#okay i’m gonna go cry in the corner now thank you
classyrbf · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS...how the jjk men(toji, gojo, geto, nanami, choso) act when you’re 9 months pregnant and ready to pop
INFO...jjk men x fem!reader, fluff, comfort, reader is pregnant (obvi), mention of mood swings, cravings, emotional reader, jjk men being great dads
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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toji has already dealt with this kind of thing before when it came to megumi, but it’s been so long that he’s almost forgotten what it was like. You’re waddling around the house, a stank look on your face as you stare at him. “Yes?” He questions, eyebrows raised. “I want food,” you simply answer. “Okay, what do you want?” He asks. And when you tell him you’re not sure, he lets out a long sigh because he knows this is gonna end in you getting emotional. You’ll complain your back hurts, your feet hurt, and then you’ll end up cursing him out for putting a baby in you. So all he does is walks over to you, and hugs you because he’d rather do that than get into a stupid argument about food. “Toji!” You cry into his arms. “I’m just so hungry and I don’t know what to eat!” You sniffle. To help with your problem, he starts listing off every fast food restaurant and food he could think of in hopes you’d find one appealing enough. “Chinese food?” He shrugs. You gasp with excitement. “Ugh, yes! Me and the baby could go for some orange chicken!” You smile. Toji just chuckles, “making the call right now, sweetheart.” He watches as you waddle over to the couch, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
ever since he found out you were pregnant, he was at the stores buying whatever supplies he saw, doesn’t matter if you needed it or not. And till this day, when you’re about a few weeks from popping, he’s still buying the baby things. “What do you think of this, eh?” He smirks, holding up a onesie that says “my dad is the best”. “You’re gonna spoil her rotten, is what I think,” you groan as you reach into the bag to see what else he bought for your daughter. “More toys?” You hold up a fake set of plastic keys. Gojo snatched them from you. “I’ll have you know that she will be learning life skills at a very young age, thank you very much,” he scoffed. All you did was laugh, shaking your head at him in disbelief. Your daughter’s room was filled to the brim with clothes, toys, blankets, you were starting to wonder if you had any more room. “I can already tell she’s going to be a daddy’s girl,” you said with a sigh, rubbing your belly. “Yes she is,” Gojo leaned in towards your very plump belly, “isn’t that right?” He placed a kiss on your stomach.
nanami is the type that doesn’t let you do a damn thing by yourself. You’re reach for something to high on the shelf, he’s sprinting towards you, ready to be at your service. “Be careful,” he says, rubbing your back. “Kento, I got it,” you chuckle. His eyes are always on you, watching your every move. Especially when you’re in public, he hates when people get too close to you. He knows others don’t watch their surroundings and could easily bump into you. “Ken!” You shout from the bedroom. “Yes?” He peeks his head around the corner. “Can you help me get my shoes on, I can’t even reach,” you pout. Within seconds he’s on his knees, slipping on your sandals, and tying them around your ankle. He will even go as far as to paint your toes if you forgot because he knows how much you hate not having them done. Like I said, he won’t let you do a thing by yourself. “Thank you, Ken,” you kiss his lips.
geto literally pampers you. I’m not saying he acts like nanami, but I’m saying that he makes your pregnancy as comfortable as possible. “Sugu, baby, can you rub my feet? They’re swollen.” You frown. “Of course.” He grabs the lotion and casually massages your feet while you’re both watching a movie, and literally over the course of your pregnancy he’s become the best masseuse ever. He’ll also randomly creep up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist before lifting your belly, feeling the weight off of your back. “Feel better, mama?” He kisses your cheek. “So much better.” You nod, closing your eyes as you embrace the moment. You’ve even found it hard to shower while being pregnant and geto takes it upon himself to help you, albeit jumping in the shower with you or sitting on the edge of the tub while you’re in the bath. “Is the water too hot?” He rubs the soapy water over your shoulders. “It’s perfect.”
I’m sorry but choso is clueless. Not in a bad way, but in like a panicky way. You’re an emotional wreck through your pregnancy, moods swings like crazy. “Can you just get out please?!” You’re annoyed with him, bothered about the littlest thing ever and then in the next two minutes you’re walking out the room just crying and apologizing to him, kissing his cheek. He has no idea what the hell is going on, and you’d think he’d learn after nine months, but no. All he can is just sit there and comfort you. “It’s fine,” he assures. He gets your favorite food that you’ve been craving for the past two weeks, eating it non stop and then within a split second you’re gagging, pushing the food away. “Oh my gosh, Choso! Please throw it away, it tastes so bad.” You gag again. “But…I…you were just eating this yesterday…?” He’s says, confused before throwing the bowl of food in the garbage. Quite literally doesn’t understand anything, just confused to all hell, but he’s trying his best.
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syddsatyrn · 7 months
Omg your requests are open. I've seen some of your work and it's amazing❤️
Can you do a smut with Lucifer. He's become my new obsession.
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⛧Idle Time is the Devil's Play⛧ By Sydd Satyrn
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Shameless smut, fingering, swearing, fluff
⛧Words: 2.5k
⛧Notes: This was actually rather fun to write, thank you for the request! My head canon in this one is that Lucifer wears reading glasses.
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The day started out on the wrong foot from the second you woke up. The dishes are piled up, laundry needs to be done, and how is there so much dust in here?! Nifty does her best to keep up but she's only one tiny person. You begin with the dishes, stack and stacks of plates and bowls, cups and flatware cover the counter. You let out a sigh of disappointment. After working for a short while, Angel Dust walks in with a surprised look on his face. “I thought you were dating the King of Hell, why are you wasting your time with chores?” The tall spider asks, holding a stack of dishes from his room. “Angel, I work here. I don't know how many times I have to tell you…” You reply with an eye roll. “Yeah, yeah, Charlie’s dreams, blah, blah, motherly nonsense. I’m just sayin’ you could totally slack off and get away with it.” He says, placing more dishes on the counter. You give him a side eye, and Angel laughs. “Chill out toots, I’m just playin’.” He says and heads back to his room. He’s right, you could slack off if you wanted to, but you felt the need to try for Charlie. You and Lucifer have been dating for a little over 6 months and within that time you’ve become rather fond of his sweet daughter and her dreams to rehabilitate sinners. So you took on a role at the hotel and did what you could to help make it possible. You wanted to impress Lucifer's daughter, maybe one day she might even see you as family, if you’re lucky.  You finally finish the dishes and take a step back and admire your handiwork. A clean sink, and counters, all the dirty dishes are now washed, dried and put away. It took a good chunk of the morning but it was worth it. The kitchen looks spotless and you decide to move onto the next chore. You tidied a few empty rooms and then delivered clean towels to each room with an occupant. You’re already running out of energy and it's only noon. “You look like you could use some coffee.” Husk says from behind the bar while wiping down the countertops. “You read my mind, Husker.” You say and take a seat at the bar. He pours you a cup of black coffee and sets it in front of you. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I need this.” “Don’t mention it” He says and returns to his countertops. Husk may seem grumpy all the time but you’ve come to know him as a rather genuine and helpful person.
You drink your coffee slowly and contemplate what you should do next. There are so many chores that need to be done, where should you even start? Nifty should be cleaning the bathrooms or taking out the trash by now. You decide to start dusting next, it shouldn't be too hard. 
After dusting the common areas, you begin on the hallways. You start at the top floor and work your way down. You hum quietly to yourself while wiping the window sills. As you turn a corner, you run into Angel Dust, and spill dusting spray all over his jacket. “Shit!” He says while wiping his jacked off with his hand, Angel looks frantic and upset, you’ve never seen him so scared. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” You immediately apologize. “Y/N, I can't find Fat Nuggets anywhere! I took my eyes off of him for one second and he disappeared! My poor baby!” Angel says, clearly in a state. He looks like he might even cry. It’s gonna be okay, we just…need to split up! I’ll head downstairs and you stay up here.”You say, trying to remain calm. Angel nods, and you both go your separate ways.
You search all the rooms on the first and second floor, the lobby, the bar, and even the basement. There is no sign of the little pig. You were sure you would find him rooting around somewhere in the kitchen but still, no Fat Nuggets. You notice the back door is slightly ajar, you definitely didn’t use that door when you were down here earlier. You open it, expecting to have solved the mystery, but still nothing. You lean against the wall and let out a defeated sigh. “Dammit, Fat Nuggets, where are you?” You say out loud. Suddenly there is a rustlin noise inside a tipped over trash can. You lift the lid and inside is a very happy looking little pig. You scoop him up and give him a big hug, he must have gottens stuck out there looking for a snack. As you carry Fat Nuggets upstairs you hear a shriek of joy coming from Angel Dust. “My baby!” He cries as you hand him over. “Don't you ever leave my side again!” He says, baby talking to the little pig while giving him a snuggle. “I owe you one, Y/N.” Angel says with a smile. “Dont worry about it, I’m just happy we found the little guy.” You gently boop the little pig’s nose. —------------ As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, a sense of tranquility settled over the hotel. The warm glow of the fading sunlight painted the walls in soft, golden hues made the place feel somewhat serene. Finding Fat Nuggets took up the rest of your afternoon and you were feeling unusually exhausted. 
 You head down to the lobby and see Nifty cleaning up the last of the dusting you did earlier.
She greets you as usual. “Good Evening, Miss Y/N! How was your day?” She pauses her cleaning and stares up at you with her single cyclops eye. “I am so worn out, Nifty. How are you?” You return, smiling down at her tiny figure.
“I’m okay. There aren't as many bugs in the hotel to squish anymore so I’m getting pretty bored.” You smile at her, Not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. She always says the wildest stuff, but you’re used to it. Alastor says she's always been pretty quirky. “You should go spend time with your boyfriend.” Nifty teases,”I’ll deal with the rest of the chores.” “Thank you, I could really use a break. Today was a mess.” You say with a sigh of relief. After walking down the long, lavish hallway to Lucifer's room. You open the door slowly, you don't want to wake him if he is asleep. The King is already in bed wearing nothing but a robe and his reading glasses. The lamp next on the bedside table is the only source of light in the room. The blonde haired man is reading a book and glances over at you when he hears you come in. “I was wondering when you’d be here.” He says with a smile on his face. He closes his book and sets it on the nightstand along with his gold rimmed glasses. “Sorry I’m late, I’ve had a really long day.” You admit as you sit on the edge of the bed. “Oh? What did you get up to today?” He asks and crawls toward you. “There was a lot to do around the hotel today, a mountain of dishes and so much cleaning. Like seriously, where does all this dust come from?! Then Angel lost Fat Nuggets and he was outside…” You ramble on and Lucifer listens intently. “Fat Nuggets?” Lucifer chuckles and cocks his head to the side. “His pet pig.” You remind him. “Oh, I see…” Lucifer places his hand on your cheek. His warm touch sends shivers down your spine. He pulls your face closer and kisses your lips gently. Your heart flutters and you kiss him back, blushing slightly.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now.” Lucifer laughs, knowing exactly what he's doing to you. “Sounds like you need some time off. I notice you do a lot around here, you shouldn’t wear yourself out like that.” “I just want to show Charlie that I support her dream and believe in her.” Your words make Lucifer’s heart swell, the fact that you are trying so hard to impress his daughter is quite possibly the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He smiles at you, his expression full of love and admiration. You return his smile, your face bright red. He pulls you in for a tight hug, burying his face into your hair. “You’re doing just fine, my love. You can let up a little.” He whispers in your ear, “You should let me take care of you for a couple days.” Lucifer's voice is sticky sweet, you can see why Eve was so easily swayed. You melt into his arms and he kisses the top of your head. “I know exactly what you need…” Lucifer days, his voice laced with a mischievous tone. “Do you…?” You ask and giggle at his bold statement. He reluctantly lets go of you and takes off to the bathroom connected to his room. You can hear him turn on the faucet to fill up the tub. Lucifer walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later, he grabs your hand and pulls you close, his eyes half lidded. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Come with me, my dear.” He leads you to the bathroom, the tub is filled about half way with warm water. The room is filling with steam and the lights are low, a few candles are lit. The ambiance is warm and charming just like he is. Your eyes widen and you feel Lucifer hands tug at your clothes, silently telling you to take them off. Your face feels hot as you start to remove your clothing, piece by piece. You leave them in a pile on the floor, trying your best to keep your composure. “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this…” You say, Lucifer smirks, pleased with himself and your reactions. He removes his robe, revealing his perfect body. He steps into the tub and turns to you.
