#okay seriously when I got this idea I half wanted to scream out of excitement and wail in despair
puripurin · 8 months
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Idea from @littlekohai77. You are the real G for this. It was altered so that it could fit this story, BUT there will be one where cute yan monster's darling meets his mom. Reader is female.
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— Sometimes, you wish you had the balls to say no to your friends. This was seriously not cool of them... along with the other times. This time, though, you finally had the realization that your friends are shitty people because you are tied up to a tree. In the middle of the forest. For like, 4 hours now.
Darkness was starting to set in, and you were hungry because before this, you only ate granola bars and drank water. You were also in pain from when you decided to escape and tried to break free, but all you got were rope burns that were painful.
You sighed as you knocked your feet with one another out of sheer boredom. There was no way you were going to make it out alive. Even if you tried screaming (which you'd have done and your throat is extremely hoarse), you were deep into the forest, and you haven't seen a single soul pass by you.
Well, that was until you heard the crunch of leaves, and it seemed it was heading towards you! How lucky you were! You made sure to move around a lot and tried to use your weak voice to bring the person over to you. You were happy until you realized the person you were luring to you wasn't exactly a person.
A horned monser stood in the corner of your eyes. If you could scream, you would've, but you looked away and closed your eyes. It was like it instantly burned into your eyes, with its deep red eyes and short black fur.
As you waited for death, it never came with only a wet nose being pressed on your cheek, and it went lower and lower until it reached your crotch which you closed your legs and twisted your lower half away from it. The monster growled lightly before slasch at your bindings and carried you in his arms. You momentarily celebrated before realizing you were going to probably get eaten to death by this monster. You sighed and thought about your family and not your ex-friends, which made you fall asleep in the monster's arms.
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"WOAHHHHH!" The 7 year old boy said in amazement. He was bouncing around in excitement and made you giggle.
"Daddy is super cool! He saved mommy from danger!" This was your son, Aimilios, the child you had with Kaiser, the monster that had saved you. It was a bit too early to put this out there, but Aimilios was too excited and interrupted.
"Okay, okay. Calm down, don't you want to know what happens next?" You reasoned with your child, which made him stop before sitting down close to you in silence and staring like a puppy. You pulled him closer and rubbed his head.
"Now, what happened after...? Oh right!" You chuckled as you reminiscence on the past.
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When you woken up, you were covered in a fur sheet, and there was a fire to the side of you, warming you up. It seemed you were now in an abandoned building. Looking around, everything was worn down, but it was clean.
"You. Awake." A low gruff voice made you jump in fear. The monster appeared with a fraying picnic basket in its teeth. You scrambled behind you, only to hit your head on a broken table leg.
"Fuck... that hurts..." You rubbed the area and brought down your hand only to see blood. Looking back, there was blood on the area that your head it, and it was slightly sharp.
"Human. Hurt. Self?" It spoke once more before dropping the basket near you and going back into the darkness for something.
When the monster came back, there was a scratched up med kit with a dried blood splatter in its mouth. It sat right in front of you and placed down the kit to take out the bandages.
You carefully watched the monster as it slowly wrapped your head in bandages and then used medical grade tape to make sure it wasn't going to come off...
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"And the rest is history. It took a while for me to warm up to your daddy, but when I fell in love, it hit me hard." You kissed his head, but your child had something on his mind.
"But... what about mommy's bad friends?" He looked up at you with his cute little doe eyes.
"Well, it was a couple of months later when you were still in mommy's belly."
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You yawned as you walked through the hallways of the abandoned building you were living in with Kaiser. At this point, your pregnant belly was obvious even with the loose clothes you wore. It was 1 pm, and you had just woken up. Kaiser was out hunting food, and you stayed here cleaning up and making the abandoned building more like home.
What you weren't expecting was a bright flashlight being shined in your face. There were a lot of shocked gasps as you covered your eyes.
"Heh, is that really you, [Y/n]?" Now that was one of your ex-friend's voices. He lowered his flashlight and saw your pissed off face.
"Hooo! You're massive now! Huh, look, guys, the skeleton has turned into a whale now. Who's the bum that impregnated you? Hahahaha!" One of the girls joked and mocked you.
"You guys sure have a lot of balls coming back to the forest where one of your ex-friends could have possibly died, and the first thing you do is mock my body and its father?" You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"Hahaha, you're just a waste of space. Why should we care?" It was almost comical with the way they acted. Were these people humans or cartoon characters?
"Okay, since I don't want to be the one to get blamed when you die, please get the fuck out of this place. Now." You crossed your arms and made your voice firm. Even if they were acting like bitches, you still wanted them to live on with their mistakes.
"Oh? Is this cunt speaking back to us? Guys, should we teach this pregnant cow a lesson." To which all 4 persons agree in unison. The tallest punched you in the face before grabbing you and taking you outside and tied you to a tree. You sighed and shook your head.
"Back to where you were, huh? Not so fiesty now, eh?" One said, and you were contemplating things. Too bad you didn't need to think that far as one of them got thrown to the ground and got badly injured.
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"I won't go into detail of what happened, but the aftermath was bad for me. I wasn't able to leave my room until I gave birth to you, only to find out that I couldn't interact with other people and leave the house to get supplies. Ridiculous, right??" You huffed and puffed out your cheeks to make your son feel angry as well.
"But you never step foot outside because you wanted to! They forced you outside!" He pouted and crossed his arms, making him look extremely cute.
"But, if he wasn't there, I would have never gotten to see your cute face. Now it's time to go to sleep. Mommy will make your favorite food in the morning if you do." Instantly, he hopped into bed and snuggled into the sheets with his eyes closed shut.
"Goodnight, Amy." You kissed his forehead before turning off the light and leaving the room.
As you walked down the hallways, you heard footsteps. You smiled and turned around behind you to run towards Kaiser, only to get hit in the head by a hanging piece of metal. Tears pricked your eyes as you bent down in pain.
"Ah... my clumsy wife hurts herself again. How foolish of her..." You slapped Kaiser's leg as he made fun of you again. "You're such a bully!" You sniffled.
"Oh? But don't you like taking this so-called "bully's" cock?" You face flushed in embarrassment, and as if the pain disappeared, stood up and started hitting him in his chest. "Now you're really making me regret teaching you english!!" You turned away from him and pouted.
"Oh, you regret it now? Let's see if you'll regret when I stuff this thick—"
"AHHHH--- LALALA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" You said as you ran away from him.
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Anyways 🐀,,, for the introduction for his papa, it is tame because this (y/n) was obscuring most of what happened because be realistic here, are you going to tell a child how you saw one of your friends get mauled in front of your eyes. So, there will be the actual intro post for Kaiser without Aimilios being told the story of how they met.
I thought it would be a fun exercise to do because,,, why not? Belehhhh.
Nir proofread.
243 notes · View notes
artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} OFC x Harvey Specter {Pt. 3)
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Uh ohhhh guys it’s Pt. 3 🤭🤭🤭 I am so excited for this. It’s honestly one of my favorite things I’ve written and I hope you all agree. There is a poll at the end so make sure to vote for that <3 enjooyyyyy p.s. I hope this does good justice for this series.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Character Playlist
Word Count: 12,795
Warnings: language, angst, anxious thoughts, one singular mention of sexual h*r*ssm*nt in regards to Harvey’s actions with Claudia, smut 18+, the tiniest bit of food play, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink go brrr
***Italic sections indicate flashbacks***
Summary: The aftermath of Harvey breaking his promise to Claudia.
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo
My legs were numb. That sort of numbness when something happens that you can’t explain. It felt like my life just flashed before my eyes. That image of Claudia’s shaking lip… hearing her broken voice… I don’t think I’ll ever get it out of my fucking head. 
“Harvey, I requested those trades be made an hour ago. Do you wanna tell me why… Harvey?”
I could see Jessica in front of me, but I couldn’t hear a damn thing she said. 
“Harvey, what’s going on?” She closed the door, and I put a hand out to steady myself so I wouldn’t fall on the floor. “What happened?” “I fucked up,” I whispered. 
“Yeah, no shit. You tanked our only opportunity to get a leg up on this Gustoson case. You’re damn right you fucked up-”
“No no,” I sat on the arm of the chair. My hands began to shake so I folded them together. Jessica saw. 
“What the hell did you do?”
“I yelled at Claudia…”
She just blinked at me. “Is that seriously what you’re concerned about? Yelling at an associate? Okay, you yelled at an associate, what’s new? That might as well be in your job description.”
“No no no I didn’t just yell at her I threatened to do the one thing that I promised I would never do and now she’s gone. She left. I can’t- I don’t- I never meant to hurt her but she suggested that we file a motion to dismiss and I got so caught up in my anger about her accusing me of using her that I lost my-”
“Using her? Harvey, what is going on?” “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Donna barged in. 
“Donna please don’t-”
“Harvey and Claudia have been ‘working together’ for the last month and a half, when in reality he has been a selfish, lying, arrogant brat who has crossed so many lines it’s beginning to look like a Rorschach Test.”
“You know?” I felt my heart suffocate myself. I thought I was gonna throw up.
“In all honesty Harvey, no I didn’t. Not until Claudia just broke down in the elevator and told me everything. I cannot believe that you would use her like that. For your own personal satisfaction are you out of your fucking mind?” “Harvey, what the hell is she talking about?” Jessica’s voice was full of hostility. 
“He thought that it would be a good idea to boost Claudia’s confidence by getting into her pants.”
“Donna it wasn’t-”
Jessica scoffed, covering her face. “What the hell is wrong with you? This has got sexual harassment written all over it, Havrey. Could you really be that delusional?”
“For fucks sake it wasn’t like that!” I screamed. Genuinely screamed and paced around. “I didn’t use her, not intentionally. God dammit I haven't been able to think clearly since the first day that I saw Claudia. She is an incredible lawyer and all I wanted to do was give her something else to focus on because she was afraid to be in a room with me. I just- all I wanted to do was help her find a little bit of confidence and oh my god this sounds so much worse when I say it outloud.”
Donna and Jessica exchanged a look while I slowly felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and stomped on the floor with cleats. 
“Okay Harvey, sit down and tell us what happened,” Donna steered me away from putting a hole in the wall to my desk.
“I don’t even know, Donna.” “Well while you two enjoy going down memory lane, I’ll be fighting for our firm's life. If you two don’t get your shit together, and by you two I mean Harvey, then… I don’t even know then.”
She all but slammed the door on her way out, patrons on the other side sending worried glances our way. I turned my chair so they wouldn’t see me. 
“How long has this been going on?” Donna asked. 
I dug my nails into my skin. “Almost two months.”
“Two months? Harvey, how could you not tell me?” “Because I didn’t want to,” I admitted. “And partly because I kind of thought you already knew. You know, the whole ‘Donna superpower’ shit you do.”
“I know I can’t believe I missed it,” she took the chair in front of me. I glared at her so hard I thought I’d light that hair of hers on fire. “Okay bad time for a joke. So, bachelor, why don’t you start from the beginning. And please, I don’t need to know the dirty details, despite my curiosity. Claudia is like a little sister to me and I really don’t want to picture you and her and oh my god I already am. Ugh, please start talking so I don’t have to be tortured.”
So dramatic. I was good looking, and so was Claudia. Why wouldn’t anyone want to picture us together? Then my eyes snapped to the chair she was sitting on. Oh god. Donna was in the chair that I was the first time Claudia and I-
“Get up,” I blurted out, reaching for her and placing her in my desk chair. God dammit we used that one too. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
We sat down on the couch and I rubbed my strained eyes. Here goes nothing. 
“When Sheila first sent over the recruits from Harvard, I interviewed all of them. Except for one. There were thirteen associates but I only had twelve meetings set up. So I asked Louis if he was interviewing any of the newbies and he said just one. Obviously this person was some sort of idiot to be going to Louis instead of me, so I popped in.”
“Well, Claudia I think that you have some unbelievable potential at this firm and I’d just like to- Harvey, what are you doing here I am in the middle of an interview.”
“Oh I know, I just wanted to drop by and see how it was going.”
In front of Louis was this warm, chestnut brown head of sleek, silk like hair. She was wearing a lavender blouse and a black maxi skirt with a slit to the knee. She had on these black flats with pearls on them. Summer had just ended, and there was some remaining sunburn on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were surrounded by prominent lashes and eyebrows, a fine line of makeup between the two; lavender, to match the top. 
“It’s going great, now will you get the hell out and tend to your own interviews and stop barging in on my only one?”
“Harvey Specter,” I introduced, sticking out my hand. She looked from it over to Louis, who was just shooting me daggers. 
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?”“Louis, I’m not trying to woo your associate, I’m just introducing myself to her. We are kind of name partners, you know. It’s the courteous thing to do.”
Again, all she did was look at my hand before slowly standing up. I didn’t miss the way she tried to subtly wipe her hand on her skirt. 
“I’m Claudia. Claudia Martin.”
God dammit that was a pretty name. It sounded so sophisticated, so mature and would sound really nice next to mine. Or with mine. Harvey Specter and Claudia Martin. I don’t know why I thought of hearing or seeing ‘Claudia Specter’ one day, but I did. And I didn’t hate the way it sounded. 
“Welcome to Pearson Specter Litt,” I gave a nice smile. It was clear she was already intimidated to be here, I didn’t need to add to that fire. She barely looked me in the eye for two seconds, but those two seconds made my head spin. 
She had the most gorgeous eyes I think I’ve ever seen in my life. They were amber in the middle but had this ring of hazel around the outer rim. It was just… not something I’ve ever seen before. I didn’t want her to look away because I just wanted to keep looking at them.
And that blush… that I knew wasn’t her sunburn. Not the way it creeped up the side of her face, or at the base of her neck. 
Jesus Harvey, stop staring at her. You’re probably giving off major stalker vibes.
“Well I’ll be around if you need anything, Claudia. Don’t be shy,” I smiled, the best charming one I could. Her full lips were in a tight line, her fingers picking at each other before she sat back down with Louis.
“Okay so you sabotaged Louis’ meeting with Claudia and thought she was beautiful? Why didn’t you just say that?” Donna interrupted. 
“Didn’t you ask me to start from the beginning?” She snapped her lips closed. “So let me tell the goddamn story. Yes, I thought she was stunning. I mean, no one in their right mind would think otherwise. She is so pretty and so smart and twice the person I wish I could be. There is just something about her that I can’t shake from my memory.”
“Yeah we get it, you’re head over heels for Claudia. Now on with it I don’t have all day.”
I rolled my eyes. 
“That was the first time I met her. It wasn’t long after that she started working here when I talked to her again. She was just sitting at her desk, Griffin and whoever else crowded around the opposite end of the bullpen. She was excluded and it made me feel bad.”
I’ve always thought Griffin would be at the top of my list for top associates. He was like me; only shorter, not as good looking, and had blue eyes instead of brown. Did I mention he wasn’t as good looking? Anyway, I had only one intention: get Claudia alone so I could talk to her.
Every day since she started a few weeks ago, I have watched her get off the elevator, walk through the office, and disappear around the corner. It wasn’t fair that she got to look like that, walk like that, and no one was around to appreciate it. 
She was so fucking eye catching. And I didn’t want the other slobs at this firm to get to her before I could.
“Claudia, do you mind helping me with something for a few minutes?” I asked, voice just loud enough for Griffin to hear. 
She looked up, pen cap between her rosy lips, and blinked. That flush creeped onto her cheeks. I tried not to smile. 
“Sure,” she nodded once and stood up, following me out. 
I was not so subtle with the look that I gave Griffin, and he wasn’t so subtle with the way he spoke.
“Is there something you need, Harvey? Claudia is in the middle of a very important depo documentation. I’d hate for her to fall behind.”
What a dick. “No, Griffin. It seems like you’ve got more important things to do with your book club than working on whatever Louis assigned you, so Claudia will work just fine. I prefer an actually hard working associate to someone who’s discussing whatever mediocre steak dinner you had at Texas Roadhouse last Wednesday.”
“Griffin’s eyes simmered and shot daggers into Claudia. But he didn’t open his mouth. I thought about punching him in the face for looking at her like that, and that’s when I realized I was fucked. That I was willing to do that for Claudia when it was literally the second time I’ve ever talked to her.”
“I’ll say,” Donna huffed. “What happened next?” “I just had her deliver some letters for me to the courthouse. I asked her something about Griffin, if they were ever acquainted with each other.”
“And what did she say?”
“She told me that Griffin was a total douchebag and tried to use his social status to get a leg up on her in class discussions, cutting corners to discredit her. It was so unfair and I just-”
Donna put a hand on my knee. “Relax, Harvey. Griffin isn’t here, stop looking like you want to put him through a wall.” “Well, Donna, I do want to put him through a wall because he has been an asshole to Claudia for no other reason than she was good at her job. It makes me sick.”
“When did you start becoming so protective of her? I’ve never seen you like this with anyone other than Mike, Louis, Jessica and myself. You must… really really care about her.”
“I think it was during the mock trial. She was always off to the side, always attentive, but never spoke up. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at her every once and a while to see if she wanted to be included. But she never did.”
“This case may seem simple, but the husband is a grade A asshole. He has done everything to cover his tracks and is gonna come at us with everything he’s got. Find me some evidence and make it good.”
They all branched off, heading this way and that. Claudia went to the only logical place, right to me.
“Hi, Mr. Specter-sir. I just have one question about-about the case if you’ve got a minute. If you have somewhere to be I understand and I can ask later,” she said quickly.
“Of course, what do you want to know?” I couldn’t help but think her stuttering was cute. I knew she was nervous, specifically around me; she always seemed so tense with me, so I made sure to always speak quietly and calmly with her. 
“Was Mr. Saros the one who paid off that investment banker? Did the money come from his account directly or a different one?”
God she was so good. “It came from him and his wife’s joint account.”
Claudia had a slight grin to her lips, and she nodded before striding away. She was going to crack this wide open. I just knew it. 
I went back to my office to wait it out, to see if any one could come up with an idea before Claudia. Before I knew it, it was three o'clock and I had a meeting to go to for another case Mike and I were working on. When we got in the car, Mike was looking at me with a knowing smile. 
He shook his head, “Nothing, just wondering how long you’re going to pretend you’re not in love with Claudia Martin.”
“The first year associate?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who she is. I see you watch her like a starving animal every time she comes into the office. And every time she leaves. And every time she asks Donna something.”
Uh oh.
“Oh please, I have far better things to do than get involved with a first year.”
“You didn’t deny that you were in love with her.”
“Do you want to get smacked? Or I could kick you out of this car at sixty miles per hour, see how you like the taste of asphalt.” Mike did not know when to stop pushing my buttons. 
“I think you just proved my theory.”
“What theory?”
“That you are in love and you are incredibly protective of Claudia. I heard about what you said to Griffin when he offered his help because Claudia was ‘too busy’. You know he pawned that work off to her, right?”
My eyes narrowed and my jaw clenched, as well as my fists. I fixed my gaze out the window and took some deep breaths. Jesus… he had a point. A huge point. God dammit I’m in trouble.
“Mike knew before I did?” Donna sounded mildly offended. 
“Well, not really. I never told him what we were doing. But I did tell him that I liked her. And when he told me that Griffin was pawning off his work to Caudia it sent me into a spiral. Shit, Donna… I am in so deep with Claudia. I really fucked up. I mean really bad. I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t treat her like the other associates because she wasn’t like the other associates. She was Claudia. And Claudia was- is- so much better than the rest of them.” “Why would you make a promise like that if you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep it?” “I had every intention of keeping it, but then all the shit with started happening when Louis found out about Mike being a fraud and he took that fucking case with Gerard and I couldn’t hold it together.” “Why did you even make it in the first place?” Donna asked, but I really didn’t want to tell this story.
I sighed, the type of sigh that fills your whole body.
“I was going off on Griffin one day, for being an asshole to some of the other associates, about pawning off his work to Claudia and she saw.”
“Griffin, I don’t care whose idea it was. You were the one to destroy his work, so you’re going to face the consequences.”
“It was just a prank, the entire document wasn’t supposed to be deleted.”
“You think tampering with another associate’s work is a prank? I hope when you go home tonight you think long and hard about who you wanna be as a man because as of right now, there isn’t going to be anything for you to come back to tomorrow. And you better pray to whatever you believe in because if there’s one person you don’t want to make an enemy out of, it’s me. Do you understand that?”
He clenched his jax, shoving his hands in his pockets. “yes.”
“You are going to be Louis’ personal associate.”“No, no way you can make me work for that man. He’s a total airhead.”“Yes, he is, now you two have something to talk about. You can bond over your selfish, outrageous egotistical behavior, it’ll be just like looking in a mirror.”
“Harvey I’m-”
“I don’t care what you are Griffin. You have no right to treat the other associates like that, especially Claudia. If I ever catch wind of you throwing your work load on her again so help me God I will make sure it is the last thing you do at this firm.”
If my point wasn’t clear enough by my words, the look I gave him would certainly do. He left my office without another word and I followed his movements all the way. But my eyes met Claudia’s. And they were wide and panicked. She quickly scurried away, head down and steps fast. She looked so afraid. 
She wasn’t afraid of me was she? I mean, all I had done was rip Griffin a new one for being an asshole. And he deserved it, Claudia would never do something to deserve that kind of lashing. 
“And so I promised her. I fucking promised her that I would never flip out on her and then I went and did exactly. God Donna… I am so fucked up.”
Her slim hand rubbed up and down my shoulder, but I only wanted it to be Claudia’s. I wanted her right next to me so I could go through all of this with her and explain that it wasn’t just some fling. Not to me. Never to me. I never wanted it to be temporary, she was… she’s it for me. 
The familiar prick crept into my eyes, my nose, and the tears fell. Donna has only seen me cry a handful of times, but never over a girl.
But Claudia wasn’t just some girl. She wasn’t just some hookup or some prize to be won. She was Claudia Martin. My Claudia. The quiet, shy first year associate I had worked so hard to get out of her shell. It wasn’t just for my pleasure, I truly didn’t want to see her fall behind just because she couldn’t ask me a question.
I saw that look in her eye; hunger and determination. Just like mine. I wanted it to shine brighter than her smile. Which was equally as devastating as her work in the courtroom. But I just wanted her to feel comfortable around me and I didn’t know what else to do. She was like a frightened baby deer around me. A constant nervous wreck at the drop of my name. I didn’t want her to be afraid of me, I wanted nothing more than to be a safe space for her. 
And maybe it’s just because I’m an idiot, but I’m realizing now that maybe I’m the one who needed the safe place. To just have someone to go to all the time. To share all of my proud moments and sneak little kisses and touches here and there. 
I need Claudia. I need her.
Maybe I took it too far. Started at the wrong place. I should’ve offered to take her out to dinner instead of inviting her up for a drink in my office after her first case. I shouldn’t have done it so backwards, and it kills me that I’m only drawing that connection now. Why couldn’t I have thought of that earlier? She would’ve been so much better off without all the backwards, fucked up shit that I did.
But it was so nice. To finally have the one thing I have been craving for so long. She was so soft, and she was so sweet under my touch and I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I first kissed her it was end game. I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. I wouldn’t ever kiss anyone again, not the way I kissed Claudia. More than lust. More than just a desire. 
Her lips on mine made my head go blank. I had an awful habit of having work thoughts creep their way into my head every once in a while. But never with her. Even when we were only talking about work, I couldn’t think about it. I only thought about her. About how brilliant she was, about how soft and warm and perfect her lips were on mine. About how she always made me feel at ease and comforted. I doubt she could ever make anyone afraid. Except maybe an opposing counsel. 
If I ever had to face her in court… I know I’d lose. For one, I’d give her anything she wanted simply because she could put me on my knees with a single look. And normally I’d hate to let a woman have that much control over me, but for Claudia… I’d let her do whatever she wanted. And Second, she knows what to do. All the time. She never misses a beat, and is always listening. Even when you think she isn’t.
I am so in love with Claudia. I felt my heart crack open. My voice more or less does the same. 
“Harvey…” “I am in love with her, Donna. And I think I have been for a long time.”
She was quiet, and a throat cleared. Mike was there in front of me, his hands in his pockets, a look of worry on his face. “Is everything alright?”
I saw Donna shake her head out of the corner of my eye. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she wanted to. 
“I broke my promise to Claudia.” That was all I said. I heard his sharp inhale, and he came and sat in front of us. “God dammit Mike… I really messed up. I hurt the one person I couldn’t afford to and- and I don’t know what to do.”
“Go talk to her,” Mike said. “If you’re serious about how you feel about Claudia, then you need to go tell her that it was never… whatever you were doing before. She has anxiety, Harvey. She is going to let her brain tell her things about you that aren’t true. And you need to be there to soothe the fire before it does irreversible damage.” “Well, what do you and Rachel do when you get into an argument?” 
“Harvey,” Donna said, “You aren’t Mike, and Claudia isn’t Rachel. Whatever they do might not work for you. You need to do what feels right for you and your relationship.” “I don’t know if you know this Donna, but I haven’t done something like this before. I don’t know how to talk to her. How to not make her anxious around me.” “We’ll help you,” Mike nods, as well as Donna. “We can come up with a plan but right now we’ve got a bigger problem on our hands.” What could be more devastating than hurting Claudia? 
Nothing. The answer was nothing.
I toed off my shoes, leaving them in the growing pile by my front door. I sighed at it. Why couldn’t they just put themselves away? 
My splitting headache was doing nothing to help either. 
Before I could even get a thought about what I could cook for dinner, the doorbell rang. I swear to god if Greg was here asking me about those flowers on my wreath again I was going to smack him with it, throw it over his head and shove him back inside his apartment and-
“Claudia, it’s Mike. I know you’re here, can we talk?”
Mike? What the hell is he doing here? 
I seriously debated giving my best housekeeper impression and deadbolting the door. But it was Mike, and he hadn’t done anything to deserve a cold shoulder. Oh god, what if Harvey was with him and I was getting set up? Oh shit.
“No, Harvey isn’t with me. I promise.”
I stalked to the door, pulling it open and glaring up at Mike. “The last time someone made me a promise I regretted it.” He just pressed his lips in a flat line. “What are you doing here, Mike?”
“I’m here on behalf of Harvey.” “Why?” “Because he’s worried about you.” Why is he worried about me? He made it very clear he didn’t give a shit about me. “He’s beating himself up over what he did.”
“Good,” that I didn’t restrain. 
“Claudia, he is really shaken up right now. He didn’t mean to do what he did. Now, I’m not going to stand here and pretend I know all the details about what he did but-” “He used me, Mike. Plain and simple.” All I got was a raised eyebrow. “He told me he wanted to ‘build my confidence’ which I was actually naive enough to believe, and it led to my worst fucking nightmare. But he just got what he wanted, to get his dick wet and then was done with me.”
“Claudia, trust me, it wasn’t like that. Harvey would never use you like that. He wouldn’t dream of it, trust me.”
“Are you sure because it seems like that’s exactly what he did. He saw that I was hard working, manipulated me into working with him, and treated me like shit when I was just trying to find a solution to his goddamn problem. I have more self respect than that. To let him continue to get away with that.”
“Can I ask what he did?”
My throat closed, and my palms began to sweat. I knew my annoying blush was there by the way his eyes dipped to my neck. 
“After I won my first case with him, he invited me up to his office for some drinks. Said something along the lines of wanting to get to know each other so I didn’t have to feel so nervous. So I went up, and one thing led to another and… I don’t know why I let it happen. I knew it would end badly. I can’t believe I let myself believe that he would be into me beyond anything other than his pure primal satisfaction. But he seemed so genuine and so caring. Like he genuinely wanted to help me, and some part of me obviously thought it was a good idea because it happened again. And again. And again. God, I sound like the biggest loser right now.” “No you don’t,” Mike gave me a soft smile. “If it means anything, those feelings weren’t one sided. I know it doesn’t mean much of anything coming from me but… Harvey is really really fucking sorry about what he did.”
I was physically shaking. Through my trembles, I managed to speak, despite my thoughts trying to shut me down. “It hurt so bad, Mike. I really like Harvey, and I thought he might feel the same way. I guess I was wrong. So… so wrong.”
“No, Claudia you’re not wrong. Harvey is a grade A asshole but he wouldn’t-”
“If there is any chance of Harvey sorting this out, you need to tell him to grow a set and tell me himself,” I have no idea where this confidence came from. “He needs to stop getting other people to do his job for him. If he can’t recognize that now, of all times, then… then I don’t think he deserves me.”
Mike blinked long, rubbing his fingers over his mouth. “Harvey didn’t ask me to come here.” “What?” What? 
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I knew Harvey wouldn’t come tonight. I’m not sure he’ll come at all but… Claudia, he talks about you like I’ve never seen him talk before. He gushes over you to the point where it’s annoying. And when I went to go and talk to him about what our next move was for this case… Claudia, he was crying. He was sobbing with Donna in his office and-”
Good, I wanted to say. But it kind of crushed my soul. Harvey was crying over what he did to me. 
“I’ve never seen him cry before,” Mike looked hurt, too. “He regrets what he said. I know he does.”
“I believe you.”
“Good,” he nods. “I don’t want to do his job for him and I think-”
“But that doesn’t mean I will forgive him for what he said,” and with that, I closed the door, locking it for the night.
Saturday and Sunday were so agonizing. The last thing I wanted to do was go into an office after a weekend of anything but rest and relaxation. I was tired and hadn’t showered and needed some restful sleep. Not to be woken up three times a night by dreams of Harvey touching me. Those certainly didn’t help. 
My mind kept replaying our first time together. Specifically when he said 'Oh, Claudia, you really are that innocent, aren’t you?’ Innocent and naive… just like he said that night. Who was I to think that Harvey would take any interest in me besides the fact that I was good at being a lawyer? I wasn’t special in any way, I think he just knew that I was easy to manipulate into doing what he needed. 
