#okie ask
ok-i-draw · 4 months
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I offer Stitches and Hackjob for artistic inspiration!
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Whoops! Sorry for answering so late! Had this in the folder for a while! Here you go @chimeracarnival !
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orbbo · 2 months
I’ve had an idea for fanon swap!! Cyborg Grian- but like copper golem vibes because of his obsession with buttons!
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Naughty buttons get put in the Grian Room.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Oops 😬
Just some thoughts after watching the movie heheh. Nothing here is a spoiler though! Its mostly just Bowser’s demeanor HAHA
Like my art? Please consider tipping!
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shepscapades · 3 months
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This file is named “Destruction BREAKDOWN” because of me. It’s me. I’m having the breakdown
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cubbihue · 24 days
Timmy is so silly. So baby girl coded. Like look at him! So tiny!
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Timmy has 15 business emails he's ignoring and 4 urgent meetings on his calendar that is rapidly approaching.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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setaflow · 2 years
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Favorite part about the new Pokemon games so far is that absolutely no one questions where on earth your big mysterious sandwich-loving lizard boy came from.
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that-wizard-oki · 3 months
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The Fanciful Fairy Kei Pack released today!!!! This was a pack idea/theme i pitched at the end of last year, which was incredibly exciting for me!! To celebrate it's release, I wanted to share one of my animations I did for the mount, a cutesy crescent moon with some star friends that follow you along :3 it was the only item I personally got to work on for the pack, all other items/art/anims were done by other artists on our team!
In general been trying to be an advocate for more like... Wizard-y gear, as i feel we've strayed away from that style of gear and i MISS IT :(( I also felt Lolita/kawaii j-fashion in general could really fit into the wizard aesthetic... it also helps that I'm a bit of a fan of the fashion style myself hehe :'D also it was a fun work around so boys can now kind of wear pink thru this pack! And also a dress if they so choose!
Anywho. I know this pack was highly anticipated so I really hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did when i was pitching it!!!! :D
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Eddie forgets his mini figs for hellfire. He’s forgotten them before and everybody makes do with whatever they can find in the club room. He thinks it’ll be the same this time accompanied by the usual complaints but ultimate acceptance so they can get on with the game.
What he doesn’t count on is the fact that Erica Sinclair is now a member of the party. And Erica Sinclair is Always Prepared. That night the hellfire club battle a heinous hell spawn (my little pony Peachblossom) as a rag tag group of adventurers (a sylvanian families selection of a family of bears and a rabbit couple dressed in wedding outfits)
It’s the most bloody session yet and the mini figures are quickly replaced by custom woodland animals in homemade tiny clothes
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oofuri2003 · 10 months
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ok-i-draw · 3 months
Yall want a doodle dump? Kinda like per week or two on what I draw?
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jam-showtoonz · 5 months
Revived Solar! (My au)
This post also contains lore.
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Revived Solar is having a great time!
He just woke up in some weird plain of existence , he’s missing one of his arms and about 20 minutes after waking up he’s attacked by some demented hell beast. Thankfully he is saved by someone who looks like a Sun and Moon combined that isn’t an Eclipse. They act kinda like Lunar just different.
They give him a quick run down on the creature- Voidger it’s called apparently- basically:
This one can’t see. Voidgers can’t smell in general so they don’t need to worry about that.
This one can only hear. Which means they have to get out of there as quietly as possible. Which they lucky manage.
On their way to the ‘ central tower ’ the animatronic introduces themselves as Solstice and explains a bit more about where they are.
The void- it one of the places you can end up if you go through a dis functional portal or your dimension collapses, guess he knows how he got here, the thing that attacked him was a Voidger, a small amount are native to the void- majority though are people, animatronics and/or animals who got lost and were never found- the one that attacked them was a turn one, the way you can tell is apparently the native ones have eyes… many eyes… he hopes he never meets one.
There are apparently ‘ islands ’ around the void with buildings that have a random assortment of objects, no food though as there is no need to eat. The buildings are the only safe spots within the void- unless you can get out or you come across Galaxy.
Eventually they make it to one of these buildings, a tall skyscraper type building. Upon entering they make their way to the 4th floor where they enter a lab kind of place and are greeted by two beings- one is a robot similar to something the creator had- the other, very tall one, looks to be made of stars.
The smaller one, despite the scare they clearly got from the sudden entry, doesn’t question what’s going on, they don’t even seem surprised by him being here, and simply asks if he’d like repaired. He hesitantly accepts the offer as the tall one- Galaxy going by Solstices greeting to them- observes him with their singular eye.
C- he learns the small one goes by -somehow fixes him completely within 30 minutes. They were awfully considerate about asking him what he wanted, colour, shape, any features- despite the fact that they were clearly limited on what they could do.
