#okay my only significant bad opinion relates to one production changing one of the songs to be more serious
maddie-grove · 6 months
I don’t have a bad opinion of the Heathers musical, generally, but it does annoy me when people attribute plot points to the movie that are musical-only.
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heliantyr · 5 years
Time for questions! I’m going to put 1-9 here plain and simple, and then the rest will be under the break just so that you don’t have to scroll to oblivion if you don’t want to see this! Let’s go!
1: Name
     My name is Jude, or Coreta if you wanna use my pen name! A few of you might also know me as Virchude since that’s my main blog!
2: Age
    I won’t tell you plainly, but I am still in high school.
3: City that you live in
     I’m just gonna tell you which state! I live in the lower peninsula of Michigan!
4: What do most people not know about you?
     I’m almost certain that none of you know this, but I am the youngest of  my dad’s (kinda) six kids.
5:  What do most people know you for?
     If we’re talking just here, I hope to all get out it’s my headcanons, but in real life it’s the fact that I get offended rather easily...
6: Hobbies!
     I do a lot of pointless writing (meaning I never finish anything)... I also draw a lot of random junk, I rad a shit ton of fanfiction, I sing/write songs a lot... uuhh and do nothing.
7: What are your passions?
     I have a very large passion for helping those around me who have suffered like I have mentally and emotionally. I also really like debating (more like arguing) with people about politics!
8: When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?
     Just yesterday my mom, older sister, and I ended up accidentally sitting down in the living room and ranting about how shitty out lives are... so.......... yeah
9: have you collected anything? What is it?
     I have a small hat collection (that I hardly ever wear), and I’m beginning a plant collection! There is also a ever fluctuating collection of cups and bottles in my room T-T
10: List ten things off your bucket list (I may not remember half of these TvT)
*Take a trip back to Colorado with my friends
*Start a business
*Travel to at least 8 countries
*Go to Andorra
*Be known for some great feat
*Have one of my works (whether art or writing, etc) become famous or greatly known
*Meet one of my favorite actors/band members (doesn’t matter who)
*Learn to swim...............
*Make drastic strides towards saving the planet
*Meet more people from my dad’s side of the family
11: What was the last thing you learned?
     Seeing as I got out of world history an hour and a half ago, we learned about the Cold War and how the USSR fell apart because of silly putty
12: How many relationships have you been in?
     Counting the ones that didn’t mean shit, 4. Only counting the ones that actually meant something, 2.
13 + 14 I am not answering.
15: Favorite food
     Menudo. Fuckin love it
16: Favorite drink
     hm... either tea or ginger ale, but out of a shot glass TvT A TWO LETER OUT OF A SHOT GLASS
17: What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
     I went to NYC over my birthday weekend this year with my school’s choir, and our tour leader on my bus got me a pastry in Little Italy! It meant so much because I didn’t even know her! 
18: Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
     I’m usually pessimistic unless my friends are also being pessimistic, cuz then I’m frigin sunshine and rainbows!
19: Do you sleep during class?
     Not very often, and only if what I’m doing isn’t actually important.
20: What is the most expensive thing you own?
     If not my actual bed, my laptop, which is $200.
21: What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?
     ..... I... Don’t know... uh I got a huge fukin thing of cocoa butter lotion at the dollar tree... and it’s kind of multi use?!?
22: How many time a day on average to you check your phone?
     .........don’t look at me like that.
23: Text or call?
     Text. I wanna call people, but what if they don’t pick up? Or it’s really awkward? or I can’t hear them? or vise versa? or-
24: Opinion on long distance?
     Sounds like torture. I honestly couldn’t do it.
25: What is your definition of success?
     Feeling satisfied or content with what you’ve done.
26: Favorite song?
     um. At the moment, Killer Queen by Queen.
27: Favorite artist?
     Music wise, Patrick Stump. Art wise, Van Gogh.
28: Celebrity crush/crushes?
     That’s a long list. But my main two recently have been Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland...
29: When was the last time you read for fun?
     Aside from fanfiction? Last Wednesday night I stayed up reading Shakespeare’s sonnets to myself...
30: Favorite flower?
31: What is the best gift you could receive right now?
     A confidence boost that lasted at least the rest of high school...
32: Any guilty pleasures?
     Day dreaming about random shit.... random weird shit about people I know...
33: What is one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
     Hm... I think I’d change my mental health. I just wanna be perfectly okay for once.
