#okay so. i have been on a kpop binge lately. and that kind of half explains it
shadowthief78 · 3 months
I would have been a terrible lawyer. Proof: it came to me in a dream
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
Okay, so today was pretty good. I think kitty woke me up at like 6 or so to feed her, so I did, and I had already been entertaining the idea of skipping church and sleeping in because I wasn’t committed to the nursery or anything, and at that point I was like yeah I want to sleep, so I turned my alarm off and just went back to bed. I woke back up at like 12:30 (lol, yeah I know that’s ridiculous but that’s my life for ya) at which point I grabbed my phone and started going through stuff, and I saw that Jess messaged me saying she wasn’t feeling good so she didn’t go to the con today like she was going to, so I asked if she was up to getting food and she said maybe in like an hour when she can get up off the bathroom floor and finish watching her kpop reality tv show (no really, that’s what she said) so I did some random stuff for like an hour, and she wanted another half hour to finish the episode lol so I waited a little longer then got ready and met up at the spot. it was like 2:30 at this point and our normal breakfast place closes at 3 and we didn’t want to be Those People so we went to the vegetarian place instead. it’s been a while since I’ve had their challah bread french toast, or at least traditional french toast (I’ve been getting the banana bread french toast at the other breakfast place which is delicious but not quite the same thing), so that was enjoyable. but yeah, we ate and talked and did all that good stuff, then went back to my place as the Supergirl premiere was gonna be on in not too long, but while we were waiting we watched the Titans pilot since she hadn’t seen it, then this week’s The Good Place episode since she hadn’t seen that either. After that I think we started watching Galavant since Jess’ girl Mallory Jansen is gonna be at LA Comic Con which we’ll be at in 2 weeks and she wanted me to see her in some stuff. then we paused that for the Supergirl premiere. I thought it was a pretty solid premiere, not much to complain about. I found Kara blowing off J’onn’s concerns at first to be kinda ridiculous because I just don’t think she’d be that dense, and he had a very good point about her being able to appear as a human. The Alex and Brainy plot was sufficiently entertaining, I get the feeling they’re going to be the comic relief a lot this season, which is fine with me honestly. I thought the villain plot maybe wasn’t the strongest, it was kind of all over the place, but at the end where creepy gold mask guy dropped his “agent liberty” identity I was like oh man, I hate him so much already 😂😂😂 (context: Agent Liberty is being played by Sam Witwer, who played Doomsday in season 8 of Smallville, and (spoiler) killed Jimmy Olsen in it and I have never forgiven him for that and if he gets in the same frame as Supergirl’s Jimmy Olsen I swear I will cut a bitch) so that should be fun. but yeah, overall not bad, better than most of the season 3 episodes so that’s positive at least. I did appreciate the throwaway line they included about Superman being off-world at Argo, because of course that means they did actually TELL Clark at some point that a large part of Krypton, including his Aunt (and possibly mother??) survived and were living in a thriving city. But yeah, I was fairly pleased with it. After the episode ended I made us food since we had kinda a late lunch anyway, so I made naan pizzas for us which turned out very nicely, and we proceeded to binge the rest of the first season of Galavant. I had actually seen the first 5 episodes of the show before but ended up quitting after that because it just wasn’t really doing it for me, but having now seen the whole season I will say it is entertaining, if a bit simplistic and silly. So yeah, we watched to the end of that season and then Jess headed home and I started to get ready for bed and all that good stuff, and now, more or less, I’m here. Work in the morning of course, same old same old, should be good and I may be getting sworn in this week??? Which is both exciting and scary....it just doesn’t feel real, like after all this time being like “I’m 50% of a lawyer” or “I’m almost a full lawyer” I’m actually going to be a full fledged lawyer just like that and like....it just doesn’t feel real to me, lol. so we’ll have to see what happens with that. Until then, I will be needing to get some sleep if I want to be able to function tomorrow. Goodnight my dearies. Have a non-sucky Monday.
