#older pecha au
peachypede · 1 year
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All this silverfox Ingo and Emmet....what about silverfox! ocs??
So here's an au where Pecha is late thirties, almost forty. Her life went differently that it did in this au. Instead of making her own brand, she worked for her Tita at the restruant for a while before finding her passion as a seamstress. The twins are often her clients, and Ingo has started to gain a crush on her (much to Pecha's obliviousness).
And here's an older ref of her I made:
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skyedancer2006 · 3 months
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When Kieran was young (like around 5/6) he met Pecharunt when they followed him home from Peachy’s. The two became fast friends and are very close. Everyone else thinks Pecharunt is just a plushie/imaginary friend of Kieran’s though, since they’re scared to open their shell around other people. Still working on the actual story but that’s the basic concept!
Extra fun facts!
- Pecha’s shell is fuzzy like an actual peach, and is sorta squishy yet still protective; makes it easier for them to pass as a plushie! And makes them very nice for Kieran to hug haha
- Kieran carries them around almost everywhere; he has a backpack just to put them in. As he gets older and people teasing him about not growing out of his “imaginary friend” gets worse, he starts keeping them in the bag more and more instead of carrying them.
- Kieran still idolizes Ogerpon, to Pecha’s slight discomfort. They let Kieran do his thing though; it’s not like he’s ever gonna actually meet her, right?
- Since Pecha is around Kieran as he grows up and learns basic stuff, they grow to regret everything that happened with Ogerpon
Everything’s still a WIP in the more concrete stuff but yee! Actually wholesome AU from me for once!
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captaincryolicious · 2 years
✧ two make a team
01. you ruin my peaceful evening
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✧ scaramouche x gn!reader pokémon au series
✧ summary: you've hated each other for as long as you can remember, and you want nothing to do with the male you despise so much. but then you suddenly have to work together to achieve the goal you both chase. can you put the rivalry aside and make it happen? or will the hatred you share get the best of you?
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The sun slowly made its way lower and lower down the darkening sky, about to descend beyond the horizon. Tall grass swayed back and forth, rustled gently by the soft breeze that blew over the lush greenfields kissed by the setting sun. Blue hour made its approach, the sky painted in various shades of the prettiest blues and the loveliest purples. A flock of Starly darted around happily, performing their last round through the twilight sky before they would go to sleep on the branches of nearby trees. 
A quick glance at your watch informed you that it was around nine pm, and you knew it would turn completely dark soon. But you weren’t planning to go back already; summer nights were your favorite moments to spend outside, with the sultry breeze and the soft warmth that cascaded around you ever so gently, and the pokémon that were still so lively even at this hour. You were often found in the wildlands that surrounded Hearthome City, simply to have some time alone and wind down after a day accompanied by your pokémon. 
With your back resting against the bark of a sturdy honey tree, you released a deep sigh. Your pokémon were still energized as if it wasn’t far into the evening, frisky as ever as they darted through the tall grass around you. Sylveon, Plusle and Lycanroc were playing a game that looked a lot like tag, while Rowlet and Pachirisu seemed to be looking for something as they scurried through the strands of lush green. Only Lucario was next to you, observing the rest of your team as they were frolicking around. Everything was so peaceful, the happy sounds of your pokémon, the soft breeze that pulled through the greenfields, and the last rays of sunshine kissing the Earth ever so gently. 
Everything was peaceful, except for the guy shouting in the distance.
That guy was Kunikuzushi. 
If it would’ve been just a random person training their pokémon, it wouldn’t have bothered you. A lot of people shared the same passion, that of becoming a pokémon master, so there was no reason to get annoyed by others doing the same thing as you loved. But Kunikuzushi wasn’t just someone. 
He had the honor of being the only person you really couldn’t stand. Just having him near you was enough to put you off, and it had been like that for as long as you could remember. Your mothers had been friends since forever, and of course they hoped for their children to get along just as well. It was the opposite that happened, though; as soon as the two of you had been old enough to engage in proper interactions, a rivalry had settled between you. 
