#olay how have i missed this???
soireegurl · 7 months
Jungwon with mute reader( feat sunoo) pt2.
It has been weeks since that traumatic incident at home with you and Jungwon.
Everything has been okay... Just one thing though...
You don't know where Jungwon got your phone number from... But he has been texting you everyday and very frequently that it is getting annoying and scary.
It started from a small good morning and good night texts and some texts asking you how you are. But recently it got creepier and creepier.
"Good morning, did you sleep well? Thinking that Sunoo hyung was the one next to you every night makes me insanely jealous... I should be the one next to you... The only one..."
"I just want to let you know that I miss you so much... I really want to hug you right now... But sadly I can't... But it's okay, that time will come soon..."
You didn't dare to tell anyone and it's not like you can either.
The only person here who can understand you is Sunoo... And Jungwon... The others can't read hand signs.
Everytime you felt like telling Sunoo, Jungwon's words just keeps lingering in your mind.
You don't know what he can do... You don't want to risk it either.
Today, Jungwon and the guys are here again. They have been coming really often till the point where you suspect that it's Jungwon that initiates all the meet ups.
Now you are just sitting here among the boys listening to them gossiping.
And you can feel Jungwon's gaze on you and it is really getting uncomfortable.
Everytime he comes, he will just keep staring at you with that dark gaze that makes you feel uneasy.
"Tofu... Is there something wrong? You look really uncomfortable..."
Sunoo softly whispered into your ears...
You look at sunoo and slightly shook your head. You don't want to use handsign because Jungwon can understand.
"If there's anything tell me okay?"
Sunoo said softly and you nodded.
And just when you look to the front, you saw Jungwon staring at you again.
You guys made eye contact and you quickly looked away because of how intense his stare was.
"Guys let's get some Soju should we?"
Jungwon suggested.
"Yeah sounds great! We can have a movie night too!"
Niki replied excitedly.
"Alright I will go to the supermarket, text me what you want..."
Heeseung said as he stood up..
"I will go with you hyung!"
Sunoo said excitedly.
"Us too!"
Sunghoon, Jay, Jake said.
End up almost all of them went to the supermarket...
And it's only left with you, Jungwon anf Niki...
Before sunoo left, you tried to make him stay... You held his hands with pleading eyes but you didn't want to use hand sign because of Jungwon.
"Why tofu? I'm just going to the supermarket... I will be back very soon..."
Sunoo said as he kissed your forehead.
You know that... But you are scared...
"Then let me go with you too..."
You finally used hand sign because you are getting really scared... Scared of the thought of staying alone with Jungwon without sunoo...
"It's okay tofu... We have many guys, we can carry..."
Sunoo did many things to comfort you and you couldn't say anymore...
End up you are now in the house with Jungwon and Niki...
Niki was very concentrated on playing the switch so he can't really notice what is going on between you and Jungwon.
"Sss... Seems like you don't want to be with me... Mmm?"
Jungwon came over and whispered into your ears making you shiver...
You didn't answer because you didn't know what to say.
"Oh... Now you don't even want to talk to me? What a bad girl huh?"
Jungwon said and smirked but his smirk was evil and dark.
"It's okay... You can be rebellious all you want... Just wait till at night..."
After that, he left and went to olay with Niki.
You were surprised that he actually left you alone...
But you didn't understand what he meant.
What could happen at night?
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alexblue29 · 1 year
hey, you're cool.
oddly the therapist possum has a request!!
so, er.
ghost of chicago by noah floersch.
then, add
lovesick foolish!?
here's that idea, idk :,)
Olay that song is so good though, thanks for making me obsessed with it! I made this pretty fucking angsty sooooo sorry? And let me know if y'all want more angst cause it's kinda fun to write! I wrote this in 45 minutes btw.
Foolish Gamers x Fem!Reader
It's angsty with a happy ending, unrequited love but not really, Foolish is a lovesick, kicked puppy, Foolish is called Noah although it.
Ghost Of Her
Noah sighed as he let himself fall into his chair. He looked over his setup, his monitors and computer were turned on with a discord call going. He had been chatting with Tina and Mouse before starting his stream. He rubbed at his face as he unmuted himself and picked up his cup of coffee.
His throat closed up for a second as he took his first sip, he missed her. She would always ask him what he was drinking and she'd have the same answer everytime he'd offer his reply,
"Honestly, people who drink their coffee black have to be psycopaths or something. Are you a psycopath, Foosh?" She'd laugh.
He quickly put his cup down as he stumbled into a coughing fit. His friends laughed at him, they asked him what happened.
"Nothing," he rasped out before clearing his throat, "Nothing, coffee just went down the wrong pipe."
He took his time getting his breath back and quickly redirected the conversation,
"I'm gonna start stream, see y'all on the server!"
