#old man alien yaoi
omniallen-ceo · 11 months
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sasunarualways · 1 month
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theydevildesigns · 16 days
I’d like to remind y’all this scene took place in an episode where the entire crew fell under Harry Mudd’s love potion
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hitrone · 1 year
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i know nothing about them…🤡
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fincher-of-the-swamp · 8 months
yeah i guess the enemy of the world was good but it should've went like this
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alien-abduct0r · 1 month
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Brokeback Mountain is my favorite yaoi !!💚🛸👽
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personalzombie-tv · 9 months
i gotta write things with my half life lesbians again i'm missing them and the world needs more old women yuri
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handsmotif · 1 year
check the notes for my reblog that has the correct answer!
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wolsalwastaken · 2 months
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Too weird to love,
Too scared to die.
Too alien to take you home.
Horrified at the sight of my reflection in your eyes,
I don’t belong there.
PART 1/4- Part 2
Aaaaanyhoo, this was a tricky piece to draw lmao. I was listening to Will Wood (as you do) and realized “wow, most of these songs fit Bill Cipher really well!” And then “Outliar’s and Hyppocrates” came on, I was like “wow holy shit this fits perfectly”, so I decided to draw this. Consider this one-sided Billford I suppose? I will draw some more Billford for the freaks that wanna see toxic old man yaoi.
Hope you enjoyed this drawing, this could be interpreted as whatever, platonic, divorce, one sided Billford, or fully fledged Billford. It’s really up to you.
Here’s the flipped version btw
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speckeltail · 9 months
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omniallen-ceo · 24 days
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom:
Scientist who wants to blow up the world and his evil alien boyfriend
Dude they had a son together and his name is shadow the hedgehog
They created Shadow the hedgehog together. Yes Shadow the hedgehog. This is canon. Theyre also super divorced just trust me on this.their old man yaoi is real
we as a society would not have shadow the hedgehog without their old man yaoi
old man fucks alien so he can bring his daughter back from space safely, gives birth to sad gay hedgehog
you KNOW they fucked
they’re shadow the hedgehogs dads. Like canonically. black doom is an alien god guy and gerald is eggmans grandpa who didn’t love him enough and gave him daddy issues. he also went insane after the government killed his granddaughter (who he loved instead of eggman) and tried to kill humanity :3 these two are like bitter exes to me. they’re both dead. the devil from the bible fucked that old man
Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik are Shadow the Hedgehogs dads. Gerald is a (silly, slightly insane) old scientist and Black Doom is a two thousand year old alien who wants to destroy the Earth. Its not canon but Shadow's gay dads mean everything to me. They kiss and hold hands on the space colony.
Sheo/The Nailsmith:
It's really nice because you unlock it after the nailsmith asks you to kill him with the pure nail and you refuse and walk away. He then says he was wandering hallownest without purpose until he found sheo who helped him discover that there was more to life than just one calling. These two are probably the only characters in the game to have a genuinely happy ending
The nailsmith loses his purpose in life after finishing his ultimate masterpiece, his lifelong goal, the pure nail. He requests the protagonist to try the nail on him, but If you refuse, he will find sheo who helps him to find new meaning in life and realise that there is more to life by teaching him different crafts. They can then be seen sculping figurines together, and sheo is also painting the nailsmith.They share a common love for art and crafts and inspire each other. Sheo's story is that he was a nailmaster, but got tired of it, and put down his nail to pick up a paintbrush. I think it's beautiful that he could help the nailsmith realise what he himself did. They both also used to live in solitude without even realising how lonely they were, and I think it's cute tuhat they can do art together now :]
They are two bugs retired from their career and making better lives for themselves and they’re gay about it. Nailsmith believes at first that he has nothing left after creating the perfect nail and asks the knight to strike him down, and if you don’t, he meets Sheo, a retired nailmaster finding a new calling in painting and sculpting. They find a shared love in creating things and Nailsmith finds a new calling in art as well. The achievement you get for uniting them is called “Happy Couple”
Gay bugs gay bugs gay bugs (Cw mention of suicide) They both used to pursue their one passion in life: forging the perfect nail (sword) for the Nailsmith and the art of combat for Sheo. Sheo realized he could just leave that life when he lost his passion for fighting, and he found himself a new purpose in life: art. However, he always seemed very lonely, completely isolated by all other bugs in his hidden house in the middle of a thorn jungle. When The Nailsmith achieved his goal and forged the perfect nail, he lost his purpose in life and his will to live. He asks the player to kill him. However, if the player refuses, he can later be found in Sheo's house, modelling for Sheo or sculpting figurines with him. He thanks the player for not fulfilling his request, because he has found a new calling in life here, making art together with Sheo. They both express how happy they are to no longer be alone. This also gives you the "Happy Couple" achievement, confirming that they are a couple.
THEY'RE CANON!!! They're fucking canon!!! You can talk to them at one point after doing a Bunch of Stuff to get them to meet each other and you get an achievement called "Happy Couple"!!! Gotta love old man yuri
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tweekweek2024 · 2 months
Tweek Week 2024!
