#okay wow this was hella long
vivwritesfics · 10 months
Tired Eyes
Oscar's girlfriend is hella sleepy and Oscar is the most caring guy
Idk i was thinking about my past relationship and how I don't miss the person but I miss feeling safe enough to fall asleep with somebody after work when the world had taken everything out of me
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Oscar Piastri sat in his London apartment, in front of the television. He'd just gotten back from the gym and currently had nothing to do. Oscar sat on the sofa as he skipped through the suggestions on the Netflix account he shared with his girlfriend.
His girlfriend who was due home any moment.
Oscar was waiting patiently, but his patience was wearing thin. Not in an angry sort of way, but he was soon going to begin to get worried.
Y/N being late wasn't uncommon. Her job was demanding had her working into late hours of the night. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just the job, but Y/N had university at the same time. University and then working until 10PM was hard.
Of course, Oscar had offered to help her pay her way, but Y/N had turned him down. She didn't want to rely on him for everything and her studies were important to her.
When Oscar pulled up his phone to message her, the front door opened and Y/N walked walked in.
"Hey, Osc," she said as she dropped her things onto the floor.
Oscar turned in the sofa to face her. "Hey, baby," he said as he stood up and walked over to her. She opened her arms and wrapped them around his thick neck as Oscar pulled her in close. He kissed the top of her head as Y/N allowed him to lead her further into the apartment. "Have you had something to eat?"
Shaking her head, Y/N threw herself down onto the sofa as Oscar went to the kitchen. He wasn't much of a cook, but getting something as simple as a cheese toasty in her stomach before she fell asleep was going to be good enough for him.
As Oscar let the toasty sizzle in the pan, he brought Y/N something to drink as she put on a movie. A comedy, something Oscar wouldn't laugh at, but it was still an easy watch.
Two minutes later, Oscar sat down and passed Y/N a plate with the toasty on it. "Oh, Osc, I love you," she said as she took it from him.
It was gone within a matter of minutes. Y/N placed the plate down on the table beside the sofa and shifted so that she was leaning up against him.
"Long day?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around her.
Y/N nodded her head, her blinks slow. She was so fucking tired and Oscar knew that. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and let her watch the television.
Oscar was barely paying attention to the movie. It was one they had seen before, easy watching, like I said. "I never got this bit," he muttered and looked down at his girlfriend.
But Y/N didn't answer him. She didn't say anything. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was even, small snores leaving her lips.
Wow, thought Oscar as he stared down at her. She was so damn cute.
Oscar didn't dare turn the television off. He knew her too well for that. He knew as soon as the television went off, Y/N would wake up and then she wouldn't get to sleep for at least an hour, no matter how tired she was.
So, he suffered through the movie, his fingers playing with her hair while she slept on.
Y/N didn't stir in her sleep. But she shuffled closer to him and tightened her grip around him as she slept on.
It was only at the end credits that she finally stirred away. Y/N's eyes opened as the music played. For a moment she was disoriented, looking around around at the familiar apartment. "Shit," she groaned as she sat up. "Sorry, Osc," she whispered and pressed his cheek against his shoulder.
Leaning towards her, Oscar kissed her. "It's okay, sweetheart," he said and stood up from the sofa. "Lets get you to bed."
So, Oscar helped Y/N up from the sofa. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he walked her towards their bedroom. It seemed to be effortless for him.
Rather ungracefully, Oscar dropped Y/N onto the bed. She bounced slightly as she landed and Oscar turned to grab pyjamas for the both of them as Y/N pulled back the covers and fluffed the pillows.
As soon as the both of them were changed and ready to bed, Y/N and Oscar climbed under the sheets. Oscar wrapped his arm around her and pulled her across the bed, holding her against him. "Love you," she said, shutting her eyes as her head laid against the pillow.
Leaning over, Oscar kissed the skin of her neck. "Love you."
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Tbh I had this already written. Poll had the shortest time as a day. HELLA warning though, this isn't non or dub con but it IS gorey. I wrote this shit at like 11pm and I was stressed the hell out and kinda pissed. (well the outline of it anyway). I'm a gore enjoyer, not in a weird way I just like the way it's written or drawn i don't like actual gore. Anyway the gore here isn't that bad but there is some so I'll say there is gore as a warning. I also put a small border for the people that don't wanna read the smut since there is some story.
The Cute and Obsessive You
Yandere Shanks x Male reader. Reader matches Shanks's freak. Smut so minors read something else until I write not smut. top male reader. Violence warning. 4,135ish words.
Your boyfriend is very cute, you know that of course, you also know that he gets just a little worried when you’re out of his sight. That’s why when you opened your eyes to an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair, your first thought before worrying for yourself was ‘Oh no, I hope my boyfriend is gonna be okay.’ and you were correct in your worry, because Shanks is not okay.
“(Y/n)!?” Shanks calls out as he searches around for you. “(Y/n)!” He calls out, his heart racing. Where are you? Did you run away? Finally getting tired of him and leaving? How could you do that to him, when he cares about you so so much!? He gave you everything! Something clicks, what if you were gone unwillingly? What if someone took you. Took you from him? “(Y/N)! Sweetie, please come out if you’re somewhere around here!” He’s been searching for a while now, feeling stupid. Of course you wouldn’t leave him, you loved him, but he had thought this island was safe. Shanks had taken his eyes off of you, busy with the townsfolk swarming him. He hadn’t been to this island in a long while so they were excited to see him, and you had told Shanks you were going to explore nearby. Shanks trusted that. Trusted that this island that was friendly to him would be friendly to you, there should’ve been no danger to you. That’s not to mention you weren’t weak either, but people don’t always get what they want by being strong. A pretty looking flower is what it took, you’d been interested in the local flora so you went to check it out. It was only when you took a closer look that you realized it looked unusual, by then it was already too late. The fake flower had let out a gas and knocked you out. Now here you were, in a place unfamiliar to you.
“Hello?” You call out, but there’s no answer. Your weapon has been taken, but they’ve made a mistake, not finding the knife that you keep on you for emergencies. That means you could cut yourself free… but what then? You don’t know where you are and the door is locked, and to be honest.. you’re a little curious. You don’t feel like you’re in any real danger, and Shanks is probably going to find you eventually. The thought of him finding you, desperate to see you with a crazed look, fills you with satisfaction; so you wait. Eventually a woman comes down from the stairs and enters the room holding a long blade.
“Hello.” She greets you. “You’re lucid, good. Do you know why I’m doing this?” You think for a moment, Shanks had said this place was friendly so you’re not sure, but she answers the question for you. “I’ll just answer anyway. I did this because you bother our chief, clinging to him like a leech. You’re not nearly as strong as him or the rest of his crew, I even managed to kidnap you with some fake flower. It’s dangerous for him to have someone by his side, especially someone so weak. He’d be better off without you.” Her words sting a little, she has somewhat of a point. If it weren’t for the fact that it might be impossible to leave Shanks this could’ve even convinced you to.
‘Wow.. my cute and obsessive boyfriend knows some people that act similar to him.’ You think to yourself as she points the knife to your neck, pricking you. ‘Uh oh.’ This got much more dangerous quickly. Meanwhile, Shanks is still searching for you, finally finding flattened grass where it looks like someone was dragged.
‘He didn’t run away!’ Shanks is almost relieved before he realizes you being kidnapped and in danger isn’t much better. He clenches his jaw and quickly follows the flattened grass to a cottage in the woods, entering and looking around. “I don’t have time for this.” He mumbles to himself and decides to destroy everything until he finds you, crashing things to the floor and breaking through walls to find his lover. You hear the sounds above you and try to yell out, but your mouth is quickly covered by the woman. You take a deep breath and instead tip over your own chair and let yourself slam to the ground. The sound alerts Shanks and he looks down, realizing there's a room underneath this cottage. He needs to get to you, that thought sticks to his mind until he breaks a hole into the floor and drops into the room with you and the woman; though there was an entrance he could’ve found had he looked a little longer.
“C-Chief!” The woman stutters, panicked. “You, I-I” She doesn’t know what to say, turning silent when she looks at Shanks and finds someone she doesn’t recognize. Someone unlike the kind person she’s been doing this for. Crazed eyes look from her to your fallen and tied up form.
“Baby, are you okay?” He goes to you, ignoring her.
“I’m alright, just tipped my chair over.” You reassure him and he’s about to sigh in relief when he catches sight of something. Blood on your neck from the prick she had given you earlier. Blood, your blood. His vision quickly goes red and he grabs her, slamming her onto the ground.
“Chief, please let me exp- AAHH!” Her words are interrupted by a scream of pain when he stomps on her arm, shattering it. She starts to cry but it’s too late, he’s seen your injury and the blood you’ve shed is worth more than she could ever be.
“How dare you, how dare you. Mine, You hurt my boyfriend. My boyfriend.” His voice is laced with rage as she cries, screaming as he stomps on her limbs. Hands, arms, legs, it’s not long until they’re reduced to a mess of flesh and bone stuck to her by her skin.
“sorry sorry ‘m sorry it hurts.” She can’t even struggle, having screamed too much already. You stare at this, then try to move out of your restraints. Pain shoots up your leg.
“Ow!” You yelp and Shanks turns to look back at you, anger replaced by worry. “I’m okay! I think I just twisted my ankle a little when I fell.” You explain, feeling a little embarrassed you yelped over such a small injury. He looks back at the woman and she realizes, in her final moments, that you were so much more than she could’ve comprehended. Shanks grabs her by the hair and slams her head into the wall, creating a crater with the impact. What’s left of her head splatters across the concrete, and he drops her crushed corpse to the ground with a thud. He can hear the blood rushing through his ears, only snapping out of it when he hears your voice. “Shanks!” The redhead turns back to you, walking over and crouching down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I let you out of my sight and doubted you when you were stuck here. This is my fault-” He starts but you interrupt him.
“Shanks you’re very lovely like this but please untie me first.” You ask him and his eyes clear.
“R-Right. Sorry.” He quickly cuts the ropes with his sword and you stand while rubbing your wrists. Once you’re both standing he starts to shake, emotions filling his psyche. Anger for the ones that hurt you, guilt he let this happen, sadness you got hurt, relief you’re still alive. They swim in his head, crowding and messing with his mind. You notice this and pull him into a soft hug
“It’s okay~ It’s okay~” Your fingers run through his red hair, ignoring the blood mixing in. “I’m okay, I’m alive and safe. You didn’t fail me, I’m right here.” He clings to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. I’m so happy you're safe.” He says, burying his face in your shoulder. Shanks still feels guilty, but his emotions calm with you in his grasp. You feel him clutch onto you tighter and you can tell his anger is coming back now that his emotions are more sorted.
“It’s not the townspeople’s fault, honey.” You tell him, sensing his thoughts.
“They let this happen to you.” His voice is cold. This is their fault, they don’t deserve his help or his protection. They don’t even deserve their lives.
“Not all of them could’ve known.” You respond and he doesn’t answer. You sigh and pull him back enough to look into his clouded eyes. “Let's do this, we can go back into town, find out who helped this happen, and you can punish them. Okay?” He stares at you, considering what you said, then nods. “Good, thank you for understanding.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
You and Shanks walk through the town, ignoring the horrified looks of townspeople seeing him covered in blood. Once you’re to the town square he yells out. “Everyone gather up!” They begin to gather in front of him while the Red Haired crew puts any children inside. They don’t need to see this. Shanks’s eyes scan the crowd until they finally land on a married couple, a wife and husband; they look guilty. Unlike the others who are scared and/or confused they look visibly jittery, as if they’ve done something wrong. What's more, when they meet your eyes they look away, as if from shame. ‘It’s them, they did this, they helped this happen.’ He walks over and stops directly in front of them, staring them down as they start to tremble. “You two have done something.” He says and they flinch. Some townsfolk try to ask Shanks what’s happening but Beckman and the others are smart, quickly leading the rest back inside so they don’t see their chief do this; or get caught in the crossfire. The couple try to deny it at first but eventually the wife breaks and starts to cry.
“Chief I’m sorry, I didn’t know she would go this far. We did this because we were worried about you.” She pleads with him and he stares at her.
“Worry? Worry!? You think your worry for me is enough of an excuse to do this? To harm what’s mine? No no no this isn’t how you’re going to escape responsibility.” Shanks is angry, angry that the town he trusted could do something so deplorable as causing harm to his boyfriend. He looks down at her with disgust and grabs her by the collar of her shirt. “You put your hands, your disgusting hands on my everything while I spent my time entertaining this town.” He moves his hand so it’s wrapped around her neck, gripping it firmly. "Was it amusing seeing me smile with you all, oblivious, while your friend was about to kill the love of my life?" She cries out and tries to struggle but it’s no use, he’s too strong; even as those struggles turn to scratches from his tightening grip, she's unable to make him budge as her vision goes dark.
Shanks drops her lifeless body to the ground, red eyes trailing to the husband. He looks at the body of his wife, dead, and tears roll down his cheeks slowly. “Oh gods, please, chief please. I’m sorry.” His pleas are weak and useless as Shanks’s eyes bore into his. This is it, he can’t do anything. Even if he tried to run away he knows it’s futile, he wouldn’t even make it a step. His only hope is you, turning his head to look at you. You meet his eyes and give him a nervous laugh.
“Well it is kinda your fault, right?” You say sheepishly and his hope is gone, looking back to Shanks.
“Don’t look to him for help, you don’t deserve it.” The redhead states coldly and the husband closes his eyes, the world going black as Shanks cuts his head off of his shoulders. It rolls pathetically on the ground, and he stomps on it for good measure. The two previously pleading people full of life now reduced to lumps of soulless flesh. Shanks stares at what’s left of them, emotions still raging. It's unhealthy, you know that. This look of his is dangerous, the proof and symptom of his instability, but to you it's so so beautiful. The eyes of the kind, friendly, and lively red haired captain everyone knows are unlike everything about him. They're obsessive, crazed, uncaring, the light in his irises replaced by the unhealthy darkness you bring out of him. So beautiful.
“Shanks.” You call out and he quickly snaps his head to you, chest heaving with emotion. “You’re so cute like this.” You can’t help it, your crazy yandere boyfriend is so endearing when he’s obsessive like this. His face flushes slightly, caught off guard by the sudden compliment despite the gore around him.
“Really? Cute? N-Now??” He asks, he wouldn’t have been shocked if he turned to see you looking at him with disgust, disappointment, or even fear; but instead you look at him with your cheery and warm expression, nodding.
“Mhm!” You walk over to him and cup his face. “You were worried about me, right? I’m okay now, you saved me and punished the bad guys.” At that his shoulders finally untense, his sanity slowly coming back.
“Of course I was worried, I couldn’t bear the idea of anything happening to you.” Shanks says, letting out a held breath as his expression softens. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at you. The brown of his eyes are replaced with red, his pupils dilated. You love it, the unsettling look in his eyes is so nice to see; even when they change back to brown. Like this, the crew in the background see their friendly captain as his yandere self, and his cheerful boyfriend who turned out not normal either. The captain can feel their gazes on him, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is you, you you you. The you that’s in front of him, touching him, loving him, the you that’s safe.
“Your eyes are creepy like this, y’know.” You say and place a kiss on his forehead, making him sigh in contentment.
“Creepy huh? That’s one way to describe em… Do you like it?” He asks, a bit insecure.
“And if I don’t? What’re you gonna do then?” You respond and Shanks’s heart sinks at the thought of you not liking anything about him. He loves you too much, he wants you to feel the same. He looks into your eyes, trying to gauge how serious you’re being. When he can't tell he speaks with hesitance.
“I’d.. change them.. I don’t want you to dislike any part about me.” Is his respnse. You hum, kissing his cheek.
“Hmm~ How would you change them?” You continue the question and Shanks tries to think through the chaos in his head, almost tempted to say he’d rip them out for you but managing to think more rationally.
“Colored contacts.. or try to appear less obsessive. Tone it down a bit.” He seems a little sullen talking about it, the idea that he would have to change himself for you is bumming him out; even if he would do it. You can tell he's unhappy, letting it go.
“That sounds like a hassle. It’s good I like them then!” You say and a weight is lifted off of his heart, your words always have so much effect on him. “I like everything about my crazy and cute boyfriend.”
“Good, because this crazy and cute boyfriend of yours loves you. A lot.” He speaks with a sigh, wrapping his arm around you to pull you into a tight hug.
“Mhm~ I love you too.” You rub his back as he buries his face into your shoulder and inhales, relishing in your scent.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you. I love you.” He murmurs into your shoulder, muffled by your skin as you soothe him through his love confessions. He doesn’t even notice he’s getting blood on you. "You mean everything to me. You're the light in my darkness, the reason I keep going. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you, I couldn't bear it. I love you more than anything in the world." His hand moves up to thread through your hair. "I love you so much. Never leave me." His voice is almost pleading at this point.
“Shh.. I’m never gonna leave you. You’re the only one for me, you’re my crazy and cute boyfriend. Look at me.” You tell him and he pulls back enough to look at you. “Hi honey~ I love you~” His expression falters, his heart warming. He’s still affected by what's happened but he’s here looking at you, and that makes everything feel better.
“I love you too.” Shanks kisses your palm. His voice is soft now, but still laced with a possessiveness that makes your own heart feel full “I’m looking at you too and I love you too” So happy, and just from being with you. You run your fingers through his red hair, scratching his scalp lightly, and his eyes close from bliss as he lets out a small content hum. When you use both hands a small shiver runs up his spine from your touch and attention. Can’t help it, too enamored with you.
“You’re so adorable.” You say and kiss him, feeling the way he melts into it. So pliable for you, and the slight jolt he gives when you roll your hips against his is satisfying to feel. ‘So reactive too’ you think to yourself as he lets out a small moan, trying to hold in another as you continue. It's to no avail, giving you the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth. Shanks hums, the both of you making out in front of the two corpses of the people Shanks killed for you. Oh and is it all for you, he doesn't even remember them right now. Your hands go to his hips and pick him up, walking a few feet away before laying him gently down onto the grass. He looks up at you, eyes foggy with lust and confusion.
“(Y/n)?” He asks and you wrap his legs around your waist, grinding your dick directly against him, causing him to curse with a moan.
“Sorry, my obsessive boyfriend was too sexy while protecting me.” You say as he pants underneath you, his face flushing. The crew, forgotten, slowly make their leave.
“You think I’m sexy? Even like this?” He asks you, not understanding how you can look at him with such caring lust when he just committed such a vile act. Even if it was for you, he didn’t need to make the deaths as gory as he did.
“Of course! My boyfriend is the cutest and sexiest in the whole world!” You say it as if it’s fact and it sends a shock of happiness and pleasure through Shanks’s body.
“In the world..” He mutters and you nod.
“Yup~” You’re pleased seeing him like this, and your hand goes to slide under his shirt, making him flinch. “The whole world~” Your hand slides up to his chest along with the fabric, showing his bare torso to you as his back arches slightly to follow your touch.
“B-Baby.” He tries to speak but it comes out as a whisper as you run your hand along his chest, stopping at one of his pecs to squeeze. “(Y/N)!” His back arches more and you lovingly circle a finger around his nipple, tapping it with the pad of your finger as he lets out soft gasps. “Fuck...” You’re teasing him, but he’s just too cute not to tease. Alas, you won’t keep him waiting, especially when the captain has been so good for you. You press the pad of your finger onto his nipple and he lets out a breath, your other hand moving to his chest as well as you grope and fondle both of his pecs. He loves it, you can feel it from the way he hardens against you and hear it from the grunts escaping his lips. His chest is nice, big, muscular, reminders of his strength along with the few scars that run along his body. You lean down and kiss one of them before flicking your tongue onto one of his nipples, earning a cuss from above. He grips onto your hair, blood coating your locks as you bite and suck his chest, moving from one pec to another; but never leaving one unattended with the help of your hands. You wonder for a moment if he could cum just from this, but you’ll leave that for another day, taking your mouth off of him with a lewd pop. The sound makes Shanks’s breath shaky. You sit up and look down at him.
‘So beautiful..’ You think to yourself when you see your boyfriend. Covered in the blood of townspeople he slaughtered in your name, eyes cloudy with lust, and shirt lifted up with perked up nipples. “My sexy honey is so sensitive, even when near the corpses of people he’s killed.” You grind against him and he grunts. “Do you care? Should I stop so I can take you somewhere else?” You ask him and Shanks struggles to form a coherent thought, mind clouded by you.