"Well, are you coming or not?" He teases, you take his hand and slowly get in the tub with him. He sits behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you just a bit closer. Together, you both leaned back against the edge of the tub, letting the warmth of the water soothe your weary muscles. The stress of the day melted away, you could feel your muscles relax, you lean the back of your head on his shoulder, breathing him in.
"See? Isn't this much better?" Lucifer purrs in your ear.  
You nod and let your eyes close. You can feel him kiss your temple and you can't help but smile. “I definitely needed this…”You murmured, Lucifer's hands begin to roam your body, his hands trace down your arms. 
"You have the most beautiful skin...I can't help but touch it." He whispers and kisses your neck, you sigh softly. "And you always smell like vanilla, I adore that..."
“You flatter me, Lucifer.” You reply. He kisses the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands begin to massage your shoulders, "Are you cold?" He asks, noticing the goosebumps forming on your skin. With gentle hands, his fingertips traced delicate patterns along the contours of your skin. In the hushed ambiance, time seemed to slow, as if caught in the embrace of the moment. “No, I’m fine.” You assure him.” You’re just really good with your hands.” “Is that so?” Lucifer says with a playful tone. He can barely contain himself, the way your body responds to his touch is fascinating to him. Lucifer's hands travel lower down your torso and gently cup your breasts. You hum softly and push your body closer to his.
"My, you're a needy one tonight, aren't you?" He chuckles and runs his thumbs over your nipples. "I think I know exactly how to help you." His hands travel lower and lower until they reach your core. Your breath hitches and your face turns a bright shade of red and Lucifer notices. "Is that okay, my love?" He asks, making sure he's not overstepping his bounds.
"Y-yes, it's more than okay.”
Lucifer's fingers explore your folds, teasing and prodding. His movements are slow and deliberate, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body. You gasp as he enters a finger into you. You moan softly and your back slightly arches. "That's it, my love, just let go, let me take care of you." The King’s tone is lustful and alluring. Lucifer adds a second finger and starts thrusting in and out, his thumb rubs your clit. He moves his fingers faster and harder. “Luci…fuck…” You swear followed by another moan, the pleasure is overwhelming. You can feel him smile against your skin, his hand working wonders between your thighs. You bite your lip and whimper, gripping the edge of the tub. Lucifer bites the tip of your ear and quickens his pace. “That’s it my dear, are you gonna cum for me?” Lucifer groans and pushes his fingers deeper inside you. You let out a whimper, a feeling of warmth growing deep within your core. Between the steam from the bathtub and all the stimulation you start to feel a little dizzy. Lucifer groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck. He focuses back on your clit, his middle finger massaging little circles, picking up speed with each second that passes. You can't stop the moans from escaping your mouth, the pleasure is too much. You can't hold back any longer and your body is rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. Lucifer's fingers move slower, helping you ride out the waves of your orgasm. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your face is bright red. Lucifer pulls his fingers out and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight.
"Are you alright?" He asks, kissing your neck. You nod and completely relax into Lucifer's body. You lay in the bathtub together, his fingers caress your arm, he presses another kiss to your temple.
"I think it's time you got some rest." He says, barely above a whisper. You both get out of the tub and Lucifer wraps a towel around you.
"You're absolutely perfect." He says with a grin and kisses your nose. You smile at him, continue to dry off and wrap your hair in a towel. Lucifer loans you a pair of his silk pajamas, they are just slightly too big for you. But all that does is add to how comfortable they are. You lay in bed next to him, the covers pulled over your shoulders. He pulls you close and runs his fingers through your hair.
"So, tomorrow you will do no chores, no errands, just relax and take it easy.” He says, with a slightly demanding tone. You lay your head down on his bare chest and he picks up his book. “Yes sir…no chores…” You murmured against his skin. “He chuckles, "Good girl. That's what I like to hear.” He praises while putting his glasses back on. You're exhausted from the day and can barely keep your eyes open. Before long, you fall asleep in the arms of your love, ready for a trouble free day tomorrow. 
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rcsewcrld · 2 months
marauders x y/n incorrect quotes
making these funny is my forte
feat. james, sirius, remus, barty (jr), reggie, lily, marlene
y/n: You know, remus gives sirius flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too.  james: Okay.  *Later*  james: *gives sirius flowers*  sirius: ???  james: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
y/n, pointing to james and remus: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves*  sirius: Okay!  *five minutes later*  y/n: *returns and sees james and remus unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out!  sirius: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
remus: Why do you look like that?  y/n, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?  remus: Like you’re dead.  y/n: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.  sirius: y/n accidentally called james “babe” in front of everyone today.  y/n: *sobs into the floor*
remus: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.  y/n: Throw rocks at he.  james: Hot Dogs.  sirius: Kill him.  remus: Thanks guys.
james: Why is y/n crying on the floor?  remus: She took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.  james: And?  remus: She got sirius.
y/n: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.  near full moon!remus: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.  Everyone at the table: *silence*  james: YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING!  sirius: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
remus: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.  y/n: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?  james: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.  sirius: Guys.
remus: What do you three have to say for yourself?  y/n: sirius: james: Oops?
remus: james... How do I begin to explain james?  y/n: james is flawless.  sirius: I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.  barty: I hear he does car commercials... in Japan.  regulus: One time he punched me in the face... it was awesome.
remus: Croissants: dropped  james: Road: works ahead  y/n: BBQ sauce: on my titties  sirius: Shavacado: fre  barty: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead  regulus:  regulus, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
'Can I copy the homework?'  remus: I can help you with it!  james: Yeah, sure.  y/n: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.  sirius: lol nope.  barty: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!  regulus: *Read 5:55pm*
remus: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?  james: >:O language  y/n: Yeah watch your fucking language  sirius: OKAY WHO TAUGHT Y/N THE FUCK WORD?  barty: 'The fuck word'.  regulus: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time  y/n: Oh my god he censored it  barty: Say fuck, regulus.  y/n: Do it, regulus. Say fuck.
remus: If you got arrested what would be the charges? james: Theft. y/n: Disturbing the peace. sirius: Aggravated assault. regulus: Arson. barty: All of the above.In that order, probably.
y/n: Why are sirius and james sitting with their backs to each other? remus: They had a fight. y/n: Then why are they holding hands? remus: They get sad when they fight.
remus: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos. y/n: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard. sirius: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos? james: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
y/n: Is stabbing someone immoral? sirius: Not if they consent to it. james: Depends who you’re stabbing. remus: YES?!?
sirius: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! y/n: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD sirius: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING REMUS WITH ME james, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. sirius: Shit. remus: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? y/n: OH MY GOD JAMES FELL OFF!!!
remus, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.  sirius: Hey.  james: Hi.  y/n: Hello.  lily: Hey!  remus: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!  marlene: We were out of Doritos.
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*  remus: Thanks fam!  sirius: oh no  james: *cries* I love you too  marlene: Sounds fake but okay  y/n: *A flustered mess*  lily: can i get a refund
y/n: I think we're missing something.  james: Teamwork?  sirius : Cohesion?  remus: A general sense of what we’re doing?
james: *Screams* sirius: *Screams louder to establish dominance* remus : Should we do something? y/n: No, I want to see who wins.
y/n: james, I'm sad. james: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay. sirius : remus, I'm sad. remus, nodding: mood.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Little legs
Pairing : dad!Charles Leclerc x mom!reader
Theme : Fluff
Summary; Charles had his first skin to skin time with his newborn twins.
Another short one because I’m always obsessed with dad Charles 🥹
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You tighten the blue coloured ribbon and took the scissor to cut the ends of it. “Ah! There you go! It’s a little crooked but–“ You tilted the ribbon a little to the right but it went back to how it was. “Whatever. This will do.”
You slinked to the living room and peep at your husband who was watching a compilation videos of animals on his phone. He emitted a couple of little laughs and chuckles, eyes locked on his phone and completely unaware of your presence.
You placed the box behind your back and took a few more steps where he could see you at the corner of his eyes.
“Hi, honey! Thought you were asleep?” He turned off his phone and stretched out his arms, expecting you to hug and cling on him like you always did.
“No, I don’t want to sleep.” You shook your head, your hand holding the box was still on the back of you waist as you tried to hide your smile.
“Okay?” His smile widen as he looked at you up and down. “Then what do you want, baby? What’s with that smile?”
“I– you know our second wedding anniversary is in a couple of days, right? A week, actually!”
“Oh, no..” His mouth widen when you took out the wrapped box behind your back. “I haven’t gotten you anything yet, baby.”
“It’s okay! I just wanted to give you an early gift.”
He took the box and kept on his hand on your legs as you took a seat by his side, your knees bumping against his. “Can I open it? Do you want me to open it now?”
“Open it now, honey. Go on! It’s a little crooked.” You pointed at the blue ribbon and giggled, your body leaning against his arm as he chuckled along.
Charles pulled on the end of the ribbon and it went loose. You sneaked your hands around his arm as he opened the box, revealing a small customised Ferrari shirt. “This is cute! It’s for me? A little small, don’t you think?” He laughed and looked at the back of the shirt where it has number 16 on it with a word daddy on it, causing his lips went into a thin line.
“Y/N? What does this mean?”
“There’s more in the box!”
He gave you a glance before dipping his hand into the box and took out three pregnancy tests with the words “pregnant” written on the small screen of it. “Wait, are you serious? We are having a baby? Like a real baby?”
“Yes! A real baby!” Your squealed became a mumble when he wrapped his arms around your waist, one hand was still gripping on the shirt and pregnancy test.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna be a dad! Baby, I’m gonna be a dad!”
“You are!” He cradled your face and you saw his teary eyes that he tried to blink away. “Are you crying?”
“No, I’m not.”
“You are!” You giggled.
“I can’t believe we are having a baby, honey. Thank you. Oh my God, I really didn’t see this coming.” His lips met yours, sending a tingling sensation to your body as if it was the first time ever.
He didn’t bother to hide his tears when you found out you were having twins a few weeks after.
You went to labor a few weeks early, which was expected since it was a twins pregnancy. Your labor went for 36 hours and you had to push for 6 hours long. The pain was unbearable but Charles was such a big help. He never left your side ever since you started feeling contractions, giving you encouraging words while his hands always on your waist and shoulders to give you a massage and ease the pain a little.
You were laying on your side, feeling drowsy after the tremendous hours of agony when you overhead one of the lovely nurse asked Charles to take off his shirt for the skin-to-skin time. He pulled his shirt over his head and sat at the couch by your side when she came with one of your twins, the one that was bigger in size while the other one was getting cleaned.
“Relax.” The nurse laughed when she saw his trembling hand, causing you to chuckle as well.
He placed one hand under the head and neck while his other one to support the bottom as he brought him close to his chest. The newborn squirmed and let out a little squeaky sound before he settled into Charles’s arms.
“Honey, he’s here.” Charles whispered and your heart melt at the sight of them. He touched the little hand with his index finger and leaned in to peck on the newborn’s forehead, making the little one let out a “neh” upon the contact.
“Mommy and daddy were so excited for you, precious.” He stroke on the cheek and softly held the little legs that has been kicking around ever since he held him. “This is what had been keeping you up all night long, honey. This small little leg. Oh my god.” He laughed when he felt his kick against his hand. “That was so strong.”
“I told you it hurt when they kicked.”
