#old followers dont be weird abt his design please <:)
ahokassan · 2 years
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forgot to stop lurking like i promised.🫤 Anyway here's some piled up doodles of my actual main ffxiv wol
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bi-dazai · 6 years
Idk if u guys know this but I have a lot of younger teenagers following my blog that may not have started going to many parties w alcohol and drugs etc in them so uhhhh just so u know:
- if you need someone to take you home, find a GIRL who is reasonably sober to walk you home (USING MAIN STREETS), or if you can find a designated driver or even someone's parent to drive you home that's even better. At the end of the day though, if you can txt a parent or older sibling to come pick you up that's probably the best option.
- the kind of ppl to NOT be left alone w:
- men
- the guy that says "hey I'll walk you home"
- the guy that invites you to go to his to watch a movie
- no seriously. Men. Do not trust men. No matter how nice they seem.
Some other tips ranging from etiquette to safety:
- learn what to do with someone's body when they pass out drunk (roll them to the side, bend the knee of their top leg, put a pillow behind their back - to make sure they don't roll onto their back and choke to death on their own vomit in their sleep)
- DONT LEAVE YOUR DRINK. don't let it out of your hand. Keep your eye on it at all times. If it's being poured or fetched by someone else - if there's a single MOMENT that it's out of sight from you, especially if it's from someone u aren't so familiar with, DO NOT DRINK. And yes, this includes if it's a drink from another girl. Even events like Pride have their fair share of date rapes so.
- if a situation arises where you need to call an ambulance DO NOT HESITATE. You won't get in trouble for underage drinking or illicit drug use by a hospital. What's more important is that you don't let someone suffocate on ur living room floor cos they had a bad reaction to some weed and u were too worried abt being busted. Like this is p basic shit but I've seen like. 14 yr olds on this site debate the situation and panic before so. Hope that helps.
- don't act drunk when ur not. It's rly obvious and embarrassing lmao. Also if u don't drink then don't fucking push it in everyone's faces cos ur being insufferable.
- please don't do any hard drugs before you get out of high school lol. I can't stress this enough - weed and that kinda stuff is alright if u can keep it under control, but shit like cocaine and heroin, and ESPECIALLY hallucinogens will absolutely fuck you up if you take them before you hit ur twenties, or at least before you graduate hs.
- if you wanna get high get a hold of some weed. Don't snort from a deodorant can or some shit bc that's extremely dangerous. Like someone close to me died from that stuff and it rly hurts to see ppl just casually talking abt weird ways to get high w out realising how goddamn risky a lot of these ways are. Like I live in a town where there's only one fucking weed supplier. I'm sure if u live in a city u can find someone to hit you up w some grass instead of u doing something stupid w ur groceries.
- don't make out w someone else's partner, don't cheat on ur own partner, etc. Like get drunk, do shit you wouldn't usually do, but stay within ur fuckin morals lol
- if there's Iggy Azalea or Chainsmokers on the playlist or some shit and ppl are somehow enjoying it then it's a good sign from the universe that this party is gonna be lackluster and if u feel like leaving u probably won't miss anything so don't feel bad if u txt ur big sister or whoever to come pick u up cos u get bored
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