un’emulsionante naturale, delicato e facile da assorbire. Grazie alla nostra tecnologia innovativa, combiniamo gel freschi di fico d’India ed Aloe, con oleoliti ed estratto di elicriso. Creando un’emulsione completamente naturale simile ad una crema, per un’applicazione efficace e delicata.
https://www.erboristeriarcobaleno.it/prodotto/crisos-98-officinalis/ #pelle #gel #crisos #arrossamenti #erboristeria_arcobaleno_schio
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whatapix · 1 year ago
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Olex Oleole
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emptykhr · 1 year ago
karamaru me to me 👀
sorekara sono sen imetore 🥰
hazuseba bad end😱
kobizu ni ikioimakase🌬
Ne better get busy😶‍🌫️
No, not today really😼
Wait, why, oh, why, oh💢
oleole oh😩😫
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res--publica · 7 years ago
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Petitet és un ex-músic gitano, fill d’un dels palmeros del mític Peret, i afectat d’una malaltia rara, la miastènia gravis, que va prometre a la seva mare moribunda que un dia portaria la rumba catalana a l’escenari d’un gran teatre de Barcelona, i que ara, per poder complir la promesa, haurà de reunir una vintena de músics gitanos i aconseguir el miracle que s’entenguin amb una orquestra simfònica!
PETITET és la crònica d’una carrera d’obstacles, a vegades dura i sovint divertida, sobre al lluita desigual d’un somiador contra totes les circumstàncies. La crònica de més d’un any d’aventures i desventures que hauria de culminar el dia que en Petitet acompleixi la seva promesa en el Gran Teatre del Liceu.
- Balmes Multicines
- Cinemes Girona
- Teatre de Sarrià
- Casa Elizalde
- CC Fort Pienc
- Tarambana
- Cines Truffaut
- Cines JCA Alpicat
- Teatre Principal
- Biblioteca pública
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jupiterovprsten · 2 years ago
Pusti ponovo Gypsy-je, za moju dušu
-Đorđe Balašević
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girlwikipedia · 3 years ago
i hate being a stereotype but oleole makes up 98% of my vocabulary
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radiotusciaevents · 2 years ago
Unguenti e balsami con gli oleoliti
Realizzare unguenti e balsami con gli oleoliti preparati in casa può essere un’ottima idea per sfruttare le proprietà benefiche delle piante. Ecco come preparare un unguento con oleolito di calendula e cera d’api, e una pomata con oleolito di iperico: Unguento con oleolito di calendula e cera d’api: Ingredienti: Oleolito di calendula: puoi prepararlo lasciando macerare i fiori di calendula…
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