Galaxy and Solstice had left at some point or another. C offered to answer any questions he had to the best of his ability.
What he learned?
There is a total of 8 beings that live in the void that aren’t Voidgers, that was counting C, Galaxy and Solstice. Though he wasn’t given names.
You turn into a Voidger when you’re alone and lost, as it gives the void access to your mind and you slowly go insane until all rational thought is gone. Despite this if you look or sound similar to someone they knew they will pause before continuing to attack you. Yes, apparently some turned Voidgers have eyes, only two though.
Portal doors aren’t actually hard to find so long as you don’t let the void get to you, the only risk is what’s on the other side. They are also far apart from each other so they take a while to get to. The closest one to them goes to a human dimension.
They can’t stay in a dimension forever because they could weaken it and cause it to collapse. This is because they are completely connected to the void. He should be fine apparently though, as it takes a year for a person to become fully connected to the void and time is very slow in here.
The Voidgers are terrified of Galaxy, apparently their ora has something to do with it.
They are more than willing to help him get home as the void is not a place for everyone.
C hates to talk about themself and is more focused on making sure the others here don’t get themselves killed.
Queue someone with 2 hoops around their head and waist with stars on them, as well as a skirt coming in and yelling about how someone called Blue and- Lunar?- just blew up a toaster on one of the paths to scare a Voidger. C let out a long annoyed sigh before telling him to stay in the lab and say they need to go deal with their kid and the youngest in this found family.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he’s lucky or not.
[Yes I’m posting Ruin separately as lore- Solar is gonna have a great time.]
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scarredlove · 11 months
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I've done nothing
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askmafiabobvelseb · 3 months
Looking for Luna
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Feat. @gooberdrawz and @lunaglitchercc
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iztea · 2 months
Do you recommend any tutorials for new artists?
i'm gonna be honest with you, I've been out of the loop with recent tutorials so let me tell you about my goats sinix, marco bucci and ahmed aldoori
when I was first getting started, I binge-watched all of sinix videos. he has a great way with words and I've assimilated many of his principles and ideas, which I still use in my approach to this day. I recommend his Anatomy Quick Tips series and his Paintover Pals series (aka art critiques), but honestly just watch all his videos, he covers some very niche but handy topics that I don't see brought up that often. He also has one or two videos about digital art for beginners or intermediates so maybe start there and see how you like it.
Marco Bucci has great videos for understanding colors, lighting and taking a more messy-painterly approach to your paintings (which I've always naturally leaned into anyways). He has this series called 10 minutes to better painting where he basically goes over the fundamentals but in a very fun and digestible way. He also covers niche topics including post-processing tips which are verrryyy much looked over when it comes to digital art.
ahmed aldoori is just generally great at explaining and demos. He's probably the first person I'd go to if I needed help understanding anything art-related, and I mean anyytthinggg (hands, environments, portraits etc ) his channel is kinda messy but i'd recommend watching his critique videos because, again, he explains concepts very well while maintaining a chill and relaxed attitude, which I think may help alleviate any sort of anger or frustration that often affect new artists (and not only) i apologize if this is not the answer you were looking for but honestly, i can't think of particular videos i can wholeheartedly recommend outside of these channels because they're what I watched myself, and I can only speak from my own experience. And like I said in the beginning, i kinda just don't watch tutorials anymore because they feel repetitive like they're saying the same things i already know and it's boring so i have different ways to learn now If anyone else has any other recommendations for anon please share them with the class!
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dykedvonte · 5 months
Also show Mr. House looks like a raging homosexual and smokes that cigarette like he’s what the British call cigs too.
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geospiral · 2 months
I like the idea that Ivan originally had a different name before he got captured and put into the system to be adopted, or before Unsha chose ‘Ivan’ to be his name. 
He isn’t able to remember what it was, however (actually, he doesn’t remember a lot of what happened when he was on the street; his memories of that time looking as if they were trapped behind thick, frosted glass). But he’s certain that someone did give him a name at some point, specifically another human. A parent he can’t imagine? Or maybe just an older person who stayed with him until he could fend for himself, someone who he doesn’t recall? It wouldn’t have been hard for him to have lost his original name, given that there wouldn’t be any other human with whom he would have stayed long enough with for it to be of use, always opting to just call him “boy” or "child.”
Ivan is used to feeling as if his humanity is only ever able to be drawn out by other people, as though he isn’t able to do it himself, and as though the fact that he is of the human race isn’t enough of a qualifier. So he can’t help but feel guilty; why didn’t he try holding onto that facet of himself even if it was something that no one would ever call him? A name that may have been given to him out of genuine compassion—how could he have just thrown it away?
Ivan can be a sentimental person, so I think the idea that he lost a piece of himself when he already feels so fractured as a human would have him in a silent upset, at least for a little bit.
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