#okay i wanna answer more asks instead cause those are easy
blackstarchanx3new · 2 days
FSR rambles wanna know what's funnier than 24? ...25
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Huh so Vio's confusion from earlier makes a lot more sense.
Link was shutting them off from listening much again...
Nice going Link.
I'm sure this isn't causing massive communication issues or smth...
I think this just speaks to how LITTLE Link trusts Vio to sympathize with his mental health struggles that he just cuts him out of it all together.
Also the dialogue here for the middle panel:
Vio doesn't KNOW for a fact Blue was in on those conversations...but it's a fact he WAS thus him being there in the visual representation. Vio isn't actually aware of Blue being in on it.
I'm sure he's at the point of questioning that though...
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I wouldn't say it's Blue and Green with trust issues Red, it's Link X'D
And he for sure DOES distrust you.
Furthering the point Link is broken thus the team is broken.
Shadow drops by cause the convo with Zelda is done (Jeez it's been awhile since I've looked at these pages lmao)
And Vio asks about his hair which...FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT.
Answer a question with a question...nice one Shadow Link. 🙄
He's very sensitive about the ganon hair haha.
Which is why I think his questioning on if Vio LIKES IT is genuine even if it's there to steer the convo somewhere else.
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Vio's too smart.
Though, Red weirdly wants vio to stfu about actually ASKING...Which uh...
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I'd like to remind you of THIS PANEL where Link's purposely being obtuse about the Triforce on his own hand after their Triforce discussion.
Then we get to shitpost territory with Shadow burying the lead on Dark to talk about how he and Green had sex. Which just...
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Vio's response is...interesting.
I think this is where a lot of people might have realized this is a poly story lmfao.
Vio gives no fucks in fact he seems INTO IT despite him saying he "Doesn't care" sure buddy.
Vio and Shadow's "Relationship" is up in the air on what the hell it even IS at this point and Vio is butt at hiding the fact he loves Green soooo.
Works out for both that they like Green. XD
Red's over here losing his shit.
Shadow AGAIN brushes over Dark just calling him someone they need to be introduced to....Lmfao.
Vio's mention of looking for Blue is kinda sweet. He cares. Shadow on the other hand knows Dark's handling it so is fine with leaving poor blue 😭
And red.
lmfao. Bye Red.
Genuinely giving him ANYTHING to do early on was...DIFFICULT.
I have a story thread for him but BUILDING to that was...Not fun for his character X'D
So often he got shafted but I hope when he has his time to shine people enjoy it haha.
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Sad boy hours.
Blue's back though!
...This is so random but I'm so glad I started doing colored text boxes I gotta THINK who's talking reading back on these X'DDDD
Green's so sweet giving Blue a lil hug.
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Poor Green's frazzled out of his mind and Blue's just struggling to talk emotions.
They're a mess. X'D
This entire interaction is so funny to me.
"What did he DO...?" GREEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK!?
I think Blue's justified in being a LITTLE irked that this weird curse entity was sent to get him instead of one of his teammates X'D
but also: they had no idea where he ran off too lmfao. Dark Link's got a Link radar he can find him easy.
One of those things where there was no GOOD solution to this and Green did the best he could, but Blue's frustration imo is still very justified.
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Poor Green trying to rationalize his choices and Blue's just like "Stfu"
And smacks Dark link X'D
Poor Dark.
"you look like a dumbass with a squid on his head" might be one of my favorite FSR blue lines.
Green's addition of "i feel like a dumbass" is so stupid XDDD
Green's beyond strung out just letting Dark sit on his head while him and Blue talk about wtf they're gonna do about this.
It's really fun looking back into this transition period where half the cast knew about Dark and the others didn't really.
I remember wanting to push past it quickly because I wanted to get to juicy territory and interactions.
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...I love Dark hugging Green's hair. He's so cute.
it's worth mentioning AGAIN that Green and Blue have VERY DIFFRENT experiences with Dark with EACH OTHER but ESPECIALLY VIO.
Dark TORTURED that dude lmfao.
Green chastising Dark for doing his typical shit with Blue lmfao.
"Blue is the color of difficult" will now proceed to live rent free in Blue's mind X'DDDD
I'm sure I've mentioned it but Dark Link struggles to speak properly in this form. (it's a form that doesn't require him much effort or energy to maintain thus...doesn't have a lot of "Features" lmfao.)
Blue pulls Dark off poor Green's head to give him head scratches.
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I'd panic if I sat on Blue's bare thighs too Dark. Look at him go polite gentleman.
Blue's being HONEST with his FEELInGS.
What a treat.
Dark smacked some sense into him during that fight hah.
Poor Blue has anxiety about being Link now. Poor dude.
Blue just wants to get intros over and done with knowing stuff's gonna be hard. But uhhh....
Dark Link isn't a fan.
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Didn't have him turn back into his hylian form to sit in Blue's lap wym.
Poor Dark doesn't wanna do stuff with people rn. he's burnt out.
Dude had a meltdown with Blue he's exhausted.
Green's genuine horror paired with "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" just reminds me of that scene from the Cuphead show where King Dice shouts the same thing X"DDD
Though: it's kinda sad that Dark was 100% right in being nervous/hesitant to meet the others...
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Green's protective Blue that's his baby!
Obligatory Dark says smth fucking weird cause it's funny.
Green's willing to let Dark have a break while...Blue has a good point too.
Poor Green doesn't get the peace he wants. 😭
meanwhile Dark's just blatantly staring at Blue X'D And he's put off by it.
Blue...c'mere I got a secret-
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Being a dick won't push him away Blue. He's in love with VAATI you're a drop in the bucket in terms of rudeness.
it's been established: Dark doesn't know how to handle being PERSEIVED at the moment. Especially by the Links. He's still super shy.
Poor Dark, blue makes fun of his stutter. 😭
Green rightfully tells him off
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Dark holding their hands is so sweet.
He's someone that holds his heart on his sleeve to his own detriment. Just wanting them to know he's happy to be with them and that the day is nice (presumably because he's with them.)
Blue's being a bit of a negative butt but concedes a bit when Green says he's happy too.
Him poofing back to being his "Squid" form on Green's face just personally is funny.
It's so silly and cements he has ZERO idea of personal space.
It's even worse for Green because Green's scared of tentacles. 😭 (wanna have that brought up at some point...but it's due to the vaati fight)
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Lmfao. Red you're so annoying.
Literally third wheeling the Vidow X'DD
Vio out here starting shit lmfao.
Shadow knows too.
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LMFAO Vio trying to find solutions is uh...KINDA an issue now hah.
He's super out of the loop about the curse now so...ouch.
Vio's being a bit of a bitch boy about it because he's bitter.
Reasonably so but ooomf.
Vio my duuuude...pls c'mon man. Act mature. 😭
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Vio casually tipping right over Blue's current anxieties about going back to that. Which...Blue has zero self control so NOW WE'RE DEEP IN SHIT LMFAO.
And Vio's response is FAIR.
Link cut him out so much he's missing a FUCK ton of context about how BAD it was for everyone.
Blue's ALSO pretty justified in being PAST the point of WANTING to discuss things with Vio due to how dismissive he's been about their pain.
it's a self fulfilling cycle of bullshit they've trapped themselves in.
Blue really fucked up in mentioning that Link's basically NOT gonna happen anymore in saying "We're not compatible as a person"
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Lmfao not red hiding behind the couch. Coward, Vio feels ALONE right now in wanting to return to being Link, and you're the only one VAGLEY on his side. And instead of trying to mediate or help he just leaves Vio to get more and more defensive as Blue yells at him till he runs away to Link's room.
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Well damn.
Everyone's expressions after Vio throws his tantrum is...INTERESTING.
Green's HORRIFIED and he's glitching WAY more than before.
Blue's in shock. Probably at how CHILDISH that response was not expecting vio to blow up at him back.
Shadow's also equally horrified as Green.
Red...Red's weird.
Red just stares kind of unfazed. Mild surprise maybe.
"huh...weird" kind of face.
That's quickly brushed by though with Green starting to glitch WORSE.
Blue's concerned.
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Green starts gooping. And not in the fun way.
Blue tries to console him and gets...Corrupted for a lack of a better term.
His arm corrupting into Green's.
Link's body contortions and glitching are real similar to this.
It's been shown a few times that their mental state affects their appearance, but NOW it can affect OTHERS appearances.
Green at this point has been pushed to stress and anxiety till he broke poor guy, he's been worried about everyone's safety and been trying to do what would help them and it just hasn't worked out.
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Shadow's stuck not sure what to do. As a Shadow he was forced to do NOTHING while Link had moments like this.
Blue snaps him out of it taking charge.
I've always considered Blue second in command. ESPECIALLY in FSR.
He was the only other color Link trusted enough to confide in other than Green and able to pull his head out of his butt to help Green AND Vio in this situation.
Blue's VERY aware of WHY Green's panicking rn. (he's worried vio's going to harm himself in some way...not a stretch to make that assumption and it's brought up later but YEAH that's why he freaked out.)
Vio just needed to have a bitch fit in his room for a bit though and didn't mean to cause that fear.
If he knew I don't think he would have left quite in that way.
but again: Link kinda shot them in the foot leaving half the team aware of shit and the other half NOT.
Either way Shadow's got a job to do.
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"Damn it link... you ass" makes me laugh. Blue's so terrible with words.
Turns out Blue mainly was on team "let's not be link!" BECAUSE he was worried about Green having too much shit on his shoulders.
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Some interesting thoughts there pal.
I've always wondered what kind of pressure Green must have felt to be LIKE Link and also be the leader.
Like that's double pressure there.
Being link but BETTER while only being a 1/4th of him sounds like such a task weighing his mentality down.
He's only assigned to that role because...well he's wearing GREEN. not really because of any other reason.
He's just as dumb as the other three.
I've always found it interesting, usually the leader type characters are the Vio's of the group.
Book smart and a bit stuck up.
but instead we get green and...I've joked he's diet Link but fr lol he KINDA IS.
What he lacks makes his personality more so than what he HAS.
His selfishness and ego getting removed making him IMEDIATELY want to work together for instance.
Anyway green analysis aside, Blue acknowledging he fucked up here is good.
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The completely black background making you ONLY focus on these two talking was for good reason, Green's weird word bubbles too.
Reality feels like it's breaking around them and if this was voice acted I imagine Green's voice sounding distorted and disjointed here.
Like this is just his thoughts repeating to himself about what Link BEGGED him to do.
Both their glitching just getting worse as the paneling goes by.
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Green's all sorts of fucked up. over leaving the other three because he was angry at them. So much guilt is harbored there now over that action.
Also I just wanna point out how brave Blue is.
Touching Green is PAINFUL for him, he yanked his hand back when he touched him initially. He also SAW the corruption it left behind and still chose to hug him here.
Like for all he knows they could become that Link monster thing again but he cares more about Green than that.
Blue's the goat.
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Everyone telling Green stuff he's needed to hear.
Even Dark came out to help.
Dark's lines are super fun just because mmmmm it gets into Dark and Green's relationship and i like Darkgreen XD
Green did MASSIVELY change Dark's mission by appealing to his desire to be a hero and changing his mind.
Without Green the others would be SO COOKED.
Dark doesn't consider his mission a failure because he changed course a little and neither should Green.
They're very sweet for each other. QuQ
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Not them slapping each other with pillows like children. 😭
Vio, Shadow, you both are too old for this shit.
I flip flop between finding this scene funny or disturbing.
I mean at the end of the day it's a couple smacking the shit out of each other due to their emotional issues. 😭 That's not healthy.
But also...the imagery is so silly looking and they're not actually HURTING each other.
Idk I feel like you could look at it either way.
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Shadow mentions it here, but Green was worried about Vio's physical safety. Which....Vio doesn't get. Because Link wanting to game end himself has been NOT shared with him.
Vio's deep in his own insecurity atm.
This is a reference to what was said in the OG manga , that everyone was holding Vio back buuuut our purple buddy feels differently.
Especially with how he feels really bad rejection at the moment.
Vio wrongly assumes people don't want to be link because HE'S THERE. Which isn't true.
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Shadow feels bad cause a lot of their issues are wrapped up in the whole Vidow arc of the manga lmfao.
Shadow feeling his OWN guilt over waking Link up which...Dark called it just sayin-
Also points out that Blue "is an ass" but yeah Blue could have worded himself better here. X'D
...We reached the image cap ouch. X'D
Continued vidow later on muahah.
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luvyeni · 1 year
WHAT IS UP‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
okay instead of going straight to my request, I’ll ask you some simple talk questions. how was your day today? was it good or bad? why was it bad? what did you do today? did you eat good food today cause i know i did.
what about…ghostface!hyunjin from skz and he just stalks poor reader and basically tells her that he can SMELL her arousal through the phone since reader as a mask kink and she thinks having ghostface as her boyfriend is hot, and then he comes out of nowhere and starts teasing her and poor reader is just so shy now that he’s in front of her and he’s like “aw poor baby is shy now that im right here. what happened to all that big talk on the phone?” idk just add whatever you want!
if u don’t wanna do this plot that’s fine!! i just need ghostface jinnie. im really desperate
❛IT’S A SCREAM, BABY!❜ ( h. hyunjin )
💬nias notes: i guess this sorta part of freaktober since its hallowen themed
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p. x fem!reader w. 1.7k+
warnings? unprotected sex, knife play, degradation kink, a little blood and fingering
— 𖦹 ( you can’t help but tease the man in the mask, that’s until he catches you ) !
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“Did we even learn this?” You read through the notes on your laptop. “This is next week's problem, I can’t.” You closed the laptop, getting up, going downstairs to the kitchen for a snack.
“I need to but more” You took ice cream from the fridge, your phone ringing making you jump. You smiled, knowing it could only be one person calling you. You threw the wrapping away, running back upstairs to your phone.
You reached your room, quickly picking up the. “Hello,” You smiled, even though he couldn’t hear you. “Hello princess.” His voice was distorted, it made your panties soak immediately. “Did you miss me?” You laughed, “Of course I did.”
“Where are you?” He chuckled, “You know it’s not that easy.” He says, “Let’s play a game, you hide, and I try to find you, and you win I don’t slit your throat.” The man in the mask spoke through the phone. “What happens if you win?” You questioned. “Princess, you don’t want to know.”
“What if I don’t want to?” You teased, knowing you shouldn’t provoke him. “Princess, you know how this works.” His voice seemed to get deeper even with the voice modifier. “You don’t have a fucking choice.”
You got up, slipping on your slippers, leaving out the comforts of your own room to go and hide from the masked man. “I’ll give you to the count of 60 find a spot in the house.” You took off as he began to count down.
Finding a spot in a cabinet, you tucked yourself away. “Princess, you’re so predictable, it’s almost adorable how dumb you are.” You whined, he laughed. “Here I come princess.”
“You know it’s not really safe for a pretty girl like you to live in such a big house alone, too many bad men out there.” He spoke. “Like you?” He chuckled. “Yeah, baby like me, but you like me, don’t you?” You hummed. “I do.” You spoke.
“Yeah, I know you do, otherwise you would’ve called the cops by now.” He spoke. “Instead, here you are answering my calls for the 3rd time, you get a kick out of this, nasty girl I can almost smell how aroused you are.”
You felt your breathing pick up, you tried to hold your breath. “You scared princess?” He said. “No baby, I know you, you’re turned on right now.” You shuffled around, it wasn’t much space to move around so your leg was slapping against the cabinet. “No.”
He chuckled, you could hear him scraping his knife against the wall through the phone, turning you on even more — it was sick you knew that this shouldn’t be arousing you the way it is, your panties shouldn’t be sticking to your folds like they were. “Such a shit liar baby, I know what gets those little gears going.”
“I’m not scared.” You kept a brave face, “Because I know you’ll never find me.” You chuckled. “Really princess, you wanna take a chance like that?” You hummed, “Yes, I do.” You spoke. “Oh, princess you really are dumb.” Your thighs clenched together.
You heard a few steps outside of the room you were hiding in, your breath hitched. “Ah baby, I think I found you.” He said, just as you heard the click of the door. “You’re in here aren’t you?” You didn’t say anything. “Where are you princess, let’s make this easy.”
You stayed silent, even when you heard his voice right out of the door, His knife tapping against the door that was keeping your safe. “Hmm, I guess I was wrong baby, guess you really are good at this game.” You heard his feet retreating, then the door closing.
You let out a sigh, this room was no longer safe — you waited another few minutes before quietly climbing out the cabinet, making your way to the door, quietly opening it so you wouldn’t alert the masked man.
Before you walked about the door was slammed in front of you — you gasped at the thud. “Stupid Stupid baby.” You heard a slight glee in his voice. “Now you should’ve known better.” He flipped you around, pressing his cold blade to your neck, you whimpered at the sensation.
“Pl-please don’t hurt me.” He smiled, even though you couldn’t see it through the mask. “Awe poor baby is scared now? Hmm? No that’s not it.” He lightly dragged the knife across your throat, you bit your lip, trying to hide your face. “Awe that’s it, you’re shy.” He chuckled. “Awe poor baby is shy now that I’m right here. what happened to all that big talk on the phone?” He teased.
He dragged the knife to thin strap of your tank top, slicing right through it, repeating on the other side, the flimsy material falling down — your hands flew to cover your boobs. “Move.” He said. “Move your hands pretty, before I cut them.” You slowly moved your hands, letting your boobs freely bounce. “Nice princess, such pretty tits.”
He moved his knife across your boobs, grazing your nipples with the blade. You whimpered, biting your lip. “Keep hiding those pretty nosies baby, i’ll get you to scream for me one way or another.”
He dragged you back to your room, knife pressed against your neck — as well as his hardening cock pressed against your ass, throwing you on the bed, your boobs bouncing upon impact. “You look so scared princess; it’s turning me on.”
He climbed on to the bed, hovering above you — his knife dragged along your stomach until it reached your panties. “No pants, I knew you wanted this my slutty baby.” He chuckled. “Dumb baby likes to be fucked by slashers in masks like a whore.” He cut right through your panties. “You’re sick baby.”
“Pl-please.” You moaned out, he threw the cut panties somewhere — pressing the tip of the blade on your clit, you gasped. “look who wet you are, you shouldn’t be this excited about this, I could easily cut your pretty body.” That just cause slick to stream out on to the blade even more.
“You’re fucking dripping.” He removed the knife from your clit, replacing it with his glove clad finger, rubbing harsh circles. “Th-that feels good.” He pressed the knife against your hip bone. “D-do it.” You said.
He pressed down, you let out a loud moan as the blade pierced your delicate skin. “Fu-fuck.” He watched the blood from the small cut, your cunt clenched around his fingers. “You’re gonna cum?” He laughed. “Me cutting you made your little pussy clench, go ahead and cum.” He curled his fingers, making your eyes roll to back of your head, cumming.
“Nasty baby.” He pulled his fingers out of your cunt, your essence stuck to his finger, tapping on your lips. “Open slut.” He pushed his finger into your, ordering you to suck. “Good whore.” He pulled his fingers out, slapping your face.
He climbed of the bed, getting rid of all his clothes, except the mask. “Th-the mask.” You said, he cocked his head to the side. “Don’t be dumb baby.” He climbed back on the bed, grabbing a hold of your wrist, pinning them down with one hand. “You like this mask anyway, that’s why your dripping like a whore, trying to hump my thigh.” You moved your hips. “Be still.” He warned.
He pulled his under down enough to pull out his hard cock, his mushroom tip red and dripping with cum, veins adorning the sides. “Is this what you want?” He slapped his length against your folds. “Want my cock.” You nodded, whining. “Pl-please.” You begged, “W-wan’ it so bad.”
He slid right in, wasting no time. “Shit.” He cursed. “Tight fucking cunt.” He pulled out, slamming back in. “Fu-fuck!” He began to move, his cock dragging along your walls. “Feels so fucking good, your pussy is soaking my cock.” He grunted.
He began to pick up his pace, slamming into your hole over and over. “Fu-fuck t-too much.” You screamed, trying to wiggle away, but he held your hips, holding you in place. “Don’t run from my cock slut, this is what you wanted.” He pressed the knife against your throat. “You wanted this, too be fucked like a whore.” He growled. “So *thrust* fucking *thrust* take *thrust* it.”
You were a mess, moaning as he fucked you. “Look at you all fucked out, dumb baby.” He said, his cock hitting your cervix. “Soaking up the sheets over a mask, so sick baby.” You moaned. “I-i’m cumming!” You squealed out, the blade cold against your warm skin. “Hold it, i’m not there yet.”