It was a hate-at-first-sight thing that started off small and grew as you got older. In the beginning it was petty; he would steal your cookie and you’d trip him, you’d chase away the wild pokémon the other was trying to catch, he’d stick out his tongue at you and you would throw pecha berries at him as he ran away. Childish but fairly innocent and insignificant. Maybe people hoped that it would go away with the years, but it only became worse. You hated each other still, throwing resentful glares in each other’s direction and shots were fired whenever you two interacted. Sparks flew in all the wrong directions, you were fire and ice and once it settled it never changed. You hated Kunikuzushi, you couldn’t stand him, you wanted him as far away as possible. He was cold and harsh, hostile even in your eyes. His entire attitude set you off. 
There had been many attempts to fix things between you, mainly your parents meddling with your rivalry in hopes to dissolve it. They even went as far as giving you a Plusle and a Minun from the same duo, and while the two little pokémon were the best of friends, it didn’t do any good to you and Kunikuzushi. If anything, it only sparked the irritations that lingered between you two, and that feeling lasted until this very day and counting. Now, with those pokémon on your team, you had something that connected you and oh, you both hated it. 
After that, your parents basically gave up trying. It was pointless, and they finally seemed to realize so as well. Their children were still fire and ice, and it would remain like that forever. You wanted nothing but to avoid him at all costs, but of course he wouldn’t let you off so easily. No, his goal in life seemed to be to piss you off as much as he could.
So it wasn’t much of a surprise when you found him standing in front of you, looking down upon you with a frown – as if you had done something to offend him, while all you did was try to enjoy an evening of peace with your pokémon. 
     “What are you doing here?” he asked icily. “Enjoyed the show?” 
Another reason why you couldn’t stand him; he could be surprisingly cocky. He had been like that back in the days, but instead of said cockiness disappearing over time it only got worse.
Suppressing the urge to visibly roll your eyes, you slowly pushed yourself off the ground to properly face him. With your height being exactly the same, you knew you wouldn’t tower over him, but everything was better than having him look down on you like that. 
     “Yeah, it was definitely fun to see how much your pokémon still have to teach you,” you replied, narrowing your eyes at him – okay, you didn’t see anything of his training session but that didn’t matter, you only wanted to taunt him. You added, “very entertaining, to say the least. Would totally watch again.” 
     “What did you say?” Kunikuzushi hissed, taking a step forward.
     “You heard me,” you said, unfazed by his threatening gesture. You didn’t even bother to hide the annoyance in your voice. “I don’t know what on Earth you are doing, but it’s a mess. Seeing you struggle is fun, though. Keep going.” 
Before you knew it, his hands held a tight grip on your collar and he pulled you dangerously close to him. 
     “You wanna go, huh?” he snapped, his violet eyes boring into yours. 
You struggled to maintain your balance, and you absolutely hated how your hands landed onto his chest in order to do so. You instantly pushed him away as far as his grip allowed you, only to glare at him viciously. Your poor heart was surging with anger, hammering in your ribcage agitatedly.
But then he suddenly let go of you with a small groan. Still glaring at you, he took a few steps away and you saw Lucario standing there, holding his bone in his paw and a bored expression plastered onto his features. It was clear that he was not amused after witnessing yet another fight between you and Kunikuzushi, but it wasn’t as if you could help it. 
     “Couldn’t you have hit him a little harder?” you mumbled, straightening your jacket while sending the guy opposite of you another glare. The male merely snorted, but you wasted no time to get back at him. If he thought he could get away with that, he was utterly wrong. At this point, you were too pissed-off to let it slide. 
     “Pachirisu!” you called out, and the white squirrel instantly abandoned her chase to hop over to you, eyeing Kunikuzushi curiously. Your eyes, too, wandered to the male opposite of you again. “Let’s settle this.” 
     “You always fall for it, don’t you?” the violet-haired male sneered, his hand reaching to his belt to grab a pokéball. 
     “I’m just patiently waiting for the day you actually manage to beat me,” you countered, watching how Kunikuzushi walked off, throwing and catching his pokéball in his hand in a manner that made it look like he gave zero fucks about the upcoming battle. 
You wondered why he still was so confident, seeing how he never won a battle against you so far. Or was it only a cold indifference that he carried with him? Did he really not care about your battles? Were you the only one who got so worked-up by them? Oh, you truly hated him. You balled your hands into tight fists in determination. Never before have you lost to Kunikuzushi, and tonight wouldn’t be the first time. 