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jaineym · 7 years
Celebrity Crush
Prompt: BTS is in America for yet another awards show, and Jung Hoseok expresses his liking towards you in an interview, only for you to do the same with him a week later in an interview of your own. The two of you are then seated next to each other at said awards show.
Pairing: Hoseok x Celebrity!Reader
Genre: Fluffiest of fluffs
Word Count: 2,683
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Your POV
You checked your phone, scrolling through your twitter notifications as you saw thousands upon thousands more mentions than what you would usually get. Furrowing your brows, you sifted through the mess to find the cause, finding a video of an interview that the famous kpop group, BTS, had done recently in America.
You clicked on the video, only giving half of your attention to the very good looking men on the screen as you took a spoonful of the cereal on front of you, shovelling it into your mouth.
“So we all know you guys are going to be performing at the awards show coming up in two weeks,” the interviewer spoke, “But are there any celebrities that you guys are excited to see perform?”
“Y/n,” the red haired boy half yelled, catching your attention as you watched intently, his smile shining bright to match the rest of him.
“Jhope over here has a massive crush on Y/n,” the man who you knew as the leader of the group pointed at the bubbly boy, “He literally has their music playing all the time around the house, even when going to sleep.”
“They are quite a talented musician,” the interviewer replied, “Very good looking, too.”
The man, Jhope you believe he was called earlier, nodded happily, his cheeks tinging the lightest shade of pink that it was almost not there at all. Almost.
The interview continued on and you watched as the boys all spoke, their humorous personalities shining through as it ran smoothly. Once the video ended, you decided to go on YouTube and search for more content of theirs, completely abandoning your breakfast.
Your attention was almost completely on the ‘sunshine of the group’, watching as he joked around with his band members, being the mood maker of most videos you watched. You found yourself enjoying his joyful exterior and wanting to get to know the boy, as well as the other members of BTS.
Minutes went to hours and you found yourself binge watching this group, listening to their music and falling into the hole that is being a fan of this extremely talented and beautiful group of young men.
Hoseok’s POV
“WHAT THE FUCK NAMJOON?!” I screamed at the younger man as we got in the car after leaving the set of yet another interview, steam basically pouring out of my ears as I fumed.
“What?” he spoke back, a smirk playing on his lips, “I was just telling the truth, you are obsessed with y/n.”
“That doesn’t mean I want the world to know that I have a gigantic crush on them and listen to their music while sleeping! I’m going to look like an absolute creep if they see that, which they most probably will,” I sulked, dramatically throwing my head back to hit the head rest with a thump.
“It’s not that deep dude,” Namjoon tried to reassure me as we drove back to the hotel, Taehyung quickly changing the conversation to something lighter, joking around with Jungkook.
Your POV
You sat in the dressing room, Awake playing from the speakers connected to your phone as you got your makeup done. It had been a week since you had become a fan of BTS, and you would be lying if you said that you hadn’t spent the entire week surrounding yourself in their content.
Today you had an interview for the upcoming awards show that you were performing at, and the interviewer just happened to be the same as the one who hosted the interview that brought your eyes to the group of boys.
“MAYBE I I CAN NEVER FLYYYY!” You exclaimed as the chorus hit, your makeup artist sighing with a smile as she waited for you to regain yourself before continuing to do her job.
“Y/n, it’s wonderful to have you here today,” the interviewer spoke, his smile bright as you nodded.
It’s wonderful to be here,” you replied, plastering a smile on your face as you mentally prepared yourself for another interview.
The topics were the same as every other interview you’d had recently, talking about how excited you were for your performance, what music you had in the works, etcetera.
“So y/n,” the man spoke, “Are there any celebrities that you are excited to see perform next week?”
“Well I really like the kpop group ‘BTS’, they’re amazing performers,” you replied, your smile growing as you thought of the seven boys.
