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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years ago
Dragon Kelp - Eualaria fistulosa by Alexander Semenov Via Flickr: Here is an incredible giant kelp, Eualaria fistulosa, also called 'Dragon kelp'. Up to 25 metres long, it attaches to large rocks with the holdfast (a root-like structure) and rises to the surface. The midrib has gas-filled chambers that hold the whole thing up in the water.
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editionbm · 2 years ago
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A local bus at the northernmost point of Japan
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calochortus · 5 months ago
Dragon Kelp - Eualaria fistulosa by Alexander Semenov Via Flickr: Here is an incredible giant kelp, Eualaria fistulosa, also called 'Dragon kelp'. Up to 25 metres long, it attaches to large rocks with the holdfast (a root-like structure) and rises to the surface. The midrib has gas-filled chambers that hold the whole thing up in the water.
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processusmonomaniak · 1 year ago
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Mer d'Okhotsk
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studiobremen · 2 years ago
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『 フレンズ 』 弓山諒 #art #artwork #inspiration #image #druming #paint #textiles #world #japan #hokkaido #okhotsk #kitamicity #sns #instagram #facebook #onlinestore #artbrut #outsiderart #studiobremen #nft #nftart (Studio Bremen -スタジオ ブレーメン-) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXJ_KmJrMM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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[Photo above: an Ainu woman in 1920s]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest spirits and natives (4)
Korpokkur (or Korbokkur) – ‘People under the butterbur leaves’
Korpokkur are the tribes of dwarfs in folklore of the Ainu people of the northern Japanese islands, meaning 'people under the butterbur leaves'.
The Ainu believe that the korpokkur were the people who lived in the Ainu's land before the Ainu themselves lived there. They were short of stature, agile, and skilled at fishing. They lived in pits with roofs made from butterbur leaves.
Long ago, the korpokkur were on good terms with the Ainu, and would send them deer, fish, and other game and exchange goods with them. The little people hated to be seen, however, so they would stealthily make their deliveries under the cover of night.
One day, a young Ainu man decided he wanted to see a korpokkur for himself, so he waited in ambush by the window where their gifts were usually left. When a korpokkur came to place something there, the young man grabbed it by the hand and dragged it inside. It turned out to be a beautiful korpokkur woman with a tattoo on the back of her hand (the tattooing of Ainu women is said to be based on this). She was so enraged at the young man's rudeness that her people have not been seen since. Their pits, pottery, and stone implements, the Ainu believe, still remain scattered about the landscape.
[History of Ainu]
The Ainu are an indigenous people from Sakhalin in the north to the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka Peninsula in the north-east and around the northern Japanese archipelago, especially in Hokkaido. The Ainu have long had an economic zone around the Sea of Okhotsk region.
They worshipped bears and wolves, as well as gods embodied in the elements of nature, such as water, fire and wind.
Ainu is the Ainu language for 'human' and is believed to have originally meant 'human' as a concept as opposed to 'kamui' (a designation referring to nature based on the spirit that everything in nature has a heart).
The Ainu people were conquered and their land confiscated by neighbouring Japan and Russia between the 15th and 18th centuries. Later, in the 19th century, forced them to convert, apply their customs and belong. During the Soviet era, hundreds of Ainu were executed or forcibly relocated. Today, the population and the Ainu language are in decline and there are revival efforts for their traditional culture.
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森の精霊たちと原住民 (4)
コロポックル (又はコロボックル) 〜「蕗の葉の下の人々」
ある日、アイヌの青年がコロボックルを一目見たいと思い、いつも贈り物を差し入れる窓際で待ち伏せしていた。そのコロボックルがそこに何かを置こうとすると、青年はそれを手で掴んで屋内に引きずり込んだ。すると、それは美しい女性のなりをしておりその手の甲には刺青があったという (なおアイヌの婦人のする刺青はこれにならったものであるといわれている)。コロボックルは青年の無礼に激怒し、一族を挙げて北の海の彼方へと去ってしまった。以降、アイヌの人々はコロボックルの姿を見ることはなくなったという。現在でも土地のあちこちに残る竪穴や地面を掘ると出てくる石器や土器は、彼らがかつてこの土地にいた名残である。
アイヌとはアイヌ語で「人間」を意味する言葉で、もともとは「カムイ」(自然界の全てのものに心があるという精神に基づいて自然を指す呼称) に対する概念としての「人間」という意味であったとされている。
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newtypezaku · 4 months ago
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months ago
The Hokkaido Serial Murder Case: The Okhotsk Disappearance ~Memories in Ice, Tearful Figurine~ releases today digitally for the Switch and Steam.
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moaan · 4 months ago
Cape Notoro by Katsuaki Shoda Via Flickr: Ricoh GXR + GXR MOUNT A12 + Super Angulon 21mm f/3.4
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kaelula-sungwis · 2 years ago
Polyorchis karafutoensis by Alexander Semenov
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pensamentsisomnis · 2 years ago
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White rocks (ocean side).
The Series of Photos of The Day
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editionbm · 2 years ago
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North Breakwater Dome (from the landside)
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This is Kyoro the spotted seal from Okhotsk Tokkari Center, Japan. [x]
Today's Seal Is: Vandalized
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studiobremen · 2 years ago
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『 フレンズ 』 弓山諒 #art #artwork #inspiration #image #druming #paint #textiles #world #japan #hokkaido #okhotsk #kitamicity #sns #instagram #facebook #onlinestore #artbrut #outsiderart #studiobremen #nft #nftart (Studio Bremen -スタジオ ブレーメン-) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXJ_KmJrMM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radioshiga · 2 months ago
Bombardeiros russos sobrevoam Mar do Japão e Mar de Okhotsk
Moscou, Rússia, 31 de janeiro de 2025 – Agência TASS – O Ministério da Defesa da Rússia anunciou nesta quinta-feira (30) que bombardeiros estratégicos de longo alcance sobrevoaram águas internacionais do Mar do Japão e do Mar de Okhotsk. O voo, que durou mais de oito horas, foi realizado por duas aeronaves Tupolev-95, acompanhadas por caças Sukhoi-35 e outros aviões de escolta. Em um vídeo…
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newtypezaku · 5 months ago
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