"No.” He starts, his voice shaky. “I don’t care about the bodies, I want you, I need you.” He responds, needy.
“Awweee~” You coo to him and lift his hips up, sliding his pants away enough to expose himself to you. You put your fingers to his mouth and he parts his lips to wet them. “You’re so good for me, my perfect boyfriend~” You praise and he lets out a small happy whimper, his heart racing. He always gets like this when you’re more dominant, sometimes it’s the only way to get him to calm down. Of course, that’s not why you’re doing it right now.
“Hahh.. hahh..” He pants and then gasps when you slip a finger inside him, something about his unstable emotions right now is making him more reactive. Maybe it’s the adrenaline or the relief of knowing you're safe, maybe both.
“I love you Shanks.” You say while putting another inside, relishing in how he squeezes around the digits. “Do you love me too?”
“Yes yes I love you I love you. Please, I need you.” He says, voice strained as you stretch him out.
“Are you sure? I get a little insecure sometimes.” You pull your fingers out and tug down your own bottoms, grabbing your dick to rub the tip around his entrance.
“Fuck.. I-” He’s interrupted by his own long whine as you press into him slowly, his head going foggy until you give him a smooch. “I love you, I love you more than anything, you’re my love- Ah~!” you start to move. “You’re everything to me can’t live without you I love you so much it hurts but feels so goOD~!” You lift his hips up to slam into his prostate, making his eyes roll back as he pants and groans.
“Good boy I love you too, you're doing so good for me~" You praise while bullying his prostate, Shanks’s mind going numb.
“I love you more than anything and everything I love you more than treasures or air or breathing or- ah~! or even myself~! I need you you’re my home and purpose my love and the blood flowing through my veins!” He’s happy, he’s happy you love him and he gets to say everything he wants to without worrying about your disgust. “You’re the reason I get up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep-” He rambles as tears prick at his eyes from pleasure “m-my life and my purpose. I want to spend every second with you, I would give up everything for you. I love your voice and your laugh and your skin your hair your fingers and the way you feel i-inside me~!” His back arches, he’s close. “I can’t hold back any- ah~! longer!”
You kiss his neck, sucking marks into the skin. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back. Let everything out.” With that, he opens his mouth and lets out a loud keen as he cums.
“You’re all mine you’re m-mine! No- nngh~! one else’s mine mine~!” He rambles absentmindedly as you fuck him through his orgasm, repeating posessive words before you slam into him as much as you can and coat his insides. He whines, aftershocks continuing as your dick throbs inside of him with each burst. Once you've emptied you lean down and nuzzle his cheek affectionately before kissing him.
“You’re right. I’m yours and no one else’s. I’m never gonna leave you, because you’re my boyfriend and I love you.” Your words of confession make his heart feel full. He can’t think about anything other than you, that he’ll never let you go. His legs wrap around you and pull you into another kiss, happy. You’ll clean up in a bit, you’re still in public after all and the townspeople can’t be inside forever; but for you’ll indulge your cute and obsessive honey. Just because you love him so much.
There you have it. As for the Jealous reader x Shanks that's still gonna happen, the poll was just to choose which one I focused on first. I still do whatever by the way, I'm not gonna become smut focused or anything.
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Mercury in da HoUSe (s) mercury and why you think your smart - you only think your smart, you don't even know if you are because you can't think any other way. I dont care if people tell you your smart, they don't even know if they are smart because they have the same dilemma as you....... but if you think your dumb your probs right.... okay enough chit chat we gotta do some astrollogy >> Mercury in the first - These guys talk the talk, hella good at talking, talk too much, but at least they know how to talk. but it gives everyone in the rooom a headache. also there voices go a million directions... they like to put on voices. actually i hate your voice. its too earpiercing its like your looking at there voice even if you look away. how are you able to make me look at yo voice, its meant to be auditory but i can fucking see it STFUUUU Mercury in the second - I like money but not as much as this guy. this guy will think of every scam, every business every investment possible just to prove his worth (typically with money) as kids they are hustlers with money, everyone knows they gonna make coin, but typically as they get older, money don't mean shit to them and they start investing into something substantial and if they dont grow outta this mindset, they become shells of themselves like bill gates or the amazon guy. mercury in the third - okay these guys are actually smart, but its almost hard to tell. because there intelljgence isn't attached to anything beside intelligence itself. so its hard to notice, but they are very smart people. quick learners but i notice not quick thinkers, or at least they don't voice it much. which i guess makes them smart because they ploying liek dat mercury in the fourth - subtle intelligence, almost manipulative intelligence, they are the types to make you make a point jsut so they can point out the flaws in your point rather than make a argument themselves.... then make an argument once yours has been smashed to pieces. assholes honestly... but i rate it its just smart tactics but make em talk first and they speechless lmao mercury in the fifth - funny yes your funny, yes i see what you did there, oh yes this next joke is also funny because it ties in with your last joke.. did i mention your funnY? oh im not that funny, well im sorry i can't do it like you becayse yourr liek for real funny. okay can someone else speak now, this guys voice wasn't annoying but now it is. fr comedians but every comedian over do it, and so do they mercury in the sixth - annoying intelligence, always pointing out the flaws in whatever the fuck you just said. like dude im trying my best to think, to then speak it, and to respect you as a person. and your lookjing for flaws, in my speech? oh you can't help it? well i can't help but not wanna talk to you. annoyingly nitpicky with what i say you say she say, why so serious? oh your too smart? thats what every dumbass has ever said to me stfu. mercury in the seventh - always on your back, but can you get off my back, im still working on my argument i dont need you to suck me off about it jeezes. id rather you criticize me honestly. oh now your critical of me. well why can't you just think for yourself. oh you don't know how to. you only don't know how to because you just wanna learn more and more and more and more and more. and now you dont know how to think for yourself. congrats you played yoself mercury in the eighth - so mysterious wow so profound, i never saw it that way. no you just were thinking of something cool to say this whole time and you jsut thought of it. your only quiet so you dont look like a fool. insecure bitch ass. oh but now you just wanna insult me yeah thats because i called you out. honestly these guys are just looking for a deep chat, and its only deep because they were digging for so long.
mercury in the ninth - these guys know way too much bullshit. like they read a lot and just spit random facts and its hard to talk to them without feeling patronized. like yeah we get it, you read a lot. most peole don't because we like to be a human, not live in a book. go outside its nice. oh thats where you get your information > outside, books, the world is your dictionary - god you really are annoying. oh you knew that already. fuck off man.
mercury in the tenth - shrewd; always thinking and saying the best possible thing to say for each scenario, and its typically just sayings they read in hustler books, or what they dad said once. yeah your street smart, but no one else advertises it as much as you, which means you don't understand the streets as well as you think. yep thats right re-strategise; they just wanna own the streets i swear. and no one tries as hard as them. and thats saying something mercury in the eleventh - stop protesting you mong, you really think convincing us the realities of the world, will change the world? oh itll start the butterfly effect, okay true go on, tell us how eating veggies gonna stop the meat industry. oh you were just saying this crap for bants. yep that was annoying. oh now you wanna talk about how attitudes has shaped the world, dude why you always trying to integrate everysingle philsophy of the world into one conversation. you do realise its all bullshit? but everyone likes em because they invite everyone in on the conversation... hey someone gota do it Mercury in the twelfth - these guys are the worst i swear, cant be more manipulative than these lot, they will act innocent, but come at you aggressivly, and itll just confuse ya. youll think they just dumb and naive but they klnow damn well what da hell they doing. play yo game with someone else... oh you don't like to play with them because they fall for your shit, yep so you only like people who set you straight ehhhh you should just come at me straight or ill set you straight. oh you just struggle with convos well it shows.
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edwardslvrr · 1 year
trevor zegras x singer!reader
the one where rumour has it YN has a new boyfriend and Trevor has a new girlfriend
taglist if you’d like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment xoxo
last part main masterlist trevor zegras masterlist
via twitter
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username imagine if she’s back together w trevor
username after that album? bro is sobbing in the corner
username would be such a YN thing to do tho
username what if new bf is old bf 👀
username so many paparazzi and no one thought tp take a picture of the dudes face???
username this outrageous behaviour, YN. we’re out here sobbing to her new album and she has been macking on some new dude
username no fr she has me sobbing here like a child for days now
username atleast she looks hella good
username cool and whatever but tour dates pls?
username YN it was suppose to be me next😔
username imagine it is jack hughes
username jack’s probably trying to shoot his shot w trevor now tbh
username she wasn’t interested in Trevor’s unemployed ass anymore lol
los angeles, california
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liked by jackhughes and 1.395.728 others
yourinstagram good riddance deluxe is out NOWW!!
view 19.738 comments
username oh wow- this is depressing
username “i hate the fact that i miss you around” MOOD
username jack really feeding into the rumours abt him and YN by liking this
username not people believing that rumour what??
username honestly the weirdest rumour i’ve ever heard
username y’all will believe anything atp
username WHAT DID U PUT IN 405 WHAT
username “how are you looking at me like a stranger” my heart bro??
username imma go call my therapist.. this is too much
yourbestfriend okay OUCH?
yourinstagram oops?
username ayo jack i see u dude
username the last picture such a mood
username too much pain girly
username “i loved you so hard for a time” trevor go sit in the corner and think about what you did.
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liked by colecaufield and 104.749 others
trevorzegras all summer long
view 1.284 comments
username in his tim mcgraw era?
username bringing up taylor swift any time he can in his personality
username uhm.. last picture?
colecaufield suspicious
username glad u seem to think so too
username cole spill what you know
username soft launch?
jackhughes winner
username wtf does that even mean
username ellen, get jack back on the leash pls
username pls let that be YN 🙏
username YN out w her new man, Trevor hinting his new girl. Can i please go cry..
username as long as it isn’t some tiktoker you got my approval.
username trevor just wants to be a tiktok star, leave him be
username he’s unemployed, he needs to get money from somewhere
username a lot of questions rn
via twitter
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username that’s definitely jack
username bro u say that abt an ARM
username she isn’t a homie hopper dude
username could be trevor🤷🏼‍♀️
username why do i feel like her and trevor are back together, like there’s no way it’s a coincidence they both have a new partner at the same time
username how did people ever get to the fact she could be dating jack?! y’all are so weird
username nah after that album i refuse to believe she has already moved on
username she’s probs dating him again
username i mean the album was writing a while back tho-
username i refuse.
username yn probably panicked so hard when she realised she posted that
username she def cried
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taglist - @ihrtdan
291 notes · View notes
borathae · 2 years
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“The story of how you convinced your awesome boyfriend to ride your face.”
Pairing: Cowboy!Taehyung x Mechanic!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Countrylife!AU, Slice of Life!AU, Smut
Warnings: subby!Taehyung, Dom!Reader, shameless flirting, Taehyung is a needy boyfriend, making out, needy fumbling, Tae’s hands are doing hot things, face riding, rimjob (m.receiving), handjob, allusions to oral for her, he’s a little sceptical at first but loves it in the end, they are happy & in love
Wordcount: 8.1k
a/n: This is Only Yesterday!Taehyung because I may have a lil crush on him. Also PtD!Taehyung is the sole inspiration for this ngngn 🥵 I also wanna state that I fucking love the OY universe, it's so comfy and makes me feel so snuggly hhahfhah. have fun besties 🤍
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“This is stupid. I ain’t gon' do that”, Taehyung says, shaking his head.
The two of you were on a lovely date today. You took Taehyung out for dinner earlier, but you are long back at your place. Now cuddling in bed whilst listening to some music.
“Why not? It’s gonna be fun”, you say, wiggling your brows at him. 
“It’s 'cause, I don’t like nothin' close to my butt.”
“Really? So you don’t even wash yourself?” you tease, knowing very well that Taehyung was a very clean person. You just like to tease him.
“Ew no, I ain’t nasty, ‘course I wash my own ass. But I just don’t want nothin' stuck into it.”
“I'm not gonna stick anything into it”, you laugh, “I just want you riding my face.”
“Yeah, but that’s like weird. I'm no girl.”
You roll your eyes. 
“Oh come now, it’s 2023, let's not go there.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that. I ain’t no sexist. I just feel weird about it”
“What you mean why? I just do. You know how the guys gon' look at me when they find out I sat on my girl's face? They gon' laugh at me.”
“Okay, I hear you. I'm sorry I brought it up. You obviously don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with”, you assure him and peck his cheek. 
“Thanks, you’re really sweet. It means a lot”, he says, reaching out to pinch your own. 
“Just so you know though. The guys would never find out. I don’t talk to them about the sex we have.”
“Good you don’t”, he laughs, “that'd be hella weird if you did.”
“Yeah, right”, you agree, laughing right with him. 
Taehyung rolls over and cages in your head between his elbows.
“What?” you stop laughing.
“Nothin’, I just like listenin’ to you laugh”, he says, kissing you deeply afterwards.
“Mhm babe”, you mumble into him, making sure that he won’t leave your lips for the rest of the night by hooking your arms behind his head.
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It was a hard day at the garage today. The sun was sweltering and as a result, the heat was almost unbearable. You spent most of your day under a car, sweating your ass off and trying to fix a problem which didn’t seem to want to reveal itself. It turned out to be a faulty tie rod. You proceeded to spend the other half of your shift replacing it. 
“Hello”, a familiar voice draws you out from under the car.
“Hey there babe, whatcha doin' here?” you greet your boyfriend, standing up for the first time in hours. You groan, stretching out your back, “goddamn, my back is fucked.”
Taehyung acts instantly. He gets behind you and gives your shoulders a massage. 
“Wow, thanks babe”, you say. 
“You sweatin' so much”, Taehyung says. 
“Yeah, it’s so hot. I literally can’t stand the heat.”
“Yeah today’s boilin'. We had to get the cows outside too 'cause they'd died of a heat stroke inside. Now they all chillin' by the stream.”
“That sounds like a good life. Just chilling by the stream, in the shadow and with no hot car above you.”
“Yeah, I figure. Wanna sit in the shadow for some?”
“Sure, we can do that.”
You have a small umbrella behind your garage. There was a pair of plastic chairs and a small matching table underneath it. Taehyung drags you on top of his lap, earning himself a loud whine from you. 
“You're literally kidding. I'm so hot.”
“You gon' stay here”, he wraps his arms around you.
“Tae, I’m so sweaty.”
“I don’t care, I’m sweaty too. I just came from the fields. That’s why I’m dressed like that.”
Red sturdy cotton from top to bottom and with a brown cowboy hat perched atop of his head. He also has his boots on and wears a bandana around his wrist. 
“You look handsome”, you tell him, “I look like shit though.”
Grey work suit opened and pulled down to your hips. Your white tanktop is soaked in sweat and covered in black grease stains. Just as are your arms and some parts of your face. 
“You look sexy, I’m into it.”
You roll your eyes at him fondly. 
“Course you are.”
Taehyung smirks lazily and lets his hands slip to the inside of your thighs. 
“No. Behave.”
“Why not? I've not seen you in so long. I'm lonely.”
“We saw each other last night. You had breakfast at my place.”
“Yeah, that’s ages ago. Miss you like crazy, babe”, he says and puckers his lips for a quick kiss.
“Behave, Tae”, you warn in a chuckle.
“Why?” he whines. 
“Cause I'm coming over later anyways. Don’t taint my reputation.”
Taehyung chuckles, dancing his hands closer to your middle. 
“Tae”, you slap them away gently, “keep your grimy fingers to yourself.”
“They ain't grimy. I washed them”, he whines, retreating them and placing them on your hips instead. 
“You know how I meant it. You’re way too horny.”
He chuckles and kisses your shoulder. Despite all the grease and sweat and dirt, he kisses your shoulder. And he loves doing it.
“I can't help it, it’s your fault ‘cause you’re so hot.”
You turn on his lap, placing your feet down with a loud stomp before letting yourself fall down right on his cock. He moans at that, widening his eyes in surprise. 
“So you think I’m hot?”
“Goddamn babe, you gon' make me hard.”
“It's kinda hard when you sittin’ on my cock.”
“Oh? My bad, sorry”, you fake your guilt, slipping down his lap all to his dismay, “better?”
“Don't know, now I want you ridin’ me.”
You give his chest a gentle slap. 
“Hush, we're in public.” 
“Fuck babe, don’t you wanna leave early? Wanna have you right now”, Taehyung whines, tugging at your hips needily. 
“No, I have to finish the repairs. The customer is gonna pick up the car tomorrow and I need to finish it before that.”
“Tell your employees to do it.”
“No, I'm not gonna give my employees more work just ‘cause you’re horny.”
“That's unfair.”
“No, it’s not. I'm a fair boss.”
“No, it’s unfair to me.”
You roll your eyes.
“I'll ride you in a few hours.”
“Do it now.”
“No. Why are you so horny today?” 
“Cause I miss you and I was thinkin' about what we talked about.”
“What do you mean?”
“The thing about the rimjob.”
“Oh that. I thought the topic was off the table.”
“Yeah, I thought ‘bout it some more and maybe I ain't that against it anymore.”
“You watched porn about it, didn’t you?”
He flusters just slightly.
“Don't judge me.”
“I'm not, you can watch whatever you want”, you nudge his chest, “so you watched porn about it. Liked it?”
“Yeah well, maybe, I don’t know. I can’t say it didn’t make me hard.”
You chuckle.
“Don't laugh, I ain't proud of it.”
“Tae, it's totally fine. I’m the one who brought it up, it should be obvious that I'm into it.”
“Okay, you right about that. Sorry, I’m just weird about it.”
“No, you’re alright. Discovering new things about yourself can be scary.”
He nods his head. 
“So you wanna try it tonight?” you ask him.
“Don't know about tonight, I still gotta think more about it.”
“Alright, then we'll do something else tonight.”
“Yeah, you ride me and I make you cum.”
You laugh.
“Alright, I ride you and you make me cum. Twice.”
He smirks lazily, giving your hips a soft squeeze, “deal.”
“Good. Deal”, you say and give his chest a soft slap, “break's over, I've got a car to fix.”
You get up from his lap. 
“Yeah, I gotta go too. I just came here for a quick talk. I gotta go back to the fields again.” 
“Alright then, I’ll come around at seven.”
“Yeah, I’ll be waitin’. Oh yeah and don’t eat somethin’, Seokjin’s cookin’ dinner tonight.” 
“Ooh nice, now I'm even more excited.”
Taehyung leaves after giving you a loving smooch on the lips and a playful spank on your butt. And you continue your task of fixing the car. 
You ride Taehyung that night and it leaves the both of you entirely blissed-out. You leave early the next day, letting him sleep. And Taehyung sends you a sweet text once he wakes up, thanking you for last night.
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You met Taehyung around a year ago. You couldn’t stand him at first. He wasn’t rude or gave you any other reasons for why you should have hated him, but you still did. You hated a lot of people back then. Especially men. Now stay with this story, we are getting there. You hated them because your environment quite frankly made you hate them. Your dad was a drunk, your grandfather was an abuser and your cousins were all terrible husbands. Your job also regularly showed you just how etched the old school sexism was in your town's men. Some would leave with their faulty cars because “a woman could never find the issue, let alone fix it properly”, some would ask if “Missy needs to take care of the garage for the day cause the hubby got drunk last night”, some would just straight up ask where the real boss – they meant your husband – was, despite your garage carrying your name and your name only. You were unmarried, if one may add this little fact. Now, it was a very small town. Not more than a thousand people, surrounded by big fields and with roads that weren’t the best for a car's health. There was another village close by. Up in the mountains and with not more than two hundred people. But your garage was the only garage in this valley. It still didn’t excuse the passionate sexism so many people showed.
Taehyung visited your garage about a year ago with his brothers Seokjin and Namjoon. Their truck had broken down and with the help of their oxen, they towed it all the way from their farm to your garage. It was quite the peculiar image indeed.
There were many things wrong with their truck. Brittle breaks, a broken oil filter which resulted in motor issues and they hadn’t cleaned out their aircon in years either. 
This still wasn’t the reason why you couldn’t stand Taehyung at first however. It was because he was playful and flirty and talked to you with a sort of childish carelessness and not once did he question why a single woman was the boss of a garage. On the contrary, he found it pretty awesome that you were. And this enraged you, because as much as you tried to find another reason for “why all men sucked”, you couldn’t find one thing about him that sucked. Now, his brothers were awesome too, but his brothers were both married already, so of course you weren't gonna mess with them. But Taehyung was single and very obviously interested in you. 
