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Character Profile: Elodie
Full Name:  Elodie Cecile Armond Kingdom: Oklever Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Elodie is the baby of the Armond, and final child of Hadrien and Fleur. They are given to the Oklever Kingdom along with their elder sister. They enjoy the freedom under the Lund Clan to specialize in anything that calls to them, leading Elodie to eventually take to cultivating and creating poisonous plants. Elodie, like all the Armond children, develops a closeness with plants, allowing them to channel magic through them to create the results they want. They are known for their positive presence and disarming charm. Elodie is one of the few people-oriented servants in the kingdom. She, like her sister, is branded on her left hand with the dark grey turtle shell seal.
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Jumping into the weekend with a huge pallet of BRAND NEW SOCKS......Like styles YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN FROM US!! @sissy_sugarman Thanks for the perfect photo to help us launch!! . . "Angled it like a pro . . . . . #galwayspringhorsetrials #galwaydowns #3dayeventing #okleventing #crosscountryjumping #devoucoux #hygain #hitair #mountainhorseofficial #foothuggies_ridingboot_socks #professionalschoice #horze" #whatsinyourboot #customlogosocks #madeintheusa #coolmax #jumper #horsesofinstagram #eventer #newsocks #equestrianlife #technicalsocks #athleticsocks #foothuggiesforthewin https://www.instagram.com/p/Byae8kZD4kw/?igshid=qsftr43u7dfw
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turisz · 7 years ago
O istenem adná meg az atyua szent megválto ur isten újra hogy gyerek lehetnék, isntemem, nem voltak még mindenféle kütyük fuj porba tiporták az enberiséget el nyomoritottákmsenki nem ért semmihez csak a be plötyögéshez hihetetlen most ezis igy kel be plötyögnöm uhgy hogy már 300 éves vagyok  nagyon meg terhelö ez a sok plönytyögés egy ilyen idős szervezetnek bezzeg gyerek korunkmkba mentünk lopni kukuricát a földröl meg dinyét a csösz jol meg kerghetet mindket el náspángolt a furkós botjával úgy hogy feri laci barátom meg is halt egyszer isten nyugosztajla de nembaj a dinnye finom volt meg dejókat játoszttunk karikékat bikfenceket vetettönk gondtalan élet be mert tudtuk jo a világ jo a haza baj nem lehet apánk anyánk dolgozott keményen el vertük egymás hátaát füszfa vezzökkel csak ugy ccsattantott de jo is volt meg mentünk a duna partra kacsázni de igazám akkor még nem ilyen voltám a duna gyerekek inni lehetett a vizébül és nem fostunkbe de néha azért be fostunk akkor labu kevéllel ki töröltük aztánkész nemám mint a mai gyerekek csak a számitto gépes vécébe képesek bele szarni a jo isten basza meg bocsásmeg istenem tudjátok hivö vagyok jaj a tenplomokis milyen szépek voltak akkoriba a papok nem phajtalankodtak hanem rendesen fajosak voltak szépen meg tartoták amit kelett segítettek a beteg büdös emberekekn mer büdösek voltunk nekem nemvolt bajom vele hát ezvolt a divat nemám fürdés meg a pazarlás mostanába annyi a pazarlás else hiszik az emberek a tökéletes élelmiszent kidobják meg a sportkocsit amibel ilegálisan versenyeznek a suhancok dél angelikába be zuzzák inkább mitjhogy a szegényeknek eledelt csináljanak belöle tudják mennyi pénz ez királyi okleves mérnök vagyok én még ki tudom számolni nemkel száminto gép csak a plötyögéshes joistenem mér élek még mindig kislányokat még lehetet fogdosni moleszterálni szerették is nem metoztak akkor még hanem álták a probát istenem de josivolt mérkel élni mégmindig
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crnagora · 3 years ago
Dnevni Horoskop za 24. Novembar – STRIJELAC
Dnevni Horoskop za 24. Novembar – STRIJELAC
Posao:Kljuc uspeha u ovom periodu sastoji se u reorganizaciji poslovanja. Vazno je da postujete prioritete jer postoji mogucnost previda nekih vaznih detalja. Vasi odnosi sa nadredjenima idu silaznom putanjom, a vase ideje mogu da naidju na los odziv. Sacekajte bolji trenutak. Ljubav:U koliko vec dugo oklevate danas ucinite prvi korak u osvajanju osobe koja vam se vec dugo dopada, sada je pravi…
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arabipress · 4 years ago
"عقوبات" جديدة لتحريك التكليف والتأليف؟ - مرصد العربي برس
كتب طارق ترشيشي في “الجمهورية”: قبل يومين على موعد استشارات التكليف الملزمة المقرّرة بعد غد الخميس، لا تزال الصورة ضبابية ورمادية، على حدّ ما يُنقل عن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، ويتجاذب هذا الاستحقاق احتمالان: إما صيرورته الى تأجيل جديد، وإما انجازه في موعده، لينسحب ما اعتراه ويعتريه من عقد وعقبات، على استحقاق التأليف، وكأنّ … https://s.alarabi.press/OKLeV
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korkep-blog · 6 years ago
A belügyi tárca több mint 82 ezer euró értékben vásárolt történelmi dokumentumokat
A megvásárolt dokumentumok az 1553-tól 1790-ig terjedő időszakból származnak.
