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hondurasenlahistoria · 4 months ago
(vía Honduras en la Historia: 3 de Septiembre 1829, Triunfo de Márquez sobre rebeldes Olanchanos)
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hondurasensusmanosnoticias · 10 months ago
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years ago
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Juticalpa city, Olancho, HONDURAS
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demipais-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Empanizador, Tajadas Largas, y Jutiquile Olanchano, De Mi Pais || Spicy Bread Crumbs, Plantain Strips, and Hot Sauce Olanchano, De Mi Pais
Compra los 3 juntos, hoy en www.tiendademipais.com
Buy all 3 together, at www.demipais.com
Photo provided by pitty1112, on Instagram.
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saidulloalobo · 3 years ago
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Una sopa de tapado costeño, prefiero el tapado Olanchano
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seehonduras · 3 years ago
Thursday, 03 September 1829 Marquez's Triumph Over Olanchanos Rebels
The chief of the peace division of Olancho, Colonel José Antonio Márquez, achieved a momentary triumph in the city of Juticalpa, against those of that place, who, like the natives of the town of Opoteca, had resumed hostilities, this time against the Vice Chief Don Diego Vigil, in exercise of power in the absence of General Francisco Morazán. *Source: Efemérides Nacionales (Víctor Cáceres Lara)
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noticiascatacamas-blog · 5 years ago
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Los Olanchanos estamos muy bien armados contra el zancudo, #Noticiascatacamas #Honduras #Olancho Se Entregó 14 bombas termonebulizadora valorada en más de 50mil lempiras cada una, Cepudo-FFTP mil gracias por el apoyo departe de: Dulce Nombre de Culmi Catacamas Santa María del Real San Esteban Gualaco Manto Guarizama Jano Yocon Mangulile San Fco de La Paz San Fco de Becerra Guayape Patuca 14 municipios beneficiados directamente y los demás municipios Indirectamente gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias mil gracias Linda coello, Guadalupe Sanchez de Abufele ❤️ Comparta y Opine 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.instagram.com/p/B24C3A4lUyI/?igshid=1pczhp5np32lp
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joelhn75 · 5 years ago
3 de Septiembre 1829 Triunfo de Márquez sobre rebeldes Olanchanos
3 de Septiembre 1829 Triunfo de Márquez sobre rebeldes Olanchanos
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hondurasenlahistoria · 5 years ago
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Honduras en la Historia, 03 de Septiembre, 1829, Triunfo de Márques sobre rebeldes Olanchanos. (Haz clic para ver la imagen).
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fotografiandomf · 6 years ago
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El corazón de Olancho palpita entre cielos azules y abundante naturaleza. Catacamas, localizada en el valle del mismo nombre, es un municipio del Departamento de Olancho. La “Ciudad Florida” como le llamó el gran poeta y escritor olanchano Froylán Turcios, se extiende sobre una vasta planicie. Era conocida con el nombre de San Cristóbal de Catacamas, no se sabe la fecha de su fundación, solamente que en 1770 ya tenía arreglados sus ejidos. Para el año de 1838 fue creado oficialmente el Municipio de Catacamas, en 1889 aparece formando parte en su condición de municipio del Distrito de Juticalpa. El 24 de enero de 1898 se le confirió el título de ciudad siendo Presidente de la República el Doctor Policarpo Bonilla y fungiendo como Alcalde municipal el señor Demetrio Jiménez. Famosa por sus productos lácteos (quesos, mantequilla crema y mantequilla de vejiga o de costal) sus platos típicos, el tapado olanchano, la sopa de arroz de maíz, la cazuela, el vino de coyol y las rosquillas. Es el municipio más grande de Centroamérica y le pertece en su mayoría la extensión territorial del Parque Nacional Sierra de Agalta. En el parque se encuentran varias cascadas, cuevas y sitios arqueológicos, bosques tropicales, secos y enanos, variedad de aves y mamíferos. Cuenta con sitios especiales como: Pico de La Picucha (pico más alto de Olancho) y el cuarto más alto de Honduras. Las Cuevas de Talgua una de sus mayores atracciones han maravillado a propios y extraños por las calaveras brillantes en su interior. Un orgullo de Catacamas es La Universidad Nacional de Agricultura (UNA), fundada mediante Decreto No. 35 del 20 de enero de 1950, siendo presidente de Honduras el Doctor Juan Manuel Gálvez. Pero el más grande tesoro es su gente, trabajadora, alegre y muy servicial. (en Olancho Catacamas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrSe5z6F82p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jg1oeha0elc9
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clasefrancesblog-blog1 · 8 years ago
Soupe de Tripes
Cuisine du Honduras au centre du Honduras
Dans la zone centrale, vous pouvez manger une combinaison de nourriture du nord, comme le poisson frit ou de poulet, de boeuf ou de porc servi avec du riz et de la salade ou des légumes, des soupes tripe, haricots, recouverts ou fruits de mer (bien au lieu de préfèrent les bananes ou les tortillas Machuca sont consommés), vous pouvez aussi manger pupusas et de la nourriture dans le sud comme la soupe de fruits de mer, de la soupe de poulet, beignets, tustacas, quesadillas maïs est aussi la préparation commune des tamales, tamales de maïs et montucas, entre autres.
