#okay hirai can come too
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arbitrarygreay · 10 months ago
(For potential link rot purposes, this is MKB covering T&C's Hey Mahiru no Shinkirou at their Rock On Live House 2007 tour)
If I'm not mistaken, this is the same concert that culminated in crowd-surfing happening in the audience.
Current ultra-femme-Kpop-obsessed H!P is categorically incapable of having this kind of physicality and energy outside of, like, Daishi and Rikako. That's about it.
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myth1cs · 1 month ago
Soulmates (Hirai Momo & Myoui Mina x M!Reader)
I FINALLY finished writing this. I'm done, I'm never writing a one shot this long again.
Read part 1: Love Warning (smut)
Word Count: 7,004
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1 month after the events of "Love Warning"
As you were sitting in your office you got a phone call on your office phone.
"You know what I'm calling for Y/N."
You took a deep sigh, hung up the phone, and made your way to Momo's office.
Ever since you took back the job you quickly realized why you wanted to quit in the first place. The only thing keeping you was the promise of sex with your boss.
Knocking on her door you waited for her to say "Come in." before you went in. "Go ahead close the door and lock it for me Y/N." she told you and you obliged.
"What's wrong Y/N is something on your mind?"
"It's nothing." you state as you make your way over to her.
"You suck at lying just tell me Y/N."
"No really I'm fine."
"I won't let you lick my pussy ever again if you don't tell me what's bothering you. Now tell me what's wrong."
You sighed, there was no getting past her. "Look it's just that I feel like doing this job is wearing me down. The only thing keeping me here is-"
Momo cut you off "Shh no need to say more Y/N I understand. I'm sorry I never paid much attention to your needs. How about you take a week off and I'll have Mina cover your work. Will that work for you?"
"Would that really be fine?"
"It'll be fine. Don't worry I'll let Mina yell at me."
"But who will take over Mina's work?"
"I can do it."
"No Momo I can't take a break if it means that you will have a bigger work load."
"Y/N I'm your boss and it's my job to make sure your mental health is okay. So please let me do this for you."
You knew there was no convincing her otherwise.
"Go ahead and go home and I'll go ahead and call Mina to tell her about her work change."
"Thank you Momo."
You walked out the door and headed to your office to grab your things before you went home.
"H-Han? Why are you in my office?"
"I've been looking for you Y/N."
"I just wanted to check up on you. Lately you've been behaving a little more ... I don't know how to say this without it coming off as weird but I feel as if you've been a little more depressed recently. I just wanted to check up on you maybe ask if you wanted to hangout with me on my lunch break."
"Han I don't know what to say."
Even if you didn't say it you were a little touched by the fact that Ji-sung noticed your struggle. Even Momo who you saw every day didn't notice. Though it was likely that she didn't notice cause she was too busy giving you head.
"Shit did I miss the mark Y/N? I'm sorry that was unprofessional of me."
"No Han it's fine really. But I should tell you that I got a week off from work so my mental health should be fine."
"I'm glad to hear that. Just call me if you ever need someone to complain to."
"Will do."
Suddenly Han's phone buzzed and he pulled it out to check it.
"Damn it."
"What happened?"
"Lee Know is upset I didn't finish my work yesterday."
"Good luck with that."
Han left the room and you started to collect your things.
When you finished collecting your stuff you started heading out but before you could even make it out of your office doors you ran into yet another coworker.
"Mina what are you doing here?"
"So you're going on break for a week?"
Ignoring your question to ask her own ... typical.
"Answer my question first asshole."
"Feisty today huh? Would you do the same if I was Momo?"
"Quit yapping and get to the point."
"Don't you know patience is a virtue? But fine I'll cut to the chase, do you live alone Y/N?"
"Yeah I live alone."
"Good give me your address now."
"Don't you think it's time for you to call someone else your mommy? Momo is focused on giving you pleasure but no one has focused on giving you pleasure. I just want to give that to you."
"What's your relationship with Momo?"
"If you give me your address I'll answer your questions."
"I'll text it to you Mina."
"It wasn't that hard now was it Y/N?"
She smiled at you before she left your office.
You still had many questions to ask her. What was her relationship with Momo and why was she so interested in you?
"I'll think more about it when I get home." you thought to yourself.
Once you arrived home you went straight to bed exhausted from the work you've been doing without even bothering to change your clothes.
Before you could fall asleep you heard a knock coming from your front door not long after you laid down on your bed.
"Who the fuck is knocking, why can't they leave me alone?"
Getting up and making your way to the front door. You opened the door and saw Ji-min (Karina) on the other side.
"Karina why are you here and not at work?"
"Today is my day off. The real question is why are you here?"
"I'm on a week break."
You didn't want to tell more people than you should. Karina was the type of coworker that couldn't keep her mouth shut about anything. Not long after she mistakenly thought you hit on Mina she started to talk about it with everyone which started a rumor that you had a crush on Mina.
A few of your coworkers brought it up to you and you had to explain the situation to them. Though you were unsure if the rumors ever reached Momo or Mina.
"I just want a break from work."
"I feel that. So how's it going with Mina?"
"What? I just want to know if you took any of the advice I gave you."
"Are you just here to bother me?"
"No I'm not, how about you let me in your house."
You moved out of the way and let her in. Karina walked in and walked around your house.
"It's rather small no?"
"Yeah, well I don't want a big place."
"Won't you get bored if you stay here all week?"
"I'll manage."
"Y/N that's sad. How about we go to an event at the end of the week?"
"There's an event going on tonight down the street called "Soulmates". A select few of people will be accepted and get the chance to mingle with others who were accepted."
"I'm not interested."
"Come on if your not going to talk to Mina you might as well try to see if you can get a girlfriend."
"I'll think about it."
"Today's the last day they'll take submissions though!"
"Whatever just sign me up yourself."
"No you have to do it yourself!"
"Because they'll want to interview you."
A low groan came out of your mouth and you knew Karina wouldn't leave you alone unless you agreed.
"Let's go then."
"Would it kill to be able to relax?"
Once you arrived at the place where the "Soulmates" event would be taking place Karina led you to the registration area.
There weren't as many people as you thought there would be but then again today was the last day so most people probably already signed up beforehand.
Once it was your turn you walked into the room and sat in front of a woman who was holding a clipboard.
"Please state your full name and what sex you identify as."
"Y/N L/N and I'm a guy."
"Do you prefer Men, Women, or Non-binary?"
"Uhm ... Women I think."
"What's your current occupation."
"I work as a secretary."
"Can you state for which company?"
"Tdoong Entertainment."
"A lot of applications from people who work there it seems." The woman said as she wrote on her clipboard.
"Wait there are others who signed up from the company?"
"Can you say who else who works at Tdoong Entertainment signed up for this event?"
"Sorry sir but I can't share that."
"That's fine."
"Anyways let's continue, so what would you say you're looking for in a partner?"
Once you finished answering all her questions she let you go and you met up with Karina.
"So how did it go?"
"I don't think they'll accept me."
"Why not?"
"I feel like she wasn't impressed by my answers."
"Don't say that Y/N I'm sure you'll be accepted."
"By the way the lady mentioned that other people from the company have signed up for the event. Do you know who else signed up?"
"Well other than me I have no idea who else could have signed up."
"I guess it's not my business regardless."
"Want to hangout at your place Y/N?"
As much as you wanted to tell Karina to go home you didn't want to sound rude by denying her offer.
"Sure let's go."
You and Karina headed back towards your house and you told yourself that you didn't really care if you got accepted. After all your having sex with Momo who you find attractive after all. Sure you both aren't "Official" but who cares?
Though you might not want to admit it you really wanted someone who could understand you and support you emotionally. You didn't care about sex with Momo, if she couldn't understand you were experiencing emotional distraught until you directly told her was she really your soulmate?
Once you both arrived at your house you went to sit on the couch and Karina followed you.
"So what are we doing Y/N?"
"Can you just leave me alone?" is what you wanted to tell her.
"Let's just watch a show yeah?"
"Okay, what do you want to watch?"
"How about you pick?"
Karina grabbed the controller sitting on the table and turned on your T.V. "What genre are you feeling?"
She gave you a sly smirk and put on a movie.
You didn't necessarily care about what she put on. Sitting back and closing your eyes trying to finally get some rest.
Unsure of how long you had your eyes closed you were suddenly waken up by the feeling that someone was wrapping their arms around you.
"Karina what are you doing?"
"Look at the movie Y/N."
Looking up to see the movie you saw it was a couple who were talking to each other in a bedroom.
"What about it?"
"Keep watching."
You kept your eyes on the movie but had issues hearing and watching the movie because you were still a bit hazy after waking up.
As the movie went on it suddenly turned explicit as the people in it were quickly discarding their clothes and were being intimate with each other.
It made you a little hot watching such an explicit movie to begin with but now you were watching it with a coworker.
Your cock was getting a bit hard and you were getting worried Karina would notice.
"Can we skip this scene? I'm not a big fan of explicit movies." You asked but Karina didn't answer your question.
Out of the blue you felt hands on your thigh. You looked down and saw that they were Karina's and they were inching closer to your cock.
You were getting nervous and tried to take her hands off of you but you weren't able to pry them off.
Karina's hands were now directly touching your clothed cock and your face was burning red. For the first time since her hands were on your thighs you turned to Karina.
"Y/N you know you can ask me for anything right?"
Unable to control your urges you latched your lips onto hers.
A heated exchange between both of you started and both of your tongues started exploring the others mouth living in the moment.
Your hands reached up for Karina's breasts and you gave them a firm squeeze which elicited a moan from her.
She wasn't about to forget about her own desires and started to rub your clothed cock which made you let out a low groan.
Now your heated exchange was getting sloppy with saliva pouring out of both of your mouths. You pulled away and now rubbed your tongue with Karina's as you changed your hand to the other breast and started to rub them.
You really wanted to tear off her clothes and feel her naked body. Karina however was already ahead of you. She started to pull up her shirt making it half way before you helped her take off the rest, throwing it, and leaving her in her black bra.
Reaching around her body you unclasped her bra letting them fall to the floor. Not wasting your chance you shoved your face in between Karina's breast and used one of your hands to squeeze her ass and the other you used to rub her clothed pussy.
"Ugh ~ Ah" Karina moaned. Her voice echoed throughout your house. Your tongue started to run all over Karina's massive breast and you were determined to make them sopping wet.
Karina moved her hands down your body and slid your pants off your body. She grabbed a hold of your hardened cock through your underwear and started to quickly pump it.
Your face was shoved so deep into Karina's breast that you were basically suffocating but in all honesty you wouldn't mind your final moments being spent in her breasts.
Karina however wasn't about to let that happen and pulled you away. You took a big gasp of air as you were finally able to properly breath for the first time since you shoved yourself in her breasts.
"Why did you pull me away?"
"There is still so much more pleasure to have."
Karina removed your underwear and her remaining clothing then proceeded to sit on your cock. "Ah your cock is stretching me out so damn good Y/N."
She started to ride you moving herself up and down. It drove you crazy how good her pussy felt.
"I bet Momo never fucked you this good!"
She could. But you didn't want to tell Karina that Momo fucked you better due to the fear that she might stop.
"Y-yeah ... totally."
Both of you were now sweating and you took the chance to lick her nipples which were being covered in her sweat. But did you even care?
"Your breasts are so soft and addicting."
"And you can play with them anytime Y/N. Just give me a call and I'll come right over."
Your cock was twitching and Karina took notice. She sped up her movements and you started to suck on her breasts harder.
Wrapping your hands around her body to pull her closer. The intense moment carried on for a few more seconds until both of you ended up cumming on each other.
Both of you were now sweaty and filthy. Your stress from your job seemingly faded as you released your cum into Karina's pussy.
The key word being seemingly. Truth be told sex was only a temporary fix. Eventually it would all come back again eventually and the stress would be stronger.
Though you weren't thinking of that at the moment. Your only concern was the woman who was sitting on you.
Karina stood up and reached out her hand to you.
"We're not done."
Even though you were exhausted you did want to have another round with her.
You grabbed her hand and she pulled you up. Both of you were having issues keeping balance while standing so you were both leaning on each other for support.
She led you to a wall and bent over for you. "Go ahead and fuck my ass Y/N."
Shoving your hardened cock into Karina you messed up her insides. Thrusting in and out at a rapid pace you were fondling with her breasts as you messed up her insides.
"Why do I listen to you so much?"
"Y/N is now really the time to ask these questions?"
You gave her breasts a rough squeeze.
"I just don't know if going to the soulmates event is a good idea."
"You're never going to get the chance to go if you don't cum in me."
Forcing yourself as deep as possible into her ass you came inside of her. Your cum was spilling out of her making a small puddle on the floor.
You pulled out and made your way back to the couch to fall asleep.
There was a loud banging on your door that woke you up. You checked the time and saw it was 2:30 AM. Who could be at your door at this hour.
Making your way to your door you opened the door and saw Mina on the other side.
"Why are you here?"
Mina's face went a little red.
"Why do you sleep naked?"
"What are you-"
You looked down and noticed that you didn't have clothes on. Suddenly you remembered that you had sex with Karina.
Quickly closing the door you rushed to your room and quickly put some clothes on. "Karina must have left after I fell asleep."
Going back downstairs to open the door for Mina and let her in your house.
"So do you sleep naked or were you having a one night stand?"
You led her to your kitchen and both of you took a seat.
"You don't have to lie to me."
"I don't owe you anything."
"Whatever, I'm here to answer your questions that you've had for me. After all that was apart of the deal for you giving me your address."
"Oh yeah."
"So what do you want answers to."
"How did you know Momo was going to have sex with me?"
"Are you talking about the first time you came to talk to me in my office?"
"I have history with her."
"What history?"
"Well ..." She took a deep sigh.
"I didn't think I'd ever tell anyone this but I guess I have to now."
You were still sleepy after getting woken up at night but you forced yourself to stay awake. You had to know more about Mina.
"Look before you were hired I had your position. I dealt with the same shit you have to right now and just like you I got tired of the job. I was going to quit and similar to you she begged me to stay ruining her health all for the sake of the company."
She suddenly stopped talking. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "Do you mind if I grab a glass of water?"
"Go ahead."
Mina got up and got herself a glass of water. Taking a sip before she continued.
"I was worried about her just like you."
"So does she do this with everyone?"
"I don't know but I don't think so."
"What happened next?"
"Well I did the same thing you did. And she also had sex with me just like you. She promised to do it with me whenever as long as I stayed. But then you were hired."
Mina gripped the glass cup. Taking another sip before continuing.
"Since you had more qualifications than me I got demoted and the deal I had with Momo was off and her focus was all on you."
"Is that why you didn't care about her?"
"Yes that's exactly why. Truth be told I only offered having sex with you for my own benefit."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I figured that if you preferred having me over Momo then I could convince you to quit and I would be able to be her secretary again. That way I could have Momo to myself."
"Wait were you just going to leave me after you did all this."
"You want the truth?"
"Yes I would have left you if my plan succeeded."
"I appreciate the honesty but damn."
"Well I originally came her to have sex with you but I'm sure you don't to after hearing it is only for my benefit."
"We could do it for fun."
"Yeah right Y/N. No offense but I don't like men."
"I understand. You're free to sleep here though I'm sure your tired."
"No I'm good."
"Suit yourself."
"I'll see you next week Y/N."
"See you."
Mina left your house leaving you alone once again.
"Guess I can scratch her off my potential "Soulmate" list."
The next day came and you weren't sure what to do. You settled on laying on your bed watching a movie when you suddenly received a message on your phone.
"Congrats Y/N you've been accepted to attend the "Soulmates" event happening at the end of the week! For further details please click on the link attached to this message"
You looked at the message and finally made your decision.
"I'm going to the Soulmates event."
The week flew by and you were waiting for the day the soulmates event would start.
On the day before the event was going to start you heard a knocking on your door. You went to open the door and to your surprise you saw Momo.
"Momo? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"I'm having someone else cover it. Besides I think we need to talk anyway."
"Talk about what?"
"You see I've been thinking and ... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."
"What could you possibly be sorry about?"
"I should have realized you were struggling much sooner. And since I didn't I feel like I've been neglecting you in that way."
Your eyes softened. You never blamed anything on Momo after all you were the person who made the decision to stay.
"Don't say that Momo none of what I've been going through was your fault."
"But it is my fault."
You pulled Momo into a hug and held her tightly into your arms.
"Don't say that Momo. You have done nothing wrong but I wouldn't mind if you paid a little more attention to me."
She hugged you back and smiled.
"I can do that for you."
"Thank you."
"Hey Y/N I know that the company is going to be closed tomorrow but I won't be able to be with you tomorrow."
"That's fine I'll be busy myself tomorrow also."
"Really what for?"
"Personal things."
"Okay well take care alright."
"I will."
"See you back to work Y/N! And hopefully with a better mental state."
Today was the day the soulmates event was scheduled to happen. You got yourself ready beforehand and were now making your way to the event.
Once you found a parking space you started getting a little anxious. "What if I'm not satisfied with my soulmate? Or what if I don't even get one?" You thought to yourself but you tried to reassure yourself that everything will be fine.
You got out of your car and made your way inside. Once you stepped in you were directed to a room where other participants were.
"The event will start in just a few minutes sir. Feel free to chat with the others though."
Once you were in the room the quickly recognized a few of the people who showed up.
"Momo, Mina, Han, and Karina are all here?"
You didn't recognize the others.
You sat down at a chair next to someone you didn't know.
"Hey my name is Choi Ji-su but you can just call me Lia. What's your name?"
"Names Y/N nice to meet you Lia."
"Based off looks who do you have your eyes on?"
A bit out of the blue question and you weren't sure how to answer.
"Well ... no one really. I think everyone looks equally beautiful."
"That's such a boring answer you know."
"Well who do you have your eyes on?"
She pointed at a girl who was sitting at the far left.
You looked at the girl Lia pointed to and you have to admit she was attractive.
"Hello everyone I'd like to welcome you all to today's soulmate event. Everyone here was selected by us. We wanted people who were different to have a chance to mingle with each other. Hopefully you all find a soulmate."
As the woman scanned the room she suddenly had a look on her face. "It seems someone didn't show up. I'm afraid to say that one of you will be walking away without a soulmate."
Everyone started to make their own count and realized she was right. A feeling of worry overcame everyone, after all no one wanted to be the person who left without a soulmate.
"Well regardless we'll move on. So first we'll let everyone have a chance to introduce themselves and then we can move on."
She left the room and everyone looked around to see if anyone would take the lead.
"Well I guess I'll start and we can just go left. Hello my name is Myoui Mina."
"My name is Kaito Yuki."
"Hirai Momo."
"Han Ji-sung."
"Yu Ji-min but I go by Karina."
"Kim Nam-joon but you can call me RM."
"Y/N L/N."
"Choi Ji-su but you can also call me Lia."
"Hwang Yeji."
The women walked back into the room and handed everyone a piece of paper and a pencil.
"Alright everyone I've given you a piece of paper and a pencil. Based on first impressions write down someones name. The person who has the most votes will get to choose 2 people to have lunch with on the top floor. Everyone else will eat here in the dining room. Feel free to write your own name. Give me your paper once you write down a name."
Nobody wrote down a name right away. It seems like everyone is putting some thought into their choice.
Yeji was the first to write a name down and give it to the lady. Afterwards more people started writing names and turning them in. Only a few people still hadn't written a name and you were one of them.
You were struggling to pick someone. There was no way you could find your soulmate based on luck.
"If I had to pick based off my limited interactions then I would have to pick..."
"The winner of the popular vote is Mrs. Myoui Mina. Mina once you pick the two people you want to take to lunch with then our staff can escort you to your room."
After Mina quickly scanned the room it wasn't long for her to pick.
"Momo and Y/N."
All three of you were led upstairs and into a room. "Feel free to have a moment to look over our menu. I'll be back in a bit to take your orders."
You and Momo sat next to each other while Mina sat across both of you. The room was silent, everyone was waiting to see who would be the one to speak up first. The silence was deafening.
Momo eventually cleared her throat.
"So Mina why'd you pick us?"
"I feel that I need to ... 'discuss' a few things with you."
"What are you talking about?"
You stayed silent.
Mina let out a sigh "Momo ... I love you so much. I don't want you to be with Y/N anymore."
Momo's cheeks turned red.
"I - I didn't know you felt that way Mina."
"You're so pretty Momo will you be mine?"
"What's pretty about me?"
"Your soft well kept hair, pretty face, and those massive set of-"
"Screw it Mina I can't wait any longer: kiss me."
Mina got up from her seat and rushed over to Momo. Her tongue slid into Momo's mouth. She put her hands inside of Momo's shirt, sliding her hands up and feeling Momo's abs.
"You're so strong Mo."
Momo smiled at Mina's compliment. She wrapped her hands around Mina's head and pulled her as close as she could.
Unsure of what you should be doing you kept watching the scene unfold in front of you. Part of you felt weird for watching them be intimate with each other but the other part of you couldn't muster up the will to look away. But you couldn't help but notice the difference in the way Momo had sex with you and how she's having it with Mina.
Mina raised her hands up Momo's body. Momo moaned into her mouth as she did so.
Before Mina could finish her foreplay a knock came on the door.
Quickly Mina got off Momo and rushed back to her seat.
"Have you three decided on your order?"
Mina and Momo were chatting with each other while you just kept your thoughts to yourself. Momo noticed and decided to rope you into their conversation.
"You want to join us next time Y/N?"
Looking up you saw Mina made a face of disgust at Momo.
"Why are you asking Y/N if he wants to join without asking me first? I don't want to have a threesome with a fucking guy."
"Mina it's rude to invite Y/N and not include him."
"I only invited him here because he was the only other person I knew. I'm not about to have some stranger watch us have sex Momo."
"But Mina-"
"What are you telling me you actually like men?"
"Well no but I kinda made a deal with him."
"Psh fine."
Momo leaned towards you and whispered into your ear. "Between you and me you're not that bad."
Not that bad?
"Th-thanks I guess."
"By the way Y/N if your filthy cock even lightly brushes me I will rip it off your body with my bare hands."
"R-right I understand."
"Damn Mina that's more harsh than I ever went with you or Y/N."
Before the next round of voting everyone had to make a gift and give it to someone. The three options were making a ring, mug cup making, and making a perfume.
Making a mug sounded bland but you weren't confident in being able enough to make a ring so you settled on making a perfume.
You sat alone for a long time and were a bit worried you were the only one to pick it until you heard footsteps coming into the room.
"It was Y/N right?"
"Kaito why are you here?"
"Couldn't leave you alone here."
"Well thanks for keeping me company."
"No problem."
You didn't want to sit in silence for the whole time so you decided to make some small talk.
"So where are you from?"
"I'm from Fujioka. I'm a student there actually."
"Yeah ... so where are you from?"
"I'm from ..."
"I've never been there but I'm sure it's nice."
"So who are you interested in?"
"Probably Karina, she was really caring and nice at the lunch we had. What about you, who are you interested in?"
"That's a hard question."
"Why's that? Momo and Mina had lunch with you did neither of them peak your interest?"
"More like they peaked each other's interest."
"That's good for them. But I guess you're a bit disappointed huh?"
"Its not that I'm just worried that I won't find someone."
"I understand how you are feeling. But maybe the person who your supposed to end up with is someone you haven't met or someone who you're least expecting."
"I don't know Kaito. I mean I was kind of in a relationship but I didn't feel happy afterwards. Only certain moments brought me joy."
"Well maybe you should look for different people. Those who can give you those feelings of happiness as much as possible."
"Thanks for the advice. I'll try to keep it in mind."
You couldn't say someone has necessarily brought you true "happiness". But then again...
When it was time to give someone your gift you thought back to Kaito's words.
Who has brought you the most happiness? Is that even measurable? But when you looked at their eyes. You felt relief almost a calming feeling. You walked up to them and handed them the perfume you made.
"Is this for me?"
"For you."
"Th - thank you Y/N I don't know what to say. I wasn't expecting this from you."
You simply smiled when you looked at their face.
"No problem. Besides I don't think I've felt better than when I was able to be around you."
Before getting to have everyone pick a soulmate everyone got a chance to talk to someone they wanted to.
Everyone picked the person they had their eyes on and it slowly reached your turn.
"Y/N Momo has requested to speak to you."
You were led to the room and were left alone with Momo.
"Why'd you request to speak to me?"
"Y/N I know we talked yesterday but I just wanted you to know that I'll try harder for you."
"What are you saying?"
"I - I know you probably don't want me as your soulmate. But I just want you to know that I know I can't pick up on minor details but if you ever wanted to be in a relationship with me then I'd try harder to understand your emotions."
"Momo ... what about Mina?"
"I love her. But I was hoping you'd be okay if I switched between you and her."
You were second to last and you took your chance to talk to Lia a bit more. You weren't expecting your name to be called but to your surprise.
"Y/N someone has requested to speak with you."
"Who could possibly request to speak with me?" you thought to yourself. Momo is the only person who you had a romantic connection with so you weren't sure who would call your name.
"H - Han?!"
"Y/N its been a while huh?"
"Why'd you call me up here?"
"Well I just thought I'd get your advice on something."
"Go on."
"Well I was speaking to Karina but I also have been getting close with Yeji. I just don't know who to go for."
You chuckled
"Why are you laughing?"
"I just never thought I'd see you so worried about a relationship."
"Come on I can be fun to!"
"When you first asked to hangout with me I thought you would take me to a brothel."
"Y/N you wound me. You think I'd go to a brothel?!"
"You wouldn't?"
"Unless your taking me I don't think I would. Would you go to one?"
"Who knows maybe I'd go if you were there."
Han's face went a bit red.
"Oh how romantic, I see why Momo likes you Y/N."
"Come on you have to admit that it wasn't that bad of a line!"
The way people would pick there soulmate was the following:
One contestant would stand in front of the room looking away from everyone else.
The people who want to be with that person would stand behind them.
The person at the front would then turna round and pick who they want to be their soulmate.
Since only 9 people were there it seemed like one person would go home alone.
It was Mina's turn and only you and Momo were left.
"Let's go Y/N." Momo reached out her hand to you.
Begrudgingly you took her hand and both of you stepped up.
When Mina turned around she was a bit disconsolate to find out Momo was holding hands with you. She knew that if she wanted Momo you would have to also be there.
"Is it fine if I pick these two?"
The staff was rather surprised. No one has ever asked to take two people at the same time.
"Well ... I don't see why not."
Both you and Momo rushed up to Mina and hugged her.
"Ugh you idiot get off me."
Momo let go and backed away.
"No not you the other idiot!"
You couldn't help but laugh.
All three of you went to Momo's house after the "Soulmates" event ended.
"I don't get why you want Y/N to be a part of this Momo."
"I owe it to him."
"Just don't come near me Y/N."
Momo and Mina started undressing.
They both wanted to have sex but Momo didn't want to leave you behind.
You started to take your clothes off and Mina looked away.
"At least do it out of my eye sight!"
Once you all got undressed Momo jumped onto Mina.
"Mina you have such a pretty face. Will you let me ruin you?"
"Do whatever you want."
Momo started to give her hickeys. Roughly pressing her lips onto Mina and sucking to mark her. Mina rubbed her fingers on Momo's abs. They weren't as defined as hers but she loved them regardless.
"Your body is so precious Momo I'm so glad I can have you."
Not wanting to be left out you made your way onto the bed, being careful to not accidentally touch Mina and grabbed onto Momo's breasts while having your cock pressed against her back.
"Uh I love your hands Y/N!"
"Your breasts are so big Momo I want you so badly."
Momo had a rather big ego now that both you and Mina were fighting to give her pleasure.
Mina kicked you off the bed and wrapped her legs around Momo's waist. "Don't pay attention to him. Focus only on me."
She pulled Momo in closer and their breasts were pushed up against each other. "Mina I love you." Momo said as she reached for Mina's ass.
You got back on the bed and penatrated Momo's ass with your cock which made her yelp.
"Momo are you okay?"
"I'm fine Mina."
Momo went down to Mina's breasts and started licking her nipple. "Your body tastes sweet."
"It's only for you to use Momo. Please use my body however you want."
Mina pressed her fingers on Momo's clit lightly and got Momo to moan. She felt the vibration on her nipples.
You sped up your thrusts into Momo's ass and Momo put her fingers into Mina.
"Please Momo go faster I want to cum on your pretty fingers."
Momo smiled and ran her fingers down Mina's sides. "Mina I want to enjoy your body as long as I can."
Mina was breathing rapidly.
Momo switched her attention to Mina's other nipples and started to squeeze the other.
She inserted 4 fingers into Mina and she took in a big breath of air.
"Ah! Momo keep going!"
She started to thrust in Mina at a steady pace and Mina started seeing stars.
Pulling your cock out of Momo you went next to her and pulled her head up.
"What do you-"
She wasn't able to finish speaking before you pressed your lips onto hers.
"Your lips are so soft."
You rubbed your tongue around her lips and Momo put her hand into Mina's mouth making her gag.
Mina's gagging faded into the background as your kissing intensified.
You stood on the bed aligning your cock to Momo's face. Momo took your cock in her warm mouth and ran her tongue around your hard cock.
She was sloppy with it making your cock wet and slippery making it easier to slide in and out of her mouth. You grabbed Momo's head and shoved her into your cock.
Tears ran down Momo's eyes and she was choking on your cock.
Mina wasn't happy with you stealing Momo's attention. She shoved four fingers into Momo.
She was getting overstimulated. Momo got your cock out of her mouth to get a breath of air. She choked up a lot of spit and it fell onto the bed sheets.
"Put your filthy cock back in your pants Y/N. This doesn't involve you."
Mina grabbed Momo and dragged her on top of her body wrapping her arms around her. She switched their positions so she was on top of Momo.
Putting one hand on Momo's breast and using her other hand to shove her fingers in Momo's tight pussy. Thrusting rapidly so she reaches her high faster.
"Mina your so-"
"Perfect? I know Momo don't worry you'll start seeing stars soon."
She sucked on her nipples twirling her tongue on her boob. Momo loved how Mina used her body.
"Momo your so perfect."
She came on her fingers and Mina licked her fingers. "Mhm you taste amazing Momo. I only want to eat this every day."
Momo was glad with the worship she was receiving and started to repay her. Momo put her pussy on top of Mina and shoved her fingers in her again.
Mina licked her pussy shoving her tongue deep into her. Momo couldn't handle it and gave up on thrusting in Mina and started to lick her pussy also.
This scene in front of you was making you horney to the point you started to pump your own cock to make yourself cum.
Momo came all over Mina's face. Mina squished Momo's butt while licking all of Momo's cum that she could reach with her tongue.
Not too long after Mina came all over Momo and she passed out afterwards.
"Momo that was amazing."
"I know Y/N. Want help with that?"
You nodded your head and Momo once again started sucking your cock. She used her hand to fondle your balls.
"Do you really think a three way relationship can work?"
"Of course Y/N I'm your soulmate just as much as I am Mina's."
Pulling out your cock, semen covered Momo's face.
You collapsed into her and she wrapped you around her arms collapsing onto the bed.
"I'll take care of you from now on Y/N."
Can you find out who Y/N gave his gift to?
Starring: You Mina, Momo (Twice) Karina (Aespa) Han (Stray Kids) Yeji, Lia (Itzy) Kaito (Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade) RM (BTS)
I apologize if towards the end the pacing felt more rushed. I got tired of working on this and just wanted to move on.
I didn't even proof read this because I'm just so sick of this.
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cornsoupflavour · 9 months ago
Sick Day (Twice NSFW Smut)
TWICE Momo Hirai x Manager!Male Reader
Tags: 3.8k words, wholesome, manager x idol, multiple creampies, power exchange, role switching, possible romance, caught in the act
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It was the day that the TWICE girls were supposed to visit an attraction together as part of a variety show, but your phone buzzed with a message from Jihyo, the leader of TWICE, the morning of the outing. Momo came down with a fever and was advised to rest. Being the group's manager, you acknowledged Jihyo's message and drove over to the hotel that they were staying in. Upon arriving, you climbed the stairs, two steps at a time, to reach Momo's floor. With a deep breath, you knocked on the door.
Momo opened the door, her dark, wavy hair cascading over her shoulders. She wore a white tee, sweatpants, and a pair of fuzzy socks. Her face is flushed and glistening with perspiration. A steaming cup of tea sits on the bedside table.
"Morning, Momo. Heard you're not feeling too good so I brought you some snacks, some hot beverage packets and a few other things. How are you feeling?" you asked, walking in and closing the door behind you.
"Oh, thank you... I'm really sorry for all this... I wish I could've gone with everyone."
"Hey, we don't ask to get sick... okay, maybe sometimes, but I know this isn't one of those times. So don't worry about it, it's no trouble at all. Trust me, alright? Let's get you all nice and well rested," you helped her to the bed, tucking her in while placing the back of your hand on her forehead to check her body temperature.
She frowned, her lips pouting a little as she spoke, "It's still pretty high, isn't it? I miss everyone already..."
"I'm sure they miss you too, but they'd want you to get better too. I'll make sure they take lots of pictures so you can have a feel of what it was like there. For now, just lay back on your pillow and I'll go make you some hot chocolate and something small to eat."
Momo nods, her eyes closing as she laid back. You set up a small table for her before heading to the kitchen, fixing her up a small meal along with a glass of warm water. You brought it over and placed it on the table with a bottle of vitamins. "Here you go, eat up, you need to eat if you wanna get better."
She sat up, and turned on the television to keep herself occupied as she ate. As she began eating, your eyes drifted to a stack of unread magazines. You picked one up and flipped through it, stopping at a page where Momo is being interviewed. She's smiling, her eyes bright, you can't help but feel bad for how she's feeling right now.
Momo looks away from the television, her gaze fixing on you, "Thank you. This is perfect."
"I'm glad you like it, when you're done, let me know. I'll come and clear the table for you and you can have your rest."
"Thank you again..." her voice damp and slightly hoarse as she leaned back from the table, allowing you to clear the dishes, "...I promise I'll make it up to you and everyone else next time." She sniffled, her nose red from her flu. You began clearing her table, bringing the dishes to the sink and washing them.
"What did I say? I told you not to worry about it. We all have our off days and it appears that today is yours. No shame in that, so just focus on getting better, alright?"
Momo smiled as she tucked herself further under the covers, her gaze momentarily locking with yours. You gave her a warm smile before planting yourself in the recliner, staying close by if she needed anything else. Slowly she drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, you groggily stretched your arms as your eyes peeled open, feeling stiff from your position in the recliner. "Oh, shit– I fell asleep–" You glanced over at Momo, now nowhere to be seen, and your heart skipped a beat. Panic surged through you, and you're about to call her name when you spotted a note on the bedside table.
Your breath hitched, and you let out a sigh of relief as you read the contents of the note.
I'm feeling a little better, so I thought I'd go to the pool to cool down. Please don't worry. I'll be back soon. Thank you for everything. –Momo
You gave your face a quick wash in the bathroom to freshen up before deciding to head down to the pool to find her. As you take a step out of the elevator and into the hotel lobby, you're greeted by the soothing sounds of water cascading from a nearby fountain. You walked towards the glass doors that lead to the outdoor pool area, the sun hitting your skin, and you squinted as you surveyed the area.
In the distance, you spot Momo, her curvy form in the pool, the water reflecting the rays of the evening sun, her hair spread out like a fan around her. She was backfloating in a soft pink bikini. That sure is one way to cool off from a fever. She had a pair of red–lensed clear sunglasses as she floated.
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You watched longingly as you slowly approached her, subtly admiring her figure. "Water's nice, huh? Enjoying the sun?" you asked, teasingly. She swam towards you upon hearing your voice, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she rested her arms and chin on the edge of the pool. "Hey, nice to see you're feeling better."
"Yeah, looks like I just needed some hot cocoa, a good rest and some care and concern from my favourite manager to help me feel better~"
"Yeah, yeah... you're my favourite too..."
"Huh? What was that?"
"I said you're all my favourites too," you answered, smirking a little.
You take a seat on a nearby poolside chair as you watch Momo try to get out. Your cheeks blush ever so slightly as you're presented with her assets, glistening from the water. Momo extended her hand out, requesting for you to pull her up, but upon grabbing her hand, she pulled you in, laughing excitedly.
Momo continued to giggle excitedly as you float next to her, splashing water at her. "You're so lucky I put my phone down before reaching out–"
After a little bit of playful splashing, you both climbed out of the pool. As you pulled yourself up, your suit and tie absolutely soaked, your gaze landed on Momo, her body glistening from the water, her assets shaking graciously with every movement. Your cheeks turned a soft red as you looked away, handing her a towel. She grabbed it and proceeded to wrap it around herself. "Much better, thank you. The water feels great, it helped cool my fever down. I'm feeling more refreshed now."
You nod, smiling, "That's great to hear. Now, let's get back to your room to get dried up. I'll  check your temperature again too, just to make sure."
Momo nodded, her eyes bright, "Alright, Mr. Manager~" she giggled, leaning into your side.
Before you both start walking, she shook her head, trying to get the excess water out of her  hair. As you watched, it felt as if the world disappeared and you were watching her in slow–motion.
"Shall we?" her voice snapped you back to reality. You blinked a few times, setting yourself back into the real world as you nodded, "Yeah, let's go."
As you walked, you threw on your own towel to cover your wet clothes. After a while, the two of you arrived back at the room. Upon entering, you head straight for the shower to get yourself out of your wet clothes. Once done, you threw on a bathrobe and stepped back out. Momo turned around, drying her hair with the towel.
She smiled as she walked towards you. You returned her smile, glad to see her in better spirits. "You can go and freshen up if you'd like, I'll go grab the thermometer."
"Thank you, thank you, but it's okay, I could stay like this for a while," her grateful smile tugging at your heartstrings as she stated, glancing down at herself in her pink bikini and towel. "Feels nice~"
"Alright then, at least go and dry your hair, don't want you getting sick again."
"Well, at least now if I do, I know you'll come and take care of me~" she teased before proceeding to dry her hair. You headed over to your bag and pulled out a thermometer for her to use. As she stuck the thermometer under her tongue, you placed the back of your hand on her forehead once more.
"Seems alright..."
She showed you the reading and it showed her temperature being back to normal. "Wow, looks like you're alright. I shall take my leave now, the girls should be back in a few more hours."
Momo fiddled with her towel, her gaze moving to the door, "Um, can you stay a bit longer? I'd feel more comfortable with you around, you know, just in case..." she trailed off, her voice a little shy.
You hummed, glancing back at her. "Of course, I could stay till the others get back. I'll just head to the mall downstairs to grab some new clothes. You wanna come with?"
She flashed a grateful smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it... Sure, just let me change into something less revealing. Wouldn't want to give fans a free show~" she added before grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom. After a while, she came out and followed you down to buy some clothes. About half an hour later, you're both back in the room.
You tossed your wet clothes into the wash, already changed into a fresh set of clothes. You took a seat next to Momo on the bed. "So, any plans on how you want to spend your 'sick leave'? Y'know, besides swimming in the pool. Or do you want to just relax and rest some more?"
Momo shrugs, her eyes drifting to the television, "I guess I'll just chill here and watch some TV... My phone's dead, so I'll be a little disconnected from the world today–" she smirked, "Not that I'm complaining," she added, her eyes meeting yours.
You chuckled, "Sounds like a plan. If you need anything, let me know."
Momo's eyes flicked back to the door, a sly smile tugging at her lips as she spoke, "Actually, there is something I need from you... I need to make sure you're not just a good manager, but a good friend as well."