Streaming did not help get his mind off of her, it never did. He would try to focus on his build but get distracted by his own thoughts. His chat, observant as ever, could tell he wasn't fully himself.
How could he be?
She's getting married tomorrow.
Noah rubbed his face roughly as he stood from his desk, he stretched, his joints popping as he did. He needed to clear his head and, even though it was nearing ten p.m., he grabbed his phone and made his way outside.
He walked for what felt like forever until he stumbled upon a familiar park, he made his way to it. As he walked, his feet guided him to the fountain in the very middle. He could see her, sitting by his side on the edge of it. A memory he cherishes of when she came to visit him for his birthday.
He remembers it like he still was there. A cold night, much like this one, he'd given her his sweater to keep her warm and tried to not melt every time his eyes found her. It was the perfect night. He should've said it. Why couldn't he just express his emotions like she could?
He frowned as he turned his back to the fountain and made his way away from it as fast as he could. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he reached for it and pulled it out.
Bad was calling him.
That was strange. They never called each other with their personal numbers, they exchanged them in case of an emergency. Before he realized it, the call had ceased. He didn'f reject it, he just waited too long.
Bad messaged him,
From: Bad (Dumbass)
I know you're looking at your phone.
It was all the warning he got before Bad called again. Noah retained a sigh as he answered,
"What's wrong?" his friend questioned right away.
"I have no idea what you mean, Bad."
He heard Bad scoff, Noah had always been a bad liar. "Tina and Mouse both messaged me saying you were being all weird and moppy this morning and I've watched your stream."
A moment of silence passed. Noah found his way on a stray bench before he whispered,
"She gets married tomorrow."
His voice broke in the middle, he couldn't bring himself to care.
He heard clicking noises from the other end before his phone vibrated again. He pulled it away from his ear and looked at the file Bad had sent him, a plane ticket?
"Bad, why did you-?"
"Because you are both idiots who refuse to be happy. Go get her, Foolish."
"I can't just barge into her wedding!"
"Says who?" Silence. Bad spoke again, "She's not happy, Foolish. Go get her."
And so here he was, in a taxi on his way to the wedding. It wasn't starting until twelve, it was currently ten-thirty. He couldn't fuck this up.
He thanked the driver as he closed the door. He saw her sister clock him immediately, he saw the way her eyes lit up with hope. She excused herself from a conversation and made his way to him.
"Noah! Thank god you're here, she's in the bride's room. Fifth door to the left, she's alone," She clapped him on the shoulder and lightly pushed him towards the building.
He thanked her quietly and quickly made his way to the room, he stopped before the door and raised a hesitant hand to knock.
"Angie? Is that you?" His heart lurched as her voice made its way to his ears.
"No, but she sent me to you."
He heard her inhale, he heard her quick steps to the door before she opened it, "Noah."
She let him in without a second thought. He took his time to look at her as she closed to door behind him. She'd barely changed from the last time he'd seen her. She already had her hair and makeup done for the wedding, but she was still in her white robe.
Noah couldn't take it, he took two large steps toward her and wrapped her in a tight hug that she reciprocated immediately. She was smudging her makeup on his shirt and he was definitely messing up up her hair as he gently grabbed the back of her head.
"Don't marry him," he muttered as he nuzzled into the top of her head, "Please, don't marry him."
"I can't just leave," she whispered to him.
He swallowed, "Bad bought my ticket to come get you, and two more to go back. One for me, and one for you," she looked up at him. "Your sister is on your side, she'll help you get your stuff if you need."
He caressed her cheek gently and whispered, "Come home to me, my clementine."
He could see her melt. He could see her ghost melt and finally letting the her he knew out again. She nodded. His heart was beating out of him chest. She broke away from his, went into the bathroom. He gathered all her things in her bag as he waited.
When she stepped out, her hair was up in a ponytail, her makeup off and she'd changed into some joggers and one of his old t-shirts she must have stolen when she visited him.
With her bag in his hand, he gently grabbed her hand and guided her away from the wedding. Together they made their way to the airport. She texted her sister and thank you and asked for her help to which her sister immediately agreed.
As they were flying back to Noah's home, he took a selfie of the both of them and sent it to their discord server with all their friends with a single message,
"Thank you, Bad."
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nspwriteups · 1 year
En Ullam Kava Kalvan - part 2
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Shoutout to @thatacademic for suggesting this sequel
Read part 1 here:
To say Vanathi has been on cloud -9 lately would be an understatement. But how can she not be ecstatic? Her yaanai paagan was safe and sound and beside her now. She had imagined a lot when they were apart - from having long conversation about his journey to silent walks in the garden to her dancing for him - so many dreams but when she saw him face-to-face she was only able to manage a smile. Why was she tongue-tied more often times than not?
