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pataphysiquerecords · 1 year ago
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Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024
MAY 10, 2024 (FRI) Okubo Hikarinouma open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Albedo Gravitas Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 秋山徹次, TOMO
MAY 11, 2024 (SAT) ASAGAYA YELLOW VISION open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 福岡林嗣 浦邊雅祥、福岡林嗣、南部輝久
Delphine DORA voice, keyboard instruments, etc(FR) デルフィーヌ・ドラは、フランスの作曲、即興演奏を共に行うミュージシャンであり、主にピアノ、パイプオルガン他、アコースティック、エレクトロニクスの区別なくキーボードを使用し、近年はフィールドレコーディングも作曲に取り入れている。声もまた彼女の音楽を構成するのに欠かせない要素で、神秘的かつ古代的元型と触れ合うが如くフラジャイルでイマジナリーな言語の詩を「歌」として描く。その音楽性は、異なったフォーク、ミニマル、即興音楽と通底し、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語を駆使し、その言語的元型を交錯させる。15年以上に渡り、フランス他各国のレーベルにてソロ、コラボレーションを問わず30以上の作品にレコーディング参加し、彼女自身の”ワイルド・サイレンス”レーベルの創設者でもある。
Delphine Dora Delphine Dora is a French musician, composer and improviser. Working mainly with keyboard instruments (piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard…), her music has been enriched in recent years by the addition of field recordings to her compositions. The voice is also one of her favourite instruments, at times drawing on the language of poets, at other times on an imaginary language, a language freed of all signifiers, a voice that is fragile and embodied, archaic, mystical and free, but also plural and mutant voices that are embodied in her. On stage, she uses instruments such as the piano, organ or keyboards, and her voice, loops, various effects and mysterious sounds. Her performances are usually improvised, using voice and acoustic or electronic instrumentation, depending on the context and the place. Her iconoclastic music can be read as a work of personal cartography, based on an intuitive approach to composition and nourished by numerous approaches. For more than 15 years, she has been developing an intimate and plural musical universe, in perpetual metamorphosis, situated at the crossroads of different musical genres (folk music, minimalist music, improvised music, electroacoustic music, etc.) and languages (english, french, german, imaginary languages, etc.). A prolific musician, she has taken part in more than thirty recordings (solo and collaborations) in a variety of aesthetics on numerous french and foreign labels (Recital, three:four, Feeding Tube Records, Okraïna, By The bluest of the seas, Morc, fort evil fruit…). She is also the founder of the Wild Silence label.
Albedo Gravitas ヒグチケイコとSachikoで結成された即興ユニット「Albedo Fantastica」に内田静男(4strings)が加わったトリオ。Albedo Fantasticaのボーカルを基軸に展開するサウンドダイナミクスに、内田の変幻自在な低音の振動が加わり未明のサイケデリアが表出する。都内を中心に活動中。23年セカンドアルバム「luminescence」をリリース。
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Tetuzi AKIYAMA 秋山徹次 guitar ギターという楽器の持つ特質に、自身の欲求をミニマルかつストレートな形で加えていくことによる、原始的で即物的な意味合いを含んだ演奏を得意とする。ミクロからマクロに至る音量を、繊細に、ときには大胆にコントロールし、身体の電子化を試みる。
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TOMO hurdy gurdy / vielle à roue ハーディーガ��ディー奏者。東京��出身。14歳の時にギターを始める。 17歳で単身渡米。8年間米国で学生時代を過ごす。帰国後、ルーツ・ミュージック/トラッド/古楽のエッセンスと、共鳴や倍音を意識したドローン・ミュージックを軸に、ギターをはじめ民族楽器など様々な楽器で創作を行う。創作活動の過程で、千年以上の歴史をもつメカニカルかつユニークな機構の古楽器「ハーディーガーディー」に出会い、関心を持つことになる。以後、ハーディーガーディーをメイン楽器として、その楽器の可能性と独自の奏法を探求しながら、作品の制作・演奏活動を行っている。
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Masayoshi URABE 浦邊雅祥 alto sax 65年東京生まれ。 85年アルトサックスを手にする。 ソロ演奏を主とし活動。
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Rinji FUKUOKA 福岡林嗣 vocal, guitar, violin, etc 陰謀家。長年もうどうでも良いと思いつつも、生に執着し続ける男。「音楽」なんざもどうでも良いと思いつつ、各種楽器を操り、生に付随する塵芥、つまりは詩情と呼ばれるものに執着し続けている。
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Teruhisa NANBU 南部輝久 drmus ドラム、パーカッション。 現在はAural fit、熊のジョン、バラナンブ、鵺、しんらこう で主に活動。 スピード、パワー、パーカッシブから歌もののバックまで、やりたいことをやっている。
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5月13日(月) 四谷三丁目CON TON TON VIVO デルフィーヌ・ドラ来日公演 “Dive Deep with Delphine Dora” 19:00 open / 19:30 start Charge 2500yen + 1 order
Delphine Dora (from France) Archeus(ヒグチケイコ、内田静男、TOMO) MOGRE MOGRU(黒い瞳、剛田武、Tanao)
フランス出身、キーボード/ヴォイス/エレクトロニクスなどを駆使して、即興~アンビエント~ミニマル~フォークを横断する斬新な表現活動で注目されるデルフィーヌ・ドラ、ヴォイス+ベース+ハーディーガーディーの異色トリオarcheus(アルケウス)、同じくトリオ編成の即興アンビエントユニットMOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル)による音楽表現の深淵に潜るスリーマン・ライヴ。 MOGRE MOGRUはデルフィーヌ・ドラのコラボレーションで出演。
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archeus: ヒグチケイコ(vocal) 内田静男(bass) TOMO (hurdy gurdy) ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、archeus(アルケウス)。ボーカル/ボイス、ベース、ハーディーガーディーという異色なトリオ編成での演奏は、静寂と間(ま)を感じさせる繊細な音のゆらぎ、忘れられた名もなき言語の発声、不協和な音塊のインタープレイ、ミニマルな反復の魔術、ダークで濃密なドローンなど、様々な表情の化学反応を引き起こす。 2023年に仏An'archivesよりセカンドアルバム「九相図 Kusōzu : Nine Death Stages」をリリースしている。 bandcamp: https://archeus-store.bandcamp.com/
MOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル) 黒い瞳 Aura Noir : voice, musical saw, recorder, toy instruments, PC, etc. 剛田武 Takeshi Goda : flute, violin, percussion, electronics, etc. Tanao : guitar 2021年7月結成。レトロなアコースティック楽器とディープなエレクトロニクス&ギターによるインプロ・アンビエントユニット。愛称:モグモグ。都内を中心に「DIVE DEEP!/深く潜れ!」を合言葉にライヴ活動を行っている。これまで沖縄電子少女彩、ポーランドのポストフォークデュオKeirszenbaum、園田游(舞踏家/元グンジョーガクレヨン)、内田静男(ベーシスト/Hasegawa-Shizuo、albedo gravitas etc.)、Orienatal Love(モジュラーシンセ奏者)などスタイルの異なるアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数あり。