He sped up his movements, fucking into at a almost inhumane pace. Panting as he chased his high. “C-can’t hold it.” You whined. “I said hold it, if you cum I cut your throat.” Shit, that didn’t help at all, in fact it only made you clench around his cock. “Fuck! You’re squeezing my cock.” He grunted. “Fuck i’m gonna cum, gonna let me breed your pretty pussy?” You nodded. “Pl-please.”
He thrusted into your cunt a few more times, spilling his cum into your cunt. “Fuck that’s it, take my cum.” He sighed, he pulled out just to his tip, covering your outside folds in his cum, pushing himself back in. “Keep it inside.”
“Yah, take the mask off now.” You said, reaching for it, he grabbed your wrist. “Please I want to see your face.” You pouted, he let your hands go, reaching for the mask, revealing the raven-haired man, his face was dripping with sweat.
“You okay, pretty girl?” You nodded, he smiled, throwing the mask somewhere, you gasped. “Hey, don’t break it, I paid a lot of money for it.” He scoffed. “Of course, you did, you’re sick baby.” He kissed your lips. “Only I could fall in love with a crazy girl who’s obsessed with ghostface.” He pulled out his now soft cock.
“It’s not like you weren’t turned on either.” You fought back. “You came 3 times as much as you normally do.” He nodded. “Touché baby, it was hot.” He said, “But I can’t promise i’ll use that knife again, don’t wanna hurt your pretty skin like that.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to.” You said, he helped you get cleaned up, nursing your wound from the blade. “It should clear up in a few days, it wasn’t a deep cut.” He kissed your waist.
He joined you in bed, pulling the the covers over your naked bodies. “Did you like it baby?” You nodded, “You make a good ghostface.” You ran your fingers through his hair. “Only you would say that.” You laughed.
“You know you love me.”
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protectingtulpas · 10 months
I have a genuine question but I’m asking anon because people might read this as hate and it’s not hate. So please don’t read this as hate but, Is this not cultural appropriation to call it tupla, why not call it thoughtform because I’ve been told it’s cultural appropriation. If it isn’t please explain how it isn’t so I understand
Thank you
Hey anon, thx for asking in good faith. Here're a few good points to think on and links for more reading. This'll be short cuz there're a lotta better posts on it around
Things to keep in mind:
- Tulpamancy nor "tulpa" are directly a Tibetan Buddhist word or practice. The term's etymology derives from a different Tibetan Buddhist word describing a similar practice.
- Cultural appropriation requires the taking of something culturally significant in a way that harms the people of the originating culture. There hasn't been a single person non-sysmed Tibetan Buddhist to say it's appropriative; in fact, we've seen practitioners saying otherwise.
- Buddhism is an open practice, something u can find from both an easy google search AND further reading. Even their spiritual leader has specifically stated it's okay for Westerners to learn Buddhist meditations.
- Cultures and religions aren't monoliths, everybody's gonna have different opinions. The best judgement you can make is by listening to people involved and figuring out whether or not it causes harm. Y'know what DOES cause harm? All that supernatural bullshit claiming tulpas can make their own bodies, that we're body snatchers, or that we're collective thoughtforms. If you wanna further respect of plural practices, then object to those awful lies instead.
Western Tulpamancy is fundamentally different drom Buddhist emanations, here's the opinion of a Tibetan Buddhist with an emanation on it. Listen to and uplift the voices of the actual people from the culture.
The plural community has problems with treating POC like a monolith.
“Many Christians tell me they believe in Buddhist meditation, which can be learned by Christians. We teach right attitude. We teach meditation, which can be quite deep. These would be things that the West can take, and I think it is clear that Buddhists should practice certain Western methods, too.” - Dalai Lama, NYT
[Reminder that I only answer good faith asks on this. If you come into my ask box just to bitch at me you'll be blocked]
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 1 year
leave me or watch me die in your arms
This is the prototype of Good People, I'm quite proud of it so I will post it here.
//nsfw, pseudo incest (bc they 're not rly father/son)
Luciano drinks alone tonight. A regular thing since Martin had kicked him out, threw his clothes at his feet and slammed the door in his face. The blond had gotten tired of trying to save anything between them when Luciano wasn’t putting any work on it. It had been a month already and just yesterday he saw that he posted a photo of him with Manuel. The blond still ignores him. Oh well, at least he’s happy. It was his fourth glass and he was already tipsy. While not human, it didn’t mean the alcohol had no effect on beings like them. He wanted to get his mind empty for a moment and not struggle with all the confused feelings he had been dealing with.
“Easy there, you’re gonna drink the whole bar at this rate” Luciano is startled by a sudden hand gripping his shoulder, and goes wide-eyed when the culprit of his mental turmoil smiles at him. Afonso sits at his side and orders a drink, plus a glass of water that he slides at him “here, we don’t want you puking all over the place do we?” 
“I’m not gonna-” he slurs but the hiccup in his throat says otherwise. He’s embarrassed that he’s getting babied by his father in the worst moment ever. What the hell was he doing in Rio de Janeiro anyway?
“We have a meeting this week you airhead” Afonso's answer makes him realize he had said that out loud.
“Oh” He knew there was something to do with sugar exportation! 
“What happened? You don’t look like yourself”
“I’m fine…” now get out
“Okay…” Afonso doesn't push for an answer and takes a swing of his drink. Luciano knew this was another one of his tricks, pretending to be uninterested until he felt comfortable enough to start spilling the beans. He did that since Luciano was a kid and it was working again, damn it.
“Martin kicked me out…”
“Oh? When?” Afonso questions.
"Last month, I think."
“You guys looked fine! What happened?”
“I..don’t wanna talk about it right now.”
Afonso nods and doesn’t push. Luciano catches him pursing his lips.
C’mon, ask. I know you wanna ask if he knows.
But he doesn’t. Instead he changes the subject. Luciano sighs and just goes with it. The real subject they should be discussing is getting ignored. But after a few more shots he can let loose. They laugh together about some dumb thing that happened when Afonso went grocery shopping. And about Francis' new lover.
“Looks like he won’t stop until he has dicked down the whole Europe!” Luciano’s comment makes Afonso burst into laughter. After recovered Afonso curses
“Foda-se. Guess not everyone is lucky with love huh?”
Luciano agrees with half of a smile. Afonso realizes his mistake “Oh shoot! I’m sorry I didn't mean to…”
“It’s fine, it's fine.” Luciano snorts, with his elbow over the counter, his cheek rested on his hand,“Things were not working out anyway. It wasn’t…fun anymore.”
“Relationships aren’t always fiery and passionate, you kids gotta remember that. Hope you two can still make amends.”
“Maybe I want someone else” Luciano let it escape. Once again Afonso presses his lips together. All of Luciano’s mental brakes were gone thanks to the alcohol, He slid his hand closer to him, nudging his’.
“I guess… it would be easier if we were strangers to each other” Their eyes meet, and he wants to drown in the dark green of those eyes. "Don't you agree?"
Afonso’s fidgets with his glass. “You’re…” the older man begins “a good son for me Luciano. I wouldn’t want to forget about that”
Luciano 's expression turns sour. 
I’ve never agreed to that 
Luciano bumps into the counter when he gets up, wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. He places money for the barman, not caring for the change. Afonso, startled, doesn’t try to call for him. 
It’s your fault. Afonso 's brain accuses. It always was. His ugly heart caused him pain again. Stop moping, get up and go help him like a decent father would do! His mind ordered. It should have surprised him to find Luciano still outside struggling to open the car’s door, but it didn’t. Just like it didn’t surprise him to see the young man turn around and stare at him, his cheeks flushed by the alcohol.
“What are you doing here?” Luciano asked in the same panic as someone that was found embarrassing himself.
Afonso walked up to him, they were so close their chests were touching, he could feel Luciano’s breath on his neck. Damn kid was taller than him now. Afonso grabbed the keys pendant between his fingers and unlocked the car’s door. Luciano stayed behind him, immovable, his eyes scanning him. He goes and opens the back door for him.
“Give me your address-” Afonso was going to say he would drive him home. But is cut by Luciano, who pushes him into the back seat.
“Not now. Not tonight. Let me…” the young man clumsily manages to sit on his lap, his legs spread and his hands resting on the older man’s chest. “You owe me this…”
Luciano pins him, burying a hand under his shirt and lifting it, exposing the man’s stomach. Like a hungry man he leans and tastes the skin. Afonso had all the strength necessary to push him away. But his own body betrays him, he doesn’t move. Why can’t he move?
You know why
“Mine” Luciano groans as he nips the flesh. Causing Afonso to shiver. His breath hitches when the younger man applies more pressure into the bite. Luciano pushes up his shirt and Afonso catches himself helping him by lifting his body just enough so he could take it off. Luciano leans closer, he can see the drunk desire in his eyes. A reflection of his own. Luciano's kiss is messy, one he was holding up for a long time. Afonso can taste the alcohol in his breath but he couldn’t care less. He also doesn’t care for the weak voice of his conscience telling him to stop and how he was once again taking advantage of Luciano’s moment of weakness. The dragon inside his heart once again desired to take, the beast claws his son’s back, bringing him closer.  
In his desperation Luciano moves his hips against him. His guts burning in need. Afonso groans into his mouth when he feels the younger man’s erection against him. There was a sick pleasure watching the younger nation so desperate, enough to rut him like an animal. His hands travel downwards and he grabs his ass, pressing him closer.
“Ah fuck” Luciano gasps and speeds his thrusts. A wet spot already forming in the fabric of his shorts. He would love to fuck Afonso properly but in his state he would rather die than stop right now. The image of it fueling his fire. He imagines him pinning the older nation and fucking him while he sobbed his name. Luciano lifts him by his waist and positions him so both cocks are rubbing together. Afonso moans, his hands now are over his torso. He grabs his shirt and pulls.
“Faster…” He demands. And Luciano obeys. And when his thrusts lose rhythm he assumes he's already close. And without a warning Luciano abruptly stops. He moans while cumming under his shorts. Wanting his turn, Afonso keeps him in place while grinding against him, chasing his own release. But when Luciano leans abruptly he freezes. He can’t see what he’s looking at with the man towering over him, but Luciano bites his lips, shutting himself up and hiding after spotting a couple standing a few meters from the car they're in.
Damnit, he forgot they’re in public. 
By the shadows moving inside the car, the couple had left, with a good story to tell their friends, that was sure. Under him, Afonso groans annoyed. Already guessing what had happened. 
“Are they gone?” he asks.
Afonso tries to push him and Luciano promptly moves out of the way. He moves to the front seat, the other man stays on the back. Right, he was going to drive his drunk ass back home. When he stops at a red light the light of a pole illuminates inside. Afonso grimaces at his own pants, a wet spot painted his left side. From the rearview mirror he notices Luciano staring outside. Probably the high of his orgasm had runned out and now embarrassment was hitting. Afonso decides to keep quiet during the ride. Luciano only breaks the silence occasionally to give him directions to his house, one of the many the nation had, little particular museums some of their kind kept along their respectives territories. Afonso had a faint memory of this one, but it seems it was reformed recently. He opens the door for Luciano but it ends up not being necessary, he could walk just fine.
Luciano crashes on the couch. Afonso needs water so he makes himself at home and goes to his kitchen. He had forgotten to do the dishes, denounced by the pile of dirty plates and cups in the sink. Also forgot to buy groceries based on what he saw in his fridge. God, how did he survived during all these centuries? Afonso drinks his water in one go from a tea cup. He then splashes water in his face to calm down his own nerves. He hoped Luciano had already fallen asleep to avoid the awkwardness. When he goes to check he’s satisfied he was conceived at least one blessing today. Luciano had only time to take off his shoes before snoozing. Afonso smiles, his son looks so calm and serene. 
You ruined him. 
Luciano wakes up next morning with a faint memory of last night, a headache and a clean sink.
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mysticalbookkeeper · 6 months
Lilac was working in the library, dusting all the shelves, using a ladder to dust the higher shelves. She had rode her bike to work today instead of her broom, as the way was actually short. Even faster on bike.
Even though using her broom would have made the job easier, she didn’t mind using the ladder. Besides, it was fun to push the ladder around and ride it along the shelves. She felt like a Disney princess when she did so.
Lilac was almost done dusting the top, when a familiar face teleported in next to her, nearly startling her.
“Hey kiddo, how’s it going?” Asked Id.
“Good. How are you Id?” Asked Lilac.
“Oh, same old, same old. Although…” he snickered.
“Oh boy, what did you do?” Asked Lilac with a knowing grin.
“Oh, I may or may not have replaced the water in the fountain with soda. And filled it with mentos, causing the soda to explode everywhere.”
Lilac laughed.
“Anyways, after I got caught, I quickly bailed and then I wondered what you were up to, so I came here.”
“Just dusting these shelves. Not as a punishment this time, they just have the tendency to get really dusty.”
Lilac sneezed a little to prove her point.
“Ah.” Id floated there for a bit. Then a lightbulb seemed to light up in his head.
“Y’know, I think it’s close to your break time, is it not?”
“Almost.” Lilac answered.
“Perfect! I’ll be waiting at…that table right down there.” Said Id. He teleported and Lilac saw he was indeed at the table he mentioned. He gave a little wave, smiling. Ljlac returned the wave, smiling back.
Once she was done, Lilac slid down the ladder and joined Id at the table.
“So, what do you wanna do first? We could teleport to town and prank one of the residents. We could steal stools from that strawberry blob guy, or mess around with Gramps’ items.” Said Lilac.
“Nah. Doing a prank right after the first one will be exaclty what those guys are expecting. Besides…” Id’s face grew pale. “I was nearly harpooned into a tree for using the mentos I bought from the store for pranking purposes.”
“For causing a harmless prank?” She asked.
“Eh, some people just don’t have a funny bone in them…which explains a lot, since those jelly blob people are completely boneless.” Said Id.
Lilac nodded.
“Anyway, I was just thinking we could just sit here, read a book. I don’t wanna pull you from work for too long and get you in trouble.” Said Id.
“Well, alright.” Said Ljlac. She was a little surprised. Id was immortal, and could do just about anything his heart desired. But he decided to go with something simple…who was Ljlac kidding? With Id, everything was exciting and fun.
“Alright, so what should we do here?” Asked Ljlac.
“Easy.” Id grinned and tapped her shoulder.
“Tag, you’re it.”
Ljlac grinned and watched as Id teleported away.
“Not for long.” She said, readying her wand.
Ljlac looked around the shelves, and saw Id, just standing there, still. Of course, she knew it was just another cardboard cutout, so she turned away.
Only to nearly jump out of her skin, when something grabbed her from behind and shouted, “BOO! Got ya!”
Lilac screamed and accidentally punched Id in the face.
“Owww…” He groaned, holding his nose.
“Shit, are you okay Id?!” Shouted Lilac.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said. He removed his hand from his face. Luckily, no blood was coming out, and Lilac sighed in relief.
“Oh, hey Id, by the way…”
She quickly tapped Id on his shoulder and ran off.
Id grinned.
“We’ll see about that.” He teleported away.
Lilac knew Id was gonna show up any moment, so to make it more interesting, she used a spell, which created invisible walls in certain areas, that only she could see, so if Id saw her, he’d most likely run into the wall.
So she pretended to hide in an aisle, and saw Id through her invisible wall and he shouted and ran towards her, only to run smack right into the wall and become flat, before he floated down to the ground.
Lilac giggled.
“An invisible wall spell? Seriously? How childish are you?” Asked Id.
“Coming from the same guy who pulls childish pranks practically all the time, I think you’re one to talk.” Said Lilac.
“Right. Can you help me up, please?” Asked Id.
“Nah, nice try buddy. I know that trick of yours.” Lilax ran off the other way.
“Damn it.” Cursed Id and he managed to unflatten himself and teleported again.
Lilac continued running, when suddenly, there was a giant monster in front of her. She screamed and went to zap it away…only for the spell to pierce through the creature and it fell flat on its face. Lilac backed away and ran, only to be caught in a net and pulled into the air.
Laughter rang out through the room and Id appeared next to her.
“Priceless.” He said, holding his stomach as he continued to laugh.
“Id! You big jerk! That wasn’t funny!” Shouted Lilac.
“Oh come on, where’s your sense of fun? It was hilarious. Besides, I think you have a bigger problem…like…”
Id tapped her shoulder again.
“How you’re going to catch me now that you’re trapped in there.” He laughed and teleported away.
Lilac cut herself down with a knife and landed on her feet.
“Okay. It’s on.” She said, a determined grin on her face.
Id teleported around, wondering how to trick Lilac some more, when he ended up teleporting to what he thought was outside.
“Huh? How’d I end up out here?” He teleported again…only to appear outside again.
“Okay…this is freaking me out. He charged forward…only to run through the sky and into the library. He fell down.
He looked back and saw it was a cardboard cutout.
“Ohh, that’s so it!” He said.
“I’m suing for copyright infringement! Piracy is not a victimless crime Lilac!” He shouted and teleported to where he heard her laughing.
“Ah ha!” Id said, having found Lilac, who was still laughing. He ran up to her…only to run right through her. He turned around and saw a recorder lying in the middle of the floor, playing on loop.
“Gosh darn it Lilac! I’m gonna catch you yet, and when I do, I’m going to chop you into little bits and put you in the strawberry blob’s next ramen!”
“You’ll have to catch me first.” Said Lilac, suddenly standing behind Id, grinning.
Id grinned back and went to grab her, only to fall into a hole.
He quickly teleported and grabbed Lilac, only for her to duck and disappear immediately. Id looked around, backing up, when he bumped into something. A large eyeball was looming over him and glaring.
Id screamed a rather undignified scream and shielded his face and curled into a ball.
A loud laugh emitted from behind him and he looked up, seeing Lilac. She waved her wand. Id looked and the illusion of Gorgax disappeared into thin air.
“Lilac! That wasn’t funny!” Said Id. Lilac tried to get a word out, but was laughing too much. She stopped when a noise emitted from her mouth.
Id looked at her, grinning.
“What was that?” He asked.
“Nothing! I…” Lilac hiccuped again.
“Looks like you’ve got the hiccups to me.”
“Shut up! No I don’t, I…”
Another hiccup emitted from Lilac.
“Aww, those are your hiccups? They sound like a little mouse.” Said Id.
“No! They don’t, I…” Another hiccup sounded out from Lilac.
“Come on, they’re very cute~.” Said Id.
“Hold on, I got the perfect idea for this.”
Id pulled out a phone…Lilac’s phone and recorded them.
“Hey everyone, this is my new video with my girlfriend and…”
“ID! NO! STOP, I’m not your girlfriend!” Shouted Lilac. “Don’t listen, he’s lying!”
“Aww, come on babe, I think we make a great couple!” Id said.
“Argh! No! Delete that immediately!”
“Okay, okay. Just kidding folks, we’re not a couple. But one thing is true, those hiccups are adorable~.” Said Id.
“No! They’re not! Don’t you dare post that video…”
“And, send.” Said Id, uploading the video. Lilac scowled at him.
“What? Come on, who wouldn’t find that cute? And look, you’ve got a few likes already on your account.” Said Id.
Lilac continued scowling.
“Eh heh…are you alright kid?” Asked Id, now feeling worried.
Lilac went to speak and hiccuped again.
She grumbled under her breath.
“Aww, so cute. But, seriously. I’m getting worried for you.”
“One of these days Id, I’m gonna get you for this. I bet your hiccups are even worse than mine.”
Id laughed.
“Oh, that’s cute. To think that you think that I have hiccups.”
“Everyone does! Even immortals!”
“Maybe so. But you’ll never know, because I rarely get them.” Said Id.
Lilac scowled.
“By the way, Id…”
“Yes? I can delete the video if you hate your hiccups that much.” Said Id.
“No.” Lilac tapped him. “You’re it.” She ran off.
“You little…! I’ll show you who’s it! I’m gonna wipe that smug look off your face and we’ll see who’s laughing then!”
Later, Lilac and Id had calmed down from running around and were just sitting at the table again.
“Ha! Told you I’d win. I always do.” Said Id.
“Oh please, before we ended it, you were practically out of breath, trying to catch me and called it off!” Said Ljlac.
“You must have been hallucinating, cause I totally won.” Said Id, smiling.
Lilac grinned at him.
“Okay, okay. I admit it, you beat me. You’re really tough, you know that?” Said Id.
Lilax grinned. “Thanks Id. Not everyone compliments me on that.”
Id grinned warmly.
“Well, I shouldn’t let you keep me anymore. Jeez, I can’t believe I let you distract me for that long. I’ve got an important job to do too, y’know.”
“Yeah, I hear ya. Besides, I should return to work.” Said Lilac, standing up and going to the ladder.
“Alright, see you later Lilac.”
“Bye Id. Try not to get into too much trouble.” Said Lilac.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” Asked Id. He and Lilac laughed and he teleported away again.