He began visiting your garage even long after you fixed their truck. At first he came with canting questions about cars and trucks and “his brothers sent him to get something” but as weeks turned into a month, he stopped pretending to visit you professionally. And one day he brought flowers. One day he came to your garage, dressed in his best clothes, with flowers in his hands and a shy grin on his lips and then he asked you for a date. And you pretended not to have time at first until Taehyung gave you a pout and you pretended to magically make space for him in your schedule. 
And the rest is history. He visited you with flowers or chocolates or other cute presents, you went on more and more dates, you shared your first kiss, you asked him to be your boyfriend and Taehyung said yes. 
Now you are here. One year later, terribly in love with each other and happier than ever. Taehyung is truly the best boyfriend ever. He is actually such an awesome boyfriend that you managed to shed your sometimes misplaced hatred against men and now changed it to “some men suck, not because they’re men but because society made it easier for them to be shitty people without consequences”. It was quite the big step for you, but Taehyung made it easy to do.
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Taehyung visits your garage on Tuesday again. Five days after you rode him in his childhood bedroom with your hands around his throat.
“Hey babe”, he greets you.
You turn, “oh? Hey there handsome stranger, what brings you here?”
“We made bread today, I got you some”, he says, lifting a little basket filled with two loaves of bread into your vision, “got you some cheese to go with it.”
“That's so sweet, thank you so much Tae. You guys' bread's always so good”, you accept the gift with a fluttering heart. 
“You gon' like that one 'cause it's got a thick crust.”
“Just how I like it. You know me so well.”
“Yeah, gotta be best boyfriend of the year”, he says and grins cutely, earning himself a sneaky little kiss.
You feel scandalous doing it because you've got customers next to you, but Taehyung is too cute not to kiss. 
He flusters accordingly, knees buckling and body drawing closer to you instinctively while his gaze becomes oh so dreamy. 
“You're already the best boyfriend of the century”, you say, soothing over the spot you kissed before pulling away shyly.
“Hehe”, he lets out, grin growing.
“But what brings you here?”
“I wanted to see you”, he says.
“Aren't you coming over later?”
“I am, just wanted to tell you that I've been lookin' forward to it the entire day.”
“Me too. You're so cute.”
Taehyung steps closer, lowering his lips to your ear. The gesture speeds up your heart tremendously. 
“I made a decision”, he whispers seductively, “I'm down.”
You sneak a scared glance at the customers. They haven’t heard what Taehyung said, still busy looking at the newest model of truck they plan on buying. 
“Tae goddamn, you're making my knees weak”, you whisper, knees truly wobbling. 
He lets out a teasing chuckle, keeping his voice extra low for it. 
“I can't wait, babe. I'm gon' ride your face like a pony.”
You snort, rolling your eyes despite your stomach doing a little excited flip. He may be silly, but he is still terribly hot whilst being so. 
He steps back afterwards, pecking your heated cheek. 
“I'll see you later, love. Can't wait”, he says, having the audacity to turn and leave you in your boiling soup of horniness. 
You won’t be able to properly concentrate for the rest of the day, mind solely focused on what Taehyung told you. 
So he is actually going to ride your face.
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You live in the village above a ramen place. The owners are an elderly couple, who were nice enough to give you their spare rooms upstairs. You wanted to pay rent, but they refuse to accept your money whenever you offer, saying that family doesn’t need to pay. They lived next doors in a little two story house with a small, walled garden. Sometimes Misses Kang brings over leftover ramen. Mister Kang regularly brings over persimmons from their persimmon tree. Maybe regularly was too weak of a description. You basically are able to eat fresh persimmons daily during their season as each morning, you open your door to Mister Kang grinning at you with his two front teeth missing and a melodic “got more persimmons, granddaughter” on his lips.
You weren’t their granddaughter, but you think that they see you as such. Misses Kang once told you that they had a granddaughter, born the same year as you, but that she died in an accident in the mill she worked at. You sometimes catch her calling you by their granddaughter’s name before she catches herself and then laughs about it with embarrassed melancholy in her dark brown eyes. You never correct her, you simply give her a smile and then hold her hands to laugh right with her.
You think that you might love them. You never really knew your grandparents as they both died when you were around five, but if they were still alive, they would be around the age of the Kangs. So as much as they see you as their granddaughter, you see them as your grandparents and that was a very lovely thing to do.
Your place was very homely. It stretched over the entire space of the downstairs restaurant with windows on each side of the building so you always had something pretty to look out at. From the east windows you could watch the sun rise behind the high mountains in the distance. From the west windows you could watch it set behind the forest covered hills. From the south windows you had view of the village and from the north windows you could spot the mountain village in the far, far distance. Taehyung always says that he plans on taking you there one day because of its amazing teashop, but he didn’t get to do that yet.
A set of dark wooden stairs leads up to a balcony and your front door. You keep your herbs and tomato plants on the balcony as it was south facing and therefore perfect for growing your food. You plan on trying out bell peppers next season. Taehyung promised to give you some of their seeds for it and also to help you with any horticultural struggle you face.
Speaking of Taehyung. You have just managed to finish lighting all your candles in your living room when you can hear his distinct knock on your front door. He always knocks in a rhythm. It changes between two patterns, depending on what he feels like that day. He used the second pattern tonight. Two slow knocks followed by two fast ones.
You check yourself in the mirror one last time, fixing the creases in your dress and the mess in your hair, before hurrying to open the door. You are so excited.
Taehyung, like most of the time, is leaning against the railing of the balcony, posing all nonchalantly. He is wearing his favourite blue jeans tonight with a matching shirt and his fanciest cowboy hat. He tips it as a greeting, giving you a playful, lopsided smirk.
“Good evenin’ me lady”, he greets you.
“Good evening, handsome cowboy”, you greet him, stepping out of the doorframe, “come in. Did you get here on Bruno?" 
“Yup, he's parked outside”, Taehyung says and greets you with a kiss.
“That's nice. Did you have a good ride?”
“Yup. But not as good as I'm gon' have one later, am I right?” he flirts as takes off his boots, placing them on the bamboo shoe rack you built yourself.
He makes you laugh, “hopefully, yeah.”
“I picked this for you”, he says, presenting you a bouquet of meadow flowers. He hid it behind his back pocket before.
“They are so pretty, thank you so much”, you accept it with a fluttering heart, “I gotta put them in water before they weld. Get comfy in the meantime.”
You store your vases in a cabinet in the living room. Your parents gave it to you, told you that it was already two hundred years old and that you will take great care of it. You love it a lot. It really compliments the rest of your wooden furniture.
“I’m thinking that we could eat kimchi stew for dinner. I still gotta use up all my old one, it’s really sour already”, you tell Taehyung as you make your way to your kitchen.
It was separated from your living room by a half wall. The hanging cabinets formed the other part of the wall, leaving you with a big enough window so that you could comfortably look at Taehyung as you work to fill the vase with water. Worktops were on one side of the half wall while a spacious breakfast bar was on the other side. You never use it, because you consume most of your meals in front of the TV on your comfortable couch.
“Sounds good, I didn’t eat yet”, Taehyung answers you, standing by the window like he always does when he comes over. With his hands on his hips and his tummy just slightly sticking out as he arches his back.
“You don’t mind that I didn’t cook it yet, do you? I just didn’t know how soon you wanna fuck, so I waited with the food.”
Taehyung keeps on staring outside.
“Tae?” you try.
“Mhm?” Taehyung looks over his shoulder.
“I just said that I hope you don’t mind I didn’t cook yet ‘cause I didn’t know if you wanted to fuck already.”
“Oh”, he turns to you then struts to the couch to sit down, “no, it’s fine. I ain’t hungry yet. I’m nervous”, he confesses and laughs shyly.
“You are? Because of the rimjob?”
“Yeah”, Taehyung nods his head.
You put the flowers in the vase and place it on the breakfast bar, turning it in a way so that you could see the prettiest part of the bouquet from the sofa. Then you strut to Taehyung, letting yourself plop down on the sofa next to him.
“You know we don’t have to do it, if you changed your mind again”, you tell him, caressing his thigh.
“No, I’m nervous ‘cause I really wanna do it”, he says, taking off his hat to play with his hair nervously, “I feel like an idiot”, he confesses in a breathy laugh.
“Cause I talked all big balls at the garage and now I’m nervous. I’m big mouthed, nothin’ more.”
“It’s fine, I get it. We can chill for a bit if you want”, you suggest.
“Yeah, I like that” he says, letting himself fall down on your sofa. He throws his legs on your lap, relaxing with a loud sigh. He grunts and then hums in content as he rubs his own tummy.
“Pff”, you scoff, “you and your dad noises all the time.”
Taehyung peels his left eye open, “those ain’t dad noises. They’re uncle noises.”
You chuckle, running your hands up and down his shins mindlessly.
“How’s Jihyo doing? Is she still teething?” you ask him.
“Yeah. She’s cryin’ so much”, Taehyung says, opening his right eye too in order to look at you as you talk, “Namjoon hyung’s been tryin’ to calm her down all day but she keeps cryin’. I’m kinda glad to be here now, not only ‘cause I can see you, but to get away from the baby. It’s so noisy at home.”
“That sucks. I get your struggle. I bet it must be so uncomfortable for her though.”
“Yeah probably. Poor girl, must be so confused why teeth keep showin' up in her mouth”, he says and then with the help of his abs sits up. He pecks your cheek, making you turn your head to him. A kiss on your lips follows, the kind which leaves a flutter in your tummy.
“Why did you do that?” you ask in a whisper.
“Cause you’re so pretty”, he whispers, stubbing your cheek with his nose.
“You’re such a flirt.”
Taehyung chuckles softly, eyes flitting to your lips.
“Can we make out?” he asks.
“I really want that, yeah”, you answer him.
“Mhm honey, you’re so hot”, he rasps, hooking his fingers behind your head to pull you into a kiss.
The problem with not sharing a place is just how incredibly needy you get for each other. You rarely go out for dates and if you do, you always have to do it after a quick fuck at one of your places. You joked about it with him already. Your dates always start with sex before anything else can happen. You blame it on all the shameless flirting the two of you do and all the days spend separated. You can’t help it. Taehyung is the hottest man alive and his body is so fucking addicting. When you know that you can spend the rest of the day with him, you get so horny and needy for him that you want him first and only then crave other date activities.
And Taehyung feels the same. He is certain that if you and him didn’t start off your dates by fucking, he would actually die of blue balls during the date.
Taehyung falls back on the sofa, pulling you with him. You fall atop his chest, elbows caging in his head and lips dancing with his’. He sighs because of it and you answer him with a soft moan.
You were actually his first. He never put great importance in the whole concept of virginity like all those big town people do. He is convinced that virginity is nothing but a city trend, because he never thought it to be important. He knew that he wanted to be intimate with the right woman, no matter when she came around, and he saw no shame in waiting for her. He found her in you by the young age of thirty one and now he can’t stop wanting you over and over and over again. Sex is so fucking amazing when it’s with the right person. Taehyung is convinced of it.
“How come you’re already kinda hard?” you break the kiss to ask him in a chuckle.
“Cause I’ve been horny for you all day”, he says and pouts, “stop teasin’, I can’t help it.”
You snicker, “you’re cute”, you say, pecking his lips until he stops pouting and kisses you back properly.
He wraps his legs around your hips, closing his arms around you in a way so that his chest is snug against yours. Like this you can grind against him, humping him with needy rolls of your hips. 
Taehyung breaks the kiss in a breathy chuckle. 
“You gon' make me cum if you do that”, he says, having to moan softly as his hips chase the friction. 
“Yeah? Wanna go to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, want that.”
“Let’s go.”
No time is wasted between you and him. You are needy for each other and that means you have to act quick. You make out on your way to the bedroom. Lips dance with each other desperately while your hands fumble with the other’s clothes. His shirt leaves his torso in the hallway. Your dress follows seconds later. 
Taehyung cradles your tits instantly, massaging them through the fabric of your bra. He makes you moan because of it and for your hands to work even quicker. You tug his white tanktop out of his jeans, pulling it up his torso. 
The kiss breaks so you could slip it over his head. Taehyung even lifts his arms for you, chuckling shyly when you rough up his hair. 
“You good?” you ask him.
“Yeah, I'm good”, he says, falling back into the kiss as your fingers begin running through his hair. He touches your lower back, but soon feels up your ass. He is too obsessed with it not to steal a touch. You don’t mind. On the contrary, you like it. Taehyung’s fingers have been on every single inch of your body and you goddamn love how they feel. He is so unapologetic in his touches, so confident and with the right amount of cockiness to really get you going. Obviously he never does new stuff without asking first, but he also knows when it is safe to do stuff without asking as he is incredible good at listening to your cues. 
Just like right now, when you press him against your dresser, placing your knee on the surface to cage him in. Your ass sticks out that way, allowing Taehyung to pull your panties to the side and run his fingers along your middle. Your pussy and rim. He knows just where to touch to make you sigh. 
“You're wet", he mumbles into the kiss.
“Mhm, wet for you”, you tell him, kissing him with tongue. 
Taehyung moans, parting his lips to allow you access. You are so good at tongue kisses. Taehyung thought the concept was weird at first. Until you kissed him with tongue for the first time. That’s when he finally understood and, quite frankly, became obsessed. He tugs you closer, trying his hardest to tilt your hips in a way that would allow him better access to your clit. 
You stumble because of it, crashing into the dresser with him and knocking over your candle. It was turned off. Thankfully. 
“Careful there, cowboy”, you laugh, slamming your foot down to find support again.
“Sorry, my bad”, Taehyung chuckles, giving you a sheepish look, “you okay?”
“Mhm, I am”, you say, rubbing your hand up and down his chest, “my candle not that much.”
Taehyung fixes it with a blush, swaying his shoulders from side to side. He glances at you.
“Sorry?” he mumbles shyly, widening his eyes cutely.
“Com'ere, you sweetheart”, you say, dragging him to your bed by his belt. 
Taehyung follows with wobbly knees, feeling then wobble even more when you drag him atop your lap. You slam your hands onto his round buttocks, forcing him to yelp it surprise.
“Babe”, he gasps, widening his eyes, “whatcha doin'?”
You snicker, wiggling your brows. 
“You like it?” you coo, kneading his plump flesh.
“I can't say I hate it”, he says, laughing breathily. He shakes his head, “you been doin' things to me, babe”, he murmurs. 
“Yeah?” you smirk, looking at his lips, “come and kiss me.”
Taehyung claims your lips instantly, arms closing around you and naked chest melting with yours. He moans, squirming on your lap.
He hasn't sat in your lap very often before. Maybe once or twice while you were in the heat of the moment, but never actively. You? You are sitting on his lap all the time, everywhere and anywhere. Taehyung not so much. He thinks it’s weird. Not because he actually thinks that it is, but because he is always scared to be called mean names. You always tell him that the people who call him names aren’t worthy of his attention either way, but you won’t pressure him. 
It makes it feel all the more special tonight. He is comfortably heavy on your lap and to your surprise, he is better at grinding against you as you thought he would be. Also, his butt feels extra plump and big in that position. You can’t stop feeling it up. 
Taehyung has the sexiest ass in the universe. It was actually one of the first features you noticed about him. Next to his smile and pretty eyes. His butt always looks so good in jeans and all those tight riding pants he wears. You like holding it whenever he gives it to you missionary and whenever he takes a shower at your place, you can’t help but jump right in there with him just so you can feel up his ass. 
Truly, with your obsession for his behind, it was only a matter of time that you'd suggest butt stuff. You know that you won’t get Taehyung to agree to anything going up his butt for a long time, but you don’t mind. You are already content with the aspect of getting to eat him out. 
You break the kiss, panting heavily.
“I fucking want you”, you rasp, trying and failing to slip your hands into his jeans. They’re just way too tight.
“You do?”
“Yeah, want you riding my face like you’re riding my thighs.”
Taehyung flusters, lowering his eyes.
“Unless, you changed your mind?” you make sure. 
“No uhm, no”, he shakes his head, “man, I’m nervous. Phew”, he confesses and laughs breathily, “I think my heart's gon' give up.”
“That's alright. If you still need time, I can give it to you.”
“No, I just. I want", he glances at you shyly, gnawing on his lower lip.
“Go ahead”, you encourage him.
“Can I use yo' shower? I wanna be smellin' good down there.”
 “Of course, go ahead. You know where everything is?”
“Yeah, been takin' too many showers here”, he jokes, getting up from your lap to hurry to your bathroom, “I'll be back soon.”
“Take your time, babe.”
You decide to add a little bit of romance to the bedroom in the time he freshens up. You light the candles, careful not to knock them over again, and fluff up your sheets so they look inviting. Then you turn on Taehyung’s favourite artist and get onto bed, resting in a sexy pose for when he comes back. 
Taehyung does so after fifteen minutes and with a towel wrapped around his hips and his skin smelling like your rose shower gel. 
He stops, looking at you with widened eyes. 
“Hello there sexy, you’re back", you greet him, wiggling your brows.
“The room's lookin' so romantic”, he gasps, “babe, you look so hot”, he exclaims, climbing onto bed, “babe, you been doin’ so much”, he giggles.
“I thought I’d set the mood”, you explain, rolling onto your back as Taehyung climbs on top of you. He plops down on your crotch, hands resting on each side of your head. 
“You're spoilin' me, I’m so lucky”, he says with the biggest heart eyes.
“No, I'm lucky. You’re so sexy with your towel”, you say, tugging on it playfully. 
Taehyung draws closer, “wanna kiss you.”
“Do it.”
You fall back into the needy tongue kiss, continuing where you left off, except that Taehyung wears significantly less clothing and his fingers are kneading your tits. Your own are groping his thighs and butt, forcing the towel to unravel more and more. Taehyung doesn’t mind, moaning and mewling into your mouth as his body falls back into the pleasure. 
The shower made his cock go down again. Quite frankly, the act of cleaning out his butt and making sure he was squeaky clean back there felt too embarrassing to him to stay hard. He didn’t mind doing all this stuff, because you always do it for him when you’re doing butt stuff, but it was still foreign to him and therefore a little scary. Taehyung thought that it wasn’t that bad in the end and that he could imagine doing it again if he ends up liking the rimjob. 
He likes that you turn him on again. All it takes are your touches and kisses to get his cock hard again. 
He breaks the kiss, moaning your name and dragging his parted lips down your neck. Like this, his back arches naturally, finally giving you the opportunity to rip off his towel. It falls onto the floor and becomes forgotten. 
Taehyung moans, wiggling his hips. He sucks on your skin, eliciting sighs of his name. Your fingers grasp his buttocks, kneading and massaging them so eagerly that Taehyung feels the sensation on his rim. It is so peculiar to him, because you've groped him like this a hundred times before and yet this is the first time where he actively takes in on how this makes his ass feel. And it feels really good. Electric and just gentle enough that Taehyung craves more.
“I'm horny”, he confesses, chasing your touch. 
“You are?”
“Yeah”, he whispers. 
“Horny enough to hop on there?”
“Maybe? Don’t laugh if I move weird.”
“I would never”, you promise him.
“Yeah then, uhm”, Taehyung lifts his head, “wanna, uh, try?” 
“That sounds like a plan to me. Hop on there, cowboy”, you say, spanking his butt gently. 
Taehyung scrambles to his knees and begins to climbs on top of you, mumbling every step under his breath and laughing nervously throughout the whole process. He chooses the position you always choose when you ride his face. With his butt facing you and his head facing your toes. He places his hands on your thighs and looks over his shoulder.
“Don’t look there”, he whines when he realises that you are gazing at his ass.
Your eyes flit up, “why not?” you laugh fondly, “you’ve got a nice ass.”
“Yeah but”, he can’t find an excuse, “sorry, I’m weird ‘bout it.”
“It’s alright”, you give him a reassuring smile, “wanna scoot up a little and make it easier for me?”
“Uh yeah”, Taehyung follows hesitantly, widening his eyes nervously.
“There we go, so sexy”, you murmur under your breath, grabbing his buttocks to spread them.
“Shit, I can’t look”, he gets out, turning his head away and squeezing his eyes shut. It’s going to happen soon. Taehyung holds his breath in preparation. He can’t pull back now. It’s going to happen one way or the other. Fuck, his heart’s going to give up on him.
“So sexy, babe. You’re so sexy”, you rasp and stick your tongue out, dragging it over his rim.
“Woah”, he gasps, flinching away. Despite his attempts of not looking, he still ends up glancing over his shoulders, lips parted in shock and brows lifted.