“Oh, is that so?” the interviewers eyebrows rose slightly for a second, “I had them on the show last week and they said that they were anticipating your performance, which I’m sure you’ve seen then,” you nodded in response, “So who’s your bias then?”
“Jung Hoseok,” you said instantly, your cheeks reddening as you spoke quieter, “Jhope. I haven’t been a fan of theirs for very long but he has always been my bias.”
“Why’s that?” the man questioned you, your words spiking an interest to him.
“Well, it’s not anything in specific,” you explained, “He’s very funny, happy almost all the time, an amazing dancer, rapper, singer and much more, not to mention incredibly handsome.”
“You sure sound fond of him,” the interviewer smirked as your cheeks reddened further after your little fan session.
The interview then went back to regular questions, your face returning to it’s natural colour. Once it was over, you mentally hit yourself for pouring out so much about your love for the seven boys, specifically Hoseok.
Hoseok’s POV
“Hyuuuung,” Jungkook sang, entering my studio with a bright smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners, “I have something you might want to seeee.”
“What?” I narrowed my eyes at the maknae, suspicious of what he had to show me.
“It’s about your lover, y/n,” he shoved his phone in my face, an interview video displayed on the screen, the title being ‘Musician y/n talks about their upcoming music performance, music in the works and Kpop group, BTS’.
“LET ME SEE! LET ME SEE!” I screamed, snatching the phone from his clutch before pressing play, watching the interview intently.
My knees felt weak as my celebrity crush spoke well of me, expressing their interest towards me and the group, literally screaming as I listened to her talk about how ‘talented and handsome’ I am.
“Is everything okay? Did someone get hurt?” Namjoon questioned, his eyes filled with worry as he entered the studio room.
“They- me- bias- handsome-” I poke breathlessly, my eyes basically forming the shape of hearts as I struggled to gather a coherent sentence to the concerned leader of our group.
“I assume you showed him the interview,” Namjoon looked over at Jungkook who nodded in response, his bunny smile still taking over his features, “Yeah, the whole internet is kind of exploding with things surrounding the two of you.”
“Of y/n and I?” I questioned confusedly, pointing at myself as Namjoon just nodded.
”I need to lie down for a bit,” I mumbled, excusing myself before heading to my bedroom, my mind not wandering from y/n.
Your POV
It was finally the day of the awards show that you were set to perform at, your past week having been a mix of intense practicing, interviews and watching and listening to BTS.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring what you saw. Your outfit consisted of pale yellow articles of clothing, white accessories and shoes accompanying it well.
It was almost time for the red carpet, and as you were being escorted to your limousine, you quickly went on twitter. You went onto BTS’ official account to find a new post by Hoseok, the red haired boy sporting a black blazer and white button up, a pale yellow bow tie secured around the collar.
You smiled at the beautiful photo that was worth of being hung in an art gallery, liking the post before locking your phone and heading inside the large black car.
After what seemed like an eternity of flashing cameras and reporters eager to ask you - sometimes rather personal or rude - questions, you finally headed into the venue, finding your seat in the front row. Funnily enough, there were seven reserved seats beside yours that had papers that read ‘BTS’ on them, laughing softly as you assumed that this was planned due to the large amount of publicity you and the group have been getting involving one another lately.
More and more people began to find their seats in the theatre, the screams of fans of the people who walked in filling your ears. Suddenly, those screams grew incredibly loud, turning your head to see the seven incredibly handsome members of BTS walk towards you.
You turned your head back to the front quickly, focusing on your phone momentarily, pretending that you hadn’t noticed their arrival as you scrolled through your twitter feed, most things being about the awards show. You then heard a small gasp followed by hushed bickering.
“Just sit next to them,” one voice spoke, to which you believed belonged to Seokjin.
“I’ll just embarrass myself, why don’t you?” Hoseok retorted.
“You won’t get a chance like this again, just go sit down,” Yoongi sighed.
You heard a huff followed by shuffling of feet, looking up to see Jung Hoseok taking a seat beside you, his eyes meeting your own as he smiled shyly, returning the gesture yourself.