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What is Tweek Week? ☕ Tweek Week is an annual character appreciation week dedicated to Tweek Tweak from South Park! 2024 marks our second year running and we can't wait to see what everyone brings to the table. Tag us with your art, fics, playlists, memes, headcanons & more—if it's Tweek related, we want to see it! Tweek Week runs from August 11 - August 17! ❗Tag your posts #TweekWeek2024❗If we somehow missed your post, please shoot us an ask!
📝 Fic writers! You can also add your stories to our AO3 collection under "TweekWeek2024". 📝 Links: Carrd ☕ Guidelines ☕ Twitter/X ☕ 2023 Fic Collection
🎉☕ Thank you to all who participate and enjoy, and here's to another successful Tweek Week! ☕🎉
Below the cut is a written list of prompts with examples ☕
✩ DAY 1 ✩
SUMMER: beach, summer outfits, pool party, fireworks
FIRST DATE: either with a specific partner or ever! Any pairings welcome
✩ Day 2 ✩
SLEEP: napping, pajamas, cuddling
HORROR: zombies, vampires, demons, aliens, yandere, disaster, apocalypse, ghosts, etc.
✩ Day 3 ✩
BAND AU: musician Tweek—in a group or solo!
Y2K: 90s/00s AU, fashion, turn of the century party, etc.
✩ Day 4 ✩
GENDERBEND: different genders or forms of expression!
SUPERHEROES: Wonder Tweek, Superman—Tweek as any hero, magical girl, or even guy rescued by a hero
✩ Day 5 ✩
ANIMALS: pets, familiars, animal/human hybrid AU (like Beastars), anthro
FANTASY AU: Stick of Truth, Barbarian Tweek, witch Tweek, dragon Tweek, Robin Tweek
✩ Day 6 ✩
HOBBIES: sports, art, gardening, arts and crafts, legos, origami, baking, fishing, meditation
POST COVID: old man yaoi
✩ Day 7 ✩
BIRTHDAY: parties, celebrations, anything birthday-related!
FREE DAY: anything you'd like!
Thank you everyone for submitting prompts! We hope you like what we went with!
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mammalsofaction · 4 months
Missing You
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Rating: T
Relationships: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus, Balthazar Cavendish/Vinnie Dakota
Add tags: Takes place between Escape and Milo in Space, Perryshmirtz centric, human Perry the Platypus, post break up arc, post confessional and apology, making up and making out in an open plan room with pre teens in them, everything is good and going right and will go absolutely horrendously wrong in a couple of moments, if you ignore the fact that they're all looking for a pre-teen abducted by aliens you can pretend this is fluff, OLD MAN YAOI!!!!!!!!!!, simp Perry, I was only meant to hurt you in the right way 🥺
"How did you know we were here, anyway?"
Perry had not exactly been hiding, but he feels found anyway, his smile involuntary as a kid who finds himself caught in game of tag in a school playground. Heinz approaches him carefully, arms tucked behind his back like he's keeping himself in check, so Perry stills himself, remembering that it isn't quite his place to reach out now, not anymore.
Carl, he signs--the C sign blending into the leader sign, pinching the tips of his left hand with the curl of his right. Heinz let out a little Ah, noise, and his eyes downcast. Like he's disappointed.
There is silence between them, as it rarely ever is, and rarer still the awkwardness in the air as they think of all the words they should be saying, that should be said, and how to say them. Perry consoles himself with the fact that Heinz had at least yet to leave, but he leaves a gap between them like a gulf Perry isn't sure how to bridge.
It isn't often that Heinz Doofenshmirtz is ever lost for words, so Perry--as he always does--meets him in the middle.
Did you get my card? He asked, because he needed to know. Because he'd worried about it endlessly since he'd sent it, because it had kept him awake at night, thinking if it was too much, or too little.
But Heinz smiles by the mention of it, baby blue eyes sparkling under the alien fluroscence, and all at once it was worth it.
"That you sent through Vanessa?" Heinz chuckles, confirming. "Foul of you, Perry the Platypus, using my daughter to send our messages back and forth like some sort of owl postman. She's got better things to do with her time, you know."
He did know. Vanessa had consented anyway, had in fact been loudly enthusiastic with the idea once she found out about their current disagreement, and had loudly scolded Perry for being a 'Dumbass idiot who shouldn't be keeping things to himself when they've all established the fact that communication was what kept this relationship from falling apart despite literally both of your entire careers.'
Having only sent the one card had been an act of restraint. On his worst nights, Perry had imagined breaking into the Murphy residence on the other side of town and crawling on his knees for forgiveness, but even after all this time, he was still too afraid of showing his belly even to the people he loved.
I did, you know, he tells him, because he couldn't let himself be vulnerable then, and the next best time was now. Miss you.
"Yeah," Heinz said. "I-uh. I missed you too. Probably Vinnie could tell. The kids, too."
Vinnie, huh? Perry teased, to hide the sudden heartache, and that all too familiar snarl of jealousy. Didn't realize you guys were on a first name basis.
Heinz gives him a look like he could tell, anyway. Perry pulls at his collar, blushing.
Sorry, he signs.