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albedofantastica · 11 months ago
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Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024
MAY 10, 2024 (FRI) Okubo Hikarinouma open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Albedo Gravitas Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 秋山徹次, TOMO
MAY 11, 2024 (SAT) ASAGAYA YELLOW VISION open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 福岡林嗣 浦邊雅祥、福岡林嗣、南部輝久
Delphine DORA voice, keyboard instruments, etc(FR) デルフィーヌ・ドラは、フランスの作曲、即興演奏を共に行うミュージシャンであり、主にピアノ、パイプオルガン他、アコースティック、エレクトロニクスの区別なくキーボードを使用し、近年はフィールドレコーディングも作曲に取り入れている。声もまた彼女の音楽を構成するのに欠かせない要素で、神秘的かつ古代的元型と触れ合うが如くフラジャイルでイマジナリーな言語の詩を「歌」として描く。その音楽性は、異なったフォーク、ミニマル、即興音楽と通底し、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語を駆使し、その言語的元型を交錯させる。15年以上に渡り、フランス他各国のレーベルにてソロ、コラボレーションを問わず30以上の作品にレコーディング参加し、彼女自身の”ワイルド・サイレンス”レーベルの創設者でもある。
Delphine Dora Delphine Dora is a French musician, composer and improviser. Working mainly with keyboard instruments (piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard…), her music has been enriched in recent years by the addition of field recordings to her compositions. The voice is also one of her favourite instruments, at times drawing on the language of poets, at other times on an imaginary language, a language freed of all signifiers, a voice that is fragile and embodied, archaic, mystical and free, but also plural and mutant voices that are embodied in her. On stage, she uses instruments such as the piano, organ or keyboards, and her voice, loops, various effects and mysterious sounds. Her performances are usually improvised, using voice and acoustic or electronic instrumentation, depending on the context and the place. Her iconoclastic music can be read as a work of personal cartography, based on an intuitive approach to composition and nourished by numerous approaches. For more than 15 years, she has been developing an intimate and plural musical universe, in perpetual metamorphosis, situated at the crossroads of different musical genres (folk music, minimalist music, improvised music, electroacoustic music, etc.) and languages (english, french, german, imaginary languages, etc.). A prolific musician, she has taken part in more than thirty recordings (solo and collaborations) in a variety of aesthetics on numerous french and foreign labels (Recital, three:four, Feeding Tube Records, Okraïna, By The bluest of the seas, Morc, fort evil fruit…). She is also the founder of the Wild Silence label.
Albedo Gravitas ヒグチケイコとSachikoで結成された即興ユニット「Albedo Fantastica」に内田静男(4strings)が加わったトリオ。Albedo Fantasticaのボーカルを基軸に展開するサウンドダイナミクスに、内田の変幻自在な低音の振動が加わり未明のサイケデリアが表出する。都内を中心に活動中。23年セカンドアルバム「luminescence」をリリース。
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Tetuzi AKIYAMA 秋山徹次 guitar ギターという楽器の持つ特質に、自身の欲求をミニマルかつストレートな形で加えていくことによる、原始的で即物的な意味合いを含んだ演奏を得意とする。ミクロからマクロに至る音量を、繊細に、ときには大胆にコントロールし、身体の電子化を試みる。
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TOMO hurdy gurdy / vielle à roue ハーディーガーディー奏者。東京都出身。14歳の時にギターを始める。 17歳で単身渡米。8年間米国で学生時代を過ごす。帰国後、ルーツ・ミュージック/トラッド/古楽のエッセンスと、共鳴や倍音を意識したドローン・ミュージックを軸に、ギターをはじめ民族楽器など様々な楽器で創作を行う。創作活動の過程で、千年以上の歴史をもつメカニカルかつユニークな機構の古楽器「ハーディーガーディー」に出会い、関心を持つことになる。以後、ハーディーガーディーをメイン楽器として、その楽器の可能性と独自の奏法を探求しながら、作品の制作・演奏活動を行っている。
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Masayoshi URABE 浦邊雅祥 alto sax 65年東京生まれ。 85年アルトサックスを手にする。 ソロ演奏を主とし活動。
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Rinji FUKUOKA 福岡林嗣 vocal, guitar, violin, etc 陰謀家。長年もうどうでも良いと思いつつも、生に執着し続ける男。「音楽」なんざもど��でも良いと思いつつ、各種楽器を操り、生に付随する塵芥、つまりは詩情と呼ばれるものに執着し続けている。
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Teruhisa NANBU 南部輝久 drmus ドラム、パーカッション。 現在はAural fit、熊のジョン、バラナンブ、鵺、しんらこう で主に活動。 スピード、パワー、パーカッシブから歌もののバックまで、やりたいことをやっている。
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5月13日(月) 四谷三丁目CON TON TON VIVO デルフィーヌ・ドラ来日公演 “Dive Deep with Delphine Dora” 19:00 open / 19:30 start Charge 2500yen + 1 order
Delphine Dora (from France) Archeus(ヒグチケイコ、内田静男、TOMO) MOGRE MOGRU(黒い瞳、剛田武、Tanao)
フランス出身、キーボード/ヴォイス/エレクトロニクスなどを駆使して、即興~アンビエント~ミニマル~フォークを横断する斬新な表現活動で注目されるデルフィーヌ・ドラ、ヴォイス+ベース+ハーディーガーディーの異色トリオarcheus(アルケウス)、同じくトリオ編成の即興アンビエントユニットMOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル)による音楽表現の深淵に潜るスリーマン・ライヴ。 MOGRE MOGRUはデルフィーヌ・ドラのコラボレーションで出演。
archeus: ヒグチケイコ(vocal) 内田静男(bass) TOMO (hurdy gurdy) ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、archeus(アルケウス)。ボーカル/ボイス、ベース、ハーディーガーディーという異色なトリオ編成での演奏は、静寂と間(ま)を感じさせる繊細な音のゆらぎ、忘れられた名もなき言語の発声、不協和な音塊のインタープレイ、ミニマルな反復の魔術、ダークで濃密なドローンなど、様々な表情の化学反応を引き起こす。 2023年に仏An'archivesよりセカンドアルバム「九相図 Kusōzu : Nine Death Stages」をリリースしている。 bandcamp: https://archeus-store.bandcamp.com/
MOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル) 黒い瞳 Aura Noir : voice, musical saw, recorder, toy instruments, PC, etc. 剛田武 Takeshi Goda : flute, violin, percussion, electronics, etc. Tanao : guitar 2021年7月結成。レトロなアコースティック楽器とディープなエレクトロニクス&ギターによるインプロ・アンビエントユニット。愛称:モグモグ。都内を中心に「DIVE DEEP!/深く潜れ!」を合言葉にライヴ活動を行っている。これまで沖縄電子少女彩、ポーランドのポストフォークデュオKeirszenbaum、園田游(舞踏家/元グンジョーガクレヨン)、内田静男(ベーシスト/Hasegawa-Shizuo、albedo gravitas etc.)、Orienatal Love(モジュラーシンセ奏者)などスタイルの異なるアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数あり。
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zicmuse · 5 years ago
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What you are listening to is the sound of a forgotten instrument. It has existed since the middle ages, but the earliest example still intact is from 1608. Once a staple in most households in the low countries, it is a true folk instrument, of the people, mainly played in the past by women who used their kitchen tables as a resonating surfaces to amplify & accompany traditional religious & secular tunes. Nowadays it seen rarely outside of museums in Brussels & other places you most likely have never heard of. It is not spectacular, its simplest version is just a long thin box with strings on top. Some of the strings are melody strings, which have frets placed underneath them, some are drone strings that have no frets. Traditionally it was strummed with a goose feather & notes were made by sliding a hard stick with a handle, from fret to fret on the melody strings leaving the drone strings ringing openly. The constant hum of the drones is where the name of the instrument comes from: bumblebee, which in Flemish, is a hommel.
The hommel has all but disappeared from the collective memory of Flanders. If it is seen outside of a display case, it is usually being played in a static way, denied the right to evolve & find a more contemporary voice. It has thus been replaced in the hearts of most Belgians by acoustic guitars & the more well known Appalachian dulcimer, which strangely enough is a descendent of this instrument: the grandparent is lost, the grandchild is celebrated. The first hommel I saw was years ago at the Volksinstrumentenmuseum in Gooik. Curious to how it would sound, I suggested to my father that we make one. A seasoned woodworker, he was up to the challenge & so we began... The sides & top are made from Douglas Fir recovered from an old bookshelf. The headstock block (schroevenstuck) is maple. The end block (staartstuck) is a piece of Oregon myrtlewood & the fretboard... I have to say I don't remember. We cut & sanded the wood, sawed the guides for the frets & set them in, created the bridge & nut out of ersatz granite, found some tuners from an old guitar & assembled the pieces together. Is is not the most elaborate example of a hommel, but, with the relationship I have forged with it over time, it's a beauty to me.
I do not play in a traditional way: I pluck, fingerpick, tap & bow amplified flat wound electric guitar strings. I change the notes with my fingers, metal sticks, bottlenecks steel tubes & the hard stick with a wooden handle, which has a special name : the vlier, which is a more local, Flemish Brabant, name of the instrument itself. I play in a tuning to be in harmony with the tin whistles you hear from time to time & occasionally play shakers I made by hand from branches, wire & bottle caps. The songs in this collection are not traditional either, they are inspired by cycling around Flanders & the landscape that surrounds my home in Niemandaal, a small village in the Pajottenland of Flanders, not far from the capital city, but isolated enough to not hear the constant hum of the highways. It's a nice place to relax, filled with what I would call elegant micro-landscapes: simple combinations of fields, grass, streams, small farms, rolling hills... Sometimes called the "Tuscany of the North", wine is replaced by lambik, a naturally fermented sour beer & it is well-known as being the place where Pieter Bruegel the Elder would set up his easel.
Until I was 40, I only played at home. Thanks to my friends at Herberg Rustiek, who released some tapes & encouraged me to play outside. I made my first public concert on top of an old slag heap near Liège. Since then, I have been invited to play a few concerts in Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, France & Japan. Thanks to Okraïna, you now have this record in your hands. I chose to keep the recordings quite raw in the hope that the natural reverb & warmth of your listening space can evoke the music's spirit & that you will have the impression I am playing next to you in the same room. I highly recommend listening through speakers rather than headphones.
If you would like to learn more about the hommel, I strongly suggest tracking down the out of print "De Hommel in de Lage Landen" written by Herbert Boone in the mid 1970's, coming to one of my concerts, or if you happen to be walking around Niemandaal & notice a warm light coming from my living room: knock. I just may invite you in to share a gueuze & play a few tunes."
