#okay this twink says byee
arthrobug · 2 months
Was thinking about Ish's Season 2.5 Civ Event that I was in again (and consequentially having another breakdown for ten minutes because of it), and I realized something:
Living on the absolute shit hole that was Island 2 reminds me of what America is like (constantly afraid for my life, resources, and if someone will randomly start harassing me/cursing me out), and being there was the worst online/gaming/social experience of my life, no joke
Meanwhile, immigrating to Island 1 [Yggdrasil] out of fear for my sanity and blocky life, was the best damn decision I ever made. The place was a goddamn garden of beauty and safety, filled to the brim with genuinely nice people who regularly would say 'hello! :]' to my terrified ass while casually walking past
Motherf-ckers, the VERY FIRST PERSON to be nice to me without any other outside influence, was on Yggdrasil on I'm pretty sure Day 8, and he was a goddamn FIGHTER FOR INFERNUS WHO TOOK FOREVER TO GO DOWN IN THE WAR
Man, 100% genuinely, I despise most of the people on Island 2, and I hope everyone that survived on Yggdrasil and was sweet and a good team player to anyone they came across despite where they came from, I hope you all have a beautiful rest of your year ♥️
And once again fuck you Island 2
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