“I’m sorry.” He gave a soft smile and mouthed the words I love you when the little one squirmed again. He drew in a breath when he opened his eyes, hands forming into a fist as they went flailing around. “Hi, precious.” He chuckled when the little one let out a soft “heh”.
He leaned in and touched his nose with the little one’s, making the newborn wriggled as he lightly brushed his nose down to his lips, making the little one opened his mouth and made another squeaky noise. “Daddy’s in love with you already.”
“Okay, ready for another one?” One of the delivery nurse approached Charles and helped him to position the little one from laying on his arm to leaning on his chest and she placed the smaller twin on the left side. “You are an expert now!”
He had the brightest smile, his green eyes seemed to be sparkling as he looked at you. “They are so small. Oh– there you go.“ He moved a little bit so he felt more comfortable as the newborns drifted to sleep from the comfort of their dad’s body heat.
He brushed his finger on the other twin, the one that was just being placed on his chest and beamed. “Mommy had to get a check up every two weeks just to keep on track with your weight. He’s smaller, honey.”
You laughed. “Yeah, his brother took up all the space.”
Charles extended one hand to hold yours while he wrapped his other arm on the newborn babies who were sound asleep. “This is the most expensive gift I have ever received, honey.” You felt his thumb stroking the back of your hand as his gaze went back and forth between the babies and you.
“Are you okay?” You asked.
“I’m fine, love. I should be the one asking you that question. I just– just couldn’t really believe they are here.” Charles had always fell asleep with his hand on your middle ever since your belly started showing. It felt surreal for him to finally hold his little ones after months and months of feeling those little movement and kicks. “Thank you for all the sacrifices, honey. I love you so, so much. They are dearest to me but you are still my priority, I promise.”
“Are you ready for your daddy duty yet?”
“All ready and prepped. Oh– he’s gonna cry.” He moved his arm and held the little hand as he frowned when he started getting fussy. “Honey, what should I do? Help me.”
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! 😭 Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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Cherry Blossom. aka - Cherry, Part Four.
a night of conversations, kisses and long awaited confessions.
pairing - bestfriend!steve harrington x female reader
warnings - cursing, kissing (but no real smut).
word count - 2.6k
authors note - the babies are back!! no smut in this one - it was getting too long. but don’t you worry… there’s gonna be so much smut in part five !! sorry for the cliffhanger. love u <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
series masterlist. main masterlist. inbox.
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The smoke from the bonfire is stinging your eyes, ash sticking to the strands of your hair. Orange embers burn rapidly, dry wood being occasionally thrown on top by drunk boys with red cups in their hands.
The music is way too loud for a forest party, but no one seems to care. Someone’s haphazardly strung lights between the trees, creating a surprisingly cosy ambience. The atmosphere is alive, charged with the electricity of being out later than curfew.
You laugh, accepting the drink from Eddie’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you, kind sir,” you say as you curtsy sarcastically, making both of you laugh harder. “Hey, you didn’t bump into Steve on your way over here, did you? I haven’t seen him for like an hour.”
The curly haired boy kicks the toe of your sneaker with his.
“Saw him with that Clara girl, talking by the lake.”
You take a steadying breath, pretending it doesn’t bother you in the slightest.
“You should go and check if he needs rescuing,” Eddie jokes. “God knows she can talk for hours without coming up for air.”
You smile at him, pulling at one of his curls.
“Good idea. Just in case.”
“Just in case,” he winks, pushing you in the right direction.
You saunter down towards the water, spotting your best friend instantly. He’s stood with his arms across his chest, weight on one hip as he tries to listen to whatever Clara has to say. The minute he sees you, his posture is straightening, lips quirking up at the corners.
Clara turns around to see what Steve is looking at, her face falling when she recognises you.
“Hi. I don’t mean to interrupt! Just wanted to check if you needed another drink, Stevie.”
The boy grins, beckoning you closer with a nod of his head. When you’re near enough, he leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, all affectionate and tender.
You don’t do that.
The two of you have kept your romance completely behind closed doors, up until now. It hasn’t got a name, never mind a label, and you don’t need people asking questions when you don’t even know the answers yourself.
You could blame it on the alcohol, but you know Steve’s on his first drink. With your head spinning, you look up at him as if he is the sun and all things warm. He looks down at you the exact same way.
“I’m gonna go see where my friends are,” Clara says a little too loudly, strutting away with as much confidence as she can muster.
You have a sudden feeling that you’re the villain in her story, but you’re not entirely sure why.
“How many drinks have you had?” Steve asks as he pulls a strand of hair away from your face.
“This is my second. I was nursing my first one, Eddie says.”
The boy laughs, and you grab onto his bicep for support. The sound of it is enough to buckle your knees.
“This is my first. It’s not doing much for me.”
“You want something different? I’m sure Robin has that beer you like in her bag.”
“Nah, I’m okay. Don’t think I’m gonna drink any more tonight.”
Steve slips his hands into the back pockets of your jeans, pulling you in closer and keeping them there.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
“Okay,” he whispers back.
And then he kisses you. Again. It’s slow and careful and so romantic that you think you might start crying about it.
“What time is it?” he asks when he pulls away as if nothing happened.
“Eleven thirty.”
“You wanna stay a bit longer?”
“Not if you don’t.”
Steve presses his lips to your forehead, hands cradling your cheeks.
“I kinda wanna go home.”
You smile at him, all soft and sweet.
“Then let’s go home. I’m getting a little cold, anyway. And I didn’t bring a jacket.”
“Will you ever learn?” he laughs, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“If it means I have to stop wearing your jackets that I know you bring to parties just for me? No, I won’t.”
You weren’t supposed to say that out loud, but the way Steve chuckles soothes the sting of the accidental wound.
“Let’s go home, Cherry Baby.”
Home. The assumption that the two of you will always be returning to the same place makes your heart so full, you wonder how it doesn’t spill over.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“You good?”
“Feet hurt.”
This happens every single time the two of you go to a party, so you feel as if you’re reliving a memory.
“Hop on.”
“Cherry. Come on. We’ll get home quicker this way.”
You can’t argue with that. Steve crouches as you jump onto his back, his hands wrapping around your thighs to keep you steady. You wrap your arms around his neck from behind, resting your head on top of his.
“Comfy back there?”
You hum, the noise of agreement enough for Steve to start walking.
The two of you chat each others ears off on the way home, talking about nothing and everything. You laugh so hard at something he says that you end up with a mouthful of his hair, which he in turn finds hilarious.
“Have you thought any more about what I said the other day?”
“You say a lot of things, Steven.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and giving your thighs a squeeze.
“About college.”
You go quiet for a moment, and Steve wonders if he’s chosen the wrong time to have this conversation.
“I’ve been thinking about it.”
“Let’s talk about it later, okay? When I’m not constantly worried I’m gonna accidentally trip and kill you.”
You nod, and he feels it. You know it needs to be a discussion sometime soon, but perhaps having it when you’re being carried down the street on your best friends back isn’t all that practical.
“Love you,” you mumble into the crook of Steve’s neck.
He shudders a little at your lips on his skin, leaning his head sideways to rest against yours.
“Love you, Cherry Pie. More than anything.”
You let Steve piggyback you all the way to his front door. Neither of you say anything else. Neither of you feel the need to.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve bumps his hip into yours as you both brush your teeth, laughing at your shocked reflection in the mirror.
“Are you okay?” you ask as you place your toothbrush back in its holder, right next to his.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
You hop up on the bathroom counter, sitting up so you’re eye to eye with the boy in front of you. He takes a step forward, standing between your legs as he splays his cold hands over your thighs.
“Why’d you ask?”
You trace over his fingers where they rest on your skin, quiet for a moment.
“You seemed pretty eager to go home tonight. It’s unlike you. You love a party. Leaving at eleven thirty is like… unheard of, for King Steve.”
“King Steve would rather be at home with you than at a party with all those people.”
“Really. Clara was going on about something or other, the music was too loud, and I could feel the chill coming in. It hit me, all of a sudden, that I’d rather be in bed. Or, anywhere else, as long as I was with you.”
You lean forward to rest your head against his chest, sighing when he starts playing with your hair gently.
“You’re a softie,” you mumble into his shirt. “And a mind reader.”
“It’s my one talent,” he chuckles. “I wish reading your mind was a college major. I’d be the best in the world.”
You shake your head, laughing like you can’t help it.
“If I don’t move soon, I’m gonna fall asleep on this bathroom counter.”
“Want me to carry you?”
“Contrary to popular belief,” you tease as you hop down, “my legs actually do work.”
Steve gasps, all theatrical and exaggerated, which only makes you laugh harder.
“Come on, sleepy girl. Let’s go to bed.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“We’re not talking about stuff.”
You whisper it into the darkness, the trees rustling outside Steve’s window serving as the only sound you can hear.
Your legs are tangled with his, tired head resting on the boys shoulder as your sides are pressed together. You’re both lying on your backs, staring at the ceiling.
“We keep saying we’ll talk about stuff, but we haven’t been. It’s not like us.”
“You mean, like, feelings?”
All that can be heard now is two sets of heaving lungs. Steve’s hand finds yours under the duvet, fingers intertwining.
“Is there something specific that’s bothering you?”
“Not bothering me as such. I just… I think the more we don’t talk, the more complicated things become.”
There’s silence for a moment, before Steve speaks.
“I’m scared, Cherry.”
The tone of his voice is paper thin and vulnerable, and you will yourself not to cry about it.
“Of what, Stevie?”
You squeeze his hand, tucking yourself further into his side until there isn’t an inch of space between you.
“Of… everything changing. You’re my best friend in the entire world, and I know that what we’ve been doing isn’t typical… best friend stuff. I just…” he takes a deep breath, exhaling carefully. “I worry that something will happen and we’ll break up, and I’ll lose you forever.”
His voice cracks on the last word, fear seeping through his pores. Yet, he continues.
“I’d die without you, Cherry. I really would. I don’t know what it’s like to live in a world where we’re not… us.”
You turn onto your side to face him in the dark, reaching up to cradle his cheek softly. You rest your forehead against his temple, pressing a kiss into his skin.
“I’m scared too. I have been ever since that first night in my room. Not because I don’t trust you, or because I don’t feel that way about you… but because I don’t want to lose you either. More than anything, I don’t want to lose you.”
“Why didn’t we talk about this sooner?” he laughs, throat thick with emotion.
“Because we’re us. And whether we talk or don’t talk, we know we’ll figure it out. We always know we’ll be okay.”
“I love you,” he whispers into the dark. “More than all the stars in the sky.”
“I love you,” you whisper back. “More than all the grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.”
You press another kiss into his temple, letting your lips linger on his soft skin. He smells so familiar, so warm, so yours… you can’t help but inhale, chuckling when he shudders.
You continue to leave kisses across his jaw, over his ear, down his neck. He tilts his head to give you better access, groaning when you nip at his throat with your teeth, licking over the scrape to soothe him.
Steve pulls you in as if you weigh nothing, moving you so you’re lying on top of him. You sit up, straddling his lap, as he does the same so you’re chest to chest. Running his hands under your shirt and over the bare skin of your back, he rests his forehead against yours.
“You look so pretty like this,” he hums against your lips. “Prettiest girl in the world.”
“You wanna talk about pretty?” you tease, running your fingers through his hair. “My pretty, pretty boy.”
Steve’s hips buck up into yours, making you giggle.
“Oh, you like that? You like it when I call you pretty? Or do you just like it when I call you mine?”
His hips buck again as his cheeks flush pink.
“I am yours,” he murmurs. “Always have been.”
You thought you had the upper hand for a minute, but now you just want to cry. You’re overwhelmed by the way you feel about the boy underneath you, unsure of how to process it without bursting into tears.
“All mine,” you whisper, tracing the features of his face with your fingertip.
Steve takes a deep breath, watching your eyes as they look over him again and again, taking him in as if it’s the first time. He decides it’s now or never.
Your voices are low and careful, irregardless of the fact that you’re alone in the house.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your heart stops, and so does the world outside. Everything pauses, the two of you suspended in this moment in time.