Her smile grew as she stood up, swaying her hips a little as she came closer to you. Momo then straddled your lap, her body pressed against yours. She lifted her shirt to reveal her pink bikini top. She tilted her head, her hair cascading around her face, "Is there something I can get you in return, Mr. Manager? I know you like this top of mine~"
You stared, somewhat in disbelief, at the situation you're currently in. You felt a flush creep up your neck, and you gulped before responding, "Umm, I don't know, I'm not really in a position to ask for anything, but if you insist..."
Momo leaned in, her lips grazing your earlobe as she whispered, "Just be a good boy for me, and I'll make sure you won't regret it."
You nodded, a smirk appearing on your lips, along with a smug look. As she pulled back, her hands landed on your chest, gripping your shirt. She began to gently tug, her eyes locked onto yours. "You really are a good friend, aren't you?"
You responded with a flirtatious confidence, "Yes, I am~" you answered, knowing where this was headed. Momo then pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your bare chest. She trailed her fingers down your chest, her touch feather–light. You let out a soft hum at her touch. "Mmh, so strong..."
With her hands now on your abs, she leaned in, her lips just millimeters away from yours. Her breath was warm, her scent enveloping you. "Now, let's see if I can make you even stronger," she whispered, her lips brushing against yours. As she pulled back, her hands moved to the strings of her bikini top.
You grabbed her wrist, refusing to let her take the top off, "No. Leave it on... I like the way it looks on you..." She blinked with a mix of confusion and desire. She brought your hand to the center of her top, hooking your thumb on it as she slowly slipped it upwards, dragging the top with it.
"We could leave it like this, not on, not off~" she whispered, revealing her perky breasts, topped by dark pink nipples. Her eyes never strayed from yours, her mouth curving into a seductive smile.
You licked your lips, your hands reached out, tentatively, to cupping her breasts. She let out a soft, satisfied moan, arching into your touch. "Ungh, there you go, don't be shy."
You gave in, your hands massaging her breasts, kneading them, feeling her nipples harden beneath your fingers. Her nails dug into your shoulders as she leaned in, her lips capturing yours. She tasted sweet, her tongue dancing with yours as she gripped your hair, her hips rocking against yours.
Momo broke the kiss, her breaths shallow as she leaned back, a satisfied smirk on her lips. "I thought you could use a little distraction, Mr. Manager. You're doing well," she praised, her hand drifting down to the growing hardness between your legs.
You brought your lips to her neck, your head swam against it, planting kisses along her jawline. "Of course, you're my favourite distraction~ Don't tell the others I said that..." you joked but her touch and actions had you on edge. "You really are something aren't you, Momo?" 
You continued to kiss down her neck, your breath warm against her skin. Momo smirked, leaning in to nibble on your earlobe as she grazed your length through your pants.
You let out a soft whimper against her neck. You gripped her hips tightly, knowing this was crossing boundaries, but you couldn't resist her. "Mmff, Momo... So eager..."
Momo sat up, her eyes bright as she pulled down your pants, just enough to release your arousal. She licked her lips, her gaze never leaving yours, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'm just happy you're here for me."
You bit your lip, a smirk forming on the corners. Momo wiggled and shifted in your lap. She spread her legs slightly, inviting you to join her. You obliged, Momo's siren call was too strong. You raised her up slightly by her hips, lining her slit with the tip of your length.
Momo leaned forward as she lowered herself onto your member, her hands gripping your shoulders as she connected her lips with yours. As you entered her, a small moan leaked into your kiss. You slowly thrust up into her, her moans filling the room, as she set the pace.
You gripped her hips, your thrusts growing faster and more forceful. "Ahh, goddamn... you feel good, Momo," you panted, your voice rough. "You're so tight, so wet..."
Momo let out a soft, breathy moan, "Ooh, just like that... Nnngh~ You're not so bad, Mr. Manager."
You increased your pace, the sounds of slapping flesh filling the room with every thrust. You gripped her tighter, your lips pressing against her neck, your breath hot against her skin. "Mmh, you feel so good," you groaned, your grip tightening.
Momo's moans grew louder, her body arching towards yours as she grinded herself to meet your thrusts, her body quivering. "Ungh, yeah, don't stop, you're making me feel so good," she panted. The pleasure was building, each thrust bringing even louder moans to the pairing.
You slammed into her, gripping her hips, your thrusts growing more intense, the room filled with the sounds of flesh slapping together. Momo's moans grew louder, her head thrown back, her nails digging into your shoulders. "Mmf, yeah, Mr. Manager~ so good... I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," she cried out.
You let out a low growl, your thrusts getting harder, "Cum for me, Momo, cum on my cock. I bet you'll look so good while you do it," you encourage.
Momo's hips bucked against yours, her body shuddering as her climax took over, her pussy tightening around you. "Ahh, daddy, yesss, I'm cumming~" she screamed out, her body trembling, her release shaking her.
Your own climax was nearing, your thrusts frenzied, "Goddamn– you're so fucking good, Momo. Fuck, I'm gonna cum too–" you groaned, your release taking you over the edge, exploding deep inside her.
Momo leaned forward, her chest pressing against your own, her breathing quick and heavy. You both enjoyed the afterglow for a while, her body still quivering, her pussy milking you softly.
You leaned down, bringing her breast to your lips, your tongue swirling around her nipple, gently pulling on it with your teeth. "Mmh, you taste so fucking good..." your voice thick with satisfaction.
Momo let out a soft, contented sigh, "Thank you, daddy, that felt so good... I can't believe I'm calling you daddy, but it feels right~"
You chuckled, giving her a tender kiss on the lips, "Well, you're my favourite, so anything goes, right?"
Momo smiled, her body still clinging to your length, "Right... My favourite Mr. Manager~"
"But I'm not done. You think with a cock like yours that I'll just hope off after one ride? You're in for a real good time~ Let me give you a 'thank you' gift for being such a good manager for us~"
You smirked, "I'll do my best to keep up with you, Momo, don't worry."
Momo grinned, her hands guiding you to lay down on your back. She raised her ass and leaned forward, her breasts pressing against your chest. She wrapped her arms around your head, hugging you into her cleavage. "This is how a good manager should be, right here, in the cradle of his favourite Momo's tits," she purred.
You chuckled, your hands gripping her hips, "So bossy, Momo, but that's what I like about you."
Momo's eyes locked onto yours, a lustful intensity in her gaze that mirrored the hunger in her soul. Her hips shifted, ever so slightly, before she began to lower herself back onto you, her lips parting in a soft moan. Inch by agonizing inch, she descended, her wetness enveloping your hardness.
Your breath hitched, your fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as she sank upon you, her pussy tightening around your length. Her breasts squished against your face, swelling slightly with each tantalizing inch. Your eyes followed the descent, drinking in her sensuality, the way her nipples hardened, the way her throat arched, the way her lips quivered in a mixture of pleasure and exertion.
Once fully impaled, Momo traced a finger along your jawline, a wolfish grin curling her lips. She began to rise, her hips grinding against yours, the head of your cock dragging against her swollen folds. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, her moans adding to the crescendo of desire.
"Mmf, daddy– My Mr. Manager~" she panted, her eyes never leaving yours, "Make me feel good." The challenge hung between you, a promise of the submission she so eagerly gave.
You gripped her hips tighter, your own arousal building. "Just like that, Momo," you encouraged, your voice deep, hungry. "Give me everything you've got."
Momo's pace quickened, her breasts pressing onto your face, punctuating her movements. Her moans grew louder, her nails digging into your shoulders, her hips rolling, her body swimming against yours. The room trembled with the intensity of the rhythm.
She continued to grind herself onto you, going from quickly to slowly, her eyes locked on yours. Her body came down on your length, her pussy swallowing you whole. She rose and fell, her tits engulfed the bottom half of your face with every movement, her eyes never leaving yours. "Mmf, yeah, daddy, make me feel good," she moaned.
You gripped her hips, your body arching up to meet her, "Just like that, Momo... I'm all yours–" you encouraged her, your voice thick with lust.
Momo let out a soft, satisfied moan, "I'll show you just how you're all mine~ Don't you dare cum without my permission, Mr. Manager," she warned, her tone playful.
You chuckled, your hips bucking up to meet her, "I wouldn't dare, Momo... But when you do let me cum, it's going to be explosive– I will flood you–" you promised, the lust apparent in your voice.
Your grip on Momo tightened, your hips bucking, matching the pace as her body rocked against yours. Her moans grew louder, resonating in the room, filling it with the sounds of pleasure. "Ungh, Mr. Manager, you're getting me so close... I can't hold it," she panted, her voice thick with lust. "Mmf, daddy, you feel so good, I'm close... So close..."
You groaned, your body arching to meet her thrusts, your voice growing hoarse, "Let go for me, Momo, let your juices coat my cock," you encouraged her, feeling your own climax nearing. From beneath her soft yet firm breasts, you took her nipples into your mouth, sucking on them as her movements became more erratic.
Momo's body shuddered, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. "Ahh, Mr. Manager, I'm cumming~" she cried out, her pussy clenching around you, milking you with each spasm. Her moans echoed in the room as her release washed over her.
Feeling her orgasm, you too couldn't hold back, your release pulsing deep inside her. You let out a low growl, your hips bucking up one last time, "Fuck, Momo, that's it, cum for me," you groaned, your release flooding her depths.
Momo collapsed onto you, her body shuddering, her grip on you not letting go. She rested her head on your shoulder, her breathing heavy, "Wow, I don't think I've ever felt so good, that was intense... I think I should get sick more often... what do you think, Mr. Manager? Or do you prefer... daddy~?" she whispered, a satisfied and cheeky smile on her lips, her body still quivering from her climax.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her, your chest rising and falling in unison with hers, "Whichever you like better, Momo... But just wait until the next time, I have a feeling we'll be testing just how much we can handle," you teased, your voice laced with confidence and promise. You peaked from between her mounds and leaned up for a deep, passionate kiss. As Momo reciprocated, her body twitched at your slowly softening cock. Just as you both broke the kiss, a strand of saliva still connecting you two, the room door opened, to the excited chatter and banter from the other TWICE girls.
Both parties turned to look at one another, all their mouths agape.
"Hey, girls... back so soon...?"
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
[ Sick Day Pt. 1 – See Pt. 2 ]
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naesfilm · 2 months ago
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⏦゚♡︎ crime . . . im nayeon x fem! reader
༯ synopsis : nayeon uncovers yet another body, not expecting it to be a trap . . .
༯ warnings : detective! omega! nayeon , criminal! omega! reader , degradation , knife play , hate - sex , rope play , gun play , overstimulation , bottom! nayeon , top! reader , bunny! hybrid nayeon , fox! hybrid reader
༯ word count : 3.4K - semi proof read
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“Another one?” Im Nayeon whispered quietly, her tiny tail anxiously flicking behind her as she surveyed the lifeless body in front of her.
“Yeah…” A sigh comes from her partner, Hirai Momo. “I sent off some blood samples to Sana so we can get an identification for the woman, and Jeongyeon is already working on clearing the building out.”
Police sirens sounded a few blocks away, and Nayeon tore her eyes from the woman’s body in order to further survey the scene. “…what a mess,” She grimaced. “Our unsub must hate the crime scene cleaners.”
“Maybe he doesn’t want to erase his art.”
Turning, Nayeon caught the whiff of a strong Alpha’s scent. Instinctively, she ducked down. “Chief.”
Momo straightened as the woman brushed past Nayeon with a curt nod, and wandered straight to her— silence between them as her hand brushed against the other’s arm. “…are you hurt?”
“No, no. We were nowhere near it,” Momo whispered back just as softly. “Happened when we were a block away.”
Nayeon clears her throat.
Her chief, Park Jihyo, turns and then nods. “What’ve you got?”
“Same unsub as the last four murders, we think.” Nayeon’s ears flicked at the scene. “…wonder why he chose her.”
Jihyo offered a shrug. “A killer's mind is too complex to know,” She turned back to Momo, gently grabbing her hand. “Head home.”
“Head. Home.”
The Alpha’s words were not to be challenged. Even Momo knew that.
Slowly, the blonde left the room- leaving Nayeon with the familiar bear hybrid. “…you should be more open with her at crime scenes,” She spoke slowly. “Momo’s clumsy, but she’s not stupid.”
“I know,” Jihyo replied stiffly— glancing away. “But…you never know. I won’t risk my girlfriend over some sick in the head psycho.”
“Right.” Nayeon sighs heavily, taking a step toward the bed. It was a sole hotel room, the door on the left leading to the bathroom, and the door on the right leading back to the hall. There were a few scratches on the door handle outside, and the covers of the bed were in disarray.
Jihyo watched her detective closely piece together the crime, and gave her a few minutes before speaking. “Give it to me.”
“…The unsub broke in through the door, causing the woman to panic- there was some fighting,” Her hand brushed against a wall, a small and barely noticeable scratch there. “At some point, the unsub grabbed her. She grabbed the wall but was pulled away and thrown on the floor.”
“How did the downstairs room not hear?”
“Thick carpets or- or maybe the unsub knocked the woman out and brought her to the floor.” Nayeon squinted. “Either way, he stabbed her twice in the stomach and did a slash across her throat.”
“…That’s passionate,” Jihyo frowned. “Precise, but passionate. She knew him.”
“Or he knew her,” Nayeon offered. “…maybe she didn’t give him the attention he wanted. Could have been a brush of shoulders in a coffee shop— or maybe they sat on the same train. Unsub becomes fixated, victim becomes…well, the victim.”
Jihyo sucked in a breath and nodded, bear ears lying flat against her head. “Possibility. It’s all speculation until we get some insight on any DNA left over.”
“Yeah,” The bunny looks at the time and sighs. “We’ll send the body off and swab the place. Get forensic on the phone and put a rush on our samples?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jihyo moves to the door, stopping to lay a hand on Nayeon’s shoulder. “…make sure you get home safe. Okay?”
“Always do.”
It was a disappointing answer to say the least. Nayeon stood carefully behind Sana, watching the computer screen over and over. “You’re—“
“Yes, I'm sure.” The brunette spins her chair around and looks up. “There’s no DNA besides the victims. Not a strand of hair, or fleck of spit or sweat. It’s as if a ghost did it.”
Sana’s brows pinch to concern when the Bunny moves away, leaning against the wall.
“Hey,” She whispers, standing and walking over. “Take a deep breath— things don’t always go according to plan but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost..” She rests a small, pale hand on Nayeon’s side.
Nayeon looks down at the hand and whispers, closing her eyes. “Come on, don’t do that…”
Sana frowns, slipping her hand away.
“Why can’t I touch you anymore?”
“Sana, come on—“
“It was one night.” Pleads the hamster hybrid. “I told you, it meant nothing. We were drunk—“
“You were on the clock.”
“Tzuyu was too!” Sana turns defensive. “It wasn’t just my mistake, alright? She was on the clock too.”
“Just—“ Nayeon steps back, rubbing her head. “Put a rush on the DNA, and don’t- mention that again.”
Sana frowns tightly. But, she slowly nods her head in agreement. “I’ll…tell Jihyo any of my findings.”
“That’s your fifth cup.”
Nayeon slides the drink away, eyes flitting to Myoui Mina. “Mina—“ She sighs, setting the drink down. “Is this an intervention over my coffee habits?”
“No, but that is your fourth cup.”
“So..” The snow leopard hybrid slips off the table, wandering behind Nayeon and resting her hands on her shoulders. “Go home.”
“I heard Jihyo tried to send you home early at the crime scene too,” Mina whispers softly. “Does she know you’re even here, right now?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Her languid tail sways, gently hitting against the floor due to its length. Nayeon softens in her touch and says nothing for a few, long moments, before finally— she releases a sigh. “Okay, fine. I’ll head home.”
“Are you lying to me?”
“Would I lie to you?”
“Well I’m not,” Nayeon grumbled, disgruntled by how quick she agreed. “I need to eat anyway, and sober up this caffeine.”
Mina gazes at her, before nodding and moving away. “I’ll let you go then. When you come back tomorrow, we’ll tell you the lab results.”
“…” Nayeon eyed the floor but nodded curtly. “See you then.”
Nayeon did not go home.
In fact, she’d wounded up back in the room where it happened— staring at the blood stained carpet. There was a ‘why’ that was nagging her. Why here? It was so public, the hotel itself was booked that night. Why her? The unsub hadn’t shown any relationship to…anyone really.
The constant questions looped in Nayeon’s brain as she crouched, surveying the floor quietly.
The soft pit pat of water from the sink dropped down the drain filled her ears, along with her occasional breaths. The hotel had been shut down- condemned even, for the time being. The only people here were police officers on the roof, and some outside in order to keep people away.
“Damn.” Nayeon sighed, standing up and shaking her head. That coffee was slowly wearing off, a tiredness taking over her. She paused to close her eyes— resting her head in her hand.
Everything was so quiet.
The water.
The city.
The quiet humming from the bed.
“You know, I really enjoy this game of cat and mouse we play.”
Nayeon’s hands are quick, reaching for her gun and pointing it at the unsub but— her gun isn’t there. You are. On the bed, relaxing casually- tail gently swaying as you spun the black pistol around playfully.
Nayeon’s shoulders hesitate to drop as an embarrassed hue rests on her cheeks. How did she not notice you here? How did she not feel her gun being slipped from its holder?
“How did you-“
“The door was open.”
“There are agents downstairs—“
“Are there?” You cock your head and a sort of dread settles in the pit of Nayeon’s stomach. “I didn’t see any.”
The bunny shifts- ears lowering. “What did you do to them?”
“What do you think?”
“You’re a monster—“
“I’m a realist.” With a shrug of your shoulders you’re on your feet, walking over to Nayeon and circling her like prey. The bunny trembles. “Be real, a minute, Detective Im. Half of those men probably weren’t good people anyway.”
“They had families—“
“So did every serial killer, like me.” The way you spoke, icy yet controlled- it rolled a shiver through the brunette. “Yet, here we are.”
A scoff bubbles up. “Are you trying to relate to other humans right now? You’ve killed eight!”
“Yeah and if you keep talking you’ll be the ninth.”
Nayeon’s hands stiffened, clenching at her sides. You’ve shifted behind her now- making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. “…what do you want from me?”
“Why do you assume I want something?”
“Because I should be dead already, and I’m not.”
“Maybe I like toying with my prey?”
“Typical fox-“
“Watch your tongue.” Your body pressed suddenly into the back of hers- and Nayeon’s breath hitched instantly. A smirk tugged on your lips. “Oh?”
Nayeon grit her teeth. “Stop-“
“Stop what?” The gun raised— softly pressing against Nayeon’s throat and tracing downward as she pushed her head up. “You’re the one getting flushed over a few touches.”
“No i’m not—“
The gun's barrel dragged down slowly, resting atop Nayeon’s shirt. It made the bunny suck in a breath — her hand jumping to grab your wrist as her ears flinched.
Your free hand laid gently on Nayeon’s waist. “Such a pretty bunny,” You cooed. “It would be a shame to let you go to waste…”
“What are you going to do, then?”
Your lips quirk. “What do you want me to do?”
Nayeon’s body shivers. She swallows thickly, feeling a conflicted amount of wanting your touch but also wanting to push away from it. Despite it all, Nayeon glares back, feeling the gun tugging her shirt down. “This changes nothing,” She whispers softly- body softening. “I’m still me. E-Even if..”
“Even if what?”
She looks down— shoulders going slack and gently easing her jacket off. “…Even if I like it.”
Your tail sways and then curls around her— the gun being tossed away as your hands move to her shirt and pull it up and off— lips coming down like a hot iron against her skin. Nayeon whimpers, eyes shutting as warm, wet kisses are placed across her jaw and down her juncture— a teasing nibble following.
Your hands move to her jeans— greedily unbuckling them and stuffing your hand down. Nayeon had bucked forward— gently falling on all fours on the bed as you pressed into her from behind. Her tiny tail wagged the second your fingers made contact with her slick— a soft whine falling.
Oh, how it excited you.
Your tail wagged excitedly. “You’re so wet..” Your voice was low and soft, as your middle and ring fingers pressed together and found Nayeon’s clit— rubbing slowly.
Nayeon grit her teeth. “..f-fuck-“
“Such a potty mouth..” Your free hand slipped to hers— your body more so covering hers as you laced your hand with hers and guided your hips slowly against her. “Be good, little omega…”
The bunny whimpered.
“Don’t act like you aren’t one too- I can s-smell it on you-“
“Heh, yet here we are.” You purposely let your fingers pinch her clit, rolling it slowly and watching as shivers coated her body.
“Fuck-“ She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut. “I don’t even know your name-“
“As if I’d tell you that, Detective Im.” You chuckled in her ear, softly nibbling down on the long fluffy appendage. Nayeon was like a river at that- gushing more slick to coat your fingers. “You dirty girl, you liked that-“
“Don’t s-speak to me in such a manner-“ A sharp whine left her- your fingers rubbing through her folds and to her entrance. “W-Wait-“
“What’s wrong, bunny?” You nuzzled her ear, grinning. “Overwhelmed?”
“G-God…” Nayeon squeezes her eyes shut, head spinning as your fingers swiftly enter her, a groan tumbling from your lips.
“Just like that, bunny,” You husked, slipping your fingers in and out of her cunt- feeling it stretch slightly around your knuckles in an almost hypnotic way. “God damn..”
Nayeon moans, a pretty noise, and leans down- shyly resting her head on the pillow and looking back at you- cheeks flushed and a parang leaving her lips as she’s fucked. It’s a beautiful sight; having this well known detective on her knees and submissively getting her little pussy pounded by your fingers- and while you wanted to fully enjoy it, you knew she’d have you like this pretty soon too.
“O-Oh, fucking hell…” Nayeon bucked her hips— feeling your fingers practically caress her inner walls, as your thumb slipped to play with her achy clit too. She hated to admit it, but you knew full well what you were doing. “F-Fuck I’m gonna—“
It hit her like a damn brick— her body spasming as your fingers curled inside expertly. A wave of her scent hit the room, and you smirked triumphantly— greedily leaning in and sniffing. The sweet peony scent was maddeningly addictive and nearly drove you insane.
Nayeon panted, trying to regain herself before she was suddenly flipped over- your fingers leaving her and moving to tug her shoes, pants, and underwear off completely. Nayeon flushed. “H-Hey—!”
You stopped, meeting her gaze and-
Nayeon’s heart fluttered. “…b-be more gentle..”
“Hm,” You nodded wordlessly, reaching up and slipping her shirt up and off. Her pale skin was revealed and you reveled in it— leaning in and kissing at the expanse of her stomach. Nayeon trembled- head going back as your warm lips came again to her skin. God, it was all so overwhelming, and she was still twitching post-orgasm.
“So fucking soft…” Your voice came, lips trailing up to her covered breasts. They weren’t covered for long— not when you reached back and undid her bra— pulling it from her and practically burying your face in her chest. The warmth of her body made you groan, and Nayeon’s hand shot to lace in your hair when your lips met her stiffened nipples- a needy moan leaving her lips.
Her chest practically preened closer to your lips, warming up under your tongue's gentle assault. Licking, biting, sucking- you did it all.
And Nayeon was merely taking it all, ears flat as she pressed more and more into your touch. When you pulled away, she whined, the cold air attacking her chest instantly. “P-Please-“
Her hips raised again.
What a needy bunny.
Your hands reached lazily in your back pocket- fishing out a bit of rope, and the sight of Nayeon’s eyes comically widening just about made you laugh. You were swift, as any fox would be, in prying her arms apart and lacing them to the bannisters, doing the same with her legs until she was on display for you.
“There we go,” You pulled away, admiring your work with a slight smirk. “You almost look pretty like this~”
“F-Fuck you..” Nayeon whispered, though her hips still raised desperately.
You raised a brow. “I mean, you can, if you behave.”
Nayeon shut up quickly.
“There’s a good bunny…” Your kisses were back, trailing down her tummy. Your hands stretched to rub her pretty thighs, teasing her. Nayeon was heavily overstimulated; her nipples were hard and aching from being wet and cold due to the air, and her aching core was clenching around nothing- aching to be filled again.
Her need forced her scent out again, which you greedily drank up.
“That’s it,” Your voice husked. “Scent the room up. Let everyone know how much of a slut you are…”
Oh god.
Why’d you have to talk to her like that?
You had to know it got a girl like her going—
“God, you’re fucking soaked— you liked that, didn’t you?” You scoff— when did you get down there?!
Your head was right near her cunt- breath fanning over her folds and making her attempt to shimmy closer with all her might. Just the sight of you down there— fuck, it drove her insane. Your ears pinned back, those puppy eyes looking at her, that tail swaying behind you so teasingly…
Maybe foxes weren’t that bad.
“Please,” Nayeon whispered, voice softened as she raised her hips. “I-I need you…”
“You’re such a desperate thing, it’s really quite pathetic.” Your voice drawled, hand teasing her by rubbing right near her core but never touching it. Nayeon felt hate and desire burn. You were pissing her off but you were also turning her on so fucking much.
Finally, your lips parted and Nayeon’s head fell back again, tail eagerly wagging under her as your tongue swirled her aching clit. “Fuck…” She cursed, pressing up into your mouth.
Languid, almost lazy, slicks of your tongue made her damn near see stars. The feeling of it rolling through her folds so teasingly, that achy feeling swelling up in her stomach as you practically played with her— Jesus. You were so, so good.
“Mmph..fuck—“ The brunette whimpered, rolling up into your mouth as-
“Who’s up here?”
Nayeon stilled.
As did you.
Nayeon knew that voice. Damnit, damnit, damnit — that nosy raccoon!
“Hey wait-“ A sniff. “Nayeon? Are you in here?” The knob jiggled and tried to open but- when was the door even shut? When was it locked?
You looked up from her cunt— shrugging and lapping again. Oh god. You couldn’t be serious. “H-Hey wait-“ Nayeon whispered, panicked. “D-Don’t do that—!”
“Huh? Are you okay?”
Fuck fuck fuck—
“I-I’m fine..! Just- go home Momo!” Nayeon winced— not because she just lied to her best friend, but because the ruthless killer between her legs had just thrusted her tongue is side. “Oh fuck..”
“Nayeon?? I’m really worried— Why are you in here?” Momo tugged the door again. “And why is the door locked? You know you’re not supposed to lock crime scenes when—“
“D-Damnit, Momo, go home!” A shout.
The door stopped.
Even you raised a brow, impressed by the bunny as your tail swayed- tongue fucking in and out of her. She was getting more wet. Turned on by her friend being nearby? How interesting…
“L-Look I-“ Nayeon sighs, biting her lip and bucking into your mouth. “Jihyo will worry if you don’t head home soon—“
“But what about you?”
Nayeon almost wanted to groan, but if she did it would come out 100% as a moan and blow her cover. “I-I…ah..fuck, I’m okay— go home-“
There seemed to be hesitance, but the sound of Momo shuffling away could be heard. You pulled away then, smirking up at her. “Dirty bunny, you liked that, huh?”
“S-Shut up—“
“You got so wet…~”
Nayeon glared in her flush, and you chuckled, leaning in and pushing your tongue back in- watching her instantly buck up- tugging against her ropes greedily. “P-Please—“
“Mm,” You noises into her cunt, eyes narrowing as your tail wagged quicker. Nayeon was getting close again, you could feel it— and her scent was getting much, much thicker.
You change quickly, shifting to pull your tongue out and sit up, replacing it with your fingers and pounding back into her. “Good girl, fuck..you’re so fucking dirty—“ The lewd words and even lewder noises bounced off the walls, sending Nayeon into a needy spiral. How were you so damn good?
“Come on, cum for me…”
And she did.
Blindingly so.
Like a hot iron had been dropped, Nayeon came with a jolt— legs softly spasming and a loud moan falling as her head fell all the way back and—
Her eyes opened. A camera was poised in your hand, a smirk on your lips as the little polaroid pushed its way out.
“W-Where did—“
“Just a keepsake~ Now, don’t get too distracted, it’s my turn.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Jeongyeon squinted, pup ears pressed down as Nayeon fell into her seat the next morning. The pup’s nose turned up. “God- what is that scent?”
Nayeon reached up and ran a hand through her hair, gulping and shaking her head. “It’s nothing, get to work.” She looked down at her desk, gently opening her drawer and— shoving it shut.
The noise made Momo jostle across her. “Hey- What was that about?”
But the bunny was fully redfaced.
How did you-
When did you-
Sitting in her drawer was the polaroid, a little note written on the bottom.
‘Catch me if you can, Miss Im~’
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happilychaengs · 7 months ago
a/n: i have not written anything in so long so this might be the worst thing ever, sorry! this really is all over the place
wc: 1975 words
hirai momo x gender neutral reader
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"can you just go marry your neighbor already?"
sana's mouth is chock full with blueberry pie, a small moan and a 'god' coming out of her mouth as she keeps taking bites from her fork, "like, this pie – i can't  – it's just so good and you got this for free! free has never tasted so good."
"haha." you cut out a slice from the pie, your fork stabbed at the top, "i actually haven't tried this yet."
sana squirms in her seat from the flavors she's shoving in her mouth, her head almost on a swivel as she takes another bite, a tight smile on her face, "you need to, like right now." 
you pick up the fork as you take a bite of the pie, the crust crumbling in your mouth as you relish in the sweet,slightly sour, and tart flavor that hits the base of your tongue. sana looks at you in anticipation, her eyebrows raised, “well?”
“it’s – it’s really good.” you laugh in disbelief as you take another bite, “do you want to take this home, actually?” 
she gives you a look of wonder, as if you’d just given her a million dollars, “you’re joking – seriously? i mean, are you sure? i wouldn’t mind, but, y’know-”
“yes, i’m serious, sana.” you put down your fork, “momo gives me something new practically everyday now, and i can’t really finish it. i love it all, but it’s sometimes too much for me to eat it all.”
“don’t you think this is a bit excessive?” nayeon rests her head over her roommate’s shoulder, looking at the flour spread all over the kitchen counter, her eyes squinting as a bit flies into her face from her roommate kneading the dough around. she coughs slightly as she steps back, “okay. mind explaining what this is all about, momo? i wouldn’t mind if you cleaned up, but you do this almost everyday and never clean up. i always have to pick up after you.”
“i’m making fresh banana bread for someone.” she lets the dough rest in a bowl as she turns to face nayeon, leaning back on the kitchen counter. nayeon looks confused, “who? because i know it’s not me. we literally always have an empty fridge.”
“it’s – it’s for y/n.” momo turns her head away, staring at the resting dough and avoiding nayeon’s eyes, “are you talking about our neighbor? why? do you like them or something?” nayeon laughs, slightly teasing her, but all she gets is silence. “seriously? how?”
it’s not like momo had any real reason to like you, she just did. she had just opened her bakery, and you so happened to be the first person to try it and to really like it, so it never really stopped considering she figured out you two lived next door to each other. with each and every new pastry she gave you, you accepted it happily, and it made her like you even more.
“i’m… going to guess it has to do with your baking, because you are nonstop giving y/n something from our kitchen.” nayeon wipes the flour off her nose as she walks back to her room, “just please clean up, at least.”
there’s two rhythmic knocks on your door as sana goes to get it since you’re in the shower, her not expecting it to be anything out of the ordinary. 
“hi, who is it?” sana chirps as her head pops out from the side of the door, surprised as she sees a woman holding a large bag of bread and a bit of flour on her face. “are you momo?”
momo’s face was full of surprise as she didn’t expect someone else to open the door for her, “uh, yeah. how do you know who i am?”
“y/n told me all about you! thank you so much for the food you always give them! it’s always really good!” sana rains compliments on momo, but momo is more focused on the fact that you have another woman over and it seemed like you two were really close.
“right, um, i – where’s y/n? i just wanted to hand them the banana bread i made.” momo tries to steer away from sana, feeling almost a bit uncomfortable being near her because she doesn’t know what type of relationship you two have, but sana grabs the bag out of momo’s hand, leaving it on the table, “y/n’s in the shower right now, but i can let them know you stopped by? or i could go in and just tell y/n?” okay. so you two were close enough to get into the shower together.
“no, no it’s okay.” momo lets out a nervous chuckle, her head low and her heart cracking. “i hope you two enjoy it. i’ll just leave. i’m kind of in a rush.”
sana nods her head understandingly, “yeah, okay, sorry to hold you up then! thank you again!” she basically shoo’s momo to the door, with no idea how it seemed to her.
“how’d it go?” nayeon is on the couch, flicking through the shows on tv, barely paying attention, “did y/n like the bread?”
“i think… y/n has a girlfriend.” momo drops her bag on the floor, her back slouched over as she plopped onto the couch. nayeon’s focus shifts, “for real?”
“yeah, she opened the door for me since y/n was in the shower, and basically pushed me out the door after i put down the bread.” momo sinks into the couch, a slight pout forming on her lips as nayeon ruffles her hair, “well, at least you tried. how long have you liked y/n anyways?”
“for a few weeks now.” momo says it in a whisper, scared to admit it because she can’t even begin to fathom how dumb she sounded to nayeon right now.
nayeon’s eyes widened, “are you serious? why haven’t you made an actual move then and why am i finding out just now?” she barrages momo with questions as she sinks deeper into the couch, “why have you only been giving y/n free food and not actually saying how you feel?”
“i’m sorry, okay?” momo sighs, “i just… didn’t know when to say it, i mean, we don’t talk a lot – we just exchange a few words, and i guess – it never came up.”
“hirai momo. you are so dumb. i mean it.” nayeon flicks her forehead, a slight ‘ow’ escaping momo’s mouth. “how are you able to start up your own bakery but you can’t even say three little words to our next-door neighbor?”
“hey,” you have a towel on your head as you dry your hair, “what’s up with the bag?” you sit down on your bean bag chair.
“momo dropped by and wanted to give you some banana bread, but you were in the shower so i just told her to leave it here.” 
sana takes out a slice as she takes a bite, “mmph! this is really good!” her voice is muffled with the bread in her mouth, “how did you even get momo to deliver you so much food?”
“i don’t know – i went to her bakery before when it just opened and she said i was the first customer to come in. we talked for a bit and we figured out we were neighbors so i guess she wanted to deliver it to me?”
sana looks at you, confused, because that didn’t sound like the full story, “you sure that’s all she did or said? nothing else? because i don’t think that explains it. maybe she likes you.”
“no way,” you laugh, “we’re just neighbors, right?”
“i don’t know…” sana dusts her hands off as she finishes the slice, “she did seem kind of off when she came by – she looked like she really wanted to see you.”
“really?” your voice is laced with curiosity as you sat up, because honesty, you liked her a bit. 
“you sound interested.” sana teases, “you totally like her.”
but momo hasn't come back in days since then. you two see each other in passing – obviously, you two are neighbors – but she just gives you a small greeting and a smile, before seemingly getting away from you. maybe she was in a bad mood.
but she avoids you for another week and so obviously too, that you can’t help but be a little worried. sana finds herself laying down on your couch, crashing here again for the third time this week – even if she was your best friend, this was a bit excessive – as her stomach rumbles. “i miss momo. she was good for you.”
“you mean good for you? i can hear your stomach rumbling.” 
sana laughs as she rubs her stomach, “fine, i loved the food she gave you, okay? but seriously, what did you do? you make it sound like she hates you or something.”
“that’s the thing, i don’t know. i mean, should i try talking to her? i feel like i fucked up by not saying thank you enough or something.”
“you’re stupid.” she laughs.
“i don’t know, maybe that’s why?”
“i doubt it. just go talk to her about it. who knows? maybe you two will fall in love after that and i can continue getting free food!”
you throw a pillow her way, hitting her face, “you’re dumb.”
momo sees you down the hallway of the apartment complex you two share again as she’s fumbling with her keys in her back pocket, trying to get her door open, but as luck would have it, it falls out of her hand, onto the floor and you’re calling out her name.
“momo! hold on!” you run up to her as she looks up at you, “can we talk?”
momo’s heart beats a little faster, “uh, sure. what do you want to talk about?”
“i feel bad, y’know, for not saying thank you for the food enough, and i was wondering if i did anything wrong?”
she knits her eyebrows in confusion, “no? why would you say that?
“i don’t want you to think i only want the food – because i don’t – but i don’t want my neighbor to hate me and avoid me everytime she sees me.” you give a nervous chuckle. 
momo opens her mouth to speak, but she sees her roommate standing a few feet back behind you, throwing up these exaggerated gestures, motioning her to say something. “you didn’t do anything wrong, no, i just - i just felt like i was intruding on you and your girlfriend by always coming over.”
“girlfriend?” now you’re the one confused, “i don’t have a girlfriend?”
“what? then… then who was the girl who opened the door for me last time?”
“that was my best friend, sana. i’ve known her since we were in high school, and she just crashes over sometimes. but why would you feel like you’re intruding…?”
“i…” nayeon urges momo to say it from afar, nodding her head excessively, “i actually liked you for a while, y/n.” she lets out a small sigh, as she turns away for a moment, “i always wanted to say something to you when i came over, but i never got the chance to, and then… i saw sana and i thought you two were dating and i guess i couldn't bring myself to come over anymore so i just stopped and you don’t have to like me back or anything, it’s just-”
“stop, momo,” you let out a small laugh, “i think i like you too.”
“really?” she gasps in disbelief, “so…”
“are you busy right now?” 
momo shakes her head, as she smiles, “no, not at all.”
“maybe we can have lunch, then?”
you sound nervous, though momo giggles as she nods her head, “definitely.”
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earlysunshines · 1 year ago
my romance doesn't need a thing but you
hirai momo x fem!reader ; fluff, cursing
synopsis: it's momo's birthday but her stupid boss makes her work overtime. luckily, hard work equals a great gift in return.
wc: 1.7k
a/n: i'm back to my fluff roots. happy birthday to my first twice bias and one of my nine gfs!
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the last place momo wanted to be at on her birthday was anywhere away from you; even worse, be in the office building working and away from you
she had to work overtime despite the 27th anniversary of her leaving the womb and she dreaded it—but her boss couldn’t care less.
momo huffs and groans every three sentences typed, trying to get her little report done as soon as possible. she works away at the keys and at this point, what is she even writing? another low "ugh" leaves her lips and she picks up her phone for the first time in hours when she hears it buzz against the desk.
incoming call: y/n ♡
immediately, her lips curl up into a grateful smile and she answers the call, eager to hear your voice.
“hi baby." you greet, and momo’s still captivated by the softness of your voice even after being with you for three years.
momo’s shoulders relax immediately. “hi y/n."
"happy birthday! i miss you.”
“i miss you too." momo responds, voice breaking slightly. you can't see momo, but you’re sure she's pouting. as much as it hurts to know that she's down—you can't lie that her pout is the most adorable thing in the world.
“well, when is my birthday girl coming home?" you ask, and momo sighs into the phone.
"maybe an hour? give or take." she says, "i'm sorry.”
"don't be honey, i should feel sorry for you." you respond, "working on your birthday must suck... but i have something for you when you get back! hopefully it’ll make you feel better."
"anything from you would make me feel better love, honestly just you yourself is more than enough."
you giggle. "you're so cute—and very cheesy."
momo rolls her eyes and says, "yeah yeah. i know you love it."
"maybe." you laugh into the phone again and momo feels better just from hearing it. "anyway, i’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. i got off work an hour ago, i need to work on your present a bit more."
momo frowns knowing she won't be able to hear you for a bit. "okay." she says defeatedly.
"i love you momo.”
"i love you too."
each minute might seem like half an hour from this point on. momo lets out another groan before arrowing her eyes at the screen in front of her: just a couple hundred more words. hirai momo can do it.