A belügyminisztérium történelmi dokumentumokat vásárolt egy magántulajdonostól állami tulajdonba. A tárca összesen 82 800 eurót fizetett 18 darab oklevélért.
  A megvásárolt dokumentumok közé tartozik II. Rudolf német-római császár és magyar király oklevele, amellyel elrendeli Pozsony megyének a széleskúti nemesi kúria birtoklásáért folytatott vita kivizsgálását; I. Lipót német-római császár és magyar király azon oklevele, amellyel Jakub Haškot, vágújhely prépostját nyitrai püspökké nevezi ki;
  Szintén a megvásárolt oklevelek közé tartozik III. Ferdinánd király oklevele, amellyel megerősíti a Lengyel de Thoty család tagjainak Németfalu, Lesencetomaj és Gárdony falujában található birtokaiknak irányítását; II. József német-római császár azon oklevele, amellyel von Buccow bárónak Mária Terézia-rendet adományoz a trutnovi csatában tanúsított bátorságáért.
  A megvásárolt dokumentumok az 1553-tól 1790-ig terjedő időszakból származnak.
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bojanambrozic · 7 years ago
Vrsto let sem okleval. Letos pa sem si le nabavil turnosmučarsko opremo. Na smučarskem sejmu v Ljubljani sem za 80 € dobil rabljene pancarje. Rabljene smuči  vred z vezmi pa za 100 €. Kupiti sem moral samo nove turne kože (prav tako 100 €).
Prvič na turnih smučeh
Koča na Zelenici
Trije Možje
Danes sem prvič testiral to turnosmučarsko opremo z vzponom na Triangel. Snega je na Ljubelju za vzorec. Vendar dovolj da se je dalo že na parkirišču stopiti na smuči. Na Zelenici je snega okoli 40 cm. Če ne bi bilo odjuge, bi bilo tu snega že en meter. Šentanski plaz je že bil presmučan. Prav tako plaz po Centralno grapo. Smučarjev pa na Zelenici skorajda več, kot če bi obratovalo smučišče.
Glede na to da sem v zadnjih leti v povprečju smučal enkrat na zimo me je bilo strah če sploh še znam smučat. No, ta skrb je bila na srečo odveč.
Šentanski plaz
Proti Trianglu
Na smučeh
Turni smuk s Triangla Vrsto let sem okleval. Letos pa sem si le nabavil turnosmučarsko opremo. Na smučarskem sejmu v Ljubljani sem za 80 € dobil rabljene pancarje.
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FicTober: Day 1
Prompt #1: "It's not too late, let's go." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: T Warnings: Mentions of death, war and blood
Characters: Arthur Mitchell, Christa Lund, Enok Lund, Estrid Tikkanen, Frida Elander, Cilla Mertens, Johanna Lund, Kjell Elander, Joel Mertens, Oscar Tikkanen Ships: Implied Arthur/Christa
Arthur sat across from Christa smirking, “I’m not surprised Jason surpassed your record. He’s always had better magic reserves, my dear.”
Christa rolled her grey eyes at him, “You always make me feel so special, Artie.”
“Close it!”