Now they were seated in Kundavai s chamber- her, Kundavai, Vanthiyathevan and Arulmozhi. She had been sneaking side glances at her Yaanai Paagan for some time now and whenever he caught her eyes, he would give her a friendly smile and enquire about her family or her health or any other thing in general. There was no indication that he had read any of the letters she had sent him or any reciprocation of her feelings. But she wasn't upset. She knew he was passionate about being a good ruler to his people - to uphold his duty with utmost dedication and in the midst of it he didn't wanted to spend his time in courtship. She was also aware of other princesses from smaller Chola kingdoms vying for the Prince's heart. Whatsmore she recalled Vanthiyathevan mentioning a boat girl as well who had been spending time with them.Speaking of Vanthiyathevan, she looked at the Vana clan prince wondering whether he had given her letter to Arulmozhi. It was her last letter that she had send him - pouring all her feelings into it - showcasing the intensity with which she have been loving him. While her mind had been chiding her that all her efforts are fruitless, her heart had been whispering to her to not lose hope.
"Kanne" Vanathi snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing Kundavai's voice and looked at her. "Why did you become silent all of a sudden? Come now, sing a song for us " Kundavai encouraged her, eager to impress her Thambi. Vanathi smiled, she loved the Chola princess- her mentor and uyir thozi.
"What do you want me to sing Akka?" She asked, failing to notice Arulmozhi's head turning towards their direction.
"Akka" He said "If you don't mind can I make a suggestion?"
"Of course Thambi" Kundavai was happy with his participation in the conversation.
"There is a particular Thevaram that have been on my mind for a long time" he said with a small smile, turning to Vanathi, " I hope the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi can sing it to us"
Vanathi was equal parts surprised that her Ilavarase wanted to hear her sing and equal parts happy to do so. She nodded eagerly.
Was it her imagination or did Arulmozhi's smile got wider?
"Then I would like to hear the Thevaram by Thirugnana Sambandar dedicated to Lord Shiva" he held out an olai "You can use this for reference "
Vanathi knew she was blushing as she felt her face heating up - her olai in his hand, his eyes trained on her face and his smile indeed widening seeing her reaction. Kundavai looked at the pair in confusion before turning to Vanthiyathevan who was trying hard to stifle his laugh. "Am I missing something here?" She asked, slightly disappointed that she isn't part of the inside joke."Devi, I will tell you if you come with me " Vanthiyathevan said while grinning, leading a curious and confused Kundavai out.As soon as they were alone, Vanathi sent a chiding look towards Arulmozhi
"Ilavarase, you shouldn't tease me so"
" Why not Ilavarasi? We have known each other for quite some time now and you were the one sending secret letters behind Akka's back"
Arulmozhi was enjoying this more than he had imagined. Vanathi turned to look down, playing with her bangles, refusing to give a reaction but he could see a ghost of a smile she was trying to suppress.
"I thought you didn't care" her voice was small, barely a whisper but he heard it, moreover he heard the hurt hidden in those words.
"Vanathi" her given name sounded so natural coming out of his lips
"Did I seem that much indifferent to you?"
She let out a sigh and looked at him. The hurt that he heard in her words was now reflected in her eyes. He stood from his place and sat down to her right on the divan. He held both her hands in his and looked at her wide, doe-eyes, now looking at him in shock mixed with expectation.
"Vanathi, I don't know how to transform my feelings into words but allow me to try. Forgive me if I had been unkind to you because that was not my intention. I didn't wanted to agree to a marriage alliance just because the elders preferred it. I wanted to find a person on my own who understood my mindset and would support me through difficult times. After a long time I realized that the person I've been looking for had been in my life all along. You, Vanathi. You showed me the strength of friendship and the power of dedication and loyalty. I've to admit there were also times when I had been jealous of your optimism.But you are one of the few people who are simply irreplaceable in my life and I'll be forever be grateful to Akka for it. Now, if your feelings have not changed then I'd love to have a second chance to show you my feelings. You called me a thief who have stolen your heart in your letter but I think you stole mine first"
Vanathi was sure she was going to faint but she took a long breath to steady herself and said
"You just made me the happiest person in the world, swami" Arulmozhi squeezed her hands tightly before remarking " So what about the Thevaram, Vanathi? Will you sing it for me? " Her laughter was as sweet as her
"Of course"
@vibishalakshman @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai
@rang-lo @willkatfanfromasia @lotus27 @deafeningflowercat @thelekhikawrites @whippersnappersbookworm tag ur other tumblr buddies and share ur thoughts 🥰
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DWTS S33 Premiere Thoughts
I am the biggest dancing with the stars fan so I decided I'm going to word vomit all my thoughts this year.
Thoughts and spoilers btc!
Opening number slapped. JENNA AND VAL ALWAYS. They're literally so awesome.