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momo walks into the elevator with a sore back, aching feet, and slumped shoulders.
she presses the button with the number bolded “5" printed on it and checks her phone to find a couple "happy birthday!" texts from her friends and two audio messages from her mom and dad. as the elevator goes up, she responds to them and tucks her phone away when she reaches your floor.
the tired editor trudges down the corridor and turns to the fourth door on the right—your shared apartment—then fumbles through her bag with her tired fingers to blindly find her key so she can unlock the door.
when momo starts to open it, she hears a "wait!" before the door is closed on her. she pauses in place while staring at the door, then blinks in confusion.
you open the door a little so that there’s a little crack where you can peek out from, the space just small enough to hide whatever is going on behind you.
“wait one minute, i'm almost done." you assure.
momo is too tired to fully process anything that just happens, so she just laughs softly to herself before shaking her head and standing there patiently. she waits patiently and decides to respond to a couple more messages from friends and family.
a few moments later, momo hears a string of barks coming from the apartment and turns her head. the door in front of her is opened by you.
"come in!" you beam. momo laughs at your enthusiasm. she walks in and is greeted by boo and dobby, who jump up happily, and momo kneels down to pet and kiss them. she takes off her black flats then hangs her bag up on the artsy little wooden shelf with hooks attached that you made with your dad.
your fiance's sense of smell is bombarded with the familiar aroma of her favorite dish, her eyes light up.
“did you cook—“
"your favorites? yes." you grin. "come on, sit."
you help your girlfriend out of her jacket and hang it up for her, then she places a sweet kiss to your lips and you reciprocate gladly, savoring the faint hint of her peach-flavored chapstick. she walks towards the dining area and looks at the platter of jokbal which is next to a small plate of lettuce—it has her mouth watering at the sight—and to make things even better, she notices the small pot of budae jiggae in the middle and covers her mouth in awe.
“i figured you'd be pretty hungry, let's eat."
“i love you so much, like— so fucking much. " momo sighs before hugging you, and when she pulls away her arms are loose around your neck.
you roll your eyes. “yeah yeah. you're just saying that because i cooked for once."
“hey! i love you all the time." momo scolds, "but definitely a lot more than usual right now."
"wow okay, last time i’m cooking.”
your fiancé pouts. "i'm kidding! i love you i love you-"
"you're being cheesy again. sit down, i'm hungry too from all this cooking." you respond with annoyance, but the way you smile cheekily and lean in to kiss momo softly contradicts your tone.
the two of you situate yourselves across the table from each other and momo shoots you a stupid, tooth grin before saying, “thank you again.”
you smile back. “i’ll gladly cook for you anytime, happy birthday.” you say, “but wait, let me take a picture. you look dumb, it’s cute.”
“you’re so mean to me.”
“yeah, but you put a ring on my finger so i guess you enjoy it huh?” you retort, and momo chuckles playfully.
she eyes the silver ring she had put on your ring finger a few months ago as you hold your camera out and snap a picture. momo beams and her teeth show as she poses, you laugh at how adorable she looks.
“not a thought behind those eyes.”
“stop that! can the birthday girl get a break?”
“nope.” you giggle. “not when she looks so lovely.” your response makes momo blush bashfully. you laugh at her again.
you grab a piece of lettuce and place some pork on it before leaning over the table and telling momo to “open wide!” and she chuckles before opening her mouth, letting you feed her. she melts as soon as she takes a bite, nodding her head and shutting her eyes.
“so good.” she says, still chewing her food.
the two of you continue to eat and talk about your days in between bites, simply enjoying each other’s presence and tenderness of the moment in hand. boo and dobby seem to feel left out, jumping up and pawing at your thigh for you to feed them a small snack—you end up making momo grab them.
after the two of you finish dinner, momo sighs contentedly.
“why do i do all the cooking?” momo asks, “this was amazing.”
“i have to confess that i actually bought the jokbal,” you shrug. “but i did cook the budae jjigae, and something else. wait here—actually, go sit on the couch and don’t turn around.”
momo laughs in response and does as she’s told. she sits on the couch patiently, letting boo and dobby rest in her lap as you do whatever it is that you’re up to.
less than a minute later, the lights are turned off except for the hallway light which makes the room more visible from its soft glow. she hears a voice singing something that’s recognizable as soon as the first word is sung.
“happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~” you hum, appearing with small cookies that lay out to spell ‘momo.’ “happy birthday dear momo, happy birthday to you.”
your lover laughs and looks at the smile that’s illuminated by the candles on the plate—the way your lips curve and teeth show when you beam at her is something she will never get tired of.
“make a wish!” you cheer, placing the plate on the coffee table that sits in front of the couch. momo leans forward and you plop down next to her, letting dobby shift over to your own lap as your fiancé closes her eyes for a moment before blowing out the two candles.
“my second birthday?”
“oh shut up, i’m not lighting up 27 candles grandma.” you respond jokingly. momo grabs a cookie and leans back against the cushions, lifting her arm up so that she can put her arm around you and so you can shift yourself closer. you press a chaste peck to her jawline before she takes a bite of the cookie and smiles. momo hums in delight.
“this is really good.”
“i know! i ate three before you got here. it’s dahyun’s recipe.”
“that explains why.”
“yeah, but i still baked it so technically it’s my doing.” you add, making momo laugh and press closer into you.
she hands you one of her cookies and you gladly accept it, taking a bite before listening to the continuation of momo’s rant about her boss. boo and dobby start to doze off.
you let yourself relax into your lover more, finding your head in the crook of her neck before a comfortable silence takes over.
you press a kiss to momo’s neck and mumble against her skin, “by the way, i’ll do the dishes later.”
“we can do it together.” she insists, which makes you pull away and shake your head.
“no,” you say in disbelief, “you worked overtime and it’s your birthday.”
“but i get to spend time with you.” momo sighs, pouting at you. with a sigh, you give into her adorable expression and tone before shaking your head.
“fine, but not too much. you can put the dishes away, i’ll wash”
“okaaayyy.” momo starts before smirking playfully, “can we make out for a little?”
you laugh before your lips brush against hers, feeling her hand caress your cheek lightly.
“yeah yeah, whatever the birthday girl wants.”
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ot9snumber1 · 1 year ago
call me at midnight
hirai momo x blackpink!reader
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summary: you think four best friends are enough to get you by in life. that is, until jennie introduces you to nayeon, and until nayeon introduces you to momo.
warnings: fluff, introverted reader, rushed bc i wanted to put it out for momo's bday <3 happy bday my best girl!
being friends with jennie means being friends with a lot of people. namely, the three other girls in your group—whom you met thanks to jennie forcing you to be social during your trainee days.
it all paid off, of course. debuting in a group with your four closest friends was a dream come true! you were convinced you needed nothing else in life.
until jennie introduces you to her other idol friends.
if being friends with jennie meant being friends with a lot of people, then being friends with nayeon meant being friends with half the world.
she was so friendly and energetic, you couldn't possibly stay still around her! (she even tells you that you remind her of one of her members.)
okay. your four best friends and one new friend, surely that was more than enough, right?
"and this is jeongyeon, sana, jihyo, mina, dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu!" nayeon says energetically as she pointed to various members in the practice room.
you nod, trying to remember all their names. (you eye everyone carefully. jeongyeon, sara, ji...jiwoo?, miyeon, dahyun, chae...won, nevermind. you'd figure them all out eventually.)
"i thought twice was nine?" you ask nayeon, who seems to have a revelation when you mention that. nayeon snaps her fingers, "ah! momo hasn't come back from the bathroom!" she groans, "i bet she stopped by the vending machines for snacks again."
just then, a dark-haired girl with blunt bangs walked into the practice room, soda and a tiny bag of chips in hand. you swear you see nayeon's eye twitch, but you were a bit too distracted by the sudden wave of nervousness you felt from being in the mystery girl's presence.
the mystery girl who you realize is momo.
the momo who you spent about an hour talking her ear off after she offered some chips. (you tend to ramble when you get nervous, you tend to get nervous when you're around pretty girls. momo is a pretty girl.)
(...and nayeon's pissed you forgot to record the dance challenge she invited you over for. at least you can go back and see momo again?)
you develop a crush on momo a lot faster than you realize. you're always talking about her, making excuses to mention something she said or likes, comparing her to anything your members do.
it was very suspicious for you to talk about someone you only met once this much. naturally, your members find out about your crush before you do.
"you like momo, huh?" lisa suddenly pipes up while you're trying to stretch. "didn't know you were into dancers. you know, me and momo kind of have the same hair—"
"hold on, what the hell are you talking about me liking momo?" you resist the urge to smack lisa for flirting with you, but you've known her for years now. it was something you just grew to tolerate somehow.
"you talk about her all the time! especially about how cool her haircut is, or her voice, or some random habit you saw from the one minute you spent with her.
"..it was one hour."
"that doesn't make any difference." lisa crosses her arms and stands up straight in front of you. "i can't believe you don't realize how smitten you are with her."
"don't word it like that." you cross your arms too, like a kid retaliating against their playground bully. the two of you have a staring contest that you eventually lose because the stupid grin that appears on her face when you start blushing distracts you.
"you should ask for her number! mina says she's really sweet." lisa teases, you just shove her face away and get to practice.
of course the other three weren't immune to teasing you either.
rosé didn't bother you as much as lisa did, but her little comments about how you were buying more peaches recently or taking more dance classes never failed to make you blush.
and somehow, even with lisa teasing you, her witty attacks were nothing compared to what jennie and jisoo had in store.
"y/n-ah, i bought those drinks you wanted." jisoo says as she returned to the dorms, handing you the plastic bag while you barely leaned up from the couch to gracefully accept it. "thank youuuuu!" you sigh happily, hugging the three bottles before sitting up to drink one.
"i also dropped by twice's dorms to give something back to nayeon. momo says hi." you nearly spit out your drink and ruin the blanket you just bought.
weeks had gone by and you'd already endured the teasing from three members. jennie was awfully silent whenever momo would be brought up, which worried you even more. not knowing if she just didn't care or if she had the most sinister plan than all of them combined made your stomach flip uncomfortably.
it turned out to be the latter.
"y/n?" jennie yawns, walking into your room one night when you couldn't sleep. "forgot to give this to you." she mumbles, handing a piece of paper with glittery pink writing on it before saying goodnight and leaving.
after jennie shuts the door, you inspect the paper and nearly scream.
call me, y/n! i don't mind listening to you talk~ ♡ 모모
(maybe it wasn't an evil plan, but it sure was evil to casually give you a heart attack at 12 AM.)
you take momo's note a little too literally and call her number. you sink deep into your blanket out of nervousness and excitement. (and the realization that you were calling her this late!)
it was the first time you heard her voice since the day you met the rest of twice. surprisingly, she didn't sound tired at all.
"hi, momo!" you huff out, sounding completely out of breath. "jennie gave me your number just now."
you can hear an "oh!" and what you assume to be momo getting in bed. "well, what are you waiting for? tell me about your day!"
you smile, your nerves being eased by momo's comfortable aura. you could feel it through the phone, somehow.
"well, jisoo told me you said hi."
"i did!" you both chuckle quietly. "she was asking for nayeon, but nay wasn't home yet so i talked to her for a bit and she mentioned how you were doing."
you audibly gulp at the idea of that. knowing jisoo, you're almost 100% sure she was telling momo good things. still, it didn't hurt to confirm that.
"all good things, i hope."
"oh, yeah, don't worry. she kept going on and on about how you love dogs and how clingy you are when you're comfortable with someone.."
you bite your lip, was there such thing as too good? jisoo was trying to set you up with momo! shamelessly! and momo didn't notice!
"that's good." you take deep breaths as you hear silence from the other end of the call. "she bought me some drinks that i've been asking for, too. well, more like begging, but i did it really nicely!" you could hear momo struggle not to laugh, it makes you laugh too.
"anyway, she bought me this peach juice i've been wanting to try. then mango juice, and my favorite apple cider."
momo gasps, "you like apple cider?"
"of course!"
"me too!" you can practically hear the smile in her voice. "i'll bring you some next time i see you then."
"i'll be waiting!"
momo has tear stains on her cheeks from laughing so hard and her cheeks hurt from smiling so much by the time she goes to sleep that night.
momo loves talking to you.
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nayeonie99 · 1 year ago
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Nayeon’s POV
I knew it was a mistake as soon as the question left my best friends lips. But it was Sana, and I'd do everything for Sana, even if it hurts me in the end.
Sana and I have been best friends ever since she moved from Japan to Korea.
We met in Highschool and we just instantly clicked. She is my soulmate and I'm hers. We also have matching couple rings we always wear. We even sleep and shower with them.
I'm in love with her.
I've always been, ever since I saw her for the first time. It just took some time for me to realise it's more than a crush or more than a friendly bond I have with her.
The problem is, that Sana is in love with someone else.
Hirai Momo.
I hated her. I wanted Sana to look at me the way she looks at Momo. Every time Momo enters the room she turns into a nervous, blushing mess and I envied Momo for making Sana feels this way.
I wanted it to be me who makes her feel this way. I always had to hear her rambling about how perfect Momo is. It hurt me, but I had to pretend that it didn't affect me.
My heart was aching every time she talked about her. But she was my best friend and I was hers. I knew we will never be more than that. I just didn't wanted to accept this fact. I was still hoping that somehow, someday it could be more than a friendship.
"Can you kiss me?". Sana asked me while she was laying on my bed with her head on my tummy. My fingers stopped combing through her hair and my breath hitched a little bit.
"What?". I asked shocked and she sat up to look at me.
"I heard that Momo is planing to ask me out". She said with the biggest smile on her lips, while my smile was fake.
"And since I don't have a lot of experience I want to train a little. I mean, I kissed some people already, but I'm not that confident yet. And since we are best friends and are comfortable with each other, why shouldn't we try ?". She asked with her innocent looking cinnamon eyes.
"Sana, I really don't think that this is a good idea". I said and felt my heart beat picking up in an instant.
"Why not? Just pretend I'm the person you like. Plus, our eyes are closed anyways, so it'll make it easier for you to pretend it's not me". She said and I let out a sigh.
That's the point. I'd imagine you.
"Come on, please Nayeonie". She said and pouted.
I rubbed my temple and sat up on my bed as well. I mean, I always wanted to kiss her, and not only kiss but more. I always imagined how it would be, and it was definitely not like this.
I looked at my hands and saw the ring around my finger. My finger rubbed over the cold metall and I mean, what do I have to loose?
This will probably be the only chance for me to be this close to her, to feel her, taste her.
"Alright". I said and you could see the surprise on her face.
"Really?". She asked me excitedly and grabbed my forearm. I looked at her hand and my eyes landed on her ring as well.
"Yeah, let's do it". I said and she smiled at me.
"Wow. I really didn't thought you'd agree this fast". She said and giggled.
"Yeah". I said and fake laughed.
"Okay so can we- like". She stammered and I sat next to her.
"I'm nervous". She said and I nodded my head. "Yeah me too". I breathed out and grabbed the back of her neck to pull her closer.
"Are you ready?". I whispered, when she nodded her head, I closed my eyes and leaned forward.
Sana's lips felt exactly like I imagined them to feel like.
Soft, plump and gentle.
Her lips tasted like the vanilla balm she always put on her lips. When she started kissing me back, every thought that was running through my mind was gone.
Her sweet scent filled my nose and I felt like I'm on cloud nine. At first the kiss was just lips, but when her tongue licked my bottom lip, I lost all the control I still had over me and pushed her down on my bed to hover over her.
I could her a tiny gasp, but I instantly shut her up with my lips again. Her arms slid around the back of my neck and I grabbed her hips in my hands.
When I bit her bottom lip and she let out a quiet moan I felt my cock turning hard. Her nails scratched down the back of my neck and I let out a quiet moan as well.
When I felt like this will escalate soon I pulled away from her. She grabbed the back of my neck though, to keep me close.
"Please don't stop". She breathed out and when I looked into her hooded eyes, I didn't give a single fuck anymore. I wanted her for such a long time and I will use this chance.
My fingers started to open the buttons of her shirt. When her shirt was gone, she slid her hands behind her back to take off her bra.
When her naked chest was revealed to me I gulped. She was the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on.
"You're so beautiful". I breathed out, and when I saw her blush I felt my confidence increasing.
Momo was always the only one who made her blush like this. But this time...this time it was me.
I unbuttoned her pants and slid them off her legs, just like her underwear.
I almost started drooling at the sight I had in front of me.
"You have to undress as well". She said and tugged on my shirt. I smirked and took off my clothes as well.
When I pressed my naked chest against hers for the first time, she let out a sigh. I slid some strands of hair behind her ear and pecked her lips before I started kissing down her neck.
When I sucked on her sweet spot, her hips bucked up slightly. My lips moved further down her neck, to her collarbones and breasts.
I took her nipple in my mouth and played with the other one. She was watching me the whole time, and it turned me on so much.
When I bit into her nipple, she let out a moan, which made me smirk against it.
I moved lower and lower, until I was face to face with her pussy. She was soaking wet already.
"Fuck". I mumbled and parted her lips with my thumbs.
"You're soaking wet already". I said and rubbed my thumb over her clit.
Her mouth shot open and her brows knitted together. I could get used to this sight.
"Please". She begged and I felt my cock twitch.
"Please what?". I asked and she let out a groan.
"Touch me". She huffed and I smirked. "I am". I said and she rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean". She said and I blew against her clit, which made her hips buck up.
"I want to hear it". I said and gave her a teasing lick over her clit.
"Fuck please eat me out". She moaned out. "Hmm good girl". I said and instantly sucked her clit in my mouth.
"Mmm fuck". She gasped and grabbed my hair with her hands.
I hummed against her clit, which made her legs shake. My jaw was moving up and down quickly, the grip on my hair was getting tighter and tighter.
"Fuck Nayeon". She cried out.
I let out a moan when she said my name. This means she's not picturing Momo. She is thinking about me.
"Is that good baby?". I asked and she nodded her head.
I pushed two fingers inside of her and started flicking my tongue over her clit, while I was fucking her with my fingers.
"Holy shit". She moaned out and threw her head back.
"Mmm look at how tight you're getting. Are you close?". I asked and she nodded her head again.
"Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me?". I asked and she let out a groan.
"Yes fuck, please". She breathed out.
"Yeah, cum for me Sana". I said and picked up the pace of my thrusts. After a few more thrusts I took her over the edge and she came all over my fingers.
I was watching in pure bliss. When I slowly pulled my fingers out of her, I slid them in my mouth to lick them clean. Her eyes never left mine.
"Nayeon". She breathed out and I looked at her. Her chest was moving up and down quickly, because of her heavy breathing.
"Yeah?". I asked and she completely opened her legs for me.
"Break me". She said and I nearly let out a growl.
I moved back up and grabbed my cock to position it against her pussy. I collected her slickness with my tip and slowly pushed inside of her, to fill her completely up.
"Oh my fucking god". She breathed out and scratched down my back.
"Fuck, you're so tight baby". I moaned out and started thrusting in and out of her. She grabbed the back of my neck to pull me down into a kiss, which left her moaning into my mouth.
I picked up the pace, you could hear our moans and the wetness of her pussy echoing from the walls of my room.
"You feel so good". She whispered against my lips and I let out a moan.
The way she was looking at me was sinfully good.
Her opened mouth, her knitted eyebrows, the sweat forming on her body and the way her titts were moving with my thrusts got me addicted.
Sana is a drug and she got me addicted.
The taste of her, her scent, her face, her body, Sana in general is a drug I will never get away from after this is over.
But I was fine with the consequences. I'm fine with dealing with the pain afterwards, if it means that I can have her like this right now.
I started to pound her as hard as I could. Our skin was slapping together and she was screaming for me by now.
"Fuck, yes just like that, please don't stop". She cried out and clenched her hands in my hair.
"Mmm fuck, are you gonna cum for me again baby?". I asked and she nodded.
"Good girl, cum for me". I said and rubbed her clit with my thumb, to take her over the edge.
She came with a loud moan, I almost came myself. But I wasn't done with her yet. I pulled out of her and turned her around, so she's on all fours with her ass up in the air.
Without a warning I instantly pushed back deep inside of her. I saw her hands clenching into my sheets and when I spanked her she let out a gasp.
My hands grabbed her ass and I instantly started jackhammering inside of her. She pressed her face into my mattress, to tone down her loud moans, but you could still hear her.
I spanked her again and then pulled her back by her hair, to thrust even deeper into her.
"Oh fuck yesyesyesyes". She squealed and I spanked her again.
"Don't stop, please don't stop". She cried out and I pulled her back by her throat to choke her and hold her head against my shoulder.
"Look at me". I panted out and she looked at me, while I was pounding inside of her.
"I want you to cum all over my cock baby". I said and her eyes rolled back when I said it.
My hand slid down her tummy, to rub her clit with my fingers.
"I'm gonna cum". She moaned out and I kissed her neck.
"Yes cum for me". I panted out and it didn't take long until she came with a loud scream and shaking legs. She instantly fell onto my bed. I pulled out of her and came onto her back.
We were both panting and completely out of breath. After we calmed down a bit and drank some water we got clean and dressed.
It wasn't awkward or weird at all, which surprised me, because I would've thought it would be a weird atmosphere, after we were done with what we've been doing a few minutes ago.
When Sana's phone rang, and she looked at who it was, I instantly knew who was calling her by the big smile which started to form on her lips.
"Hey Momo". She said and twirled her hair around her finger.
What a cliché.
"No, I'm not busy, why?". She asked and it got quiet for a bit before her eyes shot open.
"Oh my god yes. I'd love to. I'm at Nayeon's right now, but I can send you the address so you can pick me up". She said and I was just sitting there.
"Okay cool, see you soon". She said and hang up.
"AAAHHHH". She screamed and started jumping up and down.
"What happened?". I asked.
"Momo asked me if I want to go to the cinema with her, and to a restaurant afterwards". She said and the familiar ache in my chest came back.
"Oh that's...that's awesome Sana". I said and fake smiled at her.
"I'm so excited". She clapped her hands together.
"Yeah I can tell". I grabbed my phone, because I needed to distract myself.
We just sat in my room for the rest of the time and when Sana jumped off my bed I knew Momo was in front of my door.
I walked her to the door and opened it, to see Momo leaning against her motorcycle.
She waved at us and I gave her a short wave back. When Sana turned around to look at me, she gave me a hug and a peck on my cheek.
"Thank you for pretending earlier Yeonie". She said and rubbed my hand. I looked down to her hand and my eyes glanced at the ring again.
I didn't need to pretend. It will always be you.
I gulped and put on a smile.
"Yeah no problem. Have fun on your date and be careful". I said and she smiled at me again.
"I will keep you updated. Bye". She said and jogged over to Momo, who gave Sana a tight hug.
I watched her getting on the motorcycle, her arms were tightly wrapped around Momo's waist, the same arms that were wrapped around the back of my neck a few minutes ago.
She looked at me one last time, gave me one final wave and then Momo drove away.
It felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest, but I knew what I would get myself into, when I accepted her stupid request earlier.
I watched Momo's motorcycle getting smaller and smaller in the distance. Tears started filling my eyes, when I felt them streaming down my cheeks, I let out a shaky breath.
"I love you". I breathed out into nothingness.
When the motorcycle made its final turn, I made my way back into my house.
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loveyjeongie · 1 year ago
Bad Day
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a/n: I feel like I needed to get this out today, it’s a sad one but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. If you guys want to request anything i’m trying to write more so feel free!
word count: 965
who: autistic little!mina, cg!momo
cw/tw: implied self harm (not descriptive) so if that bothers you at all please do not read, a little bit of blood, mina gets overwhelmed and goes nonverbal, some sign language, just mina having a rough time and her mama helping her the best she can :(
In the Hirai-Myoui household, almost everything is harm proofed. Except for things that happen outside of their home, wall edges and table corners have foam pieces placed on them, wires are well tied, almost all the dishware is plastic, everything you could think of. At least, Momo thinks so. She did it all herself when she first moved in with Mina. The younger girl was clumsy, as well as occasionally self destructive, always managing to get hurt whether she was big or little, and Momo was happy with her solutions. Incidents that ended up with either of them getting hurt rarely happened, but unfortunately today was one of those moments.
Mina walked through the front door, followed by Momo who shut it softly behind her, her hands full.
“That was one of the worst practices i’ve ever had. Nothing I did was right.” she took a seat at the kitchen island and slumped low in her seat, upset that the dance they had to learn that day was too hard for her.
“It wasn’t that bad, lovey. You did really well!” Momo gave her a small smile, “I can help you with it later if you’d like to go over it again?” she offered while she put away some of the groceries they stopped to get on the way home, but was met with silence.
“Is there something else making you…“ she turned around to question Mina, but was left confused when she saw she was no longer sat at the counter.
“Mina? Mina where’d you go?”
Momo hated seeing Mina so upset with herself and worry began to set in. She put down the bag she was sifting through and started to search around the house. Mina wasn’t in the living room, the playroom, either of the bedrooms or the office. Walking back down the hall, Momo saw the light shining out of the bottom of the bathroom door and approached cautiously. She knocked three times trying to reach out to her.
“Mina, sweetie, are you alright? Can you come out of there and we can talk about what’s bothering you?”
Nothing but more silence. Momo put her ear up to the edge of the door and heard faint sobs coming from inside followed by movement and the sink turning on and off. Now she was definitely worried.
“My love, if you don’t answer me I’m going to have to open the door and come in. Are you okay?” Her heart broke when the other girl shouted, a voice that was tinier than before, more distraught.
“Go ‘way! mina d‘serve”
Immediately, Momo unlocked and flung open the door as her heart dropped from the sight.
Mina sat in the empty bathtub, her knees tightly hugged against her chest, and blood slowly dripped down her left arm.
She sobbed, “mina bad mama. bad bad bad! ‘serve it” and brought her hand to her head to tug on her ears, something she did when she was overwhelmed.
Rushing over, Momo grabbed Minas hand and saw that she held staples in it as well as on the floor of the tub by her foot. They must have been from the info packets everyone got earlier that day at practice. Momo internally scolded herself for not paying more attention to Mina as she had apparently taken them without her knowing.
“Oh baby, what happened? Come talk to me please, it’s okay mama’s not mad.”
The little shook her head aggressively. “N-no mina bad. c-couldn’ helps it. bad mina!”
“Sweetie, you’re not bad, not at all. Come here my love”
Momo picked Mina up out of the bath and sat her on the edge of the sink.
“Can I clean you up love bug, please?”
Still tugging on her ears, the little nodded.
She reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed some gauze, bandaids, and neosporin before turning on the sink and taking a washcloth with soap and warm water to pat and clean the area. Whines and winces escaped Minas mouth while she fussed around in her spot on the sink, prompting Momo to move a little quicker to spare any more discomfort.
Placing the last bandaid on, Minas favorite blue and green penguin ones, Momo placed a kiss gently on top.
“See, all better now love. How are you feeling? Do you want to come lay with mama?” There was still a mess in the bathtub but Momo figured she would clean it later in the night after mina fell asleep.
Mina however, was still tugging on her ears, not responding. A sign Momo took as she most likely has become nonverbal.
She grabbed her hand, “Do you want mama to go get your headphones?”
As soon as she saw her head nod Momo picked up the younger girl and went back to the front door where she left their stuff, grabbed Mina’s backpack and headed to the couch in the living room. She rummaged through it and pulled out Minas purple noise cancelling headphones along with her favorite penguin squishmallow.
A sigh left Mina’s mouth as soon as she felt Momo place the pads over her ears and the room went quiet. She opened her eyes and Momo handed her the stuffie while signing to her, asking if she wanted to lay with her or watch a show on tv, to which Mina slowly signed back, “lay, mama”.
Momo smiled, placed a pillow behind her and laid back with Mina on her chest throwing the blanket over her. Taking a moment to settle into a comfy spot, when the little finally stopped fussing Momo began to rub gentle circles in the middle of the back of her shoulders making mina look up at her one more time before relaxing, signing again.
“mama loves you. very much.”
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onceuponaloonatic · 2 years ago
Please please please post it
here you go 😌 (major major spoilers so if you want to wait to read the whole fic later i highly suggest waiting until i start posting on ao3 soon)
Sana had always believed in soulmates.
She knew there was no proof of such a concept existing, no concrete evidence that the universe brought people together in any way, but that was just who she was. Some people called her overly optimistic or romantic, others said she was delusional. But Sana believed that everyone had a fated match, either platonically or romantically, and that in time, the universe would bring that person to you.
She had once thought of Momo as her soulmate.
Hirai Momo and Minatozaki Sana’s story started when they were nine years old. Sana had just moved to Seoul from Osaka, and she was terrified. Everything about the move had been overwhelming, the packing, the language barrier, the new place. Sana remembered studying her school introductions for hours, just trying to get the words out in a way that didn't scream foreigner. She was terrified of messing up and forgetting all the studying her parents had forced upon her. On her very first day of class, she stumbled through her introduction. She remembered wanting to cry when the words came out just slightly off. She remembered bursting out into tears when the teacher made a passing comment about how long her last name is and how difficult it will be for her to write in Korean. She's escorted to the nurses office, where she sobbed until lunch.
Momo was in a different class than her. She had come to the nurse with a busted up knee from a fall during recess where she found Sana sobbing in the bed. The nurse had already called Sana’s mother to come get her, and Sana was just waiting to be wrapped in a huge hug. Sana would never forget how Momo looked at her the first time she saw her.
“Why are you crying?” Momo asked, looking over Sana. Sana’s brain was struggling to process the Korean, and all she could do was respond with a quiet “I’m okay” in Japanese. She remembered how Momo’s eyes lit up in recognition of the language.
“Your Japanese!” Momo screamed in Japanese.
“You are too?” Sana sniffled.
“Yeah! I just moved here last year!” Momo winced as the nurse applied antiseptic to her bloody knees. “We should be friends.”
“Well we're both Japanese right? We should be friends.” It wasn't the best logic, but nine year old Sana was just ecstatic to meet someone who understood her.
At twelve, Sana decides her and Momo are soulmates. They had been inseparable since they had met, and everyone around them just commented on how adorable they were. They had been given the nickname Samo by Sana’s father, a term they would continue to use for years. And even at a young age, Sana knew Momo understood her in a way no one else did. She knew Momo was a piece of her heart, and she knew it was vice versa.
Things weren't perfect, even at this young age. Momo always got defensive when talking about her family, and she would always insist that sleepovers happened at Sana’s house, not her own. She would always say things like “your parents seem to really like each other” or “it's nice your parents love you so much.” Sana was of course concerned, but she didn't know what to do.
They kiss for the first time in Sana’s bed, under the artificial star lights Sana’s dad had meticulously placed to be the same as they had been in Japan. Sana had joked about never having kissed anyone, and Momo had then decided the best person for Sana’s first kiss was her. Sana had thought it was silly, but also found herself looking forward to it. The entire thing dropped with childhood innocence, and they had both fallen into a laughing fit when they pulled away.
They meet Nayeon in high school, and she immediately falls into their little group. Nayeon is funny, charismatic, and most importantly seems to be the only person that can keep up with her and Momo. She latches onto them, and their duo becomes a trio.
Saan thinks Nayeon might be one of her platonic soulmates.
Their second kiss was much more intense. Sana was sixteen, and much more aware of the nature of kissing. Momo had kissed Sana like she needed her, like Sana was the thing she most desired. Sana remembered feeling fireworks going off in her mind as she hugged Momo closer, deepening the kiss. She can see Nayeon looking at her amused from the corner of her eye, and she knew if she pointed it out to Momo the spell would be broken so she closed her eyes and deepened the kiss. The next time they open, Nayeon is gone and the only thing on Sana’s mind was Momo.
In true Samo fashion, they both burst out confessions at the same time, leading to more giggles and even more kissing. It had all been a little cliche, the childhood friends to lover troupe, but Sana found herself believing it to be the universe telling her this person was her soulmate.
Nayeon warned her about falling too far too fast. But Sana didn't listen (she never does when it comes to Momo).
By college, the two are practically married. They aren't officially married, of course, but they moved in together during their second year of college. They had now been dating for four years, and Sana had thought they were unbreakable.
Nayeon lives down the hall from them, and was over practically every night she wasn't at a party. Sana had gotten used to Nayeon’s presence, going as far as to tease her that she was Sana and Momo’s teenage daughter. Nayeon would stick her tongue out and then ask for an allowance. (Sana appreciated Nayeon’s presence whenever Momo was gone, Sana hated being alone).
Momo always had late classes. It was part of her major, and she was always wiped when she came home. Sana was in the habit of pulling Momo into her lap when she got home and raining kisses while Momo whined that she needed to take a shower (they both know she's not serious). But one day, Momo comes home with someone else in tow.
“Oi Sana, close the window while you’re over there, it's freezing.” Nayeon complained, wrapping the blanket further around her shoulders as she watched her favorite kdrama.
“So demanding. Didn't I raise you better?” Sana giggled, closing the window as she moved to sit next to Nayeon on the couch.
“Shut up.” Nayeon groaned, taking a bite of her orange. “When’s Momo coming home?”
“She should be home anytime now.” Sana glanced at her phone, smiling at the picture of her and Momo occupying her lock screen.
“You are so whipped.” Nayeon rolled her eyes, playfully throwing a piece of popcorn at Sana’s head.
“Hey!” Sana giggled. “Not all of us are painfully single, you know.”
“I’m not painfully single. I'm fun single.” Nayeon giggled.
“Uh-huh.” Sana rolled her eyes. The annoyance quickly melted off her face when she heard the door unlock, immediately popping up to greet Momo. She runs over to her girlfriend, immediately wrapping her up in a hug as Momo struggles to get her shoes off.
“Sana-ya let me take my shoes off.” Momo faked annoyance as Sana smiled at her.
“No. Hug first.”
“Such a needy girlfriend.” Momo giggled, leaning down to give Sana a kiss. “Hi baby.”
“Hi.” Sana could feel a goofy grin stretch across her face at the greeting. She was surprised when someone cleared their throat, and that was when she noticed someone next to Momo.
“Oh right, sorry.” Momo giggled. “Jihyo, this is my girlfriend Sana. Sana, this is Jihyo. We have Bio together.” Sana peeked over at the woman next to her girlfriend, putting a friendly smile on her face as she greeted her.
“I can see what Momo was saying about you was true.” Jihyo giggled.
“What were you saying about me?” Sana playfully glared at her girlfriend.
“That you are wonderful, perfect, beautiful and-” Momo cut herself off as she lifted Sana by her waist, throwing her over her shoulder. “A cuddle monster.” Sana continued to giggle as Momo swung her around. Once Momo set her down, Sana quickly schooled her features and went into host mode.
“Are you here to study with Momo?” Sana addressed Jihyo.
“Yeah, if that's okay.” The shorter woman grinned.
“I suppose I can lend her out for a few hours.” Sana smiled.
“Sana-ya is that Momo? Did she bring take out?” Sana giggled when she heard Nayeon, moving away from the small entryway to make space for Jihyo and Momo to move around.
“Hey Nayeon Unnie. Are you being a freeloader again?” Momo teased.
“I pay you guys back!” Nayeon protested. “I bought you dinner last week so you owe-” Nayeon paused in the middle of talking, and Sana followed her gaze to see she just noticed Jihyo. A blush quickly spread on Nayeon’s face.
“I’m Jihyo, are you Nayeon? Momo told me about you too.” Jihyo seemed amused with Nayeon’s antics.
“Yeah….” Nayeon trailed off. “It's nice to meet you.” Sana giggled at Nayeon’s blush, and noticed the amusement in Jihyo's eyes as she watched Nayeon.
“It's nice to meet you too.”
Sana had watched Nayeon and Jihyo fall in love.
Nayeon had always been this huge personality, the center of attention whenever she walked into a room. She knew the girl relished in attention just as much as Sana, but also knew Nayeon needed someone who could tame her more wild streaks. She had watched as Nayeon had gone through multiple short relationships only for them to end in Nayeon sobbing in her living room at one in the morning.
Jihyo was the perfect person for someone like Nayeon. Their personalities were a perfect fit, and Sana could tell that Nayeon was genuinely happy with Jihyo. Nayeon called her delusional when Sana teased her about having a double wedding. Sana loves seeing her best friend happy, and she starts to think that maybe her platonic soulmate had found her soulmate.
“Sana-ya.” Nayeon whined as Sana rubbed at her eyelid. “Stop.”
“I’m just fixing your eye shadow.” Sana giggled, grabbing the eye shadow palette next to her.
“I can do it.” Nayeon rolled her eyes. “You should focus on yourself, it’s your wedding.” Nayeon giggled, grabbing the makeup brush from Sana.
“Sorry.” Sana giggled. “Pre-wedding jitters.”
“I know. I’m used to your craziness.” Nayeon grinned, watching in the mirror as Sana moved back to her seat. “Nervous?”
“Not really? Just excited.” Sana laughed, looking at herself in the mirror. She smiled at the fancy updo in her hair. “And terrified of my mother in law.”
“You know, I think that’s a normal fear.” Nayeon smiled, putting the makeup brush down and reaching over to brush Sana’s bangs out of her face. “Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.”
“Well isn’t this hot,” Sana giggled when she heard Jihyo’s joking voice. Nayeon’s face broke out into the biggest smile.
“Hi Hyo,” Sana laughed as Jihyo came over to Nayeon. Nayeon instinctively reached for Jihyo’s hand, and she saw the way Nayeon’s eyes drifted to her ring finger. Sana knew the feeling of wanting to see how an engagement ring glittered in the light.
“Hello,” Jihyo smiled. “Ready?”
“Of course,” Sana smiled. “How’s Momo?”
“Do you really want to know?” Jihyo laughed.
“I would like to know if my future wife is freaking out.” Sana giggled.
“Well of course she is, it’s a big day.” Jihyo unlaced her hand with Nayeon and slung her arm over her shoulder. “She’ll be fine.”
“I’m going to call her,” Sana nodded, immediately going for her phone. She watches as Jihyo whispers something to Nayeon, the two of them giggling as they watch Sana. She knew they were teasing her, but she also loved seeing people she loved so happy.
Nayeon had always admired Sana and Momo’s relationship. From the day she met them, she knew they were going to be together one day. She could see all the glances and the smiles, and she knew they were meant for each other.
Nayeon doesn’t believe in soulmates, but she knows that Sana and Momo are meant for each other.
Nayeon had pushed the two of them together. She didn’t like to brag about her skills, but she had been the one to convince Momo to kiss Sana. She had watched the two of them dance around each other for months, and had decided to take it upon herself to set the two of them up. They fell in love right before Nayeon’s eyes.
Nayeon can’t help but feel jealous of the two of them. She knew she shouldn’t, but it was hard to not be jealous of a relationship as perfect as Sana and Momo’s.
Everything changes when she meets Park Jihyo.
Sana had teased her relentlessly after Nayeon’s awkward display in Sana’s apartment hallway. Nayeon remembered blushing as Sana whispered to her that she had a crush while Momo and Jihyo were studying in the other room.
Sana is the one to set them up. She had invited Nayeon to dinner, and then bailed on her ten minutes after the agreed upon time. She was annoyed until Park Jihyo ran into the restaurant, messy hair and a panicked look. She immediately noticed Nayeon, a grin on her face as she approached her. Apparently, Momo had ditched her too.
Neither say that’s their first date, but when they celebrate their first anniversary, they use that day.
Jihyo was easy to love. She was the first person Nayeon had met that was as competitive as her. The first person that even tried to keep up with her. The first person to ever make Nayeon feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Jihyo always went the extra mile to make sure Nayeon knew she was special, and Nayeon felt herself fall much faster than she thought possible.
It had always seemed like they were a couple steps behind Sana and Momo. They had gotten moved in together a couple years after they had, they got engaged a couple months after them, and married within the same year.
Nayeon had never believed in soulmates, but at one point in her life, she had thought Jihyo was the perfect person for her.
