#oleander umbral
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crowskullart · 8 months ago
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See You Again - Four Page Comic
Rest of the pages are gonna be under this read more due to blood and injury. So warning for those things!
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Oleander manages to convince Foxglove to pause battle in hopes to negotiate a truce. Fox is convinced, how could he not be by his younger brother?
Unfortunately, their father isn't swayed. And Foxglove pays the price for that....
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keeper-of-the-lilacs · 6 years ago
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Selection: “I will not let you down.”
Job: Scholar (DPS Support Variant)
Weapons: Lance, with Oleander the fairy as healing support.
AI Behavior:  Having never quite given up her training as a knight for Ishgard, Hyacinth chooses to support the attacks of her fellow party members with lance and ice magic, while her fairy companion Oleander heals by her side. She can slow enemy attacks and movement with her ice-based magic, and use the equivalent of umbral ice attacks from a BLM while her physical attacks are a lancer’s rotation. All her LBs, however, are healer LB’s and Ollie himself conjures Scholar attacks and healing.
Battle Lines:
“An error on your part.” Starting Attack Line
”Ollie, help them!” Using Fey Blessing/Aetherpact
“Protect!” Using Sacred Soil
“The fighting is never over....” / “I’m with you.” Enemies joining the battle.
“Is everyone okay?” End of combat.
Limit Break:
“There’s still more to do, keep going!” LB1
“This isn’t our final stand.” LB2
“The sacrifices made by our friends will not be forgotten!” / ”If you think this will break us, you are wrong.” LB3
“I’m proud of you...Ollie.”
“I’m sorry, I...failed you...”
“Iris...are you there?”
“Oh, I...thank you.”
“What about the others?”
Tagged by: No one, but I saw @dynamitecowboy’s and I really wanted to do it, even if it took me learning how clip studio works. Tagging: Everyone should do this! @crystalblut @sparrow-ffxiv @grumpyshipdoc @gaillaffxiv @ahlis-xiv @thegildedgun​ @thorstyr​ @thorn-and-antler​ @korpokkur-sproutling​ @myymsie​ @fredrickdavis​ @idanwyn​ @infiniteleftdoesffxiv​ @khaliasama​ @saahsffxiv​ E V E R Y OOONE
Thank you @spotofmummery for the template! :D It is GREATLY appreciated!
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akukurono · 5 years ago
About [BNHA Adult Villain Verse]
First name: Murai
Last name: Kurono
Preferred name: Aku
Villain Alias: Spectre
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: demipansexual
Species: Human
Hair color: jet black and always moving like fire.
Hair length: long and tied.
Height:  6'4".
Age: 30
Loves: Plants in general, sweet foods, his privacy, and the few friends he can make
Hates: Being bossed around, nasty strong smells and bitter tasting things. having his privacy invaded without his consent. Very bright lights.
Personality Traits: calm and pensive. a little grumpy and jaded.
Physical Traits: Skin is dark purple. long horns. pointed ears. sharp teeth and forked tongue.
Quirk: Umbral phasing. His quirk is that he can hide into shadows and then pop out of any shadow in the near vicinity. He can choose to remain mainly hidden and just take out a hand or limb from the shadow of his choice. Walls and such doesn’t stop him from using the shadows past them. As long as he is close to them. Since nighttime is when you’re in the Earth’s shadow, that is when he is at his strongest and his range is at its widest. Midday or in a very brightly lit room is when he is the weakest.
Strengths: Nighttime, anywhere dark or under a veil of darkness. stealth and sniping.
Weaknesses: Daytime, ‘especially midday. strong smells and bright lights
Suffers From: Insomnia and accidently biting his tongue. also cigarette use.
Aku lives alone is a small condo and works as an assassin for hire to villain groups and other shady people. He can also provide other services like kidnapping or theft.
This kit is usually made of his sniper rifle which can fire regular rounds of ammunition as well as darts that are filled with tranquilizers or his very own custom made poisons.
He makes the poisons thanks to the large variety of plants he grows in his condo. They are listed as such:
Lily of the valley
Rhododendron and Azalea
Water Hemlock
He does dedicate a section to edible plants, fruits and veggies and his all time favourite flowers. 
If he must fight in close quarters, he has a mask with a mirrored vison to protect his eyes from harsh lights as well as a good stock of flash bombs to help strengthen the shadows in the area for a split second as well as potentially blind his opponent. He also carries a switch blade.
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inheto-ffxiv · 6 years ago
|| The Basics: Inhe'to Zhere ||
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Realised I never actually posted this, so here it goes uwu (new glamour btw :’DD)
▌FACE CLAIM: "Hmm /Tilts head"
▌NAME: Inhe'to of the Zhere Tribe
▌AGE: 24
▌HEIGHT: 5 fulms & 6 ilms (168cm)
▌SPECIES: Miqo’te
▌RACE/ETHNICITY: Keeper of the Moon
▌BIRTHDAY: 26th Day of the 5th Umbral Moon
▌SUN SIGN: Scorpio
▌RESIDENCE: "I don't have a home of my own... And I'm never at my Free Company's house. As long as my travels keep me away from the Shroud, I'm happy on the road."