That felt so warm and wet. Taehyung stills feels the effects it had on him.
Your eyes meet.
“How’s that? Was that really that bad?” you tease him a little, caressing his tense buttocks.
He shakes his head.
“Yeah? Wanna give me more?”
Taehyung shimmies back up and sticks his ass out, eyes glued to your face. Your eyes flutter closed and a second later Taehyung feels wet warmth drag itself over his rim. He widens his eyes, mouth falling open in shock. Another time. You use the flat of your tongue for it, grinding it against his hole.
“You gotta be shittin’ me”, he gets out and laughs shakily.
Your eyes open, pinning him down with just a look. He gulps, feeling the next lick so intensely that he has to moan. He moans again when you purr against him and flick your tongue over his rim. You lift him off of you and to Taehyung’s surprise, he is really sad that you did. It felt so good. Taehyung wants more of it. 
“Like it?” you ask him.
“Yeah”, he rasps, “can you do it again?” he asks shyly, moving his butt closer to you.
“Mhm babe”, you purr, pushing him back down onto your face.
Now encouraged by his words, you truly show him what you can do. There is no reason for you to hold back anymore. Taehyung’s into it and that means you want to show him what he missed. You keep his hips pinned down, using your entire head to grind your tongue against his hole and kneading his buttocks with hungry fingers.
“Fuck”, Taehyung presses out, rolling his head to the front and dropping it. He squeezes your thighs, arching his back instinctively. He moans, closing his eyes as his body falls into the pleasure. He has to give it to you. You once again, did it. Taehyung was so sceptical of the entire situation. How could a guy enjoy getting his hole licked? It sounded impossible to him. He is happy that he was wrong, because what you are doing feels really good. Your tongue is so warm and wet and soft, showing him just how sensitive his backside actually was. Oh, he is so happy that he was wrong.
“Don’t wanna stop”, he sighs, wiggling his hips which results in his hole grinding over your tongue even better. So he does it again, moaning your name as warm pleasure soaks his senses. He feels especially warm between his legs and his inner thighs. He can’t explain it. It starts on his hole and spreads down his thighs, threatening to go further and further. Taehyung wants it to happen, scrunching up his nose in bliss. “Don't wanna stop”, he confesses in a barely there whisper, “don’t stop….”
You slip off of him for some air, eyes running over his hole. It’s all wet from your spit, looking so pretty up close. All soft and relaxed. You have to squeeze your thighs together at the view. It’s a true shame that it took you so long to see it. You missed out on the sexiest view ever. 
“How’s it looking?” you check up on him, aching for another taste. You crave him with every fiber of your body.
“Want it again”, Taehyung sounds out of breath and needy, wiggling his hips in a silent plea for more.
“You’re so hot, Tae”, you rasp, pulling him back. You moan into him, licking and sucking his hole hungrily. He tastes so good. You seriously can’t get enough of him. You dreamt of this moment for so long. You always knew that Taehyung would be a natural at riding your face. After all, this man rides horses like no other. It would have been surprising if he wasn’t good at taking a little ride on your face. And he is. Oh he is. 
You moan happily, wrapping your arms around his waist. You need to be suffocated by him. He smells so good, tastes so goddamn heavenly.
“You’re crazy, fuck”, Taehyung groans, squeezing his thighs together as best as possible. He doesn’t want to suffocate you, scared that he is way too heavy, but you give him no other choice. You have him hostage and all he is supposed to do is take the pleasure you give him. Taehyung must admit, it was a pretty easy task to do.
You hum in agreement, wiggling your tongue into his hole. Just a little, but Taehyung still shudders in reaction, voice pitching in pleasure. Fuck, he sounds so sexy. You want him crumbling on your face. It’s all you need.
You slip your hand to his cock, wrapping your fingers around him to jerk it off quickly.
“Ah! ___!” Taehyung moans loudly, throwing his head back, thighs trembling like crazy and cock throbbing in your hand. He was so concentrated on how your tongue makes him feel that he completely forgot about his cock and now that you are tugging on it vigorously, he swears that he will actually pass out.
He scratches up your thighs, grabbing your hips instead. He can barely find any strength in his fingers, shaking as he tries to squeeze you.
“Ah! Ah god! Ah!” his voice is loud, leaving him instinctively. You’ve reduced his instincts down to shaking and moaning for you. There is nothing else his body could do right now. It feels so goddamn good to him.
Your grip around his cock tightens each time you reach his tip, sending jolts of pleasure through his veins each time that happens. And whenever you do, your tongue on his hole feels even more unbearable. You aren’t going deep, just a little past the tip, but that’s enough already for Taehyung to feel completely and utterly fucked. 
Taehyung gasps for air.
Fucked by tongue. 
Taehyung moans, clenching around you. 
“What are you doin' to me?” he somehow manages to produce, “oh god, what…you…doin' to me?”
You growl, spilling tears. He is so into this. You can’t believe your luck. This is the best day of your life. You want to treat him so fucking right.
You try to wiggle your tongue deeper, fucking it in and out of him with nods of your head. Your fingers glide over his cock quickly, spoiling him to the best pleasure in existence.
Taehyung is burning up, chasing the sensations with needy movements of his hips. You moan deliciously because of it, presenting your tongue to him so he could fuck himself on it. And he takes it gladly, riding your face as if he was made to do so all while his cock spills his desperation all over your fingers.
This is seriously the best day of your life. You spill more tears, moaning happily. This is the best day ever. The fucking best.
“I’m close”, he confesses, resorting to moaning loudly afterwards. He arches his back, slipping his hands up to your waist to squeeze you as best as his weak limbs allow him to. “Really…close…”
“Mhm Tae”, you growl, tightening your arm around his waist to push him down on you. It squishes your nose a little, but you don’t mind. He is burning up on your tongue, twitching and clenching all desperately and driving you insane in the process. You concentrate your touches on his tip, jerking it off with the fastest movements even if that means Taehyung has to writhe and whimper your name. 
Maybe you wanted this to happen. He is so sexy when he is writhing for you. All needy and desperate and running on nothing than the desperate desire to orgasm. He looks sexiest like this. With his skin all glowing in pleasure and the chains around his neck jingling each time he writhes. 
Taehyung tenses every muscle in his body, curling his toes. He hasn't felt so much heat between his legs before. He doesn’t know how to handle it. He has to let go. He  can’t take much more.
“I have to cum”, he croaks, “babe, I-I have to- ah, cum”, he breathes, dropping his head and tensing his stomach, “please. Please. Baby, please.”
You moan into him, twisting your hand in sync with your tongue wiggling into his hole again. Deep and quick. You want him completely ruined. 
“Oh god”, he gasps, “oh god, oh god, n-now ba-”, he can’t finish his sentence as his high knocks him out completely. He screams your name, throwing his head back as he gets swallowed by the flames. He covers your tummy and thighs in his cum, trying his hardest not to drop onto your face, but failing once it feels way too good to him.
“Sorry, oh sorry”, he gasps, shaking atop of you. “I, I can’t control..it! Ah!”
You growl into him, telling him that you don’t mind by pressing him even closer. You want him to give you everything. Every shake, tremble and twitch until he physically can’t give you more.
Six more strokes and then Taehyung gasps in overstimulation, dropping to his elbows involuntarily and slipping off your face that way.
“Oh god”, he chokes out, plopping down on you with his entire weight.
You pant for air, licking your lips to get all of his taste. So fucking tasty. Your hand slips from his cock, caressing his waist instead. He is shivering like crazy.
“Fuck Tae”, you croak, gulping heavily, “that was intense.”
“Mhgmh”, he lets out, hiding his face away in your thigh. He nuzzles you, whining loudly. You lift your head, glancing down at him.
“Are you okay?”
“No?” he turns his head, squishing his cheek against your thigh, “why'd you have to do that?” he whines with a pout.
“Do what?” you ask in a chuckle.
Taehyung rolls off you, dropping onto his back. He rubs his hands over his face, exhaling loudly.
“Make me cum so hard.”
You snicker, sitting up and climbing on top of his lap. You drag his hands away from his face, intertwining your fingers with him and pinning them next to his head.
“I told you that you’ll like it, didn’t I?”
“Yeah? But what the hell?”
You chuckle, leaning in to kiss the tip of his nose.
“So? What’s the bottom line here?”
“That I’m scared of what ya’ doin’ to me”, he murmurs, cracking you up. He laughs with you, wrapping his arms around you to hug you against his chest, “you were right. I loved it”, he says, nuzzling his nose into the side of your face, “never cum that hard before.”
“Yeah? I loved it too. You were so hot”, you tell him, enjoying his hug with a fluttering heart.
He purrs happily, snuggling into you.
“Did you cum too?” he asks, tracing your spine slowly.
“This was about you, it’s fine”, you dismiss him, but Taehyung shakes his head vigorously.
“I can’t accept that. My lady needs to cum too”, he says, sitting up even if it is hard. He picks you up for a second to throw you into the pillows.
“Not so fast”, you laugh, accepting your fate of getting your panties pulled down by him with the biggest heart eyes.
“Relax, babe. I'm gon' take care of you”, Taehyung says and parts your legs. Seconds later has disappeared between them, not to be seen again until you are five orgasms in and you have to tug him away from you by his hair.
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I’m not sure if I asked this before and I apologize if I have, but could you a reader/listener who previously had long hair and auron, Alphonse, Seth, and Charlie reacting to them cutting their hair short?
Wow, your hair look amazing!
You did send this in too early but it's okay since you did request this time at the right date.
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Looking in the mirror you glared at your hair. You've been trying to do it for the past hour and it's NOT working out. Looking to the side you see the scissors that your boyfriend used.
"Fuck it." Mumbling angrily, you grabbed the scissors and started cutting away at your hair. Watching a YouTube video was actually helpful, looking in the mirror you smile at the reflection.
Your hair was now shorter and it felt so amazing getting all the long hair off of you. Then you heard a knock on the door, opening it your boyfriend was on the other side and paused seeing you.
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Woah! Your hair's shorter now! Bet your head feels hella light now!
Makes jokes and then sees all the hair in the sink. Helps you clean up so you can focused on fixing any uneven cuts.
Asks why did you let him join he's been meaning to get a trim.
If you let him, he'll help you cut in the back where you can't reach. Making sure it looks even.
Says you look good with shorter hair and it'd practical too since it's been hot.
Sugar! Your hairs so short now! The long hair was annoying ya huh?
Was about to ask you where something was and pauses seeing you. Forgets and starts talking to you.
Does ask if this was a impulse thing or you really wanted your hair short. Nods as you tell him about your hair being a asshole.
Helps you style the new look, he did say he was good with a hair curler. Complements hoe good it looks on you.
After fixing anything up he remembers what he was gonna ask you and chats while cleaning up.
Rook, your hair looks nice. But I could have made an appointment for you.
Asks if you want to go to a salon to make sure it's cut even. If yes he'll do that or if not he'll help you fix it up a bit.
Points out how happier you look with shorter hair. Says that he's glad you love your new hair cut.
Doesn't really care what your hair looks like, just glad your comfortable now bc long hair can be taxing.
Cleaning was easy bc you cut your hair while wet. Talks about what day should your hair appointment be if you wanted one.
Oh! Cas, wow your hair looks good! It looks so light now, your head feelin' better?
Knows about how you always kept your hair long. Only getting trims or a few inches cut off.
Also remembers the complains you'd tell him how the hair wasn't cooperating most days. Or you just couldn't keep up with maintaining it.
Tries to help with your heart the best he can with trying to make it even. It's funny bc he's trying not to fuck up bc he knows you love your hair.
After cleaning up he asks if your head feels lighter or is that not a thing? He heard how it's sometimes a thing but he's always had his hair short.
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peachhcs · 4 months
Does Will tell any of the guys he's realised his mistake??
Or even just that he slept with someone??
i like to think will calls grace first. she gives the best advice when it comes to any of this and then he calls gabe and ryan to talk to them.
"what's up, will?" grace asked as soon as she answered the phone.
"i hooked up with someone," will said immediately which caught grace off guard.
"there was this halloween party last night..i think i was a little drunk and i hooked up with this girl," the boy explained, chewing on the bottom of his lip.
"okay. did something happen?" the older girl grew concerned.
"only that i did it because i thought i'd be able to get over samy and i didn't. i only thought about her the entire time," the hockey player's head fell into his hands as he sat on the end of his bed.
"oh. i see," the older blonde was at a bit of a loss with what to say.
"i think i fucked up, grace. i think i really, really fucked up," will frowned deeply as all the feelings he's tried pushing away for months began resurfacing.
"will..you didn't..fuck up. did you make a bad choice on rash thoughts? yeah. you didn't completely fuck up though," grace tried reassuring her brother even though she couldn't quite back his decisions.
"i should've talked to her more. i don't..i don't know what i was thinking. i thought i was letting her go for the better, but anytime i see her anywhere i wish i could call her and everything was how it used to be," now will was crying.
"it's not too late to talk. reach out to her. tell her you wanna talk or something."
"i can't. she blocked me on everything so even if i wanted to talk to her, i physically can't," the younger boy frowned deeply.
"do you want me to mention something?" grace offered softly.
"no, that's gonna make me look stupid. she doesn't wanna talk to me and i don't blame her," a long sigh fell from will's lips.
"look, we all do stupid shit when we're 18. she definitely does wanna talk to you. you guys were best friends once upon a time. that kind of bond doesn't disappear that easily. is there any time soon you'll be out near michigan or something?"
"i don't know. days off are random sometimes and unpredictable," will shrugged even though grace couldn't see him.
"maybe talk to gabe and ryan. they could make something happen. i know they're rooting for you two as much as i am to get back together or at least talk," will knew his older sister had a point. he should talk to gabe and ryan, but then they'd just tell him i told you so and harp on him.
"i don't know. i'll see. i should let you go," will mumbled.
"i'm always here to talk, will. it's gonna work out, i promise," the hockey player really wanted to believe his sister's words and he hoped to god it was true.
"wow, look who's calling first," ryan grinned through the screen when the call connected. will rolled his eyes a bit, but smiled when he saw his friends on his computer screen.
"you look like shit," gabe commented upon seeing will's red eyes and puffy cheeks.
"fuck off," the blonde mumbled.
"i'm kidding. it's good to see you. you had a hella game the other night," the dark-haired boy cheered.
"dude, you put those older guys to shame. like you were flying," ryan laughed making will laugh as well.
"thanks, it was pretty cool taking some of the veterans down. they're gonna be after me now."
"yeah, no shit. i think everyone now knows why you decided to sign on so early," gabe grinned.
their compliments had will flushing with pride. he's been working hard to prove himself these last few games and he was glad it was all finally paying off.
"by the way, halloween was so legendary this year. we went to like four different parties," ryan chuckled.
"i bet it's crazy in california," gabe wondered as the topic shifted.
"yeah, it is pretty crazy out here. so crazy i even hooked up with someone.." will began which had gabe and ryan's eyebrows raising.
"wait, you hooked up with someone? who?"
"uh..i don't really know her name, but i think..i think i regret it. i thought it would like..help me realize breaking up with samy was the right choice, but it didn't. i just thought about her the entire time.." will felt almost ashamed admitting this to his friends.
"you're gonna tell me i told you so, but i know i fucked up now. i..i shouldn't have broken up with samy. i thought it would be better for both of us, but i just really miss her and i wish i could talk to her or something," the blonde frowned.
"you're saying this now? six months after the fact?" gabe raised his eyebrows.
"oh come on, give me a break. i was stupid, i know. i finally realize that now. i don't know what to do," upon seeing their friend's face, gabe and ryan saw how torn up will was about everything. they knew he really regretted everything that happened.
"i just don't get why you didn't talk to her more about this before you even decided to break up? you know she would've talked with you about whatever you were worried about," ryan said.
"it was a bad decision during very rash thoughts. i was overwhelmed and a mess back in may. i got scared and pushed her away like i do to everything. you guys don't need to tell me how much i fucked up. i know already," will huffed.
the three fell silent for a moment. will pulled a hand through his hair while gabe and ryan spoke with their eyes.
"a few of us are going to michigan over winter break to samy's lake house. if you can find some free time, you should come out. i think samy would like to see you. you two can finally talk maybe," gabe finally said.
"i'll think about it," will nodded. could he actually fly out to michigan and see samy after not speaking to her or seeing her for eight months though? the idea sent will's head spinning and not in a good way.
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jawnscoffee · 3 months
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Okay new case: i am back after i‘ve vanished into the great oblivion.
HI. I know i have been gone for AGES and i also know i‘m really not popular on here but i wanted to say hi anyways. Sooo…hi *waves…a little nervously*
Sooo a quick update on my life: i did my a-levels (finally done yay!) and went through some personal stuff lately which is why i basically went offline everywhere and forgot to log back in until…well, today. And when i‘ve logged back into this account, i was like „oh shit, that’s been a hella long time.“
So i really don’t know if anyone cares BUT if anybody ends up actually reading this i‘d be super happy to hear about what’s been going on in your life atm or what your favourite cookie flavour is or if you have any fanfic recommendations for me to read because i haven’t read any fanfics for WAY too long (i‘m trying to get back into this whole thing…i just need to figure out my password for ao3 and wattpad…).
Have a cookie @ everyone who actually read this until here wow thats sick thank you 🍪
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venus-is-thinking · 21 days
DRDT Chapter 2 Episode 12: Initial Thoughts
Hello everyone! I thought it'd be fun to do a post going over some of my first thoughts from the episode after each release. "Initial" is a bit of a stretch, considering I did watch it a second time while making this post, but it's more "initial" in the context of being before the next episode drops. It's sort of like my "initial thoughts" of the Milgram MVs, which are actually the result of, like, 3 hours of obsessing and research, lol.
(By the way, @accirax and I watched the episode together, so apologies if her initial thoughts end up being, like, the same as mine.)
T/W: Body image issues/body dysmorphia, murder, suicide
The Reactions
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Confirmation of what I think most of us already suspected! I do think it's a little weird that Nico didn't bring up their testimony about all of the fish being there at the last time they fed the fish. That probably means it's being saved for later in the Trial, I guess?
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It's okay Teruko, I saw literally no one in the entire fanbase figure this one out either!
Why is everyone so mean to her though. Everyone here has been an idiot in the Trials at LEAST once
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God I missed David
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This was so funny. Get his ass.
(In all seriousness, though, I do wonder if we're going to come back to what J said. I don't currently (?) think Arei was drenched, unless the real purpose of the water WAS just to confuse the time of death, so if the water didn't connect with her enough to cool her down, it might be weird that the body isn't warm after all.)
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This took me out. Who let you say that. What.
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Okay, but Ace, outside of a killing game... why. Like, literally why would a plastic surgeon need to know how to do an autopsy. King.
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Like Felicity...? /hj
All in all, though, this was a really interesting character moment for Arturo! And god, the fact that he started learning medical knowledge and spedrun plastic surgery specifically since age 12 HAS to mean something. My vague theories of Felicity having struggles with body image/dysmorphia (Arturo's section of this post) are... maybe real???
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if Arturo is going to go farther in this game. I don't expect him to survive or anything, but I could see it taking him a surprisingly long time to die. He feels like he's got too much lore to unpack to die, like, next chapter. Unless he gets HELLA focused next chapter, which is definitely possible.
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This is so silly. I love them.
(Note: I'm not a Whit mastermind truther, but if I were, I would point out that MonoTV sort of covering up a rules violation for Whit could be relevant. I'm not a Whit mastermind truther though, so I think this is just a very silly joke a la "no wifi! why live :(" )
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Well you see Eden, the killer would have actually had all night to prepare. If, say, they mentioned that they could dial in and focus on their work for like 14 hours straight, they could have gotten a lot done before 7:30 AM!
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I'll talk about this more later, but the fact that J, David, Veronika, Hu and Nico seemingly have alibis that actually matter is so iconic. I can't believe that many theories died that quick. I'll talk about that more in my theories section, though!
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It's been said before, but. Funniest fucking reaction to being declared innocent of murder.
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"David still has a family history of depression even if that isn't his secret" nation where you at?
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This one made me laugh out loud. Who does it like him
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How truthful do we think David is in this next section? I refuse to believe it's 100% a lie, just because he's cooking SO hard on SOMETHING, but I could also believe David thinks he's lying to an extent. I could definitely see a "the best lies are based on the truth" kind of thing?