Lilac was on her lunch break and was eating ramen at the ramen shop.
She was thinking about earlier when she had those hiccups. Now she was curious, if Id had hiccups. He said he did, and she wondered what they would be like. Were they normal like hers, or did they have some magic to them? Now she wanted to know. No, she needed to know, otherwise she would go nuts from the curiosity.
Then an idea hit her. Id was normally out and about this time, but later that evening, he returned to his house in the woods at around 6:00. She grinned mischievously and finished her ramen eagerly.
Later that night, Lilac was at the top of Id’s house, sitting on his roof, watching the road. It was 5:45, so Id would be walking back anytime shortly.
And lo and behold, there he was, walking. She stood up and Id jumped, upon seeing her on his roof.
“Lilac?! What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your house?” He asked.
“Yep. All part of the plan!” She called out.
“What plan?” He asked.
Lilac turned her back to him and allowed herself to fall off the roof. She closed her eyes.
Id immediately teleported to her and caught her in his arms.
Lilac laughed.
“Fine. Like I said, all part of the plan.”
“PLAN?! WHAT PART OF THAT WAS…” Id froze when a noise came out of his mouth….as well as several butterflies.
“Agh, not again…” he said. He hiccuped and more butterflies came out.
“I just got rid of these an hour ago…” He groaned.
“That’s what your hiccups are like?” Asked Lilac.
Id looked at her wide eyed. He realized he was still holding her as they floated. He teleported them down and he released her. He held his stomach as more hiccups came, butterflies spewing out.
“I think I’m gonna be sick…” he said.
“Are you alright?” Asked Lilac, a little worried.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Id hiccuped again.
A butterfly flew over and landed on Lilac’s shoulder. It was a beautiful blue colour.
The butterfly flew off to join the rest of them.
“What happens to the butterflies?” Asked Lilac.
“They just…fly off wherever.” Said Id. He hiccuped again. More butterflies came out. Despite the strange grossness of it, seeing the butterflies was actually really pretty. Id hiccuped some more.
“Does this happen every time you hiccup?”
“Yeah. Which is why I try to hide it. I was…fibbing when I said I rarely get them. But I don’t like others knowing what they’re like. It’s a little embarrassing.” Said Id.
Lilac brought out a soda and handed it to him.
Id accepted the drink and drank it down, before sighing in relief.
“I think they’re…” He hiccuped again. More butterflies came out.
“Nope. Still there.”
“Drink more.” Said Lilac.
Id did so. Then he glared at Lilac.
“So, that was your plan? To scare me half to death to get me to hiccup?”
“Well, yeah. Our conversation from earlier really got me curious, so I wanted to know.” Lilac answered honestly.
Id scowled at her.
“Just…promise not to record this one? I know I recorded yours earlier, but if people knew…I don’t think I’d live it down and I don’t want a chance for more people to cause these hiccups on purpose. It…actually kind of makes my stomach hurt…”
“Deal.” Said Lilac.
Id nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll make you some soup, if you’d like.”
“No. That’s okay. Sooner or later, they’ll disappear.” Said Id.
“Alright.” Lilac said, feeling a little bad now that she caused Id to get hurt.
“Hey, don’t…” Id hiccuped again.
“Don’t look so down. I mean, I’m just glad you’re not hurt, even at the expense of…my embarrassing secret.” Id hiccuped.
“I’m sorry Id, I didn’t think it would hurt you, I…”
Id laughed. Which caused him to hiccup more. He started to look sick.
“It’ll be alright. Hey, I can’t blame you for being curious. You’d have found out sooner or later. I’m kinda glad it was sooner, so I could tell you why I keep this a secret.” Said Id. Lilac nodded.
“I’ll…try not to cause you to hiccup anymore.” She said. Though she had to admit, they were kind of cute.
“It’s okay. They’re involuntary, like all hiccups. Anyway, I should get inside, so I can get these settled down.” Said Id.
“Also…” He gently punched Lilac.
“Ow, what was that for?!” She asked.
“For scaring the crap out of me! Don’t do that again! Seriously, I knew I was there to save you, but…I’m just….afraid.”
“You? Afraid?”
“Yes!” Id hiccuped again. “I hate these butterflies so much. But you really had me worried! I thought that if I missed, or couldn’t catch you in time, you’d….you’d die.” Said Id, rubbing his arm.
“I’m sorry. I’ll try not to fall so much.” Said Lilac.
Id shook his head. “Alright. I’ll head inside now.” He gave one last look at Lilac. He smiled and Ljlac cocked her head curiously. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick hug. Lilax was surprised, but hugged him back.
The two let go and they bid each other goodbye, before returning to their homes.
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dingdinghq · 11 months
Hehe alright! I'll answer for option A in this ask, and then send in a second for D because I have a LOT to say about characters lol
But okay, how 3rd Life happened in the AU, what is the same as canon, and what changed?
For our first major change, only 3L happened. This is because one does not trap a cookie with the power of space itself against their will. But that doesn't matter in the long run <3
Basically, the Watchers work pretty simluar to Martyn's lore! Beings that feed on negative emotions and like picking on specific people for petty reasons. Eye Cookie had started to realize that 'hey, we can technically trap a bunch of cookies and feed on them if we change reality a bit.' and the other Watchers were just sorta like 'alright, we're hungry so get working on it'
Void Starling and Parrot Ice Cream were both easy targets, as neither of them had any life outside the Watcher's grasps (will explain in the next ask), and the other 12 cookies were fairly easy to weed out. All they had to do was find cookies down on their luck, that nobody would realize were missing.
And so, the games started.
I'm leaving the three lives rule, because is it 3L without that? as well as the 'no helmets' rule, and the 'reds are hostile' rule.
Session 1 stays mostly the same. The mobs are different, to fit in with the crk universe. I'd say it was one of those weird walking poison mushrooms that killed Magic Cat Cookie (Scar) instead of a creeper. Uhhh honestly yeah that's it. Oh the Tree-TSD thing still happens, it's just more of Moss Phantom Cookie (Bdubs) forgot that he could make plants grow and started growing a tree on top of Zombie Queen Cookie (Cleo). As well as that, Voidling/Etho's dark oak still gets burned.
Oh, one change for everything is that the game took place over about a year! As well as that, it worked in a more realistic manner, so the buildings didn't just appear overnight.
Session 2... honestly I forget what happened here lol. Uhhh I guess just think that bases are being built, cookies are chatting and making friends, life is good! Uhhh yeah Pizza still exists. Why not lol
Session 3 is when Dare to Flare was being created! I don't know how Firebird Cookie (Tango) got his hands on lava just roll with it. It's funny and weirder things happen in crk. Also now the first red exists! Since Hermitcraft doesn't exist in this AU (causes far too many plot holes), Magic Cat is seen as a MUCH bigger threat by Choco Wolf and Lost Apple
Session 4: Cakewarts is founded!! Voidling, Red Angel, Shattered Soul Crystal, and Lost Apple are brought in by Choco Wolf to join the army! I changed it so that they all join at the same time for fun. and also because it means that I can give Shattered Soul Crystal more time with the others!!
Yes the alter scene still happens
Honestly I do not have the patience to type out things session by session because my hands are tired and also I don't wanna hit character limit AGAIN so uhhh here's a list of everything I can think of:
Firebird and Clay Flower Cookie (Joel) never joined Cakewarts
Yellow Demon (Impulse) did still join though. yes he still took out Voidling
Instead of rigging the desert with TNT, Parrot Ice Cream just made plain old bombs
Shattered Soul Crystal wasn't in session 7 because he was kinda sick due to the way his magic works
Flower Husbands happy ending was just a dream by Frost Flower Cookie (Scott)
The first siege of the Crastle (w/ Etho making tnt missiles) unforuntally didn't happen
Parrot Ice Cream felt guilty about starting all of the mess and tried to meet with Cakewarts to try and reach a truce. This didn't work
After each cookie was killed, the Watchers took their bodies to feast on their emotions. They were brought back to life when this happened, just sleeping.
Ummmmm honestly I can't think of much more things for this. I'll get to explaining every character I can tomorrow because it's late and I can't stay up past late every single night and still wake up early each morning lol
oh frost flower :(((
super excited to hear more about this au!!!! take your time with the stuff about character tho, dont wanna burn you out
0 notes
minniepetals · 2 years
omg office!au with the quote "are you crying?" for the drabble game please <3
“Hey Taehyung, do you know any job where I can get instant money?”
“You can work at my place. There’s a vacant position.” Your boss says without hesitation and your eyes are quick to light up, hope blooming in your chest because you never meant to actually get an answer out of him. You only asked that question because you were feeling a bit bored of the paperwork in your hands.
“Wait really? I’m in! What position is it?” You’re quick to jump at the opportunity.
“My wife,” Taehyung says with a smirk and your smile falls from your face, replaced with a deadpanned expression.
“No takebacks,” he points his pen at you with a playful expression resting on his face, “you already said you were in.”
“I’ll have to decline your proposal, sir.”
“You can’t just do that.”
“I just did.”
Dramatically, Taehyung, a grown-ass man, begins to pout as he shoves his face into the palms of his hands, sniffling just as the door to his office opens. “Another day, another rejection.”
“Are you crying?” Jimin asks as he walks into the room with Yoongi tolling along.
“He’s fine, he’s just being dramatic,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“I’m dramatic?” Taehyung gasps offendedly as he jumps back up, his pen leveled at you once more. “This is the tenth time you’ve rejected my proposal, wouldn’t that hurt anyone? You actually don’t really care for me do you, gorgeous?”
“We just started dating,” you stress.
“And? Don’t people date in order to get married? What’s wrong with flying past a few steps when you’re deeply in love?”
“You’re deeply in love with me? Already?”
He stands from his chair, approaching you and while you take a step back to back away from him, Taehyung doesn’t let you. The other two simply watch on without interference, amused by this. “We finally found our missing piece, Y/N, do you really think I’d want to waste months and years just to get a yes out of you?”
“We spend all those time in order to get to know each other better, and by then maybe you’d be more confident you actually want to marry me and pull me into your mix.”
He pouts. “Why would I wanna wait to do that when I already know I want you in my life forever?”
“You’re being clingy.”
“Oh yeah?” Taehyung challenges with a raised brow as he leans in closer, nose bumping against the softness of your cheek. “I think you actually enjoy this part of me.”
You don’t answer him and instead look towards the other, a silent cry for help on your expression with your neck stretching away from the koala bear holding onto you. Yoongi snickers and you frown.
“You just love seeing me suffer, don’t you?”
“Come on babygirl,” Yoongi chuckles as he walks forward to where the two of you are, “like Taehyung said, I think you’re actually enjoying this.”
“I mean come on, getting a position as our wife?” Jimin chimes in, playing along with the fantasy Taehyung has created. “That’s easy money and we know you love easy money.”
Just how do they see you?
“Maybe in a few years, yeah?” You turn back to Taehyung, knowing the other two aren’t willing to help you at all. He’s still clinging to you securely, refusing to let go anytime soon. “In three years’ time, if we don’t break up by then and if we’re all still deeply in love with each other, you can ask again and I’ll say yes.”
He gasps and like an excited puppy, you can almost imagine the tip of his ears perking up and his tail wagging rapidly behind him. “Really?! You promise?!”
“Yeah, yeah..”
“You promised!” He picks you off the floor without a second thought, causing you to let out a small little yelp at the sudden action. “You promised, Y/N, you can’t take it back now!”
“Okay, okay, I get it. Now put me down, will you?”
This time he listens easily but doesn’t let you go before placing a long-lasting kiss on your cheek just for good measure.
Jimin can’t wait to relay the news to the others.
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dw-writes · 2 years
Afterlife - Nanami Kento x Death!Reader
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Summary: Nanami Kento is dead, and it’s your job to escort him to the afterlife.
Genre: Gen Fic
TW: Major Character Death, Angst, Canon Compliant
Like are appreciated and reblogs are loved
Similar: Afterlife - Fushiguro Toji || Afterlife - Nanami Kento || Afterlife - Gojo Satoru || Afterlife - Fushiguro Megumi || Afterlife - Ryomen Sukuna
You gave Nanami Kento sometime before approaching. It had to be jarring – going from bleary, barely there vision back to what he’d had before entering Shibuya that day, to suddenly feel all of his limbs and none of them were screaming in pain. Though, you had to wonder if he remembered how he died.
He stared down at Shibuya, sliding his hands into the pockets of his beige slacks. “What happens now?” he asked.
You stepped up next to him. “Depends,” you mused, “Do you wanna watch? There’s a bet going that Itadori will kill ‘im, but it’s slim.”
He made something of a disgusted sound, eyes cutting to you. “You bet on this?”
“I didn’t,” you insisted, “At least, not on this fight. My morally reprehensible bet lies on whether or not your all-powerful friend lives forever.” He scoffed. “It gets boring here,” you mused, “You’ll see.”
He sidestepped a piece of rubble that launched through the air. “Is this all that happens when you die?” he asked, “You watch all of this and don’t do anything.”
“Please, tell me, what could I do to stop this?” You weren’t bitter. You were used to the sharp questions and the anger and the hatred. But his words weren’t filled with those. They were resigned, almost sad, hidden behind a forced monotony. “How could I have kept you alive, Nanami?”
He didn’t answer because there wasn’t an answer. “Will he get out?” he asked instead.
“Eventually,” you answered.
“Will,” he licked his lips and finally looked away from the city in chaos beneath him, the question he wanted to ask stuck fast in his throat.
Your heart ached. Nanami had been on your list for as long as you’d had a list. You’d thought you were prepared. Instead, you bent the rules – it was quickly becoming easy with the Tokyo sorcerers, wasn’t it? – and answered him, “He dies. Well—” You shrugged and stepped closer to him, your arm barely brushing his, “—he gets absorbed. He won’t exist anymore.”
“Good,” Nanami grunted. His hand brushed over his face, where his goggles had once been, then fell back to his side. “He won’t be able to cause any more damage.”
“Not exactly, but those kids will figure it out,” you whispered. You brushed your elbow against his arm. “C’mon. We should go.”
“Go where?” he asked.
“Your afterlife,” you answered, “Though it’s kind of a long walk, so we should get started.”
He turned away from scene beneath him and gestured for you to lead the way. You did so, walking slow enough to ensure he’d follow you. Once he fell in step at your side, you picked up your pace.
“Who are you, anyway?” he asked after a few minutes.
“I told my last pick up to call me Death,” you replied, “It’s a name, after all.”
“Hmm,” he said, “What was your name?”
You gave it to him. It was easier to give the second time around.
“Were you a sorcerer when you were alive?” he asked.
You almost stumbled over your feet. “Why do you say that?” you asked.
“You feel familiar,” was all he gave you.
You shrugged. “Not a sorcerer,” you said, “I didn’t have an ounce of cursed energy. But I worked hard to keep up with my family, despite how much they disliked it.”
“Sounds familiar,” mused Nanami.
You smiled. “I’ve heard. Miss Maki is really making a name for herself. Makes me proud. The Zen’in family really needs to be shaken up, and she’ll do it.”
“Good.” Then, he looked over. “Were you one of them?”
“No, thankfully,” you replied, “Someone made sure my family wouldn’t survive too long after he killed me.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, like he could have done something about it.
Your smile grew wider. “It was centuries ago,” you said, tilting your head, “Literally.” You looked up at him. “Are you proud of everything you’ve done?” you asked.
Nanami slowed for a step, his mouth quirking down a fraction, then resumed his pace. “Yes.”
“Better than stock trading?” you offered.
He groaned.
“That’s a new one,” you teased, “Going from sorcerer to stockbroker and then back to a sorcerer? Pretty wild.”
“You sound just like him,” he huffed.
You smiled, pretending to not know who he means. Instead, you took to listing off his accomplishments, “Nanami Kento – previous record holder of consecutive black flash attacks—” he hummed at that, a little annoyed, “—grade one sorcerer, slayer of curses, first of his name.”
“This isn’t a book,” he huffed, his lips quirking up a bit.
“But it made you smile,” you teased, “So, it did its job.” He didn’t say anything. “You did a lot of good work in the short time you were alive. It’s, honestly, a shame that you were taken away so quickly.”
He hesitated. “Reincarnation is a thing, isn’t it?”
“We call it recycling, and it’s more of a punishment than a gift,” you answered, “Used to force dark souls to relive what they did, with the memory of what’s waiting for them at the end.”
“Ah.” He tried to adjust his goggles again. “What should I expect, then?”
You tilted your head. “Well, first we’ll get to the stairs that lead to your gate,” you explained, “You’ll have to hold my hand as we go up, though. Souls that try to go up on their own wander off the staircase and, well, it’s not a very good end.”
“Alright,” he mumbled.
“And then we’ll get to your gate. There may be people waiting for you there, or there might not be. People are aware when a new spirit is coming up, but it’s up to them to meet that spirit or not,” you continued.
He was silent at that. You wondered if anyone would be waiting for him.
“And then you go through your gate and do whatever you want,” you finished.
“That’s awfully lenient,” he said.
You shrugged. “It happens. Some people call it boring. Others call it paradise. It really depends on what you wanna do while you’re there.”
“Like making bets on major events happening in the living world,” Nanami commented.
You flashed him a sheepish smile. “You develop a detached view of that world the longer you’re there. The guy I’m betting with was really quick on the uptake, but he didn’t have a great view of that world when he died, either. Had to go through a few recycles to realize that he wasn’t in the right.”
Nanami hummed. “That guy wouldn’t happen to be Geto Suguru, would it?” he asked.
You blinked, a little stunned, but nodded. “Right, you guys were schoolmates, weren’t you?” you whispered. You rubbed your neck. “No offense, but it seems like you might’ve had a better chance if you’d be at the Kyoto school.”
Nanami had the grace to snort at your morbid joke. “Would’ve been better off if I didn’t know that guy,” he grumbled, “I was only down there to save him.”
“And I’m sure he’s honored,” you commented. You slowed as the two of you approached the coast. You held out your hand. “Here. It’s better if you take my hand now. I’m not sure when your stairs will appear.” He slipped his hand into yours and squeezed your fingers. You squeezed his back, then tugged him over the coast. The sky melted around you, fading from the midnight blue of night to the late evening streaks that appeared right after the sun set. You two walked. “The afterlife can be anything you want,” you reiterated, looking up at him, “I hear you like a good book.”
“And a good drink,” he agreed.
“Plenty of bartenders,” you mused, “You find a chair and a table, and you can essentially read wherever you want.”
Nanami bit back a few words, squeezed your hand again, then sighed, “Not my apartment.”
“It could be,” you replied, “Won’t be the same as actually being there, but…” You trailed off, watching his face.
He stared ahead, jaw clenched, eyes tracing over the contours of the steps you hadn’t seen yet. It physically hurt to watch his eyes water. The two of you had stopped at some point while your last sentences were shared. His weight shifted back to his heels, and his hand tugged on yours, just a bit, enough to notice. A tear rolled down the sharp curve of his cheek.
“’s it bad that I wanna go home?” he muttered, “Worked a lot of overtime. I just…”
You caught him when he crumbled, tugging your hand free of his tightening grip to wrap your arms around his back. He sank to his knees, pulling you with him, tucking one hand against his face while the other balled into a fist on his knee. You traced your hand up his neck to cradle the back of his head but stayed quiet. You couldn’t think of anything to say, but even if you could, there was nothing that could help. He had died. He’d lost everything he’d worked for, all of the friends he’d made, all of the love and trust and kindness he’d carefully accumulated over the years was gone, and he didn’t know how long it would take for any of it to return.
He hoped, as he silently cried into the palm of his hand, that it would be decades until anyone showed up at all.
You turned your head enough for your mouth to graze his temple and stayed there until he’d composed himself. He moved first, his hand drifting from his face to squeeze your arm. You took his hands and helped him to stand, “Take your time,” you whispered.
He wiped his eyes, his hand dropping to loosen the tie at his neck once they were dry. Then, he met your gaze, breathing in slowly, exhaling until the tension in his shoulders and back disappeared.
“I’m fine,” he murmured, clutching your fingers, “Let's go.”
You turned back to the stairs. You hadn’t seen any like Nanami’s before – clear glass, with blooming Sakura trees beneath them, each branch pressing their pale blooms against the glass. It warmed your heart and broke it at the same time. You took the first step, looking back at him, and helped him up after you. You thought that you’d continue up in silence.
Instead, Nanami asked, “Will you be coming by to visit?”
You smiled. “Of course,” then, you teased, “What, you gonna miss me?”
“Not if that’s how you’ll act,” he grumped.
You laughed. You took note of the smile that ticked up the corners of his mouth. It was nice. You hoped he’d do it more.