Joey actually did SO good. He kept time so well and he wasn't stiff so kudos to him. DANG 7s on week on. Honestly deserved imo.
I literally cannot wait until Steven and Illona.
Not the hot joke already. Hmmmm something doesn't seem right. I cant place it, maybe off beat? Okay nobody come at me, but I feel like she's almost too confident. I see potential though. I feel like GLeb doesn't liker her 💀
Awww she seems so nervous. That was a bit ummm stiff. Which i feel like I should have expected. Perfectly said Carrie Ann. She said it better than I did, but that what I was trying to say. I literally love her so much. She actually means so much to me.
Reginald seems like such a sweet guy. I feel like Emma was actually a great pairing for him casue shes super sweet too. Bless him. I know he won't last long but hes cute.
Oh boys be nice. Love Carrie Ann. Also love Julianne but shes not the best host lol
Damn there are a lot of athletes this season.
Danny seems like a cutie. He'll probably do okay. AHHH I didn't realize how much I missed Whitney. OKAY WHITNEY I SEE YOU WITH THAT LEG. Honestly pretty good.
Tori did okay and i agree with judges comments.
Bachelorettes always do good. Shes cute and I honestly love her attitude. She did pretty good. Shes definitely got power.
THE GASP I GASPED. she's making it to the final. period.
Oh he's fun. geeezzz he cna throw her around. Why dud wardrobe do that to him tho? he did prettyyy good. I love Daniela too.
is it me or is everyone doing good tonight? that seemed like a strong dance to me. I'm excited to see her continue. oh oop I didn't super catch the wrong foot.
Steven is so cute. I just want to squish his cheeks.
I thought she did better than that but okay
WOWOWOWOWW. I'm so rooting for him. I was scared in the beginning I won't lie but THAT WAS SO FUN AND GOOD.
gosh he was fast which is soo good for jive. I think if I met stephen we would be besties. 😭😭😭😭😭 stoppp he's so cute
slay Stephen.
Olay my comments are over I'm not even going to waste my time with Anna
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madiwadikinz · 1 month
la roche posay
micellar water
neutrogena face wipes (should NOT be your only cleanser)
ELF (BUT ONLY the lip balms/scrubs/masks)
aveeno (iffy, but she’s cute)
byoma is OKAY, but packaging gives childish/overcompensating
a gua sha is key
the ordinary
french pharmacy
RHODE by hailey bieber
saltair lip balm
TULA (really only things i have used myself were the lil stick balms for ur face,,, they were GREAT)
SNAIL MUCIN!!!! (don’t knock it b4 u try it!!!)
peach & lily
drunken elephant
fenty beauty
r.e.m. beauty (most of the makeup is genuinely garbage cuz miss grande is on meth & dating spongebob BUT her skin card does NOT decline REGARDLESS 💜)
summer fridays lip balm 🤪
RED LIGHT THERAPY MASK!!!! when i say this, i mean the mask that covers all of ur face bc red light therapy is ineffective unless it is on your face for a prolonged period of time
neutrogena face cleanser (YUCK)
honestly anything neutrogena besides the damn makeup wipes
OLAY more like oNAUR
No7!!! (number 7) too expensive to be in the drug store & too inneffective for pricepoint
PIXI!!!! this brand surfaced when i was in MIDDLE SCHOOL & i was obsessed… notice how i said middle school bc it actually sucks donkey ASS
medicube: gimmicky; anyone u’ve ever seen speak positive words is getting paid by tiktok shop creator fund 🤪
pretty much any television commercial advertised acne brand… they will fuk ur shit up frrrrrrr
truly beauty 🫣😣
tower 28 👎👎👎
glow recipe: gimmicky; for children
glamglow: fell off GOD KNOWS how long ago but history repeats itself
farmacy (specifically the halo cream that the tiktok shop creator tab is paying people to promote on a commission basis)
murad (was relevant too long ago & rightfully fell off)
OGEE: ‘skincare makeup’ fluke ahhh brand; if u like feeling like a tube of grease that is also solid is ur makeup be my guest (NOTE: some ogee products aren’t terrible but overall not worth pricepoint considering their makeup SUCKS)
kylie skin: ur telling me a billionaire made a walnut scrub… i’m sick
call me controversial,,, but the SUNDAY RILEY alien ceo oil or whatever u wanna call it smelled so fucking bad that i could hardly apply it
estee lauder 🫣🫣🫣
controversial, but MEDICUBE DEVICE IS A NO
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bluehwale · 1 year