Also, damn. Xanvid really is real. LGI got me to believe it but WOW David's just being gay on main now
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This was a really good, succinct way to have Teruko show her opposition to David's ideas. Even if it is to end the killing game or do something "good' or whatever, Teruko is still hurt and betrayed by what Xander did. Xander tried to kill her, and presumably would have tried to kill everyone else. David is now doing the same thing.
It's going to be really interesting if, whether genuine or not, David is kinda taking on Xander's position. That's going to give Teruko a reason to (outwardly) hate him even more. I'm really looking forward to learning more about how both Teruko and David view Xander.
Also, it's so fucking funny that Teruko and David are literally fighting over Xander. Like, valid, but. Guys.
(Also, David soooo knows Teruko's secret is the killing game is all your fault. Idk if he specifically knows that Xander's plan was to kill Teruko no matter what, but he's definitely caught on to some extent.)
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This was crazy. Is Xander famous? Why would everyone recognize him? Like, did David just take particular notice of Xander because he's a simp, or is there something else going on?
Notably, it's also extremely interesting that David says "Even if you all lost a year of memories for this killing game." It almost implies that David didn't? What do you know???
Also, if David DOES have weird memories about this that no one else does, it's a really interesting comparison to Teruko remembering the existence of a killing game in the area investigation when she was talking to Veronika. Are these two getting special memory privileges because they're important? Or does everyone have some kind of memory that they all should have, but only one person knows each thing?
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At first I was confused when David said this, because I really don't know how dear anyone in DRDT's life to him was other than Xander. But then I realized, if David is talking about killing 15 others and yourself, he's definitely still talking about Xander's mindset. Xander had something worth the lives of 16 people that he was trying to do.
I don't know how much David cares about ending the killing game. I wonder if "belief in Xander" is the thing he's willing to kill 13 people plus himself for?
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I'm starting to get REALLY curious what J's deal is. Between this and her voiced line earlier in the trial saying something along the lines of "it's like you all still haven't grasped just how serious murder is," she definitely seems to have strong opinions on specifically the morality of killing other people. WHY is she being singled out with these beliefs, what does it say about her, and where is her character headed?
(If she is the mastermind, does this couple with the "all murderers must be held accountable" rule?)
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"Any answer" is so funny. I think she's looking for the truthful answer, David. This is why no one believes you when you say anything ever /aff
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Notably, this is VERY similar to the plan Eden came up with that Veronika described: using the fact that TV shows need entertainment to continue to end the killing game. It's the same thing, but with a much more depressed "everyone should just give up" kind of flavor.
The level of similarity does make me think David is probably not being 100% truthful, and that he just repurposed Eden's escape plan to be something sort of similar to what he was going for.
I do think that he WAS trying to defeat the killing game by killing people through the class trial. I just think that, between Xander's actions and the motive secret he received, he was trying to kill Teruko specifically. Yet another way that David's unhinged behavior ties into the Chapter 2 secrets.
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*Hu hopeless child looms in the distance*
I'm so glad that Hu gets to pop off though. She really hasn't gotten, like, any content in the series so far. Here's hoping this is kicking off her getting a bunch of time to shine!
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Interesting that they had both Ace and Hu cut Nico off in this interaction. The staging definitely implies that they're trying to show that while Ace is wrong for talking over Nico and not letting them say anything, Hu is also wrong to an extent for not letting Nico defend themself and running to their rescue all the time.
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I am begging you. Please discuss the murder method. I didn't realize until my rewatch of the trial that they have actually literally not talked about the murder method at ALL except for telling David that he doesn't know shit about it.
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Theory Update/Analysis
Well, I'm gonna start this off by saying that I'm still pretty locked into Eden being the killer. We still need to address the tape, and I personally still found her to be decently shifty now behavior wise (she seemed nervous when we turned back to solving the trial, and she says something about "it's too hard to narrow down the killer :/" when people were talking about morning alibis). I just think it makes the most sense.
While obviously my logic for why Levi would be the accomplice has to be at least somewhat flawed, given Levi's surprise confession (!!!), I still think it's possible that Levi is the accomplice here. He could be doing this to further confuse/complicate the state of things (hence why he calls it leading people astray), and it's possible he's not being 100% honest here.
Something that Levi could be doing here is taking control of the situation and spinning the truth in his favor. Hu mentioned earlier (e11, I think?) that the secrets are phrased dramatically. Similarly, Levi may be trying to offer an explanation for his secret that might be more tame, but still believable.
For example, if Levi says that he killed one of his parents because of the circumstances he grew up in, but it turned out that his parents were extremely abusive to him in some way (cough cough Amane Momose), wouldn't people be more willing to forgive the fact that he's a "murderer"? There are different levels to the culpability of murders.
So, it's definitely possible this is still an attempt by Levi to conceal the truth of his secret. It's true that, right now, no one's really trying to match all of the remaining secrets up with the remaining secret holders in-universe, but the entire fanbase pretty much slam dunked this one. Once the content of the secrets was revealed, it wasn't too difficult to track the origin of this secret to Levi. Levi might know that, and might be trying to spin it in a positive way while he can get everyone's attention and tell everyone the same narrative here in the class trial.
I don't think any Levi accomplice or killer truthers have to fully give up on the idea, or at least not until we see what Levi actually says after this. It's a WILD topic to reveal we're going to talk about, but we haven't actually talked about it yet. If we were told "we get David's motivations for trying to throw the trial," I doubt literally any of us would have locked in the prediction of "David is trying to follow in Xander's footsteps by killing everyone via the trial because he kind of remembers Xander." So, until next week, I'm keeping an open mind!
This was insane. I can't believe we actually got a new episode, and that we're gonna KEEP getting new episodes until the chapter finishes. What the fuck!!!
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chrissdollie · 7 months
chris trying to braid ur hair :c
”so now it’s left over the middle, baby.” you instruct, hoping he’s doing okay. and he is! he has his little tongue sticking out in concentration. he got a little frustrated after the first two tries, but third times the charm right?
he doesn’t exactly know why he’s so determined to learn how to braid your hair specifically, he just wants to. his back is hurting from hunching over for such a long period, but it’s worth it when he finishes the gorgeous braid that falls down your back
“oh wow. I DID SO GOOD” he exclaims
“take a picture!! i wanna seeee” you hand him your phone, turning back around quickly as he snaps the photo. he shows you and you gasp. “it’s so pretty..” you whisper. “aw thank you!!” you hug him, kissing his cheek. he’s hella proud of himself too, he goes flexing to matt.
“can you braid a girl’s hair? no. but i can. SUCK MY DIC-“
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
New Friend Request
Pairing: Gamer! Kate Bishop x Reader
Summary: After posting on a subreddit looking for people to play a new game with, you received a new friend request.  
| Comfort? | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: Here is something a little different to my usual works! I hope you enjoy this, I found it pretty fun to write!
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It was Friday night, you had a weekend off from work and had planned to sit down with plenty of snacks and binge play a new video game you just treated yourself too. The only downside was that all your friends that you played video games with were either busy this weekend or had no interest in playing the new game you'd been waiting so long to play.
With a sigh and nerves kicking around in your stomach you decide to post on a subreddit asking if anybody else would like somebody to play with over the weekend. It wasn't something you'd done before but you liked playing games with friends more than playing solo.
Hours had past and your phone was left dry, not a single notification from anybody reacting to your post. Another sigh left your body as you tossed your phone to the side and decided to turn your PS4 off.
(LuckyArrow has sent a friend request)
The notification stared at you deeply as the feeling of excitement and relief soon filled you. You punched in your passcode and quickly accepted the strangers friend request.
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LuckyArrow: Hey! are you still looking for somebody to play Dying Light 2 with? I saw your post on reddit! ☺️
yourusername: Hey, I am! I just thought the game and none of my friends want to play it with me 😩
LuckyArrow: agh! that sucks! I have a friend, Yelena, she doesn't play video games much and refuses to play with me! If you want, I'd love to play it with you. Have you played the first one?
yourusername: That would be great! Thanks! I'm assuming your user is LuckyArrow on PSN aswell? I have played the first, have you? Oh! btw, I'm Y/n!
LuckyArrow: Sure is! You have a cute name! I'm Kate, are you from New York?
yourusername: Oh wow! 😅 Don't take this the wrong way but I wasn't expecting you to be a girl! I actually just moved to NYC! Are you also from here?
LuckyArrow: You'd be surprised how many of us female gamers are out here ☺️ Where did you move from? if you don't mind me asking
yourusername: Just a small town that was hella boring! hence why I got into video games haha!
LuckyArrows: I hope you don't mind, I had a look at some of the game you play! You have good taste, how far are you into the story of Dying Light?
yourusername: Thanks! & not very far, I don't really like playing games solo most of the time. I've completed the first couple of missions though so I'm able to play co-op.
LuckyArrows: Awesome! Well, I have plenty of time tonight if you'd like to play now? If not, just let me know when you're free and we'll work something out ☺️
yourusername: Actually, I'm free all weekend so now would be great! Do you wanna play on my save or we can start one on your game? Whatever works ☺️
LuckyArrow: I've already completed it, let's just do a save on your game! Send me an invite x
LuckyArrow: Sorry about the x!!!! I'm just used to sending it to friends 😅😅
yourusername: Don't stress! it's okay ☺️ I'll send you an invite rn!
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Friday night soon faded into the early hours of Saturday morning, plenty of laughs and jokes were made between you and your new friend, Kate. You learnt a lot about her, you felt comfortable with her even though she technically is still a stranger online, you both planned to meet for pizza for lunch.
Who knew that a simple post online would lead to you making a new friend.
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2 months later
LuckyArrow: Hey! you free this weekend? sorry I couldn't play last weekend, I had a mission...I missed you though! 💜
yourusername: Hey!! Don't stress it, you get to actually kick some bad guys butts! it's pretty cool! I am free this weekend, I took work off, I need a break anyways. I missed you too, did your mission go well?
LuckyArrow: Meh, it was a pain (literally) but one less menace on the streets to deal with now! 💪🏼, I actually wanted to ask if you'd like to come over...I can order pizza and we can play video games or something, whatever you like! 😅
yourusername: Of course! it'll be so fun! Are you okay though? you seem a little off? x
LuckyArrow: I'm Fine ☺️ wanna come over Friday?
yourusername: Lock it in! Friday, date night haha!
LuckyArrow: Haha...😅
yourusername: Are you sure you're okay?
LuckyArrow: I'm not good this...but, I'm not asking you to just come over as a friend..😅
yourusername: Kate, are you asking me out on a date?
LuckyArrow: I am...we don't have to do something so causal, in fact I'd like to take you out on a real date but I don't want to scare you off or make things awkward between us..
yourusername: Oh thank god! Honeslty, I'm so glad you asked because I've really wanted to ask you out but I also didn't want to ruin anything
LuckyArrow: Well now that makes me feel a lot better! How about I pick you up at 6pm on Friday?
yourusername: it's a date! x
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | 
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kormiato · 1 year
hi can u do one where how they would react when reader takes off rheir shirt and it reveals like a hella fit body w abs also inazuma girls(fem please<3)
Hi! Ofc I can, I'd love to! Hope you'll be satisfied! (Btw I was a little confused because you didn't mention which specific characters you want to see, but that's okay, I think.) Also if you want me to do part 2 with other characters, you can just ask and, if that's not too much trouble, please, mention which ones characters you want to see. <3 (Sorry for long wait, I was sick and then was busy with school, haha... Also sorry for any mistakes in text.)
Inazuma girls reacting on you taking off your shirt revealing a fit body (F! Reader)
Characters: Ei, Yae Miko, Sangonomiya Kokomi.
You always liked how Ei is when she's fighting. So strong and powerful, so elegant and fast, so serious and determined. She was incredible, to be honest. You admired her everytime when you asked her to show some of her training. You always sit on the floor not too far away but to be in a safe zone and look. Your elegant and soft Ei was turning into a merciless soldier, focusing on her battle with a puppet because only Raiden Shogun is able to keep up with her destructive rhythmic pace.
They fight for hours before Ei hops back raising her sword and says "Enough for now." and Shogun nods before leave. Then Ei always approaches you and sits down near you with a light smile on her face when she notices your adored gaze. She listens to your excitement about how awesome she was back there and tells you stories from her past.
That day was exact the same. But today you wanted to do something. And the thought itself was making you squirm on the floor in anticipation of the end of the training.
When the training was over, Ei sat down near you and sligtly smiled as she saw your smile. "That was SO cool, Ei!" you said. "Can you teach me something of that?" that slightly startled Ei. You? Wish to train? You was so sweet, so fragile in her eyes, she wanted to protect you from all the evil. But yet, she wants you to be happy, so your wish is her command. "Okay, if you want so," she said, making you jump out of excitement. She stood up with you. "Let's see how skillful you are first, alright? I won't be too hard on you." Ei said with the sword in her hand as she waits for you to take one of the swords in the room.
But what she didn't expect is for you to take your shirt off. Her eyes got a little wider as she didn't know the purpose of it. Her eyes wandered along your torso, abs. White crop top looks good on your surprisingly fit body. Ei could feel the heat on her cheeks as you throwed your shirt on your seat spot and started limbering up. Wow. You looked pretty much stronger now and less fragile than she thought before. Your little smile was sweet as always, but now more determined, confident.
As you done preparing for the little sparring, you grabbed one of the swords and took a fighting stand in front of Ei. She, on the other hand, shook her head to stop staring at you because, Dear Archons, you really looked surprisingly beautiful and strong. And if there's something that Ei likes in human, it's strength and determination. And you looked pretty determined and excited.
Let's just say that the training went very calm and relaxed and after this Ei sat down and asked about where you learned to fight and get that fit body. No naughty intentions, she really is just curious.
Yae Miko
It was a pretty busy day for the shrine, everyone was busy with something: cleaning, helping people that was coming from time to time. You came to visit Yae and you really didn't know why you was with Yae Miko in one of the shrine's rooms, but one look at her was enough for you to know that she's up for no good. She just suddenly took your hand once she saw you and led you in the shrine without greeting or even explanation. And now she stood up in front of you with her usual playful and sly smirk. You looked like a bunny, cornered by a fox. Her hands were behind her back, she clearly holds something in them. "Um... Miko? What are you up to now?" you asked, making her playful smirk get wider as she let out a soft chuckle, looking right into your eyes.
And then she hands you folded clothes. And suddenly you realized what she wants. She wanted you to help her in the shrine, because they were running out of free hands. You let out soft "Oh..." that made her giggle. "Well? Are you up to it?" Miko asked, raising her eyebrow. You only laughed light heartedly and nodded. "Fine, I'll help." You took the clothes and turned your back to her to change your clothes.
As you took your shirt off, Miko hums with playful surprise and that makes you turn to face her with a raised eyebrow in a silent question. Yae smiled slyly with a soft chuckle as her eyes admired your form as you stood there in your bra. "Something's wrong?" you asked. Yae shook her head with a smile. "Nothing. I just didn't expect my little flower to look so strong and beautiful. You look pretty amazing," she says with a slight sparkle in her eyes, and her words made you blush slightly as you quickly turned around and continued changing your clothes. Your blush didn't go unnoticed by Yae Miko and that made her laugh in amusement. "Clearly precious little flower. Guess I'll need to watch closely so no one will try to take you away from me because of how adorable and stunning you are." She adds with a sly smirk.
All the time you walked on the territory of the shrine, you always could feel her looking at you. But at least no one bothered you or made you uncomfortable.
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Kokomi was coming home pretty tired last few days. You was understanding, she has a lot of work to do everyday, but you still hated to see your beloved in such state. So you took care of her every single day when she was like this: cooking her favorite meal, preparing a hot bath for her or giving her a massage as she falls asleep from your loving and gentle touch that never failed to make her worries and troubles melt away and just feel safe, relaxed and at home.
But today she managed to take a little day off to just relax and spend some more time with you. Finally, you had a pleasure of seeing her face instead of empty side of the bed when you woke up. She was sleeping peacefully, her lips slightly parted as her breathing slow and calm. You looked at her for a couple of minutes before standing up to cook her a breakfast. You already got whole day planned for both of you, you wanted it to be lazy day, but still fun and interesting.
After both of you ate your breakfast, you decided to watch some TV and after whole day filled with cuddles, movies and eating snacks, you asked Kokomi if she wants to go and swim a little, and you was ecstatic when she agreed. You both grabbed your swimsuits (you also grabbed your sword, because it can be unsafe and you will always make sure to protect your precious girl) and after some time you both was on the shore.
You was happy to see Kokomi smiling because the place was quiet and so beautiful.
While she was admiring the view, you decided to take your casual clothes off, because you both put on your swimsuits under your clothes before heading out to this place. (sorry, I really rarely go to swim even at the summertime, so this can be quite unlogical)
When Kokomi turned to face you, her jaw dropped. You was standing in your swim suit, and damn your body looked pretty fit and strong. You looked like her own bodyguard now, not like her girlfriend. She looked you up and down, her face getting pretty red.
"Wow, my lovely, you look beautiful." Kokomi muttered, looking to the side, feeling a little flustered now. You only giggled, standing a little closer to her and leaving soft kiss on her forehead. "Thanks, Kokomi. Now let's have fun and swim, shall we?" You said gently. Kokomi nodded and took off her own casual clothes, standing in her swim suit as well. You gently took her hand in yours and then started running towards the water, making her laugh and laughing along. It was pretty memorible day off for both you and Kokomi.
(Kokomi deserves the best of cuddles and comfort, she's so pretty, omg...)
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alfiely-art · 4 months
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Miles and Ganke!
(FYI still Punkflower. This about Miles' and Ganke's friendship and jealous Hobie! Buckle up, ya'll this is a long chapter!)
"Hey, Ganke! You ready for some All you can eat sushi!" Miles came ran up to his best friend. The two been so busy with their lives, they haven't had time to see each other. Normally, they always text, or send out videos from their social media from time to time.
Sometimes they play video games together, or do small FaceTime to talk about anything on that day.
Today, Miles and Ganke had time to enjoy dinner at this new All You Can Eat Sushi restaurants called Too Many Sushi! A popular place for college students around the area to enjoy sushi at a good price, everyone said good things about the place. Since Ganke and Miles are a fan of sushi, they had to try it out.
Miles wore his Nike gym outfit; a loose Yoga black tank top with his tight sports leggings all perfectly combine with his Panda Jordans. He looks slim and fit having lean muscle that look so appealing that people would look at his rear to see how well tone he is. His thick thighs looks great with those leggings. Some curious fellows were looking at Miles' bright smiles as if the sun was in the room, his septum piercing giving a daring attitude on his face. Even with those tattoos on his right arm.
"Hey, Miles!" Ganke went up to his best friend to give him a side hug.
Ganke wore his preppy outfits: A white collar shirt with a light sky blue knitted vest and some kaki slim pants and white Yeezy shoes. The nineteen year old had been working out over the years, so his shirt and vest look a bit fitted on his upper body. Even his hair styled in a slick back messy spike style, wearing his large square glasses still looking boyish with his round face.
The people around them gawking at the two handsome young men looking so adorable as they hug each other. Something about those two had this beautiful glowing sparkles. "Are they together?" One woman asked her friend feeling her cheeks blushing at the supposed cute couple.
"I dunno, but they look like it." Another answered.
Even the men couldn't help but be awestruck at the two. "Those two are like the perfect duo! So noble and loyal!" One said to his friend being dramatic.
"Huh? Dude, it's not that deep..." Then one saw Miles handsome face, having to blush, "I mean, the one with the panda Jordans look hella fine."
"Dude, what da fuck? You're straight!" The guy looks at Miles' rear, "But he does got a nice ass..."
"Bro, and you were shitting on me?" The friend shouted at him.
Miles and Ganke weren't aware of the group of people staring at them, since they were busy talking about their busy lives. "Two, please." Ganke said to the hostess in the restaurant.
"Right this way!" The Hostess said seeing at the two being so cute together. "Wow, so adorbsss!"
"So how's your engineer classes? I heard you guys had some intense projects with that professor." Miles asked as they went to their booth. The hostess handed their menus seeing the two seating across from each other.
"Your waiter will be right with you in a bit." She said with a smile on her face.
"Okay, thank you!" The two said in union making her awestruck by their cuteness.
"They are even more cuter when they talk together. Ahhh!" She happily walks away.
Ganke explained, "Yeah, it's been hell, man. I don't get why he keeps giving us project after project. It's annoying. I haven't slept in three days from this recent one." He looks at the menu.