Hyemi only brings them closer together, at least at first. Nayeon had always known she wanted to be a mother one day. She loved kids, and Nayeon knew Jihyo was going to be an amazing mother some day. Nayeon’s mother had always been dead set on being a grandmother, and the minute Nayeon and Jihyo had settled down she had begun hounding them about it. Jihyo is in her residency when they decide to have Hyemi.
“You can leave me alone Jihyo, I'll be fine.” Nayeon groaned, resting her back against the wall behind her.
“What kind of wife would that make me?” Jihyo giggled, bringing a warm towel over and laying it on the back of Nayeon’s neck. She sits down next to Nayeon, wrapping her arms around her.
“What about work?”
“Took a day off.” Jihyo smiled, moving Nayeon’s face to the crook of her neck. She rubs a hand on Nayeon’s back as she lays a kiss on her hair.
“Jihyo… You didn’t have to do that.” Nayeon muttered.
“Nu-uh. This parenting thing is something we agreed to do together.” Jihyo muttered. “Your pain is my pain.”
“Cheesy.” Nayeon muttered.
“Shut it.” Jihyo giggled. “Do you feel well enough to move to the bed?”
“Don’t want to throw up on the sheets.” Nayeon mumbled.
“Okay.” Jihyo moved one hand to Nayeon’s stomach.
“Your baby says hi.” Nayeon muttered.
“My baby?” Jihyo laughed.
“Only yours.” Nayeon groaned, feeling bile start to creep up her throat again. She gently pulled away from Jihyo, moving so she wouldn’t throw up on her. Nayeon half expects Jihyo to be at least a little disgusted, but all her wife does is move her hand and gently rub Nayeon’s back.
Sana remembered the day Hyemi was born very well. Her and Momo had been at the hospital the minute Jihyo had called them, and Sana had watched as Jihyo paced up and down the hallway. (Apparently, Nayeon had kicked her out temporarily because she was worrying too much. Sana thinks this is super in character for the two of them.)
Hyemi was born in the middle of the night, and she remembers Jihyo shaking her and Momo awake from where they had camped out in the hospital waiting room. Jihyo had the goofiest grin on her face, and Sana remembered thinking how happy she looked. Nayeon had some difficulties in her labor, so the first time Jihyo pulls them into their room, Nayeon is completely passed out. Hyemi is next to her, wrapped in a white and purple blanket. Jihyo looked so happy as Sana and Momo met their niece for the first time, Sana had no idea what was going to happen next.
Nayeon had changed after Hyemi was born. Sana had noticed it almost immediately, and she knew Momo and Jihyo had picked up on it as well. Nayeon had seemed more withdrawn after Hyemi was born, much more quiet than she had been before. At first, Sana had chalked it up to the meds. Nayeon had been through a traumatic birth experience, and Jihyo and Momo had both said Nayeon would need some time to recover.
Nayeon still smiles whenever Sana visits, she still gives Sana hugs and she still seems absolutely enamored with Hyemi, but Sana could just feel that something was wrong.
She had no idea how bad it would get.
Nayeon had always thought Sana was a total sweetheart. She was the type of girl that loved with her whole heart. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and she put her all into the people she loved. Nayeon loved being Sana’s friend, her best friend other than Momo, but she also felt extremely anxious over Sana. She was constantly terrified of the many ways Sana could get hurt, of the ways people could hurt Sana.
She never imagined the person who hurt Sana the most would be Momo.
She had watched as Sana, the girl who was famously banned from the kitchen, would go out of her way to “make” Momo the prettiest lunches (everyone knew the food was store bought, but no one ever says anything, it's a secret they had all silently agreed to keep). She watched the genuine smiles Sana would give Momo, the amount of attention and love Sana would shower upon her wife every moment of the day. She would watch as Sana would know, just instinctively, that Momo needed some space and to pull herself back. She watched as Sana never complained about Momo's need for space, and would always have the biggest grin whenever she was reunited with her wife. She watched as Sana gave Momo her everything. And she watched Momo slowly throw it all away.
Nico had been an extremely welcome addition to Sana and Momo’s family. Nayeon had seen them attempt to get pregnant for months, and how genuinely excited Sana was when they finally made the announcement. Nico was doted on by both of her mothers the day she was born, and everyone can just see how happy Sana and Momo are. (Nayeon ignores the little voice in the back of her head when she sees her best friend's family). Nico was loved by everyone in her life, and Nayeon thinks that's why it was so difficult for Sana and Momo when they got the diagnosis.
No one had expected Nico to be sick. It seemingly came out of nowhere, and Nayeon could see how much it wrecked her friends. They were both emotional, and Nayeon could never imagine the pain they were put through those first few years of Nico’s life. But, she starts to notice things after a while.
Nico’s treatment had become a seemingly touchy subject between Sana and Momo. Nayeon was extremely surprised by this, she had never seen Sana and Momo seriously fight and suddenly that seemed like all they could do. It starts small (it always does) but suddenly there's sides being taken and lines being drawn and Nayeon finds herself blindsided by the whole thing. She knows that everyone processes grief differently, and that different people need different things, but it quickly becomes apparent to Nayeon that Momo processes her grief with anger. (Nayeon does the same thing, so she's not surprised she noticed it so fast). Momo was not usually a super outspoken person, Nayeon had never seen her instigate anything beyond playful arguments before, and suddenly it felt like all she could do was argue with Sana. And Nayeon saw how much it wrecked Sana.
She was the opposite of them. She didn't process her grief with anger, she processed her emotions with sadness and compassion. Sana liked to be hugged, to cry out her problems while someone whispered to her everything was going to be okay. (Nayeon thinks maybe Sana is healthier than her, at least in that regard, but her therapist always told her to be less critical of herself).
Momo’s anger only gets worse the worse Nico’s condition gets, and Nayeon can see she's trying to hold herself back for Sana and Nico’s sake. She watched Momo take deep breath after deep breath, count to ten forwards and backwards in Korean and Japanese, and she watched as Momo loses herself in the fight against her own emotions.
Momo doesn't snap or hurt Sana physically or anything like that. But she does start to isolate herself. She starts working more and more and the petty arguments continue until they both reach a boiling point. Sana retreats into a deep depression, and Momo retreats into her job.
Nayeon had tried to desperately put Sana and Momo both back together, but it feels like she's grasping at straws. It all becomes too much when Jihyo decides they should pick sides. Nayeon knows it's her wife’s attempt to keep Sana and Momo non hostile. If Nayeon could focus on Sana, and Jihyo could focus on Momo, they might be able to put their friends back together again.
And then six months later, Nayeon catches Jihyo and Momo making out in Jihyo’s office.
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sasakihimari · 2 years ago
← Part Two, Lovers 2 Strangers
Warning: mature language; mentions of sexual harassment; weapon usage; mention of drug and alcohol intake
Genre: angst, fluff
Characters: kang seulgi; sasaki himari (original character portrayed by hirai momo)
Summary: What happens when Seulgi gets ganged on by a few older men sexual harrasing right outside the arena and finds herself stuck in that situation? What will Himari do when she encounters this situation during a work mission she is leading? What will the consequences of her actions be?
Author's note: Sasaki Himari is a character my sister and best friend created for different motives, however I have decided to use her with the intention to portray the reader being involved in the story for my fanfics simply because I adore the character and want to give her some exposure. You may replace her name with yours if it is of your preference, I just have a hard time continuously writing [Y/N] for an entire fanfic and figured this would be a easier way to do a Character x Reader fanfic.
Caution: Please keep in mind that I do not mean any hate towards any idol that will be mentioned in this fanfic and every idol's personality will be adapted and changed accordingly to fit the storyline. I love all the girls mentioned and would never speak ill of anyone.
Word Count: 7730
Now, without further due, let's get started...
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Before the story begins, let's get to know our dear Sasaki Himari. Himari is a 29 years old Japanese secret agent, one of the bests at that. With her career came the requirement to be fluent in different languages, from English to Portuguese. And with it also came multiple skills from fighting, shooting, gymnastics, karate and even singing and dancing. Countries all over the world requested her work in diverse situations, from solving 3rd degree murders to exposing stalkers. She loved everything about the career she had, from meeting new cultures to the gruesome details of specific jobs she got. Himari is mostly a kind and caring human outside of work but when it comes to work, she has this seriousness that intimidates people.
Now, it was as early as half past five in the morning as Sasaki entered the office, bowing as she greeted her boss. Meet Takahashi Yōko, the owner of the largest empire in Japan where all the best top notch agents can be hired, or so the slogan says. Although she has a very though exterior, she is rather kind and easy to talk to, always looking to improve herself and her company by listening to the different reports from her clients and employees. As Himari entered, Takahashi turned in her chair from previously gazing into the breathtaking view the wide window behind her desk had to offer. Long ebony locks combed into a braid that reached just above her hips and piercing brown eyes now meeting Himari’s as her hand gestured for the petite female to take a seat. As Sasaki sat herself in one of the armchairs across the perfectly organised desk, Yōko gave her a smile before she slid a folder across the desk for Himari to collect. It wasn't thin yet not too thick.
❝Take a look at the case.❞ the older woman said as Himari reached forward, letting her fingers wrap around the rough cover of the folder before opening it and allowing her eyes to scan it. It wasn't with her full attention yet enough for her to have an idea of what her mission would be before closing the folder and slipping it carefully into her bag as Takahashi called for her attention to be fully undivided. ❝It is important that you keep in mind that this murderer is targeting female idols, which requires you to go undercover as one.❞
Nodding, Himari agreed to the job. In all honesty, there were very few jobs Sasaki had ever refused in all 14 years of her career. And all required a cover that wasn't so okay with her. ❝Where will you need me?❞ she asked.
❝Korea has reached out to hire you to solve this case and bring this men to justice. I will need you in Seul by tomorrow morning. That will leave you with the morning and afternoon to learn the lyrics to the songs you'll have to record.❞ Takahashi began to explain as Himari would nod to certain details in agreement. Yōko thoroughly went through every detail and requirements of this job, ❝ Oh, and don't worry about housing and clothing, everything has been taken care off. Once you reach Seoul there will be an assistant to guide you.❞ as she smiled at Sasaki, she nodded her head.
❝Understood.❞ she spoke returning the smile. Yōko and Himari had a close bond outside of work, but when at the office it was strictly professional with a few smiles. The older female opened the small drawer of her desk to collect Himari’s plane ticket before handing it to her.
❝If there aren't any further questions, you are excused. Your driver will be waiting outside to take you to the studio where you'll meet the girls you will be accompanied by.❞ as she finished explaining and her eyes adverted back to her desk as she went through some paperwork, Himari had done a 90 degree bow before excusing herself and walking out of the office. Reaching the elevator, the petite brunette pressed the up button to call it and within a few moments the doors had opened, allowing her inside as she pressed the ground floor. Soon enough she had exited the tall building, SA Empire.
Looking around, she spotted the perfectly clean black Mercedes-Benz with tinted windows come to a stop in front of her. The driver was quick to his feet and around the vehicle to open the door for the agent to hop in. As Himari sat herself on the backseat, the driver shut the door beside her before walking around and entering the driver's seat as she buckled her seatbelt before driving of to the designated destination. With her earphones on, she listened to music as she pulled the folder from her bag opening the same, allowing her eyes to thoroughly scan every detail and evidence provided to her by the multiple sheets of paper filled with endless statements and reports of witnesses and survivors. As the vehicle had come to a stop, now parked near the side walk as the driver stepped out, Sasaki stuffed the folder back into her bag before stepping out of the car as the door was opened for her.
Entering the building, Himari was led inside where she was supposed to meet with four other agents but upon arriving, she was told to await her colleagues. After a few long minutes, the girls entered the room one by one in beautiful black silk suits. Himari had a completely different look, with her dark green cargo pants paired with her black combat boots and a black, long sleeved top that revealed just the slightlest bit of her smooth skin between the cargo pants and top. A chocker glued to the skin of her neck, almost as if it had been tattooed. Her fringe reaching just below her eyebrows and her hair long enough to cover her collarbones yet too short to reach her chest.
With a 90 degree brow, Himari greeted the women in front of her, ❝Good morning. Sasaki Himari, nice to meet you.❞ she spoke with a seriousness to her look.
❝Good morning! I'm Ae–ra. Kang Ae–ra.❞ the beautiful female greeted with a bow of her own. Long brunette locks that reached just below her chest while dark chocolate eyes met hers. She was just about Himari’s height. She seemed rather comfortable with the situation.
With a bow, the taller female seemed quite excited with the idea. Her long ebony locks tangled in two beautiful braids while her almond brown eyes glimmered exploring the room, ❝Morning! Min Ji-eun, nice to meet you too.❞ she offered a smile, quite eager to begin this mission.
❝Yang Su–jin.❞ was all the female said with a roll of beautiful brown orbs as her arms remained perfectly folded across her chest. There wasn't a good morning nor a bow from this female that appeared to be quite self entitled. Her reddish hair combed into a beautiful bun.
❝Aish... Rude much?❞ Ji–eun seemed quite displeased with the older female who appeared to lack a sense of education and respect towards others.
❝What’s your name?❞ Sasaki asked the other female that seemed to be hiding with a shy look on her face. Her hair was long enough to reach her waist yet not too long to reach her hips. Her eyes so blue it reminded Himari of the deep blue colour of the ocean.
❝Good morning. I'm Kim Kyong Soon.❞ she greeted with a 90 degree bow perfectly executed. She was at least 20 centimetres shorter than Himari who is 169 centimetres tall.
❝It is very nice to meet you all. Now, shall we begin?❞ Sasaki said with a polite smile plastered across her lips as she reached for the few papers laid on the table behind her and handed one to each girl. ❝These are the lyrics to the first song we will be required to record the audio for later today. We don't have much time, which leaves us with no time to waste.❞
The girls, except for Su–jin, nodded in agreement while Yang rolled her eyes before scanning the paper and focusing on learning the lyrics and perfect their vocals. It took at least half an hour for them to finally begin recording the vocals. And another half to fully obtain the flawless recordings they needed. Once they had finished vocals, they were lead out of the rec room and to a dance room where they found themselves facing a wall sized mirror. In front of them, with her back against the mirror stood the choreographer and dance teacher that previously introduced herself when they walked in. ❝Alright, girls. We have no time to waste. Let's get started.❞ with that said she jumped right into the first step.
Both Su–jin and Himari had picked up on the choreography quite quickly, but while Su–jin ignored the others’ difficulties, Sasaki helped them with perfecting the moves and before they knew it, it was time to go and check in at the airport. ❝Alright, girls. It is time to get to go so we can get some rest at the hotel because we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.❞
❝Yes, Mrs. Kim unnie.❞ the girls spoke in unison with a bow before stuffing the music sheets into their bags and making their way out of the building where a now black van awaited them.
As Mrs. Kim hopped into the passengers seat, the girls climbed into the back seats. Once everyone had their seatbelt on, the driver turned on the engine and took off towards the airport. It was at least an half hour drive until they were parking and the girls were checking in at the airport before the last call for their flight was heard as they all boarded the plane. Kyong Soon sat by the window with Ji–eun in the middle seat and Ae–ra next to them while Sasaki found herself stuck between Su–jin and the choreographer that was accompanying them. Kyong Soon and Ji–eun would laugh and talk for the whole flight while Ae–ra had her head rested back onto the seat as she took a nap. Su–jin seemed to be going over the case while taking a few looks out the window next to her. Mrs. Kim watched random dance videos she had downloaded to watch offline while Sasaki went through unopened emails. Opening the most recent one, it seemed to be from Takahashi with instructions on how this would work.
I hope you find yourself in good hands once you land in Seoul. Korea has taken the initiative to pick the best team for you and the girls.
Now, since you will be going undercover as a K-pop band, it is crucial that you all know the roles you will be taking. I have attached a document to this email where you'll find every designated role as well as all the events you will have to perform.
Regardless of everything, remember to stay safe and keep the girls safe,
Takahashi Yōko.”
Without hesitation, Sasaki clicked on the document and waited for it to load.
( Stage Names and Roles
Sasaki Himari, Mari🐼, will be taking on the roles of Main dancer and Lead Vocalist.
Yang Su–jin, Jully🐿️, will be taking on the roles of Sub rapper and Sub vocalist.
Kang Ae–ra, Ae–ra🐹, will be taking on the roles of Lead rapper, Lead dancer and Sub vocalist.
Park Kyong Soon, Solar🐰, will be taking on the roles of Main vocalist, Face and Maknae.
Min Ji–eun, Ally🦊, will be taking on the roles of Leader, Visual, Center and Main rapper.
03.23, 19:00 — Muse Live Hall
03.25, 17:30 — Blue Square Eye Market Hall
03. 27, 15:00 — SMTown Theater
03. 29, 21:00 — COEX Hall
03.31, 18:00 — Seoul Plaza
04.02, 20:00 — Busan Asiad Main Stadium
04.03, 20:00 — Busan Asiad Main Stadium )
As Himari finished reading the document, she turned to Su–jin, who sat next to her by the window, ❝Su–jin?❞ she called receiving an annoyed eye roll from the female who turned to her. ❝Takahashi has sent me all the information we need to know. I need your email so I can forward it to you.❞ Su–jin did not seem pleased with the situation but told her the email address anyway so Himari could forward it to her. Sasaki didn't quite understand why Su–jin seemed to be so against her. It wasn't like she had ever done her any harm? They had just met. But as an uncomplicated and unproblematic person, she just let her rudeness slid. At least while it was tolerable.
As the plane landed, Ji–eun shook Ae–ra as an attempt to wake her, ❝Yah! Wake up!❞ she exclaimed out but it didn't seem to work so she slapped her upper arm making Ae–ra slightly open her eyes.
❝Why must you be wakening me so violently?❞ she so drowsily spoke rubbing her arm with a groan watching everyone else on the plane leave.
❝Yah! Finally! I've been trying to wake you up since the plane started landing. Aish... I thought you were dead!❞ and another slap to the poor sleepy female’s arm who grumbled getting up and following Mrs. Kim out the plane. Shaking her head, Ji–eun chuckled following behind them, followed by Kyong Soon, Himari was right behind with Su–jin trying to push her away in front of Sasaki.
As time went by, they had arrived at the house they'd be sharing for the following month. It was rather late so after everyone was assigned their rooms and roommates, they washed themselves and crashed for the night. After all, they had a long day ahead of them with the filming of the music video would start as early as five in the morning to have them debut by the end of the day. Filming the music video was a lot more exhausting than the girls were expecting, and their resistance capacity was quite a lot due to the fighting and training they usually did. Once the girls left the location of the music video, they were taken straight to Music Bank to perform the same song live and in front of an entire audience. None of them were used to it, the best that could compare were Himari participating in dance competitions back in high school.
As the girls were lead inside, something caught Sasaki’s attention. Her eyes went wide and without hesitation she sneaked away from the other girls and rushed to the group of older men.
❝She said no. Leave her alone.❞ Himari hissed towards the men, making them turn her way before letting out chuckle.
❝Look. Princess here thinks she knows what's going on.❞ One of them spoke with a scoff. After all, Himari was wearing a pastel pink dress that reached just above her knees.
❝Let’s just take her too.❞ another suggested and the petite female kicked the man’s jaw as he dared to step closer and try to grab her, ❝You little bitch! You're dead.❞
As their attention focused on her, trying to take her down, she shouted to the other girl, ❝Run! Get somewhere safe!❞ but when she didn't move instead tried to help her, her eyes widened and she was quick to yank her towards her and hide her behind her back just as one of the guys charged towards her ❝Yah! I told you to leave her alone!❞
The guys then charged at them and Himari pushed the petite female back, who stumbled and fell backwards, before fighting the guys. She threw punches and kicks at them while dodging as many of their attacks as she possibly could. When the last guy charged at her once again, she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, helped the girl up, taking her hand and running straight towards the arena she was supposed to be performing. As they got closer, the girls from Himari’s "band" were running in their direction.
❝Unnie!❞ Ae-ra called out worried. As three girls rushed to her side, Su-jin was far behind, walking her way with her arms crossed. ❝Oh– Who is she? Hi, I'm Ae-ra!❞ she greeted with a bright smile and a bow.
❝My name's Seulgi.❞ she shyly smiled with a bow.
❝Unnie, what happened?❞ Ji-eun asked seeing the few bruises that began to appear on her arms.
❝I'm fine. It's nothing makeup won't cover. We need to go before we miss our performance.❞ Sasaki said, not realizing she had been holding Seulgi’s hand this entire time.
❝Wait, you're performing at Music Bank?❞ Seulgi asked now with a smile on her lips. The girls nodded, ❝Me too! Well, me and the rest of Red Velvet members.❞
❝So looks like we are all headed the same way.❝ Kyong Soon said with a soft smile, ❝But we should really get going. Himari will have to cover all those before we can go on stage.❞
As everyone agreed, the girls made their way into the arena and Seulgi was quick to reunite with her band members. Rushing to her unnie, she had to talk about what just happened with someone.
Red Velvet had done their performance, stealing the show pretty much for the next performers. Now, the MC called Cherry on stage and the five agents nervously walked on stage to their positions. Backs towards the crowd, the girls began to dance on cue as the song began to play and soon enough they were facing the thousands of people watching their every move. Ji-eun soon began singing the first few verses, followed by Ae-ra and then Himari who now stood in the middle showing off her move. Now it was Kyong Soon in the center, showing off her amazing vocals before the chorus began and their voices perfectly combined in a beautiful harmony.
With Su-jin ending the song, the girls bowed as the crowd clapped and changed for them and walked out of the stage, most of them letting out a relieved sign. Add-a was called next and Cherry bowed as they walked past them. As they made their way to change, Sasaki was yanked by someone only to be face to face with no other than Irene herself. She found herself with a frowned expression, staring at the older woman in confusion getting a chuckle out of Irene.
❝Sunbaenim?❞ was all the taller brunette managed to utter out.
❝There’s no need to worry, I just wanted to thank you for helping Seulgi out there earlier and take the chance to congratulate you on the amazing performance out there.❞ she spoke much to her ease. Her once tensed up body relaxed to her words.
❝Oh, of course. It was the least I could do.❞ Sasaki offered a tender smile as she bowed as a thank you for the compliment unnie had given regarding her performance with Cherry. Seulgi walked into the dressing room unaware of Himari's presence.
❝Oh. Mari, hi. Thank you for saving my life outside...❞ Kang shyly thanked, nervously playing with her hands, ❝It was a lovely performance. You're a great dancer, I wish I had your flexibility.❞ Himari bowed with a smile on her lips.
❝Everyone can be with a little training.❞ Sasaki said with a soft shrug, ❝All you need is to work with your joint, do butterfly exercises every day, try to do more and more each day slowly and eventually you'll be doing the splits. Do hip expanding exercises and eventually it'll bend and twist like bones simply aren't there. Among other exercises.❞
❝Really?❞ Seulgi seemed quite doubtful, not of your words but of it actually working for her.
❝I could help you with some if you ever get some free time?❞ she kindly offered, making a wide bear like smile form across the petite female’s lips.
❝Please?❞ the girl eagerly nodded making Irene chuckle behind Himari since she had turned to face Seulgi as she entered, startling her to an extent. Sasaki's body trembled to the chuckle turning to face Irene. In all honesty, both girls had forgotten of her presence. Not in an intentional way but more of the two of them were focused on each other. Seulgi giggled at the visible tremble of the Cherry member's body.
❝Unnie.. is there something wrong?❞ she asked now facing Irene who had startled her. The older female merely shook her head before walking out of the dressing room leaving the two alone. Sasaki shyly looked away, rubbing her upper arm nervously, ❝That didn't hurt you, did they?❞ was all she managed to ask.
❝No... Because you stopped them...❞ she spoke with a soft shake of her head, her voice soft yet low as she looked at her hands, ❝But you did... And you shouldn't have makeup over the fresh wounds.❞
❝I was on my way to wipe it off and clean the wounds when unnie grabbed me.❞ she admitted. Seulgi sighed and took hold of your hand and let you to the vanity.
❝Here, let me help you. It's the least I can do.❞ the petite brunette said reaching for the makeup remover wipes, ❝May I?❞ she gently asked receiving a nod of consent. Her hand carefully reached for the girl's chin to have her look up before she gently began with removing the makeup on her lips, a small cut staring to appear making her eyes widen. She hadn't noticed that before. Had it been because of her that Himari got that lip cut?
❝Hey, it's okay. I've had worse.❞ Sasaki reassured looking up at her as their eyes met, causing both girls to blush and Seulgi's eyes adverted to look somewhere else on her face wiping the rest of the makeup in an uncomfortable silence. Once your makeup was removed, Seulgi walked over to a small cabin reaching for something to clean your wounds with before running back with some swabs and chlorhexidine in hand. She wetened a swab with the liquid and with a very gentle touch she pressed the wetened surface against Sasaki's lip, tapping at the cut ever so softly. She'd give an apologetic smile every now and again as she cleaned her wounds to which Himari would answer with a reassuring one, regardless of the little whimpers that sometimes escaped her at the burning feeling of the chlorhexidine touching an open wound, ❝Unnie, I'm okay. It doesn't hurt that bad.❞
Eventually, Sasaki had bowed as a thank you and again as a goodbye as the two went their separate ways, Himari leaving the dressing room to meet with the girls in their own. She got out of her clothes, changing into her own, more comfortable and fight ready. Now, with a mask and hat on, the girls were assigned to follow different bands to their vans looking for any suspicious activity that could lead them to the murderer. Sasaki got assigned Red Velvet. She was carefully behind, her head low and hands stuffed in her pockets when she noticed the van they were about to hop in and how they seemed confused about something. Approaching them, she realized the driver was unknown to them.
❝Seulgi unnie!❞ she quickly called out, hat and mask off and stuffed into her backpack. The five girls frowned and turned her way, ❝Could you guys give me a ride? One of the girls felt sick and everyone headed home early while I was at the dressing room with you.❞ she quickly came up with something, hoping to hear a yes from them. Instead, the driver turned with a smile and quickly offered to give Himari a ride.
❝Miss Sasaki, is it? Please get in. Their usual driver fell sick so I had to fill in for them so I might need the address to be inserted into the GPS.❞ he said with what seemed like a tender smile. With a smile of her own, she bowed as a thank you and hopped in for last, sitting next to Seulgi and Irene. As soon as every door was closed, the sound of them locking was made heard and the clicking of every belt being settled, signaling it had been secured, the driver took off. Yeri had fallen asleep quite quickly while Joy took selfies and talked to fans through her stories. Wendy and Irene discussed what they'd be having for dinner and lastly, Seulgi had put on her earphones and doodled on a sketchbook next to Himari who paid close attention to every little details that might've missed the girl's eyes.
The van suddenly came to a stop, it didn't seem to be the girl's place, it looked like an abandoned warehouse. Suddenly, a gun was being pointed at them as the driver's henchmen surrounded the van taking them one by one. While Wendy and Irene tried to fight them, Yeri and Seulgi began to tear up while Joy glared their way, ❝Yah! Ruin my perfect skin and you're dead.❞ she hissed while Sasaki remained calm, being dragged by a tall man who had her hands cuffed in his behind her back. She had turned on the localisation tracker on the discreet device attached to her bra pinging the girls' phones indicating she was in troubled waters.
As they abruptly led them inside the warehouse and had the girls tied to a chair, just as the man behind her was about to tie her feet, she kicked him in the face and released her hands from the badly tied rope that had her hands stuck to the chair. It wasn't long until she was fighting off every man that launched himself towards her, however they were one too many and she ended up on the floor with a harsh kick to her chest that made her gasp for air as blood was spit out of her mouth.
❝Let’s get rid of her first.❞ was the last thing she heard before someone hit her in the head.
❝Seulgi...❞ she uttured out before she lost all consciousness. She had failed her job, something that had never happened before.
❝Mari/Unnie!❞ the girls cried out as one of the men grabbed her feet and dragged her across the floor leaving a blood trail from the wound in her head.
A painful groan echoed through the white room as Sasaki woke up, her hand holding onto her head immediately. She tried sitting up but someone pushed her back down.
❝Woah. Easy there... You took a big hit to the head.❞ a soft, familiar voice spoke. Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the bright light above, she turned her head to look towards the familiar voice.
❝Seulgi unnie..?❞ Sasaki uttered out confused. The petite female sat on an armchair right next to the bed, ❝W,-What are you doing here?❞ she nervously asked before taking a look around, ❝What happened?❞
Seulgi looked back at the Cherry girls who nodded, ❝You got knocked out pretty bad fighting those men... You stalled them long enough for the girls to arrive but you got hurt badly... Why would you do that!?❞ suddenly it felt like she was scolding her.
❝I– But it's my—❞ before Sasaki could finish, Ji–eun interrupted abruptly as Himari almost revealed their cover.
❝She just can't stand not doing anything, it's her personality.❞ spoke Ji–eun with a smile.
❝Wait, what about the other girls? Where are they?❞ Himari asked sitting up straight only for a painful groan to escape her lips as her head throbbed. She blinked rapidly trying to get rid of the dizziness.
❝They’re home...❞ Seulgi said, looking away, down at her lap as if there was something else. But before she could ask Seulgi someone else spoke.
❝They took Yeri...❞ Ae–ra trailed off making Sasaki’s eyes widen.
❝Why didn't you stop them?❞ she exclaimed out, Seulgi looked down, not daring to raise her head. Himari quickly began to rip the IVs off her arm and ready to stand up and go look for her.
❝Su–jin went after them. We haven't heard anything from her yet.❞ Kyong Soon stated.
❝And how long has it been? Why did you let her go on her own? Was I not example enough that alone she can't make it?❞ Himari grumbled standing on her feet having everyone's eyes widened and Seulgi looking up at her. Her eyes reddened and puffy as if she had been crying. And when Mari was about to storm out, she was stopped by the wrist.
❝You’ll only get yourself killed.❞ the weak yet soft voice of Seulgi was heard making Sasaki stop in her tracks. She was right. Going out there in her condition would only be a liability, not to mention it would most likely be the end for her. Sighing in defeat, Sasaki let her body fall backwards, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
❝You have to find them... You have to bring them back safe and sound.❞ her voice trembled at the possibilities the two girls had. Specially Yeri’s. Seulgi had lowered her head yet again as Sasaki laid back down on the bed.
The two other girls followed Ji–eun out of the room and to their place to try and localise Su–jin so they could get to her and hopefully be led to Yeri's whereabouts as well.
❝I’ll go get the doctor...❞ she shyly mumbled standing up from the armchair to go call the doctor so they could put the IVs back on her. As she was left alone in the room, she laid back facing the ceiling and letting out a loud sigh.
Days went by and the only people visiting her were Red Velvet. Irene would constantly thank her for what she did for them and every time Sasaki would say it wasn't needed. Soon enough, she got released and taken home by no other than Seulgi and Wendy. Joy however had stayed behind due to a sudden illness, it wasn't anything worrying but she required rest so she could attend Red Velvet’s next performance and Irene stayed to look after her.
She had no news on the girls nor if they had found Su-jin and Yeri. So she took it upon herself to find them. As soon as the girls were out of her place, Himari opened her laptop and quickly checked their location. Once she had gotten the location of the girls, she quickly changed into a pair of black cargo pants and a black, long sleeved top. Her hair quickly combed up into a high ponytail. As she walked to the front door, Sasaki put on a black mask, a black hat and a pair of sunglasses before throwing on her leather jacket. A gun tight between her lower back and the hem of her cargo pants. Hopping onto the motorbike parked in their garage, she took off to the secluded location they appeared to be. Parking far enough to avoid being noticed, Sasaki made the rest of the way by foot, quietly approaching what seemed to be an abandoned asylum. Sneaking her way in, she silently took out guy by guy before going from room to room in the quiet manner possible. The first few rooms left her empty handed until a darker, windowless room she managed to break in and there she was. An unconscious and wounded Yerim laid on a dirty mattress, hands and feet tied.
She quietly undid the knots on the rope that kept her tied and tried waking her up quietly but the girl seemed to be too wounded, suddenly, footsteps were made heard towards the room and Himari quickly reached for her gun, pointing it towards the door as she now stood in front of Yeri.
❝Unnie!?❞ a familiar female voice exclaimed out and Himari shushed her. ❝How did you get in here? How did you find her?❞ Su–jin asked.
❝There’s no time for that now, we need to find the girls so we can get out of here.❞
❝The girls? I came alone.❞ she seemed rather confused at the statement from the taller figure.
❝They went looking for you? Ji-eun ship says she's here somewhere.❞ Sasaki told, they had to be around here somewhere.
Suddenly Ae–ra burst through the room, ❝Unnie? Su-jin?❞
❝Ae–ra, Su–jin.. take her and get her out of here. Take her to the hospital. I'll find the girls.❞ as Sasaki said, the girls’ eyes widened.
❝Unnie, you can't go on your own! You just got out of the hospital!❞ Ae-ra exclaimed out and Himari shushed her.
❝I managed to get here, didn't I? You need Su-jin to protect y—❞ an high pitched scream interrupted them and Sasaki quickly looked back and kneeled next to Yeri, ❝Shh, it's okay. We got you. Imma need you to be quiet, okay?❞ she softly spoke helping her sit up. ❝Can you walk?❞ Yeri nodded. ❝I’m gonna need you to stand up and go with them. They'll take care of you and call the rest of Red Velvet to let them know you're safe.❞ Helping her stand up, she gave her to Ae-ra, who reached for Yeri's arm, wrapping it around her neck before hers wrapped around her waist to help her walk. After all, Yeri was limping quite badly. The girls quietly left, leaving Himari in her own. Stucking the weapon back into her pants, she quietly continued to go from room to room. The Ji-eun and Kyong Soon suddenly bumped into her causing her to almost lose her balance as she stumbled back.
❝What are you doing here?❞ the youngest asked I  shock.
❝You’re supposed to be home resting!❞ Ji-eun whisper–scolded her.
❝I’m fine. You guys went missing, you think I wouldn't come to find you?❞ Sasaki asked with her arms folding perfectly across her chest. ❝Now, Yeri is safe by now with Su-jin and Ae-ra, we need to find out who this person is before he targets someone else.❞ with that said, the girls nodded and followed the taller female.
As they went from room to room, they suddenly came across a figure sitting by a desk in what seemed like an old, dusty office yet cleaner than any other rooms they've seen so far. The office chair turning with a creaking sound, the metal was rusty and definitely old, revealing a female figure. The three girls had reached for their guns and had it pointed at the unknown woman.
❝Well, well, well... What do we have here?❞ a unfamiliar voice spoke, a devilish chuckle escaping her lips as she stared right at the girls pointing the weapons her way, ❝Korea really hired a Japanese to find me, how funny...❞ she spit out with disgust.
❝Wait—❞ started Kyong Soon.
❝Karina?❞ Ji–eun finished with a high pitched exclamation out of complete shock.
❝Well, isn't that shocking?❞ the female smirked, the look on the girls' face was priceless. Pushing the chair back, she stood up onto her feet walking around the table and stopping with Himari’s gun now pressed against her forehead. ❝Do it. Shoot me dead.❞ to her life seemed pointless if she couldn't get what she wanted. And that was to have the full, undivided attention of every kpop fan. And every time someone became the focus.. whether it was in a bad or good way, she'd get rid of them. And that's what was going to happen to Yeri if they hadn't arrived on time. Ever since she debuted that she had been receiving hate and it seemed that she was the center of attention ever since and Karina envied her. She wanted that attention. She wanted to be the center of attention.
❝Why? You had such a great career as an idol. Why would you do this?❞ Ji-eun asked, handgun still pointed at her.
❝Can’t you see? Everyone was the center of attention but me. Even you guys. You just showed up out of the blue and everyone loved you from the start. Aespa was well-known and talked about. But it was me and Winter. That's why I had to get rid of her... She was my best friend.❞ Karina said, a single tear dared to roll down her eye and she quickly wiped it off.
Suddenly, the KNP SOU team burst through the door and tackled Karina, cuffing her hands and pulling her up to her feet. ❝Thank you for all your hard work, ladies. We will take it from here.❞ one of the men spoke and the girls bowed before leaving the building. The KNP SOU took care of all the knocked down men as well as taking Karina to be incarcerated for the crimes she had committed.
After filling in the report to their respective agency, the girls all went to visit Yerim at the hospital. She was awake and seemed less weak.
❝Girls!❞ Seulgi exclaimed out as they entered the room, sighing in relief.
❝Thank you so much for everything you girls did for us. Specially all the trouble you had to go through to bring us our Yeri back.❞ Irene said softly offering them a grateful smile.
❝Thank you... For getting me out of there...❞ a weak voice mumbled from behind the Red Velvet girls.
❝Hey. There's no need. I'm sorry we couldn't prevent her from taking and hurting you in the first place.❞ Sasaki spoke with an apologetic smile lingering on her lips.
❝Yah... You almost got yourself killed... You did more than we could've asked for...❞ Yeri seemed to be scolding her yet her voice was still so weak it almost sounded like a plea. The girls all seemed to let out a soft chuckle.
❝We will leave you to get some rest and reunite with the girls. We'll come visit you tomorrow, see how you're healing, okay?❞ Ji-eun spoke with a smile before walking out of the hospital room followed by the four other girls. Once out of the hospital, they awaited their driver's arrival who'd take them home. Or, well, temporary home. ❝Girls, it was asked of us to stay until the end of next month just to keep an eye on everything and make sure Karina didn't have anything else up her sleeve.❞ she warned as the car now drove towards their place and all the girls nodded in understanding.
Days went by, the girls had to record a few more MVs, release yet another album and do a couple other performances to keep an eye on different idol groups making sure no one was to be hurt. Sasaki, Min and Kim had became really close in the time they were living together and Ae-ra, although the second oldest, had become like a daughter to Himari with her innocent and bubbly personality. Su-jin on the other hand, it took her quite some time to warm up to the girls but the truth is she wasn't a bad person, just cautious not wanting to get hurt. She turned out to be quite a softie actually. Since that day until Yeri 's full recovery, they had constantly visited her whether at the hospital or at the Red Velvet residency and the girls had formed quite a bond. After all, Red Velvet had felt in dept with them for saving Yeri.
The longer they remained as undercover idols, the closer Sasaki and Seulgi grew and stronger feelings began to form for each other.
❝Yah! I don't talk like that!❞ the bear like woman groaned before angrily pouting making her look only more adorable rather than upset giving Himari a slap on the arm.
❝I don't talk like that!❞ the taller female playfully mocked only to receive a cold stare from the other who crossed her arms and looked away, ❝Aw come on, you know I'm just messing with you.❞ she said poking Seulgi's shoulder repeatedly to get her to turn back to her.
❝Hmpf.❞ was all to come out from the petite female who moved her shoulder to stop the other woman from poking her.
❝Alright, alright... I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me.❞ she apologized, a victorious smile quickly grew on Kang's lips who turned to face her. A sad pout now took over her face and that was enough to make Seulgi's eyes open wide in worry and the smile to vanish as fast as it had appeared.
❝Wait! I didn't mean to upset you!❞ the petite female exclaimed only seconds before Himari felt the weight of her body tackling her down to the ground, Sasaki couldn't help but to let out a chuckle and Seulgi quickly lightened up with the brightest of smiles.
❝You owe me a new shirt.❞ She teased, arms carefully wrapped around Seulgi's waist as the two now laid down on the grass, staring at the clouds. Her hold was tight yet comfortable, holding in such a protective manner as if she let go someone would yank her from her grasp. Perhaps it was something that came with her job. The constant fear of having those she loves taken from her, but she couldn't fully blame her job for it. After all, she knew what came with it when she applied.
The time went by and eventually staring at the clouds of the afternoon sky and naming different forms turned into stargazing.