There was no way in hell I’d ever do another thing for Havrey, the all powerful jackass, Specter again.
As I set my stuff on my desk, Griffin walked up. Great. Just great, what did this prick want?
“Hey umm… Hi Claudia,” he rubbed the back of his head. “I just- I’m sorry. About all the things I’ve done to you. You didn’t deserve it and I want you to know that you have always been six-times the lawyer I wish I could be. I was jealous and took it out on you. And I shouldn’t have so… I’m sorry.”
Did I just hear that right? Did Griffin Harper just apologize to me? What the fuck is going on?
“Oh,” great way to start, idiot. “Thank you, Griffin.”
He just gave me a short nod before scurrying away. Well, that was… unexpected. Certainly I couldn’t ever let us be friends, but it was nice to know he wasn’t my mortal enemy any longer. 
I went about my business, plagued with thoughts and reminders of Harvey ever which way I went. Louis and Jessica sent me an email with some files to print out so I scanned them, proofed them, and sent them to the printing room. 
God it sent a shiver down my spine to be back in here after he… don’t finish the thought don’t finish the thought-
“Hey, Claudia,” Donna snapped me out of my heated thoughts. “How are you?” “You can cut the bullshit now, Donna.”
She sighed, “it was a genuine question.” “And that was a genuine answer. I’m not in the mood.”
“Claudia-” “No, Donna. What Harvey did wasn’t okay, and I’m not going to stand here and pretend like what he did didn't hurt. Because it did and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since. I don’t need you here to remind me.”
“Have you ever considered that Harvey may want to fix it?”
“No, Donna. I haven’t. And I’m not going to,” I stood my ground, squaring off my freshly printed papers before making more copies for Louis. 
“What are you talking about?”
I scoffed. “Do you really think that I wouldn’t figure out what was going on?” “Again, what are you-” “I know Harvey just thinks that I am gullible and naive and easy to push around because he makes me nervous. And it’s true. Whenever I am near him I can’t keep myself composed and I’m sick and tired of being walked all over. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to let myself see otherwise, but I’m even more upset that you didn’t come clean and tell me.” “Claudia, no one is walking over you. And I didn’t know about any of this until you told me on Friday. Harvey came to you because he knew can rely on you and your abilities to get things accomplished. He wanted the chance to work with you and get you to trust him a little. You have to know that by now,” Donna was standing right next to me, blocking my way out. 
“Maybe I do, but that doesn’t mean that I believe it. Donna, I am not some corporate power house that is gonna bring firms to their knees. Not like he does.” “Nobody does what Harvey does.” “And that’s my point,” I grit my teeth. “Harvey was trying to make me into a mini version of him, just like he did with Mike and it’s not what I want to be. Donna, I am not assertive. I am not reckless and willing to go behind peoples backs to get the job done. I like rules and regulations and the law. They are there so people abide by them, and Harvey, more often than not, doesn’t do that. Yes, I look up to him as a role model because I admire his tenacity. But that doesn’t mean I like or agree with the things he does.”
“And you think that I like it when he goes and cuts someone’s legs out from under them?”
“I didn’t say that. But that means you know how I feel. I can’t- I don’t… I don’t want to be around someone like that. It makes me feel like I’m suffocating. And worst of all he gave me his word that he wouldn’t lash out and treat me like the other associates. I cant believe that I was stupid enough to believe that Harvey would-“
Both of us stopped as someone pushed through the door. 
“Donna,” Harvey’s mouth was pressed in a flat line. He jerked his head over his shoulder. Donna gave me a sympathetic look and turned on her heel. Where was she going?
“Wait, Donna don’t-” I whispered.
“You’ll be fine,” she gave me a firm look, patting my shoulder as she walked around Harvey. Oh my god… she set me up.
My heart felt like it was ripping out of my fucking chest. The last thing I needed right now was to be in an enclosed space with Harvey.
He stared at me, fussing with the cufflink on his shirt. “Claudia.” “I’m sorry, Mr. Specter, but I have to get these to Louis.” I tried to go around him, like Donna had, but he just let his body fall against the wall. Blocking the way. I couldn’t bring myself to look up at him and ask him to let me go. 
“I want you to listen to me.” His voice was stern, in a demanding way, but not in a pissed off way. 
“No, I am in a rush. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“No,” he said with a shake of his head. “Come on, Claudia. Please just talk to me. I tried to call you but you didn’t answer and-.”
“I know, but I don’t want to talk to you. I want you to get out of my way so I can go do my job.” 
“A little feisty today, aren’t we?” He pushed off his shoulder, taking a step towards me, I took one back. And another as he took one. 
“No, I need to-” “Get those copies to Louis, I heard you,” Harvey acknowledged, but didn’t stop walking closer to me. My back eventually hit a copier and I almost fell over, but Harveys arms came to either side of my body, blocking me in. “And I don’t care.”
His face was inches from mine, chest inches from mine. I felt desperate for a breath. I forgot how to think, how to appear unphased. Everything he’s taught me has vanished from my mind. His eyes, much darker in this low over-head light, seemed to pierce my soul. 
“What… What are you doing?” My voice was barely audible. 
“I want you to know that I wouldn’t ever, ever, take advantage of you like that. I can’t even believe that you would think that. You think I enjoy making you a nervous wreck? Well, I don’t. It honestly makes me sick that even after all this time, you can’t trust me.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you.”
“Then what is it? Because clearly I am not understanding,” his tone deepened, voice scratching in his throat. 
I couldn’t- I didn’t know how to admit to him-
“I- I umm… Mr. Specter I can’t-”
“Stop calling me that, please, Claudia. Stop seeing me as your boss for one second and see me as literally anything else.”
I swallowed. Nothing went down. “Harvey… you are… you scare me more than anyone else I’ve ever met.” “Why?” his brows knit together. “What is it about me that makes you so afraid of me?”
“Everything.” I was shaking, visibly shaking in front of him. I looked anywhere but his eyes because I knew if I did I’d crack open and bleed my heart all over him. 
His exhale was sharp enough to rustle the small hairs framing my face. “Claudia just-”
“I can’t be around you without feeling like I’m gonna drown in your presence.” 
He was stunned silent for a beat too long. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Harvey I told you I didn’t want to-”
“Please, Claudia, tell me why you are so afraid of me.” He was begging. Begging for me to explain.
“Because I know that if I let myself think for one fucking second that you actually like working with me I’ll drop my guard around you. And I cannot afford to do that because there are things I keep locked inside that I would rather take to my grave than ever let someone know.”
“And what, you don’t think I’m equally as terrified to have these feelings for you?” “Not like mine.” Harvey gave me a very concerned glance. “There, you asked me to tell you. Please just let me go.”
“No, not until you tell me what is haunting you so much you’re willing to let it eat you alive rather than just let it out for once in your life. Look, I get that you’re a private person, and it’s hard for you to trust people, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep everything bottled inside and let it rot you from the inside out-”
“For the love of guard Harvey it’s you,” I shouted, far louder than I meant to. “It is you that is driving me insane. I cannot go a single moment of my day without thinking about you. I am terrified that you are going to see right through me and figure out that every thought that goes on inside my head has to do with you because for some reason, known only by some sick and twisted higher power, I want you to see me the way I see you. I want you to want me as much as I want you and-”
I stopped because I ran out of air. And then it hit me so hard I saw stars. What the fuck have I just done? My vision began to black out, my heart beating too fast for my lungs to keep up with. 
Harvey had backed up a step, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. 
I was going to throw up, I was sure of it. I tried to speak, but my mind had melted and oozed out of my ears. 
I ran, I left the copies on the floor; at some point I dropped them. And ran. His hand caught my elbow and I shrieked, whipping around just as Harvey slammed the door closed, pinning me, yet again. 
“You do not get to drop that ball and run away,” his voice had a darkness I’ve never heard. “Claudia, in what way do you want me?”
Frozen. My mind was utterly dysfunctional and useless. I couldn’t think, I’m surprised I remembered how to breathe. God his eyes…
“Claudia, please answer me.” Now his voice was tender, filled with warmth. His fingers tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You have to tell me in what way now or I’m… you have to tell me.”
“Why does it matter? I've already ruined everything I’ve had going for me.” I was meek with my words. Wimpy. Cowardice. 
“Because it matters to me.”
“I want you, I want Harvey.”
“As in you want me, and not as your boss, Claudia?” He clarified. I had to shut my eyes, to turn my cheek to him so I wouldn’t see his reaction when I nodded in confirmation. “Fucking hell…”
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Just… just let me go and I can hand Jessica my letter of resignation right now and you never have to see me again-”
“Are you out of your mind?” Harvey’s caramel eyes were wide. “Claudia, I don’t want you to go. Not for one fucking second. Why do you even have a letter drafted?”
“But I just-” 
His fingers gripped my chin, forcing me to look up at him when I spoke. God dammit… Harvey’s thump caressed my lip, pulling it down and watching it spring up. Slowly, ever so slowly, he dipped it inside my mouth. I couldn’t help the soft noise that startled out of me. 
“Claudia… you have no idea how much I have been praying to hear you say those words. I have been driving myself out of my mind with what to say. How to say it and I- I don’t know how to tell you everything I’ve been wanting to. For weeks now.
“I have been thinking of you nonstop. I keep making up excuses and things to come see you during the day. I want nothing more than to get the chance to treat you right, and I want you to want it too. I promised myself I wouldn’t make a move unless you made one first because I knew how petrified you were of me. I can’t- I won’t have you be afraid of me if we do this.
“But I fucked up. I got ahead of myself and I didn’t go in the direction that I should've. I should've just asked you out to dinner, been a true gentleman rather than selfish. You have no idea how long I have been practicing what to say. I just made everything so much worse. And I wish like hell I could take it all back and do it all again because I am so so so fucking sorry for breaking my promise.”
I stared up at him, at the tears spilling over his lashes, and the flush on his cheeks. His lip quivered. He looked so vulnerable. So open and honest. Every part of me wanted to take it to heart, but that voice in the back of my head was telling me not to believe it.
“Harvey I-”
“Please, Claudia,” Harvey knelt to the ground, sitting back on his heels. “I will do whatever you want to gain your trust back. Anything… anything. But I can’t let you walk away from me. I want a real chance to make you happy, to give you every part of me. I will do or say or answer whatever you want but please do not leave me. If you truly don’t want me, tell me, and we never have to talk again. I will make it like I was never here in the first place if you told me to, but I don't think you want that. And I don’t want it either.”
Harvey was on his knees. Begging me to open my heart up to him. 
“Please don’t make me regret this, Harvey…”
He let out a breath, and a smile accompanied the tears that fell down his face. He reached for my hand, and I let him grab it. His fingers were warm and smooth in mine, familiar and comforting as he gently tugged me towards him. 
“I'm so sorry, Claudia. I will regret nothing more than the words I said to you. But I want to fix it, I want to be better. Not just for you, but for myself. But you are what makes me want to be better. I need to learn to control myself and take a page out of my own book to make that happen.”
Harvey rested his head on my stomach, and I let my fingers thread through his spiky hair. 
“But I don’t want you to be afraid of me anymore. I can’t- I won’t let you be afraid to ask me a question. I want to be there for you, work related or not, but I can’t do it if you don’t meet me halfway. I do remember you making me a promise back, to not see me as a monster.”
My hand stopped, and he looked up. I wanted to agree, but I was still upset, and he must’ve seen that. 
“Okay, that was a bad time to bring that up.”
Harvey huffed a laugh, standing back up. His smile was sweet, his finger gentle as it swept some hair away from my face. 
“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, Claudia Olivia Martin.”
“How did you find out my middle name?”
“Donna,” he smiled wider. I just rolled my eyes. “I don’t really know how to do any of this, so I asked her for some help. I knew I had to do it myself. I just didn’t really know where to start and she’s… well, she’s Donna.” “Yes, she is Donna,” I smiled up at him. “But it’s gonna take me more than that to convince me.”
“Oh I have like seven other things lined up and ready to go. If you'd like to hear them. First, you are the most stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous woman I have ever met in my life. Second, I admire every part of you. All your good habits, your bad, your anxious thoughts and brave approach to life. Because they all make you you. Three, I am the biggest fucking idiot. For starting all of this off wrong, for yelling at you. For leading you to believe that I just wanted to get in your pants.”
“You’re also an asshole. A bit of a coward and a bitch. Did I say that you were an asshole?”
“Okay okay,” he placed his hands on my hips and I let him, doing nothing to hide the giggle that bubbled out. “Yes, I am all of those things. And, for the record, I did want to get in your pants, just not that way.”
“Of course you did, who could resist all of this?” My heart sped up when he looked at me over, a huge grin spreading his cheeks wide and bright. 
“Looks like you’ve gained a little confidence, huh?”
“Well, I did have a not so awful teacher. That was before he betrayed me.” “Are you gonna stop rubbing salt into the wound?”
I faked a ponder, “Nope.”
“Claudia,” he pressed a tentative kiss to my cheek, then gauged my response before placing one on the other. “Olivia,” another kiss. “Martin.” He kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose. “I will never be able to take back what I said, but I hope you find it in your heart to give me a second chance. Even good people are great at making bad decisions. I know I can be a better man, and I know you know that too. Just one,” a kiss to my left cheek, “More,” right cheek, “Chance.”
His lips hovered over mine, waiting for permission before he pressed them into mine. My heart was beating so fast. So strong, all because of him. All for him. 
My eyes met his, “Okay, Harvey.”
Those devastating eyes ignited. His smile grew so wide I got lost in it with my own. I was pressed flat to him, my hands on his shoulders, his hands on my lower back. My ears were buzzing with my pulse and I hoped he felt how fast it was. Who knew Harvey had such a way with words? I wondered how long he practiced all of this in the mirror. Who knows, maybe he was secretly a hopeless romantic and-
“Claudia,” Harvey snapped me out of my daydream. 
“Hmm?” “Please tell me I can kiss you.”
Oh. Right. 
“And what if I say no?”
“Then I won’t.”
“And if I say yes?” “I’ll make sure it is the best damn kiss you’ve ever and will ever have.”
Sounds pretty good to me. I pressed up on my toes, arms wrapping around his neck, and finally let our lips say hello. It had been too long, It felt so right, so perfect. And I realized it felt like all the other times we’ve kissed; I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. I wanted to kiss Harvey. Harvey goddamn Specter. 
I should find out what his middle name is from Donna to surprise him. 
“Come over tonight,” he blurted out.
“What?” “Come over, let me cook something for you. We can make it our first date. A real date. Let me start this off on the right foot. Unless tonight is too soon and you need more time to heal and process or-”
“Just stop talking,” I literally put my fingers over his mouth. “I’d love to come over for dinner, Harvey.”
If I hadn’t been in his arms I’m sure he’d jump up and down out of excitement. He kissed me again, and again, and again. The slight stubble on his chin tickled my neck enough for me to tuck down into my shoulders when he kissed below my ear. 
“Hey, Claudia, I just want to make sure- oh. Well, this seems to be going well,” Donna had a proud smile on her face, arms crossed over her chest.
“It is,” Harvey beamed down, never taking his eyes off of me. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.”
“How much of this was your idea?” I asked. 
“I suggested he get a horse and carriage to surprise you on your way out but he knew you wouldn’t want a grand gesture,” She said. “So I think that should say it well enough as to who came up with all the ideas.” When I looked back at him, he had a flush to his cheeks, and hid his grin. 
“Wow, Harvey, I’m impressed.” “Well,” he shrugged. “I don’t know… I wanted it to be authentic and special. Something that you would take to heart and genuinely appreciate. So it’s the best I could come up with over the weekend because if I didn’t do it soon I was going to explode.”
“Seriously, Claudia. This idiot wouldn’t leave my house for two days. I had to kick him out so he could get a shower and change. Did you even sleep?” “You haven’t slept?” He shook his head. “Harvey, what- okay. We need to do our dinner another day because if you try to cook you might set your house on fire and that would-” “Nope, too bad. I’m fine, really Claudia. I can handle making dinner. I’ll leave early and take a nap if that would make you feel better.” “Yes, it would,” I sighed out, looking back at Donna who had a look that meant trouble. “What?” “You guys are adorable.”
I blushed. “Oh, wait! Before you go, what’s Harvey’s middle name? I mean, he went to you for mine so it’s only fair…”
“Don’t you dare,” Harvey pointed at Donna who all but melted the Wicked Witch of the West with her smirk.
“Reginald?” I repeated. “Seriously?”
“It’s a family name, alright?” He defended. “Now, if you two will excuse me I have a very important dinner to plan for an even more important girl. Donna, can you-” “Already cleared your schedule.”
“Remind me to give you a raise.” “Oh I’ve already written a bonus check, it just needs your signature.” “I’m surprised you didn’t forge it,” I snickered. 
“I would’ve but having Harvey do it makes it that much more satisfying.”
Harvey just shook his head, but smiled at us both. “I’ll see you tonight, is seven good?” “Sounds perfect,” I nodded, relishing in his warmth as he pressed one more kiss to the top of my head before leaving. 
“So,” Donna swayed on her feet. “I take it that things went well?” “Yeah, yeah it did. I was surprised, today has been so weird. Even Griffin apologized to me.” “Griffin? Really?” “Yeah,” I followed in step behind her towards the bullpen. “He genuinely apologized to me. It was so unexpected. Now this… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dreading this happening. But it turned out way better than I expected so I can’t complain. I need to stop expecting the worst case scenario all the time and believe that I can handle anything that comes at me.”
“Now that sounds like true growth and confidence,” Donna slung her arm over my shoulder. “And definitely something Harvey couldn’t have taught you.” “No, he didn’t. That was all on my own.”
As I packed up to head home for the day, my stomach was on fire with nerves about tonight. Not nerves, excitement. 
“Hey, Claudia,” Griffin caught up to me right before the elevator closed. “Do you want to join us for drinks tonight?”
I just smirked. “Sorry, Griffin. I can’t, I have a date with Harvey Specter.” And I let the door shut before he could get on.
This building. For fucks sake his front door cost more than what I make in a year, probably. The door man had given me a bit of a side eye when I asked to be let up to Harvey. Well, here I was. 
The bottle of wine in my hand wasn’t getting any colder as I paced outside of his apartment. Was I making this a bigger deal than it needed it to be? Most definitely. 
I knocked. 
Harvey opened it a few moments later, a smug look on his face. “I was wondering how long you were going to just stand there.”
God dammit. The heat rose up my neck and I looked away. “Just shut up and take the wine.”
He chuckled, plucking it from my grasp before stepping aside to let me in. I gazed up and into his hallway, following it down to the kitchen. Woah… holy windows. The already set sun lit up the sky with blues and purples, making all of this feel very cinematic. 
“You didn’t need to bring this, Claudia,” Harvey smiled nonetheless. 
“I just- I don’t know, isn't that what people do when they’re invited over?”
“Why are you still so nervous?” 
Right to it, I guess. “What makes you say that?” “Well,” he sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing all black. He looked… too good for his own good. Or mine for that matter of fact. “For starters, you’ve clearly been running your fingers through your hair. Second, I’ve watched you fiddle with that string on your sleeve at least four times now.”
My fingers ceased their motion. I had been toying with it. “I like to keep my hands busy.”
“I call it a nervous habit.”
“Did you invite me here for dinner or just to pick on me for being anxious?” 
“You have no reason to be anxious here,” he crept closer, taking my hand in his. Harvey gently kissed the back of my fingers. “There is no one here to watch, no prying eyes to hide from. It’s just me, Claudia.”
“And that is precisely what makes me nervous,” I did let a laugh bubble up. “But, you’re right. I guess there is no reason to be so… terrified.”
“Good,” he smiled, placing his hands on my hips. I let mine fall around his shoulders. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” I turned to look behind me, a few pots and a pan of vegetables on the stove. Harvey’s hands still lingered on my sides as I peered over to look inside.
“I didn’t know the great Harvey Specter could cook,” I jabbed, making him roll his eyes playfully. “It looks lovely, thank you.”
“Told you, there’s more to the name than the title it comes with.”
From the table, I watched him plate the stir fry dish and bring it over. I was starving, and I made sure to eat my lunch a little later so I wouldn’t be ravenous by the time this dinner rolled around. I wasted no time taking a forkful and practically inhaling it. 
“I’ll take that as a good sign?” 
I nodded, “It’s amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?” “Here and there. My brother owns a bar and restaurant back home, we used to like to cook together all the time.” “I didn’t know you had a brother,” I tilted my head. “That’s amazing, though. Glad you put those skills to good use.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
I hummed, “Yeah I have two brothers. I’m the baby of the family.”
“Am I going to have to win their trust one day?” 
My laugh echoed through the spacious dining room, “No, they’re pretty cool. Vince, my oldest brother, is married, has two kids who are in college. My other brother, Caleb, is the one you’ve gotta watch out for. He’s my twin and very vocal about the men in my life, especially when he doesn’t think they’re good enough for me.”
“I see,” Harvey gave me a look I knew all too well. 
“Yeah, he can be a pain in my ass sometimes. But I love him, he always stood up for me when I was too afraid. Whether someone was picking on me in school or tried to get one up on me at a bar, he was always there. He’s just protective of me, they both are, but Caleb… he’s always had my back.” “It’s good to have those types of people on your side,” Harvey’s smile was so bright. 
For about an hour we ate and had dessert. I don’t know how, he probably asked Donna, but he had my absolute favorite chocolate cake. Coated in a thick butter cream, it practically melted in my mouth. I wasn’t shy about telling him how delicious it was. 
“I could marry this cake,” I knew I was being dramatic, but I didn’t care. “If I could take this cake, and mold it in the shape of a man, I would.”
Harvey grinned, looking from the cake on his plate, back up to me as I spooned another mouthful. He dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped it across his cheek. I blushed, so hard, and he just laughed and laughed. 
“You think you’re funny, huh?” I had to put my face in my hands. 
“I do, actually. Why don’t you come over here and clean it off for me,” Harvey spoke dangerous words. I raised my eyebrow in question, but he merely scooted his chair back in response, palms turned upward. 
Now or never, I thought. 
I stood, my bare feet padding quietly to Harvey. This is where I had confidence. Could use his own game against him. Because up until this point, all Harvey knows about me is that I am a nervous wreck in front of him. 
The cards have no longer been dealt in his favor. 
I swung my leg over his, perching on his thigh. I took my thumb and ran it across his face, collecting the decorative icing off his cheek, licking my thumb clean. His eyes tracked my movements, especially when I stuck out my tongue and showed him the mess.
His throat bobbed, and his eyes darkened. 
“Where did that shy, blushing Claudia go?” Harvey’s voice sent a chill down my spine. 
“Away, for now,” I smirked. “There are plenty of versions of Claudia you haven’t met before.”
“And who exactly is this version?” He asked.
“That depends,” I huffed. “Are you going to let me have what I want or are you going to make me earn it?”
Harvey’s hands crept up my thighs, cupping my ass gently. “You’re gonna let me choose?”
“You better choose carefully.”
“And why is that?”
“Because,” I said. “You can either let me take what I want, or try to take what you want. But I’ll let it be known, that isn’t possible. You won’t be able to resist me long enough to uphold that promise.”
“Oh, you think I’m that easy?” Harvey countered, tightening his hold on my body. I let out a whine, enticing him into my game further. 
“I don’t know, Harvey.” I ran my hand down his chest, grinding back and forth on his thigh. I leaned close to his ear, “I can be your every fantasy or your worst nightmare.”
I pulled away from his body, taking a few steps back and towards another hallway. I assumed that’s where his bedroom was, and judging by the screeching of the chair against the floor, I was heading in the right direction. 
The first door I pushed open was, thankfully, the right room. His clothes were hung up neatly in the closet on the opposite side of the room, the city below shining onto the walls. Harvey shut the door quickly, turning on a lamp beside his bed. 
Harvey grinned like the devil and crushed his mouth to mine. I didn’t waste any time letting his tongue tangle with mine. Harvey kissed like the god he was, like a true emperor. He tasted like pure sin, like the cake we were just sharing.
My hands went to the buttons on his shirt, fitting them through the tiny holes and pushing it off his shoulders. 
“Mmm wait, sweetheart,” Harvey broke our lips apart. “I don’t wanna do it this way tonight. Let me take care of you. Please.”
Well, when he sounded like that, who was I to resist him? I let him lay me down, his body between my legs as he placed the most tender kiss on my lips. He moved down my chest, slowly lifting my shirt and placing his mark on my stomach. Up my chest, and my neck. 
“You are so beautiful, Claudia. And I can’t believe I get to have all of you to myself. I can’t wait to make you feel so good.”
I sighed out, letting my eyes close as he explored my body. He was forward with his choices, but he wasn’t ever harsh. He was so soft. So loving and so caring. No one had ever made me feel equally nervous or excited as Harvey did. But now… I wasn’t afraid of him. I don’t think I could ever again. 
“Is it okay if I take these off?” “I wasn’t sure you knew how to ask for permission,” I giggled. He just scowled, but I nodded. “Of course, Harvey. Do whatever you want.” “Don’t-” he swallowed. “Don’t say things like that when I am trying to be sweet and nice to you.”
“I think you’re forgetting that I like it when you manhandle me,” I smiled up to the ceiling before looking at him between my legs. “Sorry, carry on.”
He laid a not so gentle tap to the inside of my thigh before removing my skirt. The chill of the air spread goosebumps across my skin, even more when he placed kisses from my ankle to my hips bone. 
“God I could spend all day between your legs. They’re so perfect,” he praised, spreading them wide so he could fit his torso between them. “You’re so fucking hot, Claudia.” I flushed, beet red, and turned away from him. But his fingers brought me right back. 
“You don’t get to be shy now, sweetheart. Not tonight, let me see all of you.”
“I’m all yours Harvey.” Our eyes locked, and the sparks flew. His lips were on mine, hurried, but not starving. It was intense and passionate and everything I could’ve asked it to be. He lifted my shirt over my head and slipped off my bra from behind. Thankfully his chest was warm against mine.
From one second to the next, Harvey swooped me on top of him and rolled, tugging the sheet with him. When they were freed, he laid me back down and put them over his body. 
“Oh, guess I should get these off,” he grinned, pushing his jeans down his thighs, his briefs going with them. Man… what a sight to behold. Harvey wasn’t shredded, but it was clear his boxing habits kept him in good shape. 
There was something about him that just made me want to crumble and fold. 
Harvey’s lips were hot as they moved all over me, nipping and biting and leaving tiny marks here and there. Before he could lose all his resolve, he reached over to his bedside table and plucked a foil packet from a little jar. Classy. 
“Doing okay, sweetheart?” He smoothed down my hair. 
“Yes, Harvey. I’d be better if…” I locked my legs around his middle, pulling him to me. “You just got on with it.” “Such an impatient little thing,” his grin gave away his facade. 
“Oh please, don’t act like you’re not craving this as much as I am.” “You’re right,” he smirked, lining up and pushing all the way in. a low groan escaped his flushed lips. “But I know you can’t get enough of this.”
I breathed heavily, clinging to him. His hips stirred, slowly pulling back, and sinking all the way in. Harvey rested his head on my shoulder, tongue making patterns on my ignited skin. I tugged at his hair, lips working on their own to find all his sweet spots. 
I raked my nails up his back, not missing when his hips slowed and he moaned. So I did it again. His thumb found its way between my legs and circled around where I wanted it most. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to take care of me. 
Harvey took his time, making sure that I was feeling good and got what I wanted. This was so different from the feverish moments we’ve had in the office. But it was somehow way better. Well, it could use one thing.
As he laced our fingers together, I moved our hands up. He stopped kissing me for a moment to give me a puzzled look. But I slipped his grip from mine and placed his hand on my throat. 
“I don’t need you to go all ‘sir’ on me tonight, but just give me this. Please.” I did the best I could with my eyes to lure him in, and it worked. It tightened, but it was never tight. It was just there, a reminder of the part of him I was going to get to see whenever I wanted. 
He started to let his control slip, and I knew it was hard for him to be so gentle. But I appreciated it so much. I let some of my control slip as well, just because I wanted to rile him up. His breath quickened, and so did his hips. His thumb was relentless between my legs and I could feel my high approaching.
“Come on, sweetheart, let go. Make yourself feel so good for me.” There it was, the Harvey that kept me up at night. That has plagued my dreams for the past few days. 
I met his hips with mine, and my release crashed over me when I wasn’t expecting it. I shook in his arms as he continued to move, chasing his own time. 
“Fuck, Harvey,” I gasped. “Let go for me, you did such a good job making me feel good.”
He cursed, tucking his head down momentarily before crushing his mouth to mine, not shy about how I was making him feel. His body went rigid, and the praise streamed out of his mouth.
“Fuck fuck Claudia… god you feel so good. You are so perfect for me. So soft and warm.”
My lips would surely be bruised tomorrow morning, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was being here with Harvey. About carrying him through the aftershocks of his release. I rubbed at his back, kissed his neck and cheeks. When he lifted his head, he had this dreamy look on his face. 
“You look so hot,” he ran his thumb across my cheek, bringing me in for another kiss. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”
“I’m glad I decided to do it. I can’t decide which Harvey I like more. This one or the one who calls me sweetheart.”
“Did I not call you sweetheart tonight?” “You did, but not the way you do when I call you ‘sir’.”
“Ahh, I see,” he smirked. “As much as I would like to think that I could flip a switch right now, I don’t want to spoil this moment with you.”
“If you don’t want to spoil it, then you should take us into the shower.”
And then I was in the shower. Hot water streaming between us from the rain shower head. His hands were soft as he kneaded my body; they particularly felt nice on my ass, especially when he added his lips to the mix. 