Steve takes another breath, exhaling it carefully before meeting your eyes and continuing.
“You don’t have to say it back. Now, or ever. I just - I needed you to know.”
You blink back tears as you watch his face, biting your lip to stop them from falling.
“Hey, I told you. You don’t have to say anything, babe. I know-”
“Shut up.”
You surge forward and kiss him with all the affection you can muster, trying to express your feelings. You grip his hair, plastering your bodies together where you sit in his lap still. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in as close as he can.
“If you let me talk,” you say when you pull away, all breathless, “you’d hear that I have something I’d like to say.”
Steve smiles, humming in acknowledgment and encouraging you to keep going.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
The boy looks shocked to hear it, as if it’s news to him.
“What’s that face for?” you laugh.
“I just… I didn’t expect you to say it back.”
“Steve,” you chuckle, looking at him sternly. When you realise he’s being serious, you double down. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. When we were kids, and someone would say the word ‘husband’, I always pictured you. I was so convinced it was always going to end up being you and I.”
“Why… why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Why didn’t you?”
He laughs, and the sound makes you feel as if you’re on cloud nine. You can feel his heartbeat where his chest is pressed to yours, frantic like he’s just ran a marathon.
“Fuck, I love you.”
He leans up to kiss you, all saccharine and honey sweet.
“Say it again,” you whisper against his lips.
“I’m in love with you, Cherry.”
“Say it again.”
“I, Steve Harrington, declare that I am completely, utterly, ridiculously in love with this girl right here. I always have been. I always will be.”
You can’t help but throw your head back with laughter.
“And I love you. So much.”
The words you’ve always said mean so much more now. It’s a welcome change, one you never thought you’d see happen.
“Hey Steve?”
You lean in, nosing at his jaw as you murmur into his ear.
“Want you. So bad.”
“Fuck, honey,” he groans, all low and rough.
“Please. Want it to be you.”
Looking up at you with big eyes, he searches your face for any kind of hesitation.
“Are you sure?”
Smoothing his hair away from his face, you trace your thumb over his bottom lip.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything.”
“Yeah,” he grins. “I’m about to rock your world, Cherry Blossom.”
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@psychicnerdcat @allcheesemelts @valerievortex @swiftsgirlfriend @steviespookie @betweenstarsandsatellites @mrsjoequinn @internallysalad @saucypeanuttt @empathyroad @niceskyler @spookysins @theoraekenslover @7minutes-tomidnight @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @clairesjointshurt @livsters @diffrent-spokes @regular-joe-shmoe @ihatepeanutss @ladyburberry @thenonweeknd @abarelyexistentbeing @jennaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @slut4gaga @hopelessromanticwriter @mgchaser @wintrsoldrluvr
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tongue-like-a-razor · 8 months
AHHHH CONGRATS ON 5K- YOU DESERVE ALL OF THEM AND SO SO MUCH MORE (I’m absolutely obsessed with your account it makes me so happy)
If you’re still taking requests could I have a bbf!Jake one where they’re at a bar again and this time someone really creepy is hitting on baby Bradshaw and even though she’s trying to get away from him, he won’t leave her alone. Cue super Jake to the rescue (and he’s pissed)
I hope this is okay and if not, don’t worry about it :)
OOOH I LOVE ME SOME PROTECTIVE JAKE! And thank you sm for your kind words, lovely <3
I'm gonna say this drabble is an extension of Part 4 of BBF but really can probably be read on its own. Here we go!
5k Weekend Bash Drabbles
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Brother's Best Friend - N-O Spells No
Jake Seresin x Reader
“C’mon, sweetheart, let me buy you a drink,” says the man with the slicked-back hair and smarmy leer for a third time, taking a seat at your table on the patio.
His friends at a neighboring table guffaw, apparently finding their friend’s persistent approach hilarious. You find it extremely disrespectful. “No, thanks,” you respond, again.
The man’s grin broadens as though your rejection spurs him on. He slides his chair in closer and leans in to whisper something in your ear. But, before he has a chance to speak, you decide that you’ve had enough and rise from your seat. You’d rather forfeit your table than put up with any more of this bullshit.
You start for the door to go into the bar, but the man leaps up to follow you. He catches up with you just as you’re about to enter and takes you by the arm, spinning you around to face him. “You don’t know what you’re missing, honey,” he mutters and his voice makes your skin crawl.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of Jake as he’s about to place his drink order at the counter. The disturbance near the front door has made him glance in your direction and his expression darkens when he sees you. He immediately steps away from the bar, forgetting all about the drinks he just paid for, and marches determinedly toward the door.
Before you could tell the creep to watch out, Jake is outside, curling his arm around your waist to relocate you so that he could turn back and grab a hold of the man’s shirt, ramming him into the wall, back first. “Who the fuck are you?” he growls at the – now cowering – man.
“I’m a friend, I’m a friend!” the man exclaims in alarm, his hands shooting up to show that he’s not looking for a fight.
You give the man a disgusted scowl when he looks over at you pleadingly, hoping that you’ll corroborate his statement. Jake glances over his shoulder at you too. “This true?” he asks. “You know him?”
You’re silent for a moment, wondering what Jake would do if you told him the truth. You really don’t want him getting banned from the Hard Deck for starting a fight on your behalf.
But Jake takes your lack of a response as a no and pulls on the man’s collar just to slam him back into the wall again. The man, to your great satisfaction, looks like he’s about to cry. “She didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend!” the man cries.
Jake grimaces aggressively. “Did she tell you to fuck off?” he asks dangerously.
The man gulps anxiously. “If she’d just told me she was with somebody” –
“What the fuck does that matter?” Jake shoves the man into the wall for a third time and the latter whimpers pathetically. “No is a full fucking sentence.”
“Okay, Jake, that’s enough,” you say, putting your hand on his arm. “I think he got the idea.”
Jake glances down at you with a heavy sigh and then back at the snivelling man. Then, he lowers his head and mutters in a low, intimidating voice, “You come near her again, I’m not gonna be this nice.”
The man nods vehemently and, the moment Jake lets go of him, he slips away, ditching his friends – who, admittedly, hadn’t even come to his aid – as they scramble to collect their things before following him out.
Jake turns to look at you worriedly. “Are you okay?” he asks, taking a step toward you.
You nod. “Yeah, thanks for coming to my rescue,” you reply. “Although, I totally could’ve taken him.”
Jake draws his lips together to keep from smiling; he’s not ready to find the humor in the situation quite yet. “You shouldn’t have had to,” he remarks.
You shrug and meet his gaze. “I’m glad you were here.”
Jake nods and then takes your shoulder and pulls you into an embrace. “Me too,” he says.
You close your eyes, allowing yourself a moment to enjoy the hug because there isn’t often an excuse to lean in while Jake Seresin just holds you. In fact, you can’t think if a single time in recent history when this type of scenario has taken place. Suddenly, you’re not too mad about the creep that almost ruined your day.
“Where’s my brother?” you ask once the two of you separate.
Jake sighs with a grin and shakes his head. “He took off.”
“What? With that chick he just met?”
Jake nods sheepishly, as though he’s somehow to blame for Bradley’s promiscuity. You grin at him. “Perfect,” you say. “Now, we have plenty of time to talk about the thing.”
Jake cringes and lets out a defeated groan.
5k Celly
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evera-era · 11 months
Hey love, hope you’re doing wonderful 💞
Can I request Ellie proposing to reader, thx.
hi! thanks sweetie, hope you are too!! ofc u can :)
warnings: fluff, nervous ellie !!
Ellie was fiddling with the small, velvet box when she hears the front door squeal. A few seconds pass before it shuts, then locks.
“Baby?” Your voice chimes out. “I’m home.”
The brunette quickly tucks the box away in the drawer. Her eyes dart around the room as she contemplates what to do next. She exhales swiftly before exiting the bedroom you shared.
“Hey babe,” She says. She turns the corner to see you with your hands full. You’re struggling to put the groceries on the counter.
“They didn’t have the ice cream you wanted, so I got rocky road. I hope that’s okay,” You comment as she quickly comes to your aid. She places the jug of milk near the fridge.
When she doesn’t reply, you look up at her. She’s nearly biting all of the skin off of her lip.
“Y-Yeah, rocky road is fine.”
You furrow your brows, setting the rest of the bags down. Once your hands are free, you reach for her face.
“Hey, everything alright?”
“Yeah,” She forces a relaxed smile, leaning against your touch. “Yeah, baby. Just wanna talk to you about something… okay?”
Your eyes widen. She notices, then reassures you.
“N-Nothing bad, just kind of important. I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick.”
“Oh... okay.” You murmur. You watch as Ellie crosses the living room before retreating down the hallway.
A few minutes pass as you organize the kitchen. When you turn around after putting everything away, you find her standing in front of you, looking down at her feet.
Her head is filled with worrisome thoughts. What if she scares you off? What if you say yes, then later on change your mind? How would she even begin to cope with something like that?
“Babe?” You ask. Ellie blinks a few times.
“So, um…” She starts. “I’ve been thinking about it, and… I’m really, really happy with you. Being with you, y’know? I feel like I’m at home with you. Like, I don’t have to be someone I’m not. And I—“
She reaches into her pocket. Her heart skips a beat as her fingers brush against the box.
“F-Fuck. I’m just gonna say it, okay? I want you to be mine. Not just mine for now. Mine… always. Assuming, y’know, you feel this way too. And— And we can finally get a house together, a real fuckin’ house, and—“
She pauses for a second to get down on her knees. You gasp.
“Oh my god—“
She smiles softly, revealing the quaint little box.
“Ellie—“ You absentmindedly step back in an effort to steady yourself.
“Are— are you— Is this… real?”
“Yeah,” She whispers softly. “I wanna marry you, Y/N. I wanna wake up to you, every fucking day for the rest of my life. I— I never wanna be without you. I wanna navigate the whole damned world with you right by my side.”
You didn’t realize it, but a tear fell down your cheek. Your face feels like it could go numb from how hard you were blushing. Ellie looks down.
“Will you make me the happiest girl in the world, and—“
“Yes, Ellie,” You cry out. “Oh my god, a million times yes—“
You throw your arms around her, a surge of emotion rushing through your veins. She exhales into your hair, telling herself that she did it, that she didn’t die, and that you — the only thing that matters most — said yes.
She looks at the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears prickling at her eyes. She sniffles, then pulls away momentarily, fiddling with the ring.
“C’mere,” She laughs breathlessly. “So I can put this on you.”
You giggle, wiping your eyes before helping her stand up. You put out your trembling hand.
She slides the diamond ring on your finger before bringing your hand up to her lips and kissing it. Your eyes glisten as you get a better look at the jewelry.
“Oh, baby,” You murmur. “It’s beautiful.”
Ellie watches you, a grin spreading on her face as well. You kiss her passionately, caressing her cheeks so you can keep her close.
She presses her forehead against yours after you pull away. Her eyelashes flutter shut.
“I… I was scared. So fucking scared, baby.” She admits. “That… that you wouldn’t—“
“Oh, no, Ellie. Never.” You breathe out. “You had nothing to be afraid of. I love you so much.”
The two of you remain in the embrace as you catch your breath. You take a deep sigh, then smile up at Ellie.
“Was dreaming of this day, y’know.”
She chuckles. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You murmur. “Just didn’t know when. Definitely didn’t think it’d be today — I would’ve made sure to look the part.”
Ellie smiles at your words. Between the two of you, you were always more conscious of your appearance than her.
“I know.” She whispers. “Was gonna wait ‘til our next date night, but I… I couldn’t keep hiding it.”
You smile, nuzzling your nose on hers. “Well, it’s okay. ‘Cause now I have a reason to look real good… show off the ring, and all.”
“You always look real good,” Ellie says gently. You laugh a bit.
“Shh. You know what I meant.”
She nods, wrapping her hands around your waist before giving you another kiss. When she pulls away, she looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you so much, baby.” She murmurs. You look back at her, smiling from ear to ear.