These two had gotten closer than anything, and although it wasn't official it was rather obvious they were dating. Sasaki wouldn't mind letting the world know, but at the same time she feared it the most. Not for her safety but for Seulgi's safety. All the hate she could get, she didn't want that for her. While Seulgi didn't want to announce it just yet in fear of what Sasaengs might do to Himari if they found out. Even if Himari was great with self-defence, she would still rather not risk it.
As Himari got home, she got the news she was hoping not to hear anytime soon. It was time to go home. But how was she supposed to do that when her home had become someone whom she couldn't take with her? Everyone had packed and was more than excited to return home to their families but her. Who was she returning home to? She had no partner, no kids. Her parents had passed just a few years back. So who was she going home to? The empty house which is awfully too quiet and large for one person.
They were given a week to pack and return to their homes. Ji-eun and Kyong Soon were already departing tomorrow afternoon to go back home while Su-jin and Ae-ra were leaving the next morning, leaving Sasaki alone in that place to figure out whether or not to return home.
Tomorrow had arrived and Ji-eun found herself knocking on the door of her house with her suitcase in hand only to quickly be greeted by two little monsters and her loving husband, Seo Changbin, who greeted her with a kiss as their little toddlers hugged her legs making her giggle before she kneeled down to greet them, ❝Hello there. Mama missed you so much.❞ she said pressing a kiss to each of her kid's foreheads, ❝Did Miyoung give you too much trouble?❞ she asked her oldest. DaeSeong was now six years old and had just began first grade while Miyoung was only three. Once she was inside and had unpacked, the family spent some quality time together.
Meanwhile at Kim’s residency, Kyong Soon had just now arrived at home sweet home, unlocking the door, she walked inside only to be greeted by a wobbling little creature. With the brightest of smiles, she let go of her suitcase to kneel down with open arms for the babbling child running into her arms. The babysitter quickly joining them with a smile plastered from ear to ear. And just as she rose up with the little one year old in her arms, the front door behind her was heard open and before she knew it those familiar arms were wrapped around her hips. ❝Jagi!❞ she happily exclaimed turning around in his arms to look up at him and be greeted with a tender kiss. There he stood, the love of her life, Lee Min Ho.
Ae-ra happily ran into her lover's arms as soon as she arrived home, the happy, tail wagging puppy soon joining the happy couple. While Su-jin went home to her mother. Her father had recently passed and her mother was beginning to show signs of Alzheimer so she took it upon herself to look after her mother and whenever she had to travel for work she'd hire the best caretaker there was. Of course, once all the girls had arrived home safely they made sure to let the others know.
Cherry 🍒 chat opened
Kyong, Ji-eun, Su-jin, Ae-ra and Mari
Ae–ra: Finally reunited!
Ae–ra: [attachment photo]
Su–jin: Home at last. Safe and sound.
Ji–eun: [attachment photo]
Kyong: Got home safely!
Cherry 🍒 chat closed
Now the oldest of the five found herself conflicted between love and returning to her hometown. As she laid there in her bed, the tall female pondered every pros and cons of each choice she had. Either be transferred and become a secret agent for Korea, quit her job and find another, or go home.
The week had gone by quite quickly and by the end of it, she found herself at the airport holding Seulgi's hands as she stared at them. Her eyes red and puffy from the tears that rolled down her cheeks while Seulgi tried to look at her one last time before she left, with tearstained cheeks herself. And before they could say anything else, the last boarding call for Sasaki's flight was heard and Mari took one quick glimpse of the beautiful brown orbs she had fallen so deeply in love with before letting go of Seulgi's hands and walking away, boarding the plane back to what used to be her home.
4 notes · View notes
vorrentis · 3 years ago
M Reader x Momo - Forbidden Love (Part 2)
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Before we start, I want to say that this does NOT portray Momo's actual parents.
I’m sure her parents love her very much and are supportive of her. I don't want to give a false image to them and I mean no disrespect or harm towards the two or Momo herself.
This is just for the sake of the story of you and Momo.
And now...
WORD COUNT: 21,301
Momo was smiling at the movie that you two were watching together. She looked up to her younger brother, Hirai (YN).
You were smiling at the movie as Momo just snuggled into your shoulder.
"This is nice." She said as you nodded.
"Very." You said as you looked at Momo.
Momo was lost while gazing at your eyes and wished that-
You both eyed the door.
“Dad back already?” Momo asked as you shrugged.
"I'll see who." you stood up as Momo eyed you heading to the door. She saw you stop.
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You smiled wide as you opened your arms.
Sakura then jumped into your arms as she hugged you tight.
"Hi (YN)-oppa~"
Momo frowned at the sight.
"What are you doing here?" You asked as she leaned back.
"I wanted to surprise pabo~ I thought that maybe you're free and we can go to the mall. I'm heading there now with Nako and Hitomi. And I thought that you can join and later we can watch a movie and head to my place?" She tugged your shirt as you smiled and looked back to see Momo.
You turned to your girlfriend.
"Sure, I'm available," Momo's shoulders fell, "but you could have texted me you know, you didn't have to come all this way." You said as Sakura shrugged.
"And not see my boyfriend in person~" Sakura joked as you rolled your eyes...Momo's fell slightly.
"Well seeing you is a blessing as well." You responded as Sakura giggled.
Momo's spirit dropped...and then...
Her heart broke after seeing you two share a quick kiss as she looked away.
"Let me just get ready." You said as she nodded, "come inside. It'll only be a minute." You said as she nodded and entered the home as Momo didn't even dare to look at her.
"Konnichiwa Momo~" she bowed at her and Momo waved back.
"Hi." She said. Then she eyed you going up the stairs as Momo just had enough of the show as she stood up, making her seat screech as Sakura eyed her.
"Excuse me."
Sakura nodded once more as Momo went up the stairs.
She knocked on the door as she saw you turn around with your phone in your hand.
"Hey Onee-san, what's up?" you asked as you were going around your room, looking for something as Momo licked her lips.
"You're uh...really leaving?" She said as you stopped and eyed her.
"Yeah, gomen. It's been a while since I saw her."
She nodded...she didn't really need to hear that, but she didn't know what to say.
"Hey, I'll make it up to you when I come back. And dad is almost here alright." You said as Momo merely nodded.
She had hoped that you would cancel with Sakura and stay with her.
"...you okay?" Momo's eyes averted to you as she realized that she was looking at the carpet.
"Hai...I'm just...stomach ache."
She then notices you coming closer to her as Momo took a breath...she smelled cologne as it smelled very good to her.
"Stomach ache? Well that's new." You joked as Momo had a faint smile at your joke.
"Jokes aside, are you okay?" She saw your concern in your eyes...god she loved observing them as she nodded.
"Yeah, I ate too much popcorn since it was good." It was pretty good, so it wasn't a total lie as you nodded.
"I see, there's some medicine for stomach aches in the bathroom mirror." you pointed out as she nodded. She then felt your hand on her head as you patted her. Funny how she was the older one, yet almost the child of you both. "Feel better Onee-san, when I come back, we'll resume our movie okay." You said as Momo nodded and you went aside and past her.
She followed you to see you and Sakura holding hands in the room.
"Hey if you're busy, you don't have to come." Sakura said as Momo hoped that-
"I'm never busy for you Saku." You gave a peck on her lips this time as Momo's heart broke.
"Ah (YN)-oppa...aishiteru~"
"Aishiteru as well." you said back as Momo's being hurt as they walked out.
Momo felt betrayed as she walked to her room, leaving the movie on as she felt hurt by you just ditching her.
'(YN)...why her...'
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Momo's eyes opened to see only darkness as she sat up from what she was on.
She looked around and her vision was getting the living room as she remembered that her and her group were on a cabin escape.
Momo then took a look to her left to see someone lying with her...her otouto, her younger brother.
You were sleeping with a small snore as you laid on the floor of the lakeside cabin with Momo, your older sister.
'that was just...that was just a dream...that was just a dream.'
She told herself and then rubbed her eyes as she took a deep breath.
'A too real dream. It very much felt like...all those other times.'
And it wasn't a nightmare per se but made it her quite sad to think about it.
She remembered what she saw of you and your old girlfriend, Sakura, and heard of you both and it felt real. Momo hadn't had a dream like that since...since you and her got together.
She wondered why now, why did she dream of that...Nayeon did bring Sakura up last night so maybe...yeah, yeah that's probably why, Momo concluded...she didn't want to have that dream again.
Momo eyed you as you snored silently.
She almost woke you up, but she stopped herself from doing so. She'll have time tomorrow and with what you two done mere hours ago, she didn't want to disturb your rest.
Momo figured that she needed to sleep as well, or at least close her eyes for the day to come, but before she did that...
She leaned closer to your face as she placed her lips on yours for two seconds and pulled away, savoring your lips taste as she smiled at her otouto and lover.
Your body didn't flinch or move as Momo just smiled at your face for a few seconds and then laid down with her front looking at the side of your face.
'(YN)...I hope you never leave me...'
Momo then closed her eyes as she only had thoughts and hoped for a dream of you and her together.
"Well...this is something..." Mina questioned as she eyed what was in front of her.
"I know, seems a bit weird right?" Jihyo said looking at the scene. "I don't think siblings should be like this."
"Well, maybe something happened to her? Nightmare perhaps and she needed (YN)?" Nayeon questioned.
"Maybe..." Jihyo questioned. "But to be together?"
Right now, the three were watching you and Momo under the same blanket in the living room, Momo on her side looking towards the right at you as you were on your back with your face looking upwards still.
While the other five members were sleeping; Mina, Jihyo, and Nayeon were the first ones to wake and decided to check up on others quietly.
After seeing the other five all sleeping still...Nayeon and Jihyo realized that Momo wasn't in her bed and immediately they figured where she went.
And that's when they saw you both in the living room sleeping together. Jihyo figured that she'd take the couch or something but this?
Mina and Nayeon thought nothing of it while Jihyo thought it was weird.
"Should we wake them?" Mina asked as Jihyo and Nayeon looked at each other and nodded.
So they got closer and with a nudge on your shoulders...
"(YN)..." "Momo." Both Nayeon and Jihyo spoke.
"Zzzz...." "Mhmph..."
They tried again, getting more success from Momo.
"(YN)." "Momo."
"Zzzz...." "Five more minutes Nayeon."
The three sighed as Momo muttered and hugged the blanket closer.
"Yup, related." Mina joked as the other two chuckled.
"Wait..." Nayeon cleared her throat, "Jihyo get the jokbal ready for breakfast."
"J-Jokbal..." Momo muttered as the other three shook their heads...the poor girl had issues.
"Well, he didn't move." Mina pointed at you as you didn't move as Momo was now sitting up.
"Mmmm...so no jokbal..." Momo yawned as the three shook their heads.
"Sorry Momo, no jokbal, it’s time for you to get your butt up." Jihyo said as Momo rubbed her eyes. Upon sitting up, they noticed the blanket on her fall down to her lap as she was wearing a plain white shirt.
She looked around as she rubbed her eyes and noticed that you were still asleep...then she remembered last night and with the three girls around, thank god they cleaned up.
"Hmm~...(YN)-kun~" She poked your right cheek as they saw your face contort. "Wakey-wakey~"
She drilled her finger into your cheek softly as your eyes opened.
"Hmph...really Momo..." You muttered as you took a deep breath in and out and felt your cheek being drilled harder, "okay, okay I'm awake, you can stop." You said as you yawned. "You know I hate that?" You asked as Momo hummed.
Momo flung the blanket over and stood up and the girls instantly noticed that Momo was wearing a large silver shirt that overtook her body and some gym shorts that went just below her knees.
"Momo? Is that your clothes?"
Momo looked down at herself as you eyed her.
"No, his." She pointed at you as you eyed the three other members of Twice.
"For..." Jihyo pointed at her as Momo's attire was your attire.
After finishing your...uhh...business with Momo last night, you offered her a shirt and some shorts to at least combat the cold.
She accepted and you threw some pair of each at her. Granted it wasn't a sweater or sweats, but it was a hell of a lot better than her negligee alone, which was underneath her outfit.
"I was cold last night Ji." Momo said stretching. "I came here to get some warmth and more blankets from (YN)."
"You know there's a heater?" Jihyo questioned.
"It didn't work. Well at least for me, Sana and Jeong are fine."
"Yeah, she was shivering when she came here." You said as the three eyed Momo who was nodding.
"I'm sorry Momo." Nayeon said as she shrugged.
"I told you all to bring a sweater for the nights." Jihyo pointed at each girl rolled their eyes. "But noooo, let's not listen to your leader." She crossed her arms.
"Okay mom, thank you for letting us know." Nayeon sarcastically said as Jihyo glared at her and then towards Momo.
"Well, I guess Momo, you should have extra blankets in your room." Jihyo said as Momo nodded. "I'll lend you my sweater as well if you want." Jihyo said as Momo thanked her.
"So...there's no jokbal?" Momo asked as the other three girls sighed and shook their heads. You were confused as to why she asked that.
Soon, every girl woke and was eating a bowl of cereal as they talked about thier nights and dreams.
You sat across from Momo and next to Nayeon and Jeongyeon as you had a conversation with Nayeon...but then you eyed Chaeyoung next to Momo as you remembered about Momo and hadn't had the chance to talk to her yet.
She looked to you as did the girls around.
"Momo said that the heater didn't seem to work. She was shivering last night and came here for some warmth." Some looked to Momo as Chaeyoung had a worried look.
"Really? It should be working...was anyone else cold?" Chaeyoung asked as none of the others agreed. "Mianhae Momo, I should have asked if anyone needed more blankets." She said as Momo shook her head.
"Not your fault Chae, I should have put on more layers or something. But (YN) here was nice enough to let me be with him." She said as you eyed her and some of them eyed you both.
"Well I'll check the heater later on." You nodded.
"I'll help too." You offered as she nodded back.
"Alright then? What's the agenda for today?" Jeongyeon asked while pouring another helping of cereal.
"Chae? You know the area. What's to do?" Sana asked while her legs were crossed on the seat, eating out of her bowl of cereal.
Chaeyoung poked her cheek as she thought.
"Well, besides the usual stuff we do at home; there's fishing, swimming in the lake, there's a trail that goes into the woods and towards this hill that we can picnic on, we can go on a nature hike...and-"
"Let's swim! It's going to be so refreshing!" Dahyun raised her hand up as the others nodded to the idea.
"Well then...(YN) it looks like you're going to have a fun sight today~" Sana winked at you as you pursed your lips.
No question that each of the nine girls were beautiful and stunning...and now this...oh lord.
"But there's one rule (YN)." Nayeon pointed a finger to you as you nodded.
"No cameras." All the girls said, even Momo as they all eyed you, some of them looked...uhh...
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"No cameras." You spoke up...then...
Both Dahyun and Jeongyeon got near your head.
AN: You're Mina in this position
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"Promise?" Dahyun said as you nodded.
"I swear on my life that I won't. I'll leave my phone here okay." You said as the two backed off. "I don't want to cause any issue or trouble to any of you girls, I swear." You spoke with earnest.
And in a snap a finger, they all smiled.
"Thank you (YN)," Jihyo spoke up as you nodded. "Alright, then so shall we-"
"I'mph stilhph eatiph..." Momo talked with her mouth full of cereal as some milk and crumbs fell off as the others laughed or rolled their eyes.
You shook your head.
Even after the years she still had table manners of a child.
"Momo close your mouth please." Jihyo said as Momo gave some happy eyes to her. "And it's fine, just finish while we get ready."
Everyone nodded as they all resumed talking and eating...until...
"Hey, Ace wrote something." Chaeyoung pointed out as the others looked to her.
"He did?" "What?" "I didn't get any notification...stupid Wattpad." Soon each girl would be checking their phones as you were lost.
"H-He did a face reveal?!" Dahyun announced.
"What?!" "Let me see?" "I'm scared."
Each girl either went behind Dahyun or pulled their phone out.
"Ohh." "Ahh" "Nice." "He's cute~" "So that's him."
"So he has an Instagram now huh...I'm a follow him right now." Chaeyoung said as she pulled her phone out.
"Aww and is that his dog?" Tzuyu swiped to another photo. "He's cute."
"(YN) or the dog~" Dahyun asked as Tzuyu glared at her.
"Aww~ Tzu your first crush~" Jeongyeon smirked as Tzuyu glared at her too...and turned red.
"Don't be embarrassed Tzu, you aren't the only one. Now I understand why Nayeon and Jihyo want to...what's the word...ahh~ bang him." Sana teased as Nayeon and Jihyo went red, with both anger and embarrassment.
"Don't say it like that!" Nayeon shouted.
"Yeah! And don't act like your not into him as well Sana." Jihyo pointed at her as Sana nodded.
'As well huh?' The girls thought.
"I won't deny it Jihyo. I do have conversations with him. He's pretty easy to talk to...and now that I know his visuals...hmmm~" Sana hummed as she eyed her phone.
"Back off Sana, I knew him first." Nayeon pointed at her...as Nayeon realized what she said and turned crimson.
"Good on you Nay. Fight for your Ace." Jeongyeon pointed at her.
An eruption of laughter was heard as Nayeon went to a dark red and placed her head in her arms on the table.
"Hey on the bright side, now you two can DM him there as well." Dahyun joked as the room's laughter heightened as Jihyo just turned her back...except for you as you were lost.
'Whose Vorrentis...whose Ace?' You thought.
"Hurry up Momo okay?" Sana said as she poked Momo's head as Momo nodded.
Sana then went off, now leaving you and Momo.
Soon enough, after the storm of the Jihyo and Nayeon calmed and apologies were heard, the eight of them went off to get ready...yeah eight of them.
Momo was still eating, but she was about done.
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"...had a good sleep?" You asked.
She swallowed her cereal and nodded.
"A very great sleep. It was much warmer than I thought~"
You shook your head.
"Aish Momo..."
"Aw come on (YN)-kun~ don't tell me you didn't enjoy it." She whispered as you looked away. Momo smirked knowing that whenever you were silent, she'd won the case.
"We're lucky that no one heard us you know...and it's a good thing I gave you my clothes or else they would have seen what you were wearing." You silently said as Momo laughed.
"Hehehe~ You seemed to enjoy the sight of it though (YN)-kun~"
You gulped.
"...R-r-regardless, we have to be more careful next time Momo."
Momo smirked at your weakened tone as she knew she was breaking you...also...
'So there's a next time...oh I'm going to enjoy this week.'
She leaned back to take another spoonful of her cereal and nodded as she saluted you like a soldier.
You nodded back and stood up to get ready yourself.
"Alright, I'm going to get ready as well." You stated as Momo nodded and watched you open your bag in the living room and started to dig through your luggage as Momo then went and put her dish away and left...but before she did.
She quickly went to you.
"(YN)~" you turned and Momo captured your lips in a kiss that lasted three seconds.
"Aishiteru (YN)-kun~"
You blinked as you smiled at her.
"Aishiteru Momo." You spoke back as Momo's heart fluttered.
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Momo then skipped to her room as you chuckled at her back and started to get ready.
"Hey (YN)~" You heard as you looked back to see your sister.
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She appeared in a yellow top, black shorts and sandals...it really showed her body off.
"Hey Onee-san." Momo then saw you stand up from the couch as she eyed you with a white tank top on with silver swimming trunks. "Hey so...I got a question."
She inched closer as she saw your frown.
"Would they ask about this?" You then pulled down a shoulder sleeve and Momo came closer to see...oh...
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"...is that...ohh..." Momo shoulders fell.
She knew what it was.
A love bite...and it was from her during your's and her lovemaking at the hotel.
She felt herself peak, sensing her control over you, the fullness of you, the virility of you, and the pleasure of your cum collided together and Momo began to cum around her brother's surging cock.
Momo bit your shoulder to keep from yelling as her body began to convulse uncontrollably squeezing your jerking shaft even harder, milking it, drawing the milky fluid from your body.
She felt the last pulses of your cum fill her as the final waves of her orgasm flowed through her.
Momo lifted her head, noting the purple outline of her teeth on your muscled shoulder.
"Guess it didn't heal fast enough." You said as you let the shirt cover your shoulder again.
"Ahh...gomen (YN)." Momo's tone lowered as you smiled.
"Hey, it's alright, but do you think anyone would notice?" You asked as Momo shrugged.
"I mean," she squinted, "it's not...well...yeah it's pretty noticeable, but who cares if they see it? It's not like they'll know it's..." Momo pointed at herself.
"No way Onee-san. I don't want to take a chance alright."
Momo rolled her eyes.
"Always the safe one aren't you (YN)~ Live a little~" You also rolled your eyes at her statement. "But seriously take the shirt off." You shook your head, "just say a girl did that to you or something. We're all mature here." She reasoned as you rolled your eyes.
"I don't want to make the others uncomfortable Momo. Besides, it'll be weird of me to just be topless around you nine. I'll wear the top." You said as she nodded slowly.
"Alright, but you're going in the water right?" She asked as you nodded.
"Of course."
She smiled.
"Alright, ready to go?" Jihyo asked as her, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung came towards you both all three wearing plain color shirts. Their legs were exposed and Jihyo and Jeongyeon wearing bikini shorts except for Chaeyoung sporting a bikini skirt with the three wearing sandals.
"I'm here~" Sana came from the back of the three and once she showed herself to you.
Sana had a different variation from the other four wearing bright pink shorts that went down to half her thighs with a white shirt that was tied up to her midriff.
You were going to be honest, they were really gorgeous in what they were wearing.
You didn't really think any of the girls would really show their bodies off, even with this place being private, you'd figured they would be wary of pics getting online and such.
But even so, they were pretty cute with what just a shirt and their shorts or skirt...and then there was Momo who just showed off her body.
You knew that she knew she had a fit body, and she wasn't afraid to show it off.
It's just not fair...
Soon, each girl was ready to go out, with their swimwear on and sunscreen on, but...
"(YN) can we talk for a bit." Sana asked you as Jeongyeon stood near Sana and the group looked to you, her and Jeongyeon.
"Something wrong?" You asked as they both shook their heads.
"It's nothing major. We just wanted to talk to you. Just right here if you don't mind." Jeongyeon said as you were calm on the outside, but inside you were freaking out...what could they want to talk about.
Momo stood as well, she wasn't as scared, but she knew that nothing was off from the two, in fact, she thinks she knows what they wanted to say.
"Alright." You agreed as they both nodded and the other seven went outside. Momo staring at you as you waved to her and she waved back and left the place after closing the door. You then turned to Jeongyeon and Sana.
"We'll be quick," Sana said as you nodded. "Last night, before we went to bed; Momo, Jeong, and I talked a bit more in our room about her past and stuff," Sana explained as you slowly nodded. "Momo mostly talked about her parents." You were intrigued by that and now more calmed.
"Before she never really did mention a word about them. We just knew what they do and what they looked like, but that's about it." Sana frowned. "Over the time we were together, we learned more and...well we never pushed her to talk about it. It seemed rough whenever she did explain to us," she explained as you nodded.
"And we figured she didn't want to talk that much because of how much she misses them," Jeongyeon explained as Sana nodded. "But it was the opposite it seemed...and her tone was...hurt."
You frowned. Momo didn't really like to talk about family as much.
"..." You just sighed as Sana nodded as Jeongyeon explained.
"She talked about how if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't even have started to become an idol...and even more down the line as she talked about her past. We didn't know how...hectic it was." Sana faltered as you nodded. "And I don't know, we...we both just feel awful about it. We're just really happy that she's here with us." She said as Jeongyeon nodded.
"Me too," Jeongyeon said as being her roommate for the years, she got on a closer relationship with the Dancer of Twice, "she just brings the fun in the group. So Sana and I just wanted to take you aside for a bit and just say thank you for everything you've done for her." She said as Sana nodded with a smile.
You smiled back with embarrassment.
"It's nothing at all, I mean I am her brother. I had to look out for her." You said as they both nodded.
"Yeah, but from what Momo told us, and it was quite a lot about you changing her life. You're like her role model or something," Jeongyeon spoke up as you looked down in embarrassment, "I'd hate to think what would have happened if she was an only child." She said as she and Sana frowned.
"I don't want to think that either." You looked up as they nodded.
"Were your parents as bad as it Momo described?" Sana asked. "It's not my business but-"
You waved your hand to signal that it's alright.
"No it's okay...I'm honestly a bit surprised that she even talked about them. As we said last night, the four of us never really were together. There were a lot of things that mom and dad didn't really do for us. Which was down yeah, but...it is what it is and we just held onto each other."
They both nodded.
"Then when Momo made the decision for training to be an idol, mom didn't like it at all. She wanted both of us to follow in her footsteps and be in a good college, degree and then work for her," Sana and Jeongyeon nodded, Momo told them that last night, "so when Momo told them, god...mom didn't even acknowledge Momo for a while, even after agreeing for her to go, she tended to ignore her."
Sana and Jeongyeon glared.
"That's horrible." Sana agreed with Jeongyeon.
"I think about maybe a couple of months, she came around, but she never really was there for her. Dad was in the middle, I suppose. What sucked was that they didn't even bother to show up for any performances. Here on Twice nor at her trainee days because they were, in their words, 'busy' with meetings and work."
Jeongyeon scoffed as Sana shook her head.
"But you were there. Momo told us that you went to every single one." Sana pointed as you nodded.
"Yup, had a streak since her very first practice. I was there for each one that I was able to attend, but since getting on Twice and her being here in Korea and me attending university back in Japan, I couldn't be there for any of them before. Two of them at most, but I would always text and facetime before anything to give her a pep up and about how she'll do great and I'll be seeing her online, but that's about it." You stated as the two frowned.
"...So even now, her parents..." You shook your head as the two frowned.
"Yeah, even now mom doesn't really talk with her, dad sometimes but...yeah." You hated to admit it. It was horrible for that to even be a realistic thought.
"Aww..." "Geez..."
They both said as you nodded.
"It sucks and I tried to help, but mom's just...yeah, but, I'm so glad that she's doing great with you eight." You said as they smiled. "You have no idea how happy and proud I am that she won as well, well picked up after her being eliminated...god you should have seen her when she came back, it was devasting." You remembered her coming back home after she got eliminated...it was hard.
"Let me guess...mom wasn't there," Jeongyeon said as you shook your head.
"She was there, but rather than an apologetic speech, it was more of an 'I told you so' kind of exception." You explained as the two shook their heads.
"What a horrible mom...no offense," Sana said as you chuckled at her furious tone, it was very cute.
"Oh, she is." You agreed, "but then when Momo was called back and brought to the group, she used that to rub it in mom's face." You smiled as the other two smiled as well. "And after that, she was with you eight and here we are." You waved your arms around as they nodded.
"And we're happy that she's here, you're a very kind person to help Momo," Sana said.
"Sana as I said-"
"Yeah you're her brother, but what you've done for her (YN), it's something else." Jeongyeon cut you off, "Momo explained that you really helped her become who she is now and you have no idea how happy she when we were packing at home that you were coming here." She explained as you smiled. "And we feel the urge to thank you as well for helping our sister out."
Your spirits rose from hearing that. Not only from what Momo said, but from these two as well. To hear that Momo was viewed as a sister with these girls...she needed a family and well looks like she got one.
"So, from Twice and for Momo, arigato (YN)," Sana bowed as Jeongyeon did as well.
You eyed the two bowing as you felt uncomfortable with them doing so as they brought themselves straight back up as they eyed you.
"You're very welcome and I know we just met and I'm a stranger, but with you eight helping her as well and for being her friends, I'm there if there's something you need help with too." You said as the two smiled.
"Her friends? Stranger?" Sana repeated, "(YN) we're going to be friends too you know." Sana inputted as Jeongyeon nodded. "Since we're gonna be living under the roof throughout the week, it's better to get to know each other well enough...don't you think so?" Sana said, tilting her head as you gave a smile.
"So what if you're only here for a week, we would like to change that. Since we've been hearing Momo about you, the two of us are...intrigued and we want to know you better (YN)," Jeongyeon spoke up as Sana nodded.
"...How often does she talk about me?" They smiled.
"A lot." "A lot." They both said at the same time.
You rolled your eyes. You guess you shouldn't be surprised hearing that Momo talks about you often.
"Alright...though I highly doubt there's anything worth getting to know about-"
"Nah ah ah." Sana waved her finger as she stepped closer to you, "we'll be the judge of that."
Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes, but she stepped towards you as well.
"For now, let's go with the others, and then you, Jeong, and I will hang out. Alright?~" Sana said with a wink as you smiled at her cuteness.
You didn't really have much choice and of course, you weren't going to say no to them.
"Of course."
Sana smiled.
"Now then, I suggest we head with the others." Jeongyeon said as you both nodded and each of you made your way outside.
But you only took some steps before...
"Hey (YN)?" You turned around as Sana was right behind you, "can I call you (YN)-kun too?"
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Sana asked as you eyed her in question.
She nodded and had a smile that you couldn't say no to. I mean, so what if she did. You were in debt to her anyway for helping Momo out during Sixteen.
"Sure." You replied as Sana's smile enlarged.
"Yay! Alright (YN)-kun, let's get to the water!" Sana said as she skipped past you as you chuckled at her excitement.
"Sorry about her," you turned to Jeongyeon who stood near you, "she can get really close, but it's all in good terms." She pointed as you shook your head.
"It's perfectly fine."
"You know she's an only child?" She asked as you shook your head, "yeah. She told us she always wanted siblings so imagine her happiness to know that she just got eight sisters when Twice was formed. Sana just wants to be close that's all." She spoke as you smiled at her.
Man, Momo could not have picked a better family than this.
"Sure, I understand...you?"
"I'm just going to stick with (YN)." Jeongyeon answered as you nodded, "shall we move on?" She asked as you both talked and walked towards the lake.
"I know what it feels like you know," you turned to Jeongyeon, "I have an older sister and while we tend to annoy one another growing up, we'd always had each other's backs." You nodded, "although we're not as close as you and Momo seem to be."
You almost froze on the spot thinking she knew but continued to walk with her.
"Uhm yeah."
"I mean it (YN), the way she talks, you're like her hero or something."
You smiled as Jeongyeon grinned at your smile.
It wasn't long as you both came across and saw the eight other girls as they were playing in the water with Sana joining them quickly, Mina and Nayeon were standing up with the water up to their knees, the rest with their heads just poking out as you two walked to them.
They even had a couple of beach balls floating around.
Momo was under the water as her head you stepped foot on the water to check the temperature.
"Oh, that's nice." Jeongyeon said as you nodded.
It wasn't freezing and the sun blazing down on you two was making it feel relaxing in mere seconds.
You stepped towards the group as Jeongyeon went slow with you already heading to the group.
"(YN)-kun!" Momo yelled as she swam to you.
"How is it Momo?" Jeongyeon asked now that she was right beside you as Momo swam to you two.
"Fresh! (YN)-kun! Get in!"
When Momo got close enough...she stood up as you gulped.
Her shirt, that already showed her body, was now wet and just sticking to her and...well...
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Her top was clinging onto her body and it really showed her breasts off.
She then hopped to you...and it didn't help that her chest hopped as well with each.
'Oh for god's sake...'
"Hey Momo, let me-Momo!" You were splashed with water as Momo scooped water at you.
"Yah! Don't be a baby and just jump in. It's great!" Momo raised her hands up.
You turned your head quickly as you didn't want to be caught ogling your sister's chest as you saw Sana already in the water with others.
'Oh god...it's like a second skin...'
You looked at Momo again.
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You turned away again as you kneeled yourself in the water.
'This is going to be a long week...'
Now you and Momo were sitting in the water, away from prying eyes as you sat on the other side of the small dock, resting after eventful hours of just fooling around in the water.
You two were sitting in the water as the waves slowly went up and down in the middle of each stomach, just eyeing the water, enjoying the sun rays and each other presence next to one another and hearing the other girls laughing still for a while.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Mina and Chaeyoung went inside before Sana, Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jihyo as they called it in and decided to go back in the cabin. Leaving you two alone.
Momo had asked you to come over and to just sit with her for about ten minutes now.
You didn't know why since Momo wasn't one to just silently do anything, but you agreed as you followed her to a more private location...you hoped it wasn't what she wanted or what she talked about last night.
It's been about fifteen minutes and you nor her have said a word to another. You eyed her with curiosity as she just stared at the lake.
Her expression wasn't happy but nor sad as she just sat there.
"Tired?" You asked your older sister as she shook her head.
She didn't verbally answer.
"What's up?" You asked as she shrugged.
"Just wanted to sit with you." She said as you didn't believe it was just that.
"Just sit? You're not one to 'just sit' Momo, what's wrong?"
Momo looked to you.
"They talked to you about last night didn't they?" She asked, avoiding the question as you nodded.
You assumed she was trying not to talk about it, but you weren't going to let that slide.
"Yeah, they said that you three talked for a bit more and they wanted to thank me for helping you." You answered as Momo smiled.
"Course they did...how much they said?"
"A lot." You answered as she sighed.
"Can never keep a secret that Sana...oh well, then you know I mean every word I said (YN), I owe you everything for-"
"Stop right there onee-san, you have nothing to thank me for. We helped each other."
She nodded.
"You're right, we helped each other, but the things you helped me surpass what I've done for you. I mean it (YN)-kun, I wouldn't be here without you." Her voice was gentle and light as you smiled at her.
"Come here," you outstretched your right arm and, as fast as lighting, she scooted into your body and side hugged you hard. "You're welcome, remember, it's you and me right?" She nodded as you smiled.
You patted her back as she hummed against your body as you both stared at the lake.
"I've been thinking." She said as you hummed. "Us ten eating...and us ten right now. It felt like one huge family gathering." You looked towards her as she stared at the lake, "then last night and the car ride, we were having fun...heh, it was amazing...we're never going to be like that with our family are we?" Momo asked as you were taken aback.
"What? Momo why would you say that?" You asked as she turned her head to you.
"(YN), I know mom is still angry at me." She asked in a low voice.
You gave a flat smile.
Ever since Momo's decision to leave school and train to be an idol, she and mom weren't on an equal level with her not following mom's footsteps in going to college like you and going into the family business, which is ludicrous in your mind.
The decision to leave school and train to be an idol was...tough for mom to hear and go with back then as it took a week of you and Momo to convince her.
She noticed your silence and nodded.
"I figured...still hates me." She turned her head towards the water as you sighed.
"She doesn't hate you Momo, it's...it's difficult for her to see your passion for this." You reasoned as Momo gave a pity laugh.
"Because it's not her way you mean?" She said as you nodded.
"You're right, but because she felt like, and I don't agree, that you were throwing your future away. We four knew that most trainees don't go far Momo and some that don't give up, don't ever go up." Momo nodded, Jihyo was one for ten years and she knew others that are longer, she supposed her mom was right on that, "She just didn't want you to be stuck in an agency for a long while before it was too long that you wasted your precious life. Luckily for us, you and your talent got into Sixteen and look at you nine." You both eyed the others as Sana was bringing Mina into the water as Mina was trying to hold her ground.
Momo nodded in agreement.
"I know that...it's just after these years, you would think mom would realize that what I'm doing is the right choice for me." She said as you nodded. "But I also didn't see myself behind a desk, filing papers and telling people what to do. I never saw that future to be happy for me...no offense to you." She looked to you with a small smile as you shrugged.
"Well you know her and dad; work is and probably always will be a priority on their minds." She nodded, "But she still loves you Momo. It's not like she's been totally ignoring you." She scoffed.
"Hardly interacting as well. At least you attended all the concerts I had before you started to work, mom only showed up to one and she had to leave early. Even when we speak on the phone, it's four sentences and then an 'Oh gomen Momo, I have to go' and end call." You saw her eyes glare a bit towards the water as she gently played with the water with her hands. "I thought for sure that...that she'll see the passion I have for this and support me like you have (YN)." Her tone of voice was unique, it felt so wrong to hear that from Momo, who was always seen as the happy one of the group next to Sana.
Once labeled her to be this 'airhead' of the group and while she is, she has feelings too. Negative ones as well.
It was a tone you haven't heard since the first night you both have gotten together.
You scooted closer to Momo, shoulders grazing one another as you brought an arm up over her shoulders as your hand reached just below her shoulder as you gently clutched or massaged it with your fingertips.
"And you're 100% right Momo. I know it does suck that she acts that way to you. Believe me, it'll be a long while to forgive her for being like that." Momo nodded, "but she'll come around Momo, I know it." You raised a smile as she turned her head to you. "I mean dad did, sort of."
Momo seemed unwavering at your words.
"Okay, so it might be more than a while, but look at what you've accomplished Momo. You're already a world-famous idol and I'm sure that mom is proud of what you've done so far, even if she doesn't show it. Sure it's not the way she would have wanted your future to be, but in my opinion, you're doing way better than either her, dad or I am right now. If it means anything Momo, I'm so proud of you." You ended with a smile as Momo just gazed at you. "And now you have eight sisters and millions of Once to prove that as well." You pointed out as Momo shook her head.
And there you were again.
Your words just made Momo soar in emotions just like the first night you both got together and many more nights that she just needed to hear your words.
"Arigato (YN)-kun. And as long as I have you, I know everything will be well going forward too."
Momo gave a smile, a heartwarming smile that made your heart swell to see.
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Seeing her happy was your happiness.
If you could kiss her, that would be it right there to show that you were with her forever, but you can't.
So instead, you moved your hand and placed it over Momo's hand in the water as Momo felt your hand and interlocked her fingers into yours.
"Momo, I'm with you. No matter what. You're just as important to me as well." You gave a soft smile that made Momo just melt.
'God...I love him so much...' Momo thought.
The mixture of love and desire in her eyes was strong enough to reach out and touch yours. It was even more intoxicating than you've ever seen.
"...I so want you right now (YN)." Momo sounded way determined as you scoffed.
"Momo, we just did it last night."
"So~ I'll never get tired of you (YN) nor eating or stuffing myself of my favorite meat~"
You chuckled and looked away.
"Speaking of stuffing myself..."
She let go off your hand for a moment before Momo looked back to the cabin and smiled as she rocked her body just slightly to the left and right.
She then took your hand again and she looked at you...and then she maneuvered your hand until she placed it...from what you can tell in between her thighs...her shorts were gone...and you felt her slit.
You wide-eyed and wanted to pull out but your hand didn't move...
"Momo...we can't-"
"Oh (YN)~ We literally fucked last night that was a room apart from the others. They're further away-"
"And they're awake."
"And busy~ Just a quickie~ I just want your touch."
"M-Momo we-"
"We're not going all out. No one will notice, plus it's just enough to satisfy me here (YN)...please~"
This was too surreal.
Were you really going to sit here in the water while fingering your beautiful sister with her members within eyesight of you both?
You turned to Momo who had a pleading look on her.
You lowered your hand more as Momo smirked.
'He can never say no once I lure him in.'  Momo thought.
=================TEASE SMUT START=================
You slid your hand over her bare pussy, this time watching her reaction closely. As your fingers moved up and down her hole, she bit her lower lip and waited for me to do something further.
You gently inserted one finger partly inside of her, causing her to inhale sharply.
She placed a hand on your thigh and said in almost a whisper.
"Add another..."
And with that, you pulled your finger out of her vagina briefly before sliding in two fingers back in and applying pressure to her clit with your thumb.
She moaned loudly and as your fingers buried themselves as far inside of her as they would go. You saw her eyes close slightly and kept your hand close to keep her steady.
All the while you began to finger her with your hand.
With your thumb, you began searching for her clit and with the two fingers inside of her, you began to move them in and out of her with great speed, each time moving deeper inside of her and searching for that elusive spot that would be guaranteed to make her squeal in pleasure.
She grew very wet...you think, very quickly and soon, every time your fingers buried themselves inside of her, you could hear a soft squelching sound.
Momo remained relatively quiet, but her breathing was becoming deeper and much more audible.