SO I was like travelling in bus for my.classes nd im usually a person in public transport who is like quiet minds my own business nd doesnt talk to anyone cuz maybe either om too sleepy or using my phone nd yesterday in saw this guy on my bus he was wearing all black suit nd he had his ear pierced (cuz men over here dont like to pierce their ears cuz its feminine 💀) nd that guy was standing in front of me I was like observing him like I liked men black tuxedo okay cuz they look so good 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😮‍💨😮‍💨nd I was thinking of completing his outfit nd I was like contemplating whether should I or should I not nd I was get so FUCKING anxious 😭😭 like me who has never complimented a stranger (not even a women is going nd complimenting a MAN ITS A BIG THNG ND IM LITERWLLY MY MIMD EAS SO BUSY DESPITE RUNNING ON 4HRS OF SLEEP) nd ykw im the end I ended up complimenting him nd before my stop I said ur outfit looks really good nd I like ur bag too nd he was literally smiling ear to ear so cite nd before he could say smth my stop came I was literally SCREAMING THE WHOLE WAY UNTIL I FOUND MY SENIOR 😭i jad to pull my my shit together nd talk to him ndi after I finished talking to him I was literally screaming nd sending voice notes to my frnd (hey sending voice notes r a BIG THING nd I never send voice texts unless I cant type.out my thoughts nd to arrange them properly im a text message nd I couldn't call the fuck.down I LEGIT WENT TO RESTROOM ND SCREAMEDDDDDD WELLL im becoming more loose like ND WJEM I COMPLIMENT ITS LIKE I DESCRIBE EVERY ASPECT OF IT ND TELL IT TO PPL ND IT ENDS UP WITH THEM BLUSHING ND I WAS Literally TRYIJG MY BEST NOT TO STUTTER 🥴🥴ND I ENDED UP GWTTING SHT AFTER GIVING THE COMPLIMENT 😭😭😭💀💀LIZ IT WAAS LIKE A ROLLER COASTER ND I TOLD ANT THIS TO 3 OTHER FRNDS ND THEY ALL HAD fucking diverse opinions like 😞😞😞imma cotinue it in the next ask 🥴🥴
olay so I told abt my adventure to 3other frnds one of then whom I told first thought I jad a crush on the gut like a fleeting crush who im never gonna see again (sue was genuinely.confused olay so o said I just liked how he dressed up nd yes black tum 💀🥴🥴im on my knees okay )
another frnd I told (she is the most logical one) she said guys get less compliments than girls nd u just made his day nd said when u get dressed up nd someone acknowledges it u are jiet over the moon nd she was also proud of me for implementing a stranger cuz it takes alot of courage
thw last.frnd I told she said u go on doing this nd make.every guy fall for.u 😭 im like im an over exaggerator who compliments in a very descriptive way nd I cant change it cuz it what it is nd imo descriptive compliments >>>>one line compliments (idk why I prefer it )
anw liz have a good day taake care of urself.ilyyy (2/2)
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MISS DIORWOO!!!! IM ALWAYS THE HAPPIEST GIRL WHENEVER I HEAR FROM U <33 (my response is under the cut, u better bUCKLE UP !!)
u: *internally screaming and dy1ng* 🧍‍♀️
A FLEETING CRUSH WHO U WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN???? PLS DONT BREAK MY HEART NOOOO 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😞😞😞😞😞 (im gonna manifest that u’ll meet him again soon I HAVE MY PRAYER CIRCLE READY !!!!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️) honestly,,,,, so relatable i too would get on my knees for any man who dresses well and esp in black (the bar is so low its IN HELL)
NAH BCS IM GONNA GO WITH UR LAST FRIEND BCS IM PRETTY SURE HE FELL IN LOVE WITH U !!!!!! WHEN U COMPLIMENTRD HIM AND UR GAZE MET HIS, THATS WHEN HE KNOWS !!! ITS U !!!! U’RE THE ONE HES BEEN LOOKING FOR (sorry im obv over the mOON THIS IS TOO CUTE) but yeah im also so 🥺🥺proud🥺🥺 of u for complimenting a stranger bcs that takes balls that i dont hv I MEAN IVE NEVER ATTEMPTED TO DO IT BUT IK I WOULD GET 😨😨😨 *sweats* 😨😨😨 AND “hi i just wanna say that i rlly like ur outfi- well would u looK at that cat over there!! aHaHahah” WOULD PROBABLY COME OUT OF MY MOUTH INSTEAD SNBDDNNSNS (i hv 0 rizz) but anyWAYS IT PROBABLY MADE HIS WHOLE DAY AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YOU’VE BECOME “THE GIRL IN THE BUS” TO ALL HIS FRIENDS BCS HE WOULD FOR SURE TELL EVERYONE THAT HE GOT A COMPLIMENT FROM U </333333 (im suffering thats so cute) U’RE IMMORTALIZED IN HIS HEAD AND IN HIS STORIES !!!!!