“You are so amazing, Claudia. I cannot stress that enough.” “You’re doing an amazing job,” I smiled, kissing him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“I know,” he grinned, smacking my ass before lathering up his hands and running them through my hair. It was hard to not fall asleep standing up. “Sweetheart, if you keep making those noises it is going to be very very hard to not take you right here.”
My eyes flew open, his very apparent arousal pressing into my backside. Well, alright then. Go Claudia, you sexy son of a bitch!
“And who’s to say that I wouldn’t want that?” “I am trying to hold back, you know. I wanted tonight to be different, to be special. I didn’t want it to be heated and rough and-”
“Harvey,” I turned, pressing a hand to his chest. “I know.” “I wanted to ‘make love’ or whatever they call it in those cheesy romance books you read.”
I laughed out loud, picturing Harvey curled up on the couch with a book in his hand, a fire in the fireplace. “Nobody says ‘making love’ any more, babe.” “Babe?” “Yeah, babe. I figured you wouldn’t like sugar, or honey bun, or baby for that matter.”
“Don’t make me sound older than I am, please. For fucks sake I passed the Bar when you were in highschool.”
“It doesn’t bother me all that much anymore,” I admitted, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I thought it would, but it doesn’t really make a difference to me.”
“Good, I’m glad it doesn’t freak you out,” he smiled. “And, for the record, I hope it doesn’t freak your folks out.”
“It won’t.”
He lifted up a brow, “How could you know?” “Because I already told them about you.” I felt him go tight. “Relax. They knew who you were already and they couldn’t have been more excited that I found a caring, respectful, well respected man.”
He let out a sigh, “and your brothers?” “They don’t know yet, but don’t worry about them, either. It will be okay.”
“When did you become the consoling one? It’s weird.” “I know, right?” I giggled. When I looked into his eyes, there was a fondness to his gaze. He was looking at my body, but not in a way he had before. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Harvey shrugged, “I just love you so much, Claudia. And I am so proud of how far you’ve come in just these first couple of months.”
My heart hitched in my chest, then beat so wildly I wasn’t entirely sure it didn’t burst through my skin and land in his hands. I froze. Mike had been right. Harvey wasn’t just some cock, high strung New York attorney that couldn’t decipher his own feelings. He seemed incredibly in tune with his emotions and that couldn’t be more attractive. 
I just kissed him. I didn’t know what else to do other than kiss him. He had to take a step back to support our combined weight. Harvey’s arms were strong around my waist, his lips reassuring and just as firm as his grip. 
“I love you too, Harvey. So fucking much.”
The comforters pulled tight, Harvey's body pressed behind mine… I couldn’t think of a more relaxing way to end the night. Especially after I slipped to my knees in the shower and showed him just how much I loved him. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming about having you in my arms one night. All night long.”
I hummed, scooting back so his chest met my back, his legs molding with mine. “I may have fantasized about it once or twice as well.” “Have you now?” “Again, there are several versions of Claudia you haven’t met before.” “And I look forward to coaxing every single one of them out with my mouth… my tongue… my hands… my-”
“Tomorrow,” I whispered, letting my eyes lull shut. “We can do it all again tomorrow. On the table, on the counter, on the couch-” “You’re not helping the situation here, you know,” he tugged at my half-dried hair. “Don’t get me started, sweetheart. I just might not let you get any sleep tonight.”
I clenched my thighs together. This was going to be such a sweet, tortuous game to play. And I got to play it every day. Every night, if I wanted. He wouldn’t be able to resist me. I had a secret weapon.
“Whatever you say, sir.”
His hand was wrapped around my throat, forcing my head to turn back to look at him. He clicked his tongue, eyes more awake than they had been a few minutes ago. “Oh sweet, innocent little Claudia. I guess you haven’t learned your lesson yet. It’s okay, I’d be happy to give you more instruction. I think I recall saying that eventually I would break you down over and over again until all you could remember was my name and how to breathe. Well, sweetheart. What do you think? Because I think you can still form coherent thoughts. I think it’s time we change that, don’t you?” I nodded, “Yes.”
His grip tightened and tightened and tightened. “Yes what?”
I smirked, climbing into his lap and taking him into my hand. “Yes, sir.”
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baronetcoins · 1 year
2, 6, 14, and 29 for the fic writer asks
2: Do you read/reread your own fics?
Sometimes? If I'm looking for information I wrote into an earlier one, or doing an ask game or something like that. But not "for fun".
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
If you'll allow me a very loose definition of "all the time", yeah! A couple that stand out in my brain are
You've Got Time by Alejado (VERY good destiny series centering on a hunter and vex time bullshit)
pov: me when i fucking get you by doingthewritethings (DSMP social media fic crack treated seriously modern day tntduo au where wilbur and quackity are both on the student council and the rituals... are intricate. ft "oh i didn't tell you we were dating? whoops. I have never in my life laughed harder at a fic.)
The City v. Ahamkara by Kangoo (In which the hero of the red war turns out to be an ahamkara, and the resulting court martial splits apart a family)
After me comes the flood by Kangoo (he wrote a character study of my oc and did a better job with her characterization than I ever have lmao)
A pleasure so sublime by Kangoo ('would you still love me if I was a worm?', crack treated seriously, another one that's just so funny I keep coming back to it.)
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes by Kangoo (it's just very soft, okay?? the various destiny ocs of the court get stuck in an airport on christmas)
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
The answer is ITAV, probably. But given that ITAV doesn't yet exist outside of the court's groupchat and me and Kangoo's dms, I'm going to say... probably funeralverse?
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Well, the only fic I've saved cut stuff from is Oberth Manuever, so have some of the first attempt I made at chapter 4 before I changed my mind about a bunch of things.
It had been approximately three days, 15 hours, and 7 minutes since the Atlantic set course for Ganymede,and already Wilbur required the use of all his willpower to keep from pulling his hair out at the roots. Tubbo prattered on obliviously anyway, absorbed enough he didn’t notice the pinched note to Wilbur’s smile or the way his eyes glazed over. It wasn’t his best performance of interest, but it didn’t need to be.  Techno had been gracious enough to lend them use of the bridge console at least, which Tubbo had sworn would make his attempts at decryption go faster. All three of the brats had taken to hovering around the display as though their staring would solve anything. Wilbur just inhaled slowly and took another sip of coffee.  Ranboo had integrated himself into their dynamic with alarming speed. Tommy and Tubbo’s besuited shadow, always the follower and never the instigator. He played lookout and fetched supplies, and always volunteered to take the dishes after meals. At first the possibility of some scheme of masterful manipulation had gotten him excited, but after spending three days in observation, Occam's razor had forced him to conclude they were simply that dull.  Wilbur wanted to scream. Three and a half days out of their two week journey to Ganymede, and all he had to show for his efforts was an amnesiac with an Earther’s accent, and a hard drive full of information they still couldn’t read. 
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I posted 6,242 times in 2022
That's 896 more posts than 2021!
221 posts created (4%)
6,021 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,141 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#supernatural - 3,446 posts
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#dean winchester - 587 posts
#castiel - 288 posts
#fate the winx saga - 260 posts
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Longest Tag: 132 characters
#the moment when you're supposed to be the responsible employer and see something like this and try to hold back screaming and crying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Riven and Musa | Cake By The Ocean (S2) (SPOILERS ABOUT SEASON 2) Lilac Edits was really fast with this wonderful Rivusa-edit. Great job! *returns to rewatch it multiple times*
60 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
When you have rewatched Merlin six or seven times but want to go through all that emotional rollercoaster to introduce it to your friend, are nervous about her reactions...and these are her comments during episode two: 
“It seems like the show is developing the thing between Morgana and Arthur, but I would much rather want to see Morgana with Gwen and Merlin with Arthur. There is so much chemistry there already.”
“Gwen and Morgana have such bi-energy!”
[I made a mistake of accidentally telling her that Morgana is going to turn “evil” at some point, and now she has wild speculations of what would lead such a just cinnamon roll into that...and I’m sitting there like I’m constipated to avoid spoiling anything.]
[when Merlin and Arthur are fighting] “Oh, come on, just kiss and make up already!”
Also, she is such a ray of sunshine every time Kilgharrah appears and she has already so many crossover-ideas. 
And let me tell you, the big mix of relief, nostalgic pain and amusement that I felt was like no other. 
My inner voice: “Oh, honey, you’ve got a big storm coming!”
82 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
I’m all too used to having “Yes, they are finally happy! Wait... Oh no, they are too happy right now... something bad is gonna happen any minute!”-moments, but it still sucks every time. 
134 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
The last year and a half has been challenging enough already, and now Merlin is leaving Netflix too? Seriously? Dammit and other curses. 
158 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My opinions about “Fate the Winx Saga” season 2 (MANY SPOILERS!)
If you haven’t seen it yet and want to experience it fully by yourselves, don’t read any further!
- Without any doubt, this season is even better than the first one. Such an emotional rollercoaster with many surprises and great villains. I loved all of the old and new characters and how these episodes deepened their bonds. It took some time for me to get used to the new actors of Rosalind and Ben - the original ones will always have a special place in my heart, but they did a good job with recasting, I think. 
- I have loved Abigail as Bloom since the first episode, but I’m glad she got so many opportunities to shine here.
- I didn’t especially like Skloom in the original animation, but they have stolen my heart in Fate, specifically during this season (episodes two and seven, my beloved). 
- I was both anxious and excited about seeing Flora, but I was pleasantly surprised. She is a badass, fits into group so well, and I like how her and Terra got closer and kind of sorted out their disagreements. 
- Everyone’s storylines and struggles were good and relatable (especially Bloom’s, Sky’s and Musa’s), but Terra’s took the first place for me for multiple reasons. 
- Stella’s and Riven’s character-developments are definitely also worth mentioning.
- My emotions about Dane have been conflicted this season, but I’m happy where we left with him, that the situation with Riven and him seems to be somewhat okay now and he has a chance to real happiness.
- I love Sam as a character, feel really bad for him and want him to find happiness, but Samusa never really was “it” for me (and it’s not just because I have had a soft spot for Rivusa since my childhood).
- When it comes to Rivusa, I really enjoyed their scenes together and can’t wait to see more of them. 
- Musa is still my favorite Winx altogether, even though I adore all of them.
- Aisha deserves everything beautiful and good in this world, dammit!
- I’m thrilled how much Silva-content we got this season. 
- Transformations and magic in general were done great.
- A good nod to Trix, I must say.
- That ending scene got me so emotional it was almost ridiculous. 
Aaand the downsides...
- Farah will always be the headmistress of Alfea to me and many, many others. The scenes we got with her, and her one last valuable lesson, were touching and I’m thankful for them, but she deserved so much more. There was an amazing build up of Golden Trio in season 1, and it was all thrown to waste. My Silrah-heart had so much hope and now it’s broken. And yes... I cried my eyes out. But when it’s all said and done... I just wanna thank Eve Best for portraying Farah so marvelously (and read loads of Silrah/Golden Trio-fanfics).
- Even though Andreas was very... questionable, I’m sad that there were so few scenes between him, Sky and Silva. 
- Stellatrix belongs to my “had so much hope”-department and well ... </3 
Such a great season, and a heartbreaking cliffhanger. We gotta get season 3, as soon as possible.
268 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 10 months
Celestial Symbiosis
Chapter 3 Bonding
(The next day)
Anna woke up to her phone alarm going off, she yawned and grabbed her phone. She looked at her phone screen and saw that it was now 6 Am in the morning.
"*Yawn* It's morning and I'm awake, I'm! Awake Now!" Anna exclaimed as she sat up in her bed.
She then looked to her left side and saw Zinsu was reading through her school books that were all scattered all over the floor.
"And apparently I'm still in a nightmare." Anna stated.
She then groaned and laid back down on her bed, frustrated that she wasn't imagining it all.
"What have you been up to?" Anna asked and looked over to Zinsu.
"Research, like I said I'm very curious about Earth. I like to learn as much as I can and I made lots of progress in my research." Zinsu explained as he closed up the book he was reading.
"Well it looks like you're a fast reader, but seriously why are you here on Earth in the first place?! And why did you bond with me out of any other humans on earth?!" Anna asked angrily.
"To answer your first question, my original host and I came here by chance as our escape pod didn't have a set location on it. The second question, I only have a limited time frame for when I can go without a host. I needed one that could walk, talk, and think, because you were the only one in the area that fit everything I needed. I went for you. I would've explained it sooner, but I didn't speak your language around that time." Zinsu explained.
"Well how do you know it now then?" Anna asked.
"Well after merging with you I was able to learn all the languages you knew. That's how I'm able to speak your language now." Zinsu explained.
"Alright, but still, I'm not alright with the idea you're in my body and the idea you can control it whenever isn't so reassuring either." Anna explained expressing her discomfort.
"Hmm yeah that's very common, but don't worry I wont control your body. I'll also respect your privacy and remain out of it when you're doing something only you want to know about." Zinsu explained.
"Hmm that's kinda better but I'm still not Okay with the idea that you're in my body." Anna explained.
"Well *Yawn* I'm afraid you're going to need to get used to that, like I said we're stuck together from now on. I'm gonna clean this mess up now and get some sleep. I'll only be gone for half an hour as my speeches can regain energy much faster than humans. Once I'm back I will observe your day, but I'll remain out of sight." Zinsu explained.
Before Anna could say anything to him, Zinsu collected up all the books and put them back. He then reemerged in Anna's body and went to sleep, leaving Anna alone to think about everything.
"Ugh! Well today's gonna be something isn't it. I also now have to get used to some freaky alien blob thing being a part of my day to day life. Mom dad you're watching this right? If you are, please send me your blessings to get through this Bull shit!" Anna prayed to her parents.
Once she prayed she got up and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready. Later on Anna Excited her Dorm room with her uniform on and her hair pulled up in a ponytail.
"Hey Anna! How was your night?" Anna heard Shelly ask.
She turned around and saw Shelly running up to her waving her arm in the air.
"Um, my night went well, thanks for asking Shelly." Anna said.
'Should I tell Shelly about Zinsu?... No she'll never believe me, then again who would? I'll just sound crazy as something like this just sounds utterly insane.' Anna thought to herself.
"That's great, but I thought I heard you scream last night. Where are you okay, or did something happen?" Shelly asked.
"Oh yeah I was fine, I just stubbed my toe on something." Anna explained. "Ah Okay, I've done that before so I know where you're coming from." Shelly explained.
"Good to know, come-on let's go get breakfast before they run out of food." Anna said.
"Aww yeah! Let's go! I heard it's French toast today!" Shelly exclaimed excitedly.
The two friends then made their way to the cafeteria through a huge wave of many different students. Later in the day Anna was in class taking down notes from the lesson the teacher was explaining.
"Psst, Anna." Anna heard a voice whisper.
Anna looked around for the voice, but couldn't see any other student looking at her.
"Anna down here. Look down at your shirt collar." The voice explained.
Anna looked down and was shocked to see Zinsu peeking a little out of the collar of her shirt.
"Zinsu! What the hell are you doing?!" Anna asked in a whisper, surprised to see Zinsu out.
"Like you I'm focusing on the lesson, but what is it about?" Zinsu asked.
"It's history, we're learning about The First Congress." Anna explained quietly.
"Ah I see, earth has such a fascinating history, I hope to learn much about it." Zinsu said and also started focusing on the lesson.
Anna sighed as she felt like Zinsu would be a nuisance in her life now. As Anna focused on the lesson, a student from behind her was chewing on some gum. They then thought it'd be hilarious to spit it in her hair, so they sat up, and spat the gum towards Anna's hair.
However Zinsu detected it, and moved Anna's hand and grabbed the gum quickly before it had time to make contact with Anna's hair.
"Huh?!" Anna said when she felt her arm move on its own and grab something sticky.
She turned around and saw that there was now gum in her hand and she looked to see the student behind her.
"Hey! Alvin! You know gum is not permitted in class. I don't care if you have it outside of class, but don't chew it during class, and don't try to spit it in other students' hair! You try that again and you'll be written up, you understand?" The history teacher asked, sternly as he looked at Alvin.
"Ugh, fine whatever." Alvin said as he laid back in his seat.
"Anna go on and throw that gum away but sit back down after words." The teacher requested.
"Um Okay, yes sir." Anna said.
She then got up and threw the gum away, then went back down to her seat to resume focusing on the lesson.
"Hey Zinsu what the heck?! You said you wouldn't move my body!" Anna whispered clearly agitated by Zinsu controlling her body.
"Sorry but I didn't want you to get that gum in your hair as I knew it'd be a problem. I know I said I wouldn't move your body, but I would only do it if I needed to. I wanna try and make things easier for you so I'll help out anyway I can, after all we are going to need to learn how to work together." Zinsu explained.
Anna was dumbfounded by what Zinsu said, she didn't know if the two of them could even work together at all. After all, he did enter her body without her consent and merged with her as well. Later on Anna was in her cooking class and she was making french soup as an assignment. She stirred the soup and gave it a taste, she swished it around in her mouth a bit.
"Hmm. I need something, but what does it need?" Anna asked herself.
"Here, try this." Anna heard Zinsu say.
She looked down and saw that Zinsu had formed a tentacle and grabbed onto a spice. He did it in a way that no one but Anna would notice, but still Anna quickly grabbed the spice and gently shoved Zinsu's tentacle back into her shirt.
"Zinsu! Be more careful! If someone sees you they'll freak out!" Anna whispered angrily to Zinsu.
"Hey Anna, who are you talking to?" A classmate asked.
"Oh Um! I was just talking out loud! Sorry!" Anna excused quickly.
The classmate gave her a confused look, before they shrugged and went back to what they were doing. Anna sighed in relief and decided to add in the spice to the soup and see if it made it any better. After adding in the spice she started it in again, and gave it another task.
'Hmm it is better. Okay Zinsu did something helpful again, but I still don't like him after what he did.' Anna thought to herself.
Later on Anna was in PE class playing dodgeball, and was having a hard time avoiding the balls.
"WoW! Okay that one got a little too close for comfort!" Anna stated as she dodged a ball that almost hit her head.
Zinsu was peeking out of Anna's gym shirt and saw her struggle. So he decided to help out a little with throwing the balls. When Anna grabbed onto a ball and went to throw it, Zinsu helped move her arm as he saw she would've missed. This caused her to throw the ball right into one of her classmates' chest, causing them to lose. Anna stood in shock about what had just happened, she then looked down and saw Zinsu looking at her with what she assumed was pride.
'Oh my god! What's he doing?! I better inform him to be more careful if he tries that again.' Anna thought to herself.
Soon PE ended and everyone went to change back into their school uniforms. Anna decided to change in the shower stalls, to both get some privacy and to talk to Zinsu.
Once she was in the shower she made sure to lock the door of the stall she was in. She then took off her Gym shirt and tapped the area on her chest where Zinsu would come out of.
"Hey Zinsu! Out! I need to talk to you!" Anna exclaimed quietly so no one would hear her.
"Okay! Okay I'm coming!" Zinsu said as he emerged out of Anna's chest.
"Alright I'm here, what do you need?" Zinsu asked.
"Um, could you, oh I don't know, maybe not go so hard next time you do something like that?" Anna asked.
"Oh, is this about dodgeball?" ZInsu asked.
"Yes it is! Humans can be fragile and if that student got hurt because of me I could get into a lot of trouble!" Anna explained.
"Oh my bad, sorry Humans are still very new to me so I don't entirely know how they all function. I'll do more research later once we go back to the dorm room." Zinsu said.
"Yeah you better! Cause I don't want to get in trouble with anyone because of you!" Anna stated.
"Sure no problem kid. I'll be more careful as we progress on with our symbiosis." Zinsu said.
Anna felt a little better, but she still wasn't alright with Zinsu, as she found him rather unsettling. Zinsu reemerged in Anna's chest and Anna finished getting changed back into her uniform. Soon the day ended and Anna was at her locker getting some stuff out of it.
"Hey Anna, how are you doing?" Anna heard Vincent ask.
"Huh? Oh hey Vince I'm doing well, thanks." Anna said.
"That's good to hear, hey are you excited for pancakes tomorrow?" Vincent asked.
"Hell yeah I am! It's gonna be a dream come true for me!" Anna exclaimed excitedly.
"Hehe I bet, hey you heading to the Karate club?" Vincent asked.
"Yeah I am, wanna go and watch me?" Anna asked.
"Sure! I'm up for it!" Vincent exclaimed.
Anna smiled and finished grabbing her stuff from her locker before making her way to her club room. Zinsu was very curious to see what skills Anna had as he hoped she would be a good fighter. He knew they would need to fight in the future as he also knew that the ones who killed his last host and friend would find him soon.
'Anna please be a good fighter, I need you to help me out on my mission to stop them." Zinsu thought to himself.
Anna and Vincent soon arrived at the club room, where they saw the other members all training. The Club leader Sebastian noticed them coming in and he greeted them.
"Hey Anna, hey Vincent, good to see you two here! Anna you go get changed Vincent there are seats on the other side of the room for you to sit and observe." Sebastian explained.
"Alright thanks for informing me of that, Sebastian." Vincent said.
"Anytime, now chop chop! Let's go Anna, you've missed two weeks of Training and I want you to catch up!" Sebastian stated.
"Yes sir! I Want the same thing!" Anna exclaimed and ran in the back to change.
Later Anna came out of the changing room in her karate uniform and started training with the other club members.
"Alright Everyone! Listen up, we're going to be sparing today so I want you all to get your gear on! And I better not catch any of you using your skills to bully or beat up anyone!" Sebastian stated in a firm clear voice.
Everyone nodded at what Sebastian had said and they all went to their bags and started putting on their sparring gear.
"Hmm Sparing, I've watched and felt some of my other hosts do that before, this should allow me to get a good view on Anna's fighting- Off!" Zinsu was saying but was interrupted when he felt something being squished on himself and Anna's chest.
'Must be that gear that Sebastian guy was talking about. Must be a chest piece, not that I mind as I don't want anyone hitting me and accidentally finding out about me.' Zinsu thought to himself as he got into a more comfortable position.
Anna meanwhile felt Zinsu being squished in her chest and him adjusting when she put her chest piece on. It felt very strange to her as she'd never felt that before, however she didn't say anything about it. Mostly because she wanted to keep Zinsu a secret for obvious reasons let alone look like a weirdo to everyone in the club.
'Ugh! If Zinsu is going to be like that every-time I put something like this on me, then we're gonna need to chat about it. Never actually thought I'd think that in my whole life. Why is this even happening to me?' Anna asked herself as she got the rest of her sparring gear on.
Once everyone had their sparring gear on they were all put into groups of two. After being put into groups Sebastian gave them the signal to fight and they did so.
As they fought, Zinsu recorded Anna's movements and fighting techniques, which was impressive to him. Anna's fighting skills are impressive to Zinsu and he believed that he had chosen a good host.
Anna soon defeated her opponent and was then given another opponent to fight. She soon managed to take out all the other club members who were assigned to spar with her. Once she was done Sparring Sebastian announced that the club meeting was over.
"Good work Anna you did great. I'm proud to see that you haven't gotten rusty." Sebastian praised while patting Anna on the shoulder.
"Thanks Seb, I'm also glad that I haven't gotten rusty one bit." Anna said.
Sebastian smiled, then dismissed everyone for the day, everyone nodded and went to go change. Sebastian meanwhile just stayed and trained himself a little more, as he always stayed for an extra hour to train. Anna smiled and followed everyone else to the locker room to also change back into her school uniform.
"Hey Anna, that was amazing." Vincent said as he got up and walked up to Anna.
"Thanks Vince I'm glad that I haven't gotten rusty in my absence." Anna said.
"Hehe I don't think you ever will. You take this club very seriously so it's understandable you'd never allow yourself to get rusty." Vince explained.
Anna smiled again, Vince then allowed her to go get change so they could go back to their rooms. As Anna was changing, Zinsu emerged from her chest slightly and started talking to her.
"Hey Anna." Zinsu whispered.
"Ah! Zinsu! What are you doing?!" Anna asked in a whisper, clearly showing her annoyance with Zinsu's action.
"I noticed your desire to mate with that male human." Zinsu whispered.
Anna blushed at what Zinsu said and whispered angrily "Zinsu! Don't you go around saying stuff like that! That is my own personal business and none of yours!"
"Hey Anna, who are you talking to?" Anna heard one of her club members ask.
"Oh! No one! Just thinking out loud sorry!" Anna explained nervously, praying that they would buy it.
Her club mate just looked at her for a second before shrugging and going back to changing.
Anna let out a sigh of relief and roughly pressed Zinsu back into her chest. Zinsu got the message and remerged back into Anna's body and decided to talk to her more later.
Later on Anna was in her dorm room lying on her bed, deep in thought about her current dilemma. Zinsu meanwhile was looking through Anna's laptop doing more research as he believed that the internet could give him more knowledge then what the books had already given him.
"Zinsu, what was up with you today?" Anna asked.
"What do you mean Anna?" Zinsu asked.
"I mean you popping up like that and talking to me when there were others around?! I thought you understood you can't be seen by anyone here!" Anna explained.
"Sorry it's just that, on other planets I've been on with my previous hosts I was able to be out all the time and talk to others. So hiding away and not talking all day isn't something I'm used to. I'm what you humans refer to as an extrovert so I like to be out and talk. My apologies for the inconvenience I caused you, like I said I'm not used to having to hide myself within my host." Zinsu explained.
"Okay well I guess that is understandable, but please don't do that tomorrow alright! I've got a date with Vincent and I don't want him seeing you!" Anna explained.
"I understand, after all if he were to find out about me it'd be very hard to explain. That and I'm afraid he might tell others about me and if that happened who knows what your government would do." Zinsu explained.
"They'd probably take both of us in and experiment on us, if that were to happen that'd be a problem as I have high hopes for my future." Anna explained.
"Well if they don't show up and try to conquer Earth." Zunsu stated mysteriously.
"What! What do you mean?! Who's they, Zinsu!?" Anna asked surprised as she shot upward.
"I'll explain later Anna, for now I want you to worry about getting used to me before I put another worry on you." Zinsu explained.
"Well if you want that then don't scare me like that! Alright?" Anna asked. "Alright I wont, I'm sorry." Zinsu said apologetically.
Anna sighed again before lying back down on her bed, while also rubbing her head. She didn't know what she was going to do about Zinsu, but she did know they'd have to get along as they were stuck with each other.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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[HPHL] Dark!Bartholomew “Bat” Varney AU Moodboard
--Inspired by the Dark AU started by @cursebreakerfarrier--
“They all deserve to die... Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why: Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs. Lovett, There are two kinds of men and only two -- There's the one staying put in his proper place, And the one with his foot in the other one's face! Look at me, Mrs. Lovett, look at you! No, we all deserve to die...even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I! Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief -- For the rest of us, death will be relief! We all deserve to die! And I'll never see Johanna... No, I'll never hug my girl to me...FINISHED!”
~ “Epiphany,” from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Robert Harker, A.K.A. Bat Varney, didn’t have a great time of things in his original life where he died in the War for American Independence alongside his best friend, only to be brought back to life as a vampire trapped in his friend’s reanimated corpse. But along with all that, he was still able to find a way to enjoy the half-life he was cursed to lead, rediscover the joy of loving others through connecting with Atticus Grimsley @cursebreakerfarrier​, the Selwyn-Ellisons @that-ravenpuff-witch, and others, and even save many lives through helping the Ministries of Europe fight back against the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald.
Amazingly, however, there was a nightmare far worse that Robert Harker dodged.
In this particular nightmare, when Robert first stumbled onto the Varney estate in Bartholomew’s body to get help, Cecelia Crouch-Varney out of guilt and shame didn’t tell him what she had done, feigning ignorance about what must have happened. She promised to help Robert and persuaded him to stay with her under Bartholomew’s identity and cloistered away from everyone else until they could find a way to satisfy his blood lust. Robert begged Cecelia to tell his wife Loretta what was going on, but Cecelia reminded him that under the Statute of Secrecy, she wouldn’t be allowed to tell Loretta anything about the Wizarding World. If she did, she could get arrested, which would leave Robert with no safe place to stay and no chance of seeing his family again. And so, very reluctantly, Robert relented, but he made Cecelia promise to take care of Loretta and Irene until Irene received her Hogwarts letter, at which point she’d be allowed to learn the truth.
Robert, now solely called Bartholomew, stayed with Cecelia, who as the original Bartholomew’s widow acted as his wife around her servants and guests at the estate. The arrangement made Robert a bit uncomfortable, given that he still so desperately missed his real family, but Cecelia had been his friend for such a long time that he didn’t dislike spending time with her. Unfortunately for Bartholomew, Cecelia’s romantic attachment to him made it so that she treasured every moment they were together where she could care for him and treat him like her husband. And over time, she grew to resent that one day she’d have to “give him back” to Loretta and Irene, leaving her completely alone at the Varney estate with neither a husband nor a child for company. And so, when that special September arrived when Irene was to receive her letter...Cecelia lied, when Bartholomew asked if she’d spoken to Loretta about his condition. She claimed that Loretta was a bit overwhelmed by everything she’d learned, and needed time. Then Cecelia lied again, saying that Loretta seemed very troubled about Bartholomew’s condition and said it’d be best if he stayed at the estate a while longer. Then Cecelia lied again, and again, and again, with it becoming worse each time. First Loretta was scared for Irene’s safety -- then she was scared for her own safety -- then she was scared because of her religious convictions that ascribed vampiric traits to demons. Bartholomew, still unable to control his blood lust enough to be too close to anyone let alone leave the estate, knew he couldn’t ask to see Loretta himself to try to reassure her, so he wrote letter after letter for Cecelia to deliver to Loretta. At first, he received nothing back -- then, after seven whole years, Bartholomew finally received a letter written in his wife’s hand and enclosing her wedding ring. Her husband, Robert Harker, was dead, it said -- may Bartholomew Varney live the best life he can. 