You slowed as you took the last turn of his stairs, blinking in surprise at the figure that waited at the top. “Yu!” you exclaimed.
Haibara’s face split into a sparkling grin. Nanami would have jerked free of your grasp when he lunged up the last few steps if you hadn’t held onto him. You stumbled, though, catching yourself on the top step to ensure that Nanami cleared the landing before letting him go. You rolled onto your back, grunting, rubbing your side where the step dug in, as Nanami squeezed the young sorcerer in his arms. You thought you heard Nanami start to cry again. You gave them a moment, staring down the stairs, eyeing the tendrils of space that snaked across the steps. They lapped at the impressions that Nanami’s shoes had left behind, looking to most like paint strokes that had melted across the stairs.
You kicked at one that came close to you and the heat shot straight through the sole of your shoe. You tuned and stood and climbed up the last few steps.
Nanami squeezed Haibara’s shoulders with an almost wide smile. Haibara, in turn, was laughing.
“This what you meant by people could be waiting?” Nanami asked you.
You nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t know that Yu would be up here, considering how abrupt your death was,” you replied.
“If I could’ve, I would’ve been down there to meet you, but that’s breaking the rules,” added Haibara. He waved at the open gates behind him. “You wanna head in? I know a really great bartender we can visit.”
Nanami stared at the folding glass and metal doors, then met your gaze. You smiled. “Hey, it’s fine. It’s what I brought you here to do, remember?” you said.
“You’ll visit?” he asked again.
You opened your mouth to confirm, but Haibara cut you off with a startled laugh and a bark of your name, “Comes around all the time! If anyone asked, I’d almost call ‘em a slacker.”
“That’s rude,” you pouted. Despite the moniker, Nanami’s smile grew.
“Good.” He rubbed his neck and trailed after Haibara’s excited strides. “I think I owe you a drink.”
“It’s a date,” you called after him. Nanami’s bright pink ears were the last thing you saw as his gate closed behind him.
~*~Thanks for Reading~*~
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bellatrixscurls · 3 years
“achy” ☁️ draco x reader x harry
warnings : smut, dom/sub, sub!reader, sub!harry, dom!draco, soft aftercare, praise kink.
summary : you feel needy so you make harry skip transfiguration, and draco finds out.
a/n : not me writing for drarry again bc i’m literally obsessed with this ship- chile 😳.
“but please, har! i really need you” you pouted at the bespectacled boy, staring up at him as your hands tugged at his scarlet and golden tie, “you’re so pretty. please, angel.”
harry only sighed, biting his lip at the sight of you. you needed him so much, and seeing you in that state made him want you too, more than anything, “okay” he agreed, feigning indifference but a smile crept onto his face as soon as strings of ‘thank you’s and ‘i love you’s left your mouth, along with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
you wasted no time in dragging him up the stairs to his dorm, knowing that draco wouldn’t be able to catch you there.
closing the door behind him, harry let you undress him. you began with his tie, that you’d been dying to get off him since that morning, then with his pants and briefs, and finally took off his shirt, leaving him bare in front of you. you smiled weakly at him, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on his chest, making him giggle at the action, “so fucking precious, ‘m love” you said as you got down on your knees, gripping his thighs for support as your lips lightly touched his red tip, causing him to shudder.
“so pretty” he whispered as he guided your head, your mouth taking all of him, making you gag at his impressive size, “f-fuck, y/n/n. taking all of me like such a good g-girl, fuck!” whined harry, pushing your head closer so you were forced to breathe through your nose, tears leaking out of your eyes at the roughness of his thrusts.
a few more thrusts along with your boyfriend’s praises and you couldn’t ignore your neediness, your hand immediately sliding down and playing with your clit. you hummed around his cock as he continued to fuck your mouth, and you heard harry chuckling from above you, “couldn’t take it anymore, could you, lovey ?” he questioned rhetorically, but you shook your head nevertheless, “stop that, angel.”
and although his tone was gentle, your hand immediately left your wet cunt, at the same time he cupped your face and eased himself out of your mouth, “lemme taste my sweet little girl” he said, earning a soft moan from you as you held two fingers up, close to his lips. harry’s tongue poked out as his mouth opened and he took your fingers between his upper lip and tongue, sucking and humming around them as his eyes closed.
the sight was pure sex. harry, with your fingers inside his mouth, tasting you and actually enjoying it. “d-daddy” you whispered, and harry’s eyes immediately snapped open, watching your glossy eyes and pouty lips, “wanna- wanna be fucked, please. wanna cum ‘round your cock, pretty please” and although a sub himself, harry couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying that — you calling him ‘daddy’, while begging for his cock.
“well, good girls get what they want, don’t they, sweetheart ?” he asked, brushing some strands of hair out of your face. “m-i’m a good girl ?” you asked hopefully, watching as he nodded, satisfied at how submissive you were for him, and only him, “a good girl that’s gonna receive exactly what she wants, hm ?”
so you didn’t even try to control yourself anymore, and got on your back on the floor, pulling harry on top of you as you kissed him passionately, running your hands up and down his chest. chuckling, he pulled away for a second, “easy- easy, my love” he pressed his forehead against yours, slowly pushing his cock inside of you, pulling breathless moans and whines from you as he couldn’t control the endless groans escaping his parted lips.
“just l-like that- so good! so fucking good.”
an hour later, after cumming three times each, you were finally done. laying on the floor, sweaty bodies pressed against each other as you tried to catch your breaths. “should we t-take a bath now ? use some lotion for s-sore muscles ?” you asked, remembering the usual things draco’d do after sex.
harry was aware about those things, but being a sub himself, he couldn’t do it properly so he just said “i- i think we should go to dinner first, you know- so draco won’t be suspicious” he offered and you agreed, feeling hungry yourself.
you put on one of harry’s tshirts and your shorts, while harry dressed himself as well, and you headed to the great hall. while walking, your legs were visibly trembling, and harry seemed tense and uncomfortable as well, but you just brushed it off and continues walking.
once there, you made your way to the slytherin table, where you and harry sat on either of draco’s sides. but then again, sitting down wasn’t comfortable either — your pussy was aching and you swore that you could hear harry hiss as well.
frowning, draco glanced at you, then at harry and back at you, eventually opening his mouth, “didn’t see you in transfiguration” he spoke matter of factly, turning back to his food as he waited for an answer.
“i-i forgot to do my essay a-and you know how minnie gets” you told him quietly, your cheeks burning in embarrassment at what happened just a few minutes before.
draco hummed, not really impressed as he turned his gaze to his boyfriend, “and you ?”
looking down shyly, harry stuttered, “i was h-helping her.”
“right, so who’s idea was it ?”
“what idea ?”
“skipping class to fuck. without me ? d’you think i’m stupid, potter ?”
“we didn’t-”
“oh yeah ? explain this, then” draco said arrogantly, sliding one of his hands inside your underwear and slapping your clit lightly as you cried out in pain, half of the table turning to look at you, but they instantly looked away when draco glared at them.
deep in thought, draco removed his hand from your underwear and brought it up to nose, inhaling the scent with closed eyes. inhaling deeply, his eyes snapped open and he groaned, gripping both yours and harry’s wrists and practically dragged you up to his dorm.
“did you apply lotion ? take a warm bath ? wash your hair ?” draco yelled at both you and harry, as the only thing you could do was shake your heads, waiting for the punishment he had in store for you, sooner or later.
groaning in frustration, draco disappeared behind the door of his spacious bathroom — as he was a prefect. you shot harry a look as well as he did you, tears leaking out of your eyes as you waited for your boyfriend to come back.
“in here, now” his cold voice instructed and both of you obliged instantly, your legs quivering as you entered the bathroom, trying to stand straight in front of the blond, “my poor little babies...” he spoke softly as his hands went to cup one of your cheeks and one of harry’s, pulling you closer to his chest and holding you there.
you sobbed against his pale skin, the achiness increasing as well as your guiltiness, “m s-sorry, dray...didn’t wanna- i knew you w-wouldn’t skip class with us and- and harry looked so pretty...i’m so so sorry” by the time you were done speaking, your tears were dripping down your chin and all the way down draco’s shirt.
but instead of yelling or punishing you like you thought he would, draco shushed you, depositing harry and then you into the spacious bathtub.
“next time don’t do these things without permission, bubs...see ? it hurts now, doesn’t it ?” he cooed when you and harry winced as the hot water came into contact with your sore muscles and your overused bodies.
you nodded shyly as harry laid his head upon your chest, closing his eyes, “m sorry too...” he whispered, too shy to even look at any of you as he buried his face into your chest, “for being a bad boy, i mean...wanna be good f-” but harry couldn’t get the last words out of his mouth as his adorable little snores filled the room, causing both you and draco to giggle quietly.
“he’s probably gonna do this again, isn’t he ?” draco sighed, squeezing some shampoo on his palm and rubbing his palms together.
“if this is what we get, i’m most likely gonna do this again as well.”
“wh- hey!”
🩰 taglist; @daisyyy2516 @maybanksslut @fjorelaant @fredshufflepuff @amixedwitch @dracofknmalfoy @journeyofem @notthatchhavi @whisperingwhisper @stoleurmomsvan @olicity-believer @dreamy-clousds @harmqnia @v4l3nt1n44 @roonilwazlibswhore @drachoesimp @sluttylea @g1nnyslove @adrianscumslut @steveharringtonswhore @o-rion-sta-r @dracomalfoyswifeee @sweetbagelranchathlete @lolooo22 @ravenclawcartier
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hoodiewithhorns · 3 years
━ using your safe word scenarios ★
characters : hajime iwaizumi, tetsuro kuroo, keiji akaashi.
there will be a part 2 & 3 coming soon!
edit : p.2 is out <3
m.sterlist + requests box
▲ cw : not proof read, angst, use of safeword, “red” used as the safeword, clit spanking, mean!doms, hurt/comfort, established relationship, forced orgasm, jealousy, oral m! receiving, facefucking, foreplay f! receiving, degradation, slight punishment if you squint, aftercare/reassurance , all characters are 18+, MDNI ▼
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- you weren’t necessarily in a good mood to be fucked roughly by him
- you just wanted some soft passionate sex with kuroo
- You assumed he’d figure out what you wanted due to him knowing you better than yourself.
- But you were wrong..very wrong.
-Not wanting to disappoint your boyfriend you played along.
- biggest mistake.
〜 ☆
you bobbed your head on his cock while he groaned at the slow pace. you were taking your time today since you weren’t in the best mood to be shoving him down your throat. you thought he take this as a sign of you wanting things slow soft and sweet, instead he took this as a sign of you being bratty, a brat who deserves punishment in his eyes.
“you little brat.” he forcefully shoved his cock down your throat. You gagged in response feeling your eyes become glossy, tears promising to spill at any given minute, looking up at him with pleading eyes hoping he’d show some form of mercy. but of course, he didn’t. tightening the grip on your hair he moved you back and forth on his cock causing you to gag and your breathing becoming heavy.
you heart ached in your chest as you tried to push him off, but to no avail. a dark chuckle leaving his throat as he watched you struggle, a sight he would commonly enjoy. “such a bad girl today huh? maybe i should go find another goodgirl. one that’ll actually listen.” you tried to shake your head as fat tears streamed down your face, the thought of him replacing you being one your biggest fears. did he mean that? just cause you weren’t in a good mood he was gonna replace you? you thought to yourself noticing the grip he had on you loosened a little. you could move away now and so you did. pulling away from his cock trying to catch your breath only causing him to get angrier. “why are you being so bad today? why cant you be a goodgirl and-“
“Red!” you choked out a sob as more tears fell from your face staining the bed sheets beneath you. sitting up, your palms resting on your thighs as you sobbed. the room went silent with the only sound present being your soft cries alongside with your occasional sniffles. confused he lifted your chin up, you pathetically looked up at him like a helpless little puppy. he finally understood what was wrong, mumbling a few curses as he got closer to you, sitting you on his lap as you cried into his chest.
“easy now baby. i’m so sorry...” he whispered thanking whatever was above that he hadn’t lost you, feeling horrible for not picking up the obvious signs you weren’t in the mood for any of this.
“d-do you really wanna l-leave me?” your voice was hoarse from one getting your throat fucked and two crying. hugging you tighter and feeling nothing but regret. each cry you let out tugged at his heartstrings. he never wanted this how could he have been so blind? you were his little baby he wanted to protect every chance he got. now you were here. sobbing into his chest all because he didn’t realize you weren’t in the right mood today. 
“never prettygirl. i’d be devastated without you in my life... I didn’t mean that I promise.” he pulled you away from his chest to face you. kissing the few tears you had left on you. even with tears pampered all over your face, to him you still managed to be pretty. even if it hurt him since he was the reason for all this, you could tell he was on the brink of tears too. he couldn’t imagine a life without you without his precious girlfriend in his life he’d be a train wreck.
“i-i...i just wanted us to go nice and gentle tonight..i didn’t have a good day today..but i didn’t want you to be mad since you like it when its rough so..”
he let out a chuckle at your last sentence causing you to look at him in confusion. “yeah being rough is nice and all but its only nice when you’re in the right mindset for it. you should’ve told me you weren’t feeling it tonight baby. If you wanna get fucked nice and gently by me you should’ve just said so my love.” he says planting a kiss on your forehead.
you smiled, reverting back to your previously cheery self making kuroo more than happy. he rested his head on top your shoulder “if you want, we can try again baby. this time i’ll give it to you nice and sweet..you’d like that wouldn’t you my pretty baby?” he whispers into your ear planting kisses down your neck as you let out a whimper feeling him smirk against your neck.
“mm-mhm please tetsu...”
he wastes no time wrapping his arms around your waist as your cunt feels him hardening again. “whatever my baby wants who am i to deny?”
- the thought of using your safeword never occurred to you when you were with akaashi
- in fact he suggested it just in case things took a turn you didn’t like
- tonight was different though you were his innocent girlfriend who just wanted to treat him the way he treats you so lovingly
- wearing nothing but his shirt accompanied by a cute pair of panties feeling confident about your plan to please your boyfriend.
- though it doesn’t go according to plan,
you saw him sitting on the bed reading a novel still in his formal clothing. You were feeling particularly needy tonight learning a few new things you read from the internet a week ago on how to please your boyfriend sexually. you did however feel a bundle of nerves fill you up, but you just assumed it was because this was something you’ve never done before to anyone.
akaashi was not only your first, but he was your first boyfriend your first everything when it came to romance. now, putting all your insecurities aside, you were going to try out what you learned tonight on your beloved boyfriend!
 walking towards him, you crawled on top of his lap, arms wrapped around his neck to pull him in for a sweet kiss. he smirked setting his book down on the nightstand while taking his glasses off as well.
“Can I help you pretty girl?” he questioned placing his hands on your hips. “oh nothing...i just want you tonight..is that okay?” you asked, your innocent voice making akaashi smile. you were just so cute and pure in his eyes. you jump in excitement ready to initiate your plan to please your boyfriend. you started kissing him slowly yet passionately, grinding your wet cunt against his slowly hardening cock through his pants.
he opened his eyes to clearly understand what you were doing. to his shock what he assumed was correct. His innocent girlfriend who had no knowledge on how to please her boyfriend grinding up against him. maybe you were just being extra needy? he told himself. not longer after he snapped back to reality as he felt you pull away from him only to kiss down his jaw leaving a trail of soft kisses.
His cheeks becoming red as your soft lips traced down to unbutton his shirt. “so handsome..” You said kissing his chest as you went down to his abdomen. he would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this, but.... Your not gonna do what he thinks you are right?? his own girlfriend who was too shy who cried at the first attempt to sucking him off?? no he must be getting ahead of himself.
looking down once more to check up on you, he finds you unbuckling his pants letting his cock spring free. his mouth agape seeing your head already lick his precum nice and clean, pumping him a few times to get all his precum out. he shudders as your wet tongue touches his cock, giving him kitten licks here and there. taking a deep breath, shoving him down your throat all in one go, a small gag escaping from you, squeezing your eyes tightly trying your best not to cry.
humming, you bobbing back and forth making him grunt at the waves of pleasure you were giving him. Still, he felt uneasy. who taught you this?? he was always the one guiding you, teaching you how to do things yet here you were sucking him down your pretty little throat. head thrown back his groans mixed with his thoughts, he kept overthinking the reasons as to how you picked up on this.
did Bokuto teach you?? you two always got along so well..sometimes leaving akaashi to third wheel, but why was he thinking about that now??
 “shit..” he grunted as he felt his high approaching. He tried to pull your head back so he wouldn’t end up cumming in your mouth, but you stayed on his cock till he came.
smiling at him, you licked your lips, swallowing his cum. leaving him surprised at everything you’ve just done. you’ve never did any of this nor tried to. It hurt the first time you tried to give him head now here you are taking him down your throat? He couldn’t believe it.
he wanted to get to the bottomed of this quickly.
“dirty girl.” he spits out flipping you to the other side of the bed, pushing your head down to the pillow putting your ass up with your cunt in full display for him. you winced at the sudden aggressive force.
“who taught you all those things you little slut?”hooking his finger onto your soaked panties to push them aside, he shoved two fingers deep inside of your dripping hole making you whimper at the painful stretch, not giving you enough time to adjust as he pumped into you.
“k-keiji w-wait!!” you whined screwing your eyes shut to fight back your tears, while he started pumping his fingers at an inhuman pace, he hovered over you, your back to his chest while his head rested on your shoulder.
“i asked you a question, so I expect an answer.” his voice was cold and stern without a sound of love or worry. the stretch of his fingers were painful especially with how he was practically scissoring you open. your eyes rolled at to the back of your head feeling your climax approaching, but it hurt so much you weren’t used to such a rough pace.
akaashi always took his time with you. Going slow and easy, praising you, calling you his angel or goodgirl for taking him in so well. but now he was none of these things.this felt like a completely different person to what you were use to.
“mm’ n-no one! keiji- p-please s-slow down it hurts!!” you sobbed only making him click his tongue at you, your heart sank feeling foggy and uneasy.“you probably like that it hurts huh? you’re dripping around my fingers you filthy slut.” he never used a tone as harsh as this before. never calling you names or degrading you in general. the pain in your chest overlapping the pleasure as more tears fall.
“n-no not a s-slut!! p-please stop! it hurts please keiji please-“ you begged feeling your stomach tighten as he kept fingering you till you screamed, squirting all over the bed sheets. “dirty slut.” He pulled out abruptly from you causing you to choke out another sob. your body trembling at this point as you pant out in desperation to form words scared of what he might do next. “N-no more please I’ll be good i p-promise just please..” you begged him once again, hoping he’d notice the pain you were in...he didn’t.
“no. sluts like you don’t get to make decisions like that.” He was about to pull your shirt off until you screamed and kicked  “red! red! r-red!!” he moved away only to watch you curl in on yourself, hugging your knees for comfort, refusing to look him in the eyes. “baby..?” he said softly trying to move you to face him to his horror you flinched shrinking in on yourself.
“keiji... why were you s-so...mean to me i only wanted to make you feel good..you always make me feel good so why did you..” immediately, he scooped you into his arms rocking you back and forth as if you were a toddler. you cuddled up against his chest as he felt your tears fall on his chest.he didn’t mind of course. “shh its okay..its okay..” the voice he commonly spoke to you coming back, soft, reassuring, just how you liked it.
“baby..im sorry i.. I didn’t mean to be so mean..i just got scared you were maybe..well someone might’ve been teaching you these things..” you froze pulling away to look at him.
“w-what? I didn’t learn that from anyone..id never let anyone teach me or touch me but you keiji! i just..read some stuff about it online...and I wanted to test it out..” you admitted through sniffles still rubbing your tears away. He sighed as he hugged you again running his fingers through your hair. 
all you wanted was to please your boyfriend from just that, his heart skipped a beat at how sweet you were being, but the feeling was overshadowed by  feeling so stupid for letting his insecurities take the best of him.
“I’m sorry baby.. I promise to never speak to you like that ever again..you’re my sweet girl and I love you so so much.. you were just trying to do something nice for me..thank you i appreciate it my love..it felt really nice you did good.” He cupped your face in his hands, peppering soft kisses around your face.
he smiled as you giggled at the ticklish feeling, sighing in relief.
“ i love you, my sweetgirl. ”
- he got home pissed off since he saw you chatting and giggling with mattsun. 
- he needed to blow off some steam
- he didn’t mean to be so mean he really didn’t
-he was usually a soft dom but today..he was everything but soft to you.