34: What do you search for in a friend?
     being able to understand me, relate to me, and be weird with me. Also mutual interests. And reasonable barriers.
35: How many times have I said “I love you” in the past month?
     You expect me you count???? A shit ton! Do you know how many times a day I have a family member leave the goddamn house????
36: Where dd you last go other than your room/home?
37: Why do good things happen to good people?
     Because that’s not how life works. Our society constantly has people suffering, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
38: In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out, or being stabbed in the eye?
     Seeing as I’m just about used to the pain of being left out, I’d say being stabbed in the eye. I am such a wuss T-T
39: How many green shirts do you own?
     1. It’s a St. Patty’s day shirt.
40: Do you like anime?
     noooooooooooo.......... not at allllll.... TvT I’m tired!
41: What do you invest the most time in?
     Either videogames or fanfiction.
42: What is the name of the last book you read?
     The Hobbit (even though I haven’t finished yet)
43: What’s the difference between loving and liking someone?
     No clue... Still trying to figure that out.
44: Where are you most productive?
     My art classroom
45: List three things you enjoy doing with friends:
*Complaining about life
*being gay
*Pretend to kidnap one of them my dragging them around the floor during lunch
46: List three things you like to do alone:
*Listen to music
47: Do you think that world peace will ever exist?
     As long as there are living things on it? Never.
48: Do you have any allergies?
     Absolutely none! I knew this kid in the third grade who was allergic to nuts, milk, AND gluten!
49: When was the last time you cussed at someone?
     My friend and I got into an argument about who the best actors are during english....
50: What was the last promise you made?
     .......Is it bad that I don’t remember?
51: What was your last dream about?
     I had a hedgehog (which I really frikin want), and I was taking care of them, and hen this asshole in my grade was in my living room and I had to be nice to him.
52: If you won a trip to Hawaii and could take 5 people with you, who would they be? 
*My best friend Kiara
*My friend Raph
*My other friend Molly
*My other other friend Faith
*My dog
53: How many countries have you visited?
     1, if you count the fact that I live in one!
54: What is your favorite medium of art?
     Music. It moves me so easily.
55: When was the last time someone complimented you?
     My friend Laura jokingly complimented my hair during english (we were looking at old english compliments) and she winked at me TyT
56: If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?
     uh... hol up, wha? 
57: Do you consider yourself mature?
     At times, yes.
58: How many days in your life do you think you’ve wasted on tumblr?
     so frigin many, but there’s more to come!!!!
59: What is your favorite quote?
     “I was so good at sports when I was in high school, that I started a band.”
                                      -Patrick Stump
60:  If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?
*Be kind to all (see how that’s turned out???)
*Spend life learning. Try to find the lesson in your experiences.
*Mental growth is more important than anything
61: What is your greatest accomplishment?
     Being alive today.
62: Do you believe in the death penalty?
     No, not really.
63: What are your goals in life?
     To be a better person than my mother is, and to help others on a mental level.
64: What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?
     I honestly have no clue... maybe something weird?
65:  If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.
     I would have to go with.......... oo that’s hard................... the bnha universe      T-T I want powers!
66: What were you like in 2013? 
     I was an awkward, abusive, shitty little child.
67: Do you have a job?
     Nope! I’m planning on possibly finding a part-time one soon, though!
68: Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.
     His name was Parker, and he was a year older than me. He was my first friend other than my older sister, and I loved him so much. I don’t remember much, seeing as the last time I saw him I was five... It was early fall, just when the leaves start to fall. We had one of those trees in my front year that dropped the seed thingies that twirled around. Parker and I would always toss so many of those in the air until out hands got cold... I really miss him.
69: If you could change one thing in society, what would it be?
     I would get rid of corrupt governments and people in positions of power.
70: How many all-nighters have you pulled before?
     Never have I pulled one for school, but I find myself staying up til the crack of dawn the day before school starts, usually. Or on nights when I can’t but help contemplate everything to the point of not being able to sleep at all.
71: Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is it?
     Tumblr is one of my favorites, but Ao3 has my ass.
72: What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
     Nothing. I tend to be very hard to bribe. But if I reaaallly needed the money, I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, I’ll tell you that.
73: Does money equal happiness?
     It can for some people, but not for all.
74: How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?
     I don’t know, a few? I’m never truly happy until my thoughts leave me alone. 
75: How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?