Brokenhearted, Bartholomew resigned himself to remain at the Varney estate. He was all the more determined to get a handle on his blood lust, if only to see his precious daughter Irene once, even if it had to be from afar. Cecelia tried to encourage Bartholomew to move on, saying Loretta already had and that she seemed to be a bit happier now, after so many years. Cecelia even admitted that she cared for him deeply, that she always had -- and that she didn’t want him pining after the woman who had started her life over without him. Bartholomew was actively repulsed by Cecelia’s advances -- she had always been enamored of him? Even while she was married to their best friend? The unpleasant feeling sparked a flicker of doubt, one that slowly grew as Cecelia grew into an old woman and seemed more and more desperate for Bartholomew’s love and Bartholomew caught snippets of conversations from her Crouch family relatives talking about “the mess she’d put them in,” regarding him. And so, one night, while Cecelia was asleep, Bartholomew did some digging -- and he finally found the original notes that had guided Cecelia in how to bring back the dead.
Bartholomew at first didn’t want to believe it -- he couldn’t believe that his best friend, the woman who had housed him for so many years and had tried so hard to reunite him with his family, could’ve done such a thing. At first he kept his discovery to himself, determined to make sure those notes truly could create a vampire, rather than an Inferi or some other unknown creation. In the end, though, Cecelia unknowingly answered that question herself in the winter of 1887, while confined to her bed with sickness. She had lived to the ripe old age of 126 years old caring for Bartholomew, and on her death bed, she begged Bartholomew to turn her into a vampire too, so they could care for and accompany each other until they could die in peace together. With this, Bartholomew put it all together -- Cecelia had been the one to curse him! He furiously confronted her, and the trembling old woman eventually confessed everything. Her prediction about his death -- her feelings for him -- her guilt and shame -- and, worse of all, the truth about Loretta and Irene. Cecelia had in fact never told Loretta about her husband coming back as a vampire -- Loretta had even died not long after Irene graduated from Hogwarts, thinking she’d at least rejoin her husband in Heaven. Cecelia -- always a master at mimicking other people’s handwriting -- had even forged the letter from Loretta, taking custody of the wedding ring from the priest who had collected her body and enclosing it with the letter, so that Bartholomew would stop asking after Loretta when she was already dead. After her mother’s death, Irene had also left Britain all together, so Bartholomew would have no way to reach her anyway, since his blood lust was too strong for him to safely try to cross the ocean by boat again.
This betrayal was a hundred thousand times worse than the one from Bartholomew’s original life. His rage and anguish was so great that his brilliant, passionate, lighthearted mind cracked. He tore out Cecelia’s throat with his teeth, draining her of all of her blood, and then proceeded to do the same to the rest of her servants before leaving.
Bartholomew then spent the next fifty years prowling the streets of Britain, hunting down prey of all stripes, but especially wizards and witches and even more especially those of the Crouch family line. After a while, the vampire serial killer would even send the Department of Magical Law Enforcement taunting letters about how long it was taking them to stop him.
Now, gents -- this is getting embarrassing. One would almost think you want innocent people dying gruesomely every day. If you’re truly so eager, I could always pay you and your families a visit.
Should you wish to find my current address, here’s your clue: from the campaign to Saratoga, take away the day that the weather itself evoked a public bath. Then add it to a street name blood purists now disdain in a city whose name you’ve already read.
I will be gone by sunset, off to roost somewhere new.
                                  Catch me if you can.
                                                               the vampire Bat
Every night, he continued to kill, and every day, the Ministry continued to hunt him. As much as Bat kept out of their reach, however, it was only to increase the odds that, when he was finally caught, they would slaughter him quickly. For he knew he deserved to die -- just as all people deserve to -- just as all should.
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fruggo · 3 years
I’m not gonna lie this would be the first time I requested something so if I do something wrong I’m really sorry,
Can I request Quentin, Leon, Steve, and Frank meeting a female reader who, before the entity took her, had already faced off her own killer?
And this made her kinda tough? Like she knows what she’s doing
oh my gosh thank you so much!! this is my first ever request to fulfill so we’re in this together :DD seriously i really appreciate you!
i decided to do a headcanon kind of format for this, i hope that’s okay! also these are my absolute favorite boys aaahhh this is so fun for a first request
the boys x tough f!reader (part 1) (part 2)
warnings: swearing, reader kicks frank in the shins
word count: ~700-1k each (sorry if it’s too long…i kind of got really excited and uhhh maybe i got carried away,, yeah. sorry)
(also i'll be honest quentin's is not my best. that was the one that got eaten by the tumblr abyss and i had to write all over again, and it just didn't come out the same way that i wanted it to at first :( i did the other boys hoping i'd get some inspiration to fix it afterwards, but i got kind of stuck. so it's not my favorite, but i hope you like it okay! i want to write better stuff for quentin in the future, he is my favorite sleepy boy <3)
when you arrived in the realm, everyone thought you would be the same as the others—frightened, confused, and overwhelmed. but you took this nightmarish challenge in stride, adapting to your surroundings quickly and learning far faster than anybody else had.
your past experiences had made you independent and sometimes distrustful, so once you had the gist of things, you didn’t need (or want) anybody to tell you what to do. and nobody was inclined to, either—your instincts naturally told you what to do and when.
the first time you met quentin was a little awkward, i wont lie. you were wary of speaking to the other survivors; you weren’t going to let yourself get hurt again.
it was the beginning of a trial. the nurse’s fatigued shrills could be heard all the way from the edge of the wrecker’s yard, but you immediately started work on a generator, unafraid. a few minutes passed, when soft footsteps indicated someone’s approach. it was quentin—he started to work on the wires without hesitation.
you were a little surprised, only because the other survivors usually left you to your own devices. you got the impression that maybe they were intimidated by you, which you didn’t particularly mind. but you wouldn’t particularly mind some company now and then, either.
it was comfortably silent for a while, before quentin spoke up.
“what’s your name?” he asked, gaze still focused on the wires.
hesitating a little, you told him. then you said, “and you’re quentin, right?” you already knew most everybody’s name just from observation.
“that i am,” he replied.
then it was quiet for a while.
very quiet.
well, what were you supposed to say now?
the silence was deafening and very, very uncomfortable to you. normally you were okay with a quiet atmosphere, but it was the kind of silence that buzzed in your ears, chewed at your stomach, filled the area as if it were something solid. man, what were you supposed to say—
it was then that you realized poor quentin had fallen asleep, his face smooshed onto the generator. his cheek was now covered in grease and grime.
it made you smile—only a little. you finished repairing the generator on your own, causing quentin to wake with a start and bang his head on the pole protruding from the machine. he swore like a sailor until he realized where he was, smiling sheepishly.
“sorry, i wanted you to have your nap. you looked really tired,” you said. you also couldn’t stop admiring the dark grease on his face—it was really quite funny. and no, you weren’t going to say anything about it. it could stay there a little longer.
you spent the rest of the trial running the nurse around the whole wrecker’s yard, only suffering one injury until the end. quentin had no idea how you had been here for such little time and already knew how to outplay the nurse, one of the most difficult killers to survive against. he still didn’t know how to do it well himself, so he was thankful for you.
however, once the exit gates were opened, you found yourself in a bad spot. the nurse had caught you in an empty clearing with nowhere to hide or predict her moves, and she downed you instantly. quentin cringed hearing your agonized scream as you were hooked.
there was no way you were dying on his watch. once he was sure the nurse was gone, he gently lifted you from the hook, pulling out his medical kit to begin patching up your shoulder.
despite the pain, you had enough energy to smile at him and say, “thanks, nap boy.”
quentin feigned offense with a wry grin, pulling out some gauze. “is that all i’m going to be to you? nap boy?”
you hummed, pretending to be deep in thought. “maybe you won’t be if you get me out of here.”
“that won’t be a problem," he smiled, quirking an eyebrow.
“show me the gates and then we’ll talk, nap boy.”
from then on, quentin became your go-to source for supplies and general comfort. you weren't scared of this place, but it was nice to know you had somebody who would really be there for you.
he would often fall asleep on your shoulder at the campfire--he really was a nap boy, and you would never let him live that down.
leon could not tear his eyes away from you the first time you arrived in the realm. your presence was strong; he could tell you weren’t one to back away from a fight.
most of the survivors had been (rightly) confused and disoriented when they popped into the realm, but you tried to accept it quickly. you didn’t like it, in fact all you wanted was just to go home, but you came to terms with it and jumped into trials headfirst like an insane person.
that was the courageous part about you—maybe you were scared, but you did scary shit anyways. in fact, you did scary shit to spite the fear, to prove to yourself that you were strong enough to overcome it.
and leon couldn’t lie, that was cool as hell.
you had tunnel vision and didn’t pay much notice to the other survivors; you were too focused on learning about this place and getting out of trials. having gone through some real shit, being here hardly came as a surprise to you. if you were going to be here forever, what was the point in mourning? might as well just accept it and try your hardest to survive. maybe someday this sick game would end, but for now, you were prepared to fight for your life and that’s all you could really focus on.
your first trial was not the best. even though you were resourceful, you didn’t know what the objective was yet, so you weren’t sure where to start other than analyzing your surroundings. luckily for you, leon kennedy was one of your teammates.
after being downed immediately by bubba’s chainsaw and tossed onto a hook, you were amazingly resilient to the pain. leon was the one to lift you from the hook, and he took out his medkit to help patch your wound, but you flinched away from him before he could touch you.
he was puzzled. “what’s wrong?” he asked. he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he wanted to help you.
you hesitated and looked him over before mumbling, “i’m fine.” and you tried to stand on your own, beginning to limp away. you didn’t want or need anyone’s help.
leon sighed, following after you. “let me help, that must hurt a lot.”
“i told you, cop, i’m fine. i don’t want your help, okay?”
leon opened his mouth to insist, but decided against it. if you didn’t want his help, then he shouldn’t butt in. that wouldn’t keep him from watching over you, though.
but then leon called after you (perhaps a little smugly), “do you even know what you’re supposed to do?”
begrudgingly, you stopped walking. no, you didn’t know what to do. “i’ll figure it out,” you said over your shoulder. and you would; you had been through enough to survive any situation thrown at you.
but maybe one pointer couldn’t hurt.
“do a generator,” he told you, giving you a cheeky grin when you turned around to look at him. he was lucky he was cute.
the first part of the trial had been rough, but after that first hook you were doing a lot better. you managed to find your own medkit from a chest, and you learned how to fix a few generators. you found it came pretty naturally, and were satisfied that you hadn’t needed anyone’s help (except leon’s. but you didn’t have to admit that yet). when the killer came near, you skillfully avoided him and stayed hidden as much as you could.
you were also pretending that you didn't notice leon hovering near you. he was not very good at being subtle; he was obviously trying to make sure you didn't get hurt. it was cute. you didn't want to ruin his fun, so you didn't say anything about it.
it wasn’t long before the gates were powered and in the process of being opened. you saw a red glowing light in the distance, and assumed that must be your destination. you put all of your remaining energy into sprinting to the exit, adrenaline pumping through your body.
but then there was a heartbeat. a heartbeat so loud it filled your head, splitting your concentration. it wasn’t your own heartbeat--it was the killer’s.
the sound of the cannibal’s chainsaw roared in your ears and pain tore through your body; you collapsed to the ground with a cry of agony. shit, that really hurt, and you weren't sure you could ever get used to it. eternity sure seemed a lot longer than you had first anticipated. would you really be here forever? doing this over and over?
biting your lip until it bled, you tried to crawl towards the gate, dragging the lower half of your body with much difficulty. it was no use, though--you hardly got anywhere, and you could already feel the killer picking you up. just like that, you were going to die? you had been so close..
but as you were being placed on bubba’s shoulder, you saw a flash of a police uniform and a blinding light, and before you knew it, you had been dropped to the ground, the exit gate looking awfully lovely and much more desirable than a meat hook. you gathered all of your strength and began limping forward, when suddenly you felt an arm firmly wrap around your waist and your own was placed around someone else’s shoulder.
leon. when you looked up at him, all he did was give you a calm smile, which you felt inclined to return. with him supporting you, the two of you made it safely to the exit and began the long traipse back to the campfire, where you would find yourself spending a lot of time together.
from then on, you always remained quite unfazed by the events of the entity’s realm—the only thing that ever made you feel weak was being around leon. he was just so cute :]
you had never met someone so persistent in your life. from the moment the entity stole you here, steve harrington was after you, and there was next to nothing you could do about it. he sure was living up to his self-proclaimed role of babysitter.
you told him you were fine, that you didn’t need him following you around, but the asshole did it anyways.
“how cool do you think you are?” you asked him at some point, to which he simply shrugged with that stupid grin on his lips.
“i can take care of myself.” “i really don’t need you to baby me, steve.” “steve, if you don’t leave me alone i’m going to break your kneecaps.” these were all things that had come from your mouth multiple times recently. you were seriously thinking about that last one now.
you knew you could make it on your own, and you only wished he would give you a chance to prove that to him so he would leave you alone. but it was like he had attached himself to your hip, and for some reason the entity seemed to really enjoy putting you in trials with him. great.
he was a dumbass and a sweetheart, and you weren’t sure which one of those took higher priority. you knew he only meant well, but god, you wanted to be independent for once. why did he think he had to protect you so much? you arrived here after running for your fucking life, fighting off your long-time pursuer, and living in awful, ever-changing conditions. you had seen your closest friends die, right before your eyes. you didn’t need to be sheltered or coddled, but you couldn’t seem to make steve understand that, no matter how much you fought with him.
steve would literally throw himself in front of the killer for you. he clicked his flashlight in the killer’s face if they were after you, and he would swear and cuss until they chased him out of pure annoyance. it got him killed countless times, and you didn’t know whether to call him stupid or selfless. probably both.
eventually you decided to just copy him and see how it worked out. you weren’t scared, you had no reason to be. you wanted to show him you could be just as flashy as him.
as you arrived into a trial, steve right across from you (of course), you smiled to yourself. you had brought your best flashlight, and you were prepared to use it. the two of you began to work on a generator together, making light conversation as usual.
“if the killer comes here, hide. i’ll take him away.” “fuck you, steve harrington.” “sure, if you really want to.” “why don’t you ever leave me alone?” “it’s a mystery, isn’t it?” “i could punch you right now.” “but you won’t. i’m too good to look at.”
you know, the usual friendly stuff.
you purposefully connected the wrong wires, making the generator spark and sputter. “oops. oh no, the killer must be on their way,” you dead-panned. steve gave you an unamused look.
and indeed, only a few moments later, you heard the sound of the hillbilly and his chainsaw roaring in your direction. the two of you split up, and the killer’s weapon collided with the generator, making an awful screeching sound.
and that was when the chaos started.
steve began hollering and flicking his flashlight into the sky as usual, and after a moment’s hesitation, you did the same. steve looked at you in astonishment, pausing, but then he started again, even louder. you tried to outdo him.
“HEY BILLY! FUCK YOU!” you screamed, ignoring steve’s attempts to get you to stop. “COME AFTER ME, SHITHEAD!”
steve started actually yelling, just yelling, while you continued to swear meaninglessly. the poor hillbilly looked confused and overwhelmed, and eventually he couldn’t take the noise anymore--he just left, opting to find the other survivors while the two of you sorted out whatever it is you obviously had against each other.
it was dead silent now that the killer was gone, and you and steve were both out of breath. but as soon as you made eye contact, laughter bubbled up from your chest, causing you to collapse against the tree and slide to the ground. your voice was hoarse from all the screaming.
and then he was laughing too, stumbling over to plop down next to you, and your giggling started up a whole new round.
after the laughter died down, you stared at your hands, ignoring steve’s gaze on the side of your face until you couldn’t anymore.
“what?” you asked, finally looking at him. he was smiling all stupid again. “what?” you insisted, fighting off a grin of your own. you hated when he looked at you like that, because it made you want to smile back at him.
“nothing,” he said coyly, laughing again. you punched his shoulder playfully.
“c’mon harrington, when have you ever held your tongue before? spit it out.”
he nodded, that was true. so he said it. “i just like you, that’s all.”
oh. oh.
realization dawned upon your face. “is that why you always--”
“yes,” he interrupted you. “i thought it was obvious. man, you’re clueless sometimes.”
you guessed…maybe…steve harrington wasn’t that annoying. maybe.
to say you were feisty was an understatement. frank hated your guts at first because you were so good at evading him, which he would never admit. but the thing that made him really mad was that if he ever downed you, you would kick at him and try to trip him over, like actually bruise his shins. it hurt like hell.
this lead to his decision to constantly tunnel you, and he would laugh at you while you were on the hook, too. so you hated his guts just as much as he did yours. it was a mutual guts-hating situation.
your teammates always felt bad for you, but they also thought you were a badass and knew you could handle yourself. you hadn’t told anybody where you’d come from or what had happened to you, but they knew it was something interesting. there was a reason that nothing that happened here really got to you.
sometimes things escalated even further than shin-kicking. there was one time where frank had managed to grab the back of your shirt as you tried to vault a window, and as he pulled you closer to himself, you elbowed him in the neck and squirmed out of his grasp. while he stood stunned and lost for breath, you kicked the back of his locked knee so that he fell to the ground and bonked his forehead on the wall—the classic dead leg.
this was very funny to you.
not to him.
while you ran away, laughing to yourself, frank’s anger built and built. he was tired of letting you make a fool of him, and it was time to be serious about things.
he ignored you for the rest of the trial, forming a plan in his mind. there was something he needed to do after this, so he made sure to kill everybody else to please the entity—he couldn’t get caught up, it would derail his anger train. he also didn’t feel like getting kicked in the balls or some shit, so he let you out without a problem.
frank did some brooding at the ormond lodge before he was ready to go through with his plan. and his shins really, really hurt, so susie helped him ice them before he left.
the masked killer made his way to the survivor camp rather hastily. when he arrived, he saw you pacing around, deep in thought.
so he threw a rock at you.
it was just a pebble, really. maybe it could be considered a rather large pebble, but frank insisted in his mind that it was a pebble.
“ow, what the fuck!” you cursed, rubbing your sore shoulder and looking around to find the culprit. and then your eyes laid on him.
he looked so sultry standing there at the edge of the woods, arms crossed and mask smiling, you could almost laugh at him. he acted so serious, when really, he was just an angry and misbehaving twink.
you put on your best serious face, genuinely trying not to be amused by this, and strode over to the killer.
“what do you want?” you asked confidently, mirroring his body language and crossing your arms.
frank bristled at your approach, as if trying to make himself look bigger. he wished you were scared of him like everyone else, it would really make him feel better.
“i want a truce,” he said.
you almost burst into laughter at that. a truce? what the fuck for?
he said was willing to stop tunneling and camping you if you stopped beating the shit out of him with your sticky little hands. he didn’t say it like that, but you knew that was what he meant. you, a survivor, could beat up frank, a killer, and it upset him and his little ego :(
just to humor him, you agreed. and frank nodded.
“but,” you continued, raising your eyebrows, “you have to give me something else.”
he started to say “no, no way—“ but you interrupted him: “you’re asking me to stop fighting for myself and just give in when you catch me. i think i deserve something other than just not being tunnelled.”
frank glared at you under his mask, thankful that you couldn’t see. “okay. whatever. what do you want?”
“i want to see your face.” you thought this was a good choice, something you could lord over him forever. it was surely only a win for you. his face was something private, and you would be the only survivor to know.
of course you wanted to see his face, frank thought. everyone did; they wanted to find out if he was good-looking. which, according to him, he was. if you ever asked the other members of the legion, susie was the only one to actually respond. she felt obligated to compliment him as she was basically his sister. so she would say frank is handsome in a ruggedy, jess mariano kind of way. you wondered how she knew what gilmore girls was, since that came after her time, but susie would never give away her secret.
so with a sigh, frank agreed to let you see his face. he didn’t really care, all he wanted was to stop having bruises on his shins. it was kind of miserable, and the entity never did anything to help him.
when he said that you couldn’t do it here, and you asked why the fuck not, he said it was because some other survivor might see. you decided he had a fair point, so reluctantly you let him drag you all the way to ormond.
when he took off his mask, your first thought, whether you wanted it to be or not, was “wow! he really does look like jess mariano! but with tattoos! hot!”
you were lost for words. you didn’t really know what you were expecting, but you sure weren’t expecting him to be that attractive.
he could tell your thoughts from the look on your face.
this had been per your request, and you were planning on this being something you could hold over his head, but the situation had turned into something that he could hold over your head.
oh dear. frank morrison now held pretty boy privilege over you.
and soon you would find out that he was going to keep tunnelling you anyways.
listen i've been watching a lot of gilmore girls and i just get jess vibes from frank, except our boy is more of a twinky idk shdjfhsf i love this guy sm
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teddy06writes · 4 years
I feel there isnt enough sapnap x karl x quackity x reader, so can I request sap x karl x quackity x y/n where everone js tired at the end of the day, and despite having separate rooms, they all collapse together in one person’s bed
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader (HOLY SHIT THE POLY SHIP REQUESTSSSSSSS)
Trigger warnings: swearing
premise: vidcon pannels and meeting fans can be tiering, and maybe by the time the day is done you and all of your crushes collapse into bed together without realizing until the next morning  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
“Blep” talking
‘blep’ thinking
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/s/n)- your screen name
Ah vidcon, a content creators dream, or worse nightmare, or in your opinion, wild trip that lasted three days.
It was your first time seeing anyone from the Dream SMP in a while, and your were practically buzzing with excitement by the time you were getting off the plane in California.
You fiddled with your carry on as you made your way towards baggage claim, grinning upon hearing a yell of “Oh my god is that (Y/n) from the internet!?”
You turned to see Alex standing just outside the gate he’d landed at, quickly you ran to hug him, stomach filling with butterflies at his touch. “Wait it’s Alex from the internet!”
You both laughed as you pulled away, starting back to baggage claim, “Are you excited for vidcon?” He asked.
“Yeah, what I’m not excited for is having to share a house with you idiot for a weekend.”
He scoffed, “What do you mean? It’s gonna be fun!”
“Oh yeah, the entire SMP together in one house, is such a good idea. It’s gonna be chaos!”
“That’s the fun part!”
“I like to sleep at night without being interrupted by random screaming and stuff.”  You argued.
“I’m sure there won’t be random screaming.”
“You seriously underestimate Tommy.” By now you had made it to baggage claim and began to look around for the right carousel.
You split up, planning on meeting back by the door to wait outside for Bad, who had arrived the day before and was picking people up, a few at a time.
After waiting at one carousel for a few minutes your suitcase came rolling out, but as you went to grab it someone else grabbed it from behind you, a familiar voice drawling, “Hey, hey.”
Grinning you turned to see Nick smiling back at you, “Hey yourself.”
He hugged you, and again your stomach filled with butterflies.
Pull away you smiled, “Come on, I think I left Alex just over there.”
Grabbing your suitcase in one hand, and his hand in the other you tugged him off toward where you’d left Alex, calling, “Alex look who I found!” as soon as he was in view.
Nick dropped your hand to grab Alex’s to pull him into a hug, and you found yourself fighting a grin at how red Alex's face turned.
“Bad texted me that he’s almost here!” You announced after checking your phone.
“Who else is he picking up?” Nick asked.
“Uhhh,” You pulled the messages back up, “Karl and Fundy, and then Wilbur is supposed to be getting another rental car and driving the rest of the Europeans when they get here, minus George cause apparently he also flew out early.”
You all headed out towards the pick up area, weaving through the crowds of people you felt Nick grab the back of your shirt, and when you looked back at him in question he muttered, “So I don’t lose you Idiot.”
All you could do was hope your face was clear of any blush as you smiled back.
You all ended up stood near the curb when a voice cut through the chatter, “Hey gu-uys!”
“Karl!” The three of you exclaimed as he ran through the crowd towards you.
Upon reaching you he some how managed to get his arms around all of you enough for a group hug, and you laughed, “Shouldn’t you be at the other gate?”
“Yeah, but I thought I saw you guys so I came over here, and I was right!”
Alex cocked an eyebrow, “What if it wasn’t us?”
“uhhh, I dunno, awkwardly ran at random people?”
You all laughed, and Nick scoffed, “You’re ridiculous.”
After a few more minutes of waiting, a car slowed near the curb, Fundy’s head practically falling from passenger window, “I’m looking for some youtubers, dumb American ones, you seen any?”
Bad smacked him, “they aren’t dumb, hey guys!”
You waved at them as the guys started loading their suitcases into the back of the car, and after Karl insisted he take yours as well, you slid into the back seat, “What’s the house situation like?”
“It looks like just about everyone will get there own room,” Bad reported, “But Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled are sharing the room with the bunk beds, because Clay designated it as the kids room.”
You snickered as Alex climbed into the back next to you, leaving Nick and Karl to take the spots in the middle row of the van.
“And obviously cause Kristen’s coming she and Phil are sharing, and then Eret said he, Puffy, and Niki would take the room with the double beds,” Fundy offered, “Which means the rest of us should get single rooms.”  
Alex elbowed you, “Told you wouldn’t get stuck with random screaming.” 
“Oh there's still time for that.”
After getting to the airbnb and racing Fundy for one of the bigger rooms that was left (it was decided Phil and Kristen would get the master bedroom, and Clay had already claimed the biggest guest bedroom), you dropped your suitcase in one corner and brought your toiletries bag in the shared bathroom between your and Nick’s rooms, before flopping back onto your bed. 
No more than three minutes passed before Karl wandered into your room, flopping down next to you, “Ranboo and Sam are making nachos, and Dream and Nick found a foosball table in the garage, so a mini tournament is being organized if you want in.” 
“Foosball?” You questioned. 
“Yeah, it’s gonna be fun.” 
You allowed him to tug you up, and followed him down from the left hall of bedrooms, through the living room and to the connected garage where George was yelling over everyone to try and form teams. 
“Me and (Y/n) are a team!” Nick announced, grabbing your hand to pull you towards him. 
“Okay, that leaves Big Q and Karl as the last team for now! When other people show up they can join.” George announced. 
The rest of the day passed in a blur of foosball games, nacho’s nearly being spilled everywhere and the rest of the people arriving. 
The next day was the first day of vidcon, and after getting dressed in some casual clothes you grabbed your laptop and headed out to the living room, mostly empty in the quiet house, with the exception of Tubbo, who was flipping through tv channels, and Phil, who was tinkering around in the kitchen. 
“So what’s your plan for the day?” Tubbo asked, finally having settled on a baking show. 
“Uhh, stress about the panel until it’s time for the panel, hang out, maybe find a pizza place, you?” 
“Me and Tommy are just gonna wander the convention center most of today cause I don’t have anything until the meet and greet tomorrow, then when he has to go I think me, Ranboo and Fundy might be going to mess with dream george and sapnap during the dream team panel. What’s you first panel about?” 
You glanced back down at your laptop, “It’s listed as ‘small creators with a big part’” 
From the kitchen you heard Phil chuckle.
“Oh cool.” Tubbo smiled, turning back to his show. 
You looked back down at your laptop, reading over the possible sample questions and discussion topics, you wanted to be mentally prepared for this.
At some point, as the rest of the house began to stir Alex shuffled out from the hallway and plopped down in between you and Tubbo on the couch, throwing his legs up in your lap.
“Good morning.”
He groaned, “Why is it so early?”
“It isn’t,” you laughed, flicking at his forehead, “Your just jet lagged.”
“Is there coffee here?”
As if on cue Nick, who had come over from the kitchen, offered him a mug, “Phil made a big ass pot of it.”
“Oh thank fuck!” He took the cup greatfully.
Nick smiled, handing you the other mug before going back for his own as Karl flounced into the room and plopped down on the other couch, “Good morning!” 
“Morning Karl!” You smiled. 
“oooo, are we watching cake wars?” He asked excitedly. 
Tubbo nodded and launched into an explanation of what had happened so far in the episode. 
Eventually everyone woke up and was gathered around in the living room and kitchen, drinking coffee and tea as they planned for the day. 
“Well if most of us have different things planned why don’t we just plan to meet back up here before dinner?” Niki suggested. 
A half asleep Wilbur nodded, “Sounds like a good idea.”
Techno snickered at his grogginess, elbowing him lightly, “I guess the first panel really will be sleepy boys inc.” 
If Wilbur had been fully awake he probably would’ve elbowed him back, but instead just muttered, “Shut up.” 
“Okay! So we meet back here for six yeah?” Bad asked. 
Everyone nodded, and disappeared back to their various places around the house to get ready. 
Back in your room you put your laptop away and got the last of your things ready for the panel, even though it wasn’t starting for a few hours.
“(Y/n)! Your panel’s at 12 right?” Nick half yelled through the open bathroom doors. 
“Okay cool, do you wanna come with me, Alex and Karl? Apparently Jimmy and all them just got in.” 
You had talked to the famed, ‘Mr. Beast’, a few times, and had even been in one or two of his gaming videos, so before you knew it Alex was stealing the keys to one of the rental cars and you were off. 
“Yeah we just left the airbnb.” Karl, said into his phone. There was a pause before he said, “Oof, I’m glad I came out early then.” Another pause and then he laughed, “Nimrods. We can stop for food if you want?” 
A few minutes later he ended the call, leaning up between the front seats, “The gang requires food, we’re taking a pit stop to taco bell.” 
“Taco bell? At 9 in the morning?” Alex questioned. 
“Yeah apparently the nimrods forgot to get food before they left the airport, and now their stuck in traffic. We’re gonna meet them at the hotel.” 
You chuckled, “Sounds like a Jimmy move. Let me guess, they forgot because none of them slept and they took a red eye?” 
“What the fuck is a red eye?” 
You looked back at Nick, incredulous, “You don’t know what a red eye is? Oh my god you privileged fool!” 