“ filthy fucking whore. what were you doing talking to mattsun huh?” his thrusts were sharp, painful, not being prepped well enough by him making the stretch of his cock burn through your gummy walls. feeling the air in your lungs start to leave you slowly as tears streamed down your face at iwaizumis cold , heartless, tone. there was not a single trace of him, not a sign of his love. you weren't trying to make him jealous, you just spend sometime to get to know mattsun just a little more since he was friends with your boyfriend never expecting him to react like this. 
snapping back to your current situation, you arched your back letting out a loud cry as he slapped your puffy clit. “didn’t i ask you a fucking question? or did your dumb slutty brain already get fucked out of you huh?” he wrapped his hands around your throat thrusting harder and deeper in you. 
his tip painfully hitting your cervix with each thrust making you cry at the pain. you tried pushing him off with the little strength you had in you, sobbing out an apology making him roll his eyes. 
“tch, what? you think a little apology is gonna change the fact you were all “buddy buddy” with mattsun? did you forget who fucking owns you little slut?” landing another harsh slap at your clit causing you cry in discomfort. everything around you made you feel light as if you were gonna pass out from the cruel words iwaizumi spoke to you. feeling helpless as there was no sign of your once loving boyfriend. 
“maybe i should’ve invited him over, let him have a turn at ruining your slutty little cunt.”
Finally, having enough you cried out “r-red..” it was soft, gentle, easily could’ve been unheard if it wasn’t for how closely iwaizumi payed attention to you. he halted his thrusts pulling out of you completely, eyes draining of all lust and jealousy converting to concern mixed with regret. he rushed to put back his boxers on, cuddling you against his chest. 
you didn’t push him away, no you could never. he was the man you loved and treasured more than anything. you were hurt obviously, but still wanted to seek his comfort.
“i-i dont like m-mattsun haji..i only like you..only you..” your voice sounding broken. he let out a deep sigh pulling you closer to kiss your head. 
“i know baby i know... i was just jealous..you get along so well with mattsun i..went too far on you..i’m sorry you didn’t deserve that baby” his voice sounding faint but full of comfort.
“i just wanted to get t-to know him...i didn’t mean to make you mad haji..”
“i know baby shhh its okay now..i’m not mad anymore.”he cooed kissing you softly. you nodded letting your last set of tears fall onto his chest. 
slowly shutting your eyes and falling asleep in the warmth of his chest.
him on the other hand was completely mortified at your sobbing accompanied with your sniffles it echoed through his ears replaying like a broken record each time the memory got to you saying your safeword. 
he never thought he’d reach that point for you to have to tell him that. he let out a few tears that night hating himself for hurting you. you forgave that very second he apologized but him on the other hand? he didn't..no he couldn’t.
let’s just say, he didn't get much sleep that weekend. 
akaashis is long asf (im sorry i just love him sm) and iwaiuzmis is short but i love these boys sm.  
i still am taking requests all links are above and down here. remember to drink water. oh and heres the m.sterlist  in case you missed it <3♡
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [6]
A/N: You guys might want to whack out your love song playlist for this one…I cried writing this BYE I'm posting this from my grave!!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, ANGST, smut
words: ~ 3.8 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @yeostars, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek
You: can I come over? I kind of need u
H/N: you need me huh…you’re lucky I’m home alone
It always starts differently. Some other question, or a subtle message of telling him you’re bored, or a flat-out confession of being horny. The ending is always the same. You, naked in his bed. You just had to get there, and things were easy when you were already on his dorm’s doorstep.
The moment he had opened the door, you had fistfuls of his hair between your fingers and attacked his mouth in a feverish kiss. He made a noise between a laugh and surprise but reacted quickly. His lips parted right away, letting you in, and you tasted mint from the chewing gum he liked so much.
“Let me- at least- close the door,” he mumbled. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you today?”
You stepped aside and mirrored his grin. He was acting surprised, but the way he instantly locked your lips after he had shut the door told you he was enjoying this as much as you were. You ran your hands down his torso and along the side of his thighs. His happy hum only poured oil into the fire, and you saw no reason as to why you should have kept your clothes on any longer. In minutes, in the middle of heated kisses and clumsy chuckles, your clothes were discarded, and you were left in your underwear. You stumbled into his bedroom in a tangle of arms and legs and heads barely pulling apart.
“Will you tell me about the date you had today or are we skipping over that part?” he asked, as he pushed you down by the shoulders onto his bed. You groaned a little, not even knowing where to start.
“Didn’t go well, huh?” he asked. Only a few nights ago you had consoled him after his failed date, now the roles were reversed.
“That’s one way to put it,” you said. He was climbing on top of you now, and the weight of him between your thighs still did the same things to you it had done the first time. There was one of his random playlists playing quietly from the speakers, but you were both too occupied to even consider switching the music off. You weren’t in the mood for a chat, not when he was biting and sucking bruises into your chest, pushing aside your bra just enough. But you knew he wasn’t going to let it go this easily.
“Tell me about it or I won’t take one more piece of clothing off your body,” he threatened. You shot him an are-you-serious-look while he only blinked at you innocently, like he was awaiting your response.
“Fine,” you groaned. “But hurry, now.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room. “Go ahead, I expect a story.”
You had rolled your eyes at him, but when he sucked on your nipple all of a sudden, and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bud ever so perfectly, your eyes moved to the back of your head involuntarily. And, before he could complain, you started to retell today’s events.
“Alright. First of all, he acted all gentleman-y. Pulling back my chair at the restaurant, letting me have a look at the menu first, letting me order first, asking me if I was okay with our seats because they were in the sunshine, or whether he should have requested we get a different in the shade table, blah, blah, blah.”
With the lewd noises he was making, kissing your chest and fumbling with your breasts, you almost wondered whether he was paying attention to you at all.
“I’m waiting for the plot twist,” he chuckled. “If he had been this great, you wouldn’t be in my bed right now, would you?” He was now on his way to your lower regions. Your breaths came out shaky when he gripped your hips with familiar fingertips and placed a few kisses there, right above the material of your underwear. Nonetheless, you had to continue your story.
“Oh, it’s coming,” you said. “Because I suspect, the only reason he was acting that way was to compensate. For the fact that he was an hour late.”
He stifled a laugh, and you slapped his head playfully. “It’s not funny! I stood outside that restaurant on a busy street like an idiot for an hour. During exam season!”
“I wonder, if studying is so special to you- ,” he said. He tugged on your underwear, and you barely cared about his words when you were already imagining his mouth on your pussy. “Why aren’t you at home right now, doing just that?”
“Too frustrated,” you groaned, spreading your legs, practically inviting him in. “You don’t get it. That was only the beginning of the date. It gets worse.”
“Oh, damn,” he laughed, and you were going to slap him again. Harder, this time. But his tongue kitten-licked over your clit and you didn’t dare interrupt him further.
“First of all, he turned out to be boring. An economics major. And look, I’m not generalizing, I’ve met some cool economics majors. But when I said I never really understood the whole thing with inflation and deflation, I wasn’t asking for him to explain it to me. I know what it means, I just meant to say money is the root of all evil,” you said, little moans slipping inbetween your sentences. He laughed whilst sipping on your clit. You couldn’t be mad at his laughing anymore. In fact, at the sound of his chuckles, your own lips curled into a smile, too. God, he was so good with his tongue.
“But turns out he loved money. Like it was the sole reason he was doing anything. When he showed me his gold watch I almost yawned,” you continued.
“Dating a rich guy can have its upsides too, though,” he said, but you knew he was joking. He was running the tips of his fingers over your core, and you whimpered at how badly you wanted him to put them inside of you. You loved watching him, loved feeling his hair tickle the side of your thighs and having his free hand laying on top of your hipbone. The familiarity of it all, his little habits, made your heart heavy, so full of emotion, all of a sudden. But you had to snap out of it.
“Not this guy. He kept saying these lowkey sexist things I won’t repeat now. It’ll only make me mad again. He was one of those who thought money would buy him a girlfriend. And I was really trying to see the good in him…only there was none,” you said.
“Alright, I’m starting to understand why you needed some cheering up,” he said. “Good thing you’re at the right place. I know just the thing.”
At this, he slid his digits into you. You hummed and dropped your head into the plush pillow. Slowly, you exhaled, happy you finally got to relax after being so upset. But of course, he had to interrupt. Again.
“Did I say you could stop? Was that the end of the story?” he said. How did he expect you to form a coherent sentence? He fingered you gently, but the slowness of it all only drove you crazier. You felt every tiny sensation, every new bit of you he touched.
“No,” you sulked. “Fuck, it feels so good.”
“Go on, then,” he encouraged you, grinning because he was proud of your reaction he had caused.
“Fuck- okay. He was super shitty to the waiter. I’m talking about criticizing everything. This man had the audacity to complain about the food. I’m not a food critic, but I swear the food was amazing, there was nothing to fault at all,” you said, and then whined when he switched from licking your clit to sucking it between his teeth. You knew he was doing this on purpose. To make speaking harder for you.
“Oh my god, H/N. Wait, let me finish this. Not only was he horrible to the waiter in person, but he also made fun of the waiter’s appearance behind his back. And all along he expected me to find him funny. I used to think he had a sense of humor but not after today. Blech.”
“At least you got a free dinner?” he said, and without awaiting your answer, went back to work. Your head was spinning in pleasure, and you could only laugh sarcastically at his suggestion.
“Yeah. And after that train wreck of a date, he really thought he’d get to stick his tongue down my throat,” you said.
“Did he at least ask permission?” asked the boy between your legs.
“Mhm…but I told him I don’t do that on the first date,” you said. “Safe to say there won’t be another date, though.”
He looked up now, laughing more than before. You grinned, mainly because the sight of him was so cute. He folded his hands on your belly and put his face down onto your skin to giggle. In no way could you be upset or urge him to keep giving you head. In fact, you had forgotten about all of that for a while, as he seemed to enjoy your misfortune a little too wildly. You should have been hungry, eager to have the half-naked boy inside of you. Yet, you laughed at the way his breaths tickled your stomach and when he finally made eye contact, it was a wholly different sort of hunger which overcame you. Instead of the heat he usually made you feel, it was a comfortable warmth that was in your chest. It reminded you of a bonfire or of drinking your favorite hot drink on a cool autumn day.
“I want to watch you come,” he said, casually. “Were you close?”
You were so lost in his trustworthy, dreamy eyes, you almost forgot to reply. Quickly, you nodded and hummed.
“I would have already come, had you not pestered me to tell you all the details of my date,” you said. The way his cheeks beamed when he smiled made you feel as if your insides were turning into mush.
“I’m sorry. I’m your friend, aren’t I allowed to ask how your day went?” he asked.
“Of course you are,” you said. The word ‘friend’ echoed off every wall in your head until you wished you could have deleted it from the dictionary.
“I’ll make sure it feels extra good now,” he said, kissing your stomach. You shivered as you watched his gentle lips move lower, to your hips and the insides of your thighs. The touch felt like butterfly wings on your skin, and the tardiness of it made you impatient. When his tongue came in contact with your clit again, you sucked in a breath of surprise.
He tried to start slowly, but then you gripped his hair tightly, and carefully pushed him further. It was something you did often, a way to tell him you wanted more without having to use words. After all this time, he understood perfectly. Your clit was between his lips and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pleasure. It felt incredible, creating a funny sensation in the pit of your stomach. His fingers grazed over your slit until you were whimpering and shifting your hips, trying to make him hurry.
One of his digits slid into you easily, curling against your sweet spot, and it hit you only now how much you had missed him between your legs since he had stopped a few minutes ago. It made you feel as though you were suddenly overwhelmed with all of him, but you were willing to let the heat crash over you if it meant you could be close to him.
“Am I making it up to you now?” he asked as he pulled away merely for a breath. “I’ll turn your day into a good one after all.”
In a different tone his words would have sounded like the exact thing one would have expected to hear from a fuckboy in the bedroom. He could have boasted and bragged endlessly about how great he was with his tongue and fingers – he would have been right – but he didn’t mean it like that. You could tell from the uprightness and the authenticity in his voice that he really was doing his best because he wanted to make you feel better and turn your day around. Because you were special to him. Or so you desperately hoped.
Your legs wrapped around his shoulders as if you were trapping him between your thighs. But he was right there, and he would gladly stay for so much longer, and to say it puzzled you was an understatement. The boy who belonged to everybody, who was known by all of the campus, was treating you like you were royalty, and not the other way around. You moaned, his name inevitably falling from your lips. He added another finger and the slightest stretch made you lose your mind for a split second.
“That guy could have never made you feel this good, could he?” he suddenly asked. Your initial response was a helpless whine. You had been so close, and his talking had interrupted the otherworldly bliss for a moment.
“No, never,” you then whimpered shortly. ‘No’ was such a tiny word. It could barely encapsule what you truly meant to say. Which was that it would have never even gotten that far. That other guys couldn’t even have you at all. They didn’t get their turn to try and beat him. Not as of lately, at least. That you didn’t so much as dare to think about sleeping with other guys. That even before you had gone on the date, you had known it wouldn’t lead to anything. No guy could let you develop an interest on him in the same way the boy between your legs had done it. No other would be able to kidnap your brain like that. H/N was always there. Even when it was only you and your sex toys, you would automatically pretend it was him getting you off. You were so far gone that it was embarrassing how long it had taken you to admit it to yourself. But it was a colossal thing to confess to him, and you would never do that. Rejection would hurt a billion times more than whatever it was you two had now.
Your heart was racing as you closed your eyes. You had been so lost in thought, it was wondrous you hadn’t fallen yet. But you were right on the edge, making your breaths come out like puffs and a string of moans and swears sound from your lips. He too had stopped talking, concentrating on the task at hand, and judging by the way your back arched he was doing one hell of a good job.
“Oh my god- “ you whimpered. “I’m so close, H/N.”
This time he didn’t reply, which was for the best. Only a few seconds passed until you started to quiver and whine beneath him. You were going to outer space behind your eyelids as your high rushed through you. Your fingers curled and tightened in his locks while your legs clenched around his head. He was quick to pull your thighs apart again, still not being finished. For long seconds you swam in pleasure, with nothing on your mind but bursting stars. He was heaven, knowing precisely how far he could take it until you were too sensitive to take any more.
When you were at that point, he finally pulled away and looked up at your crumpled form. There was a lazy smile playing in the corner of your lips and your vision was hazy after having had your eyes closed for a while. He climbed up your body until his chest was against yours so he could really look at you.
“I get all of this without ever having been on a single date with you? I’m so lucky,” he said. You only smiled at him, at a loss for words. What were you to say? The two of you were clearly past the awkward dating stage already.
“I’m lucky you let me come over all the time,” you said. “I would have expected the campus fuckboy to be busier. To not have an empty spot in his bed every night.”
“Ah, shut up,” he said. “I’d rather have you here than a girl I don’t know at all. Look, I’m really tired so I don’t know how this will go…but can I?” He was on his knees, a tent visible in his boxers. With a questioning look, he was tugging them down his legs now.
“Of course,” you said. As you watched him roll on a condom, your ears perked up. Did that song have to come on shuffle just now? The coziest, most romantic love song you adored so much? You knew if you looked him in the eyes you’d be done for. But there wasn’t anywhere else to look when he settled between your legs and held up his weight with his forearms. His eyes were deep enough for you to get lost within a second. Distracting yourself was impossible. The one last thing you could do was to reach between the two of you and guide his length into you.
The song’s chorus came on, you looked at him once again, and suddenly you were all his. You didn’t need to tell him so. He thrust gently, almost carefully, like he had never done it with you. Your heart hammered against your ribcage so vivaciously, you wondered whether it had turned autonomous and was now trying to jump out of your body, onto his skin and through it, so it could nestle next to his own heart.
Neither of you spoke. Yet, there had never been so much chemistry, such a heavy amount of uncommunicated emotions between the two of you. You were ready to hang on his every word, should he decide to speak up. In your head rampaged a billion sentiments you needed him to know, but there was no option to express them adequately. Perhaps there were simply no words in the English language to declare your feelings for him.
Small whimpers and moans left your lips only for him to hear. Sometimes he moved a little quicker, gifting you with the most perfect sounds he could make. And to know you were the cause for it sent you into overdrive. His mouth was right above yours. If you lifted your head slightly, you could have kissed his sweet, sweet lips. But you were so afraid. What would he think? You had never kissed him during sex. Not softly, like you wanted it so terribly.
Even worse, you craved so much more than that. You wanted to pull him in, envelope his mouth in your own, crawl over the edge of his lips and reside in his chest for safety. Because that’s what he was. Comfort. Reassurance. Home. How foolish you had been, pretending this little fling would lead to nothing more. You really had told yourself this would work. No feelings. Just fun. You couldn’t deny having fun with him. He was the best company you had ever known, and he had become your most precious friend quickly. It was as if you had only been waiting for the silly, flirty boy to sit across from you in the library and make weak advances towards you.
The love song tuned out slowly, replaced by something more sensual and sinful. In accordance with the new background noise, he gripped your hips a little meaner and went faster. You barely noticed how his breathing had sped up as he was getting closer to his orgasm. A trance had overcome you, transfixing you on his godlike features and how much it hurt to know you couldn’t call him yours. In your head you were made for each other. They always said to date your best friend, didn’t they? You could try to turn back time, go back to your first meeting place, at the party. See if things would turn out different. But you knew they wouldn’t. As much as your fear tried to suppress it – you would take the same path again, stumbling head-first into his arms and letting him into your life like a crashing wave of laughter and heart-crushing conversations.
Now you reflected in despair, how he had taken your heart in a storm, without having to try too hard. And worst of all, you were okay with it. Your heart was secure with him, you thought. The feelings yearned to be spoken out loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“You feel so good,” he said. “Always, so fucking good.”
He snapped his hips against yours, burying his cock deep inside of you and all you could muster was a hum of agreement. This is what you got for keeping him at arms-length from the beginning. Wasn’t it you who had challenged him to be friends and only that? Perhaps you would be okay, so long as no one else called him theirs either. You could go on like this, letting him use you for sexual relief and making him laugh when he needed it. Gladly, you would take the pain of not being allowed to love him with your whole being if it meant you could see him whenever you wanted. Exposing those silly emotions would wreck your friendship and you wouldn’t let it happen.
He grunted and only then, when he lowered his head into the crook of your neck and moaned your name, you realized he was reaching his high. Softly, you cradled his head in your hands, as if it was the last time you could hold him like this. When he put his forehead against yours, he had his eyes closed and his chest was moving steadier than before.
“You’re the best,” he whispered. “Stay the night?”
Should you have gone home, and missed him all night? Would you have regretted saying no while you curled up in bed with no Cheshire-cat-grin-boy to hold? Or were you to remain in his bed, and pray you would survive the torture of not speaking your mind? His skin radiated the most wonderful warmth and you wanted to trace his lips with your eyes until you fell asleep. That’s how quickly it was decided.
“Okay,” you answered.
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itsdanii · 4 years
Because I’m an angst-addicted ball of misery, is it okay if I request drabbles of Fuckboy!Atsumu and Fuckboy!Oikawa being the crush of the reader but she knows of how they treat other girls and doesn’t want to end up heart broken and since she’s shy and introverted, the boys barely know her aside from her being a classmate?
She tries to keep a simple distance away from them until said boys randomly show an interest in her and they start showing her attention, love, and treating her better than the girls they messed with until after a few weeks she overhears from them or their teammates that it’s out of pity/they were bored because Y/N seemed easy to mess with.
Y/N doesn’t let them know she overheard them, instead a switch is flipped and she’s emotionless around them and avoids them. When they ask why she’s like that, she simply says “I won’t let you hurt me like the others.” She basically treats them like they don’t exist (she’s friendly to everyone but them) and said f!boys regret it and bust their asses to fix everything between them (I read how you felt about full angst, so the reader just blocked their number, social media’s, and treat them like the plague until they prove that they truly love her or regret messing with her :) )
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Hey, bub. Sorry for the slight delay! I hope you don't mind me making slight adjustments about the plot for my comfort 🥺 And uh... this drabble turned out to be a oneshot because I got carried away. I only did Atsumu's part which went over 3k+ works 👁️👄👁️ Anyway, I hope that you still like it. Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Karma's a b*tch
genre: angst to fluff
warning/s: rude behavior (resolved), cursing, self doubt and insecurity(?), do message me if I missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason
ft. fboy!atsumu miya, f!reader
never play with a girl's feelings. wanna know why? just read the title.
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You stared at the back of Atsumu's head dreamily, your elbows propped on your desk as you basically ignored the world around you.
Contrary to the belief that noisy students always sat on the back, Atsumu and his twin were actually seated in front. Despite being in the middle of a class discussion, the two kept on chattering as if the teacher didn't exist. The teacher basically gave up already trying to shut them up since they never listened anyway.
