#okay so for the nerds out there who can't tell what this design is cause it's tiny but want to know
guardian-angle22 · 1 month
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911 lone star fashion -> every tk outfit
↳ 2.01
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Going through the Abrahamic mythos for dislyte wishlist
like ya I usually just dismiss it cause all everyone is just going to say is jesus revives in three turns or lucifer... as a pretty man (game changing ideas I know)
but no... seeing as this is a more likely to happen than not since they're using demons for bosses now, let's make the list
starting with angels I want
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The Chief of the 7th Heaven
The one in charge of receiving prayers for God
And noticably described as tall which is saying alot seeing how angels can shapeshift. So dudes gotta be pretty big to be described as a tall angel
The 7th Heaven is where the angels that sing to god reside. So another singing esper with some sort of support
Legendary Creatures I'll pick the
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Described as unicorn, some sorta african bovine or a rhino. I say it'd make for a cool furry (I mean we don't have a rhino furry yet)
gigantic has strength very durable and a horn that can reach the sky. these things were mistake for mountians
a defender wind esper that works similar to Li Ao, where it removes characters from the field for a set number of turns
I can't really say I want a satan of all things but I guess I'll pick
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I mean according to the story he's not actively tempting human into doing evil so they go to hell and burn for all eternity. From his perspective he's just tempering humanity, giving out test, making them stronger...if someone can't hang and end up failing to meet up to standards well... well the bible doesn't tell stories about those people now do they?
A gimmick controller that extendeds buffs and debuffs
For fallen I'll pick
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mostly cause he's a knight with a horse so I imagine his esper would get some cool looking armor and some crazy design horse to ride which would be pretty cool
"discover hidden objects, kindle love and lust, knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet, along with procuring the favor of lords, knights and other important people. He is apt for divination and the performance of spells to strategize one's life."
So wind support. basic attack has chance of ignoring defense. second kindles love where he shares hp and ultimate kindles lust damaging attackers. think alexa but in full metal armor
Okay for humans of note I pick
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mostly for that name (the inner DBZ nerd in me was reminded of debura) also I have no girl esper ideas on this list.
Anyways Deborah. The judge of Israel the "fiery woman"
had a part in the bible called "The Song of Deborah" which appearently may be on of the earliest hebrew poetry ( history is a trip amirite ). I think that's like 4 star esper worthy myself
and gonna be 100% I just want some hardass of a woman with a fire stand. just a lady who stays mad...and because she's an esper she gets fire powers.
Because I think that would be cool. the end
And ya I think that covers the bases for me. what about you guy? got anyone of your wishlist
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“Star-gazing was a good idea.” Reggie/Alex. Cause Reggie is a secret astronomy nerd I've decided. good day.
ok uhhh this got stupid long but it’s cute and partially based off of a night i spent stargazing in the desert lol
Reggie maintains that it's not stealing if the person never finds out. Alex says that stealing is stealing whether you get away with it or not, but Reggie's not listening to him. He's almost entirely sure that his dad won't notice if he takes the car after 11pm, since he's usually passed out by then anyway.
Either way, he's doing it and Alex is just going to have to go along with it.
"Tell me again," Alex says, grunting as he and Reggie push the car down the driveway in neutral in lieu of starting it up and risk waking up his parents, "why we're doing this?"
"Because--" Reggie stumbles a little but manages to keep his grip on both the door and steering wheel, "--it's supposed to be an awesome sight."
"Yeah, but--" Alex groans as Reggie starts to turn the wheel to maneuver the car out of the driveway and onto the street, "--couldn't we have just watched it at the beach or something?"
"No, I told you." Reggie sighs. "Too much light pollution."
"Right…" Alex ducks his head down to roll his eyes, even though Reggie's not even looking at him. They manage to push the car a few houses down before Reggie finally deems it safe to start up.
Alex is already exhausted by the time he slides into the passenger's seat. He has a hard time believing he's going to be awake long enough to see this meteor shower Reggie can't stop talking about.
They drive for over an hour, leaving the city limits and up into the desert. Alex is starting to think Reggie's lost his mind entirely when he suddenly takes a random exit off the highway and starts driving down a seriously dark road.
"Are you--" Alex glances around nervously. "Do you know where you're going?"
"No," Reggie replies happily as he leans forward to stare upwards out of the windshield. "There's not really a designated spot, I'm just trying to get us somewhere the light won't ruin it."
"Right…" Alex clears his throat. This is a recipe for disaster. He may hate horror movies but he's pretty sure there are quite a few that start out just like this.
"Ahh! See?" Reggie points out the window and Alex just manages to catch a glimpse of other cars parked alongside the road as they go by. "We've got the right idea!"
Reggie keeps going for another few minutes and then pulls off to the side of the road. He shuts off the engine and turns to Alex with a smile, but Alex can't really find it in himself to return it.
"Now what?" he asks.
"Now we get out of the car," Reggie says as he unbuckles his seatbelt, "and we look for the meteors!"