(Linus Vandewolken) 
Listen to the recording here:
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morczine · 4 years ago
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well, since the zine is gone, thought i’d post a picture of all the pages overhere. enjoy reading!
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✰✰✰✰✰  5th ANNIVERSARY  ✰✰✰✰✰
It’s time to feast from the grapevine of 2017 with 103 (+ 171 more) of the…  
(all long playing records unless otherwise noted; also, this list was created with links to every item, but the links aren’t appearing, so you’ll have to direct your web browser searches the old fashioned way)
✰✰  TAIWAN HOUSING PROJECT Veblen Death Mask  (Kill Rock Stars) ✰✰
✰  HAND & LEG  Hand & Leg (Black Gladiator)
✰  CHROMASTHETIC  Gold Sound cassette  (Time Release)
✰  ANTIETAM  Intimations of Immortality (Motorific)
✰  girlSperm  gSp (Thrilling Living)
✰  RODENTICIDE Rodenticide (Self Sabotage)
✰  ANGIE Shyness (Rice Is Nice/DERO Arcade, Australia)
✰  BLOODY SHOW Let America Pay cassette (Superdreamer)
✰  MICHAEL BEACH  Gravity/Repulsion (Spectacular Commodity)
✰  ANTHONY PASQUAROSA  Abbandonato Da Dio Nazione (VDSQ)
✰  ALBERT DEMUTH Corporate Rights 7″ (self-released)
✰  MOUNTAIN MOVERS Mountain Movers (Trouble In Mind)
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✰  X-POP  Alphabet Cereal ep cassette  (Chemical Imbalance., Australia) 
✰  DANA Dana (Heel Turn)
✰  GOSPEL OF MARS Gospel Of Mars (Amish)
✰  PRIVATE SORROW  Fake Lions (Mystery Plane, U.K.)
✰  JUDY & THE JERKS  3 Songs cassette (Earth Girl) &  Alive At The Skatepark cassette (Earth Girl)
✰  PIERRE & BASTIEN Musique Grecque (sdz, France)
✰  XETAS  The Tower (12XU)
✰  JAIMIE BRANCH Fly Or Die (International Anthem Recording Company)
✰  STEFAN CHRISTENSEN Shake Off The Village (C/Site Recordings) & Open Day 7″(I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden)
✰  LISE BARKAS & LISA KAÜFFERT Lo Becat cd-r (Soleis Bleus, France)
✰  USA/MEXICO Laredo (12XU)
✰  PREGNANCY Urgency (Emotional Response)
✰  FULLY GLAZED Full Glazed cassette (The Loki Label)
✰  DARK TEA  Dark Tea cassette (self-released) & Bright Flame (bandcamp DL) 
✰  SYLVIA COURVOISIER & MARY HALVORSON Crop Circles (Relative Pitch)
✰  KAY ODYSSEY  What’s A Woman To Do? (Little Bit)
✰  THE DOLL/STEFAN NEVILLE  1974 8″ lathe (stabbies etc, NZ)
✰  CLARINETTE The Now Of Then (Feeding Tube)
✰  ERIK KRAMER A House, Floating In The Middle Of A Lake cassette (Anthropocene Recordings)
✰  AKI ONDA/TASHI DORJI/CHE CHEN ‘HAZ-,BINS cassette (Black Pollen Press)
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✰  KATE CARR The Story Surrounds Us cassette (The Helen Scarsdale Agency) & From A Wind Turbine To Vultures (And Back) cassette (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
✰  BLACK TRUMPETS Blue Blew It cassette (Ikuisuus, Finland)
✰  SUSPIRIANS  Ti Bon Ange (Super Secret Records)
✰  YEAR OF BIRDS White Death To Power Alan (Odd Box, U.K.) & Stanhill Wonder 7″ (Third Uncle)
✰  DAVID WEST with TEARDROPS Cherry On Willow (Tough Love, U.K.)
✰  WILLIAM PARKER QUARTETS  Meditation/Resurrection double cd (AUM Fidelity)
✰  the CAVEMEN Banned In B.C. 7″ (Weirdly)
✰  MICHAEL FOSTER & BEN BENNETT In It cassette (Astral Spirits)
✰  PLATES OF CAKE Let’s Not Deprive Each Other cassette (Unblinking Ear)
✰  ZAÏMPH  Transverse Presence cassette (No Rent)
✰  WURLD SERIES Air Goofy cassette (Melted Ice Cream, New Zealand)
✰  HEADROOM Head In The Clouds (Trouble In Mind)
✰  LORDS OF THYME The Future Of Things Past (Feeding Tube/Shagrat, U.K.)
✰  SEX TIDE  Possession Sessions (Feeding Tube)
✰  MARAUDEUR Maraudeur  (bruit direct disques, France)
✰  LES FILLES DE ILLIGHADAD Eghass Malan (Sahel Sounds)
✰  BRANDY Laugh Track cassette (self-released)
✰  LEILA BORDREUIL & ZACH ROWDEN  Hollow cassette (No Rent)
✰  RAYS  Rays (Trouble In Mind)
✰  ANDY REPTOID & THE HUMANOIDS Refridgerator 7″ (Total Punk) & Kill The Comma 7″(Emotional Response) & Pee-Pee EP (Goodbye Boozy, Italy)
✰  GUN SHY Gun Shy cassette (Cheat Prick)
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✰  MARK EITZEL  Hey Mr. Ferryman (Merge)
✰  E42. A8 Niobium cassette (Tanuki, Belgium)
✰  BLAU BLAU Kiss Kiss (bandcamp DL)
✰  THE COWBOY The Cowboy (Fashionable Idiots)
✰  MARCELO DOS REIS & EVE RISSER  Timeless cd (JACC, Portugal)
✰   LIZ DURETTE Four Improvisations On Electric Piano (Ehse)
✰   MIDNIGHT MINES Since My Baby Left Me cassette & We Are The Primitives Of A New Era cassette (both The Loki Label)
✰  JENNY & JADE  Day Release 12″ lathe ep (stabbies etc, NZ)
✰  FEMME Chroma (bruit direct disques, France)
✰  PRIVATE ANARCHY Private Anarchy cassette (Round Bale Recordings)
✰  ERIC ARN  Orphic Resonance (Feeding Tube)
✰  PILL Aggressive Advertising cassette (Dull Tools)
✰  GAMARDAH FUNGUS Fairytales cd (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
✰  JON COLLIN Water And Rock Music, Volume I cd-r & The Nature (both Early Music, U.K. )
✰  Killed By Meth #2: Rust Belt Rockers comp (It’s Trash!)