Alex snorted, “It’s a really early flight Nick. Like, a you get to the airport for 11pm, and end up eating breakfast when you get to the other airport, flight.”
“Or, a get to the airport for anytime between 11pm and 4am and regret your life choices while waiting for your plane.” You offered. 
“In other words, hell.” Alex finished, pulling into a drive thru. 
“Yikes, why would anyone do that?” Nick asked. 
“It’s cheap.” Karl said. 
“Planes are less crowded, so are the airports.” Alex added. 
You smiled, “I do it for the feeling of a lineal space. There's no vibes like airports from 11pm to 4am.”
They all laughed, and Karl quickly unrolled his window to order an ungodly amount of food. 
Unsurprisingly,  after that the day passed in a blur, the panel going pretty well, and then the impromptu meet and greet outside the meeting hall, trying to make it through the convention center with Clay and Nick without being mobbed, and then suddenly everyone was back at the airbnb getting ready for dinner. 
“(y/n) you bitch why are you taking so long in there!” Tommy yelled through the bathroom door. 
“I’m trying to fix my hair from when you threw water at me prick! There's five other bathrooms in this house go find another one!” You yelled back. 
Distantly you could hear Bad yell, “Language!” 
“Everyone is in the other bathrooms!” 
Giving up on your hair you set the brush back down and recapped the container of paste, turning and opening the door to your room, “Alright, fine.” 
“That wasn’t that hard was it?” Tommy asked, moving past you into the bathroom. 
“Don’t touch my stuff.” You instructed, striding out of the room and down the hall. 
Out in the living room Eret was humming as they cleaned up the last of the later Tommy had gotten everywhere as the rest of the group started to assemble. 
Once everyone was finally ready, and the final arguments of who would take which car, you were shoved into the back of one of the vans with Karl and Alex, making all of the anxiety that had dissipated after the panel came flooding back, especially when Nick, who was sitting on the bench seat in front of you, turned to join the conversation. 
The night was spent trying to keep blush off your face whenever Karl’s knuckles brushed yours, when Nick’s arm found it’s way around the back of your chair, or when your and Alex’s knees bumped. 
‘God’, you had thought, ‘this is like some romcom shit.’ 
After Tommy’s fail attempt to steal a set of car keys and try and drive home  -Phil smacked him upside the head, Niki snatched the keys from his hand, Kristen started to lecture him, all while the rest of you laughed your asses off- The bill was paid, and everyone piled back up into the cars, already starting to plan a movie night. 
Upon getting back to the airbnb, you headed back to your room to change back into the hoodie and comfortable pants you had been wearing earlier, heading back into the living room in time to steal Punz’s seat on the couch with Nick and Karl. 
When Alex squeezed into the spot between you and Nick, you could’ve sworn you saw Techno smirking and Puffy waggling her eyebrows toward you, how they found out about your stupid group crush you had no clue, but then Clay and Skeppy started to argue over what movie to put on. 
Tubbo ended up taking the remote from Clay, and from where he was sitting In front of one of the couches, tossed it over to Phil on the other side of the room, who said, “We’ll do a vote then!” 
A movie was selected democratically, some cheesy action movie began to play, and at some point you half turned, propping your legs up across the boys laps as Alex maintained a running commentary on the movie, just loud enough for you and Nick to hear, and Karl absently traced small shapes into your ankles. 
The second day of vidcon was the most hectic, with you, Nick and Alex were going to watch the Mr. Beast panel Karl got to be a part of, plus both the dream smp panel and the meet and greet later in the day. 
You had woken up to Karl and Alex jumping on top of you, “Wake up! You’re gonna be late!” 
You groaned, struggling to shove them off, “What time is it?” 
“8:27.” Alex said, sliding off your bed. 
“Fuck,” You muttered, “Get off me, what the hell happened to my alarm?” 
“You left your phone in the other room, when it went off it woke us up.” Karl explained. 
“He means it woke him up and he felt the need to wake me up,” Alex complained as you sat up now free of the people laying on you, “Why the hell is your alarm set so early?” 
“It’s not early, I just wanted to be able to get ready without being in anyone’s way.” 
Karl nodded, “Makes sense.”
“C’mon, let’s give them time to get ready.” Alex grabbed Karl’s arm, half dragging him out of the room.
You quickly got ready, pulling on a nicer button down, plus a jacket that was one of the first from your new merch line.
You finished your hair, plugged in your phone and headed out to the kitchen where Fundy seemed to be attempting to make pancakes, dragging Karl into the process as well.
You sat down next to Alex and Ranboo, “How long do you think until they burn the house down?”
“I am not going to burn the house!” Fundy exclaimed.
You reached over and turned down the heat on the griddle, “Well you were gonna burn something.”
Ranboo snickered, “They aren’t wrong.”
“Shut up Ranboob!” Fundy retorted.
They continued to bicker as Tubbo emerged from up stairs, shoving Fundy out of the way to take over the griddle. “You’re all ridiculous.” He muttered.
“Yeah no shit.” You sighed.
“Language!” Bad yelled from the dining room.
“French!” Eret called back as she entered the kitchen, “Morning guys!”
“Morning!” Tuboo chirped, starting to flip some of the pancakes. 
“It’s panel day!” Tommy yelled, charging down the stairs, “Those best be chocolate chip Tubbo!” 
Karl held up the bag of chocolate chips he been scattering into some of the pancakes, and Tommy grinned, “Karl my man!” 
Once breakfast was eaten and the dishes cleared everyone loaded back up into the cars to head to the convention center, everyone splitting up again, planning to meet back in the right area in time for the full panel. 
Karl headed off to meat with Jimmy and the guys as You Alex and Nick took spots in the audience. 
Once they took to the stage Nick leaned over and elbowed Alex, “Bet you 10 bucks when they open for questions you don’t go up just to flirt with Karl.” 
Alex glared at him, “10 bucks isn’t worth it.” 
You held back a laugh, “I’d throw in another 20.” 
Alex considered this with a sigh, “Deal, but only if we get milkshakes later.” 
You and Nick agreed, and soon enough when they opened up for audience questions Alex started to stand up, but immediately sat back down blushing slightly, “No.” 
“Damn.” Nick sighed. “We’re still getting milkshakes.” 
Once the Mr. Beast panel had ended you all went to meet up with Karl and head off to the dream smp panel. 
2 o'clock rolled around and the panel moderator began to announce everyone, one by one, and you managed to force down your anxiety, taking your place on the stage between Karl and Nick when the mod called, “(y/s/n), one of the first people to actually join the dream smp.” 
You sat down, smiling at the audience and quickly sneaking out your phone to take a quick video of your friends and then a pan of the crowd to put on twitter later.
Once everyone was on stage the moderator looked up and down the long table, “Wow, there are a lot of people on stage right now, is this everyone from the server?” 
Clay nodded, “Just about, we have a few others, Alyssa, Callahan, Ponk and Antfrost, who had other stuff going on, but for the most part, this is everyone from the server.” 
“This is honestly incredible, how, how are you guys all feeling about being here? I know this is the first Dream SMP panel, but you guys have been to vidcon before right?” 
“Most of us,” George laughed, “I think the only one who hasn’t is (y/s/n), there first ever panel was yesterday.” 
The mod looked over at you, “So, how does it feel to be at your first vidcon?” 
You laughed nervously, “Well, I mean, I’ve been to vid con before, but I was always out there in the audience, it’s- it’s pretty nerve wracking to be up here.” 
The topic shifted and after that things seemed to move more quickly. 
In the blink of an eye the first hour and a half was spent and people from the audience began to ask questions. 
“Wilbur, as the main writer for roleplaying on the server is it hard to keep track of character specifics and story arcs or is it all just written in with the scripts?”
Someone asked.Wilbur hummed, “Well I guess in part it’s written in the scripts, but I think I should turn this question over to (y/s/n), they’ll have a more interesting answer.”
Everyone turned to you. 
“Well, in my mind it isn’t all that hard, but I am literally the kid who memorized long monologues for fun.” You chuckled, “Once the first revolution arc started and the server really started to turn to roleplaying I started a google doc that now gets updated constantly. I have running tabs on current arcs, details on arcs that have ended and then there's detailed character descriptions. 
“I don’t necessarily write down bits to add while I’m streaming or anything, but most of the time it has to be the middle of the night or I won’t file anything correctly.”
Nick chuckled, “I have seen the document, it is terrifying.” 
“Didn’t someone open it to see you updating in the middle of the night once?” Ranboo asked. 
Alex nodded, “Yeah that was me, it was very traumatic, like, I blinked, and then there was another fifty words on the page.” 
You dropped your head in your hands, “It was the night after the whole election thing! Techno joined the server and then I had to add a whole ‘nother character profile, and he and his stupid English major were making things complicated!” 
“Listen man, I just wanted to make sure I had a backstory that fit into the story line, ‘s not my fault when Wilbur lets Dream have partial control of thing the storyline ends up non cohesive.” 
People laughed, and the topic was changed with the next question.
Two and a half hours later, an extra hour after the panel was supposed to end, (there was just so many extra questions), you headed off stage, and were all rushed across the center for the meet and greet, which had been pushed back in time with the panel.
You felt bad for making the fans wait, but the organizers assured you that it was fine, most of the fans had been at the panel anyway.
In the big open hall the orginizors spilt everyone up into groups of threes and fours, the way fans could move down the line and see everyone.
Inevitably you ended up with Karl, Nick and Alex, at the end of the long sections of people.
“Holy shit man, how is it already 6?” Alex asked.
“Who knows.” Nick muttered glancing down at his phone.
“Dude this is supposed to go for like three hours too.” You complained, rocking up on your heals to look down the line, seeing the first groups of people starting to move past Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy.
“We’ll be fine! It’s always fun to meet fans!” Karl said, though he did look slightly wary.
After another three hours of talking to fans, signing things, and taking pictures the last group of people finally made it to your section.
“Hey! They saved the coolest for last!” The boy exclaimed.
“Hell yeah they did!” Alex half yelled back, some how still managing to keep up the enthusiasm.
“Here, let’s get you guys all in a picture together!” His mother said, motioning for you to all stand together. You slung an arm around the kids shoulder, smiling at the camera. “
“Okay serious question time, which one of us is the best?”
“Uhh,” the boy looked from person to person, “probably you (y/s/n), your contents really cool but your under rated.”
You grinned, offering him a fist bump, “ha! See that’s the third person in the last hour!”
Karl scoffed, “but I got like six people over all.”
“I only got five.” Alex pouted.
You rolled your eyes as the boy asked, “So if you guys are in a poly relationship on the server does it create problems with your friendship in real life?”
You all froze, except for Nick who somehow seemed to know this was coming, “Well, in game and out of game relationships are different, sure you can ship all you want, but that doesn’t mean stuff actually happens in real life.”
The kid nodded, “Cool, hey I saw your stream like, during quesrentine, just a question, how many people have tried to fight you today?”
You laughed, “at least 15 took pictures with him squared up.”
A few minutes more and the kid was gone, being ushered away by his mom, and you glanced at your phone, “holy shit it’s already 9:15.”
“Where did the time go?” Kale asked incredulous.
After meeting back up with the rest of the group you all headed off to terrorize a McDonald’s, drawing a lot of attention from random fans as you all scarfed down food.
By the time you got back to the Airbnb it was nearly 11pm and everyone was exhausted.
After quickly getting ready for bed you a collapsed.
The next morning you woke up, and for a moment worth your eyes still closed you were perfectly content with the warmth pressed agasint you.
Then you came fully too, realizing that, no, you weren’t fully swaddled in your comforter, you were laying in a bed with other people.
Opening your eyes you blinked away sleep, looking down, confused to see Alex asleep with his head on your chest.
Turning your head you saw that it was Nick on your other side an arm wrapped around you both.
Karl was half sprawled across all of you, similarly to the airport, as if he could hold all of you at once. You sat in shock for several moments before realizing you were in fact, trapped in bed.
Alex’s fingers were tangled with yours, Nicks nose was pressed into your neck, and you could have sworn Karl shifted in his sleep, as if to get closer to you.
‘Well,’ you thought, ‘might as well make the most of it.’ As settled back down to fall back asleep.
Once you had all woke again, no one spoke as they headed back to there own rooms, and your crossed back through the bathroom form Nicks.
The rest of the day past, still no one speaking about it, and that night you found yourself laying in your own bed, wondering why it felt so wrong.
There was muffled whispers from Nicks room, and you quietly got up, moving into the bathroom to hear better.
Unfortunately for you Nicks door to the bathroom was still open, so you couldn’t eavesdrop as planned.
Karl and Alex were both sat on the bed next to each other as Nick paced. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly
“Would- would it be weird if we cuddled again?” Alex asked hesitantly.
“We were debating asking you.” Karl admitted.
Nick nodded, “You don’t have to, it’s just- we-“
Quietly you crossed the room, climbing into the bed instead of answering the question outright.
“Is- I- am I stupid, or is this something?” Alex whispered.
Vidcon had ended and even with the long weekend everyone was staying in California the time had gone all to fast.
You, Alex, Karl and Nick had continued to cuddle every night, still not talking about it during the day.
“Do you think it could be?” Was your only response, continuing to card your fingers through Karl’s hair.
“It seems like it already is.” Nick said.
Karl yawned, “I think I’d like it to be.You nodded,
“me too.”
“Me too.” Nick agreed.
Alex smiled, “I guess it’s decided then.”
The dark room was quiet another moment before you snickered, “It’s cannon irl now guys. What will the fans think?”
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How about a smut prompt no. 7 with Tony Stark ? ❤❤❤❤
Love to lose
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A/N: Thanks for requesting this lovely! Hope you like it :))
Gif’s not mine! Credits to the owner
Prompts used: Oral sex & “First one to make a noise loses.”
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, it’s dirty okay...
Word count: 2k
Requests & Challenges
Tony Stark Taglist: @raspberrymama @boop-le-snoot @ladyeliot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @suchababie @another-stark-sub @littlegasps @kahlanmars @supraveng @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Taglists open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be in any of these ;))
“First one to make a noise loses? Seriously?”
“I honestly thought you’d be more adventurous Tony.”
“Honey you’ll get all the adventure you want once I’m done with this project. You remember the night of four times, don’t you?”
Tony raised an eyebrow and smirked as your eyes lit up with thoughts of the night he mentioned, cheeks growing warm as your mind flooded with memories of the aforementioned night.
That night you’d lost all sense of cognition and your legs were pure jelly from being utterly fucked out.
It was never a dull moment when it came to you and Stark in the bedroom. He knew all the right ways to drive you crazy and you had come to learn to push all the right buttons to drive him insane.
“Tony come on! I know you’re up for it.”
You pointed to the half-mast erection currently staring back at you.
He glanced down at it before shaking his head and returning to the screen, soon getting engrossed in the information displayed in front of him. Eyebrows knitting together in concentration while his fingers flew over the surface, probably in search of something you didn’t care about.
You scowled for a little while, arms crossed over your chest before walking towards him with a look of determination that hid unattended lust.
Tony didn’t mind you stepping in between his legs as he leaned against the table behind, until you ghosted your fingers over the button of his denims.
Once you popped it open and undid his fly, he shot you a warning look before his phone rang, giving you time to push the jeans and his boxers down just enough to let his erection bounce free.
“You’re free to do whatever you want only if you’re prepared for the consequences sweetheart.” He warned before answering Phil Coulson’s call.
Desire bloomed deep in your belly as his words sent tingles down your spine, knowing the punishment would either be really good or really bad, depending on Tony’s mood. But you were willing to take the risk, it was always worth it in the end.
Shrugging, you dropped down to your knees, his semi-erect cock waiting for your ministrations as you eyed it before gazing up at Tony through your eyelashes innocently.
He was deep in conversation on the phone but the tight grip of his free hand on the edge of the counter and tapping of fingers against the surface indicated he was waiting for you to make your move.
Tony exhaled a breath he was unconsciously holding as your hand wrapped around his length. Taking your time with it, your hand lazily stroked his cock, thumb brushing over the tip every now and then.
“Please I understand Agent, don’t bore me with those unnecessary details..oh!”
Glancing down, he suppressed the rest of his reaction as your tongue joined the party. Small kitten licks over the tip before you drew a strip all the way to the base, all the while watching his demeanour change from composed to flustered.
You took him in your mouth and began swirling your tongue around his length, smirking when he faltered and brought his hand down to move your hair out of your face.
“I’m going over the details n-now. Oh yes—yes I’ll call Fury once I’m—I’m almost done here.”
Tony didn’t wait for Coulson to answer before he cut the call and practically threw the phone away. Letting out a groan, he jerked his hips forward, pushing himself deeper in your mouth as he grabbed you by your hair roughly, guiding your mouth over his cock.
“You’re in so much trouble baby...”
You simply hummed in response, continuing to finish him off as you increased your speed, feeling him twitch against your lips already. The little grunts Tony uttered spurred you on to bring him closer and closer to climax. Your own arousal had turned your panties moist as you watched his lust-blown eyes shut and bite his lip.
“Ah shit! You want me to cum in your mouth?”
You nodded eagerly as Tony’s hips jolted forward and he cursed out loud before shooting spurts of cum down your throat, face contorted in pleasure as he emptied himself, the warm salty liquid travelling down your throat.
He grabbed you by the back of your neck, making you stand before crashing his lips to yours, tasting himself as you deepened the kiss. You moved your clothed core over his softened cock to get some friction, gaining another groan from Tony who felt how moist you were.
“So wet my dirty girl. Will you give me an hour? I promise I’ll make it worth it.” Tony whispered softly, grabbed your hips to stop your grinding. Reluctant to let you go but the urgency with which Phil had called left him with no other choice than to make you wait.
“Fine. But if you’re late…”
“Trust me babe. I’ll be there sooner than you think.”
“Whatever.” He pecked your pouted lips one last time as you pulled his pants back up, turning to walk upstairs to your shared bedroom.
“Don’t touch yourself.”
“You’re in no position to make demands Stark.”
“Am I not?” Even with your back to him, you could sense he was giving you ‘the look’. The one that screamed ‘no matter what, I’m always in charge’. The man was really going to be the death of you some day.
“Ugh. Fine. Hurry up.”
“Okay so we need to establish some ground rules first.”
Your eyes snapped up from the book you were pretending to read as Tony swung the bedroom door and got in, locking it before sliding in next to you, resting his back against the headboard.
You were celebrating your victory on the inside because just minutes ago he’d made fun of you for coming up with this game, only to now come up with modifications for the same.
Like a good girl you had behaved, controlled the urge to bring yourself to an orgasm after that little session downstairs. You were still wet, which meant he already had more chances of winning at your game.
This was a bad idea. Why hadn’t you thought this through?
“The rules?”
Mentally shaking yourself for zoning out, you sat up straight and faced him.
“Alright. Whines are allowed. Moans aren’t.”
“Fair enough.”
“No oral sex.”
“Not acceptable. You know I owe you for that amazing blow-job. Come on now..”
“Fine. But no fingering.”
Tony made a non-committal huff but agreed, knowing how much his fingers spurred you on.
You went back and forth discussing, rejecting and accepting the terms and conditions as if it were a legit deal.
Soon after you shook on it, there was a switch in the air and neither of you felt the need to say much else except get on with the game.
Climbing in Tony’s lap, you cupped the sides of his face and pressed your lips to his. Softly grazing against each other at first while you fingers teased the base of his neck.
He carded his hands through your hair before pulling you against his chest, hands now splayed across your back as he slanted his mouth over yours and deepened the kiss.
Maneuvering a little so his legs straightened out on the bed, Tony heard a tiny sigh escape your lips as your aroused core met with his growing bulge. Keeping those noises that threatened to leave your mouth turned out to be harder than you had both imagined. You two were quite vocal when it came to sex.
It was difficult, but all the more exciting.
After a while, the make-out session turned out to be insufficient and Tony had you on your back, your clothes removed and thrown carelessly somewhere behind as he settled between your legs.
You had to bite back a moan as Tony’s lips travelled down your neck, littering tiny kisses all over the skin before he found that junction where your neck met your shoulder, the pulse point which he so generously marked a spot on, sure to leave a purple bruise in its place. On cue, your head moved aside to grant him more access as your breaths turned to pants, finding it hard not to think about his bulge that was rubbing so deliciously against your heated core in slow but deliberate thrusts.
You had to push him away to make sure you didn’t lose so soon, that sure earned a chuckle from the genius. Moving further south, he latched onto one of your nipples and flicked his tongue along the bud all the while massaging and kneading the other in his hand. A sigh had involuntarily slipped out, it wasn’t breaking any rules but it sure made Tony gaze up with lust-blown eyes as a smirk appeared on that handsome face.
Trailing kisses along your navel, he reached between your legs and stopped. You shot him a warning look as you sat up on your elbows when his fingers teased along your wet folds, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender before diving in face first into your pussy.
Closing a hand over your mouth, you let your head fall back onto the pillows as Tony licked a fat strip along your wetness, his nose brushing against your bundle of nerves. It didn’t take long for you to feel your heartbeat on your throbbing clit, Tony leaving no stone unturned to make sure you were a needy mess below him.
“What was that baby girl?” He purred, facial hair glazed with your juices when he emerged, giving you a shit-eating grin after you shook your head.
You were so close.
Flipping you on your stomach, you heard him unbutton his jeans and drop them in a low thud on the ground. His hands pulled your ass up in the air, urging the cheeks apart before his cock met your entrance, gathering your wetness, your pussy aching for release at this point.
“Giving up already?”
Instead of answering, you reached behind, grabbed his cock in your hand and lined him up at your entrance before pushing your hips back. Both of you swallowed your groans as he bottomed out, stretching your walls to the fullest before pulling all the way out and thrusting in.
Your knuckles turned white from gripping the sheets as you were almost ready to give up and accept defeat, until you felt his cock twitch inside you, a sign Tony wasn’t too far along from doing the same either.
Your walls clenched around his cock deliberately, hugging it in their wet warmth and eliciting an involuntary groan from the man.
“What was that honey?”
You teased, repeating the action only to have Tony pull out suddenly, turn you around once more and pull your legs over his shoulder before entering you again.
“You fucking tease..”
“You’re the one to talk. Now shut up and fuck me.”
Snapping his hips to yours at a furious pace, Tony gripped your legs roughly and bit your ankle. The silly little game long forgotten, you let out a pornographic moan as you felt the muscles in your belly contract, thighs tremble and mind turn into a fuzzy blur.
“Cum with me Tony..” you begged as he let go of your legs and buried his face in your neck, a hand snaking downward to rub your oversensitive clit.
“Do that thing again.”
His urgent whisper came out muffled by your hair but you knew what he was talking about. You granted his wish by pulling on his cock with your walls and felt his hips lose their rhythm. He came loud and hard, spilling inside you in spurts triggering your own orgasm as you cried out, digging your nails in his back as you shuddered.
Once you felt yourself float back down to reality, you brought your hands to caress Tony’s hair while he chuckled against the skin on your neck, repeatedly kissing you over there.
“It’s a draw then?” He mumbled.
“You want a rematch?”
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salemwritesxx · 4 years
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↳ pro-hero hawks x lieutenant m. reader
summary: Y/n has to go to work while Hawks stays at home, recovering his wings from a fight the previous day. Safe to say Keigo gets bored pretty quickly and he starts “bothering” Y/n at work.
w.count: 3.9k
content warning: smut, porn without plot, snapchat sexting during work, size and height difference, male squirting, hickeys / marking kink, shower sex
The soft pitter-patter of someone’s naked feet on the parquet flooring made you turn around, a smile, that formed into a grin quite quickly, on your lips as your boyfriend stood in front of you. Hawks was only wearing a much too big button-up of yours that exposed his heavily marked chest a little as well as his inner thighs, hickeys spreading along his delicate skin.
“Already leaving?”, Takami asked, still a little tired as he had woken up just a few minutes ago – since he was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and his hair was even messier than usually, falling into his pretty face.
“Yeah. I’ve got a lot of work to do, solving crime mysteries and all. How are you feeling?”, you were about to put on your shoes, though now, you stepped back from the little entryway into the corridor again, basically towering over Keigo as you stood in front of him, since he was so small and cute.
“Hmm, I‘m okay. Just tired. Wish you could stay home with me. You look so handsome in your uniform.”, a tired grin immediately played around his lips to match your own sneaky one, his hands already teasingly playing with your tie and pulling on it so you would lean down a little.
Hawks had a fight yesterday, hence why his wings were mere stubs and he had to rest at home for the next days for him to recover them and get back into the field.
“Mhhh, don’t tempt me, Baby. You look incredibly cute and so absolutely ravishing as well. Maybe I should mark you just a little more, hm?”, you snickered, your big hand cupping his cheek and pulling him closer, Takami immediately melting into your touch and kisses, his hands gliding up your chest to sling his arms around your shoulders while standing on his tip-toes.
“Hmmm Y/n.”, humming delightfully, he tilted his head just a bit as you kissed over his jaw to his neck, giving him soft kisses and pulling him even closer into your strong arms, only to shudder once you started traveling down. Kissing his body through the button-up he wore – such a tease – Keigo’s heart fluttered in his chest like a little hummingbird. Golden eyes fixated on you as his hand buried itself into your hair as the other had taken your police hat and put it on himself.
Gasping softly as you reached his leg, he didn’t stop you when you touched and slung it around your shoulder, exposing his soft cock and even more marks that were hidden underneath the button-up.
“Y/n!”, with his raspy voice, he kind of laughed and quietly moaned at the same time as your teeth sank into his skin, sucking on his already heavily adorned inner thigh while your other hand was caressing his other leg, traveling from his shin up and underneath his shirt to his hip, placing your hand there and rubbing circles with your thumb.
“I might seriously just attack you, you know, Pretty Boy?”, hearing those barely breathed words made Kei shiver and bite his bottom lip, definitely having to bite back his want as he shook his head a little.
“We can’t, you need to go.”, even though he didn’t sound convincing at all, especially when his actions also contradicted his words, pushing your head just a little closer against him.
Though in the end, you also pulled back and after a newly formed hickey, you let go and stood back up, Keigo purring and snuggling against you, almost making you cave in honestly.
“When I come home tonight, be prepared. I won’t hold back, okay?”, you also purred in such a seductive tone that Hawks’ eyebrow twitched in anticipation, his pretty lips escaping an interested “Oh?” as well.
“Then don’t let me wait, okay, Handsome?”, with an alluring grin on his lips, Kei gave back your police hat, just to let his hand sneak into your neck and pull you down to his height for one last intimate kiss, making himself softly moan against your lips as your tongues fought playfully. “Hmm, love you…”, he said out of breath as he pulled back just an inch, not really wanting to let go to be honest, though he knew he had to.
“Hmm, I can’t wait for tonight.”, and with that, and one true last kiss against his lips, you whispered, “Love you, too, Baby Boy.” Hawks let you go for real, watching as you put on your shoes and then take your bag and walk out the door, leaving him all alone – already bored and hoping you would come back soon.
In the early afternoon, however, Hawks was feeling overwhelmingly lonely and horny – even though he tried distracting himself with a little bit of work regarding his agency papers and all. Though after showering that morning after you had left, he had just thrown own the same button-up again, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea…
Because now, as he bit his lip and let hand travel to the collar of the t-shirt to sniff it, your scent that still lingered on the fabric made him even more horny and lonely; and so, he dared to send you a message first before going all in, “How’s work Babe?”
You were sitting on your desk in the office, doing some paperwork when the message came in, the quiet sound immediately catching your attention. A smile flitting across your lips as you responded, “Boring. Doing paper stuff, you?”
And that was all Keigo needed since he knew you had your own private office so no one would be able to see his little thing he had planned. Standing up from his home office chair and walking into your bedroom, he flopped onto the bed and opened his private snapchat that was only for interactions with you.
Biting his lip and teasingly tilting his head he snapped the picture and wrote, “Waiting for you to come home and fuck me 🍆 I’m so desperate for your cock, Handsome 💗💗”
A bit confused, since the snapchat ping went off and not the normal message sound like before, you opened the snap only to suck the air between your teeth in surprise.
“Fuck, Baby Boy. Yesterday night really wasn’t satisfying enough for you, huh? So insatiable. Just wait till I come home, you won’t get a second to catch your breath 💕”, you sent back, paperwork pretty much forgotten.
“Hmmm.”, he hummed and giggled in lustful excitement when you answered him, giving him the okay to continue as he rolled around after throwing the t-shirt onto the ground, being completely naked. Stretching himself out seductively, he snapped another picture to tease you, not revealing anything past his chest though – not yet at least – then he wrote, “Hmm, I can’t help it. Your cock makes me fly without needing my wings 💞 I wonder what you would do to me when you come home? You wouldn’t punish me for being horny, right? 🥺”
“Damn…”, you mumbled to yourself as he once more showed you his already very well-loved body, his chest adorning hickeys and little bite marks, his nipple red and erect with teeth marks around it - delicious.
Slowly reaching down, Hawks started playing with himself, teasing his sensitive bud just a bit; just like you would tweak and twist them to make little jolts of pleasure rush through him, before he grabbed his phone again when a snapchat arrived. The picture was your already growing bulge in your uniform pants and the text read, “Oh Pretty Boy, maybe I should punish you a little for being so horny and greedy 😘 You know, when I come home, I’ll take my time with you and prepare your cute little ass first. Make a mess out of you with just my tongue until you cry and beg me to fuck you already, but I won’t budge until you cum so hard with my tongue you scream and sob👅🍑”
His cock was already growing and lightly twitching when he simply imagined how he would feel if you would do that to him, hissing a bit in delight as he softly dragged his nails over his own chest and nipples before gliding down and spreading his legs, snapping another picture and clumsily writing with one hand, “Don’t get my hopes up, I’d love to be fucked silly by your tongue, Y/n 👅💟💕🤤”
After he had sent the photo, he also filmed himself, starting at his face where he sucked on his finger and traveling down with the phone to his spread legs, showing off his hard cock and drops of precum on his belly and his pink little hole that was twitching, before he stopped, muted the little video, just in case, and wrote, “Just look, Y/n 😩 I’m already sooo wet 💦 and my pink little tight ass is all excited now😖💞” while he smeared his own spit around to soften his hole a bit.