"Okay," Alex says with a sigh as he follows suit, unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing out of the car. Reggie opens the rear passenger door and pulls out a blanket, and that brings a smile to Alex's face. "You brought a blanket?"
"Of course." Reggie laughs. "Did you wanna just sit on the ground?"
Reggie shakes his head and starts shaking the blanket out as he makes his way to the rear of the car. Alex meets him there and waits for Reggie to lay the blanket down on the gravel before he sits down beside him.
"Oh, wait!" Reggie suddenly gets up and runs back to the driver's seat, shutting off the headlights and plunging them into total darkness.
Alex, who was just starting to be on board with this whole thing, suddenly feels very nervous. He hears Reggie stumble a little as he makes his way back to the blanket, and he latches onto Reggie's arm as soon as he sits down.
"It's okay," Reggie says with a soft laugh as he pats Alex's arm. "I'm right here."
"I didn't think it'd be so… dark." Alex laughs uneasily. Even the middle of the night in LA is still bright. There's always some light coming from somewhere, but not out here in the desert. Alex's eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet so he can barely even see Reggie.
"Relax," Reggie says. He lies down on the blanket and Alex awkwardly does the same while keeping a tight grip on Reggie's arm. "Isn't this cool?"
Alex lets out a breath as he looks up at the sky. He's never seen so many stars.
"Wow," he whispers.
"I know," Reggie whispers back.
They lay there in silence for a while, just gazing up at the stars and waiting. Alex isn't entirely sure what they're waiting for but he doesn't want to break the silence. Right when he's starting to get impatient, light shoots across the sky and Reggie gasps in awe.
"Did you see that?!"
"What was that?!"
"A meteor!" Reggie laughs, clapping his hands together. "So cool."
As time passes, more meteors streak across the sky. It's almost like a game, trying to spot them. At one point two pass over them at the same time and Alex hears the reaction from the groups they passed along the road. Reggie was right, this was totally worth it.
"Star-gazing was a good idea," he whispers softly. His grip on Reggie's arm has mostly loosened by now, but it means a lot when Reggie slips his hand into Alex's and squeezes it.
prompt lists | filled prompts
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cursedfortune · 3 years
[kazeofthemagun] ♛ >u>
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following; @kazeofthemagun
my opinion on;
character in general: Fuck me up. I love this character. I know I've said this before but I can't stress enough the long journey I went on to find this boy and it was only because of you I came to finally have it answered who the fuck this character is. The TWO pictures I have of him since I was like, 11 or 12, sitting in a ??? folder because I loved his design (and Kumo's) but I never found any names associated with the art of them. Then you like, kicked down my door and revealed the glory that is Kaze and FF:U and I'm still crying in joy and relief this mystery has been solved. What does that have to do with the character? A fuckton, I'll tell you whut. The thing is, this great mystery could have turned out disappointing. My intuition wouldn't believe that Kaze and Kumo would be awful when/if I learned of them, but there's always that possibility that just cause something looks appealing doesn't mean it actually is. I was so happy to be reunited with this mystery plaguing me and to also see these characters were also fucking fantastic that god. I was a big dumb baby. Stupid sobbing baby that also didn't want to freak you out about it asfdgfhg. Kaze? Fantastic. People overlook him and it's a fucking shame but he's... an onion. Layered. In between each layer is a gun. I love everything about him, even when he's an ass. how they play them: BEAUTIFULLY. He's a quiet boi but like, you reflect that wonderfully and in a way that still allows for others to easily engage with him, I feel. Quiet characters mean a lot to me, they are my bread and butter but I feel like they are often viewed hesitantly to engage with. You write Kaze with so much thoughtfulness, tbh. You pay mind to all his details and from them grow more lore that you further research for. The lengths you go to with the minimum content you have to avoid loopholes and keep information flowing in one direction blows my mind. I appreciate it so much. I'm not joking when I say that if I ever make bank someday I want to buy the rights for FF:U and dump it into your lap. You're like, the guardian of Kaze and the FF:U lore and how you write him is just... enchanting. Every description, every poetic line, every bit of dialogue he's willing to verbalize - it's always so clear to me and paints the scene. There's so much body language being spoken even if it's just the slightest change in his gaze. You write to highlight these things and convey what others would see of him, but then equally place it in the other's hands to see if their muse would even be able to understand it. It's a beautiful manner in which you write, okay. Your writing style is one I've always leaned towards and favored reading. You better not even get me started on how you write horror or the things you focus on/believe as horror or suffering to this boi because it's my shit and I'm all for it. I'm all for all of your writing. the mun: I'm all for YOU