In a flash of red light, he released Haunter from his pokéball, and the pokémon showed you a menacing grin. But Pachirisu wasn’t fazed by it in the slightest, clapping her paws against her cheeks to set sparks of lightning flying as she took a battle stance. Unlike your Lucario – who refused to fight Kunikuzushi at this point – your other pokémon weren’t tired of your endless battles yet and took every fight seriously. Pachirisu looked determined, and so were you. 
     “Pachirisu, use hyper fang!” you shouted, not really caring whether or not your opponent was ready to battle. 
The white-and-blue squirrel dashed forward, gaining speed rapidly. Clouds of dust flew up as she went, hiding the pokémon from view for the majority of time. Kunikuzushi’s voice carried over the battlefield and you knew his Haunter dodged the attack. 
     “Haunter, double team!” he commanded. 
As the dust cleared up, you found Pachirisu surrounded by multiple copies of Haunter, all spinning around the tiny squirrel and performing little jabs here and there. You could see your pokémon faltering in sheer confusion, looking around panic-stricken with hazy eyes as she tried to focus. It was to no avail; Kunikuzushi knew this move always got to your squirrel pokémon. 
But you practiced a thing. 
     “Pachirisu, iron tail, now!” you called. 
The tiny pokémon blinked a few times upon hearing your voice, but then she narrowed her eyes as she tried to focus again. Her spiked tail lit up, emitting a pale bluish light before the squirrel spun around rapidly in a dash of blue, successfully getting rid of all the Haunter copies at once. Only one remained, but the real Haunter was ready to strike. 
     “Use lick!” Kunikuzushi ordered. 
A laugh bubbled up your throat, entertained by his choice of attack. Pachirisu flinched as the purple pokémon’s tongue swiped across her charged-up cheeks, and you felt bad for the little squirrel because God, that had to be so gross, but she used her tiny paw to wipe her cheeks and glowered at the ghost pokémon. 
     “Lick can’t paralyze electric pokémon, you should know that by now,” you pointed out, but you only cared little for your opponent’s mistake and prepared your next move. You were done with him, done with your night of peace being interrupted like that. It was time for the final blow. “Pachirisu, quick attack!” 
You pointed at Haunter, and Pachirisu quickly gained speed as she darted towards her opponent. Particles of dust rose again, obscuring the fight from your view, but you heard a pained groan and you knew the attack hit its target. Haunter was probably down, vulnerable for your final move. 
     “Finish it off with thunderbolt!” you shouted.
Pachirisu chimed softly, and shortly after bolts of thunder surged through the sandy dust as the pokémon charged up before ultimately releasing the electricity with her tiny roar. Thunder crashed all around the battlefield, zapping through the air and filling it with tension before the bolts plummeted down on what you presumed was Haunter. Silence followed, and you held your breath as the dust slowly cleared. Pachirisu was revealed, panting heavily and her cheeks sprouting lightning subconsciously. Afore her laid Haunter, motionless on the ground. The ghost pokémon had his eyes closed, and for a few seconds both you and Kunikuzushi stared at the two pokémon in the center of the meadow. 
     “Fuck,” the violet-haired male cursed. 
     “How do you still sound so surprised?” you asked. “You never win against me.” 
Haunter disappeared in a flash of red light, transferred back into his pokéball. Pachirisu ran towards you excitedly, happy to have won another match for you. You picked her up in your arms, cuddling her against your chest and murmuring to her how well she battled. The tiny squirrel had a few scratches and she was obviously tired, but that seemed to be about it. You pondered, maybe a visit to the local pokémon center would be a good idea, just in case. It would make a good excuse to walk away from the male who stood there scowling at you. Maybe you’d find back a little of the peace he had so rudely interrupted. 
     “You’re the loser here, Kunikuzushi,” you taunted. “As you always are.” 
Maybe it was a little unfair. It wasn’t as if he lost by a long shot; usually your matches were a close call, and there had been many times where he did have the upper hand for the majority of the match. He was a worthy opponent, and you were well aware that you mostly won by sheer luck and the fact that Kunikuzushi chose force over tactic. The only reason you managed to beat him every time was because you always outsmarted him. Were he ever to use tactic over force, he’d probably beat you with ease, you knew that all too well. He just had to play his cards a little smarter, but of course you wouldn’t tell him that. You gladly took this opportunity to downtalk him a little. After all, he’d do the same. 