Il y a des plats différents préparés selon les jours fériés. Noël et Nouvel An torrejas aussi rompopo, nacatamales, cuisse de porc ou sont consommés au lieu dinde farcie ou de poulet; habituellement aussi manger des raisins et les pommes dans ces jours. bonbons sont également préparés, avec qui conserve qui peuvent être pris pendant les vacances sont faites. Un plat typique et exquis fait à Olancho est la caractéristique Tapado Olanchano dans la région et considéré comme le meilleur au Honduras. Pâques, soupes gâteaux secs de poisson sont.
 Soupe de tripes
Le soupe de Tripes est l'une des soupes typiques au Honduras, son goût particulier et l'arôme sont un délice pour de nombreux Honduriens.
Ensuite, nous laissons la recette pour vous de faire à la maison et servir chaud à votre table.
Les ingrédient sont :
3 lives  mondongo bien lavés et coupés en petits morceaux; sel et poivre au goût.
1 poivron vert, haché
1 oignon blanc
3 gousses d'ail, hachées
3 cuillères à soupe de poudre de rocou
2 litres d'eau
1 pataste coupé en morceaux
2 livres chips de manioc
2 grosses carottes en morceaux
3 pommes de terre moyennes
2 tasses de chou déchiqueté
1 maïs coupées
4 clous de girofle
2 cuillères à soupe de sauce soja
1 cuillère à café d'épices
2 bananes mûres en tranches
2 bananes en tranches
1 petite citrouille en images.
 La préparation est:
1. Cuisiner dans une grande casserole avec les tripes du sel et du poivre, ajouter le piment liquéfié, l'oignon, l'ail, le rocou, l'eau, cuit jusqu'à ce que les tripes ramolli.
2. Ajouter pataste, le manioc, les bananes, les carottes, les pommes de terre, le chou, le maïs et cuire jusqu'à ce que les légumes soient hablande.
3. Ajouter les gousses, la sauce de soja et d'épices.
4. Ajouter la banane et la citrouille mûre pour adoucir les autres légumes.
5. Une fois ramolli, éteindre le brûleur de cuisinière, servir des omelettes et du riz blanc.
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membres : Jose Alberto Sequeira 
                   Juan Carlos Rivera 
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seehonduras · 3 years ago
July 24, 1893, La Ceiba, Department of Atlántida, is given city status
On July 24, 1893 it was given the status of Port City, dependent on the Administration of Trujillo. In 1902, when the Department of Atlántida was created, it was part of it, remaining as the head of the Department. On November 12, 1940 the Departmental District of La Ceiba is created composed of the current Municipality of La Ceiba, in 1957 the Municipal autonomy is returned.
Founding History:
The Territory that currently corresponds to the Municipality of La Ceiba, was a huge "pier", extensive swamp that spanned from the village of Salitrán to the Jimerito River in the municipality of San Francisco. Don Rafael Canelas Osorio told us that when he first came to La Ceiba, in 1896, accompanied by his brothers Presentación and Modrigo. To the south the city reached the third street, in the east it bordered the Estero, and to the west with the Marzipan terrain. The houses were built around the huge Ceiba tree located in what is the current customs building of the National Port Company. There were other groups of houses that corresponded to the Garifuna village La Barra del Estero, and the Potreritos neighborhood, Marzipan and what is today the commercial center of the city.