too. You're so welcoming to speak with and have become such a good friend. I love hearing you go off on your nerd and FF:U, or just anything in general. Your own content or whatever is on your mind. Topic doesn't matter, I really like just shooting the shit with you. I appreciate your kindness and how genuine you are about your interests. Especially when it's like, shown my way (or even towards others too!) and hearing your thoughts or answering your questions and what not. I enjoy our freak outs over these two and how they have unexpectedly grown and revealed parts of themselves that are near-impossible to access. But are still very much there and a core part of themselves. Doing deep dives late at night/early morning on character or lore stuff just feeds me. I have so much fun with you. I enjoy your brain. It's hella creative and funny and you just have this eye for talent, i feel like. no matter what you are doing, whether it be writing, drawing or animating i always find myself amazed by the things you create. it feels like you should just sign the adoption papers on this boi already ahahaha. i appreciate our ability to talk lightly or deeply at the
drop of a hat and have been having a blast all in all knowing you for like - over a year now? heck. time well spent, i say. ^^
do i;
follow them: Yes. rp with them: YES. want to rp with them: Always. Forever. ship their character with mine: Well, we got a ship of sorts yes. Unconventional ships are still a ship, right? These two certainly did the unexpected. Look. Look, the thing is, I know in Mortem's canon what her range of love is. She has a lot to give but nothing ever leaves the platonic zone. So this has been a TRIP. Going from, 'haha, we're attracted to one another' to her being smitten to the extent she can allow for it. Like, they bonded before this, which is great. I love how the two of them became just solid platonic pals, bonded by their natures and understanding for one another. Finding acceptance in each other rather easy since they just get it. But then you throw some blood on them in their first spar together and the THIRST is like, 'lol u fools i was here ALL ALONG!' and I'm dying. I'm dead. Thank you. Yes, I ship these two hard. Their dynamic is so like, peaceful. Understanding. Even when they are getting aggro with one another (whether it's a spar or they fight or she does a pendulum swing) there's such a comfort in the trust they have formed that makes it so hard for them to shake their perspectives on one another. All the things I could get into about how well their dynamic just works, how accepting they are of who/what they are and how much they can care for one another before their purpose takes lead. It kills me. Which is why the Chaos thread makes me CRY. Even if it's not as accurate now that these two decided they caught feels and all, it's still right to the gut on the feels train because it's so heavily focused on their purposes and also their bond. Which, like, think how much worse it will be if we ever reboot it or something. B) All in all. These two fucking SLAP. And also slap anyone that interrupts or interferes with them. Power slapping duo. #Never Forget Mortem Turned Him Into A Switch! *wheezes*
what is my;
overall opinion: There's so much love in my heart okay. Also, pls reblog the read out loud meme sometime cause your voice is so soothing and I keep forgetting to demand MORE lmfao. These two are like, a bundle of memes and tropes that walk hand in hand with one another and it's beyond precious. They are such violent and scary fucks but then they look at one another and it can all melt away. Or come back. Depending on the situation. And YOU are a very cool, funny, creative and wonderful soul. I love all the jokes that have formed between us and just. everything. Everything, okay?? Thank you for choosing to spend time with me. u///u
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franeridart · 6 years
Wow Hi I can't spell for shit but I was wondering if you could draw some more KamiSero? Your art style is really beautiful and there are not much KamiSero art >•
Awww thank you!!! And in the future I might, yeah! Right now I’m a bit swamped by the zine things and using the time I take away from it to draw low effort stuff or my main ships so I can’t promise it’ll happen soon, but I still like the ship lots so !!! might happen!!
Anon said:Hey thanks for that last art I know you're probably just staying on model and it doesn't really mean anything but it felt really good to see a character with my body type for once so thank you
Anon the pleasure was all mine! Miruko’s body type is beautiful to look at and a pleasure to draw, and if my indulging myself could make you happy then that makes it even better spent time!!
Anon said:I love you. That is all. Carry on.
Thank you!! I love you too!!!!!
Anon said:that drawing of hawks blessed me and my children and the children of my children, i feel the salvation in my bones, i've been purified
I dunno which one specifically you’re talking about, but thank you!!!! ;^;
Anon said:I just wanna say I love Baku I’m goods! Peace
Hell yeah anon love that boy!! Smother him in love!!!! Give him all the affection his heart can take and then more!!!!!
Anon said:This is from the anon asking about todoraka and iideku fusions, I just got far enough to find them, sorry for bothering you earlier!
Not a bother at all, don’t worry about it!!! And thank you for liking my designs enough to ask about them!!!!