✰  the TERMINALS Antiseptic (Ba Da Bing)
✰  SOURDURE  Mantras triple cassette (Standard in-Fi, France)
✰  The Hired Hands: A Tribute to Bruce Langhorne double cd (Scissor Tail)
✰  GLEN SCHENAU Addressing The Scar cassette (Tropical Cancer, Australia)
EKIN FIL Inflame: Original Soundtrack cassette & Ghosts Inside (both The Helen Scarsdale Agency)
✰  TARA CLERKIN Hello (Stolen Body Records, U.K.)
✰  LEE KONITZ  Frescalalto cd (impulse!, France)
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✰  the STROPPIES The Stroppies cassette & It’s A Hit 7″ (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
✰  DELPHINE DORA & MOCKE  Le Corps Défendant (Okraïna, Belgium)
✰ QUIN GALAVIS  The Battery Line (Super Secret Records)
✰  HOUSE AND LAND House And Land (Thrill Jockey)
✰  C.I.A. DEBUTANTE  We Will Play For Spirits cassette (sdz, France)
✰  AILBHE NIC OIREACHTAIGH Oreing (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
✰  the BISCUITS Albatross 7″ (Ilk Ither, New Zealand)
✰  SYLVIA MONNIER Stock Shot & Addictive Sling cassette (Sacred Phrases)
✰  the GOLDEN BOYS Better Than Good Times (12XU)
✰  PALACE LIDO  Concrete cassette (Czaszka Records, U.K.)
✰  MARK FEEHAN  M.F. II (Richie Records)
✰  OBNOX Murder Radio (ever/never) & Niggative Approach (12XU)
✰  ALEXANDER Alexander (self-released) & ROB NOYES/ALEXANDER split 7″ (C/Site Recordings)
✰  TRIO 3: ANDREW CYRILLE/REGGIE WORKMAN/OLIVER LAKE Visiting Texture cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
✰  BARON SATURDAY Concrete Poetry cassette (Mystery Plane, U.K.)
✰  NINA HARKER Nina Harker cassette (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions, France)
✰  DAVID NANCE Do The Negative Boogie (Ba Da Bing)
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GOLDEN PELICANS Disciples Of Blood (Goner)
ÆTHER JAG Amaranthine Stretch cassette (No Rent)
GAD WHIP In A Room (ever/never)
YANNICK DAUBY Magicien Rouch cassette (Tanuki, Belgium)
MAX LODERBAUER & JACEK SIENKIEWICZ  End cd (Recognition, Poland)
VÁR  By Ghost And Tape (Home Normal, Japan)
ANGELICA SANCHEZ TRIO Float The Edge cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
LECH NIENARTOWICZ Nici cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
EKMAN & OWEN Ekman & Owen 7″ (Goodbye Boozy, Italy)
POU  Dimonis  (Metadona, Spain) 
HANS CHEW  Open Sea (At The Helm)
DALIA RAUDONIKYTÉ WITH Solitarius cd (New Focus Recordings)
GŪTARA KYŌ  Gütara Kyō  10″ (Slovenly/Mondo Mongo)
TUCKER THEODORE  Lady Hope cassette (Antiquated Future)
MIA SCHOEN Golden Hour (Albert’s Basement, Australia)
THE STRANGER The Void (bandcamp dl)
LAKES Silver Thorns 12″ EP (Paradise Daily, Australia)
Horrendous New Wave comp (Lumpy)
CHRIS FORSYTH & THE SOLAR MOTEL BAND Dreaming The Non-Dream (No Quarter)
TASHI DORJI & DAVID GRUBBA  Fixed Entrance Derivatives cassette (Sky Lantern)
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SAMUEL TRUITT Thorns cassette (Melters)
HELTA SKELTA  Nightclubbin’  7″ (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada)
UV-TV Glass (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada) & Go Away 7″ (Emotional Response
HASH REDACTOR  Demo Tape 2017  (self-released bandcamp DL)
LEE NOBLE  The Hell You Come In cassette (No Kings)
PRETTY PRETTY Demo II cassette (Superdreamer)
AGUSTÍ MARTÍNEZ/EDUARD ALTABA/QUICU SAMSÓ On The Nature Of Will (Discordian bandcamp DL, Spain)
the TRENDEES  We Are Sonic Art (Melted Ice Cream, NZ/Albert’s Basement, Australia)
GREG ASHLEY  Pictures of Saint Paul Street (Trouble In Mind)
DAVE REMPIS  Solo cd  (Aerophonic)
TIN FOIL Tin Foil (Almost Ready)
HACO Qoosui cd (Room40, Australia)
PETER LEWIS Just Like Jack (Shagrat, U.K./Hookah)
PROSTITUTES Live At Cookout  (TRAM Planet)
ANTENES Shifting Zones 12″ (Silent Season, Canada)
LOFT Three Settlements Four Ways 12″ (Wisdom Teeth, U.K.) & Turn My Built Dances (The Astral Plane)
NEUTRALS  Promotional Cassette 2 cassette (Neutrals)
DARLINGCHEMICALIA Off Blonde (self-released bandcamp DL)
WV WHITE House Of The Spiritual Athletes (Anyway)
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CHAVEZ Cockfighters 12″ (Matador)
RYAN GARBES  Living Ether cassette (Post-Materialization Music, Russia)
TRAMPOLINE TEAM Drug Culture 7″ (Space Taker Sounds/Pelican Pow Wow) & Trampoline Team/Mama split 7″ (Giveaway)
LAURA BAIRD  I Wish I Were A Sparrow (Ba Da Bing)
MAREIKE SAUER The Tension and the Body of the Woman of Mystery cd (Karl Schmidt Verlag, Germany) 
FNU CLONE Binary Or Die (Total Punk)
DAN MELCHIOR  Road Not Driving (ever/never)
$UN $KELETONS GET IT UP YERS TRIO R.I.P. Music & Absolutely Fucked In & Rust Belt UK cd-rs (Double Dot Dash!?, U.K.)   