▌ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
▌DRINK: Triple Cream Coffee
▌FOOD: Primarily plant-based foods. Prefers fish over red meat
▌SNACKS: Shaved ice
▌PET: "I don't see how that has anything to do with- OH! You mean my otter. Yeah, his name is Nero /blushes"
▌COLOR: Red and Black
▌FLOWER: Oleander
▌SEXUALITY: Homosexual
▌EYE COLOR: Purple and Amber
▌HAIR COLOR: Wine red
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 years ago
song acrostics 4 every1 in LL bc i h8 myself i guess (no song repeats. also the songs dont fit them theyre just the 1st songs i can think of w tht letter, as always)
S- Superstar || CG5 C- Cupcakes.mp3 || Siouxxie A- American Trash || Innerpartysystem R- Reaganomics || L3mon Dem0n
G- God-ish || P!nnochio-P ft miku R- Run Rabbit Run || Hoosiers I- I Will Possess Your Heart || Death Cab For Cutie A- Absolute Territory || K3n Ashcorp N- Nicotine || Pan!c! @ the Disco
J- Jump Up Superstar || Super Mar!o Odyssey ost O- Oleander || M0ther M0ther E- Everybody’s Got Somebody But Me || Hunter H4yes L- Laughing With A Mouth Of Blood || St. V!ncent
M- Monster || L4dy Gaga U- Under The Sea || Little Merma!d ost M- Mz. Hyde || Halestorm B- Butterfly Knife || Food House O- Other Friends || SU Movie OST
M- Mama || MCR A- All I Want For Christmas Is You || Mariah Carey R- Ready To Go || Pan!c! @ the Disco T- The Trick To Life || Hoosiers Y- You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch || Grinch ost N- No Eyed Girl || L3mon Dem0n
J- Just Dance || L4dy Gaga I- I’ve Got Some Falling To Do || L3mon Dem0n M- Material Girl || Madonna M- Miss Murder || AFI Y- Young Volcanoes || FOB
I- It’s Over Isn’t It? || SU ost M- Masquerade || Siouxxie P- Party With Pinkie || Alex S U- Under Our Spell || Equestr!a Girls ost L- Love Love Love || The Mountain Goats S- Sugar Pool || Mom E- Everybody Wants To Rule The World || Tears For Fears
S- Sarah Smiles || Pan!c! @ the Disco C- Cowboys Boot Camp CMC || H3talia ost O- Oh No! || Marina T- Two Player Game || BMC ost T- The Pants Song || BMC ost
C- Christmas Will Be Soon || L3mon Demon L- Luxurious || Gwen Stefani  E- Excuses || Hopeful Romantics O- Over This! || Slayyyter
P- Professional Griefer || Deadmau5 E- E.T. || K4ty Perry A- Atomic Copper Claw || L3m0n Dem0n R- Ready To Die || Andrew WK L- Love Love Nightmare || Kiichi ft miku
B- Best Friend || Saweetie ft Doja I- I’m Your Problem Now || MSI G- G*psy Bard || Sherclop Pones B- Bad Blood || Taylor Sw!ft
R- Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance || Machigerita ft miku E- Everything Is Something To Somebody || Robert J Lake N- New Way Out || L3mon Demon D- Death Valley || FOB O- Oppa Toby Style- T0by Fox G- Government Hooker || L4dy Gaga
T- Toy Food || L3mon Dem0n A- Amnesia Was Her Name || L3mon Dem0n N- No Scrubs || TLC G- Grow A Pear || K3$ha O- Only Girl In The World || Rihanna
B- Bubblegum Bitch || Marina D- Dick || Starboi3 ft Doja O- OK || Madeon U- Umbral Ultimatum || T0by Fox B- Bad Blood || Creature Feature L- Let’s Kill Tonight || Pan!c @ the Disco E- Eighth Wonder || L3mon Demon O- Oeoeoe || Nashimoto-P fy miku
E- Ekoroshia || SDR/2 T- Throatzilla || Slayyyter H- Hi, I’m A Slut || Lil Mariko O- Only Everyone Else Can Judge Me || Crywank
S- SIMP || Lil Mariko K- Kill Everybody || Skrillex I- Ivanushka || L3mon Dem0n Z- [Z songs are too hard to find] Z- [Z songs are too hard to find] L- Let’s Groove || Earth Wind And Fire E- Emo Boy || Ayesha M- Matryoshka || Hachi A- Aurora Borealis || L3mon Dem0n N- Nintendhoe || Doja
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crowskullart · 8 months ago
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When your dad shoots your brother right in front of you so you go sicko mode on him
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crowskullart · 11 months ago
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• Portal • Pages 1-4 out of 8
During a tough battle with a long-standing adversary, and after having two spells blocked in one go that wasted a large amount of energy and rendered his actions useless, the normally kind and even-tempered Oleander grew angry and perhaps even a bit hateful.. which unlocked something within him. Something he reached into and tugged, until a fissure opened. It strengthened his bond with his shadow double, lessened the dissonance between their connection. And played right into the plans of Vyshta, the last person he would ever want to play into the plans of...