The swamps of La Ceiba began to be filled by the olanchanos from the year of 1840, continuing with this work a series of progressive mayors among which Don Guadalupe Araque stands out, The former mayor Darío Mejía Rosales recalled that, while still a teenager, you could see the remains of a swamp in front of his rooming house , in what is now the Manuel Bonilla Park, where mosquitoes prowled. Estuaries or covered with green lama and water lettuce abounded. These backwaters were fed in the prolonged winters by the constant floods of the rivers and streams, as well as by the torrential downpours that fell even in the middle of summer.
In this huge swamp on which La Ceiba was built, there were areas of respectable depth, such as the place where the Luis Theater operated on 14 de Julio Avenue, and the one that encompassed the current Casa Cural, the San Isidro Church, the Morazán Park and the Casino Atlántida as well as the building of the Municipality. The Engineer Camilo Gómez y Gómez, a true authority on water problems of La Ceiba, said that between the Casino Atlántida, Casa Crespo, the San Isidro Church and the Municipality, more filling material was used than in any other area of the urban center of the city, maintaining that other deep swamps that swallowed enough material to fill them were the areas of the current Pineda colonies , Zelaya, El Sauce, Miramar, Carmen Elena, and the Alvarado and Solares Nuevos neighborhoods, places that at the same time were feared by the so-called "false or moving lands". The mangroves of the La Julia neighborhood were also dangerous. Most of these shifting lands were among the four branches through which the Cangrejal River formerly flowed into the Caribbean Sea.
The First Settlers of the Municipality (1810-1834)
The city of La Ceiba was formed little by little in a period of time of 110 years, ranging from 1810 to 1920. This training period is divided into two stages:
The one of the first settlers of the mouth of the Cangrejal River
Before the city was founded, the Atlantic Coast was a completely virgin region of Honduras, and until 1810 it was depopulated in an area between the ports of Tela and Trujillo, where there was no type of population of relative importance In the base of the Cangrejal River there were some indigenous villages such as Yaruca and La Colorada, those who maintained an attitude of isolation with the rest of the Honduran population. The village of La Colorada was populated entirely by Tolupanes Indians. The Cordillera Nombre de Dios was like a solid natural retaining wall, so it did not allow easy land communication with the interior of the country, contributing greatly to the permanent isolation that has characterized this region with the rest of Honduras. In the year of 1810, the Garifuna come to give it life and movement still rich Atlantic Coast that for more than 300 years remained asleep and forgotten. In the decade of 1810-1820, they begin to arrive at the Barra del Río Cangrejal some merchandise with origin from almost all the ports and islands of the Caribbean in the barges, canoes, boats and pipers that the Vincentian morenos brought with contraband, to be sold in this area at dead prices, and then be transferred to Trujillo , Tela, Olanchito and the interior of the country. The first known land communication routes on the Atlantic Coast were the so-called Garifuna routes; to "raya de costa", which departing from the port of Trujillo, reached the Barra del Cangrejal, to continue towards Tela and the rest of the North Coast. Until 1820, the port through which the Olanchanos negotiated with the outside world was Trujillo; but from that date onwards, little by little it was displaced by the economic boom that is generated first in the village of Pueblo Nuevo (current Barrio La Barra, and then by La Ceiba, counting in its favor that there was neither the surveillance nor the customs control that was given in Trujillo. Since the colonial period, the Atlantic Coast was practically unimportant "nor did it exist" for Honduras, as it was always a region that never caught the attention of the Spanish authorities; much less to the Hondurans.
The First Olanchanos arrive
From 1820 onwards, the first Olanchanos began to live in the Garifuna villages, in an area between the Danto and Cangrejal rivers, moving to this region by the well-known route of the port of Trujillo. The first olanchanos immigrants were rustic peasants, illiterate, who worked for the owners of the large haciendas of that vast department. Then they began to open the gap of crossing "in a straight line" the Cordillera Nombre de Dios, exposing themselves to the attacks, airy and even the relentless persecution of the wild animals that inhabited the tropical virgin forest, where many beings died when they could not survive in such adverse conditions The step they used most was the fateful Cerro de las Culebras , also known as the Paso de las Culebras.