“I love you too, Ellie. Always.”
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 5 months
the other woman.
pairings: p.b x fem!reader!
warning: cheating
summary: who knew joining a live could possibly ruin everything for you?
the sound of your laughter fills your empty apartment. “the nerveee that girl had.” your best-friend Emmy says laughing with you. normally around this time you would be fast asleep, cuddling with your girlfriend Paige. but she was out at a party or something with her uconn teammates. you couldn’t even keep up with her whereabouts anymore.
as you continue to talk to Emmy you get an instagram notification. ‘Ice Brady is now live!” you decide to click on the live wondering what they are doing. Ice is just talking to the chat about their recent win and what shes gonna do after the season. after a couple minutes you decide the live is pretty boring and you’re just gonna go to bed. right before you click on the little ‘X’ in the corner of your screen ice flips the camera showing a curly hair girl and a familiar blonde kissing. your heart sinks to your stomach as you realize its your blonde.
“Emmy im going to sleep”
“alright, goodnight girl!!”
you hang up with out even responding. your eyes start to fill with tears as you process what you just saw.
“im homeeeee” your girlfriend announces a couple hours after the whole live incident. you quickly wipe your tears hoping she doesn’t notice you’ve been crying. “I’m in here” you say trying you best to sound happy shes home. you then hear footsteps and a familiar voice that isn’t Paige’s. Azzi Fudds voice.
your girlfriend stumbles in the room, clearly very drunk and tired. “hi Azzi” you say coldly, you tried to sound happy but it was hard. “I’ve got her from here, thanks for taking her home.” “of course! goodnight!” she says smiling. her smile is perfect, her teeth are perfectly straight and white. her body is amazing, and her hair is beautiful. you cant help but compare yourself to her.
“I’m hungry” a very drunk Paige says, snapping you out of your thoughts. “okay baby, I’m gonna go make you some food, you go take a shower.” even after what Paige did you cant seem to hate her. maybe its her perfect smile, her piercing blue eyes, or the fact that she was the first person to show you what real love actually is.
you set out a random gray tank and some boxers for her to put on when shes done with her shower.
“hi pretty girl”
she walks behind you, placing her hands on your waist and kissing your neck. she still gives you the same sense of comfort even though you know those same hands were on someone else.
the sun shines on your face, waking you up. you look down and see your gf sleeping in the crook of your neck. her small breaths tickling your neck. her legs tangled in yours.
‘im really gonna miss this.’
you cant help but know this is the end of your 2 year relationship with the girl of your dreams.
authors note: HEY YALL. I wasn’t expecting people to actually see the other one I made but yall did so. I decided to rewrite it cause it was lowkey so terrible. but enjoy this and I will be writing a pt. 2 whenever I feel like writing again.
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dyeher · 9 months
warnings| pregnancy, domestic shit.
notes| draken being uncertain about how babies are made for 0.5 seconds.
“Oi! What the fuck is this?”
Your heart rate spikes at Draken’s tone, your mind flitting through all the things he could’ve found in your apartment that would warrant it.
“What the fuck is what?” you call back, reaching for a paper towel to dry your hands.
“This!” he exclaims and when he rounds the corner and steps into the kitchen with the pregnancy test held in one hand, a wild expression on his face, your heart skitters to an abrupt halt.
“It’s- it’s a pregnancy test Ken,” you say slowly, backing into the sink. He blinks once, lips parting like he wants to say something but then snapping shut. He blinks again.
“You’re pregnant,” he says.
You nod.
“You’re pregnant,” he repeats, louder this time like he’s making sure you can hear him clearly.
“I’m pregnant.”
“How- what?”
“How the fuck do people get pregnant Ken?” you’re not sure if he’s happy or not and suddenly you remember why you’d been waiting to have this conversation. Because you’d never had it before.
“I mean- sex?”
It’s a question. “Yes Ken, from having sex. Specifically sex of the unprotected variety. And how often do we have that kind of sex?”
He gulps.
He blinks rapidly, the hand holding up the pregnancy test dropping limply to his side. “You’re fucking pregnant,” he repeats and this time there’s no mistaking the awe as he says it. “We’re having a kid.”
His eyes fall to your shirt covered stomach and then they raise to yours and your breath leaves you in a relieved whoosh. He’s smiling, it’s small and a little wobbly but it’s there and it tells you everything you need to know about how he feels about you being pregnant.
“I take it you’re happy?” you ask, a matching smile splitting your face as he invades your space. The pregnancy test is abandoned to the counter near the sink and Ken cups your cheeks gently.
“I don’t know what I am, but it’s way way way past happy,” he admits, breathlessly. “My heart is beating so hard I think that bitch might fly right out of my chest.”
You laugh wetly, your eyes dampening as he bends to leave a soft kiss to your mouth and then he sinks to his knees and lifts your (his) shirt enough to expose your stomach. One big palm splays open across your stomach, the other grips gently at your waist as he pulls you toward him.
“My kid’s growing in there.”
“Holy shit,” he whispers. “Holy fucking shit.”
“You’re gonna have to cut back on the cursing when they’re born,” you point out absently.
Draken’s eyes widen as he continues to stare at your stomach. “So much’s gonna change now,” he says to himself.
“Are you ready for that?” You ask tentatively. “A kid won’t be a walk in the park Ken.”
“I know,” he responds seriously.
“Yeah,” he stands and steps back to give you a once over. “Thank you,” he says.
You pause. “For what?”
“Wanting to have a kid with me?” He says.
“Why would you thank me?”
“I don’t know okay! Aren’t you gonna like…get bigger? And eat all types of crap? My kids gonna do that to you and I feel like thank you might not be enough but…yeah,” he’s rambling and it’s so fucking adorable that this giant of a man is in your kitchen rambling his thanks to you for letting the child that you both made rearrange your body— their home for the next seven months— that your eyes fill with tears.
“You don’t have to thank me Ken,” you sniffle. “I’m okay with this, with whatever our baby wants to do to my body, it’ll be their home anyway.”
Ken nods, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you to him. “Is the crying thing going to be regular?”
Your crying turns into laughter. “Yeah,” you admit. “If you keep being sweet then yeah, the crying thing is going to be regular.”
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stucky4evayall · 1 year
Eddie Brock x Pregnant Reader Imagines
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When you first told him it was almost first thing in the morning and his mind wasn’t fully awake and functional yet. He was making breakfast when you told him and it took him a hot second to realize what you said.
“That’s great honey.” *five seconds later he realizes what you said*
“Wait what?!”
He’s so excited he actually starts to cry as he hugs you. (After he picks you up and spins you once in the air with tears in his eyes) Cause this was his chance! His chance to be the father that his father wasn’t! He’s hugging and kissing you and thanking you for this (writing this makes me wanna cry 😅🥲)
Venom already knew all this because this mf slithered under the bathroom door like a little snake and saw your reaction when the test showed positive.
Baby shopping with this man is like showing with a kid during at a toy store. He’s just so excited and wants everything to be perfect!
One day you went to lunch with Anne (if you befriended her, if not then another friend) Eddie decided to try and build the crib while you were out.
He struggled. Venom asked to help but Eddie first said no. Then he asked Venom for help. Then he called Dan. So now there’s two grown ass men plus a symbiot sitting in the not yet finished nursery, on the floor trying to build the crib.😂
When Anne (or other friend) and you return to your place you hear three sets of male voices arguing and walk into the nursery to see Eddie sitting crisscross, Dan laying on the floor and Venom in a glob in the corner connected to Eddie by a thread.
You ordered them all out and you and Anne (or bestie) built that crib in less than ten minutes, leaving the men speechless.
He just LOVES your baby bump and talks to it CONSTANTLY.
“Hey bud, all ya all nice and comfy in there?” “What are ya gonna be buddy?” “You need to calm down on the kicking kiddo, mama needs her sleep.”
Gets excited whenever your baby kicks or moves.
Gladly goes on grocery/late night runs to get whatever food you crave. (Venom even shares his chocolate)
When your water breaks he LOOKS calm, but inside he’s scared shitless.
Venom grabbed the bag and your stuff in the rush.
Held your hand and encouraged you the entire time. “Hey honey I’m right here okay, you’re doing so good.”
Silently bursts into tears when he heard your babies first cry.
When the doctors came in with your guys baby and handed it to you, Eddie kisses your forehead and just stared in awe at the little bundle of joy that you two created. “We did it hun, we did it.”
When you asked if he wanted to hold him he was a bit nervous. When he your guys child in his arms he started to cry all over again. He said he loved them promised that nothing bad was going to happen to them.
Eddie invited Venom (with your consent) to come out and see the baby. Venom moved up Eddie arm in his blob form and stared curiously at the child. “It’s so small and chubby.” With a tiny tentacle, he brushed the baby’s cheek and the baby moved against it. “I will protect this little thing with my life and eat whoever harms them.”
You both laughed at this and we’re glad that Venom loves your child.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
I've never requested before so I'm quite nervous but may I request something with a reader thats like usually very chatty when coming home from work but maybe someone at their job said something rude or they just feel to tired to talk? preferably with poly!marauders but i dont mind any characters, i love your writing and i hope you have a wonderful day :] no pressure to write this ofc
Thank you for requesting lovely and hope you have a wonderful day as well! <3
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 677 words
Eddie’s van is idling at the curb when your shift ends. He grins as you get in, swapping his cherry coke to the hand already holding his cigarette to wrap the one closest to you around your thigh. It’s a favored spot. You’re always thinking you ought to trace an outline of his fingers and get it tattooed with “Eddie’s place” inside as a lark, but he’d definitely enjoy it way too much. 
“Hey there,” he drawls, voice saccharine sweet and expectant as he leans across the console toward you. You peck him on the lips. 
“Hi,” you say back. “You taste like cherries.” 
His grin is crooked, goofy in that unabashedly lovesick way that makes your heart stutter. He holds up his cherry coke like he’s making a toast. “T’was the point. You want a sip?” 
“Yes, please.” You take it from him, letting the cool fizziness wash over your sandpaper tongue. You’ve been craving a drink since halfway through your shift, when you’re fairly sure you’d willed all the water out of your body so you wouldn’t cry in the break room. Poor forethought. 
The syrupy sweetness is comforting, familiar like Eddie and summer days and the lake. It makes you feel a bit more normal. You have to stop yourself from gulping it all down, dropping it in the cup coaster as Eddie stubs out his cigarette and puts the van into gear. 
It takes until the first stoplight for you to realize he’s not headed towards home. “Where’re we going?” you ask. 
“To the arcade. We’re meeting Dustin and them there, remember?” 
“Oh. Right.” You’d totally forgotten. At least Robin should be there. 
Eddie gives you a sidelong glance. “Work was good?” 
If you’re being honest with yourself, about 70% of it was totally fine. “Mhm.” 
He hums back at you, short and low. “Okay. What’s wrong?” 
“Hm?” you hum again, unable to help it. “Nothing, why?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He squeezes your thigh meanly, metal rings biting into your skin. “You always want to gossip after work. Something happened, yeah?” 
You toy with your bottom lip, looking out the window. You’re quiet long enough that Eddie gives your leg another warning squeeze. 
“It wasn’t really anything,” you say, honestly but forcing a bit more offhandedness into your tone than maybe you really feel. “A customer got all pissy with me because he thought something should be on sale and it wasn’t, but I’m not, like, still sad about it.” 
Eddie doesn’t take his eyes from the road, but his lips purse unhappily. “But you were, huh?” 
“I was,” you allow. “But I’m not anymore. I guess it just tired me out.” 
He glances your way, as if to be sure you’re telling the truth, and hums. “M’sorry, baby. Still down for the arcade, or do you just wanna go home?” 
“No, I’m good.” You wrap your hand around his forearm, running a path from his wrist to the crook of his elbow and back again. “I wanna see Robin. I can rally.” 