"Yikes, man. I feel for you. Hope, you're not drinking those fowl ass energy drinks." Miles took napkins from the dispenser and packet chopsticks from a cup handing one each to his best friend.
"Guh?" Ganke winced being caught from his friends' words, "Me? Drinking energy drinks? When?" He casually lies having to sweat bullets. That's one of his bad habits he needed to stop, he loves drinking Monster energy drinks whenever he can, sometimes he drinks four a day. Since, Miles dorm with him through out all high school, he was able to stop Ganke from drinking so much.
"How many?" Miles crosses his arms with a pout on his face.
"It's not a lot." His friend drag his wording long as he fixes his napkin and chopsticks to his right side.
"Like six a day." His Korean American friend boy his head in defeat.
"All three days?" Miles asked.
"Each day." Ganke groans being too honest, he's not a good liar. Not to mention, Miles got his mother's eyes that can read anyone's lies.
Miles' honey brown eyes widen in shock, "Dude, what the fuck! Those things can kill you! I knew, I should've dorm with you! But nooo, you wanted to be your own man."
"Are those two bickering? That's so cute! Awe, look at his cute boyfriend scolding him!" Everyone near the two would watch or glanced over hearing the two's conversation. They couldn't help but admire their cute relationship.
"The one with the black tank top is so cute! Look how he lectures his baby." One girl said to her friends in one table.
One of the college girls leans over with her camera, "They are so cute. I need a pic on them to show my friends or maybe my inspiration for my new BL series."
"Ohh, yeah! You just finished your Hearts 2 Luv manwa, huh?" Her other friend giggles at her brunette friend being a BL artist.
"Yes, and this couple makes me want to write another explicit BL." The artist spoke with a white mask covering half her face as she almond shape eyes were on the two. "Hmm, who would be top?"
"It obvious the Asian guy." The brunette with pale skinned giggles.
"I think the other guy is a power bottom, have you seen that ass." The Latina said to her friends as they saw their waiter coming to them.
"Hmm, I like that idea." The BL artist smiles under her mask, then remove it when the waiter placed their drinks and took their orders. Her dark eyes on Miles, "He looks like a Sunflower and the other guy has a sort of goody toe shoes attitude. Like he's innocent bubbly in person, but underneath it all, he's a ravaging lustful man."
Her two friends nodded, "Oooohhh, that makes sense."
"A lustful man that keeps his Sunflower protective, and they would have a forbidden love." The Bl artist nodded while explaining, "Or should our little power bottom cross dress into a woman at night and they found each other in a club. Or they were roommates in college and fallen for one another."
The bubbly brunette friend giggles, "I like it when one of them is a serial killer. It gives so much fucked up angst!"
"I fancy myself Omegaverse!" The Latina friend said.
"Oohhh, those sound like amazing ideas, but I feel like I'm missing something. Let me observe." Their Bl artist friend's black eyes gleam at the two couple.
Miles and Ganke met their waiter having to make their first round orders of sushi and drinks. "So, how are your parents?" Miles asked, "I bet their proud of their son been getting straight As."
"Hahaha, yeah. They're fine. My mom was asking about you, she wants you to come over dinner." Ganke said.
"My mom, too! And Billie-Boo been asking about you too." Miles smiles widely having his facing beaming, "I can't wait to have dinner with your parents again. I want to hear about the last Red Sox game from last week!
"Dude, he was super pissed off. He wanted to talk to you about that, too!" Ganke laughs, "Also, will your mom cook that fire ass pernil?"
"I'm sure. And will your mom make black bean noodles? That was stupid dumb fire, man." Miles happily asked, "and I really like those side dishes she made last time."
"Really? My dad didn't it. My mom was trying an old recipe. I thought the plain kimchi tasted okay." Ganke chuckles.
"I love the cucumber salad too. The amount of sesame seeds was perfect!"
"Awe, look at them!" The other people from the tables admire them.
The waiter came by to the two to place their drinks. Both order glass of water, and special drinks. Miles got himself a Wintermelon sparkling drink with sweet green tea mixed into. Ganke got a Strawberry sparkling soda with creamy peachy vanilla mix into it. They slurp their drinks having a joyful reaction.
"Ohhh, sweet drinks and staring to each others' eyes. How romantic!" One girl said to her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend lost for words, "Bae, I think you been reading to many BLs..."
"Mmm, this is so good. Here try!" Miles sips his drink being amazed by the flavors. Wintermelon has a unique light crisp grass with a bit of sweetness from the green tea mixture. He slide his drink towards his best friend with his own straw to try.
"Mines good too!" Ganke share his drink toward Miles. The two try each others drink having some to love the drink.
"Amazing! They are begging to be BL characters!" The BL artists' eyes widen at the cute scene, "This will be perfectly. A cafe date idea! But with a fluff manwa isn't popular if there's no drama."
"I know, make one of them a serial killer." Her friend with the brown hair and pale skin giggles. "Those are always popular. I say you can make the one with the glasses a dangerous killer."
"Well," The Latina began as she stare at her Bl artist friend, "your Ex-Lovers manwa was popular for a whole year and remained top ten still."
"Right, that one had a serial killer lover that collects blood, and he's a photographer. His ex-boyfriend been is obsession for these killings. It was the perfect manwa of the year." The brunette said all dramatically and in love with her friend's manwa.
"Heart 2 Luv is a romantically fluff manwa. It was trending for awhile, too. Was there trouble making it?" The Latina friend asked.
"It's hard when it's just fluff, besides cute... what is there? It took me a while trying to figure the perfect climax of the story since I wrote the couple to be so in love with each other." The BL artist explained, "It was written longer than expected. Honestly, as much as I enjoy creating that manwa, it was a pain in the ass. Now, I'm here trying to think a more interesting trope. We don't want the same boring ass top being loyal or and bottom gets cheated on."
"Those are getting boring. Last night I read Jinx and honestly I was over it." The Asian American girl with pale skinned sighs from boredom, "A twink with no ass takes on a twelve inch dick gets stupid boring." Unaware the next booth next to them were men, that were shocked and confused.
"Honestly, the whole bottom being twinks trope is boring. I prefer two muscular men with unique personalities." The Latina pointed it out.
"Exactly, BLs these days are following the same formulas as with Yaois. It's honestly needs a new refreshed story. Hmmm, maybe these two will give me the spark I need." The artist rub her chins. The waiters came by with their foods.
Then Miles being loud to Ganke, "HEY, HAVE YOU READ THE LAST CHAPTER OF HEARTS 2 LUV!" Their waiter came by with their sushi.
"AHHH, OMG! They're talking about you manwa!" The brunette giggles.
The BL artist blushes, with her hands clasp togethers, "I've been blessed!"
"You always like it when your fans talk about your work." Her other friend giggles.
Ganke chews on one of his rolls, "Yeah, it was great. I bet, you cried."
"I did! It was beautiful! When Joji give up his family's name to marry Woo, it was just perfect. You need to understand that on chapter 32, Woo given him that beautiful flower pin and- and Joji wore it in the end! Ahhh, so much has happen and they adopted a cute girl! Ahh, I can't take it." Miles nerd out from the manwa he fell in love with. "I dunno how FizzyPop does it. She's truly a genius! Even her vampire manwa was so good."
"And her Ex-Lovers was crazy too. Did you read that?" Ganke asked.
Miles' cheeks turns warm, "Yes, and I thought the killer was fucking cute! Ahh, I was questioning my own sanity!" He panics when he have mini crushes on fictional characters. "Like, I can expect having Zoro as my husband, but Seko?"
"Honestly, I thought it was too bloody for me. I had to stop half way, but the story is interesting." Ganke admits, "And Seko, really? That guy was crazy!"
"I know, but I'm a sucker for hunks! Like have you read Jinx!" Miles pouts, "The story is boring but Jaekyung is fine! Something about cold, cool demeanor gets me."
"Well, at least you got Zoro in your heart. Loyal ass man." Ganke chuckles, "Also, have you tattoo healed?"
"Oh yeah, look!" His dark skinned friend revealed his One Piece X tattoo on his left arm, "Hehe, cool huh?"
"Yeah, mines came out fine, too." Ganke rolled up his left sleeve to show his. "See! I'm still thinking if I should get Robin's tattoo on here or on the shoulder."
"Shoulder would look cool. That means I should get a Zoro tattoo then." Miles giggles.
"Ain't your parents gonna kill ya for having a fourth tattoo?"
"Yeah, but if I wear long sleeves they won't notice." Miles grins widely having a mischievous side.
"My mom freaked out when I show her mine. She started to lecture me but my dad didn't care." He said.
"It's our bodies. Why should they have control over that?" Miles asked as he picks up his roll to eat. "Mmm, this is so good. Try it. Say ahhh, Ganke!"
"Ahh!" Ganke open his mouth when Miles feed him sushi with his own chopsticks. The Korean American chews the sushi roll, "Mmm, spicy mayo is amazing!"
"Kyaaa, so cute!" Everyone around watches.
Ganke fed his sushi to Miles, "This one is has jalapeños on it. Careful, dude."
"Nom! Mmm, so yummy!" Miles' taste buds danced by the spicy crunchy tun roll. "The jalapeños gives a good kick."
"Ahh, so freakin' cute. I need like a five eight pages of them doing the nasty!" The brunette young woman said to her friend.
Latina softly chuckles, "You and everyone are reacting the same way."
"Cute, but I feel like we're missing something." Their artistic friend said, "I need something to spicy them up."
Miles smiles happily at Ganke, "Man, this place is so good. I wish I can bring my parents here."
"Oh yeah, they don't like sushi, huh?"
"They always questioned why they have to eat raw fish. My dad tries to use chopsticks one time and ended up stabbing his roll into pieces." Miles sighs.
"Yikes, man." Ganke chuckles, "Does Billie likes sushi?"
"I dunno. I never thought of giving her a roll. Can a two year old eat sushi?"
"I think it should be fine." Then, his friend with glasses snickers, "Imagine if she just whacks it off!"
"Oh man, Boo-Boo always does that when she doesn't like something." Miles laughs, "Oh before I forget. Selfie time!" He took out his Smartphone and took a selfie with him and Ganke. They did the Korean heart hand sign.
The people around them admire the two being such an adorable couple, they were unaware what's to happen. While Miles and Ganke sharing their sushi, laughing about their own life and catching up on their favorite anime and superhero comic books.
"Wow, they are the perfect pair."
"I think the are meant to be!"
Different voices muttering to their other friends and partners about the two. Miles posted his photo on his social media to show off the food. Then, posted some videos of him and Ganke eating.
"That one with the nose piercing is sort of a cutie." One guy from the bar eye on Miles, "I wonder if he's really with that guy."
"He looks taken, man." One of the guy's friend said.
Then another one sips his drink and glanced over, "All thought you do have a point. He is a fine one."
"Wow, they make the perfect pair for a vampire manwa!" The brunette said as she hold her hands out in a rectangle shape doing a picture frame.
"They look attractive no matter what. I'm just wondering what's your ideas." The latina with the long black hair looks over at her BL artist friend.
"Hmmm, so many possibilities," She began, "I'll wait for a sign." Her dark almond shape eyes gleam again, as she stare intensely at the couple from afar.
Then, the front door open having a tall dark skinned young man walks in. The hostess was about to welcome the man, but stood in shock by his demeanor appearance. "Welco- Uhhh..." Her smile fell when she met a scary tall punker with face full of piercings, with a dark look on his face. "Ummm-" He walks passed her.
"Wa-wait, sir1" She called him out.
The punker ignores her walking inside the restaurant with his heavy combat boots making loud thud sounds. His dark eyes scan over the place to find a certain someone, ignoring the stares.
"Wow, look at those piercings!"
"His outfit is pretty wicked."
"He looks so scary."
He heard all of this before, it didn't bother him. Then, he spotted a certain someone from across the room. The low muttering and chattering didn't faze him when he got close to his min target.
"Whoa, who's that?" The black haired Latina asked.
"Wow, he's sort of a bad boy." The brunette giggles.
"Huh! He's gorgeous!" Their artistic friend stop sipping her drink to say. "He can make a perfect noir character!"
"Noir?" Her brown skinned friend with long black hair asked.
"Honestly! Noir films or novels is a type of genre where there's a lot of violence, nihilistic AND dark! It's an amazing genre!" Her brunette friend spoke with loving passion.
"You would know." Her Latina friends sighs at her friend's passion for dark and scary genres.
The punker finally got to the table causing a certain ruckus among the people around him. A mere dark glare got everyone to shut up, then turns his head back at Miles and Ganke.
Miles looks up being surprised, "Bae?"
"Sunflower." His voice deep.
"HE CALLED HIM BAE!" Everyone around the table overhears this being in shock.
The BL artist's eyes dropped, her body frozen as if a new inspiration course through her veins. "He's-He's that guy's boyfriend and he called him, Sunflower!"
"Looks like she's getting her story ideas." Her Latina friend chuckles.
"For real." The other young woman giggles.
"This is amazing! A punker and a ball of sunshine a couple. It's the perfect combo to a heated BL story!" The artist lowly explained, "I need photos!" She took out her Smartphone taking pictures of the group, "Not only that, but he's one sexy man. Look at those piercings, his posed, his hair! It's not everyday you see this beautiful work of art!"
"Gurl, can you try to be sneaky? You're gonna get us in trouble!" Her friend said.
The brunette giggles with her hands clapping together, "Ohh, what if he's a serial killer and stalker of the sunshine cutie?"
"You and your dark genres." Her Latina friend being perplexed by her pale friend's love for thrillers.
"What are you doing here?" Miles asked his boyfriend being confused.
Hobie casually sat next to his partner, "I saw, your story on your social media and thought I should drop by." His jealousy was showing.
Miles let his boyfriend lay on his shoulder making him chuckle, "Baby, I told you, me and Ganke were hanging out today."
"I told you, me and him are just friends."
"Yeah, I know." Hobie snuggling his boyfriend being cute, he acts so childish sometimes.
"How is he dating HIM?" Some were having mix feelings about the cute guy dating someone with dark scary look.
Ganke chuckles, "Dude still think I'ma take you away, Miles?"
"Yeah, Hobie is still jealous of you." Miles explains, "I never get why."
"Are you kidding me! Have you seen this perfect man for you?" Some of the strangers glanced over then tilted their head seeing the punker being childish.
Hobie merely bury his face into his Sunflower's chest, "Luv, you don't have to tell him!"
"Well, he is my best friend and you're always jealous of him." Miles snickers, "baby, it's ok-WHoa!" Hobie made Miles sit on his lap, being protective of his Sunflower. Fitted arms wrapping around his lover's waist, he gave another jealous look from Ganke. "Your mine."
"Looks like he never change." Ganke chews on his roll.
"Yeah, no kidding." Miles laughs along his best friend.
Luckily, Ganke isn't afraid or annoyed by this, he knows how much Miles loves his punker. It's best to just be unbothered by the whole thing. "Excuse me, but is he bothering you two?" Their waiter came up seeing the ruckus happening.
"No, we know him." Miles felt Hobie's lips on his neck, "Hobie, chill. No one is gonna take me away."
"Well in that case, if he's planning to sit here. We would have to charge him for the All You Can Eat, if that's okay." The waitress pointed one.
"It's fine. I'll pay for his seat." Ganke said as he chews.
Miles said, "No, Ganke. I'll pay for Hobie's."
"Nah, it's fine. Besides, my internship pays me." He smirks widely.
"Tsk, I brought my wallet." Hobie rolled his eyes.
"Bae, remember your money doesn't work here." Miles reminded him being in another world, his cash is from a different timeline and country. "Don't worry, I'll pay for it. Since your here have some sushi. Say Ahhh!" He pick a roll for his boyfriend to try.
Hobie had his eyes looking to the side, not the biggest fan of sushi. Something about raw fish doesn't work with Jamaican side, fried fish with fried plantains. "Mmm, luv. I don't think-" Miles shove the roll in his mouth, "Your gonna eat at least three rolls, bae. You're in an All You Can Eat Sushi."
"Alright, Sunflower." He chews then his eyes widen liking the roll, "Mmm, this one is good."
"It's Spicy crab with mayo and cucumbers. I'll order you the cook ones. Me and Ganke are planning to order some nigiri!"
"We should get some Salmon and Tuna!" Ganke said to his best friend.
"Yeah, I really want to try the seared scallops, too!"
"Oh, and order some maki!" Ganke looks at the menu.
Hobie was lost at the orders they were talking about, never went to a sushi bar. No, him and his bandmates always fancy fried fish and chips. He watches Miles looking at the menu while he rested his chin on the nape of his Sunflower's neck. "Mmm, what do you like, bae? I'm thinking you should try the basics."
"Have your mum try sushi before?"
"Ahh, you and her are kinda the same." Miles thought out loud, "Okay, maybe some California roll, oh maybe you'll like eel?"
"Eel... darling isn't that a sea snake?"
"It's really good. It's one of my favorites. We'll order one." Miles turns to Ganke, "Oh, have you watched the latest Jujutsu Kaisan?"
"Yeah, it was awesome. Gojo is a dope character." Ganke commented. The two kept talking and talking about everything again. It seems like they never seem to have an awkwardly paused. The waitress came by to take another wave of orders from the two, while Hobie stay quiet.
"Oh, can he have Coca Cola?" Miles remembers his boyfriend didn't have anything to drink.
"Sure, thing." The waitress happily took their orders before leaving. Then the two went into deep conversation.
Hobie got bored hearing the two, his ears decided to focus on the other chatter from the people around them.
"Wow, he's dating that cutie?"
"Awe, I was rooting for the two to be together. They look so cute together."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. They don't look good together. I thought the cuties would be a couple. Shame."
"The whole punk aesthetic is overrated. Who's he trying to look mean for? The sweet guy looks like he can do better."
"Man, too bad that hottie is taken. I was about to ask him out."
Hobie glares over to the nosy crowd, seeing them tensed by his scowl. They quietly shut up feeling the punker's death stare.
"Baby, relax. It doesn't matter what they say. I'm happy with you." Miles caress his boyfriend's cheek, "Don't get too upset, mi amor."
"Kiss me and I'll feel better." Hobie took his boyfriend's face to make him stare deeply in his eyes.
Ganke said, "Just do it, Miles. That way he'll be happy for the night."
Miles said, "Hobie, how about later? Ganke is here. I don't want him to be weirded out, you always used tongue." Then his boyfriend became all gloom and moody. "Ugh, fine. Here," Miles kisses his boyfriend on the lips.
"Mmm," Hobie purrs happily in the back of his throat being kissed by his Sunflower.
"Ohhhh, so the cutie is the one in charge of the relationship." People were glancing over.
"Lowkey that's kinda hot."
"Like a punker with a sunshine boy is such a cute couple."
The three younger women from afar smiling at the view. "So, what do you think, Xina?" The black latina friend smiles at her BL artist friend.
"Yeah, isn't this a twist. I think he'll make a perfect uke." The brunette giggles with her girlish bubbly sound.
"Well," Xina smiles widely at the view, then had a nosebleed, "This is the perfect love triangle! I see it now, the main character being the cutie Sunflower trap in two delicious men; a goody two shoes and bad boy! Yes, with lots of steamy hot sex."
"Please, make it a bit toxic." The brunette friend begs, "I want bondage!"
"Geez, Dana. You really like the rough fucked up kind, huh?" The Latina said in a calm tone.
"You know it!" Dana playfully stick her tongue out being cute. "And you like it too!"
"She's right, Tempest. You didn't stop obsessing those fan made BLs of Spidermen and their forbidden love." Xina grins at her.
Tempest blushes having to sip her drink, "I dunno what your talking about!"
"She got you there, hehehe. Or how we were in love with gay vampires!" Dana getting hype.
"What da hell is wrong with those girls..." The next booth with men thought to themselves.
Xina grins widely, "I already have all the material I need for my next manwa! Get Ready or Not!"
Later that night, Miles and Hobie went back to his place after dropping Ganke at his home. Luckily Hobie was able to sneak in the back window, while Miles' family fell asleep. The two spend a passionately sex with a lot of love bites.
The punker knocks out having to wrap his arms around his Sunflower's waist. He softly snores away. Miles looks at his tablet having to send messages back at his best friend.
Ganke: Dude, ya'll good?🧐
Miles: I put the badussy on him real good! 👍🏽 😊
Ganke: LMFAO! Bro, was heated. Will ever get over us?