     More than happy, I can tell you that.
76: What’s the funniest joke you have ever been told?
     My generation is going to save the planet.
77: When was the last time you looked at the news?
     We actually watched a news clip during history today!
78: If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?
     Stop being a dick!
79: What is your favorite animal?
     A hedgehog!! 
80: If you could earn a million dollars for pretending to be dead for three years, would you do it?
     NO! I have people who would miss my sorry ass, then murder me for coming back!
81: What is one thing everyone is bad at?
     Having a lot of friends. A lot of the time (in my personal experience), the more friends you have, the less time you can spend with them, and the less close you are, until eventually you can’t keep dividing your time!
82: What time do you normally sleep? How many hours do you usually get? 
     uuuhh... yes, and not enough!
83: Does age necessarily equal maturity?
     No, but that does not excuse digusting things like p*****ilia.
84: What is your favorite clothing store? 
     ....The Hot Topical.
85: In the winter- beanies or gloves?
     why not both?!?!?!?
86: Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?
     Wings. I can’t swim, and I panic underwater.
87: If you had the power to erase someone from the world so that nobody remembered them but you, would you do it?
     That depends, does it fuck up history? Cuz in that case, no!
88: What do you fear the most?
     Being abandoned by everyone.
89: How many digits of pi can you recite?
90: If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, what year would it be?
     2015, so I could leave a better version of my for my friends that I leave at the end of the year,
91: Describe yourself in one word.
92: Describe your last victory.
     I had a conversation with that asshole from my dream without arguing with him.
93: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?
     SO! This one time towards the end of the school day in the seventh grade. This one kid (let’s call him V) was sitting next to his friend (C). I look over as I go to shoulder my bag, and V is running his hand down C’s thigh. V catches me looking, and goes “WHAT?! he did it first!” like that made it better! (and it kinda did because that’s still one of my best stories!)
94: What is something you will never forget?
     Something traumatic
95: Would you rather forget all of the past, or remember everything in vivid detail?
     Vivid detail. Then maybe I could win arguments with my sister!
96: Have you ever broken a bone before?
     yeah... I fractured the growth plate in my foot in the sixth grade... by walking.....
97: Is it harder love someone, or hate someone?
     love is so hard....
98: Coffee or tea?
I drink both, but tea ftw!
99: What are some little things you do that have changed your life in a positive way?
     I have become more friendly with my dog, and he actually likes me now!
100: How many hours do spend on tumblr a day?
     quite a fukin few....
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theceoofrusa · 7 years
Seven Deadly Sins tag game
If you get tagged, answer these questions and then tag 7 of your friends to do it too! Have fun~
I got tagged by @rangerofthemojave​. Thank you, buddy. ^^
1. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
Huh. I wish it would be sooner like tomorrow, but I’ll definitely try a vegetarian meal.
 2. Are you a hoarder, if so what do you hoard?
Do letters and gifts from my friends count?
3. Do you collect anything and if so, what would that be?
Yeah. So far the Pokemon Special manga.
4. The top five biggest holidays are New Years’ Eve/Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas, what is your ranking of these holidays from most favorite to least favorite?
Eh? Ranking these? Uh... well, I guess New Year’s despite all I did was to sleep this New Year’s, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Valentine’s Day (is that even a holiday? XD).
5. What is your favorite type of candy?
I’m not picky with candy but I do have an unhealthy obsession with chocolates. And my family blood line thingy is diabetic on both sides, rip me.
6. What are your top three favorite restaurants?
Don’t have any fave restaurants tbh. Well, that’s because restaurants are too expensive here. ^^’
7. What are four foods of personal significance to you and why?
Nothing, really. I guess only one and that’s... pork and tofu. It always reminds me of home...
1. Have you ever watched porn and/or read smut?
Okay, what?
2. Are you more attracted to physical traits or personality traits?
Uh.... if this is romance then neither.
3. What are your top five favorite color combinations?
I’m very terrible at these. Uh...
4. Are you a virgin, if not then how would you like to lose your virginity and if so, do you regret the way you lost your virginity?
5. How do feel about gay marriage and the LGBT community in general?
Everyone has their rights to love someone romantic or not.
6. If you were to have a family of your own in the future, what kind of family and lifestyle would you want?
Ehhh. Not getting married in the future and I’ll stay that way. :p
7. What would an ideal date be like for you?
Next please?