Eddie nods contemplatively. The steady rumbling of the van is the only sound for a few seconds, and then he says, “On a scale of one to ten, where are you right now?” 
You think about it for a few moments. “A four,” you decide. 
He nods again. “Okay. By the time we leave the arcade, we’re gonna have you at a six.” 
You grin at him. It’s already easier. Eddie sees out of the corner of his eye, quirking a brow like you’re being a dork but then slipping his hand from your thigh to intertwine your fingers from his. He brings the back of your hand to his mouth, kissing it wetly. You know he's content to sit in silence as long as you need, but you have one more thing to say.
“I feel like finishing off your coke would bring me up to a solid four-point-five,” you suggest hopefully. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, but the corner of his mouth kicks up. “It’s all yours, sweet thing.”
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fqiryspit · 1 year
ahh congratulations on the milestone!!! you truly deserve it 💗 this is such a cool idea, i’m so excited to see what you write 💗
can i request smut 3, 22 and 27 pls? :) i really hope i did that right lol
hii babes! thank you so much! and yes you did it perfectly!
3, 22, and 27 = please kiss me, show me how much you need me, and do you think you deserve this?
bully!eren x nerd!reader
cw: dom!reader, pussy eating, sex in a classroom, squirting, whiny eren, and eren has a weird way of showing his feelings, reader wears glasses
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leaning against the cold locker you picked at your nails, bored as ever.
as your glasses slid and halt at the end of your nose, you shake them back up just to see a face not inches away from yours
"shit!" you gasp, sliding up on the locker you were leaning on as he corners you in
"what the fuck are you doing?" he snarls, your features twist as you try and remember a time you pissed off eren intentionally
"what do you mean?" you relax, feeling angrier than frightened until he slams a hand onto the locker next to you, successfully closing you in
"last weeks quiz" he answers simply. you feel your shoulders tense as you recall him cheating off you, it's nothing new, except...well...you failed.
"you don't flunk quizzes, y/n." his jaw clenches down, eyes burning wholes straight through your frames
"well thank you" you chuckle, hiding how you desperately want to get out of this situation with humor
"don't try and be a smart ass now."
"what was so fucking fascinating you failed us both?" he asked, you were hoping he'd think you put the wrong answers on purpose and just erased them at the end. because that would've been a lot better from the truth.
"i-" you tuck your bottom lip in, fuck, you're probably so red right now
"holy shit" he remarks, you feel yourself sinking into the metal behind you as he barks laughter into your face "who was getting you so hot and bothered?" he asks, you turn away from him as you refuse to play into his torture
"oh, don't say it was-"
eren was obviously taken aback by your statement, thinking it was him you'd be so distracted by. he felt the warmth pool to his cheeks before he could even digest what you just said
"oh." he slips out, disappointment thick on his tongue as your head shoots up from the lack of teasing
"what's so good about armin?" his question shocks you but you scoff before crossing your arms and looking up at him
"okay, well, first of all, he's not a dick...he's extremely smart, handsome, and-" suddenly you're being pushed to the room next to you, stumbling into the vacant art class
"what the hell" another pull and you're against the wall with his lips on yours, once you process what's happening you push him off you immediately
"eren! what the fuck!" you snap, wiping your lips off as heat pools your cheeks
"fuck- I'm sorry I-" he stutters over his words, placing a hand over his eyes to delete himself from this conversation
"what's...wrong with you?" you say a little more genuinely, eren...just kissed you? and now is, what...embarrassed about it?
"y/n, please I'm just- youstartedgoingoffaboutarminandimsorry" he says in one breath as you stand there, shocked.
soon you spit out a laugh, not taking him seriously until you watch him stare at the floor with shame
"oh, you're- you're serious?" you say through tears while walking towards him.
"so you being an absolute dick to be for the past, what, four months was just an act?" you yell,
"I'm sorry" "do you know how much you embarrassed me? made me look like an idiot?"
"do you think you deserve this? me?" you coo, going up to him as you even notice tears forming in his eyes
"aw, now you're gonna fucking cry" you taunt at him and he looks up at you finally. your eyes moving to his red ones, glossy and plump from the kiss you shared not moments before
"no, I wouldn't deserve you" he chokes out, you feel warmth pool in your panties. uncomfortably shifting as you decide to take a turn with this altercation
"show me..." you whisper, he stares at you, confused as you speak up again with more force
"show me how much you need me" his eyes blow as you move to kiss him, hands cupping his tan cheeks as your glasses squish into his face, your lips lap together frantically as you move to undo the belt he has on
with that, he follows and strips you of your jeans and spins you around, laying on the desk
moving to your soaked panties he rips them off hurriedly and moves to lick up your pussy, you've always heard the tall tales of the monster cock and unworldly fucking but never gave it the time of day, now you're living it.
your back arches against the glossed desk as you feel yourself unwinding already.
"fuck, eren" you moan out, moving to grip your own tit through your shirt as he continues to suck your clit until your cream spills on his face
he laps at the essence until satisfied and moves up to your face where his pupils were spinning and his chin was shining
"please kiss me" he slurs, deep voice rasping against your face as he waits for your move
you move up and kiss him, teeth knocking together as you move your lips rapidly
you feel his head nudging your entrance as you buck your hips toward it, he slides it in bit by bit as you try to relax as you take in his (now proven) monster cock
"holy fuck" you whisper, he kisses your temple as he thrust the rest of himself in, you moan into his tee shirt as he snaps his hips into yours, reaching down and rubbing your clit as he moves toward your ear
"I'm gonna make you fucking squirt on my cock" he says as if it's already set in stone, and honestly, with how he's treating you right now, you're gonna say it is.
"you terrify me ya'know" a hard thrust. "talkin' about armin like that" another. "like you fucking like him" again. "I'll treat you so well, you deserve it, especially after everything I did"
"I'm so sorry" he says but it goes through one ear and out the other
"eren," you move to try and catch his eyes with the pace you're being fucked at
"this is the perfect apology" you moan, he moves to kiss your cheek as you daze out, he rubs your clit again, pressing on it from time to time to tease you slightly
"fuck fuck eren-" you whine, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly
"me too baby, fuck you keep sucking me the fuck in" he groans, speeding up his pace as he haphazardly rubs your clit
"fuck! fuck!" you can no longer control your moans, the bell rings out and you're forever grateful as you both scream freely when you cum
(as promised) you squirt everywhere, and you're laid limp on the desk as you feel a kiss on your head and the muffled chatter of students in the hall
he moves to kiss you again, finding your lips so addictive as he gets more before saying,
"c'mon, we gotta get to class"
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an: ahhh! I hope you liked this! also, thank you so so so much for requesting! I was so stoked to see your request and I'm already having a lot of fun writing these <33
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
Hello there! I saw that your starting to write slashers as dads so I got an idea! Jason voorhees, Micheal myrs, pennywise, and art the clown (of u write for him) reacting to kid reader being bullied (also this is when the slasher already took him in) how would the slashers react to this:)? Ty and have a great day
Jason, Michael, Pennywise, and Art the clown’s reaction to kid! Reader being bullied
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @anim3l0v3r @kawaistrawberry21 @l0sercat
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Jason Voorhees
Jason was looking everywhere for you.
He thought you might’ve gotten lost in the forest, it even cause his mother to freak out in his head thinking you got trapped in one of his traps set up for the trespassers.
Ever since he took you in he set up more traps for trespassers so they won’t hurt you, he didn’t want to think of the sight of you being hurt
Once he heard laughing in the distance, he stopped walking, slowly hiding behind the trees to see what was happening.
A group of kids were picking on you, he could tell that you were trying your best not to cry.
“Knock it off! Or I’m telling my Dad!” You yelled. One of the kids laughed at you, “Aw what’s your Dad gonna do? He dosen’t even know you’re here!”
Jason was livid, seeing those kids bully you reminded him of himself. He wasn’t gonna let that happen to you. Jason silently walked up behind you, you didn’t feel the dark presence radiate off Jason, but the kids sure did.
Once they saw him they ran away in fear. You felt him pick you up, it took you by surprise but you still hugged him.
“Thank you dad.”
Michael Myers
If you bully his child it’s over for you. But clearly a few kids didn’t get the message.
When it comes to you Michael will do anything to protect you, that’s why he watches from afar to make sure you’re okay and no one hurts you
He lost track of you since you were running away from a bunch of kids.
Once he caught up to you and the kids, he watched them from afar. Seeing them push you around while you begged them to stop. “Stop it!” They didn’t listen.
Once you fell on the ground you thought you saw him in the distance, but once you got up he was gone. You then heard a few of the kids run away
You turned around, seeing Michael having one of the kids in a death grip by his shirt while looking deep into his eyes. The kid tried to pry himself away. “Dad wait!” You yelled, grabbing onto his arm
Michael let out a huff towards you before dropping the kid, he ran away along with his other friends.
He then looked at you, your hands were still on his arm, you quickly pulled them away. You didn’t hear him, but you could see him let out a big sigh from his chest. Placing his hand out for you to take
You took it, now walking home with him.
You must be god himself if you think you can get away with bullying Pennywise’s child. There’s a lot of bully’s in Derry and besides the losers club they like to pick on you
A group of girls were chasing after you on their bikes while laughing at you. You managed to escape from their attack, trying to pour trash all over you.
“Come back y/n!” One of them screamed.
You kept running until you mad wit to the sewers. Hoping that your father Pennywise was still in there.
One of the girls let out a scoff. “Going in the sewers huh Y/N? No wonder why you smell like shit!” That caused the others to laugh too.
A loud growl made them all stop laughing, one of them even going into the sewers themselves. A balloon floated in front of them, once it popped Pennywise bolted towards them with his razor sharp teeth
The girls screamed before running away. Even though he wanted to chase after then, you came first.
“You can come out now little human.” You slowly poked your head out from behind one of the corners, his yellow eyes then turning back to blue,
“They won’t hurt you as long as I’m here.” He’ll make sure to terrorize them in their dreams once you fall asleep.
Art the Clown
Not many people know your father and that was okay, considering the fact that he does leave a lot, but he comes back rather quickly just to make sure you’re safe
Art has his own way of taking care of you unlike the others, even though his ways are wicked, you still love him as a father
A boy wouldn’t stop following you, calling you names as you tried to walk back home. Art heard him too
Once you passed an alleyway, Art jumped in front of the boy with his trash bag. Waving at him. You turned around and let out a sigh of relief
The boy was confused, even calling Art names too, but names don’t affect him, instead, it fills his ego
Art held up his finger, telling him to wait as he looked in his trash bag. Knowing him, he was probably gonna pick out a weapon of some sort
He pulled out a fire gun up in the air like it was a trophy. Then pointing it at him. The boy put his hands up in defense, once Art pulled the trigger, the fire shot out, nearly hitting the boy if he didn’t back up in time, screaming for help while running away from the two of you
Art nodded his head when the boy left, putting the fire gun back in his bag before excitingly extending his hand out towards you.
You smiled and grabbed it, you both slipped down the street together to go home.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Could I please have some Hawks x F!Reader
Reader and Keigo get into a heated argument, and within that argument they are yelling at each other and they get closer to each other and boom they have heated angry sex 😩
Please and thank you uwu
character : keigo takami / hawks
tags : fem!reader, nsfw, crying, make up sex, biting, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, half of this is not proofread lol + i take this opportunity to remind that english isn’t my first language so i’m sorry in advance.
notes : i’m deeply sorry it took me so long >_< i was super unsure about this piece & i had problems writing it lsksn, i hope you’ll enjoy it <3
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you knew keigo. you knew him pretty well after more than a year of being together. but damn, it stung like the first times.
you gripped the magazine between your hands, staring at the pictures of keigo with multiple girls. they were all smiling and hugging him a bit too closely, practically pushing their breasts close to his face.
but you knew keigo.
“the public opinion is important for a pro-hero, y’know,” that’s what he usually said when you brought up the numerous tabloids and magazines for teenagers. it means nothing to keigo, they’re just young girls taking pictures with a pro hero, he has to be kind and accept because that’s also his work.