The first olanchanos were not used to moving through dense jungles where they had to make their way with their machetes, and orient themselves only by appealing to the instinct of conservation of life. Sometimes several families gathered to make the trip to the coast, going through terrifying experiences when they were forced to abandon dead people in the middle of the jungle. The Paso de las Culebras consisted of a long and narrow road that crossed almost the entire central extension of the great massifs of the Cordillera. On one side was the steep mountain of dense jungle, and on the opposite side the great cliffs.
Rafael Canelas Osorio related that in 1896, together with his brothers Rodrigo and Presentación (Chon) Canelas, they made their first trip to La Ceiba and committed "the madness" of coming through the Cerro de Las Culebras. They traveled from their place of origin, San Francisco de La Paz, Olancho, stating that it has been perhaps the hardest and most painful experience of their entire lives. They left in a caravan of 47 families making a total of 175 people, plus the cargo mules and eight carts where they brought the groceries, women and children. Only 29 people arrived at La Ceiba on foot. The mulas that hauled the carts, some were devoured by the beasts, others bitten by the poisonous snakes, or simply fell on the enormous cliffs with everything and load, under torrential downpours that seemed more like deluges.
What most uncontrolled the olanchanos was the treacherous aggressiveness and the constant attack of the beasts, a situation that for them was something new: «because rather in Olancho the beasts fled from the man, and here it was the opposite». At nightfall was when the Name of 'God' was most implored, especially under the torrential downpours "that wet to the soul", extinguishing the fire that served to defend them from the animals.
The brothers Carlos and Jorge Lazo related that their great-uncle Fernando died in the middle of the Cordillera after a massive attack by the beasts. No one was spared from the caravan they were coming in. For that reason they traveled from Catacamas to La Ceiba through the port of Trujillo. Don Darío Mejía Rosales related that his father, Manuel Mejía, claimed that nowhere in Central America has the Name of God been imploded so much, with heartbreaking cries coming from the depths of people's souls, as in the bloody passage of cerro de las Culebras. Those who managed to survive the green hell of the Cordillera, were cared for in La Ceiba by the so-called Garifuna doctors and sorcerers, who managed to save many Olanchanos from certain death, using their concoctions of natural medicine learned from Africa and developed on the island of San Vicente. Unfortunately, all this knowledge has now been lost.
Meaning of its Name
The origin of the name of La Ceiba, is due to the existence of a gigantic ceiba tree (ceiba pentandra) or ceibón, which stood on the shores of the Caribbean Sea where today the main avenue and the first street converge. It is also attributed to its founder building his home next to a leafy ceiba tree, which was felled in 1917 to raise the seat of the port administration. Until then many called the ceiba "the tree of lazy men" since in its shadow dozens of workers waited for work. According to history this tree of Ceiba was located the place where currently exists the building of the maritime customs, on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, in the neighborhood of El Centro about 50 meters to the east of the fiscal pier, which was built at that time by a transnational banana company, for the shipment of the fruits that were produced in the farms located in the department of Atlantis , Colon and Yoro. From there originated the name of La Ceiba, when the people who lived in the aforementioned place and those who came from other neighboring places to work on the shipment of fruit, used to say "let's go to La Ceiba".
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noticiascatacamas-blog · 5 years ago
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El cambio Climático es evidente Y ESTO, ¿C U A N D O S E P A R A R Á? 👉 ALTO YÁ ║cada año se aprueban cientos de leyes el el emiciclo del congreso nacional Hondureño. Pero el flajelo de el corte de madera no se regula entre 25 a 30 rastras llenas que llevan entre 20 árboles de este departamento de Olancho Acaso el pueblo Olanchanos no puede hacer nada Para esto si que se debe de tomar las Calles para que no nos destruyan el futuro de nuestros hijos Y no es apología como la nueva ley que se aplica Solo hacemos conciencia https://www.instagram.com/p/B2XT5qIlU94/?igshid=1vjh6ndgopz79
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butiamhungry · 12 years ago
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I learned my best Spanish during my time in Honduras when being on my deathbed inimitably aligned with a week-long Dawson's Creek marathon.
!Yo no quiero esperar a que nuestra vidas para terminaaaar!
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