The two jumped, glancing at the staircase leading to the castle's upper levels. Emerald and grey met momentarily before the two were out of their chairs and at the bottom of the staircase. The only time the upper levels of the castle were used was the brief summer season their kingdom had, but they were deep into their winter.
“Just close it damn it!”
Arthur gripped Christa’s upper arm as the two looked up to find Estrid quickly locking the door to the upper levels while Frida held them shut tightly above the small woman. His eyes widened as he noticed blood on their heavy coats.
Before either of them could say anything, Enok moved them to the side, “What’s going on? Where’s Johanna?!”
Arthur’s eyes glanced back toward the door, he hadn’t even noticed the queen’s absence, it hadn’t processed until the king asked.
Estrid fell to her knees, “Dead. Einar and Kjell too.”
He could see the tears falling from her face and felt his anxiety build, he had never seen Estrid cry.
Frida stood behind Estrid, placing her hand on her shoulder as she continued for her, “We were ambushed, Sir. We were making our daily rounds at the wall, we hadn’t seen the dragon until it was too late. Queen Johanna ordered us to fall back to report to you, but Kjell and Einar stayed to defend her.”
Arthur’s hand on Christa tightened as she whispered, “How do you know they’re dead then? Couldn’t they ha-”
Estrid’s mournful purple gaze met Christa’s, “I looked back. They were engulfed in flames… I couldn’t go back.”
Arthur flinched as he caught Enok’s murmuring, “Dragon? Only Bellincioni have dragons…”
“My king! The Ayers sent word of a massacre! The peace meeting was a trap!”
Arthur’s head whipped around to see Cilla rushing into the room, “We need to prepare for war, it seems the Avis and Atadell Kingdoms are-”
He could see King Enok’s eyes begin to faintly glow white, “We are at war. Estrid, you and Frida are with me. We’ll form a front on the upper levels. I can try to blind that damned dragon. As long as it can’t see us, we should be able to force them to retreat. Cilla, you and Joel gather everyone and move them to the lower levels. If things get bad, go to the tunnels.”
Arthur’s chest tightened as Christa pulled away from his hold, “Dad, I ca-”
“You are to keep everyone calm and keep your brother safe, I will not entertain any argument about it.”
“But Dad, I can help!”
Arthur was quick to grab her hand, “Christa, he wants you safe.”
Enok quickly pulled his gloves over his fingers, “It’s not too late, let’s go. It’s time to show those dragon flyers why we’re called the people of ice.”
Arthur watched them leave and tried to push down the feeling that this was the last time he’d see any of them. Quickly shaking his head, he pulled Christa with him deeper into the castle’s underbelly.
“I’m sorry.”
Christa’s grip on his hand finally tightened, “He’ll be ok. The Sweeney will come to our aid. If they Ayers called us, they called them too.”
Arthur could only hope she was right as the walls began to shake.
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Character Profile: Peter
Full Name: Peter Noah Mitchell Kingdom: Oklever Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Peter is the 6th and final child of the Mitchell Clan. He was banished from the Avis Kingdom at the youngest age out of his siblings. He has no memories of his siblings, other than Arthur, and has no memories of his parents. He was born deaf, leading to him being deemed unworthy of the Avis Kingdom. At the incident where his mother was killed, King Enok decided to take Peter and Arthur as servants to his kingdom. As Peter grows, King Enok allows him to get away with more than other servants, taking him directly under his tutelage to teach him the Lund’s environmental magic in hopes of helping Peter learn to use his deafness as an advantage. Peter finds himself unlocking his own magical ability as a toddler. He is known for his mischievous nature and constantly relying on his older brother.
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Character Profile: Artie
Full Name: Arthur Carson Mitchell Kingdom: Oklever Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Artie is the third eldest of the Mitchell clan and the younger twin of Devoughn. When he was 4, he was present when his mother was killed. He tried to help her but was tackled to the ground by his brother Alistair, leading to him losing most of his sight in his left eye. As punishment for trying to attack the queen, Ethel banishes him and his newborn brother, Peter. Luckily, King Enok of the Oklever Kingdom had been present and offered shelter to him and Peter. Growing up in Oklever, Artie dedicates his time to studying the new wildlife and the magic of the land. He becomes attached to Prince Jason and tutors him as he grows. He is branded on his left hand with the blue turtle shell, like all Oklever servants. He is known for his short temper, calm demeanour, and stubborn personality.