“bullshit!” you threw it away and got up from the couch, deciding to go prepare something for lunch.
you were tired, and maybe you were in the wrong too, but not being the one next to him after more than a year of being officials made your heart clench in your chest. it was unfair to see your boyfriend act like that and not being able to hold hands in public without getting “assaulted” by multiple people just because he’s the no. 2 pro hero.
after a couple of hours, as you were sitting on the couch watching a show, keigo came home. he announced he was back but you ignored him, not answering. well, that was surprising.
you would usually come running, leaving whatever you were doing, and hug him before kissing him. he entered the kitchen and noticed you left his dinner on the counter, and it was cold now. maybe you got distracted by something and forgot to put it in the oven. he grabbed the plate and walked to the living room, smiling when he noticed you.
“hey babe,” he said and sat beside you, going in to kiss you. as you used your hand to stop and push him away he frowned, not really expecting it. “the hell?” he held the plate and was about to start eating when you decided to speak.
“the hero magazine came out today, i found it in mailbox this morning,” you said while keeping your eyes glued on the tv screen, even though you weren’t following what was actually going on in the show. “okay??” keigo glanced at you in confusion, trying to understand what was going on and why you looked so upset.
“that’s all you have to say?” you spat, clenching your fists. “babe, i don’t know what you’re talking about. can you explain so i’ll see if i can fix it?” he kept his tone calm as he wasn’t really the type to yell or anything. “you don’t– are you for real?” you suddenly got up, grabbed the magazine from the bin and literally threw it his way, everything under keigo’s confused gaze.
he glanced at the magazine, checking the cover and noticed there was a picture of him in a corner, on the right. endeavor took the whole cover, he was no. 1 after all. “you’re mad because i’m not the poster boy?” he asked in an amused tone, taking another bite of his food. that irritated you even more, so you grabbed it and opened it to the page showing keigo with multiple girls. he caught glimpse of the pages way before you threw it at him once more, staring down at him.
“they’re hawks fans,” he explained nonchalantly, resuming eating. was he gonna ignore the elephant in the room? “keigo,” you stared at him with cold eyes. “jeez, just tell me what’s the matter alright? i’m tired [y/n], i just got home from a mission. go easy on me, yeah?” he sighed while tilting his head against the back of the couch, a bit annoyed by the situation. “go easy on me? you’re away most of the time and when you’re not on missions you have all these young girls jumping at you, trying to kiss you and touch you! have you ever imagined how i feel seeing my lover in such situations and having some shitty magazine spit the pictures at my face?!”
“so that’s your problem. you’re just jealous,” keigo glanced at you before resuming eating. you felt your chest tightening at his words, because well yes, you were a bit jealous but it wasn’t enough to make you act like that. “just jealous… you can’t be serious! you don’t even try pushing them away, keigo! you have a fucking girlfriend waiting for you at home! you’re being a piece of shit because ‘public’s opinion is important for my work’ so you’re authorised to make me feel like i’m nothing! i’m just another piece of furniture into your house, aren’t i?!” tears formed in your eyes as you shouted all that, deeply hurt and deluded by his behaviour.
“you’re being childish, we already talked about it and you said it was fine, that you understood my position. i wonder what changed now,” his reply was emotionless, his eyes glanced at the magazine once again before moving to your face. “you’re so selfish! do you actually know how to love someone who’s not yourself and what it means to do so?!” you nervously wiped away the tears, then you noticed how he seemed unfazed by all that. he was sure you wouldn’t leave, it was just the stress getting the best of you. it wasn’t the first argument, he knew you just needed to let it out.
“i can’t take it anymore, keigo. i’m done,” you spoke in a much calmer tone, but your voice sounded cold and distant now. keigo shivered and checked your face for a sign that you were joking. “hah, what?” he chuckled nervously as you walked towards your bedroom.
keigo got up quickly and followed you, watching how you pulled out a bunch of bags and started gathering your stuff. panic filled his body and he went to grab your wrist to stop you.
“hey, no. wait, okay? stop,” he pleaded now, understanding the seriousness of the situation. “lemme go,” you muttered, not even looking at his face. “don’t leave, we can fix it,” he said, keigo’s eyes were desperately searching yours. “i’m tired of being treated like i’m nothing for you! i don’t wanna live like this!” you pushed him away, a fresh wave of tears made your eyes sting. you tried to grab your clothes when keigo stopped you once more.
“[y/n], it’s not funny. we can solve it, i swear!” his hands cupped your face frantically, his voice seemed on edge. keigo seemed scared about the idea of you leaving him. “you’re being childish,” you mimicked him, words filled with hatred. his heart stopped beating for a second and he gulped down nervously, before trying to make you look at him. “please, babe look at me. okay, listen.”
you rolled your eyes before trying to free yourself from his hold, ignoring him. “i’ll change!” he shouted then, surprising you. you were quick to regain your composure, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. “i swear to you, i’ll act differently. you’ll be the one all over me in the pictures! you’re gonna be the one i’m kissing!” he grabbed your forearm and shook you a little.
you finally decided to look at his face and noticed his teary eyes, the fear clear on his features as he desperately held you there in front of him. you tried to fight against your feelings, your heart longing for him, and convince yourself that leaving him was for the better.
“i’m sorry, i’m deeply sorry,” he added and you groaned, before pushing him away once more. “you only act when things get out of your hands, huh?!” you hit his chest before turning around, you needed to get away from him. “hey!” keigo followed after you and grabbed your hips, before pushing you against the wall, making you gasp. you were surprised by his sudden actions as he leaned closer and started kissing your lips, disorienting you.
the kiss was sudden, keigo’s hands reached your face and cupped your cheeks. a part of you tried to resist, simply because you knew it wasn’t the right way to solve it. but at the same time, the way his lips moved against your own, the taste of this heated kiss, made you feel so euphoric that you found yourself hugging his neck as you finally returned the kiss, gasping.
keigo groaned as his hips met yours, he pulled you towards the bed and the moment your back hit the mattress his body covered yours. his lips moved down to your neck, his teeth sank into your skin and left a couple of bites, before his tongue traced them and made you shiver. you tilted your head back and bit your lips, trying to hold back any sound. keigo grunted and moved lower, pulling the collar of your tshirt further down to expose more of your skin to his skilled mouth.
after some moments he started to undress you, showing how impatient he was. you tried to do the same but he stopped your hands and went back to kiss your lips, distracting you from one of his hands sneaking between your legs to push them further open. his fingers caressed your lips, then moved to your warm hole, gathering some slick before going to rub your clit. “so wet already,” he smirked, his voice cocky.
you moaned right into his mouth, as his fingers made your legs tremble. his fingers moved rapidly, your clit throbbed and you clenched around nothing, more and more juices gushing out.
“kei– w-wait!” you arched your back and found it embarrassing how he was able to get you so close to release in such a short time. “hm? what’s the matter?” he clearly mocked you, slowing down the movements of his fingers just a bit. “are you gonna cum?” he asked before playfully bite your neck, making you whimper.
you shook your head, but it was futile. both of you knew that you were close, you just didn’t want to give him satisfaction.
“okay then,” he murmured and stopped touching you completely, he pulled back and stripped off his clothes. his warm hands grabbed your hips before turning your body over to lie on your stomach. you were about to ask him what he was doing before his hand made contact with your ass, hard. you whined and tried to move further up on the bed to escape him. “where you think you’re going?” he chuckled lowly before pulling you back to him, caressing your other cheek and then spanking you, you gripped the sheets as the skin started to sting.
two of his fingers slipped into you, making you gasp. he thrusted them deep, aiming at a particular spot that made you clench hard around him as you moaned against the pillow. “you thought i didn’t notice?” his voice was deep and laced with desire, as you desperately humped your hips, seeking that sweet release. “c’mon… say it,” he kept moving his fingers while his other hand spanked you once again.
you fought to not give in, you were still mad at him and he was avoiding talking with you about the whole situation. you squeezed you eyes shut, gripping the sheets. you were so close, so damn close.
“please… fuck me,” you whispered into the pillow, pushing your ass up as a way to expose your center to him, clit throbbing and begging to get attention. keigo’s fingers slipped out and gave a couple of flicks to it, just to hear you gasp loudly. he knew your body so well. “can you repeat that?” he leaned over and his mouth was close to your ear, before biting your earlobe playfully. “hm?” his hands caressed your hips gently, a deep contrast to his current behaviour. “please keigo… fuck me! i need you,” you repeated, speaking a bit louder. “that’s my good girl,” he kissed your shoulder.
you two moaned at the unison when he finally slipped inside. one of keigo’s hands found yours and intertwined your fingers together, as the other grabbed your hip. he bottomed out inside you, you felt so full as his fast breaths hit your neck. “you feel so fucking good,” he groaned as he started thrusting in and out.
keigo started moving at a quick pace, rubbing against your sweet spot hard with every single thrust. most of the sounds filling the room came from where you two were connected, his grunts and your whimpers accompanying them. you desperately gripped the sheets, feeling that familiar sensation growing in your lower belly. “give it to me, baby. c’mon,” he breathed right into your ear, the warmth of his chest right against your back. you didn’t need to be asked twice, as you reached your peak and gushed around his cock. the way you were clenching around him made him gasp louder, as he hid his flushed face into your neck.
one of his arms wrapped around your middle and held you close, his hips losing rhythm as keigo was simply seeking his own release now. you drooled all over the cushions as his tip bullied your cervix, making you arch your back and cry his name louder and louder. “gonna fill you up so good– ngh, gonna–” keigo rambling stopped as he stilled his hips and emptied inside of you, spurts of cum filling you as you two moaned together.
keigo collapsed on top of you, holding you as close as possible as you cockwarmed him. his lips peppered your neck and shoulders as you two tried to calm down your breathing. “i’m sorry,” he said in a low tone, fingers drawing circles on your skin. “i know it’s been a mess, but i promise i’ll fix this. i’ll make you happy,” you just nodded, not trusting your own voice.
“i promise i will,” he repeated after a while, holding you tightly. you searched his hand and grabbed it, squeezing it a couple of times so that he knew you decided to trust him.
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inkdrinkerworld · 6 months
being really bratty to james to the point where he gets a little upset and punishes you a little and then gets to the bottom of what’s wrong? Or alternatively, asking james to be mean to you and punish you for no reason because you just need to cry?? Whichever you prefer
A little suggestive with the whole punishment thing, but no actual smut or other allusion to it is mentioned. Ft autistic!reader on the verge of a meltdown and not knowing what to do with it, and a holding breath spell. Thank you for your request angel <3
Wc: 831
You don’t really know what’s prompted this heavy, weighted feeling in your chest. It sits right on your rib cage pressing down and into your lungs.
You’ve tried your usual things- a hot shower, your favourite breakfast, your favourite snacks, a comfy outfit and your comfort show but nothing has worked.
Nothing has eased the weight off your chest and now you start feeling the pressure of tears build behind your eyes.
Usually, James would be here to help you. He’d not be able to solve anything, but he’d hold you when you need it or tell you when you’re spiraling way too fast to be okay.
He’s been at training all day and you just need something.
Just a little something to break the dam and free you from the limbo state you’re in where nothing is working but you can feel the breakthrough thing waiting to happen.
James is home less than an hour later and you’ve devised a mostly fool proof plan on how to get him to make you better because you obviously can’t help yourself.
“Jamie,” your voice sounds off as you speak and you’re not sure if it’s because you’ve been by yourself all day or something else.
“Hi baby, how was your day?” He kisses your cheek and then the corner of your lip. James smells like citrus fruits and pepper and like turf a little but he’s clean.
“I don’t know.” He frowns, taking your hands in his. “I’ve been feeling off all day but I think you can help me.”
James’ eyebrows shoot up. “Let me hear it, angel.”
“I think I need you to punish me, like you know? And then I’ll cry and this icky feeling will pass.”