When you received both the photo and the short video, you seriously had to bite your tongue to not let out any sounds, especially when you saw how wet and excited he was, the bulge in your pants growing and feeling the throbbing in your pants quite vividly. Before it was too late and you couldn’t walk out anymore, you stood up and pulled up your pants properly, thankfully the uniform pants were quite loose, thus calmly walking to the bathroom as to not catch attention, you then hid in a stall and pulled down everything.
“Ah! Fuck!”, he moaned quietly and hissed in bliss again as he teased himself by rubbing over his hole, ‘punishing’ himself by not entering more than the tip of his finger, only to hastily grab the phone and open another snap from you. “Y/n! Nhh”, he couldn’t suppress whining your name when he saw the picture of your freed cock in your hand, your pants pooling around your ankles. Keigo was proud of himself that he made you retreat into the bathroom so quickly, knowing he could rile you up so much in such little time.
“Just look what you have done to me, Baby Boy! 😥 How am I supposed to keep going if you do this to me during work? Such a naughty boy. I really have to punish you tonight, just wait. I’m going to split you in half with my cock and fuck you so hard you will only know my name by the end and nothing else💗”, read your message.
As Kei spit onto two of his fingers, he started rubbing his pink hole again, making a video of teasing himself by now entering and just spreading his ass and showing off how tight he still was. This time though, it took a little longer as his other hand was a little shaking as he wrote, “Y/nnn I just want your cock inside of me. so. badly. How badly I want to be in the office, just sitting on your cock while you work right now, getting split in half like that💕 Can’t wait until you come home and just rail me, Baby 💞💞”
Seeing that snap was literally pure torture in the sweetest way possible, but you didn’t want it to end, though you knew, you just had a few minutes or people would get suspicious, and so, you took a deep breath and snapped back, “Promise me you won’t cum Baby Boy. Be a good boy and wait till I come home, okay?”
“Mhhh”, whining disapprovingly once he opened your snap, he, however, pulled back his hand from his twitching hole, a pout on his lips as he snapped you back, “You are so so sososo mean!!! But I’ll wait… just because it’s you, Y/n! And you better not let me wait too long or I’ll start without you!😖”
Hawks was on a high, his cock was twitching and leaking and yet, he stopped completely, laughing at himself that he was so obedient, definitely not something others would probably expect about him, but he loved you and he loved being teased and ‘punished’, knowing it will feel even better if he listened to you, even if it was brutal to edge him like that.
“Good Boy I love you so so much Kei, I won’t let you wait Princess cuz this cock can’t wait to feel your tight little ass around it💞❤💕”, you sent back one last picture of your cock, before you neatly put back on your clothes and got out of the stall to wash your hands and then get back to your office.
After looking at the photo, he snapped one last picture where he was obviously pouting and wrote, “You better keep that promise cuz your Princess is very VERY impatient 😘🥰” before sighing as he threw the phone back onto the bed. Rolling on his tummy and resting his head in his crossed arms, he mumbled, “Such a tease.”, and yet, his heart was thumping excitedly when he thought about tonight.
Once the door opened to your shared apartment, you were greeted by your boyfriend leaning against the wall, naked and with just your spare uniform jacket and police hat on, his “Welcome home, Baby.”, paired with that tempting grin immediately riled you up.
“Hmmm, you look so… goddamn fine in my jacket, Baby Boy.”, you grinned as well, frustrated that you had to wear heavy duty shoes that you couldn’t just carelessly toss to the side.
“Yeah, I thought I’d borrow it, since I was so cold.”, Hawks almost purred as he walked up to you, slinging his arms around your shoulders and throwing away your hat carelessly, until you were finally able to slip out of your shoes.
“Ahnh~”, moaning delightfully (and maybe a bit exaggeratingly) once your big hands grabbed his little thighs, he willingly let himself get picked up, lips already colliding with yours and an intimate kiss igniting as you carried him into your bathroom.
“Do you know just… how fucking hard it was to calm down?”, Hawks wantonly groaned into your mouth, pressing his barely clothed body against yours.
“Mhh you don’t have to tell me, you know?”, you sat him onto the washing machine so your hands were free to undress you from your uniform while your lips were clumsily moving against each other as you groaned, “I had to go back to work with a massive boner. Because you’re such a tease.”
And your boyfriend’s answer was a mere wide grin and chuckle as he swiftly opened the tie and throwing it onto the floor. Stepping out of your uniform pants and underwear eventually, Hawks also stripped himself off any of your clothes, both of you naked finally as you grabbed him again to carry him into the shower, his red wings small and already grown back a bit.
Water was running over your bodies as your lips met once more, tongues lustfully fighting and his hands gliding through your wet hair and burying them in it eventually as his hips were starting to grind against your thigh.
It, however, didn’t take long until Hawks had enough, pushing you away and turning around and leaning against the shower walls as he presented his ass, head turned slightly to look back just to whisper, “Please… fuck me. I waited all day. I was a good boy, no? I deserve being fucked silly now, no?”, which certainly was enough for you.
“Hmh, fine.”, you purred and leaned down to kiss along his little wings, making him shudder and his wings flutter a little before reaching his sensitive back that was also adorned in so many love bites, Hawks immediately melting and leaning his forehead against the cool wall as you grabbed the bottle of lube that was always ready to use, since you both loved shower sex quite a bit.
Taking just enough so it wouldn’t drip everywhere and you wouldn’t slip, you put the bottle back as you rubbed it between his cheeks, Keigo’s impatient groan as he wiggled his butt simply earning him a small smack that made him gasp in delight.
“Hurry.”, he almost whined, pressing his ass back against your massaging fingers that were playing with his hole, definitely ready and prepared enough, because all he wanted was to be filled by your cock now and-
“Ahnh!”, throwing his head back, he interrupted his own thoughts with his loud moan as you had grabbed his hips, positioned your cockhead and pulled him back harshly so you rammed into him in one go with absolute ease, both of you moaning in synch as he was so warm and wet while Hawks was completely overwhelmed with joy and lust to finally be connected.
“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on. Rail me so hard I can’t stand tomorrow! Y/n!”, he cried out, pressing his ass back against your cock and moaning even louder when you granted his wish as you started slamming your hips against his ass, your dick penetrating his sweet spot almost perfectly that he saw blinking little starts.
Water was drumming on your back as you had leaned down to kiss and nibble on his neck, Kei tilting his head to give you more space while you held his small hips in a tight grip, probably leaving marks already, though he didn’t mind, instead he only pushed further against your hard thrusting, needing to be fucked silly since all that was on his mind today was your cock after all.
“Ahnh, ah~!”, not holding back his moans, your own deep grunts and growls sent shivers down his spine, knowing his ass could make you feel so good as well, feeling always a sense of pride as he swallowed your cock so effortlessly. Your wet skin slapping against his making the lewdest sounds.
Reaching between his legs, your big hand wrapped around his cock, earning his high-pitched cry as his hips stuttered against your palm when you started to rub against his bright red, cute cockhead.
“Ahh d-don’t t-tease me, or I’m-“, he laughed and moaned at the same time, being too overwhelmed by everything, before another cry left his lips as you pushed him fully against the wall, only your hand in-between him and the coldness in front of him, while you changed pace to slowly grind into his tight hole.
“Just let loose, Baby, don’t hold back. This is just the beginning after all.”, you purred deeply into his ear, before licking along the outside edge of it, his little body shuddering and writhing in pleasure as he moved his hips in synch with your own, vividly feeling your cock pulsating inside of him.
“N-no, Y/n, ah, ah! I- I feel- ah!”, he couldn’t speak properly as his hips jerked into your hand that was just stimulating his cockhead vigorously, knowing exactly what you wanted and he didn’t know if he should push more into your palm or pull back as his head was spinning and his legs shaking.
“Y/n! Y/n! I- Ahh!”, Hawks cried once more as you slowly started thrusting again until you were back to literally ramming into him balls-deep, your boyfriend flying high on cloud nine as his legs seriously quivered, hence why you slung your big arm around his hips to safely hold him if he couldn’t hold himself up any longer.
Which only happened just a few moments later as Keigo was now officially not able to hold himself together anymore, throwing his head back and wings puffing up, little red feathers falling onto the shower ground as he cried your name, voice breaking and tears of pleasure dripping down his cheeks as he squirted against the shower walls. Fluids covering your hand and his hips jerking in desperation, squirting all over the place as his cock bounced once you let go.
“N-No-no! Y/n- AHNh~!”, Hawks cried, sobbed and moaned, too much overwhelming pleasure almost making him black out, even though this was just the beginning, but it was what he had craved all day long after all.
If this wasn’t in the shower, he would have been drenched by his own fluids.
“Shhh, I got you Baby Boy. That was really intense, huh?”, you chuckled, your ramming stopping as you almost softly swayed your hips against his while you protectively held him.
“You… made me do it again…”, only hiccupping, he instantly snuggled back and into your arms, though he wasn’t complaining, not at all, your chuckled “I know. It felt good, no?” making him also giggle as if he was high – well he was, high on serotonin and overwhelming pleasure.
Reaching back, he pulled your head forwards a little as he had also turned his to connect your lips a little clumsily while you rested in that position for a moment, water still running over your bodies.
“Next, you’re gonna make me cum, right? For real…”, he purred against your lips, that smirk you loved so much back on his lips and your own forming immediately as it played around your mouth.
“Hmm, I will. This was just the appetizer.”, with that, you pushed him back against the wall, having him moaning into your mouth without restraint as you made love to him once more.
“Hey, Sweet Stuff.”, your soft purr made him groan a little as he turned around to instantly snuggle against your broad chest, before slowly opening an eye to look at what you had gotten him.
“Thank you.”, Hawks barely mumbled as he sat back up a bit to take the glass of water and gulp it down quite quickly, only to lay back into the bed and cuddle against you once more, your arms immediately slung around him protectively while your lips were showering him in sweet kisses, making him giggle.
“Hmmm I love you.”
“I love you too, Handsome.”, he mumbled back and sighed in bliss as he was smushed underneath your body – feeling absolutely satisfied and in heaven after your thorough love making in the past hours with little breaks in between to recover, though with how horny you both were, recovery time wasn’t that big of a deal.
Bathing in your sweet affection after a day full of sexual tension and sexting and just…craving your love was absolutely the best way to end it all. He had never once felt like an object or just someone to have sex with, but those moments just made it even more impossible to feel that way. Hawks didn’t know he could love like that.
He had been a player, not taking relationships really seriously before, sex was to have fun, anonymous, to get rid of stress, but now? It was different. It had been different for over three years now and he couldn’t be any happier.
“So, Lieutenant Y/n, tell me. Was I a good boy today? Or do I need to be imprisoned?”, Keigo teased you with that grin, making you laugh a bit and press your full lips on his before whispering against them, “I think you don’t need to worry at all. You were a very good boy and behaved very well.”
Both of you giggling again, two grown men, just being happy and in love, as you rolled around in bed whispering sweet, and maybe a little bit stupid, things to each other, bathing in the aftermath of your very nice evening together.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: am I projecting my unbelievable kinky and chessy af fantasies onto fictional characters?... maybe… but what’s new here? 🤪 once again, I declare my love for birb boy! hawks is. so. goddamn. fine. ✪ ω ✪
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foli-vora · 4 years
more than words, pt.3
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A/N: Thank you for all the love! 🥺🥰 overwhelmed by the reaction I’ve had to this story! Super excited that so many of you are coming along for the ride! There is a tag list for this—let me know if you’d like to be added! (I apologise if I’ve missed anyone!) I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x f!reader, best friend!Benny Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, general first date nerves that trigger my anxiety x10
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
He was trying to listen. He really was, but God, how many times can you hear the same thing over and over and over again before you start to drift away from the conversation? He knew the answer. He had a very short attention span when it came to certain subjects – he’ll admit that freely – so when you continued to gush about his best friend, his main man, naturally his attention fell to the couple seemingly having an argument by their truck in the parking lot. Hmm… wonder what they’re fighting about? He purses his lips, watching the girl deliver one hell of a slap across her boyfriend’s face and strut away, tears streaking mascara down her face. Cheater. Definitely a cheater.
“Benny? Are you even listening to me?”
His eyes roll back to you, taking in your narrowed eyes and angry chewing as a slice of pizza dangles from your hand. Was he listening? Well, he did for the first few minutes… does that still count?
He finally answers, tone flat and uninterested. “No.”
He shrugs, gesturing to the scene outside the window with a flick of his head. “Malibu barbie just smacked the shit out of her beau.”
Your head snaps to where he was looking, shamelessly curious. “Cheater?”
“That’s my bet.”
You both fall quiet, watching the strangers play out a scene that really should belong in a cringe-worthy daytime reality show while you chew. It’s almost depressing, how eagerly you both watch someone else’s life seemingly crumble in public. But the longer they scream and cry, the longer they yell and fight, the harder it is to tear your eyes away.
“Shit.” Benny sighs, reclining in the booth and stretching his arms up and behind him once the couple in conflict goes their separate ways. “That was the most interesting thing that happened to me all week.”
“Not me,” you sing with a smile, fondly remembering the phone calls and texts you had been sharing with Frankie the past few days. Benny sighs in irritation, neck cracking as he rolls his head on his shoulders.
“I swear, if you talk any more about Fish, I’m gonna throw myself out of this fuckin’ window.” He levels you with a challenging stare, lips twitching as you eye the glass critically. “I’ll do it, too. Try me.”
Deflating, you sag in your seat and fiddle with the peeling label on your beer bottle, realising with a wave of slight shame that you had been talking about Frankie ever since you sat down at the table. “I’m sorry, Benny. I’m just excited. He seems really cool, and nice, and –”
“Alright then.” He stands abruptly, kneeling on the worn leather to brace a shoulder against the glass panel with a look of severe concentration.
“Okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry – sit down, you idiot!” Laughing loudly, you tug at his shirt until he sits with a lazy grin and you shake your head. “God, you are such a child, Benjamin.”
He snorts, pinching a cold fry from the basket in the middle of the table and waving it at you. “You love me.”
Grinning, you snatch it from his fingers, and chew it loudly, grinning at his pout. “I sure do, especially when you set me up with your gorgeous fri–”
He groans loudly, “Enough, woman. I’ll throw you out of this fuckin’ window in a minute. Get me another beer.”
“You’re callin’ the wrong friend, angel.” Benny drawls lazily, “I’m no good with these kinds of pep talks.”
“Benny, I’m freaking out, please –”
The car feels small, cramped. The open windows letting in the cool evening air does nothing for you trying to suck in a lungful of oxygen as you pull nervously at your jacket. Have you overdressed? Underdressed? What would he be wearing? You hadn’t been on a first date in months.
“Look, I can almost guarantee you he’s somewhere having this exact conversation with another friend of mine. You’re both stress heads. Just relax – he’s gonna love you.”
You stare vacantly at your steering wheel, swallowing around the lump of anxiety stuck in your throat. “I think I’m gonna puke.”
He snorts in amusement, “Well, if you’re gonna do it, do it now – puking on the poor guy isn’t a first date thing. And don’t forget to rinse your mouth out.”
Leave it to the younger Miller to make you feel ten times worse. “Oh God. Ben –”
“You’ll be fine. Now get out of your car.”
“But –”
“Get. Out. of your car.” He waits, listening intently to the mechanical whirr of your windows as they close, smiling when he hears the loud thump of your car door shutting. “There we go. Now breathe, and get marchin’ – you got this. And don’t call me again – I’m watching a fight. Pay per view isn’t cheap.”
“Right. Sorry. Thanks Benny.”
“Anytime, angel. Have fun.”
You ring your hands as you start walking the short distance to the bar, running through a last-minute check of your appearance. Nothing in your teeth. No stains on your clothes. You fidget with the hem of your skirt, brushing the non-existent dirt from the fabric and making sure it’s not horrifically tucked in to your underwear at the back.
Oh God, your palms are so sweaty. What if he shakes your hand? His hand will slide right off. He’d be mortified. Who even goes for a handshake on a first date anyways? You’re being silly. Everything’s fine. You look great. Did you put deodorant on?
The twisting of your stomach and panicked rush of thoughts thankfully pause when your eyes catch Frankie standing outside the bar, hands buried deep in his pockets and dark eyes flickering around at the passers-by somewhat nervously. When they land on you, the apprehension seems to melt from his shoulders and he grins. Unable to stop the smile creeping on your face in response, you now walk without the sick feeling of anxiety creeping up your throat.
He strides forward to greet you, and for a brief second, you wonder how you should greet him. It’s not like you were strangers, per se, you had been talking on the phone all week, but where did you stand in the physical sense? Certainly not a handshake.
Throwing caution to the wind, you bounce forward and greet him with a hug, hoping to high heaven he doesn’t push you away and call the whole thing off.
He doesn’t.
Inwardly screaming, you melt at the feeling of a pair of strong arms winding around your waist, a small quiet chuckle brushing past your ear. Oh shit, oh fuck… he smells divine.
“Hi,” you mutter shyly when you pull away, a flush of warmth flooding through you from top to toe when he smiles kindly and hovers only a step away.
You can’t help but admire his features up close; the ones that were lost on the photo Ben had shown you when first trying to convince you into this arrangement. His eyes were a lot darker, tousled curls longer than they had looked when they were hidden under a well-loved hat. A light flush of pink sweeps up his neck and along his cheeks, and you watch it fondly with a wild flutter of your heart.
Okay, you could just stand here all night and stare at him, but that might freak him out a little… maybe try speaking. Talk. Just talk. Say something smart – something stimulating. First date impressions and all that.
“It’s fucking freezing.”
What? No. You did not just say that. Seriously? That’s what had to bubble from your mouth? Are you kidding?
You want to face palm, want to just turn around and march right back to your car with a text to Benny saying ‘thanks, but we can’t be friends anymore’ and just disappear from the face of the Earth. God, he’s going to give you so much shit for this.
Thankfully though, Frankie doesn’t seem bothered by your blurted out statement in the slightest, and even grins, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, it is.” He watches you shift on your feet, smile widening just a little more at the look of complete horror that had just washed your features before he had spoken, and then half turns, “Shall we?” Oh God, what was that? Pope’s gonna kill him. You’ve got his head in a complete spin and now he’s forgotten Pope’s whole pep talk. Shit. Shit. Be cool. Be cool... what the fuck does ‘be cool’ even mean?
The bar’s warm when you both walk in side by side, Frankie’s hand placed softly on your lower back as he leads you to the bar, and then through to a spare table, nestled out of the way and tucked into the farthest corner after he buys your drinks. He lets you sit first, and you’re pleasantly surprised when he stays close and, instead of sitting opposite you, he sits to your right, knees bumping yours softly under the table.
It’s not until you both sit, quiet and fiddling with your beers while sharing nervous smiles, that you remember something you had been meaning to ask all day.
“Oh. How did Mena’s appointment go?” You ask immediately, recalling his slight worry the day before over her slightly warmer than normal forehead and uncharacteristic crankiness. Your stomach plummets when he shoots you a startled look.
Oh no… have you blown it? Were you not meant to ask about kids on the first date or something? What were the rules for this kind of thing? You’d never dated someone with a baby, you had no idea what was okay to ask and what wasn’t. You guys had literally only just sat down, and here you were, ruining it already. That’s got to be the quickest end to a date, well… ever.
Panic creases your features and you frown in worry, “Sorry, should I – should I not have said anything? I’m sorry, I’ve never –”
“No, no – you’re fine! I just… I didn’t expect you to remember.” And then he smiles. Blindingly. The dread crushing your chest quickly morphs into something sweeter, something that has your heart quickening. “She’s okay – she’s getting her molars. Thank you for asking.”
You smile, turning bashful under the pure admiration shining in his eyes, and shrug lightly.
“It’s alright. I was worried for you.” You’re quiet when you admit it, unsure if that’s something you should be upfront about with only knowing him for such a short period, but he seems to take it in stride, smiling fondly at you and reaching a hand to cover yours softly. The immediate heat from his skin encompasses yours, shooting wave after wave of electric tingles up your arm and straight to your chest.
If your pulse was racing before, it’s downright wild now.
He flushes when your fingers part ever so slightly, letting his nestle in between yours, and then you’re smiling at each other, laughing quietly as the awkwardness all but evaporates.
You talk about everything. Growing up, moving around, Frankie’s time in the military being a pilot. You have so many questions, but pick up on the wave of tension that rolls through him at the mention of flying. For a short moment, you wonder why he didn’t want to talk about such an achievement – being a pilot was incredible, but not wanting to ruin the easy-going atmosphere that had fallen over you both, you leave the topic of flying instantly, and switch for talking about Mena, thankful to see the light return immediately to his eyes as he gushes about his little girl.
“Can I ask a question?” You ask sometime later in the evening, now comfortably closer to Frankie as your legs tangle under the table.
He hums, sipping on his third beer and nodding, “Of course.”
You watch your fingers play with his on the table, before grinning up at him slyly, “Why ‘Catfish’?”
He groans, throwing his head back with a chuckle, and wipes a hand across his face.
“My whiskers.” He finally admits with a playfully defeated sigh. When you frown in confusion, his grin widens, and he scratches his fingers along his jaw and through the patch of facial hair. “The guys used to give me shit because I can’t grow much more than this.” He gestures to his face, rolling his eyes. “Used to say I had whiskers – like a catfish, apparently.” He chuckles, shrugging light heartedly. “It just seemed to stick after a while.”
You’re laughing, and it keeps the smile planted firmly on his face. What a sound.
“Well, it’s an interesting nickname, but I think I prefer Frankie.”
He softens, unable to resist melting closer to you, and nods, “Me too.”
He likes the way you say it… sweetly, softly. He’s desperate to hear it fall from your lips more, in all sorts of ways.
Disappointment floods you both when you notice the late hour, Frankie explaining dejectedly that he should probably go and relieve his babysitter before said babysitter gets too comfortable with his refrigerator and the beer in there. You can hear the fondness in his voice when he tells you about his sitter for the evening, Mena’s tío – another close friend of Benny’s apparently – as you leave the bar, his hand automatically falling to tangle with yours.
“I’m this way,” you point a thumb over your shoulder, fully expecting to say your goodbyes outside the brightly lit bar, but frowning in slight confusion when he merely nods and starts to walk the way to your car.
“Oh – are you parked over here, too?”
He shakes his head, pointing to the complete opposite direction. “No, I’m over there. I don’t want you to walk to your car alone.”
Your insides turn to jelly, smiling to yourself as you grip his hand a little tighter. Thoughtful. He returns your smile, but hates that you seem so surprised by the notion of being walked to your car in the dark. What kind of losers had you dated previously that either didn’t walk you safely to your car?
“Thank you for tonight, Frankie.”
He grins, thumb rubbing soft circles over your knuckles. “Thank you – I had a great time.”
“Next time, it’s my treat.” You say, hoping you weren’t thinking too much of something that wasn’t there. Would he even want a second date? Was he just being polite saying he had a good time? Is that what people said before never calling them again?
Unbeknownst to you, Frankie was having a hard time reigning in the enthusiastic excitement that had flooded through him the second you had spoken. You wanted another date? With him? He had to mash his teeth together to stop the eager grin threatening to break his face completely in half. Thank God he hadn’t blown it. You were… God. You were fucking incredible. He owed Benny – big time.
“I can deal with that,” he eventually agrees, face warm and giddy at the prospect of taking you out again.
You turn and envelope him in a hug when you reach your car, breathing in one final lungful of whatever delicious aftershave he had used, and smile to yourself against his shirt when he folds his arms around you, a hand cupping the back of your head to keep you pressed tightly against him.
Pulling back to say one final goodbye, you’re struck by how close his face seems, eyes flicking across his face before meeting his dark ones.
Suddenly trapped in a gaze that had a fire licking up your spine, your breath goes in a stuttered exhale. Rough fingertips trace your jaw, and then you’re holding your breath entirely as he leans in closer. Anticipation kicks in, heart thumping through your chest as he closes the distance much slower than you would like, and you fight away the wave of impatience that screams at you to just push forward and kiss him.
You don’t expect him to stop however, only a breath away from your lips, and you panic for a small second, wondering if you’re doing something wrong, but when he murmurs a quiet question, it takes all the strength in your legs to not fall to the fucking ground in a lump of melted goo.
“Can I kiss you?”
God yes. Please.
Unable to stop the shy smile that tugs at your lips, you try not to nod too eagerly and definitely fail miserably. You want this, more than what you’ve ever felt with anyone else. Frankie had you feeling like a giddy teenager with a huge crush and you were desperate to feel more of it, to see where it goes and what it could develop into.
At your nod of approval, he moves in the rest of the way, hand moving to cup the side of your neck below your ear, and he sighs lightly when your soft lips finally meet his. The kiss is tender, warm, and does nothing to soothe your raging pulse. He can’t hear your heartbeat, can he? God, can you hear his? He briefly worries, but when your lips move against his, his mind blanks.
His moustache tickles your lip, nose bumps gently with yours. Your hands find his chest, fingers gripping at the soft material, and for a moment it feels like you two are the only ones in existence, floating in a hazy whirl of space.
You take a minute to open your eyes when he eventually pulls away, and when you do, you find him gazing at you with a shy smile and a rosy flush across his cheeks. Lashes fluttering as you blink, you try to get a hold of your heart beating heavily against your ribs while your lips tingle from the aftershocks of his kiss.
Holy shit.
Before you can even think it through, his shirt tangles in your scrunched fist and you pull him back to you, replanting your lips against his with a desperate urgency he meets head on and returns eagerly. His hands, previously gentle, now grip at your waist, squeezing the flesh greedily as you let him walk you back into the side of your car. The metal is cold, even through your jacket, and you arch into him, moaning softly when his tongue traces your lip.
Your knees buckle when his tongue tangles with yours, and he presses you harder into the car to stop you dropping.
“Holy shit.” He breathes huskily after separating, lips widening into a grin when he sees you mirroring his breathlessness. You giggle softly, the fire roaring in your stomach turning into an affectionate warmth that floods your system when he brushes his nose along yours tenderly. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Stop.” Your smile turns shy, teeth digging into your lips as he chuckles again, dark eyes shining. He watches you wrangle your breathing into something semi normal, glad he wasn’t the only one that got swept up and carried away with the moment. 
He traces your cheek, planting one more, less hungry and more affectionate, kiss to your lips.
“Goodnight, mystery girl.”
“Goodnight, Frankie.”
He backs away, face split as he smiles, eyes admiring you before he turns and starts to meander away to wherever he was parked, turning to look at you over his shoulder every few steps. You climb into your car, grinning at the final wave he sends you before disappearing around the corner.
Finally alone in your car, you let out the disbelieving chuckle you’ve been keeping in all night, face feeling hot as the aftereffects of such a great date rests pleasantly in your stomach, mind running through every little moment of the night. Starting your car, you start the drive home, unable to stop touching your lips every so often, insides clenching at the memory of his lips moving against yours.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @emilykjh @peterhollandkait @sara-alonso @starlightsearches @bookishofalder @empress-palpat1ne @shadowolf993 @rosiefridayrogersunday @canyonmirrors​ @eoz-stuff @blackonemasie​ @layniapetrovnaaa @alberta-sunrise @goldielocks2004 @betterthanbucky​ @linkpk88​ @afootnoteofhappiness​ @livilottie​
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Hi this is mine request, y/n and chris (evans) are married and the have 2 kids, Emma and Jason, and y/n takes Emma to get there nails and hair done they have a girls day , while the boys a a boys day at home, and when y/n and Emma comes home, the boys have cooked dinner for the girls and later that night the have a family movie night, in matching pyjama's
A/N: I loved the plot line and I was happy to write about it. This is what I came up with and I might have added a few more things to the plot line. I love dad Chris Evans and I would love to write more about him. Hope you guys like it and please tell me what you think about it.
Family Time (C.E)
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master list)
Warnings: None. Fluff all the way.
Summary: dad! Chris Evans x reader. Chris and the reader spends the whole day with their family. They enjoy the free day with their children and enjoy every moment of it.
Having two kids was a bittersweet experience for the two of you as they were close in age so they fought a lot. It could be over the simplest of things such as who will eat in which bowl or who will cuddle with daddy at night. Emma and Jason loved each other to death but Jason being the elder was sometimes a little too stubborn. The one thing that always came as a shock to Chris’s family was that your son was a total daddy’s boy and vice versa for your daughter. Your family was always a little different from the others and you loved it.
“Mommy, Jacey pulled on my hair and threw my dollies to the ground.” Fat tears poured down her baby blue eyes as she jumped on your shared bed, effectively waking you both up. Chris just groaned and buried his head in the soft pillows and hands placed on his ears. You didn’t blame him, you both were up pretty late last night because Jason had a severe stomach ache. But he was okay now, considering he was busy annoying his younger sister.
“I will scold him but can you lie down with daddy now so I could freshen up and make you guys breakfast.”
“But I want to stay with you-,” she began to protest and you quickly silenced her by promising a girls only day.
“Besides, you don’t want to cuddle with daddy?” Chris growled playfully and started tickling your three and a half year old daughter. Taking this as your cue to leave, you went to the washroom. Meanwhile, Jason also joined the two of them in bed and lazed around for the whole morning, You prepared pancakes and scrambled eggs that was your family’s favorite breakfast and put out some dog food for Dodger.
“I want dad to feed me today.” Your five year old son declared when Emma sat on Chris’s lap to be pampered by him.
