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jasxnclarke · 1 year ago
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Nothing more to write here tho
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thymefraym · 2 years ago
New Video Alert: Grandia Playthrough
Episode 001: Searching for Four Treasures
Description: The 1990s was an exciting time for JRPG video games, and this one is by no means an exception. The primary heroes are a pair of children with overactive imaginations just looking for adventure and finding it in the ruins of a fabled, ancient civilization...
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Direct Link to VOD: https://youtu.be/dMIoGFXNWmA
And as always, I would love to invite you to join me live every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm (Pacific Time). We'd love to see you there! https://twitch.tv/ThymeFraym
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polymer-phil · 2 years ago
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one of the final bosses from my game Ultra Fate New Revelations..
The most richest and most powerful leader of velmoor...
Hope t realease soon!!! 
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 1 year ago
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Pungent Stench (1991)
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deedee-sims · 6 months ago
Hi DeeDee ! I'm oldshool huehe, so if your requests are still open would you be interested in retexturing 2 old fem raon hair ? FreeHair 39 and PayHair 43 on the wiki gallery. I looked it up, but couldn't find them in Simgaroop textures. Thanks in advance !
Hi! Simgaroop already did 43, here. Added the other one to the list :)
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romadjpianobar · 1 year ago
Dance the night away!
Oldschool Wedding Party in Italy dance and fun all night long! From Aretha Franklin to Bee Gees, Shalamar, Kool and the Gang, Sister Sledge, Chic, the best of disco, funky, soul, the 70s, 80s and 90s! Ready the best songs athmosphere for your party, event or wedding in Italy. Dj Gianpiero Fatica, mobile or whatsapp quickly contact +393283334184
View On WordPress
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 1 year ago
hi pls dont use glitters roller rink design in your au its for my oc only. you can obviously use a roller rink cuz i dont own those but please dont just copy mine
Oh, no sorry. I meant that i want to maybe make some kind of roller skatepark, not copy your desighn. I mean, this is just fun idea. It feels like cooler attraction and more fitting to this oldshool themes.
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painterofhorizons · 1 year ago
playlist tag game
Tagged by the most wonderful @kyratittyfish thank you dear friend! <3
Rules: post a screenshot or a list of your playlist titles and tag some friends. If you’re tagged, send op an ask about one of their playlists.
Tagging (no pressure, if you want <3): @laughinglynx @sheeplessthings @chyrstis @laelior @thornhands (tell me your folder names babe xD) @theoriginalladya @barbex and anyone who wants, tag me back so I can shoot an ask!
First of all: bold of you to assume I have "playlists". I don't use spotify et al. I manually copy mp3s to my phone (used to be oldshool mp3 player before) and I download stuff from yt or copy CDs that I bus. xD There is no system here. I have 3 "playlists" in my music app, and besides that I have folders that probably count as playlists? Playlist-ishs? Something?? ( @thornhands I know you understand me we speak the same language here :D)
But here we go with what could count as "playlists":
(actual playlists)
Alex Dancy
Alex Dancy party
Reda Shepard
(folders; the rest are countless folders of albums/bands that I won't list here because plenty)
download (aka recently downloaded stuff)
mix Alex
mix Alex 2
mix Alex radio
mix 2019
mix 2020
mix 2023
new folder
good mood music
(honestly. most of the folders are just folders where I stuffed music I was listening to at that specific time. there's nothing playlist-y here. I'm old. I live pre-playlist.)
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chevvy-ryder · 1 year ago
🏠 for Ryder and Thyjs? :3
Ryder and Thyjs share a similar taste in how their home should look like.
Ryder's taste is cleaner as Thyjs's. Thys loves to have plants/flowers here an there as they make everything look fresh and make the air better. Ryder loves the clean edged style of brutalism and industrial elements. Preferably everything in black and silver. Thyjs is a fan of oldshool 60s wood design and leather couches what differs a bit from Ry's taste but they their sense for interieur fits well together. Bith agree it must has massive galss windows and a nice view.
The Glen apart fits pretty well for both in general and I use the Cyber Noir mod for this apartment as it brings in elements of steel (probalby props of the Afterlife) so it looks less "industrial" but more Cyberpunk back to Bladerunner (I use massive Bladerunenr mod for Ryders file so a lot of textures are changed that in fact integrate themselves well into the cybernoir flat, like I have Elvis vinyl instead of samurai lying around etc.)
Here's a few pics of the flat mod I talke about:
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pics by ProximaDust
Nonetheless, here's a lil collection from pinterest that adds to the stuff above:
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This is more wishful thinking than real living (as it must be super humid as well I believe) but they both also are into living like this:
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jasxnclarke · 2 years ago
Hi 🤭
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slimsumostudio · 1 year ago
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(via "404 Man" A-Line Dress for Sale by SlimSumoStudio)
#404, #man, #nerd, #nerd shirt, #joke, #meme, #gag, #not so superhero, #pop art, #it, #surreal, #colourful, #red bubble artist, #red bubble store, #vintage, #oldshool, #slimsumostudio, 
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abruxa-e-o-lobo · 2 years ago
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burn, witch.. 🔥
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burn.. 🔥
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legacysat · 4 years ago
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Remler Company, 1931
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kunstfehler-official · 4 years ago
Innere Stimme - Aus unserem neunen Album “Jetzt erst recht”. Wenn es dir gefällt schau doch mal hier ---> https://smarturl.it/icoej3 🤓🥳
Jeder will sich irgendwie selbst optimieren, wichtige Lebensentscheidungen werden nach ihrem wirtschaftlichen Nutzen beurteilt. Damit wir den Anforderungen des magischen Marktes entsprechen, dessen freie Entfaltung ohne staatliche Regulierung uns allen Wohlstand bringen soll. So ein Bullshit! Unsere Gemeinschaft belohnt Egoismus mit Macht und Geld. Statt den Schwachen zu helfen, lassen wir sie von einem unmenschlichen und kalten System aussortieren und sagen uns "so ist es eben".
Der Neoliberalismus und seine "Jeder kann es schaffen, wenn er nur will"-Lüge, zieht sich durch alle sozialen Schichten und ist so tief in unserem Alltag verwurzelt, dass es uns selbst gar nicht mehr auffällt.
Wenn man es nicht schafft, will man es anscheinend nicht genug. Das ist natürlich eine bequeme Sicht der Dinge, weil man dann keine Verantwortung für andere übernehmen muss. Und wenn man es geschafft hat, dann nur, weil man es so sehr wollte. Was anscheinend eine Rechtfertigung dafür ist, sich wie ein Arsch zu benehmen.
Das ist ein systemisches Problem und deshalb schleicht es sich auch oft in unser Leben, ohne das wir es bemerken. Wir schämen uns für Fehler, obwohl scheitern nicht nur menschlich ist, sondern auch der einzige Weg zu lernen und besser zu werden. Aber Schwäche zu zeigen wird meistens fälschlicherweise mit Misserfolg gleichgesetzt. Und so denken wir oft: Wir sind nicht genug. In unserem Kopf hausen zwei Stimmen, die uns mit gegensätzlichen Gedanken bombardieren. So oft und so laut, dass wir am Ende gar nichts mehr machen und mutlos in der Ecke sitzen bleiben.
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jasxnclarke · 1 year ago
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porgsandpops · 4 years ago
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Ginger: Is this a song about Hooman? * * * * #gingertheporg #porg #porgs #porgsofinstagram #porgstagram #instaporg #porglife #porgnation #oldshool #oldsheetmusic #1904worldsfair https://www.instagram.com/p/CMU3vifAHdB/?igshid=1420f2xq121qz
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