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Character Profile: Amelie Armond
Full Name:  Amelie Colette Armond Kingdom: Oklever Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Amelie is the youngest daughter of Hadrien and Fleur. Like most of her siblings, Amelie was born without magical abilities and thus was sold to another kingdom at a young age. Amelie was sold to the Oklever Kingdom to serve the Lund Clan. As she grew, it was discovered that she did have magical talent and was simply a late bloomer. Her talent was kept away from the Anderson Clan, out of fear of her being taken back to Avis. She becomes the kingdom's herbalist, specializing in creating healing foods, lotions, and drinks. She befriends Princess Christa, leading to rumours that she is the Princess’s lover as they grow older. She is branded on left hand with the dark grey turtle shell seal, marking her as a servant to the Oklever Kingdom. She is known for being nosey and her flirtatious behaviour.
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FicTober: Day 8
Prompt #8: "Give me that, before anything happens." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: G Warnings: N/A
Characters: Lizard Morelli, Alex Morelli, Lukkas Holt Ships: N/A
Nicola smiled brightly as he shook his new treasure in front of his brother’s face. He was very proud of the necklace he managed to steal from the Oklever prince. He had heard the roomers that the boy would be the next great ruler of Ephariel but he had been one of the easiest marks he’d ever seen! The boy hadn’t even dressed for their weather and ended up trusting his pile of royal linen to be watched after by his brother’s guards.
“Hey Alex, look what I got! Isn’t it pretty?”
He frowned as Alexander shot him a glare, trying to grab the necklace from him, “Give me that before anything happens to it! How did you even get that, Lizard?”
Nicola pouted, annoyed by his brother’s response, “It’s not my fault the ice boy left it in the open. You never know who has access to the rooms in the castle.”
“Hand it over, now! If Jason finds out you stole it, he’ll turn you into a popsicle for the griffens!”
Nicola quickly moved his hand out of Alexander’s reach, “And you’d let him? In our own home? That would be an act of war, and you know it.”
“Or you could leave my master’s belongings alone instead of pilfering a royal guest’s items when you are the host, Prince Nicola.”
Alexander and Nicola quickly turned to face Lukkas, who snatched the necklace from Nicola’s hand. The two nervously watched the boy, they didn’t know much about the Oklever guard.
They watched Lukkas boredly eye them before turning his attention to Nicola, “The Lizard moniker seems to suit your stealth. I’d recommend that in the future you make sure your target doesn’t have a vampyric guard lounging in his suite to see you steal.”
Nicola’s eyes widened in wonder, “Wait, are you a vampyre?! I heard Oklever had some but I’ve never met one!”
Alexander shrugged when Lukkas shot him a confused look at Nicola’s quick change in demeanor, “No, but my associate is. He was napping in Prince Jason’s room when you snuck in. He keeps night watch over the prince.”
Nicola quickly grabbed Alexander, marching toward the castle, “I must meet him! I have so many questions!”
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crnagora · 3 years ago
Novogodišnji Horoskop za Decembar 2021 - VAGA
Novogodišnji Horoskop za Decembar 2021 – VAGA
Nalazite se u sjajnoj prilici da ostvarite niz korisnih ciljeva ili da prihvatite saradnju sa jednom »uticajnom« osobom. Delujete odlučno i preduzimljivo, stalo Vam je da ubrzanim metodama ostvarite poslovni, društveni ili javni uspeh. Nema potrebe da oklevate pred novim profesionalnim izazovima, ali uz obaveznu konsultaciju sa pouzdanim saradnicima. Važno je da napravite dobar izbor u svakom…
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We are riding into the weekend!! We want to hear about your weekend plans...... . . . @Regran_ed from @sissy_sugarman - Video cred: @hobbyfarm_e . . .#foothuggies_ridingboot_socks #okleventing #charlesowen #coppermeadows #regrann #inspiration #equestrianapparel #eventer #inspiration #whatsinyourboot #athletic #foothuggiesforthewin #footcare #equestrianlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BozhLrWDzb2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fehs5r912dvp
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