You knew that she could've just sent them to detention but of course, who would do that to the miya twins? People almost worshipped them and your teacher wasn't excluded. Everytime she entered the room, you noticed how she would always cast a glance at the Miya twins and smile "politely."
The two, of course, took advantage of it. If it meant being able to get away with their noise by just simply smirking at the teacher in front of them, they'd do it. They already did anyways. They never did anything more than that though, and for some reason you were thankful that they never crossed that line.
You jolted up slightly when the bell suddenly rang, a loud yelp slipping past your lips out of shock. With your eyes widening like saucers, you felt your cheeks heating up when majority of your classmates turned their head towards your direction, some having a grin on their faces while the others having a look of displease.
However, their stare didn't matter as much as a specific person's did. A pair of brownish eyes stared at you intensely, his gaze so intense it was enough to make you almost squirm in your seat.
Feeling your heart rate picking up along with the shiver running down your spine, you looked down at your lap, successfully cutting your eye contact with Miya Atsumu - the guy you secretly liked despite being hailed as your school's certified f!ckboy.
"Make sure to finish all your requirements this upcoming weekend. You're all seniors so I have high expectations on your outputs, understood?"
With a series of "Yes, ma'am," the class was dismissed.
The room was filled with different noises - subgroups gossiping with each other, the footsteps of students hurrying their way out, the rustling of papers, clanking of chairs and the voices of the class representatives reminding the assigned people to clean properly.
It was lively, for them at least.
As for you, you preferred being alone. No, you weren't some weird nerd kid who acted as if they hated the world. Instead, you preferred categorizing yourself as one of those people who were naturally shy and introverted.
You don't really like crowds nor socializing. You've always opted on sitting by the corner, just enjoying the calmness silence brings you.
Grabbing your books from your desk, you stood up and made your way to the door, head casted a little downwards to avoid making eye contact with people, knowing that doing so will result to interactions, and who has time for interactions anyway? Certainly not you.
With the lack of paying attention, you failed to notice someone who was rushing their way out. Like a cliche movie, your body collided with them, the impact causing you to stumble backwards, loosening your grip on your books as they fell on the floor.
Luckily, the person behind you managed to catch you on time, their hand gripping the small of your back to keep your bum from meeting the floor.
"Whoa, there. Ya alright, princess?" spoke the familiar voice just behind your ear, his breath against your skin giving you small goosebumps.
Instantly, you jerked away. Turning around to face him, you bowed down while muttering continuous apologies. "Miya! I didn't mean to bump into you, I.. I swear. I was just walking out and then somebody j-"
Chuckling, Atsumu placed a hand on top of your head, giving your hair a small ruffle which eventually made you look up at him. "Calm down, I ain't mad at ya. No need to be so flustered."
With a stiff nod, you mumbled a small "Okay," before bending down to pick your books off the floor. You didn't fail to notice how your hands were trembling and you silently prayed to whoever diety was watching over you that Atsumu won't notice it.
"Yer y/n, right?" Atsumu asked as he bent down as well, one hand clutching your book as he let his finger trace over the name written on it. "A pretty name fer a pretty face like yers."
You wouldn't be surprised if he'd ask if you were doing okay because by now, you were a hundred percent sure that your face must be looking like a red tomato. "Thanks I guess," you said, giving him a shy smile before taking the book from his hand.
The small encounter was cut off by someone calling for Atsumu's name. Turning your head to the direction of the noise, you noticed Osamu walking towards you with a small frown on his face, one hand gripping the strap of his bag as he went on how they're going to have to run extra laps again if they ever got late for practice.
Atsumu only chuckled at Osamu before turning his focus back on you. With a cheeky smile, he booped the tip of your noise fondly. "Guess I'll see ya around, pretty thing. Careful not to stumble again, alright? Don't want another man catchin' ya."
With that, Atsumu went on his merry way, turning around one more time to send you a wink, chuckling as you gave him a slow wave before his figure disappeared from your vision as a mere dot.
"See ya later..." you whispered on thin air, lips unconsciously curling up as you stared at the direction he went off to. Once you snapped out of your daze, you bit your lip to stop yourself from squealing like a school girl in love.
Well, technically, you were a school girl in love, right?
That night, as you laid on your bed staring at your ceiling full of glow in the dark stars, you thought that maybe it wasn't so bad making conversations with people every once in a while.
The days went by pretty quickly.
At first, you thought that everything will be back to normal. After all, you never tried associating yourself with people. Your high school life was basically nothing but waking up early for school then going back home after class and then repeat.
However, something was strange. In fact, it was very strange. Not only were people trying to befriend you but the one and only Atsumu Miya was actually making an effort to talk to you, and to say that you were confused would be an understatement.
He basically didn't pay attention nor spared you a glance before, until that day you bumped into him.
You knew that it wasn't a good practice to judge someone based on what other people say but he wouldn't be called as your school's f!ckboy for nothing. He'd change his girlfriend almost every week as if he's only changing clothes, cruelly dump those who did not meet his certain standards and doesn't care even if a girl cries infront of him. Those are exactly why you tried not associating yourself with him nor his twin.
But there was something about Atsumu Miya that kept on drawing you in. You didn't know if it was his annoying piss colored hair, intense gaze, or the aura surrounding him. You couldn't help but wonder how someone like him, the exact type of person you swore you hated, managed to keep you attracted like a moth on to a flame.
It was weird.
And yet you loved it.
"Ya know y/n, ya kinda wound me," Atsumu said, plopping himself down beside you on the cafeteria.
With your hand clutching the chopsticks mid-air, you surveyed your area, noting how some heads, specifically the Inrizaki VBC's, turned to your direction. "Sorry, what do you mean?" you muttered as soon as your eyes met Atsumu's.
"I literally thought we're already friends when I saved yer ass from falling backwards," Atsumu answered before stuffing his mouth with an Onigiri, no doubt made by Osamu.
Placing your chopsticks down, you wiped your lips with some napkin before speaking up. "I'm sorry for asking this but... what's with the sudden interest, Miya?"
You were aware of how snappy you sounded, but in reality, it was your own defense mechanism acting up. Just how were you supposed to ignore him when it's he himself who kept on clinging to you?
"Hm, what do ya mean? Is it so hard to believe that I'm trying to befriend ya?" Atsumu tilted his head a bit to the side, his lips curling up into a smirk. "Why not try givin' me a chance, princess? That isn't so much to ask for."
You organized your now empty bento, placing it on the side before focusing your whole attention to the man in front of you. "I've seen how you treated girls before," you said with a low voice, averting your gaze from him to avoid melting into a puddle.
Damn stupid feelings.
"I see..." Atsumu said with a slow nod. "Then I guess that makes it more of a challenge."
Your eyebrows immediately furrowed upon hearing that, your curiosity spiking up at what his words meant. "Challenge? What do you mean?"
Instead of answering you, Atsumu just stood up, his bento in hand with the side of his lips curled up. "I'll see ya around, princess."
With that, you were left alone in your table, eyes still trained on Atsumu as he made his way back to the Inarizaki VBC's table. You watched as most of his friends chuckled while patting his back, some even sending a glance towards your direction.
Deciding that pondering over it would only be a waste of time, you stood up and made your way back to your classroom, failing to notice a grey haired Miya watching you.
You let out a small squeak as someone behind you reached for the same book you've been trying to get for almost 5 minutes now. Tilting your head back a little, you were met with an upside down vision of Miya Atsumu's face.
With your arms still raised in the air, you spun around to face him, your back flush against the bookshelf keeping you basically trapped. "Miya," you mumbled while looking up at him, one hand fisting the side of your skirt to release some pressure.
"Here," he simply said while handing you the book, obviously holding back from laughing at your flustered expression. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna try anythin' that would make ya uncomfortable. I was just passin' by and saw you strugglin'."
"And he even tucked my hair behind my ear!"
"He did that?" your cousin spoke from beside you.
Both of you were seated on top of your bed, legs crissed crossed as you gossiped about your interactions with Miya Atsumu.
For the past few weeks, you've been having encounters with Atsumu - in the cafeteria, in the library and even outside of school where he claimed that he was out to buy some ingredients for Osamu and only managed to bump into you "coincidentally". Name it and he'll be there.
With these constant encounters stirring up your feelings, you had to resort on calling your cousin for some girl time in order to save your sanity. Luckily, your parents had no objection. They were even happy that you were actually trying to open up to other people. It was only your cousin but according to your parents, "A small step is still a step."
Plopping your back on your bed, you grunted as you placed both of your hands on your cheeks. "Mhm. I just don't get it you know? He's basically this popular guy that plays volleyball, has a group of girls swarming over him and has the face and body that looks like it's been sculpted by God himself, and yet he's wasting his time on me."
You looked at your cousin with a small pout, one hand reaching out to poke her thigh. "Am I just overthinking things?"
With a breathy chuckle, your cousin laid down beside you. "Maybe? I can't really say for sure since I don't know this Miya guy except your description of him, but what I think is that you should give him a chance."
Hearing that, you laid on your side to face her, elbows propped up against the mattress as you rested your cheek on your palm. "Aila, have you been listening to me? He is a f! ckboy. Dangerous, treats girls like shit, and undeniably sexy. What if his sudden interest is only a one time thing? What if he's just messing with me?"
"And what if he isn't?" Upon hearing no reply, your cousin took your silence as her cue to continue. "What if people just labeled him as this so called 'f!ckboy' because that's what they perceive him to be? What if inside him is just someone who's vulnerable, trying to protect themselves from getting hurt by people so they end up hurting others first to save themselves from the pain? What if he's just waiting for someone who wanted to really know him, the real him? Would you really deprive him of that opportunity just because of what you hear from other people?"
"I... I don't know.."
"Miya isn't here to defend himself and I'm not trying to defend him, but don't you think you should at least give him the benefit of the doubt?" Aila smiled as she settled herself on a comfortable position. "Give him a chance, y/n. Everyone deserves to get one. It's up to him to prove whether he's worth the chance he was given."
You sighed deeply, letting her words sink in as you also shifted yourself on a comfortable position, raising your comforter up until it reaches just below your chin. "Then what happens if he isn't worth the chance he's given?"
With a hum, your cousin just shrugged. "Then you either forgive him and let it go or... give him the finger and tell him 'f!ck you' for messing with your feelings," she said with a short giggle.
"It's something only you in the future can decide. Goodnight, y/n."
With a thankful smile, you turned the lamp off as you whispered, "Mh, goodnight, Aila."
"Let's be friends," you said as you slammed a box of onigiri in front of Atsumu, a smacking sound resonating in the air making the rest of the boys look at your direction.
Even the sound of balls whooshing in the air stopped, replaced by the sound of them dropping suddenly on the gym's floor.
With his lips parted, Atsumu shifted his gaze from the onigiri, Osamu, Suna and you. "Ah..." he muttered as if he was just as shocked as you for having the guts to come inside the gym in the middle of their training.
Feeling your cheeks heating up out of embarrassment due to his lack of response, you looked down and started to fiddle with you fingers. "You said you wanted to be my friend and I kept on keeping my distance from you so I thought you might appreciate those onigiri as my peace offering." You scratched the back of your head before giving him an awkward smile. "A-anyway, that's all! I'll see you around, Miya!"
Atsumi could only watch you as you dashed out of the gym. Snapping out of his daze, he looked down at the box of Onigiri, smiling unconsciously as he noticed the sticky note posted on top with "Good luck on your practice, Miya! :))" written on it.
"Interestin'," Atsumu whispered before standing up, Kita's voice filling the air as he called the team back for practice.
It's safe to say that after that embarrassing moment, you became friends with Atsumu. You even became close with his twin because they were always with each other. It wasn't long then when the usual duo became three - Atsumu, Osamu, and you.
It was hard to adjust at first. Your female classmates would always glare at you and spout out some nasty remarks but the twins were always there to defend you. In fact, you even met the whole team and hanged out with them when you didn't have some academic tasks to finish.
It was fun, and you were thankful for your cousin who gave you the advise of giving Atsumu a chance.
But there was a downside on the situation.
Your feelings which you kept hidden for a long time was only growing day by day, and you were afraid that it was slowly showing signs.
Everytime Atsumu was near, your heart would beat so fast that you felt like you just finished a 4 kilometer run. Your hands would become clammy, breath would hitch, and face would heat up whenever he teases you, and don't even forget to add that one time you literally froze when you spun around, only to come face to face with him - nose almost touching, lips ghosting against each other with only an inch keeping you apart.
You were playing a dangerous game and yet you had no intention of stopping, not knowing that it wasn't only you who had a secret.
Because Atsumu Miya was also playing a game - something much more dangerous than yours.
"Where's 'Tsumu?" you asked as you peeked your head inside the gym.
Kita, who was about to walk out, gave you a smile before opening the door wider for you to come in. "Atsumu's in the storage room. The twins made a mess again so I told them to go clean up before we start practice."
"Typical," you said with a short giggle. "Anyway, I'm just going to drop off Atsumu's hoodie that I borrowed last week. I'll watch over them while you do your business."
"That would be great. Thank you so much, y/n-san. Call me if something happens," Kita said, giving you a small nod before leaving.
As you entered the empty gym, you grimaced upon seeing something that looks like spilled milk on the floor. With a shake of your head, you made your way near the storage room sneakily in attempts of scaring Atsumu.
However, as you got closer, you heard two familiar voices. It was Atsumu's and Osamu's voice, and basing from the way they were speaking, it seemed as if they were in the middle of an argument.
"The fuck did ya say?" It was Osamu.
"I said I was only playin' with her. I mean, she's so easy, don't ya think? It basically only took me a couple of weeks and she came runnin' to me with that box of Onigiri, claimin' she wanted to be friends," Atsumu said, followed by a chuckle. "As if I didn't notice the way she acted around me. I'm telling ya, that girl is in love with me."
"And so, what if she is? That's not an excuse for ya to play with her feelings, dipshit."
Hearing Atsumu huff, you slightly backed away from the door, only to freeze when you heard his next words.
"Y/n is nothin' but a toy to me, somethin' I can dispose of when I got bored."
Biting your lower lip, you clenched the handle of the paperbag you were holding before running out with tears streaming down your face.
You ran as fast as you could, ignoring the worried looks you're getting from the people you were passing by. Even Kita was shocked to see you yet he didn't bother calling out, thinking that you might be needing some alone time for yourself.
You skipped class.
Throughout your whole Highschool life, this was the first time you skipped your class and it was a bummer that the reason was Atsumu Miya.
Stirring your strawberry milkshake from a nearby cafe, you thought about Atsumu's words, another batch of tears streaming down your face as you realized how pathetic you were for believing that he isn't what others say.
Maybe your cousin was wrong.
Atsumu Miya wasn't worth the chance he was given, because he only proved that once a f!ckboy, always a f!ckboy.
You blocked Atsumu's social media accounts.
In fact, you even blocked and deleted his number to stop getting in contact with him.
Even in person, you didn't bother paying him any attention unlike before. You stopped coming to their practices, stopped giving him food and stopped talking to him.
You basically acted as if he didn't exist.
It was hard because you knew that your heart belonged to him, but you had to endure it. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction for playing with you. You know your worth and there's no way you're going to let some f*ckboy ruin you.
"Y/n, would ya stop?!" Atsumu said as he grabbed your wrist, effectively stopping you from walking away from him any further.
"Get your hands off me, Miya. I don't wanna talk to you." You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back, only to fail when he tightened his grip.
"The hell's yer problem? What's with the sudden attitude? Yer basically ignorin' me and I don't have any idea what I did. Just tell me what I did wrong instead of actin' like a little brat." Letting go of your wrist, Atsumu groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. "I.. I don't like this."
You laughed, eyes squinting as you let out a fit of giggles before pointing at him. "You don't like this? Why not, Miya? I'm just a toy for you, right? So, I don't really get why you don't like this. Is it because you're not bored of me yet so you're not willing to dispose of me?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at him with a serious expression. "Well, I'm sorry to say this but I'm not going to let you hurt me like the others. I'm not a plaything nor am I desperate like those girls pining over you. Have fun looking for a new toy. You're not worth playing with anyway."
That being said, you turned your back on Atsumu, ignoring the whispers that suddenly filled the hallway as the students parted some space for you, leaving Atsumu with his lips parted and feet frozen on the ground.
Serves you right, Miya.
Atsumu felt hollow.
With every passing day that you're ignoring him, conversing with people whom you never bothered associating yourself with before, the more he regret taking advantage of your feelings.
It was only supposed to be a game, nothing but a pass time and yet why did it felt like something was missing?
"I wasn't supposed to care," Atsumu said desperately while clutching his head in his hands, elbows propped on the table as he opened up to his twin. "F!ck...I think I like her, 'Samu."
"No shit, idiot," Osamu answered without taking his eyes off the stove. "I told ya several times to stop messin' with people's feelings and did ya ever listen? No. That's what ya get for bein' stupid."
Groaning, Atsumu rested his cheek against the table, facing Osamu's back. "Help me."
Slowing down from stirring the pot, Osamu looked at Atsumu through his shoulder. "Why would I do that?"
"Well, I'm yer twin. Aren't ya supposed to help me? Plus... y/n acts fine around ya." Atsumu sighed before sitting up properly. "I won't bother ya fer a week if ya help me out. I already did everythin' I could. Flowers, chocolates, even payin' attention in class just to impress them! Nothin' worked."
Osamu chuckled at the desperation and frustration in Atsumu's voice. "Deal." He turned the stove off, covering the pot before making his way to Atsumu. Sitting down, he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at the brokenhearted Miya. "Y/n is actually kind. Well, not until that moment she found out about yer stupidity. Have ya tried showin' her that yer willin' to change?"
Atsumu nodded. "I did. I even gave her the usual things girls like."
"I asked if ya showed her that yer willin' to change, not tried winnin' over her through bribery." When Atsumu didn't respond, Osamu let out a 'tsk' before continuing, "Just stop botherin' her and prove that ya regret what ya did."
"Easier said than done," Atsumu grumbled which earned him a smack on the head.
"Will ya stop bein' a sad boy already? I have a plan."
Its been two weeks.
Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu trying to apologize. Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu following you like a lost puppy while holding either chocolates or flowers.
Instead, what you were getting were these random post it notes on your locker, your desk, everywhere. Wherever you go, there would be random post it notes with various messages. Some contained cheesy quotations, the others short apology letters.
And despite how mad you were at Atsumu, you wouldn't be able to deny how cute the act was. Not only did he gave you space but also exerted an effort of silently letting you know that he'd be willing to wait for you.
You noticed how he stopped acting like a boss in class, opting to jot down notes instead of chattering with Osamu like usual. You also noticed how he stopped having a random girl beside him during breaks. Everytime you would pass by, no longer would he try to block your way and flick your forehead, but instead give you a hopeful smile before proceeding on his way wordlessly.
But what made you realize that he indeed regret what he did was that one time.
You were walking back to your classroom after forgetting your umbrella. The sound of the heavy rain tapping on the ground resonated on the empty hallways, the cold wind making you shiver as it whooshed in the air.
Wrapping your arms tightly around you, you entered your classroom, eyes widening as you saw Atsumu trying to fit something on the space below your desk while mumbling something.
Clearing your throat, you noticed Atsumu jolting up slightly before turning around to face your direction.
He smiled sheepily before scratching his nape. "I know it's yer birthday tomorrow so I was tryin' to fit this here. I guess there's no point hidin' it already since ya caught me anyway." Sighing, Atsumu picked up the fox stuffie and handed it to you. "Happy Birthday, y/n. I know yer still mad at me and ya probably hate me but I still wanted to give ya a present."
You stared at the fox in your hand, your fingers poking the fluffiness of the material as you fought back the urge to smile. "Thanks," you answered with a dismissive tone.
For a split second, it was silent, and you were aware of the intensity of Atsumu's gaze burning on your forehead, yet you refused to look up, knowing that once you did, you won't be able to hold yourself back and might just forgive him there and then.
"I like ya, I really do. I know I messed up big time fer taking advantage of ya and I'm sorry fer that. It was stupid and childish of me to think that the people around me are nothing but mere toys fer me to play with. I regret hurtin' yer feelings and I'll be willin' to wait until ya forgive me. Just know that I won't stop until ya do."
Hearing something rustling, you looked up and noticed Atsumu taking off his jacket. Within a few steps, he was already infront of you, draping his jacket over your figure. "I'll see ya around, princess. Don't get sick, alright?" Smiling, Atsumu gave your cheek a small pinch before heading out.
You were left in the empty classroom with nothing but the fox stuffie serving as your company. Atsumu's scent was swirling around you from the jacket you were given and at that moment, you haven't notice the single tear sliding down your cheek.
Because of all people, you never expected for Atsumu Miya to be the first one to greet you without having to remind them.