Miles: Nah, he's the jealous type. 😌 Lowkey I like it. I think its the Latino in me, I love shit like that- SOMETIMES!
Ganke: Hey, if I had a girl like that I wouldn't complain too.😅 Also, you saw this -sents a link-
Miles clicks on the link going on to Twitter to find the famous BL artist of Hearts 2 Luv posted her upcoming next project. His eyes widen at the front cover, "Wow, that's so fast. How did she find time to create this so fast? Does she have models?"
It's the front cover of FizzyPop's next BL manwa, she wrote in with a devil smiling emoji.
FizzyPop: Ready or Not, Here I come! 😈
The artwork shows a dark skinned young man with a big sparkling eyes and big plump lips having a short afro. The two men around him is a much darker skinned young men being a punker with spiked hair and tons of piercings with a devious looks. The other man being the typical handsome Korean man with black hair, glasses and muscular. Two muscular men wrapping around the main character, who's well fit, too.
Miles chat to Ganke: WHOA! She made that so fast. Why they look so hot! 😳🥵 That punk guy is so damn fine!
Ganke: They all are! I'm surprised she's being different. I thought she was planning to do another Fluff RomCOm.
Miles: And the comments are going crazy. They said they want a threesome chapter! Horny asses- me, too! 😞 I'm no better.
Ganke: SAME! 😂 I wanna see how that would work out! But lowkey, does these characters remind you of anyone 🤔 I feel like I've seen them somewhere.
Miles: Highkey, huh! 🤔 But where? I felt like I met these guys before, hmmm. Maybe it's all those character designs from her pervious works mashed to one, huh?😅
Ganke: Your right! I guess that's what it! 😅 Also, are you done to play Animal Crossing?
Miles: Hell yeah! Me and Billie got are town cleaned for you! Let me get my switch!
The two play their game together through the rest of the night, while Hobie happily sleeps away.
(Hey guys, Hope you like 1610 Xina, Dana and Tempest. For those who don't know, they were Miguel's boos in the comic books. They exist in this world but completely different- well, they all dated 1610 Miguel 😂 Currently Tempest is dating Miguel. They are all in college being two years older than Miles, who's nineteen. 1610 Xina is Korean American. Dana is mixed, Italian with Chinese. Tempest is mixed with Black and Dominican. They are great friends and they are baddies loving Kdramas, BLs, and Beyonce/Rihanna 🤭)
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
overblot squad with an MC/S/O who was done with life the second they entered twisted wonderland.
The no bullshit type who also instigates when in goofy moods. They don't smile often.
Anyone who threatens them... it kinda goes like "give me a reason... I dare you..." and s/o will fuck your life up if you physically harm them.
They have a resting bitch face, and they ALWAYS look angry or annoyed. A lot of people ask if they're upset.
When in contact with overblots, instead of trembling with fear, they act like they just got told to do chores as they started doing chores.
And when they deal with overblots in fights, they genuinely get annoyed when the overblot squad acts like they're the only ones dealing with that kind of stuff. (Literally looked at Jamil and told him he was a slave to people born richer than him just like everyone else)
A realist and pessimist at the same time.
Sleeps way more than Leona, and will not wake up until they feel like living. And their social meter is extremely low.
They eat a lot. Like- a lot. And they will sleep it all off
MBTI is an INTP to give you the rest of the context
Coolio! I'm an ISTP-T, which I found out while trying to figure out different MBTI personality types because I was hella confused. Also, We don't technically know who's overblotting from Diasomnia yet, right??? So I can leave my precious dragon boy out of this, right??? No? Well, it was worth a try *cries in not wanting to think about a Malleus overblot* -Sorry this took so long! I just moved and had no wi-fi until today
OB!Gang with INTP S/O
Would honestly be frustrated
"You've broken fifteen of our 810 rules in less than an hour! How DARE you!"
He was apologetic after he overblot and stopped getting on your case for every dorm rule you broke.
No wonder you're friends with Ace and Deuce
Wants you to stop causing fights so badly
Like, why are you either causing fights or sleeping??? Are you secretly related to Leona???
"Wait, you told Jamil WHAT?"
Bro gets sick of you when you're awake at this point-
Like, he threatened to turn you to sand during his overblot and you just held out your hand with a sarcastic smile-
Honestly, though, he's glad you aren't opposed to his naps or sleep schedule, a lot of the time he'll also be willing to nap with you even if he's already had one
But if Ruggie wake's him up, then he's trying to wake you up too <3
Fairs fair, after all
He doesn't give a fuckk if you instigate fights, he'll watch it in amusement
You would get along with Floyd so damn well and Azul swears on what little of his sanity is left that you two are never meeting
Both of you would be causing fights together left and right-
He loves you, he does, but- OH FUCK THE TWEELS ARE HERE! Take a nap while he locks you in his office where you three can never meet, yeah?
He's also low-key wondering if you're Leona's secret sibling or something despite the fact that you're magicless
He'll let you sleep in his office when you need to
He also does everything in his power to try to get you to smile and gets a little insecure when he's unsuccessful
Azul just starts to have some self-doubts because "I'm their boyfriend, why can I never make them happy?"
However, cuddles and reassurances can fix this!
He did get a kick out of you looking at Jamil and telling him to get over it
Jamil is just glad that you don't need 24/7 supervision
You won't burn down the house trying to cook, you won't somehow accidentally cut your arm off with a spoon and you can be left alone longer than a toddler without anything going to hell?
In this case, he practically considers you perfect with how often he's dealing with Kalim
Also, you were egging him on when he overblotted???
What's wrong with you? You have no magic-
Oh, wow...you won...
"Everyone's a slave to richer people, Jamil, get over it and eat a snickers or some shit!"
Okay, first of all, you're audacity-
Aaaand now he's stuck with you
"Isn't it supposed to be "You kidnapped me, I'm calling the cops?"
"Nope! You kidnapped me, so you clearly want to put up with my bullshit!"
The only actual issues he has is when he has to go drag you out of a fight or get you to stop hyping others into fighting for your entertainment
Then he just hypnotizes you and pulls you away while scolding you like some sort of child
Honestly looked up child leashes on the twst version of Amazon to see if they had a two pack (one for you and one for Kalim)
"Love, don't start fights, it's not beautiful at all", "My sweet potato, sleeping too much can be bad for your skin!", "SPUD! As much as I love you, if you do not cease this nonsense then so help me-"
All are common phrases from Vil when it comes to you ❤
Just tell me- how did he fall in love with you??? Like, you're a cross between Kingscholar and Epel and he is about ready to pull an evil queen on both of them some days
But he adores you despite your incorrigible habits that he tries to help you break
Don't expect to sleep in when dating Vil, though. Once he decides you've had enough? He's cursing your bed, pillows and blankets
All in the name of love, he swears!
Idia tries to get you to just stay in his room with him to stop you from getting into fights
He's respectful - lets you sleep for as long as you want
Although he get's a little loud when he plays video games sometimes
Ortho will honestly bother you more about your sleep schedule than him
Confused dragon boi <3
He's a sweetheart and is confused as to why you're starting fights "Because it's fun"
Totally did not ask Sebek to accompany you during school hours in order to protect you, keep you awake during lectures, and keep you out of fights- definitely not, how rude of you to accuse him of that
he would never, Malleus is completely innocent!
"Malleus Draconia, I am TRYING to sleep so if you do not get your screaming cucumber from my bedroom then so help me nobody will be able to save his suicidal ass!"
Oh, you're pissed off now
Welp, time for him to go save Sebek from his (surprisingly dangerous) magicless Child of Man
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lefaystrent · 12 days
Me, Myself, and These Guys Who Kinda Look Like Me Ch. 7
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: Thomas/The Sides
Summary: It starts with dreams. Then Thomas starts seeing the dream people in the waking world.
Thomas doesn't know how to bring it up to anybody or if he even should at this point.
AKA, Thomas has to acknowledge the six colorful characters in the room, much to their long-awaited delight.
Ao3 Link: click here
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
"I believe you wanted a conversation? Let's talk."
And so they do.
Rules are established to assist with boundaries, and in the days that follow, they are adjusted as they adapt.
Rule number one: Thomas's bedroom is a sacred temple. When the door is shut, no one shall utilize incorporeal states of being to trespass. Anyone may knock as needed, but it's up to Thomas if he'd like company. Likewise, if the door is open, it is understood that company is welcome.
Seems simple enough, right?
Thomas wakes up to the sound of his bedroom door creaking open. He scrubs the sleep from his eyes, peering at the alarm clock to see he's been asleep all of three hours.
"Whass it?" Thomas mumbles and pushes up clumsily. He thinks something must be wrong, or that he must not have heard a knock. Maybe he's dreaming. Wouldn't be the first time that he thought he woke up in a dream.
The door practically slams closed.
Is he...being spied on? What did they want? Who was it? Why did they have to wake him? Can he lay back down and go to sleep? Wow, that was loud. And rude. Or something's wrong. What's wrong? Was he having a nightmare? He thinks he was having a nightmare. There was a math test involved. Ew.
The door opens again, wider this time. Virgil hovers in the doorway, shoulders hiked up to his ears and shame-faced.
"I am so sorry," he blurts out. "I didn't mean to do that. Or wake you. I'll go."
"No, no, what's wrong?" Thomas calls back before the door can close. Sleep dust cakes his eyes, but he's got half a brain functioning. He can tell something's off.
"It's stupid," Virgil deflects, as if that is a compelling defense.
"S'not stupid. What's up, buttercup?"
Wow, Thomas really is only half awake. The only reason his head hasn't reacquainted itself with his pillow is because of his propped-up arm. His eyes don't get the memo. They droop down, closed.
Virgil doesn't answer.
Thomas has a sneaking suspicion he'll have to open his eyes again.
"I, uh, I was just checking on you. In case anyone was trying to break in. Or if you had fallen. Or if there was a gas leak. There could be a gas leak right now. You never know, ya know?"
"Anyway, I'm dumb, go back to sleep dude. Sorry."
And the door shuts once more, more mindful this time.
If it had just been Virgil, Thomas thinks he could have puzzled through it. Clearly Virgil is the anxious sort. After the fire incident, Virgil has insisted on being present whenever cooking is involved. Even if he's not the one cooking, he wants to watch like a hawk. It's like his own personal lifeguard, but on land. In his house. This is a perfect analogy.
Thomas can hella relate to having anxiety. Most people, when they meet Thomas, mistake him for being an extrovert. And that can be an exhausting image to keep up, but Thomas is an actor after all. Regardless, he wants to cut Virgil some slack. With the installment of the new rules, he's having trouble adjusting, and that's okay. It's all part of the learning process.
Virgil confides that sometimes he would check on Thomas in the middle of the night (or day, curse Thomas's sleeping habits) to soothe his random bursts of paranoia. Thomas sympathizes, he does. If something happens to Thomas and he dies, what happens to the dream people? Where do they go?
It's not just Virgil though. Roman and Remus keep forgetting about the knocking rule.
Thomas dives headfirst back into work the first chance he gets. He sits at his desk in his bedroom, screen displaying a script. It's the final countdown so to speak, and Thomas is delaying the inevitable because the perfectionist in him tells him it's not good enough. There's something missing. It could be better. It can always be better.
"You should throw in a 'Mean Girls' reference there at the end."
Thomas glances towards the bottom of the script. He tilts his head. "Yeah, you're right, I could wear a pink shirt."
It takes a moment, but Thomas frowns and looks to his right where Roman is reading the script happily over his shoulder.
"I thought I had my door closed..."
The faint smile on Roman's face freezes. His body tenses so hard Thomas can almost feel it vicariously. "Uh...yeaaah."
"...I may have forgotten you can see us."
"...how mad are you?"
Thomas isn't mad. He understands that it will take time. For years they've lived a certain way. He doesn't expect things to change overnight. However, this has to be corrected. In order to do that, Thomas has to be firm in the boundaries he's set.
Thomas takes one look at Roman's obvious dejection and caves hard.
"Do you want to help me edit the rest?" he asks.
Enforcing boundaries is difficult, okay?! Really, he has no one to blame but himself. He's a sucker. A big softie sucker.
When he discusses this with Logan, the man comforts him by parsing out the reasons behind why he struggles to say no.
"Give me an example," Logan instructs.
"Well, just last night I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep... okay I might have been scrolling on my phone. But anyway! I was in bed, and then the closet door opened."
"He has a fascination with closets that baffles me beyond comprehension."
"I've noticed. It was kinda spooky at first, which I think was the point. But he ended up coming out and started talking to me."
"Was that all? Sorry, that sounded dismissive, let me rephrase. Is that the only actions he took?"
"Uh...pretty much? He sat beside my bed on the floor and just talked about random things. Like dolphins and Catholicism."
"He has a rather stream of consciousness mentality to the way he jumps from one topic to the other. I believe he only wished to engage you in conversation, albeit at an inopportune time."
"Based on the context of this conversation, I guess that you allowed that conversation to continue without interruption?"
Thomas did. He had put down his phone and it invigorated Remus to have Thomas's undivided attention. It's like he'd been saving up years' worth of ideas for this moment.
And Thomas... Thomas didn't want to take that away from him.
"Yeah, I did," Thomas admits meekly, as if he'd been in the wrong. Was it so wrong of him?
Janus sweeps by them on his way to peruse Thomas's book collection. Thomas would think it's an excuse to eavesdrop if Janus hadn't been spending the past few days with his nose in a book. At the very least, he may be taking his sweet time going about it, thumbing through the options.
Janus does indeed reveal he's been listening by commenting, "You're not going to offend him if you tell him to go away, if that's what you're worried about."
"That's not..." Thomas rubs his knuckles together. He squints his eyes as if that will reveal his feelings better. "I don't want to tell anyone to go away."
Janus shrugs and doesn't say anything further. His silence rattles Thomas more than what he could say. It leaves him thinking on it more.
Logan taps at his chin and Thomas waits for him to make sense of this for him. "Perhaps not to go away then. If it is reframed more politely as you saying, 'I am interested in this topic, but as I am busy at the moment, could we discuss this at a later time?' Would that be preferential?"
Still no. Thomas shakes his head.
"What do you believe would happen if you did say something along those lines?"
Thomas imagines it. He imagines cutting off Remus. How it would kill the light in his eyes. He thinks of pushing Roman out of his room. How he'd feel betrayed after Thomas promised to entertain his dreams. He pictures Virgil at his door, Thomas snapping at him to leave him alone. How Virgil would think he doesn't appreciate him.
"I don't want to make them feel bad," Thomas says at length. "And I don't want them to hate me."
Logan places a hand on his shoulder. It's solid and grounding, and for a moment Logan is almost distracted by the contact but pushes through it.
"Remember what we discussed the other day? And how Virgil verbalized a similar fear? That he was afraid you would hate us? You are jumping to a false conclusion and imagining the worst-case scenario. This is known as catastrophizing."
"Besides that," Janus adds, comparing two books in his hands, "if voicing what makes you uncomfortable makes someone upset, then they obviously only care about their own self-interests."
Logan nods in agreement. "For relationships to succeed, communication must take place in some form. If you struggle to verbalize your needs, I would like to propose an alternative."
The proposal is Thomas's stuffed bear Benjamin.
It's wonderfully simple, if a little silly. Whenever one of them has forgotten themselves and phase through a door or wall they should not have, Thomas hands them the bear. It's a wordless gesture that says, "I see you, I'm not mad at you, this is just a reminder." Surprisingly, everyone is supportive of the idea.
Maybe a little too supportive. They are so eager to not overstep into Thomas's life that they frequently overcompensate. As Benjamin becomes an accepted part of Thomas expressing his need for space, Thomas picks up on how much the others are reluctant to voice their need for space. Or their wants in general.
"You guys can come to me if you need anything," Thomas had told them during their heart-to-heart the other day. "If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."
They said sure.
They didn't lie. They're just afraid.
The most Thomas has gotten out of them is Logan and Roman expressing interest in aiding Thomas with meal prep. It's okay now and then, but Thomas makes it clear that it's not necessary and that he absolutely should still be responsible in making his own meals occasionally or order takeout. Logan sketches out a weekly schedule to assist in everyone's expectations, and Roman lists all of the recipes he would like to try.
It's not that fair though. It's for Thomas. The others can't exactly eat.
Or....can they?
"I know you guys don't need to, but have you tried eating?" Thomas asks them. They're sitting at the dining table, a notebook between them.
"Many a time," Roman says. "Every time you eat cookies, Patton tries to steal some. And don't get me started on when you bring donuts home. Logan-"
Logan butts in, "Ahem, Thomas doesn't need that many details, thank you Roman," He fidgets with the pen in his hands, tapping it against the wired spirals of the notebook.
Roman jerks his head in Logan's direction while giving Thomas a look that screams Logan would very much like to try a donut.
Thomas holds back a grin. "But what about lately? Since you guys can touch things better now."
Logan shares a glance with Roman. "There's no need. We don't feel hunger. However..."
"Is it possible?" Roman ties into his thoughts.
"To what end? Do we have a working digestive tract? Could the food be converted to energy? Or would it phase through us at a certain point?"
"There's only one way to find out."
Thomas gets up to scrounge around his kitchen. He thinks he should really go grocery shopping soon; he's running low on quick snacks. He settles for some pretzel sticks and returns to the table.
"Who wants to go first?" he asks.
Logan gestures to the bag for Roman, showing he would rather observe. Roman plucks the pretzel bag from Thomas's hands and stares at the packaging curiously. Cautiously, he removes the clamp sealing it closed and pulls out a stick.
"Can you smell it?" Logan asks.
Roman's face pinches in minor disgust. "Why would I smell it? I'm supposed to taste it, Sub-astute Teacher."
"Smell is entwined with the ability to taste. Without it, perception of flavors would be extremely limited."
"Oh, well," Roman says and gives the stick a whiff. Then he gives it a bigger whiff.
"I guess? It's different. I don't think pretzel sticks have a strong smell anyway, do they?"
"Go ahead and try it."
Roman nibbles the stick. They observe his jaw movements and listen to the muffled crunching of his teeth. He chews mechanically, much longer than anyone would need to. His brows raise just about to his hairline as he swallows.
"It's salty!" he announces excitedly. "I hate it! I can taste it! And I hate it!"
Roman tosses the rest of the stick in his mouth and plunders into the bag for more. Thomas and Logan watch incredulously as he polishes off the whole bag. Roman never stops telling them about how horrible they taste. He finishes the bag and smacks his mouth.
"Ugh, it's so dry!"
Thomas wordlessly retrieves Roman a cup of juice. Roman gleefully downs the glass in one go.
"That's so much better! What is this? It's so sweet!"
"Apple juice?"
"I love apple juice! Logan! I love apple juice!"
"Yes, I have gathered."
"I must tell all of my friends about this!"
That evening, they gather round the kitchen with everyone to taste test everything in Thomas's fridge and cabinets. If Thomas needed to go grocery shopping before, he certainly needs to after this. They have no limits to their stomach capacities. Patton eats a giant stack of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and claims he feels no fuller for the effort. Virgil scarfs down an entire tub of rocky road ice cream with such feral intensity that he's left abashed after.
"It was okay, I guess," Virgil says too nonchalantly.
"Who let this raccoon in here?" Janus comments, to which Virgil hisses.
"If we can eat things now, does that mean we'll need to shit?" Remus questions. He's found the pickle jar and is sharing with Logan. They seem to enjoy salty/sour flavors more. "Because then Virgil's gonna have the shits later."
"That was an intolerable amount of lactose," Logan agrees.
Roman whines in protest through a mouth full of pizza, "Must you speak of such crass things while we're eating?"
"It's not like we're real humans," Virgil says, but looks doubtfully at the empty ice cream container while holding his tummy.
Janus has discovered the beauty of wine and has been sipping religiously at a glass. "Real enough to eat."
"Are you feeling the effects of the alcohol?" Logan pauses to wonder.
"I don't think so, but I'm nothing if not determined."
"Spitters are quitters," Remus says, finding some kind of relevance with that train of thought to the current context. When Virgil smirks and says something about professionals gargling, Roman screeches like a banshee. Thomas thinks that is the point of Virgil's interference. He shares a fist bump with Remus.
"Anyway, back to our shit talking," Remus says peppily. Roman's face turns an impressive shade of red.
Janus snickers into his glass, "Oh I am here for shit talking. Who are we shit talking about?"
"Your mom!"
"How very original, Remus."