1. What’s your birthstone and do you have any jewelry/objects with your birthstone on it?
Diamond. I think my necklace or earrings? My mom knows since she’s the one who makes me wear those. ^^’
2. What kinds of things do you usually put on your Christmas and birthday lists?
Money, happiness, friendship... jk. Just money to buy stuff.
3. If you were to get a tattoo, what would you want to be on your body forever?
A Poke Ball?
4. If you could be immortal or have an extremely long life span, which would you pick and why?
I’ve been suicidal lately so I don’t want any of it.
5. Have you been on all forms of transport as in horse, car, plane (big, small, helicopter), train and boat?
Not really. Just cars, motorcycle, tricycle, jeepneys, buses, vans, yacht, boats trains, bicycles, and planes.
6. What did you want to be when you were a kid and have your career ambitions changed since then?
I was a naive kid who wanted to be a doctor one day but it never came true, especially with my chosen college program which is not related to medicine.
7.Where do you get most of your clothes?
My mom buys my clothes. o///o
1. If you wear makeup, what kinds of products do you usually wear and why do choose to wear makeup? If you don’t wear makeup, what’s your opinion on those who do choose to wear it?
I don’t wear makeup. XD
2. What’s your personal fashion sense/style?
Ehhh. I have zero fashion sense. Just a plain t-shirt and long shorts, jeans or pants.
3. Do you follow clothing trends and if so, what are a few of your favorites?
Meh. Like I said, I have zero fashion sense.
4. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
I’m an idiot and a stupid person. I mean, they’re right. I just have a terrible self hatred so I agree.
5. What are your religious beliefs and are they the same as the rest of your family or your parents and speaking of that, what’s your opinion on organized religion in general?
I’m not really religious. I won’t go further but I am a Catholic. ^^’
6. What’s your body type/skin tone and does your body type/skin tone make finding clothes that fit difficult or does it make finding the right shades of makeup difficult?
I have zero fashion sense, mate. Uh...but I’m a Filipino...
7. What are ten of your favorite female names and ten of your favorite male names?
None, lol.
1. Do you have any unpopular opinions and if so, what are they?
I’d rather keep this on my own and to a small group of friends.
2. When you die, how do you want your mortal remains to be dealt with?
I wish I can die right now.
3. Do you hold grudges, why or why not?
Meh. All of them are converted into self hatred.
4. What do you want to happen to your worst enemies?
Nothing. I don’t wanna think about some bad stuff to them...if I have enemies, lol.
5. What do you think will be your cause of death and why?
Something about me starving myself to death at times. Ulcer, I guess? That or suicide.
6. If you died right now, what song(s) would you want played at your funeral?
7. What’s your opinion on the death penalty?
1. What’s the climate of your local area like and do you like it?
Tropical. It’s boring.
 2. Do you get lost easily?
I’m a born loser, mate. :v
3. If you could participate in the Olympics, what sport(s) would you compete in?
Volleyball. I haven’t played for years.
4. What’s your ranking of the seasons from most favorite to least favorite?
Winter, Fall, Spring and Summer.
5. What’s your dream car?
Does an ATV counts?
6. Are you skilled with technology?
7. What are four of your favorite patterns?
Anything that looks neat.
1. What are your favorite and least favorite tropes in fiction?
2. When do you usually wake up and when do you usually go to bed?
IRecently I’ve been sleeping early. Either I wake up at 3am from a nightmare or the usual 7am or...later than that. I’ve been getting too much sleep recently...
3. What TV shows and movies did you frequently watch when you were a kid?
Disney, Carton Network, Anime and Nickelodeon.
4. What’s your favorite era of music?
5. What do you usually watch on Youtube?
Pokemon game plays.
6. What are ten songs that are of personal significance to you and why?
7. What’s your top three favorite video games?
Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts and Tekken (blame my brother and y cousins for dragging me there, lol).
Too lazy to tag again. I’m sorry. ;-;
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songwritingswift · 8 years
Ugh, that buzzfeed article... 
I’m putting this under a read more because I had a lot of thoughts about this. But basically, this article manipulates the facts to suit its opinions and much of its ‘evidence’ is based on pure speculation. We all make good decisions and bad, Taylor included, but any arguments against her should be based on truth.
I don’t even really know what to say. Taylor is flawed, of course she is, and she has done things that I don’t agree with, but this article is frankly ridiculous. To say that she has played the victim her entire career is a completely simplistic view of her. 
