#okay mod rambles over //yeet
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Machine Check-up
----- Click. Click. Click.
The sound of two inch heels echoed across the title floor of the main WVBA building. For once, the pace was not one of a woman on a mission to smash a boxer’s head in with a clipboard. Even then, many of the boxers still made an attempt to stay out of the red headed doctor’s way. While part of her had no clue if some of it was from fear ( besides Super Macho Man, who looked like he saw a ghost and jumped out of her way) or respect for her job, it made her life easier.
As soon as the tacky disco music hit her ears, she knew she made her destination. She took a moment, looking at the clipboard, looking at some of the pages before giving a nod.
“Von Kaiser?” Cherry’s voice rang out, being muffled by the disco music still.
She looked up briefly from her clipboard, staring up at the boxer who she just called out for.
Said boxer was stretching. In front of her. Even though his back was turned to her, it was still impressive how well the older man was able to keep his body in shape. The tagline for him, ‘Fighting Machine’, made sense. The man was built like a tank. 
A tank with a few screws loose, but still a tank.
“Von Kaiser.” She said more sternly and louder. While she didn’t outwardly show it, she was happy it only took the second try to grab the boxer’s attention.
Von Kaiser looked back, his eyes widened from shock.
“Oh. Doctor Cherry, vas not expectink you” He lowered his arms, before turning to face the woman completely. “Guten Tag. Is there a reason vhy you are here?”
“Health check-up. You have a match in a couple of days, and I want to make sure you are in perfect health before going back out and fighting someone” Cherry explained, looking back down at her clipboard as she heard Von Kaiser’s boots echo across the flooring.
“Is now a good time or..?” She trailed off, looking back up to make eye contact with the man.
“Ja. Just got here”
For most part, Cherry learned to be wary of when a boxer said that. But also, she knew she could take Von Kaiser’s word for it. The man was still dressed in the overly too tight tank top he seemed determined to wear nearly every day, and beyond the permanent bags under his eyes, he showed no sign of fatigue. 
“Good. Come along then, the sooner we do this, the sooner you can go back to training”
With that, the sound heels clicking against tile floors mixed together the loud thud of combat boots. The sound seemed to echo throughout the hallways before it finally halted when Cherry had to open the door to her office, the smell of spring flowers nearly engulfing the two.
“Take a seat on the exam bed, and we can get this check up under way”
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appreciation station
buckle up my little galaxy, it’s time for STARSHINE GETS SAPPY ABOUT NEW YEAR’S AND RAMBLES LIKE A LOON
so, i just wanna start by saying how much i love this community? like, as a whole? this was the first online fandom i became so invested in! i did write fic before this, primarily for vld (this was back when we had, like, 2 seasons and there was still hope). but i was never a PART of that community - the discourse was just too much and the fandom was too big for me to truly get invested, y’know? 
this is the first real online community i’ve become a part of and BOY do i love it. you all made me feel SO LOVED and SO WELCOME and honestly sometimes you go through some shit in your life and you just need people to be sunshiney and oh my lord do you people have it in SPADES. every time i’ve needed a pick me up, you have all been so loving and wonderful and supportive and incredibly patient when fic takes forever (i’m working on that, i promise). so basically, thank you all. you’re all incredible.
there are, of course, a few people who deserve to be recognized by name and i’m sticking THAT nonsense below the cut, so if this is where you stop reading, please know that i love and appreciate every single one of you, and we are going to GET this BREAD in 2019 BITCHES. it’s the year of the bisexual, and i’m gonna make it my (bi)tch. <3 
@accio-hufflepuff-power1 NICKY!!! you were one of the very first people to ask to be tagged in my writing! (i think you were the first one, actually). i think you’re amazing, and i know i’m shitty at answering messages but i love you so much you’re such a gr8 friend 
@the-frosty-doctor WE BECAME MUTUALS BACK WHEN YOU WERE STILL GOING BY romaning-daydreams DO YOU REMEMBER? you were my very first sanders sides mutual and you were the very first person to hear about lovely dark and deep! that fic would never exist without you, and i’ll be grateful forever. 