"Is it okay if I eat the rest of this peanut butter?" Patton asks Thomas. There's not much left in the jar anyway.
Thomas smiles. "Go for it, buddy."
Patton does a happy little shuffle dance and goes to town. The others go back to questioning if they will need to start using the bathroom now. Thomas asks what Patton thinks, since they're standing by each other and he hasn't been talking much.
Patton nods slowly, sagely. "Everybody poops."
As much as Roman is hilariously uncomfortable with the topic, everyone does share a curiosity to the limits of their corporealness. For the rest of the evening, they keep checking in with each other. "Need to poop yet?" "No, you?" "Nah, need to pee?" "Nah, but how would we know?" "It'd be instinctive." "You're instinctive." "Remus, please desist."
Thomas can confidentially say that he's never been a part of a more bizarre conversational topic.
For those at home wondering, none of them ever felt the urge to go. They are left to surmise that the food and drinks they ingest are entirely utilized with no leftover waste. Furthermore, alcohol has no affect, much to Janus's dismay. It doesn't stop him from trying.
Beyond food, Thomas tries to encourage the others to ask him for things they want. Something as simple as watching a movie is a challenge. If they sit down together to pick a movie, it always comes back to what does Thomas want to watch. And even when Thomas isn't watching TV or doing anything with his electronics, they will jump up from them as if electrocuted and ask him if he'd like the TV or computer.
Patton's the worst about it. Thomas nearly felt bad about telling him, "No, I'm good, you can keep watching whatever." It's like he can't believe he isn't monopolizing Thomas's belongings. So they get into "nice-offs" where they're trying to be courteous to each other. "No, you can." "No, you, I insist!" That sort of thing. There's an edge of panic to Patton when he does this.
If only this were as easy as handing him a stuffed bear.
After a few times, Thomas can't stand to see him this way and finally grabs the offered tv remote out of his hands. The brief relief that washes over Patton is replaced by confusion when Thomas sets the remote on the coffee table. Then confusion transforms into astonishment as Thomas grabs one of his hands in both of his.
"Patton, you're okay," Thomas tells him. "You're allowed to enjoy yourself. I don't always need the tv, and whenever I do want it, I promise I'll let you know."
Patton stares so hard at their joined hands that Thomas wonders if he can hear him. They haven't held hands since that day Patton cried. Haven't touched either. Thomas suspects...no, he knows it's a sore subject. He knows with Patton, and most of the others, maybe all of them? They've lacked human touch for so long that they don't know what to do with themselves whenever they receive it. They must crave it. Hell, Janus was brought to tears because Thomas touched his face.
It's another process though, another adjustment. It's a lot of responsibility placed on Thomas for these people he's just starting to know. He likes them, he does. He's caught off guard sometimes by how much he enjoys their company, the sparks they bring to his life as he learns more about them. It's not a bad thing by any means.
Thomas holds Patton's hand and hopes this is a good step. He caresses the top of Patton's hand with a thumb, and Patton's eyes flick, watching the movement.
"You're the priority though," Patton says softly, at a loss.
Thomas's heart breaks for them.
He leads Patton by the hand back to the couch. They sit together and Thomas gently nudges the remote into Patton's hand that he isn't holding.
"Sometimes, maybe. But right now? It's your time. What do you want to watch?"
With a subdued joy that Thomas hopes one day will have all the strength of a hurricane, Patton clicks through the apps and turns on 'Steven Universe'. Thomas sticks with him to watch. He's already seen it, but he'll watch it again any day. Plus, he doesn't want to take his hand away when Patton clutches so tightly.
They progress in paces of patience. Soon, Thomas will need to jump fully back into work now that he's recovered from his sickness. He's texted his team and he'll be meeting with them tomorrow.
The big question is, will his new roommates be able to interact with them?
"We should engage in preliminary testing," Logan suggests.
Roman cheers, "I concur! Why wait for tomorrow what you could do today?"
"Famous last words," Virgil quips.
"Then what do you suggest, Negative Nancy?"
"Why even try? If you never try, then you can never fail. If you never fail, then you won't be disappointed."
"Technically, he's not wrong," Logan admits.
"You're agreeing with him?!"
"I didn't say that. I am no defeatist. I don't fear failure. Indeed, I feel no sense of fear whatsoever."
"God I wish that were me," Thomas bemoans his introverted existence.
"How about I streak naked down the street?" Remus suggests. "That'll get some looks!"
Logan is not the only one who doesn't possess a sense of fear, apparently.
There's enough interest amongst the group to go forward with the testing today. Patton thanks Remus for his contribution but tries to let him down gently and say maybe another time. Roman supplies fanciful ideas of vigilante fighting. Even if bad guys can't see them, they can pretend Thomas has telekinesis powers and make him look cool by floating things at the enemy. Patton also thanks Roman for his contributions but tries to let him down gently as well.
"How about shopping?" Janus says. "I'm always a hoe for a shopping spree. Especially when it's someone else's money that's being spent."
"Thomas isn't some cash cow," Virgil reminds him with narrowed eyes.
"No, don't be silly, he's a cash man."
Before they can get into it, Thomas chimes in, "Sure, I can spare a bit. Where would you guys like to go?"
Predictably, Remus says a sex shop. For the first time, Thomas can kinda see how long-term exposure might render the others a little dismissive towards him. But it is a valid option! Thomas is a grown man, with grown man needs. He's just...not gonna be going to an adult store with people he just became friends with. That's like, level fifty in terms of friendship.
"How about a grocery store?" Logan says. "It would be a practical way to spend your money."
"That's his way of saying he wants more Crofters jam," Virgil translates. Logan doesn't spare him a glance and simply mutters, "Falsehood."
Thomas feels in a teasing mood, so he asks Virgil, "And what about you?"
"Me?" Virgil lifts a singular eyebrow. It's a thinner brow than Thomas's, as if he shapes them. Thomas can imagine him easily with an eyebrow piercing. It'd go great with his aesthetic.
Why is he thinking so much about Virgil's eyebrows?
Thomas inwardly shakes himself and plasters a smirk on his face. "Yeah, you. Do you want some more ice cream?"
Virgil gives a mixture of a scoff and a cough. He shoves his hands in his pockets. "Spend your money however you want, Sanders."
"And that's Virgil's way of saying yes, he would love more ice cream," Janus translates.
Patton raises a hand. "Can we get more peanut butter?"
"And pickles?" Remus asks.
"Oh, how about pizza!" Roman says.
"Sure, anything you guys want," Thomas smiles, unable to hold himself back from wanting to indulge them.
Thomas hops in his car and drives to his local Walmart. Logan rides shotgun while Roman, Remus, and Patton squish together in the backseat. It's a twelve-minute ride that the three backseat passengers insist must be enjoyed with all the enthusiasm of an eight-hour road trip. They play car games to pass the time, and Thomas plays the radio for background noise. Logan points out a traffic light in disrepair before Thomas notices and reminds him to treat the intersection as a four-way stop.
They reach Walmart and it's not as dreadfully busy as it could be, but it's still Walmart. Thomas exits the car and trudges up to the store like a man going to war.
It takes him a bit to realize that the others have suddenly gone missing. Surrounded by strangers after spending over a week at home is a bit of a slap to the senses. Thomas is more troubled with securing a shopping cart and avoiding bumping into anyone. He surveys the store and debates where to start before heading towards the very back of the grocery section, intending to work his way up.
By the time he's grabbing a pack of butter, Thomas notices the immediate quiet. There's a chill that's not coming from the cooler beside him. He cranes his neck around to look over the buzzing masses. People pass this way and that. A lady with five kids getting milk. An old man perusing the discount baked goods rack. A couple heading towards the deli counter. More and more inconsequential bodies flit across his vision. And in the middle of the aisle, as if the rest of the world falls away and his eyes are drawn to him, there stands Virgil.
He stands alone, the brightness of his purple patches standing out amongst the crowd. Calmly, he watches people pass by him. No one looks his way, not even once. A teenager passes right through him on her way to catch up with her parents. Virgil's lips twitch up and he turns to meet Thomas's gaze.
Thomas is held captive in the moment. Virgil looks at him, and there's no guessing what's on his mind. Thomas knows. He knows it in his heart.
Virgil shrugs helplessly. They gave it a shot. This changes nothing. He'll tell himself he doesn't want to be perceived anyway while ignoring that little piece inside that pleads otherwise. That piece that's been waiting for so long for someone to just look and notice and not act like he isn't there, like he doesn't exist.
It's a lonely thing to watch the world go by and be told that you can't partake.
As much as it hurts, it's okay, because Thomas at least sees him for who he is. It's enough.
Yet again, Thomas thinks they deserve so much more.
The ride back to his apartment is significantly less noisy. Thomas catches glimpses of Virgil and Janus in the rearview mirror sitting in the backseat, neither talking, both looking out their respective windows. They disappear once Thomas parks the car, and Patton and Logan join him while he empties the trunk of its groceries. They're also far too quiet for comfort as they help carry bags inside.
The next day rolls by, Thomas meets with his team, and Roman lingers in the background, an unseen guest. Thomas can see his wistful smile as he watches Thomas interact with his friends. There's longing there to be included. When no one's looking, Thomas offers him a wave. It's enough of an acknowledgement that Roman perks up and swings his feet a bit where he sits on a table.
The meeting goes well. They've brainstormed some future video ideas and have a shooting schedule mapped out. Best of all, no one looks at Thomas like he's a walking hazard. They seem to be relieved that he's recovered and well rested and more responsive than he's been in a long time. Thomas returns home afterwards, and life goes on.
There's not much in the way of testing discussed after that, for a while at least. The previous lack of success is disheartening, and really though, what else is there to test? They are real people to Thomas only.
And Thomas would be a liar if he doesn't admit that he occasionally speculates if this makes him clinically insane. As real as they are to him, no one else can see or interact with them. Doesn't that check the boxes on a lot of psych evaluation tests?
If it's a form of insanity, it's a relatively mild one in terms of negative impact. It could be a lot worse. He's sure Logan could grant him some neat facts to put it all in perspective. That would involve telling Logan about his concerns revolving whether they are real or not. He doesn't want him to think he's invalidating his existence.
Isn't he though? By just questioning this, isn't there a part of his mind that still can't wrap around this? What more can he do to prove to himself that they truly exist?
Without conversing to the others about it, Thomas discreetly slips out his phone and snaps a picture of Remus. He's just sitting on the living room floor, swaying back and forth absent-mindedly. You can see the corner of the entertainment center in the picture. It's not a remarkable picture by any means and doesn't have the best lighting, but Remus brings a sense of peculiarity with his dark prince outfit.
The picture is taken with none the wiser. Thomas purses his lips and stares at his phone screen. He taps his fingers on the back of the case.
Remus's figure never fades. It's definitely a picture of him. Now what does he do with it?
He can send it to someone. Just to see if they can see an image of the others. If not in person, maybe they can be viewed through technological means? But who should he send it to? Not his brothers. Or his parents. Hmm, he can't think of a friend he can send it to without garnering a series of questions for an explanation. Well, he can possibly play it off. But what if he can't?
He scrolls through his contact list before spying his godson's name. Gavin sends him random stuff all the time. Thomas can just tell him it's a meme trend or something.
Trying not to overthink it, Thomas sends the pic along with a question, What do you see in this picture?
A few very nail-biting minutes later, Gavin responds. Is that ur house?
That isn't...the worst response.
Yeah lol
Ur tv cord? Idk is something I'm missing?
Yeah, the invisible man. You can't see him?
Nah, he invisible.
Darn, I told him to turn off that setting before I took the pic. Maybe next time.
Gavin sends back a laughing emoji.
That settles that. If Gavin could see Remus, he would have said something about his outfit or ask who he is or why he's at Thomas's apartment. The kid asks a lot of questions, and to be fair, Remus is very questionable in general.
Thomas doesn't let the others know of his discovery. What they don't know can't hurt them, right?
It turns out to be truer than Thomas can imagine. Curiosity killed the cat. Ignorance is bliss. Be careful what you wish for.
While no one has spoken of the discoveries from the Walmart outing, it doesn't mean it hasn't been on their minds. In fact, Logan in particular has taken notes to record the aspects of their existence. He approaches Thomas and shows him some of his theories and hypothesis.
"I would like to attempt a new test, if you would be so inclined," Logan says, and while he holds his posture well, Thomas senses an underlying nervousness to him.
Thomas doesn't want to deny him this, not when they've struggled with learning how to reach out to him.
"What do you have in mind?" Thomas asks.
They relocate to the backyard. Everyone else joins them. They probably would have anyway, but Logan specifically requests that everyone convene together.
"Are we finally running into oncoming traffic?" Remus asks excitedly, bouncing on his heels.
"Not today, Remus. I have devised an experiment to test the boundaries of our physical attachment to Thomas. Prior to Thomas's illness, we could not stray beyond roughly eighty feet from Thomas. When arriving to this distance, we experience a tethering sensation, as if we cannot walk any further. With the increase to our corporeal prowess, I suggest we ascertain whether this distance remains or if it has increased."
"So you just want us to go for a walk?" Patton asks.
"Oh, why didn't you just say that, Isaac Nerdton?" Roman scoffs.
Logan adjusts his glasses. "Because I wanted all parties to know precisely what– okay, fine. We are going for a walk. But!" He claps his hands to accentuate his point. "This will be regulated so that we can account for all variables. I suggest we test one subject at a time to calculate if there are any differences between distance amongst us."
Thomas raises his hand and waits for Logan to call on him. "So what do I do?"
"You just stand there."
"Cool, I can do that. I'm good at standing."
"Who's gonna go first?" Virgil asks. He shifts his gaze between everyone to see if someone will volunteer.
Patton shrugs. "I could, I guess?"
"What would this prove anyway?" Janus comments, snide in the way he checks his nails through his glove. It would be a funny image if he didn't sound genuinely dismissive of the whole affair. "This won't change anything. Even if we miraculously can wander off to new horizons, Thomas is still the only person who can see us."
"We could break into people's houses and steal their stuff," Remus says.
"Let's not take other people's things," Patton says. "We wouldn't want people to come steal from Thomas, would we? It's not right."
"Morality only matters to those who have a place in society. Last I checked, we don't."
Patton deflates and looks at Janus with a pained expression. "I think it still matters how you treat people..."
"Good for you," Janus says, sickly sweet.
Virgil steps between the two of them. "Okay, what crawled in your ass and died?"
"Cynicism? Disillusionment? A reality check? Take your pick."
Virgil growls and looks at Logan. "You know what? I'll go."
"Wait, wait, let's not start things off angry," Thomas urges. Virgil has begun walking, so Thomas skitters up behind him, grasping on to his jacket. Virgil halts but doesn't turn around.
"This is merely for educational purposes. I did not expect this to warrant a strong emotional reaction."
Roman claps a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Not your fault, Specs. Someone must have pissed in Janus's cheerios this morning."
Janus crosses his arms and puts on an unaffected tone, "Do whatever you wish. Don't let me stop you."
Thomas shares a look with Logan. "I'd like to go through with the test because it's important to Logan. Whether what we discover is any different than what you guys are used to, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it's important to Logan to find out."
There's a brief softening of the eyes behind Logan's glasses. He shuffles quickly with his notebook and pen and then unceremoniously dumps them into Roman's arms.
Roman sputters, "What–?"
"I'll do it," Logan announces. "After all, this is my hypothesis. I will take the initiative and be the first to go."
Logan gestures for Thomas to step aside to the "starting point". Thomas lets go of Virgil hesitantly, but Virgil doesn't protest or turn to look. Thomas shuffles over to the side in the grass and holds still while Logan stands beside him.
"I will count my steps as I go along to measure the distance. Once I reach a point I can no longer move forward, I'll return."
"Okay, easy peasy," Thomas says with false cheer.
Janus doesn't debate any more. Patton offers no assurances. Remus doesn't interrupt. Roman holds the notebook stiffly. And Virgil's head only moves as Logan walks by him. He watches as Logan treks across the grass behind the apartment complex.
Logan keeps his head bowed, watching his steps with careful attentiveness. He crosses the road and carries on through more grass. He rapidly approaches the tree line that begins there on the other side.
"Anyone wanna make bets?" Remus asks. The suggestion falls on deaf ears, but Patton does come over to stand beside him and hold his hand. It must not be a frequent occurrence because Remus glances down at him in surprise but doesn't discourage it.
For Thomas's part, his eyes are glued to Logan's back. His form is getting smaller, more distant.
"That's more than eighty feet," Virgil murmurs, loud in the quiet. His hand scratches at his neck, and when that doesn't seem to do anything for him, he shakes out his hands. Then he shakes out his hands again.
Roman turns to gauge Virgil. He frowns at what he sees, though Thomas can't see Virgil's face from this angle. "You good, Virge?"
"I don't like this," Virgil admits. His foot begins tapping a mad dance into the ground.
"I don't either," Patton drones, morose. Perhaps he's sensitive from Janus's remarks.
Logan treads into the woods. They can see his black polo and blue jeans through the spindly tree trunks. At first, he's there, but quickly he's swallowed into the vegetation.
Virgil runs his fingers through his hair and blows out a stream of air. "What if he gets lost?"
Roman laughs, "Get lost? He's going in a straight line, Virge."
"What if something happens to him? What if– what if– I don't like this."
"I thought you were on board with this."
Virgil doesn't answer. He starts pacing back and forth, and Thomas can see his expression now in his peripheral. His brows are knotted, eyes too wide. His pacing becomes erratic.
"Hey, hey, don't do that. You're just gonna work yourself up," Roman calls to him, coming over to stop him. Virgil tries to walk around him, but Roman blocks his path.
"Why didn't one of us go with him? We should have gone with him!"
"Virgil, please, it'll be alright. Pat, may I have an emergency dose of positivity over here?"
"I don't like this," Patton repeats, and his tone is even more dejected. He holds onto Remus's arm with both hands. He leans into him, shaking at the arm insistently. "I don't like this."
"...Patton?" Remus hums in confusion. He looks around to the others to see if they're witnessing how close to crying Patton seems, but Thomas's eyes can't leave the tree line where Logan vanished.
"We have to go get him. Please, we have to–"
"Stormcloud, please," Roman soothes, and Virgil clings to the front of his tunic like a drowning man. His breaths are coming shorter and shorter, his words jumbling amongst the gasps. Roman stands there, dumbfounded. "Uh, Remus?"
"Kinda busy with Pat," Remus says, watching as Patton unravels. Tears cascade down his face and the first whimper of a sob comes out. "Okay, what the fuck is going on?"
"He's gonna die, he's gonna die-" Virgil rants over and over and he launches into a full-blown panic attack. "Janus, Janus, help!"
"Please!" Patton wails and falls to his knees. Remus barely manages to catch him and guide him down safely.
Thomas's feet move without intention. He takes one heavy step, then another, movements sluggish and wooden.
Janus is there suddenly, hand at his elbow to stop his forward momentum. Thomas is barely conscious of the peering eyes, one human and one snake. Janus glances between a hysterical Virgil and a sobbing Patton and turns to Thomas.
"Thomas, can you hear me?" he asks.
Thomas can, but it's like he's under water. He tries to step forward again, but Janus won't let him. Thomas feels the resistance as if steel cables are latching onto him with grappling hooks. Serrated edges sink into his flesh. No, no, it's not from outside. It's inside. There's a pull inside him, and it tugs.
"Janus!" Virgil begs.
"Please!" Patton cries.
"What the hell is wrong with them?!"
"I don't know! It's not like this has ever happened before!"
"Janus, what is Thomas doing?"
The words drift over Thomas, like seafoam floating by in a vast sea. There are more important matters to attend, like how he can't see Logan. If Logan is gone, then that means–
"Thomas, listen to me," someone says, and there are hands cupping his face. Thomas can't feel them, yet he knows they're there. "You have to shut this down. You have to stop this. Now."
But Logan is gone. He's gone, and Thomas is left bereft without him. The earth beneath his feet tremors, and the sky splits open in a downpour. The sun will fall and set the world ablaze. And Thomas feels the ache building up in his chest with mind-numbing certainty.
"Thomas!" the voice yells at him, hands shaking him. Thomas looks up into a face that he knows. He knows that face. He knows, he knows, he knows. How could he not? That's why it's so familiar. Why couldn't he see it before?
"I'm sorry," Thomas whispers.
His chest splinters in agony. Fear bleeds out abundant. Grief ravages his heart.
Thomas falls to the ground screaming.
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