You sensed a fight heading towards the dining room and you quickly tried to diffuse the situation. “You are going to spend the whole day with your father today so let him feed Emma, please.” He huffed out a fine and you cut his pancakes in to little pieces.
“I am thinking of taking James to do some grocery shopping and then spend the whole day at home.” Chris was free today because his shooting does not start until Monday and he wanted to spend as much time possible with his family before he gets busy. He always hated being apart from you guys and would feel bad if he missed out an important step in his children’s life because of his career. You guys were truly blessed to have him in your life.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I will get them both ready for the day and then we can all get on with our day.” Pecking him on the lips, you took the kids to your room and Chris went to clean the dishes.
“Mommy, I don’t want to sit in the booster seat. I want to sit with you.”
“No, baby, it is not safe.” She was hell bent on her request today and you just ran out of patience. Snapping at her, you were instantly filled with guilt because tears pooled in her eyes.
“Darling, I am sorry. Babe, can you drop Emma and I at the parlor before going to the supermarket?”
“Sure. Just let me get my keys.” Sitting in the middle of two booster seats was highly uncomfortable but you would do it for your children. The whole car ride was filled with both the kids babbling about their school and day care respectively. Your husband silently made eye contact with you from the rearview mirror and you knew he was thanking you. “When should I pick you both up?”
“I’ll text you half an hour earlier.” Getting Emma out of her seat, you walked towards your favorite salon. You already knew that Emma wanted a mixture of blue and pink nail polish because colors are gender neutral. Chris always made sure that your kids never follow the obscene rules set by the society.
“We are going to have so much fun, mommy.” The little girl skipped towards the reception and stood on her tip toes to see you make the reservation.
“Baby, do you want to get a haircut as well?”
“Are you getting one?”
“Then I want one as well.” The receptionist smiled at your daughter’s excitement and complimented her saying that she looked just like Chris. Emma puffed out her cheeks and mumbled, “I look like my mommy.”
“Sorry. You are a carbon copy of your mother. Now, I have you two stationed right next to each other and you have manicure first.”
On the other side, Chris sat his little boy in the trolley and marveled at how big he was slowly getting. He had decided to properly pamper his family today and an Italian dinner was just a start. One of the things that you always craved in both your pregnancies was his pasta pomodoro and he sometimes had to make it at three in the morning to satisfy your cravings.
“Daddy, can I get some cookies?”
“Yes, but only one because we don’t want you to have stomach ache.” Chris quickly finished the grocery shopping and then went in to Cartier. Pampering his girls was his top most priority today so he had already ordered a bracelet for you with all of the family’s birth stones engraved in it, He also ordered the same exact bracelet for his baby girl just in a smaller size. Emma always wanted the same exact things as her mother and Chris always tried to fulfill her wish.
“Can we get them some pretty flowers, as well?” Quickly, he wiped all the cookie crumbles from Jason’s face and agreed with him. They decided on getting them some pink roses because you both loved them.
The moment they arrived at the house, they quickly got to cooking but Chris made sure that he went no way near the stove. He was given the task to open up the spaghetti packet and picking out the red carrots.
Meanwhile, you both got your nails done with you opting for a bright yellow colour. Chris’s favorite colour. You got your hair cut in square layers while Emma just got a nice trim for her dirty blonde hair. Both the kids had inherited Chris’s hair and eyes but the nose and the smile was all you. During the whole time, you and your daughter talked about anything and everything. She talked about the cute boy in her daycare and how she wanted to be his friend but she got a whole circus running around in her tummy.You just chuckled and thought to not tell Chris because he will freak out and bully that poor boy.
After about two hours, Chris and James came to pick you both up and the whole way back, both the kids kept bickering with each other. The moment you opened the front door to your house, your favorite aroma hit you and a blissful sigh escaped your lips. “Have I told you this new look suits you a lot?” Your husband took you in a backside hug while both your munchkins ran towards the dining room.
“Just like a thousand times from the moment you picked us up. Is this dinner a hint?”
“Well, it’s true and maybe it is.” You kissed him slowly on the lips because the prospect of another kid was exciting to say the least.
“Daddy, I want the pasta!” Emma screamed from across the hallway and you both made your way towards them. The dining was all set and the kids were already sitting at their assigned places with their plastic forks in hand. Chris quickly served the food and you all got to eating. Dodger was sitting by your chair and happily munching on his food. Making silent eye contact with your husband, you guys silently agreed on having another kid. You were thrilled.
They all went to their rooms and came out in their matching Captain America pjs that Chris bought from Los Angeles the last time he was there for shooting. He always loved the idea of twinning with his famiily.
“We have a little surprise for you, don’t we, Jason?” The boy ran towards the living room and you all followed suit. Chris gave you a bouquet with a red long box and Jason did the same but with a smaller size to his baby sister.
The moment you saw the content in the jewelry box, tears welled up in your eyes. This was such a thoughtful gift and there was an empty place in the bracelet for a new gemstone. “You thought of everything, didn’t you?”
“I am giving you a lot of hints, here.”
“You don’t have to convince me, baby. I was thinking about this as well.”
“Then, it’s done. Baby number three of our family.”
“Thank you, daddy,” Emma jumped on Chris from the back and he immediately caught her in his arms.
“No problem, baby. Which movie do you guys want to watch?” He asked but he already knew the answer.
“Lion King!” There were a lot of things that your kids didn’t agree with but this was an exception. They were both die hard fans of Lion King.
“Aw, I thought we will watch Captain America today. But that’s okay, I guess.” He pretended to be hurt by their answer but the kids took it seriously.
“No, daddy. We love Captain America and we can watch it today.” Little hands cupped his light stubbled cheeks and Chris just smiled at his two babies. He was so lucky to have them and he could not wait for a third one.
“It’s okay, bubs. I was just kidding, We can watch it tomorrow. Today is Lion King’s day.” They all got together under the blanket and kept all the snacks on their laps. This was what Chris wanted the whole day; his whole family under his arms, happy.
“I love you.” He whispered to you while you cleaned off Emma’s sticky fingers and the drool on Jason’s chin.
“I love you, too.” You spent the whole night on that couch and somewhere in between the movie, Dodger came up and cuddled to your side. Your life was blissful and it was all because of Chris, the love of your life.
Hope you guys liked it!!
A/N: This is just some family dribble that I wrote related to Chris Evans. I just love the idea of dad Chris. Send me some ideas related to Chris as a family man and I will be happy to write about it. Tell me if you wanted to be in the taglist.
Tag list: @maximeevansblog, @justile 
Like, comment and reblog.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Scared to Love
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: You go from being best friends, to friends with benefits, to strangers with JJ Maybank. You tried your best not to fall in love with your best friend, but how could anyone not love the infamous Pogue?
Note: Sorry, I really suck a summaries. But I wanted to post something outside of my OBX rewrite so I hope you like it(:
Word Count 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and divorce.
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The beach is loud with teenagers holding red solo cups and cheering on their friends as they compete to out drink one another. The sky is dark and glittered with bright stars, but the night is still young, filled with both promises and threats. It’s another typical Friday night, surrounded by friends and strangers alike. You usually thrive at these kind of parties - the queen of beer pong, the hot girl dancing in the middle of the crowd like no one’s watching. You attract attention from all Outer Banks social groups - Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons. But now...
Now you wish you could hide from all of it.
If it were up to you, you would be at home, locked away in your room, watching Nicholas Sparks movies until you were no longer capable of crying. But lucky for you, you have best friends who don’t allow you to wallow in self pity. Sure, they let you cry on their shoulder, they rub your back, and tell you everything’s going to be okay. They compliment you. They tell you that you’re gonna go far in life and that you don’t need any man to make you feel like you deserve the world. But they also make sure that you don’t stay in your dark place. They would drag you out of there by your teeth and skin if they needed to. At the time, you can be pissed about it, but you learn to love them for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile once tonight.” John B walks up to you and offers a teasing smile. He moves to stand next to you, shoulder to shoulder, as you look out into the depth of the party from the edge. 
“I’m trying to find a reason to,” You answer honestly. Your eyes stay trained on the blonde Pogue with a cute redhead wrapped in his arms. They’re swaying to the beat of the music that plays loudly through someone’s portable speaker. They both look happy, and the sight of it makes you physically nauseous. 
John B follows your stare and sighs when he sees what’s got you so down. “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two -”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sip on your now lukewarm beer and tear your eyes away from the happy couple, or whatever they want to call themselves. 
“It does,” John B says, making you look at him. “Because I can’t be in the same room as my two best friends anymore. I mean, seriously, what happened? Did you guys have a fight or something?”
You gnaw at your bottom lip and flick your gaze down at the sand. What you and JJ had was different than what you have with the rest of your best friends. The two of you have always been the closest. Your friend group first started as just you, JJ, and John B. John B always felt like the brother you never had. You loved and fought like siblings usually do. He told you the cold hard truth even when you didn’t want to hear it. You loved him, but not like you loved JJ. You were always aware of the way your heart swelled when JJ laughed, or how your skin tingled when he touched you, or how your chest tightened when he would come back to the Chateau and brag to everyone about his most recent hookup from the night before. The blonde held a special place in your heart that no body else could replace. Not even now.
It all started when you and JJ were left alone at the Chateau for an entire night. John B was somewhere else - probably with Sarah Cameron, who knows. JJ had come from another run-in with his dad and asked that you stay with him because he didn’t want to be alone. The two of you ended up getting high off of JJ’s good stuff. You think it was the most you ever smoked in your life. The two of you ordered pizza, and laughed at dumb youtube videos. For a few hours, you forgot that JJ had an abusive father or that you were caught between a custody battle with your own parents. 
You don’t remember how or when it happened, but the air grew thick with tension and neither of you were laughing anymore. You remember looking into his blue eyes, the color of the ocean, which you always said fit the surfer perfectly. Next thing you know, his lips are on yours - softly at first, then into a rhythm that most resembled an insatiable hunger. He took you into the room he claimed as his, and then....and then he claimed you.
You woke up first that morning. Your stomach swirled with some kind of emotion you couldn’t exactly pin when you looked over at JJ’s bare back as he slept on his stomach. Maybe it was excitement, joy, bliss. Or maybe it was dread, guilt, fear. It wasn't a secret that you and relationships...well, they never ended well. You never stayed long enough to catch serious feelings for the other person. Kie seems to think it’s due to the disastrous relationship your own parents had, and you couldn’t help but wonder if she was right. Your parents spent the second half of your life tearing each other down, competing over who was able to hurt the other one more. You spent a lot of nights hiding under your covers as if that would protect you from your mothers screams or glasses breaking from your father’s rage. You saw what loving someone could do to people. Loving someone can make you hate someone.
And you didn’t want that to happen with JJ. You knew you were already in too deep. You became a bubbly school girl whenever he came around since you were ten. But you refused to let you and JJ become like your mom and dad. If you wanted to keep JJ around, you we’re going to have to keep him at a distance. 
You knew you should have stopped it after the first time, but JJ was like a magnet you couldn’t detach yourself from. You both made a silent agreement that this would be a no strings attached situation. So off the books that even your closest friends didn’t know about it. At first it was fun and harmless - each of you got what you were craving the most, whether it be the comfort of the other person’s company or the high only that person could give the other. But inevitably, lines started to blur. You found yourself staring at your phone on days you didn’t spend together, wearing his hoodies just to feel closer to him because it hugged you in his scent, staying latched to his side at boneyard and Kook parties. You didn’t know if he felt the same way, and you didn’t let yourself find out. You put space between yourself and the infamous Pogue, only showing up in the middle of the night once a week instead of three to four. You tried talking to Tourons at parties - never going home with them but always having them as a back up option. You chose the seat furthest away from him during lunch at The Wreck, and made up excuses as to why you couldn’t go surfing with him in the early mornings. Slowly, you tried to go back to the way things were, but the further you separated from JJ, the greater the crack in your heart became.
Surprisingly, it was JJ who cut things off completely on a night you wanted to use to take your mind off the latest fight between your parents. Even with your father moved out of your family home, the screaming matches never stopped, and now they were trying to use you to pick sides. In the end, JJ did take your mind off your own family, but never in the way you expected him to.
“I don’t think we should do this anymore,” he told you as he slowly lifted your arms away from his shoulders. 
“What? Why?” You looked at him with a tilted head and narrowed eyes. Your breathing became static and shallow, like you were on the verge of a panic attack. 
“Because this was a bad idea, and it’s not healthy - me using you to forget about my dad, you using me to forget about your parents -”
“Using you?” You scoff and shake your head in disbelief. “You think that’s all this is?” “Why did you come over here? Why today? Why right now?”
You clenched your teeth together and looked away from the boy who was now staring at you with a look that resembled pity. You wanted to tell him that sex wasn’t the only reason you find solace in his company. He made you feel safe and happy. He made you forget about the world’s problems with his jokes and stories. He made you laugh harder than anyone else could dream ever could. JJ is the first person you think of when you wake up and the person you dream about at night. But you couldn’t tell him this. Because that would mean admitting your stronger feelings for him. That would mean possibly destroying the relationship you already have with him,
Little did you know, not answering him would do the same thing.
“Fine,” You swallow back your tears and turn away to leave. You couldn’t stay here, standing in front of him for another second. Your felt embarrassed and ashamed. Like you had made a mistake that you can’t take back.
“Y/N -” JJ tried calling out to you, but you ignored him and slammed the door behind you.
You down the last of your beer and shake the empty cup. Ignoring John B’s question you walk past him. “I need another drink.”
John B shakes his head with frustration. Rolling his eyes he says, “He asks about you all the time. Talks about you non stop but won’t tell me why he won’t just call you up himself. And I don’t know what to tell him because by shutting him out, you’re shutting me out too.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and look down at the sand covering the toes of your sneakers. You hate that what John B said is true, and you hate even more that you don’t know how to fix it without seeing JJ Maybank. And you’re just not ready for that.
You didn’t see JJ turn his head at the sound of his best friend’s rising voice. No one in the crowd seemed to recognize the tension only a couple feet away, but he did. He watched from afar, noticing the space between you two and how stiff your bodies are. His heart tore into two, knowing he was the reason for their dispute. But he didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. 
He thinks about you everyday, contemplates calling you up, or going to your house and apologizing personally. He misses you. He never meant to hurt you. But...he had to think of himself. And staying with you was killing him slowly. Because he knew you wouldn’t give him what he always dreamed of. A lifetime with you as his partner in crime. The love of his life. The mother to his children some day.
But everyday without you felt like another year had been tacked onto his life. Sometimes he thinks he’d rather just live through the heartbreak than never having you at all. 
“You know what?” You say, “This was a bad idea. I’m just going to go.” 
John B doesn’t stop you. He just watches you walk away. He bites his tongue because he knows whatever he wants to say in anger will only mask how he really feels - which is pity and sadness. Because he know something is is going on with you and he can’t help you - not until you let him.
“Leaving so soon?” A certain voice makes you stop in your tracks on the edge of the beach where people have parked their cars. 
You squeeze your fists together to stop your hand from shaking and take three deep breaths to calm your racing heart. You slowly turn to look at him and suck your bottom lip in between your teeth. He looks the same. Shaggy blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, sparkling blue eyes. Although, he looks sheepish with his hands tucked into his cargo short pockets and his eyes narrowed in your direction. He looks sad. But that doesn’t make sense because he broke it off with you.
“I guess I’m just not in the party mood tonight,” You respond. JJ takes note of how empty your voice sounds.
“Y/N Y/L/N not in the party mood?” JJ tries to joke. “That’s unheard of.”
“What are you doing, JJ?” You ask impatiently. The longer you look at the boy you...well...the boy you don’t want to love, the harder it is to breathe. “Don’t you have a girl to entertain? She’s pretty, clearly into you-”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” You play dumb.
JJ sighs. “Look, I understand if you’re mad at me or something -”
“I’m not mad,” You deny with a shrug. “We fucked around for a little bit and then you moved on-”
“Don’t do that. Don’t act like what he had meant nothing -“
“Well did it? Mean anything?” You narrow your eyes and take another step closer to him. “Because from what you said, I was only using you! And you were only using me. That’s what you said!”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I -”
“What did you mean then?” You challenge him. You feel your eyes heat up with fresh tears and no matter how many times you try to blink them away, they threaten to fall. You feel a red blush rush up your neck as you look deep into his eyes, remembering the shame you felt that night. You never meant to make him feel like that’s all he was to you - a distraction or a quick fuck. He was still your best friend. And you ruined that, and there’s no one else to blame but yourself. Yet here you are, yelling at him because it was easier that way. 
“I never meant for any of this to happen. I just - I just wanted my best friend back!”
You take a step back and look at him like the blonde just grew two heads. “I never left. I was there the entire time. You’re the one that ended things.”
“Because I loved you!” JJ yells at you, rendering you absolutely speechless. His words ring over your head like a chime, dancing beautifully through your ear drums. Despite his outburst of admittance of affection, he glares at you because how could you be so stupid not to see it? 
“What?” Your voice is barely above a whisper and your own scowl is gone. 
JJ runs his hands through his disheveled hair and curses to himself. “Fuck, Y/N, I loved you. I still love you. But I know how you feel about relationships and love and -” JJ sighs. “I didn’t want to lose you, but my god, it was killing me that I was giving my all and you would never -”
You feel your feet moving forward despite your brain and thoughts freezing completely. 
You didn’t know how to feel.  You just knew you needed to be near him. You wanted to feel his heart beat against his chest and his breath on your skin. You wanted to look him dead in the eyes and read his brain like an open book. You just wanted to be near him and somehow show him that you felt the same way.
Your hands cup his jaw to make him look at you. He looks pained - like a boy who had just been punched in the gut by his worst enemy, and it killed you to know you were the cause of it. You didn’t mean to. Little did he know you felt the same way. It was the reason you distanced yourself from him in the first place. You loved him. Fuck, you loved him so much. But you were scared. You didn’t want to end up like your parents. You’d rather die than learn to resent the blonde Pogue in front of you. But by trying to save your relationship, you ended up hurting yourself and JJ. 
He keeps his eyes closed and tries to move his face out of your hands, but you stay strong and move even closer to him so that you’re chest to chest.
“I would.” Your voice is a whisper and your breath sends a rush of goosebumps down his neck. “Hey..” You whisper again and JJ opens his eyes to look at you. “I would. Because I love you too.”
JJ’s brows furrow. “What?”
“I was scared. I am scared.” You correct yourself. “I tried to turn it all off by distancing myself from you. I thought that maybe if I stopped -” You pause as a silent tear runs down your cheek. “I tried not to love you. God, I tried so hard. But I do, JJ. I love you so freaking much. But I’m terrified that -”
“Hey, hey.” As your hands fall, JJ’s go to your face to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “We’re not like them.” He reads your mind perfectly. He knows about your parents’ divorce and the mental damage it’s caused you. “We’ll never be like them. You hear me?”
“How do you know that?” Your voice cracks.
“Because if I’ve got you, what do I have to be miserable about?” JJ grins as you giggle. You turn your head to place a kiss against the palm of his hand, ripping open a set of flutters through JJ’s abdomen. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. And I won’t hurt you either. I promise.”
You sniffle and bite your bottom lip as a smile spreads across you face. “So, are we really doing this?”
JJ nods as he leans in closer to you and pulls your chin up. “Yeah. We’re doing this.” He leans down and kisses you gently at first, letting the fireworks spark throughout your entire body, then moves his lips more passionately against yours. 
Neither of you knew, but from afar, your best friends were watching behind a couple of trees with open mouths and wide eyes. 
“Oh my god!” Sarah jumps up and down like a school girl. She always knew you and JJ had something stronger than the rest of the Pogues but never said anything. 
“I knew it,” Kie shakes her head with a smirk. 
“It’s about fucking time,” John B wraps his arms around his own girlfriend and kisses the top of her head. “I was going to kill them.”
“What?” Pope looks between his two best friends with furrowed brows. “You knew about this all along?”
John B scoffs, “How could you not?”
“Even I had a feeling something was going on,” Sarah giggles. 
“Why do they have to be so fucking stubborn?” Kie says.
“Should we...I don’t know...congratulate them or something?” Pope asks awkwardly. 
Kie pats Pope’s shoulder as she walks past him to go back to the party. “Absolutely not.”
“Yeah, I’m not going near them until morning,” John B says and grabs Sarah’s hand to lead her back to the keg to get another drink. “In fact, we should just steer clear of the Chateau for the entire night.”
You still had a lot to learn, but not letting your parents’ divorce dictate your life was the best lesson you learned. They can take whatever they want from you, but they weren’t going to take away your relationship with JJ. Because he’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
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Happier | Part One
A/N: Once again Tumblr decides to not have my work show up on the tags. But here is part one of a multi-fic! 
Summary: Reader is Chris’s best freind who has been harboring feelings for him for a while. When they are finally reunited after he’s been gone for filming she’s shocked to find out that he’s coming back with a little more than just himself. 
Word Count: 1479
Warnings: swearing, slightly angsty
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You wiped your palms against the fabric of your dress as you watched the front door of the fancy restaurant that Chris had picked out. He was finally back from filming in Canada where he had been for the last six months and you had missed him like crazy. 
You had met Chris when you first moved to Boston. You had decided to check out your new neighborhood and you had always believed that nothing gave you more insight on the neighborhood than its local dive bar. The Dirty Robber just screamed classic Boston dive bar and when you walked in your suspicions were confirmed. He had been sitting at the bar and you just a couple stools down. Before you knew it you were talking until bar close and a friendship blossomed from there. 
You had obviously known who he was and you weren’t going to lie, were starstruck when he took off his hat that first night in the bar. But after many coffee and lunch get-togethers you realized that he was more than the movie star you had known him to be. 
That was five years ago. And of course you had to fall victim to the cliche of “I’m the best friend of the super hot guy who has no idea I feel that way and doesn’t see me as any more than a friend or worse a little sister.” So you did what you did best. You suppressed the feelings and put on a brave face and didn’t say anything to him. 
And now here you were, waiting in a fancy restaurant, wearing a hot red dress in hopes that in his time away your best friend realized that just maybe he had feelings for you too. 
“Can I get you another water?” You broke out of your trance and turned to the waitress who was smiling down at you. 
“Um yeah, that would be great. Thank you.” She nodded and you turned your attention back to the door. 
You felt your heart flutter as Chris walked through the double doors. He ran his fingers through his hair as he paused at the door and looked around the restaurant, looking for you. You felt your body stand as you went to raise your hand to get his attention. But then you froze. It was like ice had gone through your veins and stopped all motion. 
A beautiful woman walked up behind Chris and lovingly wrapped her arms around his torso. Her blonde hair perfectly curled and rested down her back. She had a smile, like Chris, that lit up the whole room. Her dress was a beautiful emerald green that fit perfectly to her curves. 
You lowered yourself into your seat as you felt your heart start to shatter. You watched with glossy eyes as Chris finally spotted you and his smile grew. He grabbed the woman’s hand and led her towards you. You willed your tears to dry as they got closer and you put on your best smile. 
“Hey stranger.” Chris sighed as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. You closed your eyes and took in his scent. Something that you missed for the last half year. “I’ve missed you, sweetheart.” 
Your heart pounded at the nickname. It was so mundane and so universally used but Chris had been calling you that for as long as you’ve known him and when it left his lips it just hit differently. 
“I’ve missed you too, buddy.” You looked past him to the blonde woman who was waiting patiently. You cleared your throat and moved past Chris. “Hi, I’m Y/N.” 
“Oh I know. Chris has told me so much about you, I feel like we are already friends.” She smiled genuinely.
Wish I could say the same. 
“Sweetheart, this is Carissa.” Chris put an arm around her, smiling down at her. “My girlfriend.” 
And there it was. The dagger that pierced your heart. 
“Wow.” You forced out. Chris raised his eyebrow at your lackluster excitement. His eyes asking you that silent question you didn’t want to answer. You cleared your throat and put on a bigger smile. “Wow! Go to Canada for a job and come back with a girlfriend? Way to go, Evans.” 
Carissa laughed and looked up at Chris with the same adoration you had for him. 
“Isn’t it crazy? We met on set and it was love at first sight.” Carissa’s voice was like music. Was there nothing wrong with this girl? 
“Love at first sight? Wow.” You smiled at her. The words were forced and your expression wasn’t genuine but she would never know. You had years of masking your emotions in your pocket. 
But Chris knew you. He knew when you genuinely smiled your eyes sparkled. And when you were excited your voice raised slightly by an octave. He had heard it many times. He knew that you weren’t being as genuine as you thought you were portraying. He watched you closely as you and Carissa continued chatting and you tried not to be affected by his stare. 
As you all ate and talked you felt your heart sink further as you soon realized that Carissa was in fact one of the nicest people on the planet. A true and caring person who clearly adored Chris as much as you did. She was everything that you wished you could be. Because clearly that was what Chris wanted. 
As the three of you stood outside the restaurant waiting for the valet to bring up the cars you wrapped your shawl tightly around yourself. Mentally slapping yourself for not thinking to bring a jacket. Usually Chris would wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest and would rest his chin on your head. He was like your own personal blanket. But now he was doing it with her. Your body trembled as you looked anywhere but where the happy couple was standing. 
“You should come to the house soon. We can have a girls night.” Carissa had moved away from Chris and was now standing by you. Her fingers lightly holding your arm. “You just mean so much to Chris and I really want us to be friends.” 
You glanced over at Chris who was animatedly talking to another valet. He looked over at the both of you quickly and shot you a wink which made you turn away immediately. 
“Um yeah, that would be fun. How long are you in town for?” 
“Until further notice. Chris hasn’t officially asked but he’s basically moving all of my stuff from Canada here.” She giggled. “So whenever you are free I would love to do something. Chris can go over by his mom’s.” 
“What are you ladies plotting over here?” You tensed as Chris’s hands playfully rubbed your shoulders before pulling Carissa to his side. 
“Just a girls night.” She reached up and pecked him on the cheek. “No boys allowed.” 
Chris raised his hands in defense, a smile taking over his whole face. “Hey, I’ll be out of your hair whenever that happens.” 
You opened your mouth to say something but the cars pulled up. You made your way to your car but stopped when you felt a familiar hand grip your upper arm. 
“Babe, wait for me in the car. I’ll just be a second.”
Your eyes were closed as you steadied your breathing. Slowly you turned around to face your best friend. 
“What’s up?” You folded your arms. 
“Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.” Chris rested his hands on his hips. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, Chris.” 
“No you’re not. What is it? Do you not like her?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek as you watched your best friend fidget nervously. He wanted you to like her so much. This was so real for him. And here you were acting jealous when you really had no reason to. It’s not his fault that you were too scared to tell him how you really felt. And now it was too late. 
“She’s amazing, Chris. She’s everything and more than what I expected you to end up with.” You gently patted his chest and you felt his heartbeat start to slow. “Seriously. You seem...happier.” 
If only it had been because of you. 
Chris ran his fingers through his hair before pulling you in for a quick hug. “I love you, Y/N. Your approval means everything.” 
You nodded and pulled away from him, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as you could. 
“I’ll see you later, Chris. Welcome home.” You didn’t wait for him to respond before you got into your car and drove off. The tears you had been holding back all night finally falling.
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softholand · 3 years
cherry flavored kisses - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
summary: tom and harrison try to do your makeup while answering questions to know ‘who knows you better’
warnings: swearing, a lot of dialogue
words: 3.2k
a/n: this is absolutely not my favorite writing, but i still quite like it so, here you go!! lol i really hope you guys enjoy it, i love writing this series (can we call it that?) and i have so many ideas for it :)) please, let me know if you like it and want more of these <33 i think that’s it for now, enjoy!!
Another day, another video to film. This time you weren’t alone though, you had your boyfriend Tom and one of your other best friends Harrison with you, to film a video you had been dying to.
You were finishing setting up your camera to start recording when you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso. “Tom, stop! I have to finish this!” You chuckled, already knowing the owner of those arms. “Couldn’t resist, you look good from the back.” Before the warning, Tom swatted your ass, causing you to let out a muffled scream, which got the attention of Harrison, who was previously on his phone.
“C’mon, you guys will seriously keep flirting with each other during the whole video?” Harrison huffed, tossing his phone away. “No, we’re not!” You assured your blonde friend, but Tom had a different idea. “Speak for yourself, love!” He smirked, happy to annoy his friend. Rolling his eyes, Harrison said, “I already regret accepting this!”
Once your equipment was ready, you called Tom and Harrison, who got settled in your bed, with you between the two. “You guys ready? Did you turn off your phones?” You asked, not wanting to have anything getting in the way of your filming. When both boys assured you they had, you relaxed, pressing the small record button on the remote on your hand.
“Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel! Today I have two very special guests here with me. On my right side we have Tom Holland and on my left, Harrison Osterfield. I don’t think you’ve ever been officially to my channel before, Haz?” You asked Harrison, to which he responded, “No, I don’t think so! Hello everyone!” He said, flashing the camera an smile.
“Well, you guys are already familiar with Tom, so he doesn’t need any more introductions.” You sassed, laughing at his offended face. “Rude!” He said, before giving the camera a little wave. “Hi guys, it’s me again, Tom! I know, I know you guys have been dying to see me again, what can I say?” Your boyfriend let it out, taking complete control of your video.
“Okay, that’s enough, movie star! Can we actually start the video now?” You asked, Tom, letting out a laugh. “Yeah, yeah! Go ahead!” He rolled his eyes to the camera, but you could feel the small kick he gave your foot, wanting to make sure you knew it was all a joke. You smiled, and before you could say anything else, Harrison came through.
“What is the video about, by the way? ‘Cause, I don’t know if you guys know but we have absolutely no idea what we’re doing here.” The blonde said, pointing to Tom and himself. “Yes, they have actually no idea why they’re here.” You laughed, being met with worried looks from both of the boys. “I didn’t like that laugh,” Harrison exclaimed, being followed by Tom. “Should we be scared?” Asked your boyfriend, but you quickly shrugged them off.