James has become accustomed to how direct you are, but this is a shock.
You watch him as he collects his reaction. “I don’t think I should be punishing you if you didn’t do anything wrong, sweet girl. Did you have another idea?”
A frown spreads over your face, “But something’s wrong. Not something I did, or well maybe something I did. I don’t know,” Your breathing starts to get labored and your voice cracks. “But I can’t fix it and it’s driving me crazy and I think I’m going to have a meltdown and I’d really really like to not have another one this month.” The tears have started their race to your chin, collecting on the curve of it like nobody's business and James tugs you to the sofa.
He pulls you to his lap despite you trying to pull away from him and covers you with the blanket on the back of the sofa.
The weight in your chest gets tighter and tighter and you feel your chest burning.
“Breathe baby,” Your cheeks are getting hot and your eyes look even glassier the longer you hold your breath.
When you don’t inhale James blows air into your face like mum’s do with their babies. “You’re gonna pass out if you keep doing that.” He rubs your back as you gasp for air.
“James, why have I had another one?” You sound so sad and exhausted as you lay your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t think we’ve been taking much care of your anxiety or your workload baby.” He whispers quietly beside your temple, aware that right now your body is still functioning off a ricocheting amount of feelings.
“It’s just been go, go, go all month,” you say just as quietly back to him. The weight that had clamped your chest and lungs seems to be releasing the ironclad grip it had had because now your breaths don’t feel nearly as shallow.
“Yeah it’s been really really busy, angel.” James measures his words carefully before saying, “Maybe this weekend we can just do fun things or things that’ll help you not feel so attacked by your anxiety. Maybe that might help set up for a better week, hm?”
The last thing James would want you thinking is that he thought you incompetent in managing your own emotions and navigating through society and your autism.
He doesn’t, James knows you’re completely capable of managing your own emotions, combined with your autism but he wants you to know that you have help.
“Can one of those things be a smoke? And maybe a walk in the park.”
James brushes his thumbs over your eyebrows and down your jaw. “Make a list and we’ll do everything okay?”
He tips your chin upwards, honeyed eyes staring back into yours. “I appreciate you telling me you needed help baby, even if it was a bit different. I know it’s hard to ask for help when you’re feeling like this. I’m proud of you.”
All you can do is look bashful and feel hot under James’ gaze. He saves you from much more timidity by kissing your lips, “I love you, m’heart.”
You smile, kissing him again before mumbling, “I love you too, Jamie.
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quack-quack-snacks · 1 month
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 17
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Grieving, crying, Hyun-su having self depricating thoughts. Word Count: 2,156
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You waited by the entrance to the stairs all night, your eyes begging for sleep but your persistent worry over Hyun-su taking priority. The only time you got up from your seated spot on the ground was when you heard fighting.
You thought fighting was kind of a loose term for it, though. It was really just Sang-wook killing Yoon-jae after finding out he kidnapped and killed all those kids. You only saw a glimpse of the pictures from the phone he dropped before Jae-heon picked it up but it gave you enough of an idea of the situation. 
Okay... So Mr. Blazer has good style and a good heart. A great combination.
You hadn’t realized you dozed off until two familiar tiny people tackled you.
“What! What? Huh?” You woke up with a start, snapping your head up and not realizing who-what-when or where you were until you saw ⅔ rds of the three people you’d been missing horribly for the past week clinging to you like you’d disappear. “Oh, my- dongsaeng? You’re here!” You hugged them close to you, kissing both of them on the head as you tried to comprehend everything. When they pulled back from you, you saw how their faces were tear-stained and how the cries weren’t stopping. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You asked them anxiously. 
“A-appa... he... Noona...” Yeong-su cried out in broken sentences, returning his head to the crook of your neck where he sobbed quietly. 
“W-what?” You asked nervously. 
“Appa f-fell from the window,” Su-yeong started to continue her brother’s words, “H-he’s gone.”
She also returned her face to the other crook of your neck, relying on you for comfort despite this being your first time hearing about it. 
Hyun-su and Eun-hyuk watched from further down the hall, their conversation being interrupted from the moment your siblings saw your sleeping form. They saw the shock in your eyes and the way your arms tightened around the two, squeezing them close and caressing their hair while whispering sweet words of comfort into their ears. Slowly, they continued their conversation from before the distraction, still glancing over at you occasionally but not focusing all their attention on your family moment. A moment you would probably want to remain private. 
The conversation stopped again when they looked over again and saw you walking towards them, your two siblings asleep on each shoulder. It was heartbreaking to see the unshed tears that gathered along your waterline as you stopped in front of them. You flashed them a quick, watery, halfhearted smile. “I’m gonna go put them in the daycare for bed and maybe get some rest too. I’ll see you both tomorrow,” you addressed them both before facing Hyun-su and speaking to him directly, your voice breaking halfway through. “T-thank you for bringing them home to me.”
He didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and allowed you to pass by him and Eun-hyuk. You sniffled, trying to keep it together at least in the presence of your siblings, not wanting even the slightest chance of them seeing you like that. You knew they needed you to be strong. You were the only person who they could turn to right now. You couldn’t break, for their sake. 
When you got to the nursery, you gently placed them down in the napping corner, placing your jacket over them when you found the small box labeled ‘BLANKETS’ empty. You didn’t wait long before lying down next to them, giving each of them a kiss on the forehead and resting your head on your arm. You knew you wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night, but it was okay.
As long as they were with you. 
You were right to think you wouldn’t get any sleep because you didn’t. You stayed up the rest of the night swallowing your tears and brushing your fingers through the two children's hair when they stirred. You heard the whispers, saw the shadows of the residents who gave you space - most likely a command from Eun-hyuk that you would thank him for later. You were thankful, but it just made the need to cry even worse. 
You stayed there until the morning light shone through the covered windows and onto the two beside you. You watched fondly as the light made the two stir but wasn’t enough to wake them up. It was relieving honestly. You weren’t sure you were ready to be strong just yet. 
Instead, you got up to leave the room, knowing they would be safe while you were gone, especially since you wouldn’t be gone for long. You traveled to the area of the lobby designated to food with a hollow look in your eyes. The supermarket had been completely cleared out since Seok-hyeon started his symptoms so the food could be managed and distributed properly. 
You could see the pity and sympathy each resident you passed by gave you but you paid them no mind. You didn’t want to think of what you lost. You wanted to think of what you regained. And what you regained was two of your precious family members that you loved so dearly. 
“‘Morning,” you said to Jae-hwan, the current resident in charge of the food distribution, with your lips curled up the slightest in a pathetic attempt at a smile. “I’ll come back for my sibling and I’s food in a bit but could I just have Cha Hyun-su’s portion? I want to give it to him myself.”
He looked surprised before a slightly disgusted expression took hold of his face. “Why would you want to do that? He’s just a freak, you shou-”
“I haven’t had a great past 24 hours, so I’d suggest you shut your mouth while I’m still feeling nice,” you warned, giving him a tired glare that still seemed to do the trick as he swallowed nervously. He nodded and served you Hyun-su’s portion without any further comment. You gave him a nod of acknowledgment when he gave it to you, no longer bothering with the fake smiles. 
The walk to the arcade room was a nice change of pace, the soft chatter that filled the main area quieting with each step you took and leaving you to yourself. As you entered the arcade, you made sure to be mindful of your volume since Seok-hyeon was still asleep, snoring peacefully on the couch. 
It bugged you that of all people, he got the couch, but what could you do about it? Hyun-su wouldn’t complain, you knew that much about him, so it wasn’t worth fighting for it if he would just give it up before it was given to him. 
Speaking of the boy, he was awake before you walked in, sitting on his makeshift bed and looking at nothing. 
You walked over silently and sat down beside him. He didn’t make any moves to show he noticed your presence besides the small twitch of his fingers which lay in his lap. You sat there with your own hands in your lap, waiting for the right moment to give him the food you held. After a minute, it seemed like there wasn’t a perfect time to hand it over so you just reached over and placed the food in his lap with a plop! 
He looked down to see what was there and saw a bowl of rice and a small pack of seaweed. With minimal emotions showing on his face, he turned to look at you in question. 
“A thank you,” you explained. “For bringing my family back to me. I would’ve gone up long before if I realized my dad…” You swallowed harshly and looked away when you felt tears building up in your eyes. “Just… Thank you.”
“I was just doing what I was told,” Hyun-su muttered rather dejectedly as he also looked away from you. “That’s all.”
“But that’s not all,” your voice broke and you looked up, trying to stop your tears from falling. “You saved them after my father lost his l-life and couldn't protect them anymore. After I couldn’t protect them. That is something I will never be able to fully repay you for, but I can at least keep you as well-fed as the rest of us. So eat up,” you insisted while abruptly standing up and walking back towards the exit when the first tear of many fell down your cheek. 
Hyun-su let you walk off without a word, too wrapped up in his shock over you wanting to thank him when he wasn’t even able to save your dad. While he knew his death wasn’t his fault and was the fault of that eye monster, it was still something he could have done to help avoid. Then those kids would still have their father. You would still have your father. 
It was as if you heard his thoughts as you stopped in the door frame and turned your head slightly. Not enough to let him see your tear-stained cheeks but enough so you were speaking more directly to him. 
“I don’t blame you. For anything. You did your best, and you helped people. You help people. That’s all I could ever ask for.”
And then you left the room.
You stopped by the bathroom and kitchen before heading back to the daycare, rinsing the evidence of tears off your face and grabbing your siblings and your rations. You carried them carefully but they fell from your hands the moment you heard the undeniable sound of your siblings’ wails. You ran, not caring about the food on the floor - it was all sealed individually anyway so it didn’t matter - you only cared about the safety of your siblings. You thought they would be safe by themselves, were you wrong?
You weren’t wrong.
The wailing was coming from your siblings, but it was also coming from Jin-ok as she embraced the two and they cried together. You sighed in relief, thankful none of them saw you so you could go back and grab the forgotten food off the floor before returning. You set the rations down on one of the small tables carefully and approached them. With a gentle hand, you alerted Jin-ok to your presence prior to wrapping all three of them in your arms. 
Once again, you allowed yourself to be an anchor of support for the people you cared about. It was something you’d done your whole life.
And it was something you would do again without hesitation. 
Sitting in a circle teaching your siblings how to make an origami flower was something you would expect to do on a normal weekday. After their days at school, you might’ve taught them so they could give a flower to their teacher. 
That life was over now, though. In this new life, you were teaching them how to make origami flowers for the funerals happening soon for Jin-ok’s daughter and the military man. 
“Then you fold it like this,” you showed them, creating the first ‘petal’ of the flower. 
“Noona, why can’t we get appa?” Yeong-su asked, sniffling while he tried his best to fold the origami. 
You sucked in a harsh breath, looking at your two siblings, both who were looking at you. “Well, appa fell down in a place where it would be too dangerous to try and get him back. And it w-would be too sad to see him. I don’t want you guys to have to see that,” you confessed, trying your best to keep your voice steady for them.
‘I have to be strong.’
“That doesn’t make any sense, though!” He complained, another teary state taking over. 
You looked at him sadly before motioning for him to come closer to you. When he did, you picked him up and placed him in your lap, hugging him tightly as he cried silent tears into your shirt. “We’re going to make a grave for appa, okay? We’ll make it really pretty and we’ll know that he loved…. That he loves us. So let’s get back to making those flowers, yeah?” You asked. He nodded in response and climbed off your lap, choosing to sit right beside you instead with his head leaning against your arm. 
You looked up at Su-yeong and saw her looking down at her half-made flower sadly. “Su-yeong,” you called her. She looked up with sad eyes. “Come over here.”
She waddled over to your other side - the side not occupied by her brother - and sat beside you, also leaning her head against your arm. 
You sat there with them, making your origami flowers and playing with their hair. You forced yourself to be strong and not cry in front of them, but it was so fucking hard. 
All you knew was that you would protect these children with your life. If you lost them, you didn't know how you would live with yourself.
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