“Hi, I’m Hoseok but you already know that but we’ve ever met so I feel inclined to still introduce myself,” Hoseok spoke quickly shaking his head after, “I said too much, sorry.”
You laughed softly, offering him your hand to shake, “It’s fine, I’m y/n. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
He looked at your hand, questioning whether or not to shake it for a second before wiping his hand on his suit pants, taking your hand in his and shaking it gently, still holding your hand for a moment before gently slipping his into his lap.
“I like your tie,” you said, your cheeks reddening at your attempt to keep the conversation alive.
“Thank you, I picked it out myself,” the red haired boy beside you smiled down at the accessory before looking back over at you, “Hey, we’re matching! Yellow!”
“It’s as if someone planned it,” you smiled back at him, noticing that his eyes were focusing on your cheeks, embarrassment washing over you instantly as you covered your face with your hands, “Do I have something on my face? Sorry.”
“No no no!” Hoseok rushed, taking your hands in his as he pulled them away from your face, “I was just thinking about how cute you look when you’re shy and your cheeks turn pink.”
Your face reddened further at the compliment, your gaze lowering to your hands as you noticed that they were still in his, looking to the ground quickly but not moving your hands.
“That was very smooth,” you heard Jimin speak from beside Hoseok, his words coated with sarcasm.
Hoseok let go of your hands, looking over to the blonde haired boy before whacking him on the back of the head lightly, “Shut up, you idiot.”
The group of boys spoke to each other, including you in their conversation very often, and you thought to yourself about how genuine and nice they all seemed; their gentlemen image sure did hem justice.
Your focus turned to the stage in front of you as the host walked out, signalling the beginning, and you began to watch the show unfold.
You were nodding along lightly to a popular song being performed when a dark figure walked over to Namjoon, whispering something in his ear, to which he nodded. The message was passed down by each member before they all stood up.
“We have to go backstage now, we’re up soon,” Hoseok spoke, offering you a soft smile, to which you returned, “I look forward to your performance.”
A few minutes later, the same worker spoke to you, telling you to head backstage. You stood up, brushing off your outfit before following the man.
You put your focus onto the live screening of the performances, watching the talented performers as you anxiously awaited backstage to be called to the stage.
You were given a ten minute warning and began to make your way to the wing of the stage when you heard the familiar angelic voice that belonged to Park Jimin, looking over to the stage to see BTS performing Blood, Sweat and Tears.
It was as if you were in a trance. You had seen them perform this song several times, but seeing it in person right at this second, it was amazing to say the least.
You found your attention always wandering to Hoseok, his body moving in perfect rhythm as their beautiful voices sounded throughout the theatre, his parts making your knees weak.
The last chorus came to an end and the music faded, the boys holding their poses on the stage for a few seconds as the crowd roared with claps and cheers, walking off in the opposite direction of where you stood as the host came back on the stage, about to introduce you.
Performing on a stage wasn’t something new to you, but it still gave you the same amount of adrenaline each and every time, which is another reason why you loved what you do.
The music began to play, and you drowned out the crowd slightly, focusing on your performing. What felt like seconds was actually minutes, and before you knew it, you were already walking back off the stage.
Hoseok’s POV
I panted softly, still trying to catch my breath from our performance as we sat in the dressing room. I patted the towel along my neck, swiping the dripping sweat away as I heard a familiar melody begin to play.
“Wait, shut up!” I hushed my band members as my attention focused on the television that played the live performance, y/n standing on the stage as they performed their song that I had heard so may times over and over. It was different now though, I could hear their passion ringing throughout the theatre as they performed with such raw emotions on display.
It was at this moment where I saw just how beautiful and talented they were, more than I could have ever fathomed; it was at this moment where I realized just how much I loved y/n.
The performance ended and they walked off the stage. I sat there for a moment, so many thoughts bouncing in my mind. Without a single word, I jumped up from my seat, racing to the door.