(Was gonna post the whole thing at once but I realized that would be A Lot. So two parts it is. Been working on this for a while and I'm almost finished with page 7! So hopefully the second grouping will be posted soon too)
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crowskullart · 10 months ago
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Spooky little guy
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crowskullart · 5 months ago
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• Wisteria's Garden •
Aunt Wisteria... Oleander hadn't known he had an aunt. Though again, he hadn't known of any family other than his brothers, and parents. So her presence was a shock, especially since she'd arrived in the nick of time to save him and his friends.
Learning that Mother had a sister... Now that was surprising. She looked a lot like her, sounded like her too. But she acted nothing like her. She was... Warm. Kind. Gentle. Loving.
She loved him.
And she said so too. She didn't shy away from that fact, or make him wonder for even a second that he was worth her praise and attention. She held him, told him all of the wonderful things he wished Mother would say to him. She wiped his tears away and assured that despite them, he was so, so brave.
Of course someone this wonderful, this kind to him couldn't still be living.
Wisteria was dead. She had been for many years by now, she would explain to him. But death wasn't always so black and white, especially for those with unfinished matters. The Ferryman has granted her this favor, to speak to her nephew. To guide him, to protect him. To give him hope that his fight wasn't one of vain.
And to give him hope that perhaps somewhere, deep down, his mother did love him. She sparked the hope in him that perhaps the dark entity Vyshta hadn't consumed all there was of Belladonna Umbral. Perhaps, at her core, she was still there. She could be saved.
And that hope was what Oleander needed. Hope that things could be different. That all of the pain and horror he'd experienced could lead to something more. Something better.
Their time together was short. Oleander wished he could stay with Aunt Wisteria, he had so much he wanted to tell her, so much to know of the life she'd led. But the living can't stay with the dead forever. And there was still so much he needed to do.
They parted ways, though not without Wisteria's promise that Oleander would see her again, and a brooch imbued with her energy gifted to him.
And even as Oleander stood back in the material plane, back in the graveyard he'd met with The Ferryman in, clutching her gift in his talons, what stuck with him the most were the words she'd spoken:
"You are so very loved, and cared for."
I don't write very often, but I love this piece and I love Oleander and Wisteria. And I spent like 3 months on and off working on this, so wanted to say a little more than my usual "yaaaay art!" captions I write lol
Anyways. Hope you guys enjoyed! I posted speedpaints of this too! Which you can see on my Instagram here, or my TikTok here :>
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crowskullart · 12 days ago
Sketches from work today
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crowskullart · 2 months ago
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• Resemblance •
(aka feels bad to look at your younger brother and realize he's damn near the spitting image of your guys' abusive mom)
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crowskullart · 10 months ago
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• Portal • Pages 5-8 of 8
YEAHHH GOT THIS DONE!!! Worked on this on and off for like a month when I could beat the mental illness back with a stick. Very happy to have it finished!
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crowskullart · 1 year ago
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Big 👏 evil 👏 woman 👏
Belladonna Umbral. Oleander's mom. Extremely powerful mage and criminal syndicate leader, but also extremely abusive to her sons. She's also possessed by the Big Bad of this campaign, and has been for some time
She's evil and terrible but she's also a milf and that's my favorite reoccurring joke
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crowskullart · 1 year ago
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And here we got the rest of the Umbral family. Oleander's parents, Belladonna and Vaiyel. And his brothers, Hemlock and Foxglove
Belladonna is the leader/brains behind Nightshade, a syndicate working to make a resource chain to prepare for the disruption of the planes, and the neverending cycle of war, death, and undeath that will follow.
Vaiyel is her husband, and leader of The Seven, a group of highly skilled and dangerous people assisting in the fruition of Nightshade's goals. He otherwise is a known cartel leader, and does most of the hands-on work for leading Nightshade.
Hemlock is the oldest brother. He fled the Umbral home estate and joined the Greenthorn Coalition, a group working towards stopping Nightshade. Now their leader after the previous was killed in battle.
Finally, Foxglove is the middle brother. He works with their parents in Nightshade. He's been responsible for assisting with various terrible events carried out by Nightshade, such as train derailments and the culling of a town. Despite his loyalty to Nightshade and the Umbral name, Oleander hopes to convince him to join him before it's too late.
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