Once in awhile, you'd hit the right spot and a soft cry of pleasure would escape from between her lips.
As you felt her body against yours, savoring the feeling of her smooth, warm skin along the length of mine, you watched your sister's face.
One of the members of Twice, your older sister, contorted in pleasure and it was your doing.
Her eyes were shut, her jaw slackened.
You continued to sit there near the shore, literally a twenty-second walk away to the cabin as your thumb rubbed her clit, your fingers quickening their pace as she became even wetter...you think.
You sat there for what must've been a full minute as her breath became shallower and her body became even weaker.
Before you knew it, your two fingers were furiously probing deep inside of her, pressing up against her most sensitive areas. You diverted all the strength into your arms to intensify your wrist and finger action.
The only sound was the water waving, the birds around, and Momo's small moans caused by your fingers inside of her.
You fingered her so furiously that your wrist began to ache, but it didn't matter though.
All of a sudden, Momo let out a muffled cry as her entire body tensed up. Her back arched backward and her thighs closed around your hand.
Her eyes remained closed and her expression changed from one of a shock to pure pleasure as she let out another pleasurable moan until finally, her legs gave way, and from what you think, a fresh wave of moisture enveloped your hand and squirted in the water.
Her body collapsed as she laid herself onto your side.
All the while, you kept your fingers inside of her. You couldn't tell since you both were in the water, but from all your activities together, your hand would be drenched.
Momo still had her eyes close and every few seconds would convulse ever so slightly as she came down from her orgasm.
"How was that?" You whispered into her ear.
"Ama...zing..." she said between deep breaths.
You let her rest for a moment and watched as her breasts rose and fell with every breath she took.
Momo blew a long sigh, placing her hand on your thigh.
Even in the water, she felt your skin warm.
Her fingers raked over the firm flesh of your strong leg as she crept her hand upwards
She moaned as her hand was right above your cock as you felt her hand massaging it.
"Hmph..." You groaned as Momo gripped your cock through your shorts.
"I'll never have enough of you (YN)~ hmm~," She took a moment to pat down at your groin. Then she nodded and said, "Very nice, brother. I think you wanted this as well~"
You groaned as she made contact, spreading her touch around as her hands slid under your shorts.
Your dick immediately began stiffening, lengthening, and thickening from her touch.
"Don't worry. The water isn't even clear so they would have to be really close for them to see this." Momo said stroking your cock with a firm grip as your lower half was moving according to her movement.
Her hand continued to move up and down your cock and being in the water, you couldn't tell how wet you were getting as she glides over your skin.
You were rock hard, and it was a fascinating sense to feel, especially since it was your sister's hand.
She then slid the hand down to your balls, warmly cupping the loose sack, then slid up to the head, where she placed her thumb against the front and began to roll it in slow circles as her other fingers curled around the shaft.
"Jesus Momo..." She was doing magic in her hands as she smirked.
"If only we were alone (YN)-kun~"
You soflty moaned in pleasure and focused on the sensations.
Her soft voice from jerking you had backed off my impending climax a little, but as you stared at her eyes and face, you have soon felt that familiar tightening in your balls again.
"If only I could use my mouth instead~"
Your breathing was stopping and going.
"Are you going to come~?" she asked. "I bet you're going to come a lot~"
You groaned.
Her voice was getting to you as if it were coming from inside my own head.
"Too bad, it's just going to waste in here...I bet you wanted to see me drink it up? Or maybe cum inside my asshole one more time~ Would you like that (YN)-kun~ Do you want to fill my tight asshole again~"
As she said this, she slid her hand down to do just that, holding your nuts snugly in her warm grasp and rotated to keep moving, gripping your solid girth tightly and moving slowly up to bump over the head, then down to the middle of the shaft before starting back up again.
"Hmm..." you groaned. "G-getting closer..."
"That's it (YN)-kun~ Just let it-"
"(YN)? Momo?"
You both froze as you heard a voice from behind and you already know who that was.
You both turned to see Chaeyoung in a pink shirt and white shorts as her body was now dry.
But you were nervous at how close she was as well.
"C-Chae? What's up?" Momo said as Chaeyoung smiled.
"I just wanted to know if you two wanted water? You've been here for a while and...the sun and heat and...yeah." She asked as she was holding up two water bottles as Momo smiled.
"Oh thank you Chae, but we're just about ready to come...back inside." Momo paused mid sentence as you mentally rolled your eyes at her literal meaning. "We're talking about something right now." She said as Chaeyoung 'oh'.
"Oh mianhae, I didn't know-"
"Nothing to apologize for Chae, you were just looking out for us, we'll be with you eight in a bit. Thank you for the water." Momo spoke up as you nodded and Chaeyoung smiled and dropped the bottles on the sand.
"Oh and we're starting a game soon and I picked you two on my team. So come soon alright~" Sweet and innocent Chaeyoung spoke up as Momo bit her lips to suppress her laughter.
"Oh, we will~" Momo managed to say as Chaeyoung waved you two bye as she went to the others.
As soon as she was gone...
"Hehehe~" Momo giggled. "That was too perfect, she doesn't realize how spot-on she was," Momo said as she eyed you, "as for you~ I felt your friend shake a bit when she came (YN)~"
You gulped, Chaeyoung was a very pretty lady.
"It's okay, Chaeyoung is pretty cute in that outfit...Mina's very lucky."
Momo wide-eyed as she cursed.
"Crap...I wasn't-don't you tell anyone okay. It's just between us girls." She asked of you as you nodded.
"S-so Mina and Chae? They're..." You whispered as she nodded. "Oh...hmph..."
You moaned softly.
"Ara ara brother~ You having naughty thoughts about them aren't you~ My friend here seems to be getting bigger~" She said moving her hand up and down.
You weren't going to lie...you were.
"N-no...not at all..."
Momo's hand continued to slowly move up and down your shaft, one finger rubbing the cock head as it reached the top. Bit by bit she increased the tempo and the tightness of her grip.
Christ, you were hard.
With that Momo started heating up the pounding of your cock with her right hand.
The squelching noises of the water added to the intensity of the silence in the small area around you. Momo knew you would have liked to be fucking her to a climax, but clearly you both couldn't do that now...yet.
She dropped her hand briefly to massage your balls and even ran her fingers down under your balls to that sensitive strip of skin between your balls and your asshole.
"Alright, let's finish this up shall we~" She said as her hand slid back up over your balls and enveloped your cock.
She knew you were very close.
This was it.
Her hand flew up and down, her grip becoming firmer.
She really wanted you to have a full and intense orgasm.
And she was curious about how much sperm you had in those balls now. She remembered how filled up she was in her mouth, pussy, and ass every time they had their sessions and now even Momo was wanting you to return the favor and she hoped you would agree to it.
Every muscle in your body was rigid as her thumb ran along the soft ridge underneath where the sperm was about to pour out of you.
She felt your cock head get suddenly larger as you uttered a strangled gasp, your face contorted, his hips thrust in the water, and the first creamy spurt jetted out of your cock.
Unable to see it, Momo felt your cock twitch and presumed you were cumming right then and there.
She smirked as she saw your eyes closed and leaned back as she kept her hand going up and down as she felt your cock twitch and then...huffing is all she heard.
===========TEASE SMUT END==============
She released you as you used your arms to support yourself.
You took a breath as you dwelled over your orgasm.
"T-that...was something..." You said as Momo smirked.
"Yeah it was. I think the idea of getting caught is exciting me, and I think for you too." She said as you eyed her.
"Well...we're not going to do anything...drastic okay Momo. I'm serious. Chaeyoung almost got us just now."
Momo then patted your head.
"I know that (YN)-kun, I'm not stupid you know."
"N-no I-I didn't mean or make you think that-"
"Hehe, ahh (YN)-kun. You're sweet." She smiled as you gave a weak one, "I'm not saying you said or made me think. I do that we have to remain secretive. Talking about you to Sana and Jeongie, I just wanted to be close to you. And, I was cold by the way, I wasn't lying about that." You nodded, "but...I...I just miss you." She said as you frowned.
"Hey, I miss you too Momo."
She smiled as you nodded.
"Back home it hasn't been...as fun or great since you left."
"Still don't know why you should just leave and be here."
"You know why Momo."
She eyed you as you eyed back.
She sighed.
"Yeah...I know..."
"But don't worry Momo. Let's just focus on the here and the now okay." You said as Momo smiled and nodded.
"And you better be ready for each of them...alright~" She winked as you nodded.
"I will be. Don't you worry." She smirked as you smiled.
"Aishiteru (YN)."
"Aishiteru Momo."
It was times like this that you had to remind myself that sometimes she was not just your sister.
She was someone special. She was Momo, your love.
And somehow, fate had allowed you to share such close intimacy with her.
The cool air broke as we came from the trees, the morning air was thick as we had underestimated what the time would be from the cabin, but we're in no rush.
The trees have given way to rich soft rolling grass of a plain.
"Guess Chaeyoung's directions are good after all. We should almost be there."
You spoke up as Momo nodded.
"Thank god-Jihyo, because my feet are killing me." She groaned as you chuckled.
"I told you, you weren't meant for hiking."
"Not at all." Momo said as you both chuckled. She then looked up as Momo groaned.
"Can we have a snack under the trees?" Momo suggested as you nodded.
"Of course. But not all of the food alright." You pointed at her as she rolled her eyes.
The warm moist air surrounds you both and even in your summer clothing, it was pretty hot out. Moving off towards the shaded trees near the field, there was an abundance of rocks as a place to rest and get out of the sun.
The cool of the shade was enough for you two to get some light out, as Momo took off her pack and her shoes and socks.
"Oh that feels good~"
With her feet now liberated, to feel the soft grass under her soles as you sat and pulled your pack out to grab some of the bread, dried meat, and fruit in containers.
"What do you want?" You asked while holding up some containers as Momo stared at you.
"Do you need to ask? Give me the meat." She said as she stared at you.
You handed her the dried meat as she smirked.
"I was hoping for another kind of meat~"
You chuckled.
"Nope, we said until we get there." You said while smiling as she took the container and opened the box as she took a strip and started to nibble on it.
You then took the bread and started to eat that as well as you both sat in the shade and enjoyed the food.
You both were taking a private hike that you two had asked for some guidance around the place. Turns out, there was this trail that led to this meadow that then led to another path that led to a 'paradise' according to Chaeyoung and that she didn't want to ruin the surprise.
Chaeyoung didn't tell you two what the end was, but she said that you'll know when you see it and the place will be worth it and to wear some comfortable clothing as it'll take an hour and a half to get there.
As for the other girls, they weren't really to keen on taking a hike so they all stayed behind, knowing that you and her would be safe together and promise to come back before the sun even sets.
You two had your phones, even with the signals being so low, it was to take precaution.
Now Momo wasn't a hiker and was not one to walk long distances without tiring herself out. Ironically being a dancer and with you and her...doing 'certain' exercises, you would have thought that she would be in peak performance.
You'd be wrong.
But there was a reason for going out this far...privacy.
There were only three days left on this vacation and you two (mostly Momo) wanted to get some alone time, to which the girls understood, and here you were.
Not that you both haven't been close together in the previous five days.
Momo and you somehow were able to have each private times during the day. Not much though, but they'll take what they can get.
Two days ago, they were almost caught in the woods behind a tree as you spotted Mina and Chaeyoung taking a hike...and holding hands.
Mina had a backpack on and you both assumed that they were going to have a small meal somewhere...your thoughts led to what the meal exactly was...which got you hard.
Momo and you quickly got dressed and stayed hidden as you saw Mina and Chaeyoung share a kiss together for a few seconds before they continued onward.
Momo figured that you two weren't the only ones getting action during the trip...and that led to Momo asking Chaeyoung about the hike with her brother...and Chaeyoung wasn't the wiser.
"So...you're getting close with the girls." Momo spoke as you nodded while chugging your water canister.
"Yeah," you replied after closing the cap, "they're pretty great to hang with. It's great that you got amazing members to be with," you said as Momo frowned.
You eyed her.
"That a bad thing?"
She shook her head fast.
"No, that's great."
She didn't want to show that any negative emotions, but she couldn't help that you and the others, heck even Tzuyu were getting closer.
Even Sana was calling you (YN)-kun...KUN!
She saw you with Sana and Jeongyeon a lot and just talking as well, she didn't know Jeongyeon would be so keen on you. Sana yeah, but Jeongyeon?!
Then the three youngsters with you while playing random board games and getting to know one another. She saw they you four quickly got in sync, even Tzuyu. Your personalities just mesh well together.
And even Jihyo, Nayeon, and Mina were getting to you as well as you would have individual talks with each of them regarding something about your past or anything sophisticated with them.
Now Momo didn't want to be wary, as she wanted to show you off to them and as long as you or any of them showed...interest that is.
She guessed she only had her to blame for talking about how amazing you were and it was only natural she supposed for them to know you while you were here.
"It's just that you're stuck with...mom and dad back home." She said as she nibbled on some bread as you pursed your lips.
"I wouldn't say stuck Onee-san, but...it's definitely not the same energy as here." You sighed as Momo saw your tone go down more.
"Mom getting harsh on you?" Momo asked.
"Yup. And honestly, I think she's getting harsher. Being her son, I think she's proving to the other staff members that she's not giving me any leniency."
Momo clicked her tongue.
"...You should just leave now (YN)."
You stopped as Momo eyed you. She was very much serious about you leaving, this was a conversation you both had for a while now and now each day since that lake moment.
"Momo I ain't-"
"You know Seoul has colleges here as well. I know you can't just abandon mom like that, but if she's being harsh on you, then what's the point of being there. You hate the job anyway."
"I know Momo, I know."
"...You're still scared?" She asked as you sighed. "You know I'll be there for you (YN)-kun. Anytime, anywhere...unless I'm touring or at an event."
"I know that Momo I know. It's not that I'm scared, it's just I want to be stable first...for you and me." Momo smiled.
"I can't till that happens," Momo said as you hummed, "you and me...in your place all day...we can do whatever we want with no hassle, no mom, no Twice."
"Just like old times." You said as Momo smiled.
"Definitely. I guess it'll be worth the wait." She said as you nodded.
"It will be."
She smiled as she took another bite of her meat as you took one from your bread.
"(YN)?" You looked to her as she gave a soft smile, "I love you."
You smiled.
"Love you too sis." You repeated as Momo placed her meat in the container and came closer to you and she brought her arms around your neck.
"You know I mean it...I can't wait for us to be together." She said as you nodded. Momo then brought her head closer and you both shared a kiss together.
Not a hard one, but a gentle one that had love instead of lust.
Momo then pulled away as she smiled at you.
"Let's eat as we walk." She said.
"Didn't you say you were tired?"
"Yeah, but I want to get to wherever we're going faster...then we can much more time together."
"Hehe, sure thing onee-san." You said as she giggled.
Momo then stood up and got her snack as you did as well and got your bag as you both got up rather quickly and soon was walking towards the destination.
Once more you both found ourselves walking up the hill. Neither of us said anything as she remained close with her in your left arm and head on shoulder.
"I think this is it Momo."
"I think so (YN). It's beautiful." She said.
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What was in front of you felt like a movie or TV scene, a display of a beautiful of the flowing waterfall which mad a small lake that was surrounded by a small beach of warm, almost brownish sand.
Needless to say, it almost looked like paradise.
With the calm noises of falling water soothed him like a lullaby and the soft breeze lightly pressing against your skin as well as the nice tree shade that covered the place, you both were almost completely asleep from the peace of it all.
"Dang...this is peaceful." You said as you dropped your bag as Momo took a deep breath of the air and water.
"Not for much longer." Momo eyed you as you eyed her back.
"Hey let's enjoy the water first alright. If only Chaeyoung had mentioned bringing our swimwear."
"Ah let's just go in naked." Momo said as she strolled along the ground and stepped onto the small sandy beach that surrounded the small lake before she stopped and looked to you.
"Naked? You serious?"
"Oh like you haven't seen my body before (YN)." She countered as you nodded.
"That's...true, but we have to be cautious still."
"Of who? That bird, what about that tree?" She pointed as you sighed. "(YN), it's just two. No one followed us nor are they any person around."
You were able to get a good view of your sister's face and could see a bright smile being spread across her features.
Apparently, she was feeling the same peace you were experiencing.
She then proceeded to remove her shoes off of her slender legs, her white ankle-length socks soon following.
She lets out a small sigh that you could hear as she wriggled her freed toes in the warm sand.
She then unraveled the orange scarf that clung to her neck and dropped it near her discarded footwear. Her shorts also became unbuckled and Momo simply let it fall onto the sand behind her revealing her black panties.
Now leaving her just in her lavender tank top that showed off her midsection and covered just a little past her breasts as well as her black panties.
With that, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off and dropped the discarded shirt to the side with a black bra to go with her bottoms...but that didn't last long as Momo removed her top and her breasts were now in full view for you to see.
She followed up by firmly grabbing black panties and kicked them away and placed a hand on her hip and cocked it. She motioned to her now exposed body before asking you.
"And besides...we're here to get it on. So let's get a head start shall we~"
You smiled as you looked at your onee-san.
From your point of view, Momo looked beyond gorgeous.
With the sunlight falling onto her at just the right angle, her skin started to appear glowing.
She looked like a goddess.
A young and beautiful goddess.
That was all the motivation you needed.
Now snapped out of your daze, you looked around once more as you nodded.
She smiled as you grabbed your silver v-neck and threw it off. After discarding the clothing, you made work of your shoes and sock as you took them off and flung them behind you.
Your shorts and boxers were tugged off slowly and allowed yourself to be fully exposed.
Now that you were fully naked, Momo grinned at the beast of your friend between your legs as you eyed your face.
"Alright, let's get wet first shall we~ It'll be a much better experience." She and you went to under the wall fall. There was water was relatively thin in the middle, so it did not completely overwhelm the two, but it still soaked their forms.
Only the hasty splashes of water being the only sound of the forest other then the calm waterfall.
She rubbed her hands together, now spreading the water around your chest and began to lightly rub her hands across your body.
You attempted to hold in your sighs as your sister lightly rubbed your body and nervously and muscles.
It was when she bent down and began to lightly rub your upper thighs was when the pleasure began to be too much for you to handle.
You let out shaky and uneven breaths as she began to rub dangerously close to your groin.
She smirked in satisfaction as she trailed her way back up to your chest and just let them rest there for a few moments.
The water the came from above lightly landed on the top of both your heads and flowed down to your shoulders then down to your chest as did Momo. By now you two were all but soaked.
"Your turn, (YN)."
You grew a smile as you parroted Momo's earlier movements by using your hands to move their way to grasp her shoulders and rubbed their way down her thin, slender arms.
Momo closed her eyes and happily sighed in contentment as you continued to make your way to her legs and moved up to her abdomen, all while Momo sighed happily yet again.
You then reached the last place on Momo's body that was untouched intentionally, her breasts.
You then grabbed her lobes and ran your hands over them. When Momo threw her head back and gasped, you continued massaging the lobes of flesh, and Momo resumed her pleased sighs.
They remained like this for a while, until Momo held your hands in place, already lost in her ecstasy and turned and she started to look hungrily at your bare chest before she placed one hand over your heart and the other began to caress your face.
"So as nice as the waterfall is. I've been waiting for us (YN)." She said as you nodded.
"You say that everytime you know." You said as she smiled.
"Cause I can't get enough of you...and this place is going to be the best place we've done it yet. So you better bring your A-game alright?"
She gave that sentence with a deviously saucy grin that made your blood outright freeze.
"Don't I always." You said as Momo chuckled.
"Just kiss me (YN)-kun."
And with that, Momo, in her ecstasy, grabbed you by the neck and began to frantically kiss you as she crushed their bodies together in the water
When Momo finally pulled away, the most seductive and hungry look danced in her lilac orbs as she slowly backed you to the rock wall behind them.
Once your back made uncomfortable contact with the rough wall, Momo placed another saucy kiss onto your lips as she jumped up and wrapped her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist.
You felt your erection being in contact by Momo's own slit as you both groaned at the feeling and that...
====================SMUT START====================
...flipped the switch on, your lips and tongue went fast and furious, yet Momo slowed down first.
Before long, you were sandwiched between Momo and her limps, although Momo was the one giving you seductive kisses and trailed her hand down your chest.
And down to other places.
You knew Momo was waiting for this moment...and so were you.
And having her hand feeling your cock in the water was off the charts.
However, Momo just gave you a few more kisses and brushes before backing away from you. Before you knew what was happening, she giggled and was swimming over to the nearby shore.
AN: The small shore in the image.
"Come on~" She looked back as you swam after her. It didn't take long as you eyed her to realize halfway through that she wasn't getting out.
Momo was lying on her left hip on the ground her bottom half-submerged in the water as her upper half remained out in the ground, which couldn't have been that comfortable, but she still oozed seduction anyway.
Following her, you sat on the ground next to her. At that point, she wasted no time in getting herself on top of you.
This wasn't the comfiest position for you, at least below you.
On top, Momo's wet body lying on your and her wet breasts lying on your chest felt pretty good.
So did her lips attacking yours again, and then going to your neck next.
Yet it all paled to when her hand actually got into your shorts.
It didn't take much effort for Momo to pull your cock out, all as her tongue went down to your chest. It finally made you take your eyes off her own chest, as her handwork, tongue work, and sultry brown eyes captured you for the moment.
You had to sit up and try to relax, so you went up, leaving your cock exposed when you sat back down. This was perfect for Momo, who settled down beneath you, took her wet hand out of the water, and started pumping you.
But it wasn't long till Momo's mouth replaced her hand to do to your cock in short order.
Your groans were caught in your throat.
Thank god for the waterfall noise as no other person can hear you two.
You only saw Momo's bare tits for a moment, before she lay back in the water once she sucked your dick again. It was the only time Momo's blowjob could possibly be disappointing.
But when her tongue worked on your head, you figured you could live with it.
You laid back as Momo pumped you, put more water on you and sucked your sensitive shaft down.
"God, you're beautiful..." You sighed heavily as her warm, wet mouth engulfed your dick. She seemed to blush but that could be because she was sucking your dick.
Wrapping her right hand around your dick, your older sister took roughly half of your shaft into her mouth, making a few bobs up and down, flicking her tongue all over your shaft, making sure to liberally coat every part of your helmet.
Momo grinned as she carried on jerking you off.
Taking it up a notch, she took your dick back in her mouth and sucked heavily on your head. Her lips hooked under your mushroom of a dicks head, her tongue then flicking all over the soft, sensitive skin.
Smiling to herself, Momo started to bob up and down, taking more of your cock in as she went.
As your Onee-san's lips suck your dick, she took more of your cock and had to brush past her hand. Putting it on your hip, she seemed more than content to suck like that.
Watching Momo go to work was almost enough for you to bust a nut there and then.
You watched her go to work with a renewed passion. Taking more and more of your dick in her mouth seemed to suit her nicely as she moaned.
"Mmmmm..." She moaned through your shaft, looking up at me she flashed me a grin as she removed her mouth from your dick, then using her left hand she pressed it upwards against your chest and licked from your nuts all the way up to your crown.
She made a few passes of that before changing her mind and moving back to deepthroating me.
Taking her mouth off of your dick one more time, she looked up at you, jerking you off as she did.
"You're doing really well brother~ Guess I'm losing my touch~"
"Trust me...you're doing just f-fine." You said as Momo smirked.
Shrugging, Momo closed her eyes and started to gently slide her sultry tongue along the swollen head of your cock.
She moved her left hand briskly against your shaft, her lips occasionally bumping into her fist as she did so. Grunting, you moved your right hand up and placed it on her head as she slid her tongue over and around the head of your dick.
"Mmmmm Mmmmm..." Momo moaned seductively as she slid her tongue in a circular motion on the head of your cock, quickly jerking her hand back and forth on your shaft.
Moaning heavily, you licked your lips and stroked her hair as she pumped her left hand on while she worked her tongue over the head of your shaft in a perfect fashion.
Momo seemed more than content with this as her soft, luscious lips were obscenely penetrated by your rock hard cock.
It slid perfectly into her mouth and to accompany it, she pressed her lips together lightly, just below the head. With your cock effectively trapped, she started to bob her head back and forth ever so lightly sucking on your shaft, while working her hand on the lower half.
"Ohhhh... Oh shit..." Looking to the sky, you moaned to whatever deity you could think at the time as you could feel Momo on your dick as she pumped her left hand over the lower half.
Momo was content, moaning through the entire blowjob as she pushed her lips tighter against the shaft, lowering her head further down as she briskly bobbed her head. Groaning again, you tilted your head back as she sucked and slurped on your cock.
Momo readjusted herself on the shore and leaned forward able to cram more and more of your dick into her mouth.
Even though the waterfall's water was crashing down, you could hear the sound of Momo's gushing lips as the siren song of Momo's moans filled the lift and bounced along neatly with yours as she lowered her hand to the base of your shaft as she rocked her head back and forth on your member, using smooth but quick head bobs.
"Oh shit...o-okay, now you're better... fuck onee-san..." You said with a content smile, now slightly tugging at her hair as she didn't reply, Momo merely looked up at you, as she lustfully bobbed her head on your cock. 
Her lips made an 'o' shape around your dick as you could see the outline of her tongue going around.
She looked like she was about to stop sucking but opted against it.
Continuing with her cock sucking Momo placed her hands on your ass cheeks and squeezed hard as she sucked your cock.
Now, you're aware you have a lot of stamina but if she carried on like this, you were going to lose it. Her eyes opened for the first time in a while, she looked up at me and then back down at your groin as she repeatedly took your cock deep into her moist mouth.
Holding your dick still with her right hand, Momo withdrew until just the head was left in her mouth and then suddenly winked at you as she removed her lips from your dick completely, she looked up at me as your eyes opened slowly.
"Alright, let me do something else. I think you'll enjoy this."
Moving up on her knees, Momo pulled her top up to just below her breasts and then pushed her large tits against your crotch.
Like a magician, Momo made a few passes up and down before she managed to get your cock inside of her top and into the valley of her cleavage.
"Come on (YN)~" She smiled, winking at you. "cum whenever you want to~"
It was incredibly tempting to just cum straight there and then but you wanted to savor the sensation of fucking your sister's large tits...wow...we are no saint aren't we?
Grunting, you looked to the sky as Momo pushed her jugs together and started to fuck your dick with them.
She started off with slow rises and drops, watching how you react to her. Your dick looked very snug in her impressive cleavage.
She started off with very slow, deliberate rises and falls with her breasts.
Probably so she'd know just how much you could take before you'd blow. A lot if your luck held out. She would press them together lightly and then with a bit more pressure to see if that affected me. It didn't.
Looking up at you, she bit her bottom lip and smirked.
"Someone's holding on~ Why (YN)-kun? Enjoying it that much~" She teased as you grinned at her.
You nodded and watched her get back to work.
She put her hands on her top and pushed her breasts together, making the already tight canal a little bit tighter. She cupped her breasts in her hands and would make one rise up and the other one drop so they were effectively stroking your dick as she went.
She started moving her magnificent mammaries from one side to the other, bringing your dick with them.
You squirm as you willed yourself to live a few moments longer to watch your sister smother your cock as it disappeared into her cleavage. Your reward was to see that her soaked, immense breasts fucking your cock did look as unreal as it felt.
She didn't have to smirk and burn a hole into you with those seductive eyes of hers too.
She didn't have to bend down and lick your head either.
But Momo did those things too.
In return, you pumped your hips forward, hoping to do some of the tit fucking yourself while you could.
"Uh huh~ yeah~ Come on bro," Momo breathed so quietly and so hotly on your head. After the tip of her tongue teased your tip, you couldn't deny her any longer.
It took a few more pumps first, but Momo finally took her tits off and put her mouth back into your cock. You had just enough to reach forward and grab her tits, which pretty much turned the on switch on for your shaft.
"You're not making things easy for me (YN), hurry up and help. I want to get to the fun part~"
So like a madman, you started to mercilessly fuck her breasts.
You weren't allowed to touch them it looked like, as she had pressed them together and was keeping them steady.
"Much better..." you commented as you started to slide your member through her promised land.
She nodded and looked up at you as you fucked her tits. Slowly licking her teeth, Momo then leaned forward and started to playfully bat her tongue against your member as it appeared and disappeared in her cleavage.
"Oh fuck..."
Stepping up the pressure, you could feel the cum start to bubble up in your balls again and Momo looked up at you. She had a huge grin on her face as she saw me biting your bottom lip, eager to blow your load.
"You want to cum (YN)-kun~ Give me a nice big load all over my breasts~" She said, encouraging you as she pressed her large melons together and kept the soft flesh against your cock as it throbbed in her cleavage at all the attention it was getting.
"Cum for me (YN)...cum for me..." She cooed, commentating on your current state...your weakened state.
You closed your eyes and let the orgasm take you.
Groaning, you blew your load.
Rope after rope shot into Momo's chest, face and your torso, splattering against her large breasts. Momo cooed at the amount of cum that tore through the air only to settle on her and her large friends.
She had continued to pump up and down as you came, and seemed determined to milk every last drop of your cum from them.
Catching your breath, you watched as she let your dick slide from her tits and out.
It bounced in the air playfully, still keeping some of its hardness as it did as Momo playfully kissed it before scooping up what cum she could get with her fingers and licking up the cream.
"Hmm~ Now that's what I call a snack and dessert as well...now then," she looked to you. "Get ready to fuck me." It wasn't so much as asking, but ordering as your sister was looking up at you with eager eyes as you nodded.
Momo then grabbed some water and cleaned herself off as she rubbed her nipples and breasts.
"Perfect, now scoot over." Momo praised then laid next to you while you rolled over her.
Now you were on top of you as you stared at one another for mere seconds.
You looked down at her mostly exposed chest, looked back up at her face, then waited for any sign of approval.
"Touch me (YN)...explore me...slowly..."
"Anything..." you hummed.
And so, you reached for her other hip with your left hand and slowly pushed your hands up until your fingertips touched the generous underside of her breasts.
You pushed them higher, following the long curve until you stumbled onto her nipples.
Opening your hands as wide as they would, you closed them around the flesh of your sister's breasts.
You were filled with a surreal dose of pleasure as you exhaled a long moan from grasping the magnificent mounds of your sweet older sister.
Your fingers worked themselves to the bones rubbing, squeezing and massaging Momo's soaked puppies.
You played around with her breasts gently and heard her alternatingly moaning and giggling. You were grinning as you explored her breasts, reveling in this feast.
Letting your hands slip around her sides, you pulled yourself towards her and planted a kiss right between her two large breasts where your cock had just been about a minute ago.
You went slowly and gently, not letting your cheeks touch her breasts, kissing the sides of her breasts and up towards her nipples for a tease as Momo was just giggling.
And then you let your tongue trace a short line upwards, still carefully between her breasts.
And finally, you turned your head and felt the swell of her breast against your lips. And you kissed her again, leaving a wet trail on her mound, going higher and higher until you moved towards your targets.
Suddenly, you felt the rougher and bumpier skin of her areolas, planting small kisses on the new and wonderful skin and you couldn't restrain yourself.
You jumped on her nipple like a lion on their prey.
In a second, Momo's breath caught in her throat and she pulled you closer against her.
Momo moved slightly from side to side, making your cock slip against her hot skin as you kept on eating her breasts. You slid both your hands down to her hips again and pulled her up.
Your cock was now touching her knees, but that wasn't what you really had in mind.
As much as you could have squeezed her chest all day, you needed one hand free for the next step. You let your left hand take the sacrifice and go underwater, while your right did all the tit groping.
Of course, given how Momo was halfway underwater, she was wet well before you rubbed her nub and you took it with your forefinger and thumb, and sucked down and pushed up her right tit at the same time.
"Oh yeah...oh your fingers are magical (YN)-kun~," Momo asked, and you complied by putting your forefinger in her.
After a few more suckles on her nipple, you reluctantly stopped and went up to her neck. But you kissed and nibbled it while holding her tit and finger-fucking her pussy all at once, so neither of you complained.
"Ahh~, Oh~ (YN)...ooh..." Momo kept squirming in place.
However, you needed extra help working her pussy.
After a few final love bites on her neck, you backed away slightly from Momo. This gave you room to reach down and put both hands that were barely grazing the water, and on her pussy. Now both sets of fingers were working on her. which made her arch her back and moan, perfect enough for you to bend your head down and work her chest again.
This time you paid attention to her neglected left breast, suckling and kissing it and pulling her nipple with your teeth.
Your tongue worked less fast in teasing and batting her nipples around, but your teeth helped make up for it. Soon, the rest of your mouth joined in.
Once you suckled it all better, you went back and forth putting your left and right forefingers in her, then your left and right thumbs.
Momo couldn't help herself as grab her own tits, then rub them up and down your face. She groped them and rubbed them against me, as all you had to do was lick between them and shake your head as you were motorboating Momo.
Momo tried to tit fuck your head as she did with your cock, while her hips thrust up against your fingers. When you went lower to lick and suckle the undersides of her breasts, she had enough.
"N-no more...go lower, no more fingers...your tongue..." she insisted as you could only smile.
As wonderful as her breasts had been, and they truly were, you followed her orders.
You pushed yourself off of her and went lower as you took in the body of Momo as she was watching you, right on the edge with her legs all open and willing.
You move and drag your body over her belly button and being eye to eye with her abs. You placed soft kisses in and around her belly button as you put your tongue in.
She gasped above you and spread her legs more.
You felt her hand against your head pushing you lower and you obliged. When you arrived at your destination you stopped and admired her wonderful pussy.
The soft lips and her clit already poking out, she definitely needed this and you were lucky to be the one to take care of such needs.
With that being said, you dove deep between her hot thighs and felt your tongue parting her outer lips, inner lips, and snaking your way into her delicious pussy, Momo pulled your head hard against her, whispering, "Fuck this is so good~"
Up until that point, Momo's foot had been on your ground, but after those first few moments, she pulled her leg higher up and placed it on your shoulder. You felt one of her hands leaving your head, probably to grab the ground for better leverage.
Momo began a long series of moans, giggles, and groans of pleasure, all punctuated by many short commands:
"More, deeper, harder, deeper! oh! There! oh yes, again, again, again!"
Minutes passed by as you ate her, drinking as much of her juices as you could. Eventually, her voice rose with each of "agains" and you felt her curl her fingers around your hair and pulling you closer still.
You ran my tongue from the bottom of her pussy all the way to the top; letting your tongue rest on her clit for a few seconds before repeating the movement.
"Oh Shit." She moaned. "You're way too good at that. It's not fair!"
You just smiled to yourself as your tongue continue to reacquaint itself with Momo's folds. Her juices were running all over and you enjoyed how sweetly she tasted.
You ran a finger around her opening and heard her moaning a little louder above you as you pushed a finger into her soaking wet pussy, whether from her own or the water in the lake you didn't know and sped up your tongue on her clit.
"Ahh~ Ahh~ Oh!!"
You weren't going to stop as your head and mouth buried yourself into Momo.
When you came off to catch your breath, you put your hands back underwater, then lifted them up and reached around Momo to hold her ass. Once they held onto her drenched backside, you dove back into her drenched center.
Momo moaned and put both her hands on the back of your head, all as her hips thrust forward. "Oh fucking god...way better than fingers," Momo commented, gyrating her hips now.
You squeezed her ass harder as my tongue burrowed deeper, which made her go, "Fuck, shit! Okay...okay stop stop..."
You stopped as Momo removed her hands from your head and backed away, making you let go of her ass.
However, she then laid down on her stomach and presented it to me, her ass lying on the edge of the pool and her legs hanging in the water.
"You know what to do~"
"Which one?"
"Both brother, both. I want you to satisfy me in each way~" She said as you smirked and nodded.
"Anything." You said as Momo smiled.
Now that you could eat her out from behind, you put my hands back on her ass and soaked it anew, right as my tongue went back on her pussy.
Momo bucked her hips back while you squeezed her and tongue fucked her, though she went faster when you figured her asshole needed attention.
Momo was idly playing with one of her nipples as you made my way closer to her ass.
Your tongue traced around her buttcheek as it moved towards her arsehole, the puckered area calling to you. Momo moaned some more as she paired her moans with her hips grinding into your face.
As your tongue reached her arsehole, Momo let out a grasp and she pushed her ass back into your face.
"Ohh~ god baby brother, I love it! Tongue it!" Momo screamed as your tongue licked around her hole.
You continued to dig around her ass with your tongue as the water from the lake was making it all too easy to just rim her without any need of lube or spit.
Momo's breath became more intense as her body ground into the sand in time with your tongue action. You reached your hand around to her bald pussy and could feel her massaging her own clit. You knew how hard she liked it so you dropped your fingers down to her slit and slid them inside her once more.
"Oh my God, yes (YN)!. Make me cum like this please!"
Following her instructions, you thrust your fingers into her pussy quickly to match the pace she was rubbing her clit.
You continued to tongue her arsehole, rubbing the end around her brown hole as her moans got louder; punctuated by a scream. Your sister got louder and louder as your fingers got deeper into her pussy.
"Oh yes, yes, yes! I'm cum...cumming!"
You felt Momo push back further back onto your fingers as they became covered in her juices.
Momo pushed through her orgasm before sliding off your hand and collapsing onto the ground. You lapped her up and got her dry of cum in the peace and solitude. After you were done, you ran your hands up and down Momo's legs before she rolled onto her back and looked back to you as knelled.
Momo smiled and nodded as you grinned.
"Very nice...now onto the main event." Momo then perched herself on all fours as she winked at you, "stuff my ass."
You nodded your head and grabbed Momo roughly by the hips.
She wanted to explode and you were damn sure you were going to make it a memorable one.
You slid your cock into her wet asshole with little ease as she moved her head to look forward.
"Oh you're always so big (YN)-kun~" She squirmed and moaned instantly as the girth of your cock filled her anus.
Your thighs parted hers with ease as your stiff cock laid along her ass crack, the bulbous head at her puckered asshole. You both made loud gasping noises as you made a steady pelvic thrust and your crown entered her rectum, stretching it wide.
You held onto Momo's hips as you pushed the full length of your cock into her, allowing Momo's moans to maneuver into squeals. You could see her hands and fingers gripping into the sand as her tight ass pushed back into you.
"Oh that's it (YN)...slow...just slow..."
You pulled out of her and left the tip of your penis pointed squarely at her opening. You caught her gazing back at you and watched those beautiful eyes of hers from behind.
You slid into her once more and watched as those eyes closed and mouth opened silently in pleasure.
As you looked at her and admired how absolutely perfect she looked, you decided you didn't want to rush things and began to leisurely fuck her by moving in and out of her with long smooth thrusts.
You could feel yourself spreading apart her tight opening with every thrust as her insides became wetter and slicker.
After a few moments, you watched as Momo pushed herself back to meet your thrusts. You held her there for a few moments as she grinded herself against you, desperate to have you all the way inside of her.
Momo eventually let out a soft cry of pleasure as you sank your penis up to the hilt inside of her and then continued to do so time and time again. You continued to feel her the walls of her vagina tightening with every thrust as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
As you remembered yesterday, her breasts bounced back and forth underneath her as you both fucked, you couldn't help but lean forward and hastily grab one in your hand.
You squeezed her firm tit roughly in your hand and pinched her nipple with delight causing her to let out another soft cry.
Not content that she was enjoying this to her maximum potential, you reached around with your other hand lightly ran your fingers over her swollen clitoris.
Momo moaned and began to bite her lower lip.
Enjoying the pleasure she got from it, you continued rubbing the sensitive little nub. Without warning, you gently took her clit between your thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze it gently; her reaction was as you expected.
She cried out loudly in ecstasy whilst trying pushing herself away from your fingers and back against your eagerly awaiting penis.