i loVE the way u give compliments u’re literally the sweetest and i know hE thinks that too </3 im hoping for another adventure of u meeting that guy OR ANYONE ELSE IN PARTICULAR REALLY BCS EEEEEK THIS MADE MY WHOLE DAY I LOVED THIS SM SNSBDBDNSBNSS 😭😭😭😭
thanku sm for sharing this adventure of urs !!! 🥺🥺🥺 i missed u and i love u and i hope u have a great day as well !!! take care always <333
hashtag my current mood:
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seiwas · 8 months
hi hi sel❤️❤️ How are u doing🫶 Hope everything’s alright, i’ve missed reading ur stuff sm! I need to catch up with ur blog🤧
Okay Olay so a very random question I had! How does gojo deal with arguments between u? more specifically col!gojo. How does he comfort u? how he want to be comforted? Does he say much? or nothing at all? Things of that sort! i’m super curious to know whats ur say on this!!! Have a great GREAT day sel❤️
zuro anon
zuro anon hello 🥺 i am finally answering this question !!!! waaah i’ve missed you 🥺 you are so sweet to check in every now and then 🥹
i had a real good think about this because i honestly don’t think col!gojo and col!reader fight a lot at all 😭 i just think it isn’t in col!reader’s personality to argue with him—if anything, they kind of just remove themselves from the situation to cool down (while being sad abt it 😭)
there will be some bickerings and miscommunications in between col 4 to col 5 and during col 5 though 🥹
i think col!gojo ultimately leaves this awkward lull of silence between him and col!reader when they argue though. i don’t think he’s the type to lash out but i also don’t think he’s the type to back down/apologise first UNLESS he really sees himself doing damage.
to comfort col!reader i think he tries really hard to act like they didn’t just argue 😭 and bc col!reader is probably more upset than angry, he tries to crack a joke 😭 it never lands the first time but if he does it enough, col!reader does end up smiling 🥺 lots of hovering and clinging too!!!
a hurt gojo is either silent or extremely sulky, and both ways are solved by col!reader giving him lots of hugs 🥺 the puppy eyes also do the trick most of the time 😭 col!reader is extremely vocal w apologies tho, so gojo is absolutely pampered with reassurance 🥺
i think arguments are really rare between them so when they happen i think it weighs a lot more 🥺
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annabelle-creart · 22 days
More Humanformers!Kingdom of Light (with their in-au names):
[Presenting Bianca(Blurr, 7 years), Salvage(8 years), Boulder, Hector(Heatwave) and Fang(Chase)]
- on the summer house -
Hector: Good morning
Boulder: *yamn* *sips the cup* morning
Salvage: *slams the door aggresively*
Hector: Salvage, please, don't scream, everything you need to say you can say it in less volume
Salvage: ...there's ducks on the lake!
Hector: Just like that, good job
Boulder: First take some breakfast, sit down
Salvage: But they will go!
Fang: I can take him there
Salvage: Really?
Boulder: I don't want to bother you
Fang: It's okay, Bianca needs air too
Bianca: Can it be later?
Fang: No, ducks are active at this hours
Boulder: You're saving me, Fang
Fang: No problem, excellence
Hector: You're like an angel, pal
Fang: You're my friend, Hec, and I haven't sit to breathe a little in a while
Hector: Pff- are you okay?
Fang: I forgot how exhaustive was to deal with kids
Boulder: Aw! I haven't see Salvage play with other kid in a while!
Hector: How was the ducks?
Fang: Bianca trapped one and Salvage draw it, it tried to bite them but they're okay, they found some sticks and they're olaying with it
Hector: I think I haven't asked, why is Bianca with you?
Fang: She's my niece
Hector: and their parents?
Fang: dead
Hector: Oh...
Boulder: I'm so sorry!
Fang: It was some time ago, it's okay
*something breaks*
Boulder: My- Salvage?
Fang: Bianca?
Salvage: Ah...
Bianca: Sorry, we didn't wanted to broke it!
Boulder: Ah- don't worry, are you okay?
Salvage: Aja
Fang: Good, I'll bring something to glue it
Hector: You don't have to...
Fang: I have to
*Fang went away to search for it, Bianca started to take the pieces of the broken jar*
Hector: Wait- you can cut yourself
Bianca: Not if I take if from the middle
Boulder: It's okay
Hector: But-
Boulder: *whispering* sometimes, it's okay let them do things by themselves
Hector: ...do you mind to explain me?
Boulder: You'll get it
*Later that day, they glued all the pieces, it wasn't perfect but the glue was almost golden and that make it maybe look more beautiful*
Salvage: It is done!
Bianca: There's one piece missing here
Hector: I don't see anything
Boulder: maybe the last piece was too tiny to notice it on the floor
Bianca: but it is incomplete, then
Fang: but it still can fulfill its purpouse correctly, and tell me, when you see the rest, you like it?