     “I lost to a fucking Pachirisu,” the male growled. “I can’t believe it.” 
You snickered, rubbing the head of the tiny pokémon in your arms as you were very proud of her. 
     “Underestimate her all you want,” you simply said. “You should know by now that she’s pretty strong.” 
     “Whatever,” Kunikuzushi mumbled, looking away with a frown. “I’ll get her down some day. I’ll get you down some day.” 
     “Yeah, yeah, you’ve been saying that for a while now,” you signed, not believing a word of what he just said. “Anyway, I don’t plan on letting you ruin my night any longer, so I’m heading off. Bye, loser.” 
Without looking back at him even once, you walked away from the field. Your pokémon all scurried after you one by one, and each of them betrayed you as they all gave Kunikuzushi a curious look as he stood there, his pokéball still in his hand. Okay, maybe you looked back once, just once, to see how he was doing. It was nearly completely dark now, and only the last auburn streaks in the sky revealed him standing there, barely anything more than a silhouette. But you quickly turned away from him; you didn’t care and you’ve had enough.
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✧ taglist (send in an ask to be added/removed)
@nao-cchi @kunikame @anqxlluv @elysiasbae @yumirisan @sakiimeo @shizunxie @theglowfly @g0re-h0und @snowfinches
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
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Dia and Pecha ( Sakura and Adaman's daughters) in a sort of Modern Au attire.
Pecha is the younger of the sisters, and often gets into trouble, but to her older sister's chagrin .
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Enjoy this little fic I wrote instead of working on my Wanted AU 😅
Ingo was not Lady Sneaslers first warden.
She had one other before him.
Her first warden had served her mother before her, and so was there when she hatch into the world. They watched her grow from a little sneaslet to a proper sneasel, and with her mothers passing, they were there to support her when she evolved into the Noble Lady Sneasler.
Her warden loved and respected her, as all wardens should, and she of course adored them. They had been with her all her life and she was happy to have them. Even as the trek though the mountains got harder on their knees and back, she would just gently help them into her basket and carry them the rest of the way. Sometimes they would fall asleep in there and she’d just keep them with her until they woke up. They would laugh about it and thank their noble for taking such good care of them.
And then, one winter morning, they were gone…
It wasn’t a sudden death, Calaba had seen the signs in her dear friends health months before, but there was nothing to be done. On the day of the funeral Young Irida lead the other wardens in laying their friend to rest with the entire village in attendance. Even some from the Diamond clan came to pay their respect.
Lady Sneasler did not leave her den at all that day.
The noble did not show herself for nearly two weeks, ignoring any flute that did not sound like her wardens song, though she knew she would never hear it again. Once she had finally appeared, to the Pearl Clans great relief, she ignored any non-warden human who so much as tried to be friendly with her. She knew the clan wanted to give her a new warden, but just she couldn’t accept another.
Weeks went by, then months, then a year, and still she ignored or rejected any human Irida or the other wardens tried to introduce to her. She could still be a noble on her own, she can manage her territory and her fellow sneasels. She can still carry humans up the mountain and protect her charges from alphas. She didn’t need anyone else.
Then one dark freezing night, she found a strange human who needed her.
She had heard from one of her older children that there was a strange human found in the snow not too far from where they were. Concerned it may be one of the other packs of human who were less resistant to the cold then the Pearl Clan was, she hurried after her young.
The odd man that she found was injured and alone, dressed strangely and not nearly warm enough for the Icelands, and seemed very disoriented. He didn’t seem scared of her at all when she approached and was more confused then anything. He clearly had been attack by something, most likely a Zoroark if Sneaseler’s nose was correct, and yet he still greeted her respectfully. Very strange, but a little endearing.
He was shaking from the cold and didn’t seem to have much strength left at all, so she bundled the stranger into her basket. He didn’t resist her manhandling, and seem to be drifting out of consciousness by the time she close the basket’s lid, which was very concerning. 