“Where are you going?” I head Yoongi speak as I opened the door, slipping out of the room and into the hallway quickly.
I looked around at the many doors, my heart beating faster as I found the one I was looking for.
Your POV
You walked off the stage, a sigh of relief escaping your lips as the spot light was taken off of you. You continued walking backstage, met by a hallway of rooms, each door having a name written on them. You searched for your own, opening the door before walking in and closing it behind you quickly.
“Y/n,” your gaze shot up quickly over to the couch, Hoseok standing from his seat with a wide smile, “Your performance was amazing.”
“Thank you,” you spoke quietly, your gaze lowering to the carpeted floor, “What are you doing in here, Hoseok?”
“Call me Hobi,” he made his way over to you, laughing softly, “Hoseok sounds so formal.”
“Hobi-” you were cut off by the red haired boy wrapping his arms softly around you, surrounding you in a comforting hug. You hesitated for a moment before placing your arms around his slender waist, hugging him back.
He sighed into your hair, contentment surrounding you. The two of you stayed like that for a while, a comfortable silence filling the room.
“So I was wondering,” Hoseok mumbled, swaying gently from side to side, “Can I get your number?”
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shitpostingperidot · 8 years
tag game #1
tagged by @shinelikeastarlight​ 
tagging: @queerczar​ @persona-engine​ @kates-barbaric-yawp​ @mebediel​ @brokenlightdances​ @petticoatsandparlipro​ @oshindijo ok so some of these questions are about kpop and i don’t know anything about kpop so like im not gonna answer these questions and you don’t have to either, also it’s long as shit so i won’t take offense @spacewifespock and @boyjadzia you were tagged in sara’s but idk if you’ve done it
last text sent: “and puppers”
list three favourite colours: purple, blue, teal-ish
what time did u wake up at today: idk late what were u doing last night at midnight: watching faking it with @spacewifespock​ and @boyjadzia​ name something you can’t wait for: finding a job when was the last time u saw ur mother: two weeks exactly one thing u wish u could change abt ur life: recognition from parents and teachers and medical professionals that reading at a young age and being assigned female at birth do not preclude diagnoses of developmental disorders whats getting on ur nerves rn: right at this second, the fact that my room is very small favourite tv shows: dollhouse, su, btvs, got a big soft spot for bones  first best friend: cora in 1st grade, we became fast friends because she stayed at my house every day in the summer while her mom worked listening to rn: my roommate and her friend reading shitposts out loud 
3 fears: abandonment, 3D movies, insects
4 turn ons: soft hair, nibbling my ear, being the big spoon, i think i took this question too literally 4 turn offs: disrespectfulness, stalkerish behavior, lack of willingness to learn from mistakes, policing my food choices sexual orientation: hell if i know, into girls and maybe into guys but idk if that’s real or a comp het thing senior year quote in my year book: “how lucky i am to have something that makes leaving so hard” -aa milne (also lmao i was so glad to be getting out of that hellhole this quote is absolutely a lie in that context) first thing i notice in a person: entirely dependent on the context in which i encounter them shoe size: us womens 9ish eye colour: bluey greeney  hair colour: i’m not sure how to describe it but i failed at doing box dye job of blue (while drunk) about six weeks ago so bits of it are bleached, bits are green, bits are greyish, bits are my natural dirty blonde, it’s a mess favourite item of clothing: my new gay baseball space shirt from the regina spektor concert what colour of underwear i’m wearing rn: ugly cream color with flowers ultimate bias: whats a kpop ultimate bias group: what is the difference between this and the other question favourite season: the days in winter that are both sunny and snowy how much time i spent on designing my blog: i spent a few weeks finding a theme and then like 30 mins customizing it the reason i joined tumblr: the gf pestered me about it do i ever get “good morning” or “goodnight” texts: every night from both my mom and gf, rarely morning though i like to send them when did i last hold hands: about 3 hours ago how long does it take me to get ready in the morning: depending on my executive function level between five minutes and two hours to do the same exact things brain why u do this have i shaved my legs in the past 