Anon said:Hey!! I love your art so so so much and i was wondering if you could get in some mina and bakugo friendship content bc they're just,,, so underrated as friends and I love them
Ahhhhhhh the Baku // Mina friendship debate, nice, hadn’t been around on this blog for a while - you know, the reason why there isn’t much content and their friendship is somewhat underrated (unless we’re talking about full squad content, there’s a lot of baku and mina there) is that, going only by canon, they... aren’t friends. Of course Mina’s part of the squad, but she is more in virtue of the fact that she’s besties with Kaminari and Sero and has her backstory relationship with Kirishima, than because she has had any significant interactions with Bakugou (a bit like Jirou’s a member of the squad through Sero and Kaminari and Bakugou even if she’s got no relationship with Kirishima at all, all in all) - I, personally, like to think they could be great friends, you know? But if we’re talking canon I can count the times they interacted on the fingers of one hand (the only serious one being during the sports fest, which Mina herself commented as Bakugou picking her only cause of her acid being a good strategy against Todoroki’s ice)
I know this is sort of a digression from your question, but, as you obviously noticed since you sent me this question, lately whenever I have focused on Bakugou’s friendships in my drawings Mina hasn’t been there, and people have been more or less aggressively pointing it out to me, like I was doing a disservice to a canon friendship by not portraying it - when in truth the relationship in question has nearly no canon basis at all. So I just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart and honestly, I’m sorry if my liking to delve into and focus on Bakugou’s canon friendships makes you sad, but if the focus of a drawing or a set of drawings is supposed to be Bakugou and the relationships Horikoshi gifted him, then Mina’s most probably not gonna be there (for now, I’m still hoping Hori will add her to his growing list of canon friends soon *crosses fingers*)
Either way this has nearly nothing to do with your question and it wasn’t even really directed at you specifically, I just used the chance to address something that was bothering me a bit - THAT SAID! I do have something I mean to draw that’s gonna be focused on Bakugou and include Mina! It might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but I hope you’ll like it anyway, at least a tiny little bit! ;^;
Anon said:I loved your Have a Nice day comic. It really gave me a nice day. It’s totally cute I can imagine them living together and sing this every morning Love your art xoxoxo
Ahhhh thank you so much!!!! I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Bro I just wanted to thank you! Becuase of your amazing art on boku no hero academia. It got me intrested in checking it out. And let me tell you, I love this show sooo much,even if its getting really intense right now. So its all thanks to you that I even started watching it.Its even more amazing becuase I get to admire your stunning work base on it.Thank You!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
HECK I’m so glad you checked it out and ended up liking it!!!! I hope you’ll keep on enjoying it from now on too, anon!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey fran! I love your art style so much!! Will we ever see more of the Bakushima neighbor’s cat au?
I KEEP ON PROCRASTINATING ON THAT ONE!!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY!!!! It’s in the projects but I never!!! sit down!!!! to draw it!!!!! So I wanna say yes, because that’s the plan! But when I’m being honest I’m not so sure anon orz
Anon said:Okay but like.... hawks is hot right?? Its not just me??
Given the reaction the whole fandom has had to him, I’m pretty sure it’s not just you anon hahaha
Anon said:Could you possibly draw more of the Deku + Kirishima fusion?
I... dunno? If I ever feel in the mood to play around with that AU again? But to be honest if I were to draw something that isn’t just a design for it it’s probably... not gonna be about kiri and deku of all people............ so I can’t promise anything, sorry!
Anon said:Hi! I know you haven’t really touched the fusions au in a while but please consider: miritama fusion
I have considered it! It’s the first one I’m gonna draw if I’ll ever feel like going back on the fusions!
Anon said:Let kirishima touch the butty
I’m 100% sure Bakugou lets him touch anything he wants, but if you want depictions of that this blog is not the right place to ask, anon hahaha
Anon said:First off, you draw the greatest art/headcanons for KiriBaku I've ever seen! Secondly, I found it funny since Bakugou is almost exactly like his mom, and since she got with Bakugou's dad by aggressively hitting on him, what if there was a scenario where Bakugou did that to Kirishima? Idk, I just thought it would be funny.
I actually have a couple of comics based on that concept!! Somewhere... in my bakushima tag............ I’ll def draw more on the same line in the future, tho!
Anon said:I know you posted your batteryacid (kamimina) picture a while ago but I just saw it and I'm sobbing I love it!
YO that makes me super happy, thank you!!!! I love that ship so much, it’s nice to know you liked the little thing I drew for it!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:hi, i just binge watched bnha for the first time and now that i understand all your comics i fucking love them, i'm in love, i love bakugou, i love them all, i love your art
And I love YOU to be hecking honest!!!! Thank you for loving my boy, anon!!!!
Anon said:i just want kirishima to meet bakugou’s family one time in the show and his mother is probably gonna wanna make him her second son and bakugous LOSING IT
I DO hope that’s gonna happen in the manga canon sooner or later, but meanwhile Kirishima met Mitsuki in one of the novels! She’d been taken hostage by a villain, and Bakugou yelled at her for it, and she yelled right back at him like she wasn’t in the hands of a villain right then, and Kirishima said “as expected from Bakugou’s mom” and Bakugou said “don’t admire her!” or something on that line - I’d give you a link if I knew how I tagged it when I reblogged it, but I’m sure if you dig a bit around you can find it! Maybe on @aitaikimochi‘s blog, they translated a lot of kiribaku novel moments!