He was the first person you knew outside of your household to ever remember your birthday.
You hugged the stuffie close to your chest, burrying your face on top of its head as you let the comfort it brings envelope you.
You stared at the empty space infront, your head swirling as you thought of the possible reasons why Atsumu haven't been in class for three days now.
It's currently your last subject and throughout the whole day, you've been doing nothing but wonder where he was. You haven't asked Osamu about it yet since he was excused from the class due to the preparations for the upcoming match.
And so, the moment your class was dismissed, you rushed your way out, making your trip to the gym. You were thankful that they were in the middle of a water break so you had the chance to call out Osamu's name without having to worry about Kita.
"Y/n?" Osamu's eyebrow shot up upon seeing you. Suddenly, a knowing smile made its way to his lips. Standing up, he walked over to you. "He's sick," he said without even waiting for you to say something.
"Oh.." you muttered, shifting from one foot to another nervously before tugging at the hem of Osamu's jersey. "Do you... uhm, do you think it would be alright if I visit him after your practice? I wanna see if he's doin' alright."
"Alright. I think 'Tsumu would appreciate that. Why don't ya sit on the bench and wait a little for us to finish practice then ya can visit our house after?"
Upon hearing that, your face instantly lit up. You smiled at Osamu as you nodded.
Osamu only chuckled at you and fondly ruffled your hair, a habit he and Atsumu shared.
You waited patiently, and it wasn't long then when their practice finally finished. After Osamu took a shower, you both went on your way to their residence.
As you entered their house, Atsumu's voice immediately met your ears.
"'Samu! Cook me somethin', I'm starvin!"
You looked at Osamu who only shrugged as if he was already used to it. You took your shoes off and wore the slippers you were given before placing your bag on the couch.
"Our room is on the right. Go ahead and talk to him." Osamu said as he pointed on the door at the end of the hallway.
With a nod, you slowly made your way to their room, knocking softly before sliding your way in.
The first thing that greeted you were the mess of opened junk foods on the floor. Roaming your eyes around, you grimaced at the sight of empty water bottles littered around along with the volleyball laying on the ground.
Averting your eyes away from the trash, you looked at Atsumu whose back was facing you, his shoulder raising up and down evenly, indicating that he must be asleep.
Carefully, you walked claser and sat on the edge of his bed, your hand immediately feeling his forehead. "You're burning up," you mumbled, brushing his hair away from his face.
Suddenly, Atsumu's hand gripped your wrist, his eyebrows furrowed as he squinted his eyes. "Am I dreamin' or are ya a ghost?" he asked with a raspy voice.
"I'm not a ghost, 'Tsumu. I'm really here."
You watched as Atsumu slowly nodded before letting go of your wrist. "What're ya doin' here? I thought ya were still mad at me." Sitting up, Atsumu held the comforter close to him as he shivered.
"I heard you were sick. I'm no longer mad at you. I guess I'm still upset but I just can't hold a grudge against you forever, can I? That's not something I can do," you said with a shake of your head. "I really like you, you know? Despite your title of being a f!ckboy, I still fell for you. You were the first person I tried opening up to aside from my cousin. It's just a bummer that you ended up taking advantage of that vulnerability."
You felt Atsumu reaching out for you, his hand enveloping yours as he gave it a small squeeze. "I know, and I'm sorry. I really am."
"And if I give you another chance, will you prove me that you deserve it?" you asked as you looked at him, "I'm still hurt about what happened so I hope that if I give you this chance, you won't waste it."
"Yes. God, yes," Atsumu answered breathlessly, "I promise it won't happen again and I'll try to be better."
Suddenly, Atsumu wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you on his lap as he settled his head on the side of your neck. "Thank you," he mumbled repeatedly against your skin, his arms tightening around you as if he was afraid of letting go.
And he never did.
Indeed, there was something about Miya Atsumu that kept drawing you in, and despite the bumps and dangers that came along your way, you didn't withraw.
Because as you closed the last page of your photo album eight years from then, you realized how right your cousin was alll along.
Atsumu Miya was worth the chance he was given, and he proved it to you every single day, sealing it with the diamond ring now resting on your left hand.
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➳the search party ❦
in which there is much one-sided pining after a mystery girl saves fred weasley in the battle of hogwarts. the reader helps him search for her but what fred doesn't know is the girl is y/n l/n, his flatmate.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.6k
tw: mentions of the war
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ft. the reader's very good acting skills
and all the pieces fall
right into place
the search party
the last thing fred remembered of the girl who held the wall up was her gaze. under the dimness of the world around them, he could tell she was on a mission. her eyes were cold and determined. her ponytail had swerved violently and that was the last time he ever saw her. or so he thought.
he didn't know that the very girl sat opposite to him, munching happily on icecream with a satisfied smile on her face, curiously drinking in the very familiar view of hogsmeade.
y/n l/n kept two secrets from him. the first was the massive crush she had had on him ever since he had left to open the joke shop, and the second, well, it was that she was the girl he had claimed that had saved him.
she had listened to his tales of pining after the girl with a bittersweet mood. he'd probably lose all romantic feelings when he discovered that the girl was her. if she was anyone else but her, she'd find herself very unpleasant.
he had suggested that they go on a trip to hogsmeade one sunday to possibly find the girl. with a little hesitation, she'd agreed.
for the most part, playing clueless was easy, especially when you knew everything he didn't.
there was just one problem. he only knew her by her gaze. y/n scoffed quietly to herself. fred was probably the most dreamy out of the both of them, surprisingly, considering y/n's terribly romantic thoughts that she had conjured from her lifetime of watching her friends absolutely fall in love with people.
they watch the people that pass with a sort of hidden interest.
y/n doesn't even bother trying to find the girl, instead observing every passerbyer with interest, analysing them quickly.
"d'ya think she's here or maybe in london?"
y/n shrugs, "anything's possible in a world of people. if it's fate, it'll happen."
"none of these people have the look in their eyes!"
"well that look did happen in the war, so it must've been a special type of condition that caused her to have the gaze," y/n offers.
"yeah, i think so."
they fall back into a comfortable silence.
fred now has a sneaking suspicion that y/n knows who it might be. right now, she's wearing sunglasses though. he can't tell anything.
"she's got the same sort of hair," fred nods his head in the way of a girl with her hair up.
y/n nods, "wanna approach her?"
"nah, she's looking over here."
"quick, avert your gaze subtly."
"okay, okay. i don't see why though. is my gaze not smouldering enough?"
y/n laughs, "it's creepy for sure."
"you wound me."
"truth hurts, freddie."
they watch as the girl watches them with narrowed eyes.
"that's definitely not her. she had pretty eyes," fred ponders.
"maybe you could post a note of some sort on the joke shop?" y/n jokes, "girl wanted, strong gaze, ponytail, saved me in the war?"
she laughs at his disgruntled expression as he folds his arms.
"maybe i should."
y/n bursts out laughing again, "i was joking!"
"i wasn't!"
she shakes her head, "suit yourself."
"why, i do have a suit!"
"it's an expression, dummy."
"how am i supposed to know?"
"you just do!"
"extremely helpful."
"that i am, mister."
this type of playful banter continues into the night, as they occasionally walk up to strangers to check their 'gaze'.
the search is unsuccessful, and soon y/n needs to get to her job at flourish and botts, where she works as the manager on the nights of weekdays, whilst she works as head of magical wellbeing at the ministry from monday to saturday.
"hi mister boris!" she says as she fiddles with an apron, open up the cash register and sorting the new stock.
"bonjour y/n," he says distractedly, frantically searching for something, "have you by la chance seen the book of french for wizards?"
y/n nods, immediately climbing a different shelf and hands him the leather bound cover.
"this is why i hired you. excellent."
"you hired me because i could find books...?"
"you were in here too much tes jours d'école."
"it's a nice place," she gives him a small smile.
"ahh, the weasley boy from just down the road, he came up to me and asked me if i knew of a girl with a ponytail, and when angry, has the prettiest eyes. say, it does sound like you, oui?"
"non," she answers in an easy manner, "not at all."
"and how come, mademoiselle?"
"it is not."
"well i do hear angeliqua johnson saying something, oui, what was it? sauveuse, perhaps that is like tu?"
she laughs, "you got me. angie's right. i dunno how she knows though."
"so it is you! comme c'est excitant! how exciting!"
"not really, boris."
"how so?"
"he's looking for her! imagine how disappointed he'll be when he finds out she's me!"
"it's half true, i guess. it's not exciting, but the story's very well real."
"i n’y a pas de verités moyennes. there are no half truths, mademoiselle."
"very sophisticated, boris." y/n rolls her eyes and continues to dust the shelves.
at the end of her shift, it's almost 10p.m.
she closes up and is surprised to find it's raining.
smiling to herself, she walks in the rain happily, enjoying the beautiful ambience of hogsmeade in night rain.
a tap on her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts. she stands face to face with cormac mclaggen.
unbeknownst to her, fred stands watching the exchange.
"hello, mclaggen."
"nice night, isn't it, darling?"
y/n sighs, "what do you want?"
"i want your company."
"no, goodbye. come to chase another girl who won't give you what you want?"
he scoffs, "i get all that i want. every single girl."
"get out of my face mclaggen," her tone is dangerous and hard. fred can tell she isn't angry just yet.
"as soon as you accept my date request."
"the first words you spoke to me, mclaggen, was 'you are a miserable beauty'. what makes you think i'll ever accept?"
"well just look at you, all pretty and vanilla-"
"get out of my way," she snaps, "all pretty and vanilla is out of your league."
fred watches as her eyes turn cold and furious, before she turns away with a swish of her ponytail, sparing one last cold glance at cormac and walks quickly away.
he's struck with realisation. he's seen that expression before. he's seen the hair before. those pretty eyes that gleam ominously. it's the girl. she's the girl. suddenly everything comes into place.
he doesn't know how or why or when exactly.
all he knows is that he loves y/n. and she's the one he's been looking for after all.
he runs after her. "y/n!"
"mclaggen just get out!" she turns to face him with those eyes, and that hair.
her eyes soften at the sight of him. they turn a bit lighter.
"oh, hi freddie."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"what?" y/n fiddles with her jumper hem. he can't know, can he?
"that all this time, we've been searching for you!"
she looks dismayed, "uh huh. yeap."
"why did you keep it secret?"
"i did think of telling you, but y'know, i played it out all in my head, and you seemed very excited and all, i didn't want to ruin it by just telling you this magnificent love story," she put quotation marks, "was with me. if i were you, i'd be disappointed, so i just let you go on with the nice fantasy. and whilst i'm spilling all my secrets i might as well get it all out. i like you maybe more than i should. and so it would hurt twice as much if you reacted badly to it and, and-"
she's cut off by a kiss on her lips.
her eyes widen. when they both pull out of the kiss, he chuckles at how surprised she is.
"i like you too."
"so you're not mad?"
"no, just never keep a secret from me again."
"and you need to promise me something."
"what is it?"
"that you'll be my girlfriend."
she smiles, "okay."
"that's it?"
"yup. okay."
she's grinning as she places a kiss on his nose, having to balance on her tiptoes to reach him. he blushes.
"and thank you."
"saving me, loving me."
"always, freddie."
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waitineedaname · 3 years
"Accidently ending a phone call with your roommate with a casual ‘I love you’ seems like a very good reason to move out"
For benrey @ gordon?
“And can you pick up some oat milk while you’re there? I just realized I’m out.”
“Man, oat milk freaks me out,” Benrey said, pushing their shopping cart towards the dairy section anyway. “Like, do oats even have, uh. Others?”
“Others?” There was a beat of silence as Gordon attempted to figure out exactly what the hell Benrey was talking about. “You mean udders?”
“Yeah. Cow things.”
“Dude, that’s not how oat milk works.” Gordon’s laugh made Benrey’s cheap phone speakers crackle.
“Then how does it work? Huh? Mister scientician?” Benrey propped the phone between their ear and shoulder as they opened the fridge door to grab the brand of oat milk he knew Gordon liked.
“I don’t fucking know! I’m not a goddamn milk scientist.” Even through a phone call, Benrey could hear the smile on Gordon’s face. “They squeeze juice out of the oats or smush them into a paste or something. I don’t know. Stop making me think about how oat milk works, it’s going to make me not want to drink it anymore.”
“Cool, so I’ll buy milk with extra lactose then.”
“You will not, unless you wanna deal with me laying on the couch complaining all afternoon because my stomach hurts.”
“You do that anyway.”
“Fuck off, man.” Gordon’s tone of voice didn’t carry any bite to it. “Alright, I gotta go, I’m almost at the end of the queue to pick Joshie up. I’ll see you back at home, okay?”
“Mhm. Love you, bye.” Benrey hung up and shoved their phone back in their jacket pocket. They unfolded the shopping list and attempted to decipher the mix of their own chicken scratch, Gordon’s doctor handwriting, and the occasional misspelled request for snacks in Joshua’s six year old handwriting. Okay, they had to get those frozen chicken nuggets Joshua liked, another pack of seltzer, a can of black beans since Gordon was planning to cook dinner tonight-
Thinking about Gordon made them suddenly freeze in place as they realized what they’d just done. Did… Did they just say “love you” on the phone with Gordon?
Aw, fuck.
They’d been living with Gordon for a while now. It hadn’t always been an easy thing for either of them. When they’d been freshly respawned, both of them had been jumpy around each other at best, and at worst, they were at each other’s throats trying to kill each other. It took a long time and a lot of uncomfortable conversations for them to get to the point where they could interact without an unbearable amount of tension. From there, they were able to start rebuilding an actual friendship. Turns out, they got along a lot better when they weren’t in mortal danger. Who knew!
Living with Gordon involved a lot of rules, both spoken and unspoken. They involved stuff like “don’t ask weird questions about Gordon’s feet,” “if one of them gets too angry, walk it off instead of actually fighting,” and “no gross body horror in front of Gordon’s son.” It also involved shit like “please for the love of god don’t put empty juice cartons back in the fridge” and “don’t stain the carpets with Sweet Voice, this is a rental and that security deposit is worth getting back.” So far, Benrey hadn’t had too much trouble following the rules. They had been a security guard, after all; following rules was supposed to be their thing. Besides, they were a low price to pay to get to spend time with Gordon.
One of those early unspoken rules, however, had been “keep the flirting to a minimum.” That one had been a little tricky at first, but it had been necessary, especially back when they still weren’t on the best of terms. Benrey learned that when Gordon was already worked up, blowing a kiss did the opposite of diffusing the situation. This was news to Benrey. Who didn’t love a little kiss from their buddies? Lame.
That had been an early rule, though, and one that had kind of faded into the background over time. The longer they lived together, the more physically affectionate they both got, and a little domesticity is only to be expected when you share a household. It was nice. Comfortable.
And then Benrey had to go and say “I love you” on the phone. What the fuck.
That had to be crossing a line, right? Gordon was fine with some handholding and some cuddling and they’d make dinner together once a week, but this had to be pushing it.
Benrey went through the rote motions of buying the rest of their groceries without really paying attention, too busy panicking. There was only one option. They had to move out. This was fine. This was totally fine. They could just crash on Tommy’s couch until they find a place of their own because there was no way this wasn’t going to make Gordon freak the fuck out. As much as they loved fucking with Gordon, they’d learned there was the fun kind of freaking him out and the bad kind of freaking him out. They were fairly certain this fell into the bad category.
By the time that they were walking up to their apartment door, they were already mentally packing up all their things, resigned to their fate. They were so stuck in their own head that Joshua barreling into their legs when they opened the door actually startled them.
“Benny!” Joshua cheered, clinging to their jeans.
“Hey, li’l dude.” Benrey carefully tried to push past the kid without tripping over him on the way to the kitchen. Tragically, that’s where Gordon also happened to be.
“Hey, what took you so long?” Gordon asked, taking some of the grocery bags from them. “I thought you’d gotten lost in Costco again.”
Benrey grunted noncommittally and started putting away groceries instead of answering Gordon. Maybe if they didn’t look at him, they could avoid confronting whatever Gordon’s reaction was. Yeah, definitely, this seemed like a sustainable, reasonable decision to make. Yep.
“Dude.” Gordon’s hand suddenly appeared on their forearm. Benrey stared at it, then looked up at Gordon’s concerned face. “Are you okay?”
“You’re putting carrots in the utensil drawer.”
Benrey looked down at their hands again. Oh. So they were.
“You’ve been acting weird ever since you got back from the store,” Gordon said, gently taking the carrots away from them. “Did something happen? You wanna talk about it?”
Benrey screwed their mouth up. No, they didn’t want to talk about it, but learning how to talk through things like adults was something they both had agreed to do. That had been a rule introduced by an exasperated Tommy, sick of mediating their bullshit. So, they sighed and looked away while Gordon put the carrots in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. “I was thinking about how I’ve gotta move out.”
“What?” Gordon stood up too fast and smacked his head on the freezer door. He swore loudly, and Benrey reached over to hand him a bag of frozen peas to put on the back of his head. “Thanks. But also, what? Since when are you moving out?”
“Uh, since now?” Benrey said, confused. Shouldn’t it be obvious?
“‘Cause I said I love you on the phone? Dummy? You, uh, a fucking old man got bad brain disease, not remembering things?” They said, defaulting to picking on Gordon to avoid focusing on anything else. Gordon stared blankly at them for a moment, then, against all odds, a grin spread across his face.
“Benrey,” He said, and Benrey decided he didn't like that tone one bit, “Are you embarrassed?”
“Whuh? No.” There was no way they could be embarrassed. That definitely wasn't what was going on here. Nope. Not a bit, “...Maybe.”
“Dude, you don't have to be embarrassed about that.” Gordon laughed. “Do you know how often I've said stupid Freudian slips? I called my sixth grade teacher mom once and wanted to change my name and move to Canada. I've been there.”
“It wasn't, uh… It wasn't too much? Not crossing a line or anything?”
“Nah, man. It was kinda sweet.” Gordon flashed him a smile and finished putting away the last of the groceries.
“Cool.” Benrey relaxed, letting go of the tension that had been building in their shoulders. “That's good ‘cause I was gonna fight you for custody of your Xbox.” Gordon snorted.
“Good fucking luck, you’re too much of a Playstation guy to win that case.”
The evening passed relatively uneventfully from there. Gordon enlisted Benrey’s help in cooking dinner, and Joshua eagerly told them all about the cool dinosaur facts he’d learned in class that day. They went through the easy routine of watching just one episode (which of course always turned into several episodes) of Joshua’s choice of TV, then Benrey helped wash up in the kitchen while Gordon put Josh to bed. Gordon joined them as they finished washing dishes and squeezed Benrey’s shoulder affectionately when they were done.
“Alright, man, I think I’m gonna head to bed early tonight.”
Benrey nodded. “Cool. I’ll be quiet.”
“Don’t worry about it. G’night, dude.”
“Night, Gordon.”
“Oh, and Benrey?” Gordon paused in the doorway of his bedroom and waited until Benrey glanced up at him. Gordon smiled. “Love you too.”
He shut the door before Benrey could respond, leaving Benrey to stare blankly at the door. They let out a groan, careful not to wake Joshua. Oh, Gordon was going to be the death of them.
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sweetcathedral · 3 years
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Note: Can’t help but think about Nanami making you cum in a car (stomach goes 🦋)
⚠️: 18+, soft public indecency, car sex, raw, love drunk, dom Nanami, rough sex, fingering, dirty talk (slut & whore calling), breeding/creampie
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The furthest Nanami would go when it comes to teasing you in public is making you wear dresses or skirts without your panties on.
“Nanami, wait!” you squeeze his hand to stop, but it was no use against his strength. He kept walking on as if you never said a thing. “Please . . .” you quietly pleaded. Finally, he stops and looks down at you, waiting for you to speak up. Your face felt warm with embarrassment, it was your first time doing something like this with Nanami, and although you were open to the idea, you didn’t expect it to make you feel this way. It’s only cause it sounded as easy as one, two, three, but now that you’re out in public—
“Speak. What is it?" he asks softly, knowing the answer to his own question. It doesn’t help when he asked that near your ear, already sensitive from not having any panties underneath the short slip dress he bought for you to wear. You shy away from meeting his eyes. “Hey, look at me,” he said in the same sweet soft tone, cupping your face in his hands. Tracing over his hands with your fingers, you shut your eyes and burrow your face in his rough calloused palms, the feeling of comfort eases out your nerves, giving you the courage to look him in the eyes.
“Can, can we please go home now? I know I said I was open to the idea, but I’m feeling . . . weird,” you admitted, feeling your face getting heated. Nanami brushes over your features with his thumbs before laying a kiss on your forehead, “no changing your mind once we’re in the car then, okay?" he playfully grins. You nodded.
Little did you know that when you nodded, Nanami had taken it as an agreement to relieve him from the temptations he’s been restraining.
Now you’re laying on top of him on the driver’s seat, his cock slapping your throbbing cunt as you’re huffing over his shoulder & grasping his shirt. “You could’ve waited ‘til we got home,” you managed to pant out. He presses the tip of his cock on your clit, using your juices to lubricate himself, “oh? Then maybe we should wait until we’re home,” teasing his tip into your cunt, before pulling it out—giving you a taste of what you want.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you’re already a drooling mess on his shoulder, and your lipstick is smeared along his jaw and neck. As you reach for his cock, he stops you, grabbing hold of both your wrists, “Nanami please,” you begged. “But didn’t you want to wait until we got home?” You shake your head, trying to writhe your hips onto his stiff cock, but he keeps you away from it and instead slips his fingers into your starving cunt. “Haa!” you moan at the movement of his fingers, riding over his hand. “Now, beg me to put it in,” he growls in your ear, pulling his fingers out, leaving you with the same aching feeling.
“I want it.”
“What do you want?”
“Your cock.”
“And where do you want it?”
“Inside of—mmph!”
Without any warning, Nanami had seamlessly slipped his cock into you. The length and girth of it made your cunt throb, sending a tingling sensation of pleasure from your legs to your arms. “Look at how easily my cock slipped inside of you. I wonder how sluttier you can get, hm?” he rhetorically asks, bucking his hips into you. The sound of your whining and moaning bounce off the windows of the car as your eyes roll back & your tongue lols out of those pretty wet lips of yours—an expression Nanami’s been dying to see. “That’s a good girl,” he huffs with a sly grin playing across his face.
He grabs your face, sticking two of his fingers down your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes. “Lick it. Show me how much of a whore you are,” he demands. You wiggle your wrists out of his grip to mindlessly hold onto his forearm, as you begin to suck at his fingers. For a moment, Nanami was taken aback by your lustful eyes and the lewd trance you were in, “what a pretty sight,” he said with a bemused grin.
Nanami starts stroking himself harder into you, groaning into your neck. The feeling of his breath against your slick skin condenses sweat to trickle down your back, seeping into the fabric of your silk dress. Unable to focus on anything except for the tickling feeling of another orgasm about to come, you buck your hips at the same rhythm as him. The soft walls of your cunt throb & flutter around his cock, milking him to cum inside of you.
“I want your cum in me,” you moan.
“Don’t need you to tell me,” he pulls his hand away from your mouth & tangles his fingers in your hair, holding you at the nape of your neck. His other hand is pressing on your hip, pushing you down on his cock as he thrusts deeper into you, kissing your cervix.
A wave of pleasure floods throughout you, curling your toes & tensing your body, as Nanami releases himself inside of you—warm globs of cum filling your womb to the brim of your swollen cunt. Lost in a daze, you collapse onto Nanami’s chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. The feeling of his fingers lightly tracing over the curves of your sensitive body make you twitch, sending soft shivers down your spine. Nanami wraps his heavy arms around you, squeezing you lightly as he places soft kisses on the crown of your head.
“Wanna go to that cafe now?” he asks, breaking the calm silence.
“Now? But . . .” you pull yourself from out of his arms and lift the hem of your dress up, displaying your answer. Kneeling over him, you lift your hips letting his cock slip out & his cum drip down the sides of your thighs and onto his cock. You can feel more about to spill, but Nanami stops it from spilling any further, his hand now coated in his mess.
“Careful, this car is a rental,” he guides you back down to laying on his chest, while keeping his hand on your cunt.
“I can clean it up though,” you look up at him, his fingers thoughtlessly playing with your hair. Then he pauses at the realization. Averting his gaze down at you to see your pleading eyes dilated back into a lustful trance, he smirks—watching your tongue get to work.
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Lockdown Frustration (18+)
Part One: Cold Shower
Part Two
Colson x Female Reader
Summary: When lockdown is making you seriously sexually frustrated, your friend offers to help you through it
Feels: Pure Horn
Word count: 3,664 - I got reeeal into this
Warnings: Total smut, unprotected sex, rough sex
A/N: This was my first time writing smut, so would love to hear what your favourite bit was (send me an ask if you're shy) 😈
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You’d been in lockdown for a few weeks now and to say you were horny was an understatement. You’d moved in with your friends temporarily when the stay at home order came in, instead of being stuck at home by yourself but while you weren’t necessarily bored...you were certainly frustrated. Used to being able to call on a hook up or head out to clubs to flirt, it had now been AT LEAST two months since you’d scratched that itch so to say.
Lying by the pool in the backyard, feeling wound up and restless, you started swiping through tinder. You swiped past the usual reams of so-so suitors, most of which you’d never normally be interested in, but at this point were seeming a bit more enticing. You were casually swiping right on a couple of profiles that you’d potentially consider some ‘sext exchanges’ with, when you heard the screen door open just above you. Your temporary housemate and long term friend, Colson, strolls out and heads towards you.
“What you upto out here Y/N, I’m bored” he huffs, as he flops down on the sun lounger next to yours.
“Just torturing myself, scrolling through tinder. This lockdown’s getting preeeeetty frustrating”
Your eyes not leaving your phone as you respond, thumbs still swiping away
“I didn’t think you got around enough for this to be a long stretch for you” he teases, poking you in the side so you turn and look at him
“Rude! I get mine, thank you very much. I’m just not as obvious about it as you, I certainly don’t go this long that’s for sure” you fire back
“Okay, okay, my bad. So your solo sessions aren’t quite cutting it then?” he winks suggestively at you, sticking his tongue out
“That is none of your damn business” you laugh, turning your attention back to your phone, sighing “But if you must know, not really…”
“Well, if you ever need a hand, I’m just saying, you could make it my business”
You look up at this comment and see him lying back on the lounger, arms above his head, his eyes closed with a cocky smirk on his face. You don’t see him open one eye, catching you subtly taking in his tattooed torso, your eyes focusing on his XXX tattoo.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was super hot, but it was Colson, you know?
“See anything you like?” he says, making you jump slightly
“Shut up Colson, stop bothering me and go and find something to do” you snap back, feeling a little embarrassed at being caught staring at your friend’s crotch
“Maybe that’s what I’m already doing, looking for something to 'do' ”
You laugh his blatant innuendo off, but he’s got you feeling tense now. You stand up to head back into the house “I’m going for a shower”
“You want some company?” He offers with a cheeky grin
“I’m alright thanks, I’ll make it a cold one!”
Once you’re in the shower, you find yourself feeling even more hot and bothered, despite the cool water cascading over you. Colson’s teasing comments swirling in your head, you slip your hand between your legs trying to relieve some of the tension you're feeling. A few minutes later you turn the shower off, a little more relaxed and ready to find something to occupy your busy mind for the rest of the afternoon. You dry yourself off, wrap yourself in a towel and gather your hair into a messy bun on top of your head.
“Feeling any better after that?”
Not expecting to see Colson sitting on your bed, his voice makes you jump as you come out of your ensuite
“For fucks sake, you scared the life out of me!” You scold him as he laughs at you
Once you compose yourself, you laugh along with him and with eyebrows raised, you ask "and why are you here?"
Leaning back on his hands, he smirks and replies, "Just making sure the cold shower did the trick", as he makes an obvious point of looking you up and down, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
You roll your eyes but can't help but give him a quick once over yourself, taking in the sight before you: his topless torso, the slight sheen of sweat glistening across his tattoos, his damp blonde locks disheveled and hanging into his eyes, long legs spread apart as they hang off the side of your bed, the thin material of his shorts. Eeesh. You feel a warm flush spreading through your body, that has nothing to do with the sun or the shower.
Fuck he looks good, you think, it'd be so easy to just... Argh. Sleeping with one of your best friends while you're locked down together is surely a recipe for disaster... Right? Besides, he's always teasing you like this, that's just Colson. You're probably only reacting this way because, well, surely everyone is horny while stuck in lockdown...
You quickly push those thoughts away and sigh dramatically while clutching your towel tighter around your chest, "Get out Colson, I need to get dressed"
Unperturbed, he stares you dead in the eye and states slyly "what you're wearing looks just fine from here"
"Stop it now, creeper" you say, half smiling and waving him away with a shooing motion. He laughs, low and soft, "Okay, okay" and holds his hands up in mock defeat. This kind of back and forth was the norm for you two, but today... Today you found your heart was beating out of your chest and the steady eye contact he was maintaining was making you twinge in such an intense way, you were sure he could tell.
Starting to get a little flustered, you take a step towards your dresser and Colson reaches out grabbing you by the hand and pulling you into him. You stumble ungracefully and find yourself inches from his face, one leg on either side of his left thigh, both hands on his chest. He places both hands on your waist to steady you and you can feel his long fingers pressing into you through your towel.
"Wh-what are you doing?" you giggle suggestively, your voice husky
"Come on Y/N... " he says leaning in, his lips almost grazing yours as he speaks. He pulls back slightly and locks his eyes onto yours "You can't say you don't feel this too"
"Colson..." Just as you begin to speak he slides his hands down to your hips and pulls you even closer to him so your forehead is leaning against his. He shifts, pressing his bare thigh up between your legs, a small gasp escapes your mouth as you feel the pressure against your clit. "Mmm, we shouldn't" you murmur, breath ragged, as you slowly run your hands up his neck and into his hair.
He leans into your neck, dragging his bottom lip up to your ear and whispers, "Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop right now" before pressing a long lingering kiss to your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. You audibly groan and he lets out a soft growl as you gently tug his hair causing him to grip you harder. You instinctively roll your hips, grinding yourself further against his thigh, showing him just how wet you are.
He grazes his soft lips across yours, before bringing his hand up to your face and gently gripping your chin
"I'm gonna need an answer, use your words Y/N, tell me what you want"
As he presses his thigh up against your clit again, you moan "you, I want you"
"That's my girl" he smirks before crashing his lips against yours in a deep lingering kiss, tongue sliding into your mouth as he reaches down behind your thighs and lifts you onto his lap. Your tongues battle for dominance as you grind down onto him, feeling him getting hard through the thin material of his shorts. He slides his hands under your towel and grips your bare ass tightly as he presses himself up against you, electricity fires through your core and you let out a soft moan into his kiss
You bite his bottom lip, gently tugging on it and he groans at the action. “This towel has got to go” he says, locking eyes with you, his pupils black and blown out with lust. You lean back and undo your towel, dropping it behind you. He lets out a breathy ‘wow’ as he takes in the view of you completely naked, straddling his lap
“Fuck, you’re so hot” he says, pulling you into him as he kisses you again hungrily, moving from your mouth to neck. You continue to roll your hips onto his now rock hard cock and he bites your neck hard in response, leaving a purple mark above your collarbone. He moves his mouth to your chest, kissing between your breasts before flicking his tongue across your left nipple then sucking on it harshly. You let out a whine at the sensation, causing a dirty smile to spread across his face “Oh you like it rough do you?” he says as he moves across to your right nipple, taking it between his teeth and biting, pulling slightly
“Shit” you moan, grabbing his face with both your hands and crashing your lips against his. Just the feeling of his tongue twisting with yours has you so turned on, you feel like you could cum already. You reach down between the two of you and slide your hand into his shorts, wrapping it around his thick cock, pumping your hand up and down it’s length and he breaks away from your kiss to exhale deeply
“I wanna fuck you so badly Colson”
“Not yet” he says, as he reaches under your ass, and lifts you, flipping you onto your back on the bed. You reach up to pull him down on top of you, but he grabs your wrist and pins it above your head. Hovering over you, he uses his other hand to bring your other arm above your head, wrapping one hand around both of your wrists. You struggle slightly, but he holds your wrists tighter as you pout and whimper out “Hey, no fair”
Smirking at you squirming, he lets out a soft throaty chuckle “You told me it had been too long, you think I’m gonna let you rush this?” Still holding your wrists above your head with his left hand, he brings his right hand to your cheek and presses a slow lingering kiss to your lips “Just trust me…”
“Okay” you murmur, your heart beating and your breath shaky as he slowly trails his hand down your neck, over your breast and down your stomach, maintaining eye contact the entire time. This slow pace after your passionate kissing and grinding just before, was killing you and you instinctively lift your hips towards him as his hand gets closer to your core, your clit throbbing so hard with need it’s almost painful. He strokes his hand over your hip bone and down your thigh and you whine in disappointment, “Patience babygirl” he says as he kisses you again, moving his tongue slowly with yours, sending electric bolts to your aching core. His hand slides up your thigh, skimming past your soaking area and down your other thigh
You pull back from his lips “Come on Colson, you’re killing me, I need you…”
“Oh yeah? Let me see how much…” He says, nose pressed against yours as he traces his finger through your folds, gathering your wetness and sliding from your entrance up to your clit, circling it slowly “Is this what you need?”
“Fuck... yes” you moan as he pushes his long middle finger into your entrance, curling hard against your g spot, your eyes squeezing closed in pleasure. “You want more?” he says, slowly sliding his finger out and then back in pressing hard on your inside wall again. “Yeah, more..” you choke out. He watches your face intently, your head tilted back, breathy moans escaping you as he slips his ring finger in alongside his middle, the cold metal of his silver ring pressing against you, and starts pumping them in and out of you. He buries his fingers inside of you up to the knuckles and starts beckoning against your g spot, causing your moans to get louder as your stomach tightens, your orgasm building
“Oh my god that feels so good” you manage to whimper out, panting “Don’t s-stop... I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that…”
Hearing this he let’s go of your wrists, and cups the back of your neck with his hand, pulling your face to his and sliding his tongue in your mouth, suffocating you with his kiss. Your body twists towards him, your legs clamping around his forearm as he fucks you with his fingers. You reach your right hand up and grab a fistful of his messy, damp hair as you slide your left hand down his tensed, tattooed stomach and into his shorts. His cock is throbbing from grinding against you and you feel a wet bead of precum as you slide your thumb across his tip and then up and down his swollen shaft
You pull back from his kiss to let out a deep moan “Oh god, I’m gonna cum”
He presses his forehead to yours “Say my name, I wanna hear you say it while you cum”
“Shit...Colson, fuck, oh god, Colson” you almost shout, your head thrown back as you feel your walls clench around him, your wetness pouring over his fingers as he works you through your orgasm while kissing and sucking on your exposed neck. He pulls his dripping fingers away from and releases his tight grip on the back of neck, letting your back fall gently back on the bed. The loss of contact brings you back to reality and you shakily prop yourself up on your elbows to see him sitting up, pulling his strained shorts down. His rock hard cock springs against his stomach and you let out a long ragged exhale as you see it, your eyes wandering up his lean, sweat covered torso to see the dirty smile on his face as he watches you.
“I’m not finished with you yet” he says, staring down at you with lust filled eyes as he tugs at his length “You think you can handle it?”
“I could ask you the same thing” you countered, sliding your hand between your open legs, drawing his attention to your glistening core and the wet patch beneath you
“Damn Y/N, have I met my match here?” he laughs as he lightly pushes your shoulders back onto the bed. Climbing on top of you he covers your mouth with his in a hungry kiss, as he roughly thrusts himself against you, his rigid shaft moving easily against your drenched clit. Still swollen and sensitive from your orgasm, you let out a slow needy moan, encouraging him to repeat the action.
Propped up on one elbow, he reaches down with his other hand and grabs his cock
“Shit you’re so wet for me aren’t you?” he says, his lips grazing yours as he guides the tip of his dick from your clit to your entrance and back again
“I don’t know why you sound surprised..” you murmur as you bite his bottom lip “...Daddy”
“Daaamn Y/N, you know what that shit does to me, you’re really asking for it now”
Groaning at your words, he presses the swollen tip of his against your tight entrance and you tremble at the feeling, ready to take him... when he pulls back
“Shit, do you have condoms in here?”
“No, but I’m on the pill…” you break your sentence off to kiss him, hard “...and we both know we’re good…” you kiss him again, not wanting to lose momentum “...and let’s face it, we both know it’s better without..”
“You’re so bad Y/N” he says breathlessly, as you wrap your hand around his throbbing shaft, pumping your up and down as you guide it back to your yearning pussy, the anticipation has you both barely able to breathe
“I need you now” That’s all he needs to hear and he pushes his entire length through your soaking wet entrance. “Fuck” you moan out loudly, as he bottoms out, stretching you out with his thick cock, the pleasure spreading immediately through your entire body. You move your hips up against his, adjusting to his size.
“You okay babygirl?” he scans your face as he pulls back slowly
“Fuck yeah”
Encouraged, he slams himself back into you again “God, you’re so fucking tight” he hisses through gritted teeth as he rolls his hips against you, savouring the sensation and letting you feel very inch as he sinks into you, “Shit, you feel amazing”
His slow thrusts, pulling fully out of you each time, have your entire body quivering. Getting desperate to be ravaged, you grab his face with both hands and bring his mouth to yours, flicking your tongue against his
“Quit teasing and fuck me Colson”
He lets out a soft breathy laugh as he sits up, pulling you roughly towards him by your hips and presses your thighs up towards your chest as he hovers over you, holding his already drenched cock at your entrance “You ready?”
“Never been more re….”
You don’t even get to finish your sentence before he plunges into your aching pussy, knocking the breath out of you. He reaches behind your neck, pulling your forehead to his as he pounds into you, hard and fast. “Is this what you wanted huh? You wanna be fucked hard like a bad girl?”
You can barely respond, choking out a “fuck yes, oh my god, fuck me”
“You want this dick deep?” he says as he pushes his hand harder against your thigh, bringing it closer to the bed, heightening the pleasure as he hits your g spot even harder.
He’s only been fucking you for a couple of minutes at most before you’re screaming out
“I’m gonna cum”
“Cum on my cock for me babygirl” he whispers in your ear as fire crawls all over your body. Your nails dig into his back leaving raw red marks as you thrust your hips up into his, feeling your walls clench tightly around him repeatedly and you feel yourself flooding over his cock as your orgasm sears through you.
He fucks you through your orgasm and then pulls back suddenly. You lie there for a moment shaking, trying to catch your breath “Turn over” he demands, before he flips you over onto your stomach, grabs your hips and pulls your ass up towards him so you’re on your knees
“It’s not over yet” he says as he slaps his hard cock against your ass cheek, then slides it through the wetness that has pooled around your ass, pressing lightly against your tight hole. You whimper at the feeling and push back against him. “Another time…” he says as he moves his cock further down and delves back into your dripping pussy.
Spreading one hand across your lower back he pushes you further down onto the bed, the angle sending him deeper than you’ve ever felt before.
You grip onto the bedsheets, your moans filling the room as he pulls his other hand back and spanks you hard, the sharp sting making you clench around him. “More” you beg, “Oh you like that?” he taunts, hitting you again, even harder this time, leaving a handprint across your ass cheek.
He reaches down and grabs both of your arms, pulling your back up against his chest, as he thrusts furiously into you. With one hand holding your wrists behind you, he wraps his other around your neck and pulls your head back to whisper in your ear “This feel good?”
“So fucking good Colson, don’t stop” you moan “I’m gonna cum again soon…”
He lets go of your wrists and neck and pulls out, making you whine as the feeling of fullness leaves you. You turn to protest but he says “Turn around, I wanna watch you as you cum” then grips your waist, flipping you over and pulling your legs up around him.
You feel your orgasm building straight away as he buries his cock into you again. You start to cum and your eyes close, head tilting back as you feel the strong waves of pleasure coursing through you. He cups his hand around your face pulling it towards his “Look at me” he demands, his blue eyes drilling into yours as you whine
“Oh fuck Colson, I’m cumming, I’m cumming”
“I can feel you” he mumbles “I’m right behind you”
Your vision blurs as he fucks you through, your walls clenching so tightly, the orgasm so intense it feels like it’s not going to end until a deep warmth spreads through your body. His thrusts get more and more urgent, his breath coming in short, sharp blasts until he pulls out of you, pumping his swollen cock as his warm cum spills across your shivering body.
He leans down and presses a soft, lingering kiss to your lips before flopping onto his stomach next to you. You both lie for a moment, catching your breath, then he leans over the side of the bed and grabs the towel you stripped off earlier.
“I think you’re gonna need this” he says, eyeing your glistening torso
You both burst out laughing, “Yeah, I think that’s our friendship successfully ruined” you say as you take the towel from him and start cleaning yourself up
He lays his head on your warm, naked thighs and looks up at you,
“It seems pretty clear to me, that you and I are not supposed to be just friends”
Returning his gaze, you stroke your hand across his forehead, pushing his damp, blonde hair back,
“Looks like lockdown isn’t going to be that boring after all”
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