Heinz sighs. "It's whatever. We were just two lonely guys looking to distract ourselves from our missing other halves, I suppose."
Perry chooses to latch on to the latter half of that sentence. I'm your other half?
Heinz stares at him, his hands, then back into his eyes. "You're kidding, right?"
I didn't think, Perry's hands flutter, and fails him. I thought you'd, I thought I'd really,
But then it didn't matter what he couldn't say, because Heinz bridges the gulf himself, and Perry feels the kiss, before he'd even caught his move, and even after all this time their lips fit together like puzzle pieces, and Perry falls forward like a broken stone wall.
Missing you, he had written on the card, because it had been the most accurate plead he could think of. You were missing from me.
It's deep, but brief, on account of being met with a chorus of loud protests and jeers from their unwilling audience, and Zack Underwood yelling loudly, and pointedly, that this spaceship was open plan, people, come on. Perry pulls away first, chuckling and feeling lighter than he has for months, while Heinz rolled his eyes. He does not, at least, take his hand away now that it has settled into Perry's hip, and he feels so happy he could die. He buries his face into Heinz's shoulder as he scolds the children for interrupting an adult conversation, while Melissa Chase comments lightly that, technically, the bathroom was closed off.
"Bathroom for adult conversations, got it." Dakota quips, and Cavendish hits him over the head without even looking up from where he's handling the ship's hull control.
"I'm 14!" Underwood shrieks in an impressive high tone as Perry begins to laugh. Poor stranded boy in space aside, he thinks things are really starting to look up.
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zukkacore · 2 months
"Why do you like Starbreaker?"
me, internally: The themes introduced by Porter's godhood and Jace's servitude toward him are genuinely interesting. So much of Junior Year concerns itself w/ fairness n personal autonomy n devotion n worship n making your own meaning. The idea that Jace and Porter "have always been a duo" n the fact that Brennan has been holding onto this reveal since SY means that Jace was retooled to exist FOR porter. Porter's quest for godhood eclipses anything else that could have mattered about jace, his purpose becomes serving Porter on both a textual n meta level. On both levels he is contorted into someone alien to himself. Even though he is a character with few lines, Jace's voice in freshman year compared to Junior year feels distinct, he sounds younger, he sounds like he's looking for connection, he honestly sounds like a pretty recent hire, and in that context is it not pitiable what happened to him? Does that not make him similar to Sandra Lynn, a young person who was exploited by someone older than her and who uses religion as a tool for control? And yet the tone over and over again treats him with ambivalence in a world that is obsessed with fair. The text over and over again wants to reiterate this idea of characters getting to make their own meaning, but what does it mean to be a sequel to someone else? To be a footnote in their vision? Jace's life is a decision a GM made, he is Porter's sequel on a textual and meta level. He is continually denied interiority within the text (perfect example is sophmore year where teachers are not allowed to be hirelings when Jace is proposed than an immediate workaround is made for Gilear to come with the Bad kids). He never had a choice but to be a follower to the god of war because the other option was deathly silence, a prop or a martyr like Lucy or Yolanda. Is being remembered fondly and uncomplicatedly despite your flaws but being deathly silent better than being corrupted? The question of Jace's motivation is continually left unanswered n in that, part of the Starbreaker thought experiment is wondering how exactly Jace slots into this Plan, into Porter's life. He could simply be a lackey, sure, but is being forced to be a lackey for a god not in a way its own form of worship? To imagine Jace's subservience to Porter as a kind of love, a kind of toxic old man yaoi if you will, is maybe a way to play at a world where he gets a sense of purpose, or some kind of love in return, even if that life is fucked n compromised n broken, because he was asked "do you want this life" n he said yes. What does it mean to be a person who is contorted into villainy without a choice when the very undercurrent of your world is telling everyone else "there's always a choice!"? When the text condemns you for evil if you only ever can exist as a tool? Before Porter became Jace's world, he was practically egoless, no matter what tone his dialogue takes on. Every scene he's in, he's w/e the situation demanded of him, taking up no oxygen in the room w/out even a memorable gimmick to make him distinct n funny. Pure function. It wasn't a big life but it was his. Was wanting to live, being content to be a footnote to the Bad Kids the sin that condemned Jace stardiamond? Or was wanting to live even if he no longer was recognizable to himself the sin that condemned him? Or is it the fact that he enables cruelty, and is that fair when characters who are horrible in their own ways get a pass as long as they are fun and funny and memorable? Is his life better now that he is more of a presence in his cruel and twisted but albeit slightly more memorable state, if his life now condemns him to be hated forever? Does Jace get power from his deal with Porter? Is getting a time in the spotlight of the narrative its own form of power? Is Jace happy serving Porter? Would Jace be happy loving Porter? Did Porter give jace new life by destroying the old jace, by making sure all paths lead straight back to him? Is Starbreaker just our way of trying to say imagine Jace Stardiamond happy?
what I say: haha idk toxic co workers fucking is hot
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spocks-husband · 1 year
Me when I first joined the star trek fandom: I would NEVER write inappropriate content about these characters! That's disgusting! It violates the very core of their story! It disrespects the legacy of our fallen actors and characters and--
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