“No, just shut up and let me tell them, and you, what you’d be doing. On today’s video...” you said, before getting the makeup box you had put together for this video, which was hiding under your bed. “You are going to be doing my makeup!” You exclaimed, laughing at the boy's surprised reactions.
“Haven’t you realized I’m not wearing any?” You asked, pointing to your bare face. “No! You know you look beautiful anyway, love!” Tom cooed, making your cheeks grow red. “Oh, shut up!” You rolled your eyes, flashing him a smile.
“I don’t like this!” Haz let it out, inspecting some of your makeup products. “Isn’t it fun?” You smirked, making him roll his blue eyes. “You’re kidding, right? How am I supposed to do this?” The blonde huffed. “Actually, this is a test to know if you watch my videos, cause you’ll have to recreate one of my looks.”
Tom and Harrison shared a look that could only be translated by the word fear. “You do makeup-related videos?” Tom asked, completely oblivious. “It was not a proper makeup tutorial, it was more like a get ready with me.” You smiled, trying to ease both of the boys' nerves. “Well, clearly you both haven’t been watching my videos, so it’s your fault you have no idea what to do.” You sassed, putting your tongue out.
“We’re fucked, mate!” Your boyfriend chuckled. “Don’t swear on my videos, Thomas!” You scolded him, slapping his arm. “Okay, so I’m gonna show a picture of the look you have to recreate but that’s the only help I’ll give. You can’t ask me anything related to makeup during the video, got it?” You questioned, to which they nodded. “Also…” before you could finish your sentence, Tom added, “There’s more?”
“Yeah, I’m going to be asking you questions about me while you do my makeup, to know which one of you knows me better.” You squealed, feeling the excitement in your veins. The boys didn’t seem to be so happy, especially Harrison, who claimed this was not fair, since Tom was your boyfriend, therefore know more about you.
“We’ve been friends for forever, Harrison! I bet there’s stuff you know that Tom doesn’t.” You said, getting an offended reaction from Tom. “Hey!” He protested, to which you rolled your eyes. “Can we start now, please? We’ve been here for 10 minutes already.” You pleaded, getting them to finally agree.
“Okay, where do you guys wanna start?” You asked, being met with confused glances. After a couple of seconds, you heard “Foundation!” and “Primer!”, all at once. “Yeah, primer! That’s exactly what I said!” Tom tried to cover it up but Harrison wasn’t having it. “Fuck off, Tom! I said it first!” Swatting the blonde's arm, you went back to scolding, “I told you two not to swear!”
While the boys started to choose between your selection of products, you took back your phone that was currently sitting on the bed, with the selfie you took with the look they had to recreate. “While you guys start on my face, I’ll ask the first question. What do I like more: sweet or salty food?” You asked, closing your eyes for Harrison to apply the primer on half of your face.
“Sweet!” Tom answered, squeezing some of your favorite primers on his hand, before applying it to your face. “Yeah, you’re like an ant. Always looking for crumbs of sugar.” Harrison responded, making you chuckle. “True, I have a very sweet tooth.” You smiled, before going to the next question. “What is one of my biggest fears?”
While they looked for a foundation, they answered, again at the same time. Tom said spiders, while Harrison said, clowns. “I mean, you’re both right! But if I had to choose it would probably be clowns.” You said, laughing at Harrison's little victory dance. “C’mon, you can even look at a spider, love. You always call me to get rid of them.” Tom protested. “Well, yes but I would rather have to kill a spider than a clown.” You tried to reason but ended up making the three of you burst out laughing.
When you finally recovered from your fit of laughter, the boys started with their foundation choices. “Wait, you only put your skin tone foundations here, right?” Tom asked, still trying to find the perfect one. “Yeah, I’m not that evil.” You laughed. “Can I use this to apply it?” Harrison asked, holding one of your beauty blenders. “What did I say, Haz? No makeup-related questions.” You smirked, hearing him groan.
“God, I hope this works!” By your side, Tom started spreading some of the foundations he had placed on the back of his hand. “Okay, next question! Am I an early bird or a night owl?” Harrison was quicker than Tom this time, “Night owl! She just doesn’t sleep. It’s ridiculous!” He complained, to which you scoffed. “I do sleep, but I’d rather stay awake until 3 am than having to wake up at 6 am.” You reasoned.
“Just admitted, love! You stay up ‘cause we have lots of fun in bed.” Tom winked, making your face grow red, and Harrison gag. “Seriously, Tom?! Ugh, disgusting!” The blonde exclaimed while you tried your best to calm your nerves. “You did not just say that!” Tom only shrugged, laughing at both of your faces.
“Moving on, what was the most embarrassing moment in my life? Oh no, I already regret that!” You said, scared about the answers you were gonna get. Tom laughed while trying very hard to blend your foundation with an eyeshadow brush. Great.
“The time you slipped and fell into the water fountain.” You instantly cringed, remembering the moment vividly in your head. “God, I hate that I told guys that!” You let out a groan, asking for Harrison’s answer. “I was gonna say when you walked in your underwear without realizing Tom was doing an Instagram live, but that's pretty good too.” Harrison laughed, making you blush at his words. “Oh my god, I had completely forgotten that!” You exclaimed, joining your friends in laughter.
“It’s okay, babe! You looked really good.” Tom stated, pecking your lips. You blushed, still getting flustered by his compliments. “Thank you!” Smiling, you kissed him back, before checking your face in one of your blushes to see how they were doing. “That’s actually not bad, good job, guys!” You high-fived them, laughing at their smug faces.
“What’s next, then?” You waited for an answer, which came from Tom this time. “Concealer?” He was so unsure of his answer that it ended up sounding more like a question. “I don’t know, is it?” You shrugged, glancing at Harrison. “I think so, all I know is after concealer, you have to contour,” Harrison stated, taking you by surprise.
“By your shocked reaction, I think we’re right.” Tom laughed, you and Harrison quickly joining him. “Okay, while you guys do that, I’m gonna ask some other questions. Ready?” When they both nodded, you continued. “What is my favorite time of the year?” Tom immediately answered, afraid Harrison would say it first. “Autumn!” Your boyfriend proudly said, while your friend's answer was “Christmas!”
“I do love Christmas but my favorite has to be autumn, it’s just the perfect temperature and the trees are all orange. It's beautiful! So, point for Tom!” Tom smirked, making Harrison roll his eyes. “Next one, what am I allergic to?” You asked, and that was the only question you weren’t sure they had the answer for.
Harrison looked at you as if that would give him the answer. “You don’t have any allergies.” He stated, to which you shook your head. “I have one.” At that, he stopped applying the concealer to your face, totally focused on his next answer. “I have no idea, Uhm, pollen?” The blonde tried, but he was wrong.
“Walnuts, she’s allergic to walnuts!” Tom triumphantly exclaimed, knowing he was right. “Realy?” Harrison asked, to which you nodded. “I had no idea, you know how dangerous that was? I could give you something with walnuts and kill you?” He inquired, making you laugh. “I wasn’t going to die, Haz! It just gives me bad itches.” You clarified, watching him nod.
When the boys moved on from concealing to contouring your face, that was when things started to go south. Tom chose a colorway too dark for your skin tone, while Harrison put so much on your face turned orange. “I’ll give you guys one tip, just ‘cause I don’t wanna look like a clown at the end of this video.” You told them, before explaining they could go back to the concealer to clean the mess they made.
Once everything seemed good, they moved on to blush and highlighters, and you to your next question. “How many tattoos do I have?” You waited for the answers, while the boys kept painting your face. “Two, your star sign on your finger, and a butterfly on your ankle you did when you were 16 and regret it since then.” Harrison proudly said, making you wince at his words. “Ouch, you didn’t have to go that hard, Haz!” You smirked, looking expectantly at your boyfriend.
“What’s your answer, Tom?” Taking a break from your face, he cleared his throat before answering. “Three, the two Harrison said and a rose on your hip.” The brunette smiled knowing that, once again, he was the only one right. “Another point to Tom!” You exclaimed while Harrison looked at you like you had two heads.
“See? I said this game wasn’t fair! How could I know you have a tattoo on your hip?” The blonde protested, making your roll your eyes. “That’s not an excuse! The tattoo is visible when I wear a bikini, Haz!” You tried to reason, but clearly, he wasn’t having it. “Oh, sorry I don’t pay closer attention to your body!” Harrison mocked, sticking his tongue out when you flipped him off.
“The rose is my favorite one,” Tom stated, a smile wide on his face. “I wonder why!” Harrison exclaimed, and this time, it was Tom who flipped him off. “Okay, you guys finished with the skin, then?” You inquired, taking another look at yourself in the mirror. Overall, it wasn’t bad. There were a couple of patches here and there where they messed up the contour but, to your surprise, it actually looked decent.
“Now, you guys are lucky I chose a look with no eyeshadow.” You stated, getting excited about the next part. “But you’ll have to put false lashes on.” You smirked, knowing what was to come. “And you call that lucky?” Harrison inquired, making you laugh. “C’mon, it’s not that hard! Here, I’ll show you how to do it.” Taking the lashes from the box, you started to show them how to apply the glue and carefully place the falsies the closest to your real lashes as possible.
“God, I’m sweating!” Tom breathed, making you laugh. “I’ll close my eyes for you to apply, ok?” The boys nodded, and once your eyes were closed, you could hear their nervous breathing at each side of your face, making you chuckle. “This is stressing me out massively. You’re buying dinner tonight for making us go through this.” Your blonde friend sighed. “Oh, shut up! I do this every day!” You flipped him off, still unmoving.
Once you felt they stopped moving, you asked if you could open your eyes. Deciding to do a little prank, you pretended to open them, only for it to be stuck. “Oh my god, I think you guys glued my eyes shut!” You cried, already dying to watch his reactions. “What? We could do that?” Tom exclaimed, completely freaked out. “y/n, look at me!” Harrison asked, and you felt his hands going to your eyes.
“It hurts!” You whined, “trying” to get your eyes open. “Fuck, what do we do now?” Tom practically yelled, making you laugh, which obviously confused them. Opening your eyes, you saw two shocked faces, staring with wide eyes, right back at you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I had to!” You laughed, feeling tears starting to form in your eyes.
“I can’t believe you did this!” Tom breathed, while Harrison shoved you harshly, absolutely pissed. “You fucking asshole! I’m never filming with you again!” He stated while you tried hard to recover from your fit of laughter. “I’m sorry!” You apologized, doing your best puppy dog eyes for them.
“My hands are shaking!” Tom informed, showing his hands that were in fact, shaking. “Baby, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you’d believe it.” You said, guilt coating your words this time. Tom assured you it was okay, even saying he did find the prank kinda funny in the end. Harrison did not agree with your boyfriend, pretending to be mad for the rest of the video, even though the corners of his mouth gave him away.
Seeing you guys were filming for about forty-five minutes already, you decided to not even check the boy's work with the lashes, going straight to the last question, while they applied lipstick. “Okay, so here’s the final question, what is my body count?” You smirked, Tom’s expression completely shifting.
“Seriously? That is the question?” He inquired, raising his eyebrows. “Hey, they suggested the question.” You defended yourself, pointing to the recording camera. “I’ll go first then, let me see…” Your blonde friend said while pretending to count with both of his hands, over and over again. “Fuck off!” You flipped him off, watching his smirk grow in size.
“I’m kidding! But uhm, I would say five?!” Raising your eyebrows, you nodded, before turning back to Tom. “What’s your answer, sir?” You playfully asked. “Six, the answer is six!” He rolled his eyes, annoyed with the question. “Oh, shit! I’m so stupid! I forgot to count Tom!” Harrison face palmed himself, making you burst out laughing.
“Yeah, sorry to break this to you, mate but we already banged,” Tom smirked, shooting you a wink. “Tom!” You scolded him, while Harrison pretended to gag. “Gross! I didn’t need the image of my two best friends fucking in my head.” Harrison exclaimed, making your cheeks grow red. “Okay, that’s enough! Are you guys finished with the makeup?” You quickly asked, dying to change the subject. “Yeah, yeah!” Harrison murmured, while Tom smirked.
Taking your blush, you finally checked yourself in the mirror to see the finished look. “Oh my god, it actually looks good, guys! Good job!” You exclaimed, shamelessly fixing your lashes. “Well, I’m not gonna be the one judging who did it better, so now it’s with you guys. Who do you think did better, Tom or Harrison?” You asked, showing both sides of your face to the camera.
“About the questions, I’m pretty sure Tom won.” You stated, much to Harrison’s dismay. “Of course he did!” The blonde rolled his eyes, making you laugh. “Good luck next time, mate!” Tom teased, a smirk sitting proudly on his face. “Stop it, you two! Now say goodbye before I finally end this almost hour-long video.” You groaned, dreading the moment you’d have to edit the video.
“Bye everyone, thank you for watching! Please, vote for me!” Tom smiled, giving the camera an adorable little wave. “Mate, you already won the questionnaire, let me have this one,” Harrison whined, sounding like a child. When he said goodbye, you finished your outro, before finally stopping recording.
“We did it! Thank you, guys! It was a little chaotic but you did a great job.” You smiled proudly. “Of course, anything for my girl,” Tom stated, getting up from his spot on the bed, stopping right by your side. With both hands on your hips, he closes the distance between you, landing a soft kiss on your lips. “Okay, I had enough of you two for today. Bye!” Harison exclaimed, before also getting up, leaving your bedroom.
“Why do you taste like cherry?” Tom asked as soon as he let go of your lips. “Oh, it’s probably the lipgloss. It’s cherry-flavored!” You explained, asking if he liked it since his eyes kept trailed to your lips. “Hum, I love it!” Your boyfriend smiled, and this time it was you who closed the distance, giving him another one of your cherry-flavored kisses.
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funny story (that’s actually not funny at all): the water fountain part it’s based on true events 🥲 lmao
tagging: @stuckonspidey @bi-writes @duskholland @screamholland @missnxthingg @wazzupmrstark @peeterparkr @veryholland @cali-holland @mrs-hollandstan @uglypastels @storybookholland @bi-lmg @spideyspeaches @sinisterspidey @rosyparkers @hollandswife @sunshine96love
376 notes · View notes
attllhak · 3 years
Surface Too Soon .3
@tortilla-of-courage @emenerd hey look it’s chapter 3. Two chapters in a day and I’m on a roll.
General warnings because Ghirahim is in this chapter and he’s, well, he’s Ghirahim. And he’s being creepy.
Anyways, enjoy! (And to Tortilla, sorry for torturing you with vague updates as I wrote. The boy is fine, just shaken up and scared.)
Chapter 3: On The Surface
Link did his best to swallow back every pained whimper as the strange woman ran her hands over his body. He still didn’t want to move, because ow, and it wasn’t like he was in a position to complain.
He’d already survived, which was more than he’d expected after he made it past the clouds.
He did end up crying out as she made it to his ankle, jerking it up away from her, sparking more pain along his leg and side.
She sat back, glaring at him slightly.
“Well, you’re not walking,” she huffed, glaring at the offending ankle, which was throbbing quite painfully. “I’ll need to actually be allowed to take a look at that to assess the damage,”
Link frowned at her, shifting his leg a bit further away.
This seemed to frustrate the woman further. “I am trying to help you. I can’t do that unless you let me.”
Link considered this, and considered the pain he was in, and then considered that, ulterior motives aside, he had no idea where he could find help without this woman. Slowly, because ow, he moved his leg back down to her.
He had to grit his teeth as she slid off his boot and sock to inspect his ankle, and then declared it not broken, but still very badly injured.
His ribs, it turned out, were broken in a few places. Which explains the crack he felt.
One of his shoulders had been dislocated, which the woman popped back into place, which was a LOT of ow.
Eventually, with a lot of complaining and pained noises and slow movements, she got Link sitting up against the sand he’d sid down. So he was still kinda laying down.
Which is when he finally got a look at his surroundings. Hard, red rock rose up all around him, the slope above and behind him was all loose sand, and some kind of thick, red liquid sloshed nearby, giving off heat.
“Who are you?” He asked, and filed away quickly that ow, talking hurts.
The woman looked at him, pausing from where she was using the fabric that had been covering her face to wrap his foot. She looked very annoyed for some reason he couldn’t identify.
Link didn’t know why he’d pissed her off by landing here, but he felt a bit bad for it.
“My name is Impa,” she said finally, turning back to his ankle. “I am a servant to the goddess Hylia, meant to protect the Spirit Maiden on her journey to fulfil her destiny,” she finished tying off the fabric and looked up to meet Link’s eyes. “You are not her,”
He lifted his good arm, since the other still hurt to move. “Is that why you’re mad at me?”
She frowned at him, like he wasn’t making sense.
“I’m sorry,” he said, hoping that would help.
This got him a glare.
“You do not need to apologize for not being who I was waiting for,” Impa told him bluntly. “I’m mad, but not at you. I’m mad because you shouldn’t be down here yet. I should be meeting the Spirit Maiden, not the Chosen Hero. Regardless, you are in no shape to fulfil your duty, and I see no sign of Her Grace arriving here. I’ll take you somewhere safer to heal, and we’ll talk more about your destiny then,”
Link had no idea what she meant by most of that, but it was nice to know she wasn’t mad at him.
He did make a few pained noises as she picked him up, balancing him in her arms.
Every movement as she carried him away from the heat and rocks was ow, ow, ow. He really was a giant bruise by now. Also ow.
The green that started popping up was awe inducing. Especially as there came more and more green. Link had never seen so much green before. And the trees! There were so many trees!
He probably should have paid more attention to where they were going, but he was too enthralled with his surroundings to care.
Which was when he noticed the tiny birds.
All thoughts of pain and worry were out the window at this discovery, and he all but begged Impa to stop and let him look at the tiny birds. She said later, and he tried pouting, which didn’t work, and then needled away until she agreed to bring him a tiny bird to hold when they stopped.
That had Link very excited.
Eventually, Link was set down on a very big plant, Impa called it a mushroom when he asked, and was told to stay put. Impa promised to bring him a tiny bird and some healing items.
Link, of course, did not stay put.
His right ankle couldn’t support his weight, so he ended up crawling around instead, doing his best to keep his weight off his left arm.
When Impa got back and finally found him, he was lying on his stomach and chatting with a small creature he met called a kikwi, who was also face down on the ground.
Impa was not pleased in the least.
He drank the potion she brought him, and even got to hold one of the tiny birds after he’d done so. It felt so small and fragile in his hands, and it was so cute. Even his new kikwi friend stood up to also coo over the tiny bird with him.
Machi didn’t understand why Link was so fascinated with the bird, but Machi also was a bit confused by the whole ‘came from the sky thing’, so Link didn’t hold it against him.
Impa just seemed frustrated with him, proceeding to lecture him about why laying on his stomach was bad for his ribs and how he was just going to hurt himself more. Something about pressure on the breaks or whatever.
Link was only about half listening to her. Oh he was trying to pay attention to what she was saying, of course he was. He always got in trouble in class for not focusing, and he knew it was even more important to focus on what she was telling him down here, with so many unknowns.
But, there was just so much happening around him! The trees here were HUGE! And there were so many new kinds of plants! And what even was a mushroom and were they all that big? And the little bird was falling asleep in his hands, which was adorable, and there were more birds flying around. And there was a new bug he’d never seen before on the wall over there.
It was hard to focus on her, was the point. He kept getting distracted by all the new things to look at.
“Are you even listening to me?” She asked, frowning at him.
Link, realizing he’d zoned out and missed most of what she’d said, responded as tactfully as he could think of.
He lifted up the tiny bird to her slightly. “I can feel it’s heartbeat,”
Impa slapped her face.
Link got the slightest hint that maybe, maybe, he was pissing her off a bit.
“I’m sorry,” he said, watching her drag the hand down her face. “There’s just a lot of new things around and I’m having trouble focusing on you. If it helps, I’ve kinda always had trouble paying attention when surrounded by new things,”
She looked very unimpressed.
“Fine,” she sighed. “We’ll talk about all that later. But no more lying on your stomach,”
Link nodded seriously, or as seriously as he could manage. “Yes, ma’am.”
She looked very tired, and while Link didn’t know how much time had passed since he’d fallen that morning (he’d never been good with time and today was not a good day for that) he was still pretty sure it was too early in the day for her to look so exhausted.
He was pretty sure he was at fault for that. Maybe he should apologize?
“Are you hungry?” Impa asked finally, after just looking at him for a while.
Link was about to say no, but then his stomach growled and so he nodded instead. Food never hurt, he figured.
“Stay put. I mean it this time,” Impa pointed at him firmly. “I’ll be right back,”
Link watched her walk off, and figured maybe he should actually listen this time. She had seemed awful annoyed.
“So, what’s it like in the sky?” Machi asked as the silence dragged on.
“Oh, it’s great!” Link grinned. “The stories say the goddess sent us up there a long time ago to protect us. We ride around on big birds called loftwings, and it’s so pretty, and I was supposed to participate in this competition called the Wing Ceremony so I could graduate into the senior class and become a knight. Actually, I wonder who won it. I mean, I know Zelda will be disappointed- HOLY HYLIA ZELDA!”
The bird in his hands startled and flew away, and Machi fell over at Link’s outburst. Link’s hands shot up to fist in his hair, panic and worry constricting his chest.
“Zelda is probably so worried about me! I have to get back to Skyloft, I need to tell her I’m okay!” Link gasped, suddenly remembering that little detail he’d forgotten in his excitement. “I gotta get back to the sky!”
“I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed then, Sky Child,”
Link didn’t like the way that voice slithered along his spine like a snake, making all the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
He slowly turned his head to see someone standing on one of the mushrooms, smiling at him like a remlit that had just caught a butterfly.
This individual, probably a man if Link had to guess, was very pale, skin fitted white clothing stuck tight like a second skin and a deep red cape sat around the man’s shoulders. Sharp, too big eyes watched Link like he was the most fascinating and precious thing in the world, and it made him feel very uncomfortable. He didn’t like the way this man was looking at him, eyes taking in his form and tracking even the rise and fall of his chest as he wrestled to keep his breathing under control.
There was something very wrong about this man, and Link wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure if his leg could support his weight yet, not that he’d be able to run very far even if it could.
Where was Impa? She said she’d be right back.
“Don’t bother looking for your bodyguard,” the man grinned, noticing Link breaking eye contact to scan the forest where Impa had gone. “She’s a bit, tied up right now,”
The smile on the man’s face made every nerve and muscle in Link’s body scream “RUN!” at him. But he couldn’t run, he’d never make it away in time.
Stall! He thought desperately at himself. Stall so Impa can get back and get you out of here!
“Wh-who are you?” Link asked, fighting his throat and hating how shaky he sounded.
He’d never been in real danger before, though he was pretty sure that’s what this was, and he was terrified. He didn’t know what to do here!
The man grinned wider, and Link felt his stomach twist into uncomfortable knots.
“Oh how rude,” the man cooed. “I hadn’t introduced myself. I am the Demon Lord who presides over the land you look down upon, this world you call the Surface,” he vanished in a cloud of diamonds, then reappeared inches from Link’s face. “You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I’m not fussy,”
Link backpedalled, crawling as fast as he could to put as much distance between himself and the man as he could.
Ghirahim vanished again, this time appearing behind Link to grab his shoulders. Link froze, fear rooting him to the spot. He didn’t dare breathe.
Where was Impa?!
“I’m much more interested in you, however,” the, the demon cooed almost directly into Link’s ear. He suddenly felt nauseous. “Yes, Your Majesty, you are a much more interesting find. I had actually expected your mortal form to be that of a woman, but I’m not complaining about this little surprise. It’s certainly clever, if nothing else,”
Link swallowed down bile, body tense as he felt the man continue to look him over, even from the awkward angle.
Impa, he thought desperately. Please hurry!
“I-I don’t know w-what you’re t-talking about,” Link stammered out, fighting his very uncooperative voice to keep it from shaking too badly. He didn’t really succeed.
Ghirahim chuckled, the sound directly in his ear causing goosebumps to rise up on his skin. It was warm out, but Link shivered.
“No, of course you don’t, not yet. You just got here,” Ghirahim finally vanished again, appearing in front of him, and Link finally let himself breathe, chest heaving and sending him back onto his elbows. “I had thought that goddess-serving dog would have told you, but no matter. Whether you know or not, it doesn’t change my plans. And you, dear boy, are very important to them,”
The sick, pleased smile on Ghirahim's face made Link want to hurl, and scream, and curl up into a ball and cry. He’d never had to deal with someone this, this deranged before, and he was scared. He was scared, and he wanted to go home. He wanted to be back up on Skyloft with Zelda, getting yelled at for not practicing hard enough. He wanted his best friend to smile and tell him this was all a bad dream and hold him tight and tell him it was going to be okay. Hell, he’d even take dealing with Groose over this.
What he wouldn’t give to go back to this morning, and not be here, trapped under the gaze of a demon who seemed so pleased to have caught him.
“Stay away from him!”
Ghirahim turned, dodging sharply as someone moved to attack him.
Link gasped in relief. He had never before been so happy to see someone he’d only known for a few hours.
Impa positioned herself between Link and Ghirahim, glaring down the demon lord and turning herself into a barrier.
“Of course, you’re here,” Ghirahim sneered, lips twisting on his face in disgust. “Come to protect your precious Spirit Maiden, hm?”
“Link,” Impa said, ignoring what Ghirahim was saying but never taking her eyes off him. “Run,”
“Imp-” Link tried, voice still shaky and weak sounding.
“GO!” Impa snapped, and Link scrambled around to get moving.
He knew he wouldn’t get far, being as injured as he was, and who knew what other kinds of monsters there were in the woods. He spotted Machi waving to him and scrambled over, ducking behind one of the mushrooms to hide, waved into a small crack in the stone where he curled up to wait, Machi pulling some of the vines to hide him better.
He could hear fighting beyond his hiding spot, and covered his ears with his hands in the hopes of blocking out the sounds of breaking glass and metal on metal. He squeezed his eyes shut too, stomach and chest twisting uncomfortably at every flash of blue and black light.
He had never been so scared or helpless in his life, and he hated it. He hated it, he hated it, he hated it.
He wanted to go home. To where there were no demons out for him or Spirit Maidens or fighting between people to the death. He wanted Zelda to tell him it was okay, like she would when he had nightmares, or when Groose was a bit meaner than usual. He wanted the biggest worry in his life to be whether or not Groose put something in his food or hit him with a spitball during class.
He was done with the Surface, he wanted to go home!
It was far too long before he realized the sound of fighting had stopped. Did, who won? Was Impa okay? Was Ghirahim going to take him away somewhere for some reason he still didn’t understand?
Link slowly opened his eyes and turned his head at the soft voice.
Impa was crouched down next to his hiding spot. She was bleeding in a few places, and her features were creased with worry, but she was okay.
“Are you hurt?” She asked, once she was certain he was looking at her.
Link shook his head, the movement jerky. “Is, is he, is,” he paused to swallow, finding it hard to get his thoughts across and into words. “Gone?” He finally managed.
Impa nodded. “For now, yes, he’s gone,”
Link felt like bursting into tears. He was scared, and mostly alone, and some demon was hunting him and Impa had gotten hurt trying to protect him and-
“I want to go home,” he said quietly, not even really embarrassed by how broken the phrase sounded.
Impa frowned, gently, and offered him her hand. “I know. I can’t get you home right now, though,”
Link sniffed, reaching up to swipe at his eyes. He somehow already knew that.
“Come on, it’s not safe here,” Impa said, offering her hand to him again. “There’s somewhere safe close by where we can at least spend the night, though,”
Link sniffed again, wiping at his face with his sleeve, and accepted her hand, crawling out of the spot he’d hidden in. He felt like a little kid all over again, like he was when his parents had died. Scared and lost and alone, with no idea how anything was going to turn out or if it would even be okay.
Only this time he didn’t have Zelda, or Pipit, or Karane to help him out. There was no Geapora to take him in. Just him, a whole world full of new things and dangers, and Impa.
“Is he going to come back?” Link asked while Impa looked him over for any new injuries.
Impa paused, looking up at him, then turned her eyes back to his arm. “Probably,” she admitted, slowly, like she was trying not to scare him. “Which is why we can’t stay here,”
“What does he even want from me?” Link asked, trying his best not to actually burst into tears. He didn’t want to cry. He could be brave, though he was starting to think he didn’t want to be.
Impa sighed, putting her hands on his shoulders and looking him in the eye. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as he’d feared considering the last time someone held his shoulders.
“He doesn’t want anything from you,” Impa told him seriously. “He wants something from the person he thinks you are. He wants the Spirit Maiden,”
“But I’m not the Spirit Maiden,” Link said, in a way that bordered on a mix of a whine and beg but wasn’t quite either. “Can he leave us alone?”
The sympathetic look Impa gave him did not make him feel better.
“He doesn’t know that, though,” Impa said gently, squeezing his shoulders to try and offer him some comfort. “He thinks you are the Spirit Maiden, which is why he’s targeting you,”
Link could feel himself trembling, and he dropped his eyes away from Impa’s.
“I want to go home,” he repeated, trying his best to blink back scared tears and avoid just curling into a ball.
“I know,” Impa sighed, and he felt a gentle hand brush through his hair. “Come on, let’s head somewhere safe for now. We can work on getting you home once you’re healed,”
Link nodded, sniffling a bit and swiping at his face with his sleeves.
He hated being so helpless. He hated being so scared.
He just hoped Zelda wasn’t hating herself too much for pushing him. It really wasn’t her fault he ended up down here, being hunted by a demon.
He hoped Impa could find him a way home soon, so that he could apologize for worrying her.
He was done being excited by the surface.
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