#okay tbf i already was but this has reignited it
homoeroticvillain · 16 days
the fact i dont have a rival is sooo heinous
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justlarkin · 1 year
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"One minute I'm a musical star, the next I'm a monster of the silver screen! My name is Cipactli, and I'm here to eat kisama's (rude form of you) heart!" Okay, you're mad... But consider this... You ate my brother's leg, so get fucked. I doubt this is the actual plot point tbf.
He's an actor and musical star who dons a stage name because his real name is associated with an extinction causing monster. He's often co-stars with Christine, playing the role of a monster. Also, he's probably the El Dorado Wall Dragon.
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"Wanna go out to the beach in the summer and play together? ...Ah, sorry, I'm too busy watching my sweet, sweet junior play right now.... Whew."
One of the Beast Tamers asked if they could go to the event and Leib decided to oblige (it was Pazuzu, wasn't it?"). Though not out of the kindness of his heart, he just saw this as an opportunity to relax at the beach while dumping his work on his juniors.
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"It's not just your fast beating heart that scares you, is it? Hehe, I'm glad, very glad.... you want to make it pound even faster, how about this? Hehehehe...!"
When Boogeyman came to Tokyo and realized there's other forms of horror to enjoy than his typical occult slasher schtick. He wants to bond more with his students and he'll be on stage this time.
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"Me and summer v-v-v-vacation? N-n-no, don't mix it up, it's dangerous! Hiyah, my hand- my hand is touching you!" ...what a submissive response.... *writes that down*
Hekate has never been good with summer due to her past in her home world and her tendency to be a loner, but due to her cold dead heart being reignited now, she's down to participate in the summer festivities and finding a new way to express her love.
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"Can you tell me what summer love should be like, you who I have fallen in love with? I will be a professional mistress! ....Did I say something funny?" I have a slur to say.
Macroich joins the Entertainers' theatre troupe after searching for a third path that doesn't involve him being torn between love and friendship. He already has a strong fanbase due to his popularity in his kendo club and his past has led to being a good performer with lots of range.
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