She knew she had to act quickly before the frostbite set in, and yet she hesitated to take him to the Pearl Clan, knowing how territorial they could be toward strange outsiders. She didn’t think they would leave him to die, but still, she needed to take him somewhere warm and safe and the Pearl settlement didn’t feel safe. So she deftly shifted corse, leaving the Iceland’s behind and starting the familiar climb to her den.
Upon her arrival she laid the human into her nest and ordered her children and den mates to keep the unconscious human warm as she gathered him food. They all followed suit, both out of respect for her and curiosity for the odd human she chose to bring into their home. She set off immediately after, on search for aspear berries for the frostbite, sitrus berries for his injury, and some pecha berries too in case any of the kits accidentally poisons him.
She brought this human into her nest, so now he was hers, and she will not let him die.
Irida was worried for Lady Sneasler.
She has been worried for the noble for over a year now, as she has refused to accept any Warden they offered her. Its getting to the point that the Diamond clan has started questioning if they should be the ones to give her a warden, a suggesting Irida refused to entertain.
And yet doesn’t mater how qualified the person is, or how well Sneasler knew them, she rejects every single one.
But that’s not what currently has the young clan leader worried at the moment, not entirely at least.
What has Irida so concerned is that for the last three days Sneasler has not been seen by anyone at all. When she had been informed that morning of the absence she assured the elder that this isn’t uncommon behavior for the Lady of the Highland. She was a very independent pokemon and might simply be busy. But still, it was better to play it safe so after doing her usual morning duties to the clan, Irida played her celestial flute in Sneaslers melody.
The noble does not answer.
Irida tries again at a high volume. Still no response.
Worry and unrest ripples throughout the clan the longer their blessed noble is unresponsive to the leaders summons, whispers growing among them. Has she been injured? Taken ill? Died?
Irida inwardly curses herself for not pushing the issue of finding her a Warden farther with Lady Sneasler. She knows the bond between warden and noble cannot be forced but to allow the pokemon to go so long without a proper caretaker was foolish of her. A clear sign of her inexperience as a leader. If something has happened to their Noble, it will be her guilt to carry.
In a few short hours Irida is hiking her way up the highlands herself determined to reach the lady’s den. The assistance of lord Braveairy had been a great help to reach the upper highland so quickly. Once she finally arrived she enters the Ladies cave cautiously, fearing the worst, and soon hears the sound of a voice. A human voice.
She rushes deeper in, a command for Glaceon to attack at the tip of her tongue, and stumbles right into a bizzarre scene. There’s a man she does not recognize sitting in the center of the Nobles personal nest, covered in the lady’s latest litter of sneaslets who are all either pawing at him for attention or curled up asleep. Sneasler herself sits right by his side and is currently pushing a petcha berry into the man’s face despite his polite yet slurred protest.
Sneasler quickly notices Irida’s arrival while the stranger falls into a daze without the pokemon’s prodding. The man is then suddenly yanked out of view as Sneasler pulls the man into herself as if to hide him from Irida. She hisses at the unexpected guest in a way near identical to how the Lady can be after a new hatching.
The young leader has no idea what to make of this, but the way the sneaslets cling to the man and his noticeable sluggish behavior, she’s certain the man must be suffering from severe poisoning. The fact that he’s still even conscious can only be because of the petcha berries Sneasler was feeding him.
After assuring the noble that Irida meant no harm to her new… friend, she made sure to stress that this man is in desperate need of medical attention in the village. Sneasler seemed hesitant at first, then realized the man seem to be trying to escape from her hold for some time now, but had none of the strength or hand eye coordination to do so.
Sneasler huffs in frustration. She had been trying to help her new charge as much as she could and yet it still wasn’t enough. But, she does trust Irida to keep her word, and agrees to bring him down to the Pearl Clan for farther aid.
After removing the clinging sneaslets, Sneasler assist the wobbly stranger out of the nest. The prolonged exposure to the babies poisen has clearly left him greatly disorientated so Irida helps him find his footing, catching his elbow so he can steady himself. It’s only then that the man seems to finally notice her company, although his eyes seem to have trouble focusing on her face.
He is very polite but is stubbling his words and doesn’t seem capable of controlling his volume either. His way of speaking is also very foreign, having apologize for his ‘poor maintenance’ and his ‘unexpected derailment’. However she does get his name out of him, Ingo, but he claims not to remember anything else. She hopes that only a temporary effect of all the poison. She tells him clearly that she’s going to take him to the Pearl village for help and he thanks her for her kindness before promptly collapsing.