3 days: try five years where am i rn: in bed do i like music loud or at a reasonable level: reasonable but if it’s actual speakers i like to stand next to them and vibrate 3 things i love: my gf, dogs, video games how i feel rn: sleepy something i rlly, rlly want: a job 3 things that upset me: when people say one thing and do another, subtext, the breaking of promises what i find attractive in other ppl: good taste in video games, passion and knowledge, respect of my interests, cuddliness, being strong “in the real way” (okay i’m literally just describing abi) 3 habits i have: dermatillomania, snoozing my alarm for hours, not doing laundry something i fantasize abt: i have a very specific fantasy about visiting abi in europe next year, it is a several day itinerary i think about something im talented at: emotional labor the blog i give the most notes to: spacewifespock last person re-blogged sth from me: @single-ready-for-pringles do  i smoke/drink: no/yes my favourite food: peanut butter my favourite dessert: a three layer brownie bar my grandma made but now i can make it what i did yesterday: spent the day searching for a lost cat number of kids i want: dude idk i almost got suspended from college last quarter this is something i don’t need to be thinking about number of siblings i have: 1 human, 1 dog something thats constantly on my mind: abi :)
last person i messaged on tumblr: my tumblr sister oshindijo can i drive: theoretically, i’m not insured though which given the absurd number of car accidents my family has been in that are other people’s faults, gives me pause even when i’m in tn and have access to a car what state or part of the world do i live in: chicago, illinois am i in school: i’m on extended student status, which means i’ve finished my graduation requirements but can’t yet graduate for various reasons, so i’m auditing a class this quarter and gettin that degree in june do i get grossed out easily: i get grossed out by very specific things and gore/bodily fluids is not one of them because in high school my interest was the tv show bones somewhere i would like to visit for a week: i wish i had enough money for tokyo disneyland, alternatively, visiting abi next year, going on her old stomping grounds in rennes, taking her to my old ones in paris, making some new ones for ourselves i’ll love u if: you help me through my problems last show i binge-watched: theoretically faking it what words upset me the most: r word what words make me feel best abt myself: when abi gets really drunk and starts telling me that i am exactly how i wish to be perceived in the world, that’s good a wish that i’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: okay so i had one that was on behalf of myself and i knew i was in love when i unconsciously switched to one that was on behalf of abi and i knew that i meant it who i would switch lives with for a day: i was gonna say anita sarkeesian but sara @shinelikeastarlight has got the right idea, switch with some rich fuckboy to show him how the other half lives and also wire a bunch of cash to the real me my favourite ice cream: moose tracks allergies: almonds, mold, ragweed, the usual plants, but none but almonds has ever been a problem in chicago sexiest person to come to mind immediately: abi ;) my childhood career choice: YA writer or editor one of my insecurities: becoming a bad student when i used to not be how many blogs am i following: 892??? i need to be more aggressive with the unfollow when i see something that pisses me off how many tabs/different windows do i have open at this very moment: 17 coke or pepsi: dr pepper tea or coffee: tea, because you can steep one tea bag on multiple occassions movie or book: book a sense i would be willing to lose: controversial opinion: sight quote i live by: my inner voice/things that i remember are uh, not kind enough to me to repeat type of accessory i wear the most: it’s rare that i’m not wearing a hat last awkward situation i found myself in: being unsure if i should get off the bus at my apartment or drop abi off and walk home and the bus was like at my stop when i realized i’d have to make this decision what time is it rn: 1:53am
a song that made me cry: when regina spektor at her concert last friday played a russian lullaby in memory of an old friend and chicago resident who had died since regina had been to the city last, i have no idea what they were saying but it was emotional first song u ever sang at karaoke: my eyes from dr horrible with some dude i didn’t know who was the only one who knew the other part
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