VIOLENCE CREEPS Ease The Seed Bag 7″ (Drunken Sailor, U.K.) & The Gift Of Music + Singles cassette (Total Punk) & Northwest Tour Tape 2017 (self-released)
ERIC COPELAND Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect (L.I.E.S.)
WIREHEADS  Lightning Ears (Tenth Court, Australia)
DANIEL LEVIN  Living (Smeraldina-Rima, Belgium)
the COWBOYS Vol. 4 (Drunken Sailor, U.K.)
IRENE KEPL SololoS cd (Fou, France) & Superstring Theory bandcamp download (SoundOut, Australia)
VIDEO DUCT Small Pets And Kitchenettes cassette (Maple Death, Italy)
SCUPPER Some Gauls (Blue Cheese Toothpaste)
MOSQUITOES Mosquitoes one sided 12″ (self-released, U.K.)
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BLUE CHEMISE Influence On Dusk (Gravity Ventilator, Australia) & “The Music Lesson”/”Watcher At The Window” 7″ (I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden)
CONTRIBUTORS Contributors (Monofonus Press)
NICOLE MITCHELL Awakening II: Emerging Worlds cd (FPE)
KALEIDOSCOPE  Volume 3 (Feel It Records)
Ladyfest Boston 2017 cassette comp (Ladyfest)
BRIDGET HAYDEN  Incantations From Yin Valley cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
MIKE COOPER Raft (Room40, Australia)
MAZOZMA Heavy Death Head (Feeding Tube)
SUSS CUNTS Suss Cunts 7″ ep (Emotional Response) & “Newby” (Suss Cunts bandcamp DL)
MATT JENCIK  Weird Times (Hands In The Dark) 
somesurprises serious dreams cassette (Eiderdown Records)
CIGGIE WITCH Mad Music (Lost & Lonesome, Australia)
SUN VALLEY Black Canyons (bandcamp DL)
MORDECAI Abstract Recipe (Richie Records)
JANTAR Panisperna (MIE Music, U.K.)
SARAH DAVACHI  All My Circles Run (Students Of Decay)
KÜKEN  Küken (Drunken Sailor, U.K.)
ULAAN PASSERINE The Landscape of Memory (Worstward)
MY TEENAGE STRIDE Living In The Straight World cassette (Unblinking Ear)
SLOW TONGUED BEAUTY  The Absolution Of Royalty cassettes (No Rent)
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DAVID FIRST Same Animal, Different Cages Vol. 3: Civil War Songs (for Solo Harmonica)  (Fabrica)
REBEKAH HELLER  Metafagote (New Focus Recordings)
DIANETICS Booked Learned 7″ (Weirdly) & And Psycho Horse cassette (Gut Freak)
SPARROW STEEPLE Steeple Two (Richie Records) & A Aardvark (ever/never)
WEATHER WEAPON II (self-released bandcamp DL)
KRISTY & THE KRAKS  Snakes On The Phone 7″ (Fettkakao, Austria)
STEPHAN CRUMP/INGRID LAUBROCK/CORY SMYTHE Planktonic Finales cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
NAG “Motorcycle Blue” + 2 7″ (Third Uncle/Chunklet) & False Anxiety 7″ (Total Punk) & No Flag + 2 7″ (Space Taker Sounds)
ROSS MANNING  Reflex In Waves (Room40, Australia) & 
Both Sides of the Cocoon cassette (Chemical Imbalance., Australia)
DANIEL LEVIN QUARTET Live At Firehouse 12 cd (Firehouse 12)
RAKTA Oculto Pelos Seres 7" (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos, U.K.)