Sneasler catches him, shushing her babies who all cry out, worried for their new friend. Sneasler very gently helps him into her basket for the journey back to the village, taking great care not to jostle him in a way that reminds Irida of how she use to assist her former warden. As Irida walks out of the cave alongside her Noble, she gets the feeling that this strange man might be here to stay.
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pirate-patton · 6 years
Title: Gotta Catch a Nerd Pairing: Logince A/N: okay...logince pokemon au...logan is a coordinator from sinnoh, roman is a trainer from johto (we’re gonna say these two are in sinnoh bc...i’m sinnoh trash and i’m not sorry)
“Piplup, use Bubblebeam,” Logan called monotonously. The penguin pokemon jumped in the air and shot a string of bubbles toward the bushes, soaking them thoroughly.  “Good.”  Logan scribbled in his notebook his observations before pocketing the book and stooping down to pet the penguin pokemon.  “Now, go rest it’s Metang’s turn.”
Logan snickered fondly as Piplup waddled off to the picnic table and climbed up on the seat, giving a salute when it was settled.  “Alright,” he said, reaching to the back of his belt for Metang’s pokeball, “Metang, come on out.”
“We’re working on your Hyper Beam today since you just learned that move…” Logan explained, pushing his glasses up his face.  “Your target will be that tree, and there’s a fresh Pecha berry with your name on it if you do this well, got it?”
“Alright then.  Metang, Hyper Beam.”
Metang reared back, building up its energy quickly and bringing its arms up to ready, aim…and fire at the tree.
If only Metang had good aim.
“Ow!” came a mystery voice from the bushes.  “You were supposed to hit the tree!”  A boy no older than Logan jumped up, crispy from the previous attack.
“Why are you spying on me?” Logan asked.
The boy blushed bright before insisting he wasn’t spying. “No, no, no!  I was just…watching!  I heard you practicing and wanted to see…and…”
“And you decided to spy on me.”  Logan shifted his weight to one foot and crossed his arms, a stance that proved to have the boy more flustered.
“Alright, fine!  I was spying a little…your Piplup and Metang seem very well trained, and I wanted to see…”
Logan still didn’t quite believe that was the whole story, but rather than accuse the boy of more, he simply walked over and helped him over the bushes.  “I take it you yourself are a trainer?” he asked, and that had the boy’s eyes lighting up.
“Yeah!  My name’s Roman!”  he fumbled in his pocket for a pair of pokeballs, tossing them in the air to release the monsters inside: a Vulpix and Cyndaquil.  “And these two are my partners!  Valentine and Cinder!”
Logan raised a brow, stooping down to the two pokemon’s level. “Both of your partners are purely fire types…how do you plan to win against, say, a water type?  Or a ground type?  Rock?”
Roman seemed taken aback, but he quickly composed himself enough to answer.  “Easy! We will just be stronger than anyone we fight!”
Logan scoffed and stood to his fully height, shaking his head. “Fat chance.  I’m a coordinator and I’m almost certain I would win if we had a battle right now.”
“You wanna make a bet of that?” Roman challenged, fist held up. “I bet a double decker ice cream sundae that I could beat you in a two-on-two right now!”
Not 20 minutes later, the two trainers stood outside the ice cream parlor, Roman counting out just enough Pokedollars to pay for Logan’s sundae.  “This is the worst date I’ve ever been on…” he mumbled under his breath as Logan took his first bite of the ice cream.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
Logan shrugged, offering a spoonful to Piplup rather than Roman, and the fire type trainer had to whine and complain.
“You know, if you would like, I can help you grow as a trainer…” Logan offered after a moment of silence, and for whatever reason, he felt Butterfree fluttering in his tummy at the way Roman grinned at him.
“You mean, like…you want me to travel with you?”
Logan tried to smother the blush growing on his face.  “If you would like, I’m certain Piplup and Metang wouldn’t have an issue with that…”
“That sounds great!” Roman shot to his feet.  “As of today, I, Roman Knight of Goldenrod City shall begin my journey to be the world’s greatest pokemon trainer!”