Bianca: Hm... yes
Fang: See? It's about the full frame, a single thing can change everything but doesn't define anything
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what-if-nct · 3 months
hellooo today's reminder is my vacation was great, i spent a week in the mountains where the weather was always great and there was only enough cell service to play some music and everything was beautiful and slow and fun. we trekked and we ate good food and we surprisingly didn't have a blowout fight even though that's where most of our family vacations usually end up. it was a little sad to spend an extended amount of time with my family and realise how little they know about me but then i know i would hate to have them in my business so I guess it is what it is. and now it's my birthday soon and I'm gonna be 26 ahhhh when did this even happennnn
and tell me everythinggg I've been missing for a while what have you been up to
Hiiii, oh yaaay im so glad you had a wonderful time on vacation and everything was peaceful with your family and it all went well i hope you get to go on vacation again soon. It is a double edge sword when your family doesn't actually know you but also itd be worse if they were in your business 24/7. But yesss yaaaay your birthday is sooon i hope you have the wonderfullest day and you get everything you want and deserve.
And i haven't been up to much i have plans to see my boyfriend soon. Its been raining hard almost every single day for weeks so its been awhile since ive seen him and i really miss him. He doesn't live too far from me only like 20-30 minutes but the rain has been just so heavy. But yeah i cant wait. And ive been planning and saving to go to korea or japan so that gonna be fun. And oh my gosh i think ive perfected my scent combo the ariana grande thank you next 2.0 body spray and olay watermelon body wash are the reasons why i smell like candy and fruit juice and im obsessed and i have to stock up cause this is my summer scent.
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barbiegirldream · 8 months
yea the story really missed out on elaborating on the hawks dabi relationship more because genuinely why didn't he just kill him and mildly singed and told him who he was instead? makes no fucking sense. especially with Dabi confirming in post he knew Hawks was a spy from the start like wghat? really no further elaboration on that? i need to read dozens of chapters about cute school festivals and Hawks doesn't even deem it important to include how he even contacted Dabi in the first place? olay. shonen-disease i know i know. for my own peace of mind i'm just going to pretend they were fucking nasty on the side or smth with all those cut aways we get about their interactions
like that's what I'm saying !!! If Toga and Uraraka have a canon situationship then Hawks and Dabi sure as fuck did
Before the whole test this nomu thing the doctor made Dabi do he just planned to fuck off let them deal with machia and do whatever with Hawks.
it's also so funny because we see Dabi at his least effective with fighting Hawks. because we know he can light up a person faster than a match burns out. he burned through sand. and this is without the nuclear kill my little brother setting.
Hawks also made no moves to kill or fight back against Dabi when he and his feathers would have been fast enough to slit his throat. Dabi himself said so in his head before he dropped the name bomb. Hawks really said I'm here for Twice and that is it
those two fucking kill me
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honeybee-taskforce · 9 months
1x02 Rewatch Thoughts and Feelings
same disclaimer i’m on my phone typos and grammar errors can be invoiced to my publicist for review (its me)
-I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH what a fuckin fever dream hearing that song again
-oh wow they are grilling the hell out of him for this routine lmfao i forgot how much they tease him about all of this
-this was one of those scenes i mentioned where the emergency escalated so quick and was not what i expected it to be at all lmfao
-the aging with the bird box netflix comment zzzzzz i hate when media does this but i can overlook it here
-paul doing a thing we need another of these on season five. TWO if i may be so brave to request
-where the hell did this delivery driver even get the mercury for this now that i really think about it
-there’s some weird liberty mutual ad playing right now that has a baby talking about insurance im kind of in awe at the absurdity
-owen struggling to let go of his hair treatment goofy ass
-judd in therapy hits so hard ugh grace being there with him and he is truly trying and even has his comfort pillow for hugging because he needs something but it just isnt enough yet my heart hurts for him so much
-i forgot that grace is near sobbing when he leaves jesus christ that hurts too she loves this man so much and his pain is hers (and vice versa of course) i’m so glad that never goes away as the show goes on. Even if i could use more of it.
-michelle helping this little boy is a great foil to her introduction and i love it a lot, BUT overall i can’t find a way to care about this whole plot with Iris missing. Probably because i know it doesn’t go anywhere after this season except for the start of season 4…. I really wonder how different everything would have been had liv stayed and plot lines not adjusted accordingly. -“what the pissed off look on my fave aint enough proof” judd you teddy bear you know its not lmfao
-“he doesn’t know i’m sick” YOU NEED TO TELL HIMMMMMM
-my extended family cooks a pig just like this in a pit and everything and it tastes soooooo good
-“but just so you know i am a homosexual 😉” this whole bit is so silly and i like that they added it after a few intense back to back bits with the first emergency, michelle’s stuff, and owen’s chat with judd
-shakes ass to last night in my stillettos while these two hook up for the first and definitely not the last time
-tk give him back his damn belt you know that is not yours you rude city boy!