I’m going to go through this point by point. Hold on to your hats, people.
The Kanye West thing. Bloody hell. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what happened here but as I understand it, Taylor was upset about the line ‘I made that bitch famous’, which West had not made her aware of. The idea that she was okay with but changed her opinion after the song came out is speculation as far as I can tell. Please correct me if there’s evidence of this but I haven’t seen anything so far. 
Now, while I think Taylor’s Grammy speech has a good message, I don’t think the timing was great. It felt more than a little provocative, but the article neglects to consider any view other than its own. While they interpret it as Taylor ‘playing the victim’, we interpret it as Taylor doing what she always does: turning her experience into something productive. There are different ways to view everything and my overwhelming view of this article is that it just pulled together everything that could be viewed as playing the victim, just to make a point.
Ugh, the VMAs. Again, there will always be different views on this. West has since said that he was making a point about racism in the industry but regardless of any good intentions, he humiliated a teenager in front of millions of people. He interrupted her receiving an award for her work and said that she shouldn’t have won it. That’s what he did. And he was apparently very remorseful for doing that, implying that he also believed he was in the wrong. As a person of significant fame, there were plenty of ways to make that point without creating a media circus that has done damage to both of their reputations. He was the one who did that; he put Taylor in the middle of that. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think you can play the victim if you actually are the victim. The article fails to recognise any of this. It describes it as ‘PR gold’ for Taylor, but answer me this: is there anyone on the planet who doesn’t try to make the best of bad situation? Can Taylor be blamed for that? And if her reactions were solely for PR, why did she refuse to talk about it? Wouldn’t it have been more PR savvy to do one big interview where she talked about how she felt? But no, she didn’t. She’s never done that. 
While her love of fairytales and happy endings might fit into the image of ‘white feminine fragility’, it’s also congruent with the dreams of millions of teenage girls across the world. Especially as teenagers, we are the subjects of our upbringings. Taylor was very fortunate in her upbringing so of course it has influenced her view of the world. Apparently the ‘notion of sexual innocence emerged’ when she wrote about Abigail giving ‘everything’ to a boy. Has Taylor ever said anything about that line relating to virginity? This is a conclusion drawn by other people. That doesn’t make it the truth.
The article picks out lyrics to support it’s own view, that Taylor is always the victim. Yes, she’s written songs about being treated badly. So has every other artist. Are they getting picked apart? No. And they neglect to mention any different viewpoint. They don’t mention any of the lyrics where she takes the blame: “So I start a fight ‘cause I need to feel something” from Cold As You, “me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone” and “all the things that I misread” from The Other Side of the Door, “stupid girl, I should have known” from White Horse. Or any of the lyrics where she builds other people up: “And every time you shine, I'll shine for you” from Jump Then Fall, “but I believe in whatever you do, and I’ll do anything to see it through” from Change, and “you've got a smile that could light up this whole town” from You Belong With Me. And the lyrics about how life is more than relationships: “But in your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team” and “back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday but I realized some bigger dreams of mine”. As human beings, we are multifaceted. We are the victims, we are the heroes, we are the bad guys. All of us. Taylor has written songs from many different positions and it is immature to ignore that.
When it comes Joe Jonas, I think it’s worth pointing out that she didn’t go on “primetime TV to assign the blame firmly to him”. She went on television to do an interview, something that all artists do, and she was asked a question about him which she answered. Maybe it wasn’t the best response but the article is twisting the facts to suit its agenda. And Jonas wrote a song called Much Better which would appear to be about Taylor (he implied it was about her in interviews): they’re on an even playing field in terms of fame and the platform to speak or write about that relationship. 
I’m not going to write about Better Than Revenge. Taylor has addressed this.
The public image of Taylor being constantly wronged by the many men she dates is one created by the media. Taylor has consistently pointed out that she has not dated as much as the tabloids say but they refuse to believe her and continue to spread rumours. And then she does what every other artist does: writes songs about her life. And again, the media speculates and spreads that speculation as fact. This is something no artist can control so to imply that Taylor can is unreasonable. I’m not saying that Taylor isn’t very skilled at publicity, she is. But the difference between her PR and the media’s obsession with her should be noted.
The narrative this article builds around a photo of Taylor sitting on a boat is laughable. No one knows the details of that moment but Taylor, and the media should stop pretending they do.