MARBLED EYE EP II 7" (Melters/Digital Regress)
RIK & THE PIGS Blue Jean Queen 7″ (Feel It) & A Child’s Gator  (Total Punk)
US WEEKLY  US Weekly (Night Moves)
KEN IKEDA + DAVID TOOP Skin Tones cd (Home Normal, Japan)
L$D FUNDRAISER Drones On Lap Steel (self-released, NZ) + like, 30 others
MDOU MOCTAR  Sousoume Tamachek (Sahel Sounds)
CHIHEI HATAKEYAMA  Mirage (Room40, Australia)
the DREAM SYNDICATE  How Did I Find Myself Here? (Anti-)
DAY CREEPER  A Mirror To The Fire (Heel Turn/Superdreamer)
LITTLE MAZARN Little Mazarn (Self Sabotage)
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BAUS Secret Bathroom Recordings (self-released bandcamp DL)
MARK CONE Now Showing (Neck Chop)
LÉONIE RISJETERRE Tresseterre cd (Soleils Bleus, France)
ENDLESS BOOGIE  Vibe Killer (No Quarter)
MCHY I PORØSTY Hypnagogic Polish Music For Teenage Mutants cd (Recognition, Poland)
DAG  Benefits Of Solitude (Bedroom Suck, Australia)
ANGEL DUST Excavatum cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
MAXIMUM ERNST with DANIEL CARTER  Maximum Ernst cd (ever/never)
RABBIT U.S. Rabbit U.S. lathe 7″ (Third Uncle)
INSTITUTE Subordination (Sacred Bones)
RUBBER MATE  Cha Boi  7″ (Total Punk) & Tour Tape MMXVII cassette (self-released)
MARY LATTIMORE Collected Pieces cassette (Ghostly International)
VERY MENTAL (Total Punk)
UNITED WATERS  The Narrows (Drawing Room)TYSHAWN SOREY Verisimilitude (Pi Recordings)
A GIANT DOG Toy (Merge)
DREAM WEAPON RITUAL The Uncanny Little Sparrows (Boring Machines, Italy)
SMALL WORLD EXPERIENCE Soft Knocks (Tenth Court, Australia)
DIRTY & HIS FISTS Dirty & HIs Fists 7″ (Feel It) 
ABBY LEE TEE  Hebert’s Archive cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
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BLANK STATEMENTS  Signs Are Rampant cassette (Hobbies Galore, New Zealand)
NOTS“Cruel Friend"/"Violence" 7″ (Goner) &  Live At Goner Records (Goner)
LEA BERTUCCI  All That Is Solid Melts Into Air cassette (NNA Tapes)
SICK THOUGHTS Songs About People You Hate (Neck Chop)
MOHLAO Landforms (Silent Season, Canada)
ISOTOPE SOAP Piñata Chaos 12" (Levande Begravd Records, Sweden) & The WOW! Signal EP 7" (Levande Begravd Records, Sweden)
JIM HAYNES Tiny Portraits 3��� cd-r (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
ISS (Endless Pussyfooting)  (Erste Theke Tonträger, Germany)
PREENING Beeters 7″ (Digital Regress)
MIKE MAJKOWSKI  Days And Other Days cassette (Astral Spirits)
RANGERS Texas Rock Bottom cd (Doom Trip)
KNOWSO Look At The Chart (Neck Chop)
CIRCUIT DES YEUX  Reaching For Indigo (Drag City)
SWEET APPLE Sing The Night In Sorrow (Tee Pee)
LEDA ‎Gitarrmusik III-X (Förlag För Fri Musik, Sweden)
TROPICAL TRASH  Decisions' Empty Nest 7″ ep (Sophomore Lounge) &  A Dent In The Forever Can  cassette (The Loki Label)
GUILHEM LACOUX  La Traversée double cassette (Standard in-Fi, France)
IAN WILLIAM CRAIG Slow Vessels 12″ ep (130701, U.K.)
MOZART Nasty 7″ep (Iron Lung)
CENTURY PALM Meet You (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada)
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GATE  Highway Ghosts (self-released, New Zealand)
the FEELIES  In Between (Bar None)
SCHIZOS  Fuck Iggy Pop 7″ (Neck Chop)
VIOLENT QUAND ON AIME  Violent Quand On Ame 7″ (Le Syndicat des Scorpions, France)
HONEY New Moody Judy (Wharf Cat)
ANXIETY  Wild Life 7″ (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos, U.K.)
EARTH GIRL HELEN BROWN  Mercury & Mars & Saturn cassettes (all Empty Cellar)
the BLINDS The Blinds cassette (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
FRENCH VANILLA  French Vanilla cassette (Danger Collective)
HEAVY METAL  LP 2 (Static Age Musik, Germany) & LP 3 (Harbinger Sound, U.K.)
fEEDTIME  Gas  (In The Red) 
REESE McHENRY w/ SPIDER BAGS Bad Girl (Sophomore Lounge)
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From November 2017: A LIST OF WORTHY CAUSES TO WHICH YOU MIGHT WANNA THINK ABOUT DONATING...Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, Save DACA Lives  via Here To Stay, Planned Parenthood, The Trevor Project, National Abortion And Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), Southern Poverty Law Center, Emily’s List, etc....
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eaband · 6 years ago
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Two pages on Okraïna in the "Label of love" section of Record Collector magazine (@RecCollMag) !!
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noloveforned · 6 years ago
no love for ned on wlur – january 16th, 2019 from 5-7pm
artist // track // album // label the dambuilders // shrine // encendedor // eastwest dan bejar, brad cook, mac mccaughan, william tyler, ken vandermark, jenn wasner and joe westerlund // heroes // a merge group plays heroes // merge the glands // electricity // double coda // new west * lala lala and why? // siren 042 // siren 042 digital single // hardly art ov pain // mr. aspidistra // ov pain // cocomuse spud cannon // tag // squeeze // (self-released) * mattiel // game show // customer copy ep // burger * brower // you may know me as the kind of guy who // buzzsaws // dig! king tears mortuary // crash report // safe sex 7" // (self-released) abc gum // murder in my heart // the new arcade cassette // let's pretend all the weathers // jobs for dogs // for the worms // rough skies slag queens // lynx candle // you can't go out like that // rough skies talking heads // psycho killer // talking heads: 77 // sire dear nora // creature of habit // skulls example // orindal h.c. mcentire // houses of the holy // houses of the holy digital single // merge alasdair roberts, neil mcdermott and tartine de clous // i fell in love // au cube // okraïna seval // how can we // fragile // found you the indo-british ensemble // lalit (meeting of the twain) // curried jazz // music for pleasure sun ra // the eternal sphynx // crystal spears // modern harmonic hamid drake and joe mcphee // morning star (for lucy stone) // keep going // corbett vs. dempsey phil ranelin // vibes from the tribe // vibes from the tribe // pure pleasure fist of facts // meltdown // fugitive vesco // telephone explosion free love // how do you feel // luxury hits // full ashram cruel diagonals // embrasure // pulse of indignation cassette // drawing room dennis young // intuition // alternative funk, volume two compilation // platform 23 senior model // you just gotta move // praxis // (self-released) the gist // assured energy // holding pattern // tiny global productions camp counselor // turning songs into rituals // scabs cassette // it takes time rat columns // if you can't fall in love // do you remember real pain? ep // adagio830 the citradels // song for ava // fuck the hits, volume one // you are the record company tallies // mother // tallies // kanine *