Logan flushed, jumping up just to push Roman down in his seat and shush him.  “Only if you promise not to do that again!”
“Whatever you say, travel buddy!  Just don’t go falling in love with me, that won’t be good if I have to beat you in another battle.”
“Trust me,” Logan said with a eyeroll, “we don’t have to worry about that happening.”
Roman was about to speak again, if only Piplup didn’t decide it wasn’t getting enough attention and jump in the ice cream.  The fire type trainer could only hope that wasn’t a sign of how this journey was going to go…
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peachypede · 1 year
Ren purposely throws herself to the wild Pokémon hoard for the chance to see older Pecha. She has no other excuses for seeing her often so she’s like
“Welp. Better get maimed.”
Her Pokémon are begging her to chill out.
(Sorry! Your older pecha plagues my every moment)
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(Sorry this took a while to answer but this mental image has never left my mind since receiving this and I had to doodle it)
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peachypede · 1 year
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I drew an older Pecha a while back and have been meaning to draw an older Emmet to go with her. Finally did it! Also added their daughter, Mago :)
This is an au where Ingo has been gone for a while...almost 20 years actually. Emmet got married to Pecha and they had a kid. Emmet still takes care of Ingo's pokemon, but Chandelure in particular likes to follow his daughter closely.
Mago isn't good at pokemon battles...at all. And she's starting to realize that she's never gonna live up to her namesake's legacy.
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peachypede · 1 year
OC-tober 2023 Day 9: Future
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I was gonna do more but pregnancy is really slowing me down :((( I'll just add some headcanon for an older Rawst and Aman down below...
this is like twenty years ahead? Everyone one will be in their forties
Pecha (45)
Kinda headcanon her as married and had kids, pretty much done with having kids at this time with whoever she's ended up with since there are so many ocs and canon characters I ship her with. (unless it's an older single Pecha au)
I see two paths for her. Since she was constantly with her dad even on his research trips, I see Pecha as having enough experience to become a professor someday? Same expertise pretty much as her dad just being into bug-types. The other path I see is if her small business making cute bug type clothes takes off, she can make a decent career of that.
Rawst (42)
Idk if I see them having kids? I can see them having one accidental kid that they keep. Depends on the au if they are in a relationship.
Still doing the YouTube and streaming stuff. They're now considered one of the wiser oldest youtubers. They've really branched out at this point and are attempting to make their own horror movies and tv shows (similar to markiplier)
No more dyed hair that was an early twenties thing but they still like their hair long. they still dress a bit emo.
Aman (45)
I headcanon that his prosthetics were never meant to make it very far in his life, especially if he has been working himself tirelessly as he had. After a while, his nervous system has kinda stopped connecting to them and he uses a wheelchair or a prosthetic leg that doesn't attach to his nervous system.
I also like to think that he'd be married and have kids at this point? Even if not, he's taken more of a desk job for Interpol or is the guy who debriefs agents on their next mission. Gives him a lot of time to be more with his family and also isn't as demanding on his body.
This guy worked way too hard in his twenties and now his body is demanding that he rest like a 60 year old. This is what happens when you're a workaholic. At least Aman is trying his best to take care of himself instead of further running himself into the ground.
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peachypede · 2 years
If your OCs were Youtubers, what type would they be? (Reviews, gaming etc.)
I actually have 2 ocs that are youtubers! Rawst is a horror video game youtuber, but he also does a variety of different games. His dad, Calhoun, also does youtube but he's more in the educational side where he talks about bug types and how to care for them!
I did do a job au swap with Rawst and his sister, Pecha, and her youtube job would be similar to the youtuber: Izzyzz. Basically she would talk about anything that interests her while wearing different makeup and fashion.
For Pear...I feel like his would be just a plant youtube channel. Either that, or he does tiktok and shows short snippets of his life taking care of his grandmother and different cute little videos of his clodsire and wooper<3
Trueno would have a music youtube where he makes covers of different songs. Similar to that older woman with the chihuahua who got popular. Just good music and good vibes there.
Leppa would probably have easy to make recipes for college students? I feel like she's definitely the type to worry about kids who didn't have a grandmother to teach them to cook so she would make very easy to follow recipes.
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