@ironwoman359 HEY TAAAAAAYLOOOOOR so you reblogged every single pattonella piece with commentary and honestly that commentary is one of the things that inspired me to keep writing it. i would sit there and refresh the notes and wait for you to see it and rb it and now we’re BUDS and it’s GREAT you’re such a gr8 writer i rlly look up to you i’m still amazed that you follow lil’ ol’ me you’re great i love you <3 
@ethospathoslogan PETTY! BITCH! WIFE! i was so incredibly fucking nervous to talk to you bc i had read and fangirled over your fic for like, three weeks before i ever messaged you. (also i thought you were like 24, but that’s more down to my inability to read roman numerals than anything). but i was SO HAPPY that we started talking bc i think you’re AMAZING and you’re the loml babe i’m so happy to be your wife. i love your work and i love you and you were my first internet wife i stan you so hard. 
@breloomings DANIEL!!! i was so nervous to talk to you bc your art is SO GOOD and it makes me SO HAPPY and i really hope you’re doing okay! i know we haven’t talked in a few months bc we’re both so busy but i really, truly hope that you’re doing okay and i hope we get to talk a lot more soon! 
@backatthebein RILEY you were one of the very first people i befriended! you were a huge supporter of pattonella just like taylor was and you always encouraged me even when i didn’t have any confidence in myself. i have had plenty of anxiety crises with you in earshot, and you’ve always been there for me. i love you so much, riley, you’ve always been in my corner and i hope you know i’m always in yours. plus, you send me great posts all the time! they’re either analogical or bisexual memes or memes in general or positivity support and honestly you’re amazing i love you sm 
@notveryglittery DAAAAANIIIII do you remember when you sent me an ask like OMG YOU FOLLOWED ME I’M SO HONORED and i realized that i hadn’t and i was like “THAT IS A CRIMINAL MISTAKE!” so i followed you on the SPOT. (tbh i thought i was following you already, i think tumblr unfollowed you for me bc tumblr.) you’re the royality stan to my analogical stand and i absolutely adore that we hardcore ship along an axis bc it makes writing fic SO MUCH FUN! usually if i have analogical i also have royality and vice versa with your writing and it’s just. mmm. yes. iconic. i love you so much, you’re so creative and inventive and supportive and you’re beautiful. 
@shesavampirequeen AAAARIIIIIIEEEEELL! we first met bc you popped into my inbox to say “hey” once and you just kept coming back! i actively looked for you in my inbox bc seeing you always made my day, and i always looked forward to your comments! and then i learned you were ALSO an analogical stan and my heart was SOLD! you’re sweet and funny and so, so kind and i am SO happy that i reached out to get to know you better bc it was one of the best decisions of my life. you’re absolutely amazing in every way, ari, and i love you <3
@bumblebeekitten BEEEEEE BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE! i first met YOU because i asked for questions about ldad lore to take my mind off my computer being broken. you YEETed yourself into my askbox and you asked like twelve thousand questions and they were all about things i hadn’t even thought about before! and that was GREAT because while i was busy answering your questions, i completely forgot the panic attack i’d been having about my computer! and now we’re BFFS and we’re WIVES and we’re RP PARTNERS and i honestly love all of the above! you’re so creative and talented and beautiful and i love you so, so much. i’m so happy we’re friends now <3 
@fangirltothefullest T A S H I! we first met because you reblogged one of my sneak previews of lovely dark and deep and said “i would love to do fanart of this!” and then i YEETED MY PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM and screamed for five minutes. i STILL can’t believe that we’re friends, you’re so amazing and sweet and awesome! i love our rp, i love that i took one look at your fusions and was like ALL OF THESE ARE MINE NOW ALLOW ME TO WRITE ALL YOUR FUCKING LORE and you were like THAT SOUNDS N E A T I’M TOTALLY DOWN TO LET YOU DO THAT! and now i co-mod the blog and just. halk;fas;dlkfj alskdf .asf ad. i am so INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have met you and i’m so grateful that you let me do this and i’m so happy that we’re bffs bc i love you so much, honey. you’re amazing <3 
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Star Mika: Hi Ma'am Doc Cherry, nice to meet you! Ako si Star Mika (I'm Star Mika), I made you a cupcake:
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It's Almond Maraschino Cherry Cupcake, I hope you like it! Also (drags Little Mac with bruises) kuya (brother) beat up Aran again.
"Oh! Well aren't you sweet. Been a good while since someone gave me a treat. Thank-you kindly, Mika"
"As for your brother, oh I am already aware of him and Aran getting into a fight. Isn't that right, Aran?
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"Now, you can drop off Mac here so I can patch him up. And Aran, when I turn around, you better not be planning to jump out the window. Or you are gonna wish Mac broken bones and not just your nose"
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