* denotes music on wlur’s playlist
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gatheredinamber · 6 years ago
This web page seems to have been written in the future (4 December 2018) when the live album recorded last year by Alasdair, Neil McDermott and Tartine de Clous was released last week (27 November). Here’s a translation of part of it: 
“With Neil McDermott, a seasoned and curious Scottish violinist, and Tartine de Clous, a capella trio performing French trad songs, they recorded eleven French and Scottish folk songs at The Cube in Bristol in December 2017. The album was released on November 27 on Okraïna, Belgian label - and still no sign of agreement on Brexit”
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jacobwren · 7 years ago
Rev Galen - Irony (okraïna #7)
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lvdbbooks · 8 years ago
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【新入荷・CD・レコード・Le Saule】
フランスのレーベルLe Sauleの本格的な国内配給をWindbellさんが開始されました。
Le Sauleは「アーバン・プリミティブ」な音楽を今最も着実に実践する共同体のひとつといえます。Léonore Boulanger、Jean-Daniel Botta、Antoine Loyerらレーベルを代表するアーティストがそれぞれのアルバムを行き来しつつ演奏を互いに提供し合う姿は、美しい共作のあり方を示しています。
イランの伝統口承音楽「ラディーフ」を現代によみがえらせるLéonore BoulangerとMaam-Li MeratiによるプロジェクトLa Maison d'Amourはこれまでの軌跡の正しさを再確認する一方で、間違いなくに新たな一歩を踏み出しています。音楽は国境を越えなければならない。全タイトル推薦です。
Le label Le Saule est né à Paris en 2008 de la rencontre d'artistes revendiquant une chanson libre, à la fois exigeante et populaire. Depuis 8 ans, Le Saule n'a cessé d'ouvrir toujours plus grand le champ de la chanson en accueillant d'autres artistes, d'autres langues, d'autres musiques, et d'affirmer encore davantage son besoin de liberté.
「Le Sauleレーベルは自由な音楽、厳格な水準と普及を求める音楽家の集いによって2008年にパリで設立された。この8年間に他のアーティスト、他の言語、他の音楽を迎え入れ、うたの地平を切り開いてきた彼らは、今なお自由を主張する」
La Maison d'Amour『La Maison d'Amour』(Le Saule/Okraïna Records、2016年)*レコード
Léonore Boulanger『Feigen Feigen』(Le Saule/Ana Otto、2016年)*レコード
Léonore Boulanger『Feigen Feigen』(Le Saule/Ana Otto/Windbell、2016年) *CD(国内盤)
Léonore Boulanger『Square Ouh la la』(Le Saule、2013年)*レコード
Léonore Boulanger『Square Ouh la la』(Le Saule、2013年)*CD
Jean-Daniel Botta『Dévotio』(Le Saule、2016年)*CD
Jean-Daniel Botta『Ammi-Majus: Grand goûter』(Le Saule、2012年)*CD
Philippe Crab & Antoine Loyer『Chansons 'Fraternelles』(Le Saule、2017年) *CD 
Antoine Loyer『Chant de recrutement』(Le Saule、2014年)*CD
Antoine Loyer『Poussée anglaise』(Le Saule、2011年)*CD
Vincent Moon『Chansons du Pérou』(Le Saule/Petites Planètes、2016年)*レコード 
Vincent Moon『Chansons de Russie』(Le Saule/Petites Planètes、2014年) *レコード
Bégayer『L'fsèr, calmé les oiseaux』(Le Saule、2016年)*カセット
Loup Uberto『Il n'y a aucun rythme et pas de nuit』(Le Saule、2016年)*本
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noloveforned · 6 years ago
busy times but we're still squeezing in our regular show on wlur at 5pm today. tune in or catch up with last week's show below!
no love for ned on wlur – january 9th, 2019 from 5-7pm
artist // track // album // label buffalo tom // i'm allowed // big red letter day // beggars banquet j. mcfarlane's reality guest // what has he bought // ta da // hobbies galore the middle ones // lucky // there you made me funny // both both chronophage // she paid the ultimate price // prolog for tomorrow // cleta patra false tracks // down there // down there 7" // (self-released) the's // arkansas twist // the's // third man the cowboys // deuce // the bottom of a rotten flower // feel it bad sleep // don't have to // bad sleep // square of opposition amyl and the sniffers // mandalay // big attraction / giddy up // damaged goods display homes // that won't / that will // e.t.a. cassette // (self-released) natural man and the flamin' hot band // militant // natural man and the flamin' hot band 7" ep // neck chop modern convenience // this and that // so so modern // what's for breakfast? current affairs // draw the line // breeding feeling 7" // not unloved lavender hex // the sorrow song is ghosting the theatre // lavender hex // (self-released) delacave // la route // the window has no glass // teenage menopause boys age // i feel painful twilight and then stood under the summer twilight // thank you!! yo la tengo cassette // kerchow david greenberger, glenn jones and chris corsano // a painter of the sixties // an idea in everything 2x10" // okraïna anna st. louis // understand // if only there was a river // woodsist * bonnie "prince" billy // the best of folks // split 7" w/ naked shortsellers // tiny room ted lucas // love and peace raga // ted lucas // yoga william parker featuring leena conquest // i had a dream last night // flower in a stained-glass window // centering angel bat dawid // the oracle // the oracle cassette // international anthem eric dolphy // muses for richard davis // musical prophet- the expanded new york studio sessions, 1962-1963 // resonance sons of kemet // my queen is anna julia cooper // your queen is a reptile // impulse! noname featuring phoelix // song thirty-one // song thirty-one digital single // (self-released) kikagaku moyo // dripping sun // masana temples // guruguru brain gary olson // all points north // the old twin 7" // kleine untergrund schallplatten rose mcdowall // don't fear the reaper // cut with the cake knife // night school
* denotes music on wlur’s playlist
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