Anon said:im supposing that you do, but why do you think you like bakugou so much? personally i just like the angry scowl-y but fluffy characters haha and really hes so!! cute!!! and cool!!! really!!!!! hes so good at so many things but he sucks so badly ay feelings its so!! endearing!!!! apart from this i meant to praise you and your work but i ended up screaming about bakugou hahaha. i love him too muchasgshdjl
Oh heck anon, you really don’t wanna get into this, if I started talking about why I love Bakugou as much as I do I’d probably end up saying a 10k worth of words hah I love everything about him, everything he is and everything he has the potential to be, everything he’s changed about himself and every step he’s taken along the way to be who he is right now. I love his personality and I love how strong he is, I love how hard he works, I love how angry he is and how honest and direct and genuine in everything he does he is. I love the way he interacts with people, I love his expressions SO MUCH, I love his habit of speaking in hyperboles and I love how he’s a fast thinker and how he has to go back and walk through every step he skipped when he explains things to people. I love that he presents himself as a genius when actually he just pours everything he has in being the best at everything he tries doing, I love that he’s autocritical and that he cares and that he admits when he’s wrong and that he cries, I love the fact that he cries a lot. I love that he’s set on his path and that he takes everything life throws at him and keeps walking head up and square shoulders, and also I love his eyes and his hero costume and the fact that he wants to be intimidating and yells DIE at inanimate objects and enjoys hiking in his spare time and that he calls people nerd like he isn’t one himself I just. Love him. So damn much.
Anon said:Franeriiiiii~ I see that you're trying new techniques on your arts! Very nice, I enjoy watching you come up with new clothing and whatnot. I also see that the painting is a bit different, more detailed. Just dropping by to let you know I see your efforts ❤ keep on exploring! Maybe you'll discover that you can do what you couldn't in the past. As always, have a good day and much love \0/
SOB thank you SO MUCH, anon!!!!!
Anon said:Hey Fran, how are you? I was wondering if you have any tips on how to know where to place the shadows in a drawing? I'm still a beginner and this is the hardest part for me... And I love your art very much!! You're amazing, thank you for sharing your talent with us!
God, I would love to give you a hand there but to be fair I have zero clue what I’m doing when shading, anon ;-; I go a lot about it following more gut feeling and what looks right, than any actual tecnique (which probably shows to people who have a deeper understanding of it than I do orz) the best I can tell you to do is to try to draw from real life, but really this is such a hard question for me to answer when I myself need to work more on it ;^; I’m so sorry!
Anon said:Bakushima alternative ship name: POPROCKS
A GREAT NAME I’m nearly sure I read a fic called that once!
Anon said:I just wanted to thank you for sharing your amazing work for us. You literaly made my day
Anon said:I just finished going through your kiribaku tag and I honestly don't know if I'm feeling fulfilled for all of it or empty because I just saw all of it daNG YOUR STYLE JUST FUCKING FITs KIRIBAKU SO MUCH I REALLY LOVE YOUR KRBK CONTENT AND THE KIDS FUUUUUUUKCKCKCKK. I'm really, really looking forward for more of your art but for now I gotta go through all your other content as well. Ps. Have I mentioned that I fucking love how you draw feet?????
OH MAN that’s such a nice thing to hear, that my style fits them!!! My style changed so much since I started drawing them that they probably influenced it to begin with, but I’m happy you like how it looks on them nonetheless!!! thank you so so much for the kind words and for taking the time to go through the whole tag!!!
Anon said:Hi! I’m an artist and i’ve been trying to draw boy teens for a while now but i cant seem to make them have muscles without making them look like sorta adults. Any tips? I like how you draw them
I dunno how qualified I am to answer this question since I’m still playing around with my style trying to work that out, but most of what I keep an eye out for are proportions and also how round I make the traits, I guess? The rounder the younger, as far as my art style goes - I also make the eyes bigger the younger my character is supposed to be, but that probably only works if you don’t mind your style not being all that realistic hahaha
Anon said:I want to go through and the like every single one of your posts but I feel like that's a little bit excessive. Since I can't do that, I would like to tell you how amazing you are and how even when I'm having a bad day your art always makes me smile. I hope you're having a lovely day!
Thank you so so much for this ask, anon!!!!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/week/month too!!!
Anon said:New hawk boy lookin like a snack.
I would lie if I said the first thing I thought when I read this ask was “I guess we’re talking chicken wings”, tbh
Anon said:Fran, I love your sketch of Yuuto!! :3 Do you ship anyone from yowapeda?
Thank you!!! And I guess I ship more or less anything with a vague canon basis? Which is, like, a whole damn lot of things thank you Watanabe for your gay biking children - I’m not particularly invested into anything at the moment, tho!
Anon said:Whenever I'm having a shitty day, I come back to your blog and scroll through it, the way you draw krbk is really sweet and gives me the warmth I need when I feel down. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art, you're amazing.
Sob thank you so much, oh my god! This is such a nice ask to get, I’m glad I can help you feel a lil bit better, anon ;^;
Anon said:Fran your iida is real real cute and I'm love
THANK YOU! I think he’s way less square than he’s supposed to be... I’m working on that lol
Anon said:that drawing of hawks ended my life oh my goddddd he's bEAUTIFUL
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Tbh I thought of Hawk teaching Tokoyami how to fly with his quirk like a bird would, but birds just fricken shove their kids out of the nest.