-carlos is all doe eye and soulmate smitten ahhhhh you cutie pie
-michelle goes to a psychic what the hell i dont remember this. BUT NOW IM REALIZING ITS THE SAME LADY WITH THE WORMS LATER ON IN THE SHOW HUHHHHH (right? Or am i losing my mind)
-spongebob movie voice: BALD BALD BALD BALD BALD
-the lady leaving herself to die in a fire because hes bald????? I know its a nightmare but wtf i forgot about all of that too 😭
-owen embracing this guy’s fantasy about the overlords but not being able to wrap his own head around his health’s reality is heartbreaking… at least he’s forced to address it once TK finds the meds
-owen and judd riding horses already getting that brotherly bond started ooooo i love them so much
-oh god first date time oh wow olay here we go CARLOS YOU'RE SO SMITTEN BUT NOWS NOT THE TIIIIME
-the boys miscommunicating for the first and certainly not the last time but its okay because it’s all a part of their story <3
-carlos calling this a hookup boy you know damn well that is not how you feel about this
-tk is so sad when he apologizes for the misunderstanding because the last thing he wants is to hurt anyone else but he can’t stop himself and it all just gets worse and worse in his eyes…. At least we know it gets better eventually. -grace helping judd count to 5 and she is so proud of him oh i love these two so goddamn much they are perfect and i need even more of them in season five
-does every episode of season 1 end with a song playing over a montage of stuff happening like did i just block that from my memory
-owen taking the first step to being more comfortable with his reality outside of the obvious therapy and treatments ugh so good.
god season one feels like a completely different show from the rest of it? Obviously the changes with casting and covid messed somethings up but i wonder how different everything would have been had the pandemic not happened and they were able to collow through on plot lines they wanted to from the beginning
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I love the versatility that mothers have for their daughters, it's either free therapy or a verbal punching bag. Like go girl give us unresolved trauma 🥰🥰
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mikkouille · 3 years
dude it was such a gigantic part of my childhood 😭😭 I used to brag all the time at a point in my life that I lived in the town next to the one where the studio who made it was gjdkdkskz and for super long I wanted to work thereebejej (but -dont sue me for defamation darlings- they allegedly a hellish place to work at so ❤️🥰 no 🌺😊 thanks ✨)
honestly tho in my age bracket from my fellow frenchies I know very little ppl who have not either seen it or just know of it (like catching an EP there n there ya feel) twas like the it girl of cool french TV for a momentfjdjsjs
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transarchivist · 5 years
feeling like that meme w the conspiracy theorist guy and the red string board behind him but it’s me and whatever the fuck eskew is
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jinlix · 5 years
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I've never been this devastated thank you
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areyousanta · 5 years
Okay I get it. I’m not as smart as you.
My coworker/friend just bashed my whole being and she was like the closest irl friend I have and I’m so hurt I wanna cry
So I know I’m terrible at writing things and I don’t understand a whole lot.
But god dammit at least I don’t treat people like shit when they don’t understand something. 
So backstory, I was in nursing school for 3 years. I have taken all the anatomy and physiology, microbiology, like seven psychology classes and labs that you need to become a registered nurse. I even got licensed as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). The only thing I didn’t get to was the clinical classes (which I mean there is a clinical class involved with becoming a CNA but whatev) So you can say I know quite a lot about the human body and shit.
But no she decides to start talking about IUD and has the audacity to say very condescendingly “I’m sorry you probably don’t even know what that is let alone how it’s put in”. I looked at her and say “...you do know I was a CNA and like halfway through nursing school right? I know what a fucking IUD is and how it fucking works”
She kept asking stupid things like that all night long and I’m sitting here like wow you really think I’m that dumb?? Yeah I know I’ve been in college for like 5 years now and only have an associates degree, but like that’s because I have no idea what I want to do and I keep trying different things to see what feels right. Not because I’m dumb and can’t pass.
She also thinks this is crazy because like “omg you’re spending way to much money?? how many loans do you have???” None. I worked all through high school and went to a cheap community college to get my gen. eds done and next semester will be my first time taking out loans so yea
I also told her that I’m thinking about dropping out of university because I still can’t figure out what I want to do and art education isn’t feeling right. I don’t want to spend anymore money. I want to try and go back into the medical field some how so I’m thinking of becoming an EMT and later a paramedic. The local community college trains for a good price and it only takes about a year (much nicer than the 2-3 I was looking at for art ed.)
This chick literally rolled her eyes and spun her finger in a circle in the air saying “woohoo”
Like wtf?
Nice to know I now have no one on my side.
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