The rough way in which she slammed her arse back against your hips, causing you to sink all the way inside of her was enough for you.
Momo must have sensed it too since she immediately reached back with both hands and held your hips in place so that you remained firmly inside of her.
There was a glint of light that caught your eye and Momo turned her head to you.
"Pull my hair while you fuck me, I want it rougher on your cock." Momo commanded as she pushed back to continue the thrusting motion.
Hey; if Momo wanted that, you were not going to be the one to disappoint.
You wrapped the end of her hair around your hand and pushed your cock deeply into your sister's asshole. Her head was down for the moment so you continued to push into her and hear her moans continue.
They were slowly building up to a concerto and you knew it would soon be the time.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she moaned almost silently. "C-cum inside...inside...me," she said between labored breaths.
"Anything..." you spoke.
You felt myself tighten up before you coated her insides with your semen.
Unfortunately for Momo, or perhaps, fortunately, your fingers were still on her clitoris at the time, and your orgasm only made you squeeze it harder.
You could feel her anus tightening with each thrust around your cock as her off as her orgasm hit her.
Momo's reaction this time was borderline violent as she let out almost the loudest cry I'd ever heard from her as her body shot up straight and she flattened herself against you.
You felt a fresh wave of wetness envelop your penis as her whole body tensed up in the midst of a toe-tingling orgasm.
You remained there for several moments; you standing up straight with your penis still inside of her as she began to slump forward again, still quivering her orgasm.
"V-very nice...now...sit on your butt and cross your legs, but get in the water more." Momo commanded as you nodded.
You then went backward and sat on your butt, feeling the water on your lower half as Momo crawled to you and got on her knees, seeing the water go up and down your cock as your head was appearing and disappearing.
She reached up and put her hands on your shoulders, holding on while she lifted her body up and wrapped them around you. All you could do was try to keep still as Momo lined herself upon you. But you still used my hands to keep your cock steady, as Momo began taking you in.
Your hands then went to her waist, giving you something to hold onto as well as she wrapped her legs around your waist as Momo started to ride you.
Hopefully, that wasn't all you could do in this position. Momo could conceivably do much of the work, yet you had to be good for something else. Still, being halfway buried into her felt good at this moment.
After a few thrusts helped you get completely in, it really sunk in as much as Momo was.
You watched in amazement as Momo's busty supermodel body rode you underwater, while her sultry, sexy face and wet hair shone under the bright sky.
Your tongues glided together as your hands slid just as effortlessly up and down her body.
When they got down to her ass, you tried your hand at giving it a little squeeze under the water.
In response, Momo put her left hand underwater and slid it down your chest, then reached lower and nearly got your balls.
Once she brushed a finger on them, you were able to set the pace for a while.
With Momo's head arched back and her tits popping up from the water again, you laid your head on her shoulder and watched yourself grab them again. You could have watched that the whole time, but there was too much else to enjoy.
"Hmm...nah the water ain't helping. Thought it be hotter." She said as you stopped and eyed her. "It's not you by the way." You nodded. "Let's lie down on the sand again." You just nodded once more as Momo took herself off you and crawled backward on the shore.
Much of your bodies were out of the water now, which admittedly made you a little cold after all this time. Nevertheless, you could see just how dripping Momo was all over as you settled back onto her.
Momo watched you the whole time, with one hand on your head and another behind her own.
As you moved back up, you placed a hand over her left breast and felt her heartbeat pulse beneath your hand.
You looked up and down her body with lust and longing.
You moved on top of her and soon felt her fingers wrap around your fully erect penis.
It hovered there, mere inches above the opening of her vagina.
Momo watched you all the way as she slowly guided you into her opening and all but begged you to push it inside of her. With one hand still on her breast and another holding her thigh, you entered her with one long fluid movement.
Warmth engulfed your body as you remained imbedded inside of her for several long seconds. Your eyes were locked and as you pulled out of her before pushing back in, you watched her mouth open silently and her eyes cry out in pleasure.
You began to settle into a slow rhythm and moved in and out of her at will.
Momo kept her legs spread wide as she could and pulled you in close.
You were determined to maintain a slow and steady pace as Momo began to moan quietly. You were soon moving in and out of her with ease as her pussy became soaking wet.
You held your body against hers, savoring the warmth from her skin and the feeling of her breasts pushed up against your chest.
You continued to quietly fuck with only the sounds of your cock slapping against her slit and her quiet moans filling the area beside the water.
Pinned under your weight, Momo flattened her feet in the sand and grabbed fistfuls of the fine granules as her body made a sizeable indentation as she was banged harder into the soft surface.
With your hand still on her chest, you could feel her heartbeat growing quicker and quicker. You continued to go slowly but slowly began to thrust inside of her with increasing force.
At the height of each thrust, you held yourself deep inside before pulling out slowly. Momo began to softly cry out in pleasure right into your ear as she always did, breathing her hot breath into your ear. Soon she was begging you to go harder and faster.
"Harder! Faster! Make me cum (YN)!" she pleaded.
You didn't disappoint and decided it was time for both of us to get our release.
You braced yourself against her body and began to vigorously assault her tight wet opening. Those first few thrusts caught her by surprise as she cried out loudly and gripped your body tightly against her own.
She squirmed beneath your body as you felt myself build towards an orgasm. For a moment, you felt myself slip out of her.
You looked down for a moment to see her vagina; soaking wet and twitching ever so slightly as she all but begged you to enter her again. You guided the tip of your cock into her slit once more and almost at once, you both wrapped our arms around each other and prepared yourselves.
Momo groaned and snapped her head back into the ground as she felt penetrated with your entire length.
"Give it to me..." She demanded in a throaty growl.
You certainly obliged and fucked the petite girl with fast and hard thrusts that saw your rod ram in before pulling back nearly all the way.
Your bodies moved against one another as Momo's back and bottom as she was slammed into repeatedly with considerable force.
The water made it easy for you to be speared by you as she creamed and bubbled around the fat shaft. Your arms pinned her slim legs back up to her ears and her beautiful body arched as you drove up inside her faster and deeper.
"Won...der...full!" Momo breathed as your groin sawed back and forth on her inflamed clit.
Your balls were now slapping her upturned bum as the pair of them glistened in a sheen of perspiration.
Desiring you to fuck her even deeper, your sister reached out her arms and grabbed onto your clenched buttocks with both hands.
Momo felt an orgasm build in intensity as you rubbed on her pubic bone with your weight, and her face glowed with satisfaction. Then, when you began a subtle rotation of your hips and made your cock pound her cunt with a spiral twist, Momo lost it.
She moved with you, fucking her hips up at you as she drenched your cock with another of her squirting orgasms.
Her pussy shot out and his cock and balls were soaked with her fluids.
"FUCK!" Cried Momo as you were groaning with yours as well.
With every long, hard thrust, you were ready to burst until finally, you felt yourself squirting your semen deep inside of her.
You grunted loudly and was ready to collapse on top of her.
She kept her hold on your butt as she shook her head.
"No, not yet, one more, please one more..."
Not wanting to disappoint your sister, you forced yourself to continue to thrust in and out of her.
You could feel her insides soaked with our respective juices and with every thrust, you could hear a soft squelching sound as it began to ooze out of her.
You knew you couldn't last much longer as all your energy began to leave you at once. But as you placed your hands on her hips and pushed yourself to her and forced to go as deep inside of her as possible, you suddenly felt her body tense up as every muscle began to stiffen.
You knew instantly what this meant, having witnessed it countless times before.
First came the tensing up, then came the nails across your back, then the long cry of pleasure directly into your ear and then her legs wrapping tightly around your waist before finally a fresh wave of moisture came pouring out, mingling with your own semen before it gushed out of her.
A cry of pure ecstasy continued to fill your ears until she was all spent. You were about to roll off of her body, but she immediately held you in place and gasped between deep breaths,
"No...don't move...just stay there...just stay there."
You did as you were told and just laid on top of her, her heart racing beneath you, her hot breath against your ear, and your collective juices oozing out of her.
Your cock remained relatively stiff inside of her for some time as you both just laid there together; naked, sweating and our groins covered in cum.
"I love you, ototo..." she said, smiling.
"I love you too onee-san."
Momo stopped moving for a moment, looking at you with a smile on her lips as she leaned closer and kissed you very gently on the lips.
Momo giggled as she nestled her face against her brother's neck.
She giggled again when she felt your cock twitching one last time inside her.
Momo was lying under you, feeling their glistening bodies sliding slowly against one another. Her long hair was all over or sticking onto her face and shoulders, damp still from their sweat.
They were both still breathing quite hard and she relived, again and again, the very erotic and masculine sounds of her brother's moans and groans as you had climaxed inside her.
Many times in the week, the siblings had had sex together, they had been forced to be silent. But today, all alone on this very secluded lake, neither of them had tried to reign in the very natural sounds of their climaxes.
Shifting her weight over him, she felt your cock move inside her again as well as a gob of sperm leaking down her inner thigh.
She slipped her hands under your neck and hugged you hard.
=====================SMUT END=====================
After a while, she relaxed her hold just a bit and pulled her head back. Staring into your eyes for a moment, she then kissed you.
And she felt her heart thundering in her chest as she felt your own passion.
And this time it wasn't sexual passion.
Oh no.
This was pure love.
After having let lust and desire guide them towards each other yesterday, Momo had felt herself opening up to her feelings and desires she had never felt possible.
As their tongues and lips merged and melded into one another in this heady kiss, Momo stopped thinking and enjoyed the perfect moment.
Momo remained still beneath you as you began to lazily kiss her on the lips.
She responded weakly but still made the effort to slip her tongue into your mouth. You remained like this for some time until you felt your penis finally become flaccid before finally rolling off her body.
You became aware that she was looking at you.
You returned her gaze and placed your hand on her face, just above her neck.
You both lay together for some time, just staring into each other's eyes.
Momo looked at you longingly before looking to the sky.
"I hate this (YN)..."
You were confused.
"...You leaving."
You pursed your lips and nodded slowly in agreement before you said something that she didn't really want to hear.
"I know Momo. Gomen but I'll come back soon."
Momo huffed as she sat up and in a sharp tone.
"When? Next year?" She said as your shoulders fell.
Momo realized her sudden temper and her facial expression changed as she looked at you.
"Gomen, I didn't mean to say it like that." She said as she looked forward and brought her knees up to her body. Her breasts now pressed against her knees and thighs as you sat up to be near her.
You kissed her forehead as you massaged and held your older sister.
It was understandable that she was upset.
"I know you're upset Momo, believe me, I'm not faring well either."
"Then just move here."
You sighed...not this topic again.
"Momo you know I can't. Not just yet."
"Well, I can't wait for you (YN)."
You both were at a standstill as Momo's body went up and down with each breath.
"Momo. You know that there's nothing I want more than to be with you as well." You said when Momo hung her head. "I love you very much Momo. You don't think I'm feeling what you're feeling over there as well. Alone."
Your expression softened as Momo eyes were tearing up. You knew that it wasn't the lake water.
"A year is a lot (YN)...I'm scared that you'll-that you'll move on from me...I'm scared that-"
You got on your knees and you brought your hands into her cheeks as you forced her to look at you. She did so with no attempt to fight.
You saw the hurt in her eyes...bleak as you gently leaned down and kissed her on the lips as you pulled away after a few good seconds.
"Momo. I would never do that. I've been telling you that it's always been you and me. Has this last week not proven it? The past years since our first night?"
Momo avoided your gaze as she looked towards the sand.
"I-I'm sorry. I know you love me and I love you (YN)...but I can't just wait year after year for you."
"It's a lot to ask for, it's your life...but I need you by my side (YN)" your shoulders fell as Momo hunched till only her eyes were visible, "I need to see you every day, to be with you (YN)-kun. You're just on my mind 24/7 and when I'm feeling down or stressed or anything negative... I think of you. And it sucks that I can only think of you and not be with you. I have my group, but as I told you on the first day here (YN), you're the reason why I keep pushing myself. You're the reason why I'm here. You're everything to me...and not just as a brother."
"You're someone I need (YN)-kun. Someone who was there to help me...who was there to give me a shoulder to cry on, to comfort me, to be at my side whenever you could to just make sure that I don't feel an ounce of negativity." Ironically Momo said as she was getting close to that, "to cook for me, aid me with my practices, to tuck me into bed, to make sure that each day was stress-free and enjoyable, to lift my spirits up with your encouragement... and I miss those days (YN)...when it was you by my side.  We have countless hours of phone calls, facetime, messages...but I don't want to do those, I want the actual (YN) with me in my arms and me in yours."
You didn't say anything...couldn't more like.
Her voice was getting torn as was your emotions as she lifted her head above her knees, but still not looking at you.
"I-I thought I could do it...being here and doing what I love alone with you back in Japan...but each day when it just gets to me. I felt hurt that I couldn't just come home and just be with you. I couldn't even do it on Sixteen! I couldn't go one hour without having you in my mind or wanting to hear you talk to me. I don't call you just to let you know of what's going on, but to just hear your voice, to hear you compliment me personally on our live videos or some dance practice, to hear you soothe me even if that wasn't your intention."
"..." You were still speechless...was all that really true...
"That's what hurts me the most (YN)...is that I can't come home and expect my perfect brother, my perfect lover, my-my one and only that I can go to and know that whenever I do, I know I'll only feel loved." Momo's grip on her legs tightened. "and for us to be separated for so long...I can't be away from you (YN) and I know I sound obsessed, but I need more days like this...more nights, more love...especially now...and only you can give me that (YN)."
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She looked at you...her eyes piercing yours as all you could do was helplessly watch your sister's wall just crumble.
"I love you (YN)-kun...I love you more than you know...and I mean it from the bottom of my heart that I want you to be here...I'll pay for whatever or do what I can...but please...please stay with me..."
This was like that night...Momo was telling you how she felt and boy were you feeling it.
You knew she wanted you to stay, but for her to be this upset at you not being here...it honestly killed you.
So...part three is in the works, but it’s not much to work with at the moment BUT I do know what I want in it. 
The next one will involve your and Momo's parents and a few...surprises.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. Vote/Comment and thanks again.
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years ago
MoChaeng (Momo x Chaeyoung) - “Engraved Within Ourselves”
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After nearly 4 months of not giving any update in this book, I'M BACK!
I'll be starting to update this as sooner as I can because I decided to give equal attention now on updating all of my books whilst trying to insert my hobby of writing stories on my free time between my schoolworks.
No more wasting time, let's get right into it with this newly made MoChaeng one-shot of mine nozesimp here's your request sis!
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Momo has just completed serving a client of hers 45 minutes ago, which would only lead her to one remaining customer she needs to serve before she closes her tattoo shop.
To wait, she sat in front of her desk, eating some beef jerky while watching a dance performance of one of her favorite shows called "World Of Dance".
At the right timing, she was about to switch to another new video when she heard the bell on top of her steel door clang, signalling a movement coming from a person who must've opened it.
She looked to the side where she saw a short-heighted woman with blonde long hair wearing a white Calvin Klein sports bra, black fitted shorts, some pair of white sneakers and a black vest to top it all off.
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Momo can't deny that this woman looks hella cool and... smoking hot. She has this chic aura that illuminated her just as when her eyes landed on her appearance.
The cool looking last customer of hers gently bowed at her in respect which Momo returned the same gesture as she stood up from her seat after turning off her phone.
"Hello, I would like to have a new tattoo."
"Sure ma'am, do you have a preferred design with you?"
Momo watched the woman tugged out some paper out of her pocket. She unfolded it and presented it to the artist.
Momo's mouth agaped when she saw the content of the paper she received.
It was an astounding drawing of a mermaid looking creature with some few strange additional features on it, and what got it very detailed was the inclusion of the colors on each parts.
"W-wow... did you draw this ma'am?", Momo said as her eyes still fixated at the drawing she's holding.
"I just wanna say that this is so impressive. I like how you sketched the design on your own."
"So... do you have any specific body parts for me to place this on you?"
"My left shoulder please.", the blonde girl poked the spot she was referring.
"Alright. Well you can take a seat for a moment and fill these required information regarding our service today while I prepare all my equipments, is it fine to you miss?"
"No problem at all.", she shook her head.
"Okay. Thanks for being patient, I'll get things ready now.", Momo heads onto her tattoo room to organized everything she'll have to use while the customer sat on the vacant guest chairs placed in front of Momo's desk and started filling up the paperwork before scrolling down in social media as she waits.
Few minutes later, Momo has finally get everything settled. She only stepped once to call her customer as she can have her basically hear what she's about to say anyway because her place was just perfectly small.
"Miss, you can now come here."
The customer nodded in comply. She stood up and walked through the entrance of Momo's tattoo room where she roamed her eyes around to see some cabinets, a tattoo chair that kinda has a similarity to what is being used from getting a tooth removal by a dentist and a metal push-over table where all of the ink caps and the needle are laid perfectly.
"You can sit now on the chair, miss.", Momo instructed and the customer quickly followed.
"What's your name by the way, miss?"
"It's Son Chaeyoung, but you can just call me Chaeyoung."
"I'm Hirai Momo, you can call me just Momo too."
"Your name-"
"Yeah, I'm not Korean. Japanese, to be specific."
"That's interesting.", she ooh-ed and made her posture comfortable on the chair as Momo began wiping a rubbing alcohol on her skin. She took our some tiny bits of hair attached using a razor to ensure that the tattoo location would be very clean and smooth for her to draw.
Momo then sticked the stencil she made with Chaeyoung's picked design on it through her bare shoulder. She moistened it with water, swiping her fingertips across the surface of the stencil to press the stencil further on her skin before pulling it off, with its purple inks outlining the design now left on Chaeyoung's skin.
The outlining has started when Momo grabbed the needle with black ink contained inside, puncturing the skin of Chaeyoung who is just sitting relaxingly on the chair, since this isn't her first time taking a tattoo.
"You may be the first customer I ever encountered who gave me such a design illustrated with your own sketching.", Momo inserted a topic to talk about as to lessen the awkwardness filling around them.
"Oh? You serious?"
"Yeah. Most of them just shows it to me with their prepared images or they pick what they like through my book that consists of some different tattoo designs. But you... you're different to me.", Momo chuckled.
"Glad to be your most unique customer you ever had.", Chaeyoung smiled at the information.
"I just moved on to that apartment there at the corner of the street few days ago. I was exploring the new surrounding to get accustomed of then luckily, I found this tattoo shop of yours which I decided to take a visit and try."
"Oh there? So you only live near from here then."
"Yeah. I guess we're neighbors now?", she shrugged.
"Oh no no, my shop is just located here but my house is two streets away.", Momo denied.
"Ahhh okay.", Chaeyoung pursed her lips.  "You know, good thing I discovered this place. Looking nice from inside out."
"I'm thankful that you decided to give my business a try.", Momo grinned.
"All fine here. Perhaps this won't be the last of me visiting here. I'm liking the service of yours so far.", Chaeyoung smirked which costed a blush from Momo.
"Will do anything f-for my customers to be satisfied, that's why.", Momo sheepishly remarked.
Momo finished outlining the design before switching a machine to use for the next procedure which is coloring and shading.
"If that so then I'll be happy to be your regular customer.", Chaeyoung said in a jokingly manner despite being real with it.
Momo sweared that this girl doesn't fail to make her smile easily whenever she speaks which gives her a very nice feeling of communicating with her.
Now that it urged her to continue talking with her, she proceeded their flow of conversation with another topic. "So, Chaeyoung... it seems like you love drawing."
"Ofcourse. That's the skill I have which I mostly use as my hobby."
"We're just the same then. That's why I built this to use my artistic ability for a better purpose... through tattooing."
"Great idea you have there, Momo. Because of that, well for sure you are definitely earning some rightful amount of money these days."
"Yup. Enough to make my stomach full as always by buying food.", Momo giggled which Chaeyoung snorted at her revelation.
After half an hour later, Momo successfully placed a new tattoo for Chaeyoung after she completed the coloring of the design.
"Here you go. It's done."
Chaeyoung peeked at her shoulder and she was impressed at Momo flawlessly copied the sketch she wanted to imprint on her skin as a new tattoo to flex.
"Woah, this looks just like what I gave you!", Chaeyoung stated in awe as she admired her new fresh tattoo. She reaches for her phone and captured her shoulder to post it later on her social media account, also planning to mention Momo's business to recommend also to others in repay for good service.
"You did a great job, Momo. I loved it."
"I'm so happy to hear that you feel like it, Chaeyoung. Thank you so much."
Momo grabbed the ointment on the table and opened it, scooping some little amount as she smeared it all over the fresh tattoo to prevent infection.
The bandage was placed next as she wrapped it, treating it as if like just a wound that's needed a first aid treatment.
Momo taped it to end her duty for Chaeyoung who raised herself up from the chair, adjusting her coat before both of them walked out of the room.
Chaeyoung passed the signed papers to Momo including the payment for that particular type of design. Momo returned her the change.
"Thank you once again for coming, Chaeyoung. You're such a big help too. I actually only needed one last customer to wrap up everything here."
"Is that so? Well, good thing I did. A fair benefit for the both of us.", Chaeyoung beamed. "Thank you also for your service and it's nice to meet you too, Momo. You got me hooked on this now girl, I'll be visiting here from now on whenever I feel taking a new one."
"I'll be here always to give you what you want, Chaeyoung.", Momo smiled.
"Just call me Chae, consider this as we know each other now so might as well let's be comfortable with the name calling."
"Oh okay. Then Momoring would be fine for me too."
"Got it. Soooo.... wait what's your age?"
"Oh... i'm 23, so that makes you my unnie then.", Chaeyoung realized. "Back to what I was really to say uhm, can I get the name of your shop if by any instances, you made a profile in social media?"
"I did. It's also named Peach's Tattoo Place."
Chaeyoung typed it on the e-note in her phone. "There. I have it. I'll tag you on my post later, maybe I can attract some friends of mine to try coming here too."
"I appreciate the consideration, Chae. Thank you. Really, I am."
"No problem, Momo-unnie. You deserve it.", Chaeyoung flashed a thumbs up. Momo smiled at the younger's honorific mention.
"I have to go home now, bye Momoring!"
"Bye Chaeyoung. Take care!", both of them waved their hands at one another as Chaeyoung opened the door and exited the place, leaving Momo all alone again.
"Her personality amongst her looks just fits on her. Lucky to met a great person like her today.", Momo spoke to herself as the images of her first moments together with Chaeyoung appeared in her mind.
She smiled of it before heading on to clean all her equipments so that she can finally go home and rest.
Momo presented the inside of her bag to the guard before thanking and greeting him a good morning as she entered the dance studio.
Walking down in the lobby, a woman catches her presence around and excused herself to a staff she's talking just to catch on Momo.
Momo sensed that someone was walking alongside her, and when she looked who it is; she recognizes her immediately.
"Hey, Sakura."
"Hi, Momo-unnie. This is your first day being a solo instructor in your class, right?"
"Sadly, yes.", Momo's smile wore off in her face. It made her remember again that her previous co-dance instructor recently resigned in the studio with her decision all cleared up that she wants to spend her time now mostly with her husband that she's now engaged with.
"I'm gonna miss Sana teaching beside me but... it is what it is. What matters is that she told me we'll be keeping in touch still."
"Well that's good to know, unnie.", Sakura responded positive. "You got this unnie! C'mon don't forget that you're the best dancer we ever have here. Alone or not, you can ensure that those students will improve because of your masterful teaching."
"Hey hey, easy with the praises Sakura-chan.", Momo halts her friend's rapid-fire compliments which earned a bubbly laughter to her. "I may be the best if that's what you all can see me, but still it's way better than to have someone be there on your side to help you. I mean, I still feel quite nervous that I can't handle all 40 students by myself since this is my first time."
"I hope they can find someone for me though.", Momo added as she spoke it with pure hopefulness.
"It can be sooner or later, but as you wait I know you'll try your best to teach those students of yours very well. Fighting unnie!"
"Thanks, Sakura-chan. But before I do that, I gotta cheer up them first. They may still bringing the news with heavy sadness knowing that one of their favorite teacher is gone.", Momo elicited a tight-lipped smile. "Class won't go smoothly if those students has their mood aren't in good condition."
Momo paused at the door in front of her dance practice room as she turned around to see Sakura stopped walking and stood behind her. "I'll be going in. Thanks for lifting my spirit, Sakura-chan."
"Hehe, always for my big oneechan! Fighting!", she raised her fist up with jolly.
"Fighting!", Momo did the same gesture.
Sakura patted Momo's shoulder before walking back to the lobby to leave Momo who entered her class where her students are just talking with each other, some were focused on their cellphones or playing a random game together to keep theirselves entertained while waiting.
They all noticed Momo's arrival in the room, making them all stand up and greet their respected instructor with a bow.
"Hello and good morning Momo-senpai!"
"Hello and good morning too class. You may now sit down.", she told as she placed her bag on top of her large speaker.
Momo was busy guiding her students the dance choreography of the chorus part for NewJean's OMG when the lesson got interrupted with few knocks on the door.
She looked around and there, she saw her sister Hirai Hana, the founder of Hirai Dance Company standing there with her gym attire.
"Psst, Momoring. Can I give you a moment?", her sister asked her.
The class saw the higher up, immediately providing a polite greeting and a bow to her which made Hana smile sweetly.
"Thank you class, good morning to you all too."
"What's up, oneechan?"
"Seems like this is my first time seeing you teaching by yourself. Sana parted ways with the company, right?", Hana said. Momo nodded sadly which was contagious since the students felt down hearing about that.
"Sooo since you don't have a co-instructor together with you... then that only mean one thing, and that is to find a new replacement for you.", Hana pointed her hand at her little sister. The class began reacting with some fascinating oohs and others whispering to each other.
"But thankfully, we have one fully set for you, sis."
"Yeah, you know I can't stand seeing you do much of a hardwork to probably cause stress in you.", Hana said, making Momo feel touched at how caring her sister like she always is. "So I made a phone call last night with somebody to accept her application and just earlier this morning, she signed the contract and I let her begin today as our new member of the company.", Hana narrated.
"And right now, she's with me.", Hana glanced to her side. Momo along with her whole class wondered who might that be since that person is hiding from the wall beside the door, maybe to build anticipation.
"You can now show yourself to them."
Hana instructed to that someone and it followed, slowly revealing herself to everyone.
Momo's eyes widened in surprise when she initally recognized the lady who just stood beside her sister.
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And when the latter had eye contact to Momo, she shared a same reaction as her.
"Momoring, this is Son Chaeyoung, the new replacement for Sana as your co-instructor for your class.", Hana introduced Chaeyoung to her. Little does her older sister know that she already met the woman beside her yesterday as her customer in the tattoo shop.
"H-hi, I-I'm Hirai Momo... pleased to meet you.", she stuttered, trying to disguise herself like she haven't know Chaeyoung yet.
Chaeyoung on the other hand, was stiffling her laughter to burst out at how Momo looked ridiculous on her pretend.
All she just did is to bow after at her too.
"I'll leave her to you now, sis. I still have class to teach.", Momo and Hana exchanged nods at one another before she urged Chaeyoung to enter the room.
Slowly walking towards Momo who playfully bounced her eyebrows, making her snigger; both of them faced the students.
"Class, you heard what my sister said, Miss Son here will join us offically as our new co-instructor. So please, take care of her and treat her with kindness and respect just like what you guys do to me okay?", Momo said to the class who are listening attentively.
"Yes, Miss Hirai!", the class chanted.
"Your turn, Chae.", Momo encouraged, patting her on the wrist.
"Nice to meet you everyone, don't worry and scared from me. I am very willing to interact and get to be close with everyone of you and I promise that as provider of Teacher Momo's assitance, I will do my best to help you all improve your dancing skills to become a talented dancer or better, to be just like us who can teach their own dance class in the future. Sounds good, class?"
"Yes, Miss Son!", the whole class agreed.
"Okay, all of you can rest for a while. Me and Miss Son will just talk okay?", Momo directed.
As the class now on the break, she and Chaeyoung faced to each other while holding a similar hilarious and flabbergasted expression to each other.
"What a coincidence, huh. I never expected that we will meet again Chae."
"Yeah same here. Just... how? Wait, you work here but... what about the tattoo shop of yours?", Chaeyoung confusedly asked.
"Ahh. That? Doing tattoos like what we talked yesterday, my hobby. Consider it as my side job and... this, being here as a dance instructor is actually my main job these days.", Momo elaborated.
"Ohh... now that makes sense.", Chaeyoung finally got enlightened. "And the CEO... she's your sister?"
"Mmmhmm. Hana's my older sister and the founder of the company. I decided to help her run the business so... I volunteered to be the CEO and she's gladly agreed."
"Ahh. Well that means it makes your full name to be Hirai Momo.", Momo nodded and smiled shyly at Chaeyoung's statement. "You know, I'm amazed at how talented you are. You were using both of it to earn money and be successful which is undeniably a great idea and very useful to be honest."
"Thanks. I guess I could say the same as you. I figured you were doing commissions also for sketches in your account.", Momo nearly lowered her volume in the end when she observed Chaeyoung's astounded emotion emerge.
"I-I just got to stalk your profile in curiosity, that's why... hehe."
"Ohh no problem, Momoring. I will do the same if I were you anyway.", Chaeyoung assured which Momo heaved a sigh in relief.
"Shall we head out to cafeteria to eat lunch together? I'll introduce you around here too after if you want."
"Sure, why not.", Chaeyoung giggled as she accepted Momo's offer.
They head out after and walked through the hallway as they continued talking on their way to the cafeteria.
"Watch guys okay? In 3... 2.. 1.", Momo clicked the remote to play again the part of the song for the nth time.
She and Chaeyoung were currently teaching the dance choreo of 'Shape Of You' by Ed Sheeran to their students as their next challenge to sample a sexy / hot concept using the given song.
They were at the final chorus now so they had make the student pay attention to their moves because they already stated that the most important part they will anticipate is how impactful they're gonna end their choreo of the song.
All of the students are sitting on the floor quietly as they witness Momo and Chaeyoung return to their respective positions just as when the song started to play again.
C'mon be my baby cmon...
I'm in love with the shape of you After the beat drop, Momo and Chaeyoung stepped parallel to one another with their one foot advancing along to their arm which swayed sideward.
We push and pull like a magnet do Both of them stood aside with each other, Chaeyoung faced her back to Momo. They moved like what the line said, waving their bodies forward and backward with Momo clutching Chaeyoung's shoulder as if she's the one guiding Chaeyoung to join with her flow.
Whilst doing it, their other hand was laid on top of their thigh whose leg is pursed forward than the other. They did for like 3 streak of flows.
Although my heart is falling too In in love with your body
Chaeyoung switched where her front body is now directed at, now on her right side where she's now clearly visible by all of the students who are watching in awe.
Her right angle now in front of Momo, they both rotated their head clockwise while ensuring that some of their hair will scatter around their face to make it even look hotter with their hand on their nape as it followed the spin.
After that, Chaeyoung paused, leaning her back with the support of her arm standing at Momo's thigh which was pushed forward beside her before she advances her body as if she's falling, but Momo catched her by hooking her arm around her waist then pulled her back.
As Chaeyoung's whole front now presented to her arms as she's almost carrying her, she leaned her face very close to the younger's face with earned a loud shriek from the students as it seemed from them that they were about to kiss at that shot.
Last night you were in my room And my bedsheet smells like you Everything 's we're discovering something brand new I'm in love with your body
Momo assisted Chaeyoung to stand up before both faced the students again with Chaeyoung still in front of Momo.
Chaeyoung bended on her knees as Momo traced her back with a swipe touch before Chaeyoung swept away to switch on Momo's side to the left.
They did the same body wave thingie again in tandem before striking their body forward in sync with their fist clenched on their chest then spreaded apart as if it got knocked from the impact of their body.
Momo slowly kneel behind Chaeyoung as both her hands are on each side of her co-instructor's body figure like she's tracing its curves downwards to signify the line before it goes to the chorus of "ooh aahs" in the background.
Once again, the very entertained student sounded their astonishment at the move especially when Chaeyoung helped Momo get up but cupping her chin and nearly getting it close on her face before she gently pushed Momo to give her space as they began dancing at the adlib.
Everything's we're discovering something brand new I'm in love with the shape of you Momo spun Chaeyoung, tugging her arm before spinning her towards her and ended the song with them being very close to one another as Momo stared at Chaeyoung's face with her hand on the back of her head and the latter's own located on her lower back.
The students erupted as the choreography has finally finished but Momo stayed for more seconds to unconsciously admire how actually beautiful Chaeyoung's face is.
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It like she got lost in transition on returning quickly back to her senses when her eyes wanted to take a look more at the younger's unique beauty.
Those cute small strawberry smelled lips, pinchable nose, plump cheeks, black orbs in her eyes as if it contains it's own universe for Momo to float within the deeper she got sucked on the  black hole of a stare she's having.
Her clear white shining skin, strands of golden blonde hair in her bangs blocking off some area in her forehead but doesn't disturb her features; probably even more contributing as it seems.
Everything about her is just... surreal. Momo never got stuck at the view like this. Chaeyoung's definitely a unique one.
She never knew that the one thing she wanted to feel someday was beginning to increase distributed by the arising beats of her heart which at the same time, joining the timing of the students who are about to tease her and Chaeyoung in three seconds.
"YIEEEEEEEEEEE", all students chanted, effectively breaking Momo's drowning in her thought as reality attracted her back inside.
She slowly blinked her eyes before it widened as she realized that she was still having Chaeyoung very close to her.
Because of her doing, Chaeyoung was actually fazed for a while too as she joined Momo taking her time to look closely more on their faces.
Just like Momo, Chaeyoung was amazed and attracted at Momo's own possessed beauty.
Basically, the two were just pouring compliments in their heads as it results only for their hearts to beat rapidly with an unknown strange feelings for each other.
Momo takes off her hand very fast away from Chaeyoung who fakely coughs at what just happened.
"S-sorry. I got spaced out.", Momo apologized.
"It's fine. Me too.", Chaeyoung said with a timid smile, glancing quick at Momo before looking away in shame.
They both looked at the students whom they realized that they were all teasing them both, doubling the embarassment they feel.
"LOOK, MOMO-NOONA'S FLARING RED!", one of the male students pointed his finger at Momo who's face looked exactly as what he's saying.
Chaeyoung along with the rest all looked at Momo and when they noticed that the youngster is correct, Chaeyoung grinned and chuckled awkwardly while the students had their jaw dropped and made a teasing smirk and sounds again at the helpless Japanese woman.
"I-it's not what you think, guys okay?!", Momo tried to reason out. "I'm just getting too brought on with your teasings that makes me shy now!"
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Momo tried to fan her face with her hand before covering it. Chaeyoung patted Momo's shoulder which caused her to shook in shiver at the touch.
"S-sorry... agh these kids really made me so embarassed right now."
"They're just playing around, unnie. Let them be.", Chaeyoung eased.
Momo sighed for a few counts before fighting back to her students.
"That's it, playtime's over. Did you all memorized the steps we just did?", she asked which thankfully made the students become silent and return from being serious again.
"Yes, Miss Hirai."
"Good, again as reminder; we'll be waiting for your performances on the evaluation day okay? You guys still have one week available to practice it so do your best to earn the best duo to be graded next week. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Miss Hirai!"
"Okay. Prepare your things now, class dismissed. Good job everyone.", Momo clapped to urge the rest to join her too before they minded their own business.
Returning to her bag, Momo was asked by Chaeyoung who's also placing her things back inside. "A penny for thoughts inside your head earlier Momoring?"
Momo was startled, forming a blush again as she knew from what she can clearly remember that the only thing filling up her mind was just all about Chaeyoung.
"N-nothing relevant. I just craved instantly for jokbal that i'm thinking to have it as my dinner tonight, I guess.", Momo pretended not to be guilty on the truth.
"Oh... okay. Guess you were that hungry again that you were almost imagining me as a jokbal for you to eat.", Chaeyoung joked but she felt Momo's weirded look at her, she had a late realization of what her words also meant like.
"I-I mean no other thing, I'm just talking about... j-jokbal as y-your dinner like... yeah, what you s-said...", Chaeyoung stuttered in complete embarassment before quickly went for the speakers to be turned off just so she can break the awkward tension going on between her and Momo.
"Pft. Pabo.", Momo muttered before she fixed back her belonging.
Chaeyoung didn't fail to catch that which she gave herself a facepalm because of it before giving Momo a sour look secretly when she recalled what she heard from Momo.
"Heh. Liar.", she rolled her eyes and flipped her hair sassily.
All of the students left the building and some went home already after the class, with Chaeyoung and Momo remained still on the dance practice room to rest since both were kind of lazy yet to leave.
While Chaeyoung was sketching on her paper pad, she could hear Momo's soft groaning and grunting sounding like she's in pain as she stretches and touches her back and her legs before she returned scrolling on the phone.
Chaeyoung's concern was set on just in case until she got the sign that there's something wrong with Momo, hearing again that same groans for the second time.
Stopping her sketch, she stood up from the couch and walked near at Momo who got alerted at her presence.
"Does your legs and back hurt?"
"Yeah... it got too stiff today. Goddamn irritates me with the numbing sensation it makes.", Momo said while twitching her face in pain.
"Allow me to give you a massage then"
"You sure?"
"Mmhmm I want to help. You made me worried about you.", Momo nearly exposed her blush about to form in her cheeks when she heard it.
"Okay. Permission granted, cub.", Momo called Chaeyoung with her other nickname she created for her.
Chaeyoung smiled as she went for her bag to grab out her small bottle of pain reliever ointment that she always bring with her only when she's going for class if it gets handy... like the situation right now but it's not her who needs it but someone who she would really love to help anytime.
Chaeyoung rushed back on Momo with the bottle now on her hand.
"Uhh unnie... mind if you take off your shirt so that I can apply it further into your back?", Chaeyoung cautiously persuaded. She knew that her request would be not that quite easy since she's  just telling Momo to expose her upper body that includes also her one of her private area which is her breasts.
She may be a girl if you'll look at her but Chaeyoung has gone to be a lesbian  all because of that particular woman who made her be like this from weeks ago.
"O-oh okay.", Momo shyly complied.
Momo tugged her t-shirt up as she unwears it, revealing her well-built upper body that has a incredible 6 pack abs she earned from working out as well as her... well Chaeyoung doesn't want to include it but it's too hard to ignore and resist.
Momo does have a perfectly sized pair of pillows which are being contained by her white sports bra, she confirmed it in her thoughts which got her heated for a moment.
Scratching out of it to avoid luring it into a much pervy way, Chaeyoung commanded Momo to lay down on the couch with front first to the cushion.
Chaeyoung poured some ointment and rubbed it in her hands to create a friction which would somehow provide an increased temperature to the liquid to give a much relaxing feeling when it got applied.
She began massaging the muscle near her waists then moved it through the middle where her spinal cord is connected, as her hands grinded and pressed further onto her skin gently.
Momo on the other hand, was eliciting some refreshed whimpers and sighs; some went a bit too much as if she sounded like she's moaning, making Chaeyoung tensed up and return that familiar heat cursing through her body to react.
Trying to maintain her composure  she instead focused more on massaging Momo's back. Once she was done, she went next for her pair of numbing legs which Chaeyoung was fighting again from not getting purely distracted by Momo's erotic-like noises.
"You can rest it now for a while, Momoring.", Chaeyoung said, declaring that her massage has finished.
"Thanks, Chae."
Momo raised her body back up to wear her shirt easily, making Chaeyoung unaware at herself that she got a bit disappointed by it.
As Chaeyoung returned the bottle back in her bag, Momo speculated it differently which made her a bit afraid at the possibility.
"A-are you going home now, Chae?"