Regarding I Knew You Were Trouble, again, very few people know exactly what happened. Maybe she wrote the song and later related it to what had happened with Harry Styles, or she had the initial idea and finished it after they broke up. Taylor is the only one who knows that so we have to trust what she says about it. (By the way, it’s my opinion that the “British accent” during the Grammy Performance speculation should be abandoned. It didn’t sound like any British accent I’ve ever heard and I am British. I’ve lived in England my whole life.) The circulation of baseless rumours don’t do anyone any good.
But on Taylor’s shout outs at award shows (the VMAs for example), I’m not sure those were smart. They only stirred the rumours. Maybe that was the plan, maybe it was Taylor being a human being, feeling bitter, or impulsive. We’ve all done things like that, realised later that we could’ve handled something better. Guess what, Taylor’s human too. She just happens to be a human that has every move recorded and analysed a hundred times over. Oh, and she can’t control who the cameras pan to, by the way.
The article makes no mention of the media circus going on in 2013, how every magazine was spitting out hate. I don’t know about you, but it was unlike anything I’d ever seen. Everyone was hating her, just for living her life and writing songs. Have you ever seen that happen to anyone else? Have you ever seen that happen to a man? It seems to me that her sexism argument was well founded.
Can I also question this sentence: “By suggesting that the media’s portrayal of her dating life had been unfair and sexist, Swift was able to absolve herself of any blame for the way her relationships had been reported and perceived.” This seems contradictory to me. Surely, ‘the media’ is directly behind the way her relationships are ‘reported’, so how could she be to blame for that?
More dissections of lyrics. (Am I the only one thinking the interpretation of I’d Lie is odd? She’s listing the things she thinks are wonderful about a person. How does that make her obsessive?) It seems to me that the lyrics used are being taken out of context to support the agenda of the article, as they were earlier in the article. 
It is true that Taylor’s view of feminism seems to be somewhat limited. That is not surprising since she comes from a place of privilege. Feminism is about more than ‘girl power’ and she has made mistakes, but she’s learning, like all of us. We should all feel fortunate that our learning processes have not been so publicly analysed. I want to link to this article, because I think it is a much fairer evaluation of Taylor’s feminism and I couldn’t say it better. I do just want to make a couple of points about Taylor and the Women’s March though: it was likely logistically impossible for her to go (for her safety, something that would not have been disputed about anyone else), if she’d gone everyone would've complained that she was making it about herself (she can never win), and no one seems to be trashing other public figures who didn’t go or didn’t tweet about it.
Moving on to Bad Blood, I find the article’s argument to be pretty weak. They claim that she repeatedly changed the story, using three different quotes as evidence: “it wasn’t about a guy at all, but a woman in the industry who ‘tried to sabotage an entire arena tour’”, “that was about losing a friend”, and “I knew the song would be assigned to a person, and the easiest mark was someone I didn’t want to be labelled with this song”. To me, these all seem to be different parts of the same story.
The article also implies that Taylor’s connection with her fans is about selling her music. Newsflash, that’s how the music industry works. All artists do this to some degree, but one of the reasons fans are so loyal to Taylor is because she does more than she has to. She has encouraging speeches at her concerts (that mean a lot to a lot of people, and no one gets to say whether that’s allowed or not), but she also follows people on social media, does a massive number of free meet and greets, sends gifts, donates money, and so on. The fact that she does these sorts of things when she doesn’t have to is what fans love about her. 
So much of this article twists the truth to fit its own agenda. It picks apart every mistake Taylor has ever made, ignoring everything else. It does have a few good points but they’re backed up by speculation rather than actual facts. Her feminism might be undeveloped but she has been an incredible role model for young people, especially girls, with her songwriting skill, her dedication to her passion, and being the head of her brand and business. One very simple example is the number of women who started playing guitar because of Taylor. With the state of world right now, especially in America, feminism is more important than ever, but it’s unreasonable to put so much of that responsibility on a singer when this is something that should be coming from everybody, our teachers, our parents, our friends, as well as our idols. I’m not sure why people love to hate her, and pick apart everything she does, but I’m tired of it. She’s a human being. Let her live her life and write her music. Let her mistakes be mistakes rather than PR stunts. Let her be a hero, let her be a victim. Allow her the courtesy we allow our friends: to be right, to be wrong, to be valid, to learn. Allow her to be herself, to be human.
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