At this point I wouldn’t even put that past Hawks, t b h
Anon said:I love all your art and I only recently discovered all of your old kirikamibaku stuff and was wondering if you'd consider drawing it again?
YEP! Not in the near future tho, as explained in the answer to the first ask up here!
Anon said:For your fusion au do you have any of the dances figured out yet?
Only the KiriBaku one, which is just hand holding - the AU was never meant to be more than just the designs tho, so I can’t say I spent too long on this sorta things!
Anon said:Your art is so nice and beautiful that you could probably draw any two characters together and say it's a ship and I would just accept it without question like "You right omg how have I not noticed this befORE IT'S GENIUS" and it could literally even be two rocks. Not even characters. Just rocks. Bless you
THANK YOU this is!!!!!!!! such a cool feeling omg so much power to have.......... I’m gonna need to use it wisely (I say, but the first thing I thought when I read the two rocks thing was “I did draw Kiri and Tetsu in the past!” so I guess wise isn’t a thing I am at all lol)
Anon said:I’m sure you get asked this a lot but is it okay if I post some art of yours on amino? (With credits to you of course)
Nope, sorry! I don’t allow reposts with or without credit, please don’t repost my stuff - if you really wanna share you can just drop a link to the original post~
Anon said:Can I repost your art in my Instagram page with credit please ?
Anon said:Can i repost your art with credit ?
Again, sorry but I’d prefer it if you did not do that!
Anon said:Hello! Opinions on iida x deku x todoroki? I love ur art sm and ur latest thing(which inspired this ask haha) hope ur having a nice day!
Love it!!! It’s one of my main ot3s in bnha!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw more Bakugo with glasses?? I love my goth/jock/nerd son. (I also love your art btw :'D💕)
Thank you!!! And I can! And most probably will!!! Can’t say how soon that’s gonna be, tho!
Anon said:was the art of bakugou doing kirishima's hand pose/stance based off of the official card game or was that a super happy coincidence? :'D
Seeing as I posted the comic weeks before the card came out, I’d say it was a coincidence haha that said! In the card Bakugou isn’t actually doing Kiri’s pose! He’s doing his own, which is adorably similar to Kirishima’s - one closed hand against an open palm as he lats out an explosion, you see him take the stance as he gets ready to fight now and again in the manga and anime! 
Anon said:Psst, you got that Bakukamikiri?
Sadly, not at the moment :( as I said, maybe in the future~
Anon said:I love your art more than anything and your Kiribaku keeps me alive, especially now it's finals week. Also your Kaminari is a beautiful boy who deserves all my love. I have to ask for more of him. I love you omg!!!! Please never stop drawing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
More Kaminari is coming your way! Definitely! Since I draw him a lot all things considered and you therefor you don’t really need to ask to see more of him haha
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
slow inhale. hold. slow exhale.
ohhhh my dear, sweet, talented moon.
i want to say that i read this over my break and then put all the happy little exclamation marks at the end as usual. in actuality, i cried.
i read marigold again, this time with our previous replies in mind. a little introspection never hurt anybody, right? and why did i want koko to suffer so much? i said i was projecting a lot last time, so i’ll touch on what was floating in my periphery.
first - an ex was telling me about the neighborhood where he grew up and told me about the girl he'd loved who lived in the same apartment. he then took my laptop and for the next hour proceeded to search for her with my social media accounts (he didn't have any).
second - the same ex used a petname for me but didn't tell me it was the same one as the dog. he called the dog by her real name if we were in the same room. i only found out because he called it out to her but didn't know i was within earshot.
third - after an argument my defeated "love you" was met with a drunken stare and a proud, defiant "...good."
i didn't include any of those in my long-winded asks because i thought, this is your story, and i as the reader shouldn't impose on it with all these personal little ramblings. it's your story, and you should be the one to talk about it. but in reading marigold 2, i can see that it wasn't necessary for me to share those experiences, because somehow, you knew all of them already anyway.
i think it really speaks volumes to your talent as a writer, and to your nature, that you can seemingly reach out and gather the frayed memories and stories of long-ago severed red threads and weave them into a beautiful tapestry for all to see. my experiences weren't unique, so i know there are others who are seeing where they too can tie onto the warps and wefts scattered throughout your stories.
i'll write you a better note for marigold 2 but for now, thank you for being you <3
hello my love, I'm sorry for causing tears, I hope you're feeling better? take some time for yourself, indulge in something that makes you feel warm inside (I generally end up watching Moomin)
Now, um. I read this last night, and then I CRIED >_< maybe because yesterday was rough (the whole week was) or because my menstrual cycle was designed by a vengeful god, but either way, there were tears. Maybe we've just found each other in vulnerable points of our lives.
Just know that there is a little blonde nerd who wants to give you the biggest hug, and possibly hex your ex -_- but we're biger and stronger than that. Let's send him the energy to grow up and grow past his ego.
I'm sending you all the love and I hope you know that you are not the person your ex pictured you to be. You are kind and precious and so important to the world. I hope that you're healing and able to move forward (leave him in the back alley of your life, in the dark, next to trash)
I think a lot of us have experienced the very painful realisation that we feel alone, even in a crowd of people, even in the arms of someone we love. It's something I've experienced most of my life, and it's difficult to express. it hurts. It really hurts. but you learn to live with yourself, and learn to love the parts of yourself that others can't.
And the fact that you found yourself in my writing makes me so happy (I'm sad that I made you sad, but I'm sure you get what I'm talking about) I became a writer because sometimes I struggled to find myself in other stories and just wanted to write for my lonely little self, whilst hoping that other people would see themselves in my words? idk does that make sense? I understand that this sentiment does not always apply to fanfiction, but I find myself giving pieces of myself to everything I write, so for you to find meaning in my work makes me so so happy.
Anyway - I love you, I hope you're okay, and I'm thinking of you! There won't be many more angsty pieces for the Garden, just more drama and more *spice* (and honestly a good deal of fluff). I hope that you enjoy them <3
What are your plans for this weekend?
I'm going to throw myself onto the couch and have some hot chocolate, and maybe do some drawing. Tomorrow I get the second dose of the vaccine so i might just disappear into a bundle of blankets for a while
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Mini Golf Madness“
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Alicia Chan, Grace Kraft
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Mulligans are not necessary here.
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The episode starts with an establishing shot of Wooly’s Ragtime Mini Golf, the Wooly’s clearly being a replaced word. Totally Not Old Man McGucket, or Wooly for short, tells everyone to have a “golf-tastic time”. Then he gets hit by the Wooly’s sign, revealing that it used to be owned by Rico. Is there a point to this? There might be, but it's never outright stated.
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The golf course is filled with animatronics of 1930′s cartoon characters...and Top Cat! A very rare appearance of a Hanna-Barbera character not named Scooby Doo on modern Cartoon Network. I wish it was less rare. Unforunately, these robots are breaking down too easy, which could be our first hint that’s something is not quite right about this place. Bubbles doesn’t seem to mind, though. It’s still cute to her.
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Buttercup plays a round of mini-golf, with her sisters helping out. Bubbles is the wind checker, checking the wind using her pigtails. Blossom is keeping score, and because she’s a nerd, she also suddenly talks about the history of the golf course. It was based on the characters from an old 1930′s cartoon called Owly Boop, an obvious parody of Betty Boop. Before Blossom can talk more exposition than necessary, Buttercup shoos her away while she readies her shot.
It lands in in animatronic’s trumpet, which then breaks down, dropping the ball right into the hole. Blossom tells Buttercup that her score is a -7. Buttercup scoffs that her score is a negative number because she’s doing so great, but Blossom reminds her that negative scores in golf are a good thing.
Buttercup: Well, it’s time for Buttercup to do terrible!
Too easy. Also, running gag.
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After a montage of Buttercup “doing terrible“, Buttercup faces a giant animatronic Owly Boop at the “Final Hole“. Buttercup has gained enough of a crowd to get the janitor to act as a commentator, because she’s the first person at this mini-golf place to ace every hole so far. Judging by, this is her first try, too.
She swings super hard at the golf ball, making it fly. It hits the animatronic’s ear, an airplane, and a generic sign that says “Generic Sign“. The animators couldn’t get rid of the placeholders in time. It lands right between Owly Boops’ legs, rolling right into the hole.
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Bubbles, now acting like the reporter as the janitor is busy with this episode’s poop joke, congratulates Buttercup on her first time perfect game, and asks her what she’s going to do next. Unfortunately, since this is Cartoon Network and not something that owns world famous theme parks, they can’t complete the obvious reference. Instead, Buttercup says she’s going to take her game-winning lucky ball back home.
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Wooly isn’t too fond of that plan, as this golf place was built before the concept of having a final hole that is essentially a glorified ball return place. He menacingly tells the girls that all balls must be returned...OR ELSE! Buttercup asks, but he’d rather keep it a secret. He then does a villain laugh, because he's the suspicious guy!
Buttercup goes up to the ball return place, assuring Blossom that she’s a good girl and that she’ll return it like the man says. Of course, Buttercup has a diffterent plan. She just happens to have a gumball in the same shape as one of the mini-golf balls...which she then starts chewing so she can think harder. I’ll admit, that’s an okay joke.
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Buttercup’s actual plan is to steal one of Bubbles’ reboot pigtail beads and use one of the blue balls as the replacement. Hey, they finally made Bubbles’ new design useful! We get an ominous shot of the Owly Boop robot opening its eyes while the Powerpuff Girls talk about how creepy Wooly and his course is, making it a bit too obvious what’s going to happen next.
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Buttercup cherishes her lucky golf ball, as she and her sisters go to bed. While sleeping, Blossom hears a big explosion. Apparently, even Blossom has gotten used to the lack of crimefighting in this series, as she thinks the explosion was Bubbles farting. Bubbles says it wasn’t her, and then she actually farts. Because this is a piece of children’s media in 2017. I’m surprised there isn’t a pee joke to complete the trifecta.
Blossom tells Buttercup to get out of bed, and she wakes up the other two to show them what she’s seeing:
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A shadowy giant singing robot that looks oddly familiar destroying the city. The Powerpuff Girls get out of bed and tear off their pajamas, revealing their usual clothes. Yes, they do apparently shed off their bare feet to reveal their shoes. Don’t even ask how.
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It turns out, it’s the giant robot Owly Boop that guarded the last hole on the golf course, tearing apart the city in search for something missing. In her words, which she sings in the style of Betty Boop:
Owly Boop: Hooty-hoot, who’s got it? Hooty-hoot, who’s got it?
She dances around, sings in a jazzy style, and there’s shots like the one above, which fits with the Betty Boop theme of the character. Mostly, she just lifts buildings, leading to jokes like comforting a man who felt his room was too stuffy with that pesky ceiling, and the classic “reveal a woman bathing, causing her to scream“ joke. This is a throwback episode, so it fits.
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Highlighting one scene in particular, the robot lifts City Hall like one of those step-on garbage cans to find what she’s looking for, grabbing the Mayor. This leads to The Mayor commenting that she looks just like Ms. Bellum except for her face. I’m glad that Ms. Bellum isn’t completely forgotten, though comparing her to a Betty Boop parody tells me they still don't see her for her personality.
He then cries, because he misses her, with Bubbles having to comfort him. Later on, there’s a cutaway where Bubbles reads him a bedtime story in the same way Ms. Bellum did in one of the flashbacks in Bye Bye Bellum. A more obvious callback to a previous episode? Who would have thought that would happen?
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Blossom immediately knows what’s going on, and tells Buttercup that this is happening because she stole the golf ball. Buttercup tells Blossom that she earned it by being "terrible", and says she would do the same thing in her position. To Blossom, she's the epitome of morality, and she would never steal a thing. Guess she forgot about those golf clubs.
Buttercup, not willing to give up her lucky golf ball, decides to do what she actually does worst: actually beating up monsters in this reboot. To be fair, even in the original, if it would break the story, the Powerpuff Girls could, and should, not defeat the Monster of the Week. Catastrophe? The slime monster keeps reforming. Uh Oh Dynamo? Better have that monster be suddenly invincible so they can get in the robot!
The main issue, and I've written this before, is the lack of contrast. There's very little Girls Punch, Monster Down to establish the Powerpuff Girl's powers in the reboot, unlike the original where episodes often open with Townsville under attack and the Powerpuff Girls saving the day. It's a good thing Cartoon Network's website has original episodes as well, or we might forget that the Powerpuff Girls are supposed to be ultra-super-powerful.
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Of course, robot kick, girl down. Womp womp, hooty-hoot-hoo. The way she does it isn’t too bad, though: she telescopes her legs to the sky, and then while Buttercup is confused, she kicks him in a way resembling Betty Boop’s dance moves. I like the way the robot is animated in this episode; I wish I made more GIFs.
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Wooly shows up, not really concerned that one of his animatronics is destroying the town, but is concerned that whippersnapper is a thief. He tells Buttercup robot will not stop until what she has stolen returns. Huh, he sure seems to know a lot for being an innocent golf guy. He does a lot of evil laughs, too.
Despite everything, Buttercup still feels that she doesn’t need to give up that golf ball that she earned. Besides, it’s not like the city is totally destroyed! Cue the ironic panorama shot!
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Wah, wah, wah, waaah.
Buttercup, having no choice, goes on top of a ceiling. She asks Bubbles to check the wind speed, and it’s apparently so strong that it blows Bubbles away. I guess the Powerpuff Girls are now weaker than wind. Buttercup repeats the same golf ball bounces everywhere gag from before, and the ball lands right into her mouth, shutting her down.
They all get ready for the once-an-episode apology scene, until the robot comes back to life with the startling twist! I won't entirely spoil it here, but you can add this episode to the massive pile of episodes that make Blossom look foolish.
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Foolish enough for a wah-wah trumpet!
I will give this episode credit: despite consantly making him seem that way, they never really out Wooly as the villain that's the cause of all of this. This episode actually leaves an interpretation to the viewer, and that’s actually nice in a reboot not familiar with the word “subtlety“.
Does the title fit?
Madness is caused by a stolen mini-golf ball.
How does it stack up?
I didn't come to this episode expecting much, but I left rather surprised. The Owly Boop robot is charming, some of the jokes actually work, and it's great to see an episode involving superheroics. In Buttercup's way of thinking, this episode is "terrible". In other words, it's good. Wrap your head around that one.
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Next week, the Bro Sharks. Oh, (Man)boy.
← A Star Is Blossom ☆ Summer Bummer →
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