"Nah. I'll finish my sketch first and... I suppose, to stay with you more so you won't get bored.", Momo smiled at Chaeyoung's considerate act.
"Good, because I... I want to talk with you about something...", Momo started to become nervous. She prepared herself for this moment to come.
To confess her feelings to Chaeyoung.
Momo was already having secret deep admirations for Chaeyoung as it became too obvious for her too with the help of her friend Sakura and her sister Hana contributing with the evidences that aligns to her point to prove it as fact.
She was discreetly eyeing Chaeyoung whenever she has her back faced on another direction away from her, can't handle the urge to do it caused by her grown perspective to the younger as her crush.
She was already admiringly doing it by  watching her teach and dance along with complimenting her looks silently, and when it's not; she only covers it with either a joke or a reason just to save herself from not getting too showy.
Lastly, she always gets to build a desire to be with her throughout most of the time.
That's how Momo has became when she fell in love with her friend and co-instructor Son Chaeyoung.
"What is it?", Chaeyoung curiously asked. She sat on the floor, looking at her.
Momo heaved a breath before turning her eyes back at the tiny cub in front of her.
She looks so cute, she said in her mind; doing her habit again.
"Remember last week when the students teased us because of me ended up staring at you when I got spaced out, making it seem for them like we're lovers attracted at our immense contact?"
"Y-yeah, what about t-that?", Chaeyoung gulped after.
"I... I want to clarify something about it.", Momo stopped as she checked her courage again whether she can still do this.
It was still going fine, so with no other hesitation; she proceeded.
"Which is?"
"About my words of denial that the students were saying to me aren't correct."
Chaeyoung squinted her eyes, slightly not getting where is she going with this.
"C-chae... those were lies. W-what they're saying... I took it willingly because... it wasn't an accident.
I did it on purpose. I had to stare at your face while I... compile all my praises regarding how precious your face to be admired so much.
B-because... it was me being... head over heels for you, Chaeyoung. I had grown a fond of liking you more than the boundary of us being friends.
So in simple terms, I have a crush on you, Chaeyoung.", Momo confessed.
Chaeyoung was left speechless. She didn't know what to respond about the unexpected confession Momo just did of being her secret admirer for this whole week.
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"I had to make up my reasons because I-I just don't want you to find out and the whole class yet, I guess? Because if I had to instead, m-maybe... you won't take it nicely and... and... you might set your gap from me of not seeing you only as a friend anymore since maybe y-you don't feel the same as me.", Momo frowned.
Chaeyoung's mouth parted as she felt pity at what Momo was thinking around that time.
"I don't know when this all started but being around with such a wonderful person whose not only her personality makes her special than the others but her captivating beauty that I got too attached in for my heart to start developing this strange feeling they call love were all enough to me to tell it to myself and to let you know why.
So... yeah. That's all. I'll be accepting whatever your answer will be. Whether you re-"
Momo didn't got to continue her words when suddenly Chaeyoung lunges onto her a wrapped her in a tight hug which made her completely taken aback.
"I knew it."
"You were lying, Momoring. I called it already way before you were able to verify it.", Chaeyoung whispered which surprises Momo.
"From the way how you look at me especially those rough, foolish defense of yours just doesn't perturbing the same as what you were actually feeling for me when you did that last week.
And because of that, I blame it for you passing it on me too.
Now I just feel the same as you, Momoring.", Chaeyoung admitted that she reciprocates Momo's confession.
"T-that means...? Y-you..."
"Yeah. I like you too, unnie. You progressed further for me to began treating you as my crush also.", Chaeyoung giggled.
Unbeknownst to Momo, during all of those signs she did which were unaware of her at that time; Chaeyoung went on to secretly give her the same as what she's doing whenever Momo would set off her focus at her after.
They were literally just exchanging gestures but they didn't know about it, not until today.
Momo grew a wide grin on her face as it made her very happy to know that Chaeyoung fortunately's in love with her too, enabling to made her less scared of being rejected anymore.
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"Thank you for welcoming my feelings in return, Chae. I would be very lucky to have you as my girlfriend.", Momo compressed the petite figure of this younger woman in her arms more for a tighter and warmer embrace.
"I never knew before how delightful it must've felt being called as your lover's girlfriend. Now... it was turned to be possible, and I can't ask for a better thing than to only have you be the one who has the rights to do so for me."
Chaeyoung seperated from the hug as she looked intently at Momo, sandwiching her dazzling yet adorable face with her baby hands. "Thank you for being my first romance, Momoring... and I hope you'll be the last too."
"And I hope in the future I'll not only get to call you as my girlfriend... but as my wife also.", Momo added.
Chaeyoung nodded as she liked-no- loved the idea of it.
Without hesitation, Chaeyoung pulled Momo's head closer to her to perform a sweet, hypnotizing, passionate kiss, sealing their confession and greeting the new chapter of their lives together as an official couple.
Momo parked her car to the front of her... or should I say... THEIR tattoo shop. Peach and Strawberry's Tattoo Paradise
Momo decided to make Chaeyoung as the owner also of her own beloved second business.
Opening the steel door with bunch of plastic bags full of groceries, she entered the place which greeted her with a loud symphony of hilarious laughs coming from the other side of the interior.
Momo chuckled and whispered a "what the hell?" at the sound echoing throughout the placeas she placed the bags on top of her desk.
She flipped the "YES, WE'RE OPEN' sign hanging on the door into "SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED" before approaching the source of where that laughter came from.
Swaying the curtain aside, her lips curved higher and shoulders fell when she saw Chaeyoung's friend-which became hers also- named Somi bursting out another sequence of laughter with her fiancee' trying her best to maintain her client from being relaxed.
To inform you, Chaeyoung and Momo are now engaged last February; in which Momo proposed to Chaeyoung exactly at their 9th date scheduled in Valentines Day.
They are set to be married next month, on Chaeyoung's birthday in specific. She just wants to make her strawberry princess to be happy, that's it.
"OH- OH MY GOD... I- AAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CHAE STOP! IT TICKLES!", Somi said as she hysterically reacted at Chaeyoung piercing the needle onto her skin.
She then saw her fiancee' Momo standing near the curtain with a mix of  amused and perplexed expression im her face at the sight.
"What the heck, Somi-ya? Are you a masochist or what?"
"This bitch has no right to be very scared at taking a tattoo first when all she did was to treat the needles as if a goddamn feather that tickles her hard.", Chaeyoung glared at her friend Somi who was recovering from her exhaustion of laughing her ass off.
"A new record for me then. My very first encounter of a client being felt tickled throughout the whole tattoo progress in her first time instead of getting intensely hurt.", Momo snapped her fingers at the achievement.
"Welcome back love.", Chaeyoung said before focusing back on finally ending Somi's suffering.
"Hiiii~", Momo replied, sitting confortably on the another spare chair.
As expected, Somi laughed hard again for the nth time before earning a not so strong slap on the face from Chaeyoung who is successfully done tattooing her wrist.
"I'm done you crazy ass.", she said to Somi who slowly breathe and regained her strength.
"T-thanks bestie.", Somi responded. "Hey, I didn't know that tattoo would turn out to be a pleasure for me in my first time okay?"
"Aish just admit you have a very low pain tolerance.", Somi just giggled at it like it belongs on her advantages.
"Hi Momo-unnie!"
"Hi Somi-ya! Thanks for stopping by."
"No biggie, glad to help you guys earn more money today.", she boastfully said before standing up after Chaeyoung finished pasting the bandage on her fresh new tattoo.
"Where did you went?"
"Oh okay.", she said as she lend her payment to her friend in return for the service.
"Hey, congrats on the engagement my unnies.", she lifted Chaeyoung's hand where her engagement ring that Momo gave was inserted on her finger.
"Appreciated it, Somi-ya."
"Thanks, bestie.", Chaeyoung fist bumped Somi.
"I'll be supporting you both always, you two deserve to be together and I'm happy that you see yourselves as the right person for each other.", Somi added.
"You know what, take this as our gratitude for that fluttering message if yours, Somi-ya.", Momo opened her mini cabinet below her desk and took out something from it.
Somi's eyes enlightened when she saw Momo giving her a pretty sealed red and pink colored envelope.
She opened it and read its contents with amused emotion building up in her face.
"See you at our wedding, Somi-ya.", Chaeyoung gently shaked her bestfriend's body.
Somi looked at her with teary eyes and hugged her after. "Awwww thank you guys! I'll be attending, mark my words. I have to, okay?!", Somi said with a pumped up tone.
"Yeah, you better have to or else... friendship over."
"Not gonna let that happen, Penelope.", Somi called her bestfriend using her own custom nickname she created for Chaeyoung after they both once watched Wreck It Ralph together and saw some similarities of the character there with her bestfriend.
"I'll be heading home now, bye unnies!"
"Bye!" "Be safe, Somi-ya."
As Somi exited and closed the door. Chaeyoung walked through the desk where Momo lifted all the bags again to present the newly bought grocery items to her.
"Do you have it?", Chaeyoung interrogatively asked.
"Always.", Momo winked as she revealed a tray full of strawberries to her lover who is obssessed at it.
"Yayyy!", she kissed Momo's cheek before opening it and quickly took a piece to her mouth for a chew.
"Can you help me with something?"
"Do you really have to ask me that, dear? Ofcourse I will."
"Sorry.", Chaeyoung apologetically smiled. "So... I have this problem of not being able to choose what design I should put as a new tattoo on me. Can you help me with it, love?"
Momo became silent as she started running the ideas and construct it piece by piece until she had one to go.
"I already know."
"Tell me."
"No need. Just watch, I bet you'll like it.", Momo smiled before they entered the tattoo area together.
Chaeyoung sat on the tattoo chair as she waited for her lover to transfer her planned design on the stencil.
Now bringing it with her, Momo laid it on Chaeyoung preferred spot this time: her chest.
She began tracing the text with black ink on the needle. It only took not more than 10 minutes before she finally finished it right away.
"Take a look.", Momo insisted.
Chaeyoung went in front of the full body mirror and to her astonishment, she gasped until it transformed into a soft smile full of heartwarming and touching feeling.
In her chest labeled a text of Moml's name written both in English, Korean and Japanese all stacked together. Alongside was a cute small peach and the other one was what it looks like to be a wedding ring.
"You were wrong."
Momo got befuddled.
"I don't just like it, I love it Momoring.", Chaeyoung turned around and beamed a bright smile on the Japanese.
In return and also joining with the idea, Momo took the turn next as Chaeyoung tattooed her name also in three translated into three different languages, with a small strawberry this time as her representative design on Momo's chest.
They both looked at their own tattoos admiringly after.
Momo grabbed Chaeyoung's hand and kissed the engagement ring she has on her finger before placing one also on the top.
"Now that our names are now engraved within ourselves, I promise that just like these tattoos... my love for you won't go away forever even if we die, and will stuck by you whenever you go, Chaeyoung.", Momo smiled sweetly at her lover.
"And rest assured that I will do the same for you in our whole run of relationship, Momoring. I love you."
"I love you too.", they proclaimed their blooming romantic feelings for each other.
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Momo and Chaeyoung then kissed straight on the lips before cleaning up the whole space as they prepare to go home.
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momoshin · 3 years ago
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sana had told you about the girl who you'd be working for, briefly. her name is momo, she's 25, japanese, and really loved her dogs. that's about all you knew about her. you knew her and sana were close friends, but not much else. you didn't even know what she looked like, but you for sure weren't expecting to see the girl who had you curling your toes in ecstasy last night at your best friend's desk first thing in the morning.
"oh, hey! y/n! this is momo, her office is on the other side of yours" it's quite an informal way to meet your boss. but then again, nothing can be more informal than last night. sana looks bright and cheery this morning, maybe too much for your liking as all you can think about is her thighs on each side of your head last night.
“good morning. it’s really nice to meet you” you bow. and momo wasn’t going to be truthful and say she knows you because she fucked the shit out of you the night prior, but she was surprised when you introduced yourself again from the beginning in front or sana.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. i look forward to working with you” she cups your arm and with that the click of her heels echoes down the hallway until she reaches her office, leaving sana completely petrified as she gasped
“she never touches people like that” sana doesn’t expect a big reaction from you, she only reacts that way herself because she is momo’s friend.
you on the other hand have too much to think about. is it worth it working with someone who you’d seen naked and viceversa? are you crossing a line? well, you didn’t know, but still. you are so fixated in these thoughts that you don’t notice how much time had gone by until you look up from the stack of papers you had just finished. your task was to take them back to momo so she could revise and sign all of them. and you’re not going to lie, the thought of the two of you alone somewhere kind of intimidates you, but it’s your job, at least for today if you decided to later on quit.
the hand that is free and not clinging to the stack of papers you had just finished, knocks on the door to her office, only opening it when you hear her shout at the door to come in.
she just hung the office telephone up, you'd ask to make conversation but you realized you weren't yet in position of making those questions, so you just try to stick to the original plan, opening your mouth to speak and tell her all she needed to know about the stack of papers but she speaks first
"a ceo assistant, huh" she looks at you carefully, eyes squinted slightly while she studies you, shamelessly taking the time to look you up and down after. "it suits you. taking orders"
"momo-" but you stop talking, correcting yourself with what you called her "miss hirai"
"oh please, i had you bent over my bed last night. momo is fine" you watch her as she uncrosses her legs and gets up from her chair, walking towards you and extending her hand for you to place the papers in, which you do "good girl"
momo can't help but chuckle when she sees you tut and roll your eyes at her comment, quickly going back to reading her papers as she lets you battle with whether you'd let her call you that at work or not. "what, we're gonna pretend like last night didn't happen?"
"no" you blurt "but i work for you now, so-"
"so?" she waits for you to keep going, but all she sees is you stumbling to get your words right.
"i mean, you know-"
"you seem a little too nervous around me for someone who doesn't want me near them" she smirks, placing the papers on her desk and leaning on it to face you, waiting for an answer.
"i wouldn't say i don't want you near me-"
"so you do want me to fuck you again?" she chuckles
"hey. it's okay, i do." momo shrugs, getting closer to you with just a few steps "been thinking about you since you left last night"
last night was definitely more like 2 am, but she wouldn't scold you for your sleep schedule on a workday, or rather the night before your first day, when she was the reason behind it anyway.
"i've gotta say. it's been enough time for me to think about fucking you on my desk already." she's walked around you, gently cornered you until you're being pressed against the desk, frankly by yourself since she is still at a distance from you. an intimidating, almost nonexistent distance, but still.
"me too" you blurt, without enough time to stop yourself
"have you?" the corners of her lips curve up in smirk full of pride, and she places both her hands on the desk, each by your sides. "so will you let me? fuck you on my desk i mean"
and you yet again stop to think 'is it worth working here?’
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astronartists-writes · 4 years ago
May i request a Twice reaction to their Fem! s.o being protective of them?(like in a healthy way, not possessive)
Have a good day:3
a/n: i was so excited when you sent me this because it was super early that i got this from when i posted everything else.
hope this turned out okay!
TWICE with a protective s/o
TW: mentions of sasaengs, mentioned worries about toxicity
CW: none! :)
fem!reader, race unspecified :)
Park Jihyo
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when you first showed her your protectiveness, she was a little worried that you might end up being overbearing
but as time went by, and you were super chill about her living her own life, she realized that you weren’t someone she should be concerned about.
you were perceptive to her feelings, so the second she seemed uncomfortable, you would shoot a nasty glare at whatever was making her feel so
usually it was sasaengs
sometimes it was her stage outfits
the glare was always the first warning
if the glare didn’t work on people, you’d wrap an arm around her as a second warning.
if those warnings didn’t work, you’d start responding in place of Jihyo, your tone flat and dismissive
she thought it was hilarious
it eased any anxiety she might feel
because The Glare can’t really work on an outfit,
you would usually offer her your jacket, or would carry a small blanket around to cover her legs with while she sits
you always made sure to ask if she wanted your jacket or the blanket, giving her a choice of rejection
she’s an independent adult, and you treated her as such
you’ve got her back, and she feels safe when you’re around.
Im Nayeon
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i feel like nayeon would be protective of her s/o as well,
so you being protective wouldn’t faze her.
it’s just natural
you always asked her if she was feeling uncomfortable with something, and did everything you could to help her fix it if she was
you could honestly be her personal security guard, you were that effective.
you once practically threw a bitch that was getting a little too close, and she was scared at the time, but laughed a lot when the video surfaced
all of twice’s stage outfits are kind of ridiculous sometimes, and you often complained about the discomfort of not only nayeon, but the other members as well
you knew how uncomfortable clothing that showed a lot of skin could be — especially short skirts,
so you empathized, even going to managers to ask if it was really necessary for the members to wear certain things
she felt very loved when you showed her your protectiveness, and always made sure to make you feel loved, too
Yoo Jeongyeon
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personally feeling very protective of jeongyeon right now, hope she’s feeling lots better
so you make sure to give her plenty of space, asking questions once, and not pressuring her for an answer if she couldn’t give you one.
you treated her the way you treated everyone else,
only really being protective of the way people spoke to and/or about her
if you felt something was uncalled for, you immediately told the person who said it off,
sometimes you ordered them to apologize,
sometimes you told them calmly that what they said wasn’t very nice, and gave them a disapproving stare
tbh, not many instances happened where you had to tell them off,
so you tried to express your care for her in other ways
like making her food, getting her tea, sharing your clothes
jeongyeon would tell you clearly if you were to cross a boundary, and you would immediately make sure to never cross it again in order to avoid being possessive
she felt comfortable with you
you never once made her feel bad for not liking something, or not wanting something to be done,
so she was able to openly communicate with you with little to no fears
Hirai Momo
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momo liked the two of you doing your own thing for the most part
being independent together was nice
she liked being able to depend on each other for things as well, though
like emotional support, and someone to always have her back
one of her favorite things was seeing you get protective
it usually happened at the smaller things, not the bigger things because you couldn’t be around for many of the big things
like if a bee or a wasp got too close to her, you were right there to move her out of the way
if you saw her shoelace untied, you’d get down and tie it for her so she wouldn’t trip
if you saw someone look at her in a way you didn’t like, you would put an arm around her out of the need to make sure they didn’t try anything harmful
she wasn’t helpless, but it felt nice to show her she could rely on you if she needed to.
Minatozaki Sana
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because of her cuteness, you often felt very protective of her
however, we all know that sana is not innocent
she’s an adult, y’know
at first, she was a little irritated at how protective you could be
you were far more obvious about it than subtle
after a while, she got used to it, and thought about how you didn’t question her choices
you didn’t even try to control her
she liked it a lot
you liked to latch onto her arm in public when there were a lot of people, and she enjoyed holding your waist, poking you in the side every once in a while to get a cute little giggle out of you
the display of protection she liked the most was you tugging down a skirt if you thought it was riding up too much
she liked that you didn’t want anyone to even see the safety shorts, especially when you explained that you just didn’t want her to feel embarrassed if someone posted pictures online
usually when you did something protective, you tried to make it playful.
every once in a while, you’d poke her butt when you pulled her dress down
Myoui Mina
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you weren’t protective of her too often because she’s not a very social person,
but you took every opportunity you could
mostly on days she was on stage or doing other activities and you were with her
she stayed home the rest of the time, and while she used to be mostly alone, having you around was something much appreciated
because you were mostly in the safety of your own home, you usually were protective about comments on the internet
she would look through them for things she could improve on — some people left some pretty good constructive criticism
but there would always be hate comments
it’s something to expect from being in the industry
not everyone is going to like you, and the people who don’t can be very cruel
she had learned to mostly not take comments about her personally,
but if you happened to glance at what she was doing out of curiosity and found a comment you didn’t like,
you’d get a little peeved
you’d tell her that she should mute those comments so she wouldn’t see them anymore
this resulted in a very brief argument, where you quickly apologized for the misunderstanding
and explained that you just didn’t want her to feel bad
she thought about it a little and nodded, thanking you for the concern, but explaining that the comments didn’t really get to her
so you’d shyly request to read them with her, dragging the people that left mean comments through the dirt
it made her laugh
if someone dared to say something about her in front of you, though... all hell would break loose.
your protectiveness in public only occurred when the members were being mobbed
you’d hold her hand to make sure she didn’t get pulled away, shooting glares every which way.
your protectiveness made her laugh in private, and made her feel safe in public
Kim Dahyun
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you only really protected dahyun when she was frightened or startled at first
which was quite frequent
but after a while, you found yourself saying you’d go before her in things she was nervous about
and then even in things she wasn’t nervous about
the urge to keep her safe was just really strong at that point
she was never actually bugged about it
she liked having a doting girlfriend to hide behind
she even stepped in a few times when you looked nervous, too, eager to keep you feeling safe
she would not be able to do much for you while at high places, though
so even if you were also scared, you’d just clutch her hand and shakily walk with her across area that seemed sketchy.
she gave you a kiss every time you stopped,
and that motivated you enough to keep going
after the hell of high places, she wouldn’t let go of you, trying to show you just how grateful she was by praising you and comforting you
you didn’t feel so scared at the end of it, though
she was grateful for your protectiveness, and was just as protective of you
Son Chaeyoung
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she is tiny, so it would be easier to lose her in a crowd than others
she’s responsible enough to not get lost, but you liked to hold her hand just in case
our chaengie is playful,
and so sometimes she’s a little bit too focused on messing around with you to notice potential danger
like a car coming down the narrow road
so you’d tug her out of the way, continuing your conversation without another thought
she usually payed a lot of attention to her surroundings, so the fact that she didn’t realize there was a car was surprising.
you didn’t mention it because you were just keeping her safe, but she was very flustered
if the weather suddenly got colder than expected, you always had a hoodie and a jacket on you
as soon as you saw her shivering,
you’d shed your jacket and hoodie, handing the hoodie to her wordlessly before putting your jacket back on.
you didn’t want her to get sick
she never gave that hoodie back, but she always brought it with her after that.
when people had you on edge, you wouldn’t leave her side
if they were decidedly too much, you’d hold her hand,
and if you really didn’t like a person, you’d straight up just tug her away from them with you (if they followed, you’d totally bark at them)
Chaeyoung found your protectiveness romantic, and wouldn’t trade it for anything
Chou Tzuyu
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Tzuyu can hold her own pretty well
she can be quiet, and intimidating, so you weren’t actually protective in a way that people other than her could see
you stayed next to her when you were together, keeping it normal looking if she seemed endangered by anyone
if she needed to get out of a situation, she’d tap your wrist two times and you would get her out of there by any means.
she wasn’t allowed to be mean because of her job, but you could be as mean as you felt needed
another way you were protective was reporting harmful comments and/or posts to JYP directly
always under an anonymous alias
sometimes the two of you would end up looking through rumors and laughing at the ridiculous ones
like a secret boyfriend
that one you screenshot and sent to Tzuyu, who sent it to the group chat for the TWICE members so you could all scoff at it
when you asked if she felt overwhelmed by anything you did, she denied it
she felt comfortable when she was around you. she found your protectiveness sweet.
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fukurodianthus · 4 years ago
Cotton Candy Kisses
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Synopsis: Let’s get one thing straight, confessions aren’t Ushijima Wakatoshi’s cup of tea, and the same goes for you when it comes to dealing with rejections. But then, your crackhead friends (who are done with watching two emotionally constipated fools pine for each other for two years) decide to take matters into their own hands. 
 Its a recipe for disaster, topped off with cherry coke and cotton candy.
Genre: Fluff, (a light sprinkle of angst thrown in), friends to lovers AU, mutual pining
Trigger warnings: Just a smol makeout scene lmao (not explicit), swearing(meanwhile, my mom: *disappointed brown parent noises*)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem! reader
Word count: 3k+
Author’s note: I planned to release this on valentine’s day, but my exam schedule said “no❤️”. N E ways, didnt get time to proofread it, so excuse the painful amount of errors it may have. (More unnecessary rambles notes at the end!)
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“Toshi, Terushima asked me out on a date.”
“Terushima as in Terushima Yuuiji from Johzenji? The one with piercings?” Ushijima sat on the gym floor, busy tying his shoelaces.
He sat facing away from you, so you had no way of telling how well he was taking this news.
Not like it mattered anyway.
For the last two-years, you had kept dropping subtle hints that you liked him. Hell, if baking heart-shaped red-velvet cookies for him every valentine’s day hadn’t given him the slightest hint that your feelings for him weren’t exactly platonic, probably nothing could make the stoic ace aware of your feelings.
Unless you directly said it to his face.
Wakatoshi, I like you.
Four words. There were just these four words standing between Wakatoshi and your undeclared feelings. Four words could free you from the shackles of this unrequited love that had been weighing you down for the past two years.
But what was the point anyway? He’d reject you, just like he rejected Ririka. The Ririka Hirai, captain of the girls’ volleyball team, the ace who wielded magic in her hands. Let alone the guys from Shiratorizawa, even boys from other prefectures were totally whipped for her. He didn’t even bat an eyelid before a firm ‘No’ rolled off his lips. She hated crying in front of others, but the redness in her eyes and her swollen eyelids made it obvious that her spirit had been crushed by the rejection. Her previous outgoing, warm and friendly nature had vanished within a few seconds as she withdrew herself into her shell.
If this is what rejections did to people, then you were fine with being crushed under the weight of unrequited love. And you didn’t have a Semi Eita in your life like she had, so there wouldn’t be anybody to help you out of your wallowing self-pity.
Your mind wandered back to your interaction with her yesterday, how she had pulled you into the locker room, firm hands wrapped around your wrists with no intention of letting go. You were reminded of her disastrous plan, and how you’d stupidly agreed to go along with it.
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(𝟐 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨)
“You love him, don’t you Y/N?” she asked you, cocking her head to her side as she twirled the green roots of het bubblegum colored hair. Why was she so oddly insistent on dying her hair like a meth-addicted oompa loompa? And the bigger question was, how the fuck did she look so good?
“I don’t know, Riri.” What did she expect to hear? How could you say that you weren’t half as brave as she’d been? You’d rather tend to the wounds that unrequited love caused than deal with the empty-black void of self-loathing, insecurities and embarrassment that rejection left behind.
“Y/N, I’m not a fool. I can see the way your eyes light up when he’s around.”
“So what? What the fuck should I do? Confess my feelings and get rejected? I’d rather wither under the weight of my undeclared feelings than have my soul crushed by a rejection from my best friend, thanks.” You knew you were wrong; you knew you should let go of these useless, painful feelings by confessing. Hearing him reject you would put the nail in the coffin of your one-sided love and you’d finally be free.
But you didn’t want to be free. Cowardice had this odd feeling of comfort attached to it, and you’d gotten used to it.
“Y/N, I’m not here to fight with you over a stupid himbo of a guy. It just hurts me to see you go through the same pain I had gone through. I’m just here to look out for you. I’ll give you my advice whether you want it or not, and its up to you if you’ll take it.”
You looked away. You knew that whatever she was going to say would probably make sense, she was such a smartass after all. She was never wrong, as much as you hated admitting it. Why was she such a good friend, why did she have to be so nice? It pissed you off.
“Ushijima is bad at this entire thing of love and friendships, its probably not big news to you, is it? His parents’ divorce ruined his faith in love.” She cleared her throat, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. “He doesn’t know how this entire thing of love and feelings work. Loving him is difficult, it’s like expecting an iceberg to provide you with warmth. But…” her voice trailed off.
“But what?”
“I think he likes you. He’s never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. He never saved a seat for me at lunch the way he does for you. He acts...weird around you.”
“That’s bullshit Riri, he does that stuff for me because I’m his team's manager, you know?”
“You’re just as dense as him. Perfect! You’d make a great couple” she giggled, fluttering her long, black lashes.
“Why did you confess to him if you thought he liked me?”
“Oh, I was coming to that. You see, I was a hundred percent sure he wouldn’t like me back, so I thought I might as well get these stupid feelings of my chest and move on, you know? It still hurt a lot for a few days, though. Rejections sucks, that’s nothing new. And I kind of liked Semi, so it felt like I was emotionally cheating on him if I still liked Ushijima. So, I finally confessed to him after getting rid of my feelings for Ushiwaka.” She pressed her lips together and looked away, a faint blush blossoming on her cheeks.
“You and Semi are…”
“We’re a thing now, yeah.”
“I’m so happy for you Ririka!” you practically squealed, squishing her reddened cheeks.
“We had a talk yesterday and we decided that we can no longer bear to see you two emotionally constipated dummies pining for each other anymore, so we’re taking matters into our own hands.”
“What?” Your stared at her with widened eyes, praying she didn’t come up with any stupid plans to make the situation worse.
“Do you know Terushima from Johzenji?”
“Yeah, kinda, that tongue-piercing dude with an undercut, right?”
“He’s my friend and he has agreed to helping us.”
“Oh hell no.”
“I don’t take no for an answer, I’m sorry. Babe, you can come out now.”
You choked on your own spit as you saw Semi climbing out of Ririka’s locker.
“How the fuck did you even fit him in there? Was he there the whole time? What made you think sneaking your boyfriend into the girl’s locker room was a good idea?”
“Honey, that’s too many unnecessary questions, I ain’t answering them. And there’s nobody around. So, I don’t think we’ll get in any trouble as long as you don’t snitch.”
“I’m not going to snitch.”
“That’s what I thought. Now babe, tell her about our plan.”
Semi went over with the details of their plan.
Needless to say, it was a recipe for disaster, you were sure of it.
Having an affinity for all things disastrous, you agreed to their plan.
*flashback ends*
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(𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭)
“Y/N, you there?” Ushijima was done with tying his shoelaces a while ago and now stood in front of you, his tall frame cowering over you.
You snapped out of your trance.
“Yeah, I was j-just busy thinking about some stuff.” You smoothed out your skirt and gripped your bag tightly, and looking down at your feet. You could feel his gaze on your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Stuff as in…Terushima? Were you thinking about him?”
You were taken aback by his uncharacteristically direct question and looked into his eyes. His gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips; his brows furrowed together in…concern?
Your imagination must be getting better of you.
“Yeah, I was thinking about our date, tomorrow.”
His eyes seemed duller than usual, lacking its usual lustre.
“He doesn’t have a reputation for being loyal, you know.” His words seemed long-drawn, forced, painful. As if it physically hurt him to get these words to roll of his tongue.
He ran his fingers through his greasy olive-brown hair, his gaze still fixed on you. You became painfully aware of the silence in the empty gym room. Why was your heart beating so loudly? Was his heart beating just as loud?
His breath hitched as you stepped closer to him. You noticed the way his sweat-drenched shirt clung to his body, highlighting his well-built frame, the way his lips glistened when he licked his lips, the way his tousled hair stuck to his forehead. You almost brushed those stray strands off his face. Almost.
You spoke in a low tone, almost in a whisper. This moment seemed fragile, like treading on thin ice. It felt as if you both were in a trance and any loud noise would snap you back to reality. You wouldn’t mind being stuck in this trance for a few eternities. “Terushima is a player, a heartbreaker. You think I don’t know that? Maybe I just want to have my heart broken, Toshi. Isn't it better than loving someone who will never love me back?”
He stared at you with a blank, unreadable expression. You noticed how his adam’s apple bobbed up and down when he gulped, his neck and collarbones glistening with sweat.
He had no business being this hot, godamnit.          
“I just remembered, Coach Washijo wanted to have a talk with me-“ he took a step back, breaking eye contact with you.
“Coach Washijo is on a sick-leave for a week, Toshi.”
“Ah okay, right.” He turned on his heels and stormed out of the gym, the tips of his ears covered in a faint red glow.
How long will you keep running away Wakatoshi?
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(𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲)
“Yeah, chocolate will be fine.”
Terushima handed you the ice-cream cone, flashing his iconic toothy grin at you.
This park of the amusement park was quieter and calmer than the other parts. You were seated on a bench beside a  mermaid shaped fountain. Behind you, far off in the distance was a Ferris wheel, lit up in pink and red neon lights, a classic decoration that was put up in this park every valentine’s day.
“Want anything else, babe?” He sat down beside you on the bench, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Dude, you don’t have to put on such a show, you know? You don’t have to make it so realistic.”
He threw his head back and let out another one of his irritating laughs. It was pretty cute, even though you’d never admit it aloud.
“Y/N who said I’m pretending? When Riri asked me to take you out on a fake date to make lover boy Toshi jealous, I thought this would be a pretty good opportunity to score a date with a cute girl, it doesn’t matter if the date is fake or not.”
“You even bought a couple’s ticket, huh?”
“This amusement park has a special valentine’s day offer for couples, fifty percent off for each ride, aint that crazy? I was just saving my coins princess.”
“I swear to god, call me that one more time and you’ll find my foot up your ass-“
“Ooh, kinky!”
It physically hurt you to not punch him and wipe that cheesy grin off his face. “I can’t handle you Terushima-” You hungrily bit down on the ice-cream, gobbling it up in a matter of a few seconds.
Terushima's nose scrunched up in disgust. “The fuck Y/N, who bites ice-cream like that! Are you a caveman or something?"
“Aw babe, didn’t you know? I’m not like other girls.” You dramatically flicked a stand of your hair, as your pretentious, catty tone drew a chuckle from him.
“C’mon now, fake date or not lets a have a good time! I’m done sitting around on this bench, we’re in an amusement park for fuck’s sake Y/N!” He took his black leather jacket off, flinging it around his shoulders, his white shirt clung to his skin. He looked like a stereotypical bad boy out of a wattpad book written by a 16-year-old. You bit down the urge to make a sarcastic comment about his appearance.
“Get up now, you lazy butt.” He offered you a hand.
You slapped his hand away and stood up, brushing the small remnants of the ice-cream cone off your plaid yellow dress.
“Damn, you feisty.”
“Serves you right, pisshead.”
He was about to make a snarky retort when his eyes suddenly landed on someone standing in the crowd beside the ferris wheel. “Looks like lover boy is here.”
“You sure its him?”
“A hundred and twenty percent ma’am! Now go get your man!” He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before winking at you. “That’ll get him riled up enough.”
“You’re such a little shit-”
“Shut up, he’s coming here, go talk to him.”
You turned around on your heels to see Ushijima making his way towards you.
“Hey! What you doing here Toshi?” You tried putting on a surprised expression, but after seeing how Terushima snickered at you, you understood that you probably overdid it.
“Uhm, did I interrupt your d-date?” Ushijima looked painfully flustered. His eyes searched your face, looking for signs of annoyance or anger.
He was surprised at how happy you looked. Didn’t girls get annoyed when someone interrupted their dates? Ah, women, such complex creatures, all mysteries of the world seem irrelevant when compared to the mystery of a woman’s psyche.
“No, not at all! Do you want to tell me something?” You cocked you head and batted your eyelashes at him playfully.
But he remained silent, lips tightly pressed together as his eyes kept flickering between Terushima and you.
“Hey Yuuji, I’d like to talk to Toshi in private, maybe you could…you know-“
“Ah that was stupid of me! I’ll leave you two to yourselves. I’ll be at the Haunted Mansion if you need me, a friend of mine works there as a part time zombie.” He pointed finger guns at you and winked. "See ya later sweet cheeks!" You saw his silhouette fade into the distance.
It was only you and Ushijima now.
The golden glow from the setting sun and the faint pink lights from the faraway Ferris wheel illuminated his face in a rose-gold glow. He sported a red flannel shirt, more specifically the one you had bought for him while shopping with Tendou last summer.
He looked ethereal.
You cleared you throat. “Toshi? You wanted to tell me something, right?”
He looked started, unsure of himself. You looked at him with anticipation, your heart almost leaping out of your ribcage.
“Y/N, for the next match Yamagata will replace Akakura as the libero because he twisted his ankle in in the hallway today.”
Unbeknowst to you, Ririka and Semi hid behind an ice-cream truck in the distance, keeping an eye on you both. They could hear small excerpts of your conversation. So, when they heard Ushijima saying something about ‘match’ and ‘libero’, they let out frustrated groans. “That dense fucker messed up yet again.” they whispered under their breaths in unison.
Disappointment flashed across your face. Was he serious? How dense could a guy possibly be?
“You came this far, interrupted my date to tell me this, Toshi? You could just have messaged me, you know?” Your voice trembled, vision blurring with tears.
So much for love.
You felt stupid, you wanted to slap yourself across your face for being naïve enough to believe that Ushijima Wakatoshi could ever reciprocate your feelings.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
You started to walk away, wiping your eyes with the sleeves of your dress, when you felt a strong arm coil across you waist.
Wakatoshi pulled you close, and in an instant his lips were on yours. You didn’t spare a second thought before kissing him back, your lips hungrily melting into his. You grazed your tongue across his lower lip as he pushed you against the fountain, one hand placed on the small of your back pulling your body closer and the other under your dress, grazing your thigh. Your fingers aimlessly hovered over his chest before gently tugging him by the collar of his shirt.
When he finally pulled away, you both stared at each other, panting breathlessly, hair drenched from the light spray of water cascading down the fountain. The warmth of his lips still lingered on your mouth.
The sound of his voice snapped you out of your dreamlike trance. “Tendou and Semi told me that I wasn’t worthy enough of being Shiratorizawa’s ace if I chickened out of professing my feelings to the girl I’ve liked for two years. How could I sit back and watch that guy from Johzenji steal you away? I like you Y/N, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't."
You were about to respond when Semi’s voice rang out from behind the ice-cream truck.
“Oh my god Riri! Did you see that? They kissed! I’m so proud of my miracle boy-”
“Keep it down you dimwit, or they’ll hear us-“
You let out a soft chuckle and took Ushijima’s hand in yours. “Wouldn't it be very surprising if Semi and Riri suddenly popped out from behind that ice-cream truck, Toshi? But that's totally impossible right? Not like they'd ever eavesdrop on us-"
Semi and Ririka slowly made their way towards you, eyes downcast with guilt.
“We didn’t mean to intrude-” Semi started to explain.
“Shut your trap, you shitheads, we wouldn’t be together if it weren’t for you.” You chirped, drawing them into a tight embrace.
“What do you mean Y/N?” Ushijima stared at you, confused. You stifled a chuckle.
“Well, we actually made a plan…” Ririka started explaining.
After Semi, Ririka and you explained your entire scheme to him, he stared at you, confused, open mouthed.
“You could just have told me, you know? All this to get me jealous?”
“I was scared of getting rejected, Toshi.”
“I’d never reject you!”
“And how the fuck was I supposed to know that? You never showed any signs of recognition at my hints, how was I supposed to know you liked me? You huffed.
“Well, I suppose I…nevermind.”
“No, finish your sentence!”
“Would you like to ride the Ferris Wheel, Y/N?”
“Thought you’d never ask. But first, buy some cotton candy for your lady love.” He took his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers with his. "Anything for my girl."
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Ushijima’s lips softly grazed you neck, his hot breath fanning across your collarbones.
The soft pink light from the Ferris Wheel lit his face up.
Wiping a piece of leftover cotton candy from your lips, he suddenly asked, “Why do you love me, Y/N?”
You thought of the times he saved extra bento boxes for you after lunch when you refused to eat properly, how he’d stayed awake, sitting in your bedside chair, taking care of you as your body burned in fever, how he’d laugh at your stupid jokes even though they weren’t anything close to being funny, or how he’d show up at your door with cotton candy and cherry coke whenever you were under the weather.
You pressed your lips against his before whispering,
“What’s there to not love, Toshi?”
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Author’s rambles notes pt. 2: Ririka Hirai isn’t a very well-known character, but I decided to add her anyways because the girl’s volleyball team characters deserve some love too! You can find more about her here (if it very isnt obvious already, I find her character absolutely adorable!)
N E ways, I hope you enjoyed reading this fic(which has absolutely 0 grammatical errors and i totally didnt write this while overdosing on an unhealthy amount of coffee at three in